Agency Site Plan Review For Planning Commission Agenda
Applications Received by Deadline 5:00 PM 05/06/2024
Amendment: Ordinance Amending Chapter 160: The 2013 Shape Places Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sioux
Falls – Off-Premises Signs.
FLUA-019651-2024: Future Land Use Amendment to reclassify a Development Area identified in the Shape Sioux
Falls 2040 Comprehensive Plan from Tier 2 to Tier 1 located north of W. 85th St. and west of S. Cliff Ave.
Legal Description: The N 233’ of the S 504’ of the E 207’ of the W 768.02’ and the W 768’ of the S 750’, All in the
SE 1/4, Section 14-T100N-R50W, Lincoln County, SD
Owner/Applicant: Chris Pappas
REZ-019504-2024: Rezoning from the RA-1 Apartment ResidentialLow Density District to the RA-3 Apartment
Residential—High Density District located south of W. 85
St. and east of S. Minnesota Ave.
Legal Description: A Portion of Tracts 2A, 3, and 5, Akersons Addition, as Shown by Exhibit, City of Sioux Falls,
Lincoln County, SD
Owner: Akerson Properties, LLC H.A. Akerson
Applicant: Van Buskirk Companies Steve Van Buskirk
REZ-019577-2024: Rezoning from the C-2 CommercialNeighborhood and Streetcar District to the RT-1 Single-
Family ResidentialTraditional District located at 600 W 10TH ST.
Legal Description: The S ½ of Lot 8 & All Lot 9 (Except Lot H2), Block 16, Bennett's 1st Addition, City of Sioux
Falls, Minnehaha County, SD
Owner/Applicant: John Craig Cornett
REZ-019669-2024: Rezoning from the AG Agriculture District to the I-2 Heavy Industrial and CN Conservation
Districts located north of W. Memory Ln. and east of N. Marion Rd.
Legal Description: A Portion of Tracts 5-8, Benson’s Addition, as Shown by Exhibit, Section 13-T102N-R50W,
Minnehaha County, SD
Owner/Applicant: Sioux Falls Development FoundationBob Mundt
REZ-019671-2024: Rezoning from the LW Live-Work District to the RT-2 Townhome Residential—Traditional
District located south of E. 69
St. and west of S. Sycamore Ave.
Legal Description: A Portion of the NE1/4 NE1/4 (Except Lot H-1), as Shown by Exhibit, Section 18-T100N-R49W,
Lincoln County, SD
Owner/Applicant: Empire Companies Brady Hyde
REZ-019684-2024: Rezoning from the RS Single-Family ResidentialSuburban District to the REC Recreation
District located north of W. Foxdale St. and east of N. Valley View Rd.
Legal Description: A Portion of Block 3A, Pine Meadows Third Addition, as Shown by Exhibit, City of Sioux Falls,
Minnehaha County, SD
Owner/Applicant: City of Sioux Falls
CU-019650-2024: Conditional Use Permit for an Accessory Dwelling Unit not located in rear yard located at 4301
W. Kogel Dr.
Legal Description: Lots 8 & 9, Block 8, Green Hills Addition, City of Sioux Falls, Minnehaha County, SD
Owner/Applicant: Luis Rodriguez
SUB-P-019668-2024: Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Foundation Park North Addition Expansion located north of
W. Memory Ln. and east of N. Marion Rd.
Legal Description: Tracts 5-8, Benson’s Addition, as Shown by Exhibit, Section 13-T102N-R50W, Minnehaha
County, SD
Owner: Sioux Falls Development Foundation Bob Mundt
Applicant: Sayre Associates Paul Korn