Notice to the Bank of Changes in Authorized Account Signers
Notice to the IRS of Changes in Officers/Board Members
Notice to the Texas State Comptroller of Changes in Officers/Board Members
Fund-Raising Permission Request for Parent Organizations
Exempt Organizations: Sales & Purchases
IRS Form 8822 Change of Address
Texas Application for Sales Tax Permit
The Internal Auditors and individuals associated with the Pasadena Independent School District
are not an authority on tax-related or accounting situations concerning Parent Organizations,
Booster Clubs and Exempt Organization. Parent Organization, Booster Clubs, and Exempt
Organizations should obtain competent independent counsel concerning tax and accounting-
related circumstances.
Go Team Go Booster Club
PO Box 1234
Pasadena, TX 77503
September 21, 2010
Silver Bank
6577 Mining Road
Tarnished, TX 66978
Re: Account #123456789
Go Team Go Booster Club, EIN: 76-9999999
To Whom It May Concern:
On June 30, 2010 the executive board of Go Team Go Booster Club will resign to coincide with the end
of the fiscal year. On July 1, 2010, the newly elected officers will assume responsibility for the
organization. Therefore, please make the following changes to this bank account’s status and authorized
signers as of July 1, 2010:
Remove the following people from the list of authorized signers on the account:
_________________________ _______________________ _______________________
Mickey Mouse, Vice-President Donald Duck, Treasurer Peter Pan, President
281-555-1234 281-555-2345 281-555-3456
Authorize the following three people as signers on the account:
Snow White, 2010-11 President 251-459-6633 ________________________
Minnie Mouse, 2010-11 Vice-President 251-552-5570 ________________________
Daffy Duck, 2010-11 Treasurer 251-552-1232 ________________________
We appreciate your assistance with these transition details. If you have any questions, please contact
one of the officers listed below.
_______________________ __ _______________________ _______________________
Mickey Mouse, Vice-President Donald Duck, Treasurer Peter Pan, President
Go Team Go Booster Club is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
Go Team Go Booster Club
PO Box 1234
Pasadena, TX 77503
September 21, 2010
Internal Revenue Service
TE/GE Room 4010
PO Box 2508
Cincinnati, OH 45201
Re: Go Team Go Booster Club
EIN: 76-9999999
To Whom It May Concern:
On June 30, 2010 the executive board of Go Team Go Booster Club will resign to coincide with the end
of the fiscal year. On July 1, 2010, the newly elected officers will assume responsibility for the
organization. Attached is a list of the incoming board members. Our bank has been notified of this
change as well. We are furnishing this record in accordance with IRS Letter 1045.
We appreciate your assistance with these transition details. If you have any questions, please contact
one of the officers listed below.
_________________________ _______________________ _______________________
Mickey Mouse, Vice-President Donald Duck, Treasurer Peter Pan, President
281-555-1234 281-555-2345 281-555-3456
(Attach a list of the new officers including their name and address.)
Go Team Go Booster Club
PO Box 1234
Pasadena, TX 77503
September 21, 2010
Exempt Organizations
PO Box 13528
Austin, TX 78711
Re: Go Team Go Booster Club
EIN: 76-9999999
To Whom It May Concern:
On June 30, 2010 the executive board of Go Team Go Booster Club will resign to coincide with the end
of the fiscal year. On July 1, 2010, the newly elected officers will assume responsibility for the
organization. Attached is a list of the incoming board members for your records. Our bank and the IRS
have been notified of this change as well.
We appreciate your assistance with these transition details. If you have any questions, please contact
one of the officers listed below.
_______________________ __ _______________________ _______________________
Mickey Mouse, Vice-President Donald Duck, Treasurer Peter Pan, President
281-555-1234 281-555-2345 281-555-3456
(Attach a list of the new officers including their name and address.)
Fund-Raising Permission Request
Parent Organizations
Booster Club Name: ____________________________ Campus Name: _________________________
Type of Activity/Product to be sold: _______________________________________________________
Vendor: ______________________________________________________________________________
Estimated profit from this fund-raiser: _____________________________________________________
Profit to be used for: ___________________________________________________________________
Dates for fund-raiser:
Beginning ___/___/___ Ending___/___/___
Location of Event: ___________________________________ Time: ___________________________
This is the ___ ___ ___ ____ fund-raising activity for this semester that I have requested for this group.
Are you using this as one of your two tax free days? YES or NO
______________________________________________ ______________________
Name of Organizations Representative (Print) Phone Number
______________________________________________ ___/___/___
Signature Date
______________________________________________ ______________________
Name of Person Responsible for Fund-Raiser (Print) Phone Number
______________________________________________ ___/___/___
Signature Date
______________________________________________ ______________________
Name of Person Responsible for Money Handling (Print) Phone Number
______________________________________________ ___/___/___
Signature Date
( ) Approved ( ) Disapproved
__________________________________ __________________________ ___/___/___
Name of Principal (Print) Signature Date
All fund-raiser requests must be submitted to the Principal for his/her approval at least 30 days before
the scheduled fund-raiser.
Susan Combs, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Exempt Organizations:
Sales and Purchases
Exempt Status Overview
The Texas Tax Code provides tax exemptions
for certain qualifying organizations for sales
tax, hotel occupancy tax and franchise tax.
The exemptions for which an organization
might qualify are determined by the organiza-
tions purpose, activities and its formation.
Exemption Criteria
Exemption from these state taxes are based
largely on an organizations affiliation with its
parent entity, assuming the following criteria:
the organization is a recognized subordi-
nate under the parent organizations group
the parent organizations group exemp-
tion meets the requirements for exemption
from one or more of these state taxes; and
the parent organizations group exemption
has been established on the Comptroller’s
The parent organizations group exemption
may be classified as a federal group exemp-
tion under one of the following 501(c) sec-
tions of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC):
501(c)(2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (10), (16),
(19) and (25).
The group exemption may also be under
another category of exemption, such as the
religious, educational or charitable exemption
provisions within the state statutes.
Exemption Application
For an organization to be exempt from these
state taxes based on its recognition as a
subordinate under the parent organizations
group exemption, the organization must
complete the appropriate exemption applica-
tion, and include:
a letter from the parent organization that
states the organization is a recognized sub-
ordinate under the group exemption
the basis of the group exemption [i.e.
501(c)(3), 501(c)(6), religious, etc.]
the date the organization was first recog-
nized as a subordinate under that group
Exemption applications are available online at
If the parent organizations 501(c) federal
group exemption has not yet been estab-
lished, the parent organization must submit
to the Comptroller:
a copy of the parent organizations Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) 501(c) group
exemption ruling letter
the IRS four-digit group exemption num-
ber www.irs.gov.
Examples of Non-Taxable Entities
Entities that are exempt by law do not need
to apply for exemption. Examples of legally
exempt entities include:
the U.S. government, its political subdivi-
sions, agencies and departments, and all
branches of its military;
Texas state and local governments, their
agencies, departments, cities, school dis-
tricts and other political subdivisions;
Federal Credit Unions organized under 12
United States Code, §1768
Organizations that
have applied for and
received a letter of
exemption from sales
tax don’t have to pay
sales and use tax when
they buy, lease or rent
taxable items that
are necessary to the
organizations exempt
For more information,
visit our website
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via e-mail at
Exempt Organizations: Sales and Purchases
Texas public schools, colleges and universi-
ties are exempt from sales tax under Section
151.309 of the Texas Tax Code. Texas colleg-
es, universities and all public and private ele-
mentary and secondary schools are exempt
from state hotel tax under Section 156.102.
Parent-teacher associations and booster
clubs must apply for exemption as they
are generally not covered by the school’s
exempt status.
The Tax-Exempt Entity Search lists entities
with a current exemption from franchise,
sales and/or hotel tax. Entities that are
exempt by law will not normally be listed
on the search. View the search online at
Exemptions: Apply Online
An organization can apply for exemption
online by using the appropriate application
Guidelines to Texas Tax Exemptions (96-1045)
can be found online at www.window.state.
Tax-Exempt Purchases
Organizations that have received a let-
ter of sales tax exemption from the Texas
Comptroller do not have to pay sales and
use tax on taxable items they buy, lease or
rent if the items are necessary to the organi-
zations exempt function.
Exempt organizations should claim an
exemption at the time of purchase by pro-
viding a properly completed exemption
certificate in lieu of paying tax to the retail-
er. A government entity’s purchase voucher
is sufficient proof of exempt status and an
exemption certificate is not required on its
purchases. Foreign governments and gov-
ernment agencies from other states are not
exempt from Texas sales and use tax.
Retailers must collect tax from an exempt
organization unless a valid exemption certifi-
cate or government purchase voucher is pro-
vided. Retailers are not required under Texas
law to accept a claim for exemption, but may
choose to do so by accepting, in good faith, a
properly completed exemption certificate.
If a retailer chooses not to honor an exemp-
tion certificate, the exempt organization can
ask the seller to provide a properly complet-
ed Assignment of Right to Refund so the
purchaser can request a refund of the tax
directly from the Comptroller.
An authorized agent or employee can make
tax-free purchases for an exempt organi-
zation by giving the vendor a completed
exemption certificate. Items purchased tax
free by an exempt organization cannot be
used for the personal benefit of an individu-
al or other private party.
When buying an item to be donated to an
exempt organization, an individual can give
the seller an exemption certificate in lieu of
paying tax. If the individual uses the item
before donating it, however, the exemption
is lost and tax is due.
An employee of an exempt organization
cannot claim an exemption when buying
taxable items of a personal nature, even
if the organization gives an allowance or
reimbursement for such items. For example,
meals, toiletries, clothing and laundry ser-
vices are for personal use and are taxable.
Generally, an exempt
organization must
get a sales tax permit
and collect and remit
sales tax on all tax-
able items it sells.
For more information,
visit our website
Receive tax help
via e-mail at
Exempt Organizations: Sales and Purchases
Anyone traveling on official business for an
exempt organization must pay sales tax on
taxable purchases such as parking, whether
reimbursed per diem or for actual expenses
A sales tax exemption does not include
taxes on the purchase, rental or use of motor
vehicles. Motor vehicle tax information is
provided below.
An exempt nonprofit organization is not eli-
gible to receive refunds for purchases made on
or after Sept. 1, 2009, if the purchase was made
prior to the postmark date of the organiza-
tions application for exemption, or the date of
the sales tax liability assessment as a result of a
Comptroller audit, whichever is earlier.
If the Comptroller determines the organi-
zation met exemption requirements for a
period prior to Sept. 1, 2009, based on the
laws in effect during that period, purchases
made by the organization within that period
will be eligible for a sales tax refund, subject
to the four-year statute of limitations.
These provisions apply to sales and use
taxes paid by an organization directly to the
Comptroller’s office or to vendors and to
refund claims filed with the Comptroller’s
office or with vendors. These provisions do
not apply to governmental entities exempted
under Tax Code Section 151.309.
The Tax-Exempt Entity Search can be used
to verify the effective date of an organiza-
tions exemption qualification. Contact our
office to confirm the organizations exempt
status and eligibility for a refund of sales tax
paid prior to Sept. 1, 2009, by calling (800)
252-5555, or e-mail us at exempt.orgs@cpa.
Should an exempt organization collect
sales tax?
Exempt organizations must get a sales tax
permit http://window.state.tx.us/taxpermit
and collect and remit sales tax for all taxable
items it sells. Exemptions are for purchases,
not sales, though some exceptions are
detailed below.
Examples of Tax-Free Sales
An organization does not have to register
for a sales tax permit if all its sales are of
exempt items, or sales made through tax-
free fundraisers.
Meals and Food Products
Exempt organizations do not have to collect
sales tax on meals and food products, includ-
ing candy and soft drinks, if the items are:
sold by churches or at church functions
conducted under the authority of a church;
sold or served by a public or private
school, school district, student organiza-
tion or parent-teacher association in an
elementary or secondary school during
the regular school day by agreement with
proper school authorities, including vend-
ing machine sales; or
sold by a member or a volunteer of a non-
profit organization devoted exclusively
to education or to physical or religious
training, or by a group associated with
private or public elementary and second-
ary schools as part of an organizations
fund-raising drive, when all net proceeds
from the sale go to the organization for its
exclusive use.
Note: Alcoholic beverages are taxable. Sales
of alcoholic beverages made by the holder
of a mixed beverage permit are subject to
the 14 percent mixed beverage gross receipts
tax. Sales of beer and wine made by the
For more information,
visit our website
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via e-mail at
For more information,
visit our website
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via e-mail at
holder of a beer and wine only permit are
subject to sales tax.
Annual Banquets and Suppers
All volunteer, organizations can hold a tax-
free annual banquet or other food sale pro-
vided the event:
is not professionally catered;
is not held in a restaurant, hotel or similar
place of business;
is not in competition with a retailer
required to collect tax; and
the food is prepared, served and sold by
members of the organization.
Note: The exemption does not apply to the
sale of alcoholic beverages.
Auctions, Rummage Sales and Other
Each chapter of an exempt organization
under the religious, educational or charitable
categories, and organizations exempted from
sales tax based on their IRS Section 501 (c)
(3), (4), (8), (10) or (19) status, can hold two
one-day, tax-free sales or auctions each cal-
endar year (January December).
Youth athletic organizations, volunteer fire
departments, chambers of commerce and
governmental entities may not hold tax-free
sales or auctions.
One-Day Sales
For one-day sales, exempt organizations are
not required to collect sales tax. This exemp-
tion does not apply to items sold for more than
$5,000, unless the item is manufactured by
the organization or the item is donated to the
organization and not sold back to the donor.
For purposes of the exemption, “one day” is
counted as 24 consecutive hours. These days
should be pre-designated so purchasers are
aware of the tax exemptions. Organizations
are prohibited from collecting and keeping
taxes on these transactions.
The designated one-day, tax-free sale day is
either the day the vendor delivers the items
to the exempt organization or the day the
organization delivers the items to its custom-
ers. Persons buying from surplus inventory
on the designated date do not owe tax. For
example, a church group selling cookbooks
may accept pre-orders without collecting tax
if the day the cookbooks will be delivered to
customers is designated as one of the groups
tax-free fundraisers. Surplus cookbooks sold
during the same day also qualify for the
exemption. Surplus cookbooks sold on other
days are taxable unless sold at the groups
other tax-free fundraiser.
If two or more groups together hold a one-
day, tax-free sale, the event counts as one tax-
free sale for each participating organization.
If an exempt organization is purchasing tax-
able items for resale during its designated tax-
free sale days, and it holds a sales tax permit,
the organization may either give the retailer a
resale certificate, Form 01-339 (front), or an
exemption certificate, Form 01-339 (back), to
purchase the items tax free.
A non-permitted exempt organization, how-
ever, may purchase items for resale tax free
by issuing an exemption certificate to the
vendor for items sold during its two one-day,
tax-free sales.
Student Organizations (Higher Education)
College or university student organiza-
tions affiliated with an institution of higher
education can hold a one-day, tax-free sale
each month. The organization must have
a primary purpose other than engaging in
business or performing an activity designed
to make a profit, and the purpose of the sale
An employee of an
exempt organiza-
tion cannot claim an
exemption when buy-
ing taxable items of a
personal nature, even
if the organization
gives an allowance
or reimbursement for
such items.
For more information,
visit our website
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via e-mail at
must be to raise funds for the organization.
This exemption does not apply to items
sold for more than $5,000, unless the item
is manufactured by the organization or the
item is donated to the organization and not
sold back to the donor.
Non-Qualifying Fundraisers: Acting as an
Agent or Sales Representative
When engaging in fundraising activities, an
exempt organization needs to identify the
seller of the taxable items in order to deter-
mine responsibility for collecting tax.
In some fundraising activities, an exempt orga-
nization will enter into a contract with a pri-
vate, for-profit entity to sell taxable items. For
example, a group may receive a commission
for holding a book fair or for selling candy,
gift wrap, or similar items, or the group will be
provided with sales brochures and take orders
for fulfillment by the for-profit entity. The
exempt entity may collect the funds and remit
an agreed portion to the for-profit entity. In
these cases, the fundraising firm is considered
the seller and is responsible for collection of
applicable sales and use taxes. Exempt organi-
zations are not responsible for sales taxes and
does not use one of the organizations tax-free
sales days for the fundraiser.
Many fundraising companies include sales tax
due in the selling price of items. This practice
is acceptable when the for-profit company
discloses on the invoices or order brochures
that Texas sales tax is included in the sales
price. This allows the company to remit to the
state any due sales taxes. In this instance, the
exempt organization is not required to collect
any tax amount over the sales price.
Senior Citizens Groups
Nonprofit senior citizen groups do not have
to collect or remit sales tax on items they
make and sell, provided they do not have
more than four fundraising events per calen-
dar year of no more than 20 days per event.
Amusement Services
The sale of an amusement service provided
exclusively by an exempt organization, other
than an IRS Section 501(c)(7) organization,
is exempt from sales tax as long as the pro-
ceeds do not benefit an individual except
of a purely public charity See Rule 3.298,
Amusement Services. For example, the sale
of a ticket to a school carnival, dance, ath-
letic event or musical concert is exempt.
For an event to qualify for exemption, the
organization must distinguish itself as the
sole provider in advertising (for example,
billboards, radio, television and other media
promoting the event), as well as on the face of
the physical tickets. Tickets should reflect that
the exempt organization is the provider, and
that the event is exempt from Texas sales and
use tax.
Can a nonprofit organization hire a for-
profit entity?
A nonprofit organization is allowed to hire a
for-profit entity to supply expertise required
to produce an event as long as the for-profit
entity is not also considered a provider of
the amusement service.
Membership Dues and Fees
Nonprofit groups’ membership dues and
fees are tax exempt. Country clubs and simi-
lar organizations that provide amusement
services do not qualify for this exemption.
Periodicals and writings are tax exempt if
published and distributed by a religious,
philanthropic, charitable, historical, scientific
or IRS 501(c)(3) organization. Materials pub-
lished by educational organizations do not
qualify for this exemption.
For more information,
visit our website
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via e-mail at
Hotel Occupancy Tax
Charitable, Educational or Religious
Charitable, educational or religious orga-
nizations that have received a letter of tax
exemption from the Comptroller may claim
exemption from the 6 percent state hotel
occupancy tax. Local hotel tax must be paid,
with some exceptions.
An organization can apply for exemption
by using the appropriate application form.
Guidelines to Texas Tax Exemptions (96-
1045) provides more details on the exemp-
tion process.
Entities Exempt from State and Local
Hotel Occupancy Tax
Entities exempt from both state and local
hotel occupancy tax include:
the U.S. government and its agencies,
departments and all branches of the U.S.
military. Government contractors are not
foreign diplomatic personnel issued a
hotel tax exemption card by the U.S.
Department of State Office of Foreign
designated Texas state officials who are
issued a hotel tax exemption photo ID
or card.
nonprofit entities exempt from tax by law,
other than the hotel tax, and who have
received a letter of tax exemption from
the Texas Comptroller.
Texas state agencies are not exempt, but
may apply for a refund of hotel tax paid by
employees to a hotel.
Traveling Employees
An employee of an exempt organization
traveling on official business is exempt.
The manner of payment does not affect the
exemption. For a representative who is not
an employee, the exempt organization must
pay the hotel directly with its funds (e.g.,
organization check, organization credit card
or direct billing by the hotel).
How to Claim Hotel Tax Exemption
A completed Texas Hotel Occupancy Tax
Exemption Certificate, must be presented
to the hotel to claim the exemption.
An exemption certificate may be accepted,
in good faith, when presented with the
supporting documentation described in
Rule 3.161(c)(2).
The Tax-Exempt Entity Search lists organi-
zations that are exempt from sales, franchise
and/or hotel occupancy taxes. Note: Entities
not exempt by law might not be listed in this
Motor Vehicle Sales and Use Tax
Motor vehicle sales tax exemptions are in
very limited. The following qualifying orga-
nizations may claim an exemption from
motor vehicle tax at the time of purchase on
the Application for Certificate of Title.
Some nonprofit emergency medical service
providers and volunteer fire departments
can buy fire trucks and emergency medical
response vehicles tax free.
Churches do not have to pay tax when
they purchase, rent or lease vans and buses
designed to carry more than six passengers,
as long as the vehicle is used at least 80 per-
cent of the time to transport people to and
from church services or religious meetings.
Tax is due, however, on vehicles purchased
for a ministers personal use.
Licensed childcare facilities that provide
24-hour residential care in a single residential
For more information,
visit our website
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via e-mail at
group, both to children who do not require
specialized services or treatment and children
who are emotionally disturbed, may claim an
exemption on the purchase, rental or lease of
a vehicle that will be used primarily in trans-
porting children residing at the facility.
Motor Vehicle Gifts and Nonprofit
A vehicle that is donated to, or given by,
a nonprofit service organization qualify-
ing under the Internal Revenue Code, Sec.
501(c)(3) is eligible for the $10 gift tax.
To document a gift, both the donor and
person receiving the vehicle must complete
a joint notarized Affidavit of Motor Vehicle
Gift Transfer (Form 14-317) describing the
transaction and the relationship between the
parties. This document should be provided to
the county tax assessor-collector along with
the Application for Certificate of Title.
Motor Vehicles Rentals
The following organizations may claim a tax
exemption when renting a motor vehicle:
public agency a public agency is an
instrumentality of the U.S. government or
a department, commission, board, office,
institution or other agency of this state
or of a county, city, town, school district,
hospital district, water district or other
special district or authority or political
subdivision created by or under the Texas
Constitution or statutes.
churches or religious societies no tax is
due if the vehicle is designed to carry more
than six passengers and at least 80 percent
of the vehicles operating time is used to
provide transportation to and from church
or religious services or meetings. A vehicle
rented for the official or personal use of a
minister or other church or organizational
members is not exempt, even if the vehicle
will be used for a church sponsored activity.
certain childcare facilities no tax is due
when renting a vehicle to a qualified resi-
dential childcare facility to be used primar-
ily to transport children residing in the
facility. A qualified residential child-care
facility means one licensed under Chapter
42 Human Resources Code to provide
residential care 24 hours a day in a single
residential group to children who do not
require specialized services or treatment and
children who are emotionally disturbed.
How to Claim Rental Vehicle Exemption
To claim an exemption when renting a qual-
ifying motor vehicle, the organization must
include a Motor Vehicle Rental Exemption
Certificate to the rental contract.
The certificate must be signed by an autho-
rized representative of the group or organi-
zation that is renting the vehicle.
Vehicle rentals to other nonprofit or public
service organizations, even if the organiza-
tion is funded by a public agency, are not
eligible for exemption.
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts • Publication #96-122 • Revised December 2010
For additional copies write: Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts; 111 East 17th Stree; Austin, Texas 78711-1440
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01-339 (Back)
(Rev. 9-07/6)
Name of purchaser, firm or agency
Address (Street & number, P.O. Box or Route number) Phone (Area code and number)
City, State, ZIP code
I, the purchaser named above, claim an exemption from payment of sales and use taxes (for the purchase of taxable
items described below or on the attached order or invoice) from:
Street address:
City, State, ZIP code:
Description of items to be purchased or on the attached order or invoice:
I understand that I will be liable for payment of all state and local sales or use taxes which may become due for failure to comply with
the provisions of the Tax Code and/or all applicable law.
I understand that it is a criminal offense to give an exemption certificate to the seller for taxable items that I know, at the time of purchase,
will be used in a manner other than that expressed in this certificate, and depending on the amount of tax evaded, the offense may range
from a Class C misdemeanor to a felony of the second degree.
Purchaser claims this exemption for the following reason:
Purchaser Title Date
NOTE: This certificate cannot be issued for the purchase, lease, or rental of a motor vehicle.
Sales and Use Tax "Exemption Numbers" or "Tax Exempt" Numbers do not exist.
This certificate should be furnished to the supplier. Do not send the completed certificate to the Comptroller of Public Accounts.
Change of Address
OMB No. 1545-1163
(Rev. December 2008)
Please type or print.
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Check all boxes this change affects:
Individual income tax returns (Forms 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, 1040NR, etc.)
If your last return was a joint return and you are now establishing a residence separate
from the spouse with whom you filed that return, check here
Gift, estate, or generation-skipping transfer tax returns (Forms 706, 709, etc.)
Your social security number
Your name (first name, initial, and last name)
Spouse’s social security number
Spouse’s name (first name, initial, and last name)
Prior name(s). See instructions.
Spouse’s old address, if different from line 6a (no., street, city or town, state, and ZIP code). If a P.O. box or foreign address, see instructions.
Old address (no., street, city or town, state, and ZIP code). If a P.O. box or foreign address, see instructions.
New address (no., street, city or town, state, and ZIP code). If a P.O. box or foreign address, see instructions.
If joint return, spouse’s signature
Form 8822 (Rev. 12-2008)
Cat. No. 12081V
See instructions on back.
Do not attach this form to your return.
Complete This Part To Change Your Home Mailing Address
Apt. no.
Apt. no.
Complete This Part To Change Your Business Mailing Address or Business Location
If Part II completed, signature of owner, officer, or representative
Your signature
( )
Daytime telephone number of person to contact (optional)
New mailing address (no., street, city or town, state, and ZIP code). If a P.O. box or foreign address, see instructions.
Old mailing address (no., street, city or town, state, and ZIP code). If a P.O. box or foreign address, see instructions.
Employer identification number
Business name
Check all boxes this change affects:
Employment, excise, income, and other business returns (Forms 720, 940, 940-EZ, 941, 990, 1041, 1065, 1120, etc.)
Employee plan returns (Forms 5500, 5500-EZ, etc.)
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form.
For Forms 706 and 706-NA, enter the decedent’s name and social security number below.
Business location
New business location (no., street, city or town, state, and ZIP code). If a foreign address, see instructions.
Room or suite no.
Room or suite no.
Room or suite no.
Part III
Part I
Part II
Apt. no.
Decedent’s name
Social security number
Page 2
Form 8822 (Rev. 12-2008)
Austin, TX
IF your old home mailing
address was in . . .
District of Columbia, Maine,
Maryland, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire, Vermont
Andover, MA
Arkansas, Connecticut,
Delaware, Indiana,
Michigan, Missouri, New
Jersey, New York, Ohio,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
West Virginia
Kansas City, MO
Alaska, Arizona, California,
Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho,
Illinois, Iowa, Kansas,
Minnesota, Montana,
Nebraska, Nevada, New
Mexico, North Dakota,
Oklahoma, Oregon, South
Dakota, Utah, Washington,
Wisconsin, Wyoming
Fresno, CA
Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act
Notice. We ask for the information on this
form to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of
the United States. Our legal right to ask for
information is Internal Revenue Code sections
6001 and 6011, which require you to file a
statement with us for any tax for which you are
liable. Section 6109 requires that you provide
your social security number on what you file.
This is so we know who you are, and can
process your form and other papers.
The time needed to complete and file this
form will vary depending on individual
circumstances. The estimated burden for
individual taxpayers filing this form is approved
under OMB control number 1545-0074 and is
included in the estimates shown in the
instructions for their individual income tax
return. The estimated burden for all other
taxpayers who file this form is 16 minutes.
If you have comments concerning the
accuracy of this time estimate or suggestions
for making this form simpler, we would be
happy to hear from you. You can write to the
Internal Revenue Service, Tax Products
Coordinating Committee,
SE:W:CAR:MP:T:T:SP, 1111 Constitution Ave.
NW, IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224. Do not
send the form to this address. Instead, see
Where To File on this page.
Purpose of Form
You can use Form 8822 to notify the Internal
Revenue Service if you changed your home or
business mailing address or your business
location. If this change also affects the mailing
address for your children who filed income tax
returns, complete and file a separate Form
8822 for each child. If you are a representative
signing for the taxpayer, attach to Form 8822 a
copy of your power of attorney.
Prior Name(s)
If you or your spouse changed your name
because of marriage, divorce, etc., complete
line 5. Also, be sure to notify the Social
Security Administration of your new name so
that it has the same name in its records that
you have on your tax return. This prevents
delays in processing your return and issuing
refunds. It also safeguards your future social
security benefits.
P.O. Box
Enter your box number instead of your street
address only if your post office does not
deliver mail to your street address.
Foreign Address
Enter the information in the following order:
city, province or state, and country. Follow the
country’s practice for entering the postal code.
Please do not abbreviate the country name.
Where To File
The use of this form is voluntary. However, if
you fail to provide the Internal Revenue
Service with your current mailing address, you
may not receive a notice of deficiency or a
notice and demand for tax. Despite the failure
to receive such notices, penalties and interest
will continue to accrue on the tax deficiencies.
THEN use this
address . . .
Generally, tax returns and return information
are confidential, as required by section 6103.
However, we may give the information to the
Department of Justice and to other federal
agencies, as provided by law. We may give it
to cities, states, the District of Columbia, and
U.S. commonwealths or possessions to carry
out their tax laws. We may also disclose this
information to other countries under a tax
treaty, to federal and state agencies to enforce
federal nontax criminal laws, or to federal law
enforcement and intelligence agencies to
combat terrorism.
Kentucky, Louisiana,
Mississippi, Tennessee,
Be sure to include any apartment, room, or
suite number in the space provided.
If you are completing Part I, the taxpayer,
executor, donor, or an authorized
representative must sign. If your last return
was a joint return, your spouse must also sign
(unless you have indicated by checking the
box on line 1 that you are establishing a
separate residence).
Filers Who Completed Part I
Changing both home and business
addresses? If you are, use a separate
Form 8822 to show each change.
IF your old business address
was in . . .
Connecticut, Delaware,
District of Columbia, Georgia,
Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky,
Maine, Maryland,
Massachusetts, Michigan,
New Hampshire, New Jersey,
New York, North Carolina,
Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode
Island, South Carolina,
Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia,
West Virginia, Wisconsin
Cincinnati, OH
THEN use this
address . . .
Filers Who Completed Part II
Alabama, Florida, Georgia,
North Carolina, South
Carolina, Virginia
Atlanta, GA
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona,
Arkansas, California, Colorado,
Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa,
Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota,
Mississippi, Missouri, Montana,
Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico,
North Dakota, Oklahoma,
Oregon, South Dakota, Texas,
Utah, Washington, Wyoming,
any place outside the
United States
Ogden, UT
Send this form to the Department of the
Treasury, Internal Revenue Service Center,
APO and FPO Addresses
American Samoa
Nonpermanent residents
Puerto Rico (or if excluding
income under Internal
Revenue Code
section 933)
Virgin Islands:
Nonpermanent residents
Nonresident aliens and
dual-status aliens
Foreign country:
U.S. citizens and those
filing Form 2555,
Form 2555-EZ, or Form 4563
Austin, TX
Permanent residents
Department of Revenue
and Taxation
Government of Guam
P.O. Box 23607
GMF, GU 96921
Virgin Islands:
Permanent residents
V.I. Bureau of
Internal Revenue
9601 Estate Thomas
Charlotte Amalie
St. Thomas, VI 00802
“In Care of” Address
If you receive your mail in care of a third party
(such as an accountant or attorney), enter
“C/O” followed by the third party’s name and
street address or P.O. box.
If you are completing Part II, an officer,
owner, general partner or LLC member
manager, plan administrator, fiduciary, or an
authorized representative must sign. An officer
is the president, vice president, treasurer, chief
accounting officer, etc.
and the address shown next that applies to
you. Generally, it takes 4 to 6 weeks to
process your change of address.
If you are a representative signing
on behalf of the taxpayer, you
must attach to Form 8822 a copy
of your power of attorney. To do
this, you can use Form 2848. The
Internal Revenue Service will not complete an
address change from an “unauthorized” third
Note. If you checked the box on line 2, or you
checked the box on both lines 1 and 2, send
this form to: Cincinnati, OH 45999-0023.
(You checked the box on line 1
You are not required to provide the
information requested on a form that is subject
to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the
form displays a valid OMB control number.
Books or records relating to a form or its
instructions must be retained as long as their
contents may become material in the
administration of any Internal Revenue law.
Name Phone (area code and number)
Home address City State ZIP code
SSN FEIN County (or country, if outside the U.S.)
Position held: General Partner Of cer/Director Managing Member Other
7. Enter the home state or country where this entity was formed and the formation date ............
Enter the home state registration/ le number ...........................................................................
Non-Texas entities: enter the le number if registered with the Texas Secretary of State ........
6. Have you ever received a Texas vendor or payee number
( (Texas Identi cation Number/TIN)? ........................................
YES NO If "YES," enter number ...
Name Phone (area code and number)
Home address City State ZIP code
SSN FEIN County (or country, if outside the U.S.)
Position held: General Partner Of cer/Director Managing Member Other
Pro t Corporation (CT, CF) General Partnership (PB, PI) Business Trust (TF)
Nonpro t Corporation (CN, CM) Professional Association (AP, AF) Trust (TR)
Limited Liability Company (CL, CI) Business Association (AB, AC) Real Estate Investment Trust (TH, TI)
Limited Partnership (PL, PF) Joint Venture (PV, PW) Joint Stock Company (ST, SF)
Professional Corporation (CP, CU) Holding Company (HF) Estate (ES)
Other (explain)
AP-201-1 (Rev.7-11/16)
2. Legal name of corporation, partnership, limited liability company, association or other legal entity
8. If the business is a corporation, has it been
involved in a merger within the last seven years? ...................... YES NO If "YES," attach a detailed explanation. (See instructions.)
9. Please list all general partners, of cers or managing members (Attach additional sheets, if necessary.)
Percent of
ownership %
Percent of
ownership %
If you are a sole proprietor, start on the next page, Item 10 –
Proceed to Item 15 if you are not a sole proprietor –
3. Federal Employer Identi cation Number (FEIN) ........
(assigned by the Internal Revenue Service for reporting federal income taxes)
5. Please list any current or past 11-digit Texas Taxpayer Number for reporting
any taxes or fees to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. ...........................................................................
4. Check here if you DO NOT have an FEIN.
1. Business Organization Type
Month Day Year
File number
Please submit a copy of the trust
agreement with this application.
File number
( )
( )
Texas Application
Sales Tax Permit • Use Tax Permit • 9-1-1 Emergency Communications
• Prepaid Wireless 9-1-1 Emergency Service Fee • Fireworks Tax
• Off-Road, Heavy Duty Diesel Powered Equipment Surcharge
Page 2
Texas Application for
Sales Tax Permit and/or Use Tax Permit
• TYPE OR PRINT • Do NOT write in shaded areas.
If you are a sole proprietor, start here –
(If you are NOT a sole proprietor, skip to Item 15, below.)
10. Legal name of sole proprietor ( rst, middle initial, last)
11. Social Security number (SSN) .............
Check this box if you DO NOT have
a Social Security number (SSN).
12. Please list any current or past 11-digit Texas Taxpayer Number for reporting
any taxes or fees to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. ...........................................................................
If "YES," enter number ..............
13. Have you ever received a Texas vendor or payee
number (Texas Identi cation Number/TIN)? .......... YES NO
14. Federal Employer Identi cation Number (FEIN), if you have one, assigned by
the Internal Revenue Service for reporting federal income taxes. .............................................................................
You have certain rights under Chapters 552 and 559, Government Code,
to review, request and correct information we have on le about you.
Contact us at the address or numbers listed on this form.
15. Mailing address of taxpaying entity - This address is for an individual or the party responsible for making decisions regarding address changes and
banking changes and who is responsible for overall account management and account security. Please provide complete address including suite,
apartment or personal mailbox number. Indicate whether the address is on a street, avenue, parkway, drive, etc., and whether there is a directional
indicator (e.g., North Lamar Blvd.).
Street number and name, P.O. Box or rural route and box number Suite/Apt. #
City State/province ZIP code County (or country, if outside the U.S.)
19. Business website address(es) ...........
All applicants continue here –
22. Name of bank or other nancial institution (Attach additional sheets, if necessary.)
Business Personal
23. If you will be accepting payments by credit card and/or through
an online payment processing company, enter the name of the processor.
Merchant identi cation number (MID)
assigned by processor
16. Daytime phone number (area code and number) ...........................................................................................
( )
17. FAX number (area code and number) ............................................................................................................
( )
18. Mobile/cellular phone number (area code and number) .................................................................................
( )
20. Contact person for business records
Name Email address
Street address (if different from the address in Item 15) Phone number (area code, number and extension)
21. Alternate contact person for business records
Name Email address
Street address (if different from the address in Item 15) Phone number (area code, number and extension)
Texas Application for
Sales Tax Permit and/or Use Tax Permit
Page 3
Legal name (Same as Item 2 OR Item 10)
Complete all information in this section for each PLACE OF BUSINESS in Texas.
If you do not have a physical PLACE OF BUSINESS in Texas, skip to Item 29.
27. Is this PLACE OF BUSINESS operated from your home? .......................................................................................................... YES NO
28. Enter the name and address of the owner or landlord of this PLACE OF BUSINESS.
33. Will you be conducting Internet and/or mail order sales? ............................................................................................................. YES NO
35. Will you sell or solicit business at temporary locations (fairs, trade shows, ea markets, carnivals, etc.) in Texas? .................... YES NO
If "YES," list the locations or event names and when you will be at the location or event. (Attach additional sheets, if necessary.)
Location and/or event name (e.g., Canton First Mondays, State Fair in Dallas, etc.) Period in attendance (e.g., rst weekend of each month, late October, etc.)
36. Will you be required to report interest earned on sales tax? (See speci c instructions.) ............................................................. YES NO (48)
37. List location of all distribution points, warehouses or of ces in Texas. (Do not include locations that are considered a place of business.)
(Attach additional sheets, if necessary.)
Street City State ZIP code
38. If you will be providing telecommunications services, indicate the 9-1-1 emergency communications fees you collect under Health & Safety Code,
Chapter 771. (Check all that apply.) (54)
26. Within what county is this PLACE OF BUSINESS?
25. Within what city limits is this PLACE OF BUSINESS?
Check this box if this PLACE OF BUSINESS is
NOT located within the limits of a city in Texas.
30. Enter the date that you will begin making sales or begin other operations subject to
Texas sales and use tax. (Date cannot be more than 90 days in the future.) .....................................................................
Month Day Year
31. Will you operate this business all year? ........................................................................................................................................ YES NO
If "NO," list the months you will operate.
32. Will you provide taxable services AT A CUSTOMER’S LOCATION and/or ship/deliver goods to customers? ............................. YES NO
29. Will your anticipated monthly taxable sales exceed $8,000 per month? ...................................................................................... YES NO
See instructions prior to answering Items 25 and 26.
Primary business activity and type of products or services to be sold.
34. Enter your North American Industry Classi cation System (NAICS) code. (See speci c instructions.) .......................................
NAICS code
Agriculture Transportation Retail Trade Real Estate Direct Sales / Marketing
Mining Finance Services Communications (See Item 38.)
Construction Utilities Insurance Public Administration
Manufacturing Wholesale Trade Health Spa Other (explain)
If you don't know your NAICS code, indicate your principal type of business.
911 FEES
Business name (DBA)
Street address (include St, Av, Ct, etc.) or rural route and box number (Do NOT use P.O. Box address--must provide physical location address.) Suite/Apt. number
City State ZIP code Business location phone
If this PLACE OF BUSINESS address is dif cult to nd or includes a rural route and box number, provide the physical location or directions.
24. PLACE OF BUSINESS name and address - This address is for the physical location where business is conducted. (Attach additional sheets for
each PLACE OF BUSINESS in Texas.)
( )
39. Will you sell prepaid wireless telecommunications services? ....................................................................................................... YES NO (94)
9-1-1 Wireless Emergency Service Fee (91) 9-1-1 Emergency Service Fee (92) 9-1-1 Equalization Surcharge (93)
Texas Application for
Sales Tax Permit and/or Use Tax Permit
Page 4
Legal name (Same as Item 2 OR Item 10)
43. Will you sell, lease or rent off-road, heavy-duty (50 horsepower or more) diesel-powered equipment? ................................... YES NO (50)
44. Is this permit for a winery located outside of Texas that will be shipping wine to consumers in Texas? .................................... YES NO
If "YES," you must obtain an Out-of-State Winery Direct Shipper's Permit from the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. (See instructions.)
If you will be selling reworks, complete Items 40 - 42; if not, skip to Item 43.
47. If you do not have a place of business in Texas, list names and addresses of all representatives, agents, salespersons, canvassers or solicitors
in Texas. (Attach additional sheets, if necessary.)
Name ( rst, middle initial, last)
Street City State ZIP code
46. Will you sell memberships to a health spa? ................................................................................................................................. YES NO
If "YES," you must attach a copy of your certi cate of registration issued by the Texas Secretary of State.
49. The sole owner, ALL general partners, managing members, of cers, directors or an authorized representative
must sign. The representative must submit a written power of attorney. (Attach additional sheets, if necessary.)
I (We) declare that the information in this document and any attachments is true and correct to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief.
APPLICANTS MUST BE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OF AGE. Parents or legal guardians may obtain a sales tax permit on behalf of a minor.
Field of ce or section number Employee name USERID Date
45. Please provide the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission license number(s) for this address.
40. Date of rst operation that is subject to reworks tax ..........................................................................................................
Month Day Year
41. What type of reworks permit was issued by the Texas Department of Insurance? (See speci c instructions.)
Distributor Jobber Manufacturer Retailer
42. Will you make retail sales of reworks to the general public under a consignment agreement? (Consignment sales are
sales where the consignee pays the distributor only for items that the consignee sells and returns any unsold items.) ............ YES NO (30)
If "YES," provide the name and taxpayer number of the distributor for whom you are selling.
Distributor name Distributor Texas taxpayer number
Date of signature(s)
Month Day Year
Type or print name and title of sole owner, partner, of cer, director or member
Sole owner, partner, of cer, director or member
Driver license number/state Date of birth
Type or print name and title of partner, of cer, director or member
Partner, of cer, director or member
Driver license number/state Date of birth
Type or print name and title of partner, of cer, director or member
Partner, of cer, director or member
Driver license number/state Date of birth
Name Title Phone (area code and number)
Street address City State ZIP code
Previous owner’s Texas taxpayer
48. Previous owner's trade name (DBA name) number (if available)
Check each of the following items you purchased. Inventory Corporate stock Equipment Real estate Other assets
Previous owner’s legal name, address and phone number, if available
If you purchased an existing business or business assets, complete Item 48; if not, skip to Item 49.
Purchase price
Date of purchase
Purchase price of this business or assets and the date of purchase
Month Day Year
( )
WARNING. You may be required to obtain an additional permit or license from the State of Texas or from a local governmental entity to
conduct business. A listing of links relating to acquiring licenses, permits, and registrations from the State of Texas is available online
at http://www.Texas.gov. You may also want to contact the municipality and county in which you will conduct business to determine
any local governmental requirements.