Alfred University
Psychology Department
1 Saxon Drive
Alfred, NY 14802
Cell Phone: (402) 304-3371
Office Phone: (607) 871-2854
Office: Science Center 423F
Ph.D. (2012) Social Psychology, Teaching of Psychology
University of Nebraska Lincoln
Dissertation Title: Making a large class feel small using social psychology: Introducing teams to
improve performance and learning in a large-enrollment course.
M.A. (2007) Social Psychology
University of Nebraska Lincoln
Thesis Title: Readiness instead of reactivity: Self-serving attribution as preemptive self-
B.A. (2002) Major: Psychology Minor: Sociology
Hendrix College, Graduated with Distinction
Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Faculty Affiliate (2004-present)
Society for Teaching of Psychology, Faculty Affiliate (2007-present)
Consulting Editor for Teaching of Psychology (3-year term)
Eastern Psychological Association, Professional Affiliate (2012 present)
Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology, Faculty Affiliate (2014-present)
Association for Psychological Science, Faculty Affiliate (2015-present)
Associate Professor, Alfred University (2017-present)
Introductory Psychology
Social Psychology
Principles of Learning and Behavior Modification
Psychology of Gender
Human Sexuality
Psychology Research Design and Writing I
Psychology Research and Design II
Research Practicum
Undergraduate Independent Study
Introduction to Social Justice, co-instructor
Graduate Seminar in Social Psychology
Teach 12 credit hours each semester
Typically carry 35-40 undergraduate advisees each semester
Typically sit on 1-3 honors and supervisory committees each semester
Assistant Professor, Alfred University (2011-2017)
Adjunct Professor, Creighton University (2009-2011)
Introductory Psychology
Experimental Research Methods and Statistics II, with Laboratory
Descriptive Research Methods and Statistics I
Psychology of Gender
Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Nebraska Lincoln (2003-2009)
As Instructor of Record
Introduction to Social Psychology
Personality Psychology
Advanced Experimental Social Psychology
Human Sexuality and Society
Introduction to Psychology, Recitation
Excellence in Teaching Award
Alfred University, 2016, 2018
Nominated by undergraduate students for Psychology Teacher of the Year
University of Nebraska Lincoln, Spring 2009
Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award Honorable Mention
University of Nebraska Lincoln, Fall 2008
Childers, H. M., & Johnson, B. C. (2019). SUNY Open Education Resource (OER) Development Grant,
Johnson, B. C. & Cardinale, J. A. (2015). Society for Teaching of Psychology’s Scholarship of Teaching
and Learning Research Grant, $2000.
Cardinale, J. A. & Johnson, B. C. (2014). Evaluation of a Biology Major Concept Inventory, Alfred
University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean’s Faculty Development and Curriculum
Grant. $500.
Johnson, B. C. (2013). Funding for Guest Speaker Ryan Sallans, Alfred University College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences Dean’s Faculty Development and Curriculum Grant. $2000.
Johnson, B. C., Cardinale, J. A. (Writers and Producers), & Brackett, T. R. (Co-Producer). (2018). This is
Your Brain on Learning: How Do You Know What You Know? [Animated Video]. New York,
United States: Media Forge.
Johnson, B. C., Cardinale, J. A. (Writers and Producers), & Brackett, T. R. (Co-Producer). (2017). This is
Your Brain on Learning: Learning to Remember [Animated Video]. New York, United States:
Media Forge.
Cardinale, J. A., Johnson, B. C. (Writers and Producers), & Brackett, T. R. (Co-Producer). (2017). This is
Your Brain on Learning: Learning Changes the Brain [Animated Video]. New York, United
States: Media Forge.
*Gagne, D. D., Johnson, B. C., & Pilgrim, S. M. (2017). Creating a psychological profile of successful
first-year engineering students. Refereed proceedings of the American Society for Engineering
Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, Columbus, OH.
*Cardinale, J. A. & Johnson, B. C. (2017). Metacognition modules: A scaffolded series of online
assignments designed to improve students’ study skills. Journal of Microbiology and Biology
Education, 18, 1-8. doi:10.1128/jmbe.v18i1.1212
Cardinale, J. A., Johnson, B. C. (Writers and Producers), & Brackett, T. R. (Co-Producer). (2016). This is
Your Brain on Learning: The Sensory Brain [Animated Video]. New York, United States: Media
*Johnson, B. C., Gagne, D. D., and Pilgrim, S. M. (2015). Profiling the successful first-year engineering
student. Refereed Proceedings from the 7
Annual First Year Engineering Experience (FYEE)
Conference: Enhancing the First Year of Engineering Education, Roanoke/Blacksburg, VA.
Retrieved from http://fyee.asee.org/FYEE2015/index.htm
Cardinale, J. A. & Johnson, B. C. (2014). Biology of Learning Pt1: Learning and the Sensory Brain.
[Video] Retrieved from https://vimeo.com/138256320/bf76575da3
Cardinale, J. A. & Johnson, B. C. (2014). Biology of Learning Pt2: Neuroplasticity. [Video] Retrieved
from https://vimeo.com/138256403/ca63c1e290
Johnson, B. C. & Cardinale, J. A. (2014). Biology of Learning Pt3: Memory and Learning. [Video]
Retrieved from https://vimeo.com/138260658/c89584a33a
Johnson, B. C., DeLillo, D., & Garbin, C. G. (2010). Teaching. In J. C. Thomas and M. Hersen (Eds.),
Handbook of Clinical Psychology Competencies, Vol. 1. New York: Springer Publishers.
*Johnson, B. C., & Kiviniemi, M.T. (2009). The effect of online chapter quizzes on exam performance in
an undergraduate social psychology course. Teaching of Psychology, 36, 33-37. DOI:
*Kiviniemi, M. T., Snyder, M., & Johnson, B. C. (2008). Motivated dimension manipulation in the
processing of social comparison information. Self and Identity, 7, 225-242. DOI:
Johnson, B. C. & Cardinale, J. A. (2018). The role of metacognition in learning and long-term outcomes
for students in higher education STEM fields. Unpublished manuscript, Alfred University.
Johnson, B. C. (2018). Applying a social psychological perspective to the scholarship of teaching and
learning: Group processes and classroom climate. Unpublished manuscript, Alfred University.
Johnson, B. C. (2018). Understanding learning styles as a statement of identity: Using social psychology
to explain why belief in learning styles is impervious to evidence debunking it. Unpublished
manuscript, Alfred University.
(Undergraduate researchers whose independent projects I mentored)
Johnson, B. C. (2019, October). Two Birds with One Policy: Using Behavior Modification Techniques to
Teach Learning and Behavior Modification. Presentation at the 21
Annual Mid-Atlantic
Teaching of Psychology Conference, Washington, DC.
Childers, H. M., & Johnson, B. C. (2019, February). Content Advisories: Productive Discomfort in the
Contemporary Classroom. Professional development workshop presented at the annual College
Art Association Conference, New York, NY.
McConnell, M., Johnson, B. C., & Cardinale, J. A. (2018, October). Do Critical Reading Guides
Promote Student Success in an Introductory Biology Course? Poster presented at the Learning
Sciences Graduate Student Annual Conference, Nashville, TN.
Johnson, B. C., & Childers, H. M. (2018, August). Constructive Discomfort in the Contemporary
Classroom. Invited workshop presented at Alfred State College’s annual faculty development
week, Alfred, NY.
Johnson, B. C. (2018, June). Module Development Workshop: Values, Ethics, Diverse Perspectives,
Cultural Competence, and Global Learning. Invited 3-day workshop for Alfred State College
faculty taskforce, Alfred, NY.
Johnson, B. C., & Childers, H. M. (2018, May). Alfred State College Module: Tool Templates. Invited
faculty workshop for Alfred State College faculty general education taskforce, Alfred, NY.
Childers, H. M, & Johnson, B. C. (2018, April). Teaching for Social Justice with Content Advisories.
Paper presented at the Alfred University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Bergren Forum,
Alfred, NY.
Johnson, B. C. (2018, March). Mental Shortcuts and Biases. Presentation for WESB LiveLine
Radio show, Bradford, PA.
Childers, H. M., & Johnson, B. C. (2017, August). Content Advisory Modules. Presentation to Alfred
University’s Social Justice Teaching Collective, Alfred, NY.
Gagne, D. D., Johnson, B. C., & Pilgrim, S. M. (2017, May). Creating a psychological profile of
successful first-year engineering students. Paper presented at the American Society for
Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, Columbus, OH.
Johnson, B. C., Carosa, C., & Gagne, D. D. (2017, March). Revising a portfolio in a human sexuality
course based on assessment results. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association’s
annual conference, Boston, MA.
Johnson, B. C. & Cardinale, J. A. (2016, August). Development of a scaffolded sequence of assignments
to teach practical metacognition skills. Poster presented at the McMaster Symposium on
Education and Cognition, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Johnson, B. C. (2016 and 2018, February). Sleep deficit spending: You really can’t afford it. Seminar
presented for the Alfred University Wellness Center Winter Meltdown Program, Alfred, NY.
Johnson, B. C. (2016 and 2017, February). Learning how to use progressive muscle relaxation to fall
asleep. Workshop presented for the Alfred University Wellness Center Winter Meltdown
Program, Alfred, NY.
Johnson, B. C. (2015, September). “But it’ll be fascinating to study muggles from the wizarding point of
view!” Seminar presented as part of the Hogwarts University Lecture Series, which was part of
the Harry Potter’s World library event, Alfred, NY.
Johnson, B. C., & Cardinale, J. A. (2015, September). Evaluation of out-of-class “Metacognition
Modules” to teach effective study skills underscores the need for intervention to promote student
learning and success. Poster presented at the AAC&U’s Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL) Upstate
New York Regional Network Fall Meeting, Fredonia, NY.
Johnson, B. C., Gagne, D. D., and Pilgrim, S. M. (2015, August). Profiling the successful first-year
engineering student. Paper presented at the 7
Annual First Year Engineering Experience (FYEE)
Conference: Enhancing the First Year of Engineering Education, Roanoke/Blacksburg, VA.
Johnson, B. C., & Cardinale, J. (2015, August). Metacognitive skills taught in Introductory Biology do not
change behavior in concurrently taken Chemistry classes: Implications for teaching. Poster
presented at the annual meeting for the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education
Research (SABER), Minneapolis, MN.
Johnson, B. C. (2015, July). Beth Johnson: I'm a member of STP and this is how I teach [Blog Post].
Retrieved from http://teachpsych.org/page-1703896/3442331.
Johnson, B. C. & Gagne, D. D. (2015, May). Portfolios for use in sensitive-topic courses: Teach first, ask
questions later. Poster presented at the annual conference for the Association for Psychological
Science, New York, NY.
Stebe, D. L. & Johnson, B.C. (2015, May). The effects of study abroad on undergraduate students’
cultural sensitivity. Poster presented at the annual conference for the Association for
Psychological Science, New York, NY.
Alfred University Spectrum & Johnson, B. C. (2015, April). CommUNITY Build: Interactive workshop
for building awareness of diversity within the LGBTQ+ community. Workshop presented at the
annual North East LGBTQA Conference, Albany, NY.
*I went as the faculty advisor to Spectrum, but I also participated in the workshop presentation as
one of the facilitators.
Osak, J. & Johnson, B. C. (2015, March). The effect of incidental and intentional learning on recall.
Poster presented at the annual Eastern Psychological Association’s conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Johnson, B. C. (November, 2014). Other people's reactions: Social view of sexual assault. Presentation
for the Alfred University Women and Gender Studies Roundtable, Alfred, NY.
Smith, A. & Johnson, B. C. (2014, June). Examining how the jigsaw teaching technique affects students’
learning experience. Poster presented at the annual Eastern Conference on Teaching of
Psychology, Staunton, VA.
Johnson, B. C. & Woughter, K. (2014, April). Improving mental health and wellness through exposure to
natural landscapes. Talk presented at a learning station as part of Alfred University’s Women's
Leadership Academy Second Annual Women in the Wilderness Walk, Alfred, NY.
Cardinale, J. A. & Johnson, B. C. (2014, January). Understanding learning: What you and your students
need to know. Invited workshop presented at Alfred State College’s annual faculty development
week, Alfred, NY.
Alfred University Spectrum & Johnson, B. C. (2013, November). CommUNITY Build: Interactive
workshop for building awareness of diversity within the LGBTQ+ community. Workshop
presented at the 6
annual Mid-Atlantic LGBTQA Conference, Bloomsburg, PA.
*I went as the faculty advisor to Spectrum, but I also participated in the workshop presentation as
one of the facilitators.
Johnson, B. C. (2013, October). The undead theory: Social psychology's explanation for people’s
persistent belief in learning styles theory. Paper presented at the annual New England
Psychological Association’s conference, Bridgeport, CT.
Johnson, B. C., Gagne, D. D., Mensler, C., & Soto, J. (2013, October). From both sides of the desk:
Student and faculty perspectives on portfolios as a learning experience. Panel presented at the
annual Society for the Teaching of Psychology’s Best Practices: Research Based Approaches for
Teaching Psychology conference, Atlanta, GA.
Ugalde, J. & Johnson, B. C. (2013, March). Effectiveness of communicating opinion in cross-gendered
friendship. Poster presented at the annual Eastern Psychological Association’s conference, New
York City, NY.
Johnson, B. C. (2012, October). The social psychology of learning styles and its implications for
pedagogy. Paper presented at the Alfred University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Bergren
Forum, Alfred, NY.
Witter, N. T., Johnson, B. C., & Kiviniemi, M. T. (2008, April). Gender differences in factors and
motivations that affect eating behavior. Paper presented at the annual National Conference for
Undergraduate Research, Salisbury, MD.
Witter, N. T., Johnson, B. C., & Kiviniemi, M. T. (2007, November). Factors and motivations in eating
behaviors. Poster presented at Nebraska Psychological Society Fall Conference, Crete, NE.
Greene, C., Johnson, B. C., & Kiviniemi, M. T. (2007, March). Conflict between affective associations
and cognitive beliefs: Diet-related correlates of ambivalence concerning high fat foods. Poster
presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine's 28th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions,
Washington, DC.
Johnson, B., & Kiviniemi, M.T. (2004, January). A psychological space model of social comparison
assimilation and contrast. Poster presented at Society for Personality and Social Psychology
Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Appointed Director of Curriculum and Programming Transformation Faculty and Staff Professional
Development Summer Seminar, an annual, 5-day intensive workshop for faculty, staff, and
administrators from regional universities and colleges to increase social justice and cultural
competence (2018 present).
Consulting Editor for Teaching of Psychology (2018-present, 3-year term).
Reviewer for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology (2018-present).
Facilitator for Common Ground, Alfred University’s diversity and cultural competence and community
building initiative for incoming students (Fall, 2018).
Member of SAVE (Sexual Assault & Violence Education) Committee (2017-present).
Member of the AU Social Justice Teaching Collective (2016-present).
Faculty advisor for LGBTQ student group Spectrum (2013-present).
Women’s and Gender Studies faculty, including attending retreats, mentoring minors, and presenting at
roundtables (2013-present).
Academic advisor for students in Alfred University’s Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP)
Faculty advisor for Psi Chi, International Honor Society in Psychology, Local Chapter (2011-present).
Reviewer for Teaching of Psychology (2011-present).
Member of AU Graduate Psychology Scholastic Standards Committee (Fall 2011-present).
Member of AU Assessment Committee (2013-2017).
Participated in AU-CLAS Writing Assessment Initiative (Summer 2013 as a reader, and 2014-2016 as
Data Analyst).
Inaugural member of AU’s Junior Faculty Writing Group (2013-2017).
Member of AU Curriculum and Teaching Committee (2012-2017).
Faculty advisor for the AU Psychology Club (2012-2017)
Participated in AU’s Social Justice Teach-In, March 2017.
Participated on AU’s panel for the Gender Literacy Panel and Workshop, March 2017.
Social Justice Studies Minor Development Committee (2016-2017).
Participated in AU’s Rejection Day event, November 2016.
Greater Southern Tier NYS BOCES STEM Deployment Team (2015-2016)
ALFERG Committee, regarding diversity and social justice concerns on campus (2014-2016).
Reviewer for proceedings from the First Year Engineering Experience Conference: Enhancing the First
Year of Engineering Education (Summer 2015).
Reviewer for AU’s SIGMA XI Student Research Award (Spring 2015).
Reviewer for Alfred Research Grants for Undergraduate Students (ARGUS) (Spring 2014, 2015).
Participated in the Psychology Panel Discussion and Movie events for students, hosted by Lily Wolf
Member of Middlestates Assessment Committee, Work Group 6, led by Nancy Furlong (Fall 2012-
Spring 2013).
Read and assessed students’ portfolios for AU FYE Portfolio Review (Spring 2013).
AU Graduate Psychology Teaching Grant Mentor for three graduate students (2011-2013).
Reviewer for Journal of Psychological Inquiry, a journal for undergraduate research (October, 2010).
Textbook Review, Social Psychology, 7
Ed, by Elliot Aronson, Timothy D. Wilson, and Robin M. Akert
(June, 2010).
Planning committee and student presentation room evaluator, Nebraska Psychological Society Annual
Conference, hosted by Creighton University (October, 2009).
Innovation Focus Group for Instructors of Social Psychology, organized by Pearson Allyn & Bacon
Publishers (September, 2008; August, 2009, March, 2012).
Roundtable Discussion Leader, Classroom Management and Relating to Students (August, 2008).
Teaching at UNL: 18
Annual Campus-Wide Workshops for Graduate Teaching Assistants.
Textbook Review, Social Psychology, 9
Ed, by David Myers (August, 2008).
Planning Committee for Teaching at UNL: Annual Campus-Wide Workshops for Graduate Teaching
Assistants. (Summer 2008, 2009).
Peer Advising Program and Website Design Committee, Psychology Department Undergraduate
Academic Advising Office (2006).
Professional 2-day grant writing workshop, Getting Started as an Academician and Grant Writer, by
Russell and Morrison’s Grant Writers’ Seminars and Workshops, LLC (2005).
Psychology Department Graduate Student Association, Social Psychology Area Representative & Vice
President (2004).
Attended a 2-day Open Educational Resources workshop for SUNY OER initiative (June 2019).
Attended a 2-day training for Wen-do, self-defense for women with an emphasis on empowerment and
bias reduction, with AUs Director of Wellness, Amanda Khodorkovskaya, with the intent to help
implement this program for women at AU in the future.
Attended the Eastern Psychological Association annual conference, taking a small group of undergraduate
students in New York City, NY (March 2019).
Attended CampusOut Workshop for students and faculty in LGBTQ+ student organizations in higher
education. Co-sponsored by the Genesee Valley Gay Alliance, hosted at St. John Fisher College
(April 2017) and University of Rochester (April 2019).
Attended the annual conference for the Northeast Psychological Association/Northeast Conference on
Teaching of Psychology in Worcester, MA (November 2018).
Attended the 17
annual Curriculum Transformation Workshop at Alfred University (June, 2018).
Attended the annual Education and Cognition Conference at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario,
Canada (July 2017).
Attended the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education, with a colleague and four
students, as a representative of the President’s Council on Diversity, in Fort Worth TX (June
Volunteered at Stronger Together: Gay Straight Alliance Conference for high school students, hosted by
Gay and Lesbian Youth Services (GLYS), at Jamestown Community College (April 2017).
Attended AU’s “Pizza and Pedagogy” (March 2017).
Attended AU’s Active Shooter presentation given by the FBI (January 2017).
Attended AU’s Green Dot Bystander Intervention training for AU faculty (October 2016).
Member of Alfred University’s Reflecting on Race and Social Justice Faculty Reading and Discussion
Group (Spring 2016).
Attended “Addressing the Needs of Transgender Youth Workshop” hosted by Planned Parenthood of the
Southern Finger Lakes (March 2016).
Attended the 21
annual North East LGBTQA Conference, Stonybrook, NY (March 2016)
Attended 1 day-long workshop hosted by Allegany County Suicide Prevention Coalition’s Training for
Cultural Competency & Best Practice working with LGBTQ Individuals (Summer 2014).
Member of Alfred STEM Teaching Information Resource (ASTIR) (2014-2015).
Attended a 2-day intensive workshop on being an educator about LGBTQ+ advocacy, issues, and
awareness, entitled “SpeakOUT: Providing Successful LGBTQ Education,” hosted by
Rochester’s Gay Alliance (November 2013).
Attended the 5-College Consortium’s Curriculum Transformation Diversity Workshop, a 5-day intensive
workshop about understanding many types of diversity and adjusting curriculum to include and
respect diversity, plus follow-up refresher session (Summers 2012, 2013).
Member of the AU Teaching and Learning Collaborative for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
(2011-2014). Membership was specifically in a Reading and Discussion group and a Peer
Teaching Observation group.
Preparing Future Faculty Fellow (2007).
Professional 2-day grant writing workshop, Write Winning Grants, by Russell and Morrison’s Grant
Writers’ Seminars and Workshops, LLC, and Writing Winning Proposals for Education, designed
to introduce new researchers to the grant-writing process used by granting agencies such as NIH,
NIMH, and NSF (2004).