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Quality Control Advisor Support: (855) 748-4784 or Quality_Control_Advisor@FreddieMac.com
Quality Control Advisor
Document Uploading Guide
Delivery Standards:
All documents and files uploaded via Quality Control Advisor should:
Be a single PDF (Portable Document Format) file.
Not exceed 100 MB and no greater than 1000 pages.
Not be password-protected or encrypted.
Have a file name of less than 100 characters.
Upload Process in Quality Control Advisor:
There are two ways to upload documents in Quality Control Advisor: Single Loan
Upload and Multi Loan Upload.
Single Loan Upload: The Single Loan Upload allows you to upload a loan file or
document to a specific loan:
Double click on any file in the grid, or
Click on a loan and select the “Upload Documents” button.
This brings up the Loan Detail Screen.
Documents may be uploaded one at a time through this screen for any
individual loan. NOTE: Naming convention is not important if you are
using Single Loan Upload.
Once you select the type of document (loan file, document request, or
appeal) that you want to upload, you can click the Upload button to
begin the upload process.
You may also add a comment to accompany the document that you
are uploading:
o After using the process above to upload a document, select
“Add Comment” from the Upload Document window and save
your comment. This comment is sent to Freddie Mac. Please
include contact information in your comment.
o Please note: Freddie Mac will not respond to the comment via
Quality Control Advisor. If a response is necessary, Freddie
V7.0 Page 2
Quality Control Advisor Support: (855) 748-4784 or Quality_Control_Advisor@FreddieMac.com
Mac will use existing contact methods (i.e. email) to contact the
Multi Loan Upload: The Multi Loan Upload allows you to upload up to 20
documents/files for multiple loan numbers at the same time. This functionality
also allows Quality Control Advisor users to upload files for any valid Freddie
Mac loan number, providing the ability of Sub-Servicers or original Sellers to
upload loan files and documents for the Seller/Servicers responsible for QC
Click on the Upload Docs button from any screen without selecting a loan
Follow screen directions to begin the upload process.
Once the document upload process begins, you can minimize the upload
window and continue working in Quality Control Advisor while the upload
process completes.
Uploaded loan files and documents must follow strict naming conventions.
The file name must follow these specifications exactly:
o Begin with the Freddie Mac Loan Number
o Then, an underscore,
o And end with one of the following Doc Type designations:
Subject Loan File LN
Original Loan File OLF
Missing\Incomplete Docs MD_INC
Appeals APL
Additional Docs ADD
Example: 123456789_LN
When uploading multiple documents with the same Doc Type designation
for the same loan:
o Add a sequence number to the file name
Example: 123456789_MD_INC_1
Once the system has reached the verification stage (providing a batch
number), you may begin another upload batch. Again, the process will
continue in the background. Note: Batch number does not confirm
delivery, but that you can move onto another task or close your program.
Check the Document Upload Log to confirm delivery.
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Quality Control Advisor Support: (855) 748-4784 or Quality_Control_Advisor@FreddieMac.com
Upon completion of the upload process, the “Submitted By” and
“Submitted Date” are populated on the Document Upload Log.
The document/loan file status is populated after the uploaded
document/loan file is reviewed and logged by Freddie Mac (typically within
48 hours).
Quality Control Advisor Upload Error Messages:
The following error messages could occur while uploading a document or file:
1. An error occurred; please contact your system administrator.
This message may be displayed if the system times out, which can be caused
by Internet delays or a long lag time when trying to pull a file from your
system. If the issue continues, contact your system administrator for
assistance, or send an email to the Quality Control Advisor support mailbox at
2. Documents must be in a PDF file format for uploading.
You may be attempting to upload a document in a format other than PDF
(Portable Document Format). Check your document’s format to ensure it is
saved as a PDF file.
3. Documents uploaded cannot exceed 100 MB size limit.
The size of your file is over the 100 MB (Megabytes) file limit in Quality
Control Advisor. Check the total size of your document. Note: 100 MB
(Megabytes) = 100,000 KB (Kilobytes).
Here are some helpful tips for reducing the size of your file:
Find the Freddie Mac Documentation Checklist on the Quick Reports tab
in the Sample Requested section.
Review the Documentation Checklist carefully.
Remove any unrequested or iterative documentation. (Most disclosures,
informational letters and versions of documents are not required).
Note: There are three distinct review types and the checklist for
each review type is unique.
Check the file version of your PDF file by pressing Control + D” on your
keyboard while viewing the document.
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Quality Control Advisor Support: (855) 748-4784 or Quality_Control_Advisor@FreddieMac.com
Older versions of a PDF file do not compress or store the files as
efficiently as the newer version (PDF 1.7).
Adobe Acrobat 9 and above saves the file with the latest PDF
version, but many third-party systems export documents in older
versions of PDF causing them to be saved as a larger file.
If the file is currently saved using an older version of a PDF file,
saving it to the new version with the reduced file PDF setting may
resolve the uploading issue.
Check the scanner settings for the scanned documents. Your
scanner settings determine the size of the final PDF file. The
recommended scanner settings are 200 Pixels Per Inch (PPI), set
to black-and-white documents.
Get the most up-to-date Specifications for Electronic File Delivery for QC Loan File
Need help?
Contact the Quality Control Advisor Support team at:
(855) 748-4784