For more information, please visit:
Single Family Housing - Community Development Administration
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
7800 Harkins Road • Lanham, MD • 20706
SmartBuy 3.0 enables qualified borrowers with student debt to purchase a program-eligible home in Maryland using conventional
financing through the Maryland Mortgage Program (MMP) administered by the Community Development Administration (CDA). This
product replaces the previous SmartBuy products. The CLTV aligns with regular conventional loans. Effective for loans reserved on or
after 10/02/2023.
To help manage the housing purchase costs for a borrower who is purchasing an eligible property and has an existing student
debt (which can be in repayment or deferred status) balance of a minimum of $1,000 and up to a maximum of 15% of the
home purchase price (with a cap of $20,000). The full student debt for at least one borrower must be entirely paid off at the
time of the home purchase; partial loan payment is not permitted under this program. (If a co-borrower also has student debt
that can be paid off completely within the 15% maximum, that is permitted.)
Mortgage Product
Up to 97% of the purchase price will be financed with the first mortgage (30-year conventional
amortizing mortgage loan). The first mortgage will be pooled into a Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac
Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) structure.
The second loan (which is NOT a mortgage) consists in a 5-year forgivable Promissory Note of up
to 15% of the purchase price, not to exceed a maximum amount of $20,000. This loan will be
used to pay off completely a borrower’s outstanding student debt balance at the time of home
purchase. If there are two borrowers on the loan, only one borrower’s student loan balance
must be paid off. If the full student debt for both borrowers can be paid off, that is permitted,
but partial loan repayment will not be available under this program; either a borrower’s loans
are fully paid off or not at all.
The student debt loan must be in the borrower’s name and for the borrower’s education.
The second loan (not mortgage) is a 0% interest deferred Promissory Note with no monthly
payments, forgivable over 5 years at 20% rate per year on each anniversary date (remainder
due upon sale if the event takes place within the first 5 years from the settlement of the first
mortgage). (If property is sold within the 5-year period, the remainder must be repaid.)
The Promissory Note will not be secured by a lien on the property. It will be funded by the lender
upfront, at loan closing, in the same manner and at the same time with the Down Payment
Assistance (if applicable) as detailed below and then the lender will be reimbursed by CDA.
Down Payment and
Settlement Expense
If the borrower desires it, a second mortgage will be provided by CDA as a regular Down
Payment Assistance loan. There are two choices: 1) a $6,000 DPA loan, or 2) a DPA loan equal
to 6% of the first mortgage; this second choice is only available to borrowers earning 50% or less
of AMI. All of these options are 0% deferred loans (due upon sale, payoff, transfer, or refinance
of the first mortgage), subordinate to the first mortgage. The second mortgage will be funded
by lender at closing, in line with the current Down Payment Assistance funding process, and
CDA will reimburse the lender in accordance with the already established Down Payment
Assistance reimbursement process detailed in Directive 2018-16. No Partner Match funds will be
provided by CDA for this program.
Down Payment
Required From Borrower
As required by the insurer, PMI, and/or US Bank. The optional second mortgage may be used
for this.
Private Mortgage
Insurance (PMI)
Approved PMIs can be found on the MMP website at
https://mmp.maryland.gov/Lenders/Pages/Eligible-Mortgage-Insurers.aspx. FNMA loans should
be HFA Preferred; Freddie Mac loans should be HFA Advantage.
Total Program Limit
According to funding; a countdown of funds will be published if limit is neared.
Combined Loan to
Value (CLTV)
In line with the requirements of the investor, PMI and US Bank. Maximum CLTV of 105% (value is
based on home purchase price which is calculated considering the market value and
appraisal, per FNMA’s guidelines.) The second loan (unsecured, so not a mortgage) is not
included in this calculation.
Geographic Limitations
Maryland statewide (see ELIGIBLE PROPERTIES below for additional parameters)
Eligible Borrower
Any creditworthy borrower, based on insurer and servicer underwriting standards as well as
MMP requirements, with student debt of at least $1,000 (see ELIGIBLE BORROWERS section below
for additional parameters including minimum credit score of 720)
Master Servicer
US Bank
For more information, please visit:
Single Family Housing - Community Development Administration
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
7800 Harkins Road • Lanham, MD • 20706
Not available with this program. Other available assistance from employers, builders, developers, non-profits, etc. may be
utilized by the borrower in combination with this product as long as the CLTV does not exceed the limit, but no match funds are
available from MMP/CDA.
Any property in the state of Maryland eligible under the Maryland Mortgage Program. Please refer to the Maryland Mortgage
Program Standard 30-Year Purchase Program fact sheet. DHCD REOs cannot be financed under this program.
Specific requirements for borrowers with existing student loan debt:
Minimum remaining balance of student loan debt of $1,000 and up to a maximum of 15% of the sales price or
$20,000, whichever is lower. The student loan has to be in the name of the borrower for the borrower’s education. The
loan included in the statement has to be easily identifiable as a student loan and it has to be part of the loan/s listed in
the borrower’s credit report.
The student loan may be in repayment or deferred status.
An eligible educational institution is an accredited public, nonprofit, or proprietary (privately owned profit-making)
college, university, vocational school, or other postsecondary educational institution. Also, the institution must be eligible
to participate in a student aid program administered by the U.S. Department of Education. (Most accredited post-
secondary institutions meet this definition.)
A monthly statement or verification from the student loan lender/servicer (personal loans from private individuals do not
qualify) verifying the amount of the indebtedness must be in the loan file. The lender is the organization that made the
loan initially; the lender could be the borrower's school; a bank, credit union, or other lending institution; or the U.S.
Department of Education. The borrower must be current on the student loan at the time of the SmartBuy loan reservation
and closing.
The full outstanding balance of the student debt of the borrower (which shall not exceed 15% of the purchase price or
$20,000, whichever is lower) must be paid off as part of closing. This will be reflected on the CD.
• All customary loan underwriting standards and requirements related to student debt apply and will be used to qualify the
homebuyers. Eligible borrowers must qualify for a Maryland Mortgage loan, i.e. credit score, total debt-to-income (DTI) ratio,
income and purchase price limitations, asset limitations, etc. See the Underwriting Requirements section for more
As with all Maryland Mortgage Program purchase loans, SmartBuy 3.0 requires homebuyers to take a Homebuyer Education
class. See approved options: (http://mmp.maryland.gov/Pages/Homebuyer-Education.aspx).
• For more information on general Maryland Mortgage program requirements, go online to
https://mmp.maryland.gov/Lenders/Documents/FactSheets/MMP-FactSheet-standard-loan-30yrPurchase.pdf, or browse the
website at www.mmp.maryland.gov.
While Maryland Mortgage program loans generally are limited to first-time homebuyers, the requirement is waived if:
• Borrower is purchasing in a targeted area (see http://mmp.maryland.gov/Pages/Targeted-Areas.aspx for more information
on targeted areas); or
• It has been more than three years since the borrower has owned a principal residence; or
• Borrower is an honorably discharged veteran who has not previously used the first-time homebuyer exemption. This is in
accordance with the Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act of 2008, as amended. A DD-214 form must be submitted
to document veteran status, and an Attachment V - Veteran First Time Homebuyer Exemption form (located at
http://mmp.maryland.gov/Lenders/Pages/Loan-Documentation.aspx under First Mortgage Pre-Closing/Documents That Are
Sometimes Required) must be completed.
Regardless of the waiving of the first-time homebuyer requirement, no Maryland Mortgage Borrower can own any other real
property at time of closing.
For more information, please visit:
Single Family Housing - Community Development Administration
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
7800 Harkins Road • Lanham, MD • 20706
If at a future date a borrower refinances the first mortgage loan under this program (with the goal of reducing the interest
rate), the existing Promissory Note may remain in place, forgivable at the same rate for the remainder of the original 5-year
term. CDA or USB must be notified. (It must be paid off if the property is sold.)
The second (DPA) lien must be paid off if the first lien is refinanced outside the Maryland Mortgage Program. If using the MMP
refinance product for the refinance of the first mortgage, the DPA second may be subordinated upon CDA approval.
All underwriting overlays of US Bank, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and PMIs apply. AUS and manual underwriting allowed.
Minimum middle credit score is 720.
Above and below 80% AMI loans allowed (codes vary). Only borrowers with income at or below 50% AMI are eligible to use
the 6% DPA option.
The master servicer(US Bank), the PMIs and FNMA or Freddie Mac may change their underwriting guidelines from time to time
and those must be met.
All other rules relating to Maryland Mortgage Program loans apply except where specifically noted in this document (see 30-Year Standard Fact
The post-closing documentation must reflect that the student debt balance for the borrower(s) has been brought to zero.
Any overlays required by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, PMIs and the master servicer apply, as well as any funding source that provides additional
The terms and conditions are subject to change until a borrower qualifies for the loan and locks in the interest rate. A borrower should contact an approved
lender for further information concerning a loan and applying for a loan (see "mmp.maryland.gov"). In connection with the Maryland Mortgage program, the
Maryland Department of Housing & Community Development makes no promises, representations or warranties to any party, including any borrower, about the
actual benefit a Maryland Mortgage loan might provide to a specific homeowner. Each borrower’s situation is different, and borrowers should seek the advice
of a financial advisor, attorney or housing counselor before entering into any loan transaction.