Sample Federal Résumé
Phone Number
Email Address
Social Security Number: XXX-XX-XXXX
Citizenship: United States
Federal Civilian Status: N/A
Veteran’s Preference: 5 points
Highest Civilian Grade Held: N/A
Objective: Logistics Specialist, Department of the Army, Announcement: (announcement
Military-trained leader with over 20 years of management experience.
Summary of Qualifications
Awarded the Bronze Star.
Meritorious Service Medal and Army Commendation Medal recipient.
Active Secret Security Clearance.
Handpicked to serve in a variety of competitive and highly visible leadership roles.
Consistently lauded by Commanding Officers as one of the best senior enlisted leaders ever
Wide range of logistics and budgeting experience.
Battalion Command Sergeant Major (CSM) 2006 to 2007
Special Troops Battalion (Rear) Hours per week: 60
Supervisor: John Lowry; (xxx) xxx-xxxx; may contact Salary: $60K per year
Responsible for the health, welfare, training, and readiness of 273 rear Soldiers and the family
members of 646 deployed Soldiers. Planned, coordinated, and executed physical fitness, senior
enlisted development, and family readiness programs. Senior advisor to the Battalion
Commander on all rear matters. Prepared unit for deployment in support of OIF.
Handpicked to serve as the Battalion Rear Command Sergeant Major.
Developed the battalion’s rear operations battle rhythm to ensure all suspense’s were tracked
and performed on-time.
Developed an “outstanding” NCOPD program to ensure that senior enlisted leaders in rear
operations did not lose focus.
Elevated the performance of non-Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) related Soldiers to
ensure that all battalion functional areas remained operational.
Commended by senior leadership during Operation Joint Task Force Katrina.
Battalion S-3 Operations Noncommissioned Officer in-Charge (NCOIC) 2005 to 2006
Served as the Operations NCOIC for a Corp Support Battalion consisting of two subordinate
companies with more than 500 Soldiers. Provided oversight of training programs developed to
prepare Soldiers for deployment and certify convoy escort gun crews. Issued fragmentary
orders and monitored school requirements and training schedules. Responsible for the health,
welfare, and professional growth of more than 16 Noncommissioned Officers
(NCOs) and Soldiers.
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Developed and implemented an S-3 tracking system for recurring reports, increasing
accuracy andstreamlining timelines by over 90%.
Created S-3's continuity books and automated shared folders to increase operational
Devised the Rear Operations Standing Operation Procedures and a checklist of deployment
Developed and maintained the battalion training matrix where none previously existed.
Mentored and trained two Junior Officers.
Constantly revised the staff duty Standing Operation Procedures, ensuring its relevance and
Engineered the battalion pre-combat inspection checklist, packing list, and load plans for
G-4 NCOIC 2002 to 2004
V Corps Artillery Hours per week: 55
Supervisor: Jane Arnez; (xxx) xxx-xxxx; may contact Salary: $57K per year
Advised the G-4 on supply and logistics issues. Coordinated and supervised supply logistics
operations for four artillery brigades in training and wartime operations. Ensured compliance
with CSDP. Monitored excess status,
lateral transfers, and SSSC funds. Provided technical assistance through visits and inspections
to subordinate units.
Maintained readiness and accountability of equipment valued at $998K.
Demonstrated competence in a wide range of areas to support rear detachment operations
including finance, medical, and family support.
Succeeded in supply, maintenance, and transportation missions while sole rear detachment
Coordinated all incoming, outgoing, R&R, and emergency leave operations resulting in zero
“Established an outstanding sponsorship program” to ensure 100% V Corps Soldier
Established and trained-up the V Corps Artillery Rear Detachment Emergency
Operation Center.
Achieved first time 'go' in all areas during Command Inspector General Inspection of Rear
Ensured an effective command information program for the V Corps Artillery Rear
Stored and maintained 45 privately owned vehicles; program commended by V Corps Rear
Improved the Command Supply Discipline program through implementation of new
procedures thereby contributing to unit readiness rate of 95%.
Inspector General (IG) NCOIC 2001 to 2002
Inspector General’s Office, Fort Drum, NY Hours per week: 55
Supervisor: Joe Holden; (xxx) xxx-xxxx; may contact Salary per year: $55K
Determined and provided impartial assessment to the Inspector General on the state of the
economy and the efficiency, discipline, morale, and readiness of the division. Received and
processed Inspector General Action Request and conducted Inspector General inspections.
Received the Commanding General review. Served as coach, trainer, and mentor. Maintained
accountability and readiness of equipment valued at $200K.
Subject matter expert on supply, maintenance, counseling, training, and physical security.
Budget Custodian; property hand receipt holder; Real property Custodian; Telephone Control
Officer; Key and Lock Custodian; Coordinator for the Commander and First Sergeant Course.
Lauded by Inspector General as, “my go-to-guy on all tough issues.”
Exercised complete budget controls and safeguards in managing the Inspector general
Selected from five NCOs to serve as the NCOIC of the Inspector General’s Office.
Assistant Inspector General 1999 - 2001
Inspector Generals Office, Fort Drum, NY Hours per week: 45
Supervisor: Larry Crier; (xxx) xxx-xxxx; may contact Salary: $54K per year
Inspector General subject matter expert on Supply Operations, Family Housing, and Quality of
Life. Primary
Supply Sergeant, Alternate Key and Lock Custodian, and Alternate Safety NCO.
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Diligently completed 20 complex cases and flawlessly actioned over 250 requests for IG
Instrumental in the research, coordination, and training of the barracks utilization initiative.
Developed and refined innovative ways to improve office procedures and client support.
Successfully coordinated and developed a comprehensive supply operation inspection plan.
Expertly led and supervised 42 complex inquiries.
Successfully planned, coordinated, and led seven inspections that emphasized improvement.
Researched and wrote articles for the quarterly IG bulletin.
“His skillful interview and interrogatory techniques are used as the standard for the office.”
Responsible for the turn-in of over $12,360 worth of excess property for re-use.
Developed an effective and efficient means to account for $60K worth of equipment
“One of the most professional, dedicated, and competent NCOs I have known.”
Designed office furniture and workstation refit program that saved $1.5K over the previous
Battalion S-3 Operations NCOIC 1998 - 1999
HHC, 1st Corps Support Command Hours per week: 52
Supervisor: Helen Cranston; (xxx) xxx-xxxx; may contact Salary: $52K per year
Principle staff NCO for the Commanderadvised leadership on matters concerning military
operations, plans, organization, and training for 750 Soldiers. Developed, coordinated, and
monitored the
execution of plans, orders and policies that impacted the battalion's missions. Provided staff
guidance through
training inspections and assistance visits. Supervises six NCOs and two junior Soldiers.
Developed and implemented a tracking system for reoccurring reports increasing efficiency to
over 98%.
Demonstrated outstanding technical and tactical skills in battalion plans and operations.
Provided key leadership instrumental in successful force protection training during 3ID war
Selected as 26th Battalion S-4 NCOIC during deployment to Guatemala ISO Operation
Build Hope.
Increased qualification rate from 85% to over 95% in APFT and individual/crew served
Accurately maintained 100% accountability of $100K of automated equipment
Detachment First Sergeant 1997 - 1998
HHD, 83rd Chemical Battalion Hours per week: 52
Supervisor: Mark Tobias; (xxx) xxx-xxxx; may contact Salary: $50K per year
Responsible for the health and welfare of 65 soldiers and their families. Ensured maintenance
and accountability of
detachment's equipment and oversaw the daily operation of the unit. Executed the physical
training program and
Sergeant's time training. Served as key control custodian, weight control program manager, and
barracks manager.
Selected over every 54B Chemical NCO on Fort Bragg.
Received a commendable rating for key control management.
Chosen to serve as interim Battalion Command Sergeant Major in his absence.
Superior trainerunit received a commendable rating from IG during training management
Developed an outstanding NCODP which is now the model for the battalion.
Enhanced the unit’s physical fitness program by increasing unit’s fitness test average by 5%.
Flawlessly executed the unit's motor pool move ensuring 100% accountability of all
Created a training plan for individual Soldier skills resulting in 95% of Soldiers trained.
Improved command maintenance by using licensed drivers effectively.
Maintained unit’s equipment readiness above 95%.
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Battalion S-4 NCOIC 1996 - 1997
HHD, 83rd Chemical Battalion Hours per week: 50
Supervisor: Len Santiago; (xxx) xxx-xxxx; may contact Salary: $50K per year
Served as logistics NCOIC. Monitored the property book with equipment valued at $8M.
Responsible for the
operability and serviceability of section's equipment valued at $250K. Supervised logistic
operations. Monitored
and performed evaluations on subordinate unit supply operations. Prepared logistics reports as
required. Supervised
four subordinates.
Flawlessly coordinated the logistics for the deployment of four companies, a battalion FTX,
and Change of
Command inventory.
Regularly selected as the Detachment First Sergeant over all Master Sergeants and Sergeant
First Classes.
Superbly trained the Officer In-Charge on all S-4 operations.
Remarkably managed a $100K self-help credit card budget error-free.
Property book manager for Information Management equipment and installation property
worth over $2M.
Recognized by Commander as, “the most competent supply NCO I have ever known.”
Lakeland High School, White Lake, MI - Diploma, 1975
Northern Virginia Community College, Alexandria, VA, 2005
o Completed 20 hours in undergraduate studies
o Major: Business
U.S. Army Logistics Training Courses, various locations
o Completed 20 hours of studies
o U.S. Army Logistics Management
North Central Institute, Pittsburgh, PA
o Completed 127 hours in undergraduate studies
o Major: Logistics Business Management