UPS Anti-Trafficking in Persons Policy
As a global organization, UPS has an obligation to support our employees, customers, stakeholders, and
communities in all of the countries we serve. UPS is also committed to doing business in a manner that
supports our high standards of business conduct and our UPS values. As part of this commitment, UPS
strongly condemns the trafficking of persons. It strictly prohibits the use of any of its assets or resources
for any purpose that would enable the trafficking of persons, including forced labor, debt bondage,
involuntary servitude, sex trafficking or commercial sex acts. This policy governs the UPS enterprise as a
whole, its employees, suppliers, consultants, third-party representatives, and subcontractors.
UPS strictly prohibits its employees, suppliers, consultants, third-party representatives, and
subcontractors from:
Engaging in trafficking in persons
Procuring commercial sex act
Using forced labor
Destroying, concealing, confiscating, or otherwise denying access by an employee to the
employee's identity or immigration documents, such as passports or driver's licenses, regardless
of issuing authority
Additionally, our recruiting and hiring activities must not knowingly include misleading or fraudulent
practices, charge employees recruitment fees, or use recruiters or recruiting companies that do not
comply with local labor laws or do not pay wages that meet the host-country's legal requirements.
Employees or representatives who become aware of potential violations of the UPS Anti-Trafficking in
Persons Policy or any related laws or regulations have an obligation to report these concerns to the
company so they may be reviewed and addressed in an ethical and responsible manner. Any UPS
employee or representative who believes our legal or ethical responsibilities are being violated, or who
feels pressured to violate the law or our ethical responsibilities, must make contact with the UPS Help
Line at or +1-800-220-4126.
Additional Anti-Trafficking requirements apply when we are engaged in a contract to provide service to
the U.S. Government. Pursuant to these government requirements, UPS employees may also report
activity inconsistent with the policy prohibiting trafficking in persons to the Global Human Trafficking
Hotline at 1-844-888-FREE or its email address at Questions regarding the UPS Anti-
Trafficking in Persons Policy should be directed to Corporate Compliance and Ethics at