Technology Plan
Contents........................................................................................................................................................ 0
troduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1
Support of College Mission and Vision ......................................................................................................... 1
STATEMENT................................................................................................................................... 1
Alignment with District Tech Plan............................................................................................................. 1
Education Master Plan Alignment: Innovation......................................................................................... 2
Technology Goals......................................................................................................................................2
Integrated Planning Model ........................................................................................................................... 3
Current Status of Technology ....................................................................................................................... 4
Staff........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Budget and Funding .................................................................................................................................. 4
Facilities .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Wireless Network Access.......................................................................................................................... 5
Video Surveillance..................................................................................................................................... 5
Instructional Use of Technology ............................................................................................................... 5
Student Services and Administrative Use of Technology ......................................................................... 6
Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic....................................................................................................... 9
Identifying and Assessing Future Technology Needs.............................................................................. 11
Refresh Model.............................................................................................................................................12
Hardware standards................................................................................................................................13
Facility Technology Guidelines.................................................................................................................... 14
New construction or facility upgrades.................................................................................................... 14
New CTE Building ....................................................................................................................................14
Disaster Recovery and Backup.................................................................................................................... 15
Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) ................................................................................................................. 15
Cyber Security ............................................................................................................................................. 16
References ..................................................................................................................................................17
Updated: 10-01-20
Clovis Community College (CCC) strives to maintain a high level of commitment to provide support of
technology needs across instructional, administrative, and student services areas.
The purpose of this Technology Plan is to establish technology guidelines that will help direct Clovis
Community College as we prepare for the future. This plan contains visions and recommendations for
technological enrichment within Clovis Community College that will occur over the next three years.
This plan examines the current status of technology at Clovis Community College, focusing on three
major elements that are crucial for the success of any technology master plan: organization, processes,
and technology. It contains administrative procedural recommendations that should be implemented
and supported as CCC intends to continue to maintain the high standard of education it currently
After completion of the Educational Master P
lan (Fall 2016), Strategic Plan
(Spring 2017), and
Governance Handbook (Spring 2020), the Technology Committee updated the CCC Technology Plan. The
plan was presented to College Council and was shared with various governance groups for comment
prior to final review by College Council (Fall 2020).
Support of College Mission and Vision
The mission of Clovis Community College is Creating Opportunities One Student at a Time:
We honor diversity and serve all students of the community.
We promote opportunities for success and wellness through full access to programs and
services, and we provide comprehensive student support to achieve equity.
We foster critical, creative, and engaged thinking through education based on integrity,
generosity, and accountability.
We support student success along pathways to certificates, degrees, and transfer programs,
preparing students for thriving futures.
We build community partnerships to enhance student learning and success, thereby advancing
economic vitality in the community.
We engage in reflective research and innovation focused on learning and student outcomes.
Clovis Community College is the college of choice for academic excellence, innovation, and student
Alignment with District Tech Plan
The technology plans for each college within the district are formulated to fit within the goals of the
campus strategic and/or educational plans using the District Strategic Plan 2017-2020 as a foundation.
As a result, all campus and District office plans are all inter-related, with some initiatives being campus
based, while other activities are inter-connected with District and/or other campus plans. The campus
technology teams work in collaboration with the district to ensure that the implementation, review,
training, and security of technology resources and related technology initiatives are managed at both
the college and district level.
The Director of College Technology Services is a standing member on the Districtwide Technology
Advisory Committee and can represent this committee to the districtwide committee when needed such
as providing input on scheduling of downtime for technology applications and services to minimize the
impact to instruction.
Updated: 10-01-20
Education Master Plan Alignment: Innovation
Our college prides itself on being in the vanguard of innovation. We are committed to the highest levels
of rigor and inspiration, and so we explore innovative practices that will provide the best opportunities
for our students.
Following are the overarching goals of the 2017-2027 Educational Master Plan, which encompass six
major areas:
ACCESS: Expand opportunities and remove access barriers
TEACHING & LEARNING: Promote excellence and opportunities
SUPPORTING STUDENT SUCCESS: Provide comprehensive services while promoting equity
COMMUNITY & PARTNERSHIPS: Strengthen and develop external relationships
RESOURCES AND FACILITIES: Expand and enhance the capacity of the college
INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS: Strive for excellence in planning, governance, and
Technology Goals
In support of the college’s mission, Education Master Plan and Strategic Plan, the Technology
Plan has the following four goals:
All staff computers will meet the requirements for mid or high-level computers.
All campus technology resources available to students will meet the minimum hardware
requirements and software resources will be kept up to date.
All current technology resources will be assessed for compliance with accessibility.
All action plans will be reviewed to ensure that all new technology purchases meet
recommended standards and accessibility requirements.
Updated: 10-01-20
Integrated Planning Model
Integrated Planning Model graphic 1
Updated: 10-01-20
Current Status of Technology
The Clovis Community College Technology Services Department is under the direction of the Director of
Technology Services. The Director reports to the Clovis Community College president for technology
related planning and implementation. Clovis Community College has one Network Administrator, two Sr.
IT Customer Support Technicians, one full-time IT Customer Support Assistants, and two permanent
part-time IT Customer Support Assistants.
Budget and Funding
The Technology Services Department is primarily funded out of the college’s budget based on the
annual budgeting process. Where it is advantageous to consolidate hardware and software license and
maintenance purchases across the district, the purchase will be made from the District level budget with
input from the different campuses to leverage cost savings.
Clovis Community College has approximately 780 computers available to students, staff and faculty.
There are 10 student computer labs with 468 (329 desktops, 139 laptops) computers for student use.
The Open Computer Lab at Clovis Community College has 108 computers available for use throughout
the week. The other five labs support programs, including Business, Computer Science, Math, English,
Art, Engineering, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Mechatronics, Student Services and IT. The
Herndon campus houses an additional open lab for student use and a separate lab for faculty. Software
available in the labs are standardized on Microsoft Office 2016/2019 along with specialized programs to
support specific disciplines (e.g. Adobe Creative Cloud and AutoCAD). Regular classrooms are technology
enabled with a computer, projector, sound and VCR/DVD’s permanently installed. The administrators,
staff, and full-time faculty are assigned a laptop or desktop computer for their use with access to
multiple printers and other resources. Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) is implemented in two of the
instructional computer labs, the Open Computer Lab, and the library lab. At the Herndon campus, it is
implemented in two instructional computer labs and the open computer lab.
The core networking and datacenter server farm at Clovis Community College is housed in the main
cross connect (MDF) in Academic Center 1 (AC1). In each building and on each floor, there are multiple
telecom rooms (IDF) that house the distribution networking equipment with redundant fiber optic
connections back to the core. The telecom rooms also contain the patch panels where the wired
Ethernet cabling terminate to the wall plates at the stations. The server farm utilizes Dell equipment
running a hypervisor that supports purpose specific virtual servers which provides services such as
authentication, network operation, Internet browsing, file storage, printing, licensing, software
applications, and more for both instructional and administrative uses.
Clovis Community College has two classrooms that are equipped with video conferencing equipment.
These classrooms support distance learning classes, where an instructor at one site can send their live
feed to students at remote room location. There are also four conference rooms equipped with video
conferencing equipment that allows administrators, staff, and faculty to meet with employees at the
other campuses and sites without having to physically leave the campus.
Updated: 10-01-20
Wireless Network Access
Wireless network access is available throughout the Clovis Community College and Herndon campus for
students, staff, faculty, and guests using district owned laptops or personal devices. Access for students,
staff, and faculty requires users to authenticate using their district issued username and password.
Guests are redirected to a portal page where they must accept a Terms of Use.
The current wireless access points will be replaced to the newer access points that supports the newest
wireless standard, Wi-Fi 6 at the Clovis Community College campus. The Wi-Fi 6 capable access points
will improve performance and capacity for wireless users. After completing the replacement of the
existing access points, an audit will also be performed on the wireless coverage to identify gaps and
bottlenecks and formulate a plan to address those areas.
Video Surveillance
The video surveillance is integrated into a districtwide system that is accessible by designated people.
SCCCD PD can view live feeds and review recorded footage of all cameras across the district. At each
campus, designated users have been identified that have been granted to access a set of cameras on
their campus based on their need.
Instructional Use of Technology
Students encounter and utilize technology continually, in classrooms and labs, all which helps support
their success. The following are some of the examples of technology used in instructional situations and
does not reflect a comprehensive list of all technologies and software used.
Additional student support (enrollment and registration applications and routing, transcript requests,
and password resets for WebAdvisor) is provided using Internet-based services.
Faculty have access to the Canvas learning management system for both face-to-face and distance
education courses. All course sections and rosters are automatically loaded into the system at the
beginning of the semester and updated regularly throughout the semester. Students can access Canvas
from home and/or from numerous locations on campus, including the open computer lab. Students also
use personal devices (computers, tablets, and smart phones) and/or numerous locations on campus,
including the open computer lab for online test-taking and research for their courses. Within Canvas,
instructors can check student submissions using Turnitin, a plagiarism-checking program. Online
instructors have access to the Confer Zoom tool to hold and record class meetings for online courses.
All classrooms include a networked computer with a digital projector, presenter, and sound system.
Technology-based courses such as Digital Media, Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD), and
Computer Science (programming) use personal computers extensively to simulate their work
environments. Hardware and software used in these courses is periodically assessed and upgraded to
meet current industry standards, as expected by the faculty and students in these courses. Laptop carts
are available for faculty to request for their classrooms for student use.
Clovis Community College provides full-time faculty members with a laptop computer, access to Office
365, and other software as needed. Adjunct faculty have access to Office 365, and designated
workspaces with computers. Faculty use the Colleague/WebAdvisor system for student and scheduling
information, class rosters, and for final grade entry.
Technology Services staff provide instructor technical support, and the Instructional Designer provides
instructor technology-integration support. Many tutorials are online, and the Computer Services staff is
available for personal instruction and various training sessions.
Updated: 10-01-20
Student Services and Administrative Use of Technology
Technology is used extensively by administrative and student services departments to meet the needs of
students. The following are some of the examples of technology used by student services and
administration and does not reflect a comprehensive list of all technologies and software used.
Access to services is available on the Clovis Community College website and by Internet-based
application providers, and students are directed to use WebAdvisor for enrollment and various status
checks. Other state-based services provide student eligibility status tracking, loan and grant application
and processing, and transcript requests.
Ellucian Colleague is an integrated database used for all of the major district functions, such as Human
Resources, Financials, Student Records, and Curriculum Management. This database feeds information
to all other systems, such as Canvas, Scheduling and Reporting System (SARS) and is the source of state
and federal report content and institutional research data. Staff, counseling, faculty, and administrators
use Colleague extensively throughout each workday and a substantial amount of the district’s
technology staffing is required to maintain this software.
Ellucian Colleague is used extensively for district information and processes. Students interact with the
system using WebAdvisor, and can update email and residence address information. Students also use
WebAdvisor to register for classes. Students may also call a central help desk for assistance with
WebAdvisor. Colleague records are updated with student contact information, and summary
information is transferred for State MIS reporting and internal Institutional Research.
eLumen was implemented in Fall 2019 as the Curriculum Committee's main repository of course
information. The tool is used for storing Course Outline of Record (COR) for each course and information
for programs. The Committee works from the eLumen platform for business during regular meetings.
Changes to eLumen have both an internal view for the work of the committee and a public view so that
all CORs and Programs can be seen publicly once they are published. The platform has additional
functions including SLO tracking which CCC has implemented. The district has considered their catalog
function but has not committed to it at this time.
The Clovis Community College website ( is used in many ways. It provides
resources and information for prospective, new, and continuing students, including registration,
enrollment services, program offerings, articulation and transfer/career resources. The site is used to
communicate district news and events with students and the community. The site also serves staff and
faculty with links to departments and committees for reporting and communication.
New student applications are collected by CCCApply, an Internet service partially funded by the
Chancellor’s Office. This service is used by most California Community Colleges. Information is supplied
by applicants at the Web site then downloaded daily by the schools to which the individual has applied.
The information is moved into Colleague automatically then verified by staff. Any individual exceptions
are manually resolved before processing proceeds.
Financial Aid uses NextGen Scholarship Manager to manage student applications to scholarships
through CCC and the SCCCD Foundation. This program also manages the selection and ranking
processes. Ocelot provides short, financial aid specific videos that can be embedded on the website.
Ocelot also comes with a chatbot, which is able to provide 24/7 service to students by answering general
questions. SQL is used extensively in financial aid processing. Jobspeaker is software provided by the
Career Resource Center and is utilized by Financial Aid to advertise Federal Work Study positions. This
software assists students in building their resume for the applications.
Maxient is a software used for Title IX and discipline. A group of Title IX and discipline administrators
from around the district met with them for a demo a couple years ago and spent last academic year
setting the system up. We rolled it out in Spring 2020. Cases are created for different situations (student
Updated: 10-01-20
conduct/academic dishonesty/sexual harassment/etc.) and all corresponding documentation is added to
the electronic file cabinet. Maxient pulls info from Datatel but does not push info back in. Some of the
things pull include student schedules. This is helpful and allows us to schedule appointments with
parties or witnesses directly through the software. Our templates are built in for notices of investigation
and suspension type letters.
Access to Maxient is limited to your role. It is a districtwide system; however, only those who are HR,
discipline deans, or involved in the Title IX process currently have access. There is a public facing side
that allows reports to be filed. Eventually, the disruptive behavior report form, academic dishonesty
form, and complaint form will be submitted through this process.
The CCC Counseling Department utilizes a variety of online resources to provide student support
services for students and faculty.
Each component of the matriculation process is available online. The Live Help, Online Academic
Counseling, has been utilized to provide students with live chat counseling sessions for the past 15
years. Additionally, students have access to following matriculation components: college orientation,
admission application (CCC Apply), and Transfer and Career Counseling services.
CCC Counselors are currently utilizing the Starfish Educational Planner which currently allows counselors
to develop an online student educational plan. In time, this will be available for students to preview and
update online. Ultimately, this tool will allow for students to register for classes in line with their
approved student educational plan and will lead to improved enrollment management.
CCC Counselors have implemented two online resources to assist in student retention: Starfish Early
Alert and online probation services. Starfish Early Alert provides an online resource for faculty to
identify students early in the semester and work with counseling to provide the appropriate resources
and services. Online probation services have also been in place to assist student on all levels of academic
and/or progress probation. The Online Probation Workshop, originally developed through Cynosure,
that provides students on a Level one probation with information on probation, steps to succeed, and
ultimately clearance for registration has been revised and set up on Canvas.
The counseling department also relies on various online resources to assist students; some of which
(articulation agreements), Cal State Apply (CSU Admissions Application), Transfer
Counselor Website, and transfer college websites.
The SARS (Student Appointment and Recording System) Anywhere application is also used by the CCC
Counseling Department and other student services, including financial aid and the veterans center.
SARS provides a system used to schedule student appointments, track walk-ins, schedule meetings,
implement SARS Message to text students, and generate reports on services provided. Recently, the
counseling department worked closely with SARS to establish through SARS Anywhere the following
services completely online for students and counselors:
Setting up and maintaining counselor’s schedules
Documenting and tracking all counseling sessions and mapped to Colleague for MIS purposes
Making future and same day counseling appointments automatically connected to ZOOM
Drop In system for Academic Counseling sessions via ZOOM
Text/Messaging system to notify student of appointments and/or place in DROP In line via e-
CCC Counselors have also developed Starfish Connect system to be in line with all of the other SCCCD
colleges and centers. As we transition to Starfish Connect, we will slowly move away from SARS.
Updated: 10-01-20
CCC Counseling also relies on other online resources including:
OnBase; which is an electronic document imaging and storage used to increase efficiency and
responsiveness of Student Services, Financial Aid, and Admissions & Records.
Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, Canvas to communicate and share information within student
support services
The CCC DSP&S office utilizes Accessible Information Management (AIM) to house student disability
documentation and to coordinate academic adjustments and auxiliary aides. AIM is a districtwide
computerized data management system that DSP&S staff, instructional faculty, and students are
required to use to access DSP&S services. AIM allows DSP&S departments to be 100% paperless. It also
allows DSP&S to produce internal data that provide detailed analytics about academic adjustments,
auxiliary aides, and services utilized.
The district libraries in conjunction with the California Community Colleges began migrating to ExLibris
Alma/Primo VE Library Services Platform in February 2019. Migration was completed and the system
went live in early Spring 2020. Libraries use library services platforms to catalog and manage the
circulation of all items in the district. The LSP also provides a service-side view for library users to search
the catalog and manage their library accounts. The library collection can be queried using any browser,
but dedicated PCs connected to the Bibliotheca RFID Workstations are required for new item processing
as well as the checking in and checking out of materials and subsequent deactivation and reactivation of
the security of the materials being checked in and out of the library. Library staff and faculty log in to
Alma using Single Sign-On and Primo VE (branded “OneSearch”) patron-side accounts are also
authenticated through SSO. Each college has a librarian Lead to manage and maintain the system.
Brooke Ramos is the lead for Clovis as well as the district administrator. Ongoing maintenance of the
project is coordinated using Microsoft Teams and all leads and District IT are in the LSP Team.
The library website links out to the library’s subscription databases. Access to these databases is
authenticated using SSO through the OCLC EZ-Proxy. The library works with the Network Coordinator on
maintenance. Access is granted to current students, faculty, and staff at CCC.
The library uses the PaperCut system to allow students to pay for printing. One cash/coin vend unit is
located in the library. The library also has a book scanner for students to use to send free PDF scans to
their email or cloud storage. The KIC Sprout from Digital Library Systems Group was purchased in March
2018 along with a 20-month extended maintenance plan. The scanner was replaced by DLSG in
September 2020 due to equipment failure.
Student workers in the Library and Tutorial Center log in and out of shifts using TimeClock Plus. Students
who visit the Tutorial Center are logged into TutorTrac. An option for online tutoring through Zoom is
offered during Tutorial Center hours. 24/7 synchronous and asynchronous tutoring is available through
NetTutor, which is integrated into the Canvas course navigation.
The Business Office uses Colleague for all district purchasing and accounts receivable. The cashiers are
able to accept credit and debit cards from students and secure transactions can be made through the
website. The library also has trained staff able to accept credit and debit card transactions.
Adoption and Implementation of Office 365
Realizing the need for shared collaboration spaces, a districtwide project was undertaken in the spring
of 2018 that included the upgrade of the Microsoft network infrastructure components that would allow
integration with Microsoft’s Office 365. This would allow staff, faculty, and administrators to utilize
Office 365’s suite of applications such as OneDrive, Word Online, Excel Online, PowerPoint Online,
SharePoint Online, and Teams. In the fall of 2018, users’ email mailboxes were migrated from an on-
premises mail store to Office 365’s Exchange Online.
Updated: 10-01-20
Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
In response to the COVID-19 closures and the decision to move instruction online in March 2020, and to
continue online for the duration of the 2020-2021 school year, the following steps have been taken to
ensure that student, faculty, staff, and administrative needs are met through the duration of the
Updates to the Website and Communicating Information
The Web Content Engineer regularly liaises with department leads, content experts, and administrators
to ensure that website content is constantly updated in order to provide current and accurate
information about campus resources. A page was created to help students with
transitioning to online
learning. The page links out to a Frequently Asked Questions page that addresses questions that were
being asked in response to the closures. Student services pages were updated with identifying icons that
can be seen across several webpages and a centralized Student Services Online page was created. A
similarly designed Special Programs page was also created. A social media page was also created to
provide a complete list of handles for the college’s social media accounts.
CCC continues to use multiple avenues to communicate including the website, announcements in the
Portal, email, social media, and Crush Alerts. Crush Alerts were continued over Summer 2020 and are
being sent to personal email addresses when provided. We also create a more detailed Crush Alert
webpage which is updated each week to supplement the student email. The district is currently working
on a communication messaging hub.
Repurposing and Acquiring New Technology
Technology Services department repurposed laptops that were stored in carts in the classrooms to be
used for technology equipment checkout to staff, faculty, and students. Webcams were also made
available to faculty who needed one.
The Technology Services department purchased additional technology equipment to loan out to staff,
faculty, and students and close equity gaps. Technology equipment included webcams, headsets,
hotspots (MiFis), laptops, and software licenses.
Technology Checkout Program
The library and IT are coordinating to check out technology to students. In addition to the library’s own
technology holdings, IT has contributed laptops from the campusthree laptop carts to check out to
students in addition to technology purchased to close equity gaps. The library has also worked with
individual programs and departments to catalog and check out their equipment to their students
through the Technology Checkout Program. This includes laptops, kits, and calculators. All items are
cataloged into ExLibris Alma, where the library can keep track of items, renew, send notices, and notify
of late or lost items.
To request technology, students are required to fill out a technology agreement and then specify what
technology they need to check out. Students are able to check out laptops, tablets, MiFis, webcams,
headphones, scientific calculators, and graphing calculators. The library works with the student to set an
appointment time and when the student arrives, the item is then checked out and a receipt is
automatically emailed to the email on file with Colleague. Students verify their identity by showing
photo id and their technology is given to them. All technology is checked out for the semester.
Updated: 10-01-20
Software Security
With the move to online meetings for instruction and events using the Zoom platform, hackers were
crashing and disrupting the meetings a.k.a. Zoom bombing. To mitigate such occurrences, the IT
leadership districtwide along with the instructional designers and distance education coordinators came
together to craft a document of best practices for Zoom meeting security settings. The best practices
were designed to make it harder for a Zoom bombing occur, in addition, helps the meeting host and co-
hosts restore control of the meeting.
Online Instruction
Instruction continues to use the Canvas LMS to facilitate instruction online. Instruction, as well as other
campus services, have made greater use of Confer Zoom, available to us through the California
Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Tech Connect.
Online Certification
The college offers a fully online asynchronous Online Teaching Certification for faculty to teach online.
This certification provides instruction in best practices for online course design, the CVC-OEI course
design rubric, and accessibility training. Faculty also have access to the Clovis Teacher’s Toolbox in
Canvas. This Canvas shell includes recorded trainings and links to how-to resources for various
instructional technologies, like Padlet, Confer Zoom, Canvas, Canvas Studio, Proctorio, Flip Grid,
Captioning, etc.
Online Training
In light of COVID-19, Clovis used existing training structures to train a larger number of faculty. In
addition to online certification, various other professional development/Flex opportunities have been
provided from Distance Education, Instructional Design, and Professional Development. These
opportunities are sent out to all instructors’ email. Instructors can also enroll in the Pandemic
Professional Development Canvas course for instructional resources and The Teacher’s Toolbox to find
specific information about technology tools and the PD Book Clubs. In addition, specific Canvas
resources were developed for students to test their online readiness and provide training in the Canvas
Student Use Software Licenses
Specific applications used for instruction were identified that students need a license to be able to
complete coursework at home. Using CARES funding, we procured the necessary Adobe Creative Cloud
and MATLAB licenses to cover the number of students registered in the course sections.
Online Services
In response to the COVID-19 closures, student services moved services online to continue to meet
student needs.
Tutorial Services
The Tutorial Center continues to offer 24/7 services through NetTutor and has increased their online
Zoom tutorial services. Students can access the Zoom information via the Tutorial Center’s website and
once they sign in, provide their ID number to a coordinator, and state which class they need help on,
they will be sent into a breakout room to meet with a tutor for that area. Instructors can request
verification reports to confirm student attendance. Students can connect to the Tutorial Center through
their Canvas Page, which lists the hours and a majority of the resources that are physically in the Tutorial
Center. The Tutorial Center has also put on online events via Zoom such as an Open Mic Night and
monthly Book Club and actively uses social media to connect and communicate information.
Updated: 10-01-20
Counseling Services
Counseling upgraded SARS Anywhere to provide all counseling sessions via Zoom and to expand options
including drop-in sessions, same-day ½ hour appointments, and future 1-hour appointments. SARS has
been customized for Career Counseling, EOPS, CalWORKs, and DSP&S while a separate grid has been set
up for TRIO counselors. A SARS text/messaging system was added to remind students of Zoom
appointments and to alert students when in line for a drop-in appointment. Live Help Online Counseling
hours were increased.
Counseling developed and synced documents to their Microsoft SharePoint site and are maintaining
communications with Microsoft Teams. Counseling and Admissions & Records collaborated to establish
workflows for processing student documentation. Counseling has utilized Canvas to educate students
and connect them with special programs and services. They developed an Online Probation Workshop
and there are modules for Transfer Services, DSP&S, Athletics, and Early Alert. Counseling has also
worked with Athletics to coordinate virtual study sessions. To connect students with information about
transferring, counseling worked with transfer institutions to provide Zoom informational sessions and
one-on-one Zoom appointment opportunities in lieu of Transfer Day activities. Counseling also took
Extreme Registration and Registration-to-Go events online with Zoom.
Library Services
The library offered options for library instruction and Book-a-Librarian appointments prior to the
closures but has completely moved online. Library instruction is now offered both synchronously
through Zoom and asynchronously with options for supplemental Canvas modules completed just prior
to closures. The library uses Microsoft Forms with Power Automate to book and confirm library
instruction and appointments as well as keep track of statistics. The library faculty and staff coordinate
services using Microsoft Teams and SharePoint.
The library offers Zoom drop-in office hours twice a week. Most student interactions occur through
Springshare LibChat/LibAnswers (Ask-a-Librarian 24/7), which is functioning as On Demand reference
services. The migration from OCLC QuestionPoint to LibChat was in process prior to closure. The new
system offers a frequently asked questions module (LibAnswers) and LibChat allows the ability for CCC
Librarian to directly answer student questions via chat and they can jump to Zoom screenshare from
within the app if necessary. The chat is maintained by state and global co-ops that field questions when
CCC librarians are offline. The library actively uses social media to engage students and communicate
information on resources, services, and events.
The library expanded its Overdrive collection to begin offering eBooks for checkout. The library has also
worked to get free access to existing print resources such as the DSM-V and CHOICE Reviews. Because
the closure limits access to the library’s reserve textbook collection, the library will be offering scanning
services for reserve textbooks. Requests are limited to a maximum of 2 chapters per book per semester
and copyright notices will be included to instruct on fair use and copyright restrictions. Access will be
provided through shared documents in Microsoft OneDrive and all links will expire at the end of the
Identifying and Assessing Future Technology Needs
As technology continues to develop, improve, and diversify in its application, Clovis Community College
staff are encouraged to request and implement technology tools in support of increased student
Through annual action plan processes, staff submit requests for technology in support of
classroom instruction. Action plans are reviewed by the college’s Technology Committee and
prioritized through input from the Department Chairs Council, President’s Council and College
Updated: 10-01-20
Staff are encouraged to request of the Director of Technology Services any innovative
technology they may have seen in professional development presentations, conferences, or
other avenues.
Staff involved in the college’s distance education program coordinate with the college’s
Technology Services staff to identify and implement emerging technologies to improve the
delivery of online courses. Examples of technology supporting distance education courses are
Canvas,, and other online components to ensure that instructors and students
maintain regular and effective contact in their courses.
Refresh Model
Based on a review of technology plans from similar community colleges, the following refresh model is
recommended to provide consistent quality and reliability of technology tools campus wide.
Estimated Cost
(General Use)
5 years
$1,200 per desktop PC
$3,000 per desktop Mac
4 years upgrade or replace as funding allows
$2,000 per desktop PC
$9,000 per desktop Mac
5 years
$35,000 per server
6 years
$400 per terminal
5 years See below regarding mid-cycle
$1,500 per PC laptop
$2,500 per Mac Laptop
$1,200 per desktop PC
5-10 years depending on physical layer
(copper, fiber, wireless) and network load,
congestions and equipment obsolescence.
$6,000 per switch
2 years machines are more heavily used and
perform advanced functions (virtual imaging,
test environments) directly related to providing
service to the rest of the campus. Upgraded
machines will be cycled to other uses.
$1,700 per desktop PC
$2,500 per desktop PC
infrastructure wiring
10 years
5 Years
$3,000 per projector
As needed when phones are end-of-life (EOL)
or as a result of a upgrade from the district call-
$200 per phone
As needed
$500 per printer
The above recommendations do not preclude mid-cycle upgrades such as improvements in RAM or HD
capacity. Whenever possible, refreshed computers will be cycled to other uses. For example, refreshed
staff computers may be used to expand student computer access or support IS/CSCI classes.
Updated: 10-01-20
Hardware standards
The following standards will be updated periodically by the Technology Services Department with the
intent that all new purchases will provide effective functionality throughout the expected life of the
Intel Core i7/i9 or
AMD Threadripper or
Ryzen 9
Intel Core i5 or
AMD Ryzen 5/7
Intel Core i3 or
AMD Ryzen 3
32 gigabyte (GB) with
expansion space for up to
64 GB or greater
16 GB with expansion
space for up to 32 GB
8 GB
Video Card*
Nvidia '80 or ‘90 card
Nvidia ‘60 or ‘70 card
Integrated Graphics
Hard Drive
1TB M.2. SSD +
512 GB SSD
256 GB SSD
*Video card requirements are for desktops only. Laptops should have integrated graphics or separate
graphics based on need.
All devices are to be procured with a minimum of 3-year hardware and support warranty. Accidental
Damage Protection (ADP) coverage is highly recommended for all mobile (Laptop/tablet) devices.
Only devices designated business-class will be considered for purchase. The following are recommended
hardware manufacturers for administrative and academic applications. Additional manufacturers may
be considered after review from the Technology Services Department.
Dell EMC
Apple, Inc.
Printer specifications:
The following specifications seek to improve efficiency of printing.
3 years
High yield (if available)
Duplex (2-sided printing by default)
Networked (allowing wireless printing when possible)
Scanning tray when requested by a department
Unless there is a specific need, printers will be B&W. Campus-wide color
printing is provided through the college’s Canon multifunction
B/W or Color
Updated: 10-01-20
Facility Technology Guidelines
New construction or facility upgrades
District facilities in cooperation with district and campus IT departments will review standards for new
classrooms, offices, and other meeting spaces. Current standards are as follows:
At least 2 network drops in the ceiling
3 network drops in each plate
A/V - Projector, document camera, speaker system, optical disc (blu-ray)
New CTE Building
Clovis Community College has submitted the plans for the new CTE building for approval. The building is
planned to be opened for Fall 2023. The new building will house offices, classrooms, and an area for
study. To support the different room utilizations, the building will contain three telecom rooms to house
the network equipment and serve as a wiring termination location. One telecom room will serve as the
termination room for the network fiber from the main cross connect in building AC-1.
Every office will have at least two plates of three network data drops.
Every classroom will have at least one plate of three network data drops for the instructor station, at
least two network drops in the ceiling to be utilized for wireless access point connectivity. Where there
is a ceiling mounted projector, there will be at least two network data drops going from the instructor
station to the projector for use with the audio-video system. In addition, there will at minimum two
pairs of speak wires from the instructor station to the wall or ceiling-mounted speakers for audio
amplification. Classrooms should be compatible with assistive listening devices and can accommodate
students with hearing impairment.
In the areas where there is a computer lab, there will be adequate network data drops to support the
quantity of computers planned to be in the space. In an area where it would be logical to place a wall
mounted cabinet and terminate network wiring to that location, it will be done so.
Throughout the building, network data drops will be strategically placed to be utilized for wireless access
points as well as video surveillance cameras.
The building will utilize WiFi 6 access points that are compatible with the current wireless management
system. In addition, the building will utilize video surveillance cameras that are compatible with the
current video surveillance system.
Updated: 10-01-20
All technology purchased and implemented within the college should meet the minimum standard
outlined by WCAG 2.0 AA, guidelines for accessibility. Clovis Community College’s Technology Advisory
Committee has established the following processes to ensure that all content and technology used by
college constituents is accessible:
Review of all action plans will include a check for accessibility guidelines.
Communicate the process for managing website content: All documents published to the
website go through a workflow managed by the Web Content Engineer. Documents are tested
for accessibility issues and sent back for review where appropriate. Website accessibility is built
into CMS (Content Management System) training facilitated by the Web Content Engineer.
Review new technologies along with appropriate experts to ensure accessibility and consider
necessary accommodations for students with disabilities.
Review VPATs for tools integrated into Canvas to ensure that it meets accessibility
Provide ongoing trainings through flex sessions, accessibility micro courses, and in the Online
Teacher Certification. In addition, online resources for accessibility are available on the website
and updated by the Web Content Engineer.
The web accessibility workgroup will review and revise the accessibility plan
in accordance with District
Web Accessibility Policy and recommendations outlined by WCAG 2.0 AA Standard.
Disaster Recovery and Backup
The on-premises datacenter utilizes a natural gas generator and UPS (uninterrupted power supply)
battery backup unit to allow uninterrupted and prolonged operation in the event of a power failure.
Generator testing is performed on a monthly basis by Operations to ensure correct operation. Physical
access to datacenter is restricted staff that have a need to ensure safety and security of hardware,
software, and information. The college technology staff work in collaboration with District IS staff to
address on-site and off-site backup and disaster support of campus systems.
The college uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 and Glacier products for warm and cold backup. Critical
campus files for faculty and staff are accessible within 24 hours in the event of a complete loss of on-
premises servers.
The backup and recovery plan will be tested at least twice a year to ensure recovery of data is possible.
Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD)
Staff, faculty, administrators, students, and guests have the capability to connect to the college wireless
network. For security, each group has different levels of access. Guests wireless access only permits
access to the Internet. The student wireless network access is also restricted to permit access to specific
on campus resources and the Internet only. The staff wireless network access permit access to the
entire network and Internet. Both the staff and student wireless utilize 802.1x authentication of the user
in order for the device to connect.
Add any vendor recommendations for students to purchase personal devices at a discounted rate and
that fit recommended configurations.
Updated: 10-01-20
Cyber Security
Regular patching is a recommended to ensure that a server is not left in a vulnerable state that can be
breached and compromised. Microsoft Windows patches are applied to the virtual servers on a regular
basis. In addition, third party application patches and upgrades are applied when available. Windows
Update settings on end user computers are configured for automatic monthly updates. Lab computers
are configured to erase any changes made to the system on reboot.
In the event of an end user computer being lost or stolen, Windows BitLocker has been enabled and the
local drive encrypted such that a successful login would be required to read the contents of the drive.
Should the drive be removed and attached it to another system, the data cannot be read until the
BitLocker decryption key is entered.
College owned computers are licensed to run antivirus software, Sophos Endpoint Protection, as part of
the license agreement with Sophos. Sophos can be installed on computers running Windows, Mac OSX,
and Linux operating systems. As the contract is entering its final year, districtwide we are exploring
alternative antivirus and anti-malware products and services such as Microsoft Security Suite. In
addition, we have acquired the use of Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) which will provide
real-time anti-phishing scanning for e-mails, OneDrive, SharePoint Online, and Teams.
Included in the new Microsoft licensing agreement is Intune for Education licensing which is Microsoft’s
endpoint device management solution that would allow remote management of Windows 10 devices.
We are planning to implement this technology to manage and secure the computers deployed to users
and throughout the campus.
Despite technical implementations to prevent data breach and compromise, an end user is susceptible
to social engineering attempts in order to gain access to their credentials. Awareness campaigns through
opening day presentations, districtwide emails notifications, and portal announcements. A warning
banners has also been implemented such that it is automatically placed on all emails that originate from
an external source to visually cue end users that may receive an unexpected email purported from
another District employee.
Updated: 10-01-20
Alpha Numeric Systems, Inc. “12-step Technology Refresh Deployment Checklist”
Cuesta College Technology Plan 2012-2017
Long Beach City College Technology Master Plan 2013-2018
Moorpark College Strategic Technology Plan 2016-2019
Santa Barbara City College District Technology Plan
USC IT Recommendations (
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
Updated: 10-01-20