Investors understand that their principal
will be at high risk
*Investors should consult their financial advisors if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
This Key Information Memorandum (KIM) sets forth the information about the scheme, which a prospective
investor ought to know before investing.         
             
      
 IDBI Mutual Fund
 IDBI Bank Limited
(CIN: L65190MH2004GOI148838)
 IDBI Asset Management Limited
(CIN : U65100MH2010PLC199319)
 IDBI MF Trustee Company Limited
(CIN : U65991MH2010PLC199326)
 IDBI Tower, WTC Complex, Cuffe Parade, Colaba, Mumbai - 400 005
 5th Floor, Mafatlal Centre, Nariman Point, Mumbai- 400 021
 www.idbimutual.co.in
Long term capital growth
Investment predominantly in equity and equity related instruments of
companies engaged in Banking & Financial Services Sector
 
 
The objecve of the scheme is to provide investors maximum growth opportunies and to achieve
long term capital appreciaon by predominantly invesng in equity and equity related instruments
of companies engaged in Banking and Financial Services Sector. However there can be no assurance
that the investment objecve under the scheme will be realized.
The asset allocaon paern for the scheme under normal circumstances is detailed in the table
below: -
(% of total assets)
 
Equity & Equity related instruments of companies
engaged in Banking & Financial Services Sector
80% 100% High
Equity and Equity related instruments of other than
Banking & Financial Services Sector Companies
0% 20% High
Debt and Money Market instruments 0% 20%
Low to
Units issued by Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
& Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs)
0% 10%
to High
Debt and Money Market instruments may include securized debt up to 10% of the net assets
of the Scheme.
The mutual fund shall comply with the applicable provisions of SEBI Circular dated January 7,
2014 and all other guidelines issued by SEBI, Exchanges and other Governmental authories
with respect to transacons in securized debt instruments. The scheme may invest up to 50%
of Net Assets of Scheme into equity derivaves instruments. Investment in derivaves shall be
for hedging, porolio balancing and such other purposes as maybe permied from me to me.
The investments may be made in primary as well as secondary markets. The porolio will be
suciently diversied so as to reduce the risk of underperformance due to unexpected security
specic factors.
The porolio of Equity and Equity related instruments of Banking & Financial Services Companies
will comprise of stocks forming part of the constuent of the Benchmark Index as well of other
stocks which are classied /covered under “Banking and Financial Services” (as detailed under
secon “Investment Strategy” in the Scheme Informaon Document).
The Scheme will not invest in ADRs/GDRs, foreign securies.
The scheme may also enter into repurchase (repo) agreement and reverse repurchase agreement
in government securies held by it as per the guidelines and regulaons applicable to such
The scheme will not invest in Repo in Corporate Debt Securies.
The scheme will not write opons or purchase instruments with embedded wrien opons. The
total exposure related to opon premium paid will not exceed 20% of the net assets of the scheme.
Pending deployment of funds as per the investment objecve of the Scheme, the funds may be
parked in short term deposits of the Scheduled Commercial Banks, subject to guidelines and limits
specied by SEBI from me to me.
The Scheme may engage in short selling of securies in accordance with the framework relang
to Short Selling and securies lending and borrowing specied by SEBI.
The scheme shall not deploy more than 20% of its net asset in securies lending and not more
than 5% in securies lending to any single counterparty. The Scheme may also parcipate in
securies lending to augment its income. Securies lending in the scheme will be in accordance
with the guidelines on securies lending and borrowing scheme and modicaons issued by SEBI
from me to me such as circular no. MRD/DoP/SE/Dep/Cir-14 /2007 dated December 20, 2007
circular no. MRD/DoP/SE/Cir- 31/2008 dated October 31, 2008, circular no. MRD/DoP/SE/Dep/
Cir- 01 /2010 dated January 06, 2010, circular no. CIR/MRD/DP/33/2010 dated October 07, 2010
and circular no. CIR/MRD/DP/ 30 /2012 dated November 22, 2012.
The cumulave gross exposure under the Scheme through Equity and Equity related Instruments,
Money market instruments, debt instruments, Units of Mutual Fund Schemes, units of InvIT and
REIT and gross exposure to derivaves, will not exceed 100% of the net assets of the scheme.
Subject to the Regulaons, the asset allocaon paern indicated above may change from me to
me keeping in view market condions and investment opportunies, applicable regulaons and
polical and economic factors. It must be clearly understood that the percentages stated above are
only indicave and not absolute and that they can vary substanally depending upon the percepon
of the AMC, the intenon being at all mes to seek to protect the interests of the Unit holders.
Such changes in the asset allocaon paern will be for short term and defensive consideraons.
In the event of asset allocaon falling outside the limits specied in the asset allocaon table,
the fund manager will review and rebalance the same within 30 days from the date of deviaon.
If the rebalancing couldn’t be completed within the 30 days, the details of such instances will be
reported to the Trustees for taking necessary remedial measures. Though every endeavor will be
made to achieve the objecves of the Scheme, the AMC/Sponsors/Trustees do not guarantee that
the investment objecves of the Scheme will be achieved.
No guaranteed returns are being oered under the scheme.
Mutual Fund Units involve investment risks including the possible loss of principal. Please read
the SID carefully for details on risk factors before investment. Scheme specic Risk Factors are
summarized below:
1. The Trustees, AMC, Fund, their directors or their employees shall not be liable for any tax
consequences that may arise in the event that the scheme is wound up for the reasons and
in the manner provided under the Scheme Informaon Document & Statement of Addional
2. Trading volumes and selement periods may inherently restrict the liquidity of the scheme’s
investments. In the event of an inordinately large number of redempon requests, or of a
restructuring of the scheme’s investment porolio, these periods may become signicant.
In view of the same, the Trustees have the right in their sole discreon to limit redempons
(including suspending redempons) under certain circumstances.
The Mutual Fund is not assuring any dividend nor is it assuring that it will make any dividend
distribuons. All dividend distribuons are subject to the availability of distributable surplus
and would depend on the performance of the scheme and will be at the discreon of the AMC.
3. Redempon by the unit holders due to change in the fundamental aributes of the scheme
or due to any other reasons may entail tax consequences. The Trustees, AMC, their directors
or their employees shall not be liable for any tax consequences that may arise.
4. Dierent types of securies in which the Scheme/Plans would invest as given in the SID
carry dierent levels of risk. Accordingly the Scheme’s/Plan’s risk may increase or decrease
depending upon the investment paern. For e.g. corporate bonds carry a higher amount of
risk than Government Securies. Further even among corporate bonds, bonds which are
AAA rated, are comparavely less risky than bonds, which are AA rated.
5. The tax benets described in the SID are as available under the present taxaon laws and
are available subject to relevant condion. The informaon given is included only for general
purpose and is based on advice received by the AMC regarding the law and pracce currently
in force in India and the Investors and Unit Holders should be aware that the relevant scal
rules or their interpretaon may change. As in the case with any investment, there can be
no guarantee that the tax posion or the proposed tax posion prevailing at the me of the
investment in the Scheme(s) will endure indenitely. In view of the individual nature of tax
consequences, each Investor/Unit holder is advised to consult his/her/its own professional
tax advisor.
 
IDBI Banking & Financial Services Fund is a sectoral fund. It will invest in equity/equity related
instruments of companies engaged in Banking and Financial Services Sector and hence can
be aected by the risks associated with the Banking and Financial Services Sector. Sectoral
funds generally tend to hold a relavely smaller number of stocks, all of which tend to be
aected by the same factors. Since the Scheme will invest in securies which are sector
specic. To this extent investment universe of the fund will be restricted. This will lead to
less diversicaon on the stocks allocaon.
Owing to high concentraon risk for sectoral scheme, risk of capital loss is highest. There is
an element of unpredictable market cycles that could run for extended periods. Loss of value
due to obsolescence, or regulatory changes coupled with structural rigidity of the scheme
can lead to permanent loss of capital. Thus, invesng in a sector specic fund could involve
potenally greater volality and risk.
 
Equity shares and equity related instruments are volale and prone to price uctuaons on
a daily basis. The volality in the value of the equity and equity related instruments is due
to various micro and macro economic factors aecng the securies markets. This may have
adverse impact on individual securies /sector and consequently on the NAV of Scheme.
Investments in equity shares and equity related instruments involve a degree of risk and
investors should not invest in the Scheme unless they can aord to take the risks.
The inability of the Scheme to make intended securies purchases due to selement
problems could cause the Scheme to miss certain investment opportunies as in certain cases,
selement periods may be extended signicantly by unforeseen circumstances. Similarly, the
inability to sell securies held in the scheme porolio may result, at mes, in potenal losses
to the scheme, should there be a subsequent decline in the value of the securies held in
the scheme porolio.
Trading volumes, selement periods and transfer procedures may restrict the liquidity of the
investments made by the Scheme(s). Dierent segments of the Indian nancial markets have
dierent selement periods and such periods may be extended signicantly by unforeseen
circumstances leading to delays in receipt of proceeds from sale of securies. The NAV of
the Units of the Scheme can go up or down because of various factors that aect the capital
markets in general.
To migate risks associated with investments in equity and equity related instruments,
the AMC will ensure that they invest in suciently large number of issuers spread across
the sectors so as to maintain Opmum diversicaon and keep issuer/sector specic
concentraon risk relavely low. The Fund Manager will invest in companies idened
through a robust in-house research process for its investments merits compeve posion,
earnings growth, management quality etc and will be monitored on an ongoing basis to
minimize company/sector specic risks. The Fund Manager may also use derivaves tools
as appropriate to hedge against market/company specic risks.
 
: This risk arises due to any uncertainty in counterpartys ability or willingness to
meet its contractual obligaons. This risk pertains to the risk of default of payment of principal
and interest. Government Securies have zero credit risk while other debt instruments are
rated according to the issuer’s ability to meet the obligaons.
The AMC seek to manage credit risk by restricng investments only to investment grade
securies. Regular review of the issuer prole to monitor and evaluate the credit quality of
the issuer will be carried out.
: This risk is associated with movements in interest rate, which depend on
various factors such as government borrowing, inaon, economic performance etc. The
values of investments will appreciate/depreciate if the interest rates fall/rise.
Interest rate risk migaon will be through acve duraon management at the porolio level
through regular monitoring of the interest rate environment in the economy.
 The liquidity of a bond may change depending on market condions leading
to changes in the liquidity premium linked to the price of the bond. At the me of selling the
security, the security can become illiquid leading to loss in the value of the porolio.
The AMC will endeavour to migate liquidity risk by mapping investor prole and potenal
redempon expectaons into the porolio construcon to allow the scheme to liquidate
assets without signicantly impacng porolio returns.
: This risk arises from uncertainty in the rate at which cash ows from an
investment may be reinvested. This is because the bond will pay coupons, which will have to
be reinvested. The rate at which the coupons will be reinvested will depend upon prevailing
market rates at the me the coupons are received.
The AMC will endeavor to manage this risk by diversifying investments in instruments with
appropriate maturity baskets.
 
Derivave products are leveraged instruments and can provide disproporonate gains as
well as disproporonate losses to the investor. Execuon of such strategies depends upon
the ability of the fund manager to idenfy such opportunies. Idencaon and execuon
of the strategies to be pursued by the fund manager involve uncertainty and decision of fund
manager may not always be protable. No assurance can be given that the fund manager
will be able to idenfy or execute such strategies.
The risks associated with the use of derivaves are dierent from or possibly greater than,
the risks associated with invesng directly in securies and other tradional investments.
The following are the risks inherited in derivaves:
: Despite the risk migaon provided by various derivave instruments, there
remains an inherent price risk which may result in losses exceeding actual underlying.
: This is the risk that losses will be incurred due to default by counter party. This
is also known as credit risk or counterparty risk.
: This risk arises when the derivave instrument used to hedge the underlying asset
does not match the movement of the underlying being hedged for e.g. mismatch between
the maturity date of the futures and the actual selling date of the asset.
: Derivaves when used as hedging tool can also limit the prots from
a genuine investment transacon.
: This pertains to how saleable a security is in the market. All securies/instruments
irrespecve of whether they are equity, bonds or derivates may be exposed to liquidity risk
(when the sellers outnumber buyers) which may impact returns while exing opportunies.
The AMC will monitor the overall economic and credit environment including the systemic
liquidity on a regular basis and the outlook will be integrated into the risk control and
monitoring of the Scheme to control the risk emanang from derivave investments.
 
When the Fund engages in short selling, it will borrow the security from a third party with
the understanding that the security will be returned at a later date as and when required
by the lender. Short selling a security demonstrates a negave view on a parcular security
(i.e. an expectaon that the stock price will fall in future). However, there is a risk that the
stock price may go up contrary to expectaons which will result in losses to the Scheme. The
losses will be realized to the Scheme, if the Scheme may be forced to buy the shares in the
market at the prevailing higher market price (than the price at which sold inially) to return
the security to the lender if so required by the lender.
 
There are risks inherent to securies lending, including the risk of failure or bankruptcy
of the counter party, leading to non-compliance with the terms of the agreement by the
counterparty. Such failure can result in the possible loss of rights to the collateral, the inability
of the counterparty to return the securies deposited by the lender and the possible loss of
any corporate benets accruing thereon.
 
Invesng in unrated securies will be riskier compared to investment in rated instruments
due to non availability of third party assessment on the repaying capability of the issuer. Any
investment in unrated securies will be carried out only aer obtaining the general approval
from Board of Trustees and Board of AMC. The Mutual Fund will carry out internal rang
exercise for all unrated instruments in which the Fund Manger plans to make investments and
assign a proxy rang. Investments in unrated instruments will only be made in instruments
with proxy rang of A1+/ AA+ or above.
 
Securized Debt is a nancial instrument (bond) whose interest and principal payments are
backed by an underlying cash ow from another asset. The risks associated with invesng in
such instruments are:
  The instruments represent an undivided benecial interest in the
underlying receivables and do not represent an obligaon of either the Issuer or the
Seller or the originator, or the parent or any aliate of the Seller, Issuer and Originator.
No nancial recourse is available to the buyer of the security against the Investors’
   Delinquencies and credit losses may cause depleon
of the amount available under the Credit Enhancement and thereby the Monthly
Investor Payouts to the Holders may get aected if the amount available in the Credit
Enhancement facility is not enough to cover the shorall. On persistent default of an
Obligor to repay his obligaon, the Servicer may repossess and sell the Vehicle/ Asset.
However many factors may aect, delay or prevent the repossession of such Vehicle/
Asset or the length of me required to realize the sale proceeds on such sales. In addion,
the price at which such Vehicle/Asset may be sold may be lower than the amount due
from that Obligor.
  Full prepayment of a contract may lead to an event
in which investors may be exposed to changes in tenor and yield.
    If the service provider becomes subject to
bankruptcy proceedings and the court in the bankruptcy proceedings concludes that
either the sale from each Originator was not a sale then an Investor could experience
losses or delays in the payments due under the instrument.
  There is no assurance that a deep secondary market will develop for the
instrument. This could limit the ability of the investor to resell them.
 
To the extent of the investments in liquid mutual funds, the risks associated with invesng
in liquid funds like market risk, credit & default risk, liquidity risk, redempon risk including
the possible loss of principal etc. will exist.
 
The below are some of the common risks associated with investments in REITs & InvITs.
 : REITs and InvITs are volale and prone to price uctuaons on a daily
basis owing to market movements. AMC/Fund Managers investment decisions may
not always be protable, as actual market movements may be at variance with the
ancipated trends. NAV of the Scheme is vulnerable to movements in the prices of
securies invested by the scheme, due to various market related factors like changes
in the general market condions, factors and forces aecng capital market, level of
interest rates, trading volumes, selement periods and transfer procedures.
 : As the liquidity of the investments made by the Scheme could, at mes,
be restricted by trading volumes, selement periods, dissoluon of the trust, potenal
delisng of units on the exchange etc, the me taken by the Mutual Fund for liquidang
the investments in the scheme may be high in the event of immediate redempon
requirement. Investment in such securies may lead to increase in the scheme porolio risk.
 : Investments in REITs & InvITs may carry reinvestment risk as there
could be repatriaon of funds by the Trusts in form of buyback of units or dividend pay-
outs, etc. Consequently, the proceeds may get invested in assets providing lower returns.
 : REITs and InvITs being new asset classes, rights of unit holders
such as right to informaon etc may dier from exisng capital market asset classes
under Indian Law.
   REITs & InvITs run price-risk or interest-rate risk.
Generally, when interest rates rise, prices of exisng securies fall and when interest
rates drop, such prices increase. The extent of fall or rise in the prices is a funcon of the
exisng coupon, days to maturity and the increase or decrease in the level of interest
 : In simple terms this risk means that the issuer of a debenture/ bond or a
money market instrument may default on interest payment or even in paying back the
principal amount on maturity. REITs & InvITs are likely to have volale cash ows as the
repayment dates would not necessarily be pre scheduled.
To migate the risks associated with investments in REITs & InvITs, the Scheme will invest
in REITS/InvITs, where adequate due diligence and research has been performed by AMC.
The AMC also relies on its own research as well as third party research. This involves one-
to-one meengs with the managements, aending conferences and analyst meets and also
teleconferences. The analysis will focus, amongst others, on the strength of management,
predictability and certainty of cash ows, value of assets, capital structure, business prospects,
policy environment, volality of business condions, etc.
 
The Scheme of IDBI Mutual Fund (the “Product(s)”) are not sponsored, endorsed, sold
or promoted by India Index Services & Products Limited (“IISL”). IISL does not make any
representaon or warranty, express or implied, to the owners of the Product(s) or any member
of the public regarding the advisability of invesng in securies generally or in the Product(s)
parcularly or the ability of the NIFTY Indices to track general stock market performance in
India. The relaonship of IISL with IDBI Asset Management Company Limited (“the Issuer/
Licensee”) is only in respect of the licensing of the Indices and certain trademarks and trade
names associated with such Indices which is determined, composed and calculated by IISL
without regard to the Issuer /Licensee or the Product(s). IISL does not have any obligaon
to take the needs of the Issuer/Licensee or the owners of the Product(s) into consideraon
in determining, composing or calculang the NIFTY Indices. IISL is not responsible for or has
parcipated in the determinaon of the ming of, prices at, or quanes of the Product(s) to
be issued or in the determinaon or calculaon of the equaon by which the Product(s) is to
be converted into cash. IISL has no obligaon or liability in connecon with the administraon,
markeng or trading of the Product(s).
IISL do not guarantee the accuracy and/or the completeness of NIFTY Indices or any data
included therein and they shall have no liability for any errors, omissions, or interrupons
therein. IISL does not make any warranty, express or implied, as to results to be obtained by
IDBI AMC or any other person or enty from the use of NIFTY Indices or any data included
therein. IISL make no express or implied warranes, and expressly disclaim all warranes of
merchantability or tness for a parcular purpose or use with respect to the Index or any data
included therein. Without liming any of the foregoing, IISL expressly disclaim any and all liability
for any damages or losses arising out of the use of NIFTY Indices or any data included therein
by any third party, including any and all direct, special, punive, indirect, or consequenal
damages (including lost profits), even if notified of the possibility of such damages.
An investor, by subscribing or purchasing an interest in the Product(s), will be regarded as
having acknowledged, understood and accepted the disclaimer referred to in Clauses above
and will be bound by it.
The Scheme oers the following Plans for investment:-
a) Regular Plan
b) Direct Plan
As per SEBI circular no CIR/IMD/DF/21/2012 dated September 13, 2012, a separate plan (Direct
Plan) is provided to the investors for direct investments, i.e., investments not routed through a
The Direct Plan shall have a lower expense rao excluding distribuon expenses, commission, etc.,
and no commission shall be paid from such plan. The Scheme shall declare a separate NAV for all
sub-opons under both direct and regular plan.
The Regular and the Direct Plan will be maintained under a common porolio.
In case where investors do not opt for a parcular plan at the me of investment and the applicaon
is not routed through a distributor, Direct plan shall be considered as the default plan.
The default Plan (Direct Plan/Regular Plan) under various scenarios, shall be as below
 
1 Not menoned Not menoned Direct Plan
2 Not menoned Direct Direct Plan
3 Not menoned Regular Direct Plan
4 Menoned Direct Direct Plan
5 Direct Not Menoned Direct Plan
6 Direct Regular Direct Plan
7 Menoned Regular Regular Plan
8 Menoned Not Menoned Regular Plan
In cases of wrong/ invalid/ incomplete ARN codes (broker code) menoned on the applicaon
form, the applicaon shall be processed under Regular Plan. The AMC shall contact and obtain
the correct ARN code within 30 calendar days of the receipt of the applicaon form from the
investor/ distributor. In case, the correct code is not received within 30 calendar days, the AMC
shall reprocess the transacon under Direct Plan from the date of applicaon without any exit load.
Within each Plan there are two opons
Dividend opon and
Growth opon
The Growth opon will not declare any dividends.
In cases where investors do not opt for a parcular Opon at the me of investment, the default
Opon will be the Growth Opon.
Investors can opt for any one of following modes of dividend –
a) Dividend Payout
b) Dividend Reinvestment and
c) Dividend Sweep.
In cases, where investors have not specied the mode of dividend i.e. payout, reinvestment,
dividend sweep, the default mode will be reinvestment.
If the dividend amount is less than Rs. 100/-, the enre dividend amount shall be compulsorily
reinvested and no dividend payout will be made.
Under the Dividend sweep plan, All unit holders in the dividend opon of the scheme can transfer
their dividend to any open ended schemes (as and when made available for subscripon) of IDBI
Mutual Fund. Minimum dividend in the scheme required to avail Dividend Sweep (DSP) is Rs.1000/-.
If an Investor has opted for DSP and amount is less than Rs.1000, the dividend amount will be
reinvested and no sweep will be made.
If investors apply for subscripon of units under any Plans/Opons, the minimum subscripon
limits for new purchases/addional purchases/SIP will apply to each Plan/Opon.
Please note that IDBI Banking & Financial Services Fund does not assure any dividend under
any sub-opons in the Dividend opon. Declaraon of dividend is subject to the availability of
distributable surplus, if any, in the scheme and at the discreon of the AMC and Trustee Company.
Systemac Investment Plan (SIP), Systemac Withdrawal Plan (SWP), Systemac Transfer Plan(STP)
The following cut-o Timings shall be observed by a mutual fund for applicaon amount less than
Rs.2 lakhs in respect of purchase of units in the Scheme and its plans/opons, where the following
NAVs shall be applied for such purchase:
1. In respect of valid applicaons received up to 3.00 p.m. on a Business Day by the Fund along
with a local cheque or a demand dra payable at par at the Ocial Points of Acceptance
where the applicaon is received, the NAV of the day on which applicaon is received shall
be applicable.
2. In respect of valid applicaons received aer 3.00 p.m. on a Business Day by the Fund along
with a local cheque or a demand dra payable at par at the Ocial Points of Acceptance
where the applicaon is received, the NAV of the next Business day shall be applicable.
3. In respect of valid applicaons with an outstaon cheques or demand dras not payable at
par at the Ocial Points of Acceptance where the applicaon is received, the NAV of day on
which the cheque or demand dra is credited shall be applicable.
The following cut-o mings shall be observed by a mutual fund for applicaon amount equal to
or more than Rs.2 lakhs in respect of purchase of units in all schemes and their plans except liquid
fund schemes, where the following NAVs shall be applied for such purchase:
1. where the applicaon is received up to 3.00 p.m. on a business day and funds are available
for ulizaon before the cut-o me without availing any credit facility, whether, intra-day
or otherwise – the closing NAV of the day of receipt of applicaon;
2. where the applicaon is received aer 3.00 p.m. on a day and funds are available for ulizaon
on the same day without availing any credit facility, whether, intra-day or otherwise the
closing NAV of the next business day ; and
3. irrespecve of the me of receipt of applicaon, where the funds are not available for
ulizaon before the cut-o me without availing any credit facility, whether, intra-day or
otherwise – the closing NAV of the day on which the funds are available for ulizaon.
All mulple applicaons for investment (at the rst holders PAN level) in a parcular scheme
(irrespecve of the plan/opon/sub-opon) received on the same Business Day, will be treated
as a single applicaon for the purpose of compung total applicaon amount for determining
applicable NAV.
For investments of an amount equal to or more than Rs. 2 lakhs through systemac investment
routes such as Systemac Investment Plans (SIP), Systemac Transfer Plans (STP) the units will
be alloed as per the closing NAV of the day on which the funds are available for ulizaon by
the Scheme.
The following cut-o mings shall be applicable with respect to repurchase of units in the Scheme
and the following NAVs shall be applied for such repurchase:
1. Where the applicaon is received up to 3.00 pm on a business day – the closing NAV of day
on which the applicaon is received; and
2. Where the applicaon is received aer 3.00 pm on a business day – the closing NAV of the
next business day.
 Valid applicaons for ‘switch-in’ shall be treated as applicaons for subscripon and
the provisions of the cut-o me and the Applicable NAV menoned in the SID as applicable to
subscripon shall be applied to the ‘switch-in’ applicaons.
 Valid applicaons for ‘switch-outshall be treated as applicaons for Redempon and
the provisions of the Cut-o me and the Applicable NAV menoned in the SID as applicable to
Redempon shall be applied to the ‘switch-out’ applicaons.
In case of ‘switch’ transacons from one scheme to another, the allotment shall be in line with
redempon payouts and realizaon of funds into the switch-in scheme (where applicable).
The me of transacon done through various online facilies/electronic modes oered by the
AMC, for the purpose of determining the applicability of NAV, would be the me when the request
for purchase/sale/switch of units is received in the servers of AMC/RTA.
In case of transacons through online facilies/electronic modes, there may be a me lag of up to
1 to 3 banking days between the amount of subscripon being debited to investor’s bank account
and the subsequent credit into the respecve Scheme’s bank account. This lag may impact the
applicability of NAV for transacons where NAV is to be applied, based on actual realizaon of funds
by the Scheme. Under no circumstances will IDBI Asset Management Limited or its bankers or its
service providers be liable for any lag/delay in realizaon of funds and consequent pricing of units.
  
Rs. 5,000/- and in mulples of Re. 1/-
 
Rs. 1,000/- per month for a minimum
period of 6 months.
Rs. 500/- per month for a minimum
period of 12 months
Rs.1,500/- per quarter for minimum
period of 4 quarters.
Investments above minimum amount
mentioned above, shall be made in
mulples of Re. 1/- for all SIP in both
Opons irrespecve of frequency of SIP.
Rs. 1,000/- and in
multiples of Re.1/-
Rs. 1,000/- or 100 units or
account balance whichever
is lowest
In case the Investor species
the number of units and
amount, the number of
Units shall be considered
for redempon. In case the
unit holder does not specify
both, i.e. the number of
units and amount, the
request will not be
The Mutual Fund will endeavor to dispatch the redempon proceeds not later than 10 business days
from the date of acceptance of a valid redempon request. In case the redempon proceeds are
not dispatched within 10 business days of the date of receipt of valid redempon request, the AMC
will pay interest @ 15% p.a.(at present) or such other rate as may be prescribed from me to me.
Restricons on redempons, if any, shall be imposed only as per the spulaons of SEBI circular
No. SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2016/57 dated May 31, 2016. Such a restricon may be imposed
when there are circumstances leading to a systemic crisis or event that severely constricts market
liquidity or the ecient funconing of markets such as:
i.  - when market at large becomes illiquid aecng almost all securies rather
than any issuer specic security.
ii.  - when markets are aected by unexpected events which
impact the funconing of exchanges or the regular course of transacons. Such unexpected
events could also be related to polical, economic, military, monetary or other emergencies.
iii.   when exceptional circumstances are caused by force majeure,
unpredictable operaonal problems and technical failures (e.g. a black out). Such cases can
only be considered if they are reasonably unpredictable and occur in spite of appropriate
diligence of third pares, adequate and eecve disaster recovery procedures and systems.
Restricon on redempon shall be imposed only with the approval of the Board of AMC and Trustee
Company. Such imposion of restricon shall be immediately inmated to SEBI.
The restricon shall be imposed for a specied period of me not exceeding 10 working days in
any 90 days period.
When restricon on redempon is imposed, following procedure shall be applied by AMC:
1. No redempon requests up to INR 2 lakhs shall be subject to such restricon.
2. Where redempon requests are above INR 2 lakhs, AMC shall redeem the rst INR 2 lakhs
without such restricon and remaining part over and above INR 2 lakhs shall be subject to
such restricon.
NIFTY Financial Services - Total Return Index (TRI)
Dividend declaraon under the Dividend opons in the scheme is subject to the availability of
distributable surplus and at the discreon of the AMC and no returns is assured under the scheme.
Ms. Uma Venkatraman
Tenure of managing Scheme - This is a New Fund Oer
IDBI MF Trustee Company Limited
IDBI Banking & Financial Services Fund is a new scheme and does not have any performance
track record.
SEBI vide its Circular SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2016/42 dated 18th March 2016, has spulated to
disclose Top 10 holdings by Issuer, Fund Allocaon towards various Sectors, Porolio Turnover Rao.
However as this is a new fund oer, such disclosures are not applicable currently.
On an ongoing basis, Investor may visit www.idbimutual.co.in/downloads/Fund Porolio for latest
monthly porolio of the scheme.
 
The New Fund Oer expenses of IDBI Banking & Financial Services Fund would be borne by the
Asset Management Company.-
 
Not Applicable;
 
1% for exit within 12 months from the
date of allotment. No load on exit after the
aforemenoned period.
  
Not applicable
  
1% for exit within 12 months
from the date of allotment. No load on exit
aer the aforemenoned period.
The exit load will be applicable for both normal transacons and SIP transacons. In case of
Systemac Investment Plan (SIP) transacons, the date of allotment for each installment for
subscripon will be reckoned for charging exit load on redempon.
SEBI vide its circular no. SEBI/IMD/CIR No. 4/ 168230/09 dated June 30, 2009 has decided that
there shall be no entry Load for all Mutual Fund Schemes. The upfront commission, if any, to
the distributor on the investment made by the investor will be paid by the investor directly to
the distributor, based on his assessment of various factors including the service rendered by the
SEBI vide circular Ref no: CIR/IMD/DF/21/2012 dated September 13, 2012 and nocaon dated
September 26, 2012 requires, the exit load, if any, charged by mutual fund scheme to be credited
to the respecve scheme aer debing applicable service tax, if any on the next business day.
No exit load shall be levied for switching between Opons (Growth/Dividend) under the same
Plan (Regular/Direct) within a Scheme. Switch of investments from Regular Plan to Direct Plan
under the same Scheme shall be subject to applicable exit load, unless the investments were made
directly i.e. without any distributor code. However, any subsequent switch-out or redempon of
such investments from Direct Plan will not be subject to any exit load.
No exit load shall be levied for switch-out from Direct Plan to Regular Plan within the same Scheme.
However, any subsequent switch-out or redempon of such investment from Regular Plan shall be
subject to exit load based on the date of switch-in of investment into the Regular Plan.
No exit load will be levied on Bonus Units (if any) and Units alloed on Dividend Re-investment.
 
As per regulaon 52(6)(C) the total expenses of the scheme excluding issue or redempon
expenses, whether inially borne by the Mutual Fund or by the AMC, but including the investment
management and advisory fee shall be subject to the following limits :-
(i) On the rst Rs. 100 Crores of the daily net assets : 2.50%
(ii) On the next Rs. 300 Crores of the daily net assets : 2.25%
(iii) On the next Rs. 300 Crores of the daily net assets : 2.00%
(iv) On the balance of the assets : 1.75%
The Scheme may charge addional expense not exceeding of 0.30% of daily net assets subject to
the condions menoned in regulaon 52 (6A) (b) SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulaons, 1996. Further,
as per regulaon 52(6A)(c) SEBI (Mutual fund) Regulaon 1996, The Mutual Fund Scheme may
charge addional expenses, incurred towards dierent heads menoned under sub regulaons
(2) and (4), not exceeding 0.20% of daily net assets of the Scheme.
The AMC has esmated that annual recurring expenses of up to 2.70% of the daily net assets may
be charged to the Scheme without including the addional expense incurred towards distribuon of
assets to cies beyond Top 30 cies. The maximum expense including addional expense towards
distribuon of assets to cies beyond Top 30 cies, if any, will not exceed 3.00% of the daily net
assets that may be charged to the Scheme.
Investors making investments directly with the mutual fund under the direct plan will be beneted
with a lower expense rao excluding distribuon expenses, commission, etc and no commission
shall be paid from such plans.
If the expenses exceed the limits stated above, expenses incurred in excess of the limits stated
above shall be borne by the AMC.
Mutual Funds/AMCs shall annually set apart at least 2 basis points (0.02%) on daily net assets
within the maximum limit of TER as per regulaon 52 of the Regulaons for investor educaon
and awareness iniaves.
The AMCs may charge GST on investment and advisory fees to the scheme in addion to the
maximum limit of TER as prescribed in regulaon 52 of the Regulaons.
GST on other than investment and advisory fees, if any, shall be borne by the scheme within the
maximum limit of TER as per regulaon 52 of the Regulaons. GST on brokerage and transacon
cost paid for asset purchases, if any, shall be within the limit prescribed under regulaon 52 of
the Regulaons.
The fees and expenses menoned above are the maximum limits allowed under the regulaons
and the AMC may at its absolute discreon adopt any fees/expense structure within the regulatory
limits menoned above. For the actual current expenses being charged, the investor should refer
to the website of the Mutual Fund. The Mutual Fund would update the current expense raos
on the website (www.idbimutual.co.in) at least three working days prior to the eecve date of
the change. The exact web link for TER is hps://www.idbimutual.co.in/statutory-disclosure/
    
 
 
 
     
 
 
 
 
 
Not applicable
The Tax rate applicable to equity schemes will be as below:-
  
 Nil Individual/HUF - 25% p.a (plus
applicable surcharge & cess)
Others - 30%p.a (plus
applicable surcharge & cess)
 (units
held for more than 12 months)
10% on LTCG, in excess of
Rs. 1 lakh in a nancial year.
No indexation benefit is
available on computaon of
such LTCG
Units of equity oriented
funds that were acquired
before January 31, 2018, and
which would be transferred on
or aer April 1, 2018, the
assesse shall be entled to
exempon on so much of
the capital appreciaon as
has accrued up to January
31, 2018.
 (units
held for less than 12 months)
15% (plus applicable surcharge
and cess)
As per Secon 10(38) of the Act, equity oriented fund means a fund where the invesble funds
are invested by way of equity share in domesc companies to the extent of more than sixty ve
percent of the total proceeds of such fund and which has been set up under a scheme of a mutual
fund specied under Secon 10(23D) of the Act.
Transacons in units of Equity oriented Scheme also aract securies transacon tax (STT) at
applicable rates.
** For further details on taxation please refer to the Section on Taxation in the SAI and
independently refer to your tax advisor
The NAV, Sale Price and Repurchase Price will be declared and will be published at least in
2 daily newspapers on all business days. NAV can also be viewed on www.idbimutual.co.in and
Karvy Computershare Private Limited
SEBI Registraon Number: INR000000221
Unit: IDBI Mutual Fund
KARVY SELENIUM, Plot No.31 & 32, Tower B, Survey No.115/22, 115/24 & 115/25, Financial
District, Gachibowli, Nanakramguda, Serlingampally Mandal, Hyderabad - 500 032, Ranga Reddy
District, Telengana State.
Phone: 040-3321 5121 to 040-3321 5123., Email: idbimf.customercare@karvy.com
IDBI Asset Management Limited
5th Floor, Mafatlal Center, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021. Phone No.: 022-6644 2844;
Fax: 022-6644 2801, Email: [email protected].
     
5th Floor, Mafatlal Center, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021. Phone No. 022-6644 2888
email-id: complianceo[email protected]
IDBI Asset Management Limited
5th Floor, Mafatlal Center, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021. Phone No. 022-6644 2822
If not sased with the response of the intermediary you can lodge your grievances with SEBI at
hp://scores.gov.in or you may also write to any of the oces of SEBI. For any queries, feedback
or assistance, please contact SEBI Oce on Toll Free Helpline at 1800 22 7575/1800 266 7575.
 : For all applicants whose applicaon has been accepted, the AMC shall
send a conrmaon specifying the number of units alloed to the applicant by way of email
and/or text SMS’s to the applicant’s registered email address and/or mobile number as soon as
possible but not later than 5 working days from the date of closure of the Inial Subscripon
list and/ or from the date of receipt of the request from the unit holders.
As a rst step in the direcon to create one record for all nancial assets of every individual,
SEBI has advised Depositories and AMCs, vide Circular No.CIR/MRD/DP/31/2014 dated
November 12, 2014, to enable a single consolidated view of all the investments of an investor
in Mutual Funds (MF) and securies held in demat form with the Depositories.
Consolidaon of account statement shall be done on the basis of PAN. In case of mulple
holding, it shall be PAN of the rst holder and paern of holding. For PANs which are common
between depositories and AMCs, the Depositories shall send the CAS. In other cases (i.e. PANs
with no demat account and only MF units holding); the AMCs/ MF-RTAs shall connue to
send the CAS to their unit holders on or before tenth day of succeeding month of allotment
in compliance with Regulaon 36(4) of the SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulaons, 1996.
Where statements are presently being dispatched by email either by the Mutual Funds or
by the Depositories, CAS shall be sent through email.
However, where an investor does not wish to receive CAS through email, opon shall be
given to the investor to receive the CAS in physical form. If there is any transacon in any of
the demat accounts of the investor or in any of his mutual fund folios, then the depositories
shall consolidate and dispatch the CAS within ten days from the month end.
Please note that, no monthly statements will be issued to the unit holders of the schemes,
either by Depositories or by Mutual Fund/AMC, unless a transacon is recorded in the month
for which the statement is issued.
In the case of all investors, excluding those investors who do not have any holdings in MF
schemes and where no commission against the investment has been paid to distributor
during the concerned half year period, consolidated half yearly (September/March) account
statement will be issued by the Depository or Mutual Fund/AMC, as may be applicable, on or
before tenth day of succeeding month, detailing holding at the end of the six month, across
all schemes of all mutual funds.
Please refer SEBI circular no. SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2016/89 dated September 20, 2016
for further details on Consolidated Account Statement.
For PANs which are common between depositories and AMCs, the Depositories shall send
the CAS. In case investors have mulple accounts across the two depositories, the depository
having the demat account which has been opened earlier shall be the default depository
which will consolidate details across depositories and MF investments and dispatch the CAS
to the investor. However, opon shall be given to the demat account holder by the default
depository to choose the depository through which the investor wishes to receive the CAS.
Transacon for this purpose shall include purchase, redempon, switch, dividend payout,
dividend reinvestment, systemac investment plan, systemac withdrawal plan and systemac
transfer plan.
 
Mutual funds/AMCs will disclose porolio (along with ISIN) as on the last day of the month
in the format prescribed by SEBI in its website on or before the tenth day of the succeeding
month in a user-friendly and downloadable format.
 
The Mutual Fund shall publish a complete statement of the scheme porolio, within one
month from the close of each half year (i.e. 31
March and 30
September), by way of an
adversement at least, in one Naonal English daily and one regional newspaper in the
language of the region where the head oce of the Mutual Fund is located as per the new
format prescribed by SEBI vide their Circular No. MFD/CIR/1/200/2001 dated April 20, 2001
The Mutual Fund may opt to send the porolio statement to all unit holders in lieu of the
adversement (if applicable).
The porolio statements will also be displayed on the website of AMFI.
 
The Mutual Fund and the AMC shall before the expiry of one month from the close of each
half year that is on 31
March and on 30
September, publish its unaudited nancial results
in its website in a user friendly and downloadable format as per the format prescribed by
SEBI vide their Circular No. MFD/CIR/1/200/2001 dated April 20, 2001.The unaudited nancial
results will also be displayed on the website of AMFI.
Mutual Fund shall publish an adversement disclosing the hosng of such nancial results
on their website, in one English daily newspaper having naonwide circulaon and in a
newspaper having a wide circulaon published in the language of the region where the head
oce of the mutual fund is situated.
  The Scheme wise Annual Report or an abridged summary thereof shall be
mailed to all Unit holders within four months from the date of closure of the relevant accounts
year i.e. 31
March each year.
The Abridged Scheme wise Annual Report may be mailed to the investors’ e-mail address if
so mandated.
The Scheme wise annual report shall also be displayed on the website of the Mutual Fund
and AMFI.
The full Annual Report shall be available for inspecon at the Head Oce of the mutual fund
and a copy thereof shall be made available to unit holder on payment of such nominal fees
as may be specied by the mutual fund.
The audited nancial statements of the schemes shall form part of the Annual Report. The
statutory auditors appointed by the Trustees for the audit of Mutual Fund are M/s. Ray and
Ray, Chartered Accountants, Mumbai.
The Porolio Statement, unaudited nancial results, Scheme wise annual report will also be displayed on the website of the Mutual Fund and AMFI.
For those Unit holders who have provided an e-mail address, the AMC will send the account statement, annual report or abridged annual report by e-mail and no separate Physical account
statement, annual report or abridged annual report will be issued.
Investors who have not provided an email id and investors who have specically requested for physical documents despite providing the email id to the Mutual Fund will connue to receive the
documents menoned above in physical form. Should the Unit holder experience any diculty in accessing the electronically delivered documents, the Unit holder shall promptly advise the
Mutual Fund to enable the Mutual Fund to make the delivery through alternate means. It is deemed that the Unit holder is aware of all security risks including possible third party intercepon
of the documents and contents of the documents becoming known to third pares.
The Unitholder may request for a physical account statement/ annual report/abridged annual report by wring/calling the AMC/ISC/R&T.
   
Sectoral Fund Focused Fund Small Cap Fund Mid Cap Fund ELSS Large Cap Fund Mul Cap Fund
 An open ended equity
scheme invesng in
Banking & Financial
Services Sector.
An open ended equity
scheme invesng in
maximum 30 stocks
(predominantly large
An open ended equity
Scheme predominantly
invesng in small cap
An open ended
equity Scheme
invesng in mid cap
An open ended equity
linked saving scheme with a
statutory lock in of 3 years
and tax benet.
An open ended
equity scheme
invesng in large cap
An open ended
equity scheme
invesng across large
cap, mid cap, small
cap stocks.
Investment predominantly
in equity and equity
related instruments of
companies engaged
in Banking & Financial
Services Sector.
predominantly in large
cap focused equity
and equity related
instruments of up to
30 companies.
Investment in
predominantly in
Equity and Equity
related instruments of
Small Cap Companies.
predominantly in
Equity and Equity
related instruments
of Midcap
Investment Predominantly
in Equity and Equity related
instruments without sector /
market capitalizaon bias.
predominantly in
Equies and equity
related instruments of
Large cap companies.
Investment in
equies and equity
related instruments
across dierent
market caps and
The objecve of the
scheme is to provide
investors maximum
growth opportunies
and to achieve long term
capital appreciaon by
predominantly invesng in
equity and equity related
instruments of companies
engaged in Banking and
Financial Services Sector.
However there can be
no assurance that the
investment objecve
under the scheme will be
The investment
objecve of the
Scheme is to
provide long term
capital appreciaon
by invesng in
concentrated porolio
of large cap focused
equity and equity
related instruments
of up to 30 companies
and balance in
debt and money
market Instruments.
However there can be
no assurance that the
investment objecve
of the Scheme will be
The Investment
objecve of the
Scheme is to provide
investors with the
opportunies for
long-term capital
by invesng
predominantly in
Equity and Equity
related instruments of
Small Cap companies.
However there can be
no assurance that the
investment objecve
under the Scheme will
be realized.
The objecve of the
scheme is to provide
investors with the
opportunies for
long-term capital
by invesng
predominantly in
Equity and Equity
related instruments
of Midcap
Companies. However
there can be no
assurance that the
investment objecve
under the scheme
will be realized.
The Scheme will seek
to invest predominantly
in a diversied porolio
of equity and equity
related instruments with
the objecve to provide
investors with opportunies
for capital appreciaon
and income along with
the benet of income-tax
deducon (under secon
80C of the Income-tax Act,
1961) on their investments.
Investments in this scheme
would be subject to a
statutory lock-in of 3 years
from the date of allotment
to be eligible for income-tax
benets under Secon 80C.
There can be no assurance
that the investment
objecve under the scheme
will be realized.
The Investment
objecve of the
Scheme is to provide
investors with the
opportunies for
long-term capital
by invesng
predominantly in
Equity and Equity
related Instruments of
Large Cap companies.
However there can be
no assurance that the
investment objecve
under the Scheme will
be realized.
The Investment
objecve of the
Scheme is provide
investors with
opportunies for
long-term capital
appreciaon by
invesng in a
diversied porolio
of Equity and Equity
related Instruments
across market
However there can
be no assurance
that the investment
objecve under
the scheme will be
 80%-100% Equity & Equity
related instruments of
companies engaged
in Banking & Financial
Services Sector
0%-20% Equity and Equity
related instruments
of other than Banking
& Financial Services
Companies Sector
0%-20% Debt and Money
Market instruments
0%-10% Units issued by
Real Estate Investment
Trusts (REITs) &
Infrastructure Investment
Trusts (InvITs)
65%-100% Equity
and Equity related
instruments ( which
are not exceeding 30
The Scheme shall
invest minimum
65% in large cap
companies by market
0%-35% Debt and
Money Market
65%-100% Equity
& Equity related
instruments of Small
Cap Companies
0%-35% Equity
& Equity related
instruments of
Companies other than
Small Cap Companies
0%-35% Debt and
Money Market
Instruments and CBLO
0%-10% units issued
by Real Estate
Investment Trusts
(REITs) & Infrastructure
65%-100% Equies
and Equity related
instruments of Mid
cap Companies
0%-35% Equies
and Equity related
instruments of
other than midcap
0%-35% Debt and
Money Market
0%-10% units
issued by Real
Estate Investment
Trusts (REITs) &
80%-100% Equies and
equity related instruments
0-20% Debt and Money
Market Instruments
80%-100% Equies
and equity related
instruments of Large
Cap Companies
0%-20% Equies
and Equity related
instruments of other
than Large Cap
0%-20% Debt and
Money Market
0%-10% units
issued by Real
Estate Investment
Trusts (REITs) &
65%-100% Equity
& Equity related
instruments across
market capitalizaon
0%-35% Debt and
Money Market
0%-10% units
issued by Real
Estate Investment
Trusts (REITs) &
 NIFTY Financial Services
Total Return Index (TRI)
Niy 100 Total Return
Niy Smallcap 250
Total Return Index
Niy Midcap 100
Total Return Index
S&P BSE 200 Total Return
Niy 100 Total Return
S&P BSE 500 Total
Return Index
Dividend is not assured
and subject to the
availability of distributable
surplus and at the
discreon of AMC and
Dividend is not
assured and subject
to the availability of
distributable surplus
and at the discreon
of AMC and Trustees.
Dividend is not
assured and subject
to the availability of
distributable surplus
and at the discreon of
AMC and Trustees.
Dividend is not
assured and subject
to the availability of
distributable surplus
and at the discreon
of AMC and Trustees.
Dividend is not assured and
subject to the availability of
distributable surplus and at
the discreon of AMC and
Dividend is not
assured and subject
to the availability of
distributable surplus
and at the discreon
of AMC and Trustees.
Dividend is not
assured and subject
to the availability of
distributable surplus
and at the discreon
of AMC and Trustees.
Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
- 30207 26335 35635 65627 52009 31955
- 352.94 233.83 286.33 689.44 419.47 385.42
a. It must be understood clearly that all the applicants are deemed to have accepted the
terms & condions subject to which these oers are being made and bind themselves
to the terms menoned in the SAI/SID/KIM upon signing the applicaon form and
tendering payment.
b. Applicaon Form should be lled legibly in ENGLISH in BLOCK Leers using black or
blue ink. Please strike out any secon that is not applicable.
c. Applicaon form complete in all respects with the
necessary remiances may be submied at IDBI MF Corporate Oce, IDBI MF ISC/
ocial Points of Acceptance of the Registrar or such other collecon centers as may
be designated by the AMC. The list of collecon centers are given on the website
of IDBI Mutual Fund. Applicaons received by post/courier will be deemed to have
been submied on date of receipt at the designated collecon centre.
d. Investors are advised to retain the acknowledgement slip signed/stamped by the
collecon centre where they submit the applicaon.
e. Allotment of Units: Allotment is assured to all applicants provided the applicaon
is complete in all respects and is in order. Incomplete applicaons are liable to be
1) 
 As per direcons of Securies and Exchange
Board of India (SEBI), the distributors, agents or any other person employed or
engaged or to be employed or engaged in the sale and/or distribuon of mutual
fund products are required to have a valid cercaon from the Naonal Instute
of Securies Markets (NISM) by passing the cercaon examinaon. Further, no
agents/distributors are entled to sell units of mutual funds unless the intermediary
is registered with Associaon of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI).
: SEBI has made it compulsory for
every employee/relaonship manager/sales person of the distributor of mutual fund
products to quote the EUIN obtained by him/her from AMFI in the Applicaon Form.
EUIN, parcularly in advisory transacons, would assist in addressing any instance
of mis-selling even if the employee/relaonship manager/sales person later leaves
the employment of the distributor. Individual ARN holders including senior cizens
distribung mutual fund products are also required to obtain and quote EUIN in the
Applicaon Form. Hence, if investments are routed through a distributor, please
ensure that the EUIN is correctly lled up in the Applicaon Form. EUIN is mandatory
for non-advisory transacons (execuon only) also, though the advice relang to the
scheme or asset class is only incidental. However, in case of any exceponal cases
where there is no interacon by the employee/sales person/relaonship manager
of the distributor/sub broker with respect to the transacon, investors are required
to provide a duly signed declaraon to this eect, as given in the Form.
: Overseas Distributors are exempted from obtaining NISM
cercaon and AMFI registraon. However, such Overseas Distributors are required
to comply with the guidelines/requirements as may be issued by AMFI / SEBI from
me to me and also comply with the laws, rules and regulaons of jurisdicons
where they carry out their operaons in the capacity of distributors.
 Investors applying under Direct Plan must menon “Direct” in
ARN column. In case Distributor code is menoned in the applicaon form, but “Direct
Plan” is indicated against the Scheme name, the Distributor code will be ignored
and the applicaon will be processed under Direct Plan. In case of valid applicaon
received without indicang “Direct Plan” against the Scheme/Plan name and without
any Distributor Code menoned on the form, the applicaon will be processed under
“Direct Plan”.
   Investors desirous of receiving documents
such as allotment advice, statement of accounts, periodical reports and other
communications in electronic form are required to mention their email ID in
applicaon form. The email ID as declared by the investor will be registered in our
records and all future communicaon will be made to such registered email ID. It may
be noted that no physical document will be sent to an investor (unless specically
requested) who has a registered email ID with us.
 The purpose of collecon/usage of Aadhaar number including demographic
informaon is to comply with applicable laws/rules/ regulaons and provision of the
said data is mandatory as per applicable laws/rules/regulaons. Post obtaining the
Aadhaar number, we shall authencate the same in accordance with the Aadhaar
Act, 2016. We shall receive your demographic informaon which shall be used only
to comply with applicable laws/rules/ regulaons. While providing Aadhaar card
copy, please indicate the purpose as “Provided for linking in MF folios” sign on the
copy with date.
Updaon will be done at a folio level and credenals like Name updated in the Folio
will be authencated for aadhaar seeding. Incase of mismatch, request is liable to
be rejected. Submission of this form does not warranty linking of Aadhaar Number
in your Folios. It is subject to authencaon with UIDAI database & other required
validaons. Please ensure your mobile number is updated in your Aadhar database.
If the POA holder is an Instuon, then the details including Aadhaar is to be lled
of the individuals forming part of the Authorized Signatory List of the POA Holder
provided that the POA holder has discreonary authority to sign/submit transacons
on behalf of the client For Non-individual investors, Aadhaar and PAN needs to be
submied for all individuals forming part of Authorized Signatory List (ASL), Company
Secretary, Director and Authorized Ocials.
 Pursuant to SEBI leer OW/16541/2012 dated
July 24, 2012, investment in Mutual Fund schemes (including investments in SIP)
upto Rs. 50,000/- per year, per investor, per Mutual Fund shall be exempted from
the requirement of PAN. Accordingly, individuals (but not POIs, NRIs and Minors) and
sole proprietary rms who do not possess PAN (HUF and other categories are not
eligible for such investments) are exempt from submission of PAN for investments
upto Rs. 50,000 in a rolling 12 months period or in a nancial year (i.e. April to
March). However, eligible investors are required to undergo Know Your Customer
(KYC) procedure with any of the SEBI registered KYC Registraon Authority (KRA).
Eligible investor must quote PAN Exempt KYC Reference Number (PEKRN) issued by
KRA. Fresh/Addional Purchase and Systemac Investment Plans will be covered
within the limit of Rs. 50,000/-.
 Polically Exposed Persons (PEP) are dened as individuals who are or have
been entrusted with prominent public funcons in a foreign country, e.g., Heads of
States or of Governments, senior policians, senior Government / judicial/military
ocers, senior execuves of state owned corporaons, important polical party
ocials, etc.
    
It is mandatory for each of the Investors (guardian in case of minor)
to (i) aach proof of KYC Compliance viz. KYC Acknowledgement Leer* (*for those
investors who have completed KYC formalies through SEBI registered KYC registraon
authories); OR (ii) provide KYC Idencaon Number (KIN) issued by the Central KYC
Registry (CKYCR), for all purchases/ switches/ registraons for Systemac Investment
Plan (SIP)/ Systemac Transfer Plan (STP)/Flex STP/ Dividend Transfer Plan (DTP).
Applicants intending to apply for units through a Power of Aorney (PoA) must
ensure that the issuer of the PoA and the holder of the PoA must aach proof of KYC
Compliance/provide KIN at the me of investment. As and when any investor wishes
to invest on the basis of KIN, the AMC or its Registrar will use the KIN provided by
the investor for downloading KYC informaon from CKYCR system and update their
records. Further, if the PAN has not been updated in CKYCR system, the AMC will ask
the investor to provide a self cered copy of the investors PAN card and update/
upload the same in CKYC system. In the absence of PAN, the investors subscripon
is liable for rejecon or the limit of investment may be restricted upto Rs 50,000 in a
rolling period of 12 months as decided by AMFI/SEBI or at the discreon of the AMC
in due course of me. Any new investor wishing to invest in the scheme(s) of IDBI
Mutual Fund is requested to use the “CKYC & KRA KYC Form” to complete the KYC
formalies and submit the same at any of our investor service centres. The “CKYC and
KRA KYC Applicaon Form” is available on our website www.idbimutual.co.in.Post
compleon of the KYC formalies using the above referred KYC form, the investor
will be alloed a unique 14 digit KIN by CKYCR, which can be used by the investor at
the me of making any future investments. However, the Mutual Fund reserves the
right to carry out addional KYC/ask any addional informaon/ documents from
the investor to meet the requirements of its KYC Policy
    For units held in demat form, the KYC
performed by the Depository Parcipant of the applicants will be considered as
KYC vericaon done by the Trustee/AMC. In the event of non compliance of KYC
requirements, the Trustee/AMC reserves the right to freeze the folio of the investor(s)
and eect mandatory redempon of unit holdings of the investors at the applicable
NAV, subject to payment of exit load, if any.
 FATCA is a tax reporng regime that obligates all nancial
instuons to report informaon to the relevant tax authories about U.S reportable
persons and certain enes in which U.S. persons hold a substanal ownership
interest. India signed the Inter Governmental Agreement (IGA) with the U.S. on July
9, 2015.
CRS is the OECD’ & G-20’s Model Competent Authority Agreement for mullateral
tax informaon sharing. It enables automac exchange of tax informaon based on
the Standard through bilateral tax treaty networks. India signed the CRS Agreement
on June 3, 2015.
The Central Board of Direct Taxes has noed Rules 114F to 114H, as part of
the Income-tax Rules, 1962, which requires Indian nancial instuons to seek
addional personal, tax and benecial owner informaon and certain cercaons
and documentaon from all our account holders. In relevant cases, informaon will
have to be reported to tax authories/appointed agencies. For meeng compliance
requirements, we may also be required to provide informaon to any instuons
such as withholding agents for the purpose of ensuring appropriate withholding from
the account or any proceeds in relaon thereto.
Should there be any change in any informaon provided by you, please ensure you
advise us promptly, i.e., within 30 days. Please note that you may receive more
than one request for informaon if you have mulple relaonships with IDBI Asset
Management Ltd. or its group enes. Therefore, it is important that you respond to
our request, even if you believe you have already supplied any previously requested
informaon. If you have any queson about your tax residency, please contact your
tax advisor. Further, if any investor is a Cizen or resident or green card holder or tax
resident of a country other than India, please include all such countries in the Tax
Resident Country informaon eld along with Tax Idencaon Number” or any
other relevant reference ID/ Number. If you are a US cizen or resident or green card
holder, please include United States in the foreign country informaon eld along
with your US Tax Idencaon Number. It is mandatory to supply a TIN or funconal
equivalent if the country in which you are tax resident issues such ideners. If no
TIN is yet available or has not yet been issued, please provide an explanaon and
aach this to the applicaon form.
In case customer has the following Indica pertaining to a foreign country and yet
declares self to be non-tax resident in the respecve country, customer to provide
relevant Curing Documents as menoned in FATCA form.
 Investors are requested to note that, pursuant to the
SEBI circular dated December 26, 2013, the Common Applicaon Form (“CAF”)
of the Fund has been revised to capture the addional KYC related informaon
of the investors. The revised CAF as well as the KYC forms incorporating the
changes specied in the aforesaid circular are available on the website of the Fund
www.idbimutual.co.in Investors who are KRA KYC compliant as well as exisng
investors of the Fund, who have registered their KYC status with the Fund, are required
to nofy the Fund any changes to the prescribed addional KYC informaon by lling
up the relevant details in the revised CAF or the supplementary KYC Form available
in our website and submit the same at any of the Investor Services Centres of the
Fund. The AMC reserves the right to reject the applicaon and refund the invested
amount, post acceptance of the applicaon, in the event where the required KYC
informaon is not provided or found to be inadequate.
  Under the Prevenon of Money Laundering Act,
2005 (“PMLA”), all intermediaries including mutual funds are required to obtain
sucient informaon from their clients in order to idenfy and verify the persons
who benecially own or control the account. SEBI circular dated January 24, 2013
on idencaon of Benecial Ownership has prescribed a uniform approach to be
followed for determinaon of benecial owners. A ‘Benecial owneris dened as
a natural person/s who ulmately own, control or inuence a client and/or persons
on whose behalf a transacon is being conducted, which includes persons who
exercise ulmate eecve control over a legal person or arrangement. All categories
of investors except individuals, company listed on a stock exchange or majority
owned subsidiary of such company, are requested to provide details about benecial
ownership in the Applicaon Forms for all their investments. The Fund reserves the
right to reject applicaons/restrict further investments or seek addional informaon
from investors who have not provided the requisite informaon on benecial
ownership. In the event of change in benecial ownership, investors are requested
to immediately update the details with IDBI Mutual Fund/Karvy Computershare Pvt.
Ltd. (Registrar).
 
 Kindly refer addendum No.06/2011 under Noces and Addendum on
the website of the AMC.
 
a) 
Cheque, demand dra shall be drawn in the name of the scheme as detailed
below and crossed “Account Payee only”.
a. the Specic Scheme A/c Permanent Account Number (where the investor
has a PAN) e.g.: IDBI Scheme Name A/C XXXXXXX (PAN) OR
b. the Specic Scheme A/c First Investor Name (investors from the state of
Sikkim & investors without PAN).
Idencaon of third party cheques by the AMC/Mutual Fund/
Registrar & Transfer Agent (R&TA) will be on the basis of matching the name/
signature on the investment cheque with the name / signature of the 
 available on the applicaon or in our records for the said folio. If the
name of the bank account holder is not pre-printed on the investment cheque
or the signature on the said cheque does not match with that of the rst named
applicant menoned on the applicaon/available in our records for the said folio,
then the investor should submit any one of the following documents at the me
of investment:
(i) A copy of the bank passbook or a statement of bank account having the name
and address of the account holder and account number. Investors should
also bring the original documents along with the documents menoned in
(a) above to the ISCs/Ocial Points of Acceptance of IDBI Mutual Fund. The
copy of such documents will be veried with the original documents to the
sasfacon of the AMC/Mutual Fund/R&TA. The original documents will be
returned across the counter to the investor aer due vericaon.
(ii) A leer (it should be cered by the bank manager with his/her full signature,
name, employee code, bank seal and contact number) in original from the
bank on its leerhead cerfying that the investor maintains an account with
the bank, along with informaon like bank account number, bank branch,
account type, the MICR code of the branch & IFSC Code (where available).
      
Investors should aach any one of the following supporng
documents with the purchase applicaon where subscripon for units is vide a
pre - funded instrument issued by way of debit to his/her bank account:
A Cercate (in original) from the issuing banker duly cered by the
employee signing the pre-funded instrument with his/her full signature,
name, employee code, bank seal and contact number, stang the Account
holders name, the Bank Account Number which has been debited for issue
of the instrument (Mandatory) and PAN as per bank records, if available.
A copy of the acknowledgement from the bank, wherein the instrucons to
debit/carry the bank account details and name of the investor as an account
holder are available.
A copy of the passbook/bank statement evidencing the debit for issuance of
the instrument.
The account number menoned in the above supporng documents should
be the same as one of the registered bank accounts or the bank details
menoned in the applicaon form.
     : Investors
should aach to the purchase applicaon form, an acknowledged copy of the
instrucon to the bank also stang the account number debited. The account
number menoned on the transfer instrucon copy should be a registered bank
account or the rst named applicant/investor should be one of the account
holders to the bank account debited for such electronic transfer of funds.
Bank charges for outstaon demand dras will be borne by the AMC and will
be limited to the bank charges spulated by the State Bank of India subject to
a maximum limit of Rs.50000 per instrument. The AMC will not bear the bank
charges for outstaon demand dras in case of investments in liquid/money
market funds and such charges will have to be borne by the investor. Outstaon
Demand Dra has been dened as a demand dra issued by a bank where there
is no ISC/Points of Acceptance available for Investors. Investors may please further
note that in case of any applicaon made through the Demand Dra, no Demand
Dra charges will be reimbursed by the AMC in any case. The same will have to
be borne by investors.
 The Mutual Fund shall adopt the following procedures to
ascertain whether payments are Third Party Payments and investors are therefore
required to comply with the requirements specied herein below.
means payment made through an instrument issued from
a bank account other than that of the rst named applicant/investor menoned
in the applicaon form. In case of payment instruments issued from a joint bank
account, the rst named applicant/investor must be one of the joint holders
of the bank account from which the payment instrument is issued to consider
the payment as a non - Third Party Payment. For further details please refer to
Scheme Informaon Document (SID).
b) 
In the case of NRIs including PIOs, payment may be made
either by inward remiance through normal banking channels or out of funds
held in his Non - Resident (External) Rupee Account (NRE) / Foreign Currency
(Non- Resident) Account (FCNR). In case Indian rupee dras are purchased abroad
or from Foreign Currency Accounts or Non-resident Rupee Accounts an account
debit cercate from the Bank issuing the dra conrming the debit shall also
be enclosed. FIIs shall pay their subscripon either by inward remiance through
normal banking channels or out of funds held in Foreign Currency Account or
Non- Resident Rupee Account maintained by the FII with a designated branch
of an authorized dealer in accordance with the relevant exchange management
  In the case of NRIs/PIOs, payment may be made
either by inward remiance through normal banking channels or out of funds
held in his NRE/FCNR/Non-Resident Ordinary Rupee Account (NRO). In case
Indian rupee dras are purchased abroad or from Foreign Currency Accounts or
Non-resident Rupee Accounts an account debit cercate from the Bank issuing
the dra conrming the debit shall also be enclosed.
  In accordance with guidelines laid down by Securies and
Exchange Board of India (SEBI) for facilitang transacons in Mutual Fund schemes
through the stock exchange infrastructure and as noed vide circular SEBI/IMD/
CIR No.11/183204/2009 dated November 13, 2009, IDBI AMC oers an alternate
transacon plaorm to facilitate purchase/subscripon and redempon/repurchase
of units of IDBI Mutual Fund Schemes through the Stock Exchange of India Limited
(NSE) - Mutual Fund Service System (MFSS) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) - StAR
MF. For more details please refer Secon on Noces and Addendum in website of
IDBI Mutual Fund.
10)  Investors have the opon to hold units in dematerialized mode and the units
are freely transferable. For holding units in dematerialized mode, investors should
have a Depository account in their name. If the investor selects the depository mode
for receiving units, no separate KYC needs to be complied. The statement of account
issued by the depository parcipant will be sucient and no separate statement
of account indicang creding of units by the mutual fund is required for proving
allotment of units in the name of the unit holder. For redempon, investors will
have to submit duly lled up delivery instrucon slip to his concerned depository
parcipant and an acknowledgement for the same along with applicaon for
redempon is required to be submied at the POS. Investors have the responsibility
in ensuring transfer of units to the designated pool account of the Mutual fund
maintained with the registrar for redempon of units. The Scheme-wise ISIN is
displayed in the website of the Mutual Fund.
11)  To the extent possible, the
AMC will credit the redempon proceeds to the Bank account of the investor directly
through direct credit facility/NEFT/RTGS. In order to enable the AMC to credit the
funds directly to the Bank account of the investors, the investors are requested to
provide all details about their bank account as required in point 4 of the applicaon
form. In all other cases, the redempon proceeds will be issued in the form of
Cheque or DD in the name of the sole/rst unit holder to the correspondence address
registered with us.
  The E-services facility includes IDBI MF Online, E-alerts and
  This facility is available for New Investors and existing unit
holders of IDBI Mutual Fund. This facility enables investors to transact online on
www.idbimutual.co.in by using “Invest Now. On “Invest Now, Investor can execute
transacons online for purchase*, redempon, switching of schemes within the
mutual fund and other services as may be introduced by IDBI Mutual Fund from
me to me. Unitholders can also view account details and porolio valuaon
online, download account statements and request for documents via email, besides
other opons.
* facility available with selected banks and through Debit card (Visa/Master/RuPay)
subject to submission of Permanent Account Number (PAN) and Know Your Customer
(KYC) compliance proof by all Unitholders only.
This facility enables the Unit holder to receive SMS conrmaon for purchase,
redeem or switch dividend declaraon details and other alerts.
Apart from above menoned facilies, the facility of E-payouts comprising
of mode of payment of Redempon/Dividend Proceeds if any, via Direct Credit/NEFT/
ECS is covered under E-services facility.
13)  Opons exercised at the me of applicaon may be changed
by the investor at a later date by way of a communicaon to the Registrar of the
Scheme. Such changes would be eecve from a prospecve date.
14)  Unit holders will have the facility of switchover between Opons
in the scheme or to other schemes. Switchover between the Growth and Dividend
Opons of the same scheme will be at the applicable NAV and switchovers to other
schemes will be at NAV related prices.
15) 
i. Nominaon is mandatory for new folios/accounts opened by individual especially
with sole holding. Nominaon is not allowed in a folio held on behalf of a minor.
ii. The applicant/unit holder can nominate a person/persons (upto three) in whom
the units held by him shall vest in the event of his death. Where the units are held
by more than one person jointly, the joint Unit holders may together nominate a
person/persons (upto three) in whom all the rights in the units shall vest in the
event of death of all the joint Unit holders.
iii. The nominaon can be made only by individuals applying for/holding units on
their own behalf singly or jointly. Non individuals including society, trust, body
corporate, partnership rm, Karta of Hindu undivided family (HUF), holder of
Power of Aorney cannot nominate.
iv. A minor can be nominated and in that event, the name and address of the
guardian of the minor nominee shall be provided by the Unit holder.
v. Nominaon can also be in favour of the Central Government, State Government,
a local authority, any person designated by virtue of his oce or a religious or
charitable trust.
vi. The Nominee shall not be a Trust, other than a religious or charitable trust, society,
body corporate, partnership rm, Karta of HUF or a Power of Aorney holder.
vii. A non-resident Indian can be a Nominee subject to the exchange controls in
force, from me to me.
viii. Nominaon in respect of the units stands rescinded upon the transfer of units.
ix. Transfer of units in favour of a Nominee shall be valid discharge by the AMC
against the legal heir.
x. The cancellaon of nominaon can be made only by those individuals who hold
units on their own behalf singly or jointly and who made the original nominaon.
xi. On cancellaon of the nominaon, the nominaon shall stand rescinded and
the AMC shall not be under any obligaon to transfer the units in favour of the
Nominee. Investors should note that where the Units are transferred in favour
of the nominee, the KYC formalies, as applicable, shall have to be completed
by the nominee.
xii. Every new nominaon for a folio/account will overwrite the exisng nominaon.
16) 
a) All signatures should be in English or any Indian language. Thumb impressions
should be from the le hand for males and the right hand for females and in all
cases be aested by a Magistrate, Notary Public under his/her ocial seal.
b) In case of applicaons under a Power of Aorney, the relevant Power of Aorney
or the cered and duly notarized copy thereof must be lodged along with the
(Please submit the following documents with your applicaon (where applicable). All documents should be original/true copies cered by a Director/Trustee / Company
Secretary/Authorized signatory/Notary Public/AMC or R&T Ocials)
 
  
   PIO
Copy of the PAN Card
14 digit KIN Conrmaon Leer/KYC Acknowledgment
Resoluon/Authorizaon to invest
List of authorized signatories with specimen signatures
Trust Deed
Partnership Deed
Overseas Auditor Cercate and SEBI registraon cercate
Notarized POA
Proof of Address
PIO Card
Foreign Inward Remiance Cercate
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)
Ulmate Benecial Owner (UBO)
(An open ended equity scheme invesng in Banking & Financial Services Sector)
 2018
 2018
 
l Long term capital growth
l Investment predominantly in equity and equity related instruments of companies engaged in Banking &
Financial Services Sector
Investors understand that their principal will be at High risk
*Investors should consult their nancial advisors, if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
     
 
  
 First/Sole Applicant/Guardian Second Applicant Third Applicant
  Folio No.
[Please ll in Folio No. & name of 1
unit holder and proceed to Investment Details]
 
Mode of holding (Please )
Anyone or Survivor Single
Joint (Default opon is Anyone or Survivor for Joint holding)
Id No.
Gender (Please )
Male Female Other Date of Birth D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
Fathers Name
Resident Individual NRI/PIO Trust HUF Bank/FIs Sole Proprietorship Minor Company/Body Corporate
FIIs Partnership Firm AOP/BOI Society Other
(Please Specify)
Private Sector Service Public Sector Government Service Business Professional Agriculturist Rered Housewife Student Other
(Please Specify)
Below 1 Lac 1-5 Lacs >5-10 Lacs >10-25 Lacs >25-1 Crore >1 Crore
Net-worth in
(* Net worth should not be older than 1 year)
as on (date)
D D / M M / Y Y Y Y (Not older than 1 year)
(Also applicable for authorised signatories/Promoters/Karta/Trustee/Whole me Directors) I am PEP I am Related to PEP Not Applicable
 Foreign Exchange/Money Changer Services Money Lending/Pawning Gaming/Gambling/Loery/Casino Services None of the above
 
Tel. (O.) Tel. (Res.)
Email Mobile
Stamp, Signature & Date
Scheme Name :  Opon: ____________________________ Sub Opon: _______________________________
Received from Mr./Ms. /M/s. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Cheque/DD No. : _______________________ Date : ___________________ Amount Rs.: ______________________________________________
Id No.
Relaonship with Minor Please ()
Mother Father Legal Guardian
* If the rst/sole applicant is a Minor, then please provide details of Natural/Legal Guardian.
In case rst applicant is a minor
(Not applicable for minor/ Non Individual Investment)
Id No.
Gender (Please )
Male Female Other Date of Birth D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
Fathers Name
Resident Individual NRI
Private Sector Service Public Sector Government Service Business Professional Agriculturist Rered Housewife Student Other
(Please Specify)
Below 1 Lac 1-5 Lacs >5-10 Lacs >10-25 Lacs >25-1 Crore >1 Crore
Net-worth in
(* Net worth should not be older than 1 year)
as on (date)
D D / M M / Y Y Y Y (Not older than 1 year)
(Also applicable for authorised signatories/Promoters/Karta/Trustee/Whole me Directors) I am PEP I am Related to PEP Not Applicable
(Not applicable for minor/ Non Individual Investment)
Id No.
Gender (Please )
Male Female Other Date of Birth D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
Fathers Name
Resident Individual NRI
Private Sector Service Public Sector Government Service Business Professional Agriculturist Rered Housewife Student Other
(Please Specify)
Below 1 Lac 1-5 Lacs >5-10 Lacs >10-25 Lacs >25-1 Crore >1 Crore
Net-worth in
(* Net worth should not be older than 1 year)
as on (date)
D D / M M / Y Y Y Y (Not older than 1 year)
(Also applicable for authorised signatories/Promoters/Karta/Trustee/Whole me Directors) I am PEP I am Related to PEP Not Applicable
 
  
Place of Birth
Country of Birth
Indian U.S. Others, please specify ___________ Indian U.S. Others, please specify ___________ Indian U.S. Others, please specify ___________
Tax Residence Address Type (as per
KYC records)
Residenal Registered Oce Business Residenal Registered Oce Business Residenal Registered Oce Business
Are you a tax resident (i.e., are
you assessed for Tax) in any other
country outside India?
Yes No Yes No Yes No
If ‘YES’, please ll below for ALL countries (other than India) in which you are a Resident for tax purposes i.e., where you are a Cizen/Resident/
Green Card Holder/Tax Resident in the Respecve countries.
Country of Tax Residency
Tax Idencaon Number OR
Funconal Equivalent
Idencaon Type (TIN of other,
Please specify)
If TIN is not available, please ck the
reason A, B, or C (as dened below)
Reason A  The country where the Account Holder is liable to pay tax does not issue Tax Idencaon Numbers to its residents.
Reason B No TIN required. (Select this reason Only if the authories of the respecve country of tax residence do not require the TIN to be collected).
Reason C Others; please state the reason thereof______________________________________________________________________________________
Mafatlal Centre, 5th Floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021
SMS ‘IDBIMF’ to 09220092200 l Tollfree: 1800-419-4324 l
Website: www.idbimutual.co.in
Tel: (022) 66442800
Fax: 66442801 Email: [email protected]
, SEBI Registraon Number: INR000000221
Unit: IDBI Mutual Fund,
KARVY SELENIUM, Plot No.31 & 32, Tower B, Survey No.115/22, 24 & 25,
Financial Dist., Gachibowli, Nanakramguda, Serlingampally Mandal, Hyderabad - 500 032,
Ranga Reddy Dist., Telengana State.
Email: idbimf.customercare@karvy.com
 
Branch Address City
State Pin Code
Account No.
A/C. Type (Please )
Savings NRE Current NRO FCNR
9 digit MICR Code 11 digit IFSC Code
Please aach a cancelled cheque OR a clear photo copy of a cheque (Mandatory for credit via NEFT/RTGS)
5. (Please )  
DP ID Beneciary Account No./Client ID
DP Name
Note: Please aach the depository transacon statement or DP master data indicang the DP account number of the applicant. Please ensure that sequence of Names as menoned in
the Applicaon Form and matches with that of the account held with the DP.
 if investment is being made by a constuonal Aorney, please submit the notarized copy of the POA
PoA Name
Id No.
 
 Regular Direct  Growth Dividend
Payout Re-investment Sweep
 To Scheme ____________________________________________________ Plan ______________________________ Opon ________________________________
Mode of Payment (Please )
Cheque DD Funds Transfer RTGS/NEFT
Investment Amount (Rs.) ________________________________________________________ DD Charges if any (Rs.) ______________________________________________________
Net Amount (in words) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Draw on Bank
Branch & City Account No.
Cheque/DD No. Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y IFSC Code
A/c Type -
Kindly provide photocopy of the payment Instrument. *Kindly provide Foreign Inward Remiance Cercate (FIRC) evidencing source of funds
8. POA
No. Nominee(s) Name
(in case of Minor)
(in case of Minor)
 
1 D D M M Y Y Y Y
2 D D M M Y Y Y Y
3 D D M M Y Y Y Y
I/We have read and understood the contents of the SID, SAI and Key Informaon Memorandum (KIM) of the Scheme and informaon requirements of this Form and hereby conrm that
the informaon provided by me/us on this Form is true, correct and complete. I/We hereby apply to IDBI Mutual Fund for allotment of units of the Scheme, as indicated above and agree
to abide by the terms, condions, rules and regulaons of the Scheme. I /We hereby conrm and cerfy that the source of these funds is not directly/indirectly a result of “proceeds of
crime” as dened in “The Prevenon of Money Laundering Act, 2002” and I/we undertake to provide all necessary proof/documentaon, if any, required to substanate the facts of this
undertaking. I/We have not received nor been induced by any rebate or gis, directly or indirectly in making this investment. I/We authorize the Fund to disclose details of my/our account
and all my/our transacons to Registrar and Transfer Agent whose stamp appears on the applicaon form. I/We also authorize the Fund to disclose details as necessary, to the Fund’s and
investors bankers for the purpose of eecng payments to me/us.
Applicable to NRIs only : I/We conrm that I am/we are Non-Resident of Indian Naonality/Origin and I/we hereby conrm that the funds for subscripon have been remied from abroad
through approved banking channels or from funds in my/our Non-Resident External/Ordinary Account/FCNR /NRSR Account.
Investment in the Scheme is made by me/us on:
Repatriaon basis Non Repatriaon basis.
Applicable to Non Direct Investors only (investments routed through ARN Holders): The ARN holder has disclosed to me/us all the commissions (in the form of trail commission or any other
mode), payable to him for the dierent compeng Schemes of various Mutual Funds from amongst which the Scheme is being recommended to me/us.
 I/We have understood the informaon requirements of this Form (read along with the FATCA & CRS Instrucons) and hereby conrm that the
informaon provided by me/us on this Form is true, correct, and complete. I/We also conrm that I/We have read and understood the FATCA & CRS Terms and Condions and hereby
accept the same. In case any of the above specied informaon is found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenng, I/We shall be liable for it. I/We also undertake to keep
you informed in wring about any changes/modicaon to the above informaon (including change in tax residency status) in future promptly i.e. within 30 days of such change and also
undertake to provide any other addional informaon as may be required at your end.
 I/We hereby provide my/our consent in accordance with Aadhaar Act, 2016 and regulaons made thereunder, for (i) collecng, storing and usage (ii) alidang/
authencang and (ii) updang my/our Aadhaar number(s) in accordance with the Aadhaar Act, 2016 (and regulaons made thereunder) and PMLA. I/We hereby provide my/our consent
for sharing/disclosing of the Aadhaar number(s) including demographic informaon with the asset management companies of SEBI registered mutual fund (s)and their Registrar and Transfer
Agent (RTA) for the purpose of updang the same in my/our folios with my PAN.
First/Sole Applicant/Guardian Second Applicant Third Applicant
Details under FATCA & CRS : The Central Board of Direct Taxes has noed Rules 114F to 114H, as part of the Income-tax Rules, 1962, which Rules require Indian nancial
instuons such as the Bank to seek addional personal, tax and benecial owner informaon and certain cercaons and documentaon from all our account holders. In
relevant cases, informaon will have to be reported to tax authories/appointed agencies.
Should there be any change in any informaon provided by you, please ensure you advise us promptly, i.e., within 30 days.
Please note that you may receive more than one request from informaon if you have mulple relaonships with the FI or its group enes. Therefore, it is important that
you respond to our request, even if you believe you have already supplied any previously requested informaon.
If you have any quesons about your tax residency, please contact your tax advisor. If you are a US cizen or resident or green card holder, please include United States in the
foreign country informaon eld along with your US TAX Idencaon Number.
It is mandatory to supply a TIN or funconal equivalent if the country in which you are tax resident issues such ideners. If no TIN is yet available or has not yet been issued,
please provide an explanaon and aach this to the form.
In case customer has the following Indicia pertaining to a foreign country and yet declares self to be non-tax resident in the respecve country, customer to provide relevant
Curing Documents as menoned below:
U.S. place of birth 1. Self-cercaon that the account holder is neither a cizen of United States of America nor a resident for tax purposes;
2. Non-US passport or any non-US government issued document evidencing naonality or cizenship (refer list below); AND
3. Any one of the following documents:
Cered Copy of “Cercate of Loss of Naonality
or Reasonable explanaon of why the customer does not have such a cercate despite renouncing US cizenship;
or Reason the customer did not obtain U.S. cizenship at birth
Residence/mailing address in a
country other than India
1. Self-cercaon that the account holder is neither a cizen of United States of America nor a tax resident of any country other than India; and
2. Documentary evidence (refer list below)
Telephone number in a country other
than India
If no Indian telephone number is provided
1. Self-cercaon that the account holder is neither a cizen of United States of America nor a tax resident of any country other than India; and
2. Documentary evidence (refer list below)
If Indian telephone number is provided along with a foreign country telephone number
1. Self-cercaon that the account holder is neither a cizen of United States of America nor a tax resident of tax purposes of any country other
than India; OR
2. Documentary evidence (refer list below)
List of acceptable documentary evidence needed to establish the residence(s) for tax purposes:
1. Cercate of residence issued by an authorized government body*
2. Valid idencaon issued by an authorized government body* (e.g. Passport, Naonal Identy card, etc.)
*Government or agency thereof or a municipality of the country or territory in which the payee claims to be a resident.
ck ()
Sponsor Bank Code
Y E S B 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Ulity Code
Y E S B 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 4 4 6
I/We hereby authorize
IDBI Mutual Fund
to debit (ck)
Bank A/c Number
With Bank
Name of customers bank
an amount of Rupees
FREQUENCY T Mthly T Qtly T H-Yrly T Yrly R As & When presented
DEBIT TYPE T Fixed Amount R Maximum Amount
E-Mail ID
I agree for the debit of mandate processing charges by the bank whom I am authorizing to debit my account as per latest schedule of charges of the bank.
Unl Cancelled
Signature of the account holder Signature of the account holder Signature of the account holder
Name of the account holder Name of the account holder Name of the account holder
This is to conrm that the declaraon has been carefully read, understood & made by me/us. I am authorizing the User enty/Corporate to debit my account, based on the instrucons as
agreed and signed by me. I have understood that I am authorized to cancel/amend this mandate by appropriately communicang the cancellaon/amendment request to the User enty /
corporate or the bank where I have authorized debit.
     
 
  
 First/Sole Applicant/Guardian Second Applicant Third Applicant
Please 
(as appearing in ID proof)
 
 __________________________________________________________________________________
Regular Direct Growth Dividend
 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Payout Re-investment Sweep
Dividend Sweep: To Scheme __________________________________________________________ Plan ________________________________ Opon ____________________________
Each SIP Amount (Rs.)______________________________________ Frequency : £ Monthly/£ Quarterly
SIP Frequency Date:
1st/ 5th/ 10th/ 15th/ 20th/ 25th of the month (1st month of the quarter for quarterly frequency)
From D D M M Y Y Y Y To D D M M Y Y Y Y
 No. of installments ______________________  perpetual.
Switch: To Scheme _________________________________________________________________ Plan ________________________________ Opon ____________________________
Dividend Sweep: To Scheme __________________________________________________________ Plan ________________________________ Opon ____________________________
Each STP Amount (Rs.)
Weekly (1st business day of the week) Monthly Quarterly
1st/ 5th/ 10th/ 15th/ 20th/ 25th of the month/quarter
Enrolment Start D D M M Y Y Y Y End D D M M Y Y Y Y
 No. of installments _______________________________
Each SWP Amount (Rs.)
Enrolment Start D D M M Y Y Y Y End D D M M Y Y Y Y
 No. of installments _______________________________
I/We hereby, declare that the parculars given above are correct and express my willingness to make payments referred above through parcipaon in Naonal Automated Clearing House (NACH)/Auto Debit.
If the transacon is delayed or not eected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect informaon I/We would not hold IDBI Mutual Fund/IDBI Asset Management Ltd responsible. I/We will also inform IDBI
Mutual Fund about any changes in my bank account. I/We have read and agreed to the terms and condions menoned overleaf.
This is to inform that I/We have registered for Auto Debit Facility and that my payment towards my investment in IDBI Mutual Fund shall be made from my/our bank account registered with IDBI Mutual Fund.
I/We authorize IDBI Mutual Fund/IDBI Asset Management Ltd/ representave of IDBI Asset Management Ltd carrying this Form to debit my bank account as per instrucons given above.
First Unit Holders Signature Second Unit Holder’s Signature Third Unit Holders Signature
 
This mandate registraon form will be submied through Naonal Automated Clearing House (NACH).
1. This facility is oered to investors having Bank accounts in select banks menoned in the link
hp://www.npci.org.in/. The Banks in the list may be modied/updated/changed/removed at
any me in future enrely at the discreon of Naonal Payments Corporaon of India without
assigning any reasons or prior noce. Standing instrucons for investors in such Banks will be
disconnued. We will inform you on such disconnuaon.
2. Investor/Unitholder(s) should submit original Cancelled Cheque (or a copy) along with mandate
form with name and account number pre-printed of the bank account to be registered or bank
account vericaon leer for registraon of the mandate failing which registraon may not be
accepted. The Unitholder(s) cheque/bank account details are subject to third party vericaon.
3. SIP is oered on monthly and quarterly frequency. Unit holders can opt to invest in monthly or
quarterly frequency on the following dates - 1
, 5
, 10
, 15
, 20
and 25
of each month/rst
month of the quarter. In case the frequency is not specied in the applicaon/enrolment form,
it will be deemed as an applicaon for monthly frequency and will be processed accordingly. In
case the SIP date is not specied or in case of ambiguity, the SIP transacon will be processed as
of 15
of every month/rst month of the every quarter. In case the end date is not specied, the
Fund would connue the SIP ll it receives terminaon noce from the investor. Please refer the
“Minimum Applicaon/Number of units” menoned in the KIM under the secon “Applicable to
all schemes” for minimum subscripon amount and frequency.
4. Minimum Duraon: For Monthly frequency Rs 500 to less than 1000 minimum 12 Instalments and
Rs 1000 and above minimum 6 Instalments. For Quarterly frequency minimum 4 instalments with
minimum amount of Rs 2500/-.
5. IDBI Mutual Fund will not liable for any transacon failures due to rejecon by the investors bank/
6. The investor agrees to abide by the terms and condions of NACH facility of NPCI.
7. Investor will not hold IDBI Mutual Fund and its service providers responsible if the transacon is
delayed or not eected by the Investor’s Bank or if debited in advance or aer the specic date
due to various reasons or for any bank charges debited by his banker in his account towards NACH
8. IDBI Mutual Fund reserves the right to reverse allotments in case the Auto debit is rejected by the
bank for any reason whatsoever.
9. The AMC reserves the right to disconnue the SIP enrolment in case payment instrucon on
submied by Unit holder is not honored by Banker on 3 (three) consecuve occasions and
reserves the right to redeem the outstanding units at applicable NAV related prices if total
investment is below Rs.5,000/- or 500 units in the scheme.
10. The facility will be automacally terminated upon receipt of inmaon of death of the Unit holder.
11. IDBI Mutual Fund reserves the right to reject any applicaon without assigning any reason thereof.
12. Cancellaon can be done separately by subming the request atleast 21 days in advance;
13. For inmang the change in bank parculars of ongoing SIP with IDBI Bank, please ll up SIP
cancellation form (Available in our website) & new SIP registration form to be submitted
menoning new bank details along with relevant SIP details for registraon purpose.
14. Requests for any new Registraon/changes/modicaon in the NACH Bank Mandate should be
submied atleast 30 days in advance.
15. Investors are required to ensure adequate funds in their bank account on opted date. IDBIMF will
endeavor to debit the investor bank account on opted date, however if there is any delay all such
transacons are debited subsequently.
16. IDBI Mutual Fund/Sponsor Bank/NPCI are not liable for the bank charges, if any debited from
investors bank account by the desnaon bank, on account of payment through NACH.
17. For further details of the Scheme features like minimum amounts, risk factors etc, investors may,
before investment, refer to the Scheme Informaon Document(s), Key Informaon Memorandum
and Addendum issued from me to me available at any of the Investor Service Centers or
Distributors or from the website www.idbimutual.co.in
As per SEBI guidelines, Lumpsum and SIP investments in mutual funds upto Rs. 50,000 per year, per
investor, per mutual fund shall be exempted from the requirement of PAN subject to other operaonal
guidelines. Any investment, lumpsum or through Systemac Investment Plans (SIPs) by investors,
where aggregate of investments/instalments in a rolling 12 months period, does not exceed Rs.
50,000/- per investor will be treated as Micro investments for the above purpose. Micro investments
will be accepted subject to PAN exempon in KYC process. This exempon will be applicable ONLY
to investments by individuals (not NRI & PIOs), Minors and Sole proprietary rms. HUFs and other
categories will not be eligible for Micro Investments. The exempon is applicable to joint holders also.
In case under MICRO SIP, the rst SIP Instalment is processed (as the cheque may be banked), and the
applicaon is found to be defecve, the Micro SIP registraon will cease for future instalments. No
refund to be made for the units already alloed. However redempons will be allowed based on the
submission of normal prescribed Redempon Transacon Slip. Investors may submit any one of the
PHOTO IDENTIFICATION documents (please refer paragraph tled PAN under the General instrucons)
along with KYC form and proof of address (self aested). No separate address proof is required if Photo
ID with address menoned on it is submied. The photo idencaon documents have to be current
and valid and also to be either self aested or aested by ARN holder (AMFI Registered Distributor).
All the applicants including second and third applicant (if any) is mandated to submit any of the above
  In this case, the concerned employer is
required to forward to the AMC the Scheme applicaon cum SIP registraon mandate form of the
corporate employee who desires to invest in the Scheme. The applicaon amount for the corporate
employees would also be forwarded by the employer on specific request from the concerned
employee. The concerned employee has to authorize the employer to deduct the applicaon amount
from his salary and remit the same to the Fund at regular intervals to ensure receipt of funds by the
AMC on or before the next due date.
All other terms and condions applicable to regular SIP investment shall be applicable for Micro SIP as
well as Corporate Employee SIP. Please refer the general guidelines for more details on KYC, Parculars
of Bank Account payment mode etc.
 
This facility allows Unitholders to transfer specied xed sums on periodic basis from one scheme to
other schemes launched by the Mutual Fund from me to me by giving a single instrucon.
A Unitholder may eect a Systemac Transfer Plan (STP) by redeeming units of the transfer-out
(transferor) Scheme at the prevailing NAV, subject to Exit Load, if any and invesng the same amount in
the transfer-in (transferee) scheme at prevailing NAV of the transfer-in Scheme. To seamlessly facilitate
STP between two Schemes of the Mutual Fund, the Unitholder must comply with the redempon
requirements of the transferor scheme and subscripon requirements of the transferee scheme.
STP facility is oered subject to following terms & condions:
1. STP facility is oered with weekly (1st business day of the week), monthly and quarterly (1
, 5
, 15
, 20
or 25
of the month under monthly/1
month of each quarter under quarterly)
2. In case the frequency is not specied, it will be considered as applicaon for monthly frequency
and will be processed accordingly. In case the STP date is not specied or in case of ambiguity, the
STP transacon will be processed on 15
of month/quarter. In case the end date is not specied,
the Fund would connue the STP ll it receives terminaon noce from the Unitholder.
3. Minimum balance in the source (transferor) Scheme should be Rs.25,000/- at the time of
enrolment for STP.
4. Minimum amount for each transfer: Rs.1000/- for weekly and monthly, Rs.2,500/- for quarterly
frequency. Any STP over and above the minimum amounts menoned above shall be in mulples
of Rs.1 thereaer.
5. Minimum term/duraon: For Weekly & Monthly Frequency - Minimum 12 Instalments. For
Quarterly Frequency - Minimum 4 Instalments.
6. In case the Unitholder purchases addional units in the transferor scheme, the STP facility would
be extended to such addional units also.
7. Units marked under lien or pledge in the source Scheme will not be eligible for STP.
8. If the balance under scheme falls below Rs.5000/-, then the AMC reserve the right to redeem the
balance units.
9. The Unitholder who has opted for STP under a specic scheme can also redeem or switch his units
to any other eligible scheme provided he has sucient balance in his account on the date of such
a request.
10. In case the unit balance in the transferor scheme is lesser than amount specified by the
Unitholders for STP, the AMC will transfer remaining unit balance to transferee scheme.
11. The facility will be automacally terminated if the units under the transferor scheme are pledged
or upon receipt of inmaon of death of the Unitholder.
12. The applicaon for start of STP should be submied to Ocial Point(s) of Acceptance at least 7
days before the date of commencement/start date of STP. Unitholder may change the amount (but
not below the minimum specied)/frequency by giving wrien noce to any of the Ocial Point(s)
of Acceptance at least 7 days prior to next transfer/STP execuon date.
13. Unitholder can disconnue STP facility at any me by sending a wrien noce to any of the Ocial
Point(s) of Acceptance, at least 7 days prior to next transfer/STP execuon date.
14. The details, including mode of holding, of Unitholders’ in the transferee scheme will be as per the
exisng folio in the transferor scheme. Units in the transferee scheme will be alloed in the same
folio. The AMC reserves the right to change the frequency, date(s) or other terms and condions of
STP. The AMC further reserves the right to add new Schemes to the list of Schemes oering STP, as
and when made available for subscripon or delete Schemes from the list of Schemes oering STP.
Please contact the nearest Investor Service Centre (ISC) of IDBI Mutual Fund for more informaon
on STP.
15. If STP date is a Non-Business Day, then the next Business Day shall be the STP date and the same
will be considered for the purpose of determining the applicability of NAV.
16. STP will be terminated automacally in case of a Zero balance in the respecve Scheme-Folio on
the run-date or expiry of the enrolment period whichever is earlier.
 
This facility allows Unitholders to withdraw a xed amount (subject to deducon of tax at source, if
applicable) on monthly basis by redempon of units in the Unitholders’ account. Withdrawal will be
both from the unit capital and appreciaon (if any) on the invested capital.
The Scheme oers SWP facility subject to following terms & condions:
1. Unitholder can withdraw the amount on the 25
of each month. In case the 25
of the month is
a non Business Day, the transacon would be eected on the next Business Day.
2. Minimum balance in the Scheme should be Rs.25,000/- at the me of enrolment for SWP.
3. Minimum amount for each withdrawal should be Rs.1,000/- and in mulples of Re.1/- thereaer
for a minimum period of 6 months.
4. In case the Unitholder purchases addional Units in the Scheme under the same folio, the SWP
facility would be extended to such units also.
5. The facility will be automacally terminated if the units in the Scheme are pledged or upon receipt
of inmaon of death of the Unitholder.
6. The redempon under SWP will be subject to applicable Exit load
7. The applicaon for start of SWP should be submied to Ocial Point(s) of Acceptance atleast 7
days before the date of commencement/start date of SWP. Unitholder may change the amount
(but not below the minimum specied)/frequency by giving wrien noce to any of the Ocial
Point(s) of Acceptance atleast 7 days prior to next SWP execuon date.
8. Unitholder can disconnue SWP facility by sending a wrien noce to any of the Ocial Point(s)
of Acceptance, at least 7 days prior to next SWP execuon date.
9. If the balance under scheme falls below Rs.5000/-, then the AMC reserve the right to redeem the
balance units.
10. SWP will be terminated automacally in case of a Zero balance in the respecve Scheme-Folio on
the run-date or expiry of the enrolment period whichever is earlier.
The AMC reserves right to change the frequency, date(s) or other terms and condions of SWP. Please
contact the nearest Investor Service Centre (ISC) of IDBI Mutual Fund for more informaon on SWP.
A- Passport Number Passport Expiry Date
B- Voter ID Card
D- Driving Licence Driving Licence Expiry Date
E- Aadhaar Card
F- NREGA Job Card
Z- Others (any document notified by the central government) Identification Number
(Certified copy of any one of the following Proof of Identity [PoI] needs to be submitted)
2. Proof of Identity (PoI)* (for PAN exempt Investor or if PAN card copy not provided) (Please refer instruction C & K at the end)
1. Identity Details (Please refer instruction A at the end)
(same as ID proof)
Maiden Name (If any*)
Father / Spouse Name*
Mother Name*
Middle Name
Last Name
First Name Prefix
Please enclose a duly attested copy of your PAN Card
Date of Birth* D D M M Y Y Y Y
Gender* M- Male F- Female T-Transgender
Marital Status* Married Unmarried Others
Citizenship* IN- Indian Others Country Country Code
Residential Status* Resident Individual Non Resident Indian
Foreign National Person of Indian Origin
Occupation Type* S-Service Private Sector Public Sector Government Sector
hers Professional Self Employed Retired Ho
usewife Student
B-Business X-Not Categorised
Thumb Impression
3.2 Correspondence / Local Address Details* (Please see instruction E at the end)
Same as Current / Permanent / Overseas Address details (In case of multiple correspondence / local addresses, please Annexure A1’, Submit relevant documentary proof)
Line 1*
Line 2
Line 3 City / Town / Village*
District* Zip / Post Code*
State/UT* Country*
Country Code
as per ISO 3166
State/UT Code
as per Indian Motor Vehicle Act, 1988
Line 1*
Line 2
Line 3 City / Town / Village*
District* Zip / Post Code*
State/UT* Country*
Address Type* Residential / Business Residential Business Registered Office Unspecified
(Certified copy of any one of the following Proof of Address [PoA] needs to be submitted)
Proof of Address*
3.1 Current / Permanent / Overseas Address Details (Please see instruction D at the end)
3. Proof of Address (PoA)*
Country Code
as per ISO 3166
State/UT Code
as per Indian Motor Vehicle Act, 1988
Passport Number Passport Expiry Date
Voter ID Card
Driving Licence Driving Licence Expiry Date
Aadhaar Card
NREGA Job Card
Others (any document notified by the central government) Identification Number
Know Your Client
Application Form (For Individuals only)
(Please fill the form in English and in BLOCK Letters)
Fields marked with ‘*’ are mandatory fields
Update KYC Number*
KYC Type*
(PAN is mandatory) PAN Exempt Investors (Refer instruction K)
Related Person Type*
(If KYC number and name are provided, below details of section 6 are optional)
Guardian of Minor Assignee
Prefix First Name
Authorized Representative
Middle Name
Last Name
8. Applicant Declaration
9. Attestation / For Office Use Only
Date: Place :
I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I undertake to inform you of any changes
therein, immediately. In case any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, I am aware that I may be held
liable for it. I hereby declare that I am not making this application for the purpose of contravention of any Act, Rules, Regulations or
any statute of
legislation or any notifications/directions issued by any governmental or statutory authority from time to time.
I hereby consent to receiving information from Central KYC Registry through SMS/Email on the above registered number/email address.
Signature / Thumb Impression of Applicant
[Signature / Thumb Impression]
Documents Received Certified Copies
6. Details of Related Person (Optional) (please refer instruction G at the end) (in case of additional related persons, please ll ‘Annexure B1’)
Related Person Deletion of Related Person KYC Number of Related Person (if available*)
A- Passport Number Passport Expiry Date
B- Voter ID Card
C- PAN Card
D- Driving Licence Driving Licence Expiry Date
E- Aadhaar Card
F- NREGA Job Card
Z- Others (any document notified by the central government) Identification Number
(Certified copy of any one of the following Proof of Identity[PoI] needs to be submitted)
Proof of Identity [PoI] of Related Person* (Please see instruction (H) at the end)
7. Remarks (If any)
KYC Verification Carried Out by (Refer Instruction I) Institution Details
Emp. Name
Emp. Code
Emp. Designation
[Institution Stamp]
[Employee Signature]
In-Person Verification (IPV) Carried Out by (Refer Instruction J) Institution Details
5. FATCA/CRS Information (Tick if Applicable) Residence for Tax Purposes in Jurisdiction(s) Outside India (Please refer instruction B at the end)
Additional Details Required* (Mandatory only if above option (5) is ticked)
Country of Jurisdiction of Residence* Country Code of Jurisdiction of Residence
Tax Identification Number or equivalent (If issued by jurisdiction)*
Place / City of Birth*
Country of Birth* Country Code
as per ISO 3166
as per ISO 3166
Line 1*
Line 2
Line 3 City / Town / Village*
District* Zip / Post Code*
State/UT* Country*
Country Code
as per ISO 3166
State/UT Code
as per Indian Motor Vehicle Act, 1988
Emp. Branch
Emp. Name
Emp. Code
Emp. Designation
[Institution Stamp]
[Employee Signature]
Emp. Branch
4. Contact Details (All communications will be sent on provided Mobile no. / Email-ID) (Please refer instruction F at the end)
Email ID
Tel. (Off)
Tel. (Res)
Instructions/Guidelines for filling Individual KYC Application Form
General Instructions:
1. Self-Certification of documents is mandatory.
2. KYC number of applicant is mandatory for update/change of KYC details.
3. For particular section update, please tick (
) in the box available before the section number and strike off the sections not required to be updated.
4. Copies of all documents that are submitted need to be compulsorily self-attested by the applicant and accompanied by originals for verification. In case the original of any
document is not produced for verification, then the copies should be properly attested by entities authorized for attesting the documents, as per the list mentioned under [I].
5. If any proof of identity or address is in a foreign language, then translation into English is required.
6. Name & address of the applicant mentioned on the KYC form, should match with the documentary proof submitted.
7. If correspondence & permanent addresses are different, then proofs for both have to be submitted.
8. Sole proprietor must make the application in his individual name & capacity.
9. For non-residents and foreign nationals, (allowed to trade subject to RBI and FEMA guidelines), copy of passport/PIOCard/OCICard and overseas address proof is mandatory.
10. In case of Merchant Navy NRI’s, Mariner’s declaration or certified copy of CDC (Continuous Discharge Certificate) is to be submitted.
11. For opening an account with Depository participant or Mutual Fund,
for a minor, photocopy of the School Leaving Certificate/Mark sheet issued by Higher Secondary Board/
Passport of Minor/Birth Certificate must be provided.
A. Clarification / Guidelines on filling ‘Identity Details’ section
1. Name: Please state the name with Prefix (Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr/etc.). The name should match the name as mentioned in the Proof of Identity submitted failing which the
application is liable to be rejected.
2. Either father’s name or spouse’s name is to be mandatorily furnished. In case PAN is not available father’s name is mandatory.
B. Clarification/Guidelines on filling details if applicant residence for tax purposes in jurisdiction(s) outside India
1. Tax identification Number (TIN): TIN need not be reported if it has not been issued by the jurisdiction. However, if the said jurisdiction has issued a high integrity number
with an equivalent level of identification (a “Functional equivalent”), the same may be reported. Examples of that type of number for individual include, a social security/
insurance number, citizen/personal identification/services code/number, and resident registration number)
C. Clarification / Guidelines on filling ‘Proof of Identity [PoI]’ section, if PAN Card copy is not enclosed/For PAN exempt Investors
1. If driving license number or passport is provided as proof of identity then expiry date is to be mandatorily furnished.
2. Mention identification / reference number if ‘Z Others (any document notified by the central government)’ is ticked.
3. Others Identity card with applicant’s photograph issued by any of the following: Central/ State Government Departments, Statutory/Regulatory Authorities, Public Sector
Undertakings, Scheduled Commercial Banks, Public Financial Institutions, Colleges
affiliated to Universities, Professional Bodies such as ICAI, ICWAI, ICSI, Bar Council,
etc., to their Members; and Credit cards/Debit cards issued by Banks.
4. Letter issued by a gazetted officer, with a duly attested photograph of the person.
D. Clarification / Guidelines on filling ‘Proof of Address [PoA] section
1. PoA to be submitted only if the submitted PoI does not have an address or address as per PoI is invalid or not in force.
2. State / U.T Code and Pin / Post Code will not be mandatory for Overseas addresses.
3. Others includes Utility bill which is not more than two months old of any service provider (electricity, telephone, post-paid mobile phone, piped gas, water bill); Bank
account or Post Office savings bank account statement; Documents issued by Government departments of foreign jurisdictions and letter issued by Foreign Embassy or
Mission in India; Identity card with applicant’s photograph and address issued by any of the following: Central/ State Government Departments, Statutory/Regulatory
Authorities, Public Sector Undertakings, Scheduled Commercial Banks, Public Financial Institutions, Colleges affiliated to Universities, Professional Bodies such as ICAI,
ICWAI, ICSI, Bar Council, etc., to their Members; and Credit cards/Debit
cards issued by Banks.
E. Clarification / Guidelines on filling ‘Proof of Address [PoA] - Correspondence / Local Address details’ section
1. To be filled only in case the PoA is not the local address or address where the customer is currently residing. No separate PoA is required to be submitted.
2. In case of multiple correspondence / local addresses, Please fill ‘Annexure A1’
3. Others includes Utility bill which is not more than two months old of any service provider (electricity, telephone, post-paid mobile phone, piped gas, water bill); Bank
account or Post Office savings bank account statement; Documents issued by Government departments of foreign jurisdictions and letter issued by Foreign Embassy or
Mission in India; Identity card with applicant’s photograph and address issued by any of the following: Central/ State Government Departments, Statutory/Regulatory
Authorities, Public Sector Undertakings, Scheduled Commercial Banks, Public Financial Institutions, Colleges affiliated to Universities, Professional Bodies such as ICAI,
ICWAI, ICSI, Bar Council, etc., to their Members; and Credit cards/Debit cards issued by Banks.
F. Clarification / Guidelines on filling ‘Contact details’ section
1. Please mention two- digit country code and 10 digit mobile number (e.g. for Indian mobile number mention 91-9999999999).
2. Do not add ‘0’ in the beginning of Mobile number.
G. Clarification / Guidelines on filling ‘Related Person details’ section
1. Provide KYC number of related person if available.
H. Clarification / Guidelines on filling ‘Related Person details Proof of Identity [PoI] of Related Person’ section
1. Mention identification / reference number if ‘Z- Others (any document notified by the central government)’ is ticked.
I. List of people authorized to attest the documents after verification with the originals:
1. Authorised officials of Asset Management Companies (AMC).
2. Authorised officials of Registrar & Transfer Agent (R&T) acting on behalf of the AMC.
3. KYD compliant mutual fund distributors.
4. Notary Public, Gazetted Officer, Manager of a Scheduled Commercial/Co-operative Bank or Multinational Foreign Banks (Name, Designation & Seal should be affixed on
the copy).
5. In case of NRIs, authorized
officials of overseas branches of Scheduled Commercial Banks registered in India, Notary Public, Court Magistrate, Judge, Indian Embassy/
Consulate General in the country where the client resides are permitted to attest the documents.
6. Government authorised officials who are empowered to issue Apostille Certificates.
J. List of people authorized to perform In Person Verification (IPV):
1. Authorised officials of Asset Management Companies (AMC).
2. Authorised officials of Registrar & Transfer Agent (R&T) acting on behalf of the AMC.
3. KYD compliant mutual fund distributors.
4. Manager of a Scheduled Commercial/Co-operative Bank or Multinational Foreign Banks (for investors investing directly).
5. In case of NRI applicants, a person permitted to attest documents, may also conduct the In Person Verification and confirm this in the KYC Form.
K. PAN Exempt Investor Category
1. Investments (including SIPs), in Mutual Fund schemes up to INR 50,000/- per investor per year per Mutual Fund.
2. Transactions undertaken on behalf of Central/State Government, by officials appointed by Courts, e.g., Official liquidator, Court receiver, etc.
3. Investors residing in the state of Sikkim.
4. UN entities/multilateral agencies exempt from paying taxes/filing tax returns in India.
List of Two-Digit state / U.T Codes as per Indian Motor Vehicle Act, 1988
/ U.T Code State / U.T Code State / U.T Code
Andaman &
Nicobar AN Himachal Pradesh HP Pondicherry PY
Pradesh AP Jammu & Kashmir JK Punjab PB
Pradesh AR Jharkhand JH Rajasthan RJ
AS Karnataka KA Sikkim SK
BR Kerala KL Tamil Nadu TN
CH Lakshadweep LD Telangana TS
CG Madhya Pradesh MP Tripura TR
and Nagar Haveli DN Maharashtra MH Uttar Pradesh UP
Daman &
Diu DD Manipur MN Uttarakhand UA
DL Meghalaya ML West Bengal WB
GA Mizoram MZ Other XX
GJ Nagaland NL
HR Orissa OR
List of ISO 3166 Two-Digit Country Code
Code Country
Dominican Republic
LY Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM
Aland Islands
LI Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC
LT Samoa WS
El Salvador
LU San Marino SM
American Samoa
Equatorial Guinea
MO Sao Tome and Principe ST
Macedonia, the former Yugoslav
Republic of MK Saudi Arabia SA
MG Senegal SN
MW Serbia RS
Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
MY Seychelles SC
Antigua and Barbuda
Faroe Islands
MV Sierra Leone SL
ML Singapore SG
MT Sint Maarten (Dutch part) SX
Marshall Islands
MH Slovakia SK
French Guiana
MQ Slovenia SI
French Polynesia
MR Solomon Islands SB
French Southern Territories
MU Somalia SO
YT South Africa ZA
MX South Georgia and the South
Sandwich Islands
Micronesia, Federated States of
FM South Sudan SS
Moldova, Republic of
MD Spain ES
MC Sri Lanka LK
MN Sudan SD
ME Suriname SR
MS Svalbard and Jan Mayen SJ
MA Swaziland SZ
MZ Sweden SE
Bolivia, Plurinational State of
MM Switzerland CH
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
NA Syrian Arab Republic SY
Bosnia and Herzegovina
NR Taiwan, Province of China TW
NP Tajikistan TJ
Bouvet Island
-Bissau GW
NL Tanzania, United Republic of TZ
New Caledonia
NC Thailand TH
British Indian Ocean Territory
New Zealand
NZ Timor-Leste TL
Brunei Darussalam
Heard Island and McDonald Islands
NI Togo TG
Holy See (Vatican City State)
NE Tokelau TK
Burkina Faso
NG Tonga TO
Hong Kong
NU Trinidad and Tobago TT
Cabo Verde
Norfolk Island
NF Tunisia TN
Northern Mariana Islands
MP Turkey TR
NO Turkmenistan TM
OM Turks and Caicos Islands TC
Cayman Islands
Iran, Islamic Republic of
PK Tuvalu TV
Central African Republic
PW Uganda UG
Palestine, State of
PS Ukraine UA
Isle of Man
PA United Arab Emirates AE
Papua New Guinea
PG United Kingdom GB
Christmas Island
PY United States US
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
PE United States Minor Outlying Islands UM
PH Uruguay UY
PN Uzbekistan UZ
PL Vanuatu VU
Congo, the Democratic Republic
of the CD
PT Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of VE
Cook Islands
Puerto Rico
PR Viet Nam VN
Costa Rica
QA Virgin Islands, British VG
Cote d'Ivoire !Côte d'Ivoire
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
Reunion !Réunion
RE Virgin Islands, U.S. VI
Korea, Republic of
RO Wallis and Futuna WF
Russian Federation
RU Western Sahara EH
Curacao !Curaçao
RW Yemen YE
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Saint Barthelemy !Saint Barthélemy
BL Zambia ZM
Czech Republic
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan
da Cunha
SH Zimbabwe ZW
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Martin (French part)
IDBI Mutual Fund, IDBI Complex, 3rd Floor, Nr. Lal Bunglows, O. C G Road, Ahmedabad - 380 006. IDBI Mutual Fund, No.7, 1st Level, Unit
No. 116, Presge Centre Point, Cunningham Road, Bengaluru- 560 052. IDBI Mutual Fund, No: 6/11, Paery Square, 1st Floor, Balfour Road, Kellys Kilpauk,
Chennai - 600 010. IDBI Mutual Fund, IDBI Bank Ltd., First Floor, SCO 162 - 163, Sector - 9C, Chandigarh - 160009. : IDBI Mutual Fund, 1102-1103, Tolstoy
House, Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi - 110 001. IDBI Mutual Fund, 3rd Floor 5-9-89/1 Chapel Road, Hyderabad - 500001. IDBI Mutual Fund, IDBI Bank Ltd.,
Ground Floor, 16-C, Omni Palace, Ratlam Kothi Main Road, Indore - 452 001.  IDBI Mutual Fund, D-24, Durlabh Niwas, Prithvi Raj Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur - 302 001.
IDBI Mutual Fund, IDBI House, 6th Floor, 44, Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata - 700 017. IDBI Mutual Fund, IDBI Bank Corporate Oce, Near Passport
Oce, Panampally Nagar, P. B. No. 4253, Kochi - 680 366. IDBI Mutual Fund, IDBI Bank, 2 M G Marg, Kisan Sekhari Bhawan, Hazratganj, Lucknow - 226001.
IDBI Mutual Fund, 5th Floor, Mafatlal CentreNariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021. IDBI Mutual Fund, IDBI House, 1st Floor, Dnayaneshwar Paduka Chowk,
FC Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune - 411 004.
Bidurkarta Chowmuhani, J N Bari Road, Tripura (West), Agartala, Tripura - 799001. 1st Floor, Deepak Wasan Plaza, Behind Holiday Inn,Sanjay Place, Agra,
Uar Pradesh - 282002. 201/202 Shail Complex, Opp: Madhusudan House, B/H Girish Cold Drink, O C G Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, Gujarat - 380006.
302, 3rd Floor, Ajmer Auto Building, Opposite City Power House, Jaipur Road, Ajmer, Rajasthan - 305001. Yamuna Tarang Complex, Shop No 30, Ground
Floor, N.H. No- 06, Murzapur Road, Opp Radhakrishna Talkies, Akola, Maharashthra - 444004. 1st Floor, Kumar Plaza, Ramghat Road, Aligarh, Uar Pradesh -
202001. RSA Towers, 2nd Floor, Above Sony TV Showroom, 57, S P Marg, Civil Lines, Allahabad, Uar Pradesh - 211001. 1st Floor, JP Towers, Mullackal,
KSRTC Bus Stand, Alleppy, Kerala - 688011. 101, Saurabh Tower, Opp. UIT, Near Bhagat Singh Circle, Road No.2, Alwar, Rajasthan - 301001. Shop No.
21, 2nd Floor, Gulshan Tower, Near Panchsheel Talkies, Jaistambh Square, Amaravathi, Maharashthra - 444601. 6349, Nicholson Road, Adjacent KOS Hospital,
Ambala Cant, Ambala, Haryana - 133001. 72-A, Taylor’s Road, Opp Aga Heritage Club, Amritsar, Punjab - 143001. B-42 Vaibhav Commercial Center,
Near TVS Down Town Shrow Room, Grid Char Rasta, Anand, Gujarat - 380001. #15/149,1St Floor, S R Towers, Subash Road, Opp. Lalitha Kala Parishad,
Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh - 515001. L/2 Keval Shopping Center, Old Naonal Highway, Ankleshwar, Gujarat - 393002. 114/71 G T Road, Bhanga
Panchil, Near Nokia Care, Asansol, West Bengal - 713303. Ramkunj Niwas, Railway Staon Road, Near Osmanpura Circle, Aurangabad, Maharashthra -
431005. 1St Floor, Alkal Building, Opp. Nagaripalika Civil Line, Azamgarh, Uar Pradesh - 276001. M.S Das Street, Gopalgaon, Balasore, Orissa -
756001. 59, Skanda puanna Road, Basavanagudi, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560004. Ambika Market Complex (Ground Floor), Nutanganj, Post & Dist
Bankura, Bankura, West Bengal - 722101. 1st Floor, 165, Civil Linesopp.Hotel Bareilly Palace, Near Railway Staon, Bareilly, Uar Pradesh - 243001. 
Thakur Market Complex, Gorabazar, Post Berhampore, Dist Murshidabad, 72 No Nayasarak Road, Barhampore, West Bengal - 742101. 203, Corner point, Jetalpur
Road, Baroda, Gujarat - 390007. Near Hotel Diamond Surbhi Complex, O.C Township Gate, Kapasiya Chowk, Begusarai, Bihar - 851117. CTS No
3939/ A2 A1, Above Raymonds Show Room, Beside Harsha Appliances, Club Road, Belgaum, Karnataka - 590001. Shree Gayathri Towers, #4, 1st Floor, K.H.B.Colony,
Gopalaswamy Mudaliar Road, Gandhi Nagar, Bellary, Karnataka - 583103.  Divya Nandan Kalyan Mandap, 3rd Lane Dharam Nagar, Near Lohiya Motor,
Berhampur, Orissa - 760001. 107, 1st Floor, Hotel Utkarsh, J. H. College Road, Betul, Madhya Pradesh - 460001. 2nd Floor, Chandralok Complex,
Ghantaghar, Radha Rani Sinha Road, Bhagalpur, Bihar - 812001. Shop No 147-148, Aditya Complex, Near Kasak Circle, Bharuch, Gujarat - 392001. 
#2047-A 2nd Floor, The Mall Road, Above Max New York Life Insurance, Bhanda, Punjab - 151001. 303, Sterling Point, Waghawadi Road, Bhavnagar, Gujarat
- 364001. Shop No.1, First Floor, Plot No.1, Commercial Complex, Nehru Nagar (East), Bhilai, Chasgarh - 490020. Shop No. 27-28, 1st Floor, Heera
Panna Market, Pur Road, Bhilwara, Rajasthan - 311001. Kay Kay Business Centre, 133, Zone I, MP Nagar, Above City Bank, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh - 462011.
A/181, Back Side of Shivam Honda Show Room, Saheed Nagar, Bhubaneswar, Orissa - 751007. 70-71, 2nd Floor, Dr.Chahar Building, Panchsa
Circle, Sadul Ganj, Bikaner, Rajasthan - 334003. Shop No -225,226 & 227,2nd Floor, Narayan Plaza, Link Road, Bilaspur, Chasgarh - 495001. B-1, 1st
Floor, City Centre, Sector- 4, Near Sona Chandi Jewellers, Bokaro, Jharkhand - 827004. Goma Smu, Ground Floor, Jambli Gully, Near Railway Staon, Borivali,
Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400 092. 63 GT Road, Halder Complex, 1st Floor, Burdwan, West Bengal - 713101. 2nd Floor, Soubhagya Shopping Complex,
Arayidathpalam, Mavoor Road, Calicut, Kerala - 673004. SCO- 2423-2424, Above Mirchi Restaurent, New Aroma Hotel, First Floor, Sector 22-C, Chandigarh,
Union Territory - 160022. Shop No-6, Oce No-2, 1st Floor, Rauts Raghuvanshi Complex, Beside Azad Garden Main Road, Chandrapur, Maharashthra -
442402. F-11, Akshaya Plaza, 1st Floor, 108, Adhithanar Salai, Egmore, Opp Chief Metropolitan Court, Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 600002. J C Ghosh Saranu,
Bhanga Gara, Chinsurah, Hooghly, Chinsurah, West Bengal - 712101. Ali Arcade, 1st Floor, Kizhavana Road, Panampilly Nagar, Near Atlans Juncon, Ernakualm,
Kerala - 682036. 3rd Floor, Jaya Enclave, 1057 Avinashi Road, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu - 641018. Opp Dargha Bazar Police staon, Dargha Bazar,
PO - Buxi Bazar, Cuack, Orissa - 753001. Jaya Complex, 2nd Floor, Above Furniture Planet, Donar, Chowk, Darbhanga, Bihar - 846003. D.No
376/2, 4th Main, 8th Cross, P J Extension, Opp Byadgishear School, Davangere, Karnataka - 577002. Kaulagarh Road, Near Sirmaur Margabove, Reliance
Webworld, Dehradun, Uaranchal - 248001. 1st Floor, Shan Niketan, Opp. Zila Panchayat, Civil Lines, Deoria, Uar Pradesh - 274001. 27 RMO House,
Staon Road, Above Maa Chamunda Gaes Agency, Dewas, Madhya Pradesh - 455001. 208 New Market, 2nd Floor, Bank More, Dhanbad, Jharkhand - 826001.
307/9-A 1st Floor, Nagarkar Colony, Elite Business Center, Nagarkar Colony, P B Road, Dharwad, Karnataka - 580001. Ground Floor, Ideal Laundry, Lane
No 4, Khol Galli, Near Muthoot Finance, Opp Bhavasar General Store, Dhule, Maharashthra - 424001. No : 9 Old No: 4/B, New Agraharam, Palani Road, Dindigul,
Tamil Nadu - 624001. MwAV-16 Bengal Ambuja, 2nd Floor, City Centre, Dis. Burdwan, Durgapur, West Bengal - 713216. DNO-23A-7-72/73,K K S Plaza,
Munukutla Vari Street, Opp Andhra Hospitals, R R Peta, Eluru, Andhra Pradesh - 534002. No: 4, Veerappan Traders Complex, KMY Salai, Sathy Road, Opp. Erode
Bus Stand, Erode, Tamil Nadu - 638003. A-2B, 3rd Floor, Neelam Bata Road, Peer Ki Mazar, Nehru Groundnit, Faridabad, Haryana - 121001. The
Mall Road, Chawla Bulding, Ist Floor, Opp. Centrail Jail, Near Hanuman Mandir, Ferozepur, Punjab - 152002. Shop # 12, Shree Ambica Arcade, Plot # 300,
Ward 12. Opp. CG High School, Near HDFC Bank, Gandhidham, Gujarat - 370201. 123, First Floor, Megh Malhar Complex, Opp. Vijay Petrol Pump, Sector
- 11, Gandhinagar, Gujarat - 382011. 54 Lal Kothi Compound, Shree Krishna Road, 2nd Floor, North Side, Near Royal Surya Hotel, Gaya, Bihar - 823001. 
1st Floor C-7, Lohia Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uar Pradesh - 201001. 2nd Floor, Shubhra Hotel Complex, Mahaubagh, Ghazipur, Uar Pradesh - 233001. Shri
Market, Sahabgunj, Staon Road, Gonda, Uar Pradesh - 271001. Above V.I.P. House Aajdacent, A.D. Girls College, Bank Road, Gorakpur, Uar Pradesh -
273001. CTS No. 2913 1st Floor, Asian Towers, Jagath Staon Main Road, Next Adithya Hotel, Gulbarga, Karnataka - 585105. D No 6-10-27, Srinilayam,
Arundelpet, 10/1, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh - 522002. Shop No.18, Ground Floor,Sector - 14, Opp. AKD Tower, Near Huda Oce, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122001.
1st Floor, Bajrangbali Building, Near Bora Service Staon, GS Road, Guwaha, Assam - 781007. 2nd Floor, Rajeev Plaza, Jayendra Ganj, Lashkar,
Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh - 474009. Above Kapilaz, Sweet House, Opp LIC Building,Pilikothi, Kaladhungi Road, Haldwani, Uaranchal - 263139. 8,
Govind Puri, Opp. LIC-2, Above Vijay Bank, Main Road, Ranipur More, Haridwar, Uaranchal - 249401. SAS No-212, Ground Floor, Sampige Road, 1st Cross, Near
Hotel Souther Star, K R Puram, Hassan, Karnataka - 573201. Sco 71, 1st Floor, Red Square Market, Hissar, Haryana - 125001. 1st Floor, The Mall Tower,
Opp Kapila Hospital, Sutheri Road, Hoshiarpur, Punjab - 146001. CTC No.483/A1/A2, Ground Floor,Shri Ram Palza, Behind Kotak Mahindra Bank,Club Road, Hubli,
Karnataka - 580029. Karvy House, No:46, 8-2-609/K, Avenue 4, Street No. 1, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500034. KARVY
Selenium, Plot No: 31 & 32, Tower B, Survey No.115/22, 115/24, 115/25, Financial District, Gachibowli, Nanakramguda, Serilimgampally Mandal, Hyderabad, Telangana
- 500032. 2nd Floor, 203-205 Balaji Corporate House, Above ICICI Bank, 19/1, New Palasia, NearCurewell Hospital, Janjeerwala Square Indore, Indore, Madhya
Pradesh - 452001. Grover Chamber, 43 Naya Bazar Malviya Chowk, Opp Shyam Market, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh - 482002. S16/A IIIrd Floor, Land
Mark Building Opp Jai Club, Mahaver Marg, C Scheme, Jaipur, Rajasthan - 302001. 1st Floor, Shan Towers, SCO No. 37, PUDA Complex, Opposite Tehsil
Complex, Jalandhar, Punjab - 144001. 269, Jaee Vishwa, 1st Floor, Baliram Peth, Above United Bank of India, Near Kishor Agencies, Jalgaon, Maharashthra -
425001. D B C Road, Opp Nirala Hotel, Opp Nirala Hotel, Opp Nirala Hotel, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal - 735101. Gupta’s Tower, 2nd Floor, CB-12, Rail
Head Complex, Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir - 180012. 136-137-138 Madhav Palaza, Opp SBI Bank, Near Lal Bunglow, Jamnagar, Gujarat - 361001. 
2Nd Floor, R R Square, SB Shop Area, Near Reliance Foot Print & Hotel, BS Park Plaza, Main Road, Bistupur, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand - 831001. R N Complex,
1-1-9-G, In Front of Pathak Honda, Ummarpur, Jaunpur, Uar Pradesh - 222002. 371/01, Narayan Plaza, Gwalior Road, Near Jeevan Shah Chauraha, Jhansi, Uar
Pradesh - 284001. 203, Modi Arcade, Chopasni Road, Jodhpur, Rajasthan - 342001. 124-125 Punit Shopping Center, M.G Road, Ranavav Chowk,
Junagadh, Gujarat - 362001. 2nd Floor, Prabhath Complex, Fort Road, Near.ICICI Bank, Kannur, Kerala - 670001. 15/46, B, Ground Floor, Opp : Muir
Mills, Civil Lines, Kanpur, Uar Pradesh, 208001. No. 2,Gopi Arcade, 100 Feet Road, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu - 630001. D.No:2-10-1298, 2nd Floor,
Rathnam Arcade, Jyothi Nagar, Karimnagar, Telangana - 505001. 18/369,Char Chaman, Kunjpura Road, Behind Miglani Hospital, Karnal, Haryana - 132001. 
No.6, Old No.1304, Thiru-vi-ka Road, Near G.R.Kalyan Mahal, Karur, Tamil Nadu - 639001. 180 Malancha Road, Beside Axis Bank Ltd., Kharagpur, West Bengal
- 721304. 605/1/4 E Ward, Shahupuri 2nd Lane, Laxmi Niwas, Near Sultane Chambers, Kolhapur, Maharashthra - 416001. Apeejay House (Beside Park
Hotel), C Block, 3rd Floor, 15 Park Street, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700016. Sree Vigneswara Bhavan, Shastri Juncon, Kadapakada, Kollam, Kerala - 691001.
1st Floor, City Centre, 97 IRCC, Transport Nagar, Korba, Chasgarh - 495677. 29, Ist Floor, Near Lala Lajpat Rai Circle, Shopping Centre, Kota, Rajasthan -
324007. 1St Floor Csiascension Square, Railway Staon Road, Collectorate P O, Koayam, Kerala - 686002. Shop No.43, 1st Floor, S V Complex,
Railway Staon Road, Near Sbi Main Branch, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh - 518004. Ist Floor, A. A. Complex, 5 Park Road, Hazratganj, Thaper House, Lucknow,
Uar Pradesh - 226001. SCO - 136, 1st Floor Above Airtel Showroom, Feroze Gandhi Market, Ludhiana, Punjab - 141001. Rakesh towers, 30-C, Ist
Floor, Bye Pass Road, Opp Nagappa Motors, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625010. First Floor, Peekays Arcade, Down Hill, Malappuram, Kerala - 676505. 
Sahis Tuli, Under Ward No.6, No.1 Govt Colony, English Bazar Municipality, Malda, West Bengal - 732101. 149/11, School Bazaar, Near UCO Bank,Opp. Hari
Mandir, Mandi, Uar Pradesh - 175001.  Mahendra Arcade Opp Court Road, Karangal Padi, Mangalore, Karnataka - 575003. 2nd Floor, Dalal
Commercial Complex, Pajifond, Margao, Goa - 403601. Ambey Crown, 2nd Floor, In Front of BSA College, Gaushala Road, Mathura, Uar Pradesh - 281001.
1st Floor, Medi Centreopp Icici Bank, Hapur Road Near Bachha Park, Meerut, Uar Pradesh - 250002. Ul/47 Apollo Enclave, Opp Simandhar Temple,
Modhera Cross Road, Mehsana, Gujarat - 384002. Abhay Yatri Niwas, 1st Floor, Abhay Mandir, Above HDFC Bank, Dankin Gunj, Mirzapur, Uar Pradesh -
231001. 1st Floor, Du Road, Mandir Wali Gali, Civil Lines, Barat Ghar, Moga, Punjab - 142001. OM Arcade, Parker Road, Above Syndicate Bank,Chowk
Tari Khana, Moradabad, Uar Pradesh - 244001. Mo Palace, Near Ramjanki Mandir, Near Ramjanki Mandir, Morena, Madhya Pradesh - 476001. 
24/B, Raja Bahadur Compound, Ambalal Doshi Marg, Behind BSE Bldg, Fort, Maharashthra - 400001. First Floor, Shukla Complex, Near ICICI Bank, Civil
Court Branch, Company Bagh, Muzaarpur, Bihar - 842001. L-350, Silver Tower, Ashoka Road, Opp.Clock Tower, Mysore, Karnataka - 570001. 104/105,
Near Paras Cinema, City Point Nadiad, Nadiad, Gujarat - 387001. HNO 45, 1st Floor, East Car Street, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu - 629001. Plot No 2/1
House No 102/1, Mata Mandir Road, Mangaldeep Appartment, Opp Khandelwal Jewelers, Dharampeth, Nagpur, Maharashthra - 440010. 105/2, Arun Towers,
Paramathi Road, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu - 637001. Shop No.4, Santakripa Market, G G Road, Opp.Bank of India, Nanded, Maharashthra - 431601. S-9,
Second Floor, Suyojit Sankul, Sharanpur Road, Nasik, Maharashthra - 422002. 103, 1st Floor, Landmark Mall, Near Sayaji Library, Navsari, Gujarat - 396445.
16-2-230, Room No : 207, 2nd Floor, Keizen Heights, Gandhi Nagar, Pogathota, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh - 524001. 305 New Delhi House, 27 Barakhamba
Road, New Delhi - 110001. H No:5-6-430, Above Bank of Baroda, First Floor, Beside HDFC Bank, Hyderabad Road, Nizamabad, Telangana - 503003. 
405,4th Floor, Vishal Chamber, Plot No.1, Sector-18, Noida, Uar Pradesh - 201301. No: 20 & 21, Metro Complex H.P.O.Road, Palakkad, Kerala - 678001. 
JAVA Complex, 1st Floor, Above Vijaya Bank, G T Road, Panipat, Haryana - 132103. Flat No.1-A, H. No. 13/70, Timoo Bldg, Heliodoro Salgado Road, Next to
Navhind Bhavan (Market Area), Panjim, Goa - 403001. 2nd Floor, Sahni Arcade Complex, Adj.Indra colony Gate Railway Road, Pathankot, Punjab - 145001.
SCO 27 D, Cho Baradari, Near Car Bazaar, Paala - 147001. 3A, 3rd Floor Anand Tower, Exhibion Road, Opp ICICI Bank, Patna, Bihar - 800001. 
146/4,Ramanathan Building, 1st Floor New Scheme Road, Pollachi, Tamil Nadu - 642002. Building No:7, 1st Floor, Thiayagaraja Street, Pondicherry - 605001.
D.NO: 4/625, Bhairavi Complex, Upstairs, Karur Vysya Bank, Gandhi Road, Proddatur, Andhra Pradesh - 516360. Sundaram Masilamani Towers,
TS No. 5476 - 5479, PM Road, Old Tirumayam Salai, Near Anna Statue, Jublie Arts, Pudukoai, Tamil Nadu - 622001. Mozaic Bldg, CTS No.1216/1, Final, Plot
No.576/1 TP, Scheme No.1, F C Road, Bhamburda, Shivaji Nagar, Pune, Maharashthra - 411004. Oce No S-13, Second Floor, Reheja Tower, Fafadih Chowk, Jail
Road, Raipur, Chasgarh - 492001. D.No.6-1-4,Rangachary Street, T.Nagar, Near Axis Bank Street, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh - 533101. 
Sri Ganapathy Complex, 14B/5/18, T P Mills Road, Virudhungar Dist., Rajapalayam, Tamil Nadu - 626117. 302, Metro Plaza, Near Mo Tanki Chowk, Rajkot, Gujarat
- 360001. Room No 307 3Rd Floor, Commerce Tower, Beside Mahabir Tower, Ranchi, Jharkhand - 834001. 1 Nagpal Bhawan, Free Ganj Road, Do Ba,
Near Nokia Care, Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh - 457001. Radhika Bhavan, Opp. Padmini Hotel,Murdhwa, Renukoot, Renukoot, Uar Pradesh - 231217. Ist
Floor, Angoori Building, Besides Allahabad Bank, Trans University Road, Civil Lines, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh - 485001. 1st Floor, Ashoka Plaza, Delhi Road, Rohtak,
Haryana - 124001. Shree Ashadeep Complex, 16, Civil Lines, Near Income Tax Oce, Roorkee, Uaranchal -247667. 1st Floor Sandhu Complex,
Kachery Road, Uditnagar, Rourekla, Orissa - 769012. II Floor, Above Shiva Kanch Mandir, 5 Civil Lines, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh- 470002. 18 Mission
Market, Court Road, Saharanpur, Uar Pradesh - 247001. No. 3/250, Brindavan Road, 6th Cross, Perumal Kovil Back Side, Fairland’s, Salem, Tamil Nadu - 636016.
Koshal Builder Complex, Near Goal Bazaar Petrol Pump, Sambalpur, Orissa - 768001. 1st Floor, Gopal Complex, Near Bus Stand, Rewa Road, Satna,
Madhya Pradesh - 485001. Crystal Plaza 2nd Floor, Manday Lane, Near Sunshine Hospital, P G Road, Secunderabad, Telangana - 500003. 
1st/A-375, V V Colony, Dist. Sonebhadra, Shaknagar, Uar Pradesh - 231222. Annex Mani Bhawan, Lower Thana Road, Near R K M Lp School, Shillong, Meghalaya
- 793001. Triveni Building, By Pas Chowkkhallini, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh - 171002. Sri Matra Naika Complex, 1st Floor, Above Shimoga Diagnosc
Centre, Llr Road, Durgigudi, Shimoga, Karnataka - 577201. 1st Floor, M.P.R.P. Building, Near Bank of India, Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh - 473551. First Floor,
Super Tower, Behind Ram Mandir Near Taparya Bagichi, Sikar, Rajasthan - 332001. N.N. Dua Road, Chowchakra Complex, Premtala, Silchar, Assam - 788001.
Nanak Complex, Sevoke Road, Siliguri, West Bengal - 734001. 12/12-A Sura Complex, Arya Nagar, Opp. Mal Godam, Sitapur, Uar Pradesh - 261001.
363, Thiruthangal Road, Opp: TNEB, Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu - 626123. Sahni Bhawan, Adjacent Anand Cinema Complex, The Mall, Solan, Himachal Pradesh
- 173212. Block No 06, Vaman Nagar, Opp D-Mart, Jule Solapur, Solapur, Maharashthra - 413004. 205 R Model Town, Above Central Bank of India,
Sonepat, Haryana - 131001. 35E Block, Opp: Sheetla Mata Vaateka Sri Ganganagar, Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan - 335001. D.No-4-1-28/1,
Venkateswara Colony, Near Income Tax Oce, Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh - 532001. 1077/3, Civil Lines Opp Bus Stand, Civil Lines, Sultanpur, Uar Pradesh
- 228001. G-5 Empire State Buliding, Nr Udhna Darwaja, Ring Road, Surat, Gujarat - 395002. 101, Yaswant Tower, 1st Floor, Opposite Puja Hotel, Ram Maru
Road, Naupada Thane (West), Maharashtra - 400 602. No. 70, Nalliah Complex, Srinivasam Pillai Road, Tanjore, Tamil Nadu - 613001. First Floor,
Pulimool Pioneer, Pala Road, Thodupuzha, Kerala - 685584. 55/18, Jeney Building, S N Road, Near Aravind Eye Hospital, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu - 627001.
H.No:10-13-425, 1st Floor, Tilak Road, Opp: Sridevi Complex, Tirupathi, Andhra Pradesh - 517501. First oor, 244 A, Above Selvakumar Dept Stores,
Palladam Road, Opp to Coon Market Complex, Tirupur, Tamil Nadu - 641604. 2nd Floor, Erinjery Complex, Ramanchira, Opp Axis Bank, Thiruvalla, Kerala -
689107. 2nd Floor, Brothers Complex, Naikkanal Juncon, Shornur Road, Near Dhanalakshmi Bank H O, Thrissur, Kerala - 680001. 60, Sri Krishna Arcade,
Thennur High Road, Trichy, Tamil Nadu - 620017. 2nd Floor, Akshaya Tower, Sasthamangalam, Trivandrum, Kerala - 695010. 4 - B, A34 - A37,
Mangalmal Mani Nagar, Opp. Rajaji Park, Palayamkoai Road, Tucorin, Tamil Nadu - 628003. 201-202, Madhav Chambers, Opp G P O, Chetak Circle, Udaipur,
Rajasthan - 313001. 101 Aashta Tower, 13/1 Dhanwantri Marg, Freeganj, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh - 456010. Shop No 2, Phiroza Corner, Opp Next Show
Room, Tithal Road, Valsad, Gujarat - 396001. Shop No-12, Ground Floor, Sheetal Appatment, Near K P Tower, Vapi, Gujarat - 396195. D-64/1321St Floor,
Anant Complex, Sigra, Varanashi, Uar Pradesh - 221010. Shop No.43-A, Ground Floor, Vashi Plaza, Sector-17, Near Apna Bazar, Vashi, Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400
705. 1, M N R Arcade, Ocers Line, Krishna Nagar, Vellore, Tamil Nadu - 632001. Soubhagya, 19-6-1/3, 2nd Floor, Near Fort Branch, Opp: Three
Temples, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh - 535002. 39-10-7, Opp : Municipal Water Tank, Labbipet, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh - 520010. 104,
Sangam Arcade, V P Road, Opp: Railway Staon, Above Axis Bank ATM, Vile Parle (West), Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400 056. Door No: 48-8-7, Dwaraka
Diamond, Ground Floor, Srinagar, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh - 530016. 5-6-95, 1st Floor, Opp: B.Ed Collage,Lashkar Bazar, Chandra Complex, Hanmakonda,
Warangal, Telangana - 506001. Jagdhari Road, Above UCO Bank, Near D.A.V. Girls College, Yamuna Nagar, Haryana - 135001.
CIN: U65100MH2010PLC199319
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