Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
Effective Date: December 28, 2022
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
Effective Date: December 28, 2022
ARTICLE 1 -- ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS ..................................................................1
§ 1.1 Enactment ................................................................................................................1
§ 1.2 Public Purpose .........................................................................................................1
§ 1.3 Notice and Conditions Precedent ............................................................................1
(A) Notice ..........................................................................................................1
(B) County Contact Address ..............................................................................2
§ 1.4 Effective Date ..........................................................................................................2
§ 1.5 Partial Invalidity.......................................................................................................2
§ 1.6 Adopted Authority ..................................................................................................2
§ 1.7 Headings ..................................................................................................................2
§ 1.8 ETJ Regulation ........................................................................................................3
§ 1.9 Appendix/SAATS Manual ......................................................................................3
ARTICLE 2 -- DEFINITIONS, INTERPRETATION, AND APPENDIX ..............................3
§ 2.1 Word Usage and Special Definitions .......................................................................3
(A) Common Usage ............................................................................................3
(B) County Regulations ......................................................................................3
(C) Special Definitions .......................................................................................3
§ 2.2 Interpretation and Appendix ..................................................................................10
(A) Tense, Gender, and Number ......................................................................10
(B) Incorporation by Reference........................................................................10
(C) Minimum Requirements ............................................................................10
(D) Superseding Effect .....................................................................................10
ARTICLE 3 -- PLAT PROCEDURE .........................................................................................11
§ 3.1 Plat Required for Division of Land ........................................................................11
(A) Division Defined ........................................................................................11
(B) Scope of Division .......................................................................................11
§ 3.2 Minimum Plat Standards........................................................................................11
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
Effective Date: December 28, 2022
§ 3.3 Lawful Compliance ................................................................................................11
§ 3.4 Acknowledgment and Recordation ........................................................................11
§ 3.5 Plat Submission and Review ..................................................................................11
(A) Application .................................................................................................11
(B) Submission of Completed Application/Notice of
Incomplete Application .............................................................................12
(C) Review .......................................................................................................12
(D) Submission and Review of Final Plat ........................................................13
(E) Approval of Final Plat ................................................................................13
(F) Bond or Other Financial Security Requirements .......................................13
§ 3.6 Fee Schedule ..........................................................................................................13
§ 3.7 Voluntary Preliminary Review Procedure .............................................................13
(A) Written Notice ............................................................................................13
(B) Document Submission ...............................................................................14
(C) Voluntary Procedure ..................................................................................14
§ 3.8 Short Form Plat Procedure .....................................................................................14
(A) Prerequisites ...............................................................................................14
(B) Replats........................................................................................................15
(C) Required Documents ..................................................................................15
(D) Short Form Plat Application ......................................................................15
(E) Short Form Plat ..........................................................................................15
(F) Review .......................................................................................................15
(G) Execution and Recordation ........................................................................15
§ 3.9 Final Plat Procedure ...............................................................................................15
(A) General Requirements ................................................................................16
(B) Property Description, Identifying Data, and Signatures ............................17
(C) Subdivision and Surrounding Area Identification .....................................17
(D) Plat Production Requirements....................................................................19
(E) Water/Sewer/OSSF Disclosures ................................................................19
(F) Floodplain Disclosure ................................................................................21
(G) Drainage .....................................................................................................21
(H) Road/Driveway Design and Construction .................................................22
(I) Lot Frontage ...............................................................................................27
(J) Access by Emergency Vehicles .................................................................28
(K) Developer Participation Contracts .............................................................28
(L) Utility Connection Requirements ..............................................................28
(M) Use of Firearms, Bows, and Arrows ..........................................................28
(N) Future Transportation Corridors ................................................................29
(O) Regulatory Compliance .............................................................................30
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
Effective Date: December 28, 2022
(P) Purchase Contract Disclosure ....................................................................30
(Q) Lien Subordination Disclosure ..................................................................30
(R) Limitations Regarding County Construction/Maintenance Obligations ....30
(S) Plat Execution and Certification Matters ...................................................30
(T) Engineering and Construction Plans/Drawings .........................................32
PLATS ...........................................................................................................................................32
§ 4.1 Plat Exceptions and Related Matters .....................................................................32
(A) Statutory Exceptions ..................................................................................32
(B) Local Exceptions ........................................................................................32
(C) Post-Exception Application .......................................................................33
(D) 911 Emergency Services Addressing.........................................................33
(E) Conveyance Without Plat Revision ...........................................................34
§ 4.2 Variances................................................................................................................34
(A) Application ................................................................................................34
(B) Procedure ..................................................................................................34
§ 4.3 Plat Revision, Vacation, Replat, Amendment, and Cancellation ..........................35
§ 4.4 Dormant Plat ..........................................................................................................35
ARTICLE 5 MHRC REGULATIONS .................................................................................35
§ 5.1 Manufactured Home Rental Community Regulations ..........................................35
(A) Application .................................................................................................35
(B) Infrastructure Development Plan ..............................................................36
(C) Lawful Compliance ....................................................................................37
(D) Signature and Completeness ......................................................................37
(E) Submission and Fees ..................................................................................38
(F) Fee Schedule ..............................................................................................38
(G) County Review...........................................................................................38
(H) Construction and Occupancy .....................................................................38
(I) Utility Service ............................................................................................38
§ 5.2 MHRC Variance ....................................................................................................39
ARTICLE 6 ENFORCEMENT AND INSPECTION ...........................................................39
§ 6.1 Enforcement ..........................................................................................................39
§ 6.2 Inspection ...............................................................................................................39
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
Effective Date: December 28, 2022
CERTIFICATE OF ADOPTION ...............................................................................................40
Exhibit A: Subdivision Plat Application Form .................................... 1-5
Exhibit B: MHRC Application Form ................................................. 1-5
Exhibit C: Fee Schedule ...................................................................... 1-2
Exhibit D: Plat Certifications and Notes ............................................. 1-9
Exhibit E: Bond or Other Financial Security Requirements ............... 1-5
Exhibit F: Drainage Standards ............................................................ 1-2
Exhibit G: Road Standards .............................................................. 1-11
Exhibit H: Developer Road Damage and Repair Provisions ............... 1-3
Exhibit I: Utility Connection Requirements ...................................... 1-5
Exhibit J: Certificate of Compliance Forms for Approved
Subdivision and MHRC Developments ............................. 1-2
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
Effective Date: December 28, 2022
§ 1.1 Enactment. The Commissioners Court of Ector County, Texas hereby declares that these
Subdivision and Manufactured Home Rental Community Regulations for Ector
County, Texas (“Regulations) are lawfully ordered, approved, adopted, enacted, and shall
be enforced pursuant to and in compliance with the express and implied authority contained
in the Texas Constitution, statutes, and other authority described in these Regulations.
§ 1.2 Public Purpose. These Regulations are ordered, approved, adopted, enacted, and shall
be enforced to accomplish the following worthwhile public purposes:
These Regulations shall govern plats and subdivisions of land as well as
manufactured home rental communities (“MHRCs”) within the unincorporated
area of Ector County, Texas to promote the health, safety, morals and general
welfare of the county and the safe, orderly, and healthful development of the
unincorporated area of the county, and further, to prevent colonias or other
substandard development.
These Regulations shall ensure that adequate plats, plans, design and planning
procedures, water, sewer, septic, and on-site sewer facilities (“OSSF”), and water
and wastewater utility and transportation infrastructure, are provided in the
unincorporated area of the county.
These Regulations, among other things, are reasonably enacted to: (a) fulfill an
obligation mandated by federal or state law; (b) regulate development in an area
designated under law as a federal or state floodplain; (c) regulate sewer and OSSF
facilities; (d) prevent waste; (e) protect the rights of owners of interests in
groundwater; (f) prevent subsidence; (g) provide a response to a real and
substantial threat to public health and safety, said response being designed to
significantly advance said purpose and not to impose a greater burden than is
necessary to achieve said purpose; (h) regulate water safety; (i) prevent the
imminent destruction of property or injury to persons from flooding within a
floodplain established by a federal or state flood control program, and enacted to
prevent the flooding of buildings intended for public occupancy, as well as other
buildings and property; and (j) accomplish or substantially achieve any other
public purpose described by the Regulations.
The order, adoption, approval, enactment, and enforcement of these Regulations
shall accomplish and substantially achieve all public purposes described in these
Regulations or required by law.
§ 1.3 Notice and Conditions Precedent.
(A) Notice. All notice requirements and conditions precedent for the lawful enactment,
order, adoption, approval, and enforcement of these Regulations have been
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
Effective Date: December 28, 2022
accomplished. Unless otherwise designated, any notice required or permitted under these
Regulations must be in writing and served upon the recipient/addressee by: (1) personal
or courier delivery; or (2) certified mail/return receipt requested through the United States
Postal Service with postage prepaid and the notice correctly addressed to the
(B) County Contact Address. The current contact representative for the County regarding
these Regulations is the Director of Planning and Development for Ector County, Texas
at the following address: Director of Planning and Development, Ector County, Texas,
Ector County Annex Building, 1010 East 8
Street, Suite 114, Odessa, Texas, 79761
(telephone 432-498-4241). If this address changes in the future, the authorized address
for said party shall be his then current business office address.
§ 1.4 Effective Date. The effective date (“Effective Date) of these Regulations is December
28, 2022.
§ 1.5 Partial Invalidity. Should any part of these Regulations, or the application or
enforcement thereof, be adjudged invalid by any court or regulatory agency, the
remainder of these Regulations shall remain operable, enforceable, and fully effective.
§ 1.6 Adopted Authority. The following legal authority, and the express and implied regulatory
powers therein granted to the County, are hereby approved and adopted by the County to
support the interpretation, application, use, and enforcement of these Regulations: TEX.
CONST. art. 5, § 18; 42 U.S.C. §§ 4001-4027; 44 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter B, Parts 59-
60; TEX. HEALTH & SAFETY CODE Chapters 341, 343, 364, and 366; TEX. LOC. GOVT
CODE Chapter 232, Subchapters A, B, and E (including without limitation §§ 232.029 and
232.101-232.109 therein); TEX. LOC. GOVT CODE Chapters 233 and 242; TEX. PROP. CODE
Chapters 12 and 13 (including without limitation § 12.002 therein); TEX. TRANSP. CODE
§§ 201.619, 251.003, and 251.008; TEX. WATER CODE Chapters 7 and 26; TEX. WATER
CODE Chapter 16, Subchapters I and J (including without limitation § 16.343 therein); TEX.
HEALTH & SAFETY CODE Chapters 341, 366; Title 16 of the Texas Administrative Code,
Chapter 76; Title 30 of the Texas Administrative Code, Chapters 30, 285, and 290
(including without limitation 30 TAC §§ 230.1-230.11); the County’s active flood damage
prevention orders or other floodplain management regulations; the County’s active sewer,
septic, or OSSF orders or regulations and all other authority described in these Regulations.
When a constitution, statute, administrative regulation, or local order, regulation, or rule is
cited or described in these Regulations, it shall be construed to include its active, most
recent version.
§ 1.7 Headings. The separate headings contained in the Regulations are for reference and
convenience only and shall not limit or otherwise affect in any way the meaning of the
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
Effective Date: December 28, 2022
§ 1.8 ETJ Regulation. The authority of the County to regulate plats or subdivisions of land by
these Regulations in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (“ETJ”) of an incorporated
municipality located in Ector County, Texas is subject to the provisions of an active
interlocal governmental agreement made by and between the County and the municipality
pursuant to Chapter 242 of the Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 791 of the Texas
Government Code, or other authority.
§ 1.9 Appendix/SAATS Manual. References are made in these Regulations to the following
described and attached Appendix: the Subdivision/MHRC Application, Approval and
Technical Specifications (“SAATS”) Manual. All contents of the attached
Appendix/SAATS Manual are incorporated by reference for all purposes in these
§ 2.1 Word Usage and Special Definitions.
(A) Common Usage. Unless specially defined in the Regulations, words used in the
Regulations shall be interpreted according to their common usage or meaning in order to
result in the most reasonable application.
(B) County Regulations. The definitions in the following County regulations, where applicable,
are incorporated by reference for use and application regarding these Regulations: (1) these
Regulations; (2) the County's Flood Damage Prevention Order, ordinance, or other floodplain
management regulations; and (3) the County's sewer, septic, or OSSF order, rules or
regulations. Should a conflict exist between a definition described in these Regulations and
an applicable definition described in the aforesaid County regulations, the more restrictive
definition or provision shall control for the purpose of these Regulations.
(C) Special Definitions. Unless otherwise designated, the following special definitions shall
apply whether the term or phrase appears in capital letters or in bolded, italicized, or
underlined print:
(1) “Alley” shall mean a public or private right-of-way primarily designed to serve as
secondary access roadway to the side or rear of properties whose principal frontage
is on another street.
(2) “Business Day” shall mean a day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday
recognized by the County. Unless described by these Regulations as a “Business
Day,” a day described by the Regulations shall mean a calendar day.
(3) “Colonias” shall mean substandard, generally (but not always) impoverished rural
subdivisions or other developments that lack basic utilities, drainage, and other
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
Effective Date: December 28, 2022
(4) “Commissioners Court” or “Court” shall mean means the Commissioners Court of
Ector County, Texas.
(5) “County” shall mean Ector County, Texas, including its elected officials, appointed
officials, employees, agents, and representatives.
(6) “County Attorney” shall mean the licensed attorney or law firm designated and/or
engaged by the County to furnish legal assistance for the implementation,
administration, and/or enforcement of these Regulations.
(7) “County Clerk” shall mean the County Clerk of Ector County, Texas. The current
business office of the County Clerk is located at the Ector County Courthouse, 300
North Grant Street, Room 111, Odessa, Texas 79761 (telephone 432-498-4130). If
this address changes in the future, the authorized address for said party shall be the
then current business office address of the County Clerk.
(8) “County Engineer” shall mean a registered professional engineer on the County
Staff, or a consulting firm of registered professional engineers designated and
engaged to represent the County.
(9) “County Judge” shall mean the County Judge of Ector County, Texas. The current
business office of the County Judge is located at the Ector County Courthouse, 300
North Grant Street, Room 227, Odessa, Texas 79761 (telephone 432-498-4100) . If
this address changes in the future, the authorized address shall be the then current
business office of the County Judge.
(10) “Developer” and “Subdivider” are synonymous and shall mean: (a) the fee simple
owner (or authorized agent, assignee, or successor thereof) of land which is the
subject of development; and (b) any owner of land (or authorized agent, assignee,
or agent thereof) proposing to divide or dividing land so as to constitute a
(11) “Development” shall mean any actual or proposed man-made change to improved
or unimproved real property, including but not limited to buildings or other
structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation, drilling
operations, or the storage of equipment or materials.
(12) “Director of Planning and Development” shall mean the person designated by the
Commissioners Court as the Director of the Planning and Development for the
County, or the Court’s designee. The current business address of the Director of
Planning and Development is located at the Ector County Annex Building, 1010
East 8
Street, Suite 114, Odessa, Texas 79761 (telephone 432-498-4241). If this
address changes in the future, the authorized address for said Director shall be his
then current business office address.
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
Effective Date: December 28, 2022
(13) “Drinking Water” shall mean all water distributed by any agency or individual,
public or private, for the purpose of human consumption, use in the preparation of
foods or beverages, cleaning any utensil or article used in the course of preparation
or consumption of food or beverages for human beings, human bathing, or clothes
(14) “Ector County Utility District” and “ECUD” shall mean the Ector County Utility
District which provides water service to parts of Ector County, Texas, with its
current business office located at 1039 North Moss Avenue, Odessa, Texas 79763-
7327 (telephone 432-381-5525), and its current internet website address being
(15) “Engineer” shall mean a person licensed and authorized to practice engineering in
the State of Texas under the Texas Engineering Practice Act or other authority.
(16) “ETJ” shall mean the extraterritorial jurisdiction of an incorporated municipality
pursuant to Texas law.
(17) “Facility” and Infrastructure” are synonymous and shall mean the physical
improvements installed as part of a subdivision including adequate streets, utilities,
drainage, sidewalks, pedestrian-ways and means of vehicular and pedestrian
(18) “Floodplain” shall mean: (a) any area in the 100-year floodplain or area of special
flood hazard that is susceptible of being inundated by water from any source, as
identified by the flood maps issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(“FEMA”) for the County under the National Flood Insurance Act and NFIP; or (b)
if said floodplain has not been identified by FEMA through its issuance of said
maps, any area subject to a 1% or greater chance of flooding in any given year.
(19) “Foundation” shall mean the lowest division of a residence, building or other
structure, usually consisting of a masonry slab or a pier and beam structure, which
is partly or wholly below the surface of the ground and on which the structure rests.
(20) “LOC” shall mean an irrevocable letter of credit.
(21) “Manufactured Home” shall mean: (a) a manufactured home or mobile home as
defined by § 1201.003, Texas Occupations Code; (b) any other type of mobile
home; and (c) any trailer, vehicle, camper, or recreational vehicle designed for use
as a dwelling or for the overnight accommodation or lodging of a person.
(22) “Manufactured Home Rental Community” or “MHRC” means a plot or tract of
land that is separated into two or more spaces or lots that are rented, leased, or
offered for rent or lease, for a term of less than 60 months without a purchase option,
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
Effective Date: December 28, 2022
for the installation of manufactured homes for use and occupancy as a residence, as
defined by § 232.007 of the Texas Local Government Code.
(23) “Minimum State Standards” shall mean the minimum standards of the State of
Texas required for: (a) adequate drinking water pursuant to § 16.343(b)(1) of the
Texas Water Code or other state authority; (b) adequate sewer and septic/OSSF
facilities under § 16.343 of the Texas Water Code, Chapter 366 of the Texas Health
and Safety Code, or other state authority; or (c) the treatment, disposal, and
management of solid waste and litter under Chapters 361 through 365 of the Texas
Health and Safety Code or other state authority.
(24) “More Restrictive” as applied to a conflict analysis between a provision or
definition in these Regulations -- as compared to a definition or provision in a
statute, administrative regulation, or local order, regulation, or rule -- shall mean the
provision or definition which provides the most protection to: (a) eliminate or
reduce the risk for flood, drainage, pollution, subsidence, or other public health and safety
losses; (b) protect groundwater and surface water resources; and (c) promote the
health, safety, and general welfare of the people and their property.
(25) “NFIP” shall mean the National Flood Insurance Program pursuant to federal law,
including: (a) the National Flood Insurance Act pursuant to Sections 4001-4027,
Title 42 of the United States Code; and (b) 44 CFR Ch. I, Subch. B, Parts 59, 60.
(26) “OSSF” shall mean an on-site sewage treatment facility (including a septic system),
as defined in rules and/or regulations adopted by TCEQ, including but not limited
to 30 TAC Chapter 285.
(27) “Owner” shall mean any person, group of persons, firm or firms, corporation or
corporations, or any other legal entity having legal title to or sufficient proprietary
interest in the land sought to be subdivided under these Regulations, or their
authorized agent.
(28) “Parcel” shall mean a separately owned tract of land that is un-platted property with
an acreage status.
(29) “Plat” shall mean a: (a) plat required or authorized by these Regulations; (b) map
or drawing and any accompanying material of a proposed subdivision prepared in
a manner suitable for recording in the County records and prepared as described in
the Regulations. Please note the following plat types required or authorized by
these Regulations:
“Plat, Amending” shall mean a plat with minor changes to a recorded
subdivision as described in § 4.3.
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
Effective Date: December 28, 2022
Plat, Final” shall means the authentic map or official plan of record of a
subdivision or other development of land prepared from actual field
measurement and staking of all identifiable points by a Registered
Professional Land Surveyor with the subdivision location properly
referenced to a survey corner or specific landmark reference and otherwise
described by these Regulations. The Final Plat is approved in accordance
with these Regulations, meeting the definition of a “Plat” and is the
document recorded by the County Clerk that creates the actual legal
“Plat, Preliminary” shall mean the preliminary drawing that illustrates and
thereby assures the general layout of a proposed subdivision, the adequacy
of public improvements and facilities needed to serve the proposed
subdivision, and the overall compliance of the applicable requirements of
these Regulations and all other applicable County policies and
requirements. If submitted, it is reviewed for approval by the
Commissioners Court or Designee prior to approval of a Final Plat.
“Plat, Replat” when required by and in accordance with Chapter 232 of the
Texas Local Government Code (see § 4.3 of these Regulations) shall mean
a change in a recorded subdivision plat if such change affects any street
layout on such map or area reserved thereon for public use, or any lot line;
or if it affects any plat legally recorded prior to the adoption of any
regulations to control subdivisions. A Short Form Plat or Amending Plat
may be utilized in lieu of a Replat where authorized by these Regulations.
“Plat, Short Form” shall means a plat or replat involving four or fewer lots
fronting on an existing street and not requiring the creation of any new street
or the extension of public facilities in accordance with § 3.8 of these
(30) “Plat Application” shall mean either the County’s (a) Subdivision Plat Application
form described in the Regulations (see Appendix/SAATS Manual/Exhibit A), or
(b) Short Form Plat Application form (see Appendix/SAATS Manual/ Exhibit
(31) “Platted” shall mean a plat recorded in an official plat record on file with the office
of the County Clerk.
(32) “Purchaser” shall include purchasers under executory contracts for conveyance of
real property.
(33) “Regulations” shall mean this instrument and its attached Appendix.
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
Effective Date: December 28, 2022
(34) “Sewer,” Sewer Services,” Sewerage Facilities,” and Sewer Facilities” shall
mean: (a) treatment works as defined by § 17.001 of the Texas Water Code, or
individual, on-site (or OSSF), or cluster treatment systems such as septic tanks, and
includes drainage facilities and other improvements for proper functioning of septic
tank systems; and (b) the devices and systems which transport domestic wastewater
from residential property, treat the wastewater, and dispose of the treated water in
accordance with the minimum state standards contained or referenced in these
Regulations. “Sewer” and “Wastewater” are synonymous.
(35) “State” shall mean the State of Texas and its administrative agencies.
(36) “Street” or “Road” shall mean a roadway (public or private) intended to provide
direct ingress & egress access to individual properties and/or a right-of-way for
wastewater, water, storm drainage systems, and electric, telephone, gas, and cable
tv utilities. Please note the following regarding streets and roads described by these
“Thoroughfare Plan” shall mean a plan adopted by the Commissioners
Court or governing body of a municipality which identifies the general
routing and classification of proposed streets and thoroughfares. The plan
may also establish the function and capacity of the various thoroughfares
as they relate to the land uses they are proposed to serve. This term also
refers to any such plan adopted prior to or after the Effective Date of these
“Arterial Road” shall mean the following road types:
A “Major Arterial Road” or “Principal Arterial Road” is a highway
intended to move large volumes of traffic around and across a
given land area without direct access to adjacent land providing
vehicular movement from one neighborhood to another or to
distant points within the area, and including highways leading to
other communities. This road type provides for cross-town
movement and continuity and is designed to carry higher volumes
of traffic between major activity centers such as commercial and
employment centers, and neighborhoods. Due to the high traffic
volume, direct access is controlled for this road type. It is a road
with high density volumes of traffic across lengthy distances
within a roadway network, such as an interstate or freeway. This
road type is intended to have little to no trip interruptions due to
intersections or direct access to abutting properties. Major arterial
roads serve as a principal connecting streets with State or Federal
highways, farm to market roads, or major thoroughfares shown or
projected on current transportation plans of the Texas Department
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
Effective Date: December 28, 2022
of Transportation, the Permian Basin Metropolitan Planning
Organization, and cities of Odessa and Midland.
A “Minor Arterial Road” is a road that serves as a connection
between collector roadways and conveys similar traffic volumes
as Principal Arterial Roads, but for shorter distances. Because
providing direct access to adjacent property is not the primary
function of an arterial roadway, access points along this roadway
type should be limited as much as possible.
“Collector Road” shall mean a road that provides the connection between
Arterial Road and local streets and is intended to balance the functions of
traffic movement and property access. Compared to an Arterial Road, the
Collector Road accommodates lower traffic volumes for shorter distances.
There are two types of collectors as described below:
a “Major Collector Road” accommodates higher traffic volumes for
longer distances than minor collectors; and
a “Minor Collector Road” typically is utilized to serve a lower
density of development and has a shorter street length than Major
Collector Roads.
“Local Road” shall mean a road which provides direct access to adjacent
land. A Local Road also provides short distance trips to access Collector
Roads and Arterial Roads.
“Residential Road” shall mean a local street predominantly located in a
residential subdivision and providing access to privately owned residential
lots and uses.
(37) “Subdivision” shall mean a division of land described in § 3.1 of these Regulations.
A subdivision includes a re-subdivision (or replat) of land which was previously
(38) “Surveyor” shall mean a Texas Registered Professional Land Surveyor pursuant to
Texas law.
(39) “TAC” shall mean the Texas Administrative Code, as compiled by the Texas
Secretary of State.
(40) “TCEQ” or “the Commission” shall mean the Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality.
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
Effective Date: December 28, 2022
(41) “Texas Open Meetings Act” shall mean Chapter 551 of the Texas Government
(42) Tractor “Land” shall mean real property located in Ector County, Texas.
(43) “TWDB” shall mean the Texas Water Development Board.
(44) “Utility” shall mean a person, entity, or political subdivision providing the services
of an electric utility under § 31.002 or Chapter 181 of the Texas Utilities Code, a
gas utility or corporation pursuant to § 101.003 or Chapter 181 of the Texas Utilities
Code, a water and sewer utility pursuant to § 13.002 of the Texas Water Code, or
any other utility defined by Texas law.
(45) “Water District” shall mean a duly organized and operating special district with
jurisdictional authority granted by the law of the State of Texas regarding certain
land located in Ector County, Texas, said district being authorized to develop,
promote, and implement water conservation and water management strategies in
order to conserve, preserve, and protect the groundwater supplies of the territorial
land area of the respective district, and authorized to protect and enhance recharge,
prevent waste and pollution, and effect the efficient use of groundwater in the
territorial land area of the respective district.
§ 2.2 Interpretation and Appendix.
(A) Tense, Gender, and Number. Unless otherwise designated, the past, present, or future tense
shall each include the other, the masculine, feminine, or neuter gender shall each include
the other, and the singular and plural number shall each include the other where necessary
for a correct meaning.
(B) Incorporation by Reference. The following matters are approved and incorporated by
reference in the Regulations: (1) the statements made in the preliminary recitals; (2) all
documents attached as the Appendix/SAATS Manual; and (3) where applicable for the
use, operation, and enforcement of these Regulations, all provisions of the County’s active
floodplain management, sewer, septic/OSSF, or other development regulations. Should a
conflict exist between a provision described in these Regulations and an applicable
provision described in the County’s aforesaid development regulations, the more restrictive
provision shall control for the purpose of these Regulations.
(C) Minimum Requirements. These Regulations shall be considered as minimum requirements
and liberally construed in favor of the County.
(D) Superseding Effect. These Regulations shall supersede, repeal, and replace any
subdivision and/or MHRC regulations enacted by the County before the Effective Date.
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
Effective Date: December 28, 2022
§ 3.1 Plat Required for Division of Land.
(A) Division Defined. Pursuant to § 232.001 of the Texas Local Government Code, the owner
of a tract of land in Ector County, Texas located outside the limits of a municipality must
have a plat of the subdivision prepared, and thereafter approved by the Commissioners
Court, if the owner divides the tract into two or more parts to lay out: (1) a subdivision of
the tract, including an addition; (2) lots; or (3) streets, alleys, squares, parks, or other parts
of the tract intended to be dedicated to public use or for the use of purchasers or owners of
lots fronting on or adjacent to the streets, alleys, squares, parks, or other parts.
(B) Scope of Division. A division of a tract of land as described in this section is a subdivision
for purposes of the Regulations, and includes any such division regardless of whether it is
made: (1) by using a metes and bounds description in a deed of conveyance or in a contract
for a deed, by using a contract of sale or other executory contract to convey, or by using
any other method; or (2) for the purpose of residential, business, commercial, industrial, or
other development.
§ 3.2 Minimum Plat Standards. In order to obtain Commissioners Court approval, and for
recordation in the Official Public Records (Real Property and/or Plat Records) of the
County Clerk, the plat must comply with the minimum standards described in these
§ 3.3 Lawful Compliance. The plat and all other documents submitted to the County to support
a request for plat approval must be truthful, accurate, correct, and prepared in compliance
with the requirements (including methodology) prescribed by law and these Regulations,
including the applicable statutes and regulations of the State of Texas and federal
government (and the administrative agencies thereof), and the County’s active flood
damage prevention order or other floodplain management regulations, sewer, septic, OSSF
or other wastewater regulations, or other land development regulations.
§ 3.4 Acknowledgment and Recordation. Before lots are sold, the approved plat must be: (1)
acknowledged by the Developer as required for the acknowledgment of deeds; and (2) filed
and recorded in the Official Public Records (real property and/or plat records) of the
County Clerk within 10-days from plat approval, and in compliance with § 12.002 of the
Texas Property Code.
§ 3.5 Plat Submission and Review.
(A) Application. The County’s Subdivision Plat Application Form is described in
Appendix/SAATS Manual/Exhibit A. It shall be provided at no cost to the public at the
office of the County’s Director of Planning and Development at the notice address
described in § 1.3 of the Regulations. The Plat Application Form describes all required
documentation for submission by the Developer to the County of a completed Plat
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
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Application. A completed Plat Application shall constitute and contain: (1) the fully
completed and executed application; (2) the proposed plat and all supporting documents,
as herein described; and (3) written evidence (in the form of a tax certificate or other tax
entity issued document) showing that an ad valorem tax liability does not exist on the land
made the subject of the subdivision development project.
(B) Submission of Completed Application/Notice of Incomplete Application.
(1) A completed Plat Application shall be submitted by the Developer to the County’s
Director of Planning and Development at the notice address described in § 1.3.
(2) County acceptance of a submitted Plat Application shall not constitute plat approval
by the County.
(3) Pursuant to § 232.0025(b) of the Texas Local Government Code, if a Developer
submits a Plat Application to the County that does not include all of the
documentation or other information required by law and these Regulations, the
County shall, not later than the 10th business day after the date the County receives
the application, notify the applicant of the missing documents or other information.
The County shall allow an applicant to timely submit the missing documents or
other information.
(C) Review. Upon submission of a completed Plat Application, the County will review the
application, proposed plat, and supporting documents for completeness, sufficiency, and
compliance with the Regulations. The County shall act on the completed application and
proposed plat pursuant to the review, approval, approval with conditions, and disapproval
procedures and requirements of §§ 232.002 and 232.0025-.0028 of the Texas Local
Government Code. Pursuant to said authority, the Commissioners Court:
(1) must approve a submitted plat by a recorded vote at a public meeting, by an order
entered into the official Court minutes, should the plat be: (a) the result of a
completed Plat Application; (b) supported by a good and sufficient bond or other
financial security if required by the Regulations; and (c) in all things complete,
sufficient, and in compliance with all requirements prescribed by law and these
Regulations, including the payment of all required fees; and
(2) may approve with conditions or disapprove a submitted plat by a recorded vote at
a public meeting by an order entered into the official Court minutes, should: (a)
the plat not comply with all requirements prescribed by law and these Regulations;
(b) the required fees not be paid; (c) a delinquent ad valorem tax liability exist for
the land made the subject of the proposed development; or (d) the plat not be
supported by a good and sufficient bond or other financial security, if required by
the Regulations.
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(D) Submission and Review of Final Plat. Within 10-days after Commissioners Court approval
of a Preliminary Plat (if any), or alternatively, at the plat application submission, the original
and one complete copy of the Final Plat shall be submitted by the Developer to the
Commissioners Court through the County’s Director of Planning and Development (at the
business office described in § 1.3). The Final Plat shall contain the approved names for all
public and private roads in the subdivision. The County will review the Final Plat for
completeness, sufficiency, and compliance with these Regulations. If the Final Plat is not
complete, sufficient, or in compliance with these Regulations, it shall be disapproved or
disapproved with conditions as allowed by law by the Commissioners Court or the Director
of Planning and Development in writing. The County may disapprove a plat if it does not
meet the requirements prescribed by law or these Regulations.
(E) Approval of Final Plat. If the Final Plat is complete, sufficient, and in compliance with
these Regulations, it will be submitted to the Commissioners Court for approval by a
recorded vote at a public meeting. If approved, the Final Plat shall be ordered to be fully
executed and filed of record, as herein described. The plat shall be filed and recorded with
the County Clerk within 10-days of the approval date, unless otherwise agreed to by the
applicant. However, the filing and recording of the Final Plat shall not be ordered or
authorized until the Developer has paid all required fees, and executed, submitted, and filed
all bonds or other financial security required.
(F) Bond or Other Financial Security Requirements. The Developer of a tract to be subdivided
shall: (1) execute a good and sufficient bond or other financial security, as required by
these Regulations, in order to ensure the proper construction of any public roads and streets
or private roads with public access easements, drainage requirements, or other
infrastructure or improvements dedicated to public use in the subdivision; and (b) comply
with the bond or other financial security requirements described in the Appendix/SAATS
Manual/Exhibit E.
§ 3.6 Fee Schedule. A reasonable fee schedule is adopted and approved for subdivision
development as described in Appendix/SAATS Manual/Exhibit C. The fees must be
paid to the County before the County conducts a review of the proposed development
§ 3.7 Voluntary Preliminary Review Procedure. Should the proposed subdivision be non-
exempt and located in the unincorporated area, the Developer may choose to participate in
the County’s Voluntary Preliminary Review Procedure as follows:
(A) Written Notice. The Developer shall deliver written notice to the Director of Planning and
Development that Developer participation in this voluntary procedure will occur to obtain
a preliminary review of the proposed subdivision prior to the expense and time being
incurred by the Developer in preparing and submitting to the County a completed plat
application, final plat, and related technical and supporting documents as required by these
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(B) Document Submission. Thereafter or contemporaneously with the delivery of said written
notice -- but prior to the submission of a completed plat application, required final plat, and
all supporting documents required by these Regulations the Developer shall deliver to
the Director of Planning and Development a concept plan, site plan, preliminary plat,
and/or other documents deemed appropriate by the Developer regarding the proposed
subdivision -- so that the County may begin a preliminary review of the subdivision prior
to the Developer’s submission of a completed plat application and final plat as otherwise
required by these Regulations.
(C) Voluntary Procedure. Should the Developer choose to participate in this voluntary
procedure, the following matters shall be expressly understood by the Developer and its
(1) Developer participation in this procedure is strictly voluntary and shall occur only
through the exercise of the Developer’s sole discretion, consent, and best judgment.
(2) Developer submission to the County of the aforesaid concept plan, site plan,
preliminary plat, and/or other documents are not required to be submitted to the
County for plat approval pursuant to these Regulations.
(3) Pursuant to § 232.0025(b) of the Texas Local Government Code and other
authority, it shall be understood that:
(i) Developer submission of the aforesaid concept plan, site plan, preliminary
plat and/or other documents to the County during this voluntary procedure
shall not imply or constitute the submission of a completed plat application
and final plat as required by these Regulations for final plat approval; and
(ii) County acceptance and review of the aforesaid concept plan, site plan,
preliminary plat and/or other documents submitted to the County during this
voluntary procedure shall not constitute approval of a completed plat
application and final plat as required by these Regulations.
§ 3.8 Short Form Plat Procedure. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein stated, a Short
Form Plat Procedure is authorized by these Regulations at the sole discretion and business judgment
of the Developer as hereafter described. A Short Form Plat is a plat or replat involving four or
fewer lots fronting on an existing street and not requiring the creation of any new street or
the extension of public facilities. All applicants seeking approval of a Short Form Plat shall
comply with the requirements of this section. Every Short Form Plat shall require approval
of the Commissioners Court.
(A) Prerequisites. The procedures contained in this section apply to a Short Form Plat that
meets all of the following conditions: (1) the proposed division results in four (4) or fewer
lots; (2) all lots in the proposed subdivision front onto an existing public street and the
construction or extension of a street or alley is not required to meet the requirements of
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these Subdivision Regulations or any other regulations; and (3) the plat does not require
the extension of any public facilities to serve any lot within the subdivision, however, right-
of-way widening, and easements shall be permitted as part of a Short Form Plat procedure.
(B) Replats. The replat of existing platted lots in a subdivision must comply with the procedure
described in these Regulations (see § 4.3).
(C) Required Documents. The application shall include the following documents, and no Short
Form Plat will be reviewed by the County until said documents are submitted in a completed
format and all fees have been paid: (1) a fully complete Short Form Plat Application; (2) a
tax certificate or other proof of payment indicating that any taxes or liens due the County
have been paid; (3) a Final Short Form Plat with all required supporting documents and
copies; (4) a minor drainage analysis if the County Engineer determines it is required; and
(5) a copy of the subdivider’s deed for the property or other proof of ownership satisfactory
to the County Attorney demonstrating ownership and the right to dedicate to the County.
(D) Short Form Plat Application. The Developer shall submit a written Short Form Plat
Application to the Director of Planning and Development (at the notice address described in
§ 1.3) at least fourteen (14) days prior to the regular meeting of the Commissioners Court
for which approval is being sought.
(E) Short Form Plat. The Developer shall submit: (1) the required number of hard copies of
the Short Form Plat as shown on the plat application form (see Appendix/SAATS
Manual/Exhibit A); and (2) an electronic copy of the Short Form Plat in DXF and PDF
format. Also, the Short Form Plat shall contain, at a minimum, all applicable information
listed in § 3.9 (regarding final plat contents, submission, processing, and recording) and
described in the Appendix/SAATS Manual/Exhibit A and included checklists.
(F) Review. Every Short Form Plat shall be reviewed for compliance with the Regulations. The
Commissioners Court is authorized to approve or approve with conditions a Short Form
Plat provided such Plat meets all requirements of these Regulations.
(G) Execution and Recordation. The Short form Plat shall be acknowledged and executed in
the manner required for a final approved subdivision plat. by the County representative
authorized to approve a plat instead of the Commissioners Court. The Short Form Plat
shall be filed by the County’s Director of Planning and Development and recorded with
the County Clerk within 10-days of the approval date, with all recording fees paid by the
§ 3.9 Final Plat Procedure. A Final Plat is required by these Regulations, and if approved by the
Commissioners Court, must be filed and recorded with the County Clerk according to the
authority and all filing and recording provisions contained in these Regulations. Approval
of a Final Plat shall require the final drainage report and may require final engineering
plans in accordance with the Appendix/SAATS Manual/Exhibit F.
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(A) General Requirements.
(1) The Final Plat must be approved by the Commissioners Court and must conform to
the following requirements, pursuant to Chapter 232, Subchapters A and E, of the
Texas Local Government Code (including without limitation §§ 232.0032,
232.101, and 232.107 therein).
(2) The submitted plat application shall be fully complete as required by these
Regulations and include all documents listed below, and no Final Plat will be
reviewed by Ector County until all required documents are submitted and filed in a
completed format and all fees have been paid:
(a) a tax certificate or other document issued by a taxing entity showing that
any taxes or liens due the County have been paid;
(b) a Final Plat prepared in compliance with these Regulations;
(c) a copy of the subdivider’s deed for the property or other proof of ownership
satisfactory to the County Attorney demonstrating ownership and the right
to dedicate to the County; and
(d) all corollary or other documents required by these Regulations to be
attached to the plat as supporting documents for proposed plat approval.
(3) The plat shall describe the subdivision by metes and bounds.
(4) The plat shall locate the subdivision with respect to an original corner of the original
survey of which it is a part, and a minimum of two (2) exterior corners of the
subdivision shall be defined on the plat and located by the Texas State Plane
Coordinate System.
(5) The plat shall state the dimensions of the subdivision and of each lot, street, alley,
square, park, or other part of the tract intended to be dedicated to public use or for
the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting on or adjacent to the street, alley,
square, park, or other part.
(6) The plat shall be executed and acknowledged by the Developer in the manner
required for the acknowledgment of deeds, and further, shall contain all signature
executions, certifications, and plat notes required by these Regulations.
(7) All plats shall comply with all applicable platting and development regulations of
Ector County, Texas (whether described in these Regulations or elsewhere), as well as
applicable state and federal agencies. The Final Plat shall comply in all respects with
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these Regulations, including those plat requirements contained in the
Appendix/SAATS Manual.
(B) Property Description, Identifying Data, and Signatures. The plat shall describe the
subdivision and all of its parts by a metes and bounds description (made as a result of an on
the ground survey and inspection), drawn to the required scale and dimensions, and shall
include accurate descriptions and depictions of the following matters:
(1) the subdivision boundary;
(2) the internal parts of the subdivision -- including all lots, divisions of land, streets,
alleys, squares, parks, or other parts of the tract intended to be dedicated to public
use or for the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting on or adjacent to the streets,
alleys, squares, parks, or other parts;
(3) the effective plat date;
(4) a location map;
(5) the required scale and dimension components;
(6) a north arrow; and
(7) all required signatures, execution, dating, certifications, plat notes, supporting
documentation, and professional seals required by these Regulations.
(C) Subdivision and Surrounding Area Identification.
(1) The plat also shall describe all identifying data required by these Regulations
regarding the subdivision and its surrounding area, including:
(a) the name of the subdivision and its owner;
(b) all property lines, streets and easements on lands immediately adjacent to and
contiguous with the perimeter of the proposed subdivision shall be shown
for an area extending one hundred (100) feet from the perimeter with the
names of the owners as shown in the most current County Tax Assessor’s
files, along with the volume and page recording information of the parcel’s
deed, if available and if the adjacent properties are platted, individual
parcel or lot ownership information is not required to be shown, but the
names of adjoining subdivisions and the names of adjoining streets are to
be shown;
(c) all lots, divisions of land, streets, alleys, squares, parks, or other parts
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intended to be dedicated to public use or for the use of purchasers or owners
of lots fronting on or adjacent to said parts;
(d) driveways, common areas, areas dedicated or to be dedicated to public use,
and any area to be used by adjacent lot owners or purchasers;
(e) rights of way and easements whether of record, apparent on the land, or
(f) natural drains, drainage structures or improvements whether of record,
apparent on the land, or proposed;
(g) water bodies, water courses, and floodplain boundaries;
(h) set-back lines (if any) and lot frontages; and
(i) restrictive covenants, restrictions, or reservations of record.
(2) Regarding the survey data, the plat must accurately describe and depict the
following matters:
(a) the plat shall locate the subdivision with respect to point of origin and the
Texas State Plane Coordinate System (NAD 83);
(b) the boundary lines must be shown by bearings and distances, calling for the
lines of established surveys, landmarks, and other data furnished, sufficient
to locate the property described on the ground;
(c) all block corners and angles in streets and alleys should be marked by a
suitable monument in accordance with the Appendix/SAATS Manual;
(d) the plat must contain a north arrow indicating the direction of the North point
of the compass and the scale must be prominently shown. Preferably a scale
of 1:50 and not to exceed 1:100 if applicable;
(e) the plat shall describe by metes and bounds each lot, number each lot in
progression, and give the dimensions of each lot;
(f) the plat shall state the dimensions of and accurately describe by metes and
bounds each lot, street, alley, square, park, or other part of the tract intended
to be dedicated to public use or for the use of purchasers or owners of lots
fronting on or adjacent to the street, alley, square, park, or other part;
(g) the plat shall include a description and the dimension of all lot frontages in
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the subdivision. These descriptions, and all lot frontages, shall comply with
the lot frontage standards adopted by these Regulations; and
(h) lot and block numbers shall be arranged in a systematic order and shown on
the plat in distinct and legible figures.
(D) Plat Production Requirements.
(1) The plat shall be produced in digital format (PDF and DXF in Texas State Plane
Coordinate System) and on mylar, or by the use of other material and methods of a
permanent nature in general use by the engineering profession. The plat shall be
drawn to scale on sheets of the following dimension: 18 inches by 24 inches.
(2) The original plat (including all required attached documents) and 1 clearly marked,
same-size copy of same shall be provided to the County. Should the plat not be
provided to the County in digital format (PDF), six reduced copies of the plat, in a
dimension of either 8.5 inches by 11 inches or 11 inches by 17 inches, also shall be
provided to the County. The plat shall be drawn according to the following scale:
(a) 1 inch to 50 feet; or (b) 1 inch to 100 feet.
(3) Linear dimensions shall be shown in feet and hundredths of 1 foot. Angle
dimension shall be shown in degrees, minutes, and seconds. Curve dimensions shall
be shown through radius, arc, chord distance, and bearing.
(E) Water/Sewer/OSSF Disclosures.
(1) Facilities Constructed or Installed by Developer. Should water, sewer, or OSSF
facilities be intended to be constructed or installed by the Developer to service the
subdivision, the plat shall contain notes as specified in the Appendix/SAATS
Manual/Exhibit D and also have attached a document that contains the following
information by the developer and his engineer: (a) a detailed description (including
the proposed location) of the water, sewer, or OSSF facilities, and any roadways
and easements dedicated for the provision of water, sewer, or OSSF service, that
will be constructed or installed to service the subdivision; (b) a statement specifying
the date by which said facilities will be fully operable; and (c) a statement that the
plat and subdivision comply with (i) minimum state standards regarding the
proposed water, sewer, or OSSF facilities or service, (ii) all applicable water,
drainage, sewer, or OSSF regulations required by the County's sewer, drainage,
septic, or OSSF regulations, and (iii) the County's floodplain management
(2) Facilities Not Constructed or Installed by Developer. Should water wells, septic,
and/or OSSF facilities be proposed for the subdivision, with said facilities not to be
constructed or installed by the Developer, the plat must contain information and
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documents (including suitability reports, calculations, and percolation test results)
by the Developer and his engineer describing and depicting the: (a) type and
location of the proposed facilities; and (b) documents and a statement confirming
that the plat, said facilities, and the subdivision comply with the applicable
requirements of the (i) minimum state standards for the proposed facilities, (ii)
County’s water, drainage, sewer, septic, and/or OSSF regulations, (iii) County’s
groundwater sufficiency disclosure requirements and floodplain management
regulations, and (iv) the regulations and management plans of the Water District, if
any, territorial jurisdiction regarding water wells and related permits for the land of
the subdivision.
(3) Groundwater Sufficiency Analysis. Pursuant to §§ 232.101 and 232.107 of the
Texas Local Government Code and other authority, and in order to promote and
protect the public health, safety and general welfare of the county and the safe,
orderly, and healthful development of the unincorporated area of the county, the
following matters are required if the source of the water supply intended for the
subdivision is groundwater under that land.
(a) The plat application shall have attached an analysis that: (i) is prepared for
the Developer by an engineer or geoscientist licensed to practice in Texas;
and (ii) determines that adequate groundwater is available to provide for the
domestic needs of the subdivision.
(b) Upon receipt of the aforesaid analysis, the County shall determine through
its independent review (with outside engineering and/or geoscientist
consultation assistance, if necessary or desired) whether adequate ground
water is available to provide for the domestic needs of the subdivision.
(4) Surface Water Sufficiency Disclosure Certification. If the source of the water
supply intended for the subdivision is surface water, pursuant to §§ 232.101 and
232.107 of the Texas Local Government Code and other authority, the submitted
subdivision plat application and plat shall demonstrate and have attached a
certification statement that: (a) is prepared for the Developer by an engineer or
geoscientist licensed to practice in Texas; and (b) certifies through sufficient
evidence that sufficient water rights have been obtained and dedicated, either
through acquisition or a wholesale water supply agreement, that will provide a
sufficient supply of surface water to serve the needs of the subdivision for a term
of not less than 30 years.
(5) Transportation of Potable Water Prohibition. The plat must contain the following
plat note and statement:
Conveyance of potable water by transport truck or other mobile
device to supply the domestic needs of the subdivision is not an
acceptable method, except on an emergency basis. Absence of a
water system meeting the standards of these Regulations due to the
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negligence of the Developer does not constitute an emergency.
(6) Compliance with ECUD and Water District Regulations. Regarding compliance
with ECUD and groundwater conservation district (or Water District) regulations,
if any apply to the development project, the subdivision plat and related application
shall demonstrate the subdivision is in compliance with the then current regulations
of ECUD or the Water District, if any, with territorial jurisdiction regarding any
land area of the proposed subdivision -- and further, the plat shall contain the
following matters should a Water District exist with the aforesaid territorial
jurisdiction regarding the subdivision: (a) a plat certification by the General
Manager of said Water District stating that the subdivision and final plat is in
compliance with the then active regulations of said district; and (b) a plat note
stating that all water wells described in the plat, or to be constructed, used, and
operated in the subdivision, shall be in compliance with the then active regulations
of the Water District.
(F) Floodplain Disclosure. The plat shall describe and depict all land in the subdivision that is
located in a floodplain. The plat shall contain a certification, as described in the
Appendix/SAATS Manual/Exhibit D, by the surveyor or engineer for the Developer that:
(a) prominently describes, depicts, and identifies any area of the subdivision that is located
in a floodplain, or in the alternative, states that no area of the subdivision is located in a
floodplain; and (b) states that the plat and proposed subdivision comply with the County's
(i) sewer, drainage, septic, or OSSF rules or regulations, and (ii) floodplain management
(G) Drainage.
(1) The plat must describe the provision of a reasonable drainage plan approved by the
Developer’s engineer for the subdivision (including all roads, streets, bridges,
culverts, driveways, or common use areas located therein) in accordance with
standard engineering practice, and in compliance with the drainage standards
described in Appendix/SAATS Manual/Exhibit F, in order to efficiently manage
the flow of storm water runoff in the subdivision and to coordinate subdivision
drainage with the general drainage pattern for the area, including a description of:
(a) the exact location, dimensions, descriptions and flow line of existing and
proposed future drainage structures (including bridges or culverts); and (b) the
exact location, flow-line, and floodplain of existing water courses within the
(2) The Preliminary Plat (if any) or drainage report in lieu of a Preliminary Plat shall
describe the provision of reasonable drainage to the subdivision, in compliance with
the reasonable drainage standards described in these Regulations in order to: (a)
efficiently manage the flow of storm water runoff in the subdivision; and (b)
coordinate subdivision drainage with the general drainage pattern for the area.
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(3) The Preliminary Plat (if any) or drainage report shall include the preliminary/
conceptual design and application of applicable reasonable specifications, as
required in these Regulations, to provide adequate drainage for each street or road
in the subdivision in accordance with standard engineering practices. The
Preliminary Plat or drainage report shall include a description of: (a) the exact
location, dimensions, descriptions and flow line of existing and future drainage
structures; and (b) the exact location, flow line, and floodplain of existing water
courses within the subdivision.
(H) Road/Driveway Design and Construction.
(1) General Requirements. The plat must include a description of all roads, streets,
bridges, driveways, culverts, and areas of common usage in the subdivision. These
descriptions and all constructed roads, streets, bridges, culverts, driveways, and
common usage areas shall comply with reasonable engineering standards and
procedure, and comply with the road and drainage standards described by the
Regulations and in Appendix/SAATS Manual/Exhibits F, G, and H. Prior to any
road, street, bridge, driveway, culvert, or area of common usage being constructed
to connect to an existing county or state road, any such transportation infrastructure
or facility and related drainage structures first shall be approved by the County.
(2) Access. Regarding sufficient emergency vehicle and lot access to roads and streets,
the following must be described on the plat and made the subject of compliance by
the Developer: (a) the subdivision shall provide at least two points of entry/exit
access to an external public road (located outside the subdivision) for a sufficient
route of travel to and from each lot in the subdivision, for use by lot owners and
emergency vehicles, and for use during evacuations resulting from fire or other
natural disasters; and (b) the subdivision must have internal roads or streets
designed and constructed so that each lot in the subdivision shall have access to an
internal road or street leading to the aforesaid entry/exit access point in the
subdivision, for a sufficient route of travel to and from each lot in the subdivision,
for the use by lot owners and emergency vehicles, and for use during evacuations
resulting from fire or other natural disasters.
(3) County Approval. Prior to any road, street, bridge, driveway, culvert or other
drainage facility, or area of common usage being constructed in a subdivision, the
County must first approve the construction through a review of the
construction drawings and any required drainage plan. Clearing and grubbing of
the site (as well as minor grading to allow access for testing and water well drilling
equipment), and stripping of right of way to identify sub-grade types for testing, are
exceptions to this provision.
(4) The Developer shall comply with the road damage and repair provisions described
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in Appendix/SAATS Manual/Exhibit H.
(5) Roadways and Street Descriptions.
(a) The plat shall include a description of all roads in the subdivision or the
location of existing or proposed roadways in adjacent subdivisions or
county roadways.
(b) These descriptions and all constructed roads shall comply with the County's
road and drainage standards adopted by these Regulations and as further
specified in the Appendix/SAATS Manual/Exhibits F, G, and H.
(c) Street names must be comprised only of characters using the standard
English alphabet. No special characters (dashes, apostrophes, periods,
slashes, tildes, etc.) may be used. Avoid use of the same street name in close
proximity to similarly named streets.
(d) A street name is considered a duplicate if an existing street shares the same
street name. Number of words, spaces, and spelling differences do not make
the street name unique. Changing the street type does not make the name
(e) To ensure proper construction, reduce property flooding and maintain the
flow in drainage ways, driveways being constructed connecting to existing
public county roads or private roads with public easements, or drainage
structures shall first obtain a right-of-way (ROW) permit from the County’s
Planning and Development office (at the business office described in § 1.3)
and be approved by the County if they meet these Regulations and the
provisions contained in the Appendix/SAATS Manual.
(f) Driveway typicals from the Appendix/SAATS Manual/Exhibit G shall be
included in the roadway construction drawings for any subdivisions
anticipating lots fronting on public roadways or private roadways with
public easements.
(g) Driveways to roadways owned and/or` maintained by the Texas Department
of Transportation shall require permits and meet the construction
requirements of that state agency.
(6) Public County Roadways.
(a) Right-of-Way (R.O.W.) dedications shall be free/clear of any liens and/or
private ownership.
(b) Design and construction of public County roadways and streets shall meet
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
Effective Date: December 28, 2022
the requirements and standards of the Appendix/SAATS Manual Drainage
and Road Standards. Engineering and Construction Plans/Drawings shall
be submitted to the County’s Planning and Development office (at the office
address described in § 1.3) for approval prior to initiation of construction in
accordance with these Regulations.
(c) Roads or streets which are a continuation of any existing road or street shall
take the name of the existing road or street.
(d) Where roads or streets in an adjoining subdivision end at the property line
of the new subdivision, the said roads or streets shall be continued
throughout the new subdivision.
(e) Where there are no adjacent connections platted, the roads in the new
subdivision shall be a reasonable projection of the roads or streets in the
nearest subdivisions.
(f) No decorative squares, trees, islands,” ornamental entrances or any other
obstruction to traffic shall be constructed or preserved within the right-of-
way of a road dedicated to the public. Additionally, landscaping and other
sight obstructions shall be located outside of sight triangles.
(g) A public road maintenance statement shall be shown on the Final Plat
document in accordance with the Appendix/SAATS Manual/Exhibit D.
(h) The dedication and acceptance of public R.O.W. is accomplished by the
approval and recording of the Final Plat.
(i) The construction of the public road improvements is authorized and
inspected under the County Public Works Department authority. If the
Public Works Department approves the constructed improvements, the
County Commissioners Court may accept the improvements for
maintenance by separate, specific action. An Amending or Short Form plat
cannot dedicate R.O.W. or involve the construction of public or private
(j) Proper identification of streets for emergency and other public services is
critical to the safety of the residents of a subdivision. The Developer shall
pay for the street blades and be responsible for the initial installation of street
identification sign poles at the intersection of every roadway, street and cul-
de-sac within the proposed subdivision.
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(k) Private Roads.
(a) Public roads (after road acceptance by the Commissioners Court, if ever) on
dedicated rights-of-way are the requirement of the County for subdivisions.
Private roads may be considered for approval in a subdivision, if it is
determined they adequately serve the function of a public road and meet all
the requirements of these Regulations. All private roads proposed in
subdivisions require approval (for plat approval) by the Commissioners
(b) Ownership of the private road(s) shall be identified on the plat, along with
a designation as a Private Access easement. Ownership to the centerline of
the road by the adjacent lot owners is NOT allowed. Ownership in common
by a homeowner or property owner’s association, with an acceptable private
Commissioner’s Court approved access easement that includes access by
vehicles from the county, post office, utilities with a franchise to use public
streets, emergency and other public agencies and a maintenance mechanism
provided, is acceptable. In no case shall ownership of the land utilized for a
private roadway easement serving lots in a subdivision remain in the
ownership or be retained by the original developer(s) or owner(s) of the
(c) Private property within an easement utilized for a private roadway serving
lots either owned to the centerline by the adjacent property owner or owned
by a homeowner or property owners association shall NOT be included in
the area requirement calculations for an OSSF system or for any other area
requirement for a lot.
(d) Private roads shall meet the same design criteria and construction standards
and specifications as public roads and streets contained in these Regulations
as part of the plat approval process. Engineering and Construction
Plans/Drawings shall be submitted to the County Engineer and approved
prior to initiation of construction. The Developer of a private road
subdivision shall contact Ector County Public Works and request
inspection from the County Inspector during and after construction of a
private road to verify such standards have been met. In no case, however,
shall a private road be constructed without grading, drainage and a base and
surface paving sufficient to support emergency vehicles including fully
loaded fire suppression vehicles.
(7) Maintenance.
(a) The Developer, prior to plat approval and lots being sold, should endeavor
to provide for the establishment of a homeowners or property owners
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
Effective Date: December 28, 2022
association, in covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CCRs), to be filed
and recorded with the plat and noted on the plat, assuming the obligation of
perpetual maintenance of private streets and other improvements held
privately, including: (i) a mandatory assessment for such private streets and
improvements to be placed on all property owners within the subdivision;
(ii) an allowance for County personnel to inspect the streets to assure they
are being maintained to County emergency access standards; and (iii)
providing for notice to the County Attorney and County Judge or Court’s
Designee of any amendments to these relevant sections.
(b) The County shall be a necessary party for the amendment of any portions
of the CCRs dealing with these requirements.
(c) A private road maintenance statement shall be shown on the Final Plat
document in accordance with these Regulations.
(d) Private streets, roads, and emergency access easements shall be termed as a
vehicular access way under private ownership and maintenance. Private
Access Easements shall also give access into the subdivision by the County,
by emergency service providers, and by other utility or public service
providers, such as postal carriers and utility companies, with appropriate
identification. The method used to ensure County and emergency access,
including emergency turn arounds, into the subdivision shall be approved
by the 911 Ector County Emergency Communication District and by any
other applicable emergency service providers during the final platting
(e) Certain County services may not be provided for private street subdivisions,
including street maintenance, routine law enforcement patrols, enforcement
of traffic and parking regulations and payment of costs for street lighting.
A note as to waiver of services may be required on the face of the plat. The
Developer shall install signs in prominent and visible locations that clearly
mark entrances to all private street subdivisions and install a sign indicating
that the streets within the subdivision are private, and not maintained nor
regularly patrolled by the County. The subdivision homeowner’s or
property owner’s association shall maintain such signs and replace them if
damaged at their expense.
(f) Prior to the filing of a plat with private streets, the private streets must either
be constructed and inspected in accordance with these Regulations or
Financial Security in accordance with these Regulations must be provided
prior to recording the plat and sales of lots to ensure completion of the
private streets for emergency access and the use of the lot buyers.
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(g) Proper identification of streets for emergency and other public services is
critical to the safety of the residents of a subdivision. The developer shall
pay for the street blades and be responsible for the initial installation of
street identification sign poles at the intersection of every private roadway,
street and cul-de-sac within the proposed subdivision. The County will
provide the street blades with a distinct color scheme that indicates the
roadway is private and not County maintained.
(8) Alleys.
(a) Alleys, or loading courts, may be required in commercial and industrial
areas by the Commissioner’s Court upon recommendation of the County
Engineer or Director of Public Works.
(b) Alleys are not required in residential areas except that same shall be
provided where alleys of adjacent subdivisions already platted would be
closed or dead-ended by failure to provide alleys in the new subdivision.
(c) New industrial, commercial and residential alleys, if provided or required
as noted above, shall have a minimum right-of-way width of twenty (20)
(d) Unpaved alleys will not be maintained by the County except for occasional
blading for drainage purposes.
(e) The adjacent property owners are responsible for maintenance including
mowing of ROW adjacent to their frontage along the alley.
(f) Paved alleys shall be a minimum of 15 feet of paving in a twenty-foot right-
(I) Lot Frontage. The plat must include a description of all lot frontages in the subdivision.
These descriptions and all lot frontages on the ground shall comply with the following
standards hereby adopted and approved pursuant to §§ 232.101, 232.103, 232.107 of the
Texas Local Government Code and other authority:
(1) These Regulations are designed to provide reasonable standards for minimum lot
frontages on existing county or other public roads (including lot frontages in
relation to curves in a road) in compliance with accepted engineering practice and
(2) The minimum lot frontage required for lots located on county or other public roads
is 100 feet unless otherwise required by state or federal law.
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(J) Access by Emergency Vehicles. As a matter of public health, safety, and welfare, and
pursuant to §§ 232.101 and 232.107 of the Texas Local Government Code, and regarding
a residential subdivision in the unincorporated area of Ector County, Texas, the following
standards and requirements regarding emergency vehicle access are adopted:
(1) at least two means of ingress and egress in the subdivision shall be provided, and
shown by the Developer on the plat, to provide for sufficient routes of travel for use
by emergency vehicles and for use during evacuations resulting from fire or other
natural disasters; and
(2) said means of ingress and egress in the subdivision shall be designed, platted,
constructed, and operated pursuant to the road, bridge, drainage, public road access,
driveway, and other transportation infrastructure standards or requirements of these
(K) Developer Participation Contracts. Pursuant to the provisions of § 232.105 of the Texas
Local Government Code and other authority, the County hereby adopts and approves its
authority to make, but not its obligation to make, Developer participation contracts with a
Developer of a subdivision or land in the unincorporated area of Ector County, Texas to
construct public improvements, but not including a building, related to the development.
Such contracts, if any, shall be made and implemented using the lawful authority,
discretion, and best business judgment of the Commissioners Court, and in the manner and
procedure authorized by the aforesaid statute. The County reserves the right not to make
a proposed Developer participation contract should the discretion and best business
judgment of the Commissioners Court indicate that the making and implementation of such
a contract would not be in the County’s best public interests.
(L) Utility Connection Requirements. Pursuant to §§ 232.029, 232.101 and 232.106-232.107
of the Texas Local Government Code, the utility connection standards, requirements, and
procedure described in Appendix/SAATS Manual/Exhibits I-J are adopted and shall
apply for all subdivisions subject to governance by these Regulations.
(M) Use of Firearms, Bows, and Arrows. Regarding the use of firearms, bows, and arrows, in
certain subdivisions, the following standards are adopted and approved pursuant to §§
235.020-.045 of the Texas Local Government Code.
(1) Definitions. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary stated in these Regulations:
(a) this Paragraph N applies to a subdivision which is located in the unincorporated
area of the county and for which a plat is required by Chapter 232 of the Texas
Local Government Code and these Regulations; (b) “air gun” shall mean any gun
that discharges a pellet, BB, or paintball by means of compressed air, gas
propellant, or a spring, as defined by § 229.001 of the Texas Local Government
Code; and (c) “hunting” shall mean to hunt (i.e., to capture, trap, take, or kill, or an
attempt to capture, trap, take, or kill), as defined by § 1.101 of the Texas Parks and
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
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Wildlife Code.
(2) Firearm Use. To promote public safety, the Commissioners Court hereby prohibits
the discharge of firearms on lots that are 10 acres or smaller and located in the
unincorporated area of the county in a subdivision; however, this regulation shall
not be construed to prohibit the lawful discharge of air guns on the aforesaid lots or
as otherwise allowed by law. This regulation does not authorize the Commissioners
Court to regulate the transfer, ownership, possession, or transportation of firearms
or air guns and does not authorize the Commissioners Court to require the
registration of firearms or air guns. Any person is entitled to appropriate injunctive
relief to prevent a violation or threatened violation of this regulation from
continuing or occurring. A person commits an offense if the person intentionally
or knowingly engages in conduct that is a violation of this regulation. An offense
under this regulation is a Class C misdemeanor. If it is shown on the trial of an
offense under this regulation that the person has previously been convicted of an
offense under this section, the offense is a Class B misdemeanor.
(3) Bow/Arrow Use. To promote public safety, the Commissioners Court hereby
prohibits hunting with bows and arrows on lots that are 10 acres or smaller and
located in the unincorporated area of the county in a subdivision. This regulation
does not authorize the Commissioners Court to regulate the transfer, ownership,
possession, or transportation of bows and arrows and does not authorize the
Commissioners Court to require the registration of bows and arrows. Any person
is entitled to appropriate injunctive relief to prevent a violation or threatened
violation of this regulation from continuing or occurring. A person commits an
offense if the person intentionally or knowingly engages in conduct that is a
violation of this regulation. An offense under this regulation is a Class C
misdemeanor. If it is shown on the trial of an offense under this regulation that the
person has previously been convicted of an offense under this section, the offense
is a Class B misdemeanor.
(N) Future Transportation Corridors. Pursuant to § 232.0033 of the Texas Local Government
Code, if all or part of a subdivision for which a plat is required under these Regulations is
located within a future transportation corridor identified in an agreement under Section
201.619 of the Texas Transportation Code:
(1) the Commissioners Court may refuse to approve the plat for recordation unless the
plat states that the subdivision is located within the area of the alignment of a
transportation project as shown in the final environmental decision document that
is applicable to the future transportation corridor;
(2) the Commissioners Court may refuse to approve the plat for recordation if all or
part of the subdivision is located within the area of the alignment of a transportation
project as shown in the final environmental decision document that is applicable to
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
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the future transportation corridor; and
(3) each purchase contract or lease between the Subdivider and a purchaser or lessee
of land in the subdivision must contain a conspicuous statement that the land is
located within the area of the alignment of a transportation project as shown in the
final environmental decision document that is applicable to the future transportation
(O) Regulatory Compliance. All plats shall demonstrate compliance with the Countys (1) sewer,
drainage, septic, or OSSF regulations or rules, and (2) floodplain management regulations.
(P) Purchase Contract Disclosure. Pursuant to § 232.003 of the Texas Local Government Code
and other authority, each purchase contract made between a Developer/Subdivider and a
purchaser of land in the subdivision shall contain a statement describing the extent to which
water will be made available to the subdivision -- and, if it will be made available, how and
when water will be made available to the subdivision.
(Q) Lien Subordination Disclosure. The plat shall contain statements, signed and
acknowledged by the Developer and any lienholder (current addresses shown), which
certify lienholder consent and lien subordination to all public dedications.
(R) Limitations Regarding County Construction/Maintenance Obligations. The plat shall
contain the statements in the Appendix/SAATS Manual/Exhibit D regarding the express
limitations regarding County construction or maintenance obligations.
(S) Plat Execution and Certification Matters.
(1) The Developer shall: (a) sign and date the plat, all Developer certifications on the plat,
and all required or attached documents requiring Developer execution; (b)
acknowledge the plat in the manner required for the acknowledgment of deeds; and
(c) attest by affidavit on the plat to the veracity and completeness of the matters
described in the plat and all attached documents. The Developer’s certification
statement requirements appear in the Appendix/SAATS Manual/Exhibit D.
(2) The plat must be signed, sealed, and certified by the Developer’s surveyor and
engineer, and said consultants must be currently licensed and in good standing to
practice in Texas, and their certification statement requirements appear in the
Appendix/SAATS Manual/Exhibit D.
(3) The final, approved plat shall contain a signature, certification, and
acknowledgment by the County Judge as stated in the Appendix/SAATS
Manual/Exhibit D for Final Plats, and as applicable for Amending or Short Form
Plats. The County Clerk shall attest the signature of the County Judge on the plat.
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(4) All signatures, certifications, and plat notes described by these Regulations
(including without limitation those described in the attached Appendix/SAATS
Manual/Exhibit D) shall be required for inclusion on a Final Plat and Short-Form
(5) The following additional certifications, in language deemed sufficient by the
certifying entity, shall appear on the plat:
(a) the Water District having territorial jurisdiction regarding water wells and
related permits for the land of the subdivision, shall certify on the plat that
(i) the Developer and/or all lot owners in the subdivision shall comply with
the active regulations of said district, and (ii) all water wells in the
subdivision shall be in compliance with the active regulations of said
(b) the applicable electric and gas utility service providers for the subdivision
shall certify on the plat that (i) electric and gas utility service is currently
available to all lots of the subdivision, or can be made available in the future
to all lots in the subdivision, subject to proper application, permitting,
infrastructure, and/or utility easement acquisition, and (ii) the easements
shown on the plat are of sufficient nature, shape, and size to accommodate
electric utility service to all lots in the subdivision; and
(c) the wastewater, sewer, and septic/OSSF facilities shown on the plat or
intended for the subdivision shall be certified by the Developer, the
Developer’s engineer, and the County’s wastewater, sewer, and
septic/OSSF regulation officer (or agent or designee) as being in all things
compliant with minimum state standards as herein required.
(6) The County Clerk shall: (a) attest and certify the signature of the County Judge on
the final, approved plat using the certifications in the Appendix/SAATS
Manual/Exhibit D; and (b) show on the plat the date of the order of the
Commissioners Court which approved the plat and authorized its filing. When the
Final Plat is filed and recorded in the Office of the County Clerk, said clerk shall
conspicuously mark and record the Final Plat in the plat records or other official
public records of said office, noting on the plat and the internal records of said
office the date and time of filing, and the volume/book and page of record where
the plat was recorded. Upon approval of the Final Plat by the Commissioners
Court, the County Clerk shall not in any way mark, record, recite, or describe the
plat as acceptedby the Commissioners Court. By these Regulations it shall be
expressly understood that acceptanceof the Final Plat, if any, (and by consequence
the land, roads, easements, improvements, or infrastructure, if any, dedicated to the
public on the plat), only can occur, if ever, by a subsequent, separate acceptance
order being approved by the Commissioners Court (through a recorded vote at a
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
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public meeting) in compliance with these Regulations.
(T) Engineering and Construction Plans/Drawings.
(1) Based on a review of the proposed subdivision and in the interest of public health,
safety, and welfare, the County Engineer may recommend to the County that public
improvements be required for a proposed subdivision.
(2) The engineering and construction plans/drawings for all improvements which are
submitted by the Developer to the County for a proposed subdivision shall conform
to the requirements of these Regulations and shall be prepared, executed, and sealed
by the Developer’s Registered Professional Engineer who is licensed to practice in
the State of Texas.
(3) No public improvements will be accepted or private streets approved without the
submission to and approval of the engineering and construction plans/drawings of
such improvements by the County Engineer.
§ 4.1 Plat Exceptions and Related Matters.
(A) Statutory Exceptions. A subdivision plat is not required if the facts establish one or more
of the specific plat exceptions described in § 232.0015 of the Texas Local Government
(B) Local Exceptions. Pursuant to § 232.0015(a) of the Texas Local Government Code (in part
stating that a county need not require platting for every division of land otherwise within
the scope of Subchapter A of Chapter 232 of said code), the following local exceptions are
hereby adopted for proper use and application for subdivisions described in these
(1) Litigation Exception. A subdivision plat is not required to be filed if the division
of land occurs pursuant to a final judgment issued by a court in a lawsuit or probate
proceeding -- unless the issuing court determines in said judgment that subdivision
platting under these Regulations is required.
(2) Oil/Gas Production and Energy Facility Exception. The County shall not require
the owner(s) of a tract of land located outside the limits of a municipality who
divides the tract into two or more parts to have a plat of the subdivision filed if:
(a) no part of the land is located in a floodplain;
(b) no land or improvements will be dedicated to public use;
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
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(c) all parcels either have 100 feet of frontage in accordance with these
Regulations or have access by an approved access easement;
(d) no easements or right-of-way dedications normally required by the County
for approval of a plat remain undedicated;
(e) each parcel or divided part will be developed for the purpose directly related
to: (i) the exploration or production of oil, gas or other minerals; or (ii) the
generation or transmission of electricity, including wind farms or wind
energy production or transmission sites;
(f) no buildings or structures on the land are constructed to be occupied on a
continuous basis;
(g) no water facilities, wells or services for the drinking of water by humans are
to be installed, and if any such facilities are utilized, they shall be directly
related to the production of oil, gas or other minerals or the generation or
transmission of electricity, shall be confined to the actual work site, and shall
comply with minimum state standards;
(h) no sewer, wastewater, human excreta or other waste removal, septic, or
OSSF facilities or services are to be installed, and if any such facilities are
utilized, they shall be directly related to the production of oil, gas or other
minerals or the generation or transmission of electricity, shall be confined
to the actual work site, and shall comply with minimum state standards and
the County's active sewer, septic, or OSSF regulations; and
(i) if electricity is provided to the site, it is provided only for the direct production
of oil, gas or other minerals or the generation or transmission of electricity.
(C) Post-Exception Application. After a lawful exception is recognized and used pursuant to
this § 4.2, and should any lot or parcel thereafter be sold, conveyed, given, or otherwise
transferred to an individual or entity that does not meet one or more of the exceptions herein
described, the platting requirements of these Regulations shall apply.
(D) 911 Emergency Services Addressing. Should a plat not be required under these
Regulations, the Developer nevertheless shall submit the location of the development
project to the County’s Planning and Development office (at the office address described
in § 1.3) in order to confirm correct information for all addressing necessary for 911 and
emergency services addressing purposes. No fees will be charged by the County for this
submission in the public interest.
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(E) Conveyance Without Plat Revision. Pursuant to §§ 232.010, 232.101, and 232.107 of the
Texas Local Government Code, the Commissioners Court may allow conveyance of
portions of one or more previously platted lots by metes and bounds description without
revising the plat provided that the conveyance does not violate, alter, amend, diminish, or
remove, any recorded covenants, restrictions, or vested property rights, or the purpose of
such conveyance, is to avoid dedication of any roadway right- of-ways or public easements.
§ 4.2 Variances.
(A) Application. These provisions apply to variance requests by a Developer seeking: (1) plat
approval regarding proposed subdivision development; and (2) infrastructure development
plan approval for proposed manufactured home rental community (MHRC)
development. When literal enforcement of these Regulations will result in undue hardship
to the Developer, and when a variance is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of
these Regulations so that the public health, safety, and welfare may be secured and
substantial justice done, but subject to any limitations or requirements existing under
applicable federal or state law, or county regulations, the Commissioners Court may grant a
variance from these Regulations, as hereafter described.
(B) Procedure. A Developer may request a variance from the County regarding the strict
application of these Regulations as described below.
(1) To obtain consideration for a variance, the Developer must timely submit a written
variance request in the plat application or MHRC infrastructure development
plan application. The variance application must describe in detail all special
circumstances that exist to support the variance.
(2) Through the exercise of its discretion, the Commissioners Court may grant a
variance from the strict application of these Regulations. However, the Court may
not grant a variance regarding the following matters: (a) the requirement of an
approved plat, as described in these Regulations -- but subject to the plat exceptions
described in these Regulations; (b) the requirement of a bond or other financial
security; and (c) the payment of fees unless the variance applicant is a unit of
government or non-profit entity.
(3) A variance may be granted by the Commissioners Court, within its discretion, only
when the clear and convincing evidence establishes all of the following: (a) a
special circumstance exists which, if these Regulations are strictly enforced, will
deprive the Developer of a privilege, use, or safety enjoyed by similarly situated
owners or Developers with similarly timed development of the same nature and
scope and pecuniary hardship, standing alone, shall not be deemed to constitute
an undue hardship or special circumstance to support the granting of a variance; (b)
the variance constitutes only a minimum departure from these Regulations; (c) the
variance will not create a special privilege, use, or safety for the Developer that is
not enjoyed by similarly situated property or Developers with similarly timed
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
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development of the same nature or scope; and (d) the variance is based on the
general intent of these Regulations and is deemed to be in the public interest.
(4) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary stated in this section, a variance shall not
be granted: (a) if it would have the effect of preventing the safe, healthy, orderly
development of other land in the area in accordance with these Regulations; (b) an
ad valorem tax delinquency exists regarding the land made the subject of proposed
development; or (c) without the approval of the Commissioners Court acting
through an order entered as a result of a recorded vote in a public meeting held in
compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.
§ 4.3 Plat Revision, Vacation, Replat, Amendment, and Cancellation. The County adopts
the plat revision, vacation, replat (without vacation), amendment, and cancellation
standards and procedures described in §§ 232.008, 232.0083, 232.0095, 232.010, 232.101,
and 232.107 of the Texas Local Government Code. All Developers seeking approval of a
replat shall comply with the requirements of these Regulations and Chapter 232 of the
Texas Local Government Code.
§ 4.4 Dormant Plat. Pursuant to § 232.002 of the Texas Local Government Code, if no portion
of the land subdivided under an approved plat is sold or transferred before January 1st of
the 2nd year after the year in which the plat was approved, the approval of the plat expires,
and the developer must resubmit a plat of the subdivision for approval.
§ 5.1 Manufactured Home Rental Community Regulations. Pursuant to § 232.007 of the
Texas Local Government Code, the Commissioners Court approves and adopts the
following Regulations for Manufactured Home Rental Communities (“MHRC”).
(A) Application. These standards and requirements shall apply to all MHRC development
projects located in the unincorporated area of Ector County, Texas.
(1) The County’s MHRC application form is described in the Appendix/SAATS
Manual/Exhibit B and provided at no cost to the public at the office of the
County’s Director of Planning and Development at the notice address described in
§ 1.3 of these Regulations. That form describes all required documents for
submission by the Developer to the County for a completed MHRC application.
(2) A completed MHRC application shall constitute: (a) the fully completed and
executed application; (b) the required infrastructure development plan (or “plan”)
and all supporting documents as herein described; and (c) written evidence (in the
form of a tax certificate or other tax entity issued document) showing that an ad
valorem tax liability does not exist on the land made the subject of the MHRC
development project.
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(B) Infrastructure Development Plan. Construction and occupancy of an MHRC may not begin
before the plan has been approved by the County, as follows:
(1) Drainage. The plan shall provide adequate drainage for the MHRC, including
without limitation: (a) the provision of adequate drainage for the MHRC, including
all streets or roads therein, in accordance with standard engineering practices; (b)
the specification and provision of necessary drainage culverts and other drainage
facilities for the MHRC; (c) the identification of all areas of the MHRC located in
the floodplain; (d) providing that any additional drainage runoff will not damage
adjacent properties; and (e) providing drainage detention facilities where needed to
prevent damaging flooding and runoff. The drainage requirements for the MHRC
shall be in compliance with the following standards: all drainage requirements
described for subdivisions in these Regulations.
(2) Water. The plan shall describe and specify: (a) the provision of an adequate public
or community drinking water supply to the MHRC in accordance with minimum
state standards and as required and described for subdivisions in these Regulations;
(b) the location of all facilities and supply lines for said water supply in accordance
Subchapter C, Chapter 341 of the Texas Health and Safety Code; (c) private water
systems serving up to a maximum of 14 connections from a single well and not
classified as a public well, or any other type of private water service to individual
units, meeting the requirements of and approved by the Ector County Health
Department and in accordance with County and State regulations; and (d) that the
conveyance of potable water by transport truck or other mobile device to supply
the domestic needs is not an acceptable method, except on an emergency basis --
and the absence of a water system meeting these standards due to the negligence of
the Developer is not an emergency.
(3) Sewer, Septic, OSSF. The plan shall describe and specify the provision of access
of the MHRC to sanitary sewer or septic facilities and lines (including OSSF), in
accordance with minimum state standards and as required and described for
subdivisions in these Regulations, and including: (a) providing and identifying the
location of all sanitary sewer facilities and lines; (b) providing and identifying
adequate sewer, septic, or OSSF facilities and lines in accordance with Chapter
366, of the Texas Health and Safety Code; (c) compliance with the County's active
sewer, drainage, septic, or OSSF regulations; (d) compliance with the County's
active floodplain management regulations; and (e) compliance with state and federal
(4) Survey. The plan shall contain a land survey of the MHRC performed by a Texas
registered professional land surveyor (on the ground), and shall identify and
describe all information or components as required and described for subdivisions
in these Regulations, including without limitation: (a) the proposed MHRC
boundaries, and any significant features located therein; (b) the proposed location
of all spaces, lots, or other divided parts of the MHRC; (c) the proposed or existing
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
Effective Date: December 28, 2022
utility, road, and drainage easements; (d) all land of the development project
located in a floodplain; and (e) the dedications of easements and rights-of-way, if
(5) Roads. The plan shall identify and describe all roads, streets, and bridges in the
MHRC, in the manner as required for subdivisions in these Regulations, including
without limitation: (a) the roads, streets, and bridges shall be designed and
constructed to comply with standards and requirements, and to provide ingress and
egress for fire and emergency vehicles, in the manner as required and described for
subdivisions in these Regulations; (b) all roads, drives, aisles, or other divided parts
serving as rental spaces in the MHRC shall be identified, and said divided parts
serving as rental spaces located more than 150 feet from a paved roadway shall be
paved to provide ingress/egress under all weather conditions for fire and
emergency vehicles; and (c) said roads, drives, aisles, or other divided parts shall
be constructed in accordance the requirements of residential driveways described
in the Appendix/SAATS Manual.
(C) Lawful Compliance.
(1) The plan and all other documents submitted to the County to support a request for
MHRC infrastructure development plan approval and MHRC occupancy and
operation, must be truthful, accurate, correct, and prepared in compliance with the
requirements (including methodology) prescribed by law and these Regulations,
including the applicable statutes and regulations of the State of Texas and federal
government (and the administrative agencies thereof), and the County’s active
flood damage prevention order or other floodplain management regulations, sewer,
septic, OSSF or other wastewater regulations, or other land development
(2) Regarding the submitted MHRC plan, the Developer shall demonstrate lawful
compliance with: (a) all applicable requirements of these Regulations; (b) the
County’s floodplain, water, drainage, sewer, and/or septic regulations; (c) if
applicable, the regulations of ECUD as a water supplier to the MHRC development
(if applicable), or the regulations of the Water District (if any) having territorial
jurisdiction regarding water wells and related permits for the land of the MHRC,
including compliance with the permitting, registration, use, spacing, and pumping
requirements of said district; (d) the electric and gas utility service provider
regulations or requirements for the MHRC, with the inclusion of a provider
certification on the plan showing that electric and gas utility service will be
available to all lots or spaces in the MHRC and (e) minimum state standards for
water/wastewater service to all lots or divided spaces in the MHRC.
(D) Signature and Completeness. The MHRC application and proposed plan shall be: (1)
signed, dated, approved, and acknowledged by the Developer; and (2) signed, dated,
approved, and stamped by the Developer’s Texas Registered Professional Engineer and
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
Effective Date: December 28, 2022
Texas Registered Professional Land Surveyor. The MHRC application and plan are
considered complete when all applicable documents or other information required by the
Regulations is received by the County.
(E) Submission and Fees. The original and 2 copies of the fully executed and complete MHRC
application and proposed MHRC plan (being fully executed, complete and in compliance
with these Regulations), and with required fees, shall be submitted by the Developer to the
County’s Director of the Planning and Development at the notice address described in §
1.3. The Developer shall meet with said Department’s representative within 14-days after
submission of the plan for the purpose of a preliminary review and discussion of the
proposed development project, the proposed plan, and all documents to support the plan
(F) Fee Schedule. A reasonable fee schedule is adopted and approved for MHRC development
as described in Appendix/SAATS Manual/Exhibit C. The fees (except recording fees)
must be paid to the County before the County conducts a review of the proposed
development project.
(G) County Review. The County (through its designee) shall review the plan and thereafter
shall approve or reject the plan in writing pursuant to the procedures described in § 232.007
of the Texas Government Code. The County may deny the MHRC and its proposed plan
if: (a) the plan does not comply with these Regulations; (b) the required fees are not paid;
or (c) a delinquent ad valorem tax liability exists for the land made the subject of the
MHRC. If the plan is approved, all infrastructure and development of the MHRC must be
constructed in compliance with the plan. If the plan is rejected, the written rejection shall
specify the reasons for the rejection. If the plan is approved, the County designee shall so
certify on the plan, and shall acknowledge the plan. The plan shall be filed and recorded in
the Office of the County Clerk by the Developer on or before 7-days from the date of plan
(H) Construction and Occupancy. Construction of the MHRC may not begin (and the MHRC
may not be occupied by tenants or lessees) before the date the plan is approved by the
County. The County may require inspection of the infrastructure during or on completion
of construction. If the inspector determines that the infrastructure complies with the plan,
the County shall issue the MHRC Certificate of Compliance in accordance with § 232.007
of the Texas Local Government Code.
(I) Utility Service. A utility may not provide utility services (including water, sewer, gas, and
electric services) to an MHRC subject to an approved infrastructure development plan, or
to a manufactured home in the MHRC, unless the owner provides the utility with a copy
of the MHRC Certificate of Compliance issued by the County. As used in this paragraph,
“utility” means: (1) a municipality that provides utility services; (2) a municipality owned
or municipally operated utility that provides utility services; (3) a public utility that
provides utility services; (4) a nonprofit water supply or sewer corporation organized and
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
Effective Date: December 28, 2022
operating under Chapter 67 of the Texas Water Code, that provides utility services; (5) a
county that provides utility services; (6) a special district or authority created by state law
that provides utility services; or (7) other utility described in the Regulations.
§ 5.2 MHRC Variance. The Commissioners Court or its designee may grant a variance from
these MHRC standards and requirements pursuant to the variance procedures described in
§ 4.2 of the Regulations.
§ 6.1 Enforcement. All applicable civil enforcement remedies and penalties, criminal
enforcement remedies and penalties, and litigation recovery rights (whether legal,
equitable, or mixed) authorized by these Regulations, or by Texas or federal law, are hereby
adopted, approved and shall be implemented for a violation or threatened violation of these
Regulations, including without limitation the following enforcement authority: Chapters
232, 233, and 235 of the Texas Local Government Code; Chapter 12 of the Texas Property
Code; Chapter 16, Subchapter I, of the Texas Water Code; the County’s active floodplain
management regulations; the County’s active sewer, septic, or OSSF regulations; and all
other enforcement authority described in these Regulations. Nothing contained in these
Regulations shall prevent the County from taking necessary or desired action to prevent or
remedy a violation or threatened violation of these Regulations as allowed by law.
§ 6.2 Inspection. The County’s officers, employees, agents, or consultants, as determined by
the Commissioners Court, are authorized to: inspect proposed or active development
projects to determine compliance with these Regulations; and make recommendations to
the Commissioners Court regarding violations or threatened violations of the Regulations
or other applicable authority pertaining to land development in the unincorporated area of
Ector County, Texas.
Subdivision and MHRC Regulations for Ector County, Texas
Effective Date: December 28, 2022
APPROVED BY: The Commissioners Court of Ector County, Texas
ADOPTED: December 28, 2022
I, Debi Hays, the undersigned, being the County Judge of Ector County, Texas and the
Presiding Officer of the Commissioners Court of Ector County, Texas (“Commissioners Court”),
do hereby certify that the above and foregoing instrument (with its attached Appendix) is the
Subdivision and Manufactured Home Rental Community Regulations for Ector County, Texas
(“Regulations”), which instrument was duly considered, approved, and adopted by the
Commissioners Court at a public meeting duly convened and conducted on this date. Copies of
the Regulations may be obtained from the official minutes of the Commissioners Court filed with
and maintained by the County Clerk of Ector County, Texas, or reviewed and downloaded from
the internet website of said county at
EXECUTED on the 28
day of December, 2022.
Hon. Debi Hays, County Judge
Ector County, Texas
County Clerk or Deputy County Clerk
Ector County, Texas
Address: Address:
Telephone: Telephone:
Email: Email:
1. Regarding a proposed subdivision, the following documents are required to be submitted for review at the time
of the Plat Application (“Application”): all documents required for subdivision plats by the active Subdivision
and Manufactured Home Rental Community Regulations for Ector County, Texas (“Regulations”), the contents
of which are incorporated by reference, said documents being described in the attached Documents List for
Subdivision Plat Application. Please attach all required documents to this Application and add additional
sheets, if necessary.
2. You must timely submit this Application and all required documentation to the following public office as
described in the regulations: Director of Planning and Development Department for Ector County, 1010 E. 8
Street Suite #114, Odessa, Texas, 79761.
3. Will the Developer seek a variance from the Commissioner’s Court?
No. If Yes, identify and describe all issues to support the variance requested pursuant to the
Regulations and attach all supporting documents to this Application, including an estimate of the cost of the
variance items requested, if any.
4. Will any land, improvements, roads, streets, utility or transportation infrastructure, or facilities be dedicated
to public use?
Yes No. If Yes, identify them and attach all reports, plans, drawings, and specifications related to
those dedicated improvements, infrastructure, or facilities. Proof of ownership of any off-site dedications or
easements associated with the plat are required.
5. Will the subdivision be served by private water (including groundwater or surface water) facilities or
wastewater (including septic or OSSF) facilities?
Yes No. If Yes, identify them and attach all reports, plans, drawings, and specifications related to
those improvements, infrastructure, or facilities:
6. Will the subdivision require a permit or other approval by another government or private entity?
Yes No. If Yes, identify all such entities and attach copies of any active permits obtained from
those entities for the proposed development:
7. Is the proposed development located in an area of special flood hazard or floodway described by federal
or state data sources, including a FEMA floodplain map?
Yes No. If Yes, identify all areas of special flood hazard or floodways in which all or part of the
proposed development is located:
8. Have you paid all permit fees required by the County or other government of private entity for the proposed
No. If No, please explain why you have not done so:
9. Does a delinquent tax liability or tax lien exist on the real property being subdivided?
Yes No. If Yes, please identify those matters and attach documents from the appropriate
governmental taxing entity describing the tax delinquency or lien:
If NO, attach documents from the appropriate governmental taxing entities showing that no tax
delinquency exists on the real property made the subject of the proposed development.
10. Please note the following:
(a) Do you choose to participate in the County’s Voluntary Preliminary Review procedure described § 3.7 of
the Regulations? Yes No. If Yes, please attach: (i) the required written notice to the County regarding
that Developer’s decision; and (ii) all preliminary documents (i.e., concept plan, site plan, preliminary plat
or other documents deemed by you relevant regarding the development project) that you request the County
to review for the voluntary preliminary review procedure.
(b) Do you choose to participate in the County’s Short-Form Plat procedure described in § 3.8 of the
Regulations? Yes No. If Yes, please attach all documents: (i) showing that the proposed subdivision
qualifies for the Short-Form Plat procedure; and (ii) required by the Regulations for Short-Form Plat
procedure submission and approval.
(c) Are you requesting a replat, plat revision, plat amendment, plat vacation, or plat cancellation of a subdivision
plat pursuant to the procedure described in § 4.3 of the Regulations? Yes No. If Yes, please attach
all documents: (i) explaining and showing the lot or lots to be affected by requested procedure; and (ii)
which support the submission and approval of the requested procedure pursuant to the Regulations.
I have read the active Subdivision and Planning and Development Regulations for Ector County, Texas. All
documents required by the regulations have been prepared by me or on my behalf and are attached to this
application, including full payment to the County, by cashier’s check or money order, for all required fees.
Owner/Applicant Signature
Printed Name:
Receipt by County
Received By:
Printed Name:
Ector County, Texas
Regarding a proposed subdivision development project as described in the Regulations, the following documents are
required to be submitted with the Subdivision Plat Application Form:
(a) a complete and executed Plat Application in compliance with the Regulations, with all required
documents and payment of fees;
(b) a proposed subdivision plat which is fully executed, certified, and acknowledged by the proper parties
designated in the Regulations but excluding from compliance at Plat Application submission the following matters
(i) the signatures, acknowledgements, and/or certifications of the County Judge, County Clerk, and County
consulting engineer, and (ii) the filing or recordation of the plat;
(c) a proposed subdivision plat and all supporting documents describing and demonstrating compliance with the
Regulations regarding required plat formatting and other information, including without limitation: (i) property
description, identifying data, and signatures; (ii) survey data; (iii) metes and bounds descriptions; (iv) lot, block,
and other part dimensions; (v) water (including groundwater and surface water), sewer, and OSSF facility and
service disclosures; (vi) drainage plan; (vii) topographical descriptions with contour lines; (viii) road, driveway,
lot, frontage, and floodplain descriptions; (ix) utility connection requirements; (x) purchase contract disclosure; (xi)
compliance with the water availability requirements of the Regulations; (xii) compliance with the active regulations
of the Water District, if any, with territorial jurisdiction regarding all or part of the proposed land of the subdivision
if groundwater is the source of the water for the subdivision; (xiii) lien subordination; and (xiv) plat execution and
(d) a proposed subdivision plat and all supporting documents describing and demonstrating compliance with
utility connection and plat certification requirements of the Regulations;
(e) a proposed subdivision plat and all supporting documents describing and demonstrating compliance with the
rchase contract disclosure obligation of the Developer regarding water availability implementation;
(f) a proposed subdivision plat and all supporting documents describing and demonstrating compliance with the
express limitations (and related, mandatory plat certification requirements) state in the Regulations regarding the
County’s construction and maintenance obligations, if any, regarding any land, road, easement, improvement,
facility, or other property (i) dedicated to public use on the plat, or (ii) private property described on the plat;
(g) a proposed subdivision plat and all supporting documents describing and demonstrating compliance with the
minimum standards described in the Regulations, including: (i) compliance with federal and state law requirements,
including minimum state standards regarding water (including groundwater and surface water), sewer, septic, OSSF
and related facilities; (ii) compliance with specific property description, identifying data , and proper signature
requirements; (iii) compliance with specific survey data requirements; (iv) compliance with specific lot and
block dimension requirements; (v) compliance with the water availability requirements and wastewater
requirements of the Regulations; (vi) compliance regarding a reasonable drainage plan for the
subdivision, including the management of storm water runoff, pursuant to the standards described in the
Regulations; (vii) compliance with specific topographical description requirements; (viii) compliance with
specific road/driveway, lot frontage, and floodplain management requirements; and (ix) compliance with the
development standards and requirements described in the Regulations;
(h) a proposed subdivision plat and all supporting documents describing and demonstrating compliance with
the bond or other financial security requirements in the Regulations;
(i) a tax certificate or other sufficient documentation from the appropriate governmental taxing entities showing
that no tax delinquency exists on the real property made the subject of the proposed subdivision development;
(j) documents showing payment of all required fees; and
(k) documents supporting your answers to Items (1) through (10) above.
Address: Address:
Telephone: Telephone:
Email: Email:
1. Regarding a proposed MHRC, the following documents are required to be submitted to Ector County
(“County”) for review at the time of the MHRC Application (“Application”): all documents required for
MHRC by the active Subdivision and Manufactured Home Rental Community Regulations for Ector County,
Texas (“Regulations”), the contents of which are incorporated by reference, said documents being described in
the attached Documents List for MHRC Application. Please attach all required documents to this Application
and add additional sheets, if necessary.
2. You must timely submit this Application and all required documentation to the following public office as
described in the regulations: Director of Planning and Development Department for Ector County, 1010 E. 8
Street Suite #114, Odessa, Texas, 79761.
3. Will the Developer seek a variance from the Commissioner’s Court?
No. If Yes, identify and describe all issues to support the variance requested pursuant to the
Regulations and attach all supporting documents to this Application, including an estimate of the cost of the
variance request items requested, if any.
4. Will any land, improvements, roads, streets, utility or transportation infrastructure, or facilities be dedicated
to public use?
Yes No. If Yes, identify them and attach all reports, plans, drawings, and specifications related to
those dedicated improvements, infrastructure, or facilities. Proof of ownership of any off-site dedications or
easements associated with the plat are required.
5. Will the MHRC require a permit or other approval by another government or private entity?
Yes No. If Yes, identify all such entities and attach copies of any active permits obtained from
those entities for the proposed development:
6. Is the proposed development located in an area of special flood hazard or floodway described by federal
or state data sources, including a FEMA floodplain map?
Yes No. If Yes, identify all areas of special flood hazard or floodways in which all or part of the
proposed development is located:
7. Will the MHRC be served by private water (including groundwater or surface water) facilities or wastewater
(including septic or OSSF) facilities?
Yes No. If Yes, identify them and attach all reports, plans, drawings, and specifications related to
those improvements, infrastructure, or facilities:
8. Will the MHRC be served by a public water or sewer system?
Yes No. If Yes, identify the public service suppliers and attach all reports, plans, drawings, and
specifications related to those improvements, infrastructure, or facilities.
9. Is the proposed development located in an area of special flood hazard or floodway described by federal
or state data sources, including a FEMA floodplain map?
Yes No. If Yes, please provide elevation certificate.
10. Have you paid all permit fees required by the County or other government of private entity for the proposed
No. If No, please explain why you have not done so:
11. Does a delinquent tax liability or tax lien exist on the real property being subdivided?
Yes No. If Yes, please identify those matters and attach documents from the appropriate
governmental taxing entity describing the tax delinquency or lien:
If NO, attach documents from the appropriate governmental taxing entities showing that no tax
delinquency exists on the real property made the subject of the proposed development.
12. Please note the following:
(a) Pursuant to the definition of a “Manufactured Home” in § 2.1(C)(21) of the Regulations, please
identify with specificity the number, type, and construction characteristics of the manufactured homes
to be placed in the proposed MHRC development site:
(b) Pursuant to the definition of a “Manufactured Home Rental Community” in § 2.1 (C)(22) of the
Regulations, please identify:
i. the contract terms of the lease or rental agreements proposed for the MHRC development
site, and attach a blank copy of such an agreement, if available:
ii. whether a rental or lease agreement with a contract term of more than 60-months, or a
purchase option contract of any length, will be used to support an occupancy agreement for
a lot, space, or divided part in the MHRC development site:
; and
iii. whether fee simple or other title to a lot, space, or other divided part in the MHRC
development site will be sold, granted, or conveyed by deed, contract for deed, or other
executory contract to a willing buyer, donee, or other grantee:
I have read the active Subdivision and Planning and Development Regulations for Ector County, Texas. All
documents required by the regulations have been prepared by me or on my behalf and are attached to this
application, including full payment to the County, by cashier’s check or money order, for all required fees.
Owner/Applicant Signature
Printed Name:
Receipt by County
Received By:
Printed Name:
Ector County, Texas
The following documents shall be submitted with the MHRC Application Form, as required by the Regulations:
(a) a complete and executed MHRC Application in compliance with the Regulations, with all required
documents and payment of fees;
(b) a proposed infrastructure development plan (“Plan”) as described by the Regulations, which is fully executed,
certified, and acknowledged by the proper parties (including the Developer and its engineer and surveyor)
designated in the Regulations but excluding from compliance at MHRC Application submission the following
matters (i) the signatures, acknowledgements, and/or certifications of the County’s representatives, and (ii) the filing
or recordation of the Plan;
(c) a proposed Plan and all supporting documents describing and demonstrating compliance with the drainage,
water, and wastewater requirements of the Regulations, including without limitation providing accurate descriptions
and specifications regarding: (i) adequate drainage for the MHRC, including all streets or roads therein, in
accordance with standard engineering practices; (ii) necessary drainage culverts and other drainage facilities for the
MHRC; (iii) areas of the MHRC located in the floodplain; (iv) the provision of an adequate public or community
water supply to the MHRC; in accordance with minimum state standards and the Regulations; (v) the location of
all facilities and supply lines for said water supply in accordance with the Subchapter C, Chapter 341 of the Texas
Health and Safety Code; (vi) compliance with the active regulations of Water District, if any, with territorial
jurisdiction regarding all or part of the proposed MHRC development site if groundwater is the source of water for
the MHRC; (vii) the provision of access of the MHRC to sanitary sewer or septic facilities and lines, in accordance
with minimum state standards and including (1) providing and identifying the location of all sanitary sewer
facilities and lines and (2) providing and identifying adequate OSSF sewage facilities and line in accordance with
Chapter 366 of the Texas Health and Safety Code; and (viii) compliance with the road, driveway, and road access
requirements of the Regulations.
(d) a proposed Plan and all supporting documents describing and demonstrating compliance with all land survey
requirements of the Regulations, including: (i) an accurate description of the proposed MHRC boundaries, and any
significant features located therein; (ii) the proposed location of all spaces, lots, or other parts of the MHRC; (iii)
the proposed or existing utility, road, and drainage easements; and (iv) the dedications of easements and right-of-
ways, if any;
(e) a proposed Plan and all supporting documents describing and demonstrating compliance with the road
requirements of the Regulations, including without limitation providing accurate descriptions and specifications
regarding all roads to be located in the MHRC, with said roads to be constructed in compliance with the road and
street standards and requirements described in these regulations for subdivisions;
(f) a proposed Plan and all supporting documents describing and demonstrating compliance with all applicable
requirements of: (i) the Regulations; (ii) state and federal law; (iii) the Countys active floodplain management,
sewer, drainage, septic, or OSSF regulations;
(g) a proposed Plan and all supporting documents describing and demonstrating the Developer’s knowledge of,
and expressed intent to comply with the specific restrictions described in the Regulations regarding the prohibited:
(i) construction and/or occupancy of the MHRC prior to issuance by the County of the MHRC compliance
certificate; and (ii) provision of utility services to the MHRC subject to an infrastructure development plan, or to a
manufactured home in the MHRC, unless the owner provides the utility with a copy of the MHRC compliance
certificate issued by the County;
(h) a tax certificate or other sufficient documentation from the appropriate governmental taxing entities showing
that no tax delinquency exists on the real property made the subject of the proposed MHRC development;
(i) documents showing payment of all required fees; and
(j) documents supporting your answers to Items (1) through (12) above.
(A) Certification and Affidavit of Developer.
The undersigned Developer of the real property made the basis of the ____________________
(“Subdivision”) made the subject of this subdivision plat, and pursuant to the active Subdivision
and Manufactured Home Rental Community Regulations of Ector County, Texas
(“Regulations”), does hereby certify the following: (1) this plat and its attached documents are
in compliance with the Regulations; (2) the representations on this plat and its attached
documents are true and correct; (3) the Developer shall comply with the Regulations regarding
the development of the Subdivision; (4) all dedicated real property, roads, streets, easements,
improvements, facilities, or other property described on this plat are dedicated to the use and
benefit of the public forever; and (5) lienholder consent and lien subordination has been obtained
regarding all public dedications shown on this plat, and the lienholder consent and subordination
documents are attached to this plat and incorporated by reference.
EXECUTED on this the ___ day of ____________________, __________.
Developer: ______________________________
By: ____________________________________
Printed Name: ____________________________
Title: __________________________________
SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, the undersigned authority, on this the ___ day of
____________________, __________.
Notary Public/State of Texas
My Commission Expires: _______________
Notary Seal
THIS INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED before me, the undersigned authority, on
this the day of , , by , the
of _______________________, by and on behalf of said
Notary Public/State of Texas
My Commission Expires: _______________
Notary Seal
(B) Certification of Developer’s Surveyor.
I, the undersigned Texas Registered Professional Land Surveyor for the Developer named in and
executing this subdivision plat, and on behalf of said Developer, do hereby certify the following:
(1) this subdivision plat and its attached documents represent a true and accurate survey on the
ground made by me of the real property made the basis of this plat; (2) all required survey
monuments are correctly shown on this plat: (3) all existing easements and rights of way are
shown on this plat according to documents of record or apparent circumstances observed on the
land; (4) the perimeter field notes are accurately tied to an original corner of the original survey;
(5) this plat and its attached documents comply with and satisfy all surveying and plat drafting
requirements described in the active Subdivision and Manufactured Home Rental Community
Regulations for Ector County, Texas; and (6) all surveying representations on this plat and its
attached documents are true, correct, and in compliance with the current standards of registered
professional land surveying practice in the State of Texas.
EXECUTED on this the ___ day of ____________________, __________.
Printed Name: _______________________________________
Texas Registered Professional Land Surveyor No.__________________
Texas Registered Professional Land Surveyor Seal
(C) Certification of Developer’s Engineer and Related Plat Notes.
I, the undersigned Texas Licensed Professional Engineer for the Developer named in and
executing this subdivision plat, and on behalf of said Developer, do hereby certify the following:
(1) this subdivision plat, its attached documents, and the subdivision identified in this plat, are in
compliance with and satisfy all engineering requirements of the Subdivision and Manufactured
Home Rental Community Regulations for Ector County, Texas (“Regulations”); (2) all
engineering, design, and construction representations or requirements in this plat and its attached
documents (including without limitation those pertaining to drainage, road, water, and
wastewater matters) are true, correct, and in compliance with the current standards of licensed
professional engineering practice in Texas and the requirements of the Regulations.
EXECUTED on this _____ day of _____________, __________.
Printed Name: ___________________________________
Texas Licensed Professional Engineer No. _______________________
Licensed Professional Engineer Seal
All plats shall contain the following notes:
Subdivision design, layout and construction shall be done to minimize any adverse impact to
private property, public property, all easements, and all public or private rights-of-way either
within or outside this subdivision. Provisions must be made to assure that no adverse impact is
made to existing drainage systems within public rights-of-way shown on this plat. All drainage
design, layout and construction shall comply with all applicable laws of the State of Texas and
the United States of America.
Property owners of land in this subdivision may not utilize drainage easements for any purpose
detrimental to the intended use of the easement. No objects including but not limited to
buildings, fences, or landscaping, shall be allowed in a drainage easement except as approved by
Ector County, Texas.
(D) Certification by Ector County Staff Regarding OSSF Facilities and Related Note.
I, the undersigned Ector County development staff member, do hereby certify the following: (1)
the subdivision described in this plat shall comply with the active Subdivision and Manufactured
Home Rental Community Regulations for Ector County, Texas, and the active regulations of the
State of Texas and Ector County, Texas regarding on-site sewage facilities (“OSSF”); and (2)
individual OSSF system approval for lots in this subdivision will be made in conjunction with a
site evaluation with respect to the individual site permitting process, in accordance with the 30
TAC Chapter 285 and other authority.
EXECUTED on this the ____ day of _____________, _________.
Print Name: _____________________________________
Title: ___________________________________________
Ector County, Texas
All plats shall contain the following note:
Prior to construction activities regarding any lot in this subdivision, the lot owner shall contact
the Director of Planning and Development of Ector County, Texas. All lots in this subdivision
are required to comply with the then current and active wastewater and OSSF regulations
approved and adopted by Ector County, Texas. Individual OSSF system approval for lots in this
subdivision will be made in conjunction with a site evaluation with respect to the individual site
permitting process, in accordance with the 30 TAC Chapter 285 and other authority.
(E) Certification by Ector County Floodplain Administrator and Related Note.
I do hereby certify the following: (1) the subdivision described in this plat [insert: includes
or does not include] areas within a designated 100-year flood hazard zone according to Flood
Insurance Rate Map No. __________ for Ector County, Texas, dated ____________; [include
the following if said areas are present] and (2) said flood hazard zone areas are accurately
described and depicted on the plat as required by the active Subdivision and Manufactured Home
Rental Community Regulations for Ector County, Texas.
EXECUTED on this the ____ day of _____________, _______________.
Print Name: __________________________________________
Floodplain Administrator
Ector County, Texas
All plats shall contain the following note:
Prior to construction on any lot in this subdivision that includes areas within a designated
100-year flood hazard zone, the owner of said lot shall contact the Ector County Floodplain
Administrator to request a floodplain development permit. The owner of a lot in this
subdivision is responsible for compliance with the active Ector County Flood Damage
Prevention Order or other active floodplain management regulations of said county.
(F) Certification by Director of Planning and Development of Ector County, Texas and
Related Note.
I do hereby certify that this subdivision plat is in compliance with and satisfies all requirements
of the active Subdivision and Manufactured Home Rental Community Regulations for Ector
County, Texas.
EXECUTED on this the ____ day of _______________________, __________.
Print Name: _____________________________________________
Director of Planning and Development
Ector County, Texas
All plats shall contain the following note:
Prior to construction on any lot in this subdivision, the lot owner shall contact the Director of
Planning and Development of Ector County, Texas to request a driveway construction permit.
The lot owner is responsible for construction of any driveway in accordance with the active
regulations of said county.
(G) Certification by County Engineer.
I, the undersigned Texas Licensed Professional Engineer for Ector County, Texas, and on behalf
of said County, do hereby certify the following: (1) this subdivision plat, its attached documents,
and the subdivision identified in this plat, are in compliance with and satisfy all engineering
requirements of the Subdivision and Manufactured Home Rental Community Regulations for
Ector County, Texas (“Regulations”); (2) all engineering, design, and construction
representations or requirements in this plat and its attached documents (including without
limitation those pertaining to drainage, road, water, and wastewater matters) are in compliance
with the current standards of licensed professional engineering practice in Texas and the
requirements of the Regulations.
EXECUTED on this _____ day of _____________, __________.
Printed Name: ___________________________________
Texas Licensed Professional Engineer No. _______________________
Engineer for Ector County, Texas
Licensed Professional Engineer Seal
(H) Certification of County Judge and Related Note.
I, the undersigned, the County Judge of Ector County, Texas and the Presiding Officer of the
Commissioners Court of Ector County, Texas (the governing body of said county), do hereby
certify the following on behalf of said county and Commissioners Court: (1) this plat of the
named _________________________________ Subdivision has been submitted to and
considered by the Commissioners Court of Ector County, Texas and is hereby approved on this
the ____ day of ____________________, __________ at ________ ___.m. by said
Commissioners Court through a recorded vote in a public meeting in accordance with Chapter
232 of the Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code (the
Texas Open Meetings Act), and other authority; and (2) this plat is authorized for filing and
recording with the County Clerk of Ector County, Texas pursuant to and in compliance with the
active Subdivision and Manufactured Home Rental Community Regulations for Ector County,
Texas, Section 12.002 of the Texas Property Code, and other authority.
EXECUTED on this the ____ day of _____________, _____________
Print Name: _________________________________________
County Judge
Ector County, Texas
Print Name : __________________________________________
County Clerk or Deputy County Clerk
Ector County, Texas
Commissioners Court Seal
All plats shall contain the following note:
Ector County, Texas hereby expressly states the following regarding water availability regarding
the subdivision described by this plat:
(1) compliance with the water availability requirements of the active Subdivision and
Manufactured Home Rental Community Regulations for Ector County, Texas does not
ensure that adequate and sufficient groundwater or surface water (including the quantity
or quality of water) is now or ever will be available to service the domestic or other needs
of this subdivision or any lot or divided space therein located; and
(2) no guarantee can be made that adequate and sufficient groundwater or surface water
(including the quantity or quality of water) is now or ever will be available to service the
domestic or other needs of this subdivision or any lot or divided space therein located
(I) Certification of Ector County Clerk.
The County Clerk must: (1) attest and certify the signature of the County Judge on the approved
plat; and (2) show on the plat the date of the Commissioners Court action which approved the
plat and authorized its filing. When the plat is filed and recorded in the Office of the County
Clerk, said clerk must conspicuously mark and record the plat in the plat records or other official
public records of said office, noting on the plat and the internal records of said office the date
and time of filing, and the volume/book and page of the record where the plat was recorded.
Upon “approval” of the plat by the Commissioners Court, the County Clerk shall not in any way
mark, record, recite, or describe the plat as “accepted” by the Commissioners Court. Pursuant to
these Regulations, it shall be expressly understood that “acceptance” of the plat (and/or the land,
roads, easements, improvements, or other property, facilities, or infrastructure dedicated to the
public on the plat), can only occur, if ever, by a subsequent, separate acceptance order being
enacted and approved by the Commissioners Court through a recorded vote at a public meeting
in compliance with the Regulations.
The County Clerk certification is as follows:
Approved by the Commissioners Court of Ector County, Texas, on the ____ day of
____________________, ________, at __________ __.m., by Order No._________________ of
said Commissioners Court.
Filed for record on the _____ day of ____________________, __________ at __________
Recorded on the ____ day of ____________________, __________ at ____.m., pursuant to
Instrument No. ____________________ in the _________________________ Records of Ector
County, Texas.
Print Name: ________________________________________________
County Clerk or Deputy County Clerk
Ector County, Texas
County Clerk Seal
(J) Certification by ECUD or Water District (If Any) and Related Note.
Should ECUD serve as the water provider for, or a Water District exist with territorial
jurisdiction regarding all or part of, the subdivision land area (see § 2.1(14), (44), and (45) of the
Regulations), the following plat certification is required:
I certify that this plat is in compliance with the active regulations of this district as revised on
_______________. ________.
EXECUTED on this the ____ day of __________________, __________.
Print Name: ___________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________________
[Insert legal name of ECUD or district as applicable]
All plats shall contain the following note should a Water District exist:
All water wells described in this plat or to be constructed, used, and operated in the subdivision
described in this plat shall be in compliance with the active regulations of the
_________________________ [insert name of said Water District].
(K) Note Regarding Development Component Exceeding Minimum Requirements.
All plats shall contain the following note:
Should any component of the development plan for the subject property exceed the minimum
requirements of an applicable federal, state, county, and/or other law or regulation, the owner,
developer, and/or subdivider hereby certifies and confirms that said component has been
included in the plan with the full knowledge, consent, and approval of said owner, developer,
and/or subdivider in the interest of the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
(L) Notes Regarding Limitations on County Construction/Maintenance Obligations.
All plats shall contain the following notes:
(Relating to any public dedication on plat)
For any land, road, easement, improvement, facility, or other property dedicated for public use
on this plat, and upon approval, if any, of this plat by the Ector County Commissioners Court,
Ector County expressly does not accept for construction, operation, or maintenance purposes said
dedicated property. Upon plat approval by said Commissioners Court, the construction,
operation, and maintenance of said dedicated property shall remain the responsibility of its
owner (and not Ector County, Texas) in compliance with the active Subdivision and
Manufactured Home Rental Community Regulations for Ector County, Texas unless and until,
if ever, said dedicated property is formally accepted for construction, operation, or maintenance
by said Commissioners Court by a separate order of acceptance thereafter approved by said
Court and resulting from a recorded vote at a public meeting.
(Relating to any private land or improvements on plat)
Ector County, Texas expressly does not accept for construction, operation, or maintenance
purposes any land, road, easement, improvement, facility, or other property described on this plat
for private ownership or use. Upon approval of this plat, if any, by the Ector County
Commissioners Court, any such private property shall be owned by and remain the responsibility
its owner, in compliance with the active Subdivision and Manufactured Home Rental
Community Regulations for Ector County, Texas.
(M) Purchase Contract Disclosure Statement.
All plats shall contain the following note:
Pursuant to § 232.003 of the Texas Local Government Code and other authority, each purchase
contract made between a Developer/Subdivider and a purchaser of land in this subdivision shall
contain a statement describing the extent to which water will be made available to the
subdivision -- and, if it will be made available, how and when water will be made available to the
Developers are hereby advised that other required certifications and notes for inclusion in
submitted subdivision plats and MHRC development plans (based upon certain development
circumstances and issues) are described in the active Regulations, to which reference is made for
all purposes.
Please refer to the Regulations for those other required certifications and notes because the
failure to include a required certification or note on a submitted subdivision plat or Manufactured
Home Rental Community infrastructure development plan can result in the plat or plan being
disapproved. Should questions occur regarding proper subdivision platting, MHRC infrastructure
development plan procedure, or documents for submission to the County, please contact the
County’s Director of Planning and Development at his business office address and telephone
number described in § 1.3 of the Regulations.