The University of California, Riverside Botanic Gardens
Volume 33, Number 4, Winter 2013
UCRBG Newsletter
Arcle and Photos by Ann Platzer
he Monarch butter-
fly, Danaus plexippus,
is a widespread North
American insect that
ranges from Mexico to
as far north as Canada.
It has a wing span of
about 4 inches and is
colored bright orange
with black veins and
white spots on a black
border (photo 1).
The females lay tiny, cream-colored,
dome-shaped, eggs on various species
of milkweed host plants. Each female
may lay up to 500 eggs over a period
of three to four weeks. Eggs hatch in
about three to four days. The newly
emerged caterpillar first eats its egg
shell and then becomes a voracious
munching machine, molting
(shedding its skin) four times and
growing from 1/16 inch to two whole
inches over 10-14 days (photo 2); a 25
fold increase in length and 2,000 fold
increase in mass! After reaching full
size, the caterpillar stops eating and
enters what is called a “wandering
phase”. During this phase, the cater-
pillar moves, sometimes long
distances from its host plant, to select
a place to attach onto with a silken
hold fast, upside down in a “J”
position. In about a day it molts one
last time to become a pupa (photo 3:
Monarch pupa with shed larval skin).
The pupal stage is the so-called
quiescent or quiet period, but quiet it
is not. For inside, a major transforma-
tion takes place where organs change
and wings appear. In just ten to
fourteen days, an adult Monarch
emerges with crumpled wings and a
fat abdomen full of hemolymph fluid
(insect blood). This is a very vulner-
able stage for the butterfly since it
can’t fly and thus is susceptible to
predation. Now it must quickly pump
fluid from its fat abdomen into the
veins of the wings that expand and
harden in about one to two hours. And
‘voila’, off flies our magnificent
Monarch to live for two to five weeks,
unless it is migrating south and then
the Monarch survives over winter.
There are many (75-100) species of
milkweed, Asclepias spp, which can
serve as host plants for Monarchs, a
number of which are native to Califor-
nia. Milkweeds also serve as impor-
tant nectar plants for Monarchs as
well as for many other species of
butterflies. Milkweeds contain cardiac
glycosides (heart poisons) that are
poisonous to many animals such as
livestock, chickens, humans, and most
Monarch predators. However, the
Monarch larva is insensitive to the
chemical effects and the poison is
sequestered in its tissues building up
concentrations higher than that found
in the milkweed plants. Most impor-
tantly, the poison remains in the
Monarch’s body through pupation and
emergence to adulthood. Thus, the
bright colors and markings of the
larva and adult warn expectant
Photo 2. Monarch larvae
Photo 1. Adult male Monarch
2 UCRBG Newsletter Vol. 33 No. 4 Winter 2013
predators to stay away, “I don’t taste
I remember in l966 that my young
Ecology Professor, Dr. Lincoln
Brower (whom butterfly enthusiasts
may know became a world famous
Monarch researcher) showed me a
new experiment he was conducting on
Monarchs. He discovered that when
he fed Monarch adults to Jays the
birds vomited and would never touch
another Monarch. Naturally, there are
some predators that are immune to
Monarch poison; two examples are
the Black-headed Grosbeak and the
Black-eared Mouse. Together these
predators consume ten percent of the
winter Monarch population at the
overwintering roosts in Mexico.You
may also refer to my
article “Butterfly
Enemies” in the
letter, Spring, 2012.
The vast majority
of Monarchs in North
America are migratory.
They are split into two
geographical popula-
tions by the Rocky
Mountain Range, with
eastern Monarchs out-
numbering western
ones by at least 100 to one.
Early spring signals the Monarchs to
start migrating north. However, it
takes three-four generations to reach
their northern destinations that are
limited by host plant availability. It is
the southern migration that is
incredibly spectacular since these
Monarchs, which may live 6-9
months, stop only to feed and rest,
flying 2,500 miles to reach their
overwintering sites. They may travel
60-200 miles per day (9-27 miles per
hour depending on wind direction)
and fly as high as 10,000 feet. Mon-
archs fly leisurely, making use of
thermal updrafts to soar like hawks
and other birds. Like many birds, they
use a gliding system, holding their
strong wings extended
rigidly and when wind
and updrafts lessen they
flutter their wings to
continue advancing.
This is a necessary
adaptation during their
long, strenuous, migra-
tory flight. How does a
Monarch migrate so far
and how do they know
when to start and which
direction to go? First,
decreasing daylight sig-
nals the approach of
winter, so nutritional
changes occur in the
northern Monarchs.
These migrants from the fall genera-
tion go into reproductive diapause
(stop reproducing) to conserve food
resources and enhance longevity (their
abdomen becomes fat with stored
lipid). They use their antennae to
calculate seasonal migration relative to
the sun’s position, in combination with
their eyes and brain. If antennae are
damaged they cannot migrate (refer to
Grace, 1997 for details). Scientists
believe that they rely on the earths’
magnetic field, the position of the sun,
and also polarization of the sun’s rays
to reach their destination.
Adult Monarchs, like most other
butterflies, cannot withstand freezing
winter temperatures. To survive,
Monarchs must
migrate to safe
sites that are
neither cold
enough to kill
them or so warm
that they waste
precious energy
through too much
activity. The
southern mass
migration east of
the Rocky
Mountains from
Southern Canada
to Central
Mexico is said to
be an awesome sight (and
on my “to do” wish list). These
Monarchs spend winters (about four
months) roosting in a few concentrated
Oyamel fir forests, Abies religosa, at
the 8-12,000 foot level, where there
are winter blooming wild flowers for
nectar and streams for drinking.
However, our Monarchs west of the
Rockies overwinter along California’s
coastal groves away from the cold
interior (although recently Derham
Giuliani found them overwintering in
canyons of the Panamint Mountains of
Death Valley). There are more than
200 wintering coastal sites from
Mendocino County in the north to San
Diego in the south. The western
Monarchs roost in native Monterey
Pine, Pinus radiata, Monterey
Cypress, Hesperocyparis (Cupressus)
macrocarpa, and Coastal Redwood,
Sequoia sempevirens. In addition, they
often use introduced Australian
Eucalyptus that produces precious
winter nectar. A few sites to visit from
mid October through end of March
include: Monarch Grove Sanctuary,
Pacific Grove; Point Lobos State Park,
near Carmel; Morro Bay State Park;
and Pismo State Beach, near San Luis
Obispo (photo 4). Witnessing these
migrations, and seeing the Monarch
roosts, is quite awe-inspiring.
Photo 4. Monarchs roosting at Pismo Beach
Photo 3. Monarch Pupa with shed larval
skin (white arrow)
3UCRBG Newsletter Vol. 33 No. 4 Winter 2013
Monarchs, like many other animals,
are threatened due to human activities.
Their natural habitat and food
resources have been greatly altered by
the pressures of urbanization, agricul-
ture, pesticides and deforestation. You
may think that Monarchs and other
butterflies are only pretty to look at,
but they are second only to bees as
pollinators and help pollinate our
crops. The earth’s ecosystem is com-
plex and certain components are
fragile. If you break one relationship in
the food chain it has the potential to
affect the rest of the ecosystem. Do
you know that if all the butterflies were
to become extinct the damages to us
would be disastrous?
You may not know this, but many
common ornamental flowers are useless
as a nectar source for butterflies! You
can help Monarchs by creating,
conserving and protecting
milkweed/Monarch habitats. Plant
milkweeds as a source of food and
nectar and also add other colorful nectar
plants. If each one of us just planted
one milkweed and another nectar plant,
we can help ensure strong, healthy
populations of the magnificent Mon-
arch. So, let’s plant! Better still, create a
Monarch Waystation
( Seeds
of a number of Asclepias species are
available from the Friends Annual
Seedlist for 2013 (see pages 4-6).
Happy Butterfly Gardening! AP
Thanks to Marco Metzger, Gordon Pratt
& Edward Platzer for reviewing this
Selected references:
Schappert, Scott. 2004. The Last Mon-
arch Butterfly, Firefly Books Inc. 113pp.
Grace, Eric, S. 1997. The World of the
Monarch Butterfly, University of Toronto
Press. 114pp.
I wish to thank Friends, Volunteers,
and Master Gardeners who helped
at the Plant Sale, Fiftieth Anniver-
sary Celebration, and Art in the
Gardens this Fall.
PLANTS TO SEE: Winter flower-
ing Buddleja cultivars in the Butter-
fly Garden with a host of other
winter-flowering species. Endan-
gered native Otay Mesa rose in the
Rancho Rose garden and the
California desert garden. Endan-
gered native Nevin’s barberry from
San Timoteo Canyon, Redlands,
near the Chancellors Gate along
lilac loop. Several Mediterranean
plants flower in winter in the Herb
Garden. Several native California
plants flower throughout the winter
in the desert gardens. Aloes and
iceplants on the South African
slope. Roses until pruned in Janu-
ary. Scarlet-flowered Salvia
microphylla from Arizona on the
salvia knoll.
ORCHARD - A memorial to
Robert Pla:
In September,
trees in the orchard, which are used
for teaching, were pruned and the
irrigation system repaired by
Agricultural Operations, paid for with
funds from the Memorial Endowment.
before the plant sale, six dead trees in
Alder Canyon were removed and their
stumps ground down. At present the
canyon looks bare. We plan to plant
new trees this coming winter with
funds from the Memorial Endowment.
Ira J. Condit Ficus Collecon:
One unique area in the UCR Botanic
Gardens is a group of 30 trees of Ficus
species, which are part of a collection
made in the 1920-1960s by Dr. Condit,
who was a fig breeder in the Depart-
ment of Horticultural Science. Dr.
Condit also wrote a monograph, The
Fig, published by Chronica Botanica
in 1947. A few cold-sensitive species,
such as Ficus sycamorus from Egypt,
have died, but most trees have
survived. The collection is badly in
need of pruning and general care. The
cold-sensitive species may have
survived at the South Coast Botanic
Garden, 26300 Crenshaw Blvd., Palos
Verde Peninsula, CA 90274. A dupli-
cate collection was planted there in the
Nancy Beckage: A memorial
bench in memory of Professor Nancy
Beckage, from the Department of
Entomology, was placed along the ADA
wheelchair pathway that climbs out of
Alder Canyon towards the Botanic
Gardens’ garage and greenhouse.
fiberglass roof and siding of the green-
house was installed in the late 1970s
and is in need of replacement. Light
intensity inside the structure is very low
and plants do not grow well. Funds to
replace all or part of the fiberglass
sheeting are available from the Depart-
ment of Botany and Plant Sciences and
an anonymous donor.
recent paper, “Population genetics and
ethnobotany of cultivated Diospyros
riojae Gomez-Pompa (Ebenaceae) an
endangered fruit crop (persimmon)
from Mexico” by Mitchell Provance,
Ignacio Garcia-Ruiz, Caspar Thommes,
and Jeffrey Ross-Ibarra. 2013, was
published in Genetic Resources and
Crop Evolution 60:2171-2182.
Kerry Knudsen, Lichen curator in
the UCR herbarium, and collaborators
have published five papers on lichens
and lichenicolous fungi at sites includ-
ing Yosemite National Park, Oregon,
and the Galapagos Islands.
State of the Gardens
4 UCRBG Newsletter Vol. 33 No. 4 Winter 2013
DONATIONS: I wish to thank
donors to the following funds:
Botanic Gardens General Fund:
James & Susan Dieterich, Brian &
Claire Federici, Ray & Marilyn
Harris, Dianne Miller, Jeffrey
Simons, Barry & Desmyrna Taylor,
G. Waines, and James & Mary Curtis
For the ADA Restrooms: Merial
Everett, Monika Ittig, Harold Snyder
& William Kleese, Edward Traynor.
Botanic Gardens Endowment: Lewis
Botanic Gardens Children’s Fund:
Anonymous (3), ArtPlantae LLC,
Carla Bender, Brightie Dunn, James
& Gayle Gehrmann, Bruce & Lisa
Hale, Barbara Heublien, Inland
Region Iris Society, Jennifer Katz,
Jewels by Jen, Tracy Khan & Norman
Ellstrand, Wilma Printy, Connie &
Roger Ransom, S&CG Inc., Karl
Stewart, Various Donors, Wild Birds
Unlimited, Dianne Williamson.
Botanic Gardens Memorial Fund in
Memory of Daisy Mitchell: Elizabeth
Dossa, Sharon Gustafsson, G.Waines.
Friends Botanic Gardens Projects
Fund: Western Municipal Water
District of Riverside County (for the
50th Anniversary Celebration).
Helen & Ortho Camp – Rancho
Rose Garden Endowment: Rochelle
UCR Herbarium Fund in Memory
of Oscar Clarke: John Ekhoff
Friends who wish to make end-of-
year donations to a Botanic Gardens
fund, listed above, or to the Butterfly
Garden Endowment, may do so by
sending a check to the UCR Founda-
tion, or by going online at, and entering
the account they wish to support.
May the UCR Botanic Gardens’ staff
wish you all the best for this holiday
season. GW
he Annual Seed List is just one of
the many benefits of being a Friend of
UCRBG. Circle the number of any
three varieties of seed on the tear-off
form, list possible substitutes, and send
it to Steve Morgan/Annual Seed List,
Botanic Gardens, University of
California, Riverside, CA 92521-
0124. You may also e-mail your
choices to but be sure
to include substitutes and your postal
address. The seed packets include
instructions for growing. Thank you to
Theresa Arial, Michael Fugate,
Barbara Hayes, Amy Kwiecien, Ann
Platzer, Bernice Tank, Katie Shea and
Julie Slis who collected, donated
and/or processed seeds for the list.
Enjoy! SM
1. Aquilegia eximea, "Serpentine
columbine," "Van Houtte's colum-
bine" - California native perennial
with handsome, much divided, gray
green leaves and tall, branching sprays
of nodding, orange-red, spurred
flowers adored by hummingbirds. In
moist areas it spreads readily by seed,
sometimes to the point of irritation.
Sow any time.
2. Asclepias curassavica, "Blood-
flower" - A favorite larval host plant
for monarch butterflies. Bloodflower
is an easy-to-grow, shrubby, four-foot
perennial with clusters of red and
orange-yellow, crown-shaped flowers
throughout warm weather. Sow in
Circle the number of any three varieties of seed on the cut-off form, list possible substi-
tutes, and send it to Steve Morgan/Annual Seed List, Botanic Gardens, University of
California, Riverside, CA 92521-0124. Since we must use a special envelope to return
your order, DO NOT enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. You may also e-mail
your choices to but be sure to include substitutes and your postal address.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Please list substitute numbers here:
List continued on page 5
Aquilegia eximea, serpentine columbine,
USDA Forest Service photo by Brad Kelly
5UCRBG Newsletter Vol. 33 No. 4 Winter 2013
Asclepias speciosa, showy
milkweed, photo by
Matt Lavin
Eschscholzia caespitosa, foothill poppy,
photo by Curtis Clark
Gilia capitata, globe gilia,
photo by Amada44
Asclepias physocarpa, swan plant, photo by
3. Asclepias curassavica 'Silky
Gold', "Bloodflower" - This is a
golden yellow flowered form of a
favorite larval host plant for Mon-
arch butterflies. Bloodflower is an
easy-to-grow, shrubby, four-foot
perennial with clusters of distinctive,
warm weather.
Sow in spring.
4. Asclepias
"Swan plant"
- Summer annual
or short-lived,
evergreen perennial with wand-like
stems lined with narrow leaves and
clusters of waxy white flowers
followed by bristly, inflated pods
prized for flower arrangements. A
favorite larval host plant for Mon-
arch butterflies. Sow in spring.
5. Asclepias speciosa, "Showy
milkweed" - A hardy, California
native perennial growing two to four
feet tall with bold, gray, furry leaves
and tight clusters of fragrant, pink,
star-shaped flowers in summer.
Larval host plant for Monarch
butterflies. The seeds will need to be
planted and kept in the refrigerator
for two months to aid germination.
Sow in spring.
6. Asclepias subulata, "Rush
milkweed" - Desert native, shrubby
perennial with slender, wand-like,
smaller) and its relatively shallow
roots make it an excellent bulb cover.
Globe gilia is especially nice planted
closely en masse or planted among
other wild flowers. Sow in winter or
early spring.
12. Gladiolus tristis , "Winter
gladiolus" - Perennial from corms;
easy relative of hybrid glads with
spikes of creamy yellow, funnel-
shaped, flowers in winter; exqui-
sitely night fragrant and fine for
cutting. Sow in winter or early
13. Melica imperfecta, "California
melic" - A California native, fine-
bladed, perennial grass, that grows to
two feet high and is especially
effective planted under trees. Can be
given limited water in summer to
keep it green or it can be allowed to
go dormant. Sow in winter or early
14. Nassella lepida,
Foothill needle grass" -
Drought tolerant, Califor-
nia native grass. forming
open clumps of narrow,
blue green leaves and tall,
long-awned, graceful
flower heads that emerge
purple, age to silvery gold;
can be summer dry. Sow
in fall or early winter.
15. Peritoma (Isomeris)
arborea, "Bladderpod" -
California native, drought-
tolerant shrub with gray-
green leaves, dainty yellow flowers
nearly leafless, waxy-white branches
and clusters of curiously shaped,
creamy-yellow, waxy flowers in
summer; needs good drainage.
Larval host plant for Monarch
butterflies. Sow in spring.
7. Bouteloua gracilis, "Blue
gramma grass" - A small, Califor-
nia native, clumping grass with
slender, light gray green leaves and
distinctive, comb-like flower heads
that emerge silvery and turn purple.
Winter dormant. Sow in spring.
8. Cassia leptophylla, "Gold medal-
lion tree" - This is a fast-growing,
medium-sized tree with divided
leaves and spectacular clusters of
dark yellow flowers in summer,
followed by long, dark, woody pods.
Sow in spring or early summer.
9. Chilopsis linearis (burgundy),
"Desert willow" - Dark-flowered
form of this California native,
fast-growing, small tree or large
shrub. Grows to 25 feet tall, with
airy appearance; willow-like leaves
and trumpet-shaped, burgundy-
colored flowers over long spring
/summer season. Deciduous. Sow in
10. Eschscholzia caespitosa, "Foot-
hill poppy" - Quite different from
the regular California poppy, foothill
poppy is a smaller plant with
spritely, 1-inch, lemon yellow
flowers. The foliage is
ferny and silvery-green
in color. This showy
annual is excellent for
naturalizing- readily
reseeding itself. Sow
in fall or early winter.
11. Gilia capitata,
"Globe gilia" -
Globe gilia is a late
season native California
wildflower that produces
globe-shaped clusters of
violet-blue flowers with
blue pollen. It grows to
about 2 feet tall (though it is usually
6 UCRBG Newsletter Vol. 33 No. 4 Winter 2013
Peritoma (Isomeris) arborea, bladderpod,
photo by P.D. Tillman
Salvia spathacea, pitcher sage
Volunteer News
by Karen Fleisher
through warm weather, followed by
conspicuous, bright green seed pods.
Sow in spring.
16. Plantago coronopus, "Buck's
horn plantain" - A cool season,
annual or biennial plant that forms
rosettes of long, lobed leaves and
bears interesting, but not showy,
spikes of minute flowers. The foliage
and these seeds were collected from
the Gardens’ especially deliciously
scented plants. It usually blooms the
first year from seed. Sow in spring
or summer.
is eaten as a salad green.
Sow in fall or early winter.
17. Salvia spathacea, "Pitcher
sage" - Spreading California
native perennial with bold,
deliciously aromatic, textured
leaves and fat, shish-kabob
spikes of large, tubular, rosy-
purple flowers; hummingbird
favorite. Sow in fall or early
18. Senna (Cassia) didymobotrya,
"Popcorn cassia" - Popcorn cassia
is always one of our most popular
offerings, whether as plants at the sales
or as seed in the seedlist. It is a bold,
evergreen shrub with divided leaves
and candelabra-like spikes of black
buds that open to large, yellow flowers
over a long winter to spring season.
The flower buds and new growth have
a distinctive buttered popcorn scent
ur volunteers have been busy
this fall! Besides the dedicated
volunteers who help out in the
Gardens on a regular basis with
weeding, deadheading, watering
and propagation, we have many
volunteers who support the Gardens
by volunteering for our events. This
fall we had three large events, the
Garden Festival, the Fall Plant Sale
and Keep Our Gardens Clean and
Beautiful. About 20 volunteers
helped with Garden Fest on October
6, helping with set up and take
down, talking with people about
plants which would be available at
the plant sale, and giving talks.
Volunteers also took part in making
the Fall Plant Sale a success on
October 26th and 27th. For a month
prior to the plant sale, volunteers,
including Master Gardeners, were up at
the gardens grooming and labeling
plants. On the Thursday and Friday
prior to the plant sale, the volunteers
loaded plants in trucks and brought
them down to be set up. By Friday at
noon, all the plants were in place with
the signage up and we were ready for
Saturday - all done in record time due
to the seasoned volunteers who have
been doing the set up for the last 4-5
years, including Theresa Wassman,
Hillary Brown, Cindy Peterson, and
Chad Young, just to name a few. On
Saturday and Sunday of the plant sale,
volunteers greeted visitors, wrote
receipts, helped customers with the
selection of plants, made boxes, orga-
nized the lunches for other volunteers
(thank you Cathy Konyn and Pauline
Pedigo) and just made sure that
everything ran smoothly. Many
thanks to all our volunteers who
contribute so much in support of the
We continue to hold monthly
volunteer orientations on the second
Tuesday of the month, meeting at 9
a.m. at the entrance to the Gardens.
We are also looking to add some
new members to our team of Visitor
Information volunteers who greet
visitors on Saturdays and Sundays
and introduce them to our beautiful
If you are interested in volun-
teering at the Gardens, please
contact me at 951-682-3795 or
7UCRBG Newsletter Vol. 33 No. 4 Winter 2013
Around the Gardens
Fall Plant Sale
October 26-27
Our recent Fall Plant Sale was our
most successful in many years. Thank
you to all of the many volunteers and
shoppers that helped in generating
funds for our many projects, as well as
the maintenance of the Gardens.
On Sunday our children enjoyed a
hands-on class taught by Master
Gardener Dona Jenkins, entitled
‘Creating a Fairy Garden’. Dona is the
owner of Garden Moolight, a source
for all the materials needed for these
special gardens. Twenty four children
participated, and there were many
proud and smiling faces, and magical
gardens going to new homes!
Art in the Gardens
November 10
Our second annual Art in the Gardens
on November 10, 2013, drew over 400
visitors to the Gardens. It was a
beautiful fall day, a perfect setting for
strolling through Alder Canyon and
enjoying the beautiful art pieces
showcased by the 15 participating
California artists, including fused
glass, mosaics, jewelry, glass garden
art, watercolors, gourds, and even
guitars made from colorful cigar
boxes! Along with the unique artwork
available, delicious bakery treats by
Mien Van de Ven and hand-made
chocolates by Irma Tandingan De Ley
were savored by all.
The proceeds donated by the
participants in this event will help
fund future Gardens’ projects.KF
Keep Our Gardens Clean &
November 16
At our 8th Keep Our Gardens Clean
and Beautiful event we had 77 student
volunteers. In addition there were 15
Master Gardeners present, which led
the 9 teams in their assigned areas.
UCR student groups were Omega Zeta
Chi, Phi Delta Epsilon, National
Society of Collegiate Scholars, Sigma
Kappa, and a few individual students.
The areas worked in were the Rose
Garden, Heritage Rose Garden,
Northern California Coast, Iris
Garden, Mediterranean slope,
Subtropical Fruit Orchard, bench sites,
Chaparral, and the lilac collection. At
the close of the day, many of the
an interest in future volunteer opportu-
nities in the Gardens. The participants
all generated visible results in these
areas, and they also triggered a
perceptible sense of community.
Thank you so much to Karen Fleisher,
who organized and coordinated this
event, and Amy Kwicien, who distrib-
uted flyers to campus groups.TA
Note from the Presidents -
Nancy Cullen and Sue Wallace
Dear Friends,
The Garden Festival was a wonderful
event. It brought in many visitors who
did not realize we had a botanic gardens
in the city of Riverside. Thanks are due
to the hard work of our teams, under the
leadership of Margo Chabot and Brightie
Dunn. Also, to their credit we have
established the Children’s Fund to raise
money for future projects in the Gardens
for children. We can all be proud of the
contributions made by volunteers and
University staff, and generous vendors
all their help with our events throughout
the year.
The Fall Plant Sale on October 26-27
was another big draw to the Gardens.
We revised our checkout system to
comply with University policies. We
are still looking for better ways to get
our plants home to our Friends and
visitors and improve your Gardens
Art in the Gardens was a terrific day.
We had hundreds of visitors to see the
wonderful offerings from fifteen local
artists. Watercolor paintings, jewelry,
ceramics, glass birdbaths were among
the unique gifts. If you missed it,
watch for the next Art in the Gardens in
November 2014.
Wishing you Happy Holidays and
Happy New Year!
Nancy & Sue
U C Riverside Botanic Gardens
The UCR Botanic Gardens Newsleer is a quarterly journal published by the Friends of the UCR Botanic
Gardens, UC Riverside Foundaon, 900 University Ave., Riverside, CA 92521, and is one of the benefits
of membership. Arcles on various aspects of horculture and its pracce, history, or related subjects,
especially as they apply to inland Southern California are welcomed. The selecon of copy to print is at
the discreon of the editors. Send copy to Steve Morgan, Botanic Gardens, University of California,
Riverside, CA 92521, call 951.784.6962, e-mail or visit our website at for informaon.
Friends Board of Directors
Officers: Nancy Cullen and Sue Wallace, Co-Presidents; Amber Jones, Vice-President; Julie Oppen,
Treasurer; Rosemary Neal, Secretary;
Members: Brenda Bowers, Dericksen Brinkerhoff, David Carter, Brenda Cook, Karen Fleisher, Phyllis
Franco, Amy Hao, Amy Kwiecien, Rob Lennox, Dennis Ponsor, Janice Ponsor, Kaa Silvera.
Ex-Officio Members: Giles Waines, Director; Steve Morgan, Curator; Theresa Arial, Manager; Katherine
Kendrick, Past-President; Jodie Holt, Associate Dean for Agriculture and Natural Resources; Mikeal
Roose, Chair, Department of Botany & Plant Science.
Staff: Giles Waines, Director; Steve Morgan, Curator; Theresa Arial, Manager; Abdurrahman “Abe”
Koksal, Senior Nursery Technician; Lisa Lemoine, Administrave Assistant, Kae Shea, Volunteer
Administrave Assistant. Temporary Workers: Jorge Fregaso, Pamela Roose, Alfredo Sevilla, and Saul
Torres. Student Workers: Jerry Aleman, Alex Gonzales, Amy Kwiecien, and Kelsy Layne
Krisne M. Scarano Intern: Marrisa Bales
Editors: Katherine Kendrick, Steve Morgan, and Lisa Lemoine
Friends of the UCR Botanic Gardens - 145
Botanic Gardens
University of California
Riverside, California 92521-0124
Non-Prot Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 131
Riverside, CA
January 12, Sunday ROSE PRUNING (Rain Date January 19)
February 9, Sunday WINTER LUNCHEON
March 15, Saturday BIRD WALK
April 19 , Saturday SPRING OUTING to the Theodore Payne Foundaon
May 18, Sunday PRIMAVERA
Calling All Artists
The UCR Botanic Gardens invites artists to participate in the
Primavera in the Gardens
Art Contest
Deadline March 14, 2014
More information can be found at: