Provided by the Academic Center for Excellence
Writing a Formal Research Paper
Reviewed Fall 2014
Writing a Formal Research Paper in the Social Sciences
This handout provides guidelines for writing a formal research paper in the social sciences.
Although it is a type of research paper, the process is not the same as writing a research paper for an
English or history class. In fact, a formal research paper is much more similar to a formal lab report
for a chemistry or biology class. The “research” in the title refers to conducted scientific research
rather than the gathering of information. For psychology classes, one will typically write about a
behavior observation, a survey, or an experiment. Sociology (and occasionally psychology) includes
interviews as well. The usual format for a social science research paper is APA; however, always
follow the instructor’s guidelines on formatting.
Note. For detailed information about social science research, visit the Research Methods Knowledge
You can navigate to specific sections of this handout by clicking the links below.
General Tips: pg. 2
Format: pg. 3
Title Page: pg. 4
Abstract: pg. 4
Introduction: pg. 5
Method: pg. 5
Results: pg. 6
Discussion: pg. 6
References: pg. 7
Tables and Figures: pg. 7
Provided by the Academic Center for Excellence
Writing a Formal Research Paper
Reviewed Fall 2014
General Tips
Be concise. Scientific writing often requires a lot of information, and it is important to
relay this information in a detailed but straightforward manner. The research should be
presented as clearly as possible, without excess wordiness or repetition. Always stay focused
and on-point.
Write in the third person. Avoid using the first person, such as “I” or “we,” when
discussing research procedure. For example, rather than writing, “I surveyed 35
participants,” it is better to write, “The survey was administered to 35 participants.” The
focus should stay on the research, and using the first person can make it appear more like a
personal narrative. This type of writing may seem awkward at first, so try to pay close
attention to the wording throughout the paper.
Use correct verb tenses. Students are often unsure of whether to use the past or present
verb tense when writing about research. There are a couple of general rules to follow
regarding verb tense usage:
o Since the study has already been conducted, discuss it in the past tense. For instance,
one could say, “It was predicted that…” or “The observation was conducted…”
o Since the theories and current research paper still exist, discuss them in the present
tense. For example, one could say, “research shows that…” or “according to
Bandura, children are more likely to show aggression when…”
Provided by the Academic Center for Excellence
Writing a Formal Research Paper
Reviewed Fall 2014
Write accurately about the research. Write about what actually happened instead of what
should havehappened. Research results do not always turn out the way one hopes, but
that is to be expected. Instructors do not grade based on whether or not a student achieves
the expected results but rather how well the student conducted and understood the study.
If the results are not favorable, explain possible causes or errors and what could be
improved in future research.
Use APA Format. For a social science research paper, APA format is typically expected.
APA format was developed for the social sciences, so it is followed fairly strictly in these
types of papers in both formatting the paper and citing sources. When in doubt, follow
APA guidelines.
Use peer-reviewed sources for research. If background research is needed for the paper,
only credible sources should be used. Online psychology or sociology journals are good
resources; however, any website that is not peer-reviewed should be avoided. Credible, peer-
reviewed sources can be found using the GCC Library Databases. In addition, textbooks
and reference books may be helpful for theoretical discussion.
Cite sources. Always use parenthetical, in-text citations to reference all of the source
material used. All ideas or research that is from an outside source must be cited. As
previously mentioned, APA formatting is expected when writing research papers for the
social sciences. For information on how to cite and format using APA, see the APA Format
Guide handout on the Academic Center for Excellence’s webpage or visit the Purdue Online
Writing Lab.
There are four main sections included in most formal social science research papers: introduction,
method, results, and discussion. As APA formatting requires, subheadings are centered and bolded.
Font size does not change for subheadings. Each section is not necessarily its own page, so do not
feel the need to begin a new page for each subheading. The remainder of this handout details the
content expected for each of the most commonly included sections in a formal research paper.
Note. Instructors often give their students basic formatting guidelines when they assign a formal
research paper. All of the sections presented in this handout may not be included in every
instructor’s guidelines, but the content of the paper as a whole should be similar. It is always best to
ask instructors for their format preference; however, they are typically more concerned with content
than formatting, so following general APA guidelines is likely fine. Be sure to follow the instructor’s
guidelines for content, including no more or less than what is required for each section.
Provided by the Academic Center for Excellence
Writing a Formal Research Paper
Reviewed Fall 2014
Title Page
This is the first page of the paper and follows APA format guidelines, as shown in the illustration
below. Include the following information:
o Title of the paper
o Name
o Name of institution (e.g. Germanna Community College)
Note. An instructor may ask for additional or different information to be included on the title page,
in which case it is always best to follow the instructor’s guidelines.
The abstract is the second page of the paper and provides a brief summary of the research. Only
report the informationdo not try to interpret or give any new information in this section. The
paragraph should be 150-250 words and include one or two sentences about each main section of
the paper. Focus on the following points:
o Purpose and hypothesis
o Method: participants, design, measures, and procedure
o Results
o Discussion/interpretation of results
Note. It is best to complete the other sections of the report before writing the abstract, since this
section is meant to be an overview of the entire research paper.
Running head: SHORT TITLE OF PAPER 1
Title of Paper
Your Name
Name of Institution
Provided by the Academic Center for Excellence
Writing a Formal Research Paper
Reviewed Fall 2014
The introduction begins on the third page and does not need a subheading; it is understood that the
introduction is the first section of the paper. In general, the information provided in this section
sets up the study. The main components of this section are the following:
o Purpose of the study. Identify the problem being explored by the current study and why it
is important. After discussing what the problem is and why it warrants further research,
formally express the purpose of the current research study clearly and concisely.
o Background literature. The main purpose of including background literature is to set up
the current study, showing the progression of research in the topic area and how the
hypothesis was reached, why the design was chosen, and so on. Background literature can
be previous research and/or theories that are relevant to the current study. Only include
information that a reader would need to know in order to understand the purpose,
hypothesis, and method of the research; remember to be concise. Do not forget to cite any
and all resources used.
o Hypothesis. The hypothesis details what is expected to happen in the study based on
background literature. Typically the hypothesis is only one sentence. As an example, a
hypothesis for a study on behavior patterns in children could be, “It was predicted that older
children will show greater behavioral inhibition than younger children.”
The method section describes the way in which the study was conducted. It should be thorough
enough that someone could replicate the study based on the description given in the paper, but there
should be no excess information. There are generally four main subsections: participants, design,
measures, and procedure. The headings and division of the subsections may slightly vary, but the
content should remain similar.
o Participants. This subsection should include demographic information that pertains to the
current study. Information could be about participants’ age, gender, ethnicity, year in
school, marital status, etc. If required, give data such as percentages, mean, and standard
o Design. In this subsection, the design of the current study is detailed. Was the study an
experiment, a survey, an interview, or a behavior observation? If it was an observation, was
it naturalistic or structured? Why was this particular design chosen? It is important to
answer these types of questions so that the reader can fully understand and evaluate the
Provided by the Academic Center for Excellence
Writing a Formal Research Paper
Reviewed Fall 2014
o Measures. Information about the measures used to record observations and responses is
discussed in this subsection. Examples of measures could be checklists used for behavior
observation, interview or survey questions, or experimental materials. For more detail, give
examples of the items in the measure, such as a sample question from a questionnaire or a
couple of items from a checklist.
o Procedure. This subsection describes the process of the study exactly as it occurred. The
information should be detailed enough for someone to replicate the study, but it should also
be concise. Usually it is best to give the information in sequence. For example, first give the
sampling procedure (how participants were selected), then how the measure was
administered, and so forth. Results should never be discussed in this subsection—the next
section will be entirely dedicated to providing the results of the study. Only give information
regarding how the study was carried out here.
This section contains the results of the study. The information can be organized into tables or
figures if necessary. Be sure to reference and briefly explain any tables or figures in the text, but the
actual graphics will go at the end of the paper after the References page. It is important to remember
to only give the data or results of the study in this section; do not interpret or attempt to analyze why
the results turned out a certain way and what that might mean. The next section (Discussion) deals
with exploring and analyzing the results in detail.
In the discussion section, the results are explained and interpreted, allowing the student to show that
he or she has a thorough understanding of the concept and results of the study. This section
typically begins with an assessment of whether or not the results support the hypothesis and why.
The main question to answer in this section is, “What is the significance of the results?” The
following are several possible focus questions for this section:
Was the hypothesis supported by the results? The results may or may not support the
hypothesis. Either way, state whether or not the prediction was accurate. It is perfectly
acceptable for the results to turn out differently than expected.
Why might the results have turned out that way? Link the results of the current study to
the background literature. In addition, think about the sampling strategy, design, and
procedures of the current study and how they could have affected the results.
How could the study be improved? Think about what could have been done differently.
Perhaps more participants could have been recruited, the design could have been better, or a
Provided by the Academic Center for Excellence
Writing a Formal Research Paper
Reviewed Fall 2014
different measure could have been used. There is a degree of error in every study, so it is
important to mention potential problems with the research. Be as specific as possible about
potential errors, such as participants not being truthful with responses or questions being
leading. For example, when measuring level of aggression after viewing a video clip, ask a
question such as, “How do you feel after watching that video clip?” rather than, “Do you
feel more aggressive after watching that video clip?” Do not suggest a desired answer to the
What is the future direction for research on this topic? After discussing the current
study, analyzing the results, and determining ways to improve the research, try to assess what
the next step could be.
What are the practical applications of the research? Discuss what the research suggests
for the problem being examined. Does it offer any solutions or courses of action? In other
words, why do the results matter?
What can be concluded from this research? The answer to this question should form the
conclusion of the paper. It should relate directly to the problem being explored and the
hypothesis. The conclusion reiterates whether or not the results support the hypothesis and
how confident the author is in these assessments. A couple of sentences are all that is
necessary to summarize the definitive conclusions drawn from the results.
If outside sources have been cited, a separate reference page is necessary. As mentioned previously,
instructors will typically tell students their preference for formatting references; however, if an
instructor does not specify, use APA formatting guidelines. Once again, for instructions on
formatting references in APA style see the APA Format Guide handout under the “English” section
on the Academic Center for Excellence’s website.
Tables and Figures
It is not necessary to include tables and figures, but if they are included, place each one on a separate
page following the References page. Every figure and table should be labeled. For tables, write
“Table 1” (change number for any subsequent tables) at the top left of the page and name the table
in italics below that. Underneath each table should be a “Note.that indicates what is displayed in
the table and, if relevant, what measure(s) was used to obtain the results depicted. For figures, write
Figure 1.” (change number for any subsequent figures) below the figure and describe what is shown.
Instructors probably will not ask for tables and figures, but for reference, formatting follows typical
APA style. Visit the APA section of the Purdue Online Writing Lab for more information.