Guide Bulletin Update 06/30/15 Chapter 45 Page 1
The current official electronic version of the Guide is published by AllRegs
and accessible via either (for free) or the
AllRegs web site of ICE Mortgage Technology (with a paid subscription).
Chapter 45
Real Estate Owned
Multifamily Seller/Servicer Guide
45.1 General REO responsibilities (10/07/08)
45.2 Insurance (10/07/08)
45.3 Reimbursement of expenses incurred by the Servicer (06/30/15)
a. Form 104, Loan and Real Estate Owned (REO) Expenses and Income submission (06/30/15)
b. Reimbursable expenses (10/07/08)
c. Income credits (06/30/15)
d. Documentation requirements (06/30/15)
e. Form 104, Loan and Real Estate Owned (REO) Expenses and Income, audits (06/30/15)
Guide Bulletin Update 06/30/15 Chapter 45 Page 2
The current official electronic version of the Guide is published by AllRegs
and accessible via either (for free) or the AllRegs
web site of ICE Mortgage Technology (with a paid subscription).
Guide Chapter 45 Real Estate Owned
45.1 General REO responsibilities (10/07/08)
Freddie Mac alone will handle the marketing, sale and disposition of multifamily Real Estate Owned
(REO) properties for which Freddie Mac was the successful bidder at a foreclosure sale. Freddie Mac
may, from time to time, request recommendations from Servicers regarding local brokers and/or
prospective purchasers for REO. The Servicer's responsibility for servicing REO may continue at
Freddie Mac's request until final disposition of the REO and Freddie Mac's receipt of all proceeds.
45.2 Insurance (10/07/08)
Freddie Mac may require the Servicer to maintain any insurance required by the Purchase and
Servicing Documents until Freddie Mac acquires title to the REO. Freddie Mac maintains liability
insurance and will place hazard coverage for properties acquired in its name.
45.3 Reimbursement of expenses incurred by the Servicer (06/30/15)
Freddie Mac will reimburse the Servicer for reasonable expenses incurred in accordance with the
guidelines provided in Section 45.3(b) and/or specifically approved by Freddie Mac, when applicable,
during the foreclosure process and during the period pending disposition. The Servicer must
administer all funds in a Borrower's Reserve to pay expenses, but only in accordance with the terms
set forth in the Loan Documents and State and local requirements. Reimbursement of expenses by
Freddie Mac will always be proportionate to Freddie Mac's interest in the Mortgage.
Reimbursement of incurred expenses will be made by Freddie Mac upon receipt of a completed Form
104, Loan and Real Estate Owned (REO) Expenses and Income.
a. Form 104, Loan and Real Estate Owned (REO) Expenses and Income submission (06/30/15)
The Servicer must submit completed Forms 104 via the Document Management System (DMS)
using the Borrower Transactions instructions.
The Servicer files the initial Form 104 to request reimbursement of expenses incurred up to and
during the foreclosure process (up to and including the date of acquisition). Freddie Mac must
receive the initial Form 104 within 45 days after the foreclosure sale.
The Servicer files the final Form 104 to request reimbursement of expenses incurred by the
Servicer after the foreclosure sale. Freddie Mac must receive the final Form 104 within 30
days following the sale of the REO.
The Servicer may also submit a supplemental Form 104 after an initial or final Form 104 is filed
to request reimbursement of any omission from either an initial or final Form 104. These
submissions must be received by Freddie Mac no later than 60 days following the sale of the
Freddie Mac reserves the right to deny reimbursement if a Form 104 is not received in accordance
with the requirements set forth in this section.
Guide Bulletin Update 06/30/15 Chapter 45 Page 3
The current official electronic version of the Guide is published by AllRegs
and accessible via either (for free) or the AllRegs
web site of ICE Mortgage Technology (with a paid subscription).
Guide Chapter 45 Real Estate Owned
b. Reimbursable expenses (10/07/08)
Freddie Mac will reimburse Servicers for reasonable expenses incurred in accordance with the
following guidelines.
The Servicer must contact the assigned Multifamily Asset Resolution Analyst before the
Seller/Servicer incurs an expense that requires Freddie Mac's prior approval. The Seller/Servicer's
Type of expenditure
Reimbursement guidelines
Reimbursement will be based on limitations established by
Freddie Mac, unless the Servicer obtains prior written approval
for an increased amount from Freddie Mac.
Advertising fees
Reimbursement will be made for reasonable and customary
costs consistent with local foreclosure practices.
Sheriff fees
Reimbursement will be made for reasonable and customary
costs consistent with local foreclosure practices.
Court costs
Reimbursement will be made for reasonable and customary
costs consistent with local foreclosure practices.
Insurance premiums
Reimbursement will be made through the cancellation date of
the policy.
Reimbursement will be made for taxes assessed and paid;
penalties and late charges will not be reimbursed by Freddie
Reimbursement will be made without prior approval up to a
cumulative balance of $1,500 per Property. If total expenditures
in this category are expected to exceed $1,500 for the Property,
prior written approval from Freddie Mac is required.
Reimbursement will be made for reasonable and customary charges
based on the occupancy status and seasonal needs.
Reimbursement will be made only for those expenditures
receiving prior written approval from Freddie Mac unless the
costs were incurred in an emergency situation to preserve and
protect the Property and the Servicer notified Freddie Mac within
72 hours after occurrence.
Title costs
Reimbursement will be made only for title abstracts and title
commitments. Reimbursement for title policies requires Freddie
Mac's prior written approval.
Reimbursement will be made only with Freddie Mac's prior
written approval.
Reimbursement will be made in accordance with contractual
Guide Bulletin Update 06/30/15 Chapter 45 Page 4
The current official electronic version of the Guide is published by AllRegs
and accessible via either (for free) or the AllRegs
web site of ICE Mortgage Technology (with a paid subscription).
Guide Chapter 45 Real Estate Owned
failure to obtain prior approval may, in Freddie Mac's sole discretion, result in Freddie Mac's denial
of the reimbursement request.
c. Income credits (06/30/15)
The Servicer must consult the assigned Multifamily Asset Resolution Analyst for direction regarding
the use and application of any funds remaining in the Borrower's tax, insurance, Replacement
Reserves, and other Reserves, or the proceeds of any hazard insurance claims received or rental
income received by the Servicer during the foreclosure or period pending disposition.
If Freddie Mac has provided any special advance, that advance must be credited against the
reimbursable expenses to which it relates and must be reflected on the final Form 104 submitted
with respect to the Property.
d. Documentation requirements (06/30/15)
Each Form 104 must be accompanied by the appropriate supporting documentation:
1. Copies of the original bills and invoices with copies of the related checks evidencing payment.
The Seller/Servicer must maintain the original canceled checks on the Seller/Servicer's
premises for one year.
2. A copy of the approval letter received from the Multifamily Asset Resolution Analyst
3. When loan history copies are submitted to support expenses, the appropriate codes to interpret
the loan history
4. For rehabilitation/construction work
Copies of the construction contract
Photographs of completed work for which the cost was in excess of $25,000
Copies of waivers of mechanics' liens from all persons supplying labor or materials
All supporting documentation must be clearly labeled, legible and attached to Form 104 in the
same order as the items are listed in the expense and income sections of the form. Failure to
comply with the documentation requirements will delay the reimbursement request and require
resubmission of a complete and legible package by the Servicer.
e. Form 104, Loan and Real Estate Owned (REO) Expenses and Income, audits (06/30/15)
Freddie Mac will perform an audit of the Form 104 for compliance with the reimbursement,
submission and documentation guidelines. Any questionable items will be returned to the Servicer
with an explanation for the denial. Servicers may appeal the denial by resubmitting the expense to
Freddie Mac on an original Form 104 with the appropriate documentation and explanation to justify
noncompliance with the guidelines set forth in this section.