Implementation Guidelines
National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP)
Ver. 2.4
November 2015
Open Government Data Division
National Informatics Centre
Department of Electronics and Information Technology
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
Government of India
Implementation Guidelines for NDSAP
NDSAP PMU, NIC November 18, 2015 Page 2
Revision History
Description of Change
Initial Draft
National Informatics
Centre, DeitY
Incorporated suggestions received from
the 1
Task Force meeting held on 17
September 2012
National Informatics
Centre, DeitY
Incorporated suggestions received from
the 2
Task Force meeting held on 1
October 2012
National Informatics
Centre, DeitY
Updated after the Data Controllers’
Workshop held on 5
October 2012
National Informatics
Centre, DeitY
Incorporated feedbacks received from
some Data Controllers
National Informatics
Centre, DeitY
Incorporated most of the feedbacks
received from Data Controllers
National Informatics
Centre, DeitY
Updated the Auto-consumption of
Datasets, Allowed Data Formats, Task
Force Member List, NIC Team etc.
National Informatics
Centre, DeitY
Updated with changes affecting after
publishing of Beta version of OGD-PI.
National Informatics
Centre, DeitY
Updated after final launch of the Open
Government Data (OGD) Platform India
National Informatics
Centre, DeitY
Updated the changed nomenclature of
Data Controllers to Chief Data Officers,
Task Force Member List, Task Force
decision on Consumption of Datasets
from eGov Apps, Government Open Data
Licence- India, NIC Team, etc.
National Informatics
Centre, DeitY
Implementation Guidelines for NDSAP
NDSAP PMU, NIC November 18, 2015 Page 3
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4
2.0 NDSAP: An Overview ..................................................................................................................... 4
3.0 Open Government Data ................................................................................................................. 6
3.1 Identification of Resources (Datasets/Apps) and their organization under Catalogs ...................... 6
3.2 Data Formats ............................................................................................................................................. 8
4.0 Open Government Data (OGD) Platform India ............................................................................ 9
5.0 NDSAP Implementation in Ministries/Departments/States ...................................................... 11
5.1 Chief Data Officer (formerly known as Data Controller) ....................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.2 NDSAP Cell .............................................................................................................................................. 12
5.3 Data Contributor ...................................................................................................................................... 12
6.0 Publishing & Management of Resources (Datasets/Apps) .......................................13
6.1 Registration for Creating Datasets/Apps.............................................................................................. 13
6.2 Contribution, Approval and Publishing Process for Catalogs and Resources ............................... 14
6.3 Consumption of Datasets from eGov Applications ............................................................................. 15
6.4 View & Respond to Queries on Published Datasets .......................................................................... 17
6.5 Respond to Suggestions for new Datasets ......................................................................................... 17
6.6 Review Analytics & Plan ......................................................................................................................... 17
6.7 DOs for Data Contribution and Approval ............................................................................................. 18
6.8 DON’Ts for Data Contribution and Approval ....................................................................................... 19
7.0 Metadata Elements for Catalogs/Resources and their Description .........................21
7.1 Catalog ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
7.2 Resources (Datasets/Apps) ................................................................................................................... 21
8.0 NDSAP Project Management Unit (PMU) ...................................................................23
8.1 Management of OGD Platform .............................................................................................................. 23
8.2 Technical Advice ..................................................................................................................................... 23
8.3 Capacity Building ..................................................................................................................................... 23
8.4 Contact Details ......................................................................................................................................... 23
Annexure I NDSAP Policy
Annexure II Five Star Open Data
Annexure III Ten Principles for Opening Up Government Information
Annexure IV Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Annexure V Constitution of the Task Force
Annexure VI Reconstitution of the Task Force
Annexure VII Open Government Data Division Team
Implementation Guidelines for NDSAP
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1.0 Introduction
Asset and value potentials of data are widely recognized at all levels. Data collected or
developed through public investments, when made publicly available and maintained
over time, their potential value could be more fully realized. There has been an
increasing demand by the community, that such updated data collected with the
deployment of public funds should be made more readily available to all, for enabling
rational debate, increase transparency better decision making and use in meeting civil
society and government needs.
Efficient sharing of data among data owners and inter-and-intra governmental
agencies along with data standards and interoperable systems is the need of the
hour. Hence, there was a need to formulate a policy on National Data Sharing and
Accessibility which could provide an enabling provision and platform for proactive
and open access to the data generated through public funds available with various
ministries/departments/organizations of Government of India.
2.0 NDSAP: An Overview
The National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP) is designed so as to apply
to all sharable non-sensitive data available either in digital or analog forms but generated
using public funds by various Ministries/Departments /Subordinate offices/Organizations/
Agencies of Government of India as well as States. The NDSAP policy is designed to
promote data sharing and enable access to Government of India owned data for national
planning, development and awareness.
NDSAP aims to provide an enabling provision and platform for proactive and open
access to the data generated by various Government of India entities. The objective of
this policy is to facilitate access to Government of India owned shareable data (along
with its usage information) in machine readable form through a wide area network all
over the country in a periodically updatable manner, within the framework of various
related policies, acts and rules of Government of India, thereby permitting a wider
accessibility and usage by public.
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Different types of datasets generated both in geospatial and non-spatial form by different
ministries/departments are supposed to be classified as shareable data and non-
shareable data. Data management encompasses the systems and processes that
ensure data integrity, data storage and security, including metadata, data security and
access registers. The principles on which data sharing and accessibility need to be
based include: Openness, Flexibility, Transparency, Quality, Security and Machine-
NDSAP once implemented would lead to:
1. Opening up of the information out of the Government System
2. Makin available of the Accurate, Reliable and Unbiased information
3. Providing single data OGD Platform for the country for data sharing
4. Establishment of a platform to promote innovation in government applications
5. Enhancing government Transparency, Accountability and Public Engagement
6. Effective utilization of Government data by providing meaningful visual
7. Enabling development of Innovative Applications around datasets or mash-up
from multiple datasets hence giving different perspectives to government data
Complete text of Policy can be accessed at Annexure I, while Gazette Notification for
NDSAP can be accessed at
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3.0 Open Government Data
“A dataset is said to be open if anyone is free to use, reuse, and redistribute it
Open Data shall be machine readable and it should also be easily accessible.”
Government collects processes and generates a large amount of data in its day-to-day
functioning. But a large quantum of government data remains inaccessible to citizens,
civil society, although most of such data may be non-sensitive in nature and could be
used by public for social, economic and developmental purposes.
These data need to be made available in an open format to facilitate use, reuse and
redistribute; it should be free from any license or any other mechanism of control.
Opening up of government data in open formats would enhance transparency and
accountability while encouraging public engagement. The government data in open
formats has a huge potential for innovation building various types of Apps, mash-ups
and services around the published datasets.
Notification of NDSAP mandates government departments to proactively open up data.
NDSAP in India is applicable to all entities of Government Setup.
3.1 Identification of Resources (Datasets/Apps) and their organization
under Catalogs
As per policy each department has to prepare it’s Negative List. The datasets which
are confidential in nature and are in the interest of the country’s security in not
opening to the public would fall into the negative list. This list would need to be
compiled and sent to the Department of Science and Technology within six months.
All other datasets which do not fall under this negative list would be in the Open List.
These datasets would need to be prioritized into high value datasets and non-high
value datasets.
As per the NDSAP, within a year all the datasets need to be published on the OGD
Platform ( and within the first three months at least 5 high value
Implementation Guidelines for NDSAP
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datasets need to be published. Government data generated through following
processes and events:
1. Primary Data e.g. Population Census, Education Census, Economic Survey, etc.
2. Processed/Value Added Data e.g. Budget, Planning, etc.
3. Data Generated through delivery of Government Services e.g. Income Tax
Collection, MNREGA wage distribution etc.
The data which are contributed to the Open Government Data (OGD) Platform India
have to be in the specified open data format only. The data have to be internally
processed to ensure that the quality standard is met i.e. accuracy, free from any sort
of legal issues, privacy of an individual is maintained and does not compromise with
the National security.
While prioritizing the release of datasets, one should try to publish as many high
value datasets. Grouping of Related Resources (Datasets/Apps) should be planned
and are to be organized under Catalogs.
Though each department shall have its own criterion of high value and low value
datasets, generally High value data is governed by following Principles (for details on
this please refer to Annexure – III):
1. Completeness
2. Primary
3. Timeliness
4. Ease of Physical and Electronic Access
5. Machine readability
6. Non-discrimination
7. Use of Commonly Owned Standards
8. Licensing
9. Permanence
10. Usage Costs
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3.2 Data Formats
NDSAP recommends that data has to be published in open format. It should be
machine readable. Though there are many formats suitable to different category of
data. Based on current analysis of data formats prevalent in Government it is
proposed that data should be published in any of the following formats:
CSV (Comma separated Values)
XLS (spread sheet- Excel)
ODS (Open Document Formats for Spreadsheet)
XML (Extensive Markup Language)
RDF (Resources Description Framework)
KML (Keyhole Markup Language used for Maps)
GML (Geography Markup Language)
RSS/ATOM (Fast changing data e.g. hourly/daily)
Tim Berners-Lee had classified data into single star to five star categories based on
formats for data. Please refer to Annexure II.
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4.0 Open Government Data (OGD) Platform India
OGD Platform India has been set up at to provide collated access to
Resources (datasets/apps) under Catalogs, published by different government entities in
open format. It also provides a search & discovery mechanism for instant access to
desired datasets. OGD Platform also has a rich mechanism for citizen engagement.
Besides enabling citizens to express their need for specific resource (datasets or apps)
or API, it also allows them to rate the quality of datasets; seek clarification or information
from respective Chief Data Officer (formerly known as Data Controller).
OGD Platform has a strong backend data management system which can be used by
government departments to publish their datasets through a predefined workflow. They
can also create and/or view the visualizations created for their datasets. They shall also
have a dashboard to see the current status on their datasets, visualizations, usage
analytics as well as feedback and queries from citizens at one point. domain is in existence since 2012, the site gone through a sea
change in terms of bug fixes during its Alpha release, functionality enhancements after
incorporating the suggestions received through an online Citizen Survey conducted
between 5th November 2013 and 16th April 2014. On the outcome of the survey a Beta
release had done in the beginning of 2014.
The current version launched on 11
December, 2014 is the stable release of the
platform. After the launch of the Digital India programme in 2015, Open Government
Data Platform India has been included as one of the important initiatives under
“Information for All” – Pillar 6 (six).
OGD Platform also has a Communities component which facilitates forming of
communities around datasets, domain of interest such as agriculture, education, health,
or it could be app developers’ community or even of data journalists. This shall give first
hand input to development community for building new components, apps. It shall also
give input to departments as what kind of datasets is more useful and accordingly
prioritize the release of the datasets. The key features are detailed as below:
Implementation Guidelines for NDSAP
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Open Source Driven Developed completely using Open Source Stack, facilitating
cost saving in terms of software and licenses and also provisioning community
participation in terms of further development of product with modules of data
visualization, consumption, APIs to access datasets etc.
Metadata Resources (Datasets/Apps) shall be published along with standard
metadata along with controlled vocabularies on government sectors, jurisdictions,
dataset types, access mode etc. Besides facilitating easy access to datasets, this
shall be extremely useful in the future for federation/integration of data catalogs.
Social Media ConnectTo support wider reach and dissemination of datasets,
anyone can share the information about any dataset published on the platform with
his/her social media pages on a press of a click.
Citizen Engagement The Platform has also a strong component of Citizen
Engagement. Citizens can express their views as well as rate the datasets w.r.t three
aspects (Quality, Accessibility and Usability) on the scale of 5. They can also embed
the Resources (Datasets/Apps) in their blogs or web sites. Facility to contact the
Chief Data Officers is also available on the Platform.
Community Collaboration Citizens with specific interest can build communities
and discuss online. OGD Platform facilitates the communities to open up online
forums, blogs and discussions around various datasets, apps available on the
platform. It also provides a platform to express and discuss the kind of Datasets,
APPs & APIs they would like to have. It shall also give input to departments as what
kind of datasets is more useful and accordingly prioritize the release of the datasets.
Government Open Data Licence-India In the Task Force meeting held on
September 10, 2015, the following decisions on Commercial use of Open Data has
been taken: i) A committee to be formed under the Chairmanship of JS (Legal) &
Chief Data Officer, D/o Legal Affairs with members from concerned departments to
review and recommend the license to be associated with the data being published on
the OGD Platform as well as its use for commercial purposes.
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5.0 NDSAP Implementation in Ministries/Departments/States
In order to implement NDSAP, the Ministries/Departments of Government of India have
to undertake the following activities:
a. Nominate Chief Data Officer
b. Chief Data Officers in turn Nominate Data Contributors
c. Setup NDSAP Cell
d. Identify Datasets
e. Publish Catalogs and Resources (Datasets/Apps) on OGD Platform India
f. Prepare Negative List
g. Create Action Plan for regular release of datasets on the OGD Platform India
h. Monitor and Manage the Open Data Programme of the Department
5.1 Chief Data Officer
As per the directive from the Cabinet Secretary, a senior officer at the level of Joint
Secretary or above is to be nominated as the Chief Data Officer or Nodal Officer for
the Department/Organization/State. The responsibility of Chief Data Officer is as
1. Head the NDSAP Cell, which helps in compilation, collation, conversion and
publishing catalogs/resource on the platform. The size of the cell varies from
Department to Department and depends on the quantum of resources to be
2. Lead the open data initiative of department.
3. Nominate Data Contributors.
4. Take initiative to release as many datasets as possible on proactive basis.
5. Identify the High Value Datasets and schedule their release on OGD Platform.
6. Prepare the Negative List for the Department as per the directions in NDSAP.
7. Ensure that the datasets being published are in compliance with NDSAP through
a predefined workflow process.
8. Periodically monitor the release of datasets as per predefined schedule
9. Take relevant action on the feedback/suggestion received from the citizen for the
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datasets belonging to the Ministry/Department/Organization.
10. Ensure the correctness of his contact details on the OGD Platform by sending a
communication to NDSAP-PMU or mail to, in case of any change.
11. Take action on Suggestions on new datasets made by public on OGD Platform.
5.2 NDSAP Cell
In order to implement NDSAP each Department would establish a NDSAP Cell. The
size of the cell would vary from Department to Department and would depend on the
quantum of datasets to be published. The NDSAP Cell would be responsible for:
Prepare Negative List of datasets and communicate to DST within Six Months
Prepare a schedule of datasets to be released in next one year
Extend Technical Support for Preparation of datasets, conversion of formats etc.
Monitor and manage the Open data initiative in their respective Ministry/
Department/State and ensure quality and correctness of the data
Work out an open data strategy to promote proactive dissemination of datasets
Institutionalize the creation of datasets as part of routine functioning
NDSAP Cell shall be headed by Chief Data Officer who could be assisted by
number of Data Contributors. NDSAP Cell shall have professionals from data
analyst, visualization and programming domain. The policy mentions that budgetary
provisions and appropriate support for data management for each
department/organization would be necessary.
5.3 Data Contributor
In order to cater to the contribution of the datasets from offices/organization under
the Ministries/Departments, the Chief Data Officer can nominate a number of Data
Contributors who would be responsible in contributing the datasets along with their
metadata. Using the web based DMS, each data contributor would be able to
contribute the data as per the given metadata format (elaborated at section 7) which
is based on the Dublin Core Standards. The contributed datasets would be
approved by the Chief Data Officer as the case may be.
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Data Contributor could be an officer of the Ministry/Department/State who would be
responsible for his/her unit/division. The responsibilities of the Data Contributor are
as follows:
Responsible for ensuring quality and correctness datasets of his/her unit/division
Preparing and contributing the catalogs and resources along with the metadata
on the OGD Platform.
6.0 Publishing & Management of Resources (Datasets/Apps)
Contribution of datasets/apps is by login into a simple web based Dataset Management
System through Resources to be contributed under Catalogs are
processed through a predefined workflow, ensuring compliance with government
policies. Chief Data Officers nominated by government ministries or department are
authorized to publish datasets in open format on OGD Platform.
Chief Data Officers of the Ministry/Department has the facility to create any number of
Contributors for contributing Datasets/Apps for their Ministry/Department. Once the
Contributor is created by the Chief Data Officer, a mail is sent to the mail id of the
contributor. The Contributor then can login and contribute datasets along with its
metadata for further approval by the Controller. However, the responsibility on the
relevancy and quality of datasets published on the OGD Platform rests with Chief Data
6.1 Registration for Creating Datasets/Apps
Chief Data Officers:
Nominated Nodal Officers are directly assigned a Role of Chief Data Officers with
the Platform. They can “Sign Upusing his/her NIC Email credentials (same login id
and password) into a web based Dataset Management System at
However, Chief Data Officers who do not have NIC mail Id. will get their login
credentials through mail at their email id provided/mentioned in the nomination letter.
Implementation Guidelines for NDSAP
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The Chief Data Officers may need to validate their Ministry/Department through the
interface if shown after they login. Lists of nominated Chief Data Officers from
various Central Ministries/Departments and States are available at Chief Data
Officer link at home page of OGD Platform.
Data Contributors:
Catalogs and Resources (Datasets/Apps) are contributed by the Data Contributors
by going to the web-based interface available at and using his/her
email credential, the Chief Data Officer used to register him/her as Data Contributor.
6.2 Contribution, Approval and Publishing Process for Catalogs and
Chief Data Officer (CDO) can Log In into the OGD Platform using his/her EMAIL
ID provided in the CDO nomination letter sent to NIC. You can view the details of
nominated Chief Data Officers and corresponding nomination letters from your
Ministry/Department/Organization at
Nominate Data Contributors. They can be Directors/Jt. Directors or Heads of
respective divisions/units. They will coordinate, identify, prepare and release
datasets of their division/unit OGD Platform.
Data Contributors will try to prepare list of datasets which can be contributed.
Prepare and contribute the metadata in predefined format for the datasets. The
key metadata elements are Title, Description, Sector/Sub-Sector, Dataset
Jurisdiction, Keywords, Access Method, Reference URLs, Data Group Name,
Frequency and Policy Compliance. Detail about metadata elements and process
to create Catalog/Resources is available at
catalog. More information can be accessed from help section
Catalogs/Resources along with the metadata contributed by the Data Contributor
pass through a predefined workflow to the Chief Data Officer; who in turn
ensures that it is in compliance with the NDSAP Policy. Catalogs/Resources are
published only after approval of Chief Data Officer.
Chief Data Officer can edit the catalog/resources or can send it back to the Data
Contributor for review/modification or pushes those to NDSAP PMU for
Implementation Guidelines for NDSAP
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publishing on the OGD Platform.
The NDSAP PMU at NIC headquarters pushes the catalogs/resources from
staging area to the production area and publishes on OGD Platform.
Ministry/Department should organize a workshop on OGD Platform for Chief
Data Officer, Contributors and technical team for 2 hours that would help the
stakeholders to understand the process better. NDSAP PMU would impart
requisite training during the session about how to proceed and optimally make
use of the platform for uploading Catalogs/Resources.
Detailed step by step procedures for resources (dataset/apps) contribution are
available at https://
6.3 Consumption of Datasets from eGov Applications
Metadata discovery is a way to fetch datasets and metadata information from
different eGov applications. Desired eGov applications have to define the source
and type of tool to be used to fetch dataset and metadata from their servers. The tool would crawl at source at specified time to fetch
Data Source Formats for Metadata Discovery
Programming languages or Scripts or SQL queries can be used to write some
programs to fetch the data from the relational database or some other sources to
generate the desired metadata and dataset information. The tool
can fetch the data catalog information with the help of the programming language.
The language passes pre-defined metadata information to the data import tool to
create the data catalogs automatically without any human interface. Datasets and
related metadata may be created from a variety of different sources including:
Relational databases
CSV files or Spreadsheets
XML files
Web Services or data in JSON format
Implementation Guidelines for NDSAP
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Relational Databases
All most all the eGov applications use a relational database to store their reports and
MIS data. Stored procedures or Database Triggers can be written to periodically
export the data in to a dataset in CSV or XML format which can be consumed by data import tool to create the dataset catalog.
CSV Files or Spreadsheets
CSV files or Spreadsheets are the most efficient and common source of data import tool. eGov applications can specify the location from
which data import tool has to fetch the dataset and metadata. Metadata and dataset
can be put in a zip file with predefined naming convention. With the help of the tool can traverse designated location and extract the metadata and
dataset in CSV files or Spreadsheets to convert it into data catalogs.
XML files
Structured XML files are one of the good sources for the data import. eGov
applications can pass the metadata information and the details about the metadata
in a predefined XML file. As defined by the eGov application data
import tool can traverse the designated location of the XML at predefined time to
fetch the data and convert it into searchable human readable data catalogs.
Web Services or Data in JSON Format
Web service can be used as a stream of data or services.
supports both REST and SOAP based web service over HTTP. Using REST based
web services provides more flexibility to share data over XML as well as JSON
format. eGov application has to submit the definition of the fields to be exposed by
the web services which need to be mapped with the metadata information to create
the catalog. At the given period of time with the help of metadata mapping the tool
will import the data from the source apps and will convert to data catalogs.
In the Task Force meeting held on September 10, 2015, the following decisions has
been taken on release of Datasets in Auto-Consumption Mode (Open Data by
Implementation Guidelines for NDSAP
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i) Communication to be sent to D/o Personal and Training to have a joint meeting of the
NDSAP Task Force with Committee on RTI to create a common agenda for release
of Open Government Datasets from Ministries/Departments/ Organizations.
ii) DeitY shall direct inclusion of “Open Data by Default” in the model RFP template
being finalized for development/procurement of e-Governance systems.
6.4 View & Respond to Queries on Published Datasets
Citizens can browse, search, filter, sort and access the datasets on the OGD
Platform. Citizens also have the option to send their queries and feedbacks about
the published datasets. This feedback would be available on the dash board of the
Chief Data Officer to take further necessary action.
6.5 Respond to Suggestions for new Datasets
The OGD Platform has a strong Citizen Engagement feature built in. While browsing
through the catalogue of datasets, if one is not able to find the dataset which is of
interest to him then he can request for the same through suggestions module.
Suggestions already made for particular datasets are displayed and one can also
endorse the same. The suggested list i.e. the requirement for new datasets is sent
to the respective department’s Chief Data Officer. This would facilitate the Chief
Data Officer to prioritize his release of datasets on the platform. They are expected
to send in their response on the same.
6.6 Review Analytics & Plan
The Dash Board of the Chief Data Officer metrics would be available for the
datasets contributed by all the contributors of that Ministry/Department/State.
Feedback related to datasets would also be available along with the suggestions
from citizen with respect to the requirement of new datasets. This feature would
facilitate him to watch the analytics and accordingly plan his course of action.
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6.7 DOs for Data Contribution and Approval
Identify and prioritize the release of datasets; categorize the type of access
granted for them and publish as many high value datasets as possible.
Contribute datasets which are in the Open List and do not fall under the Negative
Ensure that the quality standards are met i.e. accuracy, free from any sort of legal
issues, privacy of an individual is maintained and does not compromise with the
National security.
Ensure that the datasets being published through a workflow process are in
compliance with NDSAP. Details on original source of the dataset and
methodology of the data collection should be provided in metadata.
Prepare and contribute the metadata in predefined format for the Catalogs and
Resources (Datasets/Apps). The key metadata elements are Title, Description,
Category, Sector/Sub-Sector, Dataset Jurisdiction, Keywords, Access Method,
Reference URLs, Data Group Name, Frequency, Granularity of Data and Policy
Compliance. All the metadata elements must be filled with utmost quality and
ease of use.
Pricing of data, if any, would be decided by the data owners as per the
government policies.
Ensure that data being contributed to the OGD Platform are in machine readable
or in specified open data format only. The advisable formats are:
CSV (Comma separated Values)
XLS (spread sheet- Excel)
ODS (Open Document Formats for Spreadsheets)
XML (Extensive Markup Language)
RDF (Resources Description Framework)
KML (Keyhole Markup Language used for Maps)
GML (Geography Markup Language)
RSS/ATOM (Fast changing data e.g. hourly/daily)
(Tim Berners-Lee had classified data into single star to five star categories based
on formats for the data. Please refer to Annexure II in the Implementation
Ensure that the data being uploaded on the OGD Platform is as complete as
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possible, reflecting the entirety of what is recorded about a particular subject and
is de-normalized. The datasets also should be optimized by adding redundant
data or by grouping data before uploading.
Priority should be given to data whose utility is time sensitive. Real time
information updates would maximize the utility the public can obtain from this
Replace any Not Available, Not Reported or missing values in the data with ‘NA’.
Metadata that defines and explains the raw data should be included as well,
along with formulas and explanations for how derived data was calculated.
Keywords must be defined in data catalog to make it search friendly.
Provide link to the reference documents (if any) or website for detailed
information and explanation on the method of calculation or source of data.
Read the process manual at https:// for the step by step
procedure for contribution.
Prioritize the release of datasets and take relevant action on the basis of
feedbacks and suggestions received on the OGD Platform from citizen’s
pertaining to the Ministry/Department.
Ensure the correctness of login details on the OGD Platform by sending a mail to , in case of any change.
6.8 DON’Ts for Data Contribution and Approval
Don’t contribute datasets which fall under the negative List e.g. the datasets
which are confidential in nature and are in the interest of the country‘s security.
Don’t impose ‘Terms of Service’, attribution requirements, restrictions on
dissemination and so on, which act as barriers to public use of data.
Don’t impose cost on the public for access of datasets, as imposing fees for
access skews the pool of who is willing (or able) to access information.
Don’t publish hand written note, as it is very difficult for machines to process.
Scanning text via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) results in many matching
and formatting errors. Information shared in the widely used PDF format is very
difficult for machines to parse. Hence, the data in these formats should be
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Data in non-Unicode formats should be avoided.
Don’t contribute datasets with any special characters (e.g. @, %, $, &, etc.) or
missing values.
Don’t provide any explanation, including the method of calculation or source of
data in data file to be attached in the web form.
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7.0 Metadata Elements for Catalogs/Resources and their Description
7.1 Catalog
Title (Required): A unique name for the catalog (group of resources) viz. Current
Population Survey <Year>, Consumer Price Index <Year>, Variety-wise Daily
Market Prices Data, State-wise Construction of Deep Tubewells over the years, etc.
Description (Required): Provide a detailed description of the catalog e.g., an
abstract determining the nature and purpose of the catalog.
Keywords (Required): It is a list of terms, separated by commas, describing and
indicating at the content of the catalog. Example: rainfall, weather, monthly
Group Name: This is an optional field to provide a Group Name to multiple catalogs
in order to show that they may be presented as a group or a set.
Sector & Sub-Sector (Required): Choose the sectors(s)/sub-sector(s) those most
closely apply(ies) to your catalog.
Asset Jurisdiction (Required): This is a required field to identify the exact location
or area to which the catalog and resources (dataset/apps) caters to viz. entire
country, state/province, district, city, etc.
7.2 Resources (Datasets/Apps)
Category (Required): Choose from the drop down options. Is it a Dataset or an
Title (Required): A unique name of the resource viz. Consumer Price Index for
<Month/Year> etc.
Access Method (Required): This could be “Upload a Dataset” or “Single Click Link
to Dataset”.
Reference URLs: This may include description to the study design, instrumentation,
implementation, limitations, and appropriate use of the dataset or tool. In the case of
multiple documents or URLs, please delimit with commas or enter in separate lines.
* If Resource Category is Dataset
Frequency (Required): It mentions the time interval over which the dataset is
published on the OGD Platform on a regular interval (one-time, annual, hourly, etc.).
Granularity of Data: It mentions the time interval over which the data inside the
dataset is collected/ updated on a regular basis (one-time, annual, hourly, etc.).
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Access Type: It mentions the type of access viz. Open, Priced, Registered Access
or Restricted Access (G2G).
* If Resource Category is App
App Type (Required): It mentions the type of App being contributed viz. Web App,
Web Service, Mobile App, Web Map Service, RSS, APIs etc.
Datasets Used: Datasets used for making this app.
Language: Language used for app.
Date Released: It mentions the release date of the Dataset/App.
Note: It mentions the anymore information the contributor/controller wishes to
provide to the data consumer or about the resource.
NDSAP Policy Compliance: This field is to indicate if this dataset is in conformity
with the National Data Sharing and Access Policy of the Govt. of India.
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8.0 NDSAP Project Management Unit (PMU)
The main activities of NDSAP, PMU would be to manage the OGD Platform, provide
Technical Advice to the departments, handhold for dataset contribution as well as
capacity building of Data Contributors and Chief Data Officers (formerly known as Data
8.1 Management of OGD Platform
OGD Platform would be managed and hosted at the National Data Centre, NIC
Headquarters adhering to the Guidelines of the Government and Data security
policies. The architecture would be scalable and of high availability.
8.2 Technical Advice
Departments would be provided with technical advice with respect to preparation of
datasets, contribution of datasets, explanation of metadata and the entire workflow
of data publishing, feedback management etc.
8.3 Capacity Building
Two types of training modules both as offsite and onsite models have been
envisaged. Each module would be for the duration of 2-3 days. The logistics and
venue for the onsite training would be the responsibility of the host organization. The
modules would be:
Awareness and Sensitization Module for Chief Data Officer & other senior
officers of the Ministries/Departments
Data Contribution Module hands-on training for contributing datasets to the
OGD Platform, provide advisory on conversion of data to digital format to Data
Contributors and Members of NDSAP Cell.
8.4 Contact Details
For further details regarding implementation of NDSAP in the Ministry/Department
you may contact:
NDSAP PMU (Programme Management Unit)
National Informatics Centre, DeitY
Room No. 375, 3
A Block, CGO Complex, Lodi Road New Delhi – 110003
Phone: 011-24363692, 011-24305395, 011-24305370, Fax: 011-24368854
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Annexure I
National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP) 2012
1. Preamble
1.1 Asset and value potentials of data are widely recognized at all levels. Data
collected or developed through public investments, when made publicly available
and maintained over time, their potential value could be more fully realized.
There has been an increasing demand by the community, that such data
collected with the deployment of public funds should be made more readily
available to all, for enabling rational debate, better decision making and use in
meeting civil society needs. Principle 10 of the United Nations Declaration on
Environment and Development (Rio de janeiro, June 1992), stated
“………..each individual shall have appropriate access to information
concerning the environment that is held by public authorities …….
and the opportunity to participate in the decision-making process.
States shall facilitate and encourage public awareness and
participation by making information widely available.”
Section 4(2) of the Right to Information Act, 2005 reads
“It shall be a constant endeavor of every public authority to take steps
in accordance with the requirements of clause (b) of sub-section (1) to
provide as much information suomotu to the public at regular
intervals through various means of communication, including
internet, so that the public have minimum resort to the use of this Act
to obtain information”
1.2 The principles on which data sharing and accessibility need to be based include:
Openness, Flexibility, Transparency, Legal Conformity, Protection of Intellectual
Property, Formal Responsibility, Professionalism, Standards, Interoperability,
Quality, Security, Efficiency, Accountability, Sustainability and Privacy.
1.3 A large quantum of data generated using public funds by various organizations
and institutions in the country remains inaccessible to civil society, although most
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of such data may be non-sensitive in nature and could be used by public for
scientific, economic and developmental purposes. The National Data Sharing
and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP) is designed so as to apply to all sharable non-
sensitive data available either in digital or analog forms but generated using
public funds by various Ministries / Departments /Subordinate offices /
organizations / agencies of Government of India. The NDSAP policy is designed
to promote data sharing and enable access to Government of India owned data
for national planning and development.
2. Definitions
2.1 Data Data means a representation of information, numerical compilations and
observations, documents, facts, maps, images, charts, tables and figures,
concepts in digital and/or analog form.
2.2 Data Archive A place where machine-readable data are acquired,
manipulated, documented, and distributed to others for further analysis and
2.3 Data Generation Initial generation/collection of data or subsequent addition of
data to the same specification.
2.4 Dataset A named collection of logically related features including processed
data or information.
2.5 Geospatial Data All data which is geographically referenced
2.6 Information Processed data
2.7 Metadata The information that describes the data source and the time, place,
and conditions under which the data were created. Metadata informs the user of
who, when, what, where, why, and how data were generated. Metadata allows
the data to be traced to a known origin and know quality.
2.8 Negative List Non-sharable data as declared by the departments/
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2.9 Restricted Data Data which are accessible only through a prescribed process
of registration and authorization by respective departments / organizations.
2.10 Sensitive Data Sensitive data as defined in various Acts and rules of the
Government of India.
2.11 Sharable Data Those data not covered under the scope of negative list and
non-sensitive in nature
2.12 Standards Any application that embeds data handling functions (e.g., data
collection, management, transfer, integration, publication, etc.) and operates on
data in a manner that complies with data format and data syntax specifications
produced and maintained by open, standards bodies.
3. Need for the Policy
Evidence-based Planning of socio-economic development processes rely on
quality data. There is a general need to facilitate sharing and utilization of the
large amount of data generated and residing among the entities of the
Government of India. This would call for a policy to leverage these data assets
which are disparate. The current regime of data management does not enable
open sharing of Government owned data with other arms of the government nor
does it expect proactive disclosure of sharable data available with data owners.
Such regimes could lead to duplication of efforts and loss of efficiency of planning
of activities focused on national development. Efficient sharing of data among
data owners and inter and intra governmental agencies and with public calls for
data standards and interoperable systems. Hence, National Data Sharing and
Access Policy aims to provide an enabling provision and platform for providing
proactive and open access to the data generated through public funds available
with various departments / organizations of Government of India.
4. Objectives
The objective of this policy is to facilitate the access to Government of India
owned shareable data and information in both human readable and machine
readable forms through a network all over the country in a proactive and
periodically updatable manner, within the framework of various related policies,
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Acts and rules of Government of India, thereby permitting a wider accessibility
and use of public data and information.
5. Scope of this Policy
The National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy will apply to all data and
information created, generated, collected and archived using public funds
provided by Government of India directly or through authorized agencies by
various Ministries / Departments /Organizations / Agencies and Autonomous
6. Benefits of the data sharing policy
6.1 Maximizing Use Ready access to government owned data will enable more
extensive use of a valuable public resource for the benefit of the community.
6.2 Avoiding Duplication By sharing data the need for separate bodies to collect
the same data will be avoided resulting in significant cost savings in data
6.3 Maximized integration By adopting common standards for the collection and
transfer of data, integration of individual datasets may be feasible.
6.4 Ownership information The identification of owners for the principal datasets
provide information to users to identify those responsible for implementation of
prioritized data collection programs and development of data standards.
6.5 Better decision-making Data and information facilitates making important
decisions without incurring repetitive costs. Ready access to existing valuable
data is essential for many decision making tasks such as protecting the
environment, development planning, managing assets, improving living
conditions, national security and controlling disasters.
6.6 Equity of access Amore open data transfer policy ensures better access to all
bonafide users.
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7. Data Classification
Different types of datasets generated both in geospatial and non-spatial form by
different ministries /departments are to be classified as shareable data and non-
shareable data. The types of data produced by a statistical system consist of
derived statistics like national accounts statistics, indicators like price index, data
bases from census and surveys. The geospatial data however, consists primarily
of satellite data, maps, etc. In such a system, it becomes important to maintain
standards in respect of metadata, data layout and data access policy. All
departments / ministries will prepare the negative list within one year of the
notification of the policy, which will be periodically reviewed by the oversight
8. Types of Access
8.1 Open Access Access to data generated from public funding should be easy,
timely, user-friendly and web-based without any process of registration /
8.2 Registered Access Datasets which are accessible only through a prescribed
process of registration / authorization by respective departments / organizations
will be available to the recognized institutions / organizations / public users,
through defined procedures.
8.3 Restricted Access Data declared as restricted, by Government of India
policies, will be accessible only through and under authorization.
9. Technology for Sharing and Access
A state-of-the-art data warehouse and data archive with online analytical
processing (OLAP) capabilities, which includes providing, a multi-dimensional
and subject oriented view of the database needs to be created. This integrated
repository of data portals of various ministries / departments as a part of, will hold data and this repository over a period of time will also
encompass data generated by various State Governments and UTs. The main
features of the data warehouse need to include:
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a) User friendly interface
b) Dynamic / pull down menus
c) Search based Report
d) Secured web access
e) Bulletin board
f) Complete Metadata
g) Parametric and Dynamic report in exportable format
10. Legal framework
Data will remain the property of the agency/department/ ministry/ entity which
collected them and reside in their IT enabled facility for sharing and providing
access. Access to data under this policy will not be in violation of any Acts and
rules of the Government of India in force. Legal framework of this policy will be
aligned with various Acts and rules covering the data.
11. Pricing
Pricing of data, if any, would be decided by the data owners and as per the
government policies. All Ministries / Departments will upload the pricing policy of
the data under registered and restricted access within three months of the
notification of the policy. A broad set of parameters would be standardized and
provided as guidelines for the use of data owners.
12. Implementation
a) The Department of Science & Technology serving the nodal functions of
coordination and monitoring of policy through close collaboration with all
Central Ministries and the Department of Information Technology by creating through National Informatics Centre (NIC).
b) All sharable data will be made available on ‘as-is where-is’ basis.
c) Detailed implementation guidelines including the technology and standards
for data and metadata would be brought out by Department of Information
Technology, Government of India.
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d) All the data users who are accessing/using the data shall acknowledge the
ministry/department in all forms of publications.
e) All Ministries/Departments will upload at least 5 high value datasets on within three months of the notification of the policy.
f) Uploading of all remaining datasets should be completed within one year
g) Thereafter, all datasets are to be uploaded regularly every quarter.
h) will have the metadata and data itself and will be accessed
from the portals of the departments/ministries.
i) The metadata in standardized formats is to be ported on
which enables data discovery and access through departmental portals. All
metadata will follow standards and will minimally contain adequate
information on proper citation, access, contact information, and discovery.
Complete information including methods, structure, semantics, and quality
control/assurance is expected for most datasets.
j) Government will design and position a suitable budgetary incentive system
for data owners for increasing open access to the sharable data.
k) An oversight committee will be constituted for facilitating the implementation
of the policy and its provisions thereof
l) Department of Information Technology will constitute a coordination
committee for implementation.
13. Budget Provisions
The implementation of National Data Sharing and Access Policy is expected to
entail expenditures for both data owners and data managers for analog to digital
conversion, data refinement, data storage, quality up-gradation etc. Budgetary
provisions and appropriate support for data management for each department /
organization by Government of India would be necessary.
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14. Conclusion
14.1 While policies provide official mandate, facilitation of optimum accessibility and
usability of data by the implementers pre-suppose a trajectory of proper
organization of data, with access services and analysis tools that provide
the researchers and stakeholders with added value. For data to be reused, it
needs to be adequately described and linked to services that disseminate the
data to other researchers and stakeholders. The current methods of storing data
are as diverse as the disciplines that generate it. It is necessary to develop
institutional repositories, data centers on domain and national levels that all
methods of storing and sharing have to exist within the specific infrastructure to
enable all users to access and use it.
14.2 National Data Sharing and Access Policy aims at the promotion of a technology-
based culture of data management as well as data sharing and access. It opens
up, proactively, information on available data, which could be shared with civil
society for developmental purposes, their price details if any, and methods for
gaining access to registered and restricted use. The policy has limited its scope
to data owned by the agencies, departments/ Ministries and entities under the
Government of India and forms a statement of the Government of India of its
commitment to transparency and efficiency in governance. Department of
Science & Technology will continue the process of evolving the policy further,
keeping in tune with technological advancements and the National requirements
and enrolling the State Governments.
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Annexure II
Five Star Open Data
Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Web and Linked Data initiator, suggested a 5 star
deployment scheme for Open Data. Here, we give examples for each step of the stars and
explain costs and benefits that come along with it.
Where the abbreviations stands for:
OL Open License
RE Readable (Human & Machine)
OF Open Format
URI Universal Resource Identifier
LD Linked Data
The cost and benefit of these open data levels are detailed below:
Available on the web (whatever format) but with an open licence, to be
called as Open Data
As a consumer.....
You can look at it.
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You can print it.
You can store it locally (on your hard drive or on an USB stick).
You can enter the data into any other system.
You can change the data as you wish.
You can share the data with anyone you like.
As a publisher.....
It's simple to publish.
You do not have explain repeatedly to others that they can use your data.
Note: It's great to have the data accessible on the Web under an open license
(such as PDDL, ODC-by or CC0), however, the data is locked-up in a
document. Other than writing a custom scraper, it's hard to get the data
out of the document
★★ Available as machine-readable structured data (e.g. excel instead of
image scan of a table)
As a consumer, you can do all what you can do with Web data &
You can directly process it with proprietary software to aggregate it,
perform calculations, visualise it, etc.
You can export it into another (structured) format.
As a publisher ...
It's still simple to publish
Note: Splendid! The data is accessible on the Web in a structured way (that is,
machine-readable), however, the data is still locked-up in a document. To
get the data out of the document you depend on proprietary software.
★★★ as (2) plus non-proprietary format (e.g. CSV instead of excel)
As a consumer, you can do all what you can do with ★★ Web data and
You can manipulate the data in any way you like, without being confined
by the capabilities of any particular software.
As a publisher .....
You might need converters or plug-ins to export the data from the
proprietary format.
It's still rather simple to publish.
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Note: Excellent ! The data is not only available via the Web but now everyone
can use the data easily. On the other hand, it's still data on the Web and
not data in the Web.
★★★★ All the above plus, Use open standards from W3C (RDF and
SPARQL) to identify things, so that people can point at your stuff using an
As a consumer, you can do all what you can do with ★★★ Web data and
You can link to it from any other place (on the Web or locally).
You can bookmark it.
You can reuse parts of the data.
You may be able to reuse existing tools and libraries, even if they only
understand parts of the pattern the publisher used.
Understanding the structure of an RDF "Graph" of data can be more effort
than tabular (Excel/CSV) or tree (XML/JSON) data.
You can combine the data safely with other data. URIs are a global
scheme so if two things have the same URI then it's intentional, and if so
that's well on it's way to being 5 star data!
As a publisher ...
You have fine-granular control over the data items and can optimise their
access (load balancing, caching, etc.)
Other data publishers can now link into your data, promoting it to 5 star!
You typically invest some time slicing and dicing your data.
You'll need to assign URIs to data items and think about how to represent
the data.
You need to either find existing patterns to reuse or create your own.
Note: Wonderful! Now it's data in the Web. The (most important) data items have
a URI and can be shared on the Web. A native way to represent the data
is using RDF. However, other formats such as Atom can be
converted/mapped, if required.
★★★★★ All the above, plus: Link your data to other people’s data to
provide context
As a consumer, you can do all what you can do with ★★★★ Web data and
You can discover more (related) data while consuming the data.
You can directly learn about the data schema.
You now have to deal with broken data links, just like 404 errors in web
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Presenting data from an arbitrary link as fact is as risky as letting people
include content from any website in your pages. Caution, trust and
common sense are all still necessary.
As a publisher .....
You make your data discoverable.
You increase the value of your data.
You own organisation will gain the same benefits from the links as the
You'll need to invest resources to link your data to other data on the Web.
You may need to repair broken or incorrect links.
Note: Brilliant! Now it's data, in the Web linked to other data. Both the consumer
and the publisher benefit from the network effect
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Annexure III
Ten Principles for Opening Up Government Information
In October 2007, 30 open government advocates met in Sebastopol, California to discuss how
government could open up electronically stored government data for public use. Up until that
point, the federal and state governments had made some data available to the public, usually
inconsistently and incompletely, which had whetted the advocates’ appetites for more and better
data. The conference, led by Carl Malamud and Tim O'Reilly and funded by a grant from the
Sunlight Foundation, resulted in eight principles that, if implemented, would empower the
public's use of government held data.
Sunlight Foundation has updated and expanded upon the Sebastopol list and identified ten
principles that provide a lens to evaluate the extent to which government data is open and
accessible to the public. The list is not exhaustive, and each principle exists along a continuum
of openness. The principles are completeness, primacy, timeliness, ease of physical and
electronic access, machine readability, nondiscrimination, use of commonly owned
standards, licensing, permanence and usage costs.
1. Completeness
Datasets released by the government should be as complete as possible, reflecting the entirety
of what is recorded about a particular subject. All raw information from a dataset should be
released to the public, except to the extent necessary to comply with federal law regarding the
release of personally identifiable information. Metadata that defines and explains the raw data
should be included as well, along with formulas and explanations for how derived data was
calculated. Doing so will permit users to understand the scope of information available and
examine each data item at the greatest possible level of detail.
2. Primacy
Datasets released by the government should be primary source data. This includes the original
information collected by the government, details on how the data was collected and the original
source documents recording the collection of the data. Public dissemination will allow users to
verify that information was collected properly and recorded accurately.
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3. Timeliness
Datasets released by the government should be available to the public in a timely fashion.
Whenever feasible, information collected by the government should be released as quickly as it
is gathered and collected. Priority should be given to data whose utility is time sensitive. Real
time information updates would maximize the utility the public can obtain from this information.
4. Ease of Physical and Electronic Access
Datasets released by the government should be as accessible as possible, with accessibility
defined as the ease with which information can be obtained, whether through physical or
electronic means .Barriers to physical access include requirements to visit a particular office in
person or requirements to comply with particular procedures (such as completing forms or
submitting FOIA requests). Barriers to automated electronic access include making data
accessible only via submitted forms or systems that require browser oriented technologies (e.g.,
Flash, Javascript, cookies or Java applets). By contrast, providing an interface for users to
download all of the information stored in a database at once (known as “bulk” access) and the
means to make specific calls for data through an Application Programming Interface (API) make
data much more readily accessible. (An aspect of this is “findability,” which is the ability to easily
locate and download content.)
5. Machine readability
Machines can handle certain kinds of inputs much better than others. For example, hand written
notes on paper are very difficult for machines to process. Scanning text via Optical Character
Recognition (OCR) results in many matching and formatting errors. Information shared in the
widely used PDF format, for example, is very difficult for machines to parse. Thus, information
should be stored in widely used file formats that easily lend themselves to machine processing.
(When other factors necessitate the use of difficult to parse formats, data should also be
available in machine friendly formats.) These files should be accompanied by documentation
related to the format and how to use it in relation to the data.
6. Non-discrimination
“Non-discrimination” refers to who can access data and how they must do so. Barriers to use of
data can include registration or membership requirements. Another barrier is the use of “walled
garden,” which is when only some applications are allowed access to data. At its broadest, non-
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discriminatory access to data means that any person can access the data at any time without
having to identify him/herself or provide any justification for doing so.
7. Use of Commonly Owned Standards
Commonly owned (or “open”) standards refers to who owns the format in which data is stored.
For example, if only one company manufactures the program that can read a file where data is
stored, access to that information is dependent upon use of the company's processing program.
Sometimes that program is unavailable to the public at any cost, or is available, but for a fee.
For example, Microsoft Excel is a fairly commonly used spreadsheet program which costs
money to use. Freely available alternative formats often exist by which stored data can be
accessed without the need for a software license. Removing this cost makes the data available
to a wider pool of potential users.
8. Licensing
The imposition of “Terms of Service,” attribution requirements, restrictions on dissemination and
so on acts as barriers to public use of data. Maximal openness includes clearly labeling public
information as a work of the government and available without restrictions on use as part of the
public domain.
9. Permanence
The capability of finding information over time is referred to as permanence. Information
released by the government online should be sticky: It should be available online in archives in
perpetuity. Often times, information is updated, changed or removed without any indication that
an alteration has been made. Or, it is made available as a stream of data, but not archived
anywhere. For best use by the public, information made available online should remain online,
with appropriate version tracking and archiving over time.
10. Usage Costs
One of the greatest barriers to access to ostensibly publicly available information is the cost
imposed on the public for accesseven when the cost is de minimus. Governments use a
number of bases for charging the public for access to their own documents: the costs of creating
the information; a cost recovery basis (cost to produce the information divided by the expected
number of purchasers); the cost to retrieve information; a per-page or per-inquiry cost;
processing cost; the cost of duplication etc.
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Most government information is collected for governmental purposes, and the existence of user
fees has little to no effect on whether the government gathers the data in the first place.
Imposing fees for access skews the pool of who is willing (or able) to access information. It also
may preclude transformative uses of the data that in turn generates business growth and tax
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Annexure IV
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q. What is the aim and objective of National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy
A. NDSAP aims to provide an enabling provision and platform for proactive and open access
to the data generated by various Government of India entities.
The objective of this policy is to facilitate access to Government of India owned shareable
data (along with its usage information) in machine readable form through a wide area
network all over the country in a periodically updatable manner, within the framework of
various related policies, acts and rules of Government of India, thereby permitting a wider
accessibility and usage by public.
Q. What is the scope of NDSAP?
A. The National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy will apply to all data and information
created, generated, collected and archived using public funds provided by Government of
India directly or through authorized agencies by various
Ministries/Departments/Organizations/Agencies and Autonomous bodies.
Q. What are the principles of data sharing and accessibility?
A. The principles on which data sharing and accessibility need to be based include:
Openness, Flexibility, Transparency, Quality, Security and Machine-readable.
Q. Which Ministry/Department is performing the nodal function of coordination and
monitoring of this Policy?
A. The Department of Science & Technology serving the nodal functions of coordination and
monitoring of policy through close collaboration with all Central Ministries and the
Department of Electronics and Information Technology by creating
through National Informatics Centre (NIC).
Q. How datasets are identified?
A. As per NDSAP, every Department has to identify datasets by the following categories:
Negative List: The datasets, which are confidential in nature and would compromise to the
county’s security if made public, are put into this list. The datasets which contain personal
information are also included in this list.
Open List: This list comprises of datasets which don’t fall under negative list. These
datasets shall be prioritized into high value datasets and non-high values datasets.
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Q. What are the formats in which datasets should be published?
A. NDSAP recommends that datasets has to be published in an open format. It should be
machine readable. Considering the current analysis of data formats prevalent in
Government, it is proposed that data should be published in any of the following formats:
CSV (Comma separated values)
XLS (Spread sheet - Excel)
ODS (Open Document Formats for Spreadsheets)
XML (Extensive Markup Language)
RDF (Resources Description Framework)
KML (Keyhole Markup Language used for Maps)
GML (Geography Markup Language)
RSS/ATOM (Fast changing data e.g. hourly/daily)
Q. What are the classifications of data?
A. Different types of datasets generated both in geospatial and non-spatial form by Ministries/
Departments shall be classified as shareable data and non-shareable data.
The derived statistics like national accounts statistics, indicators like price index, databases
from census and surveys are the types of data produced by a statistical mechanism e.g.
Transactional and MIS Systems Data, which can be used in a row-column format. However,
the geospatial data consists primarily of satellite data, maps, etc. In such a mechanism, it
becomes important to maintain standards in respect of metadata, data layout and data
access policy.
Q. What are the budget provisions in this Policy?
A. The implementation of National Data Sharing and Access Policy is expected to entail
expenditures for both data owners and data managers for analog to digital conversion, data
refinement, data storage, quality up-gradation etc. Budgetary provisions and appropriate
support for data management for each department/organization by Government of India
would be met from their internal budget for the formation of NDSAP cell.
Q. What activities are to be undertaken up by the Ministries/Departments to implement
A. In order to implement NDSAP, the Ministries/Departments of Government of India have to
undertake the following activities:
Nominate Chief Data Officer, at the level of Joint Secretary or above
Chief Data Officer to nominate Data Contributors for coordinating from respective
Divisions/Units/Projects/Schemes, etc.
Create Data Contributor’s login id. using Chief Data Officer’s login account
Setup NDSAP Cell
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Identify Datasets
Prepare Negative List
Publish Datasets on OGD Platform India
Create Action Plan for regular release of datasets on the
Monitor and Manage the Open Data Program of the Department
Q. Who shall be nominated as Chief Data Officer?
A. As per the directive from the Cabinet Secretary, a senior officer at the level of Joint
Secretary or above is to be nominated as Chief Data Officer or Nodal Officer for the
Department / Organization.
Q. What is the main role of a Chief Data Officer & what are his/her responsibilities?
A. The main role & responsibilities of a Chief Data Officer are as follows:
Lead the open data initiative of Department/Organization.
Nominate Data Contributors
Create Data Contributors login id. using Chief Data Officer’s login account
Take initiative to release as many datasets as possible on proactive basis.
Identify the High Value Datasets and schedule their release on OGD Platform.
Prepare the Negative List for the Department as per the directions in NDSAP.
Ensures that the datasets being published, through a workflow process, are in
compliance with NDSAP.
Periodically monitor the release of datasets as per predefined schedule.
Take relevant action on the feedback/suggestion received from the citizen for the
datasets belonging to the Ministry/Department/Organization.
Ensure the correctness of his contact details on the OGD Platform by sending a mail/
letter to, in case of any change.
Take action on Suggestions on new datasets made by public through the OGD
Q. What should be the size of NDSAP Cell?
A. In order to implement NDSAP, each Department would establish a NDSAP Cell. The size of
the cell would vary from Department to Department and would depend on the quantum of
datasets to be published.
Q. What are the responsibilities of NDSAP Cell?
A. The NDSAP Cell chaired by Chief Data Officer would be responsible for the following
Prepare Negative List of datasets and communicate to DST within Six Months.
Prepare a schedule of datasets to be released in next one year.
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Extend Technical Support for Preparation of datasets, conversion of formats etc.
Monitor and manage the open data initiative in their respective Ministry/Department
and ensure quality and correctness of the data.
Work out an open data strategy to promote proactive dissemination of datasets.
Institutionalize the creation of datasets as part of routine functioning.
Q. What shall be the organizational structure of NDSAP Cell?
A. NDSAP Cell shall be headed by Chief Data Officer, who could be assisted by number of
Data Contributors. NDSAP Cell shall have professionals from data analyst, visualization
and programming domain.
Q. What is the role of Data Contributor?
A. In order to cater to the contribution of the datasets from offices/organization under the
Ministries/ Departments, the Chief Data Officercan nominate a number of Data Contributors
who would be responsible in contributing the datasets along with their metadata.
Data Contributor could be an officer of the Ministry/Department who would be responsible
for his/her unit/division. The responsibilities of the Data Contributor are as follows:
Responsible for ensuring quality and correctness datasets of his/her unit/division.
Preparing and contributing the metadata in the predefined format for the datasets.
Q. How data is contributed on OGD Platform India (
A. Datasets are contributed through a web-based Data Management System under This simple interface can be accessed after login to the system.
Nominated Chief Data Officers can directly login with the OGD Platform using their NIC
EMAIL credentials.
Chief Data Officers, without having NIC EMAIL account, can obtain the login credentials
(user name and password) on their existing non NIC EMAIL ID if mentioned in their
nomination letter.
Datasets along with the metadata once contributed by the Data Contributor goes through
the predefined workflow to the Chief Data Officer who in turn ensures that it is in
compliance with the NDSAP Policy and pushes it to NDSAP PMU for publishing on the
OGD Platform. The NDSAP PMU at NIC headquarters pushes the datasets from
unpublished state to the published state.
Q. What is the role of NDSAP Project Management Unit (PMU)?
A. The main activities of NDSAP, PMU would be to manage the Platform, provide Technical
Advice to the departments, handhold for dataset contribution as well as capacity building of
Data Contributors and Chief Data Officers.
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Q. How to contact NDSAP Project Management Unit (PMU)?
A. NDSAP PMU can be contacted at or at Phone: 011-24363692, 011-
24305395, 011-24305370, Fax: 011-24368854.
Q. What is metadata?
A. Data about the data is called metadata. Information about the datasets being published
through a standard structure comprising of controlled vocabularies on government sectors,
dataset types, jurisdictions, access mode, etc. Apart from facilitating easy access to data, it
is useful for federation & integration of data catalogs.
Q. What are metadata Elements for catalogs/resources and their usage?
A.1 Catalog
Title (Required): A unique name for the catalog (group of resources) viz. Current
Population Survey <Year>, Consumer Price Index <Year>, Variety-wise Daily Market
Prices Data, State-wise Construction of Deep Tube wells over the years, etc.
Description (Required): Provide a detailed description of the catalog e.g., an abstract
determining the nature and purpose of the catalog.
Keywords (Required): It is a list of terms, separated by commas, describing and
indicating at the content of the catalog. Example: rainfall, weather, monthly statistics.
Group Name: This is an optional field to provide a Group Name to multiple catalogs in
order to show that they may be presented as a group or a set.
Sector & Sub-Sector (Required): Choose the sectors(s)/sub-sector(s) those most
closely apply(ies) to your catalog.
Asset Jurisdiction (Required): This is a required field to identify the exact location or
area to which the Catalog and Resources (dataset/apps) caters to viz. entire country,
state/province, district, city, etc.
A.2 Resources (Datasets/Apps)
Category (Required): Choose from the drop down options. Is it a Dataset or an
Title (Required): A unique name of the resource viz. Consumer Price Index for
<Month/Year> etc.
Access Method (Required): This could be “Upload a Dataset” or “Single Click Link to
Implementation Guidelines for NDSAP
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Reference URLs: This may include description to the study design, instrumentation,
implementation, limitations, and appropriate use of the dataset or tool. In the case of
multiple documents or URLs, please delimit with commas or enter in separate lines.
* If Resource Category is Dataset
Frequency (Required): It mentions the time interval over which the dataset is
published on the OGD Platform on a regular interval (one-time, annual, hourly, etc.).
Granularity of Data: It mentions the time interval over which the data inside the
dataset is collected/ updated on a regular basis (one-time, annual, hourly, etc.).
Access Type: It mentions the type of access viz. Open, Priced, Registered Access or
Restricted Access (G2G).
* If Resource Category is App
App Type (Required): It mentions the type of App being contributed viz. Web App,
Web Service, Mobile App, Web Map Service, RSS, APIs etc.
Datasets Used: Datasets used for making this app.
Language: Language used for app.
Date Released: It mentions the release date of the Dataset/App.
Note: It mentions the anymore information the contributor/controller wishes to provide
to the data consumer or about the resource.
NDSAP Policy Compliance: This field is to indicate if this dataset is in conformity with
the National Data Sharing and Access Policy of the Govt. of India.
Q. What are the best practices for Catalog/ Resource (Datasets/Apps) contribution?
A. Some of the best practices for contribution are as follows:
Data should be stored in widely used file formats that are suitable for machine
Released dataset should clearly reflect “what is recorded about a particular subject”.
Timely release of datasets is one of the important factors to maximize the utility of
information people can obtain.
Data should be provided in freely available formats which can be accessed without
the need for a software license.
Data elements should be in de-normalized form.
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Annexure V
Constitution of the Task Force
Refer the Office Memorandum no. 21(1)/2013-Pers dated 2
April 2013; following is the
updated Task Force consisting of the following officers for formulation of Implementation
Guidelines for National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP):
1. Dr. Y. K. Sharma ……. Chairman
Director General, National Informatics Centre
2. Dr. (Smt) Shefali Sushil Dash
Deputy Director General, National Informatics Centre
3. Shri Sanjay Singh Gahlout
Deputy Director General, National Informatics Centre
4. Dr. R. Siva Kumar
Head NRDMS & NSDI, Department of Science & Technology
5. Dr. C. Muralikrishna Kumar
Senior Advisor (CIT&I), Planning Commission
6. Shri Rajiv Rai
Jt. Secretary, & CWO, Department of Personnel & Training
7. Shri P. C. Mohanan
Dy. Director General, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
8. Smt. Sudha Midha
Addl. Director General, Ministry of Water Resources
9. Shri Pankaj Srivastava
Director, Ministry of Corporate Affairs
10. Shri Gaurav Dwivedi
Director (eGovernance), Department of Electronics & Information Technology
11. Representative
Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG)
12. Ms. Neeta Verma
Senior Technical Director, National Informatics Centre
13. Ms. Alka Mishra ……. Convener
Senior Technical Director, National Informatics Centre
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Annexure VI
Reconstitution of the Task Force
Refer the Office Memorandum no. 21(1)/2015-Pers dated 7
July 2015; following is the updated
Task Force consisting of the following officers for formulation of Implementation Guidelines for
National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP):
1. Dr. Ajay KumarDr. Y. K. Sharma ……. Chairman
AS, DeitY and Director General, National Informatics Centre
2. Dr. (Smt) Shefali Sushil Dash
Deputy Director General, National Informatics Centre
3. Shri Sanjay Singh Gahlout
Deputy Director General, National Informatics Centre
4. Representative
Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG)
5. Shri P. C. Mohanan
Dy. Director General, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
6. Shri Pankaj Srivastava
Director, Ministry of Corporate Affairs
7. AGRI & Chief Data Officer
O/o Register General and Census Commissioner
8. Shri Suresh Chandra
JS and Legal Advisor, D/o Legal Affairs
9. Ms. Neeta Verma
Senior Technical DirectorDeputy Director General, National Informatics Centre
10. Ms. Alka Mishra ……. Convener
Senior Technical Director, National Informatics Centre
Representatives from the Civil Society
1. Shri Biplav Srivastava
Senior Researcher, IBM Master Inventor, IBM Research
2. Ms. Sharon Buteau
ED, Institute of Financial Management and Research (IFMR), Chennai
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3. Dr. J Dennis Rajkumar
Director, EPW Research Foundation (EPWRF)
4. Shri Venkatesh Nayak
Coordinator, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI)
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Annexure VII
Open Government Data Division Team
Ms. Neeta Verma, HoG and Head of OGD Platform India
Ms. Alka Mishra, Sr. Technical Director, HOD
Mr. Durga Prasad Misra, Principal Systems Analyst
Mr. Sunil Babbar, Senior Systems Analyst
Ms. Sunita Singh, Scientist B
Mr. Varun Gupta, Scientist B
Supported by:
Mr. V. S. Mohan Das, Technical Director, Data Centre and Web Services Division
Mr. Narender Jain, Systems Analyst, Data Centre and Web Services Division