Apply online at
A guide for parents about
admission arrangements for
Primary Schools
Apply online by
15 January 2024
Timetable for applications to start primary school for
the school year 2024-25
13 November 2023
Online applications can be made by logging on to Bradford
Council’s website, and clicking on
‘Online School Admissions’.
15 January 2024
Closing date for all applications. Also deadline for
supplementary application forms for Church of England or
Catholic schools to be sent to the relevant schools.
16 April 2024
If you have applied online, you will receive an email
on 17 April informing you which school your child has been
offered (unless you opt out of this service). If you applied
on a paper form you will be sent a letter informing you
which school has been offered.
June – July 2024
May 2024 onwards
15 May 2024
30 April 2024
Deadline for the return of appeal forms.
Deadline to return acceptance slips and waiting list forms.
Re-allocations from waiting lists if places become available.
Appeal hearings take place.
tttt ttt
Online applications
You can apply for a school place online from 13 November 2023 by visiting the Bradford Council website:
There are many advantages of applying online:
l It’s quick, easy and secure
l It’s available 24 hours a day, seven days a week until the closing date on 15 January 2024, and
you can apply from home, work, a library or from your mobile phone as long as you have an email
l You will get an email to conrm that your application has been received.
l The system helps you by checking for mistakes.
l You can view your application at any time and make changes up to the closing date.
l There is no need to ll in a paper application form.
l You will receive an email on 16 April 2024 to tell you the result of your application (unless you opt out
of this service).
Closing date for applications is 15 January 2024
This deadline is important. If you do not apply by this date, it is unlikely that your child will get a
place at your preferred school.
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
This booklet was accurate at the time of publication
(September 2023). However, it is possible there
could be some changes before, during and after the
2023-24 school year.
A guide for parents about admission
arrangements to primary schools 2024-25
This guide tells you about the primary schools in the
district and how you can nd out more about them. It
explains how we deal with your request for your child to
start primary school and gives advice about how you can
get nancial help with paying for travel or clothing.
If you would like general information about schools,
you should contact the schools directly or look at their
websites. If you need information about applying for
schools, please contact the Admissions Team at the
address below.
Admissions Team
Department of Children’s Services
Margaret McMillan Tower
Princes Way
Phone: 01274 439200
If you have any questions about assistance with travel, you
can contact the Travel Assistance Team by writing to
them at the address shown above, by phoning
01274 439450 or emailing them at
The council’s website, gives
general information on all the schools in the Bradford area.
You may also download a copy of this booklet from there.
You can get advice on free school meals from any Council
enquiry ofce, by phoning 01274 432772 or from the
council’s website
We have used the term ‘parent’ throughout this booklet to
refer to the person or people who are legally responsible
for the care of a child.
Before you make your decision, it’s a good idea to visit
some of the schools, look at the schools' websites or read
their individual booklets.
Many schools are popular and oversubscribed so it
is important that you are fully aware of the admission
process and ensure your application is completed properly
and on time. We will do our best to offer you a place at one
of the schools you list on your application form. Last year
around 98% of children starting reception were offered a
place at one of their preferred schools.
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
Apply online at
14 Nursery schools and nursery classes
14 Financial help
14 School meals and clothing
14 The journey to school
16 Questions to ask during a visit to school
Section 2 - Schools admission policies
17 Information regarding admissions policies for all
Section 3
18 List of primary schools in the Bradford Metropolitan
31 List of special schools in the Bradford Metropolitan
31 List of neighbouring Local Authorities
Section 4
32 Link to maps of priority admission areas
2 Timetable for applications to start primary school
3 Admission arrangements for primary schools
Section 1
5 Introduction
6 Co-ordinated admission arrangements
6 Types of schools
7 How do I decide which schools to apply for?
7 School booklets and websites
7 Visiting schools
7 Out of school childcare
7 Other information
7 How does this information help me?
8 How do I apply?
8 Supplementary Information Forms (SIF)
8 How do I ll in the common application form?
9 How do you deal with my application?
9 Am I more likely to get a place at my rst
preference school?
10 What happens if I miss the deadline or want to
change preferences?
10 Does moving house affect my application?
10 How do you decide who is offered a school
10 Would you ever withdraw the offer of a school
11 What happens if I don’t get the school I want?
11 Waiting lists
11 Independent appeals
11 The law on infant class sizes
11 Can I educate my child at home?
12 Special educational needs
What if my child has special needs?
13 What can I do to help my child succeed at
13 Planning ahead for your child
13 – Attendance
13 Holidays in term-time
13 In-year admissions and transfers
13 What if my child wants to transfer to another
primary school?
13 Fair Access Protocol
14 Early years Education
Apply online by 15 January 2018 @
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
We have written this booklet for you if you have a child
who is due to start reception at primary school during the
school year that starts in September 2024. These are
children born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August
2020. We hope you nd this booklet useful in helping you
decide on a school for your child.
We have split the booklet into four sections.
l The rst contains general information.
l The second contains policies on admissions (decisions
schools make on which children they take).
l The third contains details about every primary school
in the Bradford district.
l The fourth contains information on where to view maps
for schools with priority admission areas.
Although we are responsible for giving out places in most
schools, there are a growing number of schools where the
school governors decide using their admission policies.
You can nd details of these in section 2.
Primary schools are for children aged 4 to 11 (reception to
year 6).
Apply online at
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
Co-ordinated admission arrangements
Under the Education Act 2002, local authorities (LAs)
must draw up a scheme which co-ordinates admission
arrangements for all primary schools (but not special
schools) in their area.
Our co-ordinated admission arrangements make sure
that every parent of a pupil living in the Bradford local
authority area who has applied for a primary school place
during the normal admission round receives an offer of
one school place on the same day (16 April 2024). Each
authority exchanges information about any preferences
for a school outside the LA in which the pupil lives with
the ‘home’ authority.
You can apply for up to ve primary schools on-line or on
a form (known as the ‘common application form’) if your
child is ofsett, or apply online. The offer of a place is the
responsibility of the ‘home’ authority.
We have fully co-ordinated admission arrangements
with Calderdale, Kirklees, North Yorkshire and Leeds
authorities. This means that after information has been
exchanged, if more than one LA can offer a place at your
preferred school, the ‘home’ authority will offer a place at
the school which you have ranked highest.
All parents who applied online will receive their allocation
by email on 16 April 2024, all applications made on a
paper form will have their offer made by letter.
There are six types of schools in the Bradford district.
It is important to know which type of school you would
like your child to go to because different people are
responsible for making decisions on which children to
admit. Either we, as the local authority, or the school
governors decide who gets a place. Voluntary-aided,
foundation schools, free schools and academies have
their own oversubscription rules. These are the rules
used when there are too many children for the number
of places available at the school.
The following list tells you who is making the decision
for the particular type of school. Applications for all
schools must be made on the common application
form. However, for some church schools you will also
need to ll in a Supplementary Information Form if you
are applying for faith reasons.
Community schools
These are schools which we provide the funding for.
Most primary schools in Bradford are community
schools. We are responsible for deciding who is given
a place.
Voluntary-controlled schools
A number of Church of England primary schools are
voluntary-controlled. We provide funding for these
schools but they were originally set up by the church.
We are still responsible for deciding who is given a
place at these schools.
Voluntary-aided schools
A number of Catholic schools and Church of England
schools are voluntary-aided. We provide funding for
these schools but they were originally set up by the
church. The governors are responsible for deciding who
is given a place at the school.
Foundation schools
We provide the funding for these schools but the
governors decide who is given a place.
There are a number of academies, three of which are
‘all through’ schools: Appleton Academy, Bradford
Academy and Dixons Allerton Academy for pupils aged
3 to 18. These are independent of the local authority
and funded by the Department for Education (DfE). The
governors are responsible for deciding who is given a
place at the school.
Free Schools
These schools are independent of the local authority
and funded by the Department for Education. Any
suitable sponsor can make an application to establish
a Free School, including parents, teachers, charities,
community groups or businesses. They are able to
set their own curriculum and set their own admission
policies. The governors are responsible for deciding
who is given a place at the school.
Applications for all schools must be made on the common application form.
Section 3 of this booklet lists all the primary schools and tells you what type of schools they are.
Types of schools
Apply online at
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
School booklets and websites
Most primary schools have their own website which
gives a lot of information on the day-to-day running of the
school. Each school also produces a booklet for parents
with similar information.
Visiting schools
Before you decide on a particular school, you should visit
the schools in your area. While schools welcome visitors, it
helps them if you make an appointment rst.
Out of school childcare
Many primary schools, community groups and other
organisations can look after your child before or after
normal school hours. This may be something you want to
consider when deciding which schools to apply for. To nd
out more, phone the Bradford Families Information Service
on 01274 437503 or contact individual schools.
Read this booklet: before you apply for any schools,
it is important to get a realistic idea of whether your child
is likely to be offered a place. This booklet provides a lot of
information to help you, such as:
la link to the admission criteria for each school (these
are the rules under which applicants are considered)
and who makes the decisions;
lhow many applications there were last year and how
the places were allocated;
lthe total number of places at the school
A small number of primary schools have priority admission
areas. You can nd a link to the maps in section 4.
Be realistic: although we will do all we can to give
you the school you want, we cannot guarantee a place.
Demand for schools varies each year, and the fact that
your neighbour was offered a place last year does not
mean you can rely on being given a place this year.
Many schools are oversubscribed, they receive more
applications than they have places to offer. We strongly
advise you to apply for ve schools and include the
one you live closest to or the school in whose priority
admission area you live as one of your preferences.
Other information to consider
If you would like information on how particular schools
are performing, you can get a summary of the latest
Ofsted report on their website
You can nd information on the school’s Key Stage 2
SATs results on or on the
school’s website.
Section 3 of this booklet gives you information on the
schools in the Bradford district and their contact details.
Make your preferences count: You can apply for
ve primary schools. If you only apply for one school, you
will only be considered for that school and will be wasting
the opportunity to be considered for any others. You
will only be able to put your child’s name on the waiting
list or appeal for schools that you have applied for. Last
year, 98% of children were offered one of their preferred
The school I would like is in another local
authority – what should I do? If you live in the
Bradford district and want your child to go to a school
outside the area, you must still list the school on the
Bradford common application form, or apply online to us. If
you live outside the Bradford district, you can apply for any
of our schools. However, you must apply to your ‘home’
authority. There is a list of our neighbouring authorities at
the back of this booklet. You can also phone admission
ofcers on 01274 439200 for more help.
Resourced provisions: A resourced provision in
any school can only be accessed if named in a child’s
How do I decide which schools to apply for?
How does this information help me?
Apply online at
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
You will nd a full timetable of important dates on the
inside front cover of this booklet. To apply for a primary
school place, you must apply online.
You will need to register on the Bradford Council Citizen
Portal by adding your child’s details to enable you to apply
online. If your child attends the school’s nursery they may
be able to assist you to apply online.
Applying online means you will receive an email to conrm
that we have received your application, you can change
your preferences up to the closing date on
15 January 2024 and you will receive an email on
16 April 2024 giving you the result of your application.
You should list your ve preferences in the order you
want them. Once the closing date has passed, you will
not be able to apply for any more schools unless your
circumstances change signicantly (for example if you
move house).
Please ensure, if you are applying under the sibling priority
or under the medical/social priority, that the details of the
sibling(s) are entered in the appropriate place and that any
evidence or information regarding the medical or social
need is entered. It is important to send any documentation
to us, at the time of application as we may be unable to
consider evidence if it is late and you may not qualify for a
school that you want.
If you are unable to apply online, and your child attends
a school nursery please contact your primary school who
can assist parents with the online system. Parents can
also contact the Admissions Team for assistance from an
ofcer who will discuss the issues and decide if a paper
form is required.
The closing date for all applications is 15th January. If you
are given a paper form you should not rely on the post
to ensure your form is received, you may wish to send it
recorded delivery. You should request a receipt if you hand
your form in personally.
Supplementary Information
Forms (SIF)
All Catholic schools and most Church of England schools
will require you to ll in a SIF if you are applying on faith
grounds. You must ll in a SIF for each faith school that
you are applying for and return them to the school by
15 January 2024. If you do not do so, your child will be
considered for a place within the last category of the
admission policy. Contact the schools for more advice.
SIFs are available from the schools or can be downloaded
from the council’s website. Please remember that you
must still apply online for a school place. If you are
applying for one of the six music places at Dixons Music
Primary, you must ll in the school’s Supplementary
Information Form which you can get from the school or
download from the Bradford Council website. If you return
the SIF to the school by 24 November 2023 at 3.30pm,
your child will be invited to an audition.
Bowling Park Primary School
If you are applying for Bowling Park Primary School, you
must indicate on the application which of the two sites you
would prefer, either the New Cross Street site or the Usher
Street site, or both.
To apply on staff grounds please see individual admissions
policies for required documentation.
How do I fill in the online
common application form?
If you need help to ll in this form please contact the
Admissions Team on 01274 439200.
1 Child’s details
Child’s name and address: This should be your
child’s legal name and the address at which they live
permanently. Where a child lives with separated parents
with shared responsibility, parents must decide which
address to use for the allocation process. You must not
use the address of a relative or child minder. If you have
moved or are about to move house, you must send us
proof of your child’s permanent address.
Current school: This is your child’s current nursery
(if applicable). Please include the school, nursery or
playgroup’s postcode if applying on the paper form.
2 School preferences
Name up to ve schools you are prepared to consider for
your child, in order of preference. Make sure that your rst
preference is the school you most want for your child, as
this is the one we will try to offer you where possible.
Brothers and sisters: Please give details of the youngest
brother or sister who is already attending the primary
school (not the nursery) that you want and who will still be
at the school in September 2024. Include stepbrothers,
stepsisters or fostered or adopted children living at
the same address as your child because they will be
considered as brothers and sisters too.
Reasons for your preference: It is important that you tell
us anything that could affect our decision, for example
if there are specic social or medical reasons why your
child must go to a particular school, you must send us a
letter from your child’s paediatrician/consultant or relevant
professional from Children’s Services, as appropriate, by
15 January 2024. This letter would need to explain why the
school is the only school to meet your child’s needs and
why no other school could provide the appropriate support.
How do I apply?
Apply online at
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
3 Children in public care
Only ll in this section if your child is in public care (also
known as a ‘looked after child’), or was previously looked
after but ceased to be so because they were adopted
(in accordance with the Adoption and Children Act 2002)
or became subject to a child arrangements or special
guardianship order (in accordance with the Children
Act 1989). You will need to send evidence of this to the
Admissions Team by the closing date.
4 Special educational needs
Only ll in this section if your child has an Education,
Health and Care Plan.
5 Parent or carer details
The application should be made by the parent who
the child normally lives with and who has parental
responsibility for the child (this means legal responsibility
for making decisions about the child’s welfare, education
and so on). Please include a daytime contact phone
6 Private fostering arrangements
If you are looking after someone else’s child this could be
a private fostering arrangement and the Local Authority
need to be notied. Private fostering is an arrangement
made by the child or young person’s parent or guardian
and not the Local Authority, private fostering is when a
child or young person under the age of 16 (18 if the young
When you apply online, you will receive conrmation
by email that we have received your application. If you
live outside of Bradford, you must apply to your ‘home
If you have applied for a voluntary-aided, foundation
school, academy or free school, we will send the details
of your application to the governors and they tell us who
they are accepting. We also send applications to other
local authorities and they tell us which children they can
offer places to. For community and voluntary-controlled
schools, we look at the applications and use the Council’s
admission policy to decide which applicants will be offered
a place. We also check any supporting letters you have
provided that could affect the decision.
Once decisions are made on which school your child
can be offered we will write to you. Parents who applied
online will receive an email on 16 April 2024. If you lled
in a paper form and your child attends a Bradford district
nursery school or nursery class within a primary school,
the letter will be sent to your home address.
Am I more likely to get a place at my
first preference school?
Each school you apply for will be treated as a separate
application and we or the governors work out if your
child qualies for a place at each school using the
oversubscription rules (see section 2). This means that,
for example, if how close children live to the school is an
important factor, the children living closest are most likely
to be offered places, regardless of the order the school
was listed on the application form. The order in which you
named the schools only matters if more than one of the
schools can offer your child a place. If that happens, we
will look at your order of preferences and offer you the
school listed highest on the form.
It is important that you list ve different schools – asking
for just one school or naming the same school several
times on the application form will not increase the chances
of your child being offered a place there. Also, you cannot
appeal or be placed on a waiting list for a school that you
have not applied for, unless there is a signicant change in
your circumstances (for example, you move house).
How do you deal with my application?
person has a disability) is looked after for 28 days or more by
someone who is not a close relative, guardian, grandparent,
uncle, auntie, brother, sister and step-relatives. The Council
has a duty to assess and monitor arrangements to make
sure the child is safe and their needs are being met. There
is a legal obligation that you and /or the parent notify the
Local Authority of this arrangement by contacting Bradford
Children’s Initial Contact Point. Further information is
available on Bradford Safeguarding Website and Children’s
Social Care Webpages private fostering page.
Contact details:
Children’s Initial Contact Point, Sir Henry Mitchell House,
4 Manchester Road, Bradford BD5 0QL
Phone : 01274 435600
7 Declaration
You must sign the declaration to conrm that you have
parental responsibility and that the information you have
given is accurate. For online applications, you must conrm
that the information you have provided is correct. Where
separated parents have shared responsibility, only one
application must be made and both parents must agree on
which schools to apply for and from which address.
If you deliberately give false or misleading information or
withhold information that could affect your application, it may
result in the place offered being withdrawn. You would then
need to re-apply, possibly after all allocations have been
made and legal action may be taken.
Apply online at
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
What happens if I miss the deadline
or want to change my preferences?
1 Before decisions about offers are made
If we receive your application after the closing date
or if you want to change your preferences, it will only
be considered as ‘on time’ if there are exceptional
circumstances such as a house move to a different area,
and if we receive it before decisions about offers of places
are made (mid February).
2 After decisions about offers are made
In the Bradford authority, parents can apply for ve
schools. We will not accept any further applications or
changes of preference after mid February 2024 unless:
lthere are exceptional circumstances (as described
above); or
lthe late application or change of preference is for an
undersubscribed school (a school with unlled places).
We will not accept any further applications or changes of
preference, but this would not prevent you from applying
for another school from September 2024 (see ‘In-year
admissions and transfers’ on page 13).
We will send late applications to other admission
authorities, but they may not be able to consider them.
Please check with neighbouring authorities to see how
they treat late applications and changes of preferences.
Does moving house affect my
We hold details on our computer records of all children
attending a Bradford Authority pre-school setting. If the
address you give on your application is different from
that which we have on our records, or if you move house
during the application process, you will need to provide
proof of your house move. Please provide a copy of your
council tax bill and a minimum of two additional documents
from the following – gas, electricity, phone bill, and child
allowance or benet document in your name or that of
your child.
When considering applications, the address we use is the
‘child’s permanent address at the time of admission’. If
you expect to move by September but you are still living
at your current address when you apply, we can only
consider your application from the new address if you
provide the following documents.
lProof of completion on your new property and a
solicitor’s letter to conrm the sale of your previous
property; or
lA rental agreement on the new property and
conrmation of the sale or ending of your tenancy
agreement for the previous property.
We will not accept mortgage offers or letters from estate
agents as proof. If your house purchase or rental has not
reached a stage where you can provide these documents
by 8 February 2024, we will consider your application from
your current address. However, it is important that you
tell us if you move house at any time, particularly during
the application process, as it could affect your child’s
allocation. Investigations will be made if we have reason to
doubt where your child lives.
How do you decide who is offered a
school place?
Please read the admissions policies by following the link
contained in this booklet on page 17.
Please also refer to the individual school websites and
ensure you understand which criteria, of the admission
policy, you meet and if the school requires you to submit
a supplementary information form (SIF). A number of
schools give priority to children whose parents are
members of Church of England or other Christian faiths
and who regularly attend church. Please see individual
policies to see what evidence is required. Dixons Music
School would require a supplementary information form
(SIF) completing if you are applying for a music place.
Parents should also check the individual school policy to
see if priority is given under social and medical grounds
and what proof is required, if they wish to apply under this
A number of schools have priority areas which are used as
part of the admissions criteria please refer to section 4 to
see which schools have these.
Would you ever withdraw the offer
of a school place?
Once we have made an offer of a school place, we would
only withdraw the offer in limited circumstances.
These are:
lif you have not accepted the place you have been
offered within a reasonable time;
lif you have deliberately made a fraudulent or
misleading application (for example, you have falsely
claimed that your child’s permanent address is nearer
to the school, which means that a child with a stronger
claim has not been offered a place); or
lif your child has been offered a place by mistake.
Apply online at
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
Waiting lists
You can ask for your child’s name to go on a waiting list for
any schools that you applied for. The list will be made up of
any parent who requests it or who appeals.
If any places become available, they will be lled in the
same order as the admission policy and not how long
the name has been on the list. It is possible for names to
fall down the waiting list if other children are added who
qualify higher within the admission policy. Waiting lists are
generally kept until the end of the school year (July 2025),
however, some voluntary-aided, foundation schools and
academies keep their own waiting lists and they may
not be kept for so long. When we write to you to tell you
which school your child has been offered, we will tell you
who to contact regarding the waiting list for your preferred
Independent appeals
If one of your preferred school(s) is unable to offer your
child a school place you may lodge an appeal against
this decision which will be considered by an independent
Before any appeal takes place, the relevant year group
and classes will be full and no places are ‘reserved’ for
children who are successful at appeal. Therefore an
independent appeals panel are looking for exceptional
reasons why your child should be given a place at the
school. Any upheld appeal will result in the year group
being over the recommended limit which could have
health and safety implications and a harmful effect on
the teaching and learning of all children in the relevant
year group.Separate rules apply if a school appeals if for
Reception, Year 1 or Year 2.
Appeal forms for most schools can be obtained from the
Admissions Team or downloaded from Bradford Council’s
website. If you wish to lodge an appeal for: Dixons
Allerton, Dixons Music Primary, Our Lady of Victories
Catholic Primary, St Anne’s Catholic Primary, St Anthony’s
Catholic Primary (Clayton), St John the Evangelist
Catholic Primary, St Joseph’s Catholic Primary (Keighley),
St Walburga’s Catholic Primary or St Winefride’s Catholic
Primary School then you need to contact the school
direct. If you wish to lodge an appeal for a primary school
in another Local Authority then you need to contact the
relevant authority for advice.
You may only appeal once for a particular school for the
same academic year unless, in exceptional circumstances
the admission authority has accepted a second
application because of a signicant and material change
in the circumstances of the parent, child or school.
Without affecting your appeal, staff in the Admissions
Team will be pleased to discuss with you the alternative
schools that may have available places. You can contact
them on 01274 439200 or email schoolappeals@
We recommend families accept a place at the school
offered whilst waiting for their appeal to be heard. It will
not affect your chances of being allocated a place at
your preferred school either from the waiting list or at the
appeal. You could risk your child having no school place
in September if you refuse a place.
The law on infant class sizes
The law places restrictions on class sizes for 5-7 year
olds and no classes in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 are
allowed to have more than 30 children per class. The
legislation was designed to protect classes so that the
youngest children in school can have the best start to
their school life. Very occasionally these classes may be
over 30 at some point in the school year. This is because
the law allows for children to be admitted in limited
exceptional circumstances. A successful school appeal
would be an example of this. These children are known
as ‘excepted pupils’.
You still have the right to lodge an appeal: however it
can only be upheld if the panel are satised that the
admission of an additional child would not breach the
infant class size limit, or that the admission arrangements
did not comply with admissions law or were not correctly
and impartially applied and your child would have been
offered a place if these arrangements had been properly
followed, or that the decision to refuse admission was not
one which a reasonable admission authority would have
made in the circumstances of the case.
Further information regarding school appeals and Infant
Class Size legislation can be found on Bradford Council’s
Can I educate my child at home?
If you prefer to educate your child at home, the law allows
this. However, the law says that you must make sure your
child gets ‘efcient full-time education suitable to her or his
age, ability and aptitude and to any special needs she or
he may have’. If you plan to educate your child at home,
you must tell us as we have a duty to make sure you do
this properly. Please phone us on 01274 439340 or email
Apply online at
If we are unable to give you any of your preferred schools,
we will offer your child another school with an available
place. This may include church schools. We decide which
is the most appropriate school, taking into consideration all
children without a school place and available bus routes. If
you do not apply for a local school and it becomes full, you
may nd that the nearest school that has places is some
distance from your home.
We will write to you on 16 April 2024 to tell you which school
your child has been offered. You will need to accept the
place by returning an acceptance slip to the school. It is
important that you accept or your child may lose the place.
What happens if I don’t get the school I want?
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
Special educational needs (Primary)
What should I do if my child has special
The majority of children and young people with SEN or
disabilities will have their needs met within local mainstream
early year’s settings, or schools. Some children and young
people may require an EHC (Education Health and Care)
needs assessment in order for the local authority to decide
whether it is necessary for it to make provision in accordance
with an EHC plan.
Children with special educational needs have learning
difculties or disabilities that may make it harder for them to
learn or access education than most children of the same
age. If your son or daughter has an Education, Health and
Care Plan the SEND Integrated Assessment Team will write
to you to explain the process and enclose a preference form.
You are also encouraged to complete the Common
Application form which will ensure that your preferences
are lodged with the local authority. In all other cases please
complete the Common Application Form.
Early Years Enhanced Specialist Provision have extra
resources to meet the needs of young children with severe
and complex special educational needs, complementing the
arrangements in special schools.
The ve specialist provision centres in the Bradford
district are:
lAbbey Green Nursery School, Green Lane, Bradford,
BD8 8HT (phone: 01274 722070)
lCanterbury Children’s Centre, Basil Street, Bradford
BD5 9HL (phone: 01274 574539)
lMidland Road Nursery School, Thorncliffe Road,
Bradford BD8 7DJ (phone: 01274 546492)
lStrong Close Nursery, Airedale Road, Keighley BD21
4LW (phone: 01535 605272)
lSt Edmund’s (Girlington) Nursery and Children’s
Centre, Washington Street, Bradford BD8 9QW (phone:
01274 543282)
All Children’s Centres and Private, Voluntary and Independent
Sector providers will support the early identication of children
with special educational needs and offer services for them
and their families, in line with the SEND code of practice.
A number of Primary Schools provide specialist facilities
for children who have special educational needs, called
Resourced Provisions which are led by the school (RP-SL) or
the Local Authority (RP-LA). These can only be accessed if
named in a child’s EHCP.
The Resourced Provisions employ specialist staff who can
meet the needs of specic groups of pupils. The children are
supported within the school wherever possible, and they also
receive intensive support in small groups when needed.
Apply online by 15 January 2022 at
Schools which have Resourced Provision are:
lCarrwood Primary School – Communication and
Interaction Inc. Autistic Spectrum Disorder
lCo-op Academy Princeville Primary School –
Communication and Interaction Inc. Autistic Spectrum
Apply online at
lCottingley Village Primary School – Social Emotional
Mental Health
lCrossatts Primary School – Communication and
Interaction Inc. Autistic Spectrum Disorder
lCrossley Hall Primary School Communication and
Interaction Inc. Autistic Spectrum Disorder
lDenholme Primary School – Communication and
Interaction Inc. Autistic Spectrum Disorder
lFagley Primary School – Communication and Interaction
Inc. Autistic Spectrum Disorder
lGirlington Primary School – Hearing Impairment
lGreen Lane Primary School – Speech Language and
Communication Needs
lGreen Lane Primary School – Communication and
Interaction Inc. Autistic Spectrum Disorder
lGrove House Primary School – Visual Impairment
lHaworth Primary School – Communication and
Interaction Inc. Autistic Spectrum Disorder
lHigh Crags Primary Leadership Academy – Speech
Language and Communication Needs
lHollingwood Primary School – Social Emotional Mental
lHolybrook Primary School – Social Emotional Mental
lHorton Park Primary – Complex SEND KS1
lLong Lee Primary School – Social Emotional Mental
lMiriam Lord Primary School – Communication and
Interaction Inc. Autistic Spectrum Disorder
lParkwood Primary School – Communication and
Interaction Inc. Autistic Spectrum Disorder
lSwain House Primary School – Hearing Impairment
lThornton Primary – Social Emotional Mental Health
lWorth Valley Primary School – Communication and
Interaction Inc. Autistic Spectrum Disorder
In some cases, a child’s special educational needs cannot be
met in a mainstream school or Resourced Provision. Bradford
has a number of special schools. You can nd details of these
in section 3. Contact the Special Educational Needs team on
01274 435750 for more information.
The Bradford SEND (special educational needs and or
disabilities) Local Offer is a new way of giving children and
young people with SEND including behaviour and mental
health birth to 25 years and their parent carers information
about what services, activities and support is available in the
area you live. It will make it easier to nd out what you need to
know, when you need to know it. The Bradford Local Offer has
been developed by children, young people, parents and carers
living in the Bradford district. To view the Bradford, SEND
Local Offer visit or telephone
01274 439261.
If you would like independent advice about special education
needs provision and the decisions affecting your child in
school, contact Barnardo’s SENDIASS (Special Educational
Needs and Disabilities, Independent Advice and Support
Service) on 01274 513300
What can I do to help my child succeed at school?
Planning ahead for your child
Your child will probably be both excited and anxious about
starting school. This is normal. Some children may need
more support in managing change and challenge at this
time. You, your child’s nursery and your chosen primary
school can help to prepare your child for this change.
Your child must go to school regularly so she or he can
learn, achieve and make friends. Even if your child only
misses school occasionally, it can affect their work. It is
your responsibility to make sure that your child goes to
school regularly and on time. It is really important that your
child builds up a good pattern of attendance early in their
primary school. Good attendance at school will help your
child to achieve.
Holidays in term-time
You should take family holidays or trips abroad during the
school holidays. If you have to take holidays during term-
time, you must ask permission from the Head Teacher.
Schools will take into account your child’s attendance and
academic progress and may, in exceptional circumstances,
give you permission for up to two weeks’ absence. If you
take your child on holiday in term-time without the school’s
permission, you may be ned.
The school may take your child off its register if they do
not return on the agreed date. This means you would need
to apply again for a place for your child when they return.
There is no guarantee that they will be able to continue at
the school. You may have to apply for a place for them at
another school, which will disrupt their education.
In-year admissions and transfers
Apply online at
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
What if my child wants to transfer
to another school?
Transferring schools, other than at normal transition
times, can be very disruptive to your child’s education
and is not recommended. If you want to apply for
admission into any year group after 1 September and
at any other time during the school year, you must ll in
an ‘in-year application form’.
In Bradford, children can only change schools at the
start of a full term unless there are special reasons.
In-year application forms are available from schools,
from the Admissions Team or can be downloaded
from the Bradford Council website
uk. If applying for any Catholic school, Barkerend
Primary Leadership Academy, Bronte Girls’ Academy,
Eden Boys’ Leadership Academy, High Crags Primary
Leadership Academy, Idle C of E Primary School,
Laisterdyke Leadership Academy, Rainbow Primary
Leadership Academy, Thornbury Leadership Academy
or Tong Leadership Academy please contact the
school direct.
Fair Access Protocol
All local authorities must have a Fair Access Protocol
(FAP) to ensure children who have no school place,
and have not secured one through normal in-year
admission procedures, have access to education as
quickly as possible. Children admitted through the
protocol are likely to be the most vulnerable and may
have a history of challenging behaviour. As set out in
the School Admissions Code of Practice, the operation
of Fair Access Protocols sits outside the normal
admission arrangements detailed in this booklet.
We have to ensure that there are free early years funded
entitlement places for all three and four year olds whose
parents want them to receive it. These places could be in
nursery classes at primary schools, nursery schools, day
nurseries, pre-schools, childminders, and out of school
childcare providers.
All three and four year old children are entitled to 15 hours
a week funded universal entitlement from the term after
their third birthday until they start reception in primary
Some children of working parents are eligible for
additional 15 hours funded this is known as the ‘Extended
Entitlement’ or the 30 hours free childcare. This entitlement
may be taken at more than one setting. Some funded
providers are also able to offer exibility in the length and
timing of the sessions they provide. In order for parents to
see if they are eligible for the ‘Extended Entitlement’ they
must apply for a place with HMRC. Visit the Government’s
Childcare Choices website.
You can choose to continue to take up your child’s free
place at a private, voluntary or independent childcare
provider until your child reaches compulsory school age
(the term following the child’s fth birthday) if you choose
not to take up your child’s right to a place in a state-funded
school reception class in the September following your
child’s fourth birthday.
Some two year olds are also entitled to a free early years
entitlement place. Parents can check if they are eligible by
visiting Bradford Council’s 2 year old page.
To nd out more about registered early years settings
which provide free early years funded entitlement places
visit Bradford Childcare Finder or contact Bradford Council
01274 437503.
Nursery schools and nursery classes
You can apply for a nursery place for your child using an
Early Years Funded Hours Parent Agreement Form, which
you can get from any nursery or primary school that has a
nursery class.
Unlike primary schools, however, if your child is not offered
a place, you cannot appeal against this decision. Head
teachers decide whether to offer your child a nursery place
and they follow Bradford Council’s nursery admissions
If you wish to apply for an offset, regardless of the
reason, you should apply by 15 January 2023. Guidance
is available at
If your child goes to a nursery class at a particular school,
we cannot guarantee that they will get a place in the main
school. Admissions to reception are dealt with separately
and children who attend the school’s nursery are not given
School meals and clothing
Bradford Council no longer provides a school clothing
allowance for low income families. Bradford schools have
now taken on the responsibility for providing parents with
support for this where appropriate. How schools provide
this support will vary from school to school, so parents
should contact the allocated school for more information.
From September 2014 all children in reception, year
1 and year 2 in state-funded schools will receive free
school meals. However, if you receive benets, your child
may be entitled to free school meals no matter what year
they are in. Families should apply if they get any of these
lChild Tax Credit, (but not Working Tax Credit) and
have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue
& Customs) that does not exceed £16,190
lIncome Support
lIncome-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
lIncome-related Employment and Support Allowance
lThe Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
lSupport under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum
Act 1999. (You will need to apply directly to the school
to receive this benet.)
lWorking Tax Credit run-on (paid for 4 weeks after you
stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit).
lUniversal credit with an annual net earned income
threshold of less than £7,400.
You should make your application after you have received
your allocated school place. If you have other children
currently receiving free school meals you should still make
a new application for any siblings starting school for the
rst time.
You can visit to make
an application or see more contact details on page 3.
Your child’s journey to school
Key points to remember:
lMake sure you read and understand the Home to
School Travel and Transport Policy for Children
of Compulsory School Age if entitlement to school
transport is important to you.
Financial help
Early years education
Apply online at
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
lSchool priority admission areas are not relevant to
transport eligibility.
lTransport is generally only provided to the nearest
available qualifying school where the distance criteria
is met.
lThe Council uses a GIS measuring system, no other
measurement is valid.
lThe priority area school for your address may not be
the nearest school.
lIt is vital you carefully consider the transport
implications before you make your application for a
school place.
lPlease contact us if you need advice.
Home to school travel assistance
You should consider carefully how your child will get
to and from the school(s) you apply for before you
make your application for a school place.
Children will only be entitled to free travel assistance if
there is an entitlement under the Council’s Home to School
Travel and Transport Policy for Children of Compulsory
School Age. If a sibling or other local child is already in
receipt of transport to a school, this does not guarantee
that a new child will automatically qualify for transport to
the same school. The policy criteria must be met in all
Where there is no entitlement to travel assistance from the
Council, parents are fully responsible for all nancial costs
and transport arrangements for their child.
The full Home to School Travel and Transport Policy for
Children of Compulsory School Age can be found on our
Please note that entitlement to travel assistance will
not be assessed on the basis of priority admission
areas or where travel assistance has historically
been provided. Applications are assessed against the
following criteria.
Bradford Council in accordance with its statutory duty,
will provide free home to school assistance for children
of primary school age to the ‘nearest available suitable
qualifying school’ to their home address, if:
lthey are between 5 and 7 years of age and live beyond
2 miles from the school
lor are between 8 and 11 years of age and live beyond
3 miles from the school
It is important to note that the ‘priority’ school for your
address may not be the nearest school.
Bradford Council will measure using the shortest walking
route to calculate distances to establish which is the
nearest ‘suitable qualifying school’ to a child’s home
address. We determine your nearest ‘suitable qualifying
school’ with places available at the time of allocation. If you
apply outside of this time, because for example you move
address; we will determine it at the time of the application.
The Council uses a Geographical Information System
(GIS) to measure and calculate home to school distances.
The measurements produced by the Council’s GIS are
the denitive distance calculations that the Council
will use to determine travel assistance eligibility.
For children from low income families, the policy is
extended to provide travel assistance to children who
are aged over 8 and under 11, registered at their nearest
qualifying school more than two miles from home. Children
from low income groups are dened as those who are
entitled to free school meals.
Once eligible for assistance with travel because of low
income, your child will receive assistance for the rest of
the school year, subject to there being no other changes
that may affect eligibility, such as a house move or change
of school.
Unless the low income criteria are met, travel
assistance will not be provided to a school if:
lThere is any nearer school to the home for which
a parent did not apply on the original admission
lThere is any nearer school which was listed as
a lower preference on the original admission
lThe parent has rejected an offer of a place at any
nearer school
What is the nearest school for transport
Any parent who wants to nd out which school the Council
considers to be their nearest school for transport purposes
should send an email to [email protected].uk.
The email should state the child’s name and address,
asking what the Council considers to be the nearest
primary school for transport purposes to that address.
Points to remember
lAn offer of a school place does not guarantee
free school transport even if you live beyond the
statutory distance from the school you have been
offered, even if it is your priority admission area
lBefore you apply for a school place and for travel
assistance you should read the information made
available to you in this booklet and the full travel
assistance policy on the website: www.bradford.
If your child does not qualify for free travel assistance you
may be able to purchase a bus pass. You can nd bus and
travel pass information at
Apply online at
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
Entitlement for children with additional
Children who are unable to walk to school because of
their special educational needs, disability or temporary
medical condition may qualify for assistance. The Council
is working with parent groups, schools and SEND
professionals to change the way we deliver school travel
for children with additional needs. You will need to give full
details on the application form and your application must
be supported by specialist advice relating to the medical
or behavioural needs of your child and after consultation
from the school and other agencies involved in your child’s
Travel provision
If your child qualies, we will usually give them a ‘smart
card’ to travel free on the bus or train for one journey to
and from school each day. If your child has additional
needs and is unable to travel independently by bus
or train, we may provide an escort or travel training to
encourage independence, a personal budget, dedicated
or specialist transport. For more detailed information on
assistance with travel to school, visit the Bradford Council
school-and-college or contact the Travel Assistance
Service on 01274 439450 or email schooltravel@
Fares and passes
Reduced fares are available to pupils in full-time education
travelling on all trains and most buses displaying the Metro
symbol. 5 to 18 year olds can buy a School Plus Ticket for
travel on most buses (but not trains) at any time of the day
including evenings and weekends.
For more information about reduced fares and bus and
train times, phone Metroline on 0113 245 7676, open 8am
to 8pm, seven days a week or visit the Metro website:
How and when to apply
Complete the application form that best meets your child’s
For those wishing to apply for a bus pass please download
an application form from:
Those children with special educational needs, a disability
or temporary medical condition can now apply online or
download an application form from;
and-college or request one from the Travel Assistance
Service at [email protected].uk.
Most people apply when they have their school place
conrmed. Application forms should be returned by the last
Friday in May in order for us to process your application
for the term starting in September.
l How is the school organised to support
my child in:
- staying safe?
- being healthy?
- enjoying and achieving?
- making a positive contribution?
- achieving a feeling of well-being?
l What does the most recent Ofsted report
say about the school?
l How does the school group children
together, and how many children are
there in a class?
l How are parents encouraged to support
their child’s learning?
l How does the school communicate to
l How does the school provide for those
children with different needs, such
as particular abilities or particular
l What are the school’s policies in
areas such as sex education, equal
opportunities, religious education,
collective worship (assemblies) and
special educational needs?
l How are parents expected to support
the school’s policies on discipline and
l How does the school deal with issues of
l What activities and out-of-school care are
Points to look for when you visit with
your child
l How am I greeted when I arrive at the
school by staff and pupils?
l Do I feel the school considers my visit
l Can I visit all the areas I feel are
l Have I had the chance to speak to
individual members of staff?
l Are there displays showing pupils’ work
and how the school works?
l Do I feel that the pupils are happy at the
l How does the school work with nurseries,
early years’ settings and parents to plan
ahead for starting school?
Questions to ask yourself
l What are the chances of my child being
offered a place at this school?
l Will my child be with children from the
local community?
l Is there a bus service to and from the
l Have I talked to my child about how he or
she feels about starting school?
l Do I want to be actively involved in the life
of the school?
l Do I feel condent that the school will
provide the education I want for my child?
l In what practical ways can I help my child
prepare for starting school?
After visiting the school and reading the
school booklet, think carefully about what you
have found out. You may want to visit a few
schools before you make your nal decision.
Questions to ask during a visit to school
Apply online at
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
All three and four year olds are entitled to a free early
education place before they reach statutory school age
(the beginning of the school term immediately following the
child’s fth birthday).
Children are admitted into Reception in the September
following their fourth birthday. Parents can request that the
date their child is admitted to the school is deferred until
later in the year or until the term in which the child reaches
compulsory school age. Parents can also request that their
child takes up the place part-time until the child reaches
compulsory school age. The admission criteria will apply to
all children seeking a school place, whatever their term of
entry. The place offered will be reserved on condition that it
is taken up within the same school year.
Admissions of summer born children may be deferred to the
following September but in those cases children will need
to apply for a place to enter Year 1. The Local Authority will
consider any application for a deferred entry into Reception
of summer born children for the September following
their fth birthday. Such requests will be considered in
accordance with the Local Authority’s ‘Guidance on the
admission of summer born children’ and DfE Advice.
Children attending a school’s nursery are not guaranteed
a place in the reception class and a separate application
must be made.
If you wish to apply for an offset, regardless of the reason,
you should apply by 15 January 2024. Guidance is
available at
Children with an Education, Health and Care
Plan (EHCP)
The admission of pupils with an EHCP is dealt with by
a separate procedure. Such children will be admitted to
the school named on the EHCP without reference to the
oversubscription criteria below.
Twins and siblings from a multiple birth
Where a family of twins or multiple births children request
admission and only one of the siblings can be offered a
place, the remaining sibling(s) will also be offered places
above the admission number.
School Admissions Policies
Admissions to Catholic primary
The following explanatory notes apply to the admission
policies of all Catholic primary schools:
Catholic means a member of a church in communion with
the See of Rome. A certicate of baptism in a Catholic
church, or a certicate of reception into the full communion
of the Catholic Church, will normally evidence this. This
includes the Eastern Catholic Churches.
Looked after children and previously looked after
children including those children who appear (to the
admission authority) to have been in state care outside of
England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being
adopted or became subject to a child arrangements order
or special guardianship order are given priority in every
admissions policy.
Dened area or parish boundary is a geographical area.
Please see boundary maps available for inspection in school
(boundaries determined by the Diocese of Leeds).
Siblings (Brothers and Sister) include children with brothers
and sister (including step-siblings, adoptive siblings and
foster siblings) of statutory school age, living at the same
address, in attendance at the same school on the date of
Live: In all categories “live” means the child’s permanent
home address. A child is normally regarded as living with a
parent or guardian and we will use the parent or guardian’s
address for admission purposes. You cannot lodge a child
with a friend or relation in order to gain a place at a school.
For admissions purposes only one address can be used as
a child’s permanent address. When a child lives with more
than one parent/carer, at different addresses, we will use
the preference expressed by the parent/carer at the address
where the child lives the majority of the time during the
school week as the main place of residence.
Random Allocation: this is only to be used when the last
place to be offered is to children living in a block of ats
or children who live equidistant from the school using the
distance criterion. An independent person will be used to
make the random selection
In-year applications for Catholic schools: applications
outside the normal admissions round (in-year) should be
made to individual schools and will be dealt with by the
school governors.
To view all schools admission policies. Please use the following link:
Apply online at
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
Addingham Primary Community No 65 applications 188 30 The school has a priority
Bolton Road, Addingham LS29 0NR Nursery 26 applications considered admission area.
Phone: 01943 830298 28 pupils allocated
Miss L Spinks
All Saints’ CE Primary VC No 106 applications 355 60
Easby Drive, Ilkley LS29 9BE nursery 37 applications considered
Phone: 01943 607852 37 pupils allocated
Mrs H Dunn
All Saints Church of England Primary Academy Nursery 158 applications 599 60
1 Little Horton Green, Bradford BD5 0NG 78 applications considered
Phone: 01274 415222 83 pupils allocated
Mrs K Shaw
Appleton Academy Academy Nursery 69 applications 346 50 The academy is an all-through
Woodside Road, Wyke, Bradford BD12 8AL 38 applications considered (primary school.
Phone: 01274 600550 40 pupils allocated phase)
Ms H Jones
Ashlands Primary Community Nursery 128 applications 328 60
Leeds Road, Ilkley LS29 8JY 28 applications considered
Mrs D Russell Proposed 28 pupils allocated
01943 609050 academy for Sep-23
Atlas Community Primary Academy Nursery 108 applications 185 30
Lincoln Close, Bradford BD8 8DL 23 applications considered
Phone: 01274 495190 23 pupils allocated
Mrs L Simpson
Baildon C of E Primary Academy Nursery 183 applications 417 60 The school has a priority
Coverdale Way, Baildon, Shipley BD17 6TE 70 applications considered admission area.
Phone: 01274 598540 60 pupils allocated
Mrs K Savage 1 Offset 5 allocated on faith grounds
of[email protected] 25 siblings allocated in priority area
29 pupils allocated in priority area
(furthest distance 1.364 miles)
Baildon Glen Primary Academy Nursery 39 applications 164 30
Thompson Lane, Baildon, Shipley BD17 7LY 17 applications considered
Phone: 01274 582514 18 pupils allocated
Mrs K Hutchinson (Exec Head)
Mrs S Barford (Head of school)
Bankfoot Primary Community Nursery 139 applications 216 30
Bolingbroke Street, Bradford BD5 9NR 46 applications considered
Phone: 01274 732068 30 pupils allocated
Mrs J S Wright 10 siblings allocated 20 allocated by distance
of[email protected] (furthest distance 0.255 miles)
Barkerend Primary Leadership Academy Academy Nursery 196 applications 527 60
Hendford Drive, Bradford BD3 0QT 87 applications considered
Phone: 01274 773003 60 pupils allocated
Ms A Winter 1 priority 1 allocation 35 siblings allocated
[email protected] 24 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.256 miles)
Beckfoot Allerton Primary & Nursery Academy Nursery 124 applications 391 60
Garforth Street, Allerton, Bradford BD15 7HB 45 applications considered
Phone: 01274 541587 45 pupils allocated
Ms M Blanchard
Beckfoot Heaton Primary Academy Nursery 196 applications 631 90
Haworth Road, Bradford BD9 6LL 125 applications considered
Phone: 01274 363070 90 pupils allocated
Mrs Z Mawson 1 SEN allocation 1 priority 1 allocation
of[email protected] 52 siblings allocated
36 pupils allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.352 miles)
School details
Does school
have a
Applications for 2023
Number on
roll (exc
nursery) from
Jan 2023
census return
number for
Sept 2024
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List of primary schools in the Bradford Metropolitan District 2023-24
School details
Does school
have a
Applications for 2023
Number on
roll (exc
nursery) from
Jan 2023
census return
number for
Sept 2024
Apply online at
Beckfoot Nesseld Primary & Nursery Academy Nursery 65 applications 275 30
Nesseld Drive, Keighley BD22 6NP 31 applications considered
Phone: 01535 665628 33 pupils allocated
Ms L Hanson
Beckfoot Priesthorpe Primary & Nursery Academy Nursery 85 applications 188 30
Mornington Road, Bingley BD16 4JS 25 applications considered
Phone: 01274 564879 27 pupils allocated
Mrs C Gunning
Ben Rhydding Primary Community No 112 applications 192 30 The school has a priority
Bolling Road, Ben Rhydding, Ilkley LS29 8QH Nursery 33 applications considered admission area.
Phone: 01943 431133 30 pupils allocated
Mr P Timms 1 priority 1 allocation 6 siblings allocated in priority area
of[email protected] 7 pupils allocated in priority area
13 siblings allocated outside priority area
3 pupils allocated outside priority area
(furthest distance 1.014 miles)
Blakehill Primary Community No 323 applications 414 60
Higheld Road, Idle, Bradford BD10 8QN Nursery 113 applications considered
Phone: 01274 414355 60 pupils allocated
Mrs L Keighley 1 SEN allocation 1 priority 1 allocations
of[email protected] 32 siblings allocated
26 pupils allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.38 miles)
Bowling Park Primary Academy Nursery 138 applications for both sites 612 90 The school has two sites: the New
New Cross Street (site): 69 applications considered in total for both sites Cross Street site has an admission
West Bowling, Bradford BD5 8BT 46 pupils considered (NCSS) number of 60 and Usher Street site
Usher Street (site): 47 pupils allocated (NCSS) has an admission number of 30.
Bradford BD4 7DS 23 pupils considered (USS) Applicants should indicate which site
Phone: 01274 770270 23 pupils allocated (USS) they prefer on the online application
Mr M Langley system.
Brackenhill Primary Community Nursery 120 applications 403 60
Dracup Road, Bradford BD7 4HA 49 applications considered
Phone: 01274 578286 49 pupils allocated
Mrs N Ishtiaq
Bradford Academy Academy Nursery 95 applications 409 60 The academy is an
Teasdale Street, Bradford BD4 7QJ 47 applications considered (primary all-through school
Phone: 01274 256789 47 pupils allocated phase)
Mrs J Jakes (Primary Principal)
Mrs M Saville (Exec principal)
Bradford Girls’ Grammar Academy No 113 applications 382 56 Lady Royd is the co-educational
Squire Lane, Bradford BD9 6RB Nursery 40 applications considered (primary primary phase of Bradford
Phone: 01274 545395 43 pupils allocated phase) Girls Grammar School.
Mrs K Poole Girls attending year 6 will automatically transfer
[email protected] to the secondary phase.
Burley Oaks Primary Community No 120 applications 404 60
Langford Lane, Burley in Wharfedale, Nursery 42 applications considered
Ilkley LS29 7EJ Proposed 42 pupils allocated
Phone: 01943 862642 academy for
Mrs C Lee Sep-23
Burley & Woodhead CE Primary VC No 100 applications 199 30
Sandholme Drive Nursery 36 applications considered
Burley in Wharfedale LS29 7RQ 30 pupils allocated
Phone: 01943 862739 1 SEN allocation
Mrs N Dobson 10 siblings allocated 3 allocated on faith grounds
of[email protected] 16 allocated by distance
(furthest distance allocated 1.224 miles)
Byron Primary Academy Nursery 193 applications 617 90
Barkerend Road, Bradford BD3 0AB 87 applications considered
Phone: 01274 722981 87 pupils allocated
Mr R O’Sullivan
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have a
Applications for 2023
Number on
roll (exc
nursery) from
Jan 2023
census return
number for
Sept 2024
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Apply online at
Carlton Mills Primary Academy Nursery 68 applications 302 60
Scotchman Road, Heaton, Bradford BD9 5AT 16 applications considered
Phone: 01274 401060 16 pupils allocated
Mrs C McDonald
Carrwood Primary Academy Nursery 59 applications 261 30
Eversley Drive, Bradford BD4 0EQ 42 applications considered
Phone: 01274 664864 30 pupils allocated
Mrs N Radcliffe 1 SEN allocation 2 priority 1 allocations
of[email protected] 14 siblings allocated
13 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.233 miles)
Cavendish Primary Academy Nursery 121 applications 421 60
Hall Road, Bradford BD2 2DU 53 applications considered
Phone: 01274 772175 55 pupils allocated
Mr J Nixon (Head of School)
Mrs N Dunn (Exec Head Teacher)
Christ Church Academy Academy Nursery 38 applications 181 30
Wrose Brow Road, Shipley BD18 2NT 23 applications considered
Phone: 01274 410349 27 pupils allocated
Mrs P Foster
Clayton St John CE Primary School Academy Nursery 86 applications 367 60
Bradford Road, Clayton, Bradford BD14 6DD 42 applications considered
Phone: 01274 815862 46 pupils allocated
Mrs G Emsley
Clayton Village Primary Academy No 98 applications 200 30
John Street, Clayton, Bradford BD14 6AD Nursery 45 applications considered
Phone: 01274 414115 30 pupils allocated
Mrs H Rahim 1 priority 1 allocation 14 siblings allocated
of[email protected] 15 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.297 miles)
Co-op Academy Parkland Academy Nursery 43 applications 201 30
Old Park Road, Bradford BD10 9BG 21 applications considered
Phone: 01274 611512 22 pupils allocated
Acting Head Mrs C Wierzbianski
Co-op Academy Princeville Academy Nursery 87 applications 403 60
Willoweld Street, Bradford BD7 2AH 45 applications considered
Phone: 01274 573298 45 pupils allocated
Mr R Lewis
Co-op Academy Penny Oaks
(fomerley known as St Mary’s and St Peter’s) Academy Nursery 55 applications 198 30
Catholic Primary, Upper Nidd Street, 28 applications considered
Bradford BD3 9ND 29 pupils allocated
Phone: 01274 773977
Mrs M Khambhaita
Copthorne Primary Academy Nursery 277 applications 420 60
All Saints Road, Bradford BD7 3AY 116 applications considered
Phone: 01274 501460 60 pupils allocated
Miss S Ngenda 1 SEN allocation 31 siblings allocated
of 28 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.275 miles)
Cottingley Village Primary Academy Nursery 181 applications 417 60 The school has two priority
Cottingley Moor Road, Cottingley, 69 applications considered admission areas.
Bingley BD16 1SY 19 siblings allocated
Phone: 01274 567545 20 allocated in priority area 1
Mrs N M Geale 4 allocated in priority area 2 17 allocated by distance
of (furthest distance 1.591 miles)
Crossatts Primary Community Nursery 185 applications 431 60
Morton Lane, Crossatts, Bingley BD16 2EP 73 applications considered
Phone: 01274 782070 2 SEN allocations
Mrs N Bennett 1 priority 1 allocation
www.cross 21 siblings allocated
ofce@cross 36 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 1.632 miles)
School details
Does school
have a
Applications for 2023
Number on
roll (exc
nursery) from
Jan 2023
census return
number for
Sept 2024
Apply online at
Crossley Hall Primary Academy Nursery 190 applications 608 90
Thornton Road, Bradford BD8 0HJ 89 applications considered
Phone: 01274 488703 89 pupils allocated
Mrs E Monnery
Cullingworth Village Primary Academy No 112 applications 315 45
New School Lane, Cullingworth BD13 5HG Nursery 45 applications considered
Phone: 01535 273839 45 pupils allocated
Mrs C Isaac
Denholme Primary Academy Nursey 49 applications 186 30
Minorca Mount, Denholme, Bradford BD13 4AY
29 applications considered
Phone: 01274 832123 29 pupils allocated
Mr M Campbell
Dixons Allerton Academy Academy Nursery 188 applications 420 60 Dixons Allerton Academy is
Rhodesway, Bradford BD8 0DH 101 applications considered an all-through school.
Phone: 01274 089890 60 pupils allocated
Mrs R Greenwood 3 SEN allocations Children on roll in year 6 will 1 priority 1 allocation automatically progress to
[email protected] 42 siblings allocated year 7.
14 allocated by distance
(furthest distance: 0.226 miles)
Dixons Manningham Academy Academy Nursery 126 applications 399 60
Wood Street, Bradford BD8 8HY 44 applications considered
Phone: 01274 731695 44 pupils allocated
Mrs T Leighton
Dixons Marchbank Primary Academy Nursery 183 applications 420 60
Marchbank Road, Bradford BD3 8QQ 73 applications considered
Phone: 01274 089920 60 pupils allocated
Mrs H Haunch 2 SEN allocations 1 priority 1 allocation
[email protected] 29 siblings allocated
28 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.406 miles)
Dixons Music Primary Free No 248 applications 421 60 Applicants applying for a music
Trinity Road, Bradford BD5 0BE School nursery 120 applications considered place must also ll in the school’s
Phone: 01274 424350 60 pupils allocated supplementary form and return it to
Mrs N Morrissey 5 music places allocated the school by 3.30pm on Friday 24 2 staff child allocations November 2024 in order to be
[email protected] 19 siblings allocated invited to the assessment.
other pupils allocated by random selection
East Morton CE Primary Academy nursery 127 applications 210 30 The school has a priority
Street Lane, East Morton, Keighley BD20 5SE 53 applications considered admission area.
Phone: 01274 569447 1 SEN allocation
Mrs A Proctor 1 priortiy 1 allocation 16 siblings allocated
of[email protected] 12 allocated in priority area
(furthest distance 0.751 miles)
Eastburn Junior & Infant Community No 83 applications 209 30
Green Close, Eastburn, Keighley BD20 8UX nursery 42 applications considered
Phone: 01535 653293 1 priority 1 allocations
Mr D Wilson 14 siblings allocated 15 allocated by distance
of[email protected] (furthest distance 0.723 miles)
Eastwood Community Academy Nursery 71 applications 385 60
Victoria Avenue, Keighley BD21 3JL 55 applications considered
Phone: 01535 610212 55 pupils allocated
Mrs S Carter
Eldwick Primary Community Nursery 225 applications 511 60 The school has two priority
Barnaby Road, Warren Lane 72 applications considered admission areas
Gilstead, Bingley BD16 3LE 72 pupils allocated
Phone: 01274 568361
Mr D Lomas
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School details
Does school
have a
Applications for 2023
Number on
roll (exc
nursery) from
Jan 2023
census return
number for
Sept 2024
Apply online at
Fagley Primary Community Nursery 86 applications 215 30
Falsgrave Avenue, Bradford BD2 3PU 39 applications considered
Phone: 01274 771124 30 Pupils allocated
Mrs K Burnsall/Mrs V Rutherford 1 SEN allocation 2 priority 1 allocations
of 9 siblings allocated
18 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.559 miles)
Fareld Primary and Nursery Community Nursery 80 applications 403 60
Reevy Crescent, Bradford BD6 2BS 44 pupils considered
Phone: 01274 678545 44 pupils allocated
Mrs S Nichols
Farnham Primary Academy Nursery 195 applications 421 60
Stratford Road, Bradford BD7 3HU 59 pupils considered
Phone: 01274 573297 59 pupils allocated
Mrs B Bains
Fearnville Primary Academy Nursery 45 applications 341 60
Fearnville Drive, Bradford BD4 8DX 30 applications considered
Phone: 01274 664661 31 pupils allocated
Mrs C Horsbrough
Feversham Primary Academy Academy Nursery 134 applications 406 60
Harewood Street, Bradford BD3 9EG 60 applications considered
Phone: 01274 721751 or 07918924391 60 pupils allocated
Mr M Naveed Idrees
Foxhill Primary Foundation Nursery 141 applications 208 30
Brighouse & Denholme Road, 52 applications considered
Queensbury, Bradford BD13 1LN 30 pupils allocated
Phone: 01274 882426 16 siblings allocated
Mrs S Thomason 14 allocated by distance (furthest distance 0.541 miles)
Frizinghall Primary Community Nursery 75 applications 378 60
Salisbury Road, Frizinghall, Bradford BD9 4HP 51 applications considered
Phone: 01274 543072 56 pupils allocated
Mrs V Merriman
Girlington Primary Community Nursery 166 applications 411 60
Girlington Road, Bradford BD8 9NR 67 applications considered
Phone: 01274 493543 60 pupils allocated
Ms K A Swales 2 priority 1 allocations 33 siblings allocated
of 25 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.268 miles)
Greengates Primary Academy Academy Nursery 106 applications 203 30
Stockhill Road, Bradford BD10 9AX 18 applications considered
Phone: 01274 422042 18 pupils allocated
Miss s Kaur
Green Lane Primary Academy Nursery 148 applications 552 90
Green Lane, Bradford BD8 8HT 55 applications considered
Phone: 01274 774644 55 pupils allocated
Mrs J Townend
Grove House Primary Academy Nursery 90 applications 399 60
Myers Lane, Bradford BD2 4ED 43 applications considered
Phone: 01274 636921 54 pupils allocated
Mrs A Summerscales
Harden Primary Academy No 141 applications 210 30
Long Lane, Harden, Bingley BD16 1LJ nursery 37 applications considered
Phone: 01535 273847 30 pupils allocated
Mrs K Hutchinson (Exec Head) 10 siblings allocated
Mrs L Ruddock (Head of School) 20 allocated by distance (furthest distance 1.577 miles)
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
School details
Does school
have a
Applications for 2023
Number on
roll (exc
nursery) from
Jan 2023
census return
number for
Sept 2024
Apply online at
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
Haworth Primary Academy Nursery 123 applications 287 30
Rawdon Road, Haworth, Keighley BD22 8DW 28 applications considered
Phone: 01535 642359 28 pupils allocated
Mrs P Howe
Heaton St Barnabas’ C of E (VA) Primary VA No 113 applications 412 60 The school has a priority
Rosseeld Road, Heaton, Bradford BD9 4DA nursery 49 applications considered admission area.
Phone: 01274 545019 49 pupils allocated
Mrs D Smith
High Crags Primary Leadership Academy Academy Nursery 67 applications 349 60
Crag Road, Shipley BD18 2ES 40 applications considered
Phone: 01274 584068 40 pupils allocated
Mrs H Ray
Hill Top CE Primary Foundation Nursery 120 applications 208 30
Common Road, Low Moor, Bradford BD12 0TL 37 applications considered
Phone: 01274 678386 30 pupils allocated
Mrs J Ball 1 SEN allocation 2 priority 1 allocations
of[email protected] 8 siblings allocated
2 allocated on faith grounds
17 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 1.157 miles)
Hollingwood Primary Academy Nursery 150 applications 423 60
Hollingwood Lane, Bradford BD7 4BE 74 applications considered
Phone: 01274 575353 60 pupils allocated
To be conrmed 32 siblings allocated 28 allocated by distance
of[email protected] (furthest distance 0.821 miles)
Holybrook Primary Academy Nursery 76 applications 222 30
Rillington Mead, Bradford BD10 0EF 39 applications considered
Phone: 01274 611327 30 pupils allocated
Mr C Lloyd 1 priority 1 allocation 11 siblings allocated
of 1 staff child allocation
17 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.567 miles)
Holycroft Primary Academy Nursery 58 applications 322 45
Victoria Road, Keighley BD21 1JF 36 applications considered
Phone: 01535 604183 37 pupils allocated
Mr G Morrison
Home Farm Primary Community Nursery 120 applications 419 60
Home Farm Close, Bradford BD6 3NR 61 applications considered
Phone: 01274 777020 60 pupils allocated
Mrs J Poole 2 SEN allocations 2 priority 1 allocations
of[email protected] 28 siblings allocated
28 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 4.557 miles)
Horton Grange Primary Academy Nursery 225 applications 625 90
Spencer Road, Bradford BD7 2EU 97 applications considered
Phone: 01274 573287 90 pupils allocated
Miss R. Marshall 45 siblings allocated 45 allocated by distance
of (furthest distance 1.321 miles)
Horton Park Primary Academy No 114 applications 432 60
Dawnay Road, Bradford BD5 9LQ nursery 48 applications considered
Phone: 01274 574544 48 pupils allocated
Ms S Bahadur
Hoyle Court Primary Community No 137 applications 300
Fyfe Grove, Baildon, Shipley BD17 6DN nursery 34 applications considered 45
Phone: 01274 581898 34 pupils allocated
Mrs C Thirkill
Idle C of E Primary VA No 214 applications 417 60
Boothroyd Drive, Bradford BD10 8LU nursery 60 applications considered
Phone: 01274 410111 60 pupils allocated
Mrs A Mason
School details
Does school
have a
Applications for 2023
Number on
roll (exc
nursery) from
Jan 2023
census return
number for
Sept 2024
Apply online at
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
Ingrow Primary Community Nursery 98 applications 372 60
Broomhill Avenue, Keighley BD21 1BW 45 applications considered
Phone: 01535 603868 47 pupils allocated
Mrs L Murphy
Iqra Academy Academy Nursery 208 applications 625 90
Drummond Road, Bradford BD8 8DA 79 applications considered
Phone: 01274 773350 79 pupils allocated
Ms A Ives
Keelham Primary Foundation Nursery 121 applications 106 15
Well Heads, Keelham, Bradford BD13 4HH 24 applications considered
Phone: 01274 832491 15 pupils allocated
Mr R Hunter 1 SEN allocation 6 siblings allocated
of[email protected] 8 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 1.365 miles)
Keighley St Andrew’s CE Primary VA Nursery 66 applications 329 45
Lustre Street, Keighley BD21 2ND 30 applications considered
Phone: 01535 604656 30 pupils allocated
Ms L Wright 19 siblings allocated 11 allocated by distance
of (furthest distance 0.598)
Killinghall Primary Foundation Nursery 196 applications 626 90
Killinghall Road, Bradford BD3 7JF 86 applications considered
Phone: 01274 771166 88 pupils allocated
Mrs C Spencer
Knowleswood Primary Academy Nursery 98 applications 391 60
Knowles Lane, Bradford BD4 9AE 61 applications considered
Phone: 01274 778177 60 pupils allocated
Mrs N Dunn (Exec Head) 1 SEN allocation 1 priority 1 allocation
of[email protected] 35 siblings allocations
23 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.816)
Lapage Primary and Nursery Academy Nursery 203 applications 620 90
Barkerend Road, Bradford BD3 8QX 82 applications considered
Phone: 01274 669100 83 pupils allocated
Mrs S Khan/Mrs S Akhtar
Laycock Primary Academy No 45 applications 93 15
Laycock Lane, Laycock, Keighley BD22 0PP nursery 20 applications considered
Phone: 01535 605916 15 pupils allocated
Mrs J Nove 1 priority 1 allocation 9 siblings allocated
of[email protected] 5 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.918)
Lees Primary Academy Nursery 111 applications 204 30
Haworth Road, Cross Roads, 33 applications considered
Keighley BD22 9DL 30 pupils allocated
Phone: 01535 643320 10 siblings allocated
Mr J Travers 20 allocated by distance (furthest distance 1.547)
Ley Top Primary Community Nursery 103 applications 388 60
Avenel Road, Allerton, Bradford BD15 7PQ 43 applications considered
Phone: 01274 541554 44 pupils allocated
Mrs S Rouse
Lidget Green Primary Foundation Nursery 122 applications 536 60
Birks Fold, Bradford BD7 2QN 52 applications considered
Phone: 01274 579576 Proposed 53 pupils allocated
To be conrmed academy for Sep-23
Lilycroft Primary Academy No 140 applications 413 60
Lilycroft Road, Bradford BD9 5AD nursery 55 applications considered
Phone: 01274 543357 56 pupils allocated
Mrs L Florence
School details
Does school
have a
Applications for 2023
Number on
roll (exc
nursery) from
Jan 2024
census return
number for
Sept 2024
Apply online at
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
Long Lee Primary Community Nursery 80 applications 347 60 The school has a priority
Cherry Tree Rise, Keighley BD21 4RU 50 applications considered admission area.
Phone: 01535 603986 45 pupils allocated
Mrs S Holdsworth 2 SEN allocations 25 sibling allocations
of[email protected] 13 allocated in priority area
6 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 1.607)
Low Ash Primary Community Nursery 221 applications 443 60
Wrose Road 85 applications considered
Wrose, Shipley BD18 1AA 60 pupils allocated
Phone: 01274 582927 2 priority 1 allocation
Mrs B Medhurst/Mrs F Meer 27 siblings allocated 31 pupils allocated by distance
of[email protected] (furthest distance 0.513 miles)
Low Moor C of E Primary VC No 154 applications 409 60
Park House Road, Low Moor nursery 82 applicants considered
Bradford BD12 0NN 60 pupils allocation
Phone: 01274 600797 1 priority 1 allocation
Mrs Y Broadbent 33 siblings allocated 26 pupils allocated by distance
of[email protected] (furthest distance 0.748 miles)
Lower Fields Primary Academy Academy Nursery 90 applications 381 60
Fenby Avenue, Bradford BD4 8RG 48 applications considered
Phone: 01274 422043 51 pupils allocated
Miss R Stanseld
Margaret McMillan Primary Academy Nursery 167 applications 574 90
Scotchman Road, Heaton, Bradford BD9 5DF 65 applications considered
Phone: 01274 495934 75 pupils allocated
Mrs L Martin
Marsheld Primary Academy Nursery 149 applications 411 60
Thornton Lane, Bradford BD5 9DS 67 applications considered
Phone: 01274 573295 60 pupils allocated
Miss Z kearns 40 siblings allocated
www.marsh 20 pupils allocated by distance
Of[email protected] (furthest distance 0.29)
Menston Primary Community No 114 applications 402 60
St Peters Way, Menston, Ilkley LS29 6NY nursery 55 applications considered
Phone: 01943 873180 Proposed 55 allocated
Mrs M Wilson academy for Sep-23
Merlin Top Primary Academy Academy Nursery 78 applications 310 45
Braithwaite Avenue, Keighley BD22 6HZ 50 applications considered
Phone: 01535 210028 45 pupils allocated
Mr N Cooper 26 siblings allocated 19 pupils allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.723)
Miriam Lord Primary Academy Nursery 143 applications 357 60
Bavaria Place, Bradford BD8 8RG 48 applications considered
Phone: 01274 496611 48 pupils allocated
Mr B Harrison
Myrtle Park Primary Foundation Nursery 153 applications 212 30 The school has a priority
Ash Terrace, Bingley BD16 1HB 32 applications considered admission area.
Phone: 01274 564681 30 pupils allocated
Mr K Wheeler 3 siblings allocated in priority area 6 siblings allocated outside of priority area
of[email protected] 4 pupils allocated in priority area
17 pupils allocated by distance
(furthest distance 3.934 miles)
Newby Primary Community Nursery 172 applications 408 60
Ryan Street, Bradford BD5 7DQ 51 applications considered
Phone: 01274 772208 51 pupils allocated
Mr G Baterip
Newhall Park Primary Community Nursery 83 applications 382 60
Newhall Road, Bradford BD4 6AF 49 applications considered
Phone: 01274 778577 49 pupils allocated
Mrs K El Kheir
School details
Does school
have a
Applications for 2023
Number on
roll (exc
nursery) from
Jan 2023
census return
number for
Sept 2024
Apply online at
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
Oakworth Primary Academy Nursery 125 applications 391 60
Station Road, Oakworth, Keighley BD22 7HX 69 applications considered
Phone: 01535 642309 60 pupils allocated
Mr E Whitehead 30 siblings allocated 30 allocated by distance
of[email protected] (furthest distance 0.898
Oldeld Primary Academy Nursery 45 applications 55 10
Oldeld Lane, Oldeld, Keighley BD22 0HZ 15 applications considered
Phone: 01535 642394 10 pupils allocated
Mr J Travers 1 SEN allocation
www.old 4 sibling allocations
ofce.old[email protected] 5 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 2.689)
Our Lady & St Brendan’s Catholic Primary Academy No 54 applications 193 30
Bank, Bradford BD10 0QA nursery 26 applications considered
Phone: 01274 611992 30 pupils allocated
Mrs S Delany (Acting Head)
Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary Academy Nursery 83 applications 208 30
Guard House Road, Keighley BD22 6JP 45 applications considered
Phone: 01535 607149 30 pupils allocated
Exec HeadMr J Devlin 1 offset
Head Mrs C Mitchell 1 SEN allocation 8 siblings allocated on faith grounds 4 non siblings allocated on faith grounds
1 priority 6 allocation
1 eastern christian church allocation
7 siblings allocated
7 allocated by distance
(furthest distance allocated 0.231 miles)
Oxenhope CE Primary Academy No 63 applications 201 30
Cross Lane, Oxenhope, Keighley BD22 9LH Nursery 20 applications considered
Phone: 01535 642271 20 pupils allocated
Mrs A Jones
Parkwood Primary Academy Nursery 62 applications 196 30
Parkwood Street, Keighley BD21 4QH 35 applications considered
Phone: 01535 603832 30 pupils allocated
Mrs R Taylor 1 SEN allocation 17 siblings allocated
of[email protected] 12 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.725)
Peel Park Primary Community Nursery 117 applications 553 60
Peel Park Drive, Bradford BD2 4PR 51 applications considered
Phone: 01274 639377 55 pupils allocated
Mrs A Grist
Poplars Farm Primary Community Nursery 118 applications 349 60
Poplars Park Road, Bradford BD2 1LQ 68 applications considered
Phone: 01274 307490 60 pupils allocated
Mrs J Speak 34 siblings allocated 26 allocated by distance
of[email protected] (furthest distance 0.748)
Rainbow Primary Leadership Academy Academy No 88 applications 325 60
Nelson Street, Bradford BD5 0HD nursery 37 applications considered
Phone: 01274 221400 40 pupils allocated
Mr J Harris
Reevy Hill Primary Academy Nursery 57 applications 206 30
Bedale Drive, Bradford BD6 3ST 28 applications considered
Phone: 01274 677549 29 pupils allocated
Mr G Stott
Riddlesden St Mary’s CE Primary VA Nursery 88 applications 370 60
Grange Road, Riddlesden BD20 5AB 48 applications considered
Phone: 01535 210002 56 pupils allocated
Mrs L Wright
Russell Hall Primary Foundation Nursery 121 applications 208 30
West End, Queensbury, Bradford BD13 2AW 38 applications considered
Phone: 01274 882116 30 pupils allocated
Mr A Grant 16 siblings allocated 14 allocated by distance
of[email protected] (furthest distance 0.409 miles)
School details
Does school
have a
Applications for 2023
Number on
roll (exc
nursery) from
Jan 2023
census return
number for
Sept 2024
Apply online at
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
Ryecroft Primary Academy Academy Nursery 40 applications 197 30
Kesteven Close, Holmewood, 22 applications considered
Bradford BD4 0LS 26 pupils allocated
Phone: 01274 422044
Miss H Wrightson
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary Academy No 64 applications 130 30
Valley Drive, Ilkley LS29 8NL nursery 19 applications considered
Phone: 01943 609578 19 pupils allocated
Mrs A Rhodes
Saltaire Primary Community No 217 applications 417 60
Albert Road , Shipley BD18 4NR nursery 79 applications considered
Phone: 01274 584093 1 SEN allocation
Mr R Whitehead 2 priority 1 allocations 21 siblings allocated
of[email protected] 36 pupils allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.719 miles)
Sandal Primary Community Nursery 165 applications 415 60 The school has a priority
West Lane, Baildon BD17 5DH 63 applications considered admission area.
Phone: 01274 598115 60 pupils allocated
Mrs L Dale 2 priority 1 allocations 13 siblings allocated in priority area
of[email protected] 7 siblings outside priority area
21 allocated in priority area
17 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 1.446 miles)
Sandy Lane Primary Community Nursery 122 applications 311 45
Cottingley Road, Bradford BD15 9JU 45 applications considered
Phone: 01274 546493 45 pupils allocated
Mr J Cooper (Exec Head) 12 siblings allocated 33 pupils allocated by distance
of[email protected] (furthest distance 1.723
Shibden Head Primary Academy Academy No 118 applications 402 60
Hainsworth Moor Grove, nursery 63 applications considered
Queensbury, Bradford BD13 2ND 60 pupils allocated
Phone: 01274 882458 3 SEN allocations
Mrs L Shaw 1 Priority 1 allocation 26 sibling allocations
[email protected] 30 pupils allocated by distance
(furtherst distance 1.006 miles)
Shipley CE Primary Academy Nursery 100 applications 186 30
Otley Road, Shipley BD18 2PT 29 applications considered
Phone: 01274 583900 30 pupils allocated
Mr G Hamilton
Shirley Manor Primary Academy Academy Nursery 37 applications 187 30
Methuen Oval, Wyke, Bradford BD12 8SA 19 applications considered
Phone: 01274 679320 22 pupils allocated
Mrs H Lacey
Silsden Primary Community Nursery 144 applications 593 90 The school has a priority
Hawber Cote Lane, Silsden, 108 applications considered admission area.
Keighley BD20 OJJ Proposed 90 pupils allocated
Phone: 01535 210666/653290 academy for 1 SEN allocation Sep-23 42 siblings allocated
of[email protected] 47 pupils allocated in priority area
(furthest distance 0.708)
Southmere Primary Academy Academy Nursery 66 applications 347 60
Ewart Street, Bradford BD7 3NR 28 applications considered
Phone: 01274 422040 30 pupils allocated
Mrs R Binns
St Anne’s Catholic Primary Academy Nursery 73 applications 211 30
North Street, Keighley BD21 3AD 27 applications considered
Phone: 01535 210600 29 pupils allocated
Mr P Booth
School details
Does school
have a
Applications for 2023
Number on
roll (exc
nursery) from
Jan 2023
census return
number for
Sept 2024
Apply online at
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
St Anthony’s Catholic Primary Academy Nursery 77 applications 202 30
Bradford Road, Clayton, Bradford BD14 6HW 33 applications considered
Phone: 01274 414761 30 pupils allocated
Mrs S Kenyon 1 SEN allocation 5 allocated on faith grounds
of[email protected] 7 non faith siblings allocated
17 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.721 miles)
St Anthony’s Catholic Primary Academy No 38 applications 125 20
High Busy Lane, Shipley BD18 1HD nursery 7 applications considered
Phone: 01274 592738 7 pupils allocated
Mr A Wilkinson
St Clare’s Catholic Primary No 47 applications 211 30
Fagley Road, Fagley, Bradford BD2 3JD Academy nursery 16 applications considered
Phone: 01274 637841 16 pupils allocated
Mrs C A Utting
St Columba’s Catholic Primary Academy Nursery 87 applications 334 50
Tong Street, Bradford BD4 9PY 49 applications considered
Phone: 01274 681961 49 pupils allocated
Mrs A Gautrey
St Cuthbert & the First Academy Nursery 80 applications 212 30
Martyrs’ Catholic Primary 35 applications considered
Scotchman Road, Bradford BD9 5AT 30 pupils allocated
Phone: 01274 543445 1 offset pupil
Mrs S Walsh 4 siblings allocated on faith grounds 3 allocated on faith grounds
of[email protected] 8 non faith siblings allocated
14 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.659 miles)
St Francis’ Catholic Primary Academy Nursery 110 applications 210 30
Myers Lane, Bradford BD2 4ES 49 applications considered
Phone: 01274 638520 30 pupils allocated
Mrs A Haines 9 siblings allocated on faith grounds 6 allocated on faith grounds
of[email protected] 9 non faith siblings allocated
6 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.251)
St John’s CE Primary Academy Nursery 89 applications 407 60
Dawson Lane, Bierley, Bradford BD4 6JF 40 applications considered
Phone: 01274 681959 40 pupils allocated
Mr A Knight
St John the Evangelist Catholic Primary Academy No 72 applications 197 30
Beacon Road, Bradford, BD6 3DQ nursery 21 applications considered
Phone: 01274 679030 21 applications considered
Mr B Lavin (exec Head)
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary Academy No 74 applications 188 30
Crownest Road, Bingley BD16 4HQ nursery 28 applications considered
Phone: 01274 564883 28 allocated
Mrs L Robinson
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary Academy Nursery 79 applications 299 45
Queen’s Road, Ingrow, Keighley BD21 1AR 36 applications considered
Phone: 01535 605880 37 pupils allocated
Exec Head Mr J Devlin
Head Mr A Arnold
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary Academy Nursery 87 applications 311 40
Park Lane, Bradford BD5 0RB 55 applications considered
Phone: 01274 727970 45 pupils allocated
Mrs S Tolson 16 allocated on faith grounds 14 siblings allocated
of 15 allocated on distance
(furthest distance 0.797
St Luke’s CofE Primary VC No 43 applications considered 210 30
Fagley Lane, Bradford BD2 3NS nursery 30 pupils allocated
Phone: 01274 639374 11 siblings allocated
Miss G Ackroyd 1 allocated on faith grounds 18 allocated on distance
of[email protected] (furthest distance 0.389 miles)
School details
Does school
have a
Applications for 2023
Number on
roll (exc
nursery) from
Jan 2023
census return
number for
Sept 2024
Apply online at
St Matthew’s CE Primary and Nursery VC Nursery 95 applications 384 60
Ivy House Road, West Bowling, 45 applications considered
Bradford BD5 8FG 47 pupils allocated
Phone: 01274 731693
Mr P Urry
St Matthew’s Catholic Primary Academy Nursery 62 applications 203 30
Saffron Drive, Allerton, Bradford BD15 7NE 29 applications considered
Phone: 01274 541737 30 pupils allocated
Mr P Whitehead
St Oswalds Church of England Primary Academy Academy Nursery 68 applications 387 60
Cross Lane, Bradford BD7 3JT 40 applications considered
Bradford BD7 3JT 40 pupils allocated
Miss G Wilson
St Paul’s CE Primary VA No 104 applications 209 30
St Paul’s Avenue, Bradford BD6 1ST nursery 24 applications considered
Phone: 01274 679183 25 pupils allocated
Mrs C Palmer
St Philip’s CE Primary Academy Academy Nursery 72 applications 199 30
Whitby Terrace, Bradford BD8 9JL 31 applications considered
Phone: 01274 546496 30 pupil allocated
Mrs M Hargreaves 23 siblings allocated 7 allocated by distance
of[email protected] (furthest distance 0.351)
St Stephen’s CE Primary VA Nursery 108 applications 401 60
Gaythorne Road, Bradford BD5 7HU 56 applications considered
Phone: 01274 731698 56 allocated
Mr P Urry
St Walburga’s Catholic Primary Academy Nursery 102 applications 211 30
Victoria Park, Shipley BD18 4RL 41 applications considered
Phone: 01274 531102 1 SEN allocation
Mrs E Fearnley 2 priority 1 allocations 18 allocated on faith grounds
of[email protected] 4 siblings allocated
5 pupils allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.584 miles)
St William’s Catholic Primary Academy No 38 applications 142 30
Young Street, Bradford BD8 9RG Nursery 13 applications considered
Phone: 01274 545743 13 pupils allocated
Miss F Parker
St Winefride’s Catholic Primary Academy Nursery 109 applications 380 60
St Paul’s Avenue, Wibsey, Bradford BD6 1SR 43 applications considered
Phone: 01274 677705 43 pupils allocated
Mr B Lavin (Exec Head)
Mrs L Walsh (Head of School)
Stanbury Village School Community Nursery 41 applications 102 15
Main Street, Stanbury, Keighley BD22 OHA 12 applications considered
Phone: 01535 642270 12 pupils allocated
Mr G Swinbourne
Steeton Primary Community No 109 applications 290 30
Market Street, Steeton, Keighley BD20 6NN nursery 43 applications considered
Phone: 01535 653315 45 pupils allocated
Miss C Redman
Stocks Lane Primary Community No 101 applications 206 30
Stocks Lane, Clayton Heights, nursery 28 applications considered
Bradford BD13 2RH 30 pupils allocated
Phone: 01274 880569
Mrs L Neal
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
School details
Does school
have a
Applications for 2023
Number on
roll (exc
nursery) from
Jan 2023
census return
number for
Sept 2024
Apply online at
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
Swain House Primary Community Nursery 140 applications 426 60
Radcliffe Avenue, Bradford BD2 1JL 62 applications considered
Phone: 01274 639049 60 pupils allocated
Mrs C Pugh 2 SEN allocations 28 siblings allocated
of[email protected] 30 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 6.409)
Thackley Primary Community Nursery 263 applications 419 60
Town Lane, Thackley, Bradford BD10 8PJ 92 applications considered
Phone: 01274 414437 60 pupils allocated
Mrs A Patterson 26 siblings allocated 16 siblings allocated
[email protected] 44 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.676 miles)
The Academy At St. James Academy Nursery 72 applications 262 30
Chelwood Drive, Bradford BD15 7YD 32 applications considered
Phone: 01274 777095 30 pupils allocated
Mr C Toulson 1 priority 1 allocation 15 Siblings allocated
of[email protected] 14 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.376)
Thornbury Primary Leadership Academy Academy Nursery 91 applications 452 60
Dick Lane, Bradford BD3 7AU 58 applications considered
Phone: 01274 665812 59 siblings allocated
Mrs C Daddy
Thornton Primary Academy Nursery 119 applications 486 60
Thornton Road, Thornton, Bradford BD13 3NN
68 applications considered
Phone: 01274 833839 60 pupils allocated
Mrs E Davison (Exec Head) 26 pupils allocated with siblings
Mrs D Neale (Head of School) 10 pupils allocated in the nursery 24 allocated by distance
thornton.of[email protected] (furthest distance 1.236 miles)
Thorpe Primary Academy No 88 applications 194 30
Albion Road, Idle, Bradford BD10 9PY nursery 33 applications considered
Phone: 01274 414126 30 pupils allocated
Mr P Mennell 14 siblings allocated 16 allocated by distance
of[email protected] (furthest distance 0.572)
Trinity All Saints CE Primary Academy Nursery 43 applications 216 30
Church Street, Bingley BD16 2PP 11 applications considered
Phone: 01274 564977 11 pupils allocated
Mrs C Taylor
Victoria Primary Academy Nursery 70 applications 285 45 The school has a priority
Cartmel Road, Keighley BD21 2RD 38 applications considered admission area.
Phone: 01535 210110 44 pupils allocated
Mrs J Dark
Wellington Primary Community Nursery 188 applications 422 60
Dudley Hill Road, Bradford BD2 3DE 92 application considered
Phone: 01274 774446 60 pupils allocated
Mrs J Wood 1 priority 1 allocation 20 siblings allocated
of[email protected] 39 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.333 miles)
Westbourne Primary Academy Nursery 111 applications 394 60
Skinner Lane, Bradford BD8 7PL 50 applicants considered
Phone: 01274 483138 50 pupils allocated
Miss Marwood (Head of School)
Mr M Atkinson (Exec Head)
Westminster C of E Primary Academy Academy Nursery 88 applications 488 60
Westminster Road, Bradford BD3 0HW 60 applications considered
Phone: 01274 648490 60 pupils allocated
Mr S Gallacher 3 priority 1 allocations 27 siblings allocated
of[email protected] 30 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 1.213)
Whetley Academy Academy Nursery 95 applications 450 90
Whetley Lane, Bradford BD8 9HZ 38 applications considered
Phone: 01274 422041 38 pupils allocated
Mr J Townend
School details
Does school
have a
Applications for 2023
Number on
roll (exc
nursery) from
Jan 2023
census return
number for
Sept 2024
Apply online by 15 January 2024 @
List of neighbouring local authorities
Please contact other local authorities for information on schools in their area.
Some of these schools may require a supplementary information form to be
completed. If you are a Bradford resident and you wish to apply for another
authority school you will still need to list this school on you Bradford online
Calderdale Council
School Organisation and Access Team, Town Hall, Halifax, HX1 1UJ.
Tel: 01422 392617 Visit:
Kirklees Council
Kirklees Pupil Admissions, PO Box 1720, Hudderseld, HD1 9EL
Tel: 01484 225007 Visit:
Leeds Council
Admissions, PO Box 837, Leeds LS1 9PZ Tel: 01132224414.
Visit: Email: [email protected].uk
North Yorkshire Council
School Admissions, Transport and Free School Meal Team, Jesmond
House, 31-33 Victoria Avenue, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG1 5QE.
Tel: 01609 533679 Visit:
List of Primary Special Schools in
the Bradford Metropolitan District
Chellow Heights
Age Range 2-11
Thorn Lane,
Bradford, BD9 6AL
Tel: 01274 484242
Co-op Academy
Age Range 2-11
Barkerend Road,
Bradford, BD3 8QX
Tel: 01274 666472
High Park
Age Range 2-19
Thorn Lane,
Bradford, BD9 6RY
Tel: 01274 614092
Beckfoot Phoenix
Age Range 2-11
Braithwaite Avenue,
Keighley, BD22 6HZ
Tel: 01535 607038
Apply online at
Wibsey Primary Community Nursery 174 applications 627 90
North Road, Wibsey, Bradford BD6 1RL 97 applications considered
Phone: 01274 678016 90 pupils allocated
Mr N Cooper 1 priority 1 allocation 38 siblings allocated
of 51 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.959miles)
Wilsden Primary Academy No 81 applications 281 30
Tweedy Street, Wilsden, Bradford BD15 0AE nursery 33 applications considered
Phone: 01535 272263 30 pupils allocated
Mrs E Davison 12 Siblings allocated 18 allocated by distance
wilsden.of[email protected] (furthest distance 1.932miles)
Woodlands C of E Primary Academy Nursery 64 applications 102 15
Mill Carr Hill Rd, Oakenshaw, 23 applications considered
Bradford BD12 7EZ 15 pupils allocated
Phone: 01274 678385 2 allocated on faith grounds
Mrs M Spink 8 siblings allocated 5 allocated by distance
of[email protected] (furthest distance 0.279 miles)
Woodside Academy Academy Nursery 88 applications 385 60
Fenwick Drive, Bradford BD6 2PG 52 applications considered
Phone: 01274 414350 52 pupils allocated
Miss K Porter
Worth Valley Primary Academy Nursery 42 applications 210 30
Bracken Bank Crescent, Keighley BD22 7AX 24 applications considered
Phone: 01535 604240 25 pupils allocated
Miss C Lodge
Worthinghead Primary Community No 72 applications 211 30
Wyke Lane, Wyke, Bradford BD12 9EL nursery 40 applications considered
Phone: 01274 414904 30 pupils allocated
Mrs L Sharp 2 priority 1 allocations 15 Siblings allocated
of 13 allocated by distance
(furthest distance 0.451 miles)
Wycliffe CE Primary Academy No 133 applications 350 45
Saltaire Road, Shipley BD18 3HZ nursery 53 applications considered
Phone: 01274 584779 45 pupils allocated
Mrs D Baxter 25 siblings allocated
Maps showing primary school priority admission areas
The following schools include priority admission areas as part of the admission arrangements
Addingham Primary School
Baildon CE Primary School
Ben Rhydding Primary School
Cottingley Village Primary School
East Morton CE Primary School
Eldwick Primary School
Heaton St Barnabas CE Primary School
Long Lee Primary School
Myrtle Park Primary School
Sandal Primary School
Silsden Primary School
Victoria Primary School
Please use the following links to view the schools priority areas
Published by the Department of Children’s Services, City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, September 2023
The wording in this publication can be made available in other formats such as
large print and Braille. Please email [email protected].uk
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If you have:
l an interest in our children’s
l a desire to make a difference
l time and energy
la readiness to accept
l an ability to work in a team
then you have what it takes to
join the largest volunteer group
in the country, working with
others to get the best for our
Bradford Council’s School Governor Service
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Tel 01274 439400 Email [email protected].uk
Department of Children’s Services
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