Originating Component: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
Effective: September 1, 2020
Releasability: Cleared for public release. Available on the Directives Division Website
Reissues and Cancels: DoD Instruction 1300.17, “Accommodation of Religious Practices Within
the Military Services,” February 10, 2009, as amended
Incorporates and Cancels: Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Management Policy
Memorandum, “Sacramental Use of Peyote by Native American Service
Members, “April 25, 1997
Approved by: Matthew P. Donovan, Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and
Purpose: In accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5124.02, this issuance:
Establishes DoD policy in furtherance of the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the
Constitution of the United States, recognizing that Service members have the right to observe the tenets
of their religion, or to observe no religion at all.
Establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides procedures for the accommodation of
religious practices of Service members.
Establishes DoD policy on the accommodation of individual expressions of sincerely held beliefs
(conscience, moral principles, or religious beliefs), which do not have an adverse impact on military
readiness, unit cohesion, good order and discipline, or health and safety.
Establishes DoD policy providing that an expression of sincerely held beliefs (conscience, moral
principles, or religious beliefs) may not, in so far as practicable, be used as the basis of any adverse
personnel action, discrimination, or denial of promotion, schooling, training, or assignment.
Implements requirements in Section 2000bb-1 of Title 42, United States Code (U.S.C), also known
as “The Religious Freedom Restoration Act” (RFRA), and other laws applicable to the accommodation
DoDI 1300.17, September 1, 2020
of religious practices for DoD to provide, in accordance with the RFRA, that DoD Components will
normally accommodate practices of a Service member based on a sincerely held religious belief.
Requires DoD Components to oversee the development and provision of education and training on
the policies and procedures pertaining to the accommodation of religious practices of Service members
to commanders, judge advocates, chaplains, recruiters, and other personnel as deemed appropriate by the
Military Department or Military Service concerned.
DoDI 1300.17, September 1, 2020
SECTION 1: GENERAL ISSUANCE INFORMATION .............................................................................. 4
1.1. Applicability. .................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Policy. ............................................................................................................................... 4
SECTION 2: RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................................................... 6
2.1. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (ASD(M&RA)). ..... 6
2.2. DoD Component Heads Other than the Secretaries of the Military Departments. ........... 6
2.3. Secretaries of the Military Departments. .......................................................................... 6
SECTION 3: PROCESSING ACCOMMODATION REQUESTS .................................................................. 9
3.1. Accommodation Requests. ............................................................................................... 9
3.2. Review of and Action on Requests for the Accommodation of Religious Practices. ....... 9
a. Adjudication Authority. ................................................................................................. 9
b. Delegation. ..................................................................................................................... 9
c. Review and Action Timelines. ..................................................................................... 10
d. Factors for Consideration. ............................................................................................ 10
e. Notice of Resolution. ................................................................................................... 11
f. Administrative Appeal Process. ................................................................................... 11
g. Accommodation Duration and Proposals to Rescind a Granted Accommodation. ..... 11
h. Accommodation Modification or Suspense Under Exigent Circumstances. ............... 12
i. Pre-accession Procedures. ............................................................................................. 13
3.3. Required Principles and Rules for Military Regulations and Policies. ........................... 14
3.4. Additional Guidance Regarding the Use of Peyote. ....................................................... 15
GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................... 17
G.1. Acronyms. ...................................................................................................................... 17
G.2. Definitions. ..................................................................................................................... 17
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 19
Table 1. Review and Action Timeline for Processing Accommodation Requests ...................... 10
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a. This issuance applies to OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of the Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of Inspector
General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all
other organizational entities within the DoD (referred to collectively in this issuance as the “DoD
b. The definitions, policies, procedures, and assignments of responsibility prescribed in this
issuance apply only to the accommodation of religious practices of Service members and in no
other context.
1.2. POLICY.
a. Pursuant to the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the United States
Constitution, Service members have the right to observe the tenets of their religion or to observe
no religion at all, as provided in this issuance.
b. In accordance with Section 533(a)(1) of Public Law 112-239, as amended, the DoD
Components will accommodate individual expressions of sincerely held beliefs (conscience,
moral principles, or religious beliefs) which do not have an adverse impact on military readiness,
unit cohesion, good order and discipline, or health and safety. A Service member’s expression of
such beliefs may not, in so far as practicable, be used as the basis of any adverse personnel
action, discrimination, or denial of promotion, schooling, training, or assignment.
c. In accordance with Section 533(b) of Public Law 112-239, as implemented by DoD
Instruction 1304.28, no Service member may require a chaplain to perform any rite, ritual, or
ceremony that is contrary to the conscience, moral principles, or religious beliefs of the chaplain,
nor may any Service member discriminate or take any adverse personnel action on the basis of
the refusal by the chaplain to comply with such requirements. This does not preclude
disciplinary or administrative action for conduct by a Service member that is proscribed by
Chapter 47 of Title 10, U.S.C. (the Uniform Code of Military Justice), including actions and
speech that threaten good order and discipline.
d. Requests for religious accommodation will be analyzed under the standard in
Paragraph 1.2.e. of this issuance using the process in Section 3 of this issuance. Accommodation
of practices reflecting a Service member’s sincerely held conscience or moral principles will be
governed by the policies of the DoD Component concerned.
e. DoD Components have a compelling governmental interest in mission accomplishment at
the individual, unit, and organizational levels, including such necessary elements of mission
accomplishment as military readiness, unit cohesion, good order and discipline, and health and
safety. In accordance with RFRA and the guidance in this issuance, DoD Components will
normally accommodate practices of a Service member based on sincerely held religious belief.
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Accommodation includes excusing a Service member from an otherwise applicable military
policy, practice, or duty. In accordance with RFRA, if such a military policy, practice or duty
substantially burdens a Service member’s exercise of religion, accommodation can only be
denied if:
(1) The military policy, practice, or duty is in furtherance of a compelling governmental
(2) It is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest.
In applying the standard in Paragraphs 1.2.e.(1) and 1.2.e.(2), the burden of proof is placed upon
the DoD Component, not the individual requesting the exemption.
f. Requests for the accommodation of religious practices will be reviewed and acted on as
soon as possible, in accordance with this issuance and any DoD Component implementing
g. In accordance with provisions in Paragraphs 1.2.e and 1.2.f of this issuance, immediate
commanders may resolve requests for accommodation of religious practices that do not require a
waiver of DoD Component policies regarding the wearing of military uniforms, the wearing of
religious apparel, or Service grooming, appearance, or body art standards.
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Under the authority, direction, and control of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and
Readiness, the ASD(M&RA):
a. Is responsible for the administration of this issuance and for oversight of the
implementation of the policies and procedures it establishes. Issues guidance to the DoD
Components, as necessary, concerning the accommodation of religious practices and the
implementation of the policies in this issuance.
b. Acts on Military Department requests regarding limitations on the use, possession, or
transportation of peyote cactus for religious practices, in addition to those already listed in
Paragraph 3.4. of this issuance, in accordance with Paragraph 3.4.a.(4) of this issuance.
The DoD Component heads other than the Secretaries of the Military Departments:
a. Ensure that requests for the accommodation of religious practices are processed or
forwarded for review and action in accordance with this issuance and the implementing
regulations and policies of the Military Department and Military Service to which the Service
member belongs.
b. Establish component regulations and policies to address the Service member’s sincerely
held conscience or moral principles in accordance with Paragraph 1.2.d. of this issuance.
The Secretaries of the Military Departments:
a. Adhere to all provisions of this issuance.
b. Administer their respective programs and update existing regulations and policies, or
develop and distribute new guidance, as appropriate, to implement the provisions of this
issuance. Implementing issuances will, consistent with this issuance:
(1) Establish controls to ensure compliance with established procedures and processing
timelines applicable to accommodation requests.
(2) Designate appropriate agency officials to review and act on the following:
DoDI 1300.17, September 1, 2020
(a) Requests for the accommodation of religious practices.
(b) Requests for an exemption to an otherwise applicable Military Department or
Military Service policy in support of the requesting Service member’s exercise of religion or
furtherance of religious practices, including, but not limited to, requests pertaining to:
1. Religious apparel, including religious body art.
2. Grooming.
3. Medical practices, including DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) specimen sampling
and immunizations.
(c) Requests from a Service member’s command to rescind a previously granted
(3) Ensure, to the greatest extent practical, the consistent application of the policies and
procedures prescribed by this issuance to similarly situated requests for the accommodation of
religious practices throughout their respective Military Departments.
(4) Develop and implement a standards-based approach to the review of, and final action
on, requests for the accommodation of religious practices to promote predictable outcomes for
the same or similar requests. Such standards will be evidence-based and address commonly
requested accommodations. The Military Departments and Military Services will issue or update
applicable regulations and policies to authorize officers or officials at the lowest appropriate
level of command or supervision to review and take final action on requests for accommodations
covered by such standards, in accordance with this issuance. The absence of a standards-based
approach to a requested accommodation will not, standing alone, serve as the basis for denying
the request. Such a standards-based approach may include:
(a) A list of accommodations of religious practices that may, in ordinary
circumstances, be granted to a member serving in a particular military occupational specialty,
rating, specialty code, or duty assignment.
(b) Specific guidance on factors to be considered in making individual
determinations with regard to a commonly requested or other accommodation of religious
practices. Such factors may include those enumerated in Paragraph 3.2.d. of this issuance.
(c). Provide information about the policies and procedures governing the
accommodation of religious practices and religious expression to prospective Service members,
in accordance with Paragraph 3.2.i. of this issuance.
(d) Request, as appropriate, approval from the ASD(M&RA) regarding limitations
on the use, possession, or transportation of peyote cactus for religious practices, in addition to
those already listed in Paragraph 3.4. of this issuance, in accordance with Paragraph 3.4.a.(4) of
this issuance.
DoDI 1300.17, September 1, 2020
(5) Oversee the development and provision of education and training on the policies and
procedures pertaining to the accommodation of religious practices of Service members to:
(a) Commanders.
(b) Judge advocates.
(c) Chaplains.
(d) Recruiters.
(e) Other personnel as deemed appropriate by the Military Department or Military
Service concerned.
DoDI 1300.17, September 1, 2020
a. Service members submitting a request for accommodation will continue to comply with
the policy, practice, or duty from which an accommodation has been requested unless and until
informed that the request has been approved by the appropriate authority. Exceptions to this
requirement may only be granted in exceptional circumstances, in accordance with the
implementing regulations and policies promulgated by the Military Department and Military
Service concerned.
b. Requests for accommodation submitted by a cadet or midshipman enrolled at a Military
Service Academy or in a Senior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps program will be addressed in
accordance with this issuance and the implementing regulations and policies promulgated by the
Military Department and Military Service concerned.
c. Nothing in this issuance precludes disciplinary or administrative action for conduct by a
Service member that is prohibited by Chapter 47 of Title 10, U.S.C., also known as “The
Uniform Code of Military Justice.”
a. Adjudication Authority.
Requests for the accommodation of religious practices that can be approved consistent with
Military Department and Military Service regulations or policies, (e.g., current uniform and
grooming standards) will be reviewed and acted on at the lowest appropriate level of command
or supervision, as provided in the regulations and policies of the Military Department and
Military Service concerned and in accordance with this issuance. Requests for the
accommodation of religious practices that require the waiver of otherwise applicable Military
Department and Military Service regulations and policies will be forwarded to the Secretary of
the Military Department concerned. Records concerning requests for accommodations will be
maintained in accordance with DoD Instruction 5400.11.
b. Delegation.
The Secretary of a Military Department may delegate, in writing, the authority to act on
requests for the accommodation of religious practices that require the waiver of otherwise
applicable Military Department and Military Service regulations and policies only as described
in Paragraph 3.2.b.(1) through 3.2.b.(3).
(1) Department of the Army.
Delegation may be no lower than the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1.
DoDI 1300.17, September 1, 2020
(2) Department of the Navy.
Delegation may be no lower than the Chief of Naval Personnel, or the Deputy
Commandant of the Marine Corps for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, as appropriate.
(3) Department of the Air Force.
Delegation may be no lower than the Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower,
Personnel, and Services, or the Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Personnel and Logistics
Services, as appropriate.
c. Review and Action Timelines.
Requests for the accommodation of religious practices will be reviewed and acted on as soon
as practicable, and no later than the timelines provided in Table 1. Exceptions to this review and
action timeline may be granted only in exceptional circumstances, as determined by the
regulations and policies of the Military Department and Military Service concerned.
Table 1. Review and Action Timeline for Processing Accommodation Requests
Action to be Taken For Requests Within the United
For Requests Outside the
United States or for Reserve
Component Service Members
Not on Active Duty
Action on Requests for Religious Accommodation that Can Be Approved Consistent with
Existing Military Department or Military Service Regulations or Policies
Review and final action
completed and written
notification to requesting
Service member provided
No later than 30 business days
from Service member
No later than 60 days from
Service member submission
Action on Requests for Religious Accommodation that Require the Waiver of Otherwise
Applicable Military Department or Military Service Regulations or Policies
Written request for
accommodation received by the
Office of the Secretary
No later than 30 days from
Service member submission to
commander or supervisor
No later than 60 days from
Service member submission to
commander or supervisor
Review and final action
completed and written
notification to requesting
Service member provided
No later than 60 days from receipt by the Office of the Secretary
Must be provided to the Service member within 5 days
of final action
1. Unless authority is delegated to a subordinate official in accordance with Paragraph 3.2.b of this
d. Factors for Consideration.
Officials charged with making recommendations or taking final action on a Service
member’s request for the accommodation of religious practices will review each request
DoDI 1300.17, September 1, 2020
individually, considering the full range of facts and circumstances relevant to the specific
request. Factors to consider include:
(1) The compelling governmental interest in mission accomplishment, including military
readiness, unit cohesion, good order and discipline, or health and safety.
(2) Alternate means available to address the requested accommodation. The means that
is least restrictive to the requestor’s religious practice and that does not impede a compelling
governmental interest will be determinative.
e. Notice of Resolution.
A Service member will be promptly informed of the approval or disapproval of his or her
request for accommodation in accordance with Table 1.
(1) A Service member’s request for the accommodation of religious practices may be
granted in whole or in part. The Service member will be informed in writing of any conditions
or limitations placed on the grant that are necessary to meet the DoD’s compelling governmental
interest in mission accomplishment, such as, for example, conditions related to:
(a) Deployment;
(b) Health and safety issues relative to particular assignments or types of
assignments; or
(c) Training events or ceremonial occasions that require a Service member to
conform to military standards to protect health and safety, or maintain good order and discipline.
(2) A Service member whose request is granted in part will be informed, in writing, of
the specific elements of that approval.
f. Administrative Appeal Process.
The regulations and policies of a Military Department or Military Service implementing this
issuance will provide a process for Service members to appeal the denial of a request for
accommodation of religious practices, or any condition on such accommodation. Appeals will
be sent to an official in the chain of command or chain of supervision above the officer or
official who took final action on the request. No further administrative appeal will be available
for a decision made by the Secretary of the Military Department.
g. Accommodation Duration and Proposals to Rescind a Granted Accommodation.
An approved request for accommodation will remain in effect during follow-on duties,
assignments, or locations, and for the duration of a Service member’s military career, including
after promotions, reenlistment or commissioning, unless and until rescinded in accordance with
the requirements of this issuance.
DoDI 1300.17, September 1, 2020
(1) In accordance with this issuance and the implementing policies and regulations of the
Military Department and Military Service concerned, an approved accommodation may be
subject to review and rescission, in whole or in part, at any time, based upon a determination that
the circumstances under which the grant of accommodation was approved have changed (e.g.,
deployment, new duties, or other material change in circumstances). The Military Department or
Military Service concerned—not the individual Service member—bears the burden of initiating a
proposal to review and rescind an accommodation previously granted.
(2) When a Military Department or Military Service initiates a proposal to review and
rescind an accommodation previously granted, an appropriate officer or official will forward a
written summary of the nature of the materially changed circumstances that require such review
and repeal to the Service member concerned for comment.
(a) The Service member will be:
1. Allotted no fewer than 10 days to review and comment on the proposed
rescission of the accommodation.
2. Afforded the opportunity to review and comment on any endorsements of this
proposal from the chain of command.
3. Afforded, subject to security classification requirements, the opportunity to
review and comment on any documents or attachments to the proposal or subsequent
(b) Any comments submitted by the Service member will be forwarded for
consideration by the appropriate official authorized to act on the matter, in accordance with this
(3) A proposal to review and rescind a previously approved accommodation must be
acted on at a level of authority no lower than that at which the accommodation was granted, in
accordance with this issuance and the regulations and policies of the Military Department and
Military Service concerned implementing this issuance. The standard for repealing a previously
granted accommodation, in whole or in part, is the same as the standard for denying a request for
the accommodation of religious practices in the first place, and the same factors must be
considered, as appropriate.
h. Accommodation Modification or Suspense Under Exigent Circumstances.
Under exigent circumstances and in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest due to
operational necessity, when time is of the essence and no less restrictive means of religious
accommodation are available, a commander at a level determined by the Military Department or
Military Service concerned may temporarily modify or suspend accommodations granted, upon
notice to the Service member concerned and without benefit of appeal. The level of this
commander must be no lower than the officer exercising Summary Court-Martial Convening
Authority over a Service member who has previously been granted an accommodation of
religious practices.
DoDI 1300.17, September 1, 2020
(1) To the extent practicable, the commander concerned, if not a general officer or flag
officer, or member of the senior executive service, will notify, in advance, the first general
officer or flag officer, or member of the senior executive service, as appropriate, in the affected
Service member’s chain of command or supervision, of the commander’s intent to modify or
suspend a previously granted accommodation. When such advance notice is not practicable, the
commander concerned will notify the appropriate general officer or flag officer, or member of
the senior executive service, as appropriate, as soon as circumstances permit.
(2) The Service member concerned may be required to immediately comply with the
modification or suspension of an accommodation, if circumstances so warrant.
(3) The modification or suspension of the accommodation will apply for only the
minimum period required by the circumstances.
i. Pre-accession Procedures.
(1) Applicants to the Military Services will be informed of the policies and procedures
for the accommodation of religious practices in accordance with this issuance, and as
implemented by the Military Department or Military Service concerned. These applicants
include individuals who apply for:
(a) A commissioning program;
(b) A warrant officer program;
(c) Enlistment or entry in the Military Services;
(d) Reenlistment (or reentry) in the Military Services;
(e) Enrollment in a Military Service Academy or a Senior Reserve Officers’ Training
Corps program (including Military Service Academy preparatory schools); or
(f) The award of a scholarship or other benefit that requires a commitment to serve as
a Service member.
(2) The Military Departments and Military Services will develop processes for the
review and action on pre-accession requests for the accommodation of religious practices and
establish those processes in appropriate regulations and policies. Such processes must provide
applicants the opportunity to submit a request for accommodation of religious practices, and
receive a final decision on that request, before participation in the commissioning program,
warrant officer program, enlistment, reenlistment, enrollment in a Military Service Academy or a
Senior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps program, or award of such scholarship or benefit. The
review and processing of such requests must be consistent with this issuance.
DoDI 1300.17, September 1, 2020
DoD Component regulations and policies must include the following principles and rules:
a. Worship practices, holy days, and Sabbath or similar religious observance requests will be
accommodated to the extent possible, consistent with mission accomplishment and will normally
not require a religious accommodation request.
b. A Service member’s religious practices will be considered in acting on a request for
separate rations. Accommodation requests for separate rations may be adjudicated at the
command level.
c. A Service member’s religious practices will be considered in acting on a request for
exemption from required medical practices. Action on a request for medical exemption must be
consistent with mission accomplishment, including consideration of potential medical risks to
other persons comprising the unit or organization.
d. The following rules govern the wear of items of religious apparel:
(1) In accordance with Section 774 of Title 10, U.S.C., Service members may wear items
of religious apparel while in uniform, except in circumstances in which wearing the item would
interfere with the performance of the members military duties or the item of apparel is not neat
and conservative. The Military Departments and Military Services will prescribe regulations
governing the wear of such items. Factors that may be considered in determining whether an
item of religious apparel interferes with military duties include, but are not limited to, whether
the item:
(a) Impairs the safe and effective operation of weapons, military equipment, or
(b) Poses a health or safety hazard to the Service member wearing the religious
apparel or to others.
(c) Interferes with the wear or proper function of special or protective clothing or
equipment (e.g., helmets, protective masks, wet suits).
(d) Otherwise impairs mission accomplishment.
(2) Religious items or articles not visible or apparent may be worn with the uniform,
provided they do not interfere with the performance of the Service member’s military duties, as
described in Paragraph 3.3.d.(1) of this issuance, and do not interfere with the proper wear of any
authorized article of the uniform.
(3) Under regulations and policies of the Military Department and Military Service
concerned, religious headgear may be worn with the uniform whenever a military cap, hat, or
other headgear is not prescribed. Religious headgear may also be worn underneath prescribed
DoDI 1300.17, September 1, 2020
military headgear, provided it does not interfere with the proper wear, function, or appearance of
the headgear, as described in Paragraph 3.2.d.(1).
(4) Notwithstanding any other provision in this issuance, while conducting worship
services and during the performance of rites and rituals associated with his or her religious faith,
a chaplain may wear with the military uniform any required religious apparel or accouterments
associated with the traditions or practices of his or her religious faith.
(5) In evaluating requests for the accommodation of religious practices related to body
art, these factors will be among those considered:
(a) Whether the body art is neat and conservative.
(b) The location of the body art, including whether the body art is visible when the
Service member is wearing the military uniform.
a. There are additional rules governing the use of peyote in religious practices. In
accordance with Section 1996a of Title 42, U.S.C. (also known as the “American Indian
Religious Freedom Act Amendments of 1994”), Service members who are members of Indian
tribes as defined in that statute may use, possess, or transport the peyote cactus as a religious
sacrament in connection with the bona fide practice of a traditional Indian religion, and will not
be penalized or discriminated against on the basis of such use, possession, or transportation.
Reasonable limitations on the use, possession, transportation, or distribution of peyote may be
imposed to promote military readiness, promote safety, or comply with international law or laws
of other countries. The Secretaries of the Military Departments will prescribe regulations
authorizing the use, possession, or transportation of peyote cactus and imposing limitations on
such use, possession, or transportation including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) Peyote will not be used on duty or within 24 hours before scheduled military duty.
(2) Peyote may be possessed in amulet form, not for ingestion, and such an amulet may
be worn as an item of religious apparel subject to Military Service uniform regulations.
Otherwise, peyote will not be used, possessed, distributed, or introduced aboard military
vehicles, vessels, or aircraft or, except when permitted by the installation commander, on
military installations.
(3) A Service member who has used peyote will promptly notify their commander upon
return to duty after such use.
(a) The Secretary of the Military Department concerned may require pre-use
notification by Service members performing designated duties when it is in the interest of
military readiness or safety to notify commanders of a Service member’s intent to use peyote.
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(b) Upon notification of use or intended use of peyote, the Service member will
provide documentation verifying membership in an Indian tribe as defined by
Section 1996a(c)(2) of Title 42, U.S.C.
(4) The establishment by the Secretary of a Military Department of limitations on the
use, possession, or transportation of peyote cactus, in addition to those already listed in
Paragraph 3.4. of this issuance, must be consistent with RFRA, the Free Exercise Clause of the
First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, any other applicable statutes such as
the American Indian Religious Freedom Act Amendments of 1994, and this issuance. Any such
additional limitations must be approved, in advance, by the ASD(M&RA). Before approving
any additional limitation proposed by the Secretary of a Military Department, the ASD(M&RA)
will consult with representatives of traditional Indian religions for which the sacramental use of
peyote is integral to their practice, pursuant to Section 1996a(b)(7) of Title 42, U.S.C.
b. Requests by Service members for the accommodation of a religious practice involving the
use, possession, or transportation of any substance other than peyote, the use, possession,
transportation, manufacturing, or distribution of which is prohibited by law or policy, will be
forwarded to the Secretary of the Military Department concerned for resolution. Before taking
final action on any such accommodation request, the Secretary of the Military Department
concerned will notify the ASD(M&RA).
DoDI 1300.17, September 1, 2020
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs
Religious Freedom Restoration Act
United States Code
These terms and their definitions are for the purpose of this issuance.
government interest
In the DoD, a military requirement that is essential to
accomplishment of the military mission. In accordance with
Paragraph 1.2.e. of this issuance, DoD Components have a
compelling governmental interest in mission accomplishment at the
individual, unit, and organizational levels, including such necessary
elements of mission accomplishment as military readiness, unit
cohesion, good order and discipline, and health and safety.
neat and
In the context of the wear of a military uniform, items of religious
apparel that:
Are discreet, tidy, and not dissonant or showy in style, size,
design, brightness, or color.
Do not replace or interfere with the proper wear of any authorized
article of the uniform.
Are not temporarily or permanently affixed or appended to any
authorized article of the uniform.
The period of time before a prospective Service member’s
participation in a commissioning program, warrant officer program,
enlistment (or entry), reenlistment (or reentry), or enrollment in a
Military Service Academy or a Senior Reserve Officers’ Training
Corps program.
DoDI 1300.17, September 1, 2020
religious apparel
Articles of clothing, jewelry or other such accoutrements the wearing
of which is part of the observance of the religious faith practiced by
the Service member.
religious body art
Temporary or permanent tattoos, piercings through the skin or body
parts, or other modifications to the body that are a part of a Service
member’s religious practice.
religious practice
An action, behavior, or course of conduct constituting individual
expressions of religious beliefs, whether or not compelled by, or
central to, the religion concerned.
substantial burden
A governmental act is a substantial burden to a Service member’s
exercise of religion if it:
Requires participation in an activity prohibited by a sincerely held
religious belief;
Prevents participation in conduct motivated by a sincerely held
religious belief; or
Places substantial pressure on a Service member to engage in
conduct contrary to a sincerely held religious belief.
DoDI 1300.17, September 1, 2020
DoD Directive 5124.02, “Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
(USD(P&R)),” June 23, 2008
DoD Instruction 1304.28, “Guidance for the Appointment of Chaplains for the Military
Departments,” June 11, 2004, as amended
DoD Instruction 5400.11, “DoD Privacy and Civil Liberties Programs,” January 29, 2019
Section 533 of Public Law 112-239, the “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2013,” December 18, 2012, as amended
United States Code, Title 10
United States Code, Title 42
United States Constitution