Syllabus for: Psych 1- General Psychology
Eureka Campus
Semester & Year
Spring 2016
Course ID and Section #
Psych 1- V9225
Instructor’s Name
Not time synchronized.
Virtual Campus
Number of Credits/Units
Contact Information
Office location
CA 120
Office hours
Phone number
Email address
Textbook Information
Title & Edition
Course Description:
Student Learning Outcomes:
1. Analyze$psychological$research$and$synthesize$information$in$writing.$
Special Accommodations
College of the Redwoods complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act in making reasonable
accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. Please present your written accommodation
request at least one week before the first test so that necessary arrangements can be made. No last-minute
arrangements or post-test adjustments will be made. If you have a disability or believe you might benefit
from disability related services and may need accommodations, please see me or contact Error!
Hyperlink reference not valid.. Students may make requests for alternative media by contacting DSPS at
Academic Support
Academic support is available at Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. and includes academic advising
and educational planning, Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. for tutoring and proctored tests, and
Error! Hyperlink reference not valid., for eligible students, with advising, assistance, tutoring, and
Academic Honesty
Syllabus for: Psych 1- General Psychology
Eureka Campus
In the academic community, the high value placed on truth implies a corresponding intolerance of
scholastic dishonesty. In cases involving academic dishonesty, determination of the grade and of the
student’s status in the course is left primarily to the discretion of the faculty member. In such cases, where
the instructor determines that a student has demonstrated academic dishonesty, the student may receive a
failing grade for the assignment and/or exam and may be reported to the Chief Student Services Officer or
designee. The Student Code of Conduct (AP 5500) is available on the College of the Redwoods website
at: Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. Additional information about the rights and responsibilities of
students, Board policies, and administrative procedures is located in the college catalog and on the
College of the Redwoods website.
Disruptive Classroom Behavior
Student behavior or speech that disrupts the instructional setting will not be tolerated. Disruptive conduct
may include, but is not limited to: unwarranted interruptions; failure to adhere to instructor’s directions;
vulgar or obscene language; slurs or other forms of intimidation; and physically or verbally abusive
behavior. In such cases where the instructor determines that a student has disrupted the educational
process a disruptive student may be temporarily removed from class. In addition, he or she may be
reported to the Chief Student Services Officer or designee. The Student Code of Conduct (AP 5500) is
available on the College of the Redwoods website at: Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
Additional information about the rights and responsibilities of students, Board policies, and administrative
procedures is located in the college catalog and on the College of the Redwoods website.
Emergency Procedures for the Eureka campus:
Please review the campus evacuation sites, including the closest site to this classroom (posted by the exit
of each room). The Eureka campus emergency map is available at: (Error! Hyperlink reference not
valid.). For more information on Public Safety, go to Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. In an
emergency that requires an evacuation of the building:
Be aware of all marked exits from your area and building.
Once outside, move to the nearest evacuation point outside your building:
Keep streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel.
Do not leave campus, unless it has been deemed safe by the Incident Commander or campus
authorities. (CR’s lower parking lot and Tompkins Hill Rd are within the Tsunami Zone.)
RAVECollege of the Redwoods has implemented an emergency alert system. In the event of
an emergency on campus you can receive an alert through your personal email and/or phones at your
home, office, and cell. Registration is necessary in order to receive emergency alerts. Please go to Error!
Hyperlink reference not valid. and use the “Register” button on the top right portion of the registration
page to create an account. During the registration process you can elect to add additional information,
such as office phone, home phone, cell phone, and personal email. Please use your CR that ends with
“redwoods.edu.” Please contact Public Safety at 707-476-4112 or [email protected] if you have
any questions.
Psychology 1, General Psychology
Spring 2016
Instructor: Michelle Woods Haggerty, MA
Office Hours in person: MW 10:00 am 11:00 am and 3:00-4:00
TTH by appointment
Office: CA 120
E-mail: michelle[email protected]
Phone: 707-476-4319
Class Website: https://redwoods.instructure.com
Course Description:
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. The content
of the course focuses on the exploration of major theories and concepts,
methods, and research findings in psychology. Topics include biological
foundations, perception, learning, cognition, emotion, motivation, development,
personality, social psychology, psychological disorders and therapies, and
applied psychology. This course is transferable to four-year colleges and is a
prerequisite for most upper division psychology courses
Course Outcomes:
This course is designed to provide you with an introduction to the field of
psychology. Students should be able to accomplish the following goals
throughout our semester together:
1. Analyze psychological research and synthesize information in writing.
2. Analyze how experience, culture, learning and biology affect behavior and
cognitive processes.
3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding representing appropriate breadth
and depth in selected content areas of psychological theory and research.
King, L. (2014). The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View 3
McGraw Hill: New York. ISBN: 978-0-07-803540-1
You can purchase the text from the CR bookstore:
From the publisher:
McGraw Hill
You can also purchase the text from any online vendor.
Student Success:
Research that has been done on student success has highlighted the following
areas. Think about these points and how you are including this class in your life.
- Buy the textbook at the beginning of the semester and begin reading.
- Read the chapter assigned for the week before reviewing the lecture.
- Turn assignments in on time
- Know where your syllabus is and the schedule for the class.
- Know how to contact your instructor and contact her if you are having
difficulties of any kind that are interfering with school.
- Take notes while viewing the lecture.
- Take notes while reading the text- outlining the chapter and writing out
the key concepts.
- Have a designated study area that is distraction free.
Computer Skills:
To be successful in this course you need adequate computer skills. You
must be able to navigate the class website, open and down load files and
use a word processor. It is the student’s responsibility to meet the
technology demands of the course. The college is now utilizing the
Canvas learning management system. Support can be found through
contacting staff on Canvas home page. There is also a non-credit class
that is providing support with computers on campus.
Computer Requirements:
Most computers and internet providers are adequate. Broadband services
from cable, DSL or satellite providers are recommended. You will need to
have access to the internet at least three times a week for 16 weeks.
Anticipate problems with your computer and internet access by completing
your work early and staying up to date on the course assignments.
Student Commitment:
This class requires you to make a solid commitment of your time and to be
self disciplined every week of the semester. An online environment allows
the student and instructor more flexibility in when the work is completed,
but there is no less work, you may even feel there is more work in an
online class. This three credit hour class requires about nine hours per
week of your time. Every week you will have to carefully read and/or listen
to lectures and read textbook chapters, review supplemental material
posted, participate in online discussions and complete weekly quizzes.
Self-discipline, attention to details, and skills in reading and writing are
critical. It is recommended that students be eligible for English 1A when
taking this class, so keep this in mind when looking at the commitment you
are making.
Instructor Commitment:
I dedicate as much time to this class as I do a face-to-face class. I will be
accessing the class regularly and will respond to messages normally within 24
hours, but no longer than 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays). I do
have my schedule set up for my online class days to be Tuesday and Thursday
and so you will find me in the discussion forum frequently on these days. I will
read all discussion posts and will often participate in the conversations. I will be
sending out weekly announcements at the beginning of each week, will provide
feedback on grading and will email you if I am concerned about your progress in
the class.
Course Schedule:
Assessment Due
Week 1:
January 16
Syllabus, Learning
styles information
Syllabus Quiz and
Week 2:
January 25
January 31
History of Psychology
&Theoretical Orientations
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 Quiz and
Week 3:
Feb 1st – 7
Research Methods
Chapter 2,
Research Article
provided by instructor
-Chapter 2 Quiz
-Research Article
Feb 1
Census Day
Week 4:
Feb 8
Biological Bases of
Chapter 3
Chapter 3 Quiz and
Week 5:
Feb 15
Sensation and Perception
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 Quiz and
Week 6:
Feb 22
to Feb
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 Quiz and
Week 7:
Feb 29
– March
Chapter 6
Chapter 6 Quiz and
Week 8:
March 7
Chapter 7
Discussion Chapter
March 14
Week 9:
March 21
Research paper
Midterm Chapters
Research paper
outline due
Discussion of
research paper
Week 10:
March 28
- April
Chapter 8
Chapter 8 Quiz and
April 1
Last Day to Drop with a W
Week 11:
April 4
Chapter 9
Chapter 9 Quiz and
Week 12:
April 11
Sexuality and Gender
Chapter 11
Chapter 11 Quiz
and Discussion
Research Paper
Week 13:
April 18
Chapter 12
Chapter 12 Quiz
and Discussion
Week 14:
April 25
Chapter 16
Chapter 16 Quiz
and Discussion
Week 15:
May 2
– 8
Chapter 15
Chapter 15 Quiz
and Discussion
Week 16:
May 9
Final Exam
Points will be divided up for the semester accordingly:
Class Discussion Postings: 225 points – 15 points each week
Quizzes: 350 – 25 points each
Exams: 300 points- 150 points each
Paper: 150 points
Paper Outline: 30 points
Research Article Questions: 30 points
Grading Scale:
Letter Grade
93% +
90 92%
87 89%
83 86%
80 82%
77 79%
70 76 -%
60 69%
59% - 0
Class Discussion:
In order for you to learn the material and make it personally relative you need to
interact with it by taking part in discussions. Each week we will have a
discussion based on a question/ prompt from me. You will receive up to a
maximum of 15 points for postings and responses to others’ postings.
Remember, you need to complete your primary post and at least 2 reply posts
each week. Your primary post is due Wed of the week by 11:59 PM. Your
secondary posts are due by the Sunday of the week at 11:59 PM. The postings
will be graded according to the following rubric:
Primary Post- 5 points possible- Your post must:
- React critically and provide insight into the topic, not just a summary – 1 point
- Relate topic to your own experience*- 1 point
- Use correct grammar and spelling- 1 point
- Posted before the Wed deadline- 1 point
- Meet the 300 word minimum length1 point
Reply Postings – 5 points possible per post– each of your two reply
posts must:
- React thoughtfully to the content of a classmate’s primary post utilizing
content from class. 2 points
- Meet the 150 word minimum length2 points
- Use correct grammar and spelling. – 1 point
*The topics discussed in class will stimulate you to think about your own
experiences. It is important that you relate the class content to your life, but
exercise some caution when disclosing very personal information on the class
discussion forum. It is important that you continue to feel that this class is a safe
learning environment, and personal self-disclosures can affect this. So, be
cautious when making highly personal statements. Furthermore, I expect
everyone in the class to be respectful and considerate when replying to
classmate’s postings. (See code of conduct for further information)
Please be aware that if you decide to not continue with the class you should drop
the class and let me know about your decision. An Administrative procedure,
(AP) 5075, now allows instructors to withdraw students from class for non-
participation through the 10th week of class. Non-participation includes missing
2 weeks in a row and not taking tests, exams or turning in assignments during
that time. If you have difficulties meeting deadlines due to illness or emergency
please let me know what is occurring. I will be sending out emails to students
that I have not seen participating, and whom I have concerns about regarding
course work. Census date is 2/1/16, where I will be dropping students that have
not been participating in class. On 3/6/16 I will again be dropping students that
are not participating. The end of the 10
week is 4/1/16. Please keep me
informed of anything that is interfering with your participation/attendance in this
Academic Misconduct:
All work that is turned in must be your own. This applies to all papers and tests
throughout the semester. In an academic paper, like the research paper for the
semester, you need to indicate with a citation anytime that you paraphrase,
summarize, or quote someone’s work. Failure to provide a citation is plagiarism.
If I find that a student has plagiarized or cheated on any work, the assignment
will be graded as receiving zero points. Please ask me if you have any questions
regarding this policy (AP 5500). The entire board policy can be accessed on the
CR’s web site and through the link provided on the cover page.
There will be 13 chapter quizzes this semester with an average of 25 questions
worth one point each. The questions will be based on the reading and lecture
material. The quiz for the week needs to be completed by 11:59 pm on Sunday
night when the week ends. Make up quizzes will not be available after the
Sunday deadline. You will be limited to one minute per question for each test.
You are allowed to take the quiz 2xs; the highest score will be counted in the
grade book. The quizzes are open book; however, you should prepare the same
that you would for closed book quizzes. Feedback on the correct answers to quiz
questions will be available to you on Monday, the day after the quiz is due.
Two exams will be given during the semester at midterm and final times. They
will consist of multiple choice and essay questions. You must take the exam
during the week that it is due, by 11:59 pm on Sunday night. The multiple choice
portion of the exam will be available in the quizzes section of our class. The
essay questions will be in the assignment section of our class and you can work
on them throughout the week, they are also due by 11:59 pm on Sunday of the
week due. Each exam is worth a total of 150 points. Please let me know as soon
as possible if there is anything that is interfering with your ability to take to exam
during the scheduled week.
Research Article Questions:
This assignment is to provide you with exposure to research in the field of
psychology. Your instructor will provide links to articles that you can chose
from. You will be prompted during the week that the assignment is due to
discuss your chosen article with classmates that have read the same article. You
will then need to type up your answers in a paper, approximately 2 pages long,
double-spaced. The paper will be turned into the assignment section of canvas.
This paper should demonstrate your knowledge of the research process. It is
worth 30 points and needs to be submitted by 11:59pm by Sunday February 7
1. What Journal is the article in? Year and volume? Page numbers?
2. Is this experimental or correlational research? Explain why.
3. What is the author’s hypothesis?
4. If this is experimental research, identify the independent and dependent
5. Identify the group of individuals that are being researched. Is this a
representative sample?
6. Identify some extraneous variables that could be affecting the outcome
of the research.
7. Explain how the research was conducted. What was the method?
8. Explain the results of the study.
9. Do you feel that this research should be replicated? How would you
change the design?
10. How do you think the results of this research can be utilized by our
11. Why did you choose to read this research article? Do you have any
personal connection to the topic?
Research papers are due by April 17
at 11:59 pm. A typed outline of the paper
including the topic, and at least one citation to a source on the chosen topic is
due by March 27
at 11:59 pm. The outline is worth 30 points and the paper is
worth 150 points. 10 points will be deducted for every day that a paper is turned
in late. No papers will be accepted after May 8
, 2016.
You should choose a topic for the paper from the following list: (Topics that are
not included on this list must be approved)
1. Research different fields in psychology explain them and then examine what
field you are interested and why. Include in your paper the history of the
discussed field and the job outlook for the profession.
2. Research a major theorist that has contributed to the field of psychology.
Give his/her history and describe their theory of counseling along with how
individuals experience change.
3. Research a major psychological disorder. Explain the disorder and its current
recommended treatments. It would be good to focus on a select population
with the disorder to examine the topic with appropriate depth. For instance,
Bipolar in children or behavioral treatment for Autism.
4. Research sleep and current theories on dreaming. Historical theories can be
included here also.
5. Examine the current research on sex differences in the brain.
6. What is the current research on the brain’s ability to repair itself after injury?
7. What are the effects of psychological medications on the brain?
8. Examine the current research on perceptual differences in individuals who
have a hearing or vision deficit.
9. How effective is hypnosis at stopping addictions?
10. Research the different ways that behavior modification is being utilized to
treat disorders in children.
11. What does research indicate about the correlation between scores on
intelligence tests and success?
12. Discuss psychological treatments and research on the effectiveness of these
13. Read the past book of the year Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. Investigate the
question of nature vs. nurture in regards to intelligence and/or success.
Include this research in your discussion of the book.
14. Read a biography – for instance Dreams of my Father by Barrack Obama and
discuss how the main subject in the book is expressing Erik Erikson’s stages
of development. Include Erikson’s work in your references.
15. Read the previous CR book of the year One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest and
watch the movie of the same title. Compare differences between the movie
and book. Discuss the way the mental health system is reflected in these
works. Compare the mental health system at that time compared to currently.
16. Read the previous book of the year The Help. Investigate current research
available on racial discrimination and social rules. Include this research in
your discussion of the characters in this book.
Make sure you fully cover the topic in an academic manner.
The research should be current and verifiable by author and
or organization. Utilize the research tools available through
the library for your research not Google or open web
The paper needs to be written in APA format, 4-6 pages,
double-spaced. You can access a handout on APA
formatting on the CR library homepage. OWLS at Purdue
and Diana Hacker.com are also good on-line sources for
help with formatting. We will discuss formatting in a lecture I
will post.
At least 3 sources need to be utilized including one book-
this can be an eBook.
This project including the outline and paper is worth 150
Papers will be graded on:
Content- 45 points
The paper needs to adequately explain the topic and the research
that was utilized in the discussion. Student needs to be able to
analyze the research read and synthesize the research in the
writing of the paper.
Documentation of sources – 20 points
In text citations must be utilized according to APA format. A
reference page also needs to be included fully citing the verifiable
Utilization of APA format- 20 points
APA format needs to be utilized in the setup of the paper including
a title page, utilization of a running head, in text citations by author
and date, 12 font, double space, format of reference page.
Spelling and Grammar – 15 points
One point will be deducted for each spelling and grammar mistake.
Please edit carefully.
Credibility of sources –25 points
Sources of information utilized for this paper must be academic
ones found through library databases. Sources should be verifiable
and documented by an author and/or organization. Peer reviewed
sources will be helpful for you to use in your research.
Organization of information- 25 points
The paper needs to be well organized in regards to paragraph
structure, sentence structure and overall organization of paper.
Student Code of Conduct:
College of the Redwoods has a student code of conduct that can be read in full
on the college web site. It is important that you are familiar with this policy and
the ramifications of not abiding by the conduct code. It is important that all of the
work that you submit is your own and that you maintain a respectful, academic
demeanor when interacting with our class.
Students with Disabilities:
This class is designed to accommodate individuals with disabilities. Please
contact me directly if you have any specific concerns. For more information
regarding the College’s services you can access the DSPS website at
Non-Discrimination/ Equal Opportunity
College of the Redwoods is committed to equal opportunity in employment,
admission to the College, and in the conduct of all of its programs and activities.
CR’s policy complies with California Education Code and Title 5 of the California
Administrative Code, and with related federal laws (Title VI and VII of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, and Section
504 of the Rehabilita- tion Act of 1973).
Under these regulations, College of the Redwoods guarantees that no person
shall be subjected to discrimination on the basis of ethnic group identification,
religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, color, or physical or mental disability
under any of its programs or activities.
(The full policy and regulations can be viewed in the CR catalog that is
available on the CR Homepage.)
Emergency Preparedness
We do not need to worry about classroom evacuations and emergency
procedures with an online class, however, the following system will let you know
about any campus emergencies that may impact our class or other classes:
RAVECollege of the Redwoods has implemented an emergency alert system.
Everyone is entered already to receive a message on their CR email address. In
the event of an emergency on campus, you can also elect to receive an alert
through your personal email, and/or phones at your home, office, and cell. This
emergency alert system will be available to all students, staff, and other
interested parties.
Registration is necessary in order to receive emergency alerts. Please go to
https://www.GetRave.com/login/Redwoods and use the “Register” button on the
top right portion of the registration page to create an account. During the
registration process you can elect to add additional information, such as office
phone, home phone, cell phone, and personal email. Please use your CR email
address as your primary Registration Email. Your CR email address ends with
The system will be tested each semester to be sure that you are getting alerts at
all of your destinations. Please contact Public Safety, 707-476-
4112, [email protected], if you have any questions.
I will make every effort to follow the standards and schedule of this syllabus.
There may be times when changes are necessary and I will inform the class if
this occurs.