FAA Issued New Medical Requirements
for Small Aircraft Pilots but Lacks
Procedures and Data To Oversee the
Report No. AV2020044
2, 2020
FAA Issued New Medical Requirements for Small Aircraft Pilots
but Lacks Procedures and Data To Oversee the Program
Requested by the
Chairmen of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and its Aviation
Aviation Administration | AV2020044 |September 2, 2020
What We Looked At
The United States has the largest and most diverse general aviation community in the world. In 2017,
the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued a new rule, referred to as BasicMed, which
implemented an alternative way for many general aviation pilots to establish medical eligibility
without having to undergo the previous medical certification process. As of April 2020, more than
55,000 pilots had been registered for BasicMed. To aid in their oversight of the new BasicMed
process, then Chairmen Bill Shuster of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and
Frank A. LoBiondo of the Subcommittee on Aviation requested that we examine FAA's
implementation of the new BasicMed requirements. Our audit objectives were to assess FAA’s
(1) procedures for implementing new medical requirements for certain small aircraft pilots, including
identifying challenges to its implementation, and (2) plans for measuring the impact of the new
BasicMed process on aviation safety.
What We Found
FAA issued the BasicMed rule in compliance with the Act on January 11, 2017, and provided guidance
and conducted outreach to stakeholders to implement the program. Under BasicMed, pilots can fly an
aircraft the moment they complete the online medical course and submit other required information.
However, FAA lacks an effective process to confirm pilots meet all eligibility requirements, such as
whether they have a valid U.S. driver’s license. FAA also does not have a process to verify that pilots’
medical examinations are being performed by State-licensed physicians as required. In addition, FAA’s
plan to measure the safety impact of the program is limited by a lack of available data. According to
FAA, it may take several more years until there is sufficient data to identify trends and evaluate the
rule’s safety impacts, due in part to the lengthy process for accident investigations.
Our Recommendations
FAA concurred with our two recommendations to improve FAA’s process for verifying pilot’s eligibility
for the BasicMed program and measuring the program’s impact on aviation safety.
All OIG audit reports are available on our website at www.oig.dot.gov.
For inquiries about this report, please contact our Office of Government and Public Affairs at (202) 366-8751.
Memorandum 1
Results in Brief 3
Background 4
FAA Issued the BasicMed Rule but Lacks Procedures To Verify Program
Compliance 5
FAA’s Plan To Measure Safety Impacts of BasicMed Is Limited by Lack of
Available Data 9
Conclusion 11
Recommendations 12
Agency Comments and OIG Response 12
Actions Required 12
Exhibit A. Scope and Methodology 13
Exhibit B. Organizations Visited or Contacted 15
Exhibit C. List of Acronyms 16
Exhibit D. Major Contributors to This Report 17
Appendix. Agency Comments 18
AV2020044 1
Date: September 2, 2020
ubject: ACTION:
FAA Issued New Medical Requirements for Small Aircraft Pilots but
Lacks Procedures and Data To Oversee the Program
| Report No. AV2020044
From: Matthew E. Hampton
Assistant Inspector General for Aviation Audits
To: F
ederal Aviation Administrator
The United States has the largest and most diverse general aviation community in
the world, with more than 220,000 active aircraft, including amateur-built aircraft,
rotorcraft, balloons, and highly sophisticated turbojets. Prior to May 2017, the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) required private, recreational, and student
pilots, as well as flight instructors, to obtain a third-class medical certificate
validation that they met the Agency’s medical standards. On July 15, 2016,
Congress enacted the FAA Extension, Safety, and Security Act of 2016 (the Act),
which established an alternate pilot physical examination and education
requirement. On January 11, 2017, FAA issued a new rule,
referred to as
BasicMed, which implemented the alternative way to establish medical eligibility
to be a pilot in command of certain powered aircraft with specific operating
As of April 2020, more than 55,000 pilots had been registered for
To aid in their oversight of the new BasicMed process, the Chairmen of the House
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and its Aviation Subcommittee
requested that we examine FAA's implementation of the new BasicMed
In most cases, a first-class medical certificate is required for operations requiring an airline transport pilot certificate.
At minimum, a second-class medical certificate is required for operations requiring a commercial pilot certificate.
Airmen exercising sport pilot privileges in a light sport aircraft may operate with a medical certificate or driver’s
license. Persons operating gliders and balloons are not required to hold a medical certificate.
Pub. L. No. 114-190 (2016), Section 2307, Medical Certification of Certain Small Aircraft Pilots.
Alternative Pilot Physical Examination and Education Requirements, effective May 1, 2017.
The aircraft must be authorized by FAA to carry not more than six occupants and with a maximum certified takeoff
weight of no more than 6,000 pounds. The aircraft must operate at or below 18,000 feet and not exceed an air speed
of 250 knots (288 mph) for the entire flight.
AV2020044 2
In addition, they requested that we identify any lessons learned
from FAA's implementation of this provision and the impact of the new BasicMed
process on general aviation safety. Accordingly, our objectives were to assess
(1) FAA’s procedures for implementing new medical requirements for certain
small aircraft pilots, including identifying challenges to its implementation, and
(2) FAA’s plans for measuring the impact of the new BasicMed process on
aviation safety.
We conducted this audit in accordance with generally accepted Government
auditing standards. Exhibit A details our scope and methodology, and exhibit B
lists the organizations we visited or contacted. For a list of the acronyms used in
the report, see exhibit C.
We appreciate the courtesies and cooperation of FAA representatives during this
audit. If you have any questions concerning this report, please call me at
(202) 366-0500 or Marshall Jackson, Program Director, at (202) 366-4274.
cc: The Secretary
DOT Audit Liaison, M-1
FAA Audit Liaison, AAE-100
Then Chairmen Bill Shuster of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
and Frank A. LoBiondo of the Subcommittee on Aviation requested this audit on November 21, 2017.
AV2020044 3
Results in Brief
FAA issued the BasicMed rule but lacks procedures to
effectively verify program compliance.
FAA issued the BasicMed rule in compliance with the Act on January 11, 2017,
and provided guidance and conducted outreach to stakeholders to implement
the program. Under BasicMed, pilots can fly an aircraft the moment they
complete the online medical course and submit other required information.
However, FAA lacks a process to confirm pilots meet all eligibility requirements,
such as whether they have a valid U.S. driver’s license, at the time of registration.
When pilots register for BasicMed, they authorize FAA to conduct a driving
record check with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA)
National Driver Register (NDR). However, FAA’s record check is limited.
Specifically, FAA only reviews pilots’ driving records for violations for driving
under the influence (DUI), driving while intoxicated (DWI), and substance abuse.
FAA does not check over 100 other possible violations that could result in a
suspended or revoked driver’s license, such as violations resulting in fatal
accidents and reckless driving. This is because FAA has not developed policies
and procedures specific to BasicMed but instead uses the existing process for
medical certification, which does not require a valid driver’s license. FAA also
does not have a process to verify that pilots’ medical examinations are being
performed by State-licensed physicians, a key requirement of BasicMed eligibility.
According to FAA officials, this is because verifying physicians’ credentials was
not included in the Act, and they have no plan to do so. Yet, a one-time study
requested in March 2019 by FAA’s Office of Aerospace Medicine revealed that
3 percent of pilots’ medical examinations were performed by medical providers
who did not appear to qualify as State-licensed physicians.
As a result of these
issues, FAA cannot have reasonable assurance that pilots meet BasicMed
eligibility requirements.
FAA’s plan to measure safety impacts is limited by the lack
of available data.
In June 2018, FAA formed the BasicMed Reporting and Analysis Working Group
and established plans to report on the changes in general aviation aircraft activity
and safety issues, such as whether the risk varies between pilots operating under
BasicMed compared to pilots with active medical certificates. FAA provided us
with the working group’s first report in October 2019, which did not draw any
conclusions on the safety impact, and plans to report to Congress in 2021 as
According to the BasicMed rule, FAA relies on the determination of each State as to which persons it will license as
physicians. If the person holds a license as a physician issued by any State, territory, or possession, then he or she
meets the requirement as a State-licensed physician.
AV2020044 4
required. However, FAA told us that it may take several more years until there is
sufficient data to identify trends and evaluate the rule’s safety impacts, due in
part to the lengthy process for accident investigations. Moreover, FAA cannot
make a meaningful comparison between the BasicMed rate of accidents and
fatalities to those occurring among pilots holding a medical certificate because
the Agency does not collect data on BasicMed pilots’ flight hours. Without these
data, FAA’s ability to accurately and fully assess whether BasicMed has impacted
safety may be limited.
We made recommendations to improve FAA’s process for verifying pilot’s
eligibility for the BasicMed program and measuring the program’s impact on
aviation safety.
As part of an effort to offer greater flexibility to pilots flying for recreation and
personal transportation, Congress directed FAA to “issue or revise regulations to
ensure that an individual may operate as pilot in command of a covered aircraft”
without having to undergo the medical certification process.
Under FAA’s 2017
rule, to be eligible to fly under BasicMed, pilots must have a valid U.S. driver’s
license, undergo a medical examination by a State-licensed physician within the
preceding 48 months, and complete an online medical self-assessment education
in the preceding 24 calendar months. Additionally, pilots must have had a
valid FAA medical certificate after July 14, 2006, that had not been revoked,
suspended, or withdrawn, or must not have had the most recent application for a
medical certificate denied.
In contrast, pilots flying under a third-class medical certificate must complete an
online application and be examined by an FAA-designated Aviation Medical
Examiner. A third-class medical certificate is valid for 5 years for pilots under age
40 and 2 years for pilots age 40 and over. It is ultimately the pilot’s responsibility
to ensure they are fit to fly, whether they fly under BasicMed or a medical
The following table shows further differences between BasicMed and
third-class medical certification requirements.
A covered aircraft means an aircraft that is authorized to carry not more than six occupants and has a maximum
certificated takeoff weight of not more than 6,000 pounds.
The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association and the Mayo Clinic provide the BasicMed online medical self-assessment
14 CFR Section 61.53 states that no person who holds a medical certificate may act as pilot in command while that
person knows of any medical condition that would make the person unable to meet the requirements for the medical
certificate. It also states a person operating without a medical certificate shall not act as pilot in command while that
person knows of any medical condition that would make the person unable to operate the aircraft in a safe manner.
AV2020044 5
Table. Differences in BasicMed and Third-Class Medical Requirements
BasicMed Third-Class Medical
Possess a current and valid driver’s license issued
by a State, territory, or possession of the United
States and comply with all medical requirements
or restrictions associated with that license.
No equivalent requirement.
Hold or have held any medical certificate (1st,
2nd, or 3rd class) at any point after July 14, 2006.
Persons without a medical certificate or with a
revoked or suspended certificate must obtain a
new one prior to operating under BasicMed.
Pilots must hold a valid third-class medical
Receive a comprehensive medical examination
from any State-licensed physician within the past
48 months.
Persons who were under age 40 at the time of the
medical examination are not required to have
another medical examination for 60 calendar
months; persons who were age 40 and over at the
time of the medical examination for 24 calendar
months. Only an FAA-designated Aviation Medical
Examiner can perform the medical examination.
Complete an online medical education course in
the past 24 calendar months.
No equivalent requirement.
Fly an aircraft that is authorized to carry no more
than six occupants (including the pilot) and not
fly for compensation or hire, with a maximum
certificated takeoff weight of no more than 6,000
lbs., and with an indicated airspeed of 250 knots
or less and an altitude at or below 18,000 feet
mean sea level.
Flight limits depend on the type of airmen
certificate (private, recreational, or student pilot)
when operating an aircraft with third-class
Source: OIG analysis of FAA regulations
FAA Issued the BasicMed Rule but Lacks
Procedures To Verify Program Compliance
FAA issued the BasicMed rule to comply with the Act, provided guidance to
pilots, and conducted outreach to internal and external stakeholders. However,
the Agency has not developed procedures to confirm pilots meet eligibility
AV2020044 6
FAA Issued the BasicMed Rule in Time To
Comply With the Statute
In the FAA Extension, Safety, and Security Act of 2016, Congress required that
FAA issue a rule no later than 180 days after the President signed it into law on
July 15, 2016. FAA issued the BasicMed rule on January 11, 2017, exactly 180 days
after the law was enacted.
FAA formed a rulemaking team consisting of several Agency offices to develop
the new rule and implement the Act’s requirements. When issuing the rule, FAA
bypassed the public notice and comment period using the “good cause”
which can be deployed when this period is deemed unnecessary and
contrary to the public interest. As required, the Agency provided the reason for
using the exception in the Federal Register, stating that notice and the
opportunity to comment were not necessary because the Agency implemented
the statutory language directly into the regulations without interpretation.
Furthermore, delaying implementation of the rule would be contrary to the public
interest on the basis that it would have delayed the new privileges Congress
sought to provide.
In January 2017, FAA issued an advisory circular providing guidance to pilots and
other stakeholders prior to the rule becoming effective in May 2017. FAA
coordinated with the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association to provide pilots with
access to the online medical education course. FAA also conducted outreach with
internal and external stakeholders, such as FAA safety inspectors, through articles
in the FAA Safety Briefing magazine and presentations at general aviation events.
Pilots Can Begin Flying Immediately
After Registering for BasicMed, but FAA
Lacks Procedures To Verify Their
FAA’s Flight Standards Service, the office that has oversight responsibility for the
BasicMed program, has not developed policies and procedures specific to the
BasicMed program, including procedures to verify pilots’ compliance with the
program’s requirements. According to FAA officials, pilots are registered and can
fly an aircraft under BasicMed the moment they successfully complete the online
The Administrative Procedure Act requires an agency to conduct notice and comment rulemaking except when the
agency for good cause finds that notice and public procedure are impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the
public interest.
AV2020044 7
medical course and submit required information. FAA begins to verify pilots’
eligibility only after they are registered under BasicMed. However, FAA’s
verification efforts are limited to program requirements related to having a
medical certificate, rather than requirements that were developed specifically for
the BasicMed program. For instance, FAA verifies that the pilot had a valid
medical certificate after July 14, 2006, but does not verify that the pilot has a valid
driver’s license or that medical examinations are performed by medical providers
that meet FAA requirements. The Agency has no plans to begin verifying these
FAA Does Not Verify That Registered Pilots Have a Valid
Driver’s License
The BasicMed rule requires pilots to have a valid driver’s license and comply with
all medical requirements or restrictions associated with that license to operate an
aircraft. The rule also states that individuals whose driver’s license has been
revoked for any reason are not eligible to use the BasicMed rule unless the
driver’s license is reinstated. However, FAA lacks a process to verify that pilots
meet these requirements. FAA does not require pilots to provide information
confirming that they hold a valid driver’s license when registering for BasicMed,
and FAA’s current process does not verify that they do. An FAA official told us
that there is no plan to add a process to verify that BasicMed pilots actually hold
valid driver’s licenses.
Furthermore, FAA is missing opportunities to identify ineligible pilots during its
check of NHTSA’s NDR. The NDR contains information reported by States on
individuals whose privilege to operate a motor vehicle has been revoked,
suspended, canceled, or denied. After a pilot is registered for BasicMed, FAA
receives authorization to access the NDR. While the NDR will not verify that all
pilots have a valid driver’s license, it can be used as one tool to determine if some
pilots have suspended or revoked driver’s licenses. Yet according to FAA officials,
the Agency uses the NDR check only to determine whether pilots who have DUI,
DWI, and substance abuse violations have reported them to FAA as required.
FAA does not check more than 100 other violations in the NDR to determine
whether pilots may have a suspended or revoked driver’s license, such as
violations resulting in fatal accidents and reckless driving. This is because FAA has
not developed policies and procedures specific to BasicMed but instead uses the
identical NDR check process that it uses for medical certification, which does not
require a valid driver’s license.
To illustrate the extent to which FAA’s current NDR process may be missing
opportunities to identify ineligible pilots, we requested an NDR check of the
FAA regulation requires pilots to provide a written report to the Agency of each motor vehicle action involving
DUI/DWI violations of Federal or State statute within 60 days of the action.
AV2020044 8
more than 50,000 pilots registered for BasicMed since the start of the program.
There were 850 possible matches
of pilots who may have violations that could
have resulted in a suspended or revoked driver’s license. This indicates that some
registered pilots may not be eligible for BasicMed.
FAA Does Not Verify That Medical Examinations Are Performed by State-
Licensed Physicians
BasicMed also requires pilots to be examined by a State-licensed physician and
have the physician sign their comprehensive medical examination checklist.
During the registration process, pilots must submit the name and State medical
license number of the physician who performed their latest medical examination.
However, FAA does not have a process to verify that pilots’ medical examinations
are being performed by State-licensed physicians.
Officials with FAA’s Office of Aerospace Medicine identified this issue and in
March 2019 requested a one-time study to determine whether the medical
providers were State-licensed physicians and eligible to perform the
examinations. The study of a random sample of 600 pilots from the Registry
found that 3 percent of pilots’ medical examinations appeared to have been
performed by ineligible providers such as nurse practitioners and physician’s
assistants, which would render those pilots ineligible for BasicMed. However, FAA
officials stated that the Agency has no future plans to verify physicians’
information. According to these officials, this is because a process to verify
physicians’ credentials was not included in the Act, and they believe this action
would require additional rulemaking that would be difficult to issue with the
current policy of reducing regulations. However, it is unclear why verifying this
information would require rulemaking as opposed to a revision of FAA’s internal
policy. Without verification, FAA cannot ensure that BasicMed pilots will be
examined by eligible medical providers.
The NDR matches on last name, first name, and date of birth and only indicates that a driving violation was
reported by a State, but it does not indicate the action taken by the State and the status of pilot’s driver’s license. Due
to similar names, birthdates, and errors, it is necessary for FAA to investigate each match to ensure it is actually the
BasicMed pilot and to determine the action taken by the State.
AV2020044 9
FAA’s Plan To Measure Safety Impacts of BasicMed
Is Limited by Lack of Available Data
FAA established a working group in June 2018 to measure and analyze the safety
impacts of BasicMed. However, FAA anticipates that additional time is needed to
gather sufficient and relevant data to fully assess the program.
FAA Established a Working Group To
Assess the Safety Impacts of BasicMed
The FAA Extension, Safety, and Security Act of 2016 requires FAA, in coordination
with the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), to submit a report to
Congress no later than July 15, 2021, that describes the effect of BasicMed and
includes statistics with respect to the changes in small aircraft activity and safety
FAA formed the BasicMed Reporting and Analysis Working Group in June 2018
with members from Flight Standards Service, the Office of Aerospace Medicine,
and the Office of Accident Investigation and Prevention (AVP). The working group
developed a charter detailing the Agency’s strategy and identifying data
requirements needed to report the impact of BasicMed from the standpoint of
aircraft activity and safety.
According to the charter, the working group’s data analysis will address the
changes in aircraft general aviation activity, such as the number of general
aviation pilots registered as BasicMed, including those with a medical certificate;
the number of third-class special issuance
and unrestricted medical certificates
issued; and under what circumstances people who could not or would not
otherwise fly are now operating under BasicMed.
Some of the potential safety issues the working group plans to explore are
whether the risk is different with airmen operating under BasicMed compared to
medically certificated airmen, and if changes should be made to the BasicMed list
of conditions requiring a special issuance of a medical certificate. The group will
also analyze the number of fatal and non-fatal accidents and incidents involving
BasicMed pilots and accident/incident rates by categories, such as age, type of
operation, and former special issuance holder. Additionally, the working group
Pilots who do not meet FAA standards that entitle them to a medical certificate may be granted a special issuance
of a medical certificate if they satisfy FAA that they can perform the duties of the class of medical certificate applied
for without endangering public safety.
AV2020044 10
will identify any aspects of BasicMed revealed by its data analysis that adversely
affect safety.
The Agency provided us with the working group’s first of two planned reports on
BasicMed findings on October 16, 2019. The report focused on the program’s first
2 yearsMay 1, 2017, through April 30, 2019and contained a comparative
analysis of BasicMed and medically certificated pilot demographics and accident
information. However, the report drew no conclusions regarding the safety
impacts of the program. FAA plans to issue its next report to Congress in July
2021 to meet the statutory requirement.
It Is Too Early in the Program To Collect
Sufficient Data on the Impact of
As noted above, FAA’s working group plans to collect and analyze safety data
related to BasicMed starting from the rule’s implementation in 2017 up until
2021, as required by law. However, FAA officials from both AVP and the Civil
Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI) stated that 5 years of data may not be
sufficient to draw conclusions on the BasicMed program’s operational safety
According to an AVP official, at least 10 years of data is preferable for identifying
trends. The CAMI official indicated that a report similar to FAA’s Continued
Operational Safety Report on Light Sport Aircraft would eventually be issued. This
report contains data analysis of fatal accidents from July 2004 through
September 2018 and graphical representations of a 10-year trend (fiscal years
20092018) of fatal accidents by aircraft fleet.
FAA stated in its first report on
BasicMed findings that the Agency anticipates several more years of operational
data will be necessary to assess causation in a meaningful analysis due to the
lengthy accident investigative process.
Furthermore, FAA is missing a critical piece of information for a thorough analysis
of BasicMed’s safety impacts. Specifically, FAA lacks a reliable source for the
number of flight hours for pilots exempt from medical certification requirements.
FAA officials from both Flight Standards and CAMI identified this information as
key to accurately determining the rate of accidents and fatalities among the
BasicMed pilots per 100,000 hours and comparing it to those holding the third-
class medical certificate. NTSB also identified these missing data in a September
FAA, Continued Operational Safety (COS) Report: Special Category Light-Sport Aircraft, July 2014September 2018
(issued January 2019).
AV2020044 11
2014 safety study on pilot impairment.
The study found that it was not possible
to compare the safety of medically certificated pilots with those flying under the
sport pilot and light sport aircraft rulewhich does not have the same medical
for pilotsbecause there is limited information about the number
and flight activity of pilots without medical certificates. This situation is now
amplified by the more than 55,000 pilots who have chosen to fly under the
BasicMed rule and are added to the sport pilots flying without an FAA medical
NTSB recommended that FAA require pilots who are exempt from medical
certification requirements to periodically report their status as an active pilot and
provide a summary of recent flight hours. After almost 4 years, NTSB closed the
recommendation noting that FAA took unacceptable action. According to FAA
officials, the Agency believes that the voluntary reporting of flight hours is
sufficient, and any further mandate will not provide an added safety benefit.
However, NTSB maintains that voluntary submission of flight hours does not
meet the intent of its recommendation and would not allow FAA to accurately
determine the accident risk of pilots flying without a medical certificate.
As a result of these issues, it may be several more years before FAA can collect
and analyze sufficient data to accurately assess the safety impacts of BasicMed, if
BasicMed has generated interest in the general aviation community with more
than 55,000 pilots now registered to fly under the new rule. FAA took steps to
implement BasicMed in compliance with legislative requirements. However, the
lack of procedures to identify pilots who should not be flying under BasicMed
and prevent them from operating aircraft raises questions about the impact of
the new rule. While it is too soon to determine whether the new medical
requirements have had any impact on flight safety, implementing effective
procedures to prevent ineligible pilots from flying and developing methodologies
to collect key safety data will be critical to successfully implementing BasicMed in
the long run.
NTSB, Drug Use Trends in Aviation: Assessing the Risk of Pilot Impairment, September 2014.
Sport pilots can fly light-sport aircraft other than a glider or a balloon with a valid U.S. driver’s license or a medical
AV2020044 12
To effectively implement and assess the safety impact of BasicMed, we
recommend that the Federal Aviation Administrator:
1. Conduct a risk assessment of the issues related to valid driver’s
licenses and use of State-licensed physicians noted in this report, and
implement processes to mitigate any identified risks. Include the
results of this risk-assessment in the required report on the safety
impact of BasicMed to Congress.
2. Develop and implement a process to collect pilot flight hours or an
alternative process that allows a meaningful assessment of the safety
impact of pilots operating under BasicMed compared with pilots
operating with a medical certificate.
Agency Comments and OIG Response
We provided FAA with our draft report on July 8, 2020, and received its response
on August 5, 2020, which is included as an appendix to this report. FAA also
provided technical comments, which we incorporated into this report where
appropriate. In its response, FAA concurred with both of our recommendations as
written and provided a completion date for implementing the recommended
Actions Required
We consider both recommendations to be resolved but open pending
completion of FAA’s planned actions.
Exhibit A. Scope and Methodology 13
Exhibit A. Scope and Methodology
We conducted this performance audit from December 2018 through July 2020 in
accordance with generally accepted Government auditing standards as
prescribed by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards
require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain sufficient, appropriate
evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on
our audit objectives. We believe that the evidence obtained provides a
reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives.
To assess FAA’s procedures for implementing BasicMed, we reviewed applicable
laws, regulations, policies, and guidance. We met with Flight Standards Service
and the Office of Aerospace Medicine in Washington, DC. At the Mike Monroney
Aeronautical Center (MMAC) in Oklahoma City, OK, we met with FAA’s Civil
Aviation Registry (Registry), Airmen Certification Branch, the Deputy Director,
various divisions of FAA’s Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI), including
Medical Certification, Medical Education, and Medical Research, and the Office of
Security and Hazardous Material Safety.
We met with officials from the Registry to determine FAA’s processes for verifying
pilots’ program eligibility. We interviewed officials with DUI/DWI Investigations
Branch to determine their process for investigating BasicMed pilots with driving
violations in NHTSA’s NDR Problem Drivers Pointer System (PDPS) and discussed
with their Security Solutions Development Branch their process for sending and
retrieving pilots’ records through the NDR. We also interviewed personnel with
NHTSA’s NDR to determine their process of matching FAA’s BasicMed pilot files
to the PDPS. We also met with Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association officials in
Washington, DC to understand their involvement in developing the medical
education course.
We coordinated with FAA and NHTSA NDR to query the PDPS with a file
obtained from Registry containing 51,749 BasicMed pilots registered from May 1,
2017, through September 30, 2019. The query searched for matches to all
120 highway safety related codes for drivers’ convictions and/or withdrawals
defined in the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators Code
Dictionary Manual that require a pointer record in the PDPS.
To assess the reliability of FAA’s BasicMed Airmen data from May 1, 2017,
through September 30, 2019, we (1) talked to Agency officials about data quality
control procedures, (2) reviewed relevant documentation, and (3) electronically
tested the data to identify obvious problems with completeness or accuracy. We
determined the data were sufficiently reliable for the purpose of this report.
Exhibit A. Scope and Methodology 14
We reviewed the sampling methodology used by FAA’s Office of Aerospace
Medicine for its study of State-licensed physicians and obtained the file of
600 BasicMed pilots used in the study. We statistically tested the accuracy of the
analysis by independently researching 88 randomly selected pilots to determine if
the medical provider conducting the comprehensive medical exam held a state
issued medical license. The sample size was based on an expected error rate of
3 percent, a margin of error of 3 percent, and a confidence level of 90 percent.
The expected error rate was based on the error rate of the 600 BasicMed pilots.
The margin of error was set to 3 percent to include zero. Based on the results of
this sample, we believe the Office of Aerospace Medicine’s results are sufficiently
reliable for this report.
To determine FAA’s plans for measuring the impact of the new BasicMed process
on aviation safety, we reviewed FAA’s BasicMed Reporting and Analysis Working
Group Charter to determine what processes and procedures they are developing
to address the safety impact of BasicMed to be reported to Congress by July 15,
2021. We also met with FAA’s Office of Accident Investigation and Prevention in
Washington, DC, and CAMI’s Deputy Director and personnel from the Medical
Research division, to discuss their research on small aircraft activity and safety
incidents and accidents related to BasicMed pilots. In addition, we met with NTSB
officials at their Washington, DC, headquarters to determine how they are
coordinating with FAA to gather data for the report to Congress.
Exhibit B. Organizations Visited or Contacted 15
Exhibit B. Organizations Visited or Contacted
Federal Aviation Administration
Flight Standards Service, Washington, DC
Office of Accident Investigation and Prevention, Washington, DC
Office of Aerospace Medicine, Washington, DC
Office of Security and Hazardous Material, Security Solutions Development
Branch, Huntsville, AL
Civil Aerospace Medical Institute, Oklahoma City, OK
Office of Security and Hazardous Material, DUI/DWI Investigation Branch,
Oklahoma City, OK
Civil Aviation Registry, Airmen Certification Branch, Oklahoma City, OK
Other Organizations
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, Washington, DC
National Highway Transportation Safety Administration National Driver Register,
Washington, DC
National Transportation Safety Board, Washington, DC
Exhibit C. List of Acronyms 16
Exhibit C. List of Acronyms
AVP Office of Accident Investigation and Prevention
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
CAMI Civil Aerospace Medical Institute
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
DOT Department of Transportation
DUI/DWI Driving Under the Influence/Driving While Intoxicated
OIG Office of Inspector General
NDR National Driver Register
NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
PDPS Problem Driver Pointer System
Exhibit D. Major Contributors to This Report 17
Exhibit D. Major Contributors to This Report
Appendix. Agency Comments 18
Appendix. Agency Comments
Federal Aviation
Date: August 5, 2020
To: Matthew E. Hampton, Assistant Inspector General for Aviation Audits
From: H. Clayton Foushee, Director, Office of Audit and Evaluation, AAE-1
Subject: Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Response to Office of Inspector
General (OIG) Draft Report: FAA’s Implementation of Small Aircraft
Pilot Medical Reform
The FAA utilizes a risk-based approach to aviation system oversight so that Agency resources are
focused upon the areas of greatest risk to the general public. BasicMed implementation was based
upon the fact that small, non-commercial aircraft operations represent very low risk to the general
public. BasicMed also provided benefits by removing unnecessary aviation regulatory burdens.
The type of small aircraft operations allowed under BasicMed exhibit a low risk profile similar to
that of other non-commercial general aviation operations such as balloons, gliders, and light sport
aircraft, which do not require pilot medical certificates.
The FAA established the BasicMed Reporting and Analysis Workgroup with the mission to
quantitatively assess the BasicMed program. As additional operational data are compiled, the FAA
is committed to re-assessing the need for enhanced oversight in a manner consistent with the
FAA’s risk-based approach to safety oversight.
Based upon our review of the draft report, FAA concurs with both recommendations as written.
FAA plans to complete actions to implement the two recommendations by July 31, 2021.
FAA appreciates this opportunity to respond to the OIG draft report. Please contact H. Clayton
Foushee at (202) 267-9000 if you have any questions or require additional information about these
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