Homemade Recipes for the !
Fasting Mimicking Diet
Fasting has been found to offer many health benefits, including improved insulin sensitivity,
regeneration of the immune system, and improved cognitive function. However, prolonged
fasting can be hard to stick with for both physical and mental reasons. The Fasting Mimicking
Diet (FMD) is an eating program designed to help you achieve the health-promoting effects of
fasting while minimizing the adverse effects that are associated with prolonged calorie
restriction. The FMD involves significantly reducing total calorie intake for three to five days
each month—after this three- to five-day period, normal eating habits are resumed for the
remainder of the month. This constitutes one cycle of the FMD. The FMD cycles are continued
until desired health results are achieved.
The FMD may be helpful for you if you want to:
Improve insulin sensitivity and reverse metabolic disorders
Reverse type 1 or 2 diabetes
Improve cognitive function
Reverse autoimmune disease
Reduce your risk of cancer
Slow down the aging process
Reduce age-related bone loss
The FMD is low protein and low carbohydrate.
Minimal animal products are allowed. Note that we have included some bone broth in a few of
the FMD recipes under the “Recipes” section of this handout.
Protein should come from plant sources.
Fats should come from healthy plant sources, such as avocado, olive oil, and coconut oil.
Micronutrients are supplemented in the form of sea salt."
Day 1:
Total caloric intake should be 4.5–7 kcal/lb of body weight.
Macronutrient ratios: 10% protein, 56% fat, 34% carbs.
Sample calculation for caloric intake: Patient weighs 150 lbs.
4.5 kcal x 150 lbs = 675 kcal
7 kcal x 150 lbs = 1050 kcal
The possible range of calorie intake for Day 1 for a 150-pound male would be between 675 and
1050 kcal.
Days 2–5:
Total caloric intake should be 3–5 kcal/lb of body weight.
Macronutrient ratios: 9% protein, 44% fat, 47% carbs.
Sample calculation for caloric intake: Patient weighs 150 lbs.
3 kcal x 150 lbs = 450 kcal
5 kcal x 150 lbs = 750 kcal
The possible range of calorie intake for Days 2–5 for a 150-pound male would be between 450
and 750 kcal.
After Day 5:
Normal eating habits are resumed.
For those wishing to maintain or promote optimal health and extend lifespan, the
recommended frequency is four FMD cycles per year (on a quarterly basis)
For those wishing to address chronic disease, the recommended cycle is once monthly"
Taking measurements of ketones and blood glucose is a key part of the FMD. Taking blood
glucose measurements helps you assess whether the diet is helping to lower your blood
glucose. Taking ketone measurements helps you to determine whether your body is beginning
to use fats efficiently for fuel.
Supplies needed:
Precision Xtra Blood Glucose & Ketone Monitoring System
Precision Xtra Blood Glucose Test Strips
Precision Xtra Blood Ketone Test Strips"
Instructions for measuring blood glucose:
1. Remove the test strip from its foil packet."
2. Insert the contact bars at the end of the test strip into the test port of the meter. Gently push
the test strip in until it stops. The meter should turn on automatically. The meter should read
LOT 45001. If it does not, contact customer service. "
Obtain a blood drop:
1. Make sure the site to be punctured on your finger is clean, dry, and warm.
2. Hang your arm down before lancing your finger or base of thumb, to increase blood flow.
Alternately, the blood drop can be obtained from the upper arm or forearm.
3. Lance finger, base of thumb, forearm, or upper arm using the lancing device.
4. Apply the blood drop to the white target area at the end of the test strip inserted into the test
port of the meter.
5. Read glucose value that appears on the meter. "
Instructions for measuring ketones:
1. Remove the test strip from its foil packet.
2. Insert the contact bars at the end of the test strip into the test port of the meter. Gently push
the test strip in until it stops. The meter should turn on automatically. Check that LOT 75001
or CODE 75001 appears on the display window. If it does not, contact customer service.
3. Obtain a blood drop:
a) Make sure the site to be punctured on your finger is clean, dry, and warm.
b) Hang your arm down before lancing your fingertip, to increase blood flow to the
finger. Note that for this measurement, you must lance your fingertip, and not another
part of the hand or arm.
c) Lance finger using the lancing device.
4. Apply the blood drop to the white target area at the end of the test strip inserted into the test
port of the meter.
5. The meter will display the blood ketone result in 10 seconds. If the countdown does not start,
you may not have applied enough blood to the test strip. If this happens, apply a second
drop of blood to the test strip within 30 seconds. If more than 30 seconds have passed, turn
off the meter and repeat steps 1–4. #"
Ketone reference values:
Nutritional ketosis = 0.5–1.5 mmol/L
Optimal ketosis = 1.5–3 mmol/L
*Blood glucose and ketone values should be measured twice a day—–once in the AM and once
in the PM. PM measurement should be taken two hours after evening meal.
For those who do not wish to cook while on the FMD, eating two avocados per day plus four
tablespoons total of greens powder will meet your calorie and macronutrient needs. This can be
followed for all five days of the FMD cycle. We recommend the following greens powders:
Amazing Grass, Dr. Axe Organic Super Greens, Athletic Greens, or Vitamineral Greens.
Avocados and Greens Powder
Morning: 1 Avocado + 2 tablespoons of greens powder
Evening: 1 Avocado + 2 tablespoons of greens powder"
The nutrition information for each recipe is given for one serving. Mix and match the recipes and
the number of servings as needed to meet the daily calorie and macronutrient goals calculated
in the above section. #
Day 1
Cucumber-Mint-Avocado Salad (1 serving)
o 1 cucumber, chopped
o 1/4 red onion, thinly sliced
o 1 tbsp olive oil
o 1/2 avocado
o Chopped fresh mint and parsley
o Apple cider vinegar
o Sea salt to taste
1. Combine the cucumbers, onion, parsley, and mint in a bowl.
2. In a small bowl, whisk the apple cider vinegar, olive oil, and sea salt.
3. Toss the dressing with the vegetables and enjoy!
This recipe makes 1 serving.
Nutrition Info Per Serving: 312.5 kcal; 2.4 g protein; 24.3 g carb; 24.3 g fat
Carrot-Walnut Soup (makes 4 servings)
o 1 tbsp coconut oil
o 1 onion, chopped
o 3 cloves garlic, minced
o 7 medium carrots, chopped
o 1 oz walnut halves
o 5 cups bone broth
o 1 bay leaf
o 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
o 1/2 tsp cinnamon
o 1 1/2 tsp sea salt
o 1 tbsp minced chives (for garnish)
1. Heat the cooking fat over medium heat in a heavy-bottomed pot. When the fat has
melted, add the onion and cook until they begin to soften. Add the garlic and cook for
a few more minutes. Add the carrots and cook for approximately 10 minutes.
2. Add the apple cider vinegar, bone broth, walnuts, bay leaf, cinnamon, and sea salt to
the pot. Bring to a boil, then turn down to a gentle simmer. Cook for 20 minutes or
until carrots are very soft.
3. Bring the pot off the burner. Then, using either a food processor or an immersion
blender, blend all the ingredients together until it is a smooth puree.
4. Add chives for garnish, divide into four equal portions, and serve!
This recipe makes 4 servings.
Nutrition Info Per Serving: 169.5 kcal, 10 g protein, 16.5 g carb, 8.39 g fat
Chilled Avocado Soup (single serving)
o 1/2 avocado, peeled and pit removed
o 2 1/2 cups filtered water
o 1 cup firmly packed baby spinach
o 1 cucumber, chopped
o 1/2 cup mint leaves
o 1 clove garlic
o 1/2 lemon, juiced
o 1/2 tsp sea salt
1. Make sure that all the ingredients have
been well chilled in the refrigerator before beginning to assemble the soup, so that
the soup is cold upon eating.
2. Place the avocado, spinach leaves, cucumber, garlic, mint leaves, lemon juice, and
water into a high-powered blender. Blend on high until perfectly smooth.
3. Add more water to the soup to thin it out, if needed. Pour into a bowl and enjoy!
This recipe makes 1 serving.
Nutrition Info Per Serving: 197.3 kcal, 4.8 g protein, 25.8 g carb, 10.9 g fat
Day 2
Blueberry Chia Seed Pudding (makes 3 servings)
o 2 cups coconut milk (such as Pacific
Organic Unsweetened Coconut Milk –
not full-fat canned coconut milk)
o 1/2 cup chia seeds
o 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
o 1/4 tsp stevia
o 1 tsp honey
o 1 cup blueberries
1. Blend all ingredients except chia seeds in
a blender until smooth.
2. Pour the blended mixture into a bowl, and whisk in the chia seeds.
3. Pour the mixture into three small glass jars or a large glass container and place in
the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, or overnight, to allow it to gel.
4. After the pudding has gelled, divide it into three equal portions (if you stored it in a
large container), or eat it straight out of the glass jars.
This recipe makes 3 servings.
Nutrition Info Per Serving: 160.8 kcal, 4.14 g protein, 19 g carbs, 8.5 g fat
Pomegranate and Arugula Salad (makes 4 servings)
o 4 cups arugula
o 1 small fennel bulb, thinly sliced
o 1 cup pomegranate seeds
o 1/4 cup blood orange vinaigrette
1. Combine the arugula, fennel slices, and pomegranate seeds in a large bowl.
2. Toss salad with the orange vinaigrette (see recipe below) and divide it into 4 equal
servings. Enjoy!
This recipe makes 4 servings.
Nutrition Info Per Serving: 145.8 kcal, 2.4 g protein, 14.8 g carbs, 10 g fat
Blood Orange Vinaigrette (makes 3/4 cup)
o 2 oranges, juiced
o 1/2 cup olive oil
o 2 tsp ume plum vinegar
Combine all the ingredients in a small bowl and whisk together.
Zucchini Noodles with Sautéed Vegetables (makes 2 servings)
o 3 zucchinis
o 1 tbsp coconut oil
o 2 roma tomatoes, diced
o 3–4 sweet mini peppers
o 1/2 small sweet Vidalia onion
o 3–4 mushrooms
o 1 clove garlic
o 1 tbsp basil
o Sea salt and pepper to taste
1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees F and start a large pot of water boiling
2. Wash the zucchini and cut off both ends. Use a vegetable spiralizer or mandolin to
cut the squash into noodles.
3. Arrange the noodles on a parchment-lined cookie sheet. Bake at 200 degrees for 10
minutes, rearranging the noodles after 5 minutes. You want the noodles to be dry to
the touch, but still moist on the inside.
4. In a skillet, melt the coconut oil. Add the onions and peppers and sauté until soft.
5. Add the rest of the vegetables, the garlic, and the basil. Continue to cook until the
mushrooms are tender.
6. Drop the zucchini noodles into boiling water for 3–5 minutes, until they are dark
green and tender.
7. Drain the noodles. Divide the noodles into two servings, and then spoon the
vegetables over the noodles. Top with sea salt and pepper.
This recipe makes 2 servings.
Nutrition Info Per Serving: 149.5 kcal, 5.3 g protein, 18 g carbs, 7 g fat
Day 3
Spiced Cacao-Banana Pancakes (makes 6 pancakes; 1 serving is 2 pancakes)
o 3 bananas
o 2 tbsp coconut oil
o 2 tbsp flax seed
o 2 tbsp unsweetened cacao powder
o 1 tsp cinnamon
1. Make the flax “eggs”: combine 2 tbsp of ground
flaxseed with 5 tbsp of water. Stir well, and place in
the fridge to set for 15 minutes.
2. Mash the bananas. Mix them with the flax “eggs,”
cacao powder, and cinnamon. You can do this by
hand, or with a blender or food processor.
3. In a skillet, heat the coconut oil.
4. Scoop about 1/4 cup of batter into the skillet and
cook on medium for 3–4 minutes. Flip and cook for
an additional 2–3 minutes. Repeat with the rest of
the batter.
5. Divide the pancakes into 2 pancakes per serving.
Top each serving with 1 tbsp of maple syrup.
This recipe makes 3 servings. Each serving is 2 pancakes.
Nutrition Info Per Serving: 284 kcal, 3.7 g protein, 31.7 g carbs, 12.3 g fat
Olive Tapenade on Raw Vegetable Slices (makes 4 servings)
o 1 cup pitted Kalamata olives
o 2 tbsp capers
o 3 tbsp olive oil
o 2 cloves garlic
o 1/4 cup fresh parsley
o 1 cucumber, sliced
o 1 large carrot, sliced
1. Place the olives, capers, olive oil, garlic, and parsley in a blender or food processor.
Blend on low speed for a few seconds, until a thick paste forms.
2. Divide the tapenade and vegetable slices into 4 equal servings. Spread the
tapenade on top of the carrot and cucumber slices with a knife, or simply dip the
slices into the tapenade.
This recipe makes 4 servings.
Nutrition Info Per Serving: 154.5 kcal, 1.25 g protein, 7.14 g carbs, 14.5 g fat
Day 4
Pear, Almond, and Arugula Salad (makes 2 servings)
Salad Ingredients:
o 1 medium green pear
o 3 cups arugula
o 2 tbsp chopped almonds
o 2 tbsp raw shallots
Vinaigrette Ingredients:
o 1/3 cup olive oil
o 2 tbsp white balsamic vinegar
o 1 tbsp honey
o 2 tsp Dijon mustard
1. Make the vinaigrette: In a jar with a lid, mix the vinegar, mustard, honey, and some
salt and pepper. Mix well.
2. Make the salad: Cut the pear in half and scoop out the center. Dice the pear and
shallots, and chop the almonds. Toss with the arugula.
3. Divide the salad into 2 equal servings. Top each serving with 2 tbsp of vinaigrette.
This recipe makes 2 servings.
Nutrition Info Per Serving: 196 kcal, 3.07 g protein, 24.8 g carbs, 12 g fat
Curried Cauliflower Soup (makes 3 servings)
o 2 tbsp olive oil
o 1 onion, chopped
o 1 large head of cauliflower, cut "
into florets
o 2 cups chicken bone broth
o 1 cup filtered water
o 1/4 cup full-fat coconut milk
o 3/4 cup almond milk
o 1/2 tsp coriander
o 1/2 tsp turmeric
o 1 1/2 tsp cumin
o 2 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
o 1 tbsp honey, for drizzling (on each serving)
o salt and pepper, to taste
1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Spread out the onion and cauliflower in a single
layer on a baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Roast for 15–20 minutes until golden. Stir once or twice over the course of the 15–
20 minutes.
2. Place the cauliflower and onions in a large pot and add the bone broth and cup of
water. Stir in the coriander, turmeric, cumin, and a pinch of salt. Bring to a boil and
let boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat.
3. Using an immersion blender, food processor, or regular blender, puree the
ingredients until smooth. Stir in the coconut milk and almond milk and warm the
soup to serve.
4. Divide the soup into 3 equal servings. Garnish with fresh parsley.
This recipe makes 3 servings. "
Nutrition Info Per Serving: 257.8 kcal, 10.8 g protein, 26 g carbs, 14.7 g fat
Day 5
Grain-free Pumpkin Spice Muffins (makes 12 muffins; 1 serving is 2 muffins)
o 3/4 cup coconut flour
o 1/2 cup pumpkin puree
o 1/2 cup maple syrup
o 1/4 cup applesauce
o 6 tbsp ground flaxseeds
o 1 tsp ground cinnamon
o 1/2 tsp ground ginger
o 1/4 tsp ground cloves
o 3/4 tsp baking soda
o 1 tsp lemon juice
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and line a standard muffin tin with 12 parchment
baking cups.
2. Make the flax eggs: Take the 6 tbsp of ground flaxseed (measure it out once it has
been ground) and pour 1 cup + 2 tbsp of water on top. Stir well, and place in the
fridge to set for 15 minutes. These will “gel” and serve as your egg replacement in
the recipe.
3. Once the flax eggs have set, combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and stir well
with a whisk. You could also use an immersion blender or mixer.
4. Divide the batter into the 12 baking cups, and bake at 350 degrees F for 30 minutes,
until the edges of the muffins are golden brown and the centers are cooked all the
way through. Allow the muffins to cool in the pan for 10 minutes, and then transfer to
a wire rack to cool completely.
This recipe makes 6 servings. 1 serving is 2 muffins.
Nutrition Info Per Serving: 178 kcal, 4.3 g protein, 27.6 g carbs, 5.7 g fat
Market Salad with Plum Vinaigrette (makes 4 servings)
Salad Ingredients:
o 1 head butter lettuce
o 1/2 small red onion
o 2 medium carrots
o 1 small beet
o 1 cucumber, chopped
o 1/2 cup button mushrooms
o 1 avocado, cubed
Vinaigrette Ingredients:
o 1/2 cup olive oil
o 1 tbsp ume plum vinegar
o 1 lemon, juiced
o 1 tsp ginger powder
1. Make the salad: Combine the lettuce, onion, carrots, beet, cucumber, and
mushrooms in a large bowl.
2. Make the vinaigrette: Combine the olive oil, vinegar, lemon juice, and ginger powder
in a small bowl and whisk together.
3. Top the salad with fresh avocado and vinaigrette. Divide the salad into 4 equal
This recipe makes 4 servings.
Nutrition Info Per Serving: 264.7 kcal, 3.2 g protein, 30 g carbs, 23 g fat