Flower Mound High School Counseling Department
Letter of Recommendation Questionnaire Student Portion
This form must be completed and returned to your counselor at least two to
three weeks before the requested deadline.
Student Profile
Full legal name:
Preferred name:
Contact Information
School email (be sure to check this regularly):
Cell #:
College Plans
1. To which colleges are you applying?
2. What is your earliest application deadline? (Include school and date)
3. Which major(s) do you intend to pursue in college, and why?
4. What are you looking for from a college?
5. How will you contribute to a college campus?
6. What's your current life dream? This could be your ideal job, ideal environment, etc.
Essentially, what/who do you want to be after college?
Academic Record
7. Do you believe your academic record (transcript information and test scores) provides an
accurate representation of you as a student? Why or why not? (This is an opportunity for
you to discuss an event in your life that has had a significant impact on you, your life,
and/or your academics.)
Extracurricular Activities
8. What do you love to do, learn or discuss outside the classroom? (This is an opportunity to
explain why you pursue the activities on your resume.)
9. In which community (be it your friend group, your family, your team, club, etc.) have you
made an impact? Tell me the story.
Personal Profile
10. What are 5 words or phrases you would use to describe yourself? Explain why you chose
these words or give examples of how these words have played out in your life.
11. Do you have a life philosophy? If so, what is it, and why did you adopt it?
12. What have you contributed to your high school campus?
13. Have you had any leadership roles? (At FMHS or outside clubs/organizations). Explain
what you did in that role.
14. What specific things do you want colleges to know about you? What do you want me to
highlight to the admissions committee? Give details.
Letter of Recommendation Brag Sheet Parent Portion
Student’s Name:
Parent’s Name:
1. What makes your student unique? What sets him/her apart from other students? Share a
characteristic or accomplishment that we might not know about or won’t see on their
academic or activity record.
2. How does your student react to setbacks? Provide an example of a time your student
overcame an obstacle or adversity and demonstrated strength, courage, or resiliency?
3. List three adjectives you would use to describe your student. Give examples to illustrate
each one.
4. In what areas has your child shown the most development and growth during the past
three or four years?
5. Additional informationUse this space to share any additional information about your
student, including specific examples or stories that highlight your student’s character.
What information about your student should be highlighted to the admissions committee?
Letter of Recommendation Information Sheet Teacher Portion
Student Teacher
Please return to by
STUDENT: The above section must be filled out before giving this information to your
teacher. This is not the same as asking them for a letter of recommendation. This
information will be used by your counselor.
To the Teacher: I am writing a recommendation for the above-named student, and I need your help.
You know this student; therefore, your input is crucial for me to write a comprehensive evaluation.
In making the following ratings. Please keep in mind that they will be used to compare this student
with his or her entire class. Please check the SINGLE most appropriate box. THE STUDENT WILL
(Top 5%)
Top Few
ever met
No basis
Academic motivation
Academic creativity
Academic self-discipline
Academic growth potential
Sense of responsibility
Warmth of personality
Sense of humor
Concern for others
Emotional maturity
Personal initiative
Reaction to setbacks
Respect accorded by faculty
First words that come to mind to describe student
Strengths in your course
Notable personal characteristics
Give an anecdote which illustrates what this student has said or done to “stand out from the crowd.”
(Use back if necessary)
Letter of Recommendation Information Sheet Teacher Portion
Student Teacher
Please return to by
STUDENT: The above section must be filled out before giving this information to your
teacher. This is not the same as asking them for a letter of recommendation. This
information will be used by your counselor.
To the Teacher: I am writing a recommendation for the above-named student, and I need your help.
You know this student; therefore, your input is crucial for me to write a comprehensive evaluation.
In making the following ratings. Please keep in mind that they will be used to compare this student
with his or her entire class. Please check the SINGLE most appropriate box. THE STUDENT WILL
(Top 5%)
Top Few
ever met
No basis
Academic motivation
Academic creativity
Academic self-discipline
Academic growth potential
Sense of responsibility
Warmth of personality
Sense of humor
Concern for others
Emotional maturity
Personal initiative
Reaction to setbacks
Respect accorded by faculty
First words that come to mind to describe student
Strengths in your course
Notable personal characteristics
Give an anecdote which illustrates what this student has said or done to “stand out from the crowd.”
(Use back if necessary)