How to print a full-sized draft of your poster through tiled printing
It is difficult to get a firm grasp of how your poster will look when it is printed full size when looking at it on the computer through
“View”>“Fit to window” or “View”>100%”
Tile format or tiling allows you to print out a design that is larger than a single sheet of 8.5" x 11" paper by printing out parts of the
drawing on multiple sheets of paper that are then pieced together like a puzzle to create the complete drawing at the specified scale.
Unfortunately, PowerPoint will not let you print in “tile” format. So how to do this…
Some printers can tile directly through the printer. Choose File, Print, pick your printer and then click Properties. Look for
settings that will allow you to print tiled output directly from PowerPoint.
Adobe Acrobat: Recent versions of Adobe Acrobat can do tiled printing.
o Create a PDF from your PowerPoint file (Office button>Save As>Adobe PDF).
o Open the PDF in Acrobat.
o Choose File > Print.
o Under Page Scaling (near center left of Print box), choose Tile All Pages. NOTE: the preview image will show you how
the document will look once printed, how many pages it will print on, etc
o (Optional) Set any of these options, referring to the Preview image to check the output results:
Tile Scale: This affects how close to actual size the image will print. Recommend: 100%.
Overlap: Specifies the minimum amount of duplicated information you want printed on each tile for ease in assembly.
Recommend: Leave as is.
Labels: (not necessary) Includes the PDF name, date of printing, and tile coordinate on every sheet. For example,
Page 1 (1,1) means row 1, column 1 of the first page. Tile coordinates are used for reassembling the tiles.
Cut Marks: Prints marks on each corner of a tiled page for ease of assembly. Use this option in conjunction with the
Overlap option. When you specify an overlapping edge and then superimpose those edges, you can use the cut
marks to line up the tiles.
Microsoft Publisher:
Open PowerPoint and Save As > .PNG
Open Publisher. Create custom size with same dimensions as PowerPoint “poster”
Into new Publisher doc: Insert > Picture > From File > (browse for your newly created .PNG file)
Adjust size of picture to cover the Publisher doc and Save
Open PowerPoint, under Editing > Select All > copy.
Open Publisher. Create custom size with same dimensions as PowerPoint “poster”
Paste into Publisher. Adjust size of picture to cover the Publisher doc and Save.
Print > Printing Options > Tiled > Print (can also Print Preview to see how it will divide the document)
NOTE: In the Print Box > More Print Options, you can select “Print a single tile” and enter the column and row of a
desired section of the poster, as seen in the Print Preview, if you want to see, check, or re-print a small area.
Excel: (NOTE: this may not print out a high quality document, but fine for draft editing)
o Open PowerPoint and Save As > .PNG
o Open Excel. Insert > Picture > (browse for your newly created .PNG file) > Insert
o Print (will automatically print in tiled format)
Other options: Google "tiled printing" or similar terms.