Updated 7/1/2022
Clackamas County Page 1 of 6
Farm Stand (Type II)
Planning and Zoning
Department of Transportation and Development
Development Services Building
150 Beavercreek Road | Oregon City, OR 97045
503-742-4500 | zoninginfo@clackamas.us
Applicant name:
Applicant email:
Applicant phone:
Applicant mailing address:
Contact person name (if other than applicant):
Contact person email:
Contact person phone:
Contact person mailing address:
Brief description of proposal:
Site address:
Zoning district:
Map and tax lot #:
Township: ______ Range: ______ Section: ____________ Tax Lot: ____________
Township: ______ Range: ______ Section: ____________ Tax Lot: ____________
Township: ______ Range: ______ Section: ____________ Tax Lot: ____________
Land area:
Adjacent properties under same ownership:
Township: ______ Range: ______ Section: ____________ Tax Lot: ____________
Township: ______ Range: ______ Section: ____________ Tax Lot: ____________
Printed names of all property owners:
Signatures of all property owners:
I hereby certify that the statements contained herein, along with the evidence submitted, are in all respects
true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Applicant signature:
Staff Initials:
File Number:
In AG/F or EFU Zoning District
Land use application for:
Application Fee: $1,065
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Updated 7/1/2022
Farm Stand (Type II)
This application is subject to the provisions of Section 401, Exclusive Farm Use District (EFU) of the Clackamas County
Zoning and Development Ordinance (ZDO) if the subject property is zoned EFU, or to the provisions of Section 407,
AG/Forest District (AG/F) and the provisions of Section 401 cited in Section 407 if the subject property is zoned AG/F.
ZDO Sections 401 and 407 adopt by reference Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-033-0130(23) and Oregon
Revised Statutes (ORS) Subsections 215.283(1)(o).
This application is also subject to the ZDO’s definitions, procedures, and other general provisions, as well as to the
specific rules of the subject property’s zoning district and applicable development standards, as outlined in the ZDO.
Complete application form: Respond to all the questions and requests in this application, and make sure all
owners of the subject property sign the first page of this application. Applications without the signatures of all
property owners are incomplete.
Application fee: The cost of this application is $1,065. Payment can be made by cash, by check payable to
“Clackamas County”, or by credit/debit card with an additional card processing fee using the Credit Card
Authorization Form available from the Planning and Zoning website. Payment is due when the application is
submitted. Refer to the FAQs at the end of this form and to the adopted Fee Schedule for refund policies.
Site plan: Provide a site plan (also called a plot plan). A Site Plan Sample is available from the Planning and
Zoning website. The site plan must be accurate and drawn to-scale on paper measuring no larger than 11
inches x 17 inches. The site plan must illustrate all of the following (when applicable):
Lot lines, lot/parcel numbers, and acreage/square footage of lots;
Contiguous properties under the same ownership;
All existing and proposed farm stands, other structures, seating areas, fences, roads, driveways, parking
areas, and easements, each with identifying labels and dimensions;
Setbacks of all structures from lot lines and easements;
Areas on the subject farm where crops/livestock sold at the farm stand are grown/raised
Significant natural features (rivers, streams, wetlands, slopes of 20% or greater, geologic hazards, mature
trees or forested areas, drainage areas, etc.); and
Location of utilities, wells, and all onsite wastewater treatment facilities (e.g., septic tanks, septic drainfield
areas, replacement drainfield areas, drywells).
Floor plans: Attach detailed, accurate, and to-scale floor plans for all structures used in association with the
farm stand. Label all rooms with their proposed use, show all of their dimensions, and include the square
footage of each room.
Building elevation diagrams: Attach drawings of all structures used in association with the farm stand. The
drawings must be to-scale and must show each side of the building and any windows, doors, or other
appurtenances. Include all measurements (height, length, width, and area). Identify any proposed signs and
show their dimensions.
A. Review applicable land use rules:
B. Turn in all of the following:
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Updated 7/1/2022
Farm Stand (Type II)
Accurately answer the following questions in the spaces provided. Attach additional pages, if
1. What type of structure will be used as a farm stand? Describe the farm stand structure,
including how it is designed for the sale of farm crops and/or livestock:
2. What tax lots comprise the farm operation on which the farm stand will be located?
Township: ______ Range: ______ Section: ____________ Tax Lot: ____________
Township: ______ Range: ______ Section: ____________ Tax Lot: ____________
Township: ______ Range: ______ Section: ____________ Tax Lot: ____________
C. Answer the following questions:
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Updated 7/1/2022
Farm Stand (Type II)
3. In the table below, list all of the farm crops and livestock that will be sold from the farm stand.
Also identify whether the item is grown/raised on the subject farm operation and, if not from
the subject farm operation, the name of the county and state where the item will be
Sale item type
Grown/raised on subject
farm? (Yes or No)
If not from subject farm, name of county and
state where the sale item is grown/raised
Farm crops
4. How much in annual sales do you anticipate making from the sale of all of the crops and
livestock listed in response to Question 3?
Estimated annual sales from all crops/livestock: $________________
5. In the table below, list all of the retail incidental items that will be sold from the farm stand
that are not crops or livestock, including any refreshments, packaged snacks, souvenir
merchandise, and crafts:
Retail incidental items to be sold
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Updated 7/1/2022
Farm Stand (Type II)
6. How much in annual sales do you anticipate making from the sale of all incidental retail items
listed in response to Question 5?
Estimated annual sales from all incidental retail items: $________________
7. In the table below, list all of the fee-based activities that will be sold from the farm stand, and
describe how those activities will promote the sale of farm crops or livestock sold at the farm
Fee-based activities to be sold
How it will promote farm stand’s sale of crops/livestock:
How it will promote farm stand’s sale of crops/livestock:
How it will promote farm stand’s sale of crops/livestock:
8. How much in annual sales do you anticipate making from fees for all the activities listed in
response to Question 8?
Estimated annual fees from all activities: $________________
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Updated 7/1/2022
Farm Stand (Type II)
9. Explain how you will ensure that the sale of all retail incidental items and fees from activities
sold from the farm stand do not make up more than 25 percent of the total annual sales of
the farm stand:
The Farm Stand permit, if approved, will be subject to these (and other) conditions:
1. The farm stand shall not include structures designed for occupancy as a residence or for
activities other than the sale of farm crops and livestock.
2. The farm stand shall not include structures for banquets, public gatherings, or public
3. The farm stand shall not be used for the sale, or to promote the sale, of marijuana products
or extracts.
D. Understand the following conditions:
Clackamas County Updated 7/1/2022
What is a farm stand?
A “farm stand” is a structure designed and used for the sale of farm crops and livestock that are grown/raised on
the same farm operation where the stand itself is located or that are grown/raised on a farm operation elsewhere
in the local agricultural area (in the case of Clackamas County, the “local agricultural area” means the state of
Oregon). A farm stand my also sell retail incidental items and fee-based activities that promote the sale of the
crops and livestock sold at the farm stand, provided that such sales and fees do not make up more than 25
percent of the farm stand’s annual sales.
When is a Farm Stand permit required?
The County’s Zoning and Development Ordinance (ZDO) allows a farm stand when the subject property is zoned
Ag/Forest (AG/F) or Exclusive Farm Use (EFU). That farm stand requires a Farm Stand permit.
What is the permit application process?
Farm Stand permits are subject to a “Type II” land use application process, as provided for in Section 1307 of
the ZDO. Type II decisions include notice to owners of nearby land, the Community Planning Organization (if
active), service providers (sewer, water, fire, etc.), and affected government agencies. If the application is
approved, the applicant must comply with any conditions of approval identified in the decision. The Planning
Director’s decision can be appealed to the County Land Use Hearings Officer.
What is needed for the County to approve a land use permit?
Farm Stands may be permitted after an evaluation by the County of applicable standards of the ZDO. The
applicant is responsible for providing evidence that their proposal does or can meet those standards. In order to
address the standards, the information requested in this application should be as thorough and complete as
possible. A permit will only be approved or denied after a complete application is received and reviewed. The
County approves an application only if it finds that the proposal meets the standards or can meet the standards
with conditions.
How long will it take the County to make a decision about an application?
The County makes every effort to issue a decision on a Type II land use application within 45 days of when we
deem the application to be complete. State law generally requires a final County decision on a land use permit
application in an urban area within 120 days of the application being deemed complete, and within 150 days for
a land use permit in a rural area, although there are some exceptions.
If an application is submitted and then withdrawn, will a refund be given?
If a submitted Type II application is withdrawn before it is publicly noticed, 75% of the application fee paid, or the
fee paid minus $250, whichever is less, will be refunded. If a submitted application is withdrawn after it is publicly
noticed, but before a decision is issued, 50% of the application fee paid, or the fee paid minus $500, whichever
is less, will be refunded. No refund will be given after a decision is issued.
Who can help answer additional questions?
For questions about the County’s land use permit requirements and this application form, contact Planning and
Zoning at 503-742-4500 or zoninginfo@clackamas.us. You can also find information online at the Planning and
Zoning website: www.clackamas.us/planning. The Building Codes Division (503-742-4220,
bldservice@clackamas.us) can help determine if any restroom is required.
Clackamas County is committed to providing meaningful access and will make reasonable accommodations,
modifications, or provide translation, interpretation or other services upon request. Please contact us at 503-
742-4545 or drenhard@clackamas.us.
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