U.S. Space Force Commercial Space Strategy
Department of the Air Force 2
Executive Summary
The threats the United States faces from its strategic competitors have grown substantially. At
the same time, the environment is being shaped by a rapidly growing commercial space sector,
which is cultivating an ecosystem of innovation and reducing barriers to entry to deliver new,
operationally relevant capabilities. This has extraordinary implications for global security and
The United States Space Force (USSF) will be more resilient and capable if it combines organic
capabilities with the capabilities from other providers. Therefore, the USSF will integrate a mix
of organic, allied, and commercial space solutions into hybrid architectures where the nation’s
space capabilities truly are greater than the sum of the parts.
The USSF will leverage the commercial sector’s innovative capabilities, scalable production, and
rapid technology refresh rates to enhance the resilience of national security space architectures,
strengthen deterrence, and support Combatant Commander objectives in times of peace,
competition, crisis, conflict, and post-conflict.
This strategy is in direct support of U.S. national policy and strategy, including the Department
of Defense (DoD) Commercial Space Integration Strategy (2024), United States Novel Space
Sector Authorization and Supervision Framework (2023), National Security Strategy (2022),
National Defense Strategy (2022), National Military Strategy (2022), United States Space
Priorities Framework (2021), and the National Space Policy (2020).
Implementing the USSF Commercial Space Strategy (CSS) will increase the competitive
advantage of the United States and its partners by leveraging the operational capability and
capacity of the commercial sector and compelling changes in the capability development
process. The legacy space enterprise believed it could best manage risk by the government
owning and operating most of the U.S. military’s space capabilities. As the Secretary of Defense
has indicated, that mindset is no longer valid.
While recognizing Congress’s direction that the military may not rely solely on commercial
systems for certain operational requirements (2022 National Defense Authorization Act,
Sec.1607), wherever possible, the USSF will leverage the use of commercial space solutions and
integrate them into its architectures and force offerings to ensure the Joint Force maintains an
advantage over strategic competitors.
The DoD provides four guiding principles that this strategy will employ in pursuit of
commercial space solutions (as described in the 2024 DoD Commercial Space Integration
Strategy (CSIS)):
1. BalanceThe USSF will appropriately balance government and commercial solutions while
avoiding overreliance on any single provider or solution.
2. InteroperabilityMilitary standards and procedures should strengthen interoperability
between government and commercial solutions without stifling commercial sector innovation,
speed, or scale; commercial standards and interfaces for future purpose-built systems will be
adopted to facilitate integration when appropriate.
3. Resilience Integration will strengthen resilience by increasing the number of commercial
providers, diversifying supply chains, and expanding the variety and number of solutions used.
Selected commercial solutions must be resilient themselves, particularly against cyber threats.
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4. Responsible ConductUse of solution is legally and ethically compliant and consistent with
international norms and standards and the DoD Tenets of Responsible Behavior in Space.
These principles will guide and influence the USSF’s decision-making whenever it considers
using commercial space solutions.
The USSF will implement this strategy through the following lines of effort (LOEs):
LOE #1 – Collaborative Transparency
LOE #2 – Operational and Technical Integration
LOE #3 – Risk Management
LOE #4 – Secure the Future
These LOEs align with the 2024 DoD CSIS key priorities and will be further examined in the
main body of this strategy.
Strategic Environment and Commercial Sector Context
The United States is currently in an era of Great Power Competition. The threats that the United
States faces from its strategic competitors have grown substantially in number and intensity. As
highlighted in the 2024 Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community, both the
People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Russian Federation have fielded reversible and non-
kinetic means against the space systems of the United States and its allies and partners, as well as
deployed kinetic counterspace capabilities that can target U.S. space systems in all orbital
regimes. Russia’s attack against Ukraine has illustrated its preparedness to employ counterspace
capabilities as well as its willingness to attack commercial space systems. At the same time, as
the PRC’s and Russia’s space and counterspace capabilities mature, both have established
separate space forces and are integrating the use of space capabilities into their military planning
and exercises.
Against this backdrop, the USSF must create a strategic advantage and support the operational
objectives of Joint Force commanders. The 2022 National Defense Strategy directs that the DoD
“will increase collaboration with the private sector in priority areas, especially with the
commercial space industry, leveraging its technological advancements and entrepreneurial spirit
to enable new capabilities.” Furthermore, the 2024 DoD CSIS aligns Department-wide
integration of commercial space solutions and the USSF CSS lays out a strategy for leveraging
commercial capacity to improve the resiliency and lethality of the Nation’s space capabilities.
The strategic space environment remains driven, in part, by national security and civil needs.
However, mature and emerging commercial space solutions offer opportunities for the USSF to
explore new avenues for meeting its requirements. The commercial sector in the United States is
now developing solutions that were previously only pursued by the government, such as
proliferated commercial low Earth orbit capabilities and on-orbit servicing, assembly, and
manufacturing. U.S. launch providers also continue to innovate and improve access to and
return from space. Most, if not all, of these commercial space solutions are available as services
with agile timelines from contracting to execution truly operating at the “speed of need.”
Moreover, the United States enjoys many other benefits from organizations of all sizes in the
commercial sector – from reduced costs made possible by current and emerging private space
U.S. Space Force Commercial Space Strategy
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actors to job creation in areas including manufacturing, transportation, logistics, agriculture,
finance, communications, and cyber.
Beyond these direct benefits, this ecosystem of innovation provides opportunities for the United
States' Allies and partners to further cooperate with the U.S. space sector at a time when strategic
competitors actively seek to leverage their capabilities by courting the international community.
U.S. national interests are furthered when the U.S. space sector thrives and when the United
States is the country of choice for international space investment.
The Space Force and the Nation become stronger through the effective integration of commercial
space solutions during times of peace, competition, crisis, conflict, and post-conflict. The USSF
must act with forethought on how best to integrate commercial space solutions, putting in place
controls that address its anticipated surge requirements and other wartime capabilities throughout
the competition continuum. For example, when the U.S. government requires priority access to
space capacity and to augment owned systems, the Commercial Augmentation Space Reserve
(CASR) is a framework allowing the USSF to accomplish the necessary transition throughout
this continuum by entering into pre-negotiated contractual agreements which would be activated
in times of crisis or conflict.
Additionally, organizations like the USSF Joint Commercial Operations cell (JCO) strengthen
continuity with Allies, partners, academia, and the commercial sector. The JCO was established
as a consortium of commercial companies synergistically operating together with Allies to
actively monitor the space environment and solve pressing space problems in support of the
space superiority mission. The JCO continues to seek diverse participants to support established
and emerging missions including Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Tracking (SRT); Non-Earth
Imaging (NEI); Cooperative Jamming and Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI); Data
Exploitation and Enhanced Processing (DEEP); Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT); and
Space-based Radio Frequency (RF).
Purpose and Scope
This strategy details how the Department of the Air Force and USSF will execute its
responsibilities related to the 2024 DoD CSIS. It serves to frame that Service-level activities
needed to increase U.S. competitive advantage by integrating commercial space solutions to
support Joint and Combined operations. It directs Guardians to implement the four LOEs to
optimize commercial integration and provides a demand signal to the commercial sector on
where their capabilities are needed most to create structures that enable robust engagements.
Purpose. The purpose of this strategy is to complement OSD’s effort to maximize the benefits
of integrating commercial space solutions to increase U.S. competitive advantage and support
Central Theme
The United States Space Force will take full advantage of the speed, innovation, and
capabilities offered by the commercial sector to create strategic advantage and support
Combatant Commander objectives in times of peace, competition, crisis, conflict, and post-
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Joint and Combined operations. It outlines our new mindset and approach, describes proposal
evaluation criteria, prioritizes missions where commercial space is desired, and defines key terms
to enhance collaboration across stakeholder segments. Furthermore, it directs and empowers
Guardians to implement the goals and actions described in this strategy in alignment with USSF
guidance and policy while informing the commercial sector, and U.S. Allies and partners.
Scope. This strategy reimagines existing organize, train, and equip functions and ongoing
practical efforts to incorporate commercial space solutions, goods, services, and activities more
fully. It focuses on mission areas and functions along space, link, and ground segments that are
considered commercially supportable.
Audience. The primary audiences for this strategy are USSF Guardians and the commercial
sector. However, this strategy is also meant to inform our sister services, U.S. Allies and
partners, the U.S. Executive Branch, and the U.S. Congress.
Consideration Criteria. In concert with DoD policy and guidelines, the following four criteria
will inform USSF decision-making related to the utilization of commercial space solutions:
Operational Utility – Does the capability, good, service, or activity provide a capability or
requirement needed, in part or in whole, for USSF operations in support of a Joint or
Combined campaign?
FeasibilityIs the cost to acquire and exploit the capability, good, service, or activity of
sufficient value and at a cost level that the USSF is prepared to resource?
Resilience by DesignDoes the capability, good, service, or activity contribute to
resilience and secure an enduring competitive advantage?
Speed to Fielding – Does the timeline to effective use of the capability, good, service, or
activity provide an advantage in enabling operations or counteracting a threat?
Opportunities for Industry
The USSF will work with commercial sector partners to better integrate commercial space
solutions into the national security space architecture. This strategy highlights mission areas,
priorities, and approach to commercial integration to provide a demand signal where commercial
space solutions best fit.
For the purposes of this strategy, mission areas considered for commercial support will be
subdivided into Space Domain Awareness (SDA); Satellite Communications (SATCOM); Space
Access, Mobility, and Logistics (SAML); Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR)
hereafter referred to as Tactical, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Tracking (TacSRT); Space-
based Environmental Monitoring (SBEM); Cyberspace Operations; Command and Control (C2);
and Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT). Additionally, the USSF will seek hybrid
solutions for Space Mission Enablers, those functions that span multiple missions and are
fundamental to conducting space operations. Although the USSF also performs missile warning,
combat power projection, electromagnetic warfare, and nuclear detonation (NUDET) detection,
the USSF is not currently seeking commercial support for these missions.
U.S. Space Force Commercial Space Strategy
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These missions are detailed within LOE #2. The USSF’s priority missions for new
commercial integration are TacSRT; SBEM; PNT; and SAML; as well as the continued
integration of commercial space solutions into mature missions like SATCOM, Launch,
and SDA. These priorities are the demand signal to industry of the USSF’s commitment to
“buying what we can.” Even in mission areas where certain activities have been traditionally
performed by the government, commercial space solutions can and will be considered to support
and augment government capabilities.
The USSF understands barriers to entry traditionally preventing some companies and solutions
from being integrated into operations. The USSF will update processes to ease that integration
as much as possible. The USSF recognizes that in some mission areas, it can rapidly buy mature
commercial space solutions that have a broad customer base, while in other mission areas, the
government will serve, at least temporarily, as an anchor customer. Supporting a broad industry
base, while separate from operationally urgent needs, will be accounted for in the Service’s
future funding requests to ensure competitive advantage.
Because the USSF requires cross-cutting capabilities and services such as decision support
software and tools, rapid prototyping, artificial intelligence, data management, ground support,
and modeling and simulation, small and large companies alike have significant opportunities to
partner with the service. Many companies that are not traditionally considered part of the space
sector can provide some or all these valuable cross-cutting capabilities. The USSF seeks a
variety of goods, services, and activities that support and integrate into a multifaceted hybrid
space architecture. These hybrid space architectures required in force designs will better
integrate commercial space solutions, allowing the commercial sector to support the USSF to
meet partial or full mission needs.
To improve commercial integration efforts, the USSF requires greater situational awareness of
commercial space solutions. Guardians will build institutional processes to balance missions,
needs, and opportunities for commercial integration with that situational awareness in mind. The
USSF will conduct future industry engagements to improve transparency of investment
intentions and enhance two-way communication regarding commercial integration. Guardians
will continue to partner with the commercial sector, to improve integration efforts and further
accelerate U.S. competitive advantage.
Desired End States
Each USSF Field Command (FLDCOM) and Direct Reporting Unit (DRU) will use the CSS to
guide integrated activities. Tasks will be performed by USSF Headquarters Staff, a FLDCOM, a
DRU, or a U.S. Air Force-supporting organization (by request) to improve operational or
institutional activities for integrating commercial space solutions. The USSF will also integrate
the requirements of other Military Services into its commercial space utilization plans. Goals are
the known, measured, and scoped achievements indicating progress toward the end states
detailed below. Each organization will implement the USSF CSS per the direction of its
commanders and directors.
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Force Offering. The commercial sector and commercial space solutions will be included in
Space Force-provided capabilities to meet Combatant Command needs as part of a hybrid
architecture for increased capacity and capability.
Transparency. Guardians, at all levels, understand current commercial efforts across their
mission areas, along with the commercial sector awareness to understand the full range of
potential capabilities across these mission areas.
Culture. Guardians are commercial-minded and include the commercial sector as a part of the
USSF operational culture consistent with the Department of the Air Force’s longstanding
commitment to ethical conduct in working with the commercial sector. The USSF culture must
also move towards a “buy” and “exploit” model and away from a primary “build” model to the
maximum extent possible and appropriate.
Resourcing. Current funding levels and annual budgeting requests must evolve to achieve the
desired end states. As hybrid architectures are integrated into USSF force designs, budgets will
be realigned and reprioritized to fully support their fielding. Likewise, as the CSS matures, the
USSF will make any necessary organizational adjustments to fully leverage the operational
benefits gained by hybrid architectures.
Integration. The USSF ensures proper and timely integration of commercial space solutions
into its day-to-day operations, supporting a range of mission areas. This includes incorporating
the commercial sector in wargames, exercises, and training, as well as overcoming internal
structural and cultural barriers related to a historic overreliance on exquisite government
Collaboration. The USSF continually engages with Allies, partners, industry, national leaders,
regional leaders, and global commercial sector stakeholders, and leads space engagement
activities where appropriate.
The USSF will maximize the potential benefits of integrating commercial space solutions by
pursuing the four key LOE’s. Each LOE has specific goals and immediate actions to enable
commercial integration in USSF space architectures.
LOE #1Collaborative Transparency
Description: The USSF will actively seek commercial space solutions to increase integrated
deterrence by fielding of diverse, resilient, proliferated satellite constellations, and distributed
space architectures. Building partnerships and collaborating with the commercial sector will
enable the sustainable expansion and integration of commercial space solutions across the
spectrum of conflict. The USSF will enhance its competitive advantage by developing a
comprehensive understanding of the commercial sector’s innovative culture, shorter
development timelines, and a burgeoning array of commercial space solutions to the greatest
extent practicable.
U.S. Space Force Commercial Space Strategy
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This LOE emphasizes that the success of this strategy relies on effective engagement and
persistent collaboration across the DoD, U.S. government interagency, commercial sector, Allies,
and partners to secure necessary, enduring resources and support from both domestic and foreign
Outreach with industry associations, think tanks, and academia will be a continual effort, so the
implementation of this strategy can be best informed by emerging technologies and changing
policy trends.
Immediate Goal: The USSF will enhance its awareness of commercial space solutions to
understand market trends, recognize and mitigate undue barriers to collaboration, and identify
capabilities the USSF should integrate into space architectures.
As part of the Force Design process, the USSF will identify requirements that can, should, and
will be met by commercial space solutions within each mission area. Where Force Designs are
still in progress, Program Executive Officers (PEOs), in concert with the Commercial Space
Office (COMSO), are encouraged to work with operations, testing, and training to identify
commercial opportunities that can meet existing requirements.
The USSF will also leverage existing and emerging opportunities to integrate Guardians into the
commercial sector to exchange best practices, identify creative solutions to operational problems,
and build a mutual understanding of evolving mission requirements and possibilities.
Office of Primary Responsibility: The Chief Strategy and Resourcing Officer (CSRO), with
support from the COMSO, will serve as the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) for LOE #1.
In coordination with DAF stakeholders, the CSRO will develop regional and national
relationships to gain support and resources to further integrate commercial space solutions.
Detailed tasks for LOE #1 will be captured in a subsequent planning order (PLANORD).
LOE #2 Operational and Technical Integration
Description: The USSF will operationally integrate commercial space solutions into a hybrid
space architecture. This LOE includes developing the policies, processes, and procedures that
allow the commercial sector to integrate data and hardware with the USSF and will require unity
of effort between USSF and the Joint Force when conducting missions involving employment of
hybrid architectures.
USSF mission areas considered suitable for commercial integration are detailed below. Those
higher on the list indicate missions where 1) commercial space solutions currently exist, but
could be increased, and 2) the USSF is actively seeking integration of those capabilities across
the Joint Force and will continue to look for greater partnering opportunities. Those areas lower
on the list may still provide emerging opportunities while preserving critical and inherently
governmental functions.
Note: Italicized text identifies the capabilities, at a minimum, the USSF will look to the
commercial sector to support (domestic, regional, and global).
1. Satellite Communications (SATCOM)
SATCOM includes the operation of spacecraft constellations that support beyond-line-of-sight
communications critical to establishing C2, data transport, and reach back for the worldwide
Joint Force. The availability of global SATCOM is critical to the posture and mission
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effectiveness of modern warfighting for the United States and its allies. The USSF seeks
capabilities from the commercial sector that increase and/or improve data transport speed,
capacity, agility, flexibility, reliability, and/or resiliency and incorporate emerging technologies
for the Joint Force to maintain competitive endurance. The USSF will prioritize capabilities that
can easily integrate into a federated system of systems (e.g., seek system agnostic, multiband,
multi-orbit, machine-to-machine automation, etc.). The USSF will look to improve resilience
through the integration of proliferated commercial networks into hybrid architectures and offset
future investments in government owned capabilities.
2. Space Domain Awareness (SDA)
SDA is the timely, relevant, and actionable understanding of the operational environment that
allows military forces to plan, integrate, execute, and assess space operations. SDA is achieved
via the fusion of status and planned activities of U.S., Allied, and third-party space systems; an
understanding of the space physical environment; knowledge of potential adversary systems or
activities; and insight into an adversary’s intent or likely response to an event. SDA enables the
USSF to detect, characterize, locate, maintain custody of, and track adversary capabilities to
maintain space superiority and the effective management of U.S. and allied space assets. Today,
the USSF conducts significant testing, experimentation, and operational support to the Joint
Force with the commercial sector. The USSF seeks capabilities from the commercial sector that
can contribute to the holistic generation of SDA.
3. Space Access, Mobility, and Logistics (SAML)
SAML supports Joint space operations sustainment through spacelift, force reconstitution,
maintenance, and logistics of space assets. Spacelift includes space launch services or
capabilities, launch vehicle multi-mission manifesting, launch facilities, spaceport infrastructure,
launch command and control, and spacecraft processing facilities. Commercial launch services
are fully integrated into USSF space access requirements and the USSF recognizes it may be the
anchor customer, at least temporarily, in some areas of the space mobility and logistics market.
The United States enjoys a robust and resilient space launch capability with the support of USSF
installation, infrastructure, and support services provided to industry. The capabilities the USSF
seeks from the commercial sector are launch services, flexible launch options, in-space
servicing, and tactically responsive space capabilities that the Service can test, experiment with,
and integrate into future missions. These capabilities will build on the National Security Space
Launch program, interoperability baseline with Allies and partners, and provide sustainability
as part of the USSF force generation process (SPAFORGEN) to the Joint commands.
4. Tactical Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Tracking (TacSRT)
TacSRT is an activity that synchronizes and integrates the planning and operation of sensors and
assets, and the processing, exploitation, and dissemination systems in direct support of
operations. This is not intelligence in the formal sense but rather it is space-enabled operational
information about adversary military force capability, composition, and disposition, as well as
positional and inertial data that is relevant to the planning, decision-making, and operations in
every domain. TacSRT is conducted by the USSF to obtain information and insights not
available in the absence of TacSRT activities, enable military planning and battle management to
establish and reinforce precedents and norms of military behavior, and support rescue and
humanitarian efforts. Functions of targeting, tracking, adversary capability estimation, warning,
and assessment require timely and comprehensive collection via TacSRT, as well as data analytic
services and robust communications pathways to meet Joint Force requirements. The USSF
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seeks broad surveillance services, planning products, data, transmission and fusion, and analytic
capabilities from the commercial sector that can aid in the development and optimization of
TacSRT functions in support of services and Combatant Commander objectives. As it pursues
those services, the USSF will continue to partner with the Intelligence Community to leverage
existing capabilities where appropriate to ensure there is not duplicative effort.
5. Space-based Environmental Monitoring (SBEM)
Environmental monitoring includes sensing, characterizing, and exploiting the natural
environment. Terrestrial environmental monitoring fuses data and observations from multiple
phenomenology sensors fielded across the land, maritime, air, and space domains and provides
information, support, and warnings to Joint Forces throughout the world with meteorological and
oceanographic information affecting operations across all domains. Characterization of natural
phenomena in the space environment uses terrestrial and space-based sensors to identify
environmental threats to systems and operations within the space domain. Detection of space
environmental events and impacts is critical to protecting spacecraft and operations for the
United States and its Allies and partners. The USSF seeks environmental monitoring capabilities
from the commercial sector to characterize both terrestrial (via space-based sensing) and space
environments (via both terrestrial and space-based sensing) to improve the resilience of
terrestrial and space environmental monitoring architectures; inform Joint warfighter
operational planners and decision makers; and improve the resilience of military systems to
deliver warfighting effects and avoid operational surprises.
6. Cyberspace Operations
Space operations are heavily reliant on and integrated with cyberspace operations. Space Force
operations project combat power through the cyber domain, creating offensive or defensive
space operational effects to achieve commander objectives. USSF cyberspace forces support
these objectives through the conduct of defensive cyberspace operations and DoD information
network operations. Cyberspace operations also include operational actions taken to secure,
configure, operate, extend, maintain, and sustain a space system’s integrity, creating and
preserving the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the space system’s data.
Cybersecurity is the responsibility of both the USSF and its commercial partners. Cybersecurity
is a foundational requirement for any commercial provider to be considered for USSF
integration. To ensure cyber risks are appropriately accounted for, each provider will be
evaluated against the National Security Agency, the National Institute of Standards and
Technology, and the Defense Information Systems Agency standards. The USSF seeks
capabilities from the commercial sector that can provide levels of mission assurance across all
segments (ground, link, and space). Moreover, the USSF seeks capabilities that further enable
its digital force, including making data visible, accessible, understandable, linked, trustworthy,
interoperable, and secure. This requires bold changes and technology development consistent
with the DoD Zero Trust Framework and DoD Data, Analytics, and AI Adoption Strategy. The
USSF seeks enduring partnerships and capabilities to enable a future of improved awareness
and protection of the cyberspace domain with Allies and partners.
7. Command and Control (C2)
To meet the intent of mission command, the C2 of military space forces must overcome the
global and remote nature of space operations in a way that systematically provides tactical forces
with the SDA required to recognize, coordinate, and exploit fleeting battlespace opportunities
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and prevent decision paralysis. The Space Force philosophy of C2 must support the way the
Joint Force intends to fight. The USSF seeks capabilities from the commercial sector that
increase C2 capacity and capability. The USSF will prioritize capabilities with dynamic
technology (i.e. multi-band). These types of capabilities allow for delivery of resilient data
management, decision support tools, planning support, and secure global communications to the
Joint Force to avoid operational surprise and deny adversarial first-mover advantages.
8. Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT)
Space-based PNT is a global, multi-use capability that is essential to executing the Joint
functions of C2, movement, maneuver, and fires in a military campaign. It is crucial in its
support to U.S. and Allied diplomatic, informational, military, and economic objectives. PNT
systems, in combination with user equipment, provide the Joint Force with precise four-
dimensional positioning capability, navigation options, and a highly accurate time reference.
The USSF seeks PNT capabilities from the commercial sector to enable operational resilience
across the Joint Force and our Allies and partners. The USSF will test and evaluate these
capabilities to inform on operational utilization across the spectrum of conflict.
Space Mission Enablers
Space Mission Enablers include capabilities that are not associated with a particular mission area
but can support one or more of those mission areas. These capabilities are fundamental to
conducting routine and complex space operations. The USSF requires cross-cutting capabilities
and services such as constellation management; standard user interfaces for satellite Telemetry,
Tracking, and Commanding; decision support software and tools; rapid prototyping; artificial
intelligence; data management; ground support; common operating pictures that integrate
multiple streams of data; modeling and simulation; etc. Companies of all sizes – including those
not traditionally involved in providing commercial space solutions – have significant
opportunities to partner with the USSF to provide some or all these valuable cross-cutting
Immediate Goals: For mission areas where the USSF has determined relevance for commercial
integration, all USSF units will be able to operate within a framework and secure the tools
necessary to fully integrate commercial space solutions. Those organizations directly integrating
the commercial sector operationally will have situational awareness of the marketplace and be
able to validate commercial goods, services, or activities through training and collaboration with
the affected operational units where necessary. For each relevant mission, the USSF will ensure
that there is a process to flexibly select commercial vendors to meet Joint Force operational
Operational units utilizing commercial space solutions will have situational awareness of the
commercial sector in a manner that enables due diligence and improves integration. Institutional
integration of commercial space solutions requires ongoing analysis and updates to doctrine,
operational concepts, organizational constructs, training, material acquisition, leadership
education, personnel structures, facilities, and policies. Specifically, future USSF Force Design
and Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) processes will include more
commercial space solutions. Funding will be allocated based on the strategic importance and
urgency of missions within the USSF and priority will be given to mission areas critical for
enhancing national security. This prioritization aligns with the USSF's overarching objective of
maintaining space superiority and protecting U.S. interests in the space domain.
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The Space Force must also aggressively pursue commercial space solutions that enhance its
Operational Test and Training Infrastructure to improve purpose-built and residual use test and
training capabilities to strengthen the USSF’s readiness generation activities. This effort may
include commercial test and training services, such as virtual or synthetic orbital ranges
populated with red and blue forces, to meet desired test and training objectives for operational
Office of Primary Responsibility: The Service Acquisition Executive for Space Systems and
Programs (SAF/SQ) and CSRO, with support from the PEOs, will serve as the OPRs for LOE
#2. SAF/SQ and CSRO, in coordination with DAF stakeholders, will clarify and/or develop
operational organizations, pathways, and/or processes to improve operational and technical
integration of commercial capabilities and services across all mission areas. This includes
clarification on roles, responsibilities, and resourcing of commercially focused organizations
within Space Operations Command , Space Systems Command (SSC), Space Warfighting
Analysis Center, Space Rapid Capabilities Office, Space Development Agency, and Component
Field Commands. Detailed tasks for LOE #2 will be captured in a subsequent PLANORD.
LOE #3 Risk Management
Description: The integration of commercial space solutions into the USSF architecture is not
without risk. Companies that choose to employ solutions in support of military operations must
accept the inherent risk of doing so and take actions to protect their capabilities to ensure
availability when needed, including in wartime. The USSF will aid commercial companies to
identify these risks and provide actionable, timely data to aid in risk mitigation.
Immediate Goals: The USSF must establish a process to share threat information with
commercial companies that permits the timely dissemination of actionable threat data, thus
reducing risk to the commercial systems. Information sharing will include SDA and
cybersecurity threat information at multiple classification levels. The USSF will work with the
DoD to mitigate barriers including overclassification, clearance processes, and cleared facility
access to establish scalable procedures for unclassified communications with the commercial
space sector.
Office of Primary Responsibility: The CSRO will serve as the OPR for LOE #3. The CSRO,
in coordination with DAF stakeholders, will develop a means to share threat information more
broadly and fully with the commercial sector, and identify barriers to sharing data and work with
the appropriate organizations to lower classification where appropriate. Detailed tasks for LOE
#3 will be captured in a subsequent PLANORD.
LOE #4 Secure the Future
Description: The USSF will continue to seek out emerging technologies in the commercial
space sector that have the potential to support the Joint and Combined Force today and in the
future. The USSF will enhance its competitive advantage by utilizing the commercial sector’s
innovative culture, shorter development timelines, and burgeoning array of space goods,
services, and activities to the greatest extent practicable. In this effort, the USSF will prioritize
Science and Technology efforts that are tailored to the operational environment and optimized
for fielding capabilities on operationally-relevant timelines.
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Immediate Goals: The USSF must establish a process to look across commercial offerings, to
include traditional and non-traditional space sector, to identify the cross-cutting capabilities and
services that can satisfy operational requirements. Additionally, the USSF will continue to foster
and encourage growth of the industrial base through partnerships with organizations like
SpaceWERX, AFWERX, DIU, etc.
Office of Primary Responsibility: SSC will serve as OPR for LOE #4. SSC, in coordination
with DAF stakeholders, will increase awareness of commercial solutions that satisfy
requirements with Allies and partners and increase awareness of USSF mission needs across
those same stakeholders. SSC will also support and amplify DoD and interagency efforts for the
export of commercial space solutions, including those developed by small- and medium-sized
entities, for use in international markers, consistent with U.S. export controls and national
security objectives. Detailed tasks for LOE #4 will be captured in a subsequent PLANORD.
The USSF believes the cost and challenges of undertaking this strategy pale in comparison to
risks of maintaining the status quo and is committed to development of hybrid space capabilities
that integrate DoD, commercial, and Allied capabilities. Guardians are committed to the
expansion of industry partnerships to increase resiliency and improve support to the Joint Force.
In space, multiple stakeholders are simultaneously operating in the same environment, subject to
the same threats, and dependent upon one another in the accomplishment of respective missions.
It is imperative that the USSF maximizes the integration of the disparate space capabilities on the
ground and on-orbit, and fully leverages innovation in the commercial sector through the “exploit
what we have, buy what we can, and build what we must” approach to acquiring and fielding
space capabilities.
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capabilities. The technology used by the military across the spectrum of conflict.
combat power projection. The projection of combat power, as space combat power,
includes offensive and defensive military force (fires and protection) in, from, or to the
space domain (including navigation warfare). (SDP 3-0)
command and control (C2). The exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated
commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of the mission. (Joint
Publication 3-0; SDP 3-0)
commercial. Pursuant to the 2020 National Space Policy, refers to capabilities, goods, services,
or activities provided by private sector enterprises that bear a reasonable portion of the
investment risk and responsibility for the activity, operate in accordance with typical market-
based incentives for controlling cost and optimizing return on investment, and have the legal
capacity to offer those goods or services to existing or potential non-governmental customers.
The terms commercial product and commercial service are defined according to the Federal
Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Part 2.
Commercial Augmentation Space Reserve (CASR). A framework designed to ensure that the
USSF can leverage the capabilities of the commercial sector to enhance the resilience, capacity,
and effectiveness of its national security space architecture. It is flexible and adaptable to
evolving technologies, operational requirements, and commercial offerings.
commercial integration. The incorporation of commercial solutions into U.S. defense planning,
operations, missions, and architectures. (DOD CSIS)
commercial sector. Individuals, companies, and organizations that produce solutions for
commercial markets, that bear a significant portion of the investment risk and responsibility, that
operate in accordance with commercial market incentives for controlling costs and optimizing
return on investment, and that have the legal capacity to offer those solutions. (DOD CSIS)
commercially supported. Denotes that the USSF has determined that task controls and task
performance of a mission, activity, or operation can be executed, in whole or part, by a
commercial sector entity. Such an execution must not compromise the responsibilities and
decision-making required for any government task, regardless of task controls and task
performance. The USSF default position—subject to national security interests and applicable
law, including 10 U.S.C. § 2461, Public Law 105-270, and the 2022 National Defense
Authorization Act—is to pursue commercial space solutions to fill current or emerging
operational requirements.
Relevance for the USSF: An understanding of inherently governmental functions informs those
missions and functions that can be ultimately commercially supported. Clarity by the USSF on
commercially supported criteria enables industry to consider the future integration of emerging
commercial goods, services, and activities. Commercially supported functions help rapidly
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deliver capabilities to the Joint Force and enhance U.S. competitive advantage. The USSF's use
of commercial space solutions as part of a diverse, proliferated, and distributed space
architecture increases resilience and reduces an adversary’s incentives for attack, including any
perceived first-mover advantage.
commercial space solution. Space systems, capabilities, or services offered by the commercial
constellation. In space operations, a system of spacecraft acts in concert to perform a specific
mission. (JP 3-14; Approved for incorporation into the DoD Dictionary)
cyberspace operations. Due to the distributed nature of space operations, all space operations
are simultaneously cyber operations and electromagnetic spectrum operations. Space Force
cyber operations project combat power through the cyberspace domain, creating offensive or
defensive space operations effects (fires and protection). (SDP 3-0)
defensive space operations. Actions taken to preserve friendly freedom of action in space. (JP
3-14; Approved for inclusion in the DoD Dictionary)
disaggregation. Separating dissimilar capabilities into distinct platforms or payloads, such as
separating tactical and strategic communications. (Space Domain Mission Assurance: A
Resilience Taxonomy, 2015)
distribution. Using multiple nodes, to perform the same mission or functions to ensure no
individual satellite or ground node is fundamental to the success of that mission. (Space Domain
Mission Assurance: A Resilience Taxonomy, 2015)
diversification. Leveraging alternative means to contribute to the same mission in multiple
ways, using different platforms, different orbits, or systems and capabilities of civil, commercial,
or international partners. An example would be the U.S. Joint Force leveraging both government
and commercial satellite communications systems. (Space Domain Mission Assurance: A
Resilience Taxonomy, 2015)
electromagnetic warfare. Electromagnetic warfare is military actions involving the
use of electromagnetic and directed energy to control the EMS or to attack the adversary (fires
and protection). Electromagnetic warfare consists of three distinct divisions: electromagnetic
attack, electromagnetic support, and electromagnetic protection. (SDP 3-0; Joint Publication 3-
85, Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations)
environmental monitoring. Includes sensing, characterizing, and exploiting the natural
environment (intelligence and information). (SDP 3-0)
force design. Force Design accounts for all aspects of the doctrine, organization, training,
materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy (DOTmLPF-P) analysis and
is the mechanism by which we conceptualize the force we need (objective force). Looking five
to fifteen years into the future, Force Design leverages mission analyses, wargames,
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experimentation, and exercises to inform new requirements, architectures, and operational
The output of the Force Design process is an Objective Forcethe capabilities, capacity, and
force structure that we think is required for Guardians to accomplish their roles and missions in
the forecasted operational environment. The Objective Force is an aspirational point of
departure for resourcing, but fiscal realities often constrain the force we buy. The difference
between the force we need and the force we buy (programmed force) represents operational risk.
(CSO Notice to Guardians #21)
force development. Force Development mitigates operational risk by adapting processes,
equipment, and thinking to account for projected operational challenges. It does this through
talent management, education, training, tactics development, test and evaluation, acquisition, and
resourcing. Force Development minimizes the risk that emerges from never having exactly what
we think we need to address current and future requirements, and it serves to enhance and
optimize the force we field. (CSO Notice to Guardians #21)
force employment. Force Employment involves the planning, force management, and decision-
making required to fulfill military objectives with the Fielded Force. Put simply, Force
Employment is what we do today with what we have now. This includes the day-to-day tactical
missions Guardians conduct under the operational control of a Space Force Service Component
commander, operational-level planning, and strategic-level decision-making that occurs under
the combatant commanders’ authority. (CSO Notice to Guardians #21)
force generation. Force Generation activities build, sustain, and reconstitute force elements
capable of conducting prompt and sustained operations. Force Generation transforms the force
we field into the force we present to the combatant commanders. (CSO Notice to Guardians #21)
hybrid space architecture. Combining national security, civil, commercial, or international
space and terrestrial hardware and software which are highly interoperable and integrated to
ensure flexible and effective operations.
inherently governmental functions. As defined in Section 5 of the Federal Activities Inventory
Reform Act, Public Law 105–270, are functions that are so intimately related to the public
interest as to require performance by Federal Government employees.
missile warning. Includes terrestrial and space-based sensors providing time-critical event
processing and releasing data for decision-maker notification throughout the world (intelligence,
information, and protection). (SDP 3-0)
navigation warfare. Actions that maintain friendly use of positioning, navigation, and timing
information while denying the same to an adversary. Also called NAVWAR. (JP 3-14;
Approved for incorporation into the DoD Dictionary)
nuclear detonation (NUDET) detection. Space-based NUDET detection systems provide a
worldwide, highly survivable capability to detect, locate, and report nuclear detonations in the
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Earth’s atmosphere, near space, or deep space in near-real time (intelligence and information).
(SDP 3-0)
offensive space operations. Actions taken to deny an adversary freedom of action in space. (JP
3-14; Approved for inclusion in the DoD Dictionary)
positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT). Space-based PNT is a global, multi-use service that
is essential to executing the Joint functions of C2, movement and maneuver, and fires in a
military campaign, and crucial in its support to United States and allied diplomatic,
informational, military, and economic objectives. (SDP 3-0)
proliferated. The deployment of large numbers of the same platform, payload, or systems of the
same types to perform the same mission. (Space Domain Mission Assurance: A Resilience
Taxonomy, 2015)
protection. Active and passive measures to ensure space systems can provide a service in
support of any operating environment or condition, such as onboard jam protection and nuclear
hardening. (Space Domain Mission Assurance: A Resilience Taxonomy, 2015)
reconstitution. Plans or operations to bring new assets online (e.g., launching replacement
satellites or activating new ground stations) to replenish lost or diminished functions to an
acceptable level for a particular mission, operation, or contingency after an attack or catastrophic
event. (Space Domain Mission Assurance: A Resilience Taxonomy, 2015)
resilience. The ability of an architecture to support the functions necessary for mission success
with higher probability, shorter periods of reduced capability, and across a wider range of
scenarios, conditions, and threats, despite hostile action or adverse conditions. (Space Domain
Mission Assurance: A Resilience Taxonomy, 2015)
satellite communications (SATCOM). Includes the operation of spacecraft constellations that
support beyond-line-of-sight communications critical to establishing command and control and
reach back for the worldwide Joint Force (information). The availability of global SATCOM is
critical to the posture and mission effectiveness of modern warfighting for the United States and
its allies.
space access, mobility, and logistics (SAML). SAML supports Joint space operations
sustainment through spacelift, force reconstitution, maintenance of a force of space operations
personnel, and support to human space flight. Spacelift includes space launch services or
capabilities, launch vehicle multi-mission manifesting, launch facilities, spaceport infrastructure,
launch command and control, and spacecraft processing facilities.
space domain. The area above the altitude where atmospheric effects on airborne objects
become negligible. (JP 3-14; Approved for incorporation into the DoD Dictionary)
space domain awareness (SDA). SDA is the timely, relevant, and actionable understanding of
the operational environment that allows military forces to plan, integrate, execute, and assess
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space operations. SDA is achieved via the fusion of status and planned activities of U.S., allied,
and third-party space systems; an understanding of the space physical environment, including
knowledge of potential adversary systems or activities; and insight into an adversary’s intent or
likely response to an event. SDA enables the USSF to detect, characterize, locate, maintain
custody of, and track adversary capabilities to maintain space superiority and the effective
management of U.S. and allied space assets.
space forces. The space and terrestrial systems, equipment, facilities, organizations, and
personnel, or combination thereof, necessary to conduct space operations. (DoD Dictionary; JP
space operations. The employment of space forces in, to, or from space to achieve objectives.
(JP 3-14; Approved for inclusion in the DoD Dictionary)
space situational awareness. The requisite foundational, current, and predictive knowledge and
characterization of space orbital objects and the space domain. (JP 3-14; Approved for
incorporation into the DoD Dictionary)
space superiority. The degree of control in the space domain of one force over another that
permits freedom of access and action without prohibitive interference. (JP 3-14; Approved for
incorporation into the DoD Dictionary)
spacelift. Primarily supported by enabling capabilities, delivers payloads (spacecraft or other
materials) into space and, in some cases, enables the safe reentry and recovery of launch
vehicles. (JP 3-14)
surveillance, reconnaissance, and tracking (SRT). SRT is an activity that synchronizes and
integrates the planning and operation of sensors and assets, and the processing, exploitation, and
dissemination systems in direct support of both intelligence and operations. Space-enabled SRT
provides information about adversary military force capability, composition, disposition, and
intent, as well as positional and inertial data that is relevant to the planning, decision making, and
operations in every domain.