Volume 9 Issue 16 4 December 2023
From The Principal’s Desk
Dear Parents,
Assembly item
The students in room 2.1 year 1/2 performed the item at the assembly on Friday. They presented a summary of
many of the events and learning experiences they have participated in throughout the year. It was very informative
and entertaining!
Arts by the Bay
Please refer to the next page of this newsletter for information that outlines our art exhibition and musical
performances later this week. We hope that families can take the opportunity to come along and be a part of our Arts
School Development Days 2024
We will have the same schedule of SDD’s in 2024, with two days at the start of term 1 and a day at the start of term 2,
3 & 4. The dates are:
Term 1 Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 January Students return Wednesday 31 January
Term 2 Monday 15 April Students return Tuesday 16 April
Term 3 Monday 15 July Students return Tuesday 16 July
Term 4 Monday 7 October Students return Tuesday 8 October
Contributions & Charges 2024
Letters were sent home on Friday 1 December outlining the contributions and charges for 2024, inclusive of voluntary
contributions, booklists and incursions/excursions. This information is also available on the school website:
Semester two reports
Semester two formal reports will be available via Connect from Monday 11 December 2023. This report provides
important information about your child’s progress and achievement across the learning areas, as well as feedback
about their attitude, behaviour and effort when at school. Please enjoy the opportunity to read these reports and
celebrate your child’s successes across semester two.
Happy holidays
This is the final newsletter for 2023. The last day for students is Thursday 14 December. School will resume for
students in 2024 on Wednesday 31 January. I would like to wish our staff, students, families, and wider school
community a safe, relaxing and enjoyable holiday period ahead. Take care.
Kind regards
Please find below
Information about our 2023 Arts by the Bay exhibition and celebration event. This event showcases our students’ achievement and progress
across the visual, performing and music arts. It will take place between Wednesday 6 December and Friday 8 December.
To maximise student participation, the musical items will be performed across Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, in school time. The
Visual Art Exhibition in the undercover area will be accessible at specific times across the three days. Please refer to the schedule below to
see when your child/ren are performing. Parents and carers are invited to attend.
The visual art exhibition in the undercover area will be open at the following times:
Wednesday 6 December: 2:45 3:30pm
Thursday 7 December: 8:15 8:40am & 2:45 3:30pm
Friday 8 December: 8:15 8:40am
Families are encouraged to visit the art exhibition with their child/ren so they can proudly show you their artwork. We look forward to
welcoming our school community to this very special event.
Wednesday 6 December Thursday 7 December
1:50 1:55pm Room 2.1 Year 1/2 Baa Baa Black Sheep Room 3.1 Year 1/2 Hot cross buns
1:55 2:00pm Room 2.2 Year 1/2 Ten in the Bed Room 3.2 Year 1/2 Hunting Song
2:00 2:05pm Room 2.4 Year 1/2 Twinkle Twinkle Room 3.4 Year 1/2 CCC
2:05 2:10pm Room T5 Year 3 Acka Backa Room 2.3 Year 1/2 Danza Medieval
2:10 2:15pm Room 4.3 Year 3 Little Cricket Room T1 Year 4/5 Che Koolay
2:15 2:20pm Room T2 Year 4/5 Banawa Room 3.3 Year 4/5 Midnight
2:20 2:25pm Room T4 Year 4/5 Anti Gravity Room 4.2 Year 6 Barbie Girl
2:25 2:30pm Room T3 Year 4/5 Kalendra Choir Set Up
2:30 2:35pm Room 4.1 Year 6 Cup song / Seven nation /
teen spirit
2:30 2:40 Choir Performance
Term Dates 2023
Term 4 Tuesday 10 October 2023 Holidays Friday 15 December 2023
School Bank account details.
Golden Bay Primary
BSB 016745 (ANZ Mandurah)
School Development Days 2023
Term 4 Friday 15 December 2023
Students do not attend on these dates
SciTech (Pre-primary only) 6 December 2023
Year 6 Graduation and 4-5 Book Awards 12 December 2023
Year PP-3 Book Awards 13 December 2023
2024 Kindy Enrolments
2024 Kindy enrolment packs are now available from the front office
2024 PP-Year 6 Enrolments
PP-Year 6 enrolment packs are now available from the front office.
Merit Certificates
Archie Pre-primary PP1.1
Valenna Pre-primary PP1.1
Layla Pre-primary PP1.2
Izaac Pre-primary PP1.2
Peyton Pre-primary PP1.3
Tyler Year 2 2.1
Kasey Year 1 2.4
Finnley Year 1 2.4
William Year 1 3.1
Noah Year 2 3.1
McKenzie Year 1 3.2
Ariyah Year 4 3.3
Nevaeh Year 4 3.3
Hunter Year 1 3.4
Valerie Year 2 3.4
Taunese Year 2 3.4
Skyla Year 3 T5
Nate Year 4 T2
Jackson Year 4 T2
Aubree Year 5 T2
Linkin Year 5 T2
Luke Year 5 T2
Roselyn Year 5 T3
Hayden Year 5 T3
Korra Year 4 T4
Willow Year 5 T4
Skyla Year 3 T5
Sanyah Year 6 4.2
Chloe Year 6 4.2
Congratulations to our well deserving students who have individually achieved
recognition of classroom work and displaying the values of Golden Bay Primary.
Well done!
2.1 Assembly Item
8.10 - 8.30
A friendly reminder that all library
books are due back to the library
before the end of the school year.
Term 4
$1 Fun Friday: Every Friday
14 October8 December
Golden Bay Parents and Citizens Information
$ 1 F R I DAY F U N D AY
Our P&C will be holding $1 Friday Fun Days to fundraise to go towards our ongoing
yearly contributions every Friday.
During lunchtime, P&C members will be selling sausage rolls, party pies, juice boxes,
icy poles, popcorn, milk, tiny teddies, and packet of chips for $1 each. Every Friday
additional items will be added, please refer to the P&C face book page.
There is no need to pre-order, students can just purchase on the day.
For Kindy and Pre-primary - please write student name, order and room number on
an envelope with the correct change. Your order will be delivered to the classroom.
Facebook Page
Facebook page dedicated to all things related to Golden Bay Primary School P&C.
Please check out our page and be sure to LIKE and FOLLOW us.
You can find us here: https://www.facebook.com/goldenbaypandc
Please find all P&C information on our Website
Tara / Matrix Uniforms is pleased to advise that the uniforms for Golden Bay Primary
School will now be available from their new showroom in Mandurah.
Unit 16 / 8 Magenta Terrace, Mandurah, (behind Oceworks).
Stock will be available from Wednesday 1 June 2022. Online ordering will be
updated to allow for home delivery and collecon will be from the Mandurah
Shop hours (during school terms) will be:
Tuesday & Wednesday 8.30am - 4.30pm
Thursday 10.00am – 6.00pm
Saturday 9.00am -1.00pm
Monday & Friday Close
We look forward to welcoming you to more convenient locaon!
sales@matrixuniforms.com.au Tel: 0435 925 437