La Conner High School Running Start Program
What is Running Start? Running Start is a state-legislated option allowing prepared high school students to
simultaneously earn college and high school credit by taking college coursework at their local community or
technical college. Eligible students may take up to 15 college courses numbered 100 level or above free of
tuition (free/reduced lunch students 18 credits), but are responsible for their own transportation, books and
fees (General = $1 per credit, Tech = $5 per credit, building = $1.50 per credit, eLearning = $20 per course;
free/reduced lunch students present their eligibility letter to the college to get fees waived for the first 15
credits). Running Start enrollment can occur for up to six quarters during the junior and/or senior year, and is
not available in the summer.
Who is eligible? Students must have 11.5 credits posted on their La Conner transcript and should test into
college level reading, writing and mathematics. There is no longer a G.P.A. minimum requirement.
How do college credits transfer to high school credits? College credits will be translated to high school
credits as per WAC 180-51-050 where 5 college quarter credits = 1.0 high school credit. College classes taken
to meet specific graduation requirements must be chosen from the LCHS course equivalency guide and noted
as such on the student’s quarterly enrollment form. College grades will be transferred as earned, with a
college W = high school NC (no credit), college V (student stopped attending, did not officially withdraw) =
high school F, college E (did not pass) = high school F.
Is a Running Start student eligible for athletics and activities? Students continue to be eligible for
athletics and activities, and must comply with WIAA requirements and the LCHS Athletics/Activities Code.
According to the WIAA handbook and LCHS policy a student enrolled in Running Start must adhere to the
following in order to be eligible for participation: 1) must be regular in attendance, having attended 85% of
their scheduled classes; 2) must meet all high school standards; 3) must be continuously enrolled, earning 2.5
graduation credits, (a minimum of 13 quarter credits) monitored at any time; 4) must meet with the Athletic
Director and complete a WIAA Running Start contract. 5) Must agree to provide Running Start grades or
progress reports to the Athletic Director at the end of each quarter and when requested during each quarter.
What is the college schedule like? The colleges have three quarters during LCHS’ two semesters. Students
are responsible for following the school calendar where they attend. The colleges and LCHS begin and end
the school year at different times, do not have the same Spring Break, and vary on particular days off. College
classes are structured for more homework, with each hour of class time requiring about two hours of
homework. Thus, taking a five credit college class would require 5 hours in class and 10 hours of homework.
State law in 2011 created a maximum number of credits/classes that the state will fund:
Number of LCHS classes Number of College credits*
*Students with their free/reduced
lunch verification letter on file at
SVC are not subject to these limits
and can take up to 18 credits.
Class Fees and Books: Class fees, books and other miscellaneous expenses average about $150.00 per
quarter. Those fees are reduced for students who qualify for Free and Reduced lunches through their home
Running Start Course Equivalency Guide
Revised February, 2019
English 101 - Composition I
English112, 245 OR 246 - American Literature
English 101, 102 or103 (if 101 taken as a Jr.) - Composition II or III
English 254 - World Lit., Eng 220 - Intro to Shakespeare , Eng 283 British Lit.
Communications 220 - Public Speaking
LCHS Class
College Class Alternative
Washington State History
History 214
US History
History 146, 147 or 148
American Government and
Contemporary World Problems
Political Science 201 or 202 AND 203
or Social Science 100
Art 100 and above
Drama 100 and above
Humanities 116, 117, 118
Music classes 100 and above
World Language classes 100 and above
Business Administration 215
Mathematics classes 100 and above
credit is gained through courses 100 and above in:
Accounting, Allied Health Education, Automotive Technology, Business,
Business Management, Computer Information Systems, Computer Science,
Criminal Justice, Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management, Dental, Diesel
Power Technology, Early Childhood Education, Environmental Conservation,
Fire Protection Technology, Geographic Info Systems, Human Services,
Journalism, Manufacturing Technology, Multimedia & Interactive Technology,
Nursing, Office Administration and Accounting, Welding Technology.
Physical Education classes 100 and above
SCIENCE – all 100 level and above classes in:
Astronomy, Biological Science, Chemistry, Earth Science,
Environmental Conservation, Geology, Natural Science,
Oceanography, Physics
All courses 100 and above not specifically mentioned with particular departments are
accepted as electives towards the total number of credits needed towards graduation.
Credit Equivalencies are:
LCHS Credits
What else should I consider? Many LCHS students who choose Running Start take classes part-time, taking
a college class or two while also attending at the high school. The Running Start students who are most
successful are particularly organized, responsible, self-motivated, and academically oriented, as the college
demands all of those qualities and is an adult environment. Most students experience lower grades than they
earned in high school, as college work is more difficult and faster paced.
Memorandum of Understanding Between
Students and Parents/Guardians and La Conner High School
Pertaining to Enrollment in Running Start
We, the student and parent/guardian, understand the following conditions to be true if we choose Running Start as
an educational opportunity.
1. We understand that, in order to be eligible for Skagit Valley College, the student must be of junior
standing (11.5 credits) and have a cumulative gpa of 2.25.
2. We understand that if the student has a college grade point average below a 2.0 he/she will be on
Academic Probation which could result in being dropped from Running Start.
3. We understand that Running Start courses must be classes that are 100 level or above.
4. We understand that tuition for courses is free, but that the student is responsible for all other costs
associated with attendance (parking, travel, books, fees, etc.)
5. We understand that in order to be successful, the student must be self-motivated and self-directed, and
that even so, some students experience a drop in their GPA.
6. We understand that parent contact regarding the student’s progress is not the responsibility of the
College or LCHS. When a student chooses to attend Running Start, parents will not receive progress
reports, report cards or have the opportunity for parent/teacher conferences.
7. We understand that the parent and LCHS will not be notified if a student withdraws from or stops
attending a Running Start class.
8. We understand the average age at Skagit Valley College is 28 according to SVC’s Spring 2011 data,
and that Running Start students may be in courses with students who range in age from 16 to 80-plus.
9. We understand that students seeking a LCHS diploma must meet all graduation requirements,
including state testing and completion of senior seminar with a community exit presentation. Students
will not be allowed to go through LCHS commencement exercises unless they have met all LCHS
graduation requirements at the time of senior check out.
10. We understand that students are responsible for completing 10 political hours and 40 community
service hours as seniors prior to graduation.
11. We understand that the senior culminating project, consisting of a 40 minute presentation to a
community panel is a requirement for all students who wish to earn a La Conner Diploma.
12. We understand that Skagit Valley College is on a quarter system and that LCHS is on a semester
system, therefore the starting dates, ending dates and vacation times will differ.
13. We understand that part-time Running Start students will be responsible for checking on any changes
to the LCHS schedule (assemblies, half-days, testing schedules, etc.).
14. We understand that Running Start students are eligible to participate in athletics and activities at LCHS
BUT must take AND BE PASSING the equivalent of 7 classes or 13 SVC credits, and provide grades
to the athletic director for review.
15. We understand that LCHS is not able to accommodate students who are not scheduled into classes.
Therefore Running Start Students will not be able to spend unscheduled hours on the LCHS campus.
It is through this Memorandum of Understanding that we, the student and parent, take full
responsibility for the success of the student while attending Running Start.
Student Signature Date Parent Signature Date
Student Name
Please Print Clearly
Office use only - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Counselor Date Principal Date
Cum gpa _________ Credits earned __________ Grade level as of Fall 2015 _________