USPS 504 Complaint Procedures
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination on the basis of
disability in federally funded programs and services. If you choose to file a complaint
under Section 504, the designated enforcement agency for U.S. post offices is the U.S.
Post Service (USPS). Complainants must complete the informal complaint process
before filing a formal complaint.
Note: The USPS provides two different types of customer service:
1. Retail Services and Programs
, which are provided at postal facilities, and:
stamps by mail and phone
Rural Carrier Retail Service
Self-service postal centers
2. Carrier Delivery Services and Programs, which are provided to businesses
and residential customers at their location.
The local postmaster may provide a special arrangement or take any action that will
accommodate an individual with a disability as required by Section 504. (39 CFR Part
255.7 (d) Special arrangements for postal services)
Under USPS procedures, a Section 504 complaint must first be submitted orally or in
writing with the local postal manager, most often the postmaster. To contact the
postmaster or other responsible manager, call (800) 275-8777.
Within 15 days of receiving the complaint, the local manager/postmaster must send the
complainant a written acknowledgment of the complaint, including the date the
complaint was filed and a description of the issues;
The local manager/postmaster can:
1. resolve the complaint;
2. provide an initial decision to the complainant; or
3. refer the complaint to a higher level manager. If the complaint is referred to a
higher level, the local manager/postmaster must inform the complainant of the
name and contact information of the person handling the complaint.
Within 30 days of its receipt,
if the complaint is not resolved at the local level, the USPS
will send the complainant a written interim report explaining the status of the informal
complaint and proposed resolution.
Within 60 days of its receipt
, the USPS area/functional vice president will send the
complainant a written
final decision and determination. A notice will also be included
that the complainant may challenge this informal decision regarding the denial of relief
by filing a formal complaint with the USPS Vice President and Consumer Advocate or in
any other appropriate forum.
Within 30 days of the receipt of the final decision of the area/functional vice president,
the complaint may file a formal complaint in writing. A formal complaint should be
mailed to the USPS Vice President and Consumer Advocate. It will be deemed filed on
the date that it is postmarked.
Where to file a formal complaint:
Vice President and Consumer Advocate
United States Postal Service
475 L’Enfant Plaza, S.W.
Washington, DC 20260
Within 15 days of the date of the receipt of the formal complaint, the Vice President and
Consumer Advocate shall notify the complainant of the receipt and acceptance of the
formal complaint.
Within 180 days of the receipt of the formal complaint, the Vice President and
Consumer Advocate shall notify the complainant of the results of the investigation of the
formal complaint in writing. This notice shall state whether or not relief is being granted
and the reasons for granting or denying relief. This notice also shall state that the
decision on the formal complaint is final.
After the complainant has completed the formal complaint procedures, the complainant
may file suit in any other forum.