Sample SOP
UIC Date
MEMORANDUM FOR: Leaders, Soldiers and Spouses of unit name
SUBJECT: unit name Family Readiness Group Standard Operating Procedures
1. Reference.
a. AR 608-1 Appendix J Army Family Readiness Operations, 21 July 2006
b. AR 600-20Army Command Policy, Family Readiness Management
c. FC CG Policy #22
DoD 5500.7-R, Joint Ethics Regulation.
AR 600-29
The Army Family Readiness Handbook, Operation READY, Texas
Cooperative Extension, The Texas A&M University System, March 2002
g. Soldier/Family Deployment Survival Handbook, Operation READY, Texas
Cooperative Extension, The Texas A&M University System, March 2002
h. DOD 4525.8-M
AR 672-20
AR 215-1
2. Purpose:
a. To provide guidance for sustaining family readiness group activities
within unit name . The primary goal of our Family Readiness Group
is to support our military mission through provision of support, outreach,
and information to family members and Soldiers. The family readiness
group is a recognized organization of family members (immediate and
extended), Civilian employees, Soldiers and volunteers belonging to this
unit who get together to provide an avenue of mutual support and
assistance, and a network of communication among the family members,
the chain of command and community resources. FRGs will assist unit
commanders in meeting military and personal deployment preparedness
and enhance the family readiness of the unit’s Soldiers and families. They
will also provide feedback to the command on the state of the unit
3. Responsibilities:
a. All Soldiers, family members and others interested in the welfare of the
members (i.e., parents, fiancées, retirees, etc.) regardless of gender, age,
religion, race, color, national origin, or marital status are eligible for
membership in the Family Readiness Group (FRG). Membership in the
FRG will be strictly on a voluntary basis. No adverse action or comment
will be made against persons refusing to participate in the FRG.
b. Unit Commander
SUBJECT: unit name Family Readiness Group SOP
Sample SOP
i. Ensures that their FRGs appeal to all service members, civilians,
and family members regardless of rank structure or family size,
composition, language spoken, and other characteristics
ii. Anticipates and addresses the needs of the Soldiers and their
c. Rear-Detachment Commander
i. The unit commander’s representative at home stations while the
unit is deployed and is the FRG link to the deployed unit. All
logistic support for FRGS (for example, meeting rooms, non-
tactical vehicle use, office equipment and computers, newsletters,
telephones, and volunteer support) is authorized by the rear
detachment commander during deployment.
ii. Anticipates and addresses the needs of the detachments’ Soldiers
and their families when a temporary separation occurs through
orientation programs, FRG newsletters, pre-deployment briefings,
family assistance handbooks and social functions.
iii. Facilitates systems of mutual assistance and a network of
communication prior to and during deployments that includes the
family readiness group and the chain of command.
d. Family Readiness Group Leader
i. Serves as the commander’s primary family member representative
and point of contact.
ii. Represents the family readiness group along with the commander
at battalion level steering committee meetings or functions.
iii. Serves as the primary liaison between the commander and family
e. Family Readiness Group Volunteer Fund Custodian/Treasurer
i. Unit Commander will sign a letter designating a fund
custodian/treasurer and an alternate, which will not be the unit
commander, a deployable Soldier or the FRG Leader.
ii. Is responsible for informal fund custody, accounting and
iii. The FRG informal fund custodian/treasurer and alternate are
personally liable for any loss or misuse of funds.
iv. Will provide informal fund reports to the unit commander monthly
and as requested. An Annual report on the informal fund activity
will be provided no later than 30 days after the end of the calendar
f. Unit Volunteers
i. All members holding positions within the FRG will complete FRG
training, as it pertains to their appointed position and obtain
ii. Unit volunteers will attend an orientation prior to their
SUBJECT: unit name Family Readiness Group SOP
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iii. All Unit Volunteers will be registered with the Fort Carson AVCC
through the VMIS located on the
iv. Volunteers will turn in their hours utilizing the VMIS or by turning
in a hard copy to the AVCC.
4. Family Readiness Group Meetings.
a. FRG meetings will be held once per month at a location and time to be
determined by the Commander and FRG Leader. Purposes of the
meetings include but are not limited to:
i. Plan and coordinate future FRG activities or functions
ii. Disseminate important command information about upcoming
training events, distribute updated calendars, etc.
iii. Be either educational or a social type meeting.
iv. Welcome new Family Members
v. Review FRG Fund Status
5. Family Readiness Group Fund:
a. The purpose of the FRGs informal fund and functions are to provide
support and recognition to FRG members during the following life events:
births, birthday parties, new member welcome parties, departing member
farewell parties, holiday parties, and to provide support for the FRG
meetings. This is for the benefit of the FRG members only as is
established exclusively for charitable purposes and to provide support to
Soldier and family members as the Soldiers and families adapt to Army
life It is not a business and is not being run to generate profits. It is not an
instrumentality of the United States Government.
b. The family readiness group informal is considered an informal fund and
does not require the need to apply for Private Organization status as long
as the fund does not exceed $1,000 at any given time, unless approved by
the unit Commander in support of a specific written plan.
c. The average balance annual cap income to the fund will not exceed
$5,000.00, in accordance with the recommendation of AR 600-20
d. The Commander will appoint in writing a volunteer family member to
serve as the fund custodian/treasurer.
e. Use of the fund is limited to expenses that support the purpose and
mission of the FRG, and the money will not be spent in a way that appears
to be improper of contrary to Army Interests.
f. The Family Readiness group informal Fund will also be used for activities
that support the entire group rather than for specific individuals. Any
disbursement of funds will first be approved by a majority vote of FRG
Members in attendance when the motion is made to purchase goods or
g. The FRG will put together a quarterly budget on all ongoing operations.
h. An audit will be performed whenever there is a change of personnel for
the position of the Fund Custodian and Unit Commander.
6. FRG Fundraising
SUBJECT: unit name Family Readiness Group SOP
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a. FRG’s are not established to be fundraising organization. FRG’s may
NOT engage fundraising activities outside their own unit, or external
fundraising off of post.
b. FRG’s many not solicit donations or gifts. FC CG Policy 22; DoD
c. All fundraising will be submitted, in writing, to the Commander for
approval at least 14 days prior to the event.
d. Fundraising will be done in accordance with AR 600-29; DoD 5500.7-R,
Joint Ethics Regulation.
e. Unit FRGs may engage in occasional on-post resale and fundraising
activities ONLY when the activity will be of benefit to those outside of
the unit and does not compete with AAFES or DMWR facilities (e.g.,
bake sales, cake auctions, bazaars, or other special events) when properly
authorized by the Installation Garrison Commander. Request for approval
will be submitted to the DMWR for processing at least 30 days prior to the
f. Any food type fundraisers will be approved through the Commander and
all paperwork will be filled out and sent to Preventative Medicine for
g. The FRG will not conduct a continuing resale operation (the ongoing sale
of certain merchandize or food for more than one week) unless an
exception to policy is granted by the Installation Commander.
h. The FRG will not engage in the resale of alcoholic beverages.
i. The FRG will not conduct raffles, lotteries, or any form of gambling
except for authorized casino or bingo nights in conjunction with DMWR.
7. Family Readiness Group Newsletter
a. The family readiness group will publish a newsletter once per month as
one aspect of the outreach program and communication system. The goal
of the newsletter is to disseminate important family support and command
information to Soldiers and family members with the unit.
b. Mailing of the FRG Newsletter will follow the guidelines given in the
608-1 Appendix J and the DOD 4525.8-M
8. Family Readiness ability to use official/unofficial mail
a. FRG is authorized to use official mail for official, mission-related
b. Unofficial information may be included in an official FRG newsletter,
provided; it does not exceed 20% of the printed space used for official
information; it does not increase printings and mailing costs to the
Government; and it does not include personal wanted/for sale
advertisements. The FRG newsletter must stated whether it contains only
official information or both official and unofficial information.
c. If the newsletter contains both types of information, it will include the
following statement; “The inclusion of some unofficial information in the
FRG newsletter has not increased the costs to the Government, in
accordance with DOD 4525.8-M.”
9. Awards, Recognition and Mementoes
SUBJECT: unit name Family Readiness Group SOP
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a. Appropriated funds will not be authorized or available for volunteer
awards other than official certificates of recognition or volunteer incentive
awards in accordance with AR 672-20
b. NAFs will be authorized for garrison volunteer recognition programs
awards and banquets and to purchase mementos consistent with AR 215.1
c. Unit Commander will ensure that their FRG volunteers hours are
submitted monthly to the garrison AVCC and that FRG volunteers are
recognized at garrison community volunteer recognition ceremonies.
10. Telephone network/Chain of Concern
a. The telephone network or chain of concern is a vital tool in disseminating
information to members of the family readiness group. To facilitate phone
contacts, a family readiness group roster consisting of names, address and
telephone numbers of Soldier and families with the unit will be distributed
to specific volunteer points of contact
b. Participation must be on a voluntary basis and a Privacy Act Statement
will be included on the roster.
c. To maintain maximum participation, the purpose of collecting this
information will be explained to all Soldiers during their in-processing
into the Unit and to all family members at a Family readiness Group
meeting or welcome briefing.
a. An active family readiness group is vital to unit effectiveness during
deployment or extended training exercises. All Soldiers and family
members are encouraged to provide feedback and recommendations to
improve FRG operations.
b. Recommendations can be given verbally or in writing to the family
readiness Leader, Commander or Rear-detachment commander.