ConocoPhillips Canada
Instructions for submitting iPay invoices via Email
(Warning…if you are an ePay or ERS vendor all invoices submitted to this email will be rejected.)
Email Subject Line Requirements
Please include your vendor number, vendor name and invoice number(s) in the subject line of
your email. (Ex. 677324-ABC Company-Inv# 54321)
Include “Merge” instruction if applicable (see invoice attachment requirements)
Invoice Attachment Requirements
Ensure the email attachment meets the guidelines below.
Supported document types are currently PDF only.
An attachment containing the invoice plus backup - the invoice must be 1
page of the
Attachments containing more than one invoice are NOT allowed. The result is that the
entire attachment will be scanned as one invoice.
Multiple attachments in one email that pertain to one invoice, the word MERGE must
be included on the subject line of the email and the invoice document must be the first
attachment, subsequent attachments will be treated as backup to the invoice.
Multiple attachments in one email without the word MERGE in the subject line each
attachment will be scanned as a separate invoice.
Avoid scanning in color as this can cause the file size to be extremely large.
The file name of the attachment must not exceed 50 characters.
Invoice Content Requirements - Be sure ALL are met to avoid rejection:
Addressed to the proper legal entity name. Separate invoices may be required while
performing work for more than one ConocoPhillips Canada legal entity. Joint Advisory
Valid ConocoPhillips Purchase Order Number (10 digit identifier beginning with 300,
450, 451 or 452) Or ConocoPhillips employee user id (provided by the person placing
the order for goods or services) on the face of the invoice
Vendor Name
Remittance Address
Invoice Date
Invoice Number
Invoice Amount
Tax Amount (if applicable)
GST Number
Purchase description
An automatic email response will be sent back to the e-mail address from which the invoice was sent
informing that the invoice was either successfully imported or it failed to import. Please do not reply to
the automatic response. (If you do, this will set off a series of failure notifications as the reply will go
back through the system as if it were another invoice being submitted.) In the event of a failure, check
your attachment to ensure it meets the guidelines. If you cannot determine the reason for the failure,
please submit an inquiry through the Vendor Invoice Status (VIS) site.
Vendors are encouraged to check the status of an invoice using the Vendor Invoice Status (VIS) website.
If an invoice is submitted without one or more of the above mentioned required fields, it will be
rejected. Rejection comments can be viewed in VIS as well. Please see ConocoPhillips Vendors website
for further instructions.