The Drone and Model Aircraft Code
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The Drone and
Model Aircraft Code
> For ying drones, model aeroplanes, model gliders,
model helicopters, and other unmanned aircraft
systems outdoors in the Open A1 and A3 categories.
> Follow this Code to make sure you always y
safely and legally.
> It covers everything you need to know to pass the test
to get a yer ID. This is the starting point for anyone
wanting to y a drone or model aircraft in the UK.
> Always check online for the latest version.
It is against the law to y a drone or model aircraft without having
the required IDs. You can also be ned for breaking the law when
ying. In the most serious case, you could be sent to prison.
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Getting what you need to y legally Page 3
How to make sure you have what you need to get started ying legally.
Flying safely and responsibly Page 7
General responsibilities
Where you can y Page 10
Legal height limits, distances from people, and areas where you must
not y. Restrictions on ying near to airports and spaceports.
Making every ight safe Page 22
What to do before, during, and after a ight.
Protecting peoples privacy Page 31
Making sure that you don’t invade anyones privacy when you’re out
ying. What you can and can’t do with photos and videos.
Getting a yer ID before you y Page 34
What to do if you will y a drone or model aircraft that requires you to
have a yer ID, and requirements for children under the age of 13.
Getting an operator ID before you y Page 36
What to do if you’re a drone or model aircraft operator.
Less common ying Page 40
Carrying out less common ying activities.
Background: Drones and model aircraft in the law Page 43
You can use ‘Find’ if you want to search this document for
a specic word or phrase. And you can nd out more and
register to take the test at the CAAs drone and model aircraft service
The Drone and Model Aircraft Code
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Getting what you
need to fly legally
How to make sure you have what you
need to get started flying legally.
ID and registration requirements
Page 4
Type of ID needed
Page 4
Categories of drone and model aircraft operations
Page 6
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ID and registration requirements
There are two IDs you may need before ying drones or
model aircraft outdoors in the UK:
> yer ID, which shows you’ve passed the basic ying test
> operator ID, which must be labelled on your drone or
model aircraft
You may need to have both.
Responsible for ying
safely and legally
Responsible for the drone
or model aircraft and who
they allow to y it
Type of ID needed
The IDs you need depend on the weight of your drone or model
aircraft, whether it is a toy, and whether it has a camera.
Flying weight requirements table
Type of drone or model aircraft ID needed
Flyer ID Operator ID
Below 250g / toy
8 8
Below 250g / not a toy / no camera
8 8
Below 250g / not a toy / with camera
8 4
250g or above
4 4
Getting what you need to y legally
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Our registration site provides guidance to help you work out if
your drone or model aircraft is a toy.
Remember, even if you do not need to register, you must still
follow the Drone and Model Aircraft Code when you y.
Flyer ID
You must pass the CAAs ofcial theory test to get a yer ID
before ying a drone or model aircraft covered by the regulations.
You’re responsible for ying safely and legally whenever you y.
Operator ID
The operator is the person responsible for managing a drone
or model aircraft. This means they’re responsible for things
like maintaining it and making sure that anyone who ies
it has a yer ID.
You must be 18 or over to get an operator ID.
The operator is usually the person or organisation that owns
the drone or model aircraft, but not always. For example, if
you’re younger than 18 and you own a drone or model aircraft,
you must ask your parent or guardian to register for an operator
ID. You’ll still be able to y as long as you have a yer ID.
Getting what you need to y legally
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Categories of drone and
model aircraft operations
The types of ying you do with your drone or model aircraft
are known as operations.
There are different categories of operations. The categories
affect things like where you can y, and how close to people
and crowds you can y.
Category Type of ying
Open A1 and A3 Basic, low-risk ying
Open A2 More risk than A1 and A3
Specic Moderate-risk ying
Certied High-risk, complex ying
This Code tells you everything you need to know to pass
the test to get a yer ID. This allows you to y in the Open A1
and A3 sub-categories, which is the starting point for anyone
wanting to y a drone or model aircraft in the UK.
You’ll need to go on and get further authorisation if you want
to do more advanced ying, or if you want to y a drone or
model aircraft that weighs 25kg or more. For example, if you
want to y in the Open A2 sub-category, or Specic category,
or Certied category.
Getting what you need to y legally
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Flying safely
and responsibly
General responsibilities
1 You’re responsible for ying safely
Page 8
whenever you y
2 Always keep your drone or model aircraft
Page 8
in direct sight and make sure you have a
full view of the surrounding airspace
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You’re responsible for ying safely
whenever you y
Follow this Code to make sure you never put people in danger.
Always be ready in case something should go wrong with your
drone or model aircraft.
You could be ned for breaking the law when ying your drone
or model aircraft. In the most serious cases, you could be sent
to prison.
Always keep your drone or model aircraft
in direct sight and make sure you have a
full view of the surrounding airspace
You must be sure that you’ll be able to spot any nearby hazards,
in the air or on the ground, and avoid any collisions.
You must be able to see your drone or model aircraft clearly
enough that you can tell which way it’s facing. This is so that
you can steer and control it safely, even if something happens
unexpectedly. You must be able to see it without using:
> binoculars
> a telephoto lens
> electronic viewing equipment, such as a smart phone,
tablet or video goggles
Using normal glasses and contact lenses is ne.
Always keep your drone or model aircraft in sight
Point 2 continues on next page >
Flying safely and responsibly
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Point 2 continued
Flying with the help of an observer
You can ask someone to be your observer when you y.
They must stand next to you and you must be able to talk
to each other at all times.
One of you must be able to keep your drone or model aircraft
in direct sight and have a full view of the surrounding airspace
at all times.
The observer does not need to have a yer ID, but you must tell
them what to look out for. Remember, you’re still responsible for
keeping the ight safe.
Flying using rst-person view (FPV)
Some drones and model aircraft are tted with cameras that
provide live video to devices such as smart phones, tablets
and video goggles. Flying by watching this video is known
as rst-person view (FPV).
If you want to y using rst-person view, you must have an
observer with you and follow the rules above for ying with
the help of an observer.
If you want to fly using first-person view, you must
have an observer with you.
Flying using
first-person view
If you want to y using rst person view,
you must have an observer with you
Flying safely and responsibly
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Where you can fly
Legal height limits, distances from people,
and areas where you must not fly.
Restrictions on flying near to airports
and spaceports.
3 Fly below 120m (400ft)
Page 11
4 Do not y closer to people than 50m
Page 12
5 Never y over people who are crowded together
Page 15
6 Keep at least 150m away from residential,
Page 16
recreational, commercial and industrial areas
7 Stay well away from airports, airelds,
Page 17
spaceports and aircraft
8 Follow any ying restrictions and check for hazards
Page 19
9 Get the right authorisation before ying
Page 21
outside this code
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Fly below 120m (400ft)
Flying below the legal height limit of 120m (400ft) will reduce
the risk of coming across other aircraft, which normally y
higher than this.
Always look and listen out for other aircraft that may
be ying below 120m (400ft), such as air ambulances,
police helicopters, and low-ying military aircraft.
Never y more than 120m (400ft) above the earth’s surface
Flying where there are hills, mountains or cliffs
Your drone or model aircraft must never be more than 120m
(400ft) from the closest point of the earth’s surface.
If you y where the ground falls or rises, such as over hills,
mountains or cliffs, you may need to adjust your ight path
so that your drone or model aircraft is never more than 120m
(400ft) from the closest point of the earth’s surface.
Where you can y
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Do not y closer to people
than 50m
This includes people in buildings and transport, including cars,
lorries, trains, and boats.
You must keep a minimum horizontal distance of 50m between
your drone or model aircraft and people. This creates a no y
zone around people that goes all the way up to the legal height
limit. It can help to think of this no y zone as a cylinder.
You must not y over people in this no y zone, even if you y
higher than 50m.
Do not y closer to people than 50m
People involved in what you’re doing
The rule on minimum distances is different for people involved
in what you’re doing.
You can y closer than 50m to people who are with you and
who are involved in what you’re doing, such as friends, family
or colleagues out ying with you. Remember, you must never
put anyone in danger.
Point 4 continues on next page >
Where you can y
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Point 4 continued
Drones and model aircraft below 250g
The rules on minimum distances to people are different for
drones and model aircraft below 250g.
If you’re ying a drone or model aircraft that’s below 250g, you
can y closer to people than 50m and you can y over them.
You still can’t y over crowds.
Remember, you must never put people in danger. Even small
drones and model aircraft could injure people if you don’t y
them safely.
Drones and model aircraft that weigh 250g to 500g
If you’re ying a drone or model aircraft that’s between 250g
and 500g, you can y closer to people than 50m if you get
the A2 Certicate of Comptency (A2 CofC). You still must not
intentionally y over people.
Point 4 continues on next page >
Where you can y
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Point 4 continued
Always keep a safe distance
Sometimes, you’ll need to increase the 50m minimum distance
from people to make sure that your ight remains safe. Follow
these general rules:
> If you y higher than 50m, you should keep the same distance
horizontally. For example, keep 80m away if you y at a
height of 80m.
> If poor weather conditions mean that there could be a greater
risk to people, y further away from them. For example if it’s
very windy, you should y further away from people.
> If you y at high speeds, y further away to give yourself
more time to react.
If you y higher than 50m, you should be at least the same
distance away from people
Where you can y
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Never y over people who are
crowded together
A crowd is any group of people who cannot move away quickly
because of the number of other people around them.
Never y over people who are crowded together, no matter what
size of drone or model aircraft you have.
Examples of places where people are often crowded
together include:
> shopping areas
> sports events
> religious gatherings
> political gatherings
> music festivals and concerts
> marches and rallies
> at a crowded beach or park
> parties, carnivals and fêtes
Never y where people have gathered in crowds or groups
Where you can y
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Keep at least 150m away from residential,
recreational, commercial and industrial
150m is the minimum distance. Be prepared to increase the
distance if you need to do that to y safely.
Keep at least 150m away from residential, recreational,
commercial and industrial sites
Small drones and model aircraft: below 250g
You can y small drones and model aircraft that are lighter than
250g at residential, recreational, commercial and industrial
Remember, you must always y safely.
Type of site Examples
Residential > Individual
residential buildings
> Villages
> Cities and towns
> Small groups of
residential buildings
> Housing estates
> Schools
Recreational > Tourist attractions
> Sports facilities
> Beaches and parks
> Theme parks
Commercial > Shopping centres
> Warehouses
> Business parks
Industrial > Factories
> Docks
> Rail and transport
Where you can y
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Stay well away from airports, airelds,
spaceports and aircraft
If you endanger the safety of an aircraft,
you could go to prison for ve years.
Most airports, airelds and spaceports have a ight restriction
zone (FRZ).
Never y in this zone unless you have permission from the
airport, aireld or spaceport. The zone is in place to avoid
any collisions with aircraft or spacecraft at or near the site.
Some smaller airelds do not have an FRZ, but you still must
not y on or near these airelds where you could pose a danger
to the safety of aircraft.
Checking for airport, aireld and spaceport restrictions
You can nd details of FRZs and other airspace restrictions
in NATS’ map of airspace restrictions.
There are several drone apps that show airspace restrictions.
Details of airspace restrictions in your drones inbuilt software
may not always be up to date. You must check a correct and
up-to-date source before ying.
Point 7 continues on next page >.
Where you can y
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Point 7 continued
Smaller airelds may not appear on the map or in drone apps,
so you must always look out for light aircraft, equipment or
facilities that suggest there could be an aireld nearby.
Never y in an airport’s ight restriction zone
Never y in a spaceport’s ight restriction zone
Where you can y
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Follow any ying restrictions
and check for hazards
Always check for restrictions and hazards before you y.
Examples of restrictions and hazards
Restricted airspace
Flying may be restricted around some sites, such as prisons,
military ranges, royal palaces, and government buildings.
Flying may be temporarily banned in specic areas during some
events, such as airshows or festivals. This is to keep everyone
safe. There may also be security reasons for banning ying,
such as at political conferences.
Emergency incidents
You must keep out of the way and not y in any way that could
hamper the emergency services when they’re responding to an
emergency incident.
If you’re out ying at or near to an emergency incident when it
happens, you must safely and immediately stop ying unless
the emergency services give you permission to continue.
You must:
> follow any temporary restrictions that are put in place
> take particular care not to hinder any aerial support to the
emergency services
> respect and protect the privacy of anyone involved in the
Examples of emergency incidents include road trafc accidents,
res, oods, rescues, and similar events.
Byelaws may restrict when you can y and where you can
y from.
Look out for local signs for information and contact details
where you can nd out more. Byelaws are unlikely to be
shown on apps or drone websites.
Point 8 continues on next page >
Where you can y
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Point 8 continued
Tall structures
Check for any tall structures, such as cranes, masts and wires.
Do not y if there are structures in the area that will mean it’s
not safe or legal.
Animals and wildlife
Do not y where you’ll disturb or endanger animals and wildlife.
Sites of Special Scientic Interest (SSSI)
Flying may be restricted at some Sites of Special Scientic
Interest (SSSI) where that ight may disturb animals or wildlife.
Check on the web for byelaws or look out for local signs and
then follow any restrictions that apply.
The following national authorities provide information on SSSIs:
> Natural England
> Natural Resources Wales
> NatureScot
> Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA)
Other aircraft
Always be ready to respond in the safest way possible if other
aircraft appear where you’re ying.
Look and listen out for unusual or specialist ying activities,
such as air ambulances, police helicopters, light aircraft, military
aircraft, crop spraying, and electricity pylon surveying.
Useful places to check for restrictions and hazards
Check for signs that say you cannot y drones or model aircraft.
Some sites may have restrictions that are not listed in apps and
other services.
NOTAMs (Notice to Aviation)
NOTAMs are ofcial notices that tell people about activities that
may be a hazard to ying. For example, a balloon show.
Many drone apps include details of NOTAMs. You can also nd
NOTAMs at the NATS drone website.
Point 8 continues on next page >
Where you can y
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Point 8 continued
Apps and other resources with details of restrictions
Some ying restrictions are given in the following:
> drone apps that show airspace restrictions
> the NATS drone website (NATS is the air trafc control
> the Aeronautical Information Publication
When you use any of these resources, make sure you
understand exactly what information it is giving you.
Get the right authorisation before
ying outside this code
This code covers ying in the Open A1 and A3 categories. If you
want to y outside the rules in this Code, you must rst get the
correct authorisation.
For example, you’ll need authorisation from the Civil Aviation
Authority if you want to y:
> at different heights or distances to the ones in this Code
> closer to a residential, recreational, commercial
or industrial area
> over crowds or groups of people
If you want to y at or near an airport, you need permission
from the airport.
From time to time, the Civil Aviation Authority may issue
general authorisations.
Authorisation that comes with membership of a club
or association
In some cases, being a member of a recognised club or
association may give you additional ying authorisation.
For example, you may be able to y in an area that is
normally restricted as long as you follow the conditions
in the authorisation.
Check with your club or association before you y.
Where you can y
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Making every
flight safe
What to do before, during,
and after a flight.
10 Make sure you know what your drone
Page 23
or model aircraft can and cannot do
11 Make sure your drone or model aircraft is t to y
Page 24
12 Never drop anything from your drone
Page 25
or model aircraft while it’s ying
13 Never carry any dangerous cargo on your drone
Page 25
or model aircraft
14 Make sure any equipment is secure
Page 25
15 Do not y if the weather could affect your ight
Page 26
16 Make sure you’re t and safe to y
Page 27
17 Take action quickly and safely if the situation
Page 28
in the air or on the ground changes
18 Report any dangerous incidents, near misses
Page 29
or suspicious activity
19 Make sure you have the appropriate insurance
Page 30
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Make sure you know what your drone or
model aircraft can and cannot do
Make sure you have read any instructions before you y.
Key points to know are:
> how far your drone or model aircraft can y from you before
it loses signal
> how long your drone or model aircraft can y before running
low on power or fuel
If your drone or model aircraft has any of the following
functions, you should know how to set and update them:
> Maximum ying height.
> A lost connection or ‘return-to-home’ function, which
means your drone or model aircraft can y back to you
if theres a problem.
> Geo-awareness software to help you avoid ying in certain
restricted areas. Do not alter or disable this software if your
drone or model aircraft has it.
Making every ight safe
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Make sure your drone or model aircraft
is t to y
Check fuel and battery levels
Take special care to check that fuel and battery levels will last
through your ight. This includes any extra fuel you might need
in an emergency or for ying in difcult weather, such as windy
Remember to check the battery power in the controller too.
Check any built-in software is up to date
The built-in software (called rmware) controls important
navigation and ying controls. Depending on the type of
drone or model aircraft you have, this could include:
> how your drone uses its power
> how your drone knows its position
> how your drone lands if theres a problem
> in some cases, the latest information on ight restriction
zones and other airspace restrictions
Keeping this software up to date will also help to protect
against cyber attacks.
Follow the instructions to update the built-in software
(rmware). Always check that the software has updated
correctly before going ying.
Making every ight safe
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Never drop, lower or re anything from
your drone or model aircraft while its ying
Never carry any dangerous cargo
on your drone or model aircraft
You must never carry any cargo on your drone or model aircraft
that could be dangerous to people, property or the environment
if there was an accident.
For example, never carry:
> poisonous or corrosive cargo, such as acid or bleach
> ammable cargo, such as petrol or oil, apart from what
the engine needs for that ight
Make sure any equipment
is secure
If you plan to carry any equipment on your drone or model
aircraft, you must not go over the maximum take-off mass
(MTOM). This is the maximum safe weight your drone or model
aircraft can take-off and y with. It includes fuel and any items
or equipment attached to it.
You can nd the maximum take-off mass in your drone or
model aircraft instructions.
Making every ight safe
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Do not y if the weather could affect
your ight
Some of the things to look out for:
> strong winds could blow your drone or model aircraft
off course or make it difcult to y safely
> wind on the ground is often very different to the wind
at height
> rain or other water, snow and cold weather could stop parts
of your drone or model aircraft from working
> fog could mean you lose sight of your drone or model aircraft
> glare from the sun could mean you lose sight of your drone
or model aircraft
> cold or wet weather could affect your ability to control
your drone or model aircraft safely
> standing out in the sun could affect your ability
to concentrate
Make sure your drone or model aircraft will work if the
temperature is low
Follow the manufacturer’s guidance on the safe temperatures
to y at.
Some types of battery do not hold their charge as long in cold
weather and this may reduce the amount of time you can y.
Making every ight safe
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Make sure you’re t
and safe to y
Do not drink and y
You must not y when under the inuence of alcohol.
Alcohol will seriously affect your judgement and ability.
Do not y under the inuence of drugs or medicine
Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking
medicines that may affect your ability to operate your drone
or model aircraft safely. Do not y if they advise that your ability
to drive a car or operate machinery may be affected.
Do not y if you’re tired or unwell
Your judgement and ability could be affected if you are tired
or unwell.
Do not y while you could be distracted by another activity
For example:
> do not y while driving, riding or operating a vehicle or bicycle
> do not y while messaging or making a phone call
> do not y more than one drone or model aircraft at a time
Making every ight safe
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Take action quickly and safely if the
situation in the air or on the ground
Always be ready to land your drone or model aircraft or
reduce your ying height and wait until it is safe to y again.
For example, you may need to land if a group of people or
animals turn up in the area where you’re ying.
Low ying aircraft
Reduce your ying height or land as soon as you hear or see
a low ying aircraft that may be affected by your drone or model
Land your drone or model aircraft, or hover at a low level well
out of the way, and wait until it’s safe to continue with your
ight. If it appears the aircraft is attempting to land, you should
land your drone or model aircraft immediately.
Making every ight safe
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Report any dangerous incidents,
near misses or suspicious activity
If you witness or are involved in a serious incident or near miss
involving a drone or model aircraft, you must report the incident
to the Civil Aviation Authority. You can choose to do this
anonymously or you can give your details.
A serious incident includes anything that did, or could have,
put any of the following in danger
> people
> property, buildings, or equipment
> aircraft
The Civil Aviation Authority will use this information to
monitor potential hazards and risks to help keep ying
safe for everyone.
The Civil Aviation Authority website has more guidance
on what must be reported.
Suspicious activity and mis-use
If you see anybody using a drone or model aircraft in a
suspicious or dangerous way, call your local police on 101.
If it’s at an airport, call airport security.
Retrieving your drone or model aircraft after a
forced landing
If you make a forced landing or crash on private property,
you must get the property owner’s permission before
retrieving your drone or model aircraft.
This is especially important at sites where security services
are likely to respond if you enter without permission.
Making every ight safe
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Make sure you have the
appropriate insurance
The insurance you need depends on the size of your drone
or model aircraft and what you use it for.
Insurance for drones and model aircraft below 20kg
If you y a drone or model aircraft that weighs less than 20kg
for fun, recreation, sport, or as a hobby, you can choose whether
or not to have insurance.
If you y for any other reason, you must have third party liability
insurance. For example, you must have insurance if you:
> get paid to take pictures or record video or carry out surveys
> use your drone for work, such as on a farm, park or estate
Although insurance is optional if you only y for fun, recreation,
sport, or as a hobby, remember you’re responsible for your
actions. You could be held personally liable for any injury or
damage you cause, so you may want to consider getting third
party liability insurance.
Insurance for drones and model aircraft 20kg and above
If your drone or model aircraft is 20kg or more, you must
always have third party insurance, no matter what you use
your aircraft for.
Making every ight safe
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Protecting peoples
Making sure that you don’t invade anyones
privacy when you’re out flying. What you
can and can’t do with photos and videos.
20 Respect other people and their privacy
Page 32
21 Make sure you know what your camera
Page 32
can do and the kind of images it can take
22 Make sure you can be clearly seen when
Page 32
you’re out ying
23 Let people know before you start recording
Page 33
or taking pictures
24 Think before sharing photos and videos
Page 33
25 Keep photos and videos secure
Page 33
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Respect other people and their privacy
If your drone or model aircraft is tted with a camera or
listening device, you must respect other peoples privacy
whenever you use them.
If you use these devices where people can expect privacy, such
as inside their home or garden, you’re likely to be breaking data
protection laws.
It’s against the law to take photographs or record video or
sound for criminal or terrorist purposes.
Any photos or recordings you take may be covered by the
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Make sure you know what your camera
can do and the kind of images it can take
Knowing this will help to reduce the risk of taking photos or
recording videos that invade privacy.
Make sure you know:
> what quality you can record
> how close your camera can zoom in
> if you can start and stop recording when you are ying
Make sure you can be clearly seen
when you’re out ying
This means people will know whos responsible for your drone
or model aircraft.
Protecting peoples privacy
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Let people know before you start
recording or taking pictures
In some cases, this will be easy. For example, if you’re taking
a photo of family and friends at a family barbecue.
In other cases, this will be less practical, so you must be careful
to respect everyones right to privacy.
Remember, you must never y over groups, crowds, or any
people who are not with you.
Think before sharing photos and videos
Avoid sharing anything that could be unfair or harmful
to anyone.
Think carefully about who could see your photos and videos –
especially before posting them on social media. Apply the same
common-sense approach that you would with images or video
recorded on a smartphone or digital camera.
Keep photos and videos secure
Store images safely. Delete anything you don’t need.
If you record images for commercial use, you’ll need to meet
further specic requirements as a data controller.
Protecting peoples privacy
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Getting a flyer ID
before you fly
What to do if you will fly a drone or model
aircraft that requires you to have a flyer ID, and
requirements for children under the age of 13.
26 You must pass the CAAs ofcial online theory
Page 35
test to get a yer ID
27 You must pass the theory test to renew your
Page 35
yer ID every ve years
28 Always y safely and legally
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You must pass the CAAs ofcial online
theory test to get a yer ID
Children and adults must pass the test: there is no age limit.
For data protection reasons, children under 13 must be with
a parent or guardian when they take the test and register.
You must pass the CAAs ofcial online theory test
to get a yer ID
You must pass the theory test to renew
your yer ID every ve years
Your yer ID will last for ve years.
If you took your last test under the previous regulations,
that yer ID will last for three years. You can check when
your ID expires in the My registration area.
Always y safely and legally
Following the points in this Code will help you to do this.
Getting a yer ID before you y
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Getting an operator
ID before you fly
What to do if you’re a drone or model
aircraft operator.
29 The person or organisation that’s responsible
Page 37
for a drone or model aircraft that requires an
operator ID must register to get an operator ID
30 Label all your drones or model aircraft with
Page 38
your operator ID
31 Always make sure that anyone ying your
Page 39
drone or model aircraft has appropriate
authorisation, such as a valid yer ID
32 Set out what you expect from anyone who’ll
Page 39
y your drone or model aircraft and what you’ll
be responsible for yourself
33 Maintain your drone or model aircraft so that
Page 39
it’s safe to y
34 You must renew your operator ID every year
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The person or organisation that’s
responsible for a drone or model
aircraft that requires an operator ID
must register to get an operator ID
You must be over 18 to register as an operator. If you’re
under 18, you’ll need to ask a parent or guardian to register
for an operator ID.
Points 30 to 34 set out what you’re responsible for if you’re
an operator.
The person or organisation responsible for a drone
or model aircraft that requires an operator ID must
register to get an operator ID
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Label all your drones or model aircraft
with your operator ID
You must label your operator ID on every drone or model aircraft
you’re responsible for.
You can use the same operator ID for all your drones and model
Always label with your operator ID, not your yer ID.
How to label your drone or model aircraft
Your operator ID must be:
> visible from the outside, or within a compartment that can
easily be accessed without using a tool
> clear and in block capitals taller than 3mm
> secure and safe from damage
> on the main body of the aircraft
You must label your operator ID on every drone or model
aircraft you’re responsible for. You can use the same
operator ID for every aircraft
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Always make sure that anyone ying your
drone or model aircraft has appropriate
authorisation, such as a valid yer ID
You can do this at the check someone’s registration
status service. If your drone or model aircraft is below 250g, the
person ying it does not need a yer ID.
Set out what you expect from anyone
who’ll y your drone or model aircraft and
what you’ll be responsible for yourself
If anyone else will y a drone or model aircraft you’re
responsible for, you must tell them:
> to y safely and follow this Code when they y
> to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for ying
> what you’ll be responsible for, such as keeping any built-in
software up to date
> what you expect them to do, especially to do with ying and
maintaining your aircraft
If several people will y, such as in a business, club or school,
consider writing this information down and making it available
somewhere that everyone can easily access it.
Maintain your drone or model aircraft
so that it’s safe to y
This includes following the manufacturer’s instructions on
maintenance and keeping any built-in software (rmware)
up to date.
Renew your operator ID every year
It is a legal requirement to keep your operator ID
registration details up to date.
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Less common
Carrying out less common
flying activities.
These points are not included in the theory test.
35 Flying with follow-me mode active
Page 41
36 Height limits for model gliders up to 10kg
Page 41
37 Flying over very tall structures
Page 42
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Flying with follow-me mode active
Some drones or model aircraft have a follow-me mode
that means you can set your aircraft to follow you within
a xed distance.
You do not have to keep your drone or model aircraft in direct
sight when follow-me mode is active and set to follow within
50m of you. You must still follow all of the other points.
Height limits for model gliders up to 10kg
The maximum height for model gliders is up to 120m (400ft)
above the height you’re standing at rather than above the
ground level directly below it.
This is to allow for ying from hills and mountains.
The maximum height for all other drones and model aircraft
is measured from the closest point of the earth’s surface to
the aircraft during ight.
Less common ying
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Flying over very tall structures
If the person or organisation responsible for a very tall structure
over 105m asks you to carry out a task related to their structure,
you’re allowed to y higher than 120m (400ft). For example, if
they ask you to take pictures for a survey.
You must never y more than 15m above the structure.
Your drone or model aircraft must be within 50m of the
structure horizontally when ying over 120m (400ft).
You can y up to 15m over a building or structure taller
than 105m if the person or organisation responsible
for the structure asks you to do a task related to it
Ready to take the theory test?
You’re ready to take the theory test when you know the Code.
You can do this online at
Less common ying
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Drones and model
aircraft in the law
Acts and regulations
The following acts and regulations include some of the key points of law that
this Drone and Model Aircraft Code is based on. The list is not intended to be
For the precise wording of the law, please see the acts and regulations.
These are also available in print from The Stationery Ofce.
> CAP1789A:
Consolidated version of the EU UAS Implementing Regulation.
> CAP1789B:
Consolidated version of the EU UAS Delegated Regulation.
> The Air Navigation Order 2016,
including the 2018 amendment and 2019 amendment.
The Civil Aviation Authority has published a copy of the
Air Navigation Order with amendments inserted.
> The Data Protection Act 2018.