CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture
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BBiibliogbliogrraaphphy for the Sy for the Studtudy of Ay of Asisiaan Cn Culturulture(e(ss) a) and Globnd Globalializzaattionion
CChiehien-hn-haanng Liug Liu
National Sun Yat-sen University
Li GLi Guouo
Utah State University
II-C-Chhun Wun Waanngg
National Sun Yat-sen University
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CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture
ISSN 1481-4374 <>
Purdue University Press ©Purdue University
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, the peer-reviewed, full-text, and open-access learned journal in the
humanities and social sciences, publishes new scholarship following tenets of the discipline of comparative
literature and the field of cultural studies designated as "comparative cultural studies." In addition to the
publication of articles, the journal publishes review articles of scholarly books and publishes research material in its
Library Series. Publications in the journal are indexed in the Annual Bibliography of English Language and
Literature (Chadwyck-Healey), the Arts and Humanities Citation Index (Thomson Reuters ISI), the Humanities
Index (Wilson), Humanities International Complete (EBSCO), the International Bibliography of the Modern Langua-
ge Association of America, and Scopus (Elsevier). The journal is affiliated with the Purdue University Press monog-
raph series of Books in Comparative Cultural Studies. Contact: <>
Volume 15 Issue 2 (June 2013) Article 23
Chien-hang Liu, Li Guo, I-Chun Wang
"Bibliography for the Study of Asian Culture(s) and Globalization"
Contents of CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 15.2 (2013)
Thematic Issue Asian Culture(s) and Globalization
Ed. I-Chun Wang and Li Guo
Chien-hang Liu, Li Guo, I-Chun Wang,
"Bibliography for the Study of Asian Culture(s) and Globalization" page 2 of 14
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 15.2 (2013): <>
Special Issue Asian Culture(s) and Globalization. Ed. I-Chun Wang and Guo Li
Chien-hang LIU, Li GUO, I-Chun WANG
Bibliography for the Study of Asian Culture(s) and Globalization
The Bibliography contains studies in terminology and theoretical approaches, society, education,
literature, language, art, music, urban studies, ecocriticism and environment, cinema, religion,
gender, food culture, popular culture, media, etc., published in several languages.
Alden, Dana L., Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp, and Rajeev Batra. "Brand Positioning Through Advertising in Asia,
North America, and Europe: The Role of Global Consumer Culture." Journal of Marketing 63.1 (1999): 78-87.
Aldridge, A. Owen. Reemergence of World Literature: A Study of Asia and the West. London: Associated UP, 1986.
Alford, C. Fred C. 프레드앨퍼드지음, and Kyŏng-t'ae Nam 남경태옮김. 남경태, eds.
Values in the Age of Globalization). Sŏul-si: Gŭrinbi, 2000.
Allen, Matthew, and Rumi Sakamoto, eds. Popular Culture, Globalization and Japan. London: Routledge, 2006.
Alleton, Viviane. "The Migration of Grammars through Languages: The Chinese Case." Mapping Meanings: The Field
of New Learning in Late Qing China. Ed. Michael Lackner and Natascha Vittinghoff. Leiden: Brill, 2004. 211-38.
Amino, Yoshihiko. Rethinking Japanese History. Trans. Alan Christy. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 2012.
Anagnost, Ann, Andrea Arai, and Hai Ren, eds. Global Futures in East Asia: Youth, Nation, and the New Economy in
Uncertain Times. Stanford: Stanford UP, 2013.
Anderson, William M., and Patricia Shehan Campbell, eds. Multicultural Perspectives in Music Education. Lanham:
Rowman & Littlefield, 2010.
Andrews, Julia F., and Kuiyi Shen, eds. "The New Chinese Woman and Lifestyle Magazines in the Late 1990s."
Popular China: Unofficial Culture in a Globalizing Society. Perry Link, Richard P. Madsen, and Paul G. Pickowicz,
eds. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2002. 137-62.
Appadurai, Arjun. Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization. Minnesota: U of Minnesota P, 1996.
Arnove, Robert F., and Carlos Alberto Torres, eds. Comparative Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the
Local. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2003.
Asheervadam, I.P., Adhi Daram, and Alle Hoekema. Churches Engage Asian Traditions. Auckland: Good Books,
Ashton, David, and Francis Green, ed. Education, Training and the Global Economy. Northampton: Edward Elgar,
Athukorala, Prema-chandra, and Nobuaki Yamashita. "Production Fragmentation and Trade Integration: East Asia
in a Global Context." The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 17.3 (2006): 133-56.
Baca, George. "Critical Thinking and the Tide of Scholarly Bandwagons-Liberal Arts Education in the 'Age of
Globalization'." Liberal Education and Research 5.2 (2011): 181-203.
Bair, Jennifer. "Global Capitalism and Commodity Chains: Looking Back, Going Forward." Competition & Change
9.2 (2005): 153-80.
Balme, Stéphanie, and Mark Sidel, eds. Vietnam's New Order: International Perspectives on the State and Reform
in Vietnam. New York: Macmillan, 2006.
Banks, James A. "Diversity, Group Identity, and Citizenship Education in a Global Age." Educational Researcher
37.3 (2008): 129-39.
Bao, Weihong. "From Pearl White to White Rose Woo: The Vernacular Translation of the Serial Queen in Chinese
Silent Films, 1927-1931." Camera Obsura 20.3 (2005): 193-231.
Bao, Weihong. "In Search of a 'Cinematic Esperanto': Exhibiting Wartime Chongqing Cinema in Global Context."
Journal of Chinese Cinemas 3.2 (2009): 135-47.
Barkawi, Tarak. "Globalization, Culture, and War: One the Popular Mediation of 'Small Wars'." Cultural Critique 58
(2004): 115-47.
Barlow, Tani E. "Globalization, China, and International Feminism." Signs 26.4 (2001): 1286-91.
Bennell, Paul. "Rates of Return to Education in Asia: A Review of the Evidence." Education Economics 6.2 (1998):
Berger, Mark T. The Battle for Asia: From Decolonization to Globalization. London: Routledge, 2004.
Berndt, Jaqueline, and Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer, eds. Manga's Cultural Crossroads. London: Routledge, 2013.
Berry, Chris, Feii Lu, eds. Island on the Edge: Taiwan New Cinema and After. Hong Kong: Hong Kong UP, 2005.
Berry, Chris. Fran Martin, and Audrey Yue, eds. Mobile Cultures: New Media in Queer Asia. Durham: Duke UP,
Berry, Michael. A History of Pain: Trauma in Modern Chinese Literature and Film. New York: Columbia UP, 2011.
Bharucha, Rustom. The Politics of Cultural Practice: Thinking through Theatre in an Age of Globalization. Hanover:
UP of New England, 2000.
Birdsall, Nancy, David Ross, and Richard Sabot. "Inequality and Growth Reconsidered: Lessons from East Asia."
World Bank Econ Rev 9.3 (1995): 477-508.
Bishop, Beverley. Globalisation and Women in the Japanese Workforce. London: Routledge, 2005.
Boulding, Elise. Building a Global Civic Culture: Education for an Interdependent World. New York: Syracuse UP,
Braester, Yomi. Cinema at the City's Edge: Film and Urban Networks in East Asia. Hong Kong: Hong Kong UP,
Brennan, Nate. "A Penny-dreadful House for Chinese Talkies: Notes Toward a History of Chinese-language Film
Exhibition in Interwar New York." Journal of Chinese Cinemas 3.2 (2009): 123-33.
Brosius, Christiane, and Roland Wenzlhuemer. Transcultural Turbulences: Towards a Multi-Sited Reading of Image
Flows. Berlin: Springer, 2011.
Brown, Judith M. Global South Asians: Introducing the Modern Diaspora. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2006.
Chien-hang Liu, Li Guo, I-Chun Wang,
"Bibliography for the Study of Asian Culture(s) and Globalization" page 3 of 14
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 15.2 (2013): <>
Special Issue Asian Culture(s) and Globalization. Ed. I-Chun Wang and Guo Li
Button, Peter. Configurations of the Real in Chinese Literary and Aesthetic Modernity. Leiden: Brill, 2009.
Buzan, Barry, and Gerald Segalc. "Rethinking East Asian Security." Survival: Global Politics and Strategy 36.2
(1994): 3-21.
Cambers, Colin. Black and Asian Theatre in Britain: A History. London: Routledge, 2011.
Cambon, Marie. "The Dream Palaces of Shanghai: American Films in China's Largest Metropolis Prior to 1949."
Asian Cinema 7.2 (1995): 34-45.
Cameron, David, and Janice Gross Stein. "Globalization, Culture and Society: The State as Place Amidst Shifting
Spaces." Canadian Public Policy 26 (2000): 15-34.
Campbell, Jack, Nicholas Baikaloff, and Colin Power, ed. Towards a Global Community: Educating for Tomorrow's
World. Berlin: Springer, 2006.
Campbell, Jonathan. Red Rock: The Long, Strange March of Chinese Rock and Roll. Hong Kong: Earnshaw Books,
Cartier, Carolyn. "State Formation and Comparative Area Studies: Between Globalization and Territorialization."
Journal of Asian Studies 70.04 (2011): 965-70.
Causey, Andrew. Hard Bargaining in Sumatra: Western Travelers and Toba Bataks in the Marketplace of Souvenirs.
Honolulu: U of Hawaii P, 2003.
Ceccarini, Rossella. Pizza and Pizza Chefs in Japan: A Case of Culinary Globalization. Leiden: Brill, 2011.
Chan, Jessica Ka Yee. "Translating 'Montage': The Discreet Attractions of Soviet Montage for Chinese Revolutionary
Cinema." Journal of Chinese Cinemas 5.3 (2011): 197-218.
Chan, Kwok B., ed. East-West Identities: Globalization, Localization, and Hybridization. Leiden: Brill, 2007.
Chan, Leo Tak-hung. "What's Modern in Chinese Translation Theory? Lu Xun and the Debates on Literalism and
Foreignization in the May Fourth Period." TTR: Traduction, Terminologie et Redaction 14. 2 (2001): 195-223.
Chang, Hsiao-hung. "The Unbearable Lightness of Globalization: On the Transnational Flight of Wuxia Films."
Cinema Taiwan: Politics, Popularity and State of the Arts. Darrell William Davis and Ru-Shou Robert Chen.
London: Routledge, 2007. 95-107.
Chang, Su-hyŏn, Su-hyeo-noe Chang 장수현외, and Soo H. Chang 장수현, eds.
(Understanding the "Korean Wave" in China: Reality and Prospects).
Sŏul-si: Hakkobang, 2006.
Chang, T.C. "Urban Heritage Tourism: The Global-Local Nexus." Annals of Tourism Research 23.2 (1996): 284-305.
Chang, Yunshik. Korea Confronts Globalization. London: Routledge, 2009.
Chatterjea, Ananya. "On the Value of Mistranslations and Contaminations: The Category of "Contemporary
Choreography in Asian Dance." Dance Research Journal 45.1 (2013): 4-21.
Chaudhuri, K.N. The Trading World of Asia and the English East India Company, 1660-1760. Cambridge:
Cambridge UP, 1978.
Chen, Jianhua. "Local and Global in Narrative Contestation: Liberalism and the New Left in Late 1990s China."
Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 9.1-2 (1998): 113-29.
Chen, Tina Mai, ed. Globalization and Popular Culture: Production, Consumption, Identity, special issue of Cultural
Critique 58 (2004).
Chen, Tina Mai. "International Film Circuits and Global Imaginaries in the People's Republic of China, 1949–57."
Journal of Chinese Cinemas 3.2 (2009): 149-61.
Chen, Tina Mai. "Thinking Through Embeddedness: Globalization, Culture, and the Popular." Cultural Critique 58
(2004): 1-29.
Chen, Xiangming, and Ahmed Kanna, eds. Rethinking Global Urbanism: Comparative Insights from Secondary
Cities. New York: Routledge, 2012.
Chen, Xiaomei. "Remembering War and Revolution on the Maoist Stage." Cold War Literature: Writing the Global
Conflict. Ed. Andrew Hammond. London: Routledge, 2006. 131-45.
Chen, Yun-shiuan Viola. Modernization or Cultural Imperialism: A Critical Reading of Taiwan's National Scholarship
Program for Overseas Study. Bern: Peter Lang, 2013.
Cheng, Chin-Chuan, I-Chun Wang, and Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, eds. Cultural Discourse in Taiwan. Kaohsiung:
National Sun Yat-sen UP, 2009.
Cheng, Lucie, and Edna Bonacich, eds. Labor Immigration under Capitalism: Asian Workers in the United States
before World War II. Berkeley: U of California P, 1984.
Cheung, King-Kok. An Interethnic Companion to Asian American Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997.
Chin, Christine B.N. Cosmopolitan Sex Workers: Women and Migration in a Global City. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2013.
Chiu, Kuei-fen. "Empire of the Chinese Sign: The Question of Chinese Diasporic Imagination in Transnational
Literary Production." Journal of Asian Studies 67.2 (2008): 593-620.
Chiu, Kuei-fen. "The Production of Indigeneity: Contemporary Indigenous Literature in Taiwan and Trans-cultural
Inheritance." The China Quarterly 200(2009): 1071-87.
Chŏn, Hye-gyŏng 전혜경, Pak Hong-ju 박홍주, Kim Haeng-ran 김행란, Yu Seon-mi 유선미, Kim Yang-suk 김양숙, eds.
(Good Morning! Wake Up the Morning of the World: An
Expression of Our Food). Sŏul-si: Modŏn P'ŭllŏsŭ, 2011.
Chow, Rey. Woman and Chinese Modernity: The Politics of Reading Between West and East. Minneapolis: U of
Minnesota P, 1991.
Chow, Rey. Writing Diaspora: Tactics of Intervention in Contemporary Cultural Studies. Bloomington: Indiana UP,
Chuhan, Punam, Stijn Claessens, and Nlandu Mamingi. "Equity and Bond Flows to Latin America and Asia: The Role
of Global and Country Factors." Journal of Development Economics 55.2 (1998): 439-63.
Chung, Hilary. "Kristevan (Mis)understandings: Writing in the Feminine." Reading East Asian Writing: The Limits of
Literary Theory. Ed. Michel Hockx and Ivo Smits. London: Routledge, 2003. 72-91.
Chien-hang Liu, Li Guo, I-Chun Wang,
"Bibliography for the Study of Asian Culture(s) and Globalization" page 4 of 14
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 15.2 (2013): <>
Special Issue Asian Culture(s) and Globalization. Ed. I-Chun Wang and Guo Li
Clark, Ann Marie, Elisabeth J. Friedman, and Kathryn Hochstetler. "The Sovereign Limits of Global Civil Society: A
Comparison of NGO Participation in UN World Conferences on the Environment, Human Rights, and Women."
World Politics 51.1 (1998): 1-35.
Claudio, Lisandro E. "Postcolonial Fissures and the Contingent Nation: An Antinationalist Critique of Philippine
Historiography." Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints 61.1 (2013): 45-75.
Clayton, Martin, Trevor Herbert, and Richard Middleton, eds. The Cultural Study of Music: A Critical Introduction.
London: Routledge, 2003.
Cohen, Mathew Isaac. Performing Otherness: Java and Bali on International Stages, 1905-1952. London:
Macmillan, 2010.
Cohen, Robin, and Shirin M. Rai, eds. Global Social Moments. London: Continuum, 2000.
Collins, Alan. Security and Southeast Asia: Domestic, Regional, and Global Issues. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2003.
Compton, Robert W. East Asian Democratization: Impact of Globalization, Culture, and Economy. Westport:
Praeger Publishers, 2000.
Condry, Ian. Hip-Hop Japan: Rap and the Paths of Cultural Globalization. Durham: Duke UP, 2006.
Connell, John, and Chris Gibson. "World Music: Deterritorializing Place and Identity." Progress in Human Geography
28.3 (2004): 342-61.
Cooper-Chen, Anne. Cartoon Cultures: The Globalization of Japanese Popular Media. Bern: Peter Lang, 2011.
Craig, Timothy J., and Richard King, eds. Global Goes Local: Popular Culture in Asia. Vancouver: U of British
Columbia P, 2002.
Crouch, Christopher. Contemporary Chinese Visual Culture: Tradition, Modernity, and Globalization. New York:
Amherst P, 2010.
Cruz-Malave, Arnaldo, and Martin Manalansan, eds. Queer Globalizations: Citizenship and the Afterlife of
Colonialism. New York: New York UP, 2002.
Cummings, William K., and Philip G. Altbach, eds. The Challenge of Eastern Asian Education: Implications for
America. New York: State U of New York P, 1997.
Curtin, Michael. "Chinese Media Capital in Global Context." A Companion to Chinese Cinema. Ed. Yingjin Zhang.
Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. 179-96.
Curtin, Michael. Playing to the World's Biggest Audience: The Globalization of Chinese Film and TV. Berkeley: U of
California P, 2007.
Dallmayr, Fred. "'Asian Values' and Global Human Rights." Philosophy East and West 52.2 (2002): 173-89.
Damm, Jens. Ku'er vs. tongzhi - Diskurse der Homosexualität. Über das Entstehen sexueller Identitäten im
glokalisierten Taiwan und im postkolonialen Hongkong. Bochum: Cathay Skripten, 2000.
Dana, Leo Paul. "The Education and Training of Entrepreneurs in Asia." Education+Training 43.8-9 (2001): 405-16.
Dator, James Allen, Richard Pratt, and Yongseok Seo, eds. Fairness, Globalization, And Public Institutions: East
Asia And Beyond. Honolulu: U of Hawaii P, 2006.
Davies, Gloria. "Anticipating Community, Producing Dissent: The Politics of Recent Chinese Intellectual Praxis." The
China Review 2. 2 (2002): 1-35.
Davis, Ch. H. "Mainstream and Non-Mainstream Scientific Literature in Four Peripheral Asian Scientific
Communities." Sceintometrics 15.3-4 (1959): 215-89.
Davis, Darrell William, and Emily Yueh-yu Yeh. "Re-nationalizing China's Film Industry: Case Study on the China
Film Group and Film Marketization." Journal of Chinese Cinemas 2.1 (2008): 37-52.
de Kloet, Jeroen. China with a Cut: Globalisation, Urban Youth and Popular Music. Amsterdam: Amsterdam UP,
de Mooij, Mareke. Global Marketing and Advertising: Understanding Cultural Paradoxes. London: Sage, 2010.
Deem, Rosemary, Ka Ho Mok, and Lisa Lucas. "Transforming Higher Education in Whose Image? Exploring the
Concept of the 'World Class' University in Europe and Asia." Higher Education Policy 21 (2008): 83-97.
DeSousa, Valerian, Jennifer E. Henton, and Geetha Ramanathan, eds. New Modernities and the "Third World."
Thematic Issue CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture Issue 12.2 (2010):
Dick, H. W., and P.J. Rimmer. "Beyond the Third World City: The New Urban Geography of South-east Asia." Urban
Studies 35.12 (1998): 2303-21.
Dick, Howard W., and Peter J. Rimmer. "Beyond the Third World City: The New Urban Geography of South-east
Asia." Urban Studies 35.12 (1998): 2303-21.
Donner, Jonathan. "Research Approaches to Mobile Use in the Developing World: A Review of the Literature." The
Information Society 24.3 (2008): 140-59.
Dooling, Amy. Women's Literary Feminism in Twentieth Century China. New York: MacMillan, 2005.
Douglass, Mike, K.C. Ho, and Giok Ling Ooi. Globalization, the City and Civil Society in Pacific Asia: The Social
Production of Civic Spaces. London: Routledge, 2008.
Douglass, Mike. "Mega-urban Regions and World City Formation: Globalisation, the Economic Crisis and Urban
Policy Issues in Pacific Asia." Urban Studies 37.12 (2000): 2315-35.
Edmond, Jacob, and Hilary Chung, eds. "Yang Lian, Auckland and the Poetics of Exile." Unreal City: A Chinese Poet
in Auckland. Yang Lian. Auckland: Auckland UP, 2006. 1-23.
Elliott, David W.P. Changing Worlds: Vietnam's Transition from Cold War to Globalization. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2012.
Erickson, Andrew S., Lyle J. Goldstein, and Carnes Lord. China Goes to Sea: Maritime Transformation in
Comparative Historical Perspective. Annapolis: Naval Academy P, 2009.
Erlich, Linda, and David Desser, eds. Cinematic Landscapes: Observations on the Visual Arts and Cinema of China
and Japan. Austin: U of Texas P, 1994.
Erni, John Nguyet, and Siew Keng Chua. Asian Media Studies: Politics of Subjectivities. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.
Esping-Andersen, Gøsta. Welfare States in Transition: National Adaptations in Global Economies. London: Unrisd,
Chien-hang Liu, Li Guo, I-Chun Wang,
"Bibliography for the Study of Asian Culture(s) and Globalization" page 5 of 14
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 15.2 (2013): <>
Special Issue Asian Culture(s) and Globalization. Ed. I-Chun Wang and Guo Li
Estok, Simon C. East Asian Ecocriticism: Special Column. Ed. Simon C. Estok. Special Issue Foreign Literature
Studies 35.1 (2013): 1-34.
Estok, Simon C. Ecocritical Approaches to Food and Literature in East Asia: The Special Cluster. ISLE: Interdiscipli-
nary Studies in Literature and Environment 19.4 (2012): 681-750.
Estok, Simon C., and Won-chung Kim, eds. East-Asian Ecocriticisms: A Critical Reader. New York: Macmillan, 2013.
Evans, Peter, ed. State-Society Synergy: Government and Social Capital in Development. Berkeley: U of California
P, 1996.
Everett, Yayoi Uno, and Frederick Lau, eds. Locating East Asia in Western Art Music. Lebanon: Wesleyan UP, 2004.
Farquhar, Mary, and Yingjin Zhang, eds. Chinese Film Stars. London: Routledge, 2010.
Featherstone, Mike, ed. Global Culture: Nationalism Globalization and Modernity. London: Sage, 1990.
Featherstone, Mike. Undoing Culture: Globalization, Postmodernism and Identity. London: Sage, 1995.
Feng, Jin. The New Woman in Early Twentieth-Century Chinese Fiction. West Lafayette: Purdue UP, 2004.
Ferguson, Kathy E., and Monique Mironesco, eds. Gender and Globalization in Asia and the Pacific: Method,
Practice, Theory. Honolulu: U of Hawaii P, 2008.
Finlay, Robert. The Pilgrim Art: Cultures of Porcelain in World History. Berkeley: U of California P, 2010.
Fogel, Joshua A., ed. The Role of Japan in Modern Chinese Art. Berkeley: Global, Area, and International Archive,
Frank, Andre Gunder. ReORIENT: Global Economy in the Asian Age. Berkeley: U of California P, 1998.
Fujiyoshi, Masumi .
(The Cultural Exchange Between the East and the West). Suita: Kansai
Daigaku Tozai Gakujutsu Kenkyujo, 2004.
Fuller, Linda. Tsumani Communication. New York: Hampton, 2010.
Fung, Anthony Y.H., and Albert Moran, eds. New Television, Globalization, and East Asian Cultural Imagination.
Hong Kong: Hong Kong UP, 2007.
Fung, Anthony. "'Think Globally, Act Locally': China's Rendezvous with MTV." Global Media and Communication 2.1
(2006): 71-88.
Gallagher, Mary Elizabeth. Contagious Capitalism: Globalization and the Politics of Labor in China. Princeton:
Princeton UP, 2007.
Gills, Dong-Sook S, and Nicola Piper. Women and Work in Globalizing Asia. London: Routledge, 2013.
Godfrey, Brian J., and Yu Zhou. "Ranking World Cities: Multinational Corporations and the Global Urban Hierarchy."
Urban Geography 20.3 (1999): 268-81.
Gong, Haomin. Uneven Modernity: Literature, Film, and Intellectual Discourse in Postsocialist China. Honolulu: U of
Hawaii P, 2011.
Goodman, Roger. Global Japan: The Experience of Japan's New Immigrant and Overseas Communities. New York:
Routledge, 2009.
Gopakumar, Govind. Transforming Urban Water Supplies in India: The Role of Reform and Partnerships in
Globalization. London: Routledge, 2012.
Green, Andy. "Education and Globalization in Europe and East Asia: Convergent and Divergent Trends." Journal of
Education Policy 14.1 (1999): 55-71.
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Compiler's profile: Chien-hang Liu is working towards his Ph.D. in literature at National Sun Yat-Sen University. His
areas of research include modern drama and psychoanalysis.
Compiler's profile: Li Guo teaches Chinese language, literature, culture, and film at Utah State University. Her
interests in research include late imperial and modern Chinese women's narratives, folk literature, film, and
performance. She has published articles in Film International (2012), Frontiers of Literary Studies in China (2011),
and Consciousness: Literature and the Arts (2011). E-mail: <li[email protected]>
Compiler's profile: I-Chun Wang teaches Renaissance and twentieth-century drama at National Sun Yat-sen
University and directs the University's Center for the Humanities. Her interests in research include comparative
literature, Chinese and Taiwan drama, and English Renaissance drama. In addition to numerous articles and edited
volumes, her single-authored books include Disciplining Women: The Punishment of Female Transgressors in
English Renaissance Drama (1997) and Empire and Ethnicity: Empire and Ethnic Imagination in Early Modern
English Drama (2011). E-mail: <>