Study Companion
Health and Physical Education Assessment
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Last Updated: December 2023
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GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 3
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... 3
About the Assessment .................................................................................................................. 4
Content Specifications ............................................................................................................... 5
Test I Subareas ......................................................................................................................... 6
Test I Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 6
Subarea I: Mental and Emotional Health/Professional Issues ............................................... 6
Subarea II: Personal Health and Wellness, Sexual Health, and Nutrition ............................. 7
Subarea III: Safety and Injury Prevention, and Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drugs .............. 8
Test II Subareas ...................................................................................................................... 10
Test II Objectives ..................................................................................................................... 10
Subarea I: Basic Sciences of Physical Education ............................................................... 10
Subarea II: Motor Learning and Motor Development ........................................................... 11
Subarea III: Sports, Activities, and Fitness .......................................................................... 11
Subarea IV: Instructional Principles and Professionalism in Physical Education ................ 12
Practice Questions ...................................................................................................................... 14
Answer Key and Rationales ........................................................................................................ 35
Preparation Resources ............................................................................................................... 54
Guide to Taking a GACE Computer-delivered Assessment .................................................... 54
Reducing Test Anxiety ............................................................................................................ 54
Study Tips: Preparing for a GACE Assessment ...................................................................... 54
Journals ................................................................................................................................... 54
Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, The Society of Health and Physical
Educators (SHAPE America).Other Resources ...................................................................... 54
Online Resources .................................................................................................................... 55
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 4
About the Assessment
Assessment Name Health and Physical Education
Grade Level P–12
Test Code
Test I: 115
Test II: 116
bined Test I and Test II: 615
Testing Time
Test I: 2 hours and 10 minutes
t II: 2 hours and 10 minutes
Combined Test I and Test II: 4 hours and
20 minutes
Test Duration
Test I: 2.5 hours
Test II: 2.5 hour
Combined Test I and Test II: 5 hours
Test Format Computer delivered
Number of Selected-response Questions
Test I: 100
Test II: 100
ombined Test I and Test II: 200
Question Format
The test consists of a variety of short-answ
questions such as selected-response
questions, where you select one answer
choice or multiple answer choices (depending
on what the question asks for), questions
where you enter your answer in a text box,
and other types of questions. You can review
the possible question types in the Guide to
Taking a GACE Computer-delivered Test.
Number of Constructed-response Questions
Test I: 0
Test II: 0
bined Test I and Test II: 0
The GACE Health and Physical Education assessment is designed to measure the professional
knowledge of prospective teachers of Health and Physical Education in the state of Georgia.
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 5
This assessment includes two tests. You may take either test individually or the full assessment
in a single session. The testing time is the amount of time you will have to answer the questions
on the test. Test duration includes time for tutorials and directional screens that may be included
in the test. The questions in this assessment assess both basic knowledge across content areas
and the ability to apply principles.
The total number of questions that are scored is typically smaller than the total number of
questions on the test. Most tests that contain selected-response questions also include
embedded pretest questions, which are not used in calculating your score. By including pretest
questions in the assessment, ETS is able to analyze actual test-taker performance on proposed
new questions and determine whether they should be included in future versions of the test.
Content Specifications
Each test in this assessment is organized into content subareas. Each subarea is further
defined by a set of objectives and their knowledge statements.
The objectives broadly define what an entry-level educator in this field in Georgia public
schools should know and be able to do.
The knowledge statements describe in greater detail the knowledge and skills eligible for
Some tests also include content material at the evidence level. This content serves as
descriptors of what each knowledge statement encompasses.
See a breakdown of the subareas and objectives for the tests in this assessment on the
following pages.
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 6
Test I Subareas
Approx. Percentage
of Test
Mental and Emotional Health/Professional Issues 25%
Personal Health and Wellness, Sexual Health, and Nutrition 40%
Safety and Injury Prevention, and Alcohol, Tobacco, and
Other Drugs
Test I Objectives
Subarea I: Mental and Emotional Health/Professional Issues
Objective 1: Understands the issues related to mental and emotional health
The beginning Health and Physical Education teacher:
A. Understands psychosocial development/emotional well-being
B. Knows the causes/consequences of mental/emotional health issues
C. Knows the consequences of risk-taking behaviors
D. Understands stress management skills
E. Knows how to identify factors that promote positive self-concept and self-esteem
F. Understands factors affecting healthy and unhealthy relationships
G. Understands strategies for coping with changes in families
H. Understands the concepts of interpersonal communication
I. Understands skills promoting healthy interactions
J. Understands the functions of various types of interpersonal relationships
K. Understands group dynamics
L. Knows the social/cultural influences on communication
M. Understands factors affecting decisions about dating
N. Understands the causes of conflict among youth
O. Knows the signs, symptoms, causes, and effects of self-destructive behavior
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 7
Objective 2: Understands the professional issues related to health education
The beginning Health and Physical Education teacher:
A. Knows the opportunities available for health education advocacy
B. Understands how to implement curricular and extracurricular programs
C. Understands the role of health educator as a liaison
D. Understands the factors influencing the content of health education
E. Knows how to locate and use valid sources of health information
F. Knows how to recognize and use effective peer leadership intervention, resistance, and
refusal skills
G. Understands goal-setting and decision making
H. Understands risk factors and protective factors related to personal health and safety
I. Knows the components of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC)
Subarea II: Personal Health and Wellness, Sexual Health, and Nutrition
Objective 1: Understands the principles of personal health and wellness
The beginning Health and Physical Education teacher:
A. Knows the concepts of personal hygiene
B. Understands the concepts of anatomy and physiology and body system
C. Knows the patterns and stages of physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth and
D. Understands various factors that affect physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth
and development
E. Knows how to describe disease etiology and prevention/treatment
F. Understands the difference between communicable and non-communicable diseases
G. Understands the role of the body’s immune system
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 8
Objective 2: Understands the issues related to sexual health
The beginning Health and Physical Education teacher:
A. Knows the anatomy/physiology of the human reproductive system
B. Understands the decision-making process and considerations related to planning
a family
C. Knows the stages that occur during pregnancy and childbirth
D. Knows the factors that influence sexual decisions
E. Knows the causes of HIV/AIDS
F. Knows the methods for preventing pregnancy, STDs, and HIV/AIDS
Objective 3: Understands the principles of nutrition
The beginning Health and Physical Education teacher:
A. Knows how to identify the functions and sources of nutrients
B. Understands the components of My Plate and Dietary Guidelines for Americans
C. Knows the components of a balanced diet
D. Understands principles for planning nutritious meals
E. Understands factors affecting food choices and eating habits
F. Knows dietary disorders and health issues
G. Knows how to evaluate diets relative to personal needs
Subarea III: Safety and Injury Prevention, and Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drugs
Objective 1: Understands the issues related to safety and injury prevention
The beginning Health and Physical Education teacher:
A. Understands weather emergencies
B. Knows methods for promoting self care, safe behaviors, and injury prevention
C. Knows appropriate ways to respond to accidents
D. Understands threats to personal safety
E. Knows the legislation, agencies, and policies that support community health
F. Knows the characteristics of safe and unsafe places for play, travel, and recreation
G. Understands the causes, consequences, and prevention of different types of abuse and
H. Understands common causes and effects of accidents
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 9
Objective 2: Understands the issues related to the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs
The beginning Health and Physical Education teacher:
A. Understands the effects of substance use and abuse
B. Knows the appropriate uses of medicines
C. Knows the classifications of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs
D. Understands the factors contributing to health risks associated with the use of alcohol,
tobacco, and other drugs
E. Knows how the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs affect personal goals
F. Understands how adolescent and teen drug use contributes to accidents, crime, suicide,
mortality, and sexual activity
G. Understands that alcohol, tobacco, and drug dependencies are treatable diseases
H. Knows how to analyze alcohol, tobacco, and drug advertisements
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 10
Test II Subareas
Approx. Percentage
of Test
Basic Sciences of Physical Education 20%
Motor Learning and Motor Development 15%
Sports, Activities, and Fitness 30%
Instructional Principles and Professionalism in Physical
Test II Objectives
Subarea I: Basic Sciences of Physical Education
Objective 1: Understands how the applied sciences are related to physical education
The beginning Health and Physical Education teacher:
A. Understands biomechanics and kinesiology
B. Understands exercise physiology and fitness
Objective 2: Understands the principles of anatomy and physiology as related to physical
The beginning Health and Physical Education teacher:
A. Understands anatomy and physiology
B. Understands the components of flexibility
C. Knows the major muscle groups
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 11
Subarea II: Motor Learning and Motor Development
Objective 1: Understands the principles of motor learning
The beginning Health and Physical Education teacher:
A. Understands principles, stages, sequences, and characteristics of motor development
and learning
B. Understands factors influencing motor development and learning
C. Understands motor-learning concepts
D. Knows instructional prompts and cues for providing motor performance feedback
E. Understands skill themes and ways to promote movement concepts
Objective 2: Understands the principles of motor development
The beginning Health and Physical Education teacher:
A. Knows how to apply movement concepts
B. Understands movement principles and their application
C. Knows critical elements of movement patterns
D. Understands how to combine locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative skills
and patterns
E. Knows how to select developmentally appropriate techniques, skills, sequences,
equipment, and materials for complex rhythmic, aerobic, and dance activities
Subarea III: Sports, Activities, and Fitness
Objective 1: Understands the principles of individual, dual, team, and lifetime sports or activities
The beginning Health and Physical Education teacher:
A. Knows the skills, rules, strategies, sequences, and performance assessment techniques
for individual, dual, team, and lifetime sports, dance, and other activities
B. Understands critical elements essential to competent performance in individual, dual,
and lifetime sports
C. Understands critical elements essential to competent performance in team sports
D. Understands critical elements of outdoor, adventure, and cooperative activities
E. Understands critical elements essential to competent performance in creative movement
and dance
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 12
Objective 2: Understands fitness as it relates to training, fitness plans, sports, and activities
The beginning Health and Physical Education teacher:
A. Understands principles of training and conditioning
B. Knows principles and techniques for designing a fitness plan
C. Knows the effect of participation in sports and activities
D. Knows the appropriate etiquette, interactions, care of equipment, safety practices, and
environmental considerations
Subarea IV: Instructional Principles and Professionalism in Physical Education
Objective 1: Understands management and motivation as it relates to physical education
The beginning Health and Physical Education teacher:
A. Knows the principles of classroom management
B. Understands the psychological and social factors that affect individual and group
C. Knows how to manage resources
D. Knows how to motivate students
E. Knows how to promote positive relationships
F. Knows how to use rules and routines to create a safe and effective learning environment
G. Knows how to promote self-management skills
Objective 2: Understands communication and collaboration as related to physical education
The beginning Health and Physical Education teacher:
A. Understands effective verbal and nonverbal communication
B. Knows how to provide appropriate instructional feedback
C. Knows how to deliver effective demonstrations and explanations
D. Knows how to integrate knowledge and skills from multiple subject areas in physical
E. Knows how to promote opportunities to be physically active
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 13
Objective 3: Understands the principles involved in physical education planning and instruction
The beginning Health and Physical Education teacher:
A. Knows how to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of fitness in a physical
education program
B. Knows how to design and sequence activities for skill development
C. Knows how to design and sequence activities for health and skill-related fitness
D. Knows how to integrate information technology
E. Know how to use technology in physical education
Objective 4: Understands the principles of student assessment, adapted physical education,
and professionalism
The beginning Health and Physical Education teacher:
A. Knows how to plan and adapt instruction for special need students
B. Knows how to assess individuals with disabilities
C. Knows how to gather and assess data for skill performance
D. Knows the goals and purposes of the various fitness assessments
E. Knows how to demonstrate and support the concept that all students can become
physically educated individuals
F. Knows the historical, philosophical, social, and legal issues in physical education
G. Understands liability and legal considerations pertaining to use of equipment, class
organization, supervision, program selection, gender, and disability
H. Understands the factors affecting participation in physical activity
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 14
Practice Questions
The practice questions in this study companion are designed to familiarize you with the types
of questions you may see on the assessment. While they illustrate some of the formats and
types of questions you will see on the test, your performance on these sample questions should
not be viewed as a predictor of your performance on the actual test. Fundamentally, the most
important component in ensuring your success is familiarity with the content that is covered on
the assessment.
To respond to a practice question, choose one of the answer options listed. Be sure to read
the directions carefully to ensure that you know what is required for each question. You may find
it helpful to time yourself to simulate actual testing conditions. A correct answer and a rationale
for each sample test question are in the section following the practice questions.
Keep in mind that the test you take at an actual administration will have different questions,
although the proportion of questions in each subarea will be approximately the same. You
should not expect the percentage of questions you answer correctly in these practice questions
to be exactly the same as when you take the test at an actual administration, since numerous
factors affect a person’s performance in any given testing situation.
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 15
Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete statements below is followed by suggested
answers or completions. Select the best option or options in each case.
1. Essential amino acids are best described as those amino acids that are
A. required for protein synthesis but cannot be made by the body.
B. naturally occurring substances that help fight infection.
C. important components of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
D. high-energy nutrients that promote growth and development.
Answer and Rationale
2. Which of the following students is most likely to lose weight safely?
Name Daily Intake (calories) Daily Expenditure (calories)
A. Robert 3,000 3,000
B. Judy 3,000 2,000
C. Tim 2,000 2,800
D. Alice 1,000 4,000
Answer and Rationale
3. Which of the following can be used most effectively to determine an individual’s body
fat composition?
A. Scales and a height-weight chart
B. A skinfold caliper
C. Measurements of the circumference of the individual’s waist, hips, thighs, and arms
D. Hydrostatic weighing
Answer and Rationale
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 16
4. The presence of the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere is important because it
A. enhances the greenhouse effect
B. has led to sharp increases in skin cancers
C. absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation
D. reduces acid rain and urban smog
Answer and Rationale
5. Approval of AZT for use in treating AIDS came under the jurisdiction of which of the
following agencies?
A. Federal Trade Commission
B. United States Consumer Product Safety Commission
C. State-level offices of consumer affairs
D. United States Food and Drug Administration
Answer and Rationale
6. Fetal alcohol syndrome is associated with which of the following?
A. Phenylketonuria
B. Leukemia
C. Hepatitis
D. Developmental disabilities
Answer and Rationale
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 17
7. Which of the following correctly describes the usual pathway of sperm through the female
reproductive tract to the site of fertilization?
A. Vagina, cervix, fallopian tube, uterus
B. Vagina, uterus, fallopian tube, cervix
C. Vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tube
D. Urethra, vagina, fallopian tube, uterus
Answer and Rationale
8. Amniocentesis is most often used to
A. facilitate artificial insemination
B. measure immune-response capability in transplant recipients
C. determine the presence of certain disorders in the fetus
D. estimate the mothers potential for maintaining a pregnancy to term
Answer and Rationale
9. Compared to younger women, women over age 35 have an increased risk of giving birth to
children with which of the following genetic disorders?
A. Cystic fibrosis
B. Down syndrome
C. Hemophilia
D. Sickle-cell anemia
Answer and Rationale
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 18
10. The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model includes which
THREE of the following?
A. Comprehensive school health education
B. Physical education and physical activity
C. Nutrition environment and services
D. Health newsletters
Answer and Rationale
11. A high school has had a series of incidents of sexual harassment in the hallways. One of the
health education teachers assigns students to create posters in class encouraging positive
peer pressure to prevent sexual harassment. The teacher’s assignment is contributing to
the school’s
A. healthy environment
B. health services
C. family and community involvement
D. counseling services
Answer and Rationale
12. HIV may be transmitted from one individual to another in which THREE of the following
A. Through contact made during oral sex
B. By an infected mother feeding breast milk to an infant
C. Intravenously through sharing injection drug equipment
D. Genetically from parent to child
Answer and Rationale
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 19
13. In which of the following activities can a teacher best observe students demonstrating
refusal skills?
A. Having students interact outside of class
B. Having students role-play
C. Having students read from the textbook
D. Having students create a poster
Answer and Rationale
14. When designing integrated activities for the health classroom to address the different needs
of young students, the health teacher should consider the theory of cognitive development
suggested by which of the following?
A. Jean Piaget
B. John Dewey
C. Robert Marzano
D. Madeline Hunter
Answer and Rationale
15. Which of the following neurotransmitters is affected by the antidepressant Prozac
A. Adrenaline
B. Serotonin
C. Epinephrine
D. Cortisol
Answer and Rationale
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 20
16. Which of the following environmental problems is most lethal to people worldwide?
A. Acid rain
B. Air pollution
C. Ozone depletion
D. Water pollution
Answer and Rationale
17. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which THREE of the
following are among the top four causes of death for young people ages 15 to 24 in the
United States?
A. Suicide
B. Motor vehicle injuries
C. Homicide
D. Diabetes
Answer and Rationale
18. When planning goals for lessons in health class, which THREE of the following should the
teacher be most concerned with?
A. How easily the material can be presented in class
B. How the information presented is relevant to the learner
C. What motivates enthusiasm for the subject in the learner
D. What types of learners make up the class population
Answer and Rationale
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 21
19. Which of the following best describes a formative evaluation?
A. Documenting the feasibility of implementing a student exercise program
B. Determining the effectiveness of a school system’s HIV-prevention initiative
C. Documenting the level of dissemination of a research-based curriculum within a state
D. Monitoring progress in completing plans for a tobacco-use prevention training event
Answer and Rationale
20. Hib is best described as a type of
A. bacteria
B. immune disorder
C. health information system
D. behavioral disorder
Answer and Rationale
21. The affective domain of Bloom’s taxonomy includes which THREE of the following types
of behavior?
A. Analyzing
B. Receiving
C. Responding
D. Valuing
Answer and Rationale
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 22
22. Which of the following can be obtained only with a prescription from a licensed physician?
A. Vitamin supplements
B. Birth control pills
C. Diet pills
D. Weight training supplements
Answer and Rationale
23. Which THREE of the following are major components of the Whole School, Whole
Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model?
A. Employee wellness
B. Comprehensive school health education
C. Health insurance for students
D. Community involvement
Answer and Rationale
24. A negative energy balance of which of the following is required to lose one pound
per week?
A. 4,500 calories
B. 3,500 calories
C. 2,500 calories
D. 1,500 calories
Answer and Rationale
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 23
25. An increase in the risk of heart disease is associated with an increase in which THREE of
the following?
A. Blood pressure
B. Serum cholesterol
C. Low-density lipoprotein
D. High-density lipoprotein
Answer and Rationale
26. Which of the following most accurately represents the number of extra calories a pregnant
woman should consume per day to prepare for a healthy birth?
A. 200˗300
B. 1,000˗1,200
C. 1,500˗2,000
D. Double her normal caloric intake
Answer and Rationale
27. Which of the following is a respiratory condition characterized by inflammation, excessive
mucus production, and the constriction of the bronchi?
A. Allergic rhinitis
B. Emphysema
C. Sleep apnea
D. Asthma
Answer and Rationale
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 24
28. Some people feel an improvement in their health after taking a remedy that has no proven
scientific effect on health status. This is an example of which of the following?
A. A medical breakthrough
B. A suppressant benefit
C. Positive visualization
D. The placebo effect
Answer and Rationale
29. The hormone released by the hypothalamus in both males and females at the onset of sexual
maturity is
A. norepinephrine
B. adrenaline
C. progesterone
D. gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
Answer and Rationale
30. The primary means of managing diabetes is to keep
A. cholesterol levels low
B. sodium levels low
C. blood sugar levels stable
D. blood pressure stable
Answer and Rationale
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 25
31. In which of the following locomotor skills does a foot complete two tasks before the weight
is transferred to the other foot?
A. Galloping
B. Running
C. Walking
D. Skipping
Answer and Rationale
32. Which of the following is a problem most characteristic of performing a forward roll?
A. Keeping the chin tucked
B. Keeping the knees and hips flexed
C. Losing the curl
D. Using the hands to cushion the head contact
Answer and Rationale
33. Which THREE of the following actions are characteristic of a correct mature form for
striking a ball with a racket?
A. Taking a forward step with the foot opposite the striking arm
B. Coiling and rotating the body forward as the racket is swung
C. Putting weight on the back foot and then shifting to the front foot as the racket is swung
D. Stopping the racket at the point of contact with the ball
Answer and Rationale
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 26
34. When dribbling a soccer ball in a restricted space, a player should attempt to do which
THREE of the following?
A. Keep the ball close to the feet
B. Stay in a slightly crouched position
C. Use body feints and changes of speed
D. Use only the dominant foot for better control
Answer and Rationale
35. According to legend, the Greek athlete Milo of Croton lifted a newborn calf onto his
shoulders every day until the calf became a fully mature ox. Milo followed what two
principles of modern muscle strength and endurance conditioning?
A. Progression and overload
B. Variable resistance and overload
C. Frequency and progression
D. Intensity and retention
Answer and Rationale
36. Which of the following is a list of physiological factors that are all related to oxygen
consumption, both linearly and proportionately?
A. Cardiac output, diastolic blood pressure, heart rate
B. Cardiac output, heart rate, work rate
C. Core temperature, red blood cell count, work rate
D. Minute ventilation, red blood cell count, respiration rate
Answer and Rationale
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 27
37. In the late 1800s, the greatest influence on the direction of physical education came from
individuals with a background in which of the following?
A. Medicine
B. Professional sport
C. Intercollegiate sport
D. Nutrition
Answer and Rationale
38. Most sport sociologists describe sport as primarily what type of activity?
A. Idealized
B. Institutionalized
C. Generalized
D. Professionalized
Answer and Rationale
39. Angular motion is represented by which THREE of the following?
A. The knees of a cyclist
B. The legs of a runner
C. The arms of a swimmer
D. The torso of a cyclist
Answer and Rationale
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 28
40. The correct racing posture for swimmers, cyclists, and downhill skiers minimizes the
effect of
A. lift
B. propulsion
C. turbulence
D. gravity
Answer and Rationale
41. Which of the following practice alternatives would best promote motor learning and safety
for potentially injurious sports such as pole vaulting and downhill skiing?
A. Whole
B. Part
C. Progressive-part
D. Distributed
Answer and Rationale
42. Which THREE of the following are direct physiological outcomes of cool-down activities
following vigorous physical activity?
A. Preventing blood from pooling in the legs
B. Increasing the rate of lactic acid removal from the blood and skeletal muscles
C. Promoting the reduction of cholesterol in the blood
D. Reducing the risk of cardiac irregularities
Answer and Rationale
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 29
43. Which THREE of the following are examples of static balance?
A. Standing in place on a balance beam
B. Maintaining a handstand position
C. Skipping across a gymnasium
D. Placing three limbs inside an exercise ring for five seconds
Answer and Rationale
44. Which of the following is the best example of a target game?
A. Basketball
B. Lacrosse
C. Bocce
D. Badminton
Answer and Rationale
45. In teaching a closed skill, a teacher initially should provide which of the following?
A. A stable environment with varying rates of skill performance
B. A stable environment with a stable rate of skill performance
C. A varying environment with varying rates of skill performance
D. A varying environment with a stable rate of skill performance
Answer and Rationale
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 30
46. Which THREE of the following statements are most appropriate to include in a manual of
safety procedures for a physical education program?
A. Teachers must personally inspect playing fields before soccer classes.
B. Teachers must clearly mark appropriate traffic patterns around the throwing area in
javelin classes.
C. Students must read and sign a copy of the rules for archery classes.
D. Students must exercise at or below 50 percent of their maximal heart rate during aerobic
fitness activities.
Answer and Rationale
47. During a physical education unit focusing on the development of health-related fitness, a
teacher asks students to keep a journal about how they personally felt about each activity.
Which of the following best describes the activity of keeping a journal?
A. Criterion-referenced grading
B. Cross-curricular instruction
C. Identification and recall of information
D. Standards-based instruction
Answer and Rationale
48. Learning about the rules, traditions, history, and etiquette of sports falls under which of the
following domains of learning?
A. Affective
B. Cognitive
C. Psychomotor
D. Associative
Answer and Rationale
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 31
49. Which of the following applications of technology will best help a wrestler learn a new
takedown technique?
A. Reading about the proper technique and procedure on the Internet
B. Viewing recordings of his or her own wrestling performances
C. Viewing a series of videos showing proper execution of the takedown
D. Exchanging e-mail messages with other wrestlers about their experience of learning
the technique
Answer and Rationale
50. The Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America) is an important resource
for beginning physical educators because
A. it provides liability insurance for physical educators in case of a problem
B. its Web_site contains all the lesson plans a physical education teacher needs
C. it disseminates current information to enhance physical education knowledge and
improve practice
D. it allows access to a blog that allows teachers, students, and parents to collaborate with
each other
Answer and Rationale
51. The best fitness test for a teacher to use to assess the fitness of students with disabilities
is the
A. Brockport Physical Fitness Test (BPFT)
B. Fitnessgram
C. Presidential Youth Fitness Program
D. ActivityGram
Answer and Rationale
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 32
52. Of the following, which lists the best practices for a physical education teacher to follow in
the beginning of the school year to establish good classroom management?
A. Establishing rules and reviewing them with students, creating a record-keeping system,
and teaching students a predetermined signal to stop activity
B. Posting rules on the wall, not smiling, and learning students’ names
C. Learning students’ names, teaching the class how to do warm-ups, and playing fun
games with the students
D. Having an open gym period, posting rules on the wall, and creating a record-keeping
Answer and Rationale
53. Of the following, which best exemplifies authentic assessment for a basketball skills unit?
A. Using standardized instruments on basketball skills at the end of the unit
B. Using district-devised assessments of skills at the end of the unit
C. Developing a rubric to assess learners as they move through the unit
D. Counting the number of baskets made in a class game
Answer and Rationale
54. Which of the following best expresses the percentage of maximum heart rate that should
characterize students' exercise for health-related fitness in physical education class?
A. 25–40% of maximum heart rate
B. 40–60% of maximum heart rate
C. 60–85% of maximum heart rate
D. 85–100% of maximum heart rate
Answer and Rationale
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 33
55. The exercise system known as plyometrics was designed to meet which of the following
A. Cardiovascular fitness
B. Explosive power training
C. Improved flexibility
D. Muscular endurance
Answer and Rationale
56. The speed of an object thrown overhand is most affected by which of the following?
A. Wrist flexion
B. Hip rotation
C. Grip release
D. Hand-head proximity
Answer and Rationale
57. Which of the following activities is most aerobically demanding in relation to kcal/hour
A. Bowling
B. Volleyball
C. Walking
D. Cross-country skiing
Answer and Rationale
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 34
58. Swimming one-half mile four times a week is most likely to develop which of the
A. Aerobic fitness
B. Balance
C. Flexibility
D. Agility
Answer and Rationale
59. Which TWO of the following faults are commonly exhibited by a beginning swimmer who
is learning the breaststroke?
A. Failing to relax
B. Moving the arms too fast
C. Pulling the arms back too far
D. Using improper timing between movements of the legs and arms
Answer and Rationale
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 35
Answer Key and Rationales
Answer Rationale
1 A O
ption (A) is correct. Amino acids are the building blocks of
proteins. Of the 20 amino acids required for protein synthesis,
nine cannot be produced by the human body. These must be
supplied by the diet.
Back to Question
2 C
Option (C) is correct. To reduce body weight, more calories must
be expended than are taken in. With a daily expenditure of 800
calories above intake, Tim would lose approximately two pounds
per week. Alice, with a calorie expenditure so much greater than
her calorie intake, is at risk of ketosis due to carbohydrate
Back to Question
3 D
Option (D) is correct. Underwater weighing identifies the
proportion of body fat accurately by calculating specific gravity.
The higher the specific gravity, the lower the fat composition.
Back to Question
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 36
Answer Rationale
4 C
Option (C) is correct. The ozone layer is a region of the upper
atmosphere that forms a protective layer that prevents the Sun’s
most harmful ultraviolet radiation from reaching Earth’s surface.
The depletion of the ozone layer has resulted in dramatic
increases in skin cancers.
Back to Question
5 D
Option (D) is correct. The FDA is responsible for the approval of
Back to Question
6 D
Option (D) is correct. Fetal exposure to alcohol is a leading cause
of developmental disabilities.
Back to Question
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 37
Answer Rationale
7 C
Option (C) is correct. The ovum enters the flared opening of the
fallopian tube after it is released from the follicle in the ovary. At
ejaculation, the sperm enter the vagina and, within 15 minutes to
an hour, move into the cervix, through the uterus, and into the
fallopian tubes.
Back to Question
8 C Option (C) is correct. Amniocentesis involves the removal and
examination of a small sample of cells from the amniotic cavity,
enabling doctors to detect genetic disorders.
Back to Question
9 B O
ption (B) is correct. The incidence of Down syndrome increases
with the age of the mother. In the United States, for example,
among mothers in the age range 20-30, about one in 800
newborns has Down syndrome, whereas the incidence of Down
syndrome in newborns of mothers over age 40 is 1 in 100.
Back to Question
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 38
Answer Rationale
10 A,
B, C Options (A), (B), and (C) are correct. This list makes up three of
the ten components of the Whole School, Whole Community,
Whole Child (WSCC) model. The other seven are employee
wellness, social and emotional school climate, physical
environment, health services, counseling, psychological, and
social services, community involvement, and family engagement.
Back to Question
11 A Option (A) is correct. A healthy school environment fosters a
psychosocial climate that helps maximize the health and safety of
students and staff.
Back to Question
12 A,
B, C Options (A), (B), and (C) are correct. HIV can only be transmitted
from an HIV-positive to an HIV-negative person through a mucous
membrane found in the rectum, vagina, mouth, or tip of the penis,
through open cuts or sores, or by direct injection from a needle or
syringe. Less commonly, an HIV-positive person can transmit HIV
to their baby during pregnancy, birth, or breastfeeding.
Back to Question
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 39
Answer Rationale
13 B O
ption (B) is correct. Role-playing in class is the most appropriate
way for students to demonstrate refusal skills in real-life
Back to Question
14 A Option (A) is correct. Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist, believed
that cognitive growth occurred in stages and is credited for
creating the theory of cognitive development. The theory suggests
that students play an active role in the learning process. As
students interact with the world around them, they continually add
new knowledge, build upon existing knowledge, and adapt
previously held ideas to accommodate new information.
Back to Question
15 B O
ption (B) is correct. Depression is caused by low levels of
serotonin in the brain.
Back to Question
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 40
Answer Rationale
16 D
Option (D) is correct. According to the World Health Organization,
between five and ten million people worldwide die each year from
exposure to polluted water.
Back to Question
17 A, B, C Options (A), (B), and (C) are correct. According to data from the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) unintentional
injuries are the leading cause of death of young Americans ages
15 to 24, followed by homicide and suicide.
Back to Question
18 B
, C, D Options (B), (C), and (D) are correct. The ease with which the
material can be presented should not be a concern to the teacher.
Back to Question
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 41
Answer Rationale
19 A Option (A) is correct. Formative evaluations allow the teacher to
evaluate student performance in real-time, provide feedback, and
improve the course content and delivery during the learning
Back to Question
20 A O
ption (A) is correct. Hib stands for Haemophilus influenza type
B, which is a kind of bacteria. Most strains of Hib are opportunistic
pathogens that usually live in their host without causing disease;
they cause problems only when other viral infections or reduced
immune function create an opportunity.
Back to Question
21 B, C,
D Options (B), (C), and (D) are correct. There are five major
categories in the affective domain of Bloom’s taxonomy: receiving,
responding, valuing, organizing, and characterizing. (A),
analyzing, is not one of the five major categories in the affective
domain of Bloom’s taxonomy.
Back to Question
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 42
Answer Rationale
22 B O
ption (B) is correct. Birth control pills are the only item listed that
requires a doctor’s prescription.
Back to Question
23 A, B, D Options (A), (B), and (D) are correct. There are eleven
components of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole
Child (WSCC) model: health education, nutrition environment and
services, employee wellness, social and emotional school climate,
physical environment, health services, counseling, psychological
and social services, community involvement, family engagement,
and physical education and physical activity.
Back to Question
24 B O
ption (B) is correct. A pound of body fat equals 3,500 calories.
By reducing intake of food as in dieting or burning more calories in
exercise, a negative energy balance is created. An individual
wishing to lose one pound per week needs to maintain a negative
energy balance of 3,500 calories per week.
Back to Question
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 43
Answer Rationale
25 A,
B, C Options (A), (B), and (C) are correct. A high concentration of low-
density lipoprotein (LDL), high blood pressure, and high serum
cholesterol are the major factors associated with the artery-
narrowing process known as atherosclerosis. A high HDL ratio to
LDL in overall serum cholesterol is a desirable trait.
Back to Question
26 A Option (A) is correct. During the course of a pregnancy, the fetus
weighs anywhere from a few ounces to a few pounds. The
mother’s body needs only between 200 and 300 extra calories per
day during the pregnancy. This is the amount of calories in one
cooked chicken breast, without the skin.
Back to Question
27 D
Option (D) is correct. An asthma episode is a series of events that
result in narrowed airways. These include: swelling of lining,
tightening of muscles, and increased secretion of mucus in the
Back to Question
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 44
Answer Rationale
28 D
Option (D) is correct. The placebo effect is created when, in a
controlled environment, a patient is given an inert pill and not told
it is inert. The patient then describes the improvement the inert pill
is causing, thus showing that the improvement is mental and not
medical. This is also true in an uncontrolled environment as
illustrated in the question.
Back to Question
29 D Option (D) is correct. GnRH activity is very low during childhood
and rises at puberty. During the reproductive years, the release of
GnRH in higher quantities is critical for successful reproductive
function in both males and females.
Back to Question
30 C
Option (C) is correct. Diabetes is a condition in which blood sugar
levels are high due to the body’s inability to process the blood
sugar correctly; therefore, keeping blood sugar levels stable is the
best way to manage diabetes.
Back to Question
Answer Rationale
31 D Option (D) is correct. In skipping, each foot both walks and hops
before the other foot takes over.
Back to Question
32 C
Options (A), (B), and (D) are correct. Losing the curl is
characteristic of early or primitive stages of performing the forward
Back to Question
33 A,
B, C Options (A), (B), and (C) are correct. The actions listed are all
generally accepted as essential elements of a mature striking
Back to Question
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 45
Answer Rationale
34 A, B, C Options (A), (B), and (C) are correct. Although most players, even
at fairly advanced levels, will have better control with the dominant
foot than with the nondominant foot, it is still essential that
practice in dribbling emphasize the use of both feet. The ball
should be kept close to the feet, the player should be in a slightly
crouched position, and should use body feints and changes of
speed to fake opponents.
Back to Question
35 A O
ption (A) is correct. Progression and overload are the terms
used in discussions of fitness that refer to adjusting the amount of
exercise to a person’s present capacity (overload) and gradually
increasing the amount of exercise over time to improve the level
of fitness (progression).
Back to Question
36 B O
ption (B) is correct. It is the only option that does not include at
least one item that does not increase in a linear fashion as oxygen
consumption increases.
Back to Question
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 46
Answer Rationale
37 A O
ption (A) is correct. The primary role in the development of
physical education in the nineteenth century was played by
physicians interested in anthropometric measurement and other
medically related subjects.
Back to Question
38 B Option (B) is correct. A sport is described by most sociologists as
an institutionalized activity. An activity becomes a sport after
undergoing a process through which behaviors and organization
become standardized over time. As a sport, the activity takes on
fundamental characteristics, such as official rule enforcement,
equipment regulations, and formalized skills.
Back to Question
39 A,
B, C Options (A), (B), and (C) are correct. Cycling, running, and
swimming are all common activities that require the rotation of
body parts around joints.
Back to Question
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 47
Answer Rationale
40 C
Option (C) is correct. Failure to observe this compact bodily
arrangement would hinder movement by creating turbulence.
Back to Question
41 C
Option (C) is correct. Progressive-part describes a method of
practice that involves working on specific elements of a skill in
isolation. This method allows those elements of a skill that present
the greatest risk of injury to be mastered under controlled
conditions before the full skill is attempted under real conditions.
Back to Question
42 A,
B, D Options (A), (B), and (D) are correct. This question is based on a
standard textbook discussion of the rationale for warm down
following vigorous physical activity, which clearly establishes that
preventing blood from pooling in the legs, increasing the rate of
lactic acid removal from the blood and skeletal muscles, and
reducing the risk of cardiac irregularities are real effects of proper
warm-down procedures.
Back to Question
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 48
Answer Rationale
43 A,
B, D Options (A), (B), and (D) are correct. Static balance means to hold
a position in place. The correct options describe a person holding
a position in place.
Back to Question
44 C Option (C) is correct. Target games are activities in which players
send an object toward a target while avoiding any obstacles.
Thus, bocce is considered to be a target game.
Back to Question
45 B O
ption (B) is correct. A closed skill is one in which the
environment remains stable and predictable, and the performer
knows what to do and when to do it. A stable environment with a
stable rate of skill performance allows the performer to practice
the skill at a stable rate, moving to varying rates as mastery is
attained. Closed skills are habitual and follow set patterns from
beginning to end.
Back to Question
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 49
Answer Rationale
46 A,
B, C Options (A), (B), and (C) are correct. The way to maintain or
increase fitness is to exercise in the target heart rate zone.
Students in physical education classes should be exercising this
way. Safety procedures for a physical education program include
inspection of facilities, marking areas for safety, and having
students read and know rules for activities.
Back to Question
47 B Option (B) is correct. Cross-curricular instruction allows the
teacher to provide a different avenue of learning to students, and
it addresses the diverse learning styles that students have. In
physical education, a writing assignment will integrate writing
skills into a lesson, so the lesson will not rely only on assessing
the physical ability and effort of the students.
Back to Question
48 B O
ption (B) is correct. The cognitive domain deals with the
acquisition of knowledge and the development of intellectual
skills. Affective deals with people’s feelings, psychomotor deals
with physical manipulations, and associative is not a domain
within Bloom’s taxonomy.
Back to Question
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 50
Answer Rationale
49 C Option (C) is correct. By viewing a series of videos that
demonstrate proper technique of the takedown, the wrestler can
learn by seeing the move in action and has the ability to stop the
video, rewind, use slow motion, and watch the move over and
over, then apply what he or she has seen to his or her own
Back to Question
50 C
Option (C) is correct. SHAPE America’s mission is to advance
professional practice and promote research related to health and
physical education, physical activity, dance, and sport.
Back to Question
51 A O
ption (A) is correct. The Brockport Physical Fitness Test (BPFT)
is a criterion-referenced, health-related test of physical fitness
appropriate for students with disabilities. The BPFT is customized
to meet the needs of all students with varying abilities.
Back to Question
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 51
Answer Rationale
52 A O
ption (A) is correct. All three practices are critical when
implementing a classroom management plan.
Back to Question
53 C Option (C) is correct. Authentic assessment uses a rubric.
Back to Question
54 C
Option (C) is correct. Training at a level between about 60% and
85% of maximum heart rate increases the benefit of the exercise
and decreases the chances of developing cardiac diseases if the
exercise is done on a regular basis.
Back to Question
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 52
Answer Rationale
55 B O
ption (B) is correct. Exercise training drills termed plyometrics,
or explosive jump training, are used for football, volleyball,
sprinting, basketball, and other sports requiring explosive power.
Back to Question
56 B Option (B) is correct. The speed of a thrown object is related to
the amount of torque created by the rotation of the hips in addition
to the action of the arm. The body as a whole, therefore, throws
the object, with hip action being a commonly observed attribute of
the mature overhand throw.
Back to Question
57 D
Option (D) is correct. For a 150-pound person, bowling burns
about 140280 kcal/hour, walking burns 222300 kcal/hour, and
cross-country skiing burns 420840 kcal/hour, making skiing the
most demanding on a person’s aerobic capacity.
Back to Question
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 53
Answer Rationale
58 A Option (A) is correct. Swimming a distance such as one-half mile
would increase cardiovascular fitness, just as distance running
would. Swimming may help maintain flexibility but would not
develop agility or balance.
Back to Question
59 C,
Options (C) and (D) are correct. The swimmer’s arms should not
be drawn back beyond the shoulders, making pulling the arms
back too far a common fault when learning the breaststroke. The
pull, kick, glide sequence must also be executed in the proper
order, making improper timing between the movement of the legs
and arms the second most common fault.
Back to Question
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 54
Preparation Resources
The resources listed below may help you prepare for the GACE assessment in this field. These
preparation resources have been identified by content experts in the field to provide up-to-date
information that relates to the field in general. You may wish to use current issues or editions of
these materials to obtain information on specific topics for study and review.
Guide to Taking a GACE Computer-delivered Assessment
This guide explains how to navigate through a GACE assessment and how to answer different
types of test questions. This free download is available in the Test Preparation Resources
section of the GACE website at
Reducing Test Anxiety
This guide provides practical help for people who suffer from test anxiety. Designed specifically
for GACE test takers, but useful to anyone who has to take tests, this guide reviews the major
causes of test anxiety and offers practical advice for how to counter each one. Download
this guide for free from the Test Preparation Resources section of the GACE website at
Study Tips: Preparing for a GACE Assessment
This document contains useful information on preparing for selected-response and
constructed-response tests. The instruction, tips, and suggestions can help you become
a better-prepared test taker. See the Test Preparation Resources section of the GACE
website at for this free download.
JOPERD: Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance, The Society of Health and
Physical Educators (SHAPE America).
JTPE: Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, Human Kinetics Publishers.
Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, The Society
of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America).Other Resources
AJHE: American Journal of Health Education (AJHE), The Society of Health and Physical
Educators (SHAPE America).
SHAPE America, The Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2011). The Physical
Education for lifelong fitness: The physical best teacher's guide. Champaign, IL: Human
Kinetics. SHAPE America, The Society of Health and Physical Educators Clements, R., and
Kinzler, S. (2003). A Multicultural Approach to Physical Education. Reston, Va.: National
Association for Sport and Physical Education.
Colvin, A. Y., Markos, N. J., and Walker, P. J. (2000). Teaching the Nuts and Bolts of Physical
Education. Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics.
Dougherty, N. (Ed.) (2010). Physical Activity & Sport for the Secondary School Student. Reston,
Va.: National Association for Sport and Physical Education. Dougherty, N. (Ed.) (2002).
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 55
Principles of Safety in Physical Education & Sport. Reston, Va.: National Association for Sport
and Physical Education.
Graham, G. (2008). Teaching Children Physical Education: Becoming a Master Teacher.
Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics.
Graham, G., Holt Hale, S. A., and Parker, M. (2003). Children Moving: A Reflective Approach to
Teaching Physical Education with PowerWeb. New York, N.Y.: McGraw-Hill.
Hellison, D. (2010). Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Through Physical Activity.
Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics Publishers.
Hoeger, W., and Hoeger, S. A. (2018). Lifetime Physical Fitness and Wellness. Belmont, Calif.:
Wadsworth Publishing.
Mohnsen, B. (Ed.) (2010). Concepts of Physical Education: What Every Student Needs to
Know. Reston, Va.: National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
Mohnsen, B. (Ed.) (2008). Teaching Middle School Physical Education. Champaign, Ill.: Human
Pangrazi, R. P. (2019). Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children. Menlo
Park, Calif.: Benjamin/Cummings.
Seaman, J., DePauw, K., Morton, K., and Omato, K. (2003). Making Connections: From Theory
to Practice in Adapted Physical Education. Scottsdale, Ariz.: Holcomb Hathaway Publishers.
Siedentop, D., and Tannehill, D. (2000). Developing Teaching Skills in Physical Education.
Mountain View, Calif.: Mayfield Publishing.
Weinberg, R., and Gould, D. (2019). Foundations of Sport & Exercise Psychology. Champaign,
Ill.: Human Kinetics.
Wilmore, J. H., and Costill, D. L. (2015). Physiology of Sport and Exercise. Champaign, Ill.:
Human Kinetics.
Online Resources
American Association of Active Lifestyles and Fitness
American Red Cross
American College of Sports Medicine
The Cooper Institute, FitnessGram
GACE Health and Physical Education Assessment Study Companion 56
Human Kinetics
PE Central: The Web Site for Health and Physical Education
Society of Health and Physical Educators