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W, DC
Hydropower Licensing—
Get Involved
Hydropower in
Your Community
You may have just learned that the lake near
your home, the dam that releases water where
you boat, or the area in the ocean where you
fish is being considered for a FERC license or reli-
cense. You may be wondering what that means
and how it could affect the activities you enjoy.
e Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(Commission or FERC) licenses and relicenses
hydroelectric projects, including new hydrokinetic
technologies, and wants you to know how to
participate in the licensing process.To help you
get involved, this brochure explains the Commis-
sion’s licensing process and addresses the most
frequently asked questions about the hydropower
program. A glossary is provided at the end of this
brochure to familiarize you with some of the
technical terms associated with hydropower
projects and the work of the Commission.
The Commission’s Role
e Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent federal agency with
a mission to regulate and oversee energy industries in the economic, environmental,
and safety interests of the American public. Part of this mission involves promoting
the development of a strong national energy infrastructure that includes hydropower,
which is currently the leading renewable energy source in the United States. Congress
has charged the Commission with evaluating whether proposed non-federal hydro-
power projects should be approved. e Commission does not propose, construct,
operate, or own such projects. But it does issue preliminary permits and licenses for
hydropower projects, enforces the conditions of each license for the duration of its
term, and conducts project safety and environmental inspections.
What is a preliminary permit?
Preliminary permits maintain a permittee’s priority to file a license application while
it gathers data and studies the feasibility of developing a proposed project at a par-
ticular site. Permits expire after three years, but may be extended by the Commission
for an additional two years. Permits do not authorize any land-disturbing activities
or project construction or installation. During the term of the permit, a permittee
prepares an application for an original hydropower license.
What is an “original” hydropower license? What is a “new” hydropower license?
An original hydropower license authorizes the construction and operation of a project
for a term of up to 50 years. A new license, also called a relicense, authorizes the
continued operation of an existing (previously licensed) project, and the license
term may be 30 to 50 years.
What is the Commission’s involvement after a project is licensed?
If a proposed project is licensed, the Commission reviews and approves the final
designs for project structures before construction begins and monitors the progress
of project construction. After construction is complete, Commission staff conducts
periodic dam safety inspections to ensure safe project operation, as well as environ-
mental inspections to ensure that project operators comply with environmental
safeguards required by the license. e Commission ensures that any required plans,
such as shoreline, cultural, or fisheries management plans, are developed and imple-
mented according to the license.
What if a licensee wants to make changes at a licensed project?
During the term of a license, the Commission must approve any proposed changes
or amendments to that license. Notices of applications to change license require-
ments, including discontinuing operations, changing ownership or use of project
lands, or modifying project facilities or operation, are published by the applicant in
your local newspaper, posted in eLibrary (discussed later), and evaluated before the
Commission acts.
Preliminary Permit
Does not authorize
construction or any land-
disturbing activities
Issued for a term up to 3 years
but may be extended 2 years
Reserves site for permit
holder; includes progress
No dam or land
ownership required
Authorizes construction
and operation of a
hydropower project
Issued for a term up to 50 years
Includes measures to protect
the environment
Requires that licensee has
or obtains ownership or
easement on project lands
and waters
Is It A Permit Or License
Overview of
A license or relicense application must
contain the necessary information for
the Commission to evaluate project
effects and prepare the environmental
documents required by the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and its
regulations. e Commissions licensing
process is designed to identify and obtain
needed information during the pre-filing
(before the filing of a license application)
stage, to inform a comprehensive Com-
mission review of project benefits, effects,
and recommendations during the post-
filing stage.
Does FERC have a standard licensing process?
e Commission follows three different licensing processes. ese are called the
Integrated Licensing Process (ILP), the Traditional Licensing Process (TLP), and the
Alternative Licensing Process (ALP). e ILP is the Commission’s default licensing
process. e latter two processes require the Commission’s approval to use in lieu
of the ILP. All three processes are described in more detail on the Commission’s
website at www.ferc.gov/industries/hydropower.asp.
What does the pre-filing stage involve?
e applicant files an initial proposal and information document to begin the licensing
process. Commission staff then seeks input from the public, nongovernmental orga-
nizations, Indian tribes, and local, state, and federal resource agencies in order to
(1) identify environmental issues regarding a proposed or existing project and (2)
determine what studies are needed in order to better understand these issues. To that
end, staff will hold public scoping meetings and a project site visit. e applicant then
works with Commission staff and stakeholders to develop a scientifically supported
study plan that will characterize resources (such as recreation, water quality, etc.)
potentially affected by the project and the potential effects on those resources. Studies
typically take one-two years to complete, and the study results are used to develop
the license application. e Commission will begin its post-filing environmental analysis
only after all necessary information gathering is complete.
What does the post-filing stage involve?
e license application includes detailed descriptions of the project facilities, operation,
and any proposed changes (in the case of a relicense), as well as a description of the
existing environmental resources, effects of the proposed project on these resources,
and proposed mitigation measures. After the license application is filed and accepted
as complete, Commission staff will again seek input from members of the public,
nongovernmental organizations, tribes, and agencies on the applicant’s license
application in advance of preparing the environmental documents required by NEPA.
Comments and recommendations made by stakeholders are taken into account by
Commission staff in the development of the NEPA documents. e Commission
will then use the comments and environmental documents to determine whether
issuing a license for a project is appropriate and, if so, what environmental measures
and operational conditions to include in the license.
FERC Issues
License Order
Integrated Licensing Process
Applicant Files Application:
Proposal, Effects, And
Mitigation Measures
FERC Reviews and
Solicits Public Comment
FERC Issues Environmental
Document and Solicits
Public Comment
Applicant Prepares
Applicant files Initial
Proposal and Information
FERC Holds Scoping
Meetings and Solicits
Public Comment
Applicant conducts
studies, if needed
Learn About Projects Near You
In this section, we explain how to learn about the hydropower projects in your
When will I first learn about a proposed hydroelectric project?
An applicant filing an application for a license is required to publish a public notice
in the local newspaper. e Commission also publishes public notices of applications
for preliminary permits and licenses in local newspaper(s) and in the Federal Register.
When would I hear that an existing project is up for relicensing?
e owner of an existing project, or licensee, must file with the Commission a notice
of intent to apply for a new license at least five years before the existing license expires.
e Commission then publishes a notice of commencement of proceeding and
scoping document (discussed later) in the local newspaper. An applicant will contact
individuals and groups that may have an interest in the project and encourage them
to participate in the licensing process. ese include landowners affected by the project;
representatives of local and national stakeholder groups; tribes; and local, state, and
federal resource agencies. Even if you have not been contacted directly about a project,
you still have the right to participate in the process. You should contact FERC directly
to let us know that you want to be included in the Mailing List (discussed later).
How do I get more information about a project?
ere are several tools available to learn about projects near you:
Many licensees that own and operate hydropower projects have websites that you
can check for information about their hydropower projects and licensing activities.
You can look at the Commission’s website at www.ferc.gov/hydropower for a
list of issued preliminary permits and licenses, as well as their expiration dates,
in your state; for additional information, see “For Citizens” on www.ferc.gov, and
click on “Projects Near You.
You also can look in the public notice sections of your local newspapers to learn
about preliminary permit and license applications.
How do I stay informed throughout the licensing process?
e most effective ways to monitor licensing activities are to get on the project
Mailing List, attend scoping meetings, read the license application and NEPA docu-
ments, and get up-to-date project information from the Commission’s website
through eSubscription and eLibrary (both are discussed in more detail later).
Have Your Voice Heard
You have numerous opportunities to provide comments during both the pre-filing
and post-filing phases of the Commissions licensing process. In this section, we
explain how you may participate during a licensing proceeding.
Why should I participate? Why is it important for me to get involved early?
It is up to you to inform the Commission of your concerns with, or your support
for, a project. e Commission uses your input to help determine how best to bal-
ance the benefits of electricity generation with the environmental effects of operat-
ing an energy-generating facility. Early involvement allows your issues and concerns
to be identified, discussed, and analyzed during the licensing process. Specifically,
your participation in licensing discussions may influence decisions about which
issues to examine, which studies to conduct, and which environmental measures
to include in the license application.
Are individual voices welcome?
Yes. You, as a member of the public, have
an important role in the Commission’s
licensing process, particularly during
NEPA scoping and environmental review.
NEPA requires that federal agencies
evaluate, and disclose to the public, the
environmental effects of any major action
they are considering, such as issuing a
hydropower license.
When and how will I be able to comment on the licensing
of a hydropower project?
You will have several opportunities to inform the applicant and Commission of your
views about a project. During the pre-filing phase, you may:
Provide written comments documenting your concerns with, or support for,
the project.
Provide oral comments and ask questions of Commission staff and the applicant
at public scoping meetings and the site visit.
Submit study requests and participate in work groups during study plan development.
During the post-filing phase, you may:
Provide written comments on the license application, which may include your
recommendations for measures to be included as license conditions.
Provide written comments on the Commission’s environmental documents.
All written comments and transcripts of scoping meetings will be placed in the record
for the project and made available to the public via the Commission’s eLibrary. e
Commissions licensing decision is based on information in this record.
What is scoping?
Scoping, which generally refers to the process of identifying the potential impacts
that a project would have on the environment or the community, occurs early in the
pre-filing phase of the Integrated Licensing Process. During scoping, the Commission
issues what is called a scoping document describing the project, identifying issues,
and inviting further comment from the public. e Commission usually conducts
one or more public meetings and accepts both written and oral comments on the
scoping document. Based on comments received during scoping, the Commission
then determines which issues to address and analyze in the environmental documents.
When can I request a study?
Study needs are identified early in the pre-filing phase of the licensing process when
the applicant is meeting with stakeholders to decide what information to include
in the license application. Studies may also be discussed during scoping meetings.
What do I include in a study request?
You should include an explanation of why the study is needed, along with the studys
goals and objectives; public interest considerations; any gaps in existing information
that the study will fill; an explanation of how the study is connected to project
operations or effects; study methodology; and the level of effort and cost of conducting
the requested study.
How are my comments on a license application or NEPA document used
by the Commission? Where are my concerns addressed?
All comments are important to the Commission. e Commission addresses comments
in its environmental documents and license orders, and they become part of the record
upon which the Commission makes its decision. When making comments, you should
explain your issue as clearly as possible so that Commission staff can fully understand
your concern.
To whom do I send my comments—the applicant, the Commission, or
both—whether during the pre- or post-filing phase of the licensing process?
Send all comments to the Commission, with a copy to the applicant. You may eFile
your comments, following the instructions provided on the Commission’s website,
www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/efiling.asp or mail your comments to the Secretary,
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20426.
For either method, direct your comment to the Secretary of the Commission.
Make sure that you include the FERC project number (also known as the docket
number) and sub-docket number on all correspondence. e docket number is the
four- or five-digit number (preceded by P-). e sub-docket number is the three
digits added to the end of a docket number to distinguish each separate proceeding
within that docket and is included on all notices and documents that the Commis-
sion issues for a specific project. e project number will be used to identify the
project throughout the life of the original and any new licenses.
Get Information
e Commission has created a variety of user-friendly tools to facilitate public
involvement in the licensing process. In this section, we explain how you can get
information to and from the Commission.
What is eLibrary? How is it useful to me?
eLibrary is a records information system that provides access to all public documents
submitted to and issued by the Commission. You can access eLibrary and its public
documents through the Commission’s website at www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/eLibrary.
asp. e easiest way to access documents in eLibrary is by using the project number
(e.g., P-1234) for your particular project, so it is important to record that number
in your files.
What is eSubscription? How is it useful to me?
eSubscription is a service offered by the Commission that notifies interested parties
by email of any filing, including Commission correspondence, for a specific project.
You can sign up for this free service by going to the Commission’s website at www.
ferc.gov/docs-filing/esubscription.asp and following the steps for registration.
Again, you will need the project (docket) number to subscribe.
How do I eFile? Who can help me with eFiling?
eFiling is a system that allows interested parties to submit comments to the Commission
through its website. You would prepare your submission in the same manner as you
would if you were filing on paper. If you are filing in a docketed proceeding, the document
you submit must include the project (docket and sub-docket) number (e.g., P-1234-000)
applicable to your submission. All documents must include the name and address of
the person responsible for the filing. For more information about submission guidelines,
go to www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/efiling.asp. e advantage of eFiling is that the document
is generally logged into the eLibrary system the day it is submitted, while submitting
comments by first class mail may take longer. If you have questions or need help with a
submission, the Commission’s eFiling experts can help. ey can be reached by tele-
phone at 202-502-6652 or by e-mail at [email protected].
What is an intervenor in a Commission proceeding? How do I become
an intervenor?
A person who intervenes in a Commission proceeding, known as a party to the
proceeding, is placed on the project’s Service List and is entitled to seek rehearing
of a preliminary permit or license order and to appeal the Commissions final deci-
sion to the appropriate federal court. An intervenor receives the applicant’s filings
and other Commission documents related to the project, as well as materials filed
by other intervenors. Conversely, an intervenor has an obligation to provide copies
of any filings made with the Commission to the applicant and all other intervenors.
is can be done through e-mail or first class mail. Filing a motion to intervene is
simple; instructions about how to become an intervenor are on the Commission’s
website at http://www.ferc.gov/resources/guides/how-to/intervene.asp. e
Commissions public notice of a preliminary permit application or a license applica-
tion will set the deadline for filing motions to intervene in that proceeding.
What is the difference between a Mailing List and a Service List?
If you are on the Commission’s Mailing List for a specific project, you will receive
copies of all correspondence the Commission issues regarding that project. If you
are on the Service List, you will receive the Commissions issuances as well as all fil-
ings made by others identified on the Service List (intervenors).
How do I get on (or off) the Commission’s Service List or Mailing List for
a specific project?
Intervenors are automatically included in the Commissions Service List for that pro-
ceeding. If you wish to be added to or removed from the Commission’s official Mailing
List, you may eFile your request or send your request by first class mail to the Secretary,
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, NE, Room 1A, Washington,
DC 20426. All such requests must specify your wish to be removed or added to the
Mailing List and must clearly identify the project name, docket, and sub-docket
number on the first page of your request.
Other Licensing Questions
is section explains several legal issues associated with hydropower licensing.
How is a hydropower project
boundary defined?
e project boundary includes lands
and waters needed for project purposes.
e Commission determines which lands
and waters will be needed for an applicant
or licensee: (1) to construct and operate
its project and (2) to carry out other project purposes such as recreation, wildlife
protection and enhancement, etc. Typically, the dam, reservoir, powerhouse, tailrace,
conduits and penstocks, access roads, fish passage facilities, primary transmission
lines, recreation sites, and wildlife habitat are included within project boundaries.
Do I get special notice if I am a landowner directly affected by
a Commission license?
Yes. For an original license (unconstructed project), the applicant would notify you
as a landowner with property directly within the footprint of the proposed project
and offer the opportunity to sell outright or grant an easement across any lands that
are needed for the project. When an existing project is being relicensed, the Commis-
sion requires that landowners be notified if the applicant needs to bring additional
lands into the project boundary to protect environmental resources or to construct
new facilities.
What is a settlement agreement and how does it relate to the licensing process?
A settlement agreement is a written agreement among the license applicant and
stakeholders about how the project will operate and what environmental measures
will be implemented over the term of the license. Settlement agreements may be
comprehensive or may include only some of the stakeholders or some of the key
issues. In either case, the Commission encourages applicants and stakeholders to
reach a settlement. e license will typically include the provisions of a settlement,
as long as they are consistent with the Commission’s policy on settlements. You
can find information about the Commission’s policy on settlement agreements at
http://www.ferc.gov/whats-new/comm-meet/092106/H-1.pdf. ose beginning
settlement discussions are encouraged to seek the advice of Commission staff.
What are ex parte communications?
Ex parte communications are off-the-record communications with the Commission
and its staff about the merits of a project. Generally, after a license application is filed
with the Commission, meetings and discussions among the Commission staff, the
applicant, and other stakeholders must first be publicly noticed so that everyone involved
has the opportunity to participate. Commission staff may NOT have informal or off-
the-record communications about the merits of the project with the applicant, stake-
holders, or intervenors in the proceeding. However, communications about procedural
issues are allowed.
Is the Commission subject
to other federal laws?
Yes. e Commission must comply
with a variety of federal laws, such
as the Clean Water Act (to protect
water quality), the Endangered
Species Act (to protect threatened
and endangered plant and animal
species), and the National Historic
Preservation Act (to protect cultur-
ally significant places and historic
Why are the cultural resource reports and threatened and endangered
species reports handled in a privileged and confidential manner?
If these reports include sensitive information such as the locations of historic properties or
threatened and endangered fish, wildlife and plant species, federal regulations require that
this information be treated as privileged and confidential to protect the sites and species.
Types of Hydropower Projects
It may be helpful for you to understand the components of a particular hydropower
project and how it operates, so that you can provide constructive comments during
the licensing process. In this section, we provide information about conventional
hydropower and pumped-storage projects and hydrokinetic projects.
What is a conventional hydropower project?
Most conventional hydropower projects consist of: (1) a dam to redirect or impound
and redirect a source of water; (2) a turbine to harness the potential energy of the
impounded water contained in the reservoir; (3) a generator connected to a tur-
bine; and (4) a transmission line to get the power to the market. Water is diverted
downhill from the reservoir to a powerhouse where it is directed through the tur-
bine. e weight of the water in the reservoir pushes the water through the pen-
stock and the turbine causing the turbine to spin. e turbine is attached to the
generator, and as the turbine and generator spin the generator creates electricity,
which enters the market via the transmission line.
Conventional Hydroelectric Project
Power Lines
What is a pumped-storage project?
Pumped storage projects consist of: (1) two reservoirs, an upper and a lower; (2)
a reversible turbine/generator assembly that can act as a water pump or a turbine
(pump-turbine); (3) a penstock; and (4) a transmission line to get the power to
the market. Pumped-storage projects act as rechargeable batteries on the electric
grid and produce and supply electricity during peak demand. At times of low elec-
trical demand, electricity is used by the generator to reverse the direction of the
pump-turbine and pump water from the lower reservoir through the penstocks
and up into the upper reservoir. e water is stored in the upper reservoir until
the demand for electricity is high. e water is then released from the upper res-
ervoir back through the penstock and the pump-turbine into the lower reservoir,
the pump-turbine generates electricity from the flow of the water, and the power
enters the market via the transmission line.
What is a hydrokinetic project?
A hydrokinetic project is a project that generates electricity from waves or directly from
the flow of water in ocean currents, tides, or inland waterways without the use of a dam
or reservoir. Many hydrokinetic technologies are currently in the experimental or
Pumped Storage Project
Lower Reservoir
Transmission Lines
Upper Reservoir
developmental stage. Wind turbines are not hydrokinetic; the Commission does not
have jurisdiction over wind projects.
How does hydrokinetic energy generation work?
Devices intended to capture
energy from tides, ocean currents,
and river flow can be similar in
concept to traditional turbines,
but are placed underwater and
directly within the flow. Strategies
for capturing energy from waves
can vary greatly in design and
often use floating buoys.
Are hydrokinetic projects
treated differently from
conventional projects?
Yes. Because hydrokinetic tech-
nologies are new, rapidly changing,
and different from conventional
projects in that they are not directly
dependent on dams, the Com-
mission has made some adapta-
tions to address hydrokinetic
projects. For example, to support
research and development of
hydrokinetic technologies, the
Commission will consider expe-
dited licensing for small hydroki-
netic projects. e resulting licenses will have shorter license terms and will be
subject to special environmental protections. In addition, the Commission has
implemented strict requirements for hydrokinetic preliminary permits; developers
must show progress in developing an application or the permit will be cancelled
so that the site is available to others.
Glossary of Terms
ApplicantA utility, municipality, corporation, or individual applying to license or
relicense a hydropower project. If a license is granted, the applicant is then referred
to as the licensee.
Baseline conditions—In a NEPA analysis, baseline conditions are the existing condi-
tions against which the proposed action and all alternatives are considered.
Bypassed Reache reach of a river where stream flows are removed by the proj-
ect for power generation. e bypassed reach of the river extends from the proj-
ects diversion dam to the projects tailrace.
Cooperating agencyWhen the Commission issues its public notice after a license
application is filed, it asks whether any other agencies are interested in cooperating
in the preparation of the NEPA documents. Any agency that wishes to be a cooperating
agency works with the Commission staff to ensure that the NEPA document can be
used to support both the Commission’s licensing and the agencys permitting decisions.
Diversion DamA structure built to impound a reservoir.
Docket and Sub-docket Numbere docket number is the number (preceded
by P-) assigned to a hydropower project, also known as a project number. e sub-
docket number is the three digits added to the end of a docket number to distinguish
each separate proceeding within that docket. All correspondence with the Commis-
sion should include the sub-docket number, if known. For example: P-1234-000.
P-1234 is the docket number and 000 is the sub-docket number.
Fish LadderA structure used to allow the upstream passage of fish around a
diversion dam.
Forebaye body of water from which water is drawn into the project’s penstock.
Hydropower or hydroelectric powere production of electricity using water.
Intakee facility or structure located at the entrance to a conduit through
which water is withdrawn for power generation.
Licensing process—One of three approaches to license a project that include the
Integrated Licensing Process (ILP); the Traditional Licensing Process (TLP); and the
Alternative Licensing Process (ALP). e ILP is the Commission’s default licensing
process. e latter two approaches require the Commission’ approval for use in lieu
of the ILP, and are typically reserved for non-controversial projects.
Mailing liste Commission’s list of contacts for a particular project that receive
copies of all correspondence the Commission issues regarding that project.
Mandatory terms and conditionsTerms and conditions that by law must be
included in a license order. ese would include conditions in a water quality certi-
fication issued by the appropriate state agency under the Clean Water Act, fishway
prescriptions issued by the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Commerce
under section 18 of the Federal Power Act (FPA), or conditions issued by federal
land managing agencies or tribes for tribal lands under section 4(e) of the FPA.
National Environmental Policy Act, or NEPAis Act requires federal agencies to
integrate environmental values into their decision-making processes by considering
the environmental impacts of their proposed actions and reasonable alternatives to
those actions. As discussed throughout this brochure, the public plays an important
role in the NEPA process.
PenstockA closed conduit or pipe used to carry water under pressure from the
project’s forebay to a turbine.
Power CanalA canal that delivers water from a stream or reservoir to a project’s
PowerhouseA structure that contains the turbine and generator of a hydro-
power project.
Pre-Application Document, or PADis is the foundation document that provides
the Commission and others with the existing information about a project and its envi-
rons. It is filed with the applicant’s notice of intent to file a license application. e PAD
serves as the basis for determining what additional information is needed to support
a license application and ultimately for the Commissions environmental analysis.
Pre-filing processis is the portion of the licensing process between an applicant’s
submission of a notice of intent to file a license application and the filing of the actual
license application. During this time, the stakeholders and the applicant identify the
information needed for the license application, the applicant conducts the studies
necessary to provide that information, and the applicant develops the license application.
Proceeding—Generally each application and certain requests before the Commission
are considered separate legal proceedings. e sub-docket number (the three digits
added to the end of a docket number) distinguishes each separate proceeding within
that docket.
Public recorde record of filings maintained in eLibrary that informs the public,
stakeholders, tribes, and agencies and supports the Commission’s decisions.
Ready for environmental analysis, or REAe finding the Commission makes
when the information in a license application is adequate for the Commission to conduct
its environmental analyses. e Commission’s issuance of this notice triggers the
filing of terms, conditions, and recommendations from stakeholders and agencies.
Reservoir—A body of water impounded by a dam.
Scopinge process of identifying issues to be analyzed in the environmental
documents as captured in a scoping document.
Stakeholders—Members of the public, agencies, tribes, and organizations with a
stake in the Commission’s licensing decision.
Study plan—A document that (1) describes the goals and objectives of each study
proposed; (2) addresses resource management objectives; (3) describes existing
information; (4) explains the nexus between project operations and effects for the
resource to be studied; and (5) describes the proposed study methodology, level
of effort, and cost.
Tailracee channel immediately below the powerhouse into which the turbine
discharges water.
Transmission Line—Lines that transmit electrical power from a project’s generator
to the electric grid for distribution.
Additional Information
For additional information, contact:
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Office of External Affairs
888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426
Toll Free: 1-866-208-3372
Dispute Resolution Service Helpline: 1-877-337-2237
e-mail: ferc.adr@ferc.gov
Other related Commission webpages or documents you may find helpful are available on
the Commission hydropower webpage at www.ferc.gov/hydropower, and include
the following:
Complete List of Issued Licenses
Complete List of Issued Preliminary Permits
Handbook for Hydroelectric Project Licensing
Hydrokinetic Projects Web page at
Compliance Handbook
Dam Safety and Inspections Web page
Information for Citizens
A Guide to Electronic Information at FERC can be viewed at
U J 
Transmission Lines
Power Canal
Bypassed Reach
Fish Ladder
Boat Launch
Diversion Dam
Canoe Take-out
Portage Trail
Picnic Area
Canoe Put-in
Common Features of a Hydropower Project
F E
R C
Office of Energy Projects
888 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20426
1-866-208-3372 (Toll Free)
202-502-8659 (TTY)
Your projects docket number/sub-docket
Commission contact