Grievance Redressal Policy
w.e.f. November 30, 2023
Corporate Strategy and Planning Department
Corporate Centre
Grievance Redressal Policy-2023
Particulars Page No.
1 Introduction
2 Scope of the Policy
3 Definition of Complaint and Query
4 Grievance Redressal Mechanism
5 Grievance Resolution TAT and Escalation matrix for
Customer complaints
Review Mechanism
7 Mandatory display requirements
8 Interaction with customers
Sensitizing operating staff on handling complaints
Customer Education
Harmonisation of Turn around Time (TAT) and customer
compensation for failed transactions using authorised Payment
Grievance Redressal Policy of IDBI Bank Ltd.
In the present scenario of competitive banking, excellence in Customer service is
one of the key aspects for sustained business growth. The timely handling of grievances
and Customer delight is fundamental to the Bank’s mission and its commitment to treat
Customer fairly at all times. This policy document aims at providing prompt and
efficient redressal across Bank’s Customer touch points and minimizing instances of
customer complaints through proper service delivery and review mechanism. The
review mechanism is aimed to identify shortcomings in product / service delivery and
towards enhancement in services across the Bank. The Bank’s policy on grievance
redressal follows the under noted principles:
o All Customers be treated efficiently and fairly at all times;
o Complaints raised by customers are dealt with courtesy and on time;
o Customers are fully informed of avenues to escalate their complaints /
grievances within the Bank and their rights to alternative remedy, if they
not satisfied with the response of the Bank to their complaints ;
o The Bank’s employees must work in good faith and without prejudice to
interests of the customer;
o Grievance of differently abled customers, pensioners and senior citizens
customers who are not literate are dealt on priority.
In order to make the Bank’s redressal mechanism more meaningful and effective,
a structured system needs to be built up towards such end. Such system would ensure
that the redressal is just and fair and is within the given framework and in compliance
with the rules and regulations. The policy document would be made available at all
branches/ business units. All employees of the Bank would be made aware of the
complaint handling process.
Customer complaints arise due to:
Inadequacy of the business and technological processes/ functions/
arrangements made available to the customers or gaps in standards of services
expected and actual services rendered.
Attitudinal aspects in dealing with customers.
The customer has full right to register his complaint if he/ she is not satisfied
with the services provided by the Bank. He/she can lodge complaint over telephone or
in writing through letters/ e-mail/ Bank’s website/ branch/ digital channels. The
customers can track the status of their complaint on the Bank’s website. Also, a link
has been provided to facilitate escalation of complaints to the next higher level in case
Customer is not satisfied with the resolution of the complaint. If the customer’s
complaint is not resolved within given time or if he / she is not satisfied with the
resolution provided by the Bank, which has also been seen by the Internal
Ombudsman (IO), he / she can approach the office of the RBI Ombudsman, RBI or
other statutory / regulatory avenues available for grievance redressal.
Scope of Policy
2.1 The Policy is applicable across all the branches / Customer touch points,
business segments of the Bank and the outsourced agencies of the Bank. The policy is
also applicable to offshore/ overseas branches of the Bank subject to conformity with
applicable guidelines. The Policy is to be read in tandem with changes/ modifications
that may be advised by RBI and/ or any regulator and/ or by the Bank from time to
time. The Bank also has various other Board approved policies in place with regard to
Customer Service, viz.(i) Compensation Policy (ii) Cheque Collection Policy (iii)
Policy on Unauthorised Electronic Banking transactions (iv) Customer Care Policy
(v) Model deposit Policy and (vi) Customer Rights Policy which are available on the
website of the Bank.
2.2. The policy shall be reviewed annually in tune with the regulatory guidelines
from time to time or internal requirements or as and when considered necessary.
Definition of Complaint and Query
Customers may approach the Bank for various reasons which inter-alia include,
enquiry/clarifications regarding the services, process or products of the Bank, request to
avail a service/ product, and to raise a grievance regarding deficiency in service of the
Bank. The Bank has defined Query/ Request and Complaint clearly, so that the
Customer issues can be lodged appropriately and addressed accordingly.
A Complaint is any Customer dissatisfaction expressed through any of the Bank’s
Channels/modes, with respect to product/services of the Bank/Offered by the Bank,
employee or Outsourced
service provider or related to any of the below mentioned
scenarios, but not limited to
the following:
Delayed processing of requests, claim settlement or non-execution of service
requests after expiry of Turnaround time for such service/ deliverable, as
prescribed by the Bank or Regulatory Bodies.
Complaints related to deficiency in services, technology related complaint.
Customer claiming levy of charges which are not mentioned in the schedule of
charges communicated, without adequate prior notice to the borrower/customer.
Customer complaints related to service issues, employee behavior and activities
outsourced by the Bank.
Non reversal of amount for failed electronic transaction after expiry of
prescribed timelines.
Any doubt/ enquiry/ clarification/ seeking status/ request processing which is placed
with Bank may be categorized as Query or Request before expiry of Turn Around
Time (TAT) prescribed by the Bank.
Grievance Redressal Mechanism
Registration of Complaint (Internal Machinery)
It is the Bank’s endeavour to provide all the Customers with the best
Customer service. However, for any issues faced by the Customers, the Bank has
facilitated various channels through which Customer may lodge their complaint,
such as branch, call centre, letters, Email and digital forms or any other available
modes, the details of which are available at the Bank’s website. All grievances
received through any channel to be lodged into a common platform to have an
integrated monitoring and resolution system for customer grievance where a unique
reference number is generated along with an acknowledgement.
4.1.1 CVM-SPGRS is a module for registering, assigning and resolving customer
grievances within a pre-defined turnaround time. Complaints received from all the
channels to be entered in this module. The software has an inbuilt escalation matrix for
speedy and efficient redressal. CVM-SPGRS also keeps a record of all the registered
grievances along with chronology of events till resolution/rejection of the complaints.
Hence, CVM-SPGRS acts as an E-register for complaints.
4.1.2 All the Verticals / Departments/ Branches/ Units/ Nodal offices are required to
mandatorily register all the complaints/ grievances of the retail or corporate customers
through all modes/channels (e.g. branch walk-in, email, letter/ Banking Ombudsman
etc.) in the module. The Branch and concerned units should ensure prompt and
complete resolution of customers’ grievances. Clear closure remarks with the
attachments of supporting documents if required be provided to avoid escalation of
complaints by Customers and to ensure compliance with RBIs guidelines in terms of
maintaining a centralized record for all complaints.
4.1.3 Facility of complaint tracking by Customer through website is made available for
SPGRS registered complaints.
4.1.4 Registration of Complaints related to digital transaction:
Keeping in view the growing trend and increased significance of Digital
Banking products (like ATMs, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, Credit Cards, UPI,
etc.) and newer interfaces of customer engagements, the Bank has introduced
mechanisms for redressal of grievances arising from use of these channels. The
contact details /e-mail address are made available at all branches as well as on the
Bank’s website.
Customer should notify the Bank of any Unauthorized Electronic Banking
Transaction immediately for blocking of channels after the occurrence of such
transaction. The Unauthorized Electronic Banking transactions will be governed by
the Bank’s Board approved policy hosted on the Bank’s website as “Unauthorized
Electronic banking Transaction Policy”.
For complaints related to failed transactions, the Bank will be abided by the
guidelines issued by RBI from time to time with regard to harmonization and
compensation for failed transactions using authorized payment systems.
4.1.5 The Bank must attentively address the grievance raised by senior citizens and
differently abled persons, striving to resolve these issues to the best of its abilities.
Registration of Customer Complaints to Regulators and other Government
portals (External Machinery)
If customer’s complaint is not resolved within the given time or if he/ she is not
satisfied with the resolution provided by the Bank after having been examined by the
IO, he/ she may be provided information about how he/she can escalate his/her
complaint to the next level i.e. to the Office of Reserve Bank of India Ombudsman
(ORBIO) or other regulatory/statutory avenues which are available for grievance
Reserve Bank - Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021
The Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021 is an initiative of the Reserve Bank of
India (RBI) which enables an expeditious and inexpensive forum to customers for
resolution of complaints relating to certain services rendered by Banks/ NBFC/
Payment service operator. In case customers have not received a satisfactory resolution
to their complaint within 30 days of lodging the complaint with the Bank, they can
escalate the matter to the ORBIOs through the Complaint Management System (CMS)
portal available on the RBI website ( physical complaint through
post to the designated address: 'Centralised Receipt and Processing Centre', Reserve
Bank of India, 4th Floor, Sector 17, Chandigarh - 160017 in the prescribed format or
through calling on designated toll-free number 14448. As on date, twenty two Banking
Ombudsman have been appointed with their offices located mostly in state capitals. The
Integrated Ombudsman Scheme as well as addresses and contact details of the
Integrated Ombudsman offices are available at the RBI’s website ( and
also updated on the Bank’s website ( and displayed at branches. The
Bank has appointed Nodal Officers (NO) at each ORBIO location in order to facilitate
customers who have escalated their complaint to RBI-Integrated Ombudsman.
Nodal officer to ensure internal machinery for handling complaints/ grievances operates
smoothly and efficiently at all levels. The
Nodal Officer operates as a point of
contact between the RBI, the customer and
concerned branch/ department of the
Bank for ensuring prompt resolution of the
Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS)
The Government of India, Department of Administrative Reforms & Public
Grievances, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance & Pension has a web based
mechanism for lodging of complaints / grievances by citizens of India, which includes
the Bank’s customers as well. This is known as PUBLIC GRIEVANCE PORTAL
( Aggrieved customers may lodge their complaint to Government
of India through online Public Grievance Lodging and Monitoring System available on
website (
Other Regulators
The Bank receives complaints from other regulators which inter alia include
Securities and Exchange Board of India, National Consumer Helpline, Govt. of India,
etc. The complaints received from the concerned authority are handled in line with laid
down process and within the timelines prescribed by the respective regulator.
Grievance Resolution TAT and Escalation matrix for
Customer complaints
Complaints received through Internal Machinery:
Complaints received at the Bank from across channels should be analysed from
all possible angles by doing a root cause analysis. Complaints have to be seen in the
right perspective because they are indicators of an underlying gap/issue in the business
processes and delivery channels. In case of non-resolution within the stipulated time-
frame, the complainant may escalate the complaints to the next authority as per the
prescribed escalation matrix. The complainant may escalate the complaint through the
website or the link that is provided in the SMS triggered to the customer on resolution
of a complaint. The Bank will adopt the following escalation matrix for the resolution
of all complaints. :
Level of Complaint Lodgement/
Escalation and Official
Day of lodging /
Days Available
for Redressal
First Level: Branch/ Region
Branch Head/ Regional Head
Customer care team,
IIL Inet & MB support team,
Mobile and Inet Product team at
Credit card Product team at HO
Day 1
6 Working Days
Second Level: Zone
Grievance Redressal Officer
GM Credit Card
DGM-Product Head Mobile &
Inet Banking and GM
Day 7
4 Working Days
Third Level: Head Office
Principal Nodal Officer (PNO)
Day 11
4 Working Days
Deputy Zonal Heads at all zones are designated as Grievance Redressal Officers
(GRO). General Manager (CSPD) handling Customer Care at Head office is designated
as Principal Nodal Officer (PNO). However, MD & CEO have the authority to change
the designation as and when required.
The details of the PNO and GROs are displayed at the Branches and on
website of the Bank
In line with the Internal Ombudsman Scheme 2018, a complaint which is partly
or wholly rejected by the Bank’s Internal Grievance redressal mechanism should be
internally escalated to the Bank’s Internal Ombudsman for review before sending the
reply to complainant.
In case grievance is not resolved within 30 working days of lodging of
complaint, the Customer can approach office of the RBI Ombudsman (ORBIO) as per
extant guidelines.
For complaints related to failed transactions
In line with the guidelines issued by RBI from time to time with regard to
Harmonization and compensation for failed transactions using authorized payment
systems, the applicable TAT to be maintained. (As per Annexure)
Complaints received through External Machinery (Regulators/ Government)
For complaints received through the Banking Ombudsman: 30 days
For complaints received through Centralised Public Grievance Redress and
Monitoring System of GoI: 30 days
For all the complaints received from the regulators (other than Banking
Ombudsman), timelines as mandated by respective regulator.
All efforts would be made to resolve each complaint received by the Bank
within the timeframe as specified above.
Internal Ombudsman (IO)
The Bank has appointed an IO, who is an independent authority placed at apex
position in the Bank’s Internal Grievance Redressal Mechanism. All the cases,
wherein the Bank decides to reject the complaint or provides only partial relief to the
complainant would be forwarded by the Principal Nodal Officer (PNO) to IO for
further examination and final decision. All such complaints will be escalated to IO
before conveying the final decision to the complainant within a period of 30 days,
from the receipt of complaint. The advice to the complainant after examination by IO
in such cases would necessarily have a clause that the grievance has also been
examined by the IO and in case the complainant is still not satisfied, he/ she can
appeal further to the office of the Reserve Bank of India Ombudsman (ORBIO), RBI,
whose address shall be provided by the Bank in the reply.
Review Mechanism
Standing Committee on Customer Service (SCCS)
Bank has a SCCS in place chaired by the Deputy Managing Director of the Bank and
comprising of senior executives of the Bank. Customer may be invited during these
meetings. The IO of the Bank is a member of the Standing Committee on Customer
Service (SCCS). The Committee would have the following functions:
Evaluate feedback on quality of customer service received from various
The Committee would be responsible to ensure that all regulatory instructions
regarding customer service are followed by the Bank. Accordingly, the Committee
would obtain necessary feedback from Zonal/ Regional Managers/ functional heads.
The Committee would also take note and issue directions with regards to
complaints / grievances referred to it.
The Committee would submit report on its performance to the Customer
Service Committee of the Board at quarterly intervals.
Customer Service Committee of the Board (CSCB)
The Customer Service Committee of the Board shall periodically review major
areas of customer grievances and measures taken to improve customer service. The
Committee will review the annual survey of depositor satisfaction, triennial audit of
services and customer service and protection measures undertaken by the Bank.
6.2.2 The Committee, inter-alia, will exercise oversight on the functioning of the
Internal Ombudsman (IO), who shall furnish periodical reports (at least once in six
months) with regard to complaints referred and outcome there of as also the latter’s
7. Mandatory display requirements for Grievance Redressal
It is mandatory for the Bank to provide;
Appropriate arrangement for receiving complaints and suggestions
resolution mechanism.
Prominently display at the branches, the names of the officials who can be
contacted for redressal of complaints, together with their telephone number, complete
address and e-mail address, etc., for proper and timely contact by the customers and for
enhancing the effectiveness of the redressal machinery.
Contact details of ORBIO of the area
The Bank’s Toll Free Number(s)
Any other regulatory requirement as prescribed from time to time.
8. Interaction with customers
The Bank recognizes that customers’ expectations/ requirements/ grievances
can be better appreciated through personal interaction with customers by the Bank’s
staff. The Bank has established Branch Level Customer Service Committees (BLCSC)
as per RBI guidelines, at all its branches. BLCSC encourages communication between
customers and the Bank at the branch level, thereby strengthening the branch service
with the active involvement of cross section of customers.
9. Sensitizing operating staff on handling complaints
Customer Grievances provide valuable feedback on quality of service at
branches and whether the initiatives taken by the Bank in technology and re-
engineering of business processes are having the desired impact on business growth
and improved customer satisfaction. Bank also understands the importance of
sensitizing staff to handle customer transactions/ requests with courtesy, empathy and
promptness. Staff should be properly trained for handling complaints. The Bank deals
with people and hence difference of opinion and areas of friction can arise. With an
open mind and a smile on the face, the bank should be able to win the customer’s
confidence. Imparting soft skills required for handling irate customers will be an
integral part of the staff training programs. While it shall be the endeavour of the Bank
to provide customers with hassle-free and fair treatment, the Bank would expect all
the customers to behave courteously and honestly in their dealings with the Bank.
10. Customer education:
The Bank, shall make continuous efforts to educate its customers including those
covered under financial inclusion to enable them to make informed choices regarding
banking products and also educate them about the grievance redressal mechanism to
express their dissatisfaction, if any.
Harmonisation of Turnaround Time (TAT) and customer compensation for failed
transactions using authorised Payment Systems
(w.e.f. October 15, 2019)
Description of the incident
Framework for auto-reversal and compensation
Timeline for auto-reversal
Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) including Micro-ATMs
Customer’s account debited but
cash not dispensed.
Pro-active reversal (R) of failed
transaction within a maximum
of T + 5 days.
100/- per day of
delay beyond T + 5
days, to the credit of
the account holder.
Card Transaction
Card to card transfer
Card account debited but the
beneficiary card account not credited.
Transaction to be reversed (R)
latest within T + 1 day, if credit
is not effected to the beneficiary
100/- per day of
delay beyond T + 1
Point of Sale (PoS) (Card Present)
including Cash at PoS
Account debited but confirmation
not received at merchant location
i.e., charge-slip not generated.
Auto-reversal within T + 5
100/- per day of
delay beyond T + 5
Card Not Present (CNP) (e-
Account debited but confirmation not
received at merchant’s system.
Immediate Payment System (IMPS)
Account debited but the beneficiary
account is not credited.
If unable to credit to
beneficiary account, auto reversal
(R) by the Beneficiary bank latest
on T + 1 day.
100/- per day if delay
is beyond T + 1 day.
Unified Payments Interface (UPI)
Account debited but the beneficiary
account is not credited (transfer of
If unable to credit the
beneficiary account, auto reversal
(R) by the Beneficiary bank latest
on T + 1 day.
100/- per day if delay
is beyond T + 1 day.
Account debited but transaction
confirmation not received at
merchant location (payment to
Auto-reversal within T + 5
100/- per day if delay
is beyond T + 5 days.
Description of the incident
Framework for auto-reversal and compensation
Timeline for auto-reversal
Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (including Aadhaar Pay)
Account debited but transaction
confirmation not received at
merchant location.
Acquirer to initiate “Credit
Adjustment” within T + 5 days.
100/- per day if delay
is beyond T + 5 days.
Account debited but beneficiary
account not credited.
Aadhaar Payment Bridge System (APBS)
Delay in crediting beneficiary’s
Beneficiary bank to reverse the
transaction within T + 1 day.
100/- per day if delay
is beyond T + 1 day.
National Automated Clearing House (NACH)
Delay in crediting beneficiary’s
account or reversal of amount.
Beneficiary bank to reverse the
uncredited transaction within T
+ 1 day.
100/- per day if delay
is beyond T + 1 day.
Account debited despite revocation
of debit mandate with the bank by
the customer.
Customer’s bank will be
responsible for such debit.
Resolution to be completed
within T + 1 day.
Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs) – Cards / Wallets
Off-Us transaction
The transaction will ride on UPI, card network, IMPS, etc., as the case may be. The TAT and
compensation rule of respective system shall apply.
On-Us transaction
Beneficiary’s PPI not credited.
PPI debited but transaction
confirmation not received at
merchant location.
Reversal effected in Remitter’s
account within T + 1 day.
100/- per day if delay
is beyond T + 1 day.
* T is the day of transaction and refers to the calendar date.