© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Identifying ions | Supporting resources
Practical video
Supporting resources
Registered charity number: 207890
Teacher notes ..................................................1
How to use this video .......................................................1
Notes on running the practical experiment ....................................1
Key terms .................................................................2
Prior knowledge ...........................................................2
Common misconceptions ...................................................3
Intended outcomes .........................................................3
Additional resources ............................................ 5
Pause-and-think questions...................................................5
Pause-and-think questions.................................................. 8
Follow-up worksheet .......................................................13
Follow-up worksheet: answers ..............................................15
© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Identifying ions | Supporting resources
© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Identifying ions | Supporting resources
Teacher notes
These resources support the practical video Identifying ions, available here: rsc.li/3dhnn5B
The value of experiencing live practical work cannot be overstated. Numerous studies provide evidence of its
value in terms of learner engagement, understanding, results and the likelihood of continuing to study chemistry
or work in a related field. This video can be used to complement live practical work, as well as helping learners to
understand the methods, equipment and skills when they cannot access the lab.
How to use this video
The video and additional resources are designed to be used flexibly, but some suggestions follow.
Flipped learning
Learners view the video ahead of the live practical lesson to help it run more smoothly and keep objectives in
focus. This may also help build confidence for some learners and improve their outcomes in the lesson. Use
questions from the set provided as part of the preparation task.
Consolidation and revision
Learners view the video aer the practical – this may be directly aer the lesson or learners can return to it as part
of revision for examinations.
Revisiting a practical with a dierent focus
A practical experiment can support many learning outcomes. Focussing on just one or two of those in a lesson will
help ensure that the aims are achieved. The video could be used to revisit the experiment with a dierent focus.
Home learning
Whether it is remote teaching, homework, or individual learner absence, the video provides an opportunity to
engage with a practical experiment and the associated skills when learners are not in the lab.
Other tips
Provide your own commentary
Mute the voice over and provide your own commentary. This will allow you to better engage with learners
and adapt to the needs and objectives of your lesson.
Use questions
A set of pause-and-think questions are provided in two formats, one for teacher-led questions and
discussion and a student worksheet which can be used independently by learners. Select from these or
create your own questions to help engage learners and target specific aims.
Notes on running the practical experiment
Technician notes including the equipment list and safety notes are available as a separate document here:
rsc.li/3dhnn5B. If you are planning to carry out the practical in the classroom, you will need to carry out your own
risk assessment.
The flame tests (wooded splint method) take about 10 minutes to carry out and it is safe for learners to work in
The microscale sodium hydroxide test for positive ions reaction takes around 10 minutes and it is safe for learners
to work in pairs. This should be carried out on either the printable sheet (in this booklet) or on the integrated
instruction sheet. In both cases you will need to either put the printed sheet into a plastic wallet or laminate it.
Printing the microscale sheet/integrated instructions onto bu coloured paper will make it easier
to see when a white precipitate has been formed.
Once completed learners can take a photo of their results using a mobile phone or tablet; so that they
can clear away immediately. This will help avoid learners spilling chemicals on their results table.
© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Identifying ions | Supporting resources
Allow 30 minutes for the testing of negative ions, 10 minutes for each test. You may wish to carry out this
experiment in a separate lesson. This will give you time to go over the theory in the same lesson.
Once all the tests have been completed, provide the class with an unknown solution X and ask the students to
identify either the positive ion present, the negative ion present or both.
Further practical activities and context
Details of alternative methods to carry out the flame tests can be accessed from rsc.li/2ZpnROO. This activity
makes a good plenary or starter; asking students to name the metal ion as they see the dierent flame colours.
The flame tests infographics is a great reference sheet and also explains the chemistry behind the flame colours.
The chemistry of fireworks infographic and sparklers infographic provides a nice teaching context. You may
also be interested in the Exhibition Chemistry video Rainbow flame demonstration, which provides a wonderful
display of colours as well as further details of the chemistry of flame tests.
Integrated instructions
Printable integrated instructions are provided for learners. These are available as a separate download here:
Integrated instructions use clear numbering, arrows and simple pictograms, like an eye to show where
observations are required. These have been developed using cognitive load theory. Integrated instructions
remove unnecessary information, and therefore reduce extraneous load on students, which increases their
working memory capacity to think about what they are doing and why. Read more about the use of integrated
instructions here: rsc.li/2SdSqkQ.
Results tables
Printable results tables have been provided for the three sets of tests. For the microscale tests for metal ions there
is a table to perform the experiment on and one to record results.
Key terms
Learners will need to have a clear understanding of the following scientific terminology:
Ion – a positively or negatively charged particle.
Metal halide – general term used to describe the group of ionic compounds that form when a metal reacts
with a halogen.
Ionic compound – a compound made up of oppositely charged ions. Ionic compounds are held together by strong
electrostatic forces between oppositely charged ions. These forces are called ionic bonds.
Aqueous solution – a solution where the solvent is water. So an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide contains
ions, OH
ions and H
O molecules.
Precipitate – a solid that forms from ions in an aqueous solution. The precipitate is insoluble in water.
Ionic equation – a symbol equation which focuses on the ions that react together and ignore the ones that do not
take part in the reaction (spectator ions).
Prior knowledge
Learners should be able to recall:
Particles can be atoms, molecules or ions.
An ion is a positively or negatively charged particle.
An atom or a molecule can lose or gain electron(s) to form an ion.
When an atom/molecule gains negatively charged electron(s), a negative ion is formed. When an atom/
molecule loses negatively charged electron(s), a positive ion is formed.
A solution is formed when a solute (salt) is dissolved in a solvent (water).
Learners should be confident writing word and symbol equations
There are some questions included which ask learners to balance symbol equations and write ionic equations.
Depending on where the identification of ions comes in your scheme of work your learners may not have come
across this yet. Adapt the questions to make them relevant to the stage and level that you are at. Some of the
challenge tasks require learners to use and apply their knowledge from other topics.
© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Identifying ions | Supporting resources
Common misconceptions
1. When an atom/molecule loses negatively charged electron(s), a positive ion is formed. This is something
learners often struggle with later on in their studies. Introducing the electron now, before learners meet the
other sub-atomic particles, can help to embed the idea that the loss of electrons results in a positively charged
ion, and may help reduce confusion later on.
2. As learners develop their understanding of chemical bonding further, it is common for students to refer
to ionic compounds as molecules or to refer to intermolecular forces when explaining properties of ionic
compounds. To avoid these misconceptions introduce and emphasise the correct use of the terms ‘ion’ and
‘molecule’ from the outset.
3. Learners often find solution chemistry challenging as they fail to appreciate that as well as the ions taking
place in the precipitate reaction, both water molecules and spectator ions are also present.
Diagnostic multiple-choice questionsare a great way to explore learners’ reasoning behind their answers.You can
read more about diagnostic questioning here: rsc.li/3u1kED3.
Intended outcomes
It is important that the purpose of each practical is clear from the outset, defining the intended learning outcomes
helps to consolidate this. Outcomes can be categorised as hands on, what learners are going to do with objects,
and minds on, what learners are going to do with ideas to show their understanding. We have oered some
dierentiated suggestions for this practical. You may wish to focus on just one or two, or make amendments
based your learners’ own needs. (Read more at rsc.li/2JMvKa5.)
Consider how you can share outcomes and evaluation with learners, empowering them to direct their own learning.
Hands on Minds on
Effective at a lower level Students correctly:
Follow instructions
Make careful observations
Carry out a flame test
Carry out tests for negative ions
Carry out the sodium hydroxide test
for positive ions
Students can:
Correctly record test results
in a table
Use the results to identify an
unknown sample
Effective at a higher level Students correctly:
Plan and carry out a series of tests to
identify an unknown sample
Students can:
Explain why dierent metals have
dierent flame colours
Write ionic equations for the sodium
hydroxide tests and halide tests
How to use the additional resources
Using the pause-and-think questions
Pause-and-think questions are supplied in two formats: a teacher version for ‘live’ questioning and a student
version which can be used during independent study. The time stamps allow you to pause the video when
presenting to a class, or learners to use for active revision.
The questions have been put into four sections: general questions, flame tests, testing for positive ions and
testing for negative ions.
Teacher version
The questions are presented in a table and you can choose to use as many as appropriate for your class and the
learning objectives.
Some questions have two timestamps to allow you to adapt the questions for dierent classes or scenarios. Pause
the videos at the earlier timestamp to ask a question before the answer is given, useful for revision or to challenge
learners. Pause at the later timestamp to ask a question reflectively and assess whether learners have understood
what they have just heard or seen. This would be useful when introducing a topic, in a flipped learning scenario or
when additional support and encouragement is needed.
© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Identifying ions | Supporting resources
Think about how you will ask for responses. Variation may help to increase engagement – learners could write
and hold up short answers; more complex questions could be discussed in groups.
Not all answers to questions are included in the video. Some of the questions will draw on prior learning or extend
learners’ thinking beyond the video content.
Student version
The same questions are oered as a printable worksheet for learners. Use in situations where there is not a
teacher present to guide discussion during the video, for example homework, revision or remote learning.
Using the structure strips
Writing about chemistry encourages learners to reflect on their understanding, formulate new ideas and make
links between ideas in new ways. Learners also need to practice for longer-answer questions in examinations.
Structure strips provide scaolded prompts and help overcome ‘fear of the blank page’. The learner sticks the
strip into the margin of their exercise book or onto an A4 sheet of paper and writes alongside it. Use this long-
answer question to consolidate learning aer the practical and/or for revision. (Read more at rsc.li/2P0JDlW.)
Long-answer question:
A sample of an unknown ionic solution has been collected for analysis. The sample is colourless.
Describe a series of qualitative tests that could be used to identify the unknown ions in the sample.
In your plan you must include instructions for carrying out the tests and the expected results.
Using Johnstone’s triangle
Johnstone’s triangle helps learners to understand what going on in a chemical reaction and gain a deeper
understanding. It does this by helping learners to make links between three dierent levels of representation: the
macroscopic, symbolic and sub-microscopic levels. The macroscopic is the ‘seen’ level, e.g. practical investigation
or observations, which can be described. The symbolic level is the unseen: how we represent the macroscopic
through word or symbol equation. The sub-microscopic is unseen, at the atomic level, and includes explanatory
models. (Read more at rsc.li/2XhYN9Q.)
As part of the additional resources we have included a completed example of Johnstones triangle for the sodium
hydroxide test for iron(); an example for learners to work through for copper(), and a template so you can set
your own questions (editable file at rsc.li/3dhnn5B).
In the example provided we have used a very simple model at the sub-microscopic level. When discussing this
model with your learners, you could ask them how to improve it, for example, by showing the water molecules
present and the spectator ions.
If your learners are not familiar with using Johnstones triangle, then it is recommended that you take the
approach ‘I try’ to introduce the triangle; ‘let’s try’ to work through an example together. Finally, ‘you try’ where
learners work through an example on their own. When completing the ‘sub-microscopic’ level it is helpful if
learners have access to modelling resources such as molymods, modelling clay, ionic jigsaw etc.
Using the follow-up worksheet
A practical skills worksheet has been included as part of the additional resources. The first section provides
structured questions at a support level for learners, the second section provides more challenging applied
questions. This worksheet could be used to follow up the practical activity, for example as homework or a revision
© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Identifying ions | Supporting resources
Pause-and-think questions
Teacher version
Timestamp(s) Question Answer/discussion points
What is the difference between qualitative
analysis and quantitative analysis? Give
examples of each.
Qualitative analysis is where we can only
identify which ions or molecules are present
in an unknown sample. Chemical tests are
an example of qualitative analysis.
Quantitative analysis is where we can
identify the amount of the substance
present, eg the actual concentration
of an ion. Titrations are an example of
quantitative analysis.
00:33 00:45
What is an ion?
Describe how a positive and negative ion is
A positively or negatively charged particle.
A positive ion is formed when a particle loses
A negative ion is formed when a particle
gains electrons.
What will we be looking for during the
chemical tests?
How will you know if a test has a positive
Signs that a chemical change has taken
place, eg colour change, formation of a gas,
temperature change, formation of a solid or
a precipitate.
Consider the observed result. If there
is only one possible ion with this result
then the result will be positive, eg a blue
precipitate with sodium hydroxide indicates
the presence of the copper ion. However
if there are several possibilities, eg a white
precipitate is formed with sodium hydroxide
then you will need to do further tests until
there is only one possible answer.
Flame tests
01:22 01:29 What are flame tests used to identify? Metal ions.
Why can’t we use a dry splint for a flame
A dry splint itself will burn and affect the
colour that we see. A soaked splint will not
burn immediately so we will only see the
flame colour associated with the metal ions
Why do we test distilled water first. What
does this show?
This is a control. It shows that the distilled
water that the splints were soaked in does
not affect the flame colour.
02:52 02:58
Record the flame colour for lithium in the
table provided.
Lithium Li
03:09 03:15
Record the flame colour for potassium in the
table provided.
Potassium K
03:30 03:42
Record the flame colour for calcium in the
table provided.
Calcium Ca
03:52 03:56
Record the flame colour for copper in the
table provided.
Copper Cu
04:11 04:14
Record the flame colour for copper in the
table provided.
Sodium Na
© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Identifying ions | Supporting resources
Check your results or, if you haven’t yet done
so, record the flame colours in your results
Lithium Li
Potassium K
Calcium Ca
Copper Cu
Sodium Na
Challenge: Suggest a reason why different
metals have different flame colours.
They have different electronic configurations.
For more information, see the links in the
teacher notes.
Testing for positive ions
What are the benefits of microscale
Benefits include:
• sustainability
• safety
more careful observations can be made
Read more about the benefits of microscale:
05:17 What colour is sodium hydroxide? Colourless
Name the ions present in sodium hydroxide
Sodium ion, Na
Hydroxide ion, OH
(also some H
and OH
from the water)
05:47 06:00
Name the green precipitate formed when
sodium hydroxide is added to iron () ions.
Iron() hydroxide
06:04 06:58
Record the results shown with each metal
ion in your results table.
Iron() Fe
green precipitate
Iron() Fe
rust precipitate
Copper() Cu
blue precipitate
Aluminium Al
white precipitate
Calcium Ca
white precipitate
Magnesium Mg
white precipitate
Name the products formed in the reactions
and write the ionic equations.
Iron() hydroxide
(aq) + 3OH
(aq)  Fe(OH)
Copper() hydroxide
(aq) + 2OH
(aq)  Cu(OH)
Aluminium hydroxide
(aq) + 3OH
(aq)  Al(OH)
Calcium hydroxide
(aq) + 2OH
(aq)  Ca(OH)
Magnesium hydroxide
(aq) + 2OH
(aq)  Mg(OH)
Describe the test for aluminium.
What does a positive result look like?
Add excess sodium hydroxide to the
white precipitate.
If the solid disappears then the aluminium
ion is present.
Both magnesium ions and calcium ions form
a white precipitate with sodium hydroxide.
Suggest a further test you could do to
distinguish between the two metal ions.
Carry out a flame test. If an orange-red flame
is observed then the calcium ion is present.
(Magnesium has no flame colour in a
flame test.)
© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Identifying ions | Supporting resources
Testing for negative ions
Why do you think that the limewater is put
into a separate test tube at the start of the
carbonate test?
The lime water is to test the gas being
produced. If it was mixed with the original
solution you may not be able to observe any
colour change taking place.
08:34 What does limewater test for? Carbon dioxide.
Why does the gas not escape the test tube to
the surroundings?
Carbon dioxide is more dense than air.
Therefore most of it remains in the test tube
because diffusion will be slow.
09:29 09:33
What has happened to the limewater?
Name the gas being produced.
The limewater has gone cloudy.
Carbon dioxide gas is being produced.
09:37 09:43
What is the test for carbonate ions? What
does a positive result look like?
Add hydrochloric acid and test any gas
being produced by bubbling it through
limewater. If the limewater goes cloudy it is
a carbonate.
09:37 09:50
Write a word and symbol equation for
the reaction of sodium carbonate with
hydrochloric acid.
What type of reaction is this?
Sodium carbonate + hydrochloric acid 
Sodium chloride + water + carbon dioxide
(aq) + 2HCl(aq)  2NaCl(aq) + H
+ CO
A neutralisation reaction.
10:00 10:10
Why do you think dilute acid is added at the
start of the sulfate test?
To remove any ions that might interfere with
a positive result.
10:25 10:28
Write a word and symbol equation for the
reaction of sodium sulfate with barium
What type of reaction is this?
Sodium sulfate + barium chloride  sodium
chloride + barium sulfate
(aq) + BaCl
(aq)  2NaCl(aq) +
A double displacement reaction.
10:25 10:34
What is the test for sulfate ions?
What does a positive result look like?
Add a few drops of hydrochloric acid and
barium chloride to the sample. If a white
precipitate forms then a sulfate is present.
10:40 10:46
Write the symbols for the halide ions in your
results table:
What was added to the test tube to test for
the presence of halides?
Nitric acid and sliver nitrate solution.
11:28 11:47 Record the results in your results table.
white precipitate is formed
cream precipitate is formed
yellow precipitate is formed
Write the ionic equations for the formation
of silver bromide and silver iodide.
(aq) + Ag
(aq)  AgBr(s)
(aq) + Ag
(aq)  AgI(s)
12:08 12:15
Unknown solution B, shown in the video, is
What test would you use to confirm the
identity of the positive ion?
Since the solution is blue, I would suspect
that a copper ion was present so I would
do either the sodium hydroxide test or the
flame test first.
© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Identifying ions | Supporting resources
Pause-and-think questions
Student version
Pause the video at the time stated to test or revise your knowledge of these practical experiments.
Time Question
00:22 What is the difference between qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis?
00:33 What is an ion?
Describe how a positive and negative ion are formed.
01:12 What will we be looking for during the chemical tests?
How will you know if a test has a positive result?
Flame tests
01:22 What are flame tests used to identify?
02:32 Why do we test distilled water first? What does this show?
Record the symbol and flame colours for each metal ion in the table below:
Metal ion Symbol Observation: flame colour
02:58 Lithium.
03:09 Potassium.
03:30 Calcium.
03:52 Copper.
04:11 Sodium.
© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Identifying ions | Supporting resources
Testing for positive ions
05:17 What colour is sodium hydroxide?
05:30 Name the ions present in sodium hydroxide solutions.
05:47 Name the green precipitate formed when sodium hydroxide is added to iron () ions
06:04 Record the results shown with each metal ion in the results table below:
Positive ion Symbol Observation when added to
sodium hydroxide solution
Observation with excess sodium
hydroxide solution
06:58 Name the products formed in the reactions and complete the ionic equations:
Iron() hydroxide: Fe
(aq) + 3OH
(aq) ________________
Copper() hydroxide: _________ + 2OH
(a q) ______________
__________________: Al
(aq) + 3OH
(aq) ________________
__________________: Ca
(aq) + ________  ______________
Magnesium hydroxide: _________ + __________  ____________
07:43 Describe the test for aluminium. What does a positive test look like?
07:50 Both magnesium ions and calcium ions form a white precipitate with sodium hydroxide. Suggest a
further test you could do to distinguish between the two metal ions.
Testing for negative ions
Negative ion Symbol Test Observation
08:28 Why do you think that the limewater is put into a separate test tube at the start of the carbonate test?
08:34 What does limewater test for?
© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Identifying ions | Supporting resources
09:29 What has happened to the limewater?
09:33 Name the gas produced.
09:37 Complete the word and symbol equation:
Sodium carbonate + hydrochloric acid __________________ + ________________ + ___________________
(aq) +___________  ___________ + H
O(l) + ___________
What type of reaction is this?
09:43 Complete the table above with the test and positive result for carbonate ions.
09:58 Why do you think dilute acid is added at the start of the sulfate test?
10:25 Complete the table above with the test and positive result for sulfate ions.
10:25 Complete the word and symbol equation:
Sodium sulfate + barium chloride ________________ + ________________
(aq) + BaCl
(aq) _____________ + _____________
10:28 What type of reaction is this?
10:38 Add the symbols for the halide ions to the results table below.
11:28 Record the results for the halide tests in the results table.
Negative ion Symbol Test Observation
11:40 Write the ionic equations for the formation of silver bromide and silver iodide.
_________ + _________  __________
_________ + _________  __________
12:08 Unknown solution B is blue. Which metal ion would you expect it to contain? Which test would you do
use to confirm you prediction?
© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Identifying ions | Supporting resources
Identifying ions
Structure strip
Identifying ions
Structure strip
Identifying ions
Structure strip
Identifying ions
Structure strip
Identifying ions
Structure strip
What is a qualitative test
and what is it used for?
What is a qualitative test
and what is it used for?
What is a qualitative test
and what is it used for?
What is a qualitative test
and what is it used for?
What is a qualitative test
and what is it used for?
Describe the hydroxide
test for positive ions.
What would a positive
test result look like?
Give an example.
Describe the hydroxide
test for positive ions.
What would a positive
test result look like?
Give an example.
Describe the hydroxide
test for positive ions.
What would a positive
test result look like?
Give an example.
Describe the hydroxide
test for positive ions.
What would a positive
test result look like?
Give an example.
Describe the hydroxide
test for positive ions.
What would a positive
test result look like?
Give an example.
What is the limitation of
the sodium hydroxide
What is the limitation of
the sodium hydroxide
What is the limitation of
the sodium hydroxide
What is the limitation of
the sodium hydroxide
What is the limitation of
the sodium hydroxide
Describe the flame test to
confirm the positive ion.
What would a positive
test result look like?
Give an example.
Describe the flame test to
confirm the positive ion.
What would a positive
test result look like?
Give an example.
Describe the flame test to
confirm the positive ion.
What would a positive
test result look like?
Give an example.
Describe the flame test to
confirm the positive ion.
What would a positive
test result look like?
Give an example.
Describe the flame test to
confirm the positive ion.
What would a positive
test result look like?
Give an example.
Describe the series of
tests used for negative
Describe the carbonate
What would a positive
test result look like?
Describe the series of
tests used for negative
Describe the carbonate
What would a positive
test result look like?
Describe the series of
tests used for negative
Describe the carbonate
What would a positive
test result look like?
Describe the series of
tests used for negative
Describe the carbonate
What would a positive
test result look like?
Describe the series of
tests used for negative
Describe the carbonate
What would a positive
test result look like?
Describe the sulfate test.
What would a positive
test result look like?
Describe the sulfate test.
What would a positive
test result look like?
Describe the sulfate test.
What would a positive
test result look like?
Describe the sulfate test.
What would a positive
test result look like?
Describe the sulfate test.
What would a positive
test result look like?
Describe the halide test.
What would a positive
test result look like for
chloride, bromide and
Describe the halide test.
What would a positive
test result look like for
chloride, bromide and
Describe the halide test.
What would a positive
test result look like for
chloride, bromide and
Describe the halide test.
What would a positive
test result look like for
chloride, bromide and
Describe the halide test.
What would a positive
test result look like for
chloride, bromide and
© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Identifying ions | Supporting resources
Structure strip: suggested answer content
Identifying ions
Structure strip
What is a qualitative test
and what is it used for?
A qualitative test is used to identify the chemical composition of an unknown sample. A positive test result, such
as a colour change, will confirm that a particular substance is present.
The unknown colourless sample is an ionic solution, so we are going to use a series of qualitative tests to
identify the positive and negative ions.
Describe the hydroxide
test for positive ions.
What would a positive
test result look like?
Give an example.
There are two tests that can be used to determine the positive ion. One of these tests is the hydroxide test:
Add 2 drops of sodium hydroxide to 2 drops of the unknown solution.
A coloured precipitate will form.
Observe the colour of the precipitate. This will identify the possible positive metal ion in the unknown
solution. For example, a rust coloured precipitate would be a positive result for iron() ions.
What is the limitation of
the sodium hydroxide
There is more than one metal ion that will produce a white precipitate. If a white precipitate is formed and it
does not dissolve in excess sodium hydroxide then further tests will need to be carried out to determine whether
the unknown solution contains calcium or magnesium.
Describe the flame test to
confirm the positive ion.
What would a positive
test result look like?
Give an example.
A further test to confirm the positive ion present is a flame test. The flame test could also be used to distinguish
between calcium and magnesium.
Dip a pre-soaked splint in the unknown solution.
Hold it in a roaring blue Bunsen flame.
Observe the colour of the flame.
The flame colour will identify the positive metal ion present in the unknown solution. For example, a lilac flame
would be a positive result for potassium.
Describe the series of
tests used for negative
Describe the carbonate
What would a positive
test result look like?
Now, we will use a series of tests to identify the negative ion.
The carbonate test
Put 1 cm
of the unknown solution into a test tube.
Put 1 cm
of limewater into a separate test tube.
Add a few drops of hydrochloric acid (HCl). If it fizzes then the carbonate ion is present.
Confirm the presence of carbonate by bubbling the gas through the limewater. If a carbonate ion is present
the limewater will turn cloudy.
Describe the sulfate test.
What would a positive
test result look like?
The sulfate test
Put 1 cm
of the unknown solution into a test tube.
Add a few drops of hydrochloric acid HCl and then add barium chloride (BaCl
If a white precipitate appears, then the sulfate ion is present.
Describe the halide test.
What would a positive
test result look like for
chloride, bromide and
The halide test
Put 1 cm
of the unknown solution into a test tube.
Add a few drops of nitric acid (HNO
) and silver nitrate (AgNO
If a white precipitate forms then the chloride ion is present. If the precipitate is cream, then the bromide ion
is present, if it is yellow then the iodide ion is present.
© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Identifying ions | Supporting resources
Follow-up worksheet
1. A student carried out some flame tests.
Complete the flame test results table. The first row has been done for you.
Metal ion Symbol Observation: flame colour
Potassium K
Unknown solution X
2. Describe how you would test for positive ions using the sodium hydroxide chemical test.
3. Complete the sodium hydroxide test results table.
Positive ion Symbol
Observation when added to sodium
hydroxide solution
Iron() Fe
Brown precipitate
Copper() Blue precipitate
4. Complete the equations, using the example to help.
Iron() + hydroxide  iron() hydroxide
(aq) + 2OH
(aq)  Fe(OH)
(a) Iron() + hydroxide  __________________________
(aq) + __OH
(aq)  Fe(OH)
(b) Copper() + hydroxide  ________________ () hydroxide
(aq) + __OH
(aq)  Cu(OH)
5. A student carried out some tests to identify the ions present in an unknown solution. After adding a few
drops of dilute nitric acid and silver nitrate to the sample, a cream coloured precipitate appeared.
The student concluded that a ___________________________ ion was present in the solution.
© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Identifying ions | Supporting resources
6. A student was asked to identify an unknown sample. She carried out some tests and here are the results.
(a) Complete the table.
Test Result Conclusion
Add 2 drops of sodium
hydroxide to 2 drops of solution
A white precipitate is formed
Add excess sodium hydroxide
to the drop
No change to the white
Flame test An orange-red flame is
Add a few drops of hydrochloric
acid to sample
No changes observed
Add a few drops of hydrochloric
acid then a few drops of barium
chloride to sample
No change observed
Add a few drops of nitric acid
then a few drops of silver
nitrate to sample
A white precipitate is formed
(b) The unknown sample is
(c) Complete the ionic equations for the positive results.
________( ) + ______ OH
(aq)  _______( )
(aq) + __________ ( ) ____________( )
7. A sample of an unknown ionic solution has been collected for analysis. The sample is colourless.
Describe a series of qualitative tests that could be used to identify the unknown ions in the sample.
In your plan you must include instructions for carrying out the tests and the expected results.
This question has a structure strip to support your written answer. Find more resources to support you here
© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Identifying ions | Supporting resources
Follow-up worksheet: answers
1. A student carried out some flame tests.
Complete the flame test results table. The first row has been done for you.
Metal ion Symbol Observation: flame colour
Potassium K
Sodium Na
Lithium Li
Calcium Ca
Copper Cu
Unknown solution X
2. Describe how you would test for positive ions using the sodium hydroxide chemical test.
Add 2 drops of sodium hydroxide to 2 drops of an unknown solution and observe.
3. Complete the sodium hydroxide test results table.
Positive ion Symbol
Observation when added to sodium
hydroxide solution
Iron() Fe
Green precipitate
Iron() Fe
Brown precipitate
Copper() Cu
Blue precipitate
4. Complete the equations, using the example to help.
Iron() + hydroxide  iron() hydroxide
(aq) + 2OH
(aq)  Fe(OH)
(a) Iron() + hydroxide  iron() hydroxide
(aq) + 3OH
(aq)  Fe(OH)
(b) Copper() + hydroxide  copper() hydroxide
(aq) + 2OH
(aq)  Cu(OH)
5. A student carried out some tests to identify the ions present in an unknown solution. After adding a few
drops of dilute nitric acid and silver nitrate to the sample, a cream coloured precipitate appeared.
The student concluded that a Chloride (or Cl
) ion was present in the solution.
© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Identifying ions | Supporting resources
6. A student was asked to identify an unknown sample. She carried out some tests and here are the results.
(a) Complete the table.
Test Result Conclusion
Add 2 drops of sodium
hydroxide to 2 drops of solution
A white precipitate is formed Al
, Ca
or Mg
ions could be
Add excess sodium hydroxide
to the drop
No change to the white
or Mg
ions could be
Flame test An orange-red flame is
ion is present
Add a few drops of hydrochloric
acid to sample
No changes observed The carbonate or CO
ion is
not present
Add a few drops of hydrochloric
acid then a few drops of barium
chloride to sample
No change observed The sulfate or SO
ion is not
Add a few drops of nitric acid
then a few drops of silver
nitrate to sample
A white precipitate is formed The chloride or Cl
ion is
(b) The unknown sample is
Calcium chloride (or CaCl
(c) Complete the ionic equations for the positive results.
(aq) + 2OH
(aq)  Ca(OH)
(aq) + Cl
7. A sample of an unknown ionic solution has been collected for analysis. The sample is colourless.
Describe a series of qualitative tests that could be used to identify the unknown ions in the sample.
In your plan you must include instructions for carrying out the tests and the expected results.
This question has a structure strip see ‘suggested answer content’ (rsc.li/3a7LS37).
© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Identifying ions | Supporting resources
Results tables for flame tests
Metal ion Symbol Observation: flame colour
Metal ion Symbol Observation: flame colour
Metal ion Symbol Observation: flame colour
Metal ion Symbol Observation: flame colour
Metal ion Symbol Observation: flame colour
© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Identifying ions | Supporting resources
Microscale reactions of positive ions with sodium hydroxide
Positive ion Symbol Positive ion solution and sodium hydroxide solution
Iron() Fe
Iron() Fe
Copper() Cu
Aluminium Al
Calcium Ca
Magnesium Mg
© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Identifying ions | Supporting resources
Results table for positve ion tests
Positive ion Symbol
Observation when added to
sodium hydroxide solution
Observation with excess sodium
hydroxide solution
Positive ion Symbol
Observation when added to
sodium hydroxide solution
Observation with excess sodium
hydroxide solution
© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Identifying ions | Supporting resources
Results tables for negative ion tests
Negative ion Symbol Test Observation
Negative ion Symbol Test Observation