CMC (MPP-35)
7 Feb 2006
From: Secretary of the Navy
Ref: (a) Title 10, United States Code
(b) ManMed, Chap. 15 (NOTAL)
(c) MCO 1040.42A
(d) MCO P6100.12
(e) SECNAVINST 5510.30A
(f) MCO P1900.16F
(g) DODINST 1320.14 of 24 Sep 96
(h) SECNAVINST 1401.3A
(i) SECNAVINST 1920.6C
(j) SECNAVINST 1401.1B
(k) Career Compensation Act of 1949
(l) DODINST 1320.4 of 14 Mar 95
Encl: (1) Procurement and Appointment of Warrant Officers in
the Marine Corps Active Component
(2) Procurement and Appointment of Warrant Officers in
the Marine Corps Reserve Component
(3) Procurement and Appointment of Limited Duty Officers
in the Marine Corps
(4) Promotion Procedures
(5) Continuation Procedures
(6) Sample Application Format and Data Sheet for Limited
Duty Officer and Warrant Officer Programs
1. Purpose
. To publish policy and procedures relating to the
administration of the Marine Corps’ restricted officer programs
per references (a) through (l) as set forth by enclosures (1)
through (6).
2. Cancellation. SECNAVINST 1120.11A, SECNAVINST 1210.6A and
WASHINGTON, DC 20350-1000
Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution
is unlimited.
PCN: 21600011400
7 Feb 2006
3. Scope. This instruction applies to Marine Corps Limited
Duty Officer (LDO) and Warrant Officer (WO) programs in the
Regular Marine Corps and to the WO program in the Marine Corps
4. Background. This instruction incorporates significant
changes to the restricted officer program which have occurred
due to the passage of the Warrant Officer Management Act in
1991, implementation of recommendations from the 1993 Restricted
Officer Program Study, the 1996 Warrant Officer Conference, and
the 1998 and 2000 Restricted Officer Program Review.
5. Definitions. The Marine Corps total force is organized into
an Active and Reserve Component. There are two categories of
officers that support the officer requirements in these
components. The officers are identified according to the types
of duty that they may be assigned. These officers are either
"restricted" to a particular type of duty, or are "unrestricted"
in the duties to which they may be assigned.
a. A "restricted officer" is an officer who possesses
unusual talent or expertise and is limited, or "restricted" to
filling positions which are too specialized in scope to permit
the effective development and continued use of broadly trained
unrestricted officers. There are two types of restricted
officers: warrant officers and limited duty officers.
(1) A "warrant officer" is a technical officer
specialist who performs duties that require extensive knowledge,
training, and experience with the employment of particular
capabilities which are beyond the duties and responsibilities of
senior noncommissioned officers.
(2) A "limited duty officer" is a technical officer
specialist who performs duties that require extensive knowledge,
training, and experience with the employment of particular
capabilities which are beyond the duties and responsibilities of
a warrant officer and which cannot be met by an unrestricted
b. An "unrestricted officer" is an officer in the grade of
second lieutenant or above, who is not designated as a limited
duty officer. Unrestricted officers provide the flexibility for
use in a broad span of managerial and career broadening
assignments, which are necessary to meet Marine Corps
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6. Responsibilities
a. The Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) is responsible
for the accuracy, currency, modification, and distribution of
this instruction.
b. Commanding officers shall ensure that this instruction
is reviewed by all Marine restricted officers, unrestricted
officers who evaluate restricted officers, and enlisted Marines
interested in applying for the LDO and WO programs.
7. Certification. Reviewed and approved this date.
William A. Navas, Jr.
Assistant Secretary of the Navy
(Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
Electronic only, via Navy Directives Website
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (1)
Procurement and Appointment of
Warrant Officers in the Marine Corps Active Component
1. DEFINITIONS. The following definitions, unless otherwise
qualified, shall apply throughout this enclosure:
a. Permanent Regular Warrant Officer. An officer of the
Regular Marine Corps serving on active duty in a permanent
warrant officer grade under section 571 of reference (a).
b. Temporary Regular Warrant Officer. A warrant or
commissioned warrant officer temporarily appointed under section
5596 of reference (a) whose permanent status is enlisted.
. The five warrant officer grades
Chief Warrant Officer, W-5, CWO5
Chief Warrant Officer, W-4, CWO4
Chief Warrant Officer, W-3, CWO3
Chief Warrant Officer, W-2, CWO2
Warrant Officer, W-1, WO
a. The Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) shall maintain a
single list of all warrant officers, other than warrant officers
described in section 582 of reference (a), who are on active
duty. SECNAV may establish competitive categories for
promotion. Warrant officers in the same competitive category
compete for promotion as vacancies occur within their category.
b. Warrant officers with less than three years since the
date of accepting their original appointment are probationary
a. Each active component warrant officer military
occupational specialty (MOS) is a separate competitive category.
Warrant officers are accessed, appointed, trained, assigned, and
promoted to meet specific technically-oriented billets within
each warrant officer MOS.
b. The number of accessions or authorized selections for
each warrant officer competitive category is determined by a
number of factors and constraints. These factors include the
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Enclosure (1)
relative size (structure) of the MOS and the projected attrition
within the MOS.
c. CMC (MPP-30) will determine which warrant officer MOSs
are projected to be “OPEN” for applications each year. The list
will be published approximately 60 days prior to the convening
date of the selection board via a MARADMIN message requesting
4. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA. To be eligible to become a warrant
officer in the active component, enlisted Marines must be
technically and professionally qualified for the MOS to which
applying and must meet the following criteria (see paragraphs
16, 17, 18, and 19 for additional eligibility criteria for
Marine Band, Drum and Bugle Corps, Recruiting, and Marine Gunner
a. Be a citizen of the United States.
b. Be serving on active duty in the regular Marine Corps.
c. Be serving in the grade of Sergeant or above.
d. Have not less than 8 nor more than 16 years of active
Naval service on the date of appointment. Date of appointment
will be the February prior to attending the Warrant Officer
Basic Course (WOBC).
e. Be a high school graduate or possess the service-
accepted equivalent as prescribed by current directives.
f. Meet the requisite physical standards for appointment as
a warrant officer prescribed by reference (b). Selectees who
fail to meet the minimum physical standards for appointment may
be appointed upon the recommendation of the Chief, Bureau of
Medicine and Surgery, for a waiver of the standards approved by
the Commanding General, Marine Corps Recruiting Command (CG
g. Have passed the most recent physical fitness test.
h. Possess one of the following aptitude test scores:
(1) An Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
(ASVAB) Electrical Composite (EL) standard score of 110 or
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Enclosure (1)
(2) A combined math and verbal score of 1000 or higher
on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT); or
(3) A combined math and English score of 39 or higher on
the American College Test (ACT). Applicants submitting SAT or
ACT test scores will submit a certified copy of the test report.
i. Meet any additional eligibility criteria as may be
prescribed on the convening MARADMIN message.
for waiver of any eligibility requirement contained in paragraph
4 of this enclosure (except those established by statute or
specifically identified as not waiverable in the convening
MARADMIN message) in the following instances:
a. When gross inequity to the applicant would otherwise
result; or
b. When, in the judgment of CMC, extraordinary
circumstances cause such a waiver to be in the best interest of
the Marine Corps.
a. Eligible enlisted Marines must submit a written
application for appointment as a warrant officer per reference
(c) and the convening MARADMIN message for the warrant officer
b. Reference (c) provides administrative guidance in the
application and appointment process for the warrant officer
a. CMC will convene, by precept, an annual board to select
qualified enlisted Marines for appointment to the grade of
warrant officer. Separate boards may be convened for Recruiting
and Marine Gunner appointments.
b. The authority to convene warrant officer selection
boards may be delegated to the Deputy Commandant for Manpower
and Reserve Affairs (DC M&RA).
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Enclosure (1)
c. A board convening MARADMIN message will be published
approximately 60 days prior to the board convening date listing
the MOSs that are “OPEN” for application.
d. The selection board will consist of at least five
members serving in the grade of major or above on the active-
duty list of the Marine Corps. At least one member of the board
will be a limited duty officer, except for boards considering
Marine Gunners and Recruiters.
e. Each board member shall swear or affirm, that he or she
will perform his or her duties as a member of the board without
prejudice or partiality with a view towards the special fitness
of officers and the efficiency of the Marine Corps.
f. Only the convening authority for the board may replace a
board member in the event an appointed board member becomes
unavailable after the board convenes.
g. The board may recommend for appointment eligible
applicants in numbers not in excess of the numbers furnished by
CMC (MPP-30). The numbers furnished by CMC (MPP-30) are the
maximum number that may be selected in each warrant officer MOS.
The board is not required to select to the number authorized for
each MOS, however, unused allocations in one or more MOSs may
only be reallocated to other MOSs as determined by CMC (MPP-30).
h. Each eligible Marine may communicate in writing with the
President of the selection board. Such communication must be
received no later than the day before the convening date of the
board. The written communication may call attention to any
matter that the applicant considers important. Fitness reports
and material that should properly be a part of the official
military personnel file (OMPF), however, should be sent directly
to CMC (MMSB).
i. Precepts for convening boards to recommend eligible
applicants for appointment as warrant officers shall be reviewed
by the Staff Judge Advocate (SJA) to CMC and CMC (MPP-30) at
least 30 days prior to the convening date of the board. The
precept shall be forwarded to CMC for approval at least 10 days
prior to the convening date of the board.
j. Each selection board will submit one or more written
reports signed by all members and the recorder(s). Each report
shall certify that, in the opinion of at least a majority of the
members, the applicants recommended therein are qualified for
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Enclosure (1)
appointment as warrant officers and are the best qualified for
appointment as warrant officers in the MOS for which
recommended. Each report shall be submitted to SECNAV for
approval or disapproval in whole, or in part, via DC M&RA, CMC,
and the Judge Advocate General of the Navy (NJAG) for legal
review of the report.
k. The proceedings of the selection board shall not be
disclosed to any person not a member or recorder of the board
except as authorized or required by SECNAV. The recommendations
of the board shall not be disclosed until approved by SECNAV.
Upon SECNAV approval, a MARADMIN message will be published
announcing the list of Marines approved to be appointed to the
grade of WO.
a. After SECNAV approval, Marines shall be permanently
appointed to the grade of warrant officer in February of the
year in which they will attend the Warrant Officer Basic Course
(WOBC), or as otherwise determined by CMC, under the following
(1) Warrant officers are not commissioned officers.
Warrant officers are commissioned by the President of the United
States when promoted to CWO2.
(2) Marines selected to the Recruiter or Marine Gunner
warrant officer program will be appointed/commissioned per
paragraph 18 and 19, respectively, of this enclosure.
b. Marines selected for the warrant officer program will
incur a 3-year obligation from the date of appointment or
c. Marines selected for the warrant officer program must be
found physically qualified for appointment by the Chief, Bureau
of Medicine and Surgery, and must pass the physical fitness
test, as outlined in reference (d), prior to appointment.
d. A Marine selected for the warrant officer program who
does not meet the physical qualifications established in
references (b) and (d) for appointment, or who will be
physically disqualified from attending the WOBC will not be
appointed. The individual will remain on the list of Marines
approved to be appointed to the grade of Warrant Officer, and
once medically qualified, will have an appointment date
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Enclosure (1)
consistent with other warrant officers with whom he or she
attends the WOBC.
e. Each selectee must possess a current satisfactorily
completed Entrance National Agency Check (ENTNAC) or higher
security clearance investigation prior to appointment as a
warrant officer. If an ENTNAC has not been conducted, a
National Agency Check (NAC) must be initiated per the current
edition of reference (e).
f. A Marine selected for the warrant officer program who is
not qualified/prepared to attend the WOBC will only be
appointed/commissioned upon written approval by CMC (M&RA).
g. A Marine selected for the warrant officer program is
considered to have accepted the appointment upon signing the
Appointment Acceptance and Record Form (NAVMC-763). The CG MCRC
shall ensure the NAVMC-763 is provided to the selectee in
sufficient time to allow the Marine to accept or decline the
appointment prior to the effective date of appointment.
h. A Marine selected for the warrant officer program who
declines the appointment must do so in writing to the CG MCRC.
A Marine who declines shall be treated as if he or she had not
been considered and recommended for appointment.
a. Purpose. The sole purpose of delaying the appointment
of an individual, who is qualified to attend the WOBC, beyond
the scheduled date of appointment is to provide a reasonable
period of time to determine whether the name of that individual
should be removed from the approved list of individuals
recommended for appointment by SECNAV.
b. Authority
(1) The authority to delay original appointments as
warrant officers is delegated to CMC, his designee, and
commanding officers exercising special court-martial convening
authority. This authority may not be re-delegated further.
(2) The CG MCRC shall be advised of any appointment
delay and advised of whether the individual has been officially
notified of the delay.
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Enclosure (1)
c. Basis for Delay. The appointment of an individual will
be delayed under this paragraph if:
(1) An investigation is being conducted to determine
whether disciplinary action of any kind should be brought
against the individual.
(2) Sworn charges against the individual have been
received by an officer exercising summary courts-martial
jurisdiction over the individual and final action on such
charges has not been determined.
(3) The individual has been notified under the
provisions of reference (f) that he or she will be processed for
administrative separation for cause.
(4) A criminal proceeding in a Federal or State court is
pending against the individual.
(5) There is cause to believe that the individual is
mentally, physically, morally or professionally unqualified.
(6) There is cause to believe that the individual does
not meet the eligibility requirements set forth in this
instruction, except for those which have been waived by CMC.
d. Notification of Delay and Delay Procedures. An
appointment may not be delayed under this paragraph unless the
individual has been given written notice of the grounds for
delay by the officer exercising special courts-martial
jurisdiction over the individual, CG MCRC, or by CMC. If it is
impractical to do so before the scheduled date of appointment,
such written notice shall be given as soon as practicable. The
individual shall acknowledge receipt of such notification in
writing. An individual whose appointment has been delayed shall
be afforded the opportunity to submit a written statement to CMC
concerning the delay. If the individual declines to make a
statement, he or she shall submit a signed statement to that
effect. The notice of delay, the written acknowledgement of
receipt of such notification, and the written statement shall be
forwarded to CMC for decision via the officer exercising general
courts-martial jurisdiction over the individual. CMC shall
determine whether the officer is qualified for appointment.
e. Limitation on Delay. An appointment may not be delayed
more than 90 days after the scheduled date of appointment. CMC
may ratify and extend this period of delay for good cause.
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Enclosure (1)
f. Appointment following Delay. An individual whose
appointment is delayed under paragraph 9, and who is later
determined to be qualified for appointment may, upon such
appointment, have the same date of rank and the same effective
date for pay and allowances in the grade to which appointed had
no delay occurred, unless CMC determines that the individual was
unqualified for appointment for any part of the delay. If CMC
makes such a determination, CMC may adjust such date of rank,
effective date of pay and allowances as CMC considers
appropriate under the circumstances.
g. Removal following Delay. If CMC determines that an
individual’s whose appointment has been delayed under paragraph
9 is unqualified for appointment, CMC shall request that SECNAV
remove the individuals name from the list of individuals
previously approved for appointment.
a. SECNAV may terminate the appointment of any regular
warrant officer at any time within three years after the date
when an officer accepted the original appointment. SECNAV may
terminate the appointment of any temporary warrant officer at
anytime for any reason.
b. The authority, under section 1165 of reference (a) and
enclosure (4) of reference (i), to terminate the appointment of
a W-1 at any time within three years after the date when an
officer accepted the original appointment, for substandard
performance of duty as defined by enclosure (3) of reference
(i), is delegated to CMC.
c. A W-1 who is separated under section 1165 of reference
(a) may be entitled to separation pay, or may, if requested and
in compliance with reference (i), be authorized reenlistment in
the former enlisted grade. If reenlisted, the individual is not
entitled to separation pay.
d. The authority, under section 515 of reference (a), to
authorize, when requested by the affected officer, reenlistment
of a W-1 whose appointment is terminated for substandard
performance of duty is delegated to CMC. A W-1 discharged under
section 1165 of reference (a) and enclosure (4) of reference (i)
may not be enlisted in a grade lower than the grade held
immediately before appointment as a warrant officer. Such
reenlistment is at the discretion of CMC.
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Enclosure (1)
a. Marines selected to the warrant officer program are
required to attend the WOBC upon appointment as a warrant
officer. Temporary warrant officers will attend the WOBC at the
discretion of CMC.
b. Course mastery is applied to all Marines without
deference to age, gender, or physical ability. If a warrant
officer is unable to pass an event at the WOBC, the commanding
officer of The Basic School possesses the authority to:
(1) Reassign the warrant officer to a basic officer
course company for instruction/remediation and evaluation; or
(2) Require the warrant officer to repeat WOBC the
following year; or
(3) Recommend termination of appointment in accordance
with reference (i).
c. Any decision to defer an appointed warrant officer from
attending a scheduled WOBC will be made by CMC (MM).
lineal precedence number is determined based upon class standing
at the WOBC. Appointment as a warrant officer represents a new
phase in a Marine's career. While enlisted experience is
especially valuable to a warrant officer, it is his or her
performance as a warrant officer that will determine standing
within each competitive category.
. Warrant officers compete for promotion within
their MOS (competitive category) for specific billet vacancies
in the next higher grade. This paragraph provides specific
guidance for regular WO/CWO promotions. Enclosure (4) provides
additional promotion board guidance that is applicable to all
promotions discussed in this instruction.
a. Grade Authorizations
. Promotions to CWO5 are limited to
five percent of the total number of warrant officers on active
duty. To ensure an adequate career progression to CWO5 for each
CWO, the following grade allocations will normally be applied to
each MOS:
CWO5: 5% CWO4: 15%
CWO3: 30% WO/CWO2 50%
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (1)
b. Promotion Opportunity
. The following promotion
opportunity guidelines are provided for regular CWO promotions:
(1) CWO2
. Warrant officers are promoted to CWO2 based
on time in grade (TIG) requirements as determined by SECNAV.
Warrant officers may be promoted without board action to CWO2 at
the minimum amount of TIG, which is 18 months. An example of
computing eligibility for promotion under this authority is
illustrated in the case of a W-1 whose date of rank is 2
February 2004. Such officer will complete 18 months in grade on
1 August 2005 and will be eligible for promotion the following
day, 2 August 2005.
(2) CWO3
. The promotion opportunity to CWO3 will be as
close to 90 percent as can be attained.
(3) CWO4
. The promotion opportunity to CWO4 will be as
close to 70 percent as can be attained.
(4) CWO5
. The promotion opportunity to CWO5 will be as
close to 50 percent as can be attained.
c. Eligibility for Promotion Consideration
(1) CWOs who are on the active duty list on the date the
board convenes and who have served at least 2 years TIG are
eligible for consideration for promotion if there is a projected
billet vacancy in that officer’s grade and competitive category
MOS, except as provided in enclosure (4), paragraphs 3a, 3b, and
(2) If there is a projected billet vacancy and eligible
officers, then the number of eligible officers that will be
placed in-zone (based upon their lineal precedence number
(relative seniority in grade)) will be of sufficient numbers to
meet the desired minimum target promotion opportunities. If
there are more officers with the minimum TIG than can be moved
in-zone to meet the desired opportunity, then those officers who
are not placed in-zone will compete for promotion from the
below-zone. Officers may be selected for promotion from the
below-zone, but will not receive a failure of selection if not
(3) A CWO who has been considered for promotion by a
selection board, but not selected, shall be considered for
promotion by each subsequent selection board that considers
officers in his or her grade and competitive category until he
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Enclosure (1)
or she is retired or separated or he or she is selected for
d. Consideration for Promotion Within Specified Times.
CWOs in the grades of CWO2 or CWO3 who have 5-years TIG and have
never been considered for promotion shall be placed in-zone on
the next CWO promotion board and given a promotion opportunity
appropriate for their grade. If selected and qualified, these
officers will be promoted no later than their 6-year TIG
anniversary, or as soon thereafter as possible subject to the
approval of the selection list by the President.
e. Effecting Promotions
(1) Promotions for CWOs on a promotion list will
normally commence within two months following the President's
approval of the appointments, provided there is a billet
vacancy. Promotion of warrant officers in one competitive
category may be effected without regard for the relative
seniority of warrant officers of the same grade in other
competitive categories.
(2) CWOs who are selected with less than 3-years TIG
will not be promoted earlier than their 3-year anniversary.
(3) A promotion MARADMIN message is published each month
that will provide the promotion authority for those officers who
will be promoted on the first of the next month, and a
projection for subsequent promotions in the following month.
Prior to release of the MARADMIN message, CMC (MMPR-1) shall
screen the names of the officers projected to be promoted for
adverse information. Officers whose records contain adverse
information shall have their promotion delayed. See paragraph
13 of enclosure (4) for delay procedures for promotion to the
grades of CWO3, CWO4 and CWO5.
f. Delay of Promotion (W-1s)
. Promotions to the grade of
CWO2 may be delayed at any time prior to the 18-month TIG
requirement noted in paragraph 13(b)(1) of this enclosure. The
purpose of delay is to determine whether the W-1 is qualified
for promotion.
(1) Authority to Delay. The authority to delay the
promotion of a W-1 is delegated to CMC, his designee, and
commanding officers exercising special court-martial convening
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (1)
(2) Basis for Delay
. The promotion of a W-1 may be
delayed in accordance with the criteria established by paragraph
13(a) of enclosure 4.
(3) Notification of Delay and Delay Procedures. The W-1
must be given written notice of the grounds for delay before the
effective date of the promotion, unless it is impractical to do
so, in which case such written notice shall be given as soon as
practicable. The W-1 shall acknowledge receipt of such
notification in writing. A W-1 whose promotion has been delayed
shall be afforded the opportunity to submit a written statement
to CMC concerning the delay. If the W-1 declines to make a
statement, he or she shall submit a signed statement to that
effect. The notice of delay, the written acknowledgment of
receipt of such notification, and the written statement shall be
forwarded to CMC for decision via the officer exercising general
court-martial jurisdiction over the W-1. CMC shall determine
whether the W-1 is qualified for promotion.
(4) Limitation on Delay. A promotion to the grade of
CWO2 may not be delayed more than 6 months after the date the
officer would have otherwise been promoted. CMC may ratify and
extend this period of delay for good cause.
g. Not qualified for Promotion (W-1s). In those cases
where CMC determines a W-1 is not qualified for promotion, that
W-1 may be reconsidered for promotion, separated, or retired if
eligible, in accordance with paragraph 15 of enclosure (4).
14. CONTINUATION. This paragraph provides specific guidance
for the continuation of active component warrant officers/chief
warrant officers. SECNAV shall, whenever the needs of the
Marine Corps require, convene selection boards to recommend
officers for continuation. As a matter of efficiency, promotion
selection boards may reconvene as continuation selection boards.
Enclosure (5) contains additional continuation board guidance
that is applicable to all active component restricted officers.
a. An active component chief warrant officer who is
selected for deferment of involuntary retirement shall be
notified of his or her selection and afforded an opportunity to
accept or decline continuation. If the chief warrant officer
declines to continue on active duty, he or she shall be
transferred to the retired list in accordance with Chapter 65 of
reference (a).
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (1)
b. The Marine Corps continuation policy for active
component warrant officers is as follows:
(1) CWO5. CWO5s subject to mandatory retirement for
total years of active service (30 years) will be continued for a
period that will permit them to complete 2 years of active
service in the grade of CWO5. In no case will such an officer
be continued beyond 60 days after becoming 62 years of age.
(2) CWO4
. CWO4s who have twice failed selection to CWO5
and who are not retirement eligible may be continued until they
qualify for retirement. CWO4s who have twice failed selection
to CWO5 and who are retirement eligible will be involuntarily
retired no later than the first day of the seventh month after
the date on which SECNAV approves the report of the promotion
board, unless continued by a board to meet the needs of the
Marine Corps. CWO4s selected for CWO5 who are subject to
mandatory retirement for total years of active service (30
years) will be continued for a period that will permit them to
complete 2 years of active service in the grade of CWO5. In no
case will an officer be continued beyond 60 days after becoming
62 years of age.
(3) CWO3. CWO3s who have twice failed selection to CWO4
and who are not retirement eligible may be continued until they
qualify for retirement. CWO3s who have twice failed selection
to CWO4 and who are retirement eligible will be involuntarily
retired no later than the first day of the seventh month after
the date on which SECNAV approves the report of the promotion
board, unless continued by a board to meet the needs of the
Marine Corps. CWO3s selected for CWO4 who are subject to
mandatory retirement for total years of active service (30
years) will be continued for a period that will permit them to
complete 2 years of active service in the grade of CWO4. In no
case will an officer be continued beyond 60 days after becoming
62 years of age.
(4) CWO2
. CWO2s who have twice failed selection to CWO3
and have at least 18 years of active service on the first day of
the seventh month after the date on which SECNAV approves the
report of the promotion board will be continued without board
action until they qualify for retirement. The board is
authorized to recommend continuation for those CWO2s who have
twice failed selection to CWO3 and who do not have at least 18
years active service. In no case will an officer be continued
beyond 60 days after becoming 62 years of age.
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Enclosure (1)
(5) WO
. The first three years of warrant officer
service is a probationary period. W-1s found not qualified for
promotion may be reconsidered for promotion, separated, or
retired if eligible, in accordance with paragraph 15 of
enclosure (4).
c. Continuation on Active Duty to Complete Disciplinary
Action. When any action has been commenced against a warrant
officer with a view to trying such officer by court-martial and
such officer has a mandatory separation or retirement date under
reference (a), CMC may delay the separation or retirement of the
officer, without prejudice to such action, until the completion
of the action.
d. Deferment of Retirement or Separation for Medical
Reasons. SECNAV may defer, for not more than four months, the
retirement under section 1263 or 1305 of reference (a), as
prescribed in reference (i), of any warrant officer if, because
of unavoidable circumstances, evaluation of his or her physical
condition and determination of his/her entitlement to retirement
or separation for physical disability require hospitalization or
medical observation that cannot be completed before the date
when he or she would otherwise be required to retire under that
statute. Requests for deferral under this authority shall be
forwarded to SECNAV for review and action via CMC (MMSR).
a. Warrant officers will only be assigned to billets that
are in their MOS and that are designated as restricted officer
billets. Warrant officers may not be assigned to billets
designated for unrestricted officers. This does not preclude a
warrant officer from being assigned additional duties as deemed
b. Warrant officers may be assigned to command activities
which have a primary function corresponding to the MOS of the
officer concerned.
16. U.S. MARINE BAND APPOINTMENTS. The Director, U.S. Marine
Band, may nominate members of the U.S. Marine Band, in the grade
of staff sergeant or higher, for officer positions in the U.S.
Marine Band. These members shall be appointed to a temporary
grade of warrant officer or chief warrant officer. The grade to
which appointed will be determined with a view towards ensuring
that no reduction in pay and allowances occurs when appointed.
Only members of the U.S. Marine Band are eligible for nomination
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (1)
as temporary appointments under this paragraph. U.S. Marine
Band appointments shall be made by SECNAV under section 5596 of
reference (a). These appointments are temporary; therefore,
SECNAV may revoke the appointments at any time. Temporary
appointments do not change the permanent status of the Marine in
regard to promotion or appointment. Warrant officers and chief
warrant officers approved for temporary appointment may be
considered for further temporary promotion if recommended by the
Director, U.S. Marine Band.
. The Commanding Officer,
U.S. Marine Drum and Bugle Corps, may nominate members of the
Drum and Bugle Corps, in the grade of staff sergeant or higher,
for officer positions in the U.S. Marine Drum and Bugle Corps.
These members shall be appointed to a temporary grade of warrant
officer or chief warrant officer. The grade to which appointed
will be determined with a view towards ensuring no reduction in
pay and allowances occurs when appointed. Only members of the
U.S. Marine Drum and Bugle Corps are eligible for nomination as
temporary warrant officers and chief warrant officers. U.S.
Marine Drum and Bugle Corps appointments shall be made by SECNAV
under section 5596 of reference (a). These appointments are
temporary; therefore, SECNAV may revoke the appointments at any
time. Temporary appointments do not change the permanent status
of the Marine in regard to promotion or appointment. Warrant
officers and chief warrant officers approved for temporary
appointment may be considered for further temporary promotion if
recommended by the Commanding Officer, U.S. Marine Drum and
Bugle Corps.
a. Career recruiters in the grade of staff sergeant and
above are eligible to compete for the Enlisted to Warrant
Officer (Recruiter) Program.
b. In addition to the eligibility criteria outlined in
paragraph 4 of this enclosure, career recruiters (Primary MOS
(PMOS) 8412) must have served a successful tour of duty as a
career recruiter in a career recruiter billet to be eligible to
apply and must have not less than 8 or more than 20 years of
service on the date of appointment to CWO (usually 1 February).
Waivers of the 20-years maximum service limitation will be
considered on a case-by-case basis.
c. A MARADMIN message announcing the Enlisted to Warrant
Officer (Recruiter) Selection Board and requesting applications
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (1)
will be published by the CG MCRC. This MARADMIN message will
announce the convening date of the board, specify any additional
eligibility requirements, and provide a date when applications
are due to CMC.
d. The Enlisted to Warrant Officer (Recruiter) Selection
Board will consist of a colonel as the board president and at
least four additional members in the grade of lieutenant
colonel. A majority of the members must be currently serving in
or have served a tour of duty in recruiting.
e. Career recruiters, in the grade of gunnery sergeant,
selected to Warrant Officer (Recruiter) will be appointed by
commission, by the President, to the grade of CWO2 and will be
assigned the PMOS 9815. Career recruiters, in the grade of
staff sergeant, selected to Warrant Officer (Recruiter) will be
appointed to the grade of W-1.
f. Recruiting warrant officers/chief warrant officers will
be appointed in February prior to WOBC attendance. After
graduation from WOBC, recruiting warrant officers/chief warrant
officers will attend the next available Recruiting Management
g. Officers are not entitled to receive special duty
assignment (SDA) pay. As such, SDA pay will be discontinued for
career recruiters selected and appointed as warrant
officers/chief warrant officers.
19. MARINE GUNNER APPOINTMENTS. Infantry unit leaders in the
grade of gunnery sergeant and above are eligible to compete for
the Enlisted to Warrant Officer (Marine Gunner) Program. Marine
Gunners are infantry weapons specialists. Marine Gunners advise
infantry, light armored reconnaissance, and reconnaissance unit
commanders on the tactical employment of organic weapons
a. In addition to the eligibility criteria outlined in
paragraph 4 of this enclosure, applicants must also meet the
following criteria:
(1) Have served a successful tour of duty as an Infantry
Unit Leader (PMOS 0369).
(2) Must be at least a gunnery sergeant.
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (1)
(3) Must have a GT score of 110 or higher (score may be
based on either the ASVAB or ACB-61).
(4) Have no less than 16 or more than 23 years of active
service on the date of appointment to CWO2.
b. A MARADMIN message announcing the Enlisted to Warrant
Officer (Marine Gunner) Selection Board and requesting
applications will be published by CG MCRC. This MARADMIN
message will announce the convening date of the board, specify
any additional eligibility requirements, and provide a date when
applications are due to CMC.
c. Applications will be submitted per the current edition
of reference (c).
d. The Enlisted to Warrant Officer (Marine Gunner)
Selection Board will consist of a colonel as the board president
and at least four additional members in the grade of lieutenant
colonel. All members must be Infantry Officers (PMOS 03XX).
e. Infantry unit leaders selected for chief warrant officer
will be appointed, by commission, by the President, to the grade
of CWO2 in February of the year in which they will attend the
Warrant Officer Basic Course (WOBC), or as otherwise determined
by CMC.
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (2)
Procurement and Appointment of
Warrant Officers in the Marine Corps Reserve Component
1. WARRANT OFFICER GRADES. The five warrant officer grades in
the Reserve component are as follows:
Chief Warrant Officer, W-5, CWO5
Chief Warrant Officer, W-4, CWO4
Chief Warrant Officer, W-3, CWO3
Chief Warrant Officer, W-2, CWO2
Warrant Officer, W-1, WO
a. Per section 12241(b) of reference (a), appointments in
the grade of warrant officer are made by SECNAV. Appointments
in Reserve component chief warrant officer grades are made by
commission by SECNAV.
b. SECNAV shall maintain a single list of all reserve
warrant officers who are in an active status in the Reserves.
SECNAV may establish competitive categories for promotion.
Warrant officers in the same competitive category compete for
promotion as vacancies occur within their category.
a. There are Reserve component warrant officer requirements
in the Active Reserve (AR) and the Other than AR (OTAR)
competitive categories.
(1) AR Competitive Category. The AR structure supports
requirements for three military occupational specialties (MOSs).
These are: (1) MOS 0170 – Personnel Officer; (2) MOS 6004 -
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Officer; and (3) MOS 6502 -
Aviation Ordnance Officer. Each AR MOS is a separate
competitive category within the AR competitive category.
(2) OTAR Competitive Category
. The OTAR competitive
category consists of chief warrant officers in the Selected
Marine Corps Reserve (SMCR), Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), and
the Standby Reserve (Active Status List). The SMCR structure is
based on specified grade requirements; however, the IRR and the
Standby Reserve have no such structure requirements.
b. CMC (RAP) will determine which reserve warrant officer
MOSs are projected to be “OPEN” for applications each year. The
list will be published approximately 60 days prior to the
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (2)
convening date of the selection board via a MARADMIN message
requesting applications.
. To apply for the Reserve component
warrant officer program, Reserve component enlisted Marines must
be technically and professionally qualified for the MOS to which
applying. Civilian experience and skills will be taken into
consideration for technical proficiency, however, the applicant
must still be fully qualified in the enlisted feeder MOS for
that specialty. Additionally, Reserve component enlisted
Marines must meet the following criteria:
a. Be a citizen of the United States.
b. Be in an active status in the Reserve component and have
served continuously in that status for the 1-year period
preceding the convening date of the board.
c. Have attained a minimum grade of sergeant as of the
application deadline.
d. Have not less than 8 or more than 20 years of total
qualifying service as of the date of appointment to Reserve
warrant officer. Date of appointment for AR warrant officers
will be in February prior to attending the Active component
WOBC. Date of appointment for OTAR warrant officers will be the
February prior to attending the Reserve WOBC (RWOBC).
e. Be a high school graduate or possess the service-
accepted equivalent as prescribed by current directives.
f. AR/OTAR applicants must meet the physical standards for
appointment as a warrant officer as prescribed by reference (b).
Selectees who fail to meet the minimum physical standards for
appointment may be appointed upon the recommendation of the
Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, for a waiver of the
standards approved by the CG MCRC.
g. Have passed the most recent physical fitness test.
h. Possess one of the following aptitude test scores:
(1) An Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
(ASVAB) Electrical Composite (EL) standard score of 110 or
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (2)
(2) A combined math and verbal score of 1000 or higher
on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT); or
(3) A combined math and English score of 39 or higher on
the American College Test (ACT). Applicants submitting SAT or
ACT test scores will submit a certified copy of the test report.
i. Meet any additional eligibility criteria as may be
prescribed on the convening MARADMIN message.
j. SMCR warrant officer applicants must indicate the
billets they are applying for in their application. CMC (RAP)
will identify vacant SMCR warrant officer billets in the
convening MARADMIN for the Enlisted to Warrant Officer (Reserve)
Selection Board. Applicants should be aware that they will be
required to affiliate with the unit to which selected prior to
appointment to warrant officer. Selectees not affiliating with
the identified SMCR unit will not be appointed to warrant
officer. Therefore, SMCR warrant officer applications must
include the following statement:
"I understand that selection to the grade of warrant
officer requires that I affiliate with the designated unit for a
period of 3 years. If I fail to affiliate with the designated
unit prior to the appointment date, I understand that I will not
be appointed.”
k. AR Marines may apply for SMCR MOS vacancies as well as
AR MOS vacancies; however, an AR Marine who is selected for an
SMCR MOS vacancy and accepts appointment in that MOS, will not
be retained on active duty in the AR program. Further, they
will be subject to the requirement to apply for an SMCR billet
described in the above paragraph. AR warrant officer
applications that include a request for consideration in an SMCR
MOS requirement must include the following statement in addition
to the other application requirements:
"I understand that if I am selected for and accept
appointment in one of the SMCR MOS requirements for which I have
applied, I will be released from active duty in the AR program
no later than the day before the date in which I accept
appointment to warrant officer. I further understand selection
to the grade of warrant officer requires that I affiliate with
the designated unit for a period of 3 years. If I fail to
affiliate with the designated unit prior to the appointment
date, I understand that I will not be appointed.”
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (2)
for waiver of any eligibility requirement contained in paragraph
3 of this enclosure (except those established by statute or
specifically identified as not waiverable in the convening
MARADMIN message) in the following instances:
a. When gross inequity to the applicant would otherwise
result; or
b. When, in the judgment of CMC, extraordinary
circumstances cause such a waiver to be in the best interest of
the Marine Corps.
a. Eligible enlisted Marines must submit a written
application for appointment as a Reserve Warrant Officer per
reference (c) and the convening MARADMIN message.
b. Reference (c) provides administrative guidance in the
application and appointment process.
a. CMC will convene, by precept, an annual board to select
qualified enlisted Marines for appointment to the grade of
warrant officer. This authority may be delegated to DC M&RA.
b. A board convening MARADMIN message will be published
approximately 60 days prior to the board convening date listing
the MOSs and billets that are “OPEN” for application.
c. The selection board will consist of at least five
members serving in the grade of major or above, at least half of
which will be officers on the Reserve Active Status List.
d. Each board member shall swear or affirm, that he or she
will perform his or her duties as a member of the board without
prejudice or partiality with a view towards the special fitness
of officers and the efficiency of the Marine Corps.
e. Only the convening authority may replace a board member
in the event an appointed board member becomes unavailable after
the board convenes.
f. The board may recommend for appointment eligible
applicants in numbers not in excess of the numbers furnished by
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (2)
the CMC (RAP). The numbers furnished by CMC (RAP) are the
maximum number that may be selected in each warrant officer
competitive category. The board is not required to select to
the number authorized for each warrant officer competitive
g. Each eligible Marine may communicate in writing with the
President of the selection board. Such communication must be
received no later than the day before the convening date of the
board. The written communication may call attention to any
matter that the applicant considers important. Fitness reports
and material that should properly be a part of the OMPF,
however, should be sent directly to CMC (MMSB).
h. Precepts for convening boards to recommend eligible
applicants for appointment as warrant officers shall be reviewed
by the SJA to CMC and DC, M&RA at least 30 days prior to the
convening date of the board. The precept shall be forwarded to
CMC for approval at least 10 days prior to the convening date of
the board.
i. Each selection board will submit one or more written
reports signed by all members and the recorder(s). Each report
shall certify that, in the opinion of at least a majority of the
members, the applicants recommended therein are qualified for
appointment as warrant officers and are the best qualified for
appointment as warrant officers in the MOS for which
recommended. Each report shall be submitted to SECNAV for
approval or disapproval in whole, or in part, via DC M&RA, CMC,
and NJAG for legal review of the report.
j. The proceedings of the selection board shall not be
disclosed to any person not a member or recorder of the board
except as authorized or required by SECNAV. The recommendations
of the board shall not be disclosed until approved by SECNAV.
Upon SECNAV approval, a MARADMIN message will be published
announcing the list of Marines approved to be appointed to the
grade of warrant officer.
a. After SECNAV approval, Marines selected to the AR and
OTAR warrant officer programs shall be permanently appointed to
the grade of warrant officer in February of the year that they
will attend the WOBC, or as determined by CMC.
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (2)
b. Reserve warrant officers are not commissioned officers.
Reserve warrant officers are commissioned by warrant by SECNAV
when promoted to CWO2.
c. Marines selected for the Reserve warrant officer program
will incur a 3-year obligation from the date of appointment.
d. Marines selected for the Reserve warrant officer program
must be found physically qualified for appointment by the Chief,
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, and must pass the physical
fitness test as outlined in reference (d) prior to appointment.
e. A Marine selected for the Reserve warrant officer
program who does not meet the physical qualifications
established in references (b) and (d) for appointment, or who
will be physically disqualified from attending the WOBC/RWOBC
will not be appointed. The individual will remain on the list
of Marines approved to be appointed to the grade of warrant
officer and, once medically qualified, will have an appointment
date consistent with other warrant officers with whom he or she
attends the WOBC/RWOBC.
f. Each selectee must possess a current satisfactorily
completed Entrance National Agency Check (ENTNAC) or higher
security clearance investigation prior to appointment as a
warrant officer. If an ENTNAC has not been conducted, a
National Agency Check (NAC) must be initiated per the current
edition of reference (e).
g. A Marine selected for the Reserve warrant officer
program who is not qualified/prepared to attend the WOBC/RWOBC
will only be appointed/commissioned upon written approval by CMC
h. A Marine selected for the Reserve warrant officer
program is considered to have accepted the appointment upon
signing the Appointment Acceptance and Record Form (NAVMC-763).
CMC (MCRC) shall ensure the NAVMC-763 is provided to the
selectee in sufficient time to allow the Marine to accept or
decline the appointment prior to the effective date of
i. A Marine selected for the Reserve warrant officer
program who declines the appointment must do so in writing to
the CG MCRC. A Marine who declines appointment shall be treated
as if he or she had not been considered and recommended for
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (2)
a. Purpose
. The sole purpose of delaying the appointment
of an individual who is qualified to attend the WOBC/RWOBC
beyond the scheduled date of appointment is to provide a
reasonable period of time to determine whether the name of that
individual should be removed from the approved list of
individuals recommended for appointment by SECNAV.
b. Authority
(1) The authority to delay original appointments as
warrant officers is delegated to CMC, his designee, and
commanding officers exercising special court-martial authority.
This authority may not be re-delegated further.
(2) CMC (RA) shall be advised of any appointment delay
and advised of whether the individual has been officially
notified of the delay.
c. Basis for Delay. The appointment of an individual will
be delayed under this section if:
(1) An investigation is being conducted to determine
whether disciplinary action of any kind should be brought
against the individual.
(2) Sworn charges against the individual have been
received by an officer exercising summary courts-martial
jurisdiction over the individual and final action on such
charges has not been determined.
(3) The individual has been notified under the
provisions of reference (f) that he or she will be processed for
administrative separation for cause.
(4) A criminal proceeding in a Federal or State court is
pending against the individual.
(5) There is cause to believe that the individual is
mentally, physically, morally or professionally unqualified.
(6) There is cause to believe that the individual does
not meet the eligibility requirements set forth in this
instruction, except for those which have been waived by CMC.
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (2)
d. Notification of Delay and Delay Procedures. An
appointment may not be delayed under this paragraph unless the
individual has been given written notice of the grounds for
delay by the officer exercising special courts-martial
jurisdiction over the individual; the Director, Reserve Affairs
Division, or by CMC. If it is impractical to do so before the
scheduled date of appointment, such written notice shall be
given as soon as practicable. The individual shall acknowledge
receipt of such notification in writing. An individual whose
appointment has been delayed shall be afforded the opportunity
to submit a written statement to CMC concerning the delay. If
the individual declines to make a statement, he or she shall
submit a signed statement to that effect. The notice of delay,
the written acknowledgement of receipt of such notification, and
the written statement shall be forwarded to CMC for decision via
the officer exercising general courts-martial jurisdiction over
the individual. CMC shall determine whether the officer is
qualified for appointment.
e. Limitation on Delay. An appointment may not be delayed
more than 90 days after the scheduled date of appointment. CMC
may ratify and extend this period of delay for good cause.
f. Appointment following Delay. An individual whose
appointment is delayed under paragraph 8, and who is later
determined to be qualified for appointment may, upon such
appointment, have the same date of rank and the same effective
date for pay and allowances in the grade to which appointed had
no delay occurred, unless CMC determines that the individual was
unqualified for appointment for any part of the delay. If CMC
makes such a determination, CMC may adjust the date of rank, and
effective date of pay and allowances as CMC considers
appropriate under the circumstances.
g. Removal following Delay
. If CMC determines that an
individual whose appointment has been delayed under paragraph 8
is unqualified for appointment, CMC shall request that SECNAV
remove the individual’s name from the list of individuals
approved for appointment.
a. Appointments to Reserve permanent warrant officer grades
are for an indefinite term and are held at the pleasure of
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (2)
b. The authority to terminate the appointment of a Reserve
warrant officer at any time within 5 years after the date when
an officer accepted the original appointment, for substandard
performance of duty as defined by enclosure (3) of reference
(i), is delegated to CMC.
c. A warrant officer who is separated under this paragraph
may request to be authorized reenlistment in the former enlisted
d. The authority to authorize reenlistment of a W-1 whose
appointment is terminated for substandard performance of duty is
delegated to CMC. A W-1 discharged under enclosure (4) of
reference (i) may not be enlisted in a grade lower than the
grade held immediately before appointment as a warrant officer.
Reenlistment is at the discretion of CMC.
a. AR selectees will be ordered to attend WOBC upon
appointment to the grade of warrant officer.
b. SMCR selectees will be ordered to attend RWOBC upon
appointment to the grade of warrant officer. RWOBC inquiries
should be addressed to CMC (RAM-4).
c. Course mastery is applied to all Marines without
deference to age, gender, or physical ability. If a warrant
officer is unable to pass an event at the WOBC or RWOBC, the
commanding officer of TBS possesses the authority to:
(1) Reassign a warrant officer to a basic officer course
company for instruction/remediation and evaluation; or
(2) Require warrant officers dropped for a medical
reason to repeat WOBC/RWOBC the following year; or
(3) Recommend termination of appointment in accordance
with reference (i).
d. Any decision to defer an appointed warrant officers from
attending a scheduled WOBC/RWOBC will be made by CMC (RA).
lineal precedence number is determined based upon their
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (2)
seniority in their permanent enlisted grade at the time of
appointment to warrant officer.
12. PROMOTION. AR warrant officers compete for promotion
within their MOS (competitive category) for specific billet
vacancies in the next higher grade. Reserve warrant officers in
the OTAR competitive category compete for promotion in one
competitive category regardless of MOS. This paragraph provides
specific guidance for Reserve warrant officer/chief warrant
officer promotions. Enclosure (4) provides additional promotion
board guidance that is applicable to all promotions discussed in
this instruction.
a. Grade Authorizations
(1) AR. AR competitive categories will be grade shaped
as similar as practicable to the grade authorizations allowed
for Active component warrant officer competitive categories.
(2) OTAR. The OTAR competitive category consists of
chief warrant officers in the SMCR, IRR, and in an active status
in the Standby Reserve. There are no finite warrant officer
requirements for officers in this competitive category.
Therefore, promotions within this competitive category are based
on grade allocation percentages that other warrant officer
competitive categories have been grade shaped to. These are:
CWO5: 5%
CWO4: 15%
CWO3: 30%
WO/CWO2: 50%
b. Promotion Opportunity
(1) Reserve warrant officers are promoted to CWO2 based
on TIG requirements as determined by SECNAV. Reserve warrant
officers may be promoted without board action to CWO2 at the
minimum amount of TIG, which is 18 months. An example of
computing eligibility for promotion under this authority is
illustrated in the case of an OTAR W-1 whose date of rank is 2
February 2004. Such officer will complete 18 months time in
grade on 1 August 2005 and will be eligible for promotion the
following day, 2 August 2005.
(2) CWO3
. The promotion opportunity to CWO3 will be as
close to 90 percent as can be attained.
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (2)
(3) CWO4
. The promotion opportunity to CWO4 will be as
close to 70 percent as can be attained.
(4) CWO5
. The promotion opportunity to CWO5 will be as
close to 50 percent as can be attained.
c. Eligibility for Promotion Consideration
(1) A chief warrant officer must be in an active status
to be considered for promotion. Chief warrant officers may be
considered for promotion if they have served continuously on the
active duty list of the Marine Corps or in an active status on
the Reserve active-status list, or a combination of the two, for
the 1-year period immediately preceding the convening date of
the selection board considering them for promotion.
(2) Chief warrant officers who have served at least 2-
years TIG are eligible for consideration for promotion if there
is a projected billet vacancy in that officer’s grade and
competitive category MOS, except as provided in enclosure (1),
paragraphs 3a, 3b, and 3c.
(3) If there is a projected billet vacancy and eligible
officers, then the number of eligible officers that will be
placed in-zone (based upon their lineal precedence number
(relative seniority in grade)) will be of sufficient numbers to
meet the desired minimum target promotion opportunities. If
there are more officers with the minimum TIG who can be moved
in-zone to meet the desired opportunity, then those officers
that are not placed in-zone will compete for promotion from the
below-zone. Officers may be selected for promotion from the
below-zone, but will not receive a failure of selection if not
(4) A chief warrant officer who has been considered for
promotion by a selection board, but not selected, shall be
considered for promotion by each subsequent selection board that
considers officers in his or her grade and competitive category
until he or she is retired or separated or he or she is selected
for promotion.
(5) OTAR chief warrant officers are required to submit a
Reserve qualification summary (HQMC Version 1-02) to the
President of the selection board, which must be received no
later than the convening date of the board. Reserve career
retirement credit reports (CRCR) are required and are reviewed
by selection boards. The CRCR’s will be provided to the board
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (2)
by CMC (MMPR). Reserve chief warrant officers must ensure their
CRCR is accurate and up-to-date.
d. Consideration for Promotion Within Specified Times. AR
chief warrant officers in the grades of CWO2 or CWO3 who have 5-
years TIG and have never been considered for promotion shall be
placed in-zone on the next chief warrant officer promotion board
and given a promotion opportunity appropriate for their grade.
If selected and qualified, AR officers will be promoted no later
than their 6-year TIG anniversary, or as soon thereafter as
possible subject to the approval of the selection list by
e. Effecting Promotions
(1) Promotions for chief warrant officers on a promotion
list will normally commence within two months following SECNAV’s
approval of the appointments, provided there is a billet
vacancy. Promotion of warrant officers in one competitive
category may be affected without regard for the relative
seniority of warrant officers of the same grade in other
competitive categories.
(2) Chief warrant officers who are selected with less
than 3-years TIG will not be promoted earlier than their 3-year
(3) A Reserve warrant officer or chief warrant officer
who has been selected for promotion by a selection board, and
who at the time he or she would otherwise be promoted is
ineligible for promotion because he or she has been transferred
to an inactive status, shall be treated as if he or she has not
been considered for promotion. If he or she later returns to an
active status, his or her name shall not be placed on a list for
promotion to the next higher grade until he or she is again
considered and selected for promotion.
(4) A Reserve warrant officer’s selection for promotion
in either the AR or OTAR competitive category carries over if
the officer changes competitive categories within the Reserve or
is augmented into the Active component.
(5) A promotion MARADMIN message is published each month
that will provide the promotion authority for those officers who
will be promoted on the first of the next month, and a
projection for subsequent promotions in the following month.
Prior to release of the MARADMIN message, CMC (MMPR-1) shall
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (2)
screen the names of the officers projected to be promoted for
adverse information. Officers whose records contain adverse
information shall have their promotion delayed. See paragraph
13 of enclosure (4) for delay procedures for promotion to the
grades of CWO3, CWO4, and CWO5.
f. Delay of promotion (W-1s)
. Promotions to the grade of
CWO2 may be delayed at any time prior to the 18-month TIG
requirement noted in 12(b)(1) of this enclosure. The purpose of
delay is to determine whether the Reserve W-1 is qualified for
(1) Authority to Delay. The authority to delay the
promotion of a Reserve W-1 is delegated to CMC, his designee,
and commanding officers exercising special court-martial
convening authority.
(2) Basis for Delay. The promotion of a Reserve W-1 may
be delayed in accordance with the criteria established by
paragraph 13(a) of enclosure 4.
(3) Notification of Delay and Delay Procedures. The
Reserve W-1 must be given written notice of the grounds for
delay before the effective date of the promotion, unless it is
impractical to do so, in which case such written notice shall be
given as soon as practicable. The Reserve W-1 shall acknowledge
receipt of such notification in writing. A Reserve W-1 whose
promotion has been delayed shall be afforded the opportunity to
submit a written statement to CMC concerning the delay. If the
Reserve W-1 declines to make a statement, he or she shall submit
a signed statement to that effect. The notice of delay, the
written acknowledgment of receipt of such notification, and the
written statement shall be forwarded to CMC for decision via the
officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction over the
Reserve W-1. CMC shall determine whether the Reserve W-1 is
qualified for promotion.
(4) Limitation on Delay
. A promotion to the grade of
CWO2 may not be delayed more than 6 months after the date the
officer would have otherwise been promoted. CMC may ratify and
extend this period of delay for good cause.
g. Not qualified for Promotion (W-1s). In those cases
where CMC determines a Reserve W-1 is not qualified for
promotion, that Reserve W-1 may be reconsidered for promotion,
separated, or retired if eligible, in accordance with paragraph
15 of enclosure (4).
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (2)
13. Continuation
. Reserve warrant officers/chief warrant
officers will be continued per the procedures prescribed by CNO
and CMC.
a. A Reserve chief warrant officer who is selected for
deferment of involuntary retirement shall be notified of his or
her selection and afforded an opportunity to accept or decline
continuation. If the chief warrant officer declines to continue
in an active status, he or she shall be transferred to the
retired Reserve or the retired list in accordance with section
12732 of reference (a).
b. The Marine Corps continuation policy for Reserve warrant
officers is as follows:
(1) CWO5
(a) Reserve CWO5s subject to mandatory retirement
for total years of active service (30 years) will be continued
for a period that will permit them to complete 2 years of active
service in the grade of CWO5. In no case will such an officer
be continued beyond the last day of the month after becoming 60
years of age.
(b) Reserve CWO5s may be continued beyond 30 years
qualifying service subject to the needs of the Selected Reserve,
as determined by CMC (RA). This provision does not apply to
CWO5s required to separate due to age or failure to meet minimum
participation requirements.
(2) CWO4
(a) Reserve CWO4s who twice fail selection to CWO5
may be continued in an active status until completing 30 years
qualifying service, unless required by other provisions to be
separated due to age or failure to meet participation
(b) Reserve CWO4s who twice fail selection to CWO5
and who have at least 30 years of qualifying service, will be
removed from active status on the 1st day of the 7th month
following the second failure of selection unless selectively
continued. Officers who are to be removed from an active status
with 30 years qualifying service shall be given an opportunity
to transfer to the appropriate retired Reserve.
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Enclosure (2)
(c) Reserve CWO4s who twice fail selection to CWO5
may be continued beyond 30 years qualifying service subject to
the needs of the Selected Reserve. This provision does not
apply to CWO4s required to separate due to age or failure to
meet minimum participation requirements.
(d) Reserve CWO4s on active duty with the AR program
who twice fail selection to CWO5 may be continued until
completion of 20 years active duty, so long as they continue to
be selected for retention on active duty by an AR board. Such
officers not selected will be released from active duty.
(3) CWO3, CWO2
. Unless retired or separated under some
other provision of law or policy, a Reserve CWO3 or CWO2 who has
twice failed of selection for promotion to the next warrant
officer grade and who has:
(a) Performed more than 20 years of active service
or who has performed at least 20 years of service computed under
section 12732 of reference (a) on either the date when the
SECNAV approves the report of the promotion selection board; or
the date when his or her name was removed from a promotion list,
whichever applies, shall be transferred to the inactive status
list, or upon his or her request, to the Marine Corps Reserve
retired list.
(b) Performed at least 18 but less than 20 years of
service computed under section 12732 of reference (a) on the
date when SECNAV approves the report of the promotion selection
board or the date when his or her name was removed from the
promotion list, whichever applies, shall not be discharged or
transferred from an active status without his or her consent
before the earlier of the following dates unless sooner
separated for cause:
1. The date on which he or she is entitled to
be credited with 20 years of service computed under section
12732 of reference (a); or
2. If he or she has at least 19 years of
service, computed under section 12732 of reference (a), the
second anniversary of the date on which he or she would
otherwise be discharged or transferred from an active status; or
3. If he or she has at least 18 but less than
19 years of service, computed under section 12732 of reference
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (2)
(a), the third anniversary of the date on which he or she would
otherwise be discharged or transferred from an active status.
4. Performed less than 18 years of service,
computed under section 12732 of reference (a), on either the
date when SECNAV approves the report of the selection board; or
the date when his or her name is removed from the promotion
list, whichever applies, may be continued based upon the needs
of the Marine Corps Reserve. Chief warrant officers separated
for failure of promotion may request enlistment, and in the
discretion of SECNAV be enlisted in a grade not lower than that
held immediately before original appointment as a warrant
officer. In making recommendations to SECNAV, DC M&RA shall
consider the individual's record of service as a warrant
officer, the length of service performed as a warrant officer,
and the needs of the service in the MOS in which the individual
would serve in an enlisted status.
(c) Not requested transfer to the Marine Corps
Reserve retired list per paragraph 3(a) above, is not eligible
for retention in an active status as provided in paragraph 3(b),
and does not request enlistment as provided in paragraph
3(b)(4), or is denied enlistment, shall be honorably discharged
from the Marine Corps Reserve.
(4) WO
. The first 5 years of a Reserve warrant officer
service is a probationary period. Reserve W-1s found not
qualified for promotion may be reconsidered for promotion,
separated, or retired if eligible, in accordance with paragraph
15 of enclosure (4).
c. Deferment of Retirement or Separation for Medical
(1) If, in the case of a warrant officer required to be
retired or separated, and consistent with section 14519 of
reference (a), SECNAV determines that the evaluation of the
physical condition of the officer and determination of the
officer's entitlement to retirement or separation for physical
disability require hospitalization or medical observation and
that such hospitalization or medical observation cannot be
completed with confidence in a manner consistent with the
officer's well being before the date on which the officer would
otherwise be required to retire or be separated, SECNAV may
defer the retirement or separation of the officer.
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (2)
(2) A deferral of retirement or separation under paragraph
13c(1) may not extend for more than 30 days after the completion
of the evaluation requiring hospitalization or medical
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (3)
Procurement and Appointment of
Limited Duty Officers in the Marine Corps
1. Limited Duty Officer (LDO). The two types of LDOs are as
a. Permanent Limited Duty Officer. A permanent
commissioned officer appointed under section 5589 of reference
(a) in a permanent grade above chief warrant officer, W-5, and
designated for limited duty.
b. Temporary Limited Duty Officer. A commissioned officer
temporarily appointed under section 5596 of reference (a) in a
grade above chief warrant officer, W-5, who is designated for
limited duty and whose permanent status is chief warrant
officer, warrant officer, or enlisted member.
2. LDO Grades. There are three LDO grades within the Marine
Lieutenant Colonel, O-5
Major, O-4
Captain, O-3E
a. Per section 531 of reference (a), appointments in the
grade of permanent LDO captain are made by the President.
b. SECNAV shall maintain a single list of all LDOs who are
on active duty. SECNAV may establish competitive categories for
promotion. LDOs in the same competitive category compete for
promotion as vacancies occur within their category.
3. Accessions
a. Each active component LDO MOS is a separate competitive
category. LDOs are accessed, appointed, assigned, and promoted
to meet specific technically-oriented billets within each LDO
b. The number of accessions (authorized selections) for
each LDO competitive category is determined by projecting
attrition from within that competitive category.
c. CMC (MPP-30) will determine which LDO MOSs are projected
to be “OPEN” for applications each year. The list will be
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (3)
published approximately 60 days prior to the convening date of
the selection board via a message requesting applications.
4. Eligibility Criteria
. To be eligible to become a permanent
LDO in the active component, chief warrant officers must meet
the following criteria:
a. Be a citizen of the United States.
b. Be serving as a chief warrant officer in the active
component with not less than 8 years of warrant officer service
at the time the selection board convenes, and have not less than
10 and not more than 20 years of active service at the time the
selection board convenes.
c. Meet the requisite physical standards for appointment as
an LDO prescribed by reference (b). Selectees who fail to meet
the minimum physical standards for appointment may be appointed
upon the recommendation of the Chief, Bureau of Medicine and
Surgery, and a waiver of the standards by CMC (MM).
d. Have passed the most recent physical fitness test.
e. Have previously served in the warrant officer feeder MOS
for the LDO MOS in which applying, or be qualified without any
additional training for the competitive category for which
appointment is desired.
f. Meet any additional eligibility criteria as may be
prescribed in the convening MARADMIN message.
5. Waivers of Eligibility Criteria
a. CMC (MM), may, under the following circumstances,
consider waivers of eligibility criteria:
(1) When gross inequity to the applicant would otherwise
result; or
(2) When, in the judgment of CMC, extraordinary
circumstances cause such a waiver to be in the best interest of
the Marine Corps.
b. Requests for waivers of the minimum time in service
(TIS) and disciplinary action will not be considered for the
permanent LDO program. The maximum TIS requirement will only be
considered to 22 years on a case-by-case basis only for those
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (3)
warrant officers who have not previously had an opportunity to
apply for the program. Warrant officers selected to LDO with
the maximum TIS waiver accept their appointments with the
understanding that they may reach 30 years of service for
mandatory retirement prior to competing for promotion to
lieutenant colonel. Officers will not be continued past
mandatory retirement in order to compete for promotion.
However, an officer selected prior to mandatory retirement will
be continued by a continuation selection board to meet minimum
TIG promotion requirements.
c. Requests for waivers must be included in the application
and properly endorsed through the chain of command.
6. Applications
a. Eligible chief warrant officers must submit a written
application for appointment as an LDO per reference (c) and the
annual convening MARADMIN message soliciting applications for
the LDO program.
b. The MOSs/competitive categories for which application is
made shall be listed in order of preference. An applicant may
apply for appointment in not more than two MOSs for which
qualified. The MOSs for which application is made shall be as
prescribed by CMC (MMOA-3) in the convening MARADMIN message.
7. Selection Process
a. CMC will convene, by precept, an annual board to select
qualified chief warrant officer for appointment to the grade of
permanent LDO captain.
b. A board convening MARADMIN message will be published
approximately 60 days prior to the board convening date listing
the MOSs that are “OPEN” for application.
c. The selection board will consist of at least five
members serving in the grade of major or above on the active-
duty list of the Marine Corps. Members of the board shall also
include an LDO from each of the LDO competitive categories under
d. The convening date of the board will be prescribed by
CMC (MMOA-3) in the convening message.
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Enclosure (3)
e. Each board member shall swear or affirm that he or she
will perform his or her duties as a member of the board without
prejudice or partiality with a view towards the special fitness
of officers and the efficiency of the Marine Corps.
f. The convening authority may replace a board member in
the event an appointed member becomes unavailable after the
board convenes.
g. Each board may recommend for appointment eligible
applicants in numbers not in excess of the numbers furnished by
the CMC (MPP-30). The numbers furnished by CMC (MPP-30) are the
maximum number which may be selected in each LDO MOS, however,
the board is not required to select to the number authorized for
each MOS.
h. Each eligible officer may communicate in writing with
the President of the selection board. Such communication must
be received no later than the day before the convening date of
the board. The written communication may call attention to any
matter that the officer considers important. Fitness reports
and material that should properly be a part of the OMPF,
however, should be sent directly to CMC (MMSB).
i. Precepts for convening boards to recommend eligible
applicants for appointment as LDOs shall be reviewed by the SJA
to CMC and CMC (MPP-30) at least 30 days prior to the convening
date of the board. The precept shall be forwarded to CMC for
approval at least 10 days prior to the convening date of the
j. Each selection board will submit one or more written
reports signed by all members and the recorder(s). Each report
shall certify that, in the opinion of at least a majority of the
members, the applicants recommended therein are qualified for
appointment as LDOs and are the best qualified for appointment
as LDOs in the MOS for which recommended. Each report shall be
submitted to SECNAV for approval or disapproval in whole, or in
part, via the DC M&RA, CMC, and NJAG for legal review of the
k. The proceedings of the selection board shall not be
disclosed to any person not a member or recorder of the board
except as authorized or required by SECNAV. The recommendations
of the board shall not be disclosed until approved by SECNAV.
Upon approval, a MARADMIN message will be published announcing
the LDO selections.
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (3)
8. Appointments
a. Chief warrant officers selected to the LDO program shall
be permanently appointed as LDOs in the grade of captain (O-3E)
under sections 5589 and 531 of reference (a). The President, or
designee makes permanent LDO appointments.
b. The date of rank of selectees as permanent LDOs in the
grade of captain is the date of appointment to that grade.
Appointments in one competitive category may be effected without
regard for the relative seniority of the CWOs in other
competitive categories. Except for those whose appointments are
delayed under the provisions of paragraph 9 below, chief warrant
officers selected and approved for appointment as LDOs will be
appointed as vacancies occur in the MOS to which selected.
Selectees in the same MOS will be appointed by seniority as
determined by their lineal precedence number. Appointments from
an approved list will be made only after chief warrant officers
previously selected for appointment as LDOs within their
competitive category have been appointed, except for those whose
appointments have been delayed.
c. A chief warrant officer selected for the LDO program is
considered to have accepted the appointment upon signing the
Appointment Acceptance and Record Form (NAVMC-763). The CG MCRC
shall ensure that the NAVMC-763 is provided to the selectee in
sufficient time to allow the chief warrant officer to accept or
decline the appointment prior to the effective date of
d. A chief warrant officer selected for the LDO program who
declines the appointment must do so in writing to CMC (MMOA-3).
A chief warrant officer who declines appointment shall be
treated as if he or she had not been considered and recommended
for appointment.
9. Delay of Appointments
a. Purpose
. The sole purpose of delaying the appointment
of an individual beyond the scheduled date of appointment is to
provide a reasonable period of time to determine whether the
name of that individual should be removed from the approved list
of individuals recommended for appointment by SECNAV.
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Enclosure (3)
b. Authority. The authority to delay original appointments
as LDOs under this section is delegated to CMC. This authority
may not be redelegated.
c. Basis for Delay. The appointment of an individual may
be delayed under this section if:
(1) An investigation is being conducted to determine
whether disciplinary action of any kind should be brought
against the individual.
(2) Sworn charges against the individual have been
received by an officer exercising summary courts-martial
jurisdiction over the individual and final action on such
charges has not been determined.
(3) The individual has been notified under the
provisions of reference (i) that he or she will be processed for
administrative separation for cause.
(4) A criminal proceeding in a Federal or State court is
pending against the individual.
(5) There is cause to believe that the individual does
not meet the eligibility requirements set forth in this
instruction, except for those which have been waived by the CMC.
d. Notification of Delay and Delay Procedures
(1) An appointment may not be delayed under this
paragraph unless the individual has been given written notice of
the grounds for delay by the officer exercising special courts-
martial jurisdiction over the individual or by CMC. If it is
impractical to do so before the scheduled date of appointment,
such written notice shall be given as soon as practicable. The
individual shall acknowledge receipt of such notification in
writing. An individual for whom delay of appointment is
recommended under paragraph 9 of this paragraph shall be
afforded the opportunity to submit a written statement to CMC
(MMOA-3) concerning the delay. If the individual declines to
make a statement, he or she shall submit a signed statement to
that effect. The recommendation for delay, the written copy of
notification, the written acknowledgment of receipt of such
notification, and the written statement shall then be forwarded
to CMC for decision via the officer exercising general courts-
martial jurisdiction over the individual.
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Enclosure (3)
(2) If a recommendation for delay is made within 10 days
of the scheduled date of appointment, CMC (MMOA-3) shall be
advised by Naval message of such recommendation and of whether
the individual has been officially notified of the delay. In
that circumstance, the documents referred to in paragraph 9d(1)
above shall be forwarded to CMC (MMOA-3) as soon as practicable.
(3) If the delay is approved by CMC, the commander
recommending the delay will be notified of this decision and
provided further procedural guidance by CMC (MMOA-3). If CMC
later determines the individual’s name should be removed from
the approved list of names of individuals recommended for
appointment, the individual shall be notified of such action and
be afforded the opportunity to submit a written statement to
SECNAV via CMC. If the individual declines to make a statement,
he or she shall submit a signed statement to that effect. If,
after reviewing the individual’s statement, CMC determines
removal action is still warranted, the recommendation for
removal, the individual’s statement, and the remainder of the
case file shall be submitted to SECNAV for decision. A
recommendation for removal shall be submitted to SECNAV prior to
the expiration of the time limit prescribed in paragraph 9e.
e. Limitation on Delay. An appointment may not be delayed
more than 90 days after final action has been taken by
appropriate authority. The periods of delay prescribed in this
paragraph may be extended by SECNAV upon the request of CMC, or
by CMC upon the written request of the individual concerned.
f. Appointment following Delay. An individual whose
appointment is delayed under paragraph 9, and who is later
determined to be qualified for appointment may, upon such
appointment, have the same date of rank and the same effective
date for pay and allowances in the grade to which appointed, had
no delay intervened.
10. Frocking of LDO Selects
a. The frocking authority for LDO selects is CMC (MM). To
be eligible for frocking, an LDO captain select must be serving
in or be within 60 days of serving in a billet requiring the LDO
grade and MOS for which selected. Commands should submit a
frocking request with justification to CMC (MMOA-3) for
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (3)
b. The officer may only be frocked after the President has approved the
selection list that contains the officer's name (per section 531 of reference
11. Assignment of Lineal Precedence. An LDOs lineal precedence
number is established in the same relative seniority held in
each officer’s permanent chief warrant officer grade.
12. Assignment Policy
a. LDOs will only be assigned to billets that are in their
MOS and that are designated as LDO billets. LDOs may not be
assigned to billets designated for unrestricted officers. This
does not preclude an LDO from being assigned additional duties
as deemed appropriate.
b. LDOs may succeed to command activities which have a
primary function corresponding to the MOS of the officer
13. Promotion. This paragraph provides specific guidance for
LDO promotions. Enclosure (4) provides additional promotion
board guidance that is applicable to all promotions discussed in
this instruction.
a. LDOs compete for promotion within their MOS (competitive
category) for specific billet vacancies in the next higher
grade. Each LDO competitive category has specific grade
requirements for each of their billets. These grade billet
requirements are the grade authorizations for each LDO
competitive category.
b. Promotion Opportunity. The promotion and retention laws
for permanent LDOs are contained in the Defense Officer
Promotion Management Act (DOPMA), chapter 36 of reference (a).
The Marine Corps develops promotion plans to meet the following
DOPMA promotion opportunity guidelines.
(1) Major
. The promotion opportunity target for
selection to major is 80 percent plus or minus 10 percent (8 of
10 officers in-zone may be selected for promotion). However,
with very small cell LDO competitive categories, this may not
always be possible. At a minimum, the Marine Corps will develop
promotion zones for at least a 67 percent opportunity (2 of 3
officers in-zone selected for promotion).
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (3)
(2) Lieutenant Colonel. The promotion opportunity
target for selection to lieutenant colonel is 70 percent plus or
minus 10 percent (7 of 10 officers in-zone may be selected for
promotion). However, with very small cell LDOs competitive
categories, this may not always be possible. At a minimum, the
Marine Corps will develop promotion zones for at least a 50
percent opportunity (1 of 2 officers in-zone selected for
c. Eligibility for Promotion Consideration
(1) A promotion selection board may be convened by
SECNAV when the needs of the service requires it to meet the
grade and skill requirements of the Marine Corps. Therefore,
promotion selection boards are held for any LDO competitive
category to a particular grade when a billet vacancy in that
grade is projected to occur.
(2) LDO captains and majors who are on the active-duty
list on the date the board convenes and who have served at least
3 years TIG are eligible for consideration for promotion, except
as provided in enclosure (1), paragraphs 3a, 3b, and 3c, and if
there is a projected billet vacancy in that officer’s grade and
competitive category MOS. The minimum TIG may be waived based
on the needs of the Marine Corps to a lesser TIG to allow
officers one or two opportunities for consideration in the
(3) If there is a projected billet vacancy and eligible
officers, then the number of eligible officers will be placed
in-zone based on their lineal precedence number (relative
seniority in grade) to meet the desired minimum target promotion
opportunities. If there are more officers with the minimum TIG
than can be moved in-zone to meet the desired opportunity, then
those officers that are not placed in-zone will compete for
promotion from the below-zone. Officers may be selected for
promotion from the below-zone, but will not receive a failure of
selection if not selected.
d. Officers who enter on active duty and are on the active-
duty list on the date the board convenes will be eligible for
consideration for promotion under this instruction unless
eligibility is deferred under paragraph 13e.
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (3)
e. Deferred Eligibility
(1) Deferment of eligibility is intended to provide
officers who otherwise would have been in-zone or above-zone an
opportunity to obtain active-duty experience, qualifications,
and significant evaluation before being considered by a
promotion board. Officers whose promotion eligibility is
deferred will be considered as officers in- or above-zone, as
appropriate, as if their eligibility had not been deferred.
Eligibility will be deferred as follows:
(2) CMC may, with the officer’s consent or at his or her
request, at any time prior to the convening of the first
selection board to consider his or her record, defer the
officer’s eligibility for consideration in-zone or above-zone
for promotion up to one year from the date the officer entered
on active duty and was subject to placement on the active-duty
list. An officer’s written request for deferment must be
submitted to the Commandant of the Marine Corps, Headquarters
U.S. Marine Corps (MMPR-1), Harry Lee Hall, 17 Lejeune Road,
Quantico VA 22134-5104. Requests must arrive no later than the
convening date of the selection board before which the officer
would normally be eligible.
(3) Reinstatement. An eligibility deferral, waived
under paragraph 13e(1), will not be reinstated.
f. Effecting Promotions
(1) Promotions for officers on a promotion list will
normally commence the month after the Senate confirms the
nominations, provided there is a billet vacancy. Promotion of
officers from one competitive category may be effected without
regard for the relative seniority of officers of the same grade
in other competitive categories.
(2) A promotion MARADMIN message is published each month
that will provide the promotion authority for those officers who
will be promoted on the first of the next month, and a
projection for subsequent promotions in the following month.
Prior to release of the MARADMIN message, CMC (MMPR-1) shall
screen the names of the officers projected to be promoted for
adverse information. Officers whose records contain adverse
information shall have their promotion delayed. See paragraph
13 of enclosure (4) for delay procedures.
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (3)
14. Continuation
a. Continuation selection boards for LDOs shall be
convened, whenever the needs of the Marine Corps require, by
SECNAV. As a matter of efficiency, promotion selection boards
may reconvene as continuation selection boards. Enclosure (5)
contains additional continuation board guidance that is
applicable to all active component restricted officers.
b. LDOs who have twice failed selection for promotion to
the next higher grade will be retired or separated from active
duty unless continued on active duty subject to the needs of the
Marine Corps.
c. The Marine Corps continuation policy for LDOs, per
Chapter 36 of reference (a), is as follows:
(1) To ensure that Marine Corps requirements are met to
the greatest extent practicable, continuation boards will be
held for permanent LDOs selected to the grades of lieutenant
colonel or major to continue on active duty those selected
officers who will otherwise be subject to involuntary retirement
for total years active service before they have time to complete
2 years in the grade of major or 3 years in the grade of
lieutenant colonel. The period of continuation will be such
that these officers will be able to complete 2 years in the
grade of major or 3 years in the grade of lieutenant colonel.
(2) Section 6383 of reference (a) provides for the
continuation of captains and majors who have twice failed
selection to the next higher grade if these individuals possess
skills needed by the Service. If the promotion plan cannot fill
the skill requirements of a particular competitive category, a
continuation board will be authorized to continue permanent LDO
captains and majors that have twice failed selection for
promotion to the next higher grade for a period of 2 years.
15. U.S. Marine Band Appointments
a. Per section 6222 of reference (a), U.S. Marine Band
shall be comprised of one director, two assistant directors, and
other personnel in such number and grades as SECNAV determines
to be necessary. Appointments shall be made without the
requirements of a formal selection board process. SECNAV may
designate the Director and Assistant Directors of the U.S.
Marine Band from qualified members of the Marine Corps. A
member so designated by SECNAV may be appointed by the
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (3)
President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to
a commissioned grade in the regular Marine Corps. Such
appointments shall be temporary and SECNAV may revoke any
designation as Director or Assistant Director of the U.S. Marine
Band. Temporary appointments do not change the permanent status
of the officer in regard to promotion or appointment.
b. A Marine designated as Assistant Director of the U.S.
Marine Band will be appointed a temporary first lieutenant,
without the requirement of a formal board process, by the
President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. A
Marine designated as the Director of the U.S. Marine Band will
be appointed in the temporary grade of captain, except that a
member who, at the time of his or her designation, holds an
appointment in a higher grade may be appointed in that higher
grade, but not above lieutenant colonel.
c. Other members of the band will be appointed as follows:
(1) SECNAV may make temporary appointments, not above
the grade of captain, per section 5596 of reference (a).
(2) Appointments above the grade of captain shall be
made by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate, under sections 5596 and 6222 of reference (a).
16. U.S. Marine Drum and Bugle Corps Appointments
a. The U.S. Marine Drum and Bugle Corps shall be comprised
of one commanding officer and other personnel in such numbers
and grades as CMC determines to be necessary. Appointments
shall be made without the requirement of a formal selection
board process. CMC may designate the commanding officer and
other members from qualified members of the U.S. Marine Drum and
Bugle Corps. Officers shall be appointed based on the
procedures outlined below. Such appointments shall be
temporary; therefore, SECNAV may revoke the appointments at any
time. Temporary appointments do not change the permanent status
of the officer in regard to promotion or appointment.
b. The Commanding Officer, Marine Barracks, shall recommend
an officer to be designated as the Commanding Officer, U.S.
Marine Drum and Bugle Corps from qualified members of the U.S.
Marine Drum and Bugle Corps. Appointment to this position shall
be as follows:
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (3)
(1) A member recommended for appointment above the grade
of captain shall be appointed by the President, by and with the
advice and consent of the Senate, to a commissioned grade in the
regular Marine Corps.
(2) A member recommended for appointment, not above the
grade of captain, shall be appointed by SECNAV per section 5596
of reference (a).
c. Other members of the U.S. Marine Drum and Bugle Corps
shall be appointed, not above the grade of captain, by SECNAV
per section 5596 of reference (a).
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (4)
Promotion Procedures
1. Purpose
a. This enclosure pertains to the promotion of permanent
regular LDOs to higher permanent grades as set forth in sections
611-646 of reference (a), and to the promotion of temporary LDOs
to higher temporary grades pursuant to section 5596 of reference
b. This enclosure pertains to the promotion of permanent
regular chief warrant officers to higher permanent chief warrant
officer grades per sections 571-583 of reference (a), and to the
promotion of permanent chief warrant officers in the Marine
Corps Reserve.
2. Promotion Zones. For each promotion selection board there
are normally three zones established: above-zone, in-zone, and
below-zone. The zones are defined as follows.
a. Above-Zone
(1) Officers in the same grade and competitive category
as the officers in-zone, who are senior to the senior officer in
the in-zone, and who have failed selection for promotion at
least once.
(2) Above-Zone, Not Previously Considered. Officers in
the same grade and competitive category as the officers in-zone,
who are senior to the senior officer in-zone, but who have
neither been removed from a promotion list to that grade (other
than after having been placed on that list after a selection
from below-zone), nor failed of selection to that grade, are
considered as in-zone officers, and are referred to as officers
above-zone, not previously considered.
b. In-Zone. Officers in the same grade and competitive
category who:
(1) Have neither failed of selection for promotion to
the next higher grade nor have been removed from a promotion
list to that grade (other than after having been placed on that
list after a selection from below-zone); and
(2) Are senior to the officer designated by SECNAV as
the junior officer in-zone.
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Enclosure (4)
c. Below-Zone. Officers in the same grade and competitive
category who are eligible for promotion and are junior to the
junior officer in the in-zone.
3. Officers Precluded From Promotion Consideration
a. SECNAV may preclude from consideration by a selection
board an officer who would otherwise be eligible to be
considered, if that officer has an established separation date
that is within 90 days after the date on which the board is
b. Officers placed on the active-duty list after the date a
board convenes are not eligible for consideration for that
c. An officer whose name is on a promotion list for the
next higher grade; or who is recommended for promotion in the
report of an earlier selection board that is pending approval is
not eligible for consideration by the board.
d. Officers who enter on active duty and are on the active-
duty list on the date the board convenes will be eligible for
consideration for promotion under this instruction.
4. Promotion Planning Factors
a. Convening of Selection Boards. SECNAV shall, whenever
the needs of the Marine Corps so require, convene promotion
selection boards to recommend officers for promotion to the next
higher grade. Warrant officer and LDO selection boards are held
depending upon projected billet vacancies in the competitive
categories. A MARADMIN message announcing the convening of
promotion selection boards will be released at least 30 days
prior to the convening date of the board.
b. Promotion Plan
. CMC (MPP-35) shall submit annual
warrant officer/Reserve warrant officer/LDO promotion plans to
SECNAV, via the NJAG for legal review, at least 45 days prior to
the convening dates of promotion selection boards. The
promotion plans will contain the following elements:
(1) Number authorized to select by grade and category
(2) Promotion zones.
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Enclosure (4)
(3) Promotion opportunity.
(4) Maximum below-zone selections. Below-zone
selections may not exceed 10 percent of the number recommended
for promotion. If the number is less than one, the board may
recommend one such officer.
(5) 90-day exclusion provision.
(6) Continuation guidance.
5. Promotion Precepts
a. CMC (MMPR-1) will submit precepts for promotion
selection boards, and such SECNAV letters of guidance and
instruction as SECNAV may deem necessary, to SECNAV, via NJAG
for legal review, at least 15 days prior to the convening dates
of such boards. The precept shall be addressed to the president
of the board, who also serves as a member of the board. The
precept shall include the instructions of SECNAV governing the
conduct of the board and shall appoint the president, members,
and administrative support personnel of the board. The text of
enclosure (4) of reference (g) shall be included in the precept
and shall be read to each person participating in the conduct of
the board on the convening date of the promotion board to which
they are assigned or on the date of assignment to the board,
whichever is later. The precept shall also contain the
certification provided for in subparagraph E4.1.7 of reference
b. The precept shall require the promotion selection board
to certify that the board has carefully considered the record of
each officer whose record was furnished to the board and that,
in the opinion of the majority of the members of the board, the
officers recommended for promotion are fully qualified for
promotion and are the best qualified to meet the needs of the
Marine Corps from among those officers whose names were
furnished to the board.
6. Promotion Board Membership Composition
. The composition of
promotion boards shall be determined under section 612 of
reference (a) for LDOs, and section 573 of reference (a) for
chief warrant officers. The composition for Reserve chief
warrant officer promotion boards shall be determined under
reference (h). The composition shall include a board president,
members, recorders, and administrative support personnel as
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (4)
specified in reference (h) whose duties are further outlined in
reference (g). CMC shall ensure the board president, members,
and recorders of the board adhere to the board proceedings
outlined in paragraphs 6.2.1 and 6.2.2. of reference (g).
7. Oath. Each member of a promotion selection board shall
swear, or affirm, that he or she will perform his or her duties
as a member of the board without prejudice or partiality and
having in view both the special fitness of officers and the
efficiency of the Marine Corps. Each recorder and assistant
recorder shall swear, or affirm, that he or she will keep a true
record of the proceedings of the board. Each member, recorder,
assistant recorder, and administrative support personnel shall
swear, or affirm, that he or she will not disclose the
proceedings or recommendations of the board except as authorized
or required by SECNAV or higher authority.
8. Information Furnished to Promotion Selection Boards. The
following information shall be furnished to each promotion
selection board at the time it is convened by the authority
a. SECNAV will specify in the precept the maximum number of
officers in each grade and competitive category that the board
may recommend for promotion consistent with the annual promotion
plan. The boards are not required to select to the numbers
b. CMC shall provide the names of all officers who are to
be considered by the board in order of seniority.
c. CMC shall supply the pertinent records of each officer
to be considered by the board. Such records shall include all
documents, including fitness reports, that are essential for a
fair and substantially accurate and complete portrayal of the
officer’s career as of the date the board convenes. Fitness
reports, personal awards or other documents with ending dates
after the convening date of the board will not be added to these
records even if received while the board is in session. If the
board requests information to amplify or clarify official
records provided to the board, the board may request such
information from SECNAV, via CMC. Information from outside an
officer’s official record may not be provided to a board if that
information, under Service regulations, could not otherwise be
included in the officer’s official record without notice to the
officer and an opportunity for the officer to comment on it.
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (4)
9. Communication with Promotion Selection Boards. Officers
eligible for consideration by a promotion board may communicate
directly in writing with the board President. The communication
may call attention to any matter concerning the officer that the
officer considers important. It may include, as attachments,
correspondence from any other individual.
a. Correspondence not originated or endorsed by the
eligible officer, including endorsements or other letters
written on behalf of that officer and forwarded under separate
cover, is not acceptable and will not be provided to the board.
Correspondence that contains classified information will not be
b. Officers who desire to communicate with a promotion
board shall forward written communication to the president of
the board to the address noted in the convening MARADMIN
message. An eligible officer's correspondence must arrive no
later than the day before the convening date of the selection
board which is to consider his or her record. Correspondence
received after a board is convened will not be submitted to the
c. The selection board shall consider all correspondence
that complies with the above requirements.
d. Except as provided by this paragraph, no person may
furnish unsolicited information or opinion regarding officers to
be considered by a selection board.
10. Proceedings, Recommendations, Reports, and Action on
Reports of Selection Boards
a. Except as authorized or required by SECNAV, the
Secretary of Defense, or the President, no member or recorder of
a promotion selection board shall disclose the proceedings or
recommendations of a promotion selection board.
b. The LDO promotion selection board shall submit a report
to the Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel
and Readiness (PDUSD (P&R)) for approval via, first; CMC for his
recommendations; second, NJAG for legal review; and third,
SECNAV. In addition, the LDO promotion selection board that
considered officers with service in joint duty assignments will
be forwarded to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for
review under section 618(b) of reference (a). The chief warrant
officer promotion selection boards shall submit a report to
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Enclosure (4)
SECNAV for approval via, first; CMC for his recommendations, and
second; NJAG for legal review. The report shall list the names
of the officers recommended for promotion in order of seniority
by competitive category. The reports shall be in writing and
shall be signed by each board member and recorder. The reports
shall certify that the board has complied with all instructions
contained in its precept and, as appropriate, other letters of
guidance or instruction provided by SECNAV.
c. The LDO promotion selection board shall report the name
of each officer whose record, in the opinion of a majority of
the members of the board, indicates that the officer should be
required to show cause for retention on active duty. The
requirement to show cause can arise from substandard performance
of duty, moral or professional dereliction, misconduct, or if
retention is not clearly consistent with the interests of
national security. LDOs so reported by a promotion selection
board may be processed for administrative separation.
d. The LDO promotion selection boards shall include in its
report the names of those officers considered and not
recommended for promotion by the board who submitted to the
board a request not to be selected for promotion or who
otherwise directly caused their nonselection through written
communication to the board. Any officer who submits such a
request will still be considered for promotion and will incur a
failure of selection if not recommended for promotion by the
board. Per section 1174(a)(3) of reference (a), the officers so
reported will not be entitled to separations pay.
e. The chief warrant officer and Reserve chief warrant
officer promotion selection board shall report the names of
those officers whose records and/or reports establish, in its
opinion, their unfitness or unsatisfactory performance in their
grade or that their retention is not clearly consistent with the
interests of national security. Officers so reported by a
promotion selection board may be processed for administrative
f. Under the authority of reference (l) and SECNAV
guidance, CMC shall, prior to submission of the board report to
SECNAV, screen the names of the officers recommended for
promotion by the board for adverse material which may not have
been in an officer's record and known to board members.
Depending upon the nature of the adverse material, an officer's
appointment may be withheld from nomination pending adjudication
or further review by SECNAV.
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Enclosure (4)
g. CMC shall forward the report of the promotion selection
board and nomination for appointment of the selected officers to
NJAG for legal review prior to submission to SECNAV. Per
reference (l), the LDO lieutenant colonel promotion selection
board shall provide the Under Secretary of Defense for
Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics a statistical comparison
of acquisition corps and LDO promotion selection rates in
accordance with the selection guidance established under section
1731(b) of reference (a).
h. If, after reviewing the report of a promotion selection
board, SECNAV determines that the board acted contrary to law or
regulation, SECNAV shall return the report to the board for
further proceedings. Upon receipt of a report that has been
returned by SECNAV for further proceedings, the board (or a
subsequent promotion selection board for the same grade and
competitive category) shall conduct such proceedings as may be
necessary in order to revise the report and shall resubmit the
report, as revised, to SECNAV in accordance with the provisions
of this enclosure for the original submission of promotion
selection board reports to SECNAV.
i. When the report of the LDO promotion selection board is
approved by PDUSD (P&R) and the chief warrant officer and
Reserve chief warrant officer reports are approved by SECNAV,
the names of the officers approved for promotion shall be placed
on a single promotion list for each grade and competitive
category, in order of seniority of such officers on their
respective active-duty list.
(1) SECNAV shall nominate the names of the officers on
the LDO promotion list to the Senate and the chief warrant
officers to the President, via the Deputy Secretary of Defense,
for appointment to their selected grades.
(2) In an effort to consolidate actions, the active
chief warrant officer nominations submitted to the President
shall also contain the names of those W-1s anticipated to be
promoted within the same fiscal year as the officers recommended
for promotion by the selection board.
(3) SECNAV may, if it is deemed appropriate when there
are unresolved allegations concerning a nominated officer’s
qualifications for promotion, withhold the officer’s from the
list of names submitted to the Senate or President, as
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Enclosure (4)
appropriate, for appointment pending resolution of the
(4) SECNAV shall announce to the public, via ALNAV, the
names of the LDOs recommended for promotion when the nomination
is transmitted to the President. The names of the active chief
warrant officers and Reserve chief warrant officers recommended
for promotion shall be announced to the public when the report
of the board is approved by SECNAV. SECNAV may withhold from
the ALNAV the names of those officers whose names were withheld
from nomination.
j. Only the President may remove the name of an officer
recommended for promotion from the report of the selection
board. However, SECNAV may remove the name of an officer from a
promotion list. CMC may forward requests for such actions to
SECNAV for review and appropriate action.
k. Promotion of the LDOs whose names were submitted to the
Senate for appointment may, upon Senate confirmation, take
l. Promotion of the active chief warrant officers whose
names were submitted to the President for appointment by
commission, may upon the President's approval, take effect.
m. Promotion of the Reserve chief warrant officers whose
names were approved by SECNAV may, upon SECNAV’s approval, take
11. Promotion Announcements. A promotion MARADMIN message is
published each month that will provide the promotion authority
for those officers who will be promoted on the first of the next
month, and a projection for subsequent promotions in the
following month. Prior to release of the MARADMIN message, CMC
(MMPR-1) shall screen the names of the officers projected to be
promoted for adverse information. Officers whose records
contain adverse information shall have their promotion delayed.
12. Effective Date of Promotion. Except as provided in
paragraph 13 of this enclosure or as otherwise provided by law,
the date of rank of an officer promoted to a higher grade is the
date of appointment. Appointments will be considered accepted
and effective on the date specified in the promotion MARADMIN
message unless the officer concerned expressly declines the
appointment. Written requests for declination of appointment
should be submitted on or before the effective date, but not
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (4)
later than 30 days from the effective date. Requests for
declination must be submitted to Commandant of the Marine Corps,
Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps (MMPR-1), Harry Lee Hall, 17
Lejeune Road, Quantico, VA 22134-5104. The appointment will be
deemed effective unless the request for declination is received
by the 30th day after the effective date. Additionally, any
statement or action by an officer that signals their acceptance
of the appointment, forever waives their right to decline. See
paragraph 14 of this enclosure for additional guidance
pertaining to declination of appointment.
13. Delay of Promotion. Prior to effecting a promotion, CMC,
his designee, or commanding officers exercising special court-
martial convening authority may delay an officer's promotion.
If the promotion is delayed, the delaying officer shall, within
10 days, or as soon as practicable, forward the information
required by paragraph 13b to SECNAV for ratification.
a. Criteria for Promotion Delay. Promotion may be delayed
under this instruction if:
(1) Sworn charges against the officer have been received
by an officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction over
the officer and such charges have not been disposed of.
(2) An investigation is being conducted to determine
whether disciplinary action of any kind should be brought
against the officer.
(3) Processing for separation for cause has been
initiated under reference (i).
(4) A criminal proceeding in a Federal or State court is
pending against the officer.
(5) There is cause to believe that the officer is
mentally, physically, morally, or professionally unqualified.
Officers with physical disabilities received in the line of duty
who have been retained in an active status or whose medical
conditions are in the process of being reviewed for retention
shall not be denied promotion.
b. Command Requests for Delay
(1) Commanding officers who consider delay of an
officer’s promotion warranted and delay an officer’s promotion,
shall submit justification for the delay to SECNAV, via CMC
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Enclosure (4)
(MMPR-1), within 10 days of receipt of the promotion MARADMIN
message, or as soon thereafter as practicable.
(2) Each justification for delay to SECNAV must include
the following documents:
(a) A copy of the notification to the officer.
(b) A statement by the officer. If the officer
declines to make a statement, the officer concerned shall submit
a signed statement to that effect.
(c) Supporting rationale for delay from the
officer’s commanding officer based on his or her knowledge of
the officer involved.
(d) A recommendation by CMC.
c. Notification of Grounds for Delay
. The promotion of an
officer may be delayed only if the officer has been given
written notice of the grounds for the delay before the effective
date of the promotion, unless it is impractical to do so, in
which case such written notice shall be given as soon as
d. Limitations on Delay. The promotion of an officer may
not be delayed for more than six months after the date on which
the officer would otherwise have been promoted, unless SECNAV
specifies a further period of delay. CMC will submit timely
requests, with supporting rationale, for any extension of delay
of promotion. An officer’s promotion may not be delayed more
than 90 days after final action has been taken in any criminal
case against the officer in a Federal or State court, more than
90 days after final action has been taken in any court-martial
against the officer, or more than 18 months after the date on
which the officer would otherwise have been promoted, whichever
is later.
e. Removal from the Promotion List. If during a delay of
promotion, it is determined that removal from the promotion list
is appropriate, removal action under paragraph 14 of this
enclosure may be initiated. Although removal action is
contemplated, requests for delay extensions as provided in
paragraph 13d shall be submitted to SECNAV as necessary until
the officer’s name is removed from the promotion list.
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Enclosure (4)
f. Subsequent Promotion
(1) If a promotion has been delayed under paragraph
13a(1)–13a(5) and
(a) no disciplinary action is taken against the
officer; charges against the officer are withdrawn or dismissed,
(b) the officer is not ordered administratively
separated under reference (i); or
(c) the officer is acquitted of the charges brought
against him or her, the officer shall be retained on the
promotion list and shall, upon promotion to the next higher
grade, have the same date of rank, and the same effective date
for the pay and allowances of the grade to which promoted and
the same position on the active-duty list as he or she would
have had if no delay had occurred, except as provided below.
(2) If SECNAV determines that the officer was
unqualified for promotion for any part of the delay, the date of
rank, effective date of pay and allowances, and position on the
active-duty list may be adjusted.
14. Removal from a Promotion List
a. SECNAV may remove the name of an officer who is on a
promotion list at any time before the promotion is effective.
An officer, whose name was withheld from appointment or whose
promotion was delayed, shall not have his or her promotion
effected until such time that the reason for withholding or
delaying has been resolved.
b. If an officer’s name is removed from the promotion list
by SECNAV action, CMC (MMPR-1) shall notify that officer in
writing of his or her removal from the promotion list and the
resulting effect on promotion status under paragraphs 15 and 16.
CMC (MMPR-1) shall forward SECNAV's action and the officer's
official response to the officer's OMPF.
15. Not Qualified for Promotion (W-1s)
. The SECNAV delegates
to the CMC the authority to determine whether W-1s are qualified
for promotion.
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Enclosure (4)
a. Per section 1165 of reference (a), non-retirement
eligible warrant officers, with less than 36 months of
continuous active service since the date of original appointment
who are serving in the grade of W-1 and found not qualified for
promotion to CWO2 may be honorably discharged by SECNAV, upon
the recommendation of CMC, not later than the end of the 36-
month period beginning on the date on which the W-1s were first
appointed. Per section 12241(c) of reference (a), non-
retirement eligible Reserve warrant officers, with less than 60
months of service since the date of original appointment who are
serving in the grade of W-1 and found not qualified for
promotion to CWO2 may be honorably discharged by SECNAV, upon
the recommendation of CMC, not later than the end of the 60
month period beginning on the date on which the W-1s were first
appointed. All non-retirement eligible warrant officers that
have been found not qualified for promotion to CWO2 and were not
separated pursuant to section 1165 or section 12241(c) of
reference (a), shall be reconsidered for promotion to CWO2, upon
the W-1’s request, after 1 year from the date that the W-1 was
determined not qualified for promotion.
b. Per section 1166 of reference (a), non-probationary
warrant officers or retirement eligible warrant officers serving
in the grade of W-1 who have been found not qualified for
promotion to CWO2, shall be referred to a Board of Inquiry (BOI)
for a determination on whether the W-1 is fit for continued
service. A determination of not qualified for promotion to CWO2
is evidence of unfitness for continued service.
(1) A non-probationary W-1 that is determined to be
unfit for continued service by a BOI, convened pursuant to
section 1166 of reference (a), shall be discharged.
(2) A non-probationary W-1 that is determined to be fit
for continued service by a BOI, convened pursuant to section
1166 of reference (a), shall be reconsidered for promotion to
CWO2, upon the W-1’s request, after 1 year from the date that
the W-1 was determined not qualified for promotion. W-1s that
are again determined not qualified for promotion to CWO2 shall
not be again referred to a BOI and will be reconsidered for
promotion to CWO2, upon the W-1’s request, after 1 year from the
date the W-1 was last determined not qualified for promotion,
until the W-1 is promoted, retired, or separated under some
other provision of law.
(3) A retirement eligible W-1 that is determined to be
unfit for continued service by a BOI, convened pursuant to
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Enclosure (4)
section 1166 of reference (a), shall be retired. Per section
1371 of reference (a), recommendations for a retirement grade
determination are neither appropriate nor required.
(4) A retirement eligible W-1 that is determined to be
fit for continued service by a BOI, convened pursuant to section
1166 of reference (a), shall be reconsidered for promotion to
CWO2, upon the W-1’s request, after 1 year from the date that
the W-1 was determined not qualified for promotion. W-1s that
are again determined not qualified for promotion to CWO2 shall
not be again referred to a BOI and will be reconsidered for
promotion to CWO2, upon the W-1’s request, after 1 year from the
date the W-1 was last determined not qualified for promotion,
until the W-1 is promoted, retired, or separated under some
other provision of law.
16. Eligibility of Officers Removed from Promotion List
a. An officer whose name is removed from a promotion list
continues to be eligible for consideration for promotion. If an
officer is recommended for promotion by the next selection board
convened for that officer’s grade and competitive category and
the officer is promoted, SECNAV may under section 1552 of
reference (a), upon such promotion, grant the officer the same
date of rank, the same effective date for pay and allowances for
the grade to which promoted, and the same position on the
active-duty list as the officer would have had if the officer’s
name had not been removed from the first promotion list.
b. If an officer whose name was removed from a promotion
list is not recommended for promotion by the next selection
board convened for the officer’s grade and competitive category,
or if the officer’s name is again removed from the list of
officers recommended for promotion, the officer shall be treated
for all purposes to have twice failed of selection for
17. Failure of Selection for Promotion
a. Officers who are in- or above-zone and are considered
but not selected for promotion will be considered to have failed
of selection for promotion to the next higher grade.
b. An officer whose name was removed from a promotion list
and is not recommended for promotion by the next promotion board
convened for the officer’s grade and competitive category, or if
the officer’s name is again removed from the list of officers
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Enclosure (4)
recommended for promotion, the officer shall be considered for
all purposes to have twice failed of selection for promotion.
c. Officers who fail of selection for promotion remain
eligible for consideration by subsequent promotion boards as
long as they remain on the active-duty list. Two or more
failures of selection subjects an officer to involuntary
retirement or separation under references (a) and (i). Officers
subject to retirement or discharge are not eligible for further
consideration for promotion.
d. Officers in- or above-zone who are selected for
promotion but decline the appointment shall be considered to be
above-zone for subsequent promotion selection boards. Per
reference (i), they will not be considered to have failed of
selection for promotion for purposes of entitlement to
separation pay under section 1174 of reference (a).
18. Counseling of Officers Who Fail of Selection for Promotion
CMC (MMOA-4)/CMC (CMT) shall provide, upon request, counseling
for active duty officers who fail of selection for promotion.
The Reserve Affairs Career Management Team shall provide
counseling for Reserve chief warrant officers. Counseling shall
consist of reviewing the officer’s record and indicating any
factors that may account for not having been selected. The
counselor will be an officer experienced in officer personnel
matters who is senior to and, when practicable, in the same
competitive category as the officer requesting counseling. The
counselor may not be an officer who served as a member,
recorder, or administrative support personnel for a promotion
board that failed to select the requesting officer for
19. Special Selection Boards
. Officers eligible for promotion
in- or above-zone who were either not considered by a selection
board, or who were considered, but due to defects in the board's
proceedings as to them, did not receive lawful or proper
consideration, may request consideration by a special selection
board. Submit special selection board requests to CMC (MMPR-1)
under the requirements provided in reference (j). Special
selection boards shall be convened, as determined by SECNAV,
under the procedures established in reference (j).
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (5)
Continuation Procedures
1. Purpose. This enclosure pertains to the continuation on
active duty of eligible permanent LDOs and Regular warrant
officers who are subject to involuntary retirement under section
6383 or 1305 of reference (a). .
2. General
a. Continuation selection boards shall be convened,
whenever the needs of the Marine Corps require, by SECNAV to
consider officers for deferment of involuntary separation or
retirement. The requirement for continuation will be a part of
the annual promotion plan. As a matter of efficiency, promotion
selection boards may reconvene as continuation selection boards.
b. The results of continuation selection boards shall be
made known sufficiently in advance of the date of involuntary
retirement so as to allow officers who are selected for
deferment, and those who are not selected for deferment, a
reasonable period of time for personal planning. However, the
results shall not be released prior to release of the promotion
selection board which reconvened to consider the officers for
c. Each officer who is (1) continued on active duty, (2)
not subsequently promoted or continued for a further period, and
(3) not on a promotion list or continuation list shall, unless
sooner retired, be retired upon the expiration of the period for
which the officer’s service was continued. Each officer shall
be retired on the first day of the first month following the
month in which the officer completes his or her period of
continued service.
d. Any deferral of retirement and continuation on active
duty under this instruction shall be for a period not to exceed
5 years, and such period may not extend beyond the date of the
officer’s 62nd birthday.
3. Continuation of LDOs
a. Under section 6383(a) of reference (a) and the
provisions of reference (i), a permanent LDO who holds the grade
of lieutenant colonel or major in the Regular Marine Corps is
subject to involuntary retirement on the last day of the month
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (5)
in which he/she completes a total of 30 years of active naval
service (other than active duty for training in a Reserve
component). In addition, under section 6383(b) of reference (a)
and the provisions of reference (i), a permanent LDO who holds
the grade of major in the Regular Marine Corps and is not on a
promotion list to the next higher grade is subject to
involuntary retirement not later than the first day of the
seventh month beginning after the month in which the President
approves the report of a promotion selection board in which the
officer is considered as having failed of selection for
promotion to the grade of lieutenant colonel for the second
b. A permanent LDO who is serving in the grade of
lieutenant colonel or major and subject to involuntary
retirement may, subject to the needs of the service, be
continued on active duty under section 6383(i) of reference (a),
if the officer is selected by a continuation selection board.
c. A permanent LDO whose retirement is deferred under
section 6383(i) of reference (a) and who is not subsequently
promoted may not be continued on active duty beyond 24 years of
active commissioned service if in the grade of major, or 28
years of active commissioned service if in the grade of
lieutenant colonel, or beyond age 62, whichever is earlier.
Consistent with these limitations, each continuation board
convened under this enclosure will be provided guidance
concerning the period of continuation that the board may
recommend for each officer. No officer may be deferred for a
period of more than 5 years by any one selection board.
d. A permanent LDO who is selected for deferment of
involuntary retirement shall be notified of his/her selection
and afforded the opportunity to accept or decline it. If the
permanent LDO declines to continue on active duty, he/she shall
be retired in accordance with section 6383(a)-(c) of reference
(a). The results of continuation selection boards shall be made
known sufficiently in advance of the date of involuntary
retirement so as to allow those permanent LDOS who are selected
for deferment, and those who are not selected for deferment, a
reasonable period of time for personal planning.
e. Each officer who is (1) continued on active duty, (2)
not subsequently promoted or continued for a further period, and
(3) not on a promotion list or continuation list shall, unless
sooner retired, be retired upon the expiration of the period for
which the officer’s service was continued. Each officer shall
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (5)
be retired on the first day of the first month following the
month in which the officer completes his/her period of continued
4. Continuation of Chief Warrant Officers
a. Per section 1305(c) of reference (a), the SECNAV may
defer the retirement of any regular warrant upon the
recommendation of a continuation selection board and with the
consent of the warrant officer, but not later than 60 days after
he/she becomes 62 years of age.
b. No officer may be deferred for a period of more than 5
years by any one selection board.
5. Continuation Selection Board Procedures
a. Notice of Convening. Notice of convening of a
continuation selection board shall be issued at least 30 days
before such board is convened. The notice shall include the
convening date of the board and such additional information that
will permit eligible officers to communicate with the
continuation selection board.
b. Continuation Board Membership Composition. The
composition shall include a board president, members, recorders,
and administrative support personnel as specified in reference
c. Oath. Each member of the board shall swear, or affirm,
that he or she will perform his or her duties as a member of the
board without prejudice or partiality and having in view both
the special fitness of officers and the efficiency of the Marine
Corps. Each recorder and assistant recorder shall swear, or
affirm, that he or she will keep a true record of the
proceedings of the board. Each member, recorder, assistant
recorder, and administrative support personnel shall swear, or
affirm, that he or she will not disclose the proceedings or
recommendations of the board except as authorized or required by
SECNAV or higher authority.
d. Information Furnished to Continuation Selection Boards
(1) SECNAV will provide the following information to
each continuation board at the time it is convened:
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (5)
(a) The minimum and maximum periods of continuation
that the board may recommend.
(b) The maximum number of officers that the board
may recommend for continuation.
(c) Information on the skill needs and
qualifications for officers in each grade under consideration
and such other information and guidelines as may be necessary to
enable the board to perform its functions properly.
(2) CMC shall provide the names and pertinent records of
officers to be considered for continuation.
e. Board Reports. Board reports shall be forwarded to
SECNAV for approval or disapproval in whole or in part via CMC
for his recommendations and NJAG for legal review. Each report
shall be in writing and shall be signed by all members and
recorders. The report of each continuation board shall certify
that the board has carefully considered the record of each
officer whose name was furnished to the board and that, in the
opinion of a majority of the members of the board the officers
recommended for continuation are fully qualified for
continuation and that their continuation is in the best interest
of the Marine Corps.
f. Under SECNAV guidance, CMC shall, prior to submission of
the board report to SECNAV, screen the names of the officers
recommended for continuation by the board for adverse material
which may not have been in an officer's record and known to
board members. Depending upon the nature of the adverse
material, an officer’s selection for continuation may be
disapproved by SECNAV.
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (6)
Sample Application Format and Data Sheet for Limited Duty Officer
and Warrant Officer Programs
From: Grade, Full Name, SSN, MOS, and USMC/USMCR
To: Commandant of the Marine Corps (MORE)
Via: Immediate commanding officer and endorsing chain of command
(MARINE GUNNER) PROGRAM (as appropriate)
Ref: (a) SECNAVINST 1412.9B
(b) MCBul 1040 of (date)
(c) MCO P1070.12K
Encl: (1) Data Sheet
(2) Certified copy of NAVMC 763 (Appointment Acceptance and Record)
(LDO applicants only)
(3) Certified copy of SRB page 12 and 13 (if applicable)
(4) Certified copy of SRB pages 3 and 23 or Record of Service (ROS)
(applicable to sergeants only)
(5) Certified copy of BIR and BTR
(6) NAVMC 10476 (Reserve Qualification Summary) (Reserve applicants
(7) Certified copy of Scholastic Aptitude Test/American College Test
(SAT/ACT) Test Report (if applicable)
(8) Certified copy of evidence of security investigation (if
investigation not on BTR)
(9) Certified copy of SRB page 8a
(10) Certified copy of college transcripts and evidence of degree (if
(11) Photograph
1. I am eligible (except for [type of waiver]) and apply for the Fiscal
Year (XX) (enter appropriate program) as outlined in references (a) and (b).
Enclosures (1) through (11) (as applicable) are attached as requested. The
following information is submitted:
a. “I, (Full Name), if selected for appointment to (LDO/WO) and upon
acceptance of such appointment, agree to remain (on active duty/in the Ready
Reserve) for a period of not less than 3 years, unless sooner separated for
cause under the provisions of SECNAVINST 1920.6C, Administrative Separation
of Officers. I understand that this obligation will run concurrently with
any other legal obligation in force and will not serve to decrease any such
Reserve personnel on the Full Time Support (FTS) Program must include the
following statement:
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (6)
“If selected for appointment to the Reserve Warrant Officer Program, and upon
acceptance of such appointment, I agree to request release from my FTS
contract in order to comply with reference (a), enclosure (3), par 3d.”
(MARINE GUNNER) PROGRAM (as appropriate)
b. Date of Birth: YYYYMMDD.
c. Permanent grade and Date of Rank: (W-? or E-?) YYYYMMDD.
d. List off-duty education courses. (Attach transcripts, if available.)
e. List military schools and correspondence courses completed. (Include
school now attending and/or correspondence course(s) currently enrolled in,
if applicable.)
f. I have a NAC/Background Investigation (BI)/Special Background
Investigation (SBI) completed by the Defense Investigative Service on (date);
or I do not have a NAC/BI/SBI, but I initiated one on (date). Enclosure (8)
applies (if applicable).
g. Active naval service as of (date of appointment): XX yrs XX mos XX
days. If other than naval service is included in your Armed Forces Active
Duty Base Date (AFADBD), include branch of service, periods of service and
highest grade held.
h. Amount of commissioned service, if a former officer:
XX yrs XX mos XX days (if applicable).
i. MOS for which applying (as appropriate):
(1) First Choice:
(2) Second Choice:
(3) “I am willing to accept any MOS in which the board considers me
j. Amount of creditable service for retirement purposes as of (date of
appointment): XX yrs XX mos XX days. (Reserve applicants only.)
k. ASVAB EL, SAT, ACT test score and date tested (or ASVAB/ACB-61/AFCT
GT score for Marine Gunner). Ensure enclosures (5) and (7) are enclosed to
verify scores. Should enclosure (5) not contain the ASVAB score, retest as
outlined by MCO 1230.5A (WO applicants only).
l. List years of actual experience and key billets held in first and
second choice MOSs (if applicable).
m. Unit telephone number and point of contact. (Indicate your admin
office’s DSN or commercial numbers only. DO NOT use FTS numbers.)
n. Recent photo per reference (c) is attached as enclosure (X).
Signature of applicant
7 Feb 2006
Enclosure (6)
Instructions: Applicant must complete items A through K (or L, if
applicable) utilizing the space provided in column 2. Please use Courier or
Pica 10 pitch print. ALL CHARACTERS MUST BE IN CAPS.
______ PAGE 12, SRB
______ PAGE 3, SRB _______ EL VERIFICATION
______ ROS (Sgts only) _______ BIR & BTR
_______ PAGE 12
______ CITIZEN _______ PAGE 8A
______ DOB _______ PAGE 3/ROS
______ R/E _______ NAC EVIDENCE
______ ANS/TIS
______ EL/SAT
______ NAC