Wetlands Regulatory Assistance Program
Flora and Field Guide References
supporting all U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Wetland Regional Supplements
Robert Lichvar and Lindsey Dixon
November 2011
C o l d R e g i o n s R e s e a r c h
a n d E n g i n e e r i n g L a b o r a t o r y
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Cover: Mountain meadow, MT. (Photograph by Jesse Harris, shared by the Biota of North America Program.)
November 2011
Flora and Field Guide References
supporting all U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Wetland Regional Supplements
Robert Lichvar and Lindsey Dixon
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
72 Lyme Road
Hanover, NH 03755
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Washington, DC! 20314-1000
Abstract: Over the past few years, a series of Regional Supplements to
the 1987 U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) Wetland Delineation
Manual have been published, and currently the National Wetland Plant
List is being updated. To support these efforts, we generated a list of floras
and field guides for each USACE region—Alaska, Arid West, Atlantic and
Gulf Coastal Plain, Caribbean, Eastern Mountains and Piedmont, Great
Plains, Midwest, Northcentral and Northeast, Pacific Islands, and Western
Mountains, Valleys and Coast. Each list includes regional floras, state flo-
ras, local floras, regional field guides, state field guides, and local field
guides. We also prepared a list of floras and field guides that cover the en-
tire U.S. This list is divided into the following categories: forbs, shrubs,
trees, grasses and sedges, ferns, orchids, cacti and agave, and references
and help guides. The flora and field guide lists can serve as tools for wet-
land delineation and restoration, assigning of wetland indicator statuses to
vegetation species, and other vegetation activities.
DISCLAIMER: The contents of this report are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional purposes.
Citation of trade names does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of the use of such commercial products.
All product names and trademarks cited are the property of their respective owners. The findings of this report are not to
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ERDC/CRREL SR-11-1 iii
Table of Contents
Preface ......................................................................................................................................................v!
1! Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 1!
Floras vs. Field Guides ..............................................................................................................2!
2! Methods............................................................................................................................................ 4!
3! Results .............................................................................................................................................. 6!
4! Discussion......................................................................................................................................... 7!
References............................................................................................................................................... 8!
Appendix A: All Regions......................................................................................................................... 9!
Appendix B: Alaska...............................................................................................................................14!
Appendix C: Arid West: Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Colorado, Utah,
Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming........................................................................ 17!
Appendix D: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain: Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana,
Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia,
Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky........................................33!
Appendix E: Caribbean Islands: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Barbados,
Bermuda, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Curacao,
Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique,
Puerto Rico, Saba, St. Barts, St. Eustatius, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St.
Maarten, St. Martin, St. Vincent and The Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks
and Caicos, U.S. Virgin Islands.................................................................................................... 46!
Appendix F: Eastern Mountains and Piedmont: Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois,
Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North
Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey................................51!
Appendix G: Great Plains: Montana, North Dakota, sliver of Minnesota, Wyoming,
South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas......................64!
Appendix H: Midwest: South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Iowa,
Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio.........................................................76!
Appendix I: Northcentral and Northeast: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York,
Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio,
Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana...................................................................87!
Appendix J: Pacific Islands: Hawaiian Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam.....................100!
Appendix K: Western Mountains, Valleys and Coast: California, Oregon, Washington,
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, South Dakota, Arizona, New Mexico............103!
Report Documentation Page
This report was prepared by Robert W. Lichvar and Lindsey Dixon, both of
the Remote Sensing/Geographic Information Systems (RS/GIS) and Wa-
ter Resources Branch, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
(CRREL), U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC),
Hanover, NH. This research was funded by the Wetland Regulatory Assis-
tance Program (WRAP) under the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Regula-
tory Program. This study was conducted under the general supervision of
Timothy Pangburn, Chief, RS/GIS and Water Resources Branch;
Dr. Justin B. Berman, Chief, Research and Engineering Division;
Dr. Lance Hansen, Deputy Director; and Dr. Robert E. Davis, Director.
Permission to publish was granted by Director, CRREL.
COL Kevin J. Wilson was the Commander of ERDC, and Dr. Jeffery P.
Holland was the Director.
1 Introduction
In 1995 the National Research Council recognized the need for “regionali-
zation” of wetland delineation approaches and methodologies based on
differences in climate, hydrologic and geologic conditions, and other wet-
land characteristics, concluding that a single national manual could not
take into consideration all of these ecological differences within the U.S.
Since 2006, the U.S Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) has released 10 in-
terim Regional Supplements to its Wetland Delineation Manual (Envi-
ronmental Laboratory 1987) as part of a nationwide effort to address re-
gional wetland characteristics that are important for identifying and
delineating wetlands. Each supplement is region specific and has an up-
dated wetland delineation procedure to improve accuracy and efficiency
(Wakeley 2002).
The National Wetland Plant List (NWPL) is also in the process of being
updated, led by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers in collaboration with the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
The NWPL has not been updated since 1988. During the initial develop-
ment of the plant list in 1988, a wetland fidelity rating system was created
that was based on habitat information obtained from floras and other lit-
erature combined with input from the collaborating agencies and others.
This rating system, based on each taxon’s frequency of occurrence in wet-
lands versus uplands, ultimately led to the five indicator statuses listed in
the 1988 list (i.e., obligate wetland, facultative wetland, facultative, facul-
tative upland, and obligate upland) (Lichvar and Minkin 2008). The proc-
ess for the current update follows guidelines that allow for more scientifi-
cally acceptable procedures (Lichvar and Minkin 2008). For the current
update, National and Regional Panels that have representatives from the
Corps, FWS, EPA, and NRCS were responsible for the first draft of the list,
which had specific categories of wetland plants reviewed by external pro-
fessional botanists. The list has been published in the Federal Register,
and Federal and state agencies and the public can provide input using a
web-based system, allowing more field knowledge and scientific informa-
tion to be considered when assigning a species a particular wetland indica-
tor status. After the NWPL update is completed in 2012, the website will
have annual reviews and regular nomenclatural updates, and any indicator
status can be challenged at any time, which will allow the website to con-
tain the most up-to-date indicator statuses (Lichvar and Minkin 2008).
Although the new indicator statuses will be based on the most recent sci-
entific data, floras will remain the place to identify plant species, as well as
important sources of habitat information.
The new Regional Supplements and updated NWPL both use the USACE
regions as boundaries (Wakeley 2002; Lichvar and Minkin 2008), which
represents an acknowledgment of the different environmental factors used
to develop the regions and the general plant distributions and floristic lit-
eratures associated with them. To augment these efforts, we have gener-
ated a list of floras and field guides for each of these regions, as well as a
separate list for the entire U.S. and its territories. These lists of references
can serve as a useful resource for wetland professionals for wetland de-
lineation and restoration, for developing species lists for various reasons at
a site, and for locating additional ecological information about species oc-
curring at these sites.
Floras vs. Field Guides
Floras and field guides are useful for plant identification, but they have
different audiences and layouts. Floras tend to be more technical and
comprehensive, often dealing with taxonomic interpretations. Field guides
typically use a more visual layman’s approach to identifying more of the
common species.
Flora can be defined in two ways. As defined by (2010),
“flora” refers to “the plants of a particular region or period, listed by spe-
cies and considered as a whole.” As defined by the Oxford Virtual Field
Herbarium (Forest Research Programme 2010), “flora” refers to a book
that has detailed descriptions of all plants in a region, including dichoto-
mous keys and taxonomic details of species. Some authors prefer to capi-
talize “Flora” when referring to the publication and use the lowercase
“flora” when referring to the actual vegetation (Palmer et al. 1995). For the
purpose of this report, we will refer to the publications using the lowercase
The introductory sections of a typical flora usually present a history of
plant collectors who collected specimens in the area of the flora, as well as
information regarding the topography, geology, and landscape setting of
the study area. This section is usually followed by dichotomous keys that
guide the user to either families or genera, and lastly to the species level.
Most floras provide morphological descriptions of the species, and many
times they are accompanied by illustrations. Floras are intended for users
with some technical training and knowledge about plant morphology. Flo-
ras and technical manuals tend to be bulky and are not always suitable for
use in the field.
A field guide can be defined as a “book designed to be carried outdoors
and used to identify species of plants or other particulars of natural his-
tory” (Schmidt 1999). Field guides come in many varieties, unlike floras,
which tend to have a similar format and structure. The keys in field guides
also vary but most commonly include the styles of dichotomous, table, or
visual keys with illustrations or silhouettes of species to be identified. Field
guides tend to be portable (frequently pocket sized); illustrated with diag-
nostic drawings or photos of the species; and filled with descriptions of
physical details, habits, distribution, and other facts relevant to identifica-
tion. Field guides in general have less taxonomic and morphological detail
than floras and tend to include aspects of habitat and morphology that are
less essential for identification. Unlike floras, field guides are intended for
use by laypeople who lack experience and specific training in technical
identification of plants.
2 Methods
A web-based search was performed to find all floras and field guides that
pertain to each USACE region: Alaska, Arid West, Atlantic and Gulf
Coastal Plain, Caribbean Islands, Eastern Mountains and Piedmont, Great
Plains, Midwest, Northcentral and Northeast, Pacific Islands, and Western
Mountains, Valleys and Coast (Figure 1).
Figure 1. U.S. Army Corp of Engineers Wetland Delineation Regions.
The largest database we searched in this effort was the International Field
Guides website at the University Library of the University of Illinois at Ur-
bana Champaign created by Diane Schmidt (Schmidt 1998). This resource
cites field guides for plants, animals, and other objects around the world.
To add to the initial list, a Google book search was performed for each
state to determine what sources were available. Also, general literature
searches were done across the nation to obtain additional citations to add
to the list. Once the initial draft list was compiled, the Regional Panels
were requested to review and revise it.
The final step in developing the lists was cross-referencing and reviewing a
prior list of references developed by the Biota of North America Program
(BONAP) that was shared by Dr. John Kartesz and Misako Nishino
(Kartesz and Nishino 2010). The BONAP list included 406 botanical refer-
ences, of which we incorporated 137 into our lists. We narrowed the
BONAP list by deleting sources that we already had and selecting only
works that were published floras or field guides. Other references not used
from the BONAP list included atlases, bibliographies, bulletins, catalogues,
checklists, contributions, databases, indexes, internet resources, manu-
scripts, newsletters, proceedings, theses and dissertations, and unpub-
lished materials. Also, we chose not to include floras and field guides pub-
lished before 1900.
The final lists, which can be found in Appendices A–K by region alphabeti-
cally, are divided into regional floras, state floras, local floras, regional
field guides, state field guides, and local field guides. Each regional refer-
ence also lists all states or islands included in that region. The regional flo-
ras and field guides are usable in the entire USACE region and anywhere
throughout the region they cover. All references listed for a state are spe-
cific to that state and may extend into more than one region, depending on
how many regions are within that state. In this case, a state reference with
overlapping regions will be listed in all regions within which it falls. Local
floras and field guides apply to a very specific area within a region and are
typically smaller than the state floras and field guides. Local references can
include a number of areas, including a specific location, mountain range,
site, national monument, state park, or national park. These references
may also apply to multiple regions and are listed in all regions within
which the area occurs. Floras or field guides that fall into one group in one
region may fall into a different group within another, depending on the
area the reference encompasses and how much of that area falls within a
particular region.
We also compiled a list of floras and field guides that were applicable to all
regions. Field guides in this list are broken down into groups: forbs,
shrubs, trees, grasses and sedges, ferns, orchids, cacti and agave, and ref-
erences and help guides. The section on references and help guides in-
cludes references that describe plant terminology, plant identification
techniques, information about plant families, and other information that
may be useful when identifying plant species. Some of the references on
this list may not apply to the Caribbean and Pacific Island Regions.
3 Results
In the list of all regions, there are 19 floras and 57 field guides that can be
applied to the entire U.S. and its territories. Table 1 shows the number of
regional, state, and local floras and field guides for each USACE region.
The regional lists can be found in the appendices. Total numbers in the ta-
ble include multiple volumes; for example, the Intermountain Flora
(Cronquist et al. 1972) in the Arid West region has seven volumes, so it
was counted as seven floras for that region. Alaska has no regional floras
or field guides as the region only encompasses one state. State floras and
field guides in the Caribbean and Pacific Islands are replaced with island
floras and field guides. A total of all the references has not been calculated
because references overlap within the regions.
Table 1. Number of regional, state, and local flora and field guides in each
USACE region.
USACE Region
Fields Guides
Arid West
Field Guides
Atlantic and Gulf
Coastal Plain
Field Guides
Caribbean Islands
Field Guides
Eastern Mountains and
Field Guides
Great Plains
Field Guides
Field Guides
Northcentral and
Field Guides
Pacific Islands
Field Guides
Western Mountains,
Valleys and Coast
Field Guides
4 Discussion
The flora and field guide lists for each USACE region can serve as a litera-
ture resource in support of wetland delineation and restoration, biological
surveys, and other vegetation activities. These compiled lists of floras and
field guides provide an overview of existing botanical resources available
for use in identifying wetland, as well as non-wetland, species for both the
professional and non-professional. When using floras and fields in con-
junction with the NWPL, it should be noted that the NWPL has the most
recent updated nomenclature, while many floras and field guides do not.
The NWPL provides a function where you can view synonyms and infra-
specifics of the species updated nomenclature.
Floras and field guides are making a transition from hard-copy books to
digital products. This overview provides a state-of-the-science list of pub-
lished hard-copy treatments. The works listed here typically can be ob-
tained from libraries, bookstores, or publishers. These hard-copy refer-
ences can generally be used in the field or office. In the future, more
floristic works and field guides will be published digitally for access online.
Those digital applications will be developed for use on desktop computers
as well as hand-held field devices. We expect that digital publishing will
become standard for floras and field guides.
Cronquist, A., A. H. Holmgren, N. H. Holmgren, and J. L. Reveal. 1972. Intermountain
Flora. Bronx, NY: New York Botanical Garden Press.
Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers wetlands delineation manual.
Technical Report Y-87-1. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Waterways
Experiment Station. http://el/ 2010. Flora. Retrieved December 13, 2010.
Forest Research Programme. 2010. The virtual field herbarium. The spectrum of botanical
literature. Retrieved November 30, 2010. Department of Plant Sciences,
University of Oxford.
Kartesz, J., and M. Nishino. 2010. The Biota of North America Program.
Lichvar, R., and P. Minkin. 2008. Concepts and procedures for updating the National
Wetland Plant List. ERDC/CRREL TN-08-3. Hanover, NH: U.S. Army Engineer
Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering
National Research Council. 1995. Wetlands: Characteristics and boundaries.
Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
Palmer, M. W., G. L. Wade, and P. Neal. 1995. Standards for writing of floras. BioScience
(45)5: 339–345.
Schmidt, D. 1998. International field guides: A web supplement to A Guide to Field
Guides Online.
Schmidt, D. 1999. A guide to field guides: Identifying the natural history of North
America. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited.
Wakeley, J. S. 2002. Developing a “regionalized” version of the Corps of Engineers
Wetlands Delineation Manual: Issues and recommendations. ERDC/EL TR-02-
20. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center,
Environmental Laboratory.
Appendix A: All Regions
Britton, N. L., and A. Brown. 1970. Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States and
Canada. New York: Courier Dover Publications.
Fassett, N. C., and E. C. Ogden. 2006. A Manual of Aquatic Plants. Second edition.
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993–2010. Flora of North America
North of Mexico. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Volume 1. Introduction. 1993.
Volume 2. Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. 1993.
Volume 3. Magnoliophyta: Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae. 1997.
Volume 4. Magnoliophyta: Caryophyllidae, part 1. 2003.
Volume 5. Magnoliophyta: Caryophyllidae, part 2. 2005.
Volume 7. Magnoliophyta: Salicaceae to Brassicaceae. 2010.
Volume 8. Magnoliophyta: Paeoniaceae to Ericaceae. 2009.
Volume 19. Magnoliophyta: Asteridae (in part): Asteraceae, part 1. 2006.
Volume 20. Magnoliophyta: Asteridae (in part): Asteraceae, part 2. 2006.
Volume 21. Magnoliophyta: Asteridae (in part): Asteraceae, part 3. 2006.
Volume 22. Magnoliophyta: Alismatidae, Arecidae, Commelinidae (in part),
and Zingiberidae. 2000.
Volume 23. Magnoliophyta: Commelinidae (in part): Cyperaceae. 2002.
Volume 24. Magnoliophyta: Commelinidae (in part): Poaceae (part 1). 2007.
Volume 25. Magnoliophyta: Commelinidae (in part): Poaceae (part 2). 2003.
Volume 26. Magnoliophyta: Liliidae: Liliales and Orchidales. 2002.
Volume 27. Bryophyta: Mosses, part 1. 2007.
Hitchcock, A. S. 1971. Manual of the Grasses of the United States. Second edition.
Volumes 1 and 2. New York: Courier Dover Publications.
Field Guides
Case, F. W., and R. B. Case. 1997. Trilliums. Portland, OR: Timber Press.
Clausen, R. T. 1975. Sedum of North America North of the Mexican Plateau. Ithaca, NY:
Cornell University Press.
Cope, E. A., and W. C. L. Muenscher. 2001. Muenscher’s Keys to Woody Plants: An
Expanded Guide to Native and Cultivated Species. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University
Correll, D. S. 1962. The Potato and its Wild Relatives: Section Tuberarium of the Genus
Solanum. Renner, TX: Texas Research Foundation.
Hermann, F. J. 1960. Vetches in the U.S.—Native, Naturalized and Cultivated.
Agricultural Handbook No. 168. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of
Isley, D. 1998. Native and Naturalized Leguminosae (Fabaceae) of the United States
(exclusive of Alaska and Hawaii). Provo, UT: Monte L. Bean Life Science
Museum, Brigham Young University.
Kaufman, S. R., and W. Kaufman. 2007. Invasive Plants: A Guide to Identification,
Impacts, and Control of Common North American Species. Mechanicsburg, PA:
Stackpole Books.
Mohlenbrock, R. H. 1987. Wildflowers: A Quick Identification Guide to the Wildflowers
of North America. New York: Macmillan.
Muenscher, W. C. 1944. Aquatic Plants of the United States. Ithaca, NY: Comstock
Publishing Associates.
Nicholls, G. 2002. Alpine Plants of North America. Portland, OR: Timber Press.
Pavlick, L. 1995. Bromus of North America. Victoria, British Columbia: Royal British
Columbia Museum.
Phipps, J. B., R. J. O’Kennon, and R. W. Lance. 2003. Hawthorns and Medlars. Portland,
OR: Timber Press.
Readers Digest Editors. 1998. North American Wildlife: Wildflowers. New York, NY:
Reader’s Digest.
Rollins, R. C. 1979. Dithyrea and a Related Genus (Cruciferae). Cambridge, MA: The
Bussey Institution of Harvard University.
Rollins, R. C. 1993. The Cruciferae of Continental North America. Stanford, CA: Stanford
University Press.
Rollins, R. C., and E. A. Shaw. 1973. The Genus Lesquerella (Cruciferae) in North
America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Stubbendieck, J. L., S. L. Hatch, and L. M. Landholt. 2003. North American Wildland
Plants: A Field Guide. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
Vander Kloet, S. P. 1998. The Genus Vaccinium in North America. Publication 1828.
Ottawa, Ontario: Research Branch, Agriculture Canada.
Venning, F. D. 1984. Wildflowers of North America: A Guide to Field Identification. New
York, NY: St. Martin’s Press.
Wherry, E. T. 1995. The Genus Phlox. Philadelphia, PA: Associates of Morris Arboretum.
Zim, H. S., and A. C. Marin. 1987. Flowers: A Guide to Familiar American Wildflowers.
New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press.
Zim, H. S., and A. C. Marin. 1991. Trees: A Guide to Familiar American Trees. New York,
NY: Golden Press.
Cope, E. A., and W. C. L. Muenscher. 2001. Muenscher’s Keys to Woody Plants: An
Expanded Guide to Native and Cultivated Species. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University
Symonds, G. W. D. 1963. The Shrub Identification Book: The Visual Method for the
Practical Identification of Shrubs, Including Woody Vines and Ground Covers.
New York: HarperCollins.
Brockman, C. F., and R. A. Merrilees. 2001. Trees of North America: A Field Guide to the
Major Native and Introduced Species North of Mexico. New York, NY:
Cassie, B. 1999. National Audubon Society First Field Guide: Trees. New York, NY:
Cope, E. A., and W. C. L. Muenscher. 2001. Muenscher’s Keys to Woody Plants: An
Expanded Guide to Native and Cultivated Species. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University
Elias, T. S. 1989. Field Guide to North American Trees. Danbury, CT: Grolier Book Clubs.
Farrar, J. L. 1995. Trees of the Northern United States and Canada. Ames, IA: Iowa State
University Press.
Mitchell, A., and D. More. 1987. Trees of North America. San Diego, CA: Thunder Bay
Mohlenbrock, R. H., and J. W. Thieret. 1987. Trees: A Quick Reference Guide to Trees of
North America. New York: Macmillan.
Petrides, G. A., and R. T. Peterson. 1998. Peterson First Guide to Trees. Boston, MA:
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Preston, R. J., and R. R. Braham. 2002. North American Trees. Ames, IA: Iowa State
University Press.
Rushforth, K., and C. Hollis. 2006. National Geographic Field Guide to the Trees of
North America. Washington. DC: National Geographic Society.
Rushforth, K., G. Tomblin, and A. Winterbotham. 2004. The Easy Tree Guide: Common
Native and Cultivated Trees of the United States and Canada. Guilford, CT:
Globe Pequot.
Sargent, C. S. 1922. Manual of the Trees of North America. Boston, MA: Houghton
Symonds, G. W. D. 1958. The Tree Identification Book: A Method for the Practical
Identification and Recognition of Trees. Toronto: George J. McLeod.
Grasses and Sedges
Barkworth, M. E., L. K. Anderton, K. M. Capels, S. Long, and M. B. Piep (editors). 2007.
Manual of Grasses for North America North of Mexico. Logan, UT: Utah State
University Press.
Harrington, H. D. 1977. How to Identify Grasses and Grasslike Plants. Athens, OH: Ohio
Knobel, E., and M. E. Faust. 1977. Field Guide to the Grasses, Sedges and Rushes of the
United States. Second edition. New York, NY: Dover Publications.
Pohl, R. W. 1978. How to Know Grasses. Dubuque, IA: W.C. Brown Company.
Silveus, W. A. 1942. Grasses: Classification and Description of Species of Paspalum and
Panicum in the United States. San Antonio, TX: Published by the author.
Lellinger, D. B. 1985. A Field Manual of the Ferns and Fern-Allies of the United States
and Canada. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press.
Mickel, J. T. 1979. How to Know the Ferns and Fern Allies. Dubuque, IA: W.C. Brown
Wherry, E. T. 1961. The Fern Guide. Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Co.
Brown, P. M. 2003. The Wild Orchids of North America, North of Mexico. Gainesville,
FL: University Press of Florida.
Correll, D. S. 1978. Native Orchids of North America North of Mexico. Palo Alto, CA:
Stanford University Press.
Luer, C. A. 1975. The Native Orchids of the United States and Canada, excluding Florida.
Bronx, NY: New York Botanical Garden.
Petrie, W. 1981. Guide to Orchids of North America. Blaine, WA: Hancock House.
Williams, J. G., and A. E. Williams. 1983. Field Guide to Orchids of North America, From
Alaska, Greenland, and the Arctic, South to the Mexican Border. New York:
Universe Books.
Cacti and Agave
Benson, L. 1982. The Cacti of the United States and Canada. Chicago, IL: Stanford
University Press.
Gentry, H. S. 1982. Agaves of the Continental North America. Tucson, AZ: University of
Arizona Press.
References/Help Guides
Harrington, H. D., and L. W. Durrell. 1957. How to Identify Plants. Athens, OH: Ohio
University, Swallow Press.
Harris, J. G., and M. W. Harris. 1994. Plant Identification Terminology: An Illustrated
Glossary. Spring Lake, UT: Spring Lake Publishing.
Mickel, J. T. 1979. How to Know the Ferns and Fern Allies. Dubuque, IA: W.C. Brown.
Prescott, G. W. 1969. How to Know Aquatic Plants. Dubuque, IA: W.C. Brown.
Smith, J. P., Jr., and K. E. Simpson. 1977. Vascular Plant Families. Eureka, CA: Mad
River Press.
Appendix B: Alaska
Regional/State Floras
Anderson, J. P. 1961. Flora of Alaska and Adjacent Parts of Canada: An Illustrated
Descriptive Text of all Vascular Plants Known to Occur Within the Region
Covered. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press.
Anderson, J. P., and S. L. Welsh. 1974. Anderson’s Flora of Alaska and Adjacent Parts of
Canada. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press.
Hulten, E. 1941. Flora of Alaska and Yukon. Lund, Sweden: C.W.K. Gleerup.
Hulten, E. 1968. Flora of Alaska and Neighboring Territories: A Manual of the Vascular
Plants. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Local Floras
Hulten, E. 1960. Flora of the Aleutian Islands and Westernmost Alaska Pennisula, with
Notes on the Flora of the Commander Islands. Second edition. Weinheim,
Germany: J. Cramer.
Racine, C. H., and J. H. Anderson. 1979. Flora and vegetation of the Chukchi-Imuruk
area. In Biological Survey of the Bering Land Bridge National Monument (H. R.
Melchoir, ed.). Revised final report, Biology and Resource Management Program.
38-113. Fairbanks, AK: Alaska Cooperative Park Studies Unit, University of
Wiggins, I. L., and J. H. Thomas. 1962. A Flora of the Alaska Arctic Slope. Special
Publication No. 4, Arctic Institute of North America. Toronto: University of
Toronto Press.
Field Guides
Regional Field Guides
AKEPIC-Alaska Exotic Plant Information Clearhouse. 2005. Invasive Plants of Alaska.
Anchorage, AK: Alaska Association of Conservation Districts.
Argus, G. W. 1973. The genus Salix in Alaska and the Yukon. National Museum of
Natural Science, Publications in Botany No. 2. Ottawa, Ontario: National
Museums of Canada.
Center for Lakes and Reservoirs, Portland State University. 2009. Introduction to
Common Native and Potential Invasive Freshwater Plants in Alaska.
Anchorage, AK: Alaska Department of Fish and Game Coastal Program and
Aquatic Invasive Species Program, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Dunn, D. B., and J. M. Gillett. 1966. The Lupines of Canada and Alaska. Research
Branch, Canada Department of Agriculture, Monograph No. 2. Ottawa, Canada:
Queens’s Printer.
Lipkin, R., and D. F. Murray. 1997. Alaska Rare Plant Field Guide. Washington, DC: U.S.
Department of the Interior.
Little, E. L. 1980. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Trees: Western
Region. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Murray, D. F. 1980. Threatened and Endangered Plants of Alaska. Washington, D.C.:
U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service and U.S. Department of the
Interior Bureau of Land Management.
Petrides, G. A. 2005. Trees of the Pacific Northwest. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole
Pratt, V. 1990. Field Guide to Alaskan Wildflowers. Anchorage, AK: Alaskakrafts
Spellenberg, R. 1979. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Wildflowers,
Western Region. New York: Alfred A. Knopf
Tande, G. F., and R. Lipkin. 2003. Wetland Sedges of Alaska. Anchorage, AK: Alaska
Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute,
University of Alaska Anchorage.
Taylor, R. J., and G. W. Douglas. 1995. Mountain Plants of the Pacific Northwest: A Field
Guide to Washington, Western British Columbia, and Southeastern Alaska.
Missoula, MT: Mountain Press Publishing.
Viereck, L. A., and E. L. Little. 1974. Guide to Alaska Trees. Washington, DC: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.
Viereck, L. A., and E. L. Little. 2007. Alaska Trees and Shrubs. Second edition.
Fairbanks, AK: University of Alaska Press.
White, H. A. 1974. The Alaska-Yukon Wild Flowers Guide. Anchorage, AK: Alaska
Northwest Publishing.
Local Field Guides
Burt, P. 1991. Barrenland Beauties: Showy Plants of the Arctic Coast. Yellowknife, North
West Territories: Outcrop The Northern Publisher.
Clark, L. J., and J. G. S. Trelawny. 2004. Lewis Clark’s Field Guide to Wild Flowers of the
Sea Coast in the Pacific Northwest. Third edition. Madeira Park, British
Columbia: Harbour Publishing.
Collet, D. M. 2002. Willows of South Central Alaska. Soldotna, AK: Kenai Watershed
Collet, D. M. 2004. Willows of Interior Alaska. Soldotna, AK: U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Anchorage and Kenai Watershed Forum.
DeVelice, R. L. 2001. Vascular Plant Identification Guide: Chugach National Forest.
Anchorage, AK: USDA, Forest Service, Chugach National Forest.
Druehl, L. D. 2001. Pacific Seaweeds: A Guide to Common Seaweeds of the West Coast.
Madeira Park, British Columbia: Harbour Publishing.
Fagan, D. 2006. Pacific Northwest Wildflowers: A Guide to Common Wildflowers of
Washington, Oregon, Northern California, Western Idaho, Southeast Alaska
and British Columbia. Guilford, CT: Morris Book Publishing.
Golodoff, S. 2003. Wildflowers of Unalaska Island: A Guide to the Flowering Plants of
an Aleutian Island. Fairbanks, AK: University of Alaska Press.
Hall, J. K. 1995. Native Plants of Southeast Alaska. Juneau, AK: Windy Ridge Publishing.
Hughes, J. W., and W. H. Blackwell. 1987. Wildflowers (and other Plant Life) of
Southeast Alaska: An Identification Guide. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt
MacKinnon, A., and J. Pojar. 2004. Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast: Washington,
Oregon, British Columbia and Alaska. Edmonton, Alberta: Lone Pine
McMinn, H. E., and E. Maino. 1980. An Illustrated Manual of Pacific Coast Trees.
Second edition. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
O’Clair, R. M., and S. C. Lindstrom. 2000. North Pacific Seaweeds. Auke Bay, AK: Plant
Pratt, V. E. 1991. Wildflowers along the Alaska Highway from Dawson Creek, BC to
Delta Junction and on to Fairbanks, AK. Anchorage, AK: Alaskarafts.
Pratt, V. E. 1993. Wildflowers of Denali National Park. Anchorage, AK: Alaskakrafts.
Studebaker, S. 2010. Wildflowers and Other Plant Life of the Kodiak Archipelago.
Kodiak, AK: Sense of Place Press.
Appendix C: Arid West: Texas, New Mexico,
Arizona, California, Colorado, Utah, Nevada,
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming
Regional Floras
Cronquist, A., et al. 1972–2005. Intermountain Flora: Vascular Plants of the
Intermountain West, U.S.A. Bronx, NY: New York Botanical Garden Press.
Volume 1. Geological and Botanical History of the Region, its Plant Geography
and Glossary. The Vascular Cryptogams and the Gymnosperms.
Cronquist, A., A.H. Holmgren, N.H. Holmgren, and J.L. Reveal. 1972.
Volume 2, Part B. Subclass Dilleniidae. Cronquist, A., N.H. Holmgren, and P.K.
Holmgren. 2005.
Volume 3, Part A. Subclass Rosidae (except Fabales). Cronquist, A., N.H.
Holmgren, P.K. Holmgren, and J.L. Reveal. 1997.
Volume 3, Part B. Fabales. Cronquist, A., A.H. Holmgren, N.H. Holmgren, J.L.
Reveal, P.K. Holmgren, and R.C. Barneby. 1990.
Volume 4. Subclass Asteridae (except Asteraceae). Cronquist, A., A.H.
Holmgren, N.H. Holmgren, J.L. Reveal, and P.K. Holmgren. 1984.
Volume 5. Asterales. Cronquist, A., A.H. Holmgren, N.H. Holmgren, J.L. Reveal,
and P.K. Holmgren. 1994.
Volume 6. The monocotyledons. Cronquist, A., A.H. Holmgren, N.H. Holmgren,
J.L. Reveal, and P.K. Holmgren. 1994.
State Floras
Allfred, K. W. 2008. Flora Neomexicana I: The Vascular Plants of New Mexico. Las
Cruces, NM: New Mexico State University.
Baldwin, B. G., S. Boyd, B. J. Ertter, R. W. Patterson, T. J. Rosatti, D. H. Wilken, and M.
Wetherwax. 2002. The Jepson Desert Manual: Vascular Plants of Southeastern
California. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press.
Correll, D. S., and M. C. Johnston. 1970. Manual of Vascular Plants of Texas. Renner,
TX: Texas Research Foundation.
Davis, R. J. 1952. Flora of Idaho. Dubuque, IA: William C. Brown.
Harrington, H. D. 1979. Manual of the Plants of Colorado: For the Identification of the
Ferns and Flowering Plants of the State. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms
Jepson, W. L., and J. C. Hickman. 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of
California. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press.
Kartesz, J. T. 1987. A Flora of Nevada. Reno, NV: University of Nevada.
Kearney, T. H., and R. H. Peebles. 1960. Arizona Flora. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and
London: University of California Press.
Lundell, C. L. 1961–1969. Flora of Texas. Renner, TX: Texas Research Foundation.
Volume 1. 1966.
Volume 2. 1969.
Volume 3. 1961.
Martin, W. C., and C. R. Hutchins. 1980–1981. A Flora of New Mexico. Vaduz, Germany:
J. Cramer.
Volume 1. 1980.
Volume 2. 1981.
Mason, H. L. 1957. A Flora of the Marshes of California. Los Angeles, CA: University of
California Press.
Munz, P. A., and D. D. Keck. 1968. A California Flora: Supplement. Berkeley, Los
Angeles, and London: University of California Press.
Piper, C. V. 1906. Flora of the State of Washington. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office.
Porter, C. L. 1962. A Flora of Wyoming. Laramie, WY: Agricultural Experiment Station,
University of Wyoming.
Rydberg, P. A. 1906. Flora of Colorado. Fort Collins, CO: The Agricultural Experiment
Station of the Colorado Agricultural College.
Tidestrom, I., and P. Ross. 1969. Flora of Utah and Nevada. Port Jervis, NY: Lubrecht
and Cramer.
Welsh, S. L., N. D. Atwood, S. Goodrich, and L. C. Higgins. 2007. A Utah Flora. Provo,
UT: Brigham Young University.
Wooton, E. O., and P. C. Standley. 1915. Flora of New Mexico. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office.
Local Floras
Abrams, L. 1964. An Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States: Washington, Oregon, and
California. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press.
Volume 1: Ophiogloassaceae to Aristolochiaceae, Ferns to Birthworts.
Volume 2: Polygonaceae to Krameriaceae, Buckwheats to Kramerias.
Volume 3: Geraniaceae to Scrophulariaceae, Geraniums to Figworts.
Volume 4: Bignoniaceae to Compositae, Bignonias to Sunflowers.
Arnow, L. A., B. J. Albee, and A. M. Wyckoff. 1980. Flora of the Central Wasatch Front,
Utah. Second edition Revised. Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Printing
Beatley, J. C. 1976. Vascular Plants of the Nevada Test Site and Central-Southern
Nevada: Ecologic and Geographic Distributions. Prepared for the Division of
Biomedical and Environmental Research, U.S. Energy Research and
Development Administration. Springfield, VA: National Technical Information
Beattie, R. K. 1914. Flora of the Southeastern Washington and Adjacent Idaho. Published
by the author and C.V. Piper.
Beauchamp, R. M. 1986. A Flora of San Diego County, California. National City, CA:
Shearwater River Press.
Best, C., J. T. Howell, W. Knight, I. Knight, and M. Wells. 1996. A Flora of Sonoma
County. Sacramento, CA: California Native Plant Society.
Fletcher, M. 1983. A Flora of Hollister Ranch, Santa Barbara County, California.
Herbarium Publication No. 2. Santa Barbara, CA: University of California.
Goodrich, S., and E. Neese. 1986. Uinta Basin Flora. USDA Forest Service publication in
cooperation with USDA Forest Service Ashley National Forest and USDI BLM
Vernal District. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Haukos, D. A., and L. M. Smith. 1997. Common Flora of the Playa Lakes. Lubbock, TX:
Texas Tech University Press.
Howell, J. T. 1970. Marin Flora: Manual of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of Marin
County, California. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Jepson, W. L. 1911. A Flora of Western Middle California. Second edition. San Francisco,
CA: Cunningham, Curtiss and Welch.
Junak, S., Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, and California Native Plant Society. 1995. A
Flora of Santa Cruz Island. Santa Barbara, CA: Santa Barbara Botanic Garden in
collaboration with the California Native Plant Society.
Layser, E. F. 1980. Flora of Pend Oreille County, Washington. Pullman, WA: Washington
State University, Cooperative Extension.
Magney, D. L. 1986. A Flora of Dry Lakes Ridge, Ventura County, CA. Herbarium
Publication No. 5. Santa Barbara, CA: University of California.
Mason, H. L. 1957. A Flora of the Marshes of California. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and
London: University of California Press.
Munz, P. A. 1974. A Flora of Southern California. Berkeley, CA: University of California
Raven, P. H., and H. J. Thompson. 1966. Flora of the Santa Monica Mountains,
California. Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press.
Shreve, F., and I. L. Wiggins. 1975. Vegetation and Flora of the Sonoran Desert.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Smith, C. F. 1998. A Flora of the Santa Barbara Region, California. Santa Barbara, CA:
Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History.
St. John, H. S. 1963. Flora of Southeastern Washington and of Adjacent Idaho.
Escondido, CA: Outdoor Pictures.
Thomas, J. H. 1961. Flora of the Santa Cruz Mountains of California. Stanford, CA:
Stanford University Press.
Wallace, G. D. 1985. Vascular Plants of the Channel Islands of Southern California and
Guadalupe Island, Baja California, Mexico. Contributions in Science No. 365.
Los Angeles, CA: Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.
Webber, J. M. 1953. Yuccas of the Southwest. Agriculture Monograph 17. Washington,
DC: USDA Forest Service.
Weber, W. A., and R. C. Wittman. 2001. Colorado Flora: Eastern Slope. Boulder, CO:
University Press of Colorado.
Weber, W. A., and R. C. Wittman. 2001. Colorado Flora: Western Slope. Boulder, CO:
University Press of Colorado.
Wiggins, I. L. 1980. Flora of Baja California. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Field Guides
Regional Field Guides
Anderson, E. F. 2001. The Cactus Family. Portland, OR: Timber Press.
Arno, S. F., and R. P. Hammerly. 1977. Northwest Trees. Seattle, WA: Mountaineers.
Baerg, H. J. 1973. How to Know the Western Trees. Dubuque, IA: W.C. Brown.
Benson, L., and R. A. Darrow. 1954. The Trees and Shrubs of the Southwestern Desert.
Second edition. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.
Bernstein, A. 1988. Native Trees of the Northwest: A Pocket Guide. Grants Pass, OR:
New Leaf Books.
Bever, D. N. 1981. Northwest Conifers: A Photographic Key. Portland, OR: Binford and
Bowers, J. 1987. 100 Roadside Wildflowers of Southwest Woodlands. Tucson, AZ:
Southwest Parks and Monuments Association.
Bowers, J. E. 1989. 100 Desert Wildflowers of the Southwest. Tucson, AZ: Southwest
Parks and Monuments Association.
Bowers, J. E. 1993. Shrubs and Trees of the Southwest Deserts. Tucson, AZ: Southwest
Parks and Monuments Association.
Brown, P. M. 2006. Wild Orchids of the Pacific Northwest and Canadian Rockies.
Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.
Carter, J. L., M. A. Carter, and D. J. Stevens. 2003. Common Southwestern Native
Plants: An Identification Guide. Silver City, NM: Mimbres Publishing.
Correll, D. S., and H. B. Correll. 1972. Aquatic and Wetland Plants of the Southwestern
United States. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Crittenden, M. 1992. Trees of the West. Blaine, WA: Hancock House.
Crittenden, M., and D. W. Telfer. 1992. Wildflowers of the West. Surrey, British
Columbia: Hancock House.
Ditomaso, J. M., and E. A. Healy. 2003. Aquatic and Riparian Weeds of the West.
Publication 3421. Oakland, CA: University of California Agriculture and Natural
Ditomaso, J. M., and E. A. Healy. 2007. Weeds of California and Other Western States,.
Publication 3488. Oakland, CA: University of California Agriculture and Natural
Volume 1: Aizoaceae–Fabaceae.
Volume 2: Geraniaceae–Zygophyllaceae.
Doge, N. N. 1985. Flowers of the Southwest Deserts. Tucson, AZ: Southwest Parks and
Monuments Association.
Earle, W. H. 1980. Cacti of the Southwest: Arizona, Western New Mexico, Southern
Colorado, Southern Utah, Southern Nevada, Eastern California. Phoenix, AZ:
Rancho Arroyo.
Elmore, F. H. 1976. Shrubs and Trees of the Southwest Uplands. Globe, AZ: Southwest
Parks and Monuments Association.
Engard, R. G. 1989. The Flowering Southwest: Wildflowers, Cacti, and Succulents in
Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Utah. Tucson,
AZ: Great Impressions.
Fagan, D. 2006. Pacific Northwest Wildflowers: A Guide to Common Wildflowers of
Washington, Oregon, Northern California, Western Idaho, Southeast Alaska
and British Columbia. Helena, MT: Morris Book Publishing.
Fischer, P. C. 1989. 70 Common Cacti of the Southwest. Tucson, AZ: Southwest Parks
and Monuments Association.
Foxx, T. S. 1984. Flowers of the Southwestern Forests and Woodlands. Los Alamos, NM:
Los Alamos Historical Society.
Foxx, T. S., and D. Hoard. 1995. Flowering Plants of the Southwestern Woodlands. Los
Alamos, NM: Otowi Crossing Press.
Gould, F. W. 1977. Grasses of the Southwestern United States. Tucson, AZ: University of
Arizona Press.
Harrar, E. S., and J. G. Harrar. 1962. Guide to Southern Trees. Second edition. New York:
Dover Publications.
Johnson, C. G. 1998. Common Plants of the Inland Pacific Northwest. Portland, OR:
USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region.
Kinucan, E. S., and P. R. Brons. 1991. Wild Wildflowers of the West. Fourth edition. Clark
Fork, ID: Kinucan and Brons.
Leake, D. V. D., J. B. Leake, and M. L. Roeder. 1993. Desert and Mountain Plants of the
Southwest. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press.
Little, E. L. 1980. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Trees: Western
Region. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
McKelvey, S. D. 1938!1947. Yuccas of the Southwestern United States, Parts 1 and 2.
Jamaica Plains, MA: Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University.
McMinn, H. E., and E. Maino. 1980. An Illustrated Manual of Pacific Coast Trees.
Second edition. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California
Mielke, J. 1993. Native Plants for Southwestern Landscapes. Austin, TX: University of
Texas Press.
Miller, M. 1982. Saguaro: The Desert Flower Book. Boulder, CO: Johnson Books.
Niehaus, T. F. 1976. A Field Guide to Pacific States Wildflowers: Field Marks of Species
Found in Washington, Oregon, California, and Adjacent Areas: A Visual
Approach Arranged by Color, Form and Detail. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Perryman, B. L., and Q. D. Skinner. 2007. A Field Guide to Nevada Grasses. Lander, WY:
Indigenous Rangeland Management Press.
Petrides, G. A., and O. Petrides. 1998. A Field Guide to Western Trees: Western United
States and Canada. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company.
Petrides, G. A., and O. Petrides. 2005. Trees of the American Southwest. Mechanicsburg,
PA: Stackpole Books.
Petrides, G. A., and O. Petrides. 2005. Trees of the Pacific Northwest. Mechanicsburg,
PA: Stackpole Books.
Quinn, M. 2000. Wildflowers of the Desert Southwest. Tucson, AZ: Rio Nuevo
Quinn, M. 2001. Cacti of the Desert Southwest. Tucson, AZ: Rio Nuevo Publishers.
Rickett, H. W. 1966–1973. Wild Flowers of the United States. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Volume 3: Texas.
Volume 4: The Southwestern States.
Spellenberg, R. 1986. Familiar Flowers of North America: Western Region. New York:
Alfred A. Knopf.
Spellenberg, R. 1979. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Wildflowers,
Western Region. New York: Knopf.
Strickler, D. 1993. Wayside Wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest. Columbia Falls, MT:
Flower Press.
Stuckey, M., and G. Palmer. 1998. Western Trees. Helena, MT: Falcon Press.
Taylor, R. J. 1990. Northwest Weeds: The Ugly and Beautiful Villains of Fields, Gardens,
and Roadsides. Missoula, MT: Mountain Press Publishing Company.
Taylor, R. J. 1992. Sagebrush Country: A Wildflower Sanctuary. Missoula, MT:
Mountain Press Publishing Company.
Taylor, R. J. 1998. Desert Wildflowers of North America. Missoula, MT: Mountain Press
Publishing Company.
Turner, M., and P. Gustafson. 2006. Wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest. Portland, OR:
Timber Press.
Underhill, J. E. 1986. Sagebrush Wildflowers. Blaine, WA: Hancock House.
Vines, R. A. 1960. Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines of the Southwest. Austin, TX:
University of Texas Press.
Vitt, D. H., J. E. Marsh, and R. B. Bovey. 1988. Mosses, Lichens, and Ferns of Northwest
North America: A Photographic Field Guide. Edmonton, Alberta: Lone Pine
Whitson, T. D., L. C. Burrill, S. A. Dewey, D. W. Cudney, B. E. Nelson, R. D. Lee, and R.
Parker. 2002. Weeds of the West. Ninth edition. Laramie, WY: University of
State Field Guides
Ajilvsgi, G. 2002. Wildflowers of Texas. Fredericksburg, TX: Shearer Publishing.
Allred, K. W. 2005. A Field Guide to the Grasses of New Mexico. Third edition. Las
Cruces, NM: New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station.
Andrews, J. 1986. The Texas Bluebonnet. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Beetle, A. A., and K. L. Johnson. 1982 (repr. 1996). Sagebrush in Wyoming. Bulletin 779.
Laramie, WY: Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Wyoming.
Beetle, A. A., and M. May. 1971. Grasses of Wyoming. Research Journal 39. Laramie, WY:
Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Wyoming.
Bensen, L. D. 1969. The Native Cacti of California. Stanford, CA: Stanford University
Bowers, N., R. Bowers, and S. Tekiela. 2008. Wildflowers of Arizona Field Guide.
Cambridge, MN: Adventure Publications.
Bowers, N., R. Bowers, and S. Tekiela. 2009. Wildflowers of Texas Field Guide.
Cambridge, MN: Adventure Publications.
Carter, J. L. 1997. Trees and Shrubs of New Mexico. Boulder, CO: Mimbres Publishing.
Carter, J. L. 2006. Trees and Shrubs of Colorado. Silver City, NM: Mimbres Publishing.
Carter, J. L. n.d. Gymnosperms of New Mexico. Published by the Author.
Coleman, R. A. 1995. The Wild Orchids of California. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University
Coleman, R. A. 2002. The Wild Orchids of Arizona and New Mexico. Ithaca, NY: Cornell
University Press.
Correll, D. S. 1956. Ferns and Fern Allies of Texas. Renner, TX: Texas Research
Cox, P. E., and P. Leslie. 1988. Texas Trees: A Friendly Guide. San Antonio, TX: Corona
Crampton, B. 1974. Grasses in California. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Dittmer, H. J., E. F. Castetter, and O. M. Clark. 1954. The Ferns and Fern Allies of New
Mexico. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press.
Dorn, R. D. 2001. Vascular Plants of Wyoming. Third edition. Denver, CO: Mountain
West Publishing.
Epple, A. O., and L. E. Epple. 1995. A Field Guide to Plants of Arizona. Guilford, CT:
Globe Pequot Press.
Faber, P. M., and R. R. Holland. 1988. Common Riparian Plants of California: A Field
Guide for the Layman. Mill Valley, CA: Pickleweed Press.
Gaines, X. M., and D. G. Swan. 1972. Weeds of Eastern Washington and Adjacent Areas.
Spokane, WA: Camp-Na-Bor-Lee Associates.
Gehlbach, F. R., L. M. Shields, and J. Crispin. 1965. Vascular Plants of Carlsbad Caverns
National Park, New Mexico, and Adjacent Guadalupe Mountains (New Mexico-
Texas). Carlsbad, NM: Carlsbad Caverns National Park.
Gould, F. W. 1975. The Grasses of Texas. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University
Grillos, S. J. 1966. Ferns and Fern Allies of California. Berkeley, CA: University of
California Press.
Guard, J. B., and J. Christy. 1995. Wetland Plants of Oregon and Washington. Redmond,
WA: Lone Pine Publishing.
Guennel, G. K. 2004–2005. Guide to Colorado Wildflowers. Englewood, CO: Westcliffe
Volume 1: Plains and Foothills. 2004.
Volume 2: Mountains. 2005.
Hallsten, G. P., Q. D. Skinner, and A. A. Beetle. 1987. Grasses of Wyoming. Laramie, WY:
Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Wyoming.
Hatch, S. L., and J. Pluhar. 1993. Texas Range Plants. College Station, TX: Texas A&M
University Press.
Ivey, R. D. 2003. Flowering Plants of New Mexico. Fourth edition. Published by the
Jensen, E. C., and C. R. Ross. 2005. Trees to Know in Oregon. Corvallis, OR: Oregon
State University Extension Service.
Johnston, M. C. 1990. The Vascular Plants of Texas. Austin, TX: Published by the author.
Kuhns, M. R. 1998. Trees of Utah and the Intermountain West: A Guide to Identification
and Use. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press.
Lannner, R. M. 1999. Conifers of California. Los Olives, CA: Cachuma Press.
Larrison, E. J. 1974. Washington Wildflowers, Including 1134 Species of Wildflowers
Most Commonly Found in the State of Washington and Adjacent Areas of
Oregon, Idaho, and British Columbia. Seattle, WA: Seattle Audubon Society.
Lee, R. D. 1999. New Mexico’s Invasive Weeds. Las Cruces, NM: New Mexico State
Liggio, J., and A. O. Liggio. 1999. Wild Orchids of Texas. Austin, TX: University of Texas
Loughmiller, C. L., and L. Loughmiller. 2006. Texas Wildflowers: A Field Guide. Austin,
TX: University of Texas Press.
Lyons, C. P. 1995. Trees, Shrubs and Flowers to Know in Washington and British
Columbia. Edmonton, Alberta: Lone Pine Publishing.
Lyons, C. P. 1999. Trees and Shrubs of Washington. Edmonton, Alberta: Lone Pine
Lyons, C. P. 1999. Wildflowers of Washington. Renton, WA: Lone Pine Publishing.
Mammoser, D., and S. Tekiela. 2007. Wildflowers of Colorado. Cambridge, MN:
Adventure Publications.
Martin, W. C., and C. R. Hutchins. 1984. Spring Wildflowers of New Mexico.
Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press.
Martin, W. C., and C. R. Hutchins. 1986. Summer Wildflowers of New Mexico.
Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press.
Martin, W. C., and C. R. Hutchins. 1988. Fall Wildflowers of New Mexico. Albuquerque,
NM: University of New Mexico Press.
Matsumura, Y. 1955. The True Aquatic Vascular Plants of Colorado. Fort Collins, CO:
Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station.
Mattiza, D. B. 1993. 100 Texas Wildflowers. Tucson, AZ: Southwest Parks and
Monuments Association.
McMinn, H. E. 1939. An Illustrated Manual of California Shrubs. Los Angeles, CA:
University of California Press.
Meinke, R. J. 1982. Threatened and Endangered Vascular Plants of Oregon: An
Illustrated Guide. Portland, OR: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Morefield, J. D., and T. A. Knight. 1992. Endangered, Threatened, and Sensitive
Vascular Plants of Nevada. Reno, NV: U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of
Land Management, Nevada State Office.
Morhardt, S., and E. Morhardt. 2004. California Desert Flowers: An Introduction to
Families, Genera, and Species. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Munz, P. A. 2003. Introduction to Shore Wildflowers of California, Oregon, and
Washington. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Munz, P. A. 2004. Introduction to California Desert Wildflowers. Berkeley, CA:
University of California Press.
Munz, P. A. 2004. Introduction to California Spring Wildflowers. Berkeley, CA:
University of California Press.
New Mexico Native Plant Protection Advisory Committee. 1984. A Handbook of Rare
and Endangered Plants of New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM: University of New
Mexico Press.
Niehaus, T. F. 1998. A Field Guide to Southwestern and Texas Wildflowers. Boston, MA:
Houghton Mifflin.
Nieland, L. J., and W. F. Finley. 2009. Lone Star Wildflowers: A Guide to Texas
Flowering Plants. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University.
Oregon Natural Heritage Program. 1995. Rare, Threatened and Endangered Plants and
Animals of Oregon. Portland, OR: Oregon Natural Heritage Program.
Peck, M. E. 1961. A Manual of the Higher Plants of Oregon. Portland, OR: Binfords and
Perryman, B. L., and Q. D. Skinner. 2007. A Field Guide to Nevada Grasses. Lander, WY:
Indigenous Rangeland Management Press.
Poole, J. M., W. R. Carr, D. M. Price, and J. R. Singhurst. 2008. Rare Plants of Texas: A
Field Guide. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.
Porter, C. L. 1979. Wyoming Trees. Agricultural Extension Service, B-690. Laramie, WY:
University of Wyoming.
Randall, W. R. 1990. Manual of Oregon Trees and Shrubs. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State
University Book Stores.
Rush, T., J. Gamon, Washington Natural Heritage Program, J. Ponzetti, United States of
Bureau Land Management, and Spokane District Ofiice. 2000. Field Guide to
Washington’s Rare Plants. Olympia, WA: Washington State Department of
Natural Resources.
Schulz, E. D. 1928. Texas Wildflowers: A Popular Account of the Common Wild Flowers
of Texas. Chicago, IL: Laidlaw Brothers.
Sept, J. D. 2002. Common Wildflowers of Washington and Oregon. Sechelt, British
Columbia: Calypso Publishing.
Shaw, R. B. 2008. Grasses of Colorado. Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado.
Shaw, R. J. 1995. Utah Wildflowers: A Field Guide to Northern and Central Mountains
and Valleys. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press.
Silveus, W. A. 1933. Texas Grasses: Classification and Description of Grasses. Published
by the author.
Simpson, B. J. 1992. A Field Guide to Texas Trees. Houston, TX: Gulf Publishing.
Stahl, C., and R. McElvaney. 2005. Trees of Texas: An Easy Guide to Leaf Identification.
College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.
States, D., and J. S. States. 2004. Wildflowers of Wyoming. Missoula, MT: Mountain
Press Publishing.
Stewart, J. M. 1993. Colorado Desert Wildflowers: A Guide to Flowering Plants of the
Low Desert, Including the Coachella Valley, Anza-Borrego Desert, and Portions
of Joshua Tree National Monument. Palm Desert, CA: J. Stewart Photography.
Stuart, J. D., and J. O. Sawyer. 2001. Trees and Shrubs of California. Berkeley, CA:
University of California Press.
Tekiela, S. 2007. Trees of Colorado Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2008. Trees of Arizona Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure Publications.
Tekiela, S. 2009. Trees of Texas Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure Publications.
Tull, D., and G. Miller. 2003. A Field Guide to Wildflowers, Trees, and Shrubs of Texas.
Bryan, TX: Lone Star Books.
Turner, B. L. 1959. The Legumes of Texas. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
USDA Forest Service. 1989. Idaho and Wyoming Endangered and Sensitive Plant Field
Guide. Ogden, UT: USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Region.
Washington Natural Heritage Program. 1997. Endangered, Threatened, and Sensitive
Vascular Plants of Washington. Olympia, WA: Washington Natural Heritage
Welsh, S. L., and G. Moore. 1973. Utah Plants. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University
Weniger, D. 1970. Cacti of the Southwest: Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and
Louisiana. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Weniger, D. 1984. Cacti of Texas and Neighboring States: A Field Guide. Austin, TX:
University of Texas Press.
Wills, M. M., and H. S. Irwin. 1961. Roadside Flowers of Texas. Austin, TX: University of
Texas Press.
Local Field Guides
Beidleman, L. H., and E. N. Kozloff. 2003. Plants of the San Francisco Bay Region:
Mendocino to Monterey. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Belzer, T. J. 1984. Roadside Plants of Southern California. Missoula, MT: Mountain
Press Publishing.
Bickford, C. 1979. Vegetation and Flora of the Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve, Monterey
County, CA. Santa Cruz, CA: Environmental Field Program, University of
Blackwell, L. R. 1999. Wildflowers of the Sierra Nevada and the Central Valley.
Edmonton, Alberta: Lone Pine Publishing.
Blackwell, L. R. 2002. Wildflowers of the Eastern Sierra and Adjoining Mojave Desert
and Great Basin. Edmonton, Alberta: Lone Pine Publishing.
Blackwell, L. R. 2005, Great Basin Wildflowers: A Field Guide to Common Wildflowers
of the High Deserts of Nevada, Utah, and Oregon. Guilford, CT: Globe Pequot
Bowers, J. E. 1998. Flowers and Shrubs of the Mojave Desert. Tucson, AZ: Southwest
Parks and Monuments Association.
Buchanan, H. 1992. Wildflowers of Southwestern Utah: A Field Guide to Bryce Canyon,
Cedar Breaks, and Surrounding Plant Communities. Bryce Canyon, UT: Bryce
Canyon Natural History Association; Distributed by Falcon Press Publishing.
Burbridge, J. 1989. Wildflowers of the Southern Interior of British Columbia and
Adjacent Parts of Washington, Idaho, and Montana. Vancouver, BC: University
of British Columbia Press.
Champie, C. 1974. Cacti and Succulents of El Paso. Santa Barbara, CA: Abbey Garden
Coffeen, M. 1993. Central Coast Wildflowers: Monterey, San Luis Obispo and Santa
Barbara Counties of California. San Luis Obispo, CA: EZ Nature.
Collins, B. J. 2000. Key to Coastal and Chaparral Flowering Plants of Southern
California. Third edition. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing.
Dale, N. 2000. Flowering Plants: The Santa Monica Mountains, Coastal and Chaparral
Regions of Southern California. Sacramento, CA: California Native Plant Society.
Dawson, E. Y., and M. S. Foster. 1982. Seashore Plants of California. Berkeley, CA:
University of California Press.
Druehl, L. D. 2001. Pacific Seaweeds: A Guide to Common Seaweeds of the West Coast.
Madeira Park, BC: Harbour.
Evans, D. B. 1998. Cactuses of Big Bend National Park. Austin, TX: University of Texas
Everitt, J. H., D. L. Drawe, and R. I. Lonard. 2002. Trees, Shrubs and Cacti of South
Texas. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press.
Everitt, J. H., R. I. Lonard, and C. R. Little. 2007. Weeds in South Texas and Northern
Mexico: A Guide to Identification. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press.
Faber, P. M., and R. F. Holland. 1982. Common Wetland Plants of Coastal California: A
Field Guide for the Layman. Mill Valley, CA: Pickleweed.
Fagan, D. 1998. Canyon Country Wildflowers: A Field Guide to 190 Wildflowers, Shrubs
and Trees. Helena, MT: Falcon Press Publishing.
Ferris, R. S. 1970. Flowers of Point Reyes National Seashore. Berkeley, CA: University of
California Press.
Ferris, R. S. 1983. Death Valley Wildflowers. Death Valley, CA: Death Valley Natural
History Association.
Griffin, J. R. 1975. Plants of the Highest Santa Lucia and Diablo Range Peaks,
California. USDA Forest Service Research Paper PSW-110. Berkeley, CA: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range
Experiment Station.
Hermann, F. J. 1970. Manual of the Carices of the Rocky Mountains and Colorado
Basin. USDA Forest Service, Agriculture Handbook No. 374. Washington, DC:
U.S. Government Printing Office.
Hermann, F. J. 1975. Manual of the Rushes (Juncus app.) of the Rocky Mountains and
Colorado Basin. General Technical Report RM-18. Fort Collins, CO: USDA Forest
Hoover, R. F. 1970. The Vascular Plants of San Luis Obispo County, California. Berkeley,
CA: University of California Press.
Huisinga, K., L. Makarick, and K. Watters. 2006. River and Desert Plants of the Grand
Canyon. Missoula, MT: Mountain Press Publishing.
Johnson, P. R. 1990. Cacti, Shrubs, and Tress of Anza-Borrego: An Amateur’s Key for
Identifying Desert Plants. Borrego Springs, CA: Anza-Borrego Desert Natural
History Association.
Keator, G. 2002. Introduction to Trees of the San Francisco Bay Region. Berkeley, CA:
University of California Press.
Keator, G., P. Steunenberg, and S. Bazell. 1994. Plants of the East Bay Parks. Niwot, CO:
Mount Diablo Interpretive Association in cooperation with Roberts Rinehart
Kemper, J. 2006. Wildflowers of Southern Oregon. Medford, OR: Outdoor Press.
Knute, A. 2002. Plants of the East Mojave. Cima, CA: Wide Horizons.
Lightner, J. 2006. San Diego County Native Plants. Second edition. San Diego, CA: San
Diego Flora.
Lyon, R., and J. Ruygt. 1996. 100 Napa County Roadside Wildflowers. Napa, CA:
Stonecrest Press.
MacKay, P. 2003. Mojave Desert Wildflowers: A Field Guide to the Wildflowers of the
Mojave Desert, Including the Mojave National Preserve and Joshua Tree
National Park. Guilford, CT: Falcon Press Publishing.
Mahaffey, E. 1990. Wildflowers of the Sea Ranch. Chelsea, MI: Bookcrafters.
Mansfield, D. H. 2000. Flora of Steens Mountain. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University
Martin, R. M. 2000. Cedar Breaks National Monument: Wild Flower Guide. Springdale,
UT: Zion Natural History Association.
Matthews, M. A. 2006. An Illustrated Field Key to the Flowering Plants of Monterey
County and Ferns, Fern Allies, and Conifers. Sacramento, CA: California Native
Plant Society.
McDougall, W. B., and O. E. Sperry. 1951. Plants of the Big Bend National Park.
Washington, DC: National Park Service.
Metcalf, W. 1959. Native Trees of the San Francisco Bay Region. Berkeley, CA:
University of California Press.
Metcalf, W. 1968. Introduced Trees of Central California. Berkeley, CA: University of
California Press.
Mondragon, J., and J. Mondragon. 2003. Seaweeds of the Pacific Coast: Common
Marine Algae from Alaska to Baja California. Monterey, CA: Sea Challengers.
Nakamura, G. M., and J. K. Nelson. 2001. Illustrated Field Guide to Selected Rare Plants
of Northern California. Oakland, CA: University of California, Agriculture and
Natural Resources.
Niles, W. E. 1961. A Winter Key to the Trees and Shrubs of the Chiricahua Mountains
and Adjacent Areas of Southwestern Arizona. Master’s thesis. Las Cruces, NM:
New Mexico State University.
Oswald, V. 1994. Manual of the Vascular Plants of Butte County, California. Sacramento,
CA: California Native Plant Society.
Parks, C. G., E. L. Bull, and T. R. Torgersen. 1997. Field Guide for the Identification of
Snags and Logs in the Interior Columbia River Basin. Portland, OR: U.S. Dept.
of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.
Peterson, P. V. 1996. Native Trees of Southern California. Berkeley, CA: University of
California Press.
Phillips, A. M. 1990. Grand Canyon Wildflowers. Grand Canyon National Park, AZ:
Grand Canyon Natural History Association.
Pikkarainean, G. L. 2002. Visual Guide to Native and Naturalized Coastal County Plants
for Santa Cruz to Mendocino. Mill Valley, CA: Bored Feet Publications.
Powell, M. A. 1994. Grasses of the Trans-Pecos and Adjacent Areas. Austin, TX:
University of Texas Press.
Powell, M. A. 1998. Trees and Shrubs of the Trans-Pecos and Adjacent Areas. Austin,
TX: University of Texas Press.
Raven, P. H. 1966. Native Shrubs of Southern California. Berkeley, CA: University of
Readdie, M. D., M. Ranelletti, and R. M. McCourt. 2005. Common Seaweeds of the Gulf
of California. Monterey, CA: Sea Challengers.
Roberts, N. C. 1989. Baja California Plant Field Guide. La Jolla, CA: Natural History
Sharsmith, H. K. 1965. Spring Wildflowers of the San Francisco Bay Region. Berkeley,
CA: University of California Press.
Spellenberg, R. 2003. Sonoran Desert Wildflowers: A Field Guide to Common Species of
the Sonoran Desert, Inlcuding Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, Saguaro
National Park, Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Ironwood Forest
National Monument, and the Sonoran Portion of Joshua Tree National Park.
Guilford, CT: Falcon Press Publishing.
Stark, M. 1991. A Flower-Watcher’s Guide to Spring-Blooming Wildflowers of the
Antelope Valley. Lancaster, CA: Flowerwatcher Publishing.
Stewart, J. M. 1998. Mojave Desert Wildflowers: A Guide to High Desert Wildflowers of
California, Nevada, and Arizona. Albuquerque, NM: J. Stewart Photography.
Taylor, T. M. C. 1970. Pacific Northwest Ferns and their Allies. Toronto, Canada:
University of Toronto Press.
Underhill, J. E. 1986. Coastal Lowland Wildflowers. Blaine, WA: Hancock House.
United States Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region. 2004. Fremont Flora Field
Guide: Fremont-Winema National Forests. Portland, OR: USDA Forest Service,
Pacific Northwest Region.
Warnock, B. H. 1970. Wildflower of the Big Bend Country, Texas. Alpine, TX: Sul Ross
State University.
Warnock, B. H. 1974. Wildflowers of the Guadalupe Mountains and the Sand Dune
Country, Texas. Alpine, TX: Sul Ross State University.
Warnock, B. H. 1977. Wildflowers of the Davis Mountains and the Marathon Basin,
Texas. Alpine, TX: Sul Ross State University.
West, S. 2000. Northern Chihuahuan Desert Wildflowers: A Field Guide to Wildflowers
and Other Plants of the Desert and its Parklands. Helena, MT: Falcon Press
Yarborough, S. C., and A. M. Powell. 2002. Ferns and Fern Allies of the Trans-Pecos and
Adjacent Areas. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press.
Appendix D: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal
Plain: Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas,
Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida,
Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina,
Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey,
Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky
Regional Floras
Barbour, A, and S. Barbour. 1995. Wild Flora of the Northeast. New York, NY: Penguin
Group USA.
Cronquist, A. 1980. Vascular Flora of the Southeastern United States. Volume 1:
Asteraceae. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
Gleason, H. A., and A. Cronquist. 1991. Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern
United States and Adjacent Canada. Bronx, NY: New York Botanical Garden.
Holmgren, N. H. 1998. Illustrated Companion to Gleason and Cronquist’s Manual. New
York, NY: New York Botanical Garden.
Isley, E. 1990. Vascular Flora of the Southeastern United States. Volume 3, Part 2:
Leguminosae (Fabaceae). Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
Small, J. K. 2004. Manual of the Southeastern Flora: Being Descriptions of the Seed
Plants Growing Naturally in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Eastern Louisiana,
Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Caldwell, NJ:
Blackburn Press.
Weakley, A. S. 2010. Flora of the Southern and Mid-Atlantic States. Chapel Hill, NC:
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
State Floras
Clark, O. M. 1928. The Arborescent Flora of Oklahoma. Laramie, WY: University of
Correll, D. S., and M. C. Johnston. 1970. Manual of Vascular Plants of Texas. Renner,
TX: Texas Research Foundation.
Duncan, W. H., and J. T. Kartesz. 1981. Vascular Flora of Georgia. Athens, GA:
University of Georgia Press.
Gandhi, K. N., and R. D. Thomas. 1989. Asteraceae of Louisiana. Dallas, TX: BRIT Press.
Gattinger, A. 1901. The Flora of Tennessee and a Philosophy of Botany. Nashville, TN:
Gospel Advocate Publishing.
Harvill, A. M. 1970. Spring Flora of Virginia. Parsons, WV: McClain Printing.
Lundell, C. L. 1961–1969. Flora of Texas. Renner, TX: Texas Research Foundation.
Volume 1. 1966.
Volume 2. 1969.
Volume 3. 1961.
Meijer, W. 1971. Tree Flora of Kentucky. Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky.
Meijer, W., and R. Cranfield. 1992. Herbaceous Flora of Kentucky. Lexington, KY:
University of Kentucky.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the
Carolinas. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
Smith, E. B. 1994. Keys to the Flora of Arkansas. Fayetteville, AR: University of Arkansas
Stemen, T. R., and W. S. Meyers. 1929. Spring Flora of Oklahoma, with Key. Oklahoma
City, OK: Harlow Publishing.
Stemen, T. R., and W. S. Meyers. 1937. Oklahoma Flora (illustrated). Oklahoma City,
OK: Harlow Publishing.
Steyermark, J. A. 1940. Spring Flora of Missouri. St. Louis, MO: Missouri Botanical
Steyermark, J. A. 1963. Flora of Missouri. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press
Stones, M., and L. Urbatsch. 1991. Flora of Louisana. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisana State
University Press.
Tatnall, R. R. 1946. Flora of Delaware and the Eastern Shore. Wilmington, DE: Society
of Natural History of Delaware.
Thieret, J. W. 1967. Flora of Louisiana. Lafayette, LA: University of Southwestern
Weakley, A. B. 2002. Flora of the Carolinas and Virginia. Chapel Hill, NC: Published by
the author.
Weakley, A. S. 2010. Flora of the Southern and Mid-Atlantic States. Chapel Hill, NC:
University of North Carolina Herbarium (NCU), North Carolina Botanical
Garden, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (Work in progress on the
Web) (
Wunderlin, R. R., and B. F. Hansen. 2000. Flora of Florida. Volume 1. Phteridophytes
and Gymnosperms. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.
Local Floras
Diggs, G. M., Jr., B. L. Lipscomb, M. D. Reed, and R. J. O’Kennon. 2006. Illustrated
Flora of East Texas. Fort Worth, TX: BRIT Press.
Hitchcock, A. S., and P. C. Standley. 1919. Flora of the District of Columbia and Vicinity.
Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution.
Gunn, C. R., T. M. Pullen, E. A. Stadelbacher, J. M. Chandler, and J. Barnes. 1980.
Vascular Flora of Washington County, Mississippi, and Environs. New Orleans,
LA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Science and Education Administration.
Jones, F. B., E. Jackson, and Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife Foundation. 1977. Flora of
the Texas Coastal Bend. Second edition. Sinton, TX: Welder Wildlife Foundation.
Jones, R. L., and P. S. White. 1981. Vascular Flora of Shiloh National Military Park,
Hardin County, Tennessee. Issue 50, Research/Resource Management Report.
Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Southeast
Regional Office, Natural Science and Research Division.
Long, R. W., and O. Lakela. 1976. A Flora of Tropical Florida: A Manual of the Seed
Plants and Ferns of Southern Peninsular Florida. Miami, FL: Banyan Books.
Mahler, W. F. 1988. Shinners’ Manual of the North Central Texas Flora. Fort Worth, TX:
Botanical Research Institute of Texas.
Reed, C. F. 1986. Flora of the Serpentine Formations in Eastern North America, with
Descriptions of Geomorphology and Mineralogy of the Formations. Baltimore,
MD: Reed Herbarium.
Small, J. K. 1913. Flora of the Florida Keys, Being Descriptions of the Seed-Plants
Growing Naturally on the Islands of the Florida Reef from Virginia Key to Dry
Tortugas. Published by the author.
Stone, W. 2009. Plants of Southern New Jersey. Charleston, SC: BiblioBazaar
Field Guides
Regional Field Guides
Brown, P. M. 2004. Wild Orchids of the Southeastern United States, North of Peninsular
Florida. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.
Clemants, S. E., and C. Gracie. 2006. Wildflowers in the Field and Forest: A Field Guide
to the Northeastern United States. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Core, E. L., and N. P. Ammons. 1958. Woody Plants in Winter: A Manual of Common
Trees and Shrubs in Winter in the Northeastern United States and Southeastern
Canada. Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University Press.
Dean, B. E. 1988. Trees and Shrubs of the Southeast. Third edition. Birmingham, AL:
Birmingham Audubon Society Press.
Dunbar, L. 1989. Ferns of the Coastal Plain. Columbia, SC: University of Carolina Press.
Duncan, W. H. 1975. Woody Vines of the Southeastern United States. Athens, GA:
University of Georgia Press.
Duncan, W. H., and L. E. Foote. 1975. Wildflowers of the Southeastern United States.
Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Duncan, W. H., and M. B. Duncan. 1988. Smithsonian Guide to Seaside Plants of the Gulf
and Atlantic Coasts from Louisiana to Massachusetts, Exclusive of Lower
Peninsular Florida. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press.
Duncan, W. H., and M. B. Duncan. 1988. Trees of the Southeastern United States.
Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Duncan, W. H., and M. B. Duncan. 1999. Wildflowers of the Eastern United States.
Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Godfrey, R. K. and J. W. Wooten. 1979. Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Southeastern
United States: Monocotyledons. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Godfrey, R. K., and J. W. Wooten. 1981. Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Southeastern
United States: Dicotyledons. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Gould, F. W. 1977. Grasses of the Southwestern United States. Tucson, AZ: University of
Arizona Press.
Grimm, W. C. 1983. Illustrated Book of Trees, with Keys for Summer and Winter
Identification. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books.
Grimm, W. C. 1992. Illustrated Book of Wildflowers and Shrubs: The Comprehensive
Field Guide to more than 1,300 Plants of Eastern North America. Harrisburg,
PA: Stackpole Books.
Gupton, O. W., and F. C. Swope. 1986. Wild Orchids of the Middle Atlantic States.
Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press.
Harrar, E. S., and J. G. Harrar. 1962. Guide to Southern Trees. Second edition. New York:
Dover Publications.
Hemmerly, T. E. 1990. Wildflowers of the Central South. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt
University Press.
Kirkman, L. K., C. L. Brown, and D. J. Leopold. 2007. Native Trees of the Southeast.
Portland, OR: Timber Press.
Lance, R. 2004. Woody Plants of the Southeastern United States. Athens, GA: University
of Georgia Press.
Little, E. L. 1980. Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Trees: Eastern
Region. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Miller, H. A., and H. E. Jaques. 1978. How to Know the Trees. Third edition. Dubuque,
IA: W.C. Brown.
Miller, J. H. 2003. Nonnative Invasive Plants of Southern Forests, A Field Guide for
Identification and Control. Gen. Tech Rep. SRS-62. Asheville, NC: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station.
Miller, J. H., and K. V. Miller. 2005. Forest Plants of the Southeast and their Wildlife
Uses. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Niering, W. A., and N. C. Olmstead. 1979. Audubon Society Field Guide to North
American Wildflowers: Eastern Region. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Pennell, F. W. 1935. Scrophulariaceae of Eastern Temperate North America. Monograph
1: 1-650. Philadelphia, PA: Academy of Natural Sciences.
Petrides, G. A. 1998. A Field Guide to Eastern Trees: Eastern United States and Canada,
Including the Midwest. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Pierce, R. J. 1977. Wetland Plants of the Eastern United States. New York: North Atlantic
Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Redington, C. B. 1994. Plants in Wetlands. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing.
Rickett, H. W. 1966-1973. Wild Flowers of the United States. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Volume 2. The Southeastern States.
Volume 3. Texas.
Shaver, J. M. 1954. Ferns of the Eastern Central States with Special Reference to
Tennessee. New York, NY: Dover Publications.
Shreve, F., M. A. Chrysler, F. H. Blodgett, and F. W. Besely. 1910. The Plant Life of
Maryland. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press.
Silberhorn, G. M. 1999. Common Plants of the Mid-Atlantic Coast: A Field Guide.
Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Smith, A. I. 1979. A Guide to Wildflowers of the Mid-South: West Tennessee into Central
Arkansas and South through Alabama and into East Texas. Memphis, TN:
Memphis State University Press.
Smith, R. M. 1998. Wildflowers of the Southern Mountains. Knoxville, TN: University of
Tennessee Press.
Stein, J. D., D. Binion, and R. E. Acciavatti. 2003. Field Guide to Native Oak Species of
Eastern North America. Morgantown, WV: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team.
Tiner, R. W. 1993. Field Guide to Coastal Wetland Plants of the Southeastern United
States. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press.
Tiner, R. W., A. Rorer, and R. H. Wiegand. 1988. Field Guide to Nontidal Wetland
Identification. Annapolis, MD: Maryland Department of Natural Resources;
Newton Corner, MA: Water Resources Administration.
Wherry, E. T. 1978. Southern Fern Guide, Southeastern and South-Midland United
States. Bronx, NY: New York Chapter of the American Fern Society.
Williams, M. D. 2007. Identifying Trees: An All-Season Guide to Eastern North America.
Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books.
State Field Guides
Ajilvsgi, G. 2002. Wildflowers of Texas. Fredericksburg, TX: Shearer Publishing.
Allen, C. M. 1992. Grasses of Louisiana. Eunice, LA: Cajun Prairie Habitat Preservation
Allen, C. M., D. A. Newman, and H. H. Winters. 2002. Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines
of Louisiana. Pitkin, LA: Allen’s Native Ventures.
Andrews, J. 1986. The Texas Bluebonnet. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Aulbach-Smith, C., S. J. De Kozlowski, and L. A. Dyck. 1996. Aquatic and Wetland Plants
of South Carolina. Columbia, SC: South Carolina Department of Natural
Barnes, T. G., and S. W. Francis. 2004. Wildflowers and Ferns of Kentucky. Lexington,
KY: University Press of Kentucky.
Batson, W. T. 1987. Wild Flowers in the Carolinas. Columbia, SC: University of South
Carolina Press.
Beal, E. O. 1977. A Manual of Marsh and Aquatic Vascular Plants of North Carolina
with Habitat Data. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Agricultural Research Service.
Bell, C. R., and B. J. Taylor. 1982. Florida Wildflowers and Roadside Plants. Chapel Hill,
NC: Laurel Hill Press.
Blomquist, H. L. 1948. The Grasses of North Carolina. Durham, NC: Duke University.
Bowers, N., R. Bowers, and S. Tekiela. 2009. Wildflowers of Texas Field Guide.
Cambridge, MN: Adventure Publications.
Brown, C. A. 1965. Louisiana Trees and Shrubs. Baton Rouge, LA: Claitor’s Bookstore,
Publishing Division.
Brown, C. A. 1972. Wildflowers of Louisiana and Adjoining States. Baton Rouge, LA:
Louisiana State University Press.
Brown, C. L., and L. K. Kirkman. 1990. Trees of Georgia and Adjacent States. Portland,
OR: Timber Press.
Brown, M. L., and R. G. Brown. 1984. Herbaceous Plants of Maryland. Baltimore, MD:
Port City Press.
Brown, P. M. 2005. Wild Orchids of Florida, with References to the Atlantic and Gulf
Coastal Plains. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.
Carman, J. B. 2001. Wildflowers of Tennessee. Tullahoma, TN: Highland Rim Press.
Chabreck, R. H., and R. E. Condrey. 1979. Common Vascular Plants of the Louisiana
Marsh. Sea Grant Publication No. LSU-T079-003. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana
State University Center for Wetland Resources.
Chaftin, L. G. 2007. Field Guide to the Rare Plants of Georgia. Athens, GA: University of
Clewell, A. F. 1985. Guide to the Vascular Plants of the Florida Panhandle. Tallahassee,
FL: Florida State University Press.
Cliburn, J., and G. Wallace. 2003. A Key to Missouri Trees in Winter: An Identification
Guide. Jefferson City, MO: Conservation Commission of the State of Missouri.
Correll, D. S. 1956. Ferns and Fern Allies of Texas. Renner, TX: Texas Research
Cox, P. E., and P. Leslie. 1988. Texas Trees: A Friendly Guide. San Antonio, TX: Corona
Cranfill, R. 1980. Ferns and Fern Allies of Kentucky. Scientific and Technical Series No.
1. Frankfort, KY: Kentucky Nature Preserves Commission.
Cutts, W. 2004. Trees of the Bahamas and Florida. Oxford: Macmillian Caribbean.
Davis, D. E., N. D. Davis, and L. J. Samuelson. 1999. Guide and Key to Alabama Trees.
Fifth edition. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing.
Dean, B. E. 1964. Ferns of Alabama and Fern Allies. Northport, AL: American Southern.
Dean, B. E., A. Mason, and J. L. Thomas. 1973. Wildflowers of Alabama and Adjoining
States. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press.
Denison, E. 2001. Missouri Wildflowers: A Field Guide to the Wildflowers of Missouri.
Fifth edition. Jefferson City, MO: Missouri Department of Conservation.
Denison, E., and K. Love. 1989. Missouri Wildflowers: A Field Guide to Wildflowers of
Missouri and Adjacent Areas. Jefferson City, MO: Missouri Department of
Dressler, R. L. 1987. Identification Manual for Wetland Plant Species of Florida, Used by
the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation in Determining the
Landward Extent of Waters of the State. Gainesville, FL: Vascular Plant
Herbarium, Florida State Museum and Institute of Food and Agricultural
Sciences, University of Florida.
Gandhi, K. N., and R. D. Thomas. 1989. Asteraceae of Louisiana. Dallas, TX: Wm. F.
Mahler, SMU Herbarium.
Gould, F. W. 1975. The Grasses of Texas. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University
Gupton, O. W., and F. C. Swope. 1981. Trees and Shrubs of Virginia. Charlottesville, VA:
University Press of Virginia.
Haddock, M. J. 2005. Wildflowers and Grasses of Kansas: A Field Guide. Lawrence, KS:
University Press of Kansas.
Hall, D. W. 1993. Illustrated Plants of Florida and the Coastal Plain. Gainesville, FL:
Maupin House.
Haragan, P. D. 1991. Weeds of Kentucky and Adjacent States: A Field Guide. Lexington,
KY: University Press of Kentucky.
Hatch, S. L., and J. Pluhar. 1993. Texas Range Plants. College Station, TX: Texas A&M
University Press.
Horn, D., and T. Cathcart. 2005. Wildflowers of Tennessee, the Ohio Valley, and the
Southern Appalachians: The Official Field Guide of the Tennessee Native Plant
Society. Edmonton, Alberta: Lone Pine Publishing.
Hough, M. Y. 1983. New Jersey Wild Plants. Harmony, NJ: Harmony Press.
Hunter, C. G. 1992. Wildflowers of Arkansas. Sixth edition. Little Rock, AR: Ozark
Society Foundation.
Hunter, C. G. 1995. Autumn Leaves and Winter Berries in Arkansas. Little Rock, AR:
Ozark Society Foundation.
Hunter, C. G. 1995. Trees, Shrubs and Vines of Arkansas. Little Rock, AR: Ozark Society
Johnston, M. C. 1990. The Vascular Plants of Texas. Austin, TX: Published by the author.
Justice, W. S., C. R. Bell, and A. H. Lindsey. 2005. Wild Flowers of North Carolina.
Second edition. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
Kucera, C. L. 1998. The Grasses of Missouri. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press.
Kurz, D. 1997. Shrubs and Woody Vines of Missouri: Descriptions, Detailed Illustrations
and Uses in Landscaping. Jefferson City, MO: Missouri Department of
Kurz, D. R., and P. L. Nelson. 2003. Trees of Missouri. Jefferson City, MO: Missouri
Department of Conservation.
Liggio, J., and A. O. Liggio. 1999. Wild Orchids of Texas. Austin, TX: University of Texas
Loughmiller, C. L., and L. Loughmiller. 2006. Texas Wildflowers: A Field Guide. Austin,
TX: University of Texas Press.
Luer, C. A. 1972. The Native Orchids of Florida. Bronx, NY: New York Botanical Garden.
Mattiza, D. B. 1993. 100 Texas Wildflowers. Tucson, AZ: Southwest Parks and
Monuments Association.
Montgomery, J. D., and D. E. Fairbrothers. 1992. New Jeresy Ferns and Fern-Allies.
Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Moore, D. M. 1981. Trees of Arkansas. Third edition. Little Rock, AR: Arkansas Forestry
Nelson, G. 1994. The Trees of Florida: A Reference and Field Guide. Sarasota, FL:
Pineapple Press.
Nelson, G. 1996. The Shrubs and Woody Vines of Florida: A Reference and Field Guide.
Sarasota, FL: Pineapple Press.
Nelson, G. 2000. The Ferns of Florida: A Reference and Field Guide. Sarasota, FL:
Pineapple Press.
Niehaus, T. F. 1998. A Field Guide to Southwestern and Texas Wildflowers. Boston, MA:
Houghton Mifflin.
Nieland, L. J., and W. F. Finley. 2009. Lone Star Wildflowers: A Guide to Texas
Flowering Plants. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University.
Nixon, E. S., and B. L. Cunningham. 1985. Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines of East
Texas. Nacogdoches, TX: B.L. Cunningham Productions.
Poole, J. M., W. R. Carr, D. M. Price, and J. R. Singhurst. 2008. Rare Plants of Texas: A
Field Guide. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.
Porcher, R. D., and D. A. Rayner. 2001. A Guide to the Wildflowers of South Carolina.
Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press.
Reed, C. F. 1953. The Ferns and Fern-Allies of Maryland and Delaware including
District of Columbia. Baltimore, MD: Reed Herbarium.
Schulz, E. D. 1928. Texas Wildflowers: A Popular Account of the Common Wild Flowers
of Texas. Chicago, IL: Laidlaw Brothers.
Shaver, J. M. 1954. Ferns of Tennessee. Nashville, TN: Bureau of Publication, George
Peabody College for Teachers.
Silveus, W. A. 1933. Texas Grasses: Classification and Description of Grasses. Published
by the author.
Simpson, B. J. 1992. A Field Guide to Texas Trees. Houston, TX: Gulf Publishing.
Snyder, L. H., Jr., and J. G. Bruce. 1986. Field Guide to the Ferns and Other
Pteridophytes of Georgia. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Stahl, C., and R. McElvaney. 2005. Trees of Texas: An Easy Guide to Leaf Identification.
College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.
Summers, B. 1996. Missouri Orchids. Third edition. Jefferson City, MO: Missouri
Department of Conservation.
Taber, W. S. 1960. Delaware Trees. Dover, DE: Delaware State Forestry Department.
Tarver, D. P., J. A. Rodgers, M. J. Mahler, and R. L. Lazor. 1979. Aquatic and Wetland
Plants of Florida. Tallahassee, FL: Bureau of Aquatic Plant Research and Control,
Florida Department of Natural Resources.
Taylor, W. C. 1984. Arkansas Ferns and Fern Allies. Milwaukee, WI: Milwaukee Public
Taylor, W. K. 1992. The Guide to Florida Wildflowers. Dallas, TX: Taylor Trade
Tekiela, S. 2006. Trees of Missouri: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2007. Wildflowers of the Carolinas Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2008. Trees of the Carolinas Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2009. Trees of Texas Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure Publications.
Thieret, J. W. 1980. Louisiana Ferns and Fern Allies. Lafayette, LA: Lafayette Natural
History Museum Assoc. in conjunction with the University of Southwestern
Timme, S. L. 1989. Wildflowers of Mississippi. Jackson, MS: University Press of
Tucker, A. O., N. H. Dill, C. R. Broome, C. E. Phillips, and M. J. Maciarello. 1979. Rare
and Endangered Vascular Plant Species in Delaware. Newton Corner, MA:
Society of Natural History of Delaware in Cooperation with the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service.
Tull, D., and G. Miller. 2003. A Field Guide to Wildflowers, Trees, and Shrubs of Texas.
Bryan, TX: Lone Star Books.
Turner, B. L. 1959. The Legumes of Texas. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Weniger, D. 1970. Cacti of the Southwest: Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and
Louisiana. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Weniger, D. 1984. Cacti of Texas and Neighboring States: A Field Guide. Austin, TX:
University of Texas Press.
Wharton, M. E., and R. W. Barbour. 1971. A Guide to the Wildflowers and Ferns of
Kentucky. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky.
Wharton, M. E., and R. W. Barbour. 1994. Trees and Shrubs of Kentucky. Second edition.
Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky.
Wilbur, R. L. The Leguminous Plants of North Carolina. 1963. Raleigh, NC: North
Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station.
Wills, M. M., and H. S. Irwin. 1961. Roadside Flowers of Texas. Austin, TX: University of
Texas Press.
Wofford, B. E., and E. W. Chester. 2002. Guide to the Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines of
Tennessee. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press.
Wunderlin, R. P. 1998. Guide to the Vascular Plants of Florida. Gainesville, FL:
University Press of Florida.
Local Field Guides
Ajilvsgi, G. 1979. Wild Flowers of the Big Thicket, East Texas, and Western Louisiana.
College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.
Boyd, H. P. 2001. Wildflowers of the Pine Barrens of New Jeresy. Medord, NJ: Plexus
Brown, P. M. 2007. Wild Orchids of the Northeast New England, New York,
Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.
Choukas-Bradley, M. 1987. City of Trees: The Complete Field Guide to the Trees of
Washington, D.C. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Duncan, W. H. 1982. Vegetation of Sapelo Island. Athens, GA: University of Georgia
Eleuterius, L. N. 1980. An Illustrated Guide to Tidal Marsh Plants of Mississippi and
Adjacent States. Publication Number MAGP-77-039. Ocean Springs, MS:
Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium.
Everitt, J. H., D. L. Drawe, and R. I. Lonard. 2002. Trees, Shrubs and Cacti of South
Texas. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press.
Everitt, J. H., R. I. Lonard, and C. R. Little. 2007. Weeds in South Texas and Northern
Mexico: A Guide to Identification. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press.
Geller, M. D. 2002. A Key to the Woody Plants of the New Jersey Pine Barrens. New
Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Godfrey, R. K. 1988. Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines of Northern Florida, and Adjacent
Georgia and Alabama. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Gould, F. W., and T. W. Box. 1965. Grasses of the Texas Coastal Bend. College Station,
TX: Texas A&M University Press.
Gupton, O. W., and F. C. Swope. 1982. Wildflowers of Tidewater Virginia.
Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia.
Hammer, R. L. 2002. Everglades Wildflowers: A Field Guide to Wildflowers of the
Historic Everglades, Including Big Cypress, Corkscrew, and Fakahatchee
Swamps. Guildford, CT: Globe Pequot Press.
Hammer, R. L. 2004. Florida Keys Wildflowers: A Field Guide to Wildflowers, Including
Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines of the Florida Keys. Guilford, CT: Globe Pequot
Hanlon, R., and G. Voss. 1975. Guide to the Sea Grasses of Florida, the Gulf of Mexico
and the Caribbean Region. Miami, FL: University of Miami Sea Grant Program.
Hanlon, R., F. Bayer, and G. Voss. 1975. Guide to the Mangroves, Buttonwood, and
Poisonous Shoreline Trees of Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean
Region. Miami, FL: University of Miami Sea Grant Program.
Hatch, S. L., and L. D. Drawe. 1993. Woody Plants of the Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife
Refuge. Sinton, TX: Welder Wildlife Foundation.
Hatch, S. L., J. L. Schuster, and D. L. Drawe. 1999. Grasses of the Texas Gulf Prairies and
Marshes. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.
Henderson, A., G. Galeano, and R. Bernal. 1995. Field Guide to the Palms of the
Americas. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Kraus, E. J. W. 1998. A Guide to Ocean Dune Plants Common to North Carolina. Chapel
Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
Lazarine, P. 1981. Common Wetland Plants of Southeast Texas. Galveston, TX: U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers.
Lehman, R. L., R. O’Brien, and T. White. 2005. Plants of the Texas Coastal Bend. College
Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.
Lonard, R. I. 1993. Guide to Grasses of the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas. Edinburg,
TX: University of Texas-Pan American Press.
Lonard, R. I., and F. W. Judd. 1981. The Terrestrial Flora of South Padre Island, Texas.
Austin, TX: Texas Memorial Museum, University of Texas at Austin.
Lonard, R. I., J. H. Everitt, and F. W. Judd. 1991. Woody Plants of the Lower Rio Grande
Valley, Texas. Austin, TX: Texas Memorial Museum, University of Texas at
Martin, E. M. 1984. A Beginner’s Guide to Wildflowers of the C&O Towpath.
Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press.
McAlister, W. H., and M. K. McAlister. 1987. Guidebook to the Aransas National Wildlife
Refuge. Victoria, TX: Mince Country Press.
McAlister, W. H., and M. K. McAlister. 1993. Matagorda Island, A Naturalist’s Guide.
Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Murdy, W. H., and M. E. B. Carter. 2000. Guide to the Plants of Granite Outcrops.
Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Nellis, D. W. 1994. Seashore Plants of South Florida and the Caribbean: A Guide to
Identification and Propagation of Xeriscape Plants. Sarasota, FL: Pineapple
Porcher, R. D. 1995. Wildflowers of the Carolina Lowcountry and Lower Pee Dee.
Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press.
Richardson, A. 1990. Plants of the Southmost Texas. Brownsville, TX: Gorgas Science
Richardson, A. 1995. Plants of the Rio Grande Delta. Austin, TX: University of Texas
Richardson, A. 2002. Wildflowers and Other Plants of Texas Beaches and Islands.
Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Scurlock, J. P. 1996. Native Trees and Shrubs of the Florida Keys: A Field Guide. Third
edition. Pittsburg, PA: Laurel and Herbert.
Stutzenbaker, C. D. 1999. Aquatic and Wetland Plants of the Western Gulf Coast. Austin,
TX: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
Taylor, R. B., J. Rutledge, and J. G. Herrera. 1997. A Field Guide to Common South Texas
Shrubs. Austin, TX: Texas Parks and Wildlife, Wildlife Division.
Timme, S. L., and C. C. K. Timme. 2000. Wildflowers of the Natchez Trace. Jackson, MS:
University Press of Mississippi.
Tveten, J. L., and G. Tveten. 1997. Wild Flowers of Houston and Southeast Texas. Austin,
TX: University of Texas Press.
Vines, R. A. 1977. Trees of East Texas. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Whitehouse, E. 1962. Common Fall Wildflowers of the Coastal Bend of Texas. Sinton,
TX: Rob and Bessie Welder Roundation.
Appendix E: Caribbean Islands: Anguilla,
Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Barbados,
Bermuda, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands,
Cayman Islands, Cuba, Curacao, Dominica,
Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe,
Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Puerto Rico, Saba,
St. Barts, St. Eustatius, St. Kitts and Nevis, St.
Lucia, St. Maarten, St. Martin, St. Vincent and
The Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks
and Caicos, U.S. Virgin Islands
Regional Floras
Adams, C. D. 1976. Caribbean Flora. London: Nelson Caribbean.
Island Floras
Ackerman, J. D. 1995. An Orchid Flora of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Bronx, NY:
New York Botanical Garden.
Adams, C. D. 1972. Flowering Plants of Jamaica. Mona, Jamaica: University of the West
Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. 1996. Flora of St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands. Bronx, NY: New York
Botanical Garden.
Acevedo-Rodriguez, P., and M. T. Strong. 2005. Monocotyledons and Gymnosperms of
Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Washington, DC: U.S. National Herbarium,
Smithsonian Institution.
Correll, D. S., and H. B. Correll. 1982. Flora of the Bahamas Archipelago. St Louis, MO:
Missouri Botanical Garden.
Fawcett, W., and A. B. Rendle. 2001. Flora of Jamaica Containing Descriptions of the
Flowering Plants Known from the Island. Volume 1. Orchids. Chestnut Hill, MA:
Adamant Media Corporation.
Fournet, J. 1978. Flore Illustree des Phanerogames de Guadeloupe et de Martinique.
Paris, France: Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique.
Gooding, E. G. G., A. R. Loveless, and G. R. Proctor. 1965. Flora of Barbados. London,
England: H.M. Stationary Office.
Hodge, W. H. 1991. Flora of Dominica, B.W.I. Part 1. Cincinnati, OH: Lloyd Library and
Howard, R. 1974-1989. Flora of the Lesser Antilles; Leeward and Windward Islands.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.
Leon, H., and H. Alain. 1946–1957. Flora de Cuba. Koenigstein: Otto Koeltz Science
Volume 1: Gimmnospermas-Monocotiledoneas. 1946.
Volume 2: Dicotiledoneas: Casuarinaceas a Meliaceas. 1951.
Volume 3: Dicotiledoneas: Malphighiaceae a Myrtaceae. 1953.
Volume 4: Dicotiledoneas: Melastomataceae a Plantaginaceae. 1957.
Liogier, A. H. 1994–1997. Descriptive Flora of Puerto Rico and Adjacent Islands:
Spermatophyta. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto
Volume 1. Casuarinaceae to Connaraceae. 1995.
Volume 2. Leguminoseae to Anacardiaceae. 1997.
Volume 3. Cyrillaceae to Myrtaceae. 1994.
Volume 4. Melastomataceae to Lentibulariaceae. 1995.
Volume 5. Acanthaceae to Compositae. 1997.
Liogier, A. H., and L. F. Martorell. 2000. Flora of Puerto Rico and Adjacent Islands: A
Systematic Synopsis. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Editorial de la Universidad de
Puerto Rico.
Mas, E., and O. Garcia-Molinari. 2006. Guía Ilustrada de Yerbas Comunes en Puerto
Rico. Univ. de PR. Servicio de Extensión Agrícola y USDA Servicio de
Conservación de Recursos Naturales.
Nicoloson, D. H. 1991. Flora of Dominica. Part 2. Dicotyledoneae. Washington, DC:
Smithsonian Institution Press.
Proctor, G. R. 1982. Additions to the Flora of Jamaica. Kingston, Jamaica: Institute of
Proctor, G. R. 1984. Flora of the Cayman Islands. London, England: H.M. Stationary
Schiffino, J. 2001. Riqueza Forestal Dominicana. Trujillo, Dominican Republic:
Woodbury, R. O., and E. L. Little, Jr. 1976. Flora of Buck Island Reef National
Monument (U.S. Virgin Islands). Forest Service Research Paper ITF-19. Rio
Piedras, Puerto Rico: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.
Field Guides
Regional Field Guides
Carrington, S. 1998. Wild Plants of the Eastern Caribbean. Oxford, England: Macmillan
Hanlon, R., and G. Voss. 1975. Guide to the Sea Grasses of Florida, the Gulf of Mexico
and the Caribbean Region. Miami, FL: University of Miami Sea Grant Program.
Hanlon, R., F. Bayer, and G. Voss. 1975. Guide to the Mangroves, Buttonwood, and
Poisonous Shoreline Trees of Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean
Region. Miami, FL: University of Miami Sea Grant Program.
Henderson, A., G. Galeano, and R. Bernal. 1995. Field Guide to the Palms of the
Americas. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Honeychurch, P. N. 1986. Caribbean Wild Plants and Their Uses. London, England:
MacMillian Publishers.
Hunt, D., N. Taylor, and G. Charles. 2006. The New Cactus Lexicon. Milborne Port, UK:
DH Books.
Keller, R. 2004. Identification of Tropical Woody Plants in the Absence of Flowers and
Fruits: A Field Guide. Second edition. Boston, MA: Birkhauser.
Kenny, J. S. 1988. Native Orchids of the Eastern Caribbean. Oxford, England: Macmillan
Lennox, G. W., and S. A. Seddon. 1978. Flowers of the Caribbean. Oxford, England:
Macmillan Caribbean.
Magras, M. 1989. Fleurs des Antilles: Caribbean Flowers. Saint-Barthelemy: Editions du
Nellis, D. W. 1994. Seashore Plants of South Florida and the Caribbean: A Guide to
Identification and Propagation of Xeriscape Plants. Sarasota, FL: Pineapple
Physical Education, Dance, Recreation, and Health (8
: 1986: Glasqow, Scotland)
Commonwealth and International Conference on Sport. 2001. Guide to Identify
Common Wetlands Plants in the Caribbean Area: Puerto Rico and the U.S.
Virgin Islands. San Juan, PR: University of Puerto Rico Press.
Seddon, S. A., and G. W. Lennox. 1980. Trees of the Caribbean. London: Macmillan
Island Field Guides
Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. 2005. Vines and Climbing Plants of Puerto Rico and the Virgin
Islands. Washington, DC: U.S. National Herbarium.
Acevedo-Rodríguez, P., and R. O. Woodbury. 1985. Los Bejucos de Puerto Rico. Volume 1.
The Vines of Puerto Rico, A Field Guide. New Orleans, LA: USDA, Forest Service
Station, Southern Forest Experimental Station.
Ackerman, J. D., and M. J. Castillo. 1994. The Orchids of Puerto Rico and the Virgin
Islands. San Juan, PR: University of Puerto Rico Press.
Ashton, P. M. 1989. A Field Guide to the Common Trees and Large Shrubs of Puerto
Rico. Second edition. New Haven, CT: Tropical Resources Institute.
Bisse, J. 1988. Árboles de Cuba. Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba: Editorial Científico-Técnica.
Burton, F., and P. Clifford. 2007. Wild Trees in the Cayman Islands. Grand Cayman,
Cayman Islands: National Trust for Cayman Islands (Aardvark Global
Carrington, S. 2007. Wild Plants of Barbados. Oxford, England: Macmillan Publishers.
Cutts, W. 2004. Trees of the Bahamas and Florida. Oxford, England: Macmillan
Duke, J. A. 1965. Keys for the identification of some prominent woody species in eight
forest types in Puerto Rico. Annuals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 52 (3):
Fournet, J. 1976. Fluers et Plantes des Antilles. Paris, France: Les Editions du Pacifique.
Gibney, E. 2004. A Field Guide to Native Trees and Plants of East End St. John, U.S.
Virgin Islands. U.S. Virgin Islands: Centre for the Environment.
Gloudon, A., and C. Tobisch. 1995. Orchids of Jamaica. Kingston, Jamaica: University
Press of the West Indies.
Gooding, E. G. B. 1973. Wayside Trees and Shrubs of Barbados. London: Macmillan
Hawkes, A. D. 1974. Wild Flowers of Jamaica. London, England: Collins Sangster.
Holdridge, L. R. 1942. Trees of Puerto Rico. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of
Light, M. H. S. 1976. Non-flowering Plants of the Barbados. Bridgetown, Barbados:
Ministry of Education.
Liogier, A. H. 1978. Arboles Dominicanos. Santa Domingo, Domincan Republic:
Academia de Ciencias de la Republica Dominicana.
Little, E. L., R. O. Woodbury, and F. H. Wadsworth. 1974. Trees of Puerto Rico and the
Virgin Islands. Volume 2. Agricultural Handbook No. 449. Washington, DC: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.
Patterson, J. 2002. Native Trees of the Bahamas. Nassau, Bahamas: Bahamas National
Poupon, J., and G. Chauvin. 1983. Les Arbres de la Martinique. Martinique: Office
National des Forets, Direction Regionale pour la Martinique
Proctor, G. R. 1985. Ferns of Jamaica. London, England: British Museum of Natural
Proctor, G. R. 1989. Ferns of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Bronx, NY: New York
Botanical Garden Press.
Storer, D. P. 1958. Familiar Trees and Cultivated Plants of Jamaica: A Traveller’s Guide
to Some of the Common Trees, Shrubs, Vines, and Crop Plants. New York: St.
Martin’s Press.
Thomas, T. 1997. Traditional Medicinal Plants of St. Croix, St. Thomas and St. John. St
Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands: University of the Virgin Islands.
Walker, M. M., O. Hodge, F. Homer, and W. Johnson. 2005. A Guide to Common Plants
of Anguilla. Anguilla: The Anguilla National Trust and Biodiversity Conservation.
Warner, M. F. 2004. Flowers of Jamaica. Oxford, England: Macmillan Publishers.
Wood, K. M. 20003. Flowers of the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Oxford,
England: Macmillan Publishers.
Local Field Guides
Iremonger, S. 2002. A Guide to Plants in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. Kingston,
Jamaica: University of the West Indies.
Kass, L. B. 2005. An Illustrated Guide to the Common Plants of San Salvador Island,
Bahamas. San Salvador, Bahamas: Gerace Research Center.
Kepler, A. K. 1975. Common Ferns of Luquillo Forest, Puerto Rico. San Juan, PR: Inter
American University Press.
Appendix F: Eastern Mountains and
Piedmont: Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri,
Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee,
Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North
Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland,
Pennsylvania, New Jersey
Regional Floras
Barbour, A., and S. Barbour. 1995. Wild Flora of the Northeast. New York, NY: Penguin
Group USA.
Cronquist, A. 1980. Vascular Flora of the Southeastern United States. Volume 1.
Asteraceae. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
Gleason, H. A., and A. Cronquist. 1991. Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern
United States and Adjacent Canada. Bronx, NY: New York Botanical Garden.
Holmgren, N. H. 1998. Illustrated Companion to Gleason and Cronquist’s Manual. New
York, NY: New York Botanical Garden.
Isley, E. 1990. Vascular Flora of the Southeastern United States. Volume 3, Part 2.
Leguminosae (Fabaceae). Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
Magee, D. W., and H. Ahles. 1999. Flora of the Northeast: a Manual of the Vascular
Flora of New England and Adjacent New York. Amherst, MA: University of
Massachusetts Amherst.
Small, J. K. 2004. Manual of the Southeastern Flora, Being Descriptions of the Seed
Plants Growing Naturally in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Eastern Louisiana,
Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Caldwell, NJ:
Blackburn Press.
Weakley, A. S., 2010. Flora of the Southern and Mid-Atlantic States. Chapel Hill, NC:
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
State Floras
Braun, E. L. 1967. The Vascular Flora of Ohio: The Monocotyledoneae. Columbus, OH:
Ohio State University Press.
Braun, E. L. 1969. The Woody Plants of Ohio: Trees, Shrubs and Woody Climbers,
Native, Naturalized, and Escaped, A Contribution Toward the Vascular Flora of
Ohio. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press.
Clark, O. M. 1928. The Arborescent Flora of Oklahoma. Laramie, WY: University of
Deam, C. C. 2002. Flora of Indiana. Caldwell, NJ: Blackburn Press.
Duncan, W. H., and J. T. Kartesz. 1981. Vascular Flora of Georgia. Athens, GA:
University of Georgia Press.
Fisher, T. R. 1988. The Dicotyledoneae of Ohio, Part 3: Asteraceae. Columbus, OH: Ohio
State University Press.
Gattinger, A. 1901. The Flora of Tennessee and a Philosophy of Botany. Nashville, TN:
Gospel Advocate Publishing.
Harvill, A. M. 1970. Spring Flora of Virginia. Parsons, WV: McClain Printing.
Jones, G. N. 1971. Flora of Illinois, Containing Keys for Identification of the Flowering
Plants and Ferns. Third edition. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame
Meijer, W. 1971. Tree Flora of Kentucky. Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky.
Meijer, W., and R. Cranfield. 1992. Herbaceous Flora of Kentucky. Lexington, KY:
University of Kentucky.
Mohlenbrock, R. H. 1999–2006. The Illustrated Flora of Illinois. Carbondale, IL:
Southern Illinois University Press.
Ferns. 1999.
Flowering Plants: Polkweeds, Four O’clocks, Carpetweeds, Cacti, Purslanes,
Goosefoots, Pigweeds, and Pinks. 2001.
Flowering Plants: Rush to Rushes. 2006.
Flowering Plants: Smartweeds to Hazelnuts. 2002.
Grasses: Panicum to Danthonia. 2001.
Grasses: Bromus to Paspalum. 2002.
Sedges: Carex. 1999.
Sedges: Cyperus to Scleria. 2001.
Mohlenbrock, R. H. 2002. Vascular Flora of Illinois. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois
University Press.
Ohio State University of Science and Ohio Flora Committee. 1967. The Vascular Flora of
Ohio. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press.
Porter, T. C. 1903. Flora of Pennsylvania. Boston, MA: Ginn.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the
Carolinas. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
Reed, C. F. 1986. Flora of the Serpentine Formations in Eastern North America, with
Descriptions of Geomorphology and Mineralogy of the Formations. Baltimore,
MD: Reed Herbarium.
Rhoads, A. F., and T. A. Block. 2007. The Plants of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, PA:
University of Pennsylvania Press.
Schaffner, J. H. 1993. Field Manual of the Flora of Ohio and Adjacent Territory.
Columbus, OH: R.G. Adams.
Smith, E. B. 1994. Keys to the Flora of Arkansas. Fayetteville, AR: University of Arkansas
Stemen, T. R., and W. S. Meyers. 1929. Spring Flora of Oklahoma, with Key. Oklahoma
City, OK: Harlow Publishing.
Stemen, T. R., and W. S. Meyers. 1937. Oklahoma Flora (Illustrated). Oklahoma City,
OK: Harlow Publishing.
Steyermark, J. A. 1940. Spring Flora of Missouri. St. Louis, MO: Missouri Botanical
Steyermark, J. A. 1963. Flora of Missouri. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press.
Strausbaugh, P. D., and E. L. Core. 1978. The Flora of West Virginia. Second edition.
Grantsville, WV: Seneca Books.
Waterfall, U. T. 1969. Keys to the Flora of Oklahoma. Stillwater, OK: Department of
Botany, Oklahoma State University.
Weakley, A. B. 2002. Flora of the Carolinas and Virginia. Chapel Hill, NC: Published by
the author.
Weakley, A. S. 2010. Flora of the Southern and Mid-Atlantic States. Chapel Hill, NC:
University of North Carolina Herbarium (NCU), North Carolina Botanical
Garden, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (Work in progress on the
Web) (
Local Floras
Coxe, R. B., S. L. Stephenson, D. M. Madarish, and G. W. Miller. 2006. Vascular Flora of
the Fernow Experimental Forest and Adjacent Portions of the Otter Creek
Wilderness Area. General Technical Report NE-344. Newtown Square, PA: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.
Faircloth, W. R. 1971. The Vascular Flora of Central South Georgia. Athens, GA:
University of Georgia.
Goodman, G. J. 1958. Spring Flora of Central Oklahoma. Norman, OK: University of
Oklahoma Duplicating Service.
Gunn, S. C. 1985. Flora of Alabama River Bluffs in the Back Belt. Auburn, AL: Auburn
Reed, C. F. 1986. Flora of the Serpentine Formations in Eastern North America, with
Descriptions of Geomorphology and Mineralogy of the Formations. Baltimore,
MD: Reed Herbarium.
Stone, W. 2009. The Plants of Southern New Jersey. Charleston, SC: BiblioBazaar.
Thorne, R. F. 1949. The Flora of Southwestern Georgia. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
Yatskievych, G. 1999–2006. Steyermark’s Flora of Missouri. St. Louis, MO: Missouri
Department of Conservation, in cooperation with the Missouri Botanical Garden
Volume 1. 1999.
Volume 2. 2006.
Field Guides
Regional Field Guides
Brown, H. P. 1938. Trees of the Northeastern United States, Native and Naturalized.
Revised edition. Boston, MA: Christopher Publishing House.
Brown, L. 1976. Wildflowers and Winter Weeds. New York: W.W. Norton.
Brown, L. 1992. Grasses: An Identification Guide. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin
Brown, P. M. 1997. Wild Orchids of the Northeastern United States: A Field and Study
Guide to the Orchids Growing Wild in New England, New York, and Adjacent
Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Ithaca, NY: Comstock Publishing.
Brown, P. M. 2004. Wild Orchids of the Southeastern United States, North of Peninsular
Florida. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.
Clemants, S. E., and C. Gracie. 2006. Wildflowers in the Field and Forest: A Field Guide
to the Northeastern United States. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Cobb, B., E. Farnsworth, and C. Lowe. 2005. A Field Guide to Ferns and their Related
Families: Northeastern and Central North America. Second edition. New York,
NY: Houghton Mifflin.
Core, E. L., and N. P. Ammons. 1958. Woody Plants in Winter: A Manual of Common
Trees and Shrubs in Winter in the Northeastern United States and Southeastern
Canada. Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University Press.
Dean, B. E. 1988. Trees and Shrubs of the Southeast. Third edition. Birmingham, AL:
Birmingham Audubon Society Press.
Duncan, W. H. 1975. Woody Vines of the Southeastern United States. Athens, GA:
University of Georgia Press.
Duncan, W. H., and M. B. Duncan. 1988. Trees of the Southeastern United States.
Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Duncan, W. H., and M. B. Duncan. 1999. Wildflowers of the Eastern United States.
Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Duncan, W. H., and L. E. Foote. 1975. Wildflowers of the Southeastern United States.
Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Fernald, M. L., and A. Gray. 1970. Manual of Botany: A Handbook of the Flowering
Plants and Ferns of the Central and Northeastern United States and Adjacent
Canada. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Godfrey, M. A. 1997. Field Guide to the Piedmont, The Natural Habitats of America’s
Most Lived-In Region, From New York City to Montgomery, Alabama. Chapil
Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
Godfrey, R. K., and J. W. Wooten. 1979. Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Southeastern
United States: Monocotyledons. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Godfrey, R. K., and J. W. Wooten. 1981. Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Southeastern
United States: Dicotyledons. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Grimm, W. C. 1983. The Illustrated Book of Trees, with Keys for Summer and Winter
Identification. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books.
Grimm, W. C. 1992. The Illustrated Book of Wildflowers and Shrubs: The
Comprehensive Field Guide to More than 1,300 Plants of Eastern North
America. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books.
Gupton, O. W., and F. C. Swope. 1986. Wild Orchids of the Middle Atlantic States.
Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press.
Harrar, E. S., and J. G. Harrar. 1962. Guide to Southern Trees. Second edition. New York:
Dover Publications.
Hemmerly, T. E. 1990. Wildflowers of the Central South. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt
University Press.
Kirkman, L. K., C. L. Brown, and D. J. Leopold. 2007. Native Trees of the Southeast.
Portland, OR: Timber Press.
Lance, R. 2004. Woody Plants of the Southeastern United States. Athens, GA: University
of Georgia Press.
Leopold, D. J., W. C. McComb, and R. N. Muller. 1998. Trees of the Central Hardwood
Forests of North America: An Identification and Cultivation Guide. Portland,
OR: Timber Press.
Little, E. L. 1980. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Trees: Eastern
Region. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Miller, H. A., and H. E. Jaques. 1978. How to Know the Trees. Third edition. Dubuque,
IA: W.C. Brown.
Miller, J. H. 2003. Nonnative Invasive Plants of Southern Forests, A Field Guide for
Identification and Control. General Technical Report SRS-62. Asheville, NC: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station.
Miller, J. H., and K. V. Miller. 2005. Forest Plants of the Southeast and their Wildlife
Uses. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Newcomb, L. 1977. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide: An Ingenious New Key System for
Quick, Positive Field Identification of the Wildflowers, Flowering Shrubs and
Vines of Northeastern and North Central North America. Boston, MA: Little,
Niering, W. A., and N. C. Olmstead. 1979. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North
American Wildflowers: Eastern Region. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Pennell, F. W. 1935. The Scrophulariaceae of Eastern Temperate North America.
Monograph 1: 1-650. Philadelphia, PA: Academy of Natural Sciences.
Peterson, R. T., and M. McKenny. 1968. A Field Guide to Wildflowers of
Northeastern/Northcentral North America. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Petrides, G. A. 1972. A Field Guide to Trees and Shrubs: Field Marks of all Trees, Shrubs,
and Woody Vines that Grow Wild in the Northeastern and Northcentral United
States and in Southeastern and South-Central Canada. Second edition. Boston,
MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Petrides, G. A. 1998. A Field Guide to Eastern Trees: Eastern United States and Canada,
Including the Midwest. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Pierce, R. J. 1977. Wetland Plants of the Eastern United States. New York: North Atlantic
Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Redington, C. B. 1994. Plants in Wetlands. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing.
Rickett, H. W. 1966-1973. Wild Flowers of the United States. Volume 2. The Southeastern
States. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Shaver, J. M. 1954. Ferns of the Eastern Central States with Special Reference to
Tennessee. New York, NY: Dover Publications.
Smith, A. I. 1979. A Guide to Wildflowers of the Mid-South: West Tennessee into Central
Arkansas and South through Alabama and into East Texas. Memphis: Memphis
State University Press.
Smith, R. M. 1998. Wildflowers of the Southern Mountains. Knoxville, TN: University of
Tennessee Press.
Stein, J. D., D. Binion, and R. E. Acciavatti. 2003. Field Guide to Native Oak Species of
Eastern North America. Morgantown, WV: U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service, Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team.
Tiner, R. W., A. Rorer, and R. H. Wiegand. 1988. Field Guide to Nontidal Wetland
Identification. Annapolis, MD: Maryland Department of Natural Resources;
Newton Corner, MA: Water Resources Administration.
Uva, R. H., J. C. Neal, and J. M. DiTomaso. 1997. Weeds of the Northeast. Ithaca, NY:
Comstock Publishing Associates.
Wherry, E. T. 1978. The Southern Fern Guide, Southeastern and South-Midland United
States. Bronx, NY: New York Chapter of the American Fern Society.
Wherry, E. T. 1995. The Fern Guide, Northeastern and Midland United States and
Adjacent Canada. New York: Dover Publications.
Williams, M. D. 2007. Identifying Trees: An All-Season Guide to Eastern North America.
Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books.
State Field Guides
Aulbach-Smith, C., S. J. De Kozlowski, and L. A. Dyck. 1996. Aquatic and Wetland Plants
of South Carolina. Columbia, SC: South Carolina Department of Natural
Barnes, T. G., and S. W. Francis. 2004. Wildflowers and Ferns of Kentucky. Lexington,
KY: University Press of Kentucky.
Batson, W. T. 1987. Wild Flowers in the Carolinas. Columbia, SC: University of South
Carolina Press.
Beal, E. O. 1977. A Manual of Marsh and Aquatic Vascular Plants of North Carolina
with Habitat Data. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Agricultural Research Service.
Blomquist, H. L. 1948. The Grasses of North Carolina. Durham, NC: Duke University.
Brown, M. L., and R. G. Brown. 1984. Herbaceous Plants of Maryland. Baltimore, MD:
Port City Press.
Brown, C. L., and L. K. Kirkman. 1990. Trees of Georgia and Adjacent States. Portland,
OR: Timber Press.
Brown, P. M. 2007. Wild Orchids of the Northeast New England, New York,
Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.
Carman, J. B. 2001. Wildflowers of Tennessee. Tullahoma, TN: Highland Rim Press.
Chaftin, L. G. 2007. Field Guide to the Rare Plants of Georgia. Athens, GA: University of
Cliburn, J., and G. Wallace. 2003. A Key to Missouri Trees in Winter: An Identification
Guide. Jefferson City, MO: Conservation Commission of the State of Missouri.
Cooperrider, T. S. 1982. Endangered and Threatened Plants of Ohio. Notes No. 16.
Columbus, OH: Ohio Biological Survey.
Cooperrider, T. S. 1995. The Dicotyledoneae of Ohio. Part 2: Linaceae through
Campanulaceae. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press.
Core, E. L. 1981. Spring Wild Flowers of West Virginia. Third edition. Morgantown, WV:
West Virginia University Press.
Cranfill, R. 1980. Ferns and Fern Allies of Kentucky. Scientific and Technical Series No 1.
Frankfort, KY: Kentucky Nature Preserves Commission.
Davis, D. E., N. D. Davis, and L. J. Samuelson. 1999. Guide and Key to Alabama Trees.
Fifth edition. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing.
Dean, B. E. 1964. Ferns of Alabama and Fern Allies. Northport, AL: American Southern.
Dean, B. E., A. Mason, and J. L. Thomas. 1973. Wildflowers of Alabama and Adjoining
States. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press.
Denison, E. 2001. Missouri Wildflowers: A Field Guide to the Wildflowers of Missouri.
Fifth edition. Jefferson City, MO: Missouri Department of Conservation.
Denison, E., and K. Love. 1989. Missouri Wildflowers: A Field Guide to Wildflowers of
Missouri and Adjacent Areas. Jefferson City, MO: Missouri Department of
Gupton, O. W., and F. C. Swope. 1981. Trees and Shrubs of Virginia. Charlottesville, VA:
University Press of Virginia.
Haddock, M. J. 2005. Wildflowers and Grasses of Kansas: A Field Guide. Lawrence, KS:
University Press of Kansas.
Haragan, P. D. 1991. Weeds of Kentucky and Adjacent States: A Field Guide. Lexington,
KY: University Press of Kentucky.
Henn, R. L. 1998. Wildflowers of Ohio. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Homoya, M. A. 1993. Orchids of Indiana. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Horn, D., and T. Cathcart. 2005. Wildflowers of Tennessee, the Ohio Valley, and the
Southern Appalachians: The Official Field Guide of the Tennessee Native Plant
Society. Edmonton, Alberta: Lone Pine Publishing.
Hough, M. Y. 1983. New Jersey Wild Plants. Harmony, NJ: Harmony Press.
Hunter, C. G. 1992. Wildflowers of Arkansas. Sixth edition. Little Rock, AR: Ozark
Society Foundation.
Hunter, C. G. 1995. Autumn Leaves and Winter Berries in Arkansas. Little Rock, AR:
Ozark Society Foundation.
Hunter, C. G. 1995. Trees, Shrubs and Vines of Arkansas. Little Rock, AR: Ozark Society
Horn, D., and T. Cathcart. 2005. Wildflowers of Tennessee, the Ohio Valley, and the
Southern Appalachians: The Official Field Guide of the Tennessee Native Plant
Society. Edmonton, Alberta: Lone Pine Publishing.
Jackson, M. T., K. Harrington, and R. Rathfon. 2004. 101 Trees of Indiana: A Field
Guide. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Jones, A. 1992. Aster and Brachyactis (Asteraceae) in Oklahoma. Sida Bot. Miscellany
No. 8. Fort Worth, TX: Research Institute of Texas.
Justice, W. S., C. R. Bell, and A. H. Lindsey. 2005. Wild Flowers of North Carolina.
Second edition. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
Kershaw, L., C. P. Dunn, and C. W. Hamilton. 2007. Trees of Illinois. Auburn, WA: Lone
Pine Publishing.
Kucera, C. L. 1961. The Grasses of Missouri. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press.
Kucera, C. L. 1998. The Grasses of Missouri. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press.
Kurz, D. 1997. Shrubs and Woody Vines of Missouri: Descriptions, Detailed Illustrations
and Uses in Landscaping. Jefferson City, MO: Missouri Department of
Kurz, D. R., and P. Nelson. 2003. Trees of Missouri. Jefferson City, MO: Missouri
Department of Conservation.
Kurz, D. 2004. Illinois Wildflowers. Cave Mountain, AR: Cloudland Publishing.
Little, E. L. 1981. Forest Trees of Oklahoma. Oklahoma City, OK: Oklahoma Department
of Agriculture.
McCoy, D. 1980. Roadside Wild Fruits of Oklahoma. Norman, OK: University of
Oklahoma Press.
McCoy, D. 1981. Roadside Trees and Shrubs of Oklahoma. Norman, OK: University of
Oklahoma Press.
McCoy, D. 1987. Oklahoma Wildflowers. Oklahoma City, OK: D. McCoy.
Mohlenbrock, R. H. 1980. Spring Woodland Wildflowers of Illinois. Springfield, IL:
Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Forestry.
Mohlenbrock, R. H. 1981. Wildflowers of Fields, Roadsides, and Open Habitats of
Illinois. Springfield, IL: Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Forest
Resources and Natural Heritage.
Mohlenbrock, R. H. 1990. Forest Trees of Illinois. Eighth edition. Springfield, IL: Illinois
Department of Natural History.
Montgomery, J. D., and D. E. Fairbrothers. 1992. New Jeresy Ferns and Fern-Allies.
Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Moore, D. M. 1981. Trees of Arkansas. Third edition. Little Rock, AR: Arkansas Forestry
Porcher, R. D., and D. A. Rayner. 2001. A Guide to the Wildflowers of South Carolina.
Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press.
Reed, C. F. 1953. The Ferns and Fern-Allies of Maryland and Delaware including
District of Columbia. Baltimore, MD: Reed Herbarium.
Rhoades, A. F., T. A. Block, and A. Anisko. 2009. The Plants of Pennsylvania: An
Illustrated Manual. Second edition. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania
Runkel, S. T., and A. F. Bull. 1994. Wildflowers of Illinois Woodlands. Ames, IA: Iowa
State University Press.
Runkel, S. T., and A. F. Bull. 1994. Wildflowers of Indiana Woodlands. Ames, IA: Iowa
State University Press.
Shaver, J. M. 1954. Ferns of Tennessee. Nashville, TN: Bureau of Publication, George
Peabody College for Teachers.
Shaw, T. E. 1981. Fifty Trees of Indiana. Indianapolis, IN: Division of Forestry,
Department of Natural Resources, Indiana, and the Department of Forestry and
Conservation, Purdue University.
Shreve, F., M. A. Chrysler, F. H. Blodgett, and F. W. Besely. 1910. The Plant Life of
Maryland. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press.
Snyder, L. H., Jr., and J. G. Bruce. 1986. Field Guide to the Ferns and Other
Pteridophytes of Georgia. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Summers, B. 1996. Missouri Orchids. Third edition. Jefferson City, MO: Missouri
Department of Conservation.
Taylor, W. C. 1984. Arkansas Ferns and Fern Allies. Milwaukee, WI: Milawaukee Public
Tekiela, S. 2001. Wildflowers of Ohio: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2002. Trees of Wisconsin: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2004. Trees of Ohio: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure Publications.
Tekiela, S. 2004. Trees of Pennsylvania: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2006. Trees of Illinois: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure Publications.
Tekiela, S. 2006. Trees of Indiana: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure Publications.
Tekiela, S. 2006. Trees of Missouri: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2007. Wildflowers of the Carolinas: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2008. Trees of the Carolinas: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tucker, G. E. 1976. A Guide to the Woody Flora of Arkansas. Fayetteville, AR: University
of Arkansas.
Weishaupt, C. G. 1971. Vascular Plants of Ohio. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing.
Wharton, M. E., and R. W. Barbour. 1971. A Guide to the Wildflowers and Ferns of
Kentucky. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky.
Wharton, M. E., and R. W. Barbour. 1994. Trees and Shrubs of Kentucky. Second edition.
Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky.
Wilbur, R. L. 1963. The Leguminous Plants of North Carolina. Raleigh, NC: North
Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station.
Wofford, B. E., and E. W. Chester. 2002. Guide to the Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines of
Tennessee. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press.
Yatskievych, K. 2000. Field Guide to Indiana Wildflowers. Bloomington, IN: Indiana
University Press.
Local Field Guides
Adkins, L. M. 2006. Wildflowers of the Appalachian Trail. Second edition. Birmingham,
AL: Menasha Ridge Press.
Alderman, J. A. 1997. Wildflowers of the Blue Ridge Parkway. Chapel Hill, NC:
University of North Carolina Press.
Bentley, S. L. 2000. Native Orchids of the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Chapel
Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
Boyd, H. P. 2001. Wildflowers of the Pine Barrens of New Jeresy. Medord, NJ: Plexus
Choukas-Bradley, M. 2004. An Illustrated Guide to Eastern Woodland Wildflowers and
Trees: 350 Plants Observed at Sugarloaf Mountain, Maryland. Charlottesville,
VA: University of Virginia Press.
Eleuterius, L. N. 1980. An Illustrated Guide to Tidal Marsh Plants of Mississippi and
Adjacent States. Publication Number MAGP-77-039. Ocean Springs, MS:
Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium.
Geller, M. D. 2002. A Key to the Woody Plants of the New Jersey Pine Barrens. New
Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Gupton, O. W., and F. C. Swope. 1979. Wildflowers of the Shenandoah Valley and Blue
Ridge Mountains. Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia.
Gupton, O. W., and F. C. Swope. 1987. Fall Wildflowers of the Blue Ridge and Great
Smokey Mountains. Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia.
Hemmerly, T. E. 2000. Appalachian Wildflowers. Athens, GA: University of Georgia
Hemmerly, T. E. 2002. Ozark Wildflowers. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Hutson, R. W., C. C. Campbell, and A. J. Sharp. 1995. Great Smoky Mountains
Wildflowers. Fifth edition. Northbrook, IL: Windy Pines Publishing.
Kurz, D. R. 1999. Ozark Wildflowers: A Field Guide. Helena, MT: Morris Book
Leake, H., and D. Leake. 1981. Wildflowers of the Ozarks. Little Rock, AR: Ozark Society
Medina, B. F., and V. Medina. 2002. Central Appalachian Wildflowers: A Field Guide to
Common Wildflowers of the Central Appalachion Mountains, Including
Shenandoah National Park, the Catskill Mountains, and the Berkshire
Mountains. Guilford, CT: Globe Pequot.
Medina, B. F., and V. Medina. 2002. Southern Appalachian Wildflowers: A Field Guide
to Common Wildflowers of the Southern Appalachian Mountains including
Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the Blue Ridge Parkway, and the
Chattahoochee National Forest. Guilford, CT: Globe Pequot.
Murdy, W. H., and M. E. B. Carter. 2000. Guide to the Plants of Granite Outcrops.
Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Powell, A. M. 1994. Grasses of the Trans-Pecos and Adjacent Areas. Austin, TX:
University of Texas Press.
Powell, A. M. 1998. Trees and Shrubs of the Trans-Pecos and Adjacent Areas. Austin,
TX: University of Texas Press.
Porcher, R. D. 1995. Wildflowers of the Carolina Lowcountry and Lower Pee Dee.
Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press.
Seymour, R. 1997. Wildflowers of Mammoth Cave National Park. Lexington, KT:
University Press of Kentucky.
Smith, A. I. 1979. A Guide to Wildflowers of the Mid-South: West Tennessee into Central
Arkansas and South Through Alabama and into East Texas. Memphis, TN:
Memphis State University Press.
Swanson, R. E. 1994. A Field Guide to the Trees and Shrubs of the Southern
Appalachians. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Timme, S. L., and C. C. K. Timme. 2000. Wildflowers of the Natchez Trace. Jackson, MS:
University Press of Mississippi.
Winslett, L., and J. Winslett. 2004. Wildflowers of Stone Mountain: A Field Guide.
Dahlonega, GA: Bright Hawk Press.
Appendix G: Great Plains: Montana, North
Dakota, sliver of Minnesota, Wyoming, South
Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, New
Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
Regional Floras
Great Plains Flora Association. 1986. Flora of the Great Plains. Lawrence, KS: University
of Kansas Press.
McGregor, R. L., T. M. Barkley, and Great Plains Flora Association. 1986. Flora of the
Great Plains. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press.
Rydberg, P. A. 1932. Flora of the Prairies and Plains of Central North America. Volume
1. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications.
Rydberg, P. A. 1971. Flora of the Prairies and Plains of Central North America. Volume
2. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications.
State Floras
Allfred, K. W. 2008. Flora Neomexicana I: The Vascular Plants of New Mexico. Las
Cruces, NM: New Mexico State University.
Barkley, T. M. 1968. A Manual of the Flowering Plants of Kansas. Manhattan, KS:
Kansas State University, Endowment Association.
Booth, W. E., and J. C. Wright Booth. 1996. Flora of Montana, Part II, Dicotyledons.
Bozeman, MT: Montana State University.
Clark, O. M. 1928. The Arborescent Flora of Oklahoma. Laramie, WY: University of
Correll, D. S., and M. C. Johnston. 1970. Manual of Vascular Plants of Texas. Renner,
TX: Texas Research Foundation.
Hahn, B. E., and W. E. Booth. 1977. Flora of Montana: Conifers and Monocots.
Bozeman, MT: Montana State University.
Harrington, H. D. 1979. Manual of the Plants of Colorado: For the Identification of the
Ferns and Flowering Plants of the State. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms
Kaul, R. B., D. M. Sutherland, and S. B. Rolfsmeier. 2006. The Flora of Nebraska: Keys,
Descriptions, and Distributional Maps of all Native and Introduced Species that
Grow Outside Cultivation; with Observations about Their Past, Present, and
Future Status. Lincoln, NE: Conservation and Survey Division, School of Natural
Resources, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of
Lundell, C. L. 1961–1969. Flora of Texas. Renner, TX: Texas Research Foundation.
Volume 1. 1966.
Volume 2. 1969.
Volume 3. 1961.
Martin, W. C., and C. R. Hutchins. 1980–1981. A Flora of New Mexico. Vaduz, Germany:
J. Cramer.
Volume 1. 1980.
Volume 2. 1981.
Morley, T. 1969. Spring Flora of Minnesota, Including Common Cultivated Plants.
Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Petersen, N. F. 1923. Flora of Nebraska: A List of Ferns, Conifers and Flowering Plants
of the State with Keys for their Determination. Published by the author.
Porter, C. L. 1962. A Flora of Wyoming. Laramie, WY: Agricultural Experiment Station,
University of Wyoming.
Rydberg, P. A. 1906. Flora of Colorado. Fort Collins, CO: Experiment Station.
Stemen, T. R., and W. S. Meyers. 1929. Spring Flora of Oklahoma, with Key. Oklahoma
City, OK: Harlow Publishing.
Stemen, T. R., and W. S. Meyers. 1937. Oklahoma Flora (Illustrated). Oklahoma City,
OK: Harlow Publishing.
Waterfall, U. T. 1969. Keys to the Flora of Oklahoma. Stillwater, OK: Department of
Botany, Oklahoma State University.
Wooton, E. O., and P. C. Standley. 1915. Flora of New Mexico. Washington DC: U.S.
Government Printing Office.
Local Floras
Cronquist, A., et al. 1972–2005. Intermountain Flora: Vascular Plants of the
Intermountain West, U.S.A. Bronx, NY: New York Botanical Garden Press.
Volume 1. Geological and Botanical History of the Region, its Plant Geography
and Glossary. The Vascular Cryptogams and the Gymnosperms.
Cronquist, A., A. H. Holmgren, N. H. Holmgren, and J. L. Reveal. 1972.
Volume 2, Part B. Subclass Dilleniidae. Cronquist, A., N. H. Holmgren, and P. K.
Holmgren. 2005.
Volume 3, Part A. Subclass Rosidae (except Fabales). Cronquist, A., N. H.
Holmgren, P. K. Holmgren, and J. L. Reveal. 1997.
Volume 3, Part B. Fabales. Cronquist, A., A. H. Holmgren, N. H. Holmgren, J. L.
Reveal, P. K. Holmgren, and R. C. Barneby. 1990.
Volume 4. Subclass Asteridae (except Asteraceae). Cronquist, A., A. H.
Holmgren, N. H. Holmgren, J. L. Reveal, and P. K. Holmgren. 1984.
Volume 5. Asterales. Cronquist, A., A. H. Holmgren, N. H. Holmgren, J. L.
Reveal, and P. K. Holmgren. 1994.
Volume 6. The monocotyledons. Cronquist, A., A. H. Holmgren, N. H. Holmgren,
J. L. Reveal, and P. K. Holmgren. 1994.
Diggs, G. M., Jr., B. L. Lipscomb, and R. J. O’Kennon. 1999. Shinners and Mahler’s
Illustrated Flora of North Central Texas. Fort Worth, TX: BRIT Press.
Diggs, G. M., Jr., B. L. Lipscomb, M. D. Reed, and R. J. O’Kennon. 2006. Illustrated
Flora of East Texas. Fort Worth, TX: BRIT Press.
Goodman, G. J. 1958. Spring Flora of Central Oklahoma. Norman, OK: University of
Oklahoma Duplicating Service.
Haukos, D. A., and L. M. Smith. 1997. Common Flora of the Playa Lakes. Lubbock, TX:
Texas Tech University Press.
Hitchcock, C. L., and A. Cronquist. 1973. Flora of the Pacific Northwest: An Illustrated
Manual. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press.
Mahler, W. F. 1973. Flora of Taylor County, Texas: A Manual of the Vascular Plants
with Selected Sketches. Dallas, TX: SMU Book Store.
Mahler, W. F. 1988. Shinners’ Manual of the North Central Texas Flora. Fort Worth, TX:
Botanical Research Institute of Texas.
Rydberg, P. A. 1969. Flora of the Rocky Mountains and Adjacent Plains, Colorado, Utah,
Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Saskatchewan, Alberta and Neighboring Parts of
Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, and British Columbia. New York, NY:
Hafner Publishing.
Reeves, R. G. 1977. Flora of Central Texas. Dallas, TX: Prestige Press.
Weber, W. A., and R. C. Wittman. 2001. Colorado Flora: Eastern Slope. Boulder, CO:
University Press of Colorado.
Weber, W. A., and R. C. Wittman. 2001. Colorado Flora: Western Slope. Boulder, CO:
University Press of Colorado.
Field Guides
Regional Field Guides
Baerg, H. J. 1973. How to Know the Western Trees. Dubuque, IA: W.C. Brown.
Best, K. F., J. Looman, and J. B. Campbell. 1982. Prairie Grasses, Identified and
Described by Vegetative Characters. Ottawa, Canada: Canada Department of
Boon, E. 1990. Nature’s Heartland: Native Plant Communities of the Great Plains.
Ames, IA: Iowa State Press.
Brown, P. M. 2006. Wild Orchids of the Prairies and Great Plains Region of North
America. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.
Correll, D. S., and H. B. Correll. 1972. Aquatic and Wetland Plants of the Southwestern
United States. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Crittenden, M. 1992. Trees of the West. Blaine, WA: Hancock House.
Crittenden, M., and D. W. Telfer. 1992. Wildflowers of the West. Surrey, British
Columbia: Hancock House.
Ditomaso, J. M., and E. A. Healy. 2003. Aquatic and Riparian Weeds of the West.
Publication 3421. Oakland, CA: University of California Agriculture and Natural
Ditomaso, J. M., and E. A. Healy. 2007. Weeds of California and Other Western States.
Publication 3488. Oakland, CA: University of California Agriculture and Natural
Volume 1. Aizoaceae-Fabaceae.
Volume 2. Geraniaceae-Zygophyllaceae.
Freeman, C. C., and E. K. Schofield. 1991. Roadside Wildflowers of the Southern Great
Plains. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas.
Gould, F. W. 1977. Grasses of the Southwestern United States. Tucson, AZ: University of
Arizona Press.
Harrar, E. S., and J. G. Harrar. 1962. Guide to Southern Trees. Second edition. New York:
Dover Publications.
Jowsey, J. R., J. S. McLean, F. A. Switzer, and F. R. Vance. 1999. Wildflowers of the
Northern Great Plains. Third edition. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota
Kirkpatrick, Z. M. 1992. Wildflowers of the Western Plains: A Field Guide. Austin, TX:
University of Texas Press.
Kurz, D. 2005. Central Region Seedling ID Guide for Native Prairie Plants. Elsberry,
MO: Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Ladd, D. 1995. Tallgrass Prairie Wildflowers: A Falcon Field Guide. Helena, MT: Falcon
Press Publishing.
Ladd, D. M., and F. Oberle. 2005. Tallgrass Prairie Wildflowers: A Field Guide to
Common Wildflowers and Plants of the Prairie Midwest. Second edition.
Helena, MT: Falcon Press Publishing.
Lahring, H. 2003. Water and Wetland Plants of the Prairie Provinces: A Field Guide for
Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and the Northern United States (Canadian
Plains Studies (CPS)). Regina, SK: Canadian Plains Research Center.
Larson, G. 1993. Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of the Northern Great Plains.
Publication RM-238. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky
Mountain Research Station.
Little, E. L. 1980. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Trees: Western
Region. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Petrides, G. A., and O. Petrides. 1998. A Field Guide to Western Trees: Western United
States and Canada. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Petrides, G. A., and O. Petrides. 2005. Trees of the American Southwest. Mechanicsburg,
PA: Stackpole Books.
Rickett, H. W. 1966–1973. Wild Flowers of the United States. Volume 3. Texas. New
York: McGraw-Hill.
Rickett, H. W. 1966–1973. Wild Flowers of the United States. Volume 6. The Central
Mountains and Plains. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Spellenberg, R. 1979. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Wildflowers,
Western Region. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Spellenberg, R. 1986. Familiar Flowers of North America: Western Region. New York:
Alfred A. Knopf.
Stein, J. D., D. Binion, and R. E. Acciavatti. 2003. Field Guide to Native Oak Species of
Eastern North America. Morgantown, WV: U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service, Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team.
Strickler, D. 1986. Prairie Wildflowers: Showy Wildflowers of the Plains, Valleys, and
Foothills in the Northern Rocky Mountain States. Columbia Falls, MT: Flower
Stubbendieck, J. 1989. Common Legumes of the Great Plains: An illustrated Guide.
Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
Stubbendieck, J. S., S. L. Hatch, and C. H. Butterfield. 1997. North American Range
Plants. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
Vance, F. R., J. R. Jowsey, and J. S. McLean. 1993. Wildflowers Across the Prairies.
Vancouver: Greystone Books.
Vance, F. R., J. R. Jowsey, and J. S. McLean. 1999. Wildflowers of the Northern Great
Plains. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Vines, R. A. 1960. Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines of the Southwest. Austin, TX:
University of Texas Press.
Vitt, D. H., J. E. Marsh, and R. B. Bovey. 1988. Mosses, Lichens, and Ferns of Northwest
North America: A Photographic Field Guide. Edmonton, Alberta: Lone Pine
Whitson, T. D., L. C. Burrill, S. A. Dewey, D. W. Cudney, B. E. Nelson, R. D. Lee, and R.
Parker. 2002. Weeds of the West. Ninth edition. Laramie, WY: University of
State Field Guides
Ajilvsgi, G. 2002. Wildflowers of Texas. Fredericksburg, TX: Shearer Publishing.
Allred, K. W. 2005. A Field Guide to the Grasses of New Mexico. Third edition. Las
Cruces, NM: New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station.
Andrews, J. 1986. The Texas Bluebonnet. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Barkley, T. M. 1983. Field Guide to Common Weeds of Kansas. Lawrence, KS: University
Press of Kansas.
Beetle, A. A., and K. L. Johnson. 1982 (repr. 1996). Sagebrush in Wyoming. Bulletin 779.
Laramie, WY: Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Wyoming.
Beetle, A. A., and M. May. 1971. Grasses of Wyoming. Research Journal 39. Laramie, WY:
Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Wyoming.
Booth, W. E. 1972. Grasses of Montana. Bozeman, MT: Montana State University.
Bowers, N., R. Bowers, and S. Tekiela. 2009. Wildflowers of Texas Field Guide.
Cambridge, MN: Adventure Publications.
Carter, J. L. 1997. Trees and Shrubs of New Mexico. Boulder, CO: Mimbres Publishing.
Carter, J. L. 2006. Trees and Shrubs of Colorado. Silver City, NM: Mimbres Publishing.
Carter, J. L. n.d. Gymnosperms of New Mexico. Published by the author.
Coleman, R. A. 2002. The Wild Orchids of Arizona and New Mexico. Ithaca, NY: Cornell
University Press.
Correll, D. S. 1956. Ferns and Fern Allies of Texas. Renner, TX: Texas Research
Cox, P. E., and P. Leslie. 1988. Texas Trees: A Friendly Guide. San Antonio, TX: Corona
Dittmer, H. J., E. F. Castetter, and O. M. Clark. 1954. The Ferns and Fern Allies of New
Mexico. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press.
Dorn, R. D., and J. L. Dorn. 1984. Vascular Plants of Montana. Denver, CO: Mountain
West Publishing.
Dorn, R. D. 2001. Vascular Plants of Wyoming. Third edition. Denver, CO: Mountain
West Publishing.
Farrar, J. 1990. Field Guide to Wildflowers of Nebraska and the Great Plains. Lincoln,
NE: Nebraskaland Magazine, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
Gould, F. W. 1975. The Grasses of Texas. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University
Hatch, S. L., and J. Pluhar. 1993. Texas Range Plants. College Station, TX: Texas A&M
University Press.
Husby, P., and P. Lesica. 2006. Field Guide to Montana’s Wetland Vascular Plants.
Helena, MT: Montana Wetlands Trust.
Ivey, R. D. 2003. Flowering Plants of New Mexico. Fourth edition. Published by the
Johnson, J. R., G. Larson, and M. R. Brashier. 1999. Grassland Plants of South Dakota
and the Northern Great Plains. Brookings, SD: South Dakota State University,
College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, South Dakota Agricultural
Experiment Station.
Johnston, M. C. 1990. The Vascular Plants of Texas. Austin, TX: Published by the author.
Jones, A. 1992. Aster and Brachyactis (Asteraceae) in Oklahoma. Sida Bot. Miscellany
No. 8. Fort Worth, TX: Research Institute of Texas.
Kannowski, P. B. 1989. Wildflowers of North Dakota. Grand Forks, ND: University of
North Dakota Press.
Larson, G. 1983. The Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of North Dakota. Fargo, ND:
North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute.
Lavin, M., and C. Seibert. 2003. Grasses of Montana. Bozeman, MT: Montana State
Lee, R. D. 1999. New Mexico’s Invasive Weeds. Las Cruces, NM: New Mexico State
Liggio, J., and A. O. Liggio. 1999. Wild Orchids of Texas. Austin, TX: University of Texas
Little, E. L. 1981. Forest Trees of Oklahoma. Oklahoma City, OK: State Department of
Lommasson, R. C. 1973. Nebraska Wild Flowers. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska
Loughmiller, C., and L. Loughmiller. 2006. Texas Wildflowers: A Field Guide. Austin,
TX: University of Texas Press.
Matsumura, Y. 1955. The True Aquatic Vascular Plants of Colorado. Fort Collins, CO:
Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station.
Mattiza, D. B. 1993. 100 Texas Wildflowers. Tucson, AZ: Southwest Parks and
Monuments Association.
McCoy, D. 1980. Roadside Wild Fruits of Oklahoma. Norman, OK: University of
Oklahoma Press.
McCoy, D. 1981. Roadside Trees and Shrubs of Oklahoma. Norman, OK: University of
Oklahoma Press.
McCoy, D. 1987. Oklahoma Wildflowers. Oklahoma City, OK: Published by the author.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Trails and Waterways Division. 2002.
Minnesota Invasive Non-Native Terrestrial Palnts: An Identification Guide for
Resource Managers. St. Paul, MN: Trails and Waterways Division, Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources.
Moyle, J. B., and E. W. Moyle. 2001. Northland Wildflowers: The Comprehensive Guide
to the Minnesota Region. Revised edition. Minneapolis, MN: University of
Minnesota Press.
North Dakota State University. 1995. Common Grasses and Sedges in North Dakota.
Fargo, ND: North Dakota State University Extension Service.
Nebraska Department of Agriculture. 1979. Nebraska Weeds. Lincoln, NE: Nebraska
Department of Agriculture.
New Mexico Native Plant Protection Advisory Committee. 1984. A Handbook of Rare
and Endangered Plants of New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM: University of New
Mexico Press.
Niehaus, T. F. 1998. A Field Guide to Southwestern and Texas Wildflowers. Boston, MA:
Houghton Mifflin.
Nieland, L. J., and W. F. Finley. 2009. Lone Star Wildflowers: A Guide to Texas
Flowering Plants. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University.
Nixon, E. S., and B. L. Cunningham. 1985. Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines of East
Texas. B.L. Cunningham Productions.
Owensby, C. E. 1980. Kansas Prairie Wildflowers. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press.
Petrik-Ott, A. J. 1979. The Pteridophytes of Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota and North
Dakota, USA. Vaduz, Liechtenstein: Strauss and Cramer.
Poole, J. M., W. R. Carr, D. M. Price, and J. R. Singhurst. 2008. Rare Plants of Texas: A
Field Guide. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.
Porter, C. L. 1979. Wyoming Trees. Agricultural Extension Service, B-690. Laramie, WY:
University of Wyoming.
Quam, V., D. Herman, and E. Behrens. 1993. Trees and Shrubs of North Dakota. Fargo,
ND: NDSU Extension Service.
Rathke, D. M. 1995. Minnesota Trees. Revised edition. St. Paul, MN: Minnesota
Extension Service, University of Minnesota, College of Natural Resources.
Schiemann, D. A. 2005. Wildflowers of Montana. Missoula, MT: Mountain Press
Schulz, E. D. 1928. Texas Wildflowers: A Popular Account of the Common Wild Flowers
of Texas. Chicago, IL: Laidlaw Brothers.
Shaw, R. B. 2008. Grasses of Colorado. Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado.
Silveus, W. A. 1933. Texas Grasses: Classification and Description of Grasses. Published
by the author.
Simpson, B. J. 1992. A Field Guide to Texas Trees. Houston, TX: Gulf Publishing.
Smith, W. R. 1993. Orchids of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota
Stahl, C., and R. McElvaney. 2005. Trees of Texas: An Easy Guide to Leaf Identification.
College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.
States, D., and J. S. States. 2004. Wildflowers of Wyoming. Missoula, MT: Mountain
Press Publishing.
Stevens, O. A. 1963. Handbook of North Dakota Plants. Fargo, ND: North Dakota
Institute for Regional Studies.
Stevens, H. A. 1969. Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines in Kansas. Lawrence, KS:
University Press of Kansas.
Stubbendieck, J., G. Y. Friisoe, and M. R. Bolick. 1995. Weeds of Nebraska and Great
Plains. Lincoln, NE: Nebraska Department of Agriculture.
Tekiela, S. 1999. Wildflowers of Minnesota: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2001. Trees of Minnesota: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2007. Trees of Colorado: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2009. Trees of Texas: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure Publications.
Tull, D., and G. Miller. 2003. A Field Guide to Wildflowers, Trees, and Shrubs of Texas.
Bryan, TX: Lone Star Books.
Turner, B. L. 1959. The Legumes of Texas. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Tyron, R. M. 1980. Ferns of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
USDA Forest Service. 1989. Idaho and Wyoming Endangered and Sensitive Plant Field
Guide. Ogden, UT: USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Region.
Van Bruggen, T. 1974. Marsh and Aquatic Plants of South Dakota. Vermillion, SD:
University of South Dakota.
Van Bruggen, T. 1985. The Vascular Plants of South Dakota. Ames, IA: Iowa State Press.
Vines, R. A. 1960. Trees, Shrubs and Woody Vines of the South-West. Austin, TX:
University of Texas Press.
Vines, R. A. 1977. Trees of East Texas. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Weniger, D. 1970. Cacti of the Southwest: Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and
Louisiana. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Weniger, D. 1984. Cacti of Texas and Neighboring States: A Field Guide. Austin, TX:
University of Texas Press.
Wills, M. M., and H. S. Irwin. 1961. Roadside Flowers of Texas. Austin, TX: University of
Texas Press.
Local Field Guides
Ajilvsgi, G. 1979. Wild Flowers of the Big Thicket, East Texas, and Western Louisiana.
College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.
Barker, W. T., and K. K. Sedivec. 1997. Selected North Dakota and Minnesota Range
Plants. Fargo, ND: North Dakota State University.
Cooper, D. 1989. A Handbook of Wetland Plants of the Rocky Mountain Region. Denver,
CO: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII.
Diggs, G. M., Jr., B. L. Lipscomb and R. J. O’Kennon. 1999. Shinners and Mahler’s
Illustrated Flora of North-central Texas. Fort Worth, TX: Botanical Research
Institute of Texas Press.
Diggs, G. M., Jr., B. L. Lipscomb, M. D. Reed and R. J. O’Kennon. 2006. The Illustrated
Flora of North-central Texas. Volume 1. Gymnosperms and Monocots. Fort
Worth, TX: Botanical Research Institute of Texas Press.
Dorn, R. D. 1977. Flora of the Black Hills. Cheyenne, WY: Mountain West Publishing.
Enquist, M. 1987. Wildflowers of the Texas Hill Country. Austin, TX: Lone Star
Everitt, J. H., D. L. Drawe, and R. I. Lonard. 2002. Trees, Shrubs and Cacti of South
Texas. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press.
Everitt, J. H., R. I. Lonard, and C. R. Little. 2007. Weeds in South Texas and Northern
Mexico: A Guide to Identification. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press.
Freeman, C. C., and E. K. Schofield. 1991. Roadside Wildflowers of the Southern Great
Plains. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas.
Gehlbach, F. R., L. M. Shields, and J. Crispin. 1965. Vascular Plants of Carlsbad Caverns
National Park, New Mexico, and Adjacent Guadalupe Mountains (New Mexico-
Texas). Carlsbad, NM: Carlsbad Caverns National Park.
Johnston, B. C. 2001. Field Guide to Sedge Species of the Rocky Mountain Region.
Publication R2-RR-01-03. Denver, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Rocky Mountain Region.
Kershaw, L. J., J. Pojar, and A. MacKinnon. 1998. Plants of the Rocky Mountains.
Edmonton, Alberta: Lone Pine Publishing.
Kindscher, K, 1992. Medicinal Wild Plants of the Prairie. Lawrence, KS: University Press
of Kansas.
Kirkpatrick, Z. M. 1992. Wildflowers of the Western Plains: A Field Guide. Austin, TX:
University of Texas Press.
Lackschewitz, K. 1991. Vascular Plants of West-Central Montana: Identification Guide
Book. Publication INT-277. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Intermountain Research Station.
Larson, G., and J.R. Johnson. 1999. Plants of the Black Hills and Bear Lodge Mountains.
Brookings, SD: South Dakota State University College of Agriculture and
Biological Sciences and South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station.
Lazarine, P. 1981. Common Wetland Plants of Southeast Texas. Galveston, TX: U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers.
Loflin, B., and L. Shirley. 2006. Grasses of the Texas Hill County: A Field Guide. College
Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.
Lynch, D. L. 1981. Native and Naturalized Woody Plants of Austin and the Hill Country.
Austin, TX: Acorn Press.
McKelvey, S. D. 1938-1947. Yuccas of the Southwestern United States. Parts 1 and 2.
Jamaica Plains, MA: Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University.
Morey, R. 2008. Little Big Bend: Common, Uncommon, and Rare Plants of Big Bend
National Park. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University.
Powell, M. A. 1994. Grasses of the Trans-Pecos and Adjacent Areas. Austin, TX:
University of Texas Press.
Powell, M. A. 1998. Trees and Shrubs of the Trans-Pecos and Adjacent Areas. Austin,
TX: University of Texas Press.
Richardson, A. 1990. Plants of the Southmost Texas. Brownsville, TX: Gorgas Science
Ripley, J. D. 1994. Vegetation of the United States Air Force Academy and the Adjacent
Regions of the Pike National Forest, El Paso County, Colorado. Colorado
Springs, CO: Department of Biology, U.S. Air Force Academy.
Rose, F. L. 1986. Wildflowers of the Llano Estacado. Dallas, TX: Taylor Publishing
Schulz, E. D. 1922. 500 Wild Flowers of San Antonio and Vicinity. San Antonio, TX:
Press of San Antonio Printing.
Taylor, R. B., J. Rutledge, and J. G. Herrera. 1997. A Field Guide to Common South Texas
Shrubs. Austin, TX: Texas Parks and Wildlife, Wildlife Division.
Tveten, J. L., and G. Tveten. 1997. Wild Flowers of Houston and Southeast Texas. Austin,
TX: Texas University Press.
Van Bruggen, T. 1992. Wildflowers, Grasses and Other Plants of the Northern Plains and
Black Hills. Fourth edition. Interior, SD: Badlands National Historical
Vines, R. A. 1977. Trees of East Texas. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Vines, R. A. 1981. Trees of North Texas. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Vines, R. A. 1984. Trees of Central Texas. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Wrede, J. 2005. Trees, Shrubs, and Vines of the Texas Hill Country: A Field Guide.
College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.
Yarborough, S. C., and A. M. Powell. 2002. Ferns and Fern Allies of the Trans-Pecos and
Adjacent Areas. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press.
Appendix H: Midwest: South Dakota,
Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Iowa,
Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois,
Indiana, Ohio
Regional Floras
Barbour, A., and S. Barbour. 1995. Wild Flora of the Northeast. New York, NY: Penguin
Group USA.
Crow, G. E., and C. Hellquist. 2000. Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Northeastern North
America. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Volume 1. Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, and Angiosperms.
Volume 2. Monocotyledons.
Gleason, H. A., and A. Cronquist. 1991. Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern
United States and Adjacent Canada. Bronx, NY: New York Botanical Garden.
Holmgren, N. H. 1998. Illustrated Companion to Gleason and Cronquist's Manual. New
York, NY: New York Botanical Garden.
Magee, D. W., and H. Ahles. 1999. Flora of the Northeast: A Manual of the Vascular
Flora of New England and Adjacent New York. Amherst, MA: University of
Massachusetts Amherst.
State Floras
Braun, E. L. 1967. The Vascular Flora of Ohio: The Monocotyledoneae. Columbus, OH:
Ohio State University Press.
Braun, E. L. 1969. The Woody Plants of Ohio: Trees, Shrubs and Woody Climbers,
Native, Naturalized, and Escaped, A Contribution Toward the Vascular Flora of
Ohio. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press.
Barkley, T. M. 1968. A Manual of the Flowering Plants of Kansas. Manhattan, KS:
Kansas State University, Endowment Association.
Clark, O. M. 1928. The Arborescent Flora of Oklahoma. Laramie, WY: University of
Deam, C. C. 2002. Flora of Indiana. Caldwell, NJ: Blackburn Press.
Fassett, N. C., and O. S. Thomson. 1976. Spring Flora of Wisconsin: A Manual of Plants
Growing Without Cultivation and Flowering Before June 15. Fourth edition.
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Fisher, T. R. 1988. The Dicotyledoneae of Ohio, Part 3: Asteraceae. Columbus, OH: Ohio
State University Press.
Harvill, A. M. 1970. Spring Flora of Virginia. Parsons, WV: McClain Printing.
Jones, G. N. 1971. Flora of Illinois, Containing Keys for Identification of the Flowering
Plants and Ferns. Third edition. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame
Kaul, R. B., D. M. Sutherland, and S. B. Rolfsmeier. 2006. The Flora of Nebraska: Keys,
Descriptions, and Distributional Maps of all Native and Introduced Species that
Grow Outside Cultivation, with Observations about Their Past, Present, and
Future Status. Lincoln, NE: Conservation and Survey Division, School of Natural
Resources, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of
Mohlenbrock, R. H. 1999–2006. The Illustrated Flora of Illinois. Carbondale, IL:
Southern Illinois University Press.
Ferns. 1999.
Flowering Plants: Polkweeds, Four O’clocks, Carpetweeds, Cacti, Purslanes,
Goosefoots, Pigweeds, and Pinks. 2001.
Flowering Plants: Rush to Rushes. 2006.
Flowering Plants: Smartweeds to Hazelnuts. 2002.
Grasses: Panicum to Danthonia. 2001.
Grasses: Bromus to Paspalum. 2002.
Sedges: Carex. 1999.
Sedges: Cyperus to Scleria. 2001.
Mohlenbrock, R. H. 2002. Vascular Flora of Illinois. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois
University Press.
Monson, P. H. 1952. Marsh and Aquatic Dicotyledonous Flora of Iowa. Ames, IA: Iowa
State College.
Morley, T. 1969. Spring Flora of Minnesota, Including Common Cultivated Plants.
Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Ohio State University of Science and Ohio Flora Committee. 1967. The Vascular Flora of
Ohio. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press.
Pammel, L. H., and C. M. King. 1926. The Weed Flora of Iowa. Bulletin 4. Des Moines,
IA: Iowa Geological Survey.
Petersen, N. F. 1923. Flora of Nebraska: A List of Ferns, Conifers and Flowering Plants
of the State with Keys for their Determination. Published by the author.
Porter, T. C. 1903. Flora of Pennsylvania. Boston: Ginn and Company.
Schaffner, J. H. 1993. Field Manual of the Flora of Ohio and Adjacent Territory.
Columbus, OH: R.G. Adams.
Shreve, F., M. A. Chrysler, F. H. Blodgett, and F. W. Besley. 1910. The Plant Life of
Maryland. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Stemen, T. R., and W. S. Meyers. 1929. Spring Flora of Oklahoma, with Key. Oklahoma
City, OK: Harlow Publishing.
Stemen, T. R., and W. S. Meyers. 1937. Oklahoma Flora (Illustrated). Oklahoma City,
OK: Harlow Publishing.
Steyermark, J. A. 1940. Spring Flora of Missouri. St. Louis, MO: Missouri Botanical
Steyermark, J. A. 1963. Flora of Missouri. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press
Unknown. 1933. Flora of Wisconsin, Part 1. Streamwood, IL: North American Press.
Voss, E. G. 1972–1996. Michigan Flora. Bloomfield Hills, MI: Cranbrook Institute of
Science; Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Herbarium.
Part 1: Gymnosperms and Monocots. 1972.
Part 2: Dicots (Saururaceae-Cornaceae). 1985.
Part 3: Dicots (Pyrolaceae-Compositae). 1996.
Waterfall, U. T. 1969. Keys to the Flora of Oklahoma. Stillwater, OK: Department of
Botany, Oklahoma State University.
Yatskievych, G. 1999–2006. Steyermark’s Flora of Missouri. St. Louis, MO: Missouri
Department of Conservation, in cooperation with the Missouri Botanical Garden
Volume 1. 1999.
Volume 2. 2006.
Local Floras
Great Plains Flora Association. 1986. Flora of the Great Plains. Lawrence, KS: University
of Kansas Press.
Hitchcok, A. S., and P. C. Standley. 1919. Flora of the District of Columbia and Vicinity.
Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution.
Hough, R. B. 1907. Handbook of the Trees of the Northern States and Canada East of the
Rocky Mountains. Lowville, NY: Published by the author.
Jennings, O. E. 1953. Wild Flowers of Western Pennsylvania and the Upper Ohio Basin.
Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburg Press.
Field Guides
Regional Field Guides
Antonio, T. M., and S. Masi. 2001. The Sunflower Family in the Upper Midwest: A
Photographic Guide to the Asteraceae in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan,
Minnesota and Wisconsin. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana Academy of Science in
collaboration with Chicago Botanic Garden.
Bates, J. 1995. Trailside Botany: 101 Favorite Trees, Shrubs and Wildflowers of the
Upper Midwest. Duluth, MN: Pfeifer-Hamilton.
Batson, W. T. 1984. A Guide to the Genera of the Eastern Plants. Columbia, SC:
University of South Carolina Press.
Blackburn, B. 1952. Trees and Shrubs in Eastern North America. New York, NY: Oxford
University Press.
Borman, S., R. Korth, and J. Temte. 1997. Through the Looking Glass: A Field Guide to
Aquatic Plants. Stevens Point, WI: Wisconsin Lakes Partnership.
Brown, H. P. 1938. Trees of the Northeastern United States, Native and Naturalized.
Revised edition. Boston, MA: Christopher Publishing House.
Brown, L. 1992. Grasses: An Identification Guide. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin
Clemants, S. E., and C. Gracie. 2006. Wildflowers in the Field and Forest: A Field Guide
to the Northeastern United States. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Cobb, B., E. Farnsworth, and C. Lowe. 2005. A Field Guide to Ferns and their Related
Families: Northeastern and Central North America. Second edition. Boston,
MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Courtenay, B., and J. H. Zimmerman. 1972. Wildflowers and Weeds. New York, NY: Van
Nostrand Reinhold.
Duncan, W. H., and M. B. Duncan. 1999. Wildflowers of the Eastern United States.
Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Edsail, M. S. 1985. Roadside Plants and Flowers: A Traveler’s Guide to the Midwest and
Great Lakes Area, with a Few Familiar Off-Road Wildflowers. Madison, WI:
University of Wisconsin Press.
Fernald, M. L., and A. Gray. 1970. Manual of Botany: A Handbook of the Flowering
Plants and Ferns of the Central and Northeastern United States and Adjacent
Canada. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Graves, A. H. 1956. Illustrated Guide to Trees and Shrubs: A Handbook of the Woody
Plants of the Northeastern United States and Adjacent Regions. New York:
Harper and Brothers.
Grimm, W. C. 1983. The Illustrated Book of Trees, with Keys for Summer and Winter
Identification. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books.
Grimm, W. C. 1992. The Illustrated Book of Wildflowers and Shrubs: The
Comprehensive Field Guide to More than 1,300 Plants of Eastern North
America. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books.
Harlow, W. M. 1959. Fruit Key and Twig Key to Trees and Shrubs: Fruit Key to
Northeastern Trees, Twig Key to the Deciduous Woody Plants of Eastern North
America. New York: Dover Publications.
Ladd, D. 1995. Tallgrass Prairie Wildflowers: A Falcon Field Guide. Helena, MT: Falcon
Press Publishing.
Ladd, D. M., and F. Oberle. 2005. Tallgrass Prairie Wildflowers: A Field Guide to
Common Wildflowers and Plants of the Prairie Midwest. Second edition.
Helena, MT: Falcon Press Publishing.
Leopold, D. J., W. C. McComb, and R. N. Muller. 1998. Trees of the Central Hardwood
Forests of North America: An Identification and Cultivation Guide. Portland,
OR: Timber Press.
Little, E. L. 1980. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Trees: Eastern
Region. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Miller, H. A., and H. E. Jaques. 1978. How to Know the Trees. Third edition. Dubuque,
IA: W.C. Brown.
Newcomb, L. 1977. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide: An Ingenious New Key System for
Quick, Positive Field Identification of the Wildflowers, Flowering Shrubs and
Vines of Northeastern and North Central North America. Boston, MA: Little,
Niering, W. A., and N. C. Olmstead. 1979. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North
American Wildflowers: Eastern Region. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Peterson, R. T., and M. McKenny. 1968. A Field Guide to Wildflowers of
Northeastern/Northcentral North America. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Petrides, G. A. 1972. A Field Guide to Trees and Shrubs: Field Marks of all Trees, Shrubs,
and Woody Vines that Grow Wild in the Northeastern and Northcentral United
States and in Southeastern and South-Central Canada. Second edition. Boston,
MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Petrides, G. A. 1998. A Field Guide to Eastern Trees: Eastern United States and Canada,
Including the Midwest. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Runkel, S. T., and D. M. Roosa. 1989. Wildflowers of the Tallgrass Prairie: The Upper
Midwest. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press.
Stein, J. D., D. Binion, and R. E. Acciavatti. 2003. Field Guide to Native Oak Species of
Eastern North America. Morgantown, WV: U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service, Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team.
Uva, R. H., J. C. Neal, and J. M. DiTomaso. 1997. Weeds of the Northeast. Ithaca, NY:
Comstock Publishing Associates.
Wherry, E. T. 1995. The Fern Guide, Northeastern and Midland United States and
Adjacent Canada. New York: Dover Publications.
Williams, M. D. 2007. Identifying Trees: An all-Season Guide to Eastern North America.
Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books.
State Field Guides
Black, M. R., and E. J. Judziewicz. 2009. Wildflowers of Wisconsin and the Great Lakes.
Second edition. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Cliburn, J., and G. Wallace. 2003. A Key to Missouri Trees in Winter: An Identification
Guide. Jefferson City, MO: Conservation Commission of the State of Missouri.
Conrad, H. S. 1958. Plants of Iowa. Seventh edition. Grinnell, IA: Published by the
Cooperrider, T. S. 1982. Endangered and Threatened Plants of Ohio. Notes No. 16
Columbus, OH: Ohio Biological Survey.
Cooperrider, T. S. 1995. The Dicotyledoneae of Ohio. Part 2: Linaceae through
Campanulaceae. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press.
Curtis, J. 1971. The Vegetation of Wisconsin. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin
Denison, E., and K. Love. 1989. Missouri Wildflowers: A Field Guide to Wildflowers of
Missouri and Adjacent Areas. Jefferson City, MO: Missouri Department of
Eggers, S. D., and D. M. Reed. 1997. Wetland Plants and Plant Communities of
Minnesota and Wisconsin. Second edition. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Army Corp of
Engineers, St. Paul District.
Eilers, L. J., and D. M. Roosa. 1991. The Vascular Plants of Iowa. Iowa City, IA:
University of Iowa Press.
Farrar, J. 1990. Field Guide to Wildflowers of Nebraska and the Great Plains. Lincoln,
NE: Nebraskaland Magazine, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.
Fassett, N. C. 1939. The Leguminous Plants of Wisconsin: The Taxonomy, Ecology, and
Distribution of the Leguminosae Growing in the State without Cultivation.
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Fassett, N. C. 1951. Grasses of Wisconsin. 1980 Printing. Madison, WI: University of
Wisconsin Press.
Hipp, A. L. 2008. Field Guide to Wisconsin Sedges. Madison, WI: University of
Wisconsin Press.
Homoya, M. A. 1993. Orchids of Indiana. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Horn, D., and T. Cathcart. 2005. Wildflowers of Tennessee, the Ohio Valley, and the
Southern Appalachians: The Official Field Guide of the Tennessee Native Plant
Society. Edmonton, Alberta: Lone Pine Publishing.
Hui-Lin, L. 1972. Trees of Pennsylvania, the Atlantic States and the Lake States.
Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Jackson, M. T., K. Harrington, and R. Rathfon. 2004. 101 Trees of Indiana: A Field
Guide. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Johnson, J. R., G. Larson, and M. R. Brashier. 1999. Grassland Plants of South Dakota
and the Northern Great Plains. Brookings, SD: South Dakota State University,
College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, South Dakota Agricultural
Experiment Station.
Jones, A. 1992. Aster and Brachyactis (Asteraceae) in Oklahoma. Sida Bot. Miscellany
No. 8. Fort Worth, TX: Research Institute of Texas.
Kershaw, L. J. 2006. Trees of Michigan, Including Tall Shrubs. Edmonton, Alberta: Lone
Pine Publishing.
Kershaw, L., C. P. Dunn, and C. W. Hamilton. 2007. Trees of Illinois. Auburn, WA: Lone
Pine Publishing.
Kucera, C. L. 1998. The Grasses of Missouri. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press.
Kurz, D. 1997. Shrubs and Woody Vines of Missouri: Descriptions, Detailed Illustrations
and Uses in Landscaping. Jefferson City, MO: Missouri Department of
Kurz, D. 2004. Illinois Wildflowers. Cave Mountain, AR: Cloudland Publishing.
Little, E. L. 1981. Forest Trees of Oklahoma. Oklahoma City, OK: State Department of
Lommasson, R. C. 1973. Nebraska Wild Flowers. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska
Lund, H. C. 1998. Michigan Wildflowers in Color. Holt, MI: Thunder Bay Press.
Lunn, E. T. 1982. Plants of the Illinois Dunesland. Zion, IL: Illinois Dunesland
Preservation Society.
McCoy, D. 1980. Roadside Wild Fruits of Oklahoma. Norman, OK: University of
Oklahoma Press.
McCoy, D. 1981. Roadside Trees and Shrubs of Oklahoma. Norman, OK: University of
Oklahoma Press.
McCoy, D. 1987. Oklahoma Wildflowers. Oklahoma City, OK: D. McCoy.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Trails and Waterways Division. 2002.
Minnesota Invasive Non-Native Terrestrial Plants: An Identification Guide for
Resource Managers. St. Paul, MN: Trails and Waterways Division, Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. 2003. Field Guide to the Native Plant
Communities of Minnesota: The Laurentian Mixed Forest Province. St. Paul,
MN: Ecological Land Classification Program, Minnesota County Biological
Survey, and Natural Heritage and Non-Game Research Program.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. 2005. Field Guide to the Native Plant
Communities of Minnesota: The Eastern Broadleaf Forest Province. St. Paul,
MN: Ecological Land Classification Program, Minnesota County Biological
Survey, and Natural Heritage and Non-Game Research Program.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. 2005. Field Guide to the Native Plant
Communities of Minnesota: The Prairie Parkland and Tall Grass Aspen
Parkland Province. St. Paul, MN: Ecological Land Classification Program,
Minnesota County Biological Survey, and Natural Heritage and Non-Game
Research Program.
Mohlenbrock, R. H. 1980. Spring Woodland Wildflowers of Illinois. Springfield, IL:
Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Forestry.
Mohlenbrock, R. H. 1981. Wildflowers of Fields, Roadsides, and Open Habitats of
Illinois. Springfield, IL: Illinois Dept. of Conservation, Division of Forest
Resources and Natural Heritage.
Mohlenbrock, R. H. 1985. Guide to the Vascular Plants of Illinois. Carbondale, IL:
Southern Illinois University.
Mohlenbrock, R. H. (ed). 1988. A Field Guide to the Wetlands of Illinois. Springfield, IL:
Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Planning.
Mohlenbrock, R. H. 1990. Forest Trees of Illinois. Eighth edition. Springfield, IL: Illinois
Department of Natural History.
Moyle, J. B., and E. W. Moyle. 2001. Northland Wildflowers: The Comprehensive Guide
to the Minnesota Region. Revised edition. Minneapolis, MN: University of
Minnesota Press.
Nebraska Department of Agriculture. 1979. Nebraska Weeds. Lincoln, NE: Nebraska
Department of Agriculture.
Owensby, C. E. 1980. Kansas Prairie Wildflowers. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press.
Petrik-Ott, A. J. 1979. The Pteridophytes of Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota and North
Dakota, USA. Vaduz, Liechtenstein: Strauss and Cramer.
Rabeler, R. K. 2007. Gleason’s Plants of Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI: University of
Michigan Press.
Rathke, D. M. 1995. Minnesota Trees. Revised edition. St. Paul, MN: Minnesota
Extension Service, University of Minnesota, College of Natural Resources.
Rosendahl, C. O. 1963. Trees and Shrubs of the Upper Midwest. Minneapolis, MN:
University of Minnesota Press.
Runkel, S. T., and A. F. Bull. 1987. Wildflowers of Iowa Woodlands. Ames, IA: Iowa State
University Press.
Runkel, S. T., and A. F. Bull. 1994. Wildflowers of Illinois Woodlands. Ames, IA: Iowa
State University Press.
Runkel, S. T., and A. F. Bull. 1994. Wildflowers of Indiana Woodlands. Ames, IA: Iowa
State University Press.
Runkel, S. T., and D. M. Roosa. 1999. Wildflowers and Other Plants of Iowa Wetlands.
Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press.
Shaw, T.E. 1981. Fifty Trees of Indiana. First revised edition. Indianapolis, IN: Division
of Forestry, Department of Natural Resources, Indiana, and the Department of
Forestry and Conservation, Purdue University.
Shirley, S. 1994. Restoring the Tallgrass Prairie: An Illustrated Manual for Iowa and
the Upper Midwest. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press.
Smith, N. F. 1995. Trees of Michigan and the Upper Great Lakes. Revised sixth edition.
Lansing, MI: Thunder Bay Press.
Smith, W. R. 1993. Orchids of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota
Smith, W. 2008. The Trees and Shrubs of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN: University of
Minnesota Press.
Stevens, H. A. 1969. Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines in Kansas. Lawrence, KS:
University Press of Kansas.
Stevens, O. A. 1950. Handbook of North Dakota Plants. Fargo, ND: Knight Printing.
Stubbendieck, J., G. Y. Friisoe, and M. R. Bolick. 1995. Weeds of Nebraska and Great
Plains. Lincoln, NE: Nebraska Department of Agriculture.
Summers, B. 1996. Missouri Orchids. Third edition. Jefferson City, MO: Missouri
Department of Conservation.
Tekiela, S. 1999. Wildflowers of Minnesota: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2000. Wildflowers of Michigan: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2000. Wildflowers of Wisconsin: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2001. Trees of Minnesota: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2001. Wildflowers of Ohio: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2002. Trees of Michigan: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2002. Trees of Wisconsin: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2004. Trees of Ohio: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure Publications.
Tekiela, S. 2006. Trees of Illinois: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure Publications.
Tekiela, S. 2006. Trees of Indiana: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure Publications.
Tryon, R. M., N. C. Fassett, D. W. Dunlop, and M. E. Diemer. 1953. The Ferns and Fern
Allies of Wisconsin. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Tryon, R. M. 1980. Ferns of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Van Bruggen, T. 1974. Marsh and Aquatic Plants of South Dakota. Vermillion, SD:
University of South Dakota.
Van Bruggen, T. 1985. The Vascular Plants of South Dakota. Ames, IA: Iowa State Press.
Weishaupt, C. G. 1971. Vascular Plants of Ohio. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing.
Yatskievych, K. 2000. Field Guide to Indiana Wildflowers. Bloomington, IN: Indiana
University Press.
Local Field Guides
Brown, P. M. 2005. Wild Orchids of the Canadian Maritimes and the Northern Great
Lakes Region. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.
Case, F. W., Jr. 1987. Orchids of the Western Great Lakes Region. Revised edition.
Bulletin 48. Bloomfield Hills, MI: Cranbrook Institute of Science.
Chadde, S. 1998. A Great Lakes Wetland Flora: A Complete, Illustrated Guide to Aquatic
and Wetland Plants of the Upper Midwest. Calumet, MI: PocketFlora Press.
Guldner, L. F. 1960. The Vascular Plants of Scott and Muscatine Counties [Iowa].
Davenport, IA: Davenport Public Museum.
Haller, K. S. 1994. Walking with Wildflowers: A Field Guide to the St. Louis Area.
Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press.
Hoagman, W. J. 1994. Great Lakes Coastal Plants: A Field Guide. East Lansing, MI:
Michigan State University.
Illick, J. S., and S. Harrington. 1998. Trees of the Great Lakes Region. St. Ignace, MI:
Maritime Press.
Mahlberg, P. G., and M. W. Mahlberg. 2000. Wildflowers of Door County: Wisconsin’s
Unique Floral Preserve: A Field Guide. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University
Oslund, C., and M. Oslund. 2002. What’s Doin’ the Bloomin’?: Pictorial Field Guide to
Wildflowers, by Season, of the Upper Great Lakes Regions, Eastern Canada and
Northeastern U.S. Duluth, MN: Plant Pics.
Simonds, R. L., and H. H. Tweedie. 1997. Wildflowers of the Great Lakes Region. Second
edition. Champaign, IL: Stipes Publishing.
Stevens, O. A. 1966. Plants of Bottineau County, North Dakota. Bottineau, ND: North
Dakota Institute of Regional Studies, North Dakota School of Forestry.
Swink, F., and G. Wilhelm. 1994. Plants of the Chicago Region. Fourth edition. Lisle, IL:
Morton Arboretum.
Weaterbee, E. E. 2006. Guide to Great Lakes Coastal Plants. Ann Arbor, MI: University
of Michigan Press.
Young, D. 2007. Kane County Wild Plants and Natural Areas: Kane County. Third
edition. Geneva, IL: Kane County Forest Preserve District.
Appendix I: Northcentral and Northeast:
Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York,
Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island,
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan,
Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana
Regional Floras
Barbour, A., and S. Barbour. 1995. Wild Flora of the Northeast. New York, NY: Penguin
Group USA.
Crow, G. E., and C. Hellquist. 2000. Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Northeastern North
America. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Volume 1: Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, and Angiosperms.
Volume 2: Monocotyledons.
Gleason, H. A. 1963. The New Britton and Brown Illustrated Flora of the Northeastern
United States and Adjacent Canada. New York, NY: Hafner Publishing.
Gleason, H. A., and A. Cronquist. 1991. Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern
United States and Adjacent Canada. New York, NY: New York Botanical Garden.
Holmgren, N. H. 1998. Illustrated Companion to Gleason and Cronquist’s Manual. New
York, NY: New York Botanical Garden.
Magee, D. W., and H. Ahles. 2007. Flora of the Northeast: A Manual of the Vascular
Flora of New England and Adjacent New York. Second edition. Amherst, MA:
University of Massachusetts Amherst.
State Floras
Braun, E. L. 1967. The Vascular Flora of Ohio: The Monocotyledoneae. Columbus, OH:
Ohio State University Press.
Braun, E. L. 1969. The Woody Plants of Ohio: Trees, Shrubs and Woody Climbers,
Native, Naturalized, and Escaped, A Contribution toward the Vascular Flora of
Ohio. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press.
Deam, C. C. 2002. Flora of Indiana. Caldwell, NJ: Blackburn Press.
Dole, E. J, C. A. Weatherby, D. S. Carpenter, and Vermont Botanical Club. 1937. The
Flora of Vermont. Burlington, VT: Free Press Printing.
Fassett, N. C., and O. S. Thomson. 1976. Spring Flora of Wisconsin: A Manual of Plants
Growing Without Cultivation and Flowering Before June 15. Fourth edition.
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Fisher, T. R. 1988. The Dicotyledoneae of Ohio, Part 3: Asteraceae. Columbus, OH: Ohio
State University Press.
Haines, A., and T. F. Vining. 1998. Flora of Maine: A Manual for Identification of Native
and Naturalized Vascular Plants of Maine. Harbor, ME: V.F. Thomas.
Harger, E. B. 1917. Flora of Connecticut. Published by the author.
Jones, G. N. 1971. Flora of Illinois, Containing Keys for Identification of the Flowering
Plants and Ferns. Third edition. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame
Mitchell, R. S. 1988. Plantanaceae through Myricaceae of New York State. New York
State Bulletin No. 464. Albany, NY: New York State Museum.
Mohlenbrock, R. H. 1999–2006. The Illustrated Flora of Illinois. Carbondale, IL:
Southern Illinois University Press.
Ferns. 1999.
Flowering Plants: Polkweeds, Four O’clocks, Carpetweeds, Cacti, Purslanes,
Goosefoots, Pigweeds, and Pinks. 2001.
Flowering Plants: Rush to Rushes. 2006.
Flowering Plants: Smartweeds to Hazelnuts. 2002.
Grasses: Panicum to Danthonia. 2001.
Grasses: Bromus to Paspalum. 2002.
Sedges: Carex. 1999.
Sedges: Cyperus to Scleria. 2001.
Mohlenbrock, R. H. 2002. Vascular Flora of Illinois. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois
University Press.
Morley, T. 1969. Spring Flora of Minnesota, Including Common Cultivated Plants.
Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Ohio State University of Science and Ohio Flora Committee. 1967. The Vascular Flora of
Ohio. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press.
Palmatier, E. A. 1952. Flora of Rhode Island. Kingston: Department of Botany, University
of Rhode Island.
Porter, T. C. 1903. Flora of Pennsylvania. Boston, MA: Ginn and Company.
Reed, C. F. 1986. Flora of the Serpentine Formations in Eastern North America, with
Descriptions of Geomorphology and Mineralogy of the Formations. Baltimore,
MD: Reed Herbarium.
Rhoads, A. F., and T. A. Block. 2007. The Plants of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, PA:
University of Pennsylvania Press.
Schaffner, J. H. 1993. Field Manual of the Flora of Ohio and Adjacent Territory.
Columbus, OH: R.G. Adams.
Seymour, F. C. 1969. The Flora of New England. Rutland, VT: Tuttle.
Seymour, F. C. 1969. The Flora of Vermont: A Manual for the Identification of Ferns and
Flowering Plants Growing Without Cultivation in Vermont. Fourth edition.
Burlington, VT: University of Vermont.
Torrey, J. 1843. A Flora of the State of New York. Albany, NY: Carroll and Cook, Printers
to the Assembly.
Unknown. 1933. Flora of Wisconsin, Part 1. Streamwood, IL: North American Press.
Voss, E. G. 1972–1996. Michigan Flora. Bloomfield Hills, MI: Cranbrook Institute of
Science; Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Herbarium.
Part 1: Gymnosperms and Monocots. 1972.
Part 2: Dicots (Saururaceae-Cornaceae). 1985.
Part 3: Dicots (Pyrolaceae-Compositae). 1996.
Local Floras
Chadde, S. 1998. A Great Lakes Wetland Flora: A Complete, Illustrated Guide to Aquatic
and Wetland Plants of the Upper Midwest. Calumet, MI: PocketFlora Press.
Gleason, H. A. 1935. Plants of the Vicinity of New York. New York: New York Botanical
Haines, A. 2003. The Families Huperziaceae and Lycopodiaceae of New England: A
Taxonomic and Ecological Reference. Bar Harbor, ME: V.F. Thomas.
Hough, R. B. 1907. Handbook of the Trees of the Northern States and Canada East of the
Rocky Mountains. Lowville, NY: Published by the author.
Lakela, O. 1965. A Flora of Northeastern Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN: University of
Minnesota Press.
Mohlenbrock, R. H., and J. W. Voigt. 1959. A Flora of Southern Illinois. Carbondale, IL:
Southern Illinois University Press.
Pease, A. S. 1964. A Flora of Northern New Hampshire. Cambridge, MA: New England
Botanical Club.
Seymour, F. C. 1982. The Flora of New England: A Manual for the Identification of all
Vascular Plants including Ferns and Fern Allies Growing Without Cultivation in
New England. Plainfield, NJ: H.N. Moldenke and A.L. Moldenke.
Wiegand, K., and A. J. Eames. 1926. Flora of the Cayuga Lake Basin. Ithaca, NY: Cornell
Field Guides
Regional Field Guides
Antonio, T. M., and S. Masi. 2001. The Sunflower Family in the Upper Midwest: A
Photographic Guide to the Asteraceae in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan,
Minnesota and Wisconsin. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana Academy of Science in
collaboration with Chicago Botanic Garden.
Batson, W. T. 1984. A Guide to the Genera of the Eastern Plants. Columbia, SC:
University of South Carolina Press.
Blackburn, B. 1952. Trees and Shrubs in Eastern North America. New York, NY: Oxford
University Press.
Blouin, G. 2004. Weeds of the Woods: Small Trees and Shrubs of the Eastern Forest.
Halifax, NS: Nimbus Publishing.
Boughton, C. 1963. A Field Guide to the Ferns and Their Related Families of
Northeastern and Central North America. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Brown, H. P. 1938. Trees of the Northeastern United States, Native and Naturalized.
Boston, MA: Christopher Publishing House.
Brown, L. 1976. Wildflowers and Winter Weeds. New York, NY: W.W. Norton.
Brown, L. 1992. Grasses: An Identification Guide. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin
Brown, P. M. 1997. Wild Orchids of the Northeastern United States: A Field and Study
Guide to the Orchids Growing Wild in New England, New York, and Adjacent
Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Ithaca, NY: Comstock Publishing.
Clemants, S. E., and C. Gracie. 2006. Wildflowers in the Field and Forest: A Field Guide
to the Northeastern United States. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Cobb, B., E. Farnsworth, and C. Lowe. 2005. A Field Guide to Ferns and their Related
Families: Northeastern and Central North America. Second edition. Boston,
MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Cope, E. A. 1986. Native and Cultivated Conifers of Northeastern North America: A
Guide. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Core, E. L., and N. P. Ammons. 1958. Woody Plants in Winter: A Manual of Common
Trees and Shrubs in Winter in the Northeastern United States and Southeastern
Canada. Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University Press.
Courtenay, B., and J. H. Zimmerman. 1972. Wildflowers and Weeds. New York, NY: Van
Nostrand Reinhold.
DeGraaf, R. M., and P. E. Sendak. 2006. Native and Naturalized Trees of New England
and Adjacent Canada: A Field Guide. Hanover, NH: University Press of New
Duncan, W. H., and M. B. Duncan. 1999. Wildflowers of the Eastern United States.
Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Fernald, M. L., and A. Gray. 1970. Manual of Botany: A Handbook of the Flowering
Plants and Ferns of the Central and Northeastern United States and Adjacent
Canada. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.
Graves, A. H. 1956. Illustrated Guide to Trees and Shrubs: A Handbook of the Woody
Plants of the Northeastern United States and Adjacent Regions. New York:
Harper and Brothers.
Grimm, W. C. 1983. The Illustrated Book of Trees, With Keys for Summer and Winter
Identification. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books.
Grimm, W. C. 1992. The Illustrated Book of Wildflowers and Shrubs: The
Comprehensive Field Guide to More than 1,300 Plants of Eastern North
America. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books.
Harlow, W. M. 1957. Trees of the Eastern and Central United States and Canada. New
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Jennings, O. E. 1953. Wild Flowers of Western Pennsylvania and the Upper Ohio Basin.
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Knobel, E. 1972. Identify Trees and Shrubs by their Leaves: A Guide to Trees and Shrubs
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Leopold, D. J., W. C. McComb, and R. N. Muller. 1998. Trees of the Central Hardwood
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Magee, D. W. 1981. Freshwater Wetlands: A Guide to Common Indicator Plants of the
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Miller, H. A., and H. E. Jaques. 1978. How to Know the Trees. Dubuque, IA: W.C. Brown.
Muenscher, W. C. L. 1955. Keys to Woody Plants. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
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Pierce, R. J. 1977. Wetland Plants of the Eastern United States. New York: North Atlantic
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Redington, C. B. 1994. Plants in Wetlands. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing.
Rickett, H. W. 1966-1973. Wild Flowers of the United States. Volume 1. The Northeastern
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Rosendahl, C. O. 1963. Trees and Shrubs of the Upper Midwest. Minneapolis, MN:
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Stein, J. D., D. Binion, and R. E. Acciavatti. 2003. Field Guide to Native Oak Species of
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Tiner, R. W. 1987. A Field Guide to Coastal Wetland Plants of the Northeastern United
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Tiner, R. W. 1997. Winter Guide to Woody Plants of Wetlands and their Borders:
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Tiner, R. W., A. Rorer, and R. H. Wiegand. 1988. Field Guide to Nontidal Wetland
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Tyron, A. F., and R. C. Moron. 1997. The Ferns and Allied Plants of New England.
Lincoln, MA: Center for Biological Conservation, Massachusetts Audubon
Uva, R. H., J. C. Neal, and J. M. DiTomaso. 1997. Weeds of the Northeast. Ithaca, NY:
Comstock Publishing Associates.
Wherry, E. T. 1995. The Fern Guide, Northeastern and Midland United States and
Adjacent Canada. New York: Dover Publications.
Williams, M. D. 2007. Identifying Trees: An All-Season Guide to Eastern North America.
Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books.
Woodward, C. H., and H. W. Rickett. 1979. Common Wild Flowers of the Northeastern
United States. Woodbury, NY: Barron’s.
State Field Guides
Ahmadjain, V. 1979. Flowering Plants of Massachusetts. Amherst, MA: University of
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Antonio, T. M., and S. Masi. 2001. The Sunflower Family in the Upper Midwest: A
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Baldwin, H. I. 1993. Forest Leaves: How to Identify Trees and Shrubs of Northern New
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Barnes, B. V., W. H. Wagner, and C. H. Otis. 1981. Michigan Trees: A Guide to the Trees
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Bassette, A. E., A. R. Bessette, W. K. Chapman, and V. C. Chapman. 2000. Wildflowers of
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Bates, J. 1995. Trailside Botany: 101 Favorite Trees, Shrubs and Wildflowers of the
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Billington, C. 1949. Shrubs of Michigan. Second edition. Bulletin No. 20. Bloomfield
Hills, MI: Cranbrook Institute of Science.
Billington, C. 1952. Ferns of Michigan. Bulletin No. 32. Bloomfield Hills, MI: Cranbrook
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Black, M. R., and E. J. Judziewicz. 2009. Wildflowers of Wisconsin and the Great Lakes.
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Borman, S., R. Korth, and J. Temte. Through the Looking Glass: A Field Guide to Aquatic
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Brown, P. M. 1997. Wild Orchids of the Northeastern United States: A Field and Study
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Brown, P. M. 2007. Wild Orchids of the Northeast New England, New York,
Pennsylvania, and New Jeresy. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.
Brown, R. G., and M. L. Brown. 1972. Woody Plants of Maryland. College Park, MD:
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Chapman, W. K. 1996. Orchids of the Northeast: A Field Guide. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse
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Chapman, W. K., V. A. Chapman, A. E. Bessette, A. R. Bessette, and D. R. Pens. 1998.
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Clemants, S. E. 1990. Chenopodiaceae and Amarathaceae of New York State. Bulletin
No. 495. Albany, NY: New York State Museum.
Clemants, S. E. 1990. Juncaceae (Rush Family) of New York State. Bulletin No. 475.
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Cooperrider, T. S. 1982. Endangered and Threatened Plants of Ohio. Notes No. 16.
Columbus, OH: Ohio Biological Survey.
Cooperrider, T. S. 1995. The Dicotyledoneae of Ohio. Part 2: Linaceae through
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Curtis, J. 1971. The Vegetation of Wisconsin. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin
Dwelley, M. J. 1980. Trees and Shrubs of New England. Camden, ME: Down East Books.
Dwelley, M. J. 2000. Spring Wildflowers of New England. Second edition. Camden, ME:
Down East Books.
Dwelley, M. J. 2004. Summer and Fall Wildflowers of New England. Second edition.
Camden, ME: Down East Books.
Edsail, M. S. 1985. Roadside Plants and Flowers: A Traveler’s Guide to the Midwest and
Great Lakes Area, with a few Familiar Off-road Wildflowers. Madison, WI:
University of Wisconsin Press.
Eggers, S. D., and D. M. Reed. 1997. Wetland Plants and Plant Communities of
Minnesota and Wisconsin. Second edition. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Army Corp of
Engineers, St. Paul District.
Fassett, N. C. 1939. The Leguminous Plants of Wisconsin: The Taxonomy, Ecology, and
Distribution of the Leguminosae Growing in the State without Cultivation.
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Fassett, N. C. 1951. Grasses of Wisconsin. 1980 printing. Madison, WI: University of
Wisconsin Press.
Henn, R. L. 1998. Wildflowers of Ohio. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Hipp, A. L. 2008. Field Guide to Wisconsin Sedges. Madison, WI: University of
Wisconsin Press.
Hodgdon, A. R., and F. L. Steele. 1958. The Woody Plants of New Hampshire. Bulletin
447. Durham, NH: Agricultural Experiment Station, University of New
Hough, M. Y. 1983. New Jersey Wild Plants. Harmony, NJ: Harmony Press.
Hui-Lin, L. 1972. Trees of Pennsylvania, the Atlantic States and the Lake States.
Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Homoya, M. A. 1993. Orchids of Indiana. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Jackson, M. T., K. Harrington, and R. Rathfon. 2004. 101 Trees of Indiana: A Field
Guide. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Kershaw, L. J. 2006. Trees of Michigan, Including Tall Shrubs. Edmonton, Alberta: Lone
Pine Publishing.
Kershaw, L., C. P. Dunn, and C. W. Hamilton. 2007. Trees of Illinois. Auburn, WA: Lone
Pine Publishing.
Kurz, D. 2004. Illinois Wildflowers. Cave Mountain, AR: Cloudland Publishing.
Lund, H. C. 1998. Michigan Wildflowers in Color. Holt, MI: Thunder Bay Press.
Lunn, E. T. 1982. Plants of the Illinois Dunesland. Zion, IL: Illinois Dunesland
Preservation Society.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Trails and Waterways Division. 2002.
Minnesota Invasive Non-Native Terrestrial Plants: An Identification Guide for
Resource Managers. St. Paul, MN: Trails and Waterways Division, Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. 2003. Field Guide to the Native Plant
Communities of Minnesota: The Laurentian Mixed Forest Province. Ecological
Land Classification Program, Minnesota County Biological Survey, and Natural
Heritage and Non-Game Research Program. St. Paul, MN: Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. 2005. Field Guide to the Native Plant
Communities of Minnesota: The Eastern Broadleaf Forest Province. Ecological
Land Classification Program, Minnesota County Biological Survey, and Natural
Heritage and Non-Game Research Program. St. Paul, MN: Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. 2005. Field Guide to the Native Plant
Communities of Minnesota: The Prairie Parkland and Tall Grass Aspen
Parkland Province. Ecological Land Classification Program, Minnesota County
Biological Survey, and Natural Heritage and Non-Game Research Program. St.
Paul, MN: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
Mohlenbrock, R. H. 1980. Spring Woodland Wildflowers of Illinois. Springfield, IL:
Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Forestry.
Mohlenbrock, R. H. 1981. Wildflowers of Fields, Roadsides, and Open Habitats of
Illinois. Springfield, IL: Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Forest
Resources and Natural Heritage.
Mohlenbrock, R. H. 1985. Guide to the Vascular Plants of Illinois. Carbondale, IL:
Southern Illinois University.
Mohlenbrock, R. H. (ed.). 1988. A Field Guide to the Wetlands of Illinois. Springfield, IL:
Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Planning.
Mohlenbrock, R. H. 1990. Forest Trees of Illinois. Eight edition. Springfield, IL: Illinois
Department of Natural History.
Montgomery, J. D., and D. E. Fairbrothers. 1992. New Jeresy Ferns and Fern-Allies.
Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Moyle, J. B., and E. W. Moyle. 2001. Northland Wildflowers: The Comprehensive Guide
to the Minnesota Region. Revised edition. Minneapolis, MN: University of
Minnesota Press.
Rabeler, R. K. 2007. Gleason’s Plants of Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI: University of
Michigan Press.
Rathke, D. M. 1995. Minnesota Trees. St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Extension Service,
University of Minnesota, College of Natural Resources.
Raynal, D. J., and D. J. Leopold. 1999. Landowner’s Guide to State-Protected Plants of
Forests in New York State. Syracuse, NY: State University of New York, College
of Enviromental Science and Forestry.
Rhoades, A. F., T. A. Block, and A. Anisko. 2009. The Plants of Pennsylvania: An
Illustrated Manual. Second edition. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania
Runkel, S. T., and A. F. Bull. 1987. Wildflowers of Iowa Woodlands. Ames, IA: Iowa State
University Press.
Runkel, S. T., and A. F. Bull. 1994. Wildflowers of Illinois Woodlands. Ames, IA: Iowa
State University Press.
Runkel, S. T., and A. F. Bull. 1994. Wildflowers of Indiana Woodlands. Ames, IA: Iowa
State University Press.
Shaw, T. E. 1981. Fifty Trees of Indiana. Indianapolis, IN: Division of Forestry,
Department of Natural Resources, Indiana, and the Department of Forestry and
Conservation, Purdue University.
Smith, N. F. 1995. Trees of Michigan and the Upper Great Lakes. Lansing, MI: Thunder
Bay Press.
Smith, W. R. 1993. Orchids of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota
Smith, W. R. 2008. The Trees and Shrubs of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN: University of
Minnesota Press.
Tekiela, S. 1999. Wildflowers of Minnesota: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2000. Wildflowers of Michigan: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2000. Wildflowers of Wisconsin: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2001. Trees of Minnesota: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2001. Wildflowers of Ohio: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2002. Trees of Michigan: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2002. Trees of Wisconsin: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2004. Trees of Ohio: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure Publications.
Tekiela, S. 2004. Trees of Pennsylvania: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tekiela, S. 2006. Trees of Illinois: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure Publications.
Tekiela, S. 2006. Trees of Indiana: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure Publications.
Tekiela, S. 2006. Trees of New York: Field Guide. Cambridge, MN: Adventure
Tryon, R. M. 1980. Ferns of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Tryon, R. M., N. C. Fassett, D. W. Dunlop, and M. E. Diemer. 1953. The Ferns and Fern
Allies of Wisconsin. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Wallner, J., and M. J. DiGregorio. 1997. New England’s Mountain Flowers: A High
Country Heritage. Missoula, MT: Mountain Press Publishing.
Weishaupt, C. G. 1971. Vascular Plants of Ohio. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing.
Yatskievych, K. 2000. Field Guide to Indiana Wildflowers. Bloomington, IN: Indiana
University Press.
Local Field Guides
Adkins, L. M. 2006. Wildflowers of the Appalachian Trail. Second edition. Birmingham,
AL: Menasha Ridge Press.
Boyd, H. P. 2001. Wildflowers of the Pine Barrens of New Jeresy. Medord, NJ: Plexus
Brown, P. M. 1993. Field and Study Guide to the Orchids of New England. Published by
the author.
Brown, P. M. 2005. Wild Orchids of the Canadian Maritimes and the Northern Great
Lakes Region. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.
Burton, F. M., and A. M. Stampp. 2005. Door County’s Wildflowers. Ephraim, WI:
Stonehill Press.
Case, F. W., Jr. 1987. Orchids of the Western Great Lakes Region. Revised edition.
Bulletin 48. Bloomfield Hills, MI: Cranbrook Institute of Science.
Chapman, W. K., and A. Bessette. 1990. Trees and Shrubs of the Adirondacks. Utica, NY:
North Country Books.
Courtenay, B., and J. H. Zimmerman. 1990. Wildflowers and Weeds. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Prentice Hall.
Crow, G. E. 1982. New England’s Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Plants.
Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
DiGregorio, M., and J. Wallner. 2003. Wildflowers of Cape Cod: A Vanishing Heritage.
Hanover, NH: University Press of New England.
Geller, M. D. 2002. A Key to the Woody Plants of the New Jersey Pine Barrens. New
Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Good, M. B. 1990. Trillium: A Guide to the Common Wildflowers of Northeastern
Wisconsin. Woodruff, WI: M.B. Good.
Harris, S. K., J. H. Langenheim, and F. L. Steele. 1977. AMC Field Guide to Mountain
Flowers of New England. Boston, MA: Appalachian Mountain Club.
Hemmerly, T. E. 2000. Appalachian Wildflowers. Athens, GA: University of Georgia
Hession, J., and V. Michaud. 2003. Wildflowers of the White Mountains: An
Introduction to Wildflowers Commonly Found in New Hampshire’s White
Mountians. Burlington, VT: Huntington Graphics.
Hoagman, W. J. 1994. Great Lakes Coastal Plants: A Field Guide. East Lansing, MI:
Michigan State University.
Illick, J. S., and S. Harrington. 1998. Trees of the Great Lakes Region. St. Ignace, MI:
Maritime Press.
Janke, R. A. 1996. The Wildflowers of Isle Royale National Park. Revised second edition.
Houghton, MI: Isle Royale Natural History Association.
Mahlberg, P. G., and M. W. Mahlberg. 2000. Wildflowers of Door County: Wisconsin’s
Unique Floral Preserve: A Field Guide. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University
McClokey, L. B. 1998. Hudson River Field Guide to Plants of Freshwater Tidal Wetlands.
Albany, NY: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
McGrath, A., and J. Treffs. 1981. Wildflowers of the Adirondacks. Sylvan Beach, NY:
North Country Books.
Medina, B. F., and V. Medina. 2002. Central Appalachian Wildflowers: A Field Guide to
Common Wildflowers of the Central Appalachian Mountains, Including
Shenandoah National Park, the Catskill Mountains, and the Berkshire
Mountains. Guilford, CT: Globe Pequot Press.
Simonds, R. L., and H. H. Tweedie. 1997. Wildflowers of the Great Lakes Region. Second
edition. Champaign, IL: Stipes Publishing.
Strauch, J. G. 1995. Wildflowers of the Berkshire and Taconic Hills. Stockbridge, MA:
Berkshire House Publishers.
Swink, F., and G. Wilhelm. 1994. Plants of the Chicago Region. Fourth edition. Lisle, IL:
Morton Arboretum.
Weaterbee, E. E. 2006. Guide to Great Lakes Coastal Plants. Ann Arbor, MI: University
of Michigan Press.
Young, D. 2007. Kane County Wild Plants and Natural Areas: Kane County. Third
edition. Geneva, IL: Kane County Forest Preserve District.
ERDC/CRREL SR-11-1 100
Appendix J: Pacific Islands: Hawaiian Islands,
Northern Mariana Islands, Guam
Regional Floras
Degener, O., and I. Degener. 1986. Flora Hawaiiensis: The New Illustrated Flora of the
Hawaiian Islands. Published by the author.
Hillebrand, W. 1888. Flora of the Hawaiian Islands: A Description of their
Phanerogams and Vascular Cryptogams. Heidelberg, Germany: Carl Winter,
University Bookstore.
Staples, G. W., and D. R. Herbst. 2005. A Tropical Garden Flora: Plants Cultivated in
the Hawaiian Islands and Other Tropical Places. Honolulu, HI: Bishop Museum
Islands Floras
Stone, B. C. 1970. Flora of Guam. A Manual for the Identification of the Vascular Plants
of the Island. Mangilao, Guam: University of Guam.
Wagner, W. L., D. R. Herbst, and S. H. Sohmer. 1999. Manual of the Flowering Plants of
Hawai’i. Revised edition. Two volumes. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press
and Bishop Museum Press.
Local Floras
Bishop, L. E., and D. R. Herbst. 1970. On the Vegetation and Flora of Moanalua Valley,
Oahu. Published by the authors.
Henrickson, J. 1971. Vascular Flora of the Northeast Outer Slopes of Haleakala Crater.
East Maui, HI: The Nature Conservancy.
Field Guides
Regional Field Guides
Elevitch, C. 2006. Traditional Trees of Pacific Islands. Honolulu, HI: Permanent
Agriculture Resources.
Raulerson, L., and A. Rinehart. 1991. Trees and Shrubs of the Northern Mariana Islands.
Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands: Coastal Resources Management Office of the
Raulerson, L., and A.F. Rinehart. 1992. Ferns and Orchids of the Mariana Islands.
Published by the authors.
Stemmermann, L. 1981. A Guide to Pacific Wetland Plants. Honolulu, HI: U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, Honolulu District.
ERDC/CRREL SR-11-1 101
Vogt, S. R., and L. L. Williams. 2004. Common Flora and Fauna of the Mariana Islands.
Published by the authors.
Whistler, W. A. 1980. Coastal Flowers of the Tropical Pacific: A Guide to Widespread
Seashore Plants of the Pacific Islands. Lawai, HI: Pacific Tropical Botanical
Whistler, W. A. 1993. Flowers of the Pacific Island Seashore: A Guide to the Littoral
Plants of Hawai’i, Tahiti, Samoa, Tonga, Cook Islands, Fiji, and Micronesia.
Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press.
Whistler, W. A. 1996. Wayside Plants of the Islands: A Guide to the Lowland Flora of the
Pacific Islands, Including Hawaii, Samoa, Tonga, Tahiti, Fiji, Guam, Belau.
Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press.
Whistler, W. A. 2000. Tropical Ornamentals: A Guide. Portland, OR: Timber Press.
Island Field Guides
Carlquist, S. 1980. Hawaii, A Natural History. Geology, Climate, Native Flora and
Fauna above the Shoreline. Second edition. Honolulu, HI: Pacific Tropical
Botanical Garden.
Erickson, T. A., and C. F. Puttock. 2006. Hawai’i Wetland Field Guide: An Ecological
and Identification Guide to Wetlands and Wetland Plants of the Hawaiian
Islands. Honolulu, HI: Bess Press.
Hall, J. B. 2008. A Hiker’s Guide to Trailside Plants in Hawai’i. Honolulu, HI: Mutual
Haselwood, E. L., G. G. Motter, and R. T. Hirano.1983. Handbook of Hawaiian Weeds.
Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press.
Herbst, D. R., and W. L. Wagner. 1992. Alien plants on the northwestern Hawaiian
Islands. In Alien Plant Invasions in Native Ecosystems of Hawai’i: Management
and Research (C. P Stone, C. W. Smith, and J. T. Tunison, ed.). 189–224.
Honolulu, HI: Cooperative National Park Resources Studies Unit, University of
Hawai’i at Manoa.
Kepler, A. K. 1991. Trees of Hawai’i. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press.
Kepler, A. K. 1995. Maui’s Floral Splendor: A Friendly Color Identification Guide to the
Native and Introduced Flowers of all the Hawaiian Islands. Honolulu, HI:
Mutual Publishing.
Kepler, A. K. 1997. Hawaii’s Floral Splendor: A Friendly Color Identification Guide to
the Native and Introduced Flowers of All the Hawaiian Islands. Honolulu, HI:
Mutual Publishing.
Lincoln, N. K. 2009. Amy Greenwell Garden Ethnobotanical Guide to Native Hawaiian
Plants and Polynesian-Introduced Plants. Honolulu, HI: Bishop Museum Press.
ERDC/CRREL SR-11-1 102
Little, E. L., Jr., and R. G. Skolmen. 1989. Common Forest Trees of Hawaii (Native and
Introduced). Agriculture Handbook 679. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Forest Service.
Merlin, M. D. 1990. Hawaiian Coastal Plants and Scenic Shorelines and Hawaiian
Forest Plants: An Illustrated Field Guide. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii
Merlin, M. D. 1995. Hawaiian Forest Plants: An Illustrated Guide. Honolulu, HI: Pacific
Guide Books.
Motooka, P., L. Castro, D. Nelson, G. Nagai, and L. Ching. 2003. Weeds of Hawai’i’s
Pastures and Natural Areas: An Identification and Management Guide.
Honolulu, HI: College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University
of Hawai’i at Manoa.
Neal, M. C. 1965. In Gardens of Hawaii. Second edition. Special Publication 50.
Honolulu, HI: Bishop Museum Press.
Palmer, D. D. 2003. Hawai’i’s Fern and Fern Allies. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai’i
Pratt, H. D. 1998. A Pocket Guide to Hawai’i’s Trees and Shrubs. Honolulu, HI: Mutual
Sohmer, S. H., and R. Gustafson. 1987. Plants and Flowers of Hawaii. Honolulu, HI:
University of Hawaii Press.
Valier, K. 1995. Ferns of Hawaii. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press.
Walther, M. 2004. A Guide to Hawaii’s Coastal Plants. Honolulu, HI: Mutual Publishing.
Whistler, W. A. 2004. Rainforest Trees of Samoa: A Guide to the Common Lowland and
Foothill Forest Trees of the Samoan Archipelago. Honolulu, HI: Isle Botanica.
ERDC/CRREL SR-11-1 103
Appendix K: Western Mountains, Valleys and
Coast: California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho,
Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, South
Dakota, Arizona, New Mexico
Regional Floras
Abrams, L. 1923–1960. An Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States: Washington, Oregon,
and California. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press.
Volume 1: Ophioglossaceae to Aristolochiaceae, Ferns to Birthworts. 1923.
Volume 2: Polygonaceae to Krameriaceae, Buckwheats to Kramerias. 1944.
Volume 3: Geraniaceae to Scrophulariaceae, Geraniums to Figworts. 1951.
Volume 4: Bignoniaceae to Compositae, Bignonias to Sunflowers. 1960.
Cronquist, A., et al. 1972–2005. Intermountain Flora: Vascular Plants of the
Intermountain West, U.S.A. Bronx, NY: New York Botanical Garden Press.
Volume 1. Geological and Botanical History of the Region, its Plant Geography
and Glossary. The Vascular Cryptogams and the Gymnosperms.
Cronquist, A., A. H. Holmgren, N. H. Holmgren, and J. L. Reveal. 1972.
Volume 2, Part B. Subclass Dilleniidae. Cronquist, A., N. H. Holmgren, and P. K.
Holmgren. 2005.
Volume 3, Part A. Subclass Rosidae (except Fabales). Cronquist, A., N. H.
Holmgren, P. K. Holmgren, and J. L. Reveal. 1997.
Volume 3, Part B. Fabales. Cronquist, A., A. H. Holmgren, N. H. Holmgren, J. L.
Reveal, P. K. Holmgren, and R. C. Barneby. 1990.
Volume 4. Subclass Asteridae (except Asteraceae). Cronquist, A., A. H.
Holmgren, N. H. Holmgren, J. L. Reveal, and P. K. Holmgren. 1984.
Volume 5. Asterales. Cronquist, A., A. H. Holmgren, N. H. Holmgren, J. L.
Reveal, and P. K. Holmgren. 1994.
Volume 6. The monocotyledons. Cronquist, A., A. H. Holmgren, N. H. Holmgren,
J. L. Reveal, and P. K. Holmgren. 1994.
Hitchcock, C. L., and A. Cronquist. 1973. Flora of the Pacific Northwest: An Illustrated
Manual. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press.
ERDC/CRREL SR-11-1 104
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ERDC/CRREL SR-11-1 117
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November 2011
Special Report
3. DATES COVERED (From - To)
Flora and Field Guide References supporting all U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Wetland Regional Supplements
Robert Lichvar and Lindsey Dixon
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
72 Lyme Road
Hanover, NH 03755-1290
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Available from NTIS, Springfield, Virginia 22161.
Over the past few years, a series of Regional Supplements to the 1987 U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) Wetland Delineation
Manual have been published, and currently the National Wetland Plant List is being updated. To support these efforts, we generated a
list of floras and field guides for each USACE region—Alaska, Arid West, Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain, Caribbean, Eastern Moun-
tains and Piedmont, Great Plains, Midwest, Northcentral and Northeast, Pacific Islands, and Western Mountains, Valleys and Coast. T
Each list includes regional floras, state floras, local floras, regional field guides, state field guides, and local field guides. We also pre-
pared a list of floras and field guides that cover the entire U.S. This list is divided into the following categories: forbs, shrubs, trees,
grasses and sedges, ferns, orchids, cacti and agave, and references and help guides. The flora and field guide lists can serve as tools for
wetland delineation and restoration, assigning of wetland indicator statuses to vegetation species, and other vegetation activities.
Field guides
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