Second Edition
October 2020
Disclaimer: Mention of any trade name or commercial product in this standard operating procedure
does not constitute endorsement or recommendation of this product by the California Air Resources
Board. Specific brand names and instrument descriptions listed in the standard operating procedure are
for equipment used by the California Air Resources Board’s laboratory. Any functionally equivalent
instrumentation is acceptable
Approval of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
SOP: AQSB SOP 805, Second Edition
Section: Operations and Data Support Section
Branch: Air Quality Surveillance Branch (AQSB)
Division: Monitoring and Laboratory Division (MLD)
Prepared by: Simon Cheung, Air Pollution Specialist
Reviewed by:
Manisha Singh, Ph.D., Chief
Quality Management Branch
Approved by
Reggie Smith, Manager
Operations and Data Support
Kathleen Gill, Chief
Air Quality Surveillance Branch
29 October 2020
November 7, 2020
XONTECK 901 & 910PC Canister Samplers
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Table of Contents
REVISION HISTORY ........................................................................................................ 5
LIST OF ACRONYMS ...................................................................................................... 6
1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................... 7
1.2 Principle of Operation: ...................................................................................... 7
1.3 Instrument Specification & Comparison: ........................................................... 8
1.4 Safety Precautions: .......................................................................................... 11
1.5 Interferences: ................................................................................................... 12
1.6 Personnel Qualifications: ................................................................................. 12
2.0 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE ............................................................................. 13
2.1 General Information: ........................................................................................ 13
2.2 Physical Inspection: .......................................................................................... 13
2.3 Instrument Siting: ............................................................................................. 13
2.4 Remote Control Connection: ........................................................................... 13
2.5 Operation Verification: .................................................................................... 14
3.0 CONFIGURATION .............................................................................................. 16
3.1 General Information: ........................................................................................ 16
3.2 Instrument Basics: ............................................................................................ 16
3.3 Instrument Configuration: ................................................................................ 21
4.0 SAMPLING PROCEDURE .................................................................................... 22
4.1 General Information: ........................................................................................ 22
4.2 Pre-sampling Configuration: ............................................................................ 22
4.3 Programing Sampling Event: ........................................................................... 25
4.4 Retrieving Sampling Report: ............................................................................ 27
4.5 Post Sampling: ................................................................................................. 29
4.6 Make-up Sampling: .......................................................................................... 29
4.7 Canister Sample Validation: ............................................................................. 29
5.0 CALIBRATION INFORMATION .......................................................................... 30
5.1 General Information: ........................................................................................ 30
5.2 Calibration Overview: ...................................................................................... 30
5.3 Calibration Apparatus: ..................................................................................... 31
5.4 Calibration Procedure: ..................................................................................... 31
6.0 ROUTINE SERVICE CHECKS ............................................................................... 36
6.1 General Information: ........................................................................................ 36
6.2 Field Maintenance Schedule: ........................................................................... 36
6.3 Each Run: ......................................................................................................... 37
6.4 Semi-Annual Checks: ....................................................................................... 37
6.5 Annual Checks: ................................................................................................ 37
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6.6 As Required: .................................................................................................... 37
7.0 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES .......................................................................... 38
7.1 General Information: ........................................................................................ 38
7.2 System Auto Leak Check Procedure: ............................................................... 38
7.3 Sampler Pump Maximum Pressure Check Procedure: .................................... 40
7.4 Mass Flow Calibration Check Procedure: ........................................................ 40
7.5 Purity Test Procedure: ..................................................................................... 41
7.6 Instrument Cleaning Procedure: ...................................................................... 42
8.0 TROUBLESHOOTING ......................................................................................... 46
8.1 General Information: ........................................................................................ 46
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 47
Table 1.1. Physical Specification for the Instrument ..................................................... 10
Table 1.2. Performance Specification for the Instrument ............................................. 11
Table 3.1. Model 901 Screen Descriptions ................................................................... 17
Table 3.2. Model 910PC Screen Descriptions .............................................................. 20
Table 3.3. Standard AQSB 901/910PC Instrument Configuration ................................ 21
Table 6.1. Maintenance Schedule for the Instrument ................................................... 36
Figure 1.1. Model 901 & 910PC Sampler Comparison ................................................... 9
Figure 2.1. Screens for Model 901 Sampler while Operational .................................... 15
Figure 2.2. Screens for Model 910PC Sampler while Operational ............................... 15
Figure 3.1. Model 901 Sampler Menu System .............................................................. 18
Figure 4.1. Sample Run Printout. .................................................................................. 28
Figure 5.1. Audit and Calibration screen ...................................................................... 31
Figure 7.1. Instrument Leak Check Screen and its Possible Results ............................. 39
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Edition Release Data Changes
First April 2015 New Document
Second October 2020 ADA Remediation
Added Sampler Back Pressure Measurement
Added Make-up Sampling Sub-section
Added Post Sampling Procedure
Added Clarifications to Routine Service Checks
and Maintenance Procedures Sections
Added References Section
Added Appendix D (Canister Data Sheet)
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AQSB Air Quality Surveillance Branch
ATP Acceptance Test Procedure
CARB California Air Resources Board
ccm cubic centimeters per minute
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
LPM Liters per Minute
MFC Mass Flow Controller
MLD Monitoring and Laboratory Division
NLB Northern Laboratory Branch
ODSS Operations and Data Support Section
OLS Organics Laboratory Section
ppb parts per billion
psi pounds per square inch
PST Pacific Standard Time
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
sccm standard cubic centimeters per minute
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
U.S. EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
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1.1 Introduction:
This standard operating procedure (SOP) describes procedures used by the
California Air Resources Board (CARB) Air Quality Surveillance Branch (AQSB) to
operate the Xonteck Model 901 and Model 910PC canister samplers to collect
ambient air toxics samples. The two instruments will be collectively referred to
as the instrumentor sampler” unless otherwise required. This SOP is
designed to supplement the manufacturer’s manual by describing hardware or
operating procedures as implemented by CARB. It is not the intent of this SOP
to duplicate or replace the manufacturer’s manual.
1.2 Principle of Operation:
The Xonteck Model 901 and Model 910PC canister samplers are based on the
field proven Model 910A canister sampler that has been widely used by local,
state, and federal agencies. The 901/910PC sampler is a computer-controlled,
programmable sampler that is designed to collect volatile organic compounds
in ambient air. The method is based on collection of whole air samples into
evacuated 6-liter SUMMA electro-polished canisters as outlined in U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) T0-14A/TO-15 Methods.
A diaphragm pump is used to pressurize the sample canister up to 15 pounds
per square inch (psi) over a 24-hour sample period to meet CARB requirements.
A mass flow controller (MFC) maintains a constant flow into the canister over
the sampling period. When sampling is not taking place, the sample canister is
isolated from the rest of the sampling system by a pulsed, magnetically latched
solenoid valve. The use of a pulsed solenoid valve eliminates the temperature
rise and out-gassing of organic compounds from the valve seat materials that
might occur in a normally energized valve. All materials (e.g. stainless steel,
Teflon, and Viton) used in the sample path are non-reactive.
The instrument can be used with a Xonteck Model 912 Multi-Canister Sampling
Adapter to route air samples into up to sixteen canisters. This SOP will only
focus on the operation of a single canister sampler.
The user can manually initiate actions from the front panel for manual sampling,
troubleshooting, or to perform a “leak check” when connecting new canisters.
The sampler allows onboard scheduling; the user can edit the sample schedules
through the front panel keypad/touchscreen, or via a remote computer using
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modem, RS-232, or UDP.
A “Reschedule” function allows a sampling schedule
to repeat later without re-entering the scheduling information.
Sample run information, such as time, date, pre-purge delay, flow set point and
rate, average flow, pump and canister pressure, beginning and end pressure for
all samples, elapsed time, sampling schedule, and power failure errors will
display on the front panel or on a remote computer. At the end of each
sampling period the user can request a printout of the schedule or sampling
report via the front panel-mounted printer.
System recovery from a power failure is automatic. The sampler will resume
operation as scheduled when power is restored.
1.3 Instrument Specification & Comparison:
Note: The Xonteck Model 901 Sampler replaces the previous Model 910PC
that is no longer in production. However, CARB still owns and operates
several 910PC samplers in the air toxics network.
The Model 901 and Model 910PC are essentially equivalent in all principle of
operation. However, the Model 901 has a color touch screen on the front and
has Ethernet and RS-232 ports on the back, while the Model 910PC has an LCD
display w/ keypad on the front and a modem port only on the back. Therefore,
the way of navigation is different for each model. The manufacturer no longer
supports firmware or updates for the Model 910PC.
Front panel touchscreen, RS-232 and UDP ports, are features exclusive to Model 901 sampler only.
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Figure 1.1. Model 901 & 910PC Sampler Comparison
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Table 1.1. Physical Specification for the Instrument
The instrument is normally equipped with a 0-20 sccm range mass flow controller
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Table 1.2. Performance Specification for the Instrument
1.4 Safety Precautions:
Note: Field operators should read the manufacturer’s manual and this SOP
completely before operating the instrument.
Only properly trained personnel should perform the instrument installation,
operation, calibration, testing, and maintenance.
To avoid electrical shock, turn the power switch to OFF and unplug the
instrument when performing maintenance or cleaning.
Always use a three-prong, grounded plug on this analyzer.
Avoid the use of chemical agents that might damage instrument components.
Adhere to general safety precautions when using compressed gas cylinders
(e.g., secure cylinders, vent exhaust flows).
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1.5 Interferences:
This instrument must be clean and decontaminated from a variety of chemicals
since it is used to collect a representative ambient sample for analysis of
chemical components that are in the parts per billion (ppb) or sub-ppb
concentration range.
When the sampler is not running or not in use, every effort must be made to
keep it clean and, if possible, in a clean environment. Cap the sample outlet line
when the instrument is not in use or connect the outlet line to a clean canister.
Before field deployment, the Operations and Data Support Section (ODSS) shall
perform a purity test on the sampler using a “clean” canister that is certified by
the CARB Organics Laboratory Section of the Northern Laboratory Branch
The sampled canister shall be sent back to the laboratory promptly for analysis
of any aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons. A list of these compounds and
their limits of detection is provided in Appendix A.
1.6 Personnel Qualifications:
Only properly trained personnel may perform installation, operation,
maintenance, repair, or calibration of the canister sampler. Respective staff
should meet all minimum requirements and qualifications commensurate with
their position or title. Qualifications for their functions are initially established
through the successful completion of a probationary period with supervisorial
oversight. Successive levels of responsibility are achieved via internal and
external training classes, experience, and a demonstrated display of abilities
until a “journey level” is attained.
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2.1 General Information:
The instrument should be installed in an environmentally controlled shelter and
be mounted in a standard 19” instrument rack.
Before installation, please read the manufacturer’s manual to familiarize with
the theory of operation, hardware, software, and basic assembly of the
2.2 Physical Inspection:
Upon receiving the instrument, confirm that the instrument is in good working
order with no damaged components. Refer to the following list:
1. Verify no apparent shipping damage.
2. Check the unit for any scratched surfaces (new unit only) and broken
buttons or connectors.
3. Check for any loose connectors.
4. Check that all mechanical connections are tight.
5. Remove the top cover of the unit; visually check the interior for loose or
damaged components.
If any damage or issue is found, please contact your immediate supervisor.
2.3 Instrument Siting:
The instrument has no special siting requirements specified by U.S. EPA.
However, general ambient air monitoring instrument siting requirements in the
U.S. EPA Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations Part 58 (40 CFR. 58) Subpart G
should still be applicable.
2.4 Remote Control Connection:
The instrument can be operated remotely using its internal modem and a
personal computer. At the computer end, any modem capable of 2400 baud
rate communications can be used.
Both models have an internal modem with Telco interface via rear panel-
mounted RJ-11 jack. The 901 has an additional RS-232 port and Ethernet RJ-45
interface for communication. However, the instrument is intended to be used in
a standalone mode by CARB, thus details relating to this remote computer
connection will not be covered in this SOP.
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For assistance in configuring the instrument for remote connection, please refer
to the manufacturer’s manual.
2.5 Operation Verification:
Prior to operating the instrument, ensure that all connections have been made
properly. In summary, at most CARB monitoring locations this involves the
following connections:
Connect the 1/4” Teflon sample inlet line from the probe to the inlet
port on the rear panel.
Connect the sample output from the output port on the rear panel using
a 1/16” Teflon line to the sample canister.
Connect the power cord to an appropriate power outlet.
Uncap the sampler’s exhaust vent.
After checking these connections, turn on the power switch.
For Model 901:
After powering on the unit, the 901 sampler will display the startup screen
(figure 2.1a) for a few seconds. The startup screen will show the instrument
model and the version of the software.
After displaying the startup screen, the sampler (figure 2.1b) will automatically
display the main screen. The main screen displays the current date, pump
pressure, sample pressure, system temperature, start delay (purge delay), and
control ID of the sampler. In addition, the information line at the bottom of the
screen will display current time, current state of channel and sub-channels.
A clean main screen, one without any error messages, indicates the instrument
is stabilized and ready for sampling.
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Figure 2.1. Screens for Model 901 Sampler while Operational
For Model 910PC:
After powering on, the 910PC sampler will display the startup screen (figure
2.2a) for a few seconds. The startup screen will show the instrument model and
the version of the software.
After the startup screen, the main screen (figure 2.2b) will display and show the
current date (in both Gregorian and Julian calendars), current time, and system
status. If the system encounters any error messages (e.g. power fail and flow
error), it will display on this screen as well. A clean main screen without any
error messages indicates the instrument is stabilized and ready for sampling.
Figure 2.2. Screens for Model 910PC Sampler while Operational
Quick Navigation and System Checks:
Use the front panel display or keys to navigate through all screens. Verify that
all the system settings and parameters are configured properly. If available,
print out a current control settings report via the front panel printer. For
navigation and printing assistances, please refer to Section 3.2 of this SOP.
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3.1 General Information:
Both models of canister sampler are essentially equivalent in all functions, with
the same underlying technologies and principles of operation. However, the
901 is a newer design with an upgrade of a touchscreen display, whereas the
910PC has an LCD display w/ keypad and buttons, so the navigation controls
are slightly different. To avoid confusion, a brief instrument basic operating
guide is provided below for each model.
3.2 Instrument Basics:
Note: For details of any specific features not covered in this SOP, please refer
to the manufacturer’s instruction manual.
For Model 901
The 901 utilizes a touchscreen to accept operation commands and variables,
and display system information. After system startup, the main screen is
displayed with current system status, e.g. current time, date, system pressures
and temperature, and purge delay setting, etc. If a parameter or variable is
selectable on the screen, it will be highlighted from the background. Navigation
is made easy with touchscreen, as touching a button on the screen would
typically display another selection screen or keypad that is used for selecting or
entering values.
The default home screen is the main screen, which can also be accessed by
selecting the main tab at the top of the screen, along with tabs for the run,
status, setup, and schedule screens. A brief description for each screen (Table
3.1) is provided in the following page.
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Table 3.1. Model 901 Screen Descriptions
Screen Description
Main screen:
Displays current date, time, pump pressure, sample pressure,
system temperature, start delay (purge delay), control ID, and
channel status (on/off). Sets date and time, start delay, and
control ID. Provides access to configuration screen (for system
settings and connection setup) and reset factory defaults. Prints
reports and labels. (See figure 2.1b)
Run screen:
Displays basic operating information, i.e. current run state,
channel flow rate, flow set point, etc. Provides access to flow
settings, manual start, leak check, calibration and temperature
settings. (See figure 3.1a)
Status screen:
Displays status of the sampling run. Allows the user to view
data, such as sampling elapsed duration, sampling volume, flow
rate average, and canister initial and final pressures for the last
completed sampling event. Clears sampling data records.
Provides access to see details of errors (e.g. flow error/power
error) which occurred during sampling event. (See figure 3.1b)
Setup screen:
Displays and allows the user to enter information such as, unit ID
number, sample label, user name, and comment for sample
identity. (See figure 3.1c)
Schedule screen:
Displays and allows the user to schedule/set sampling event
information such as, date, time, duration, and group number.
Provides the user access to the Re-Schedule screen to re-
schedule sampling events. (See figure 3.1d)
Shown below are some screenshots for the Model 901 sampler menu system.
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Figure 3.1. Model 901 Sampler Menu System
For Model 910PC
The 910PC utilizes menu-driven software to accept operating parameters and
display system information. System commands and variables are entered
through the front panel keypad. System information is shown on the front panel
display. Five “Function” keys are used to navigate through the system menu,
increment or decrement numeric variables, branch to sub-menus, enter
commands, and clear error messages; they are two “Arrow” keys, a “Select”
key, an “Exit” key, and a “Clear” key, respectively. The numeric keypad is used
to input numeric information. Please refer to figure 1.1b for details of the front
panel interface.
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A brief description for the functions of each key are listed below.
[ARROW]: To navigate thru different screens, to scroll thru different
selection options, or to change a selected numeric item on unit
at a time or the answer to a (Y/N) query.
[SELECT]: To enter the display screens, or to select the chosen item for
[EXIT]: To exit a screen, equivalent to setting/entering the modified
values when leaving the screen.
[CLEAR]: To clear an incorrect entry, to reset some error messages, or to
restore the previous value.
For the 910PC, there are total of eight different states in the menu. An overview
of the 910PC menu (Table 3.2) is shown in the following page.
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Table 3.2. Model 910PC Screen Descriptions
Screen Description
Default screen:
Displays time, date, power fail and flow error messages*.
Sets time, date and unit ID. Resets to Factory Defaults.
Prints reports.
*Selects the displayed error message to forward the user
to a special screen where the affected channel and power
fail (or flow error) duration are displayed.
Pressure screen:
Displays actual pump and current canister pressure.
Delay screen:
Displays actual flow and pre-purge delay. Sets flow set
point and pre-purge delay time.
Displays actual system temperature.
Elapsed Time
Displays actual sample time, flow average and total
volume for each channel. Resets elapsed times, flow
averages and total volumes.
Schedule screen:
Inputs channel sampling period date, start time and
sampling duration.
Leak Check/
Manual Run
Initiates manually timed sample run for manual sampling,
troubleshooting, or for leak checking* (for the sampler
and/or the connected canister).
*Leak check or manual run cannot be started during a
sampling period.
Allows existing schedule to be repeated later without re-
entering the schedule.
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3.3 Instrument Configuration:
The nominal setting values shown below are used to configure the instrument
by default. However, ambient conditions vary significantly depending on site
location, therefore, it is required that field operators verify, and re-configure
instrument settings, if necessary, before using it for any sampling events.
Table 3.3. Standard AQSB 901/910PC Instrument Configuration
Parameter Nominal Value Range
Current Date
Current PST time
± 1 min
Canister Number
1 16 (default 1)
Canister Initial Vacuum
27 inHg
± 2 inHg
Canister Final Pressure
13 psi
± 3 psi
Flow Rate Set Point
8 sccm
± 1 sccm
Flow Range Max Scale
20 sccm
Available 20/50/100
Purge Delay
30 min
Sampling Duration
24 hrs
Group Number
1 – 9 (default 1)
6 days
6 12
Sample Temp (°C)
Ambient Temp
Ambient ± 10°
Slope *
0.9 to 1.1
Offset *
-1.0 to 1.0
* Instrument specific. Please refer to the calibration section of the appropriate
user manual.
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4.1 General Information:
The canister sampler is typically operated on a twelve-day sampling schedule as
specified by the CARB’s air toxics program. For special projects, the sampling
frequency may vary. The typical sampling duration is 24 hours, from 0000 to
0000 hours PST, after a 30-minute purge delay. Special sampling may require
varied time schedules and other than the 0000 hour starting time.
Upon completion of sampling, field operators should complete the required
entries on the Monthly Quality Control Maintenance Check Sheet and Canister
Sample Data/Sample Tracking Form. Include the site name, station number,
technician name, agency, scheduled sampling date, and sampler property
number. Monitor and record all the sampling flow status, i.e. flow rate, canister
pressure (before & after), sampling time, etc. Verify required maintenance items
are scheduled and completed.
4.2 Pre-sampling Configuration:
Note: It is important that the sampling date, time, and duration be set up and
activated correctly to ensure a good sampling run.
For Model 901
1. Turn on the power switch. The front panel will flash the manufacturer’s
name, equipment model number, and the system version number. The Main
screen will appear.
2. From the main screen, touch the [Date] button to display the date screen,
then select the current month. To change the [Day], [Year] and [Time] of
sampler, touch their buttons accordingly to display a keypad on the same
3. From the main screen, touch the [Delay] button to set the Purge Delay
Time. Valid entries are 0 to 60 minutes. Set delay time to 30 minutes.
4. From the main screen, touch the [Control ID] button to set the Control ID.
The Control ID number is for remote access and instrument identification on
report sheet. Valid entries are 1 to 99. Set Control ID to 1.
5. From the main screen, touch the [Configuration] button to enter the settings
screen. The settings screen allows the user to view the instrument’s
operational status and fault conditions, and to set RS-232 and Ethernet
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parameters. If there is no change to these settings, leave them at default.
6. Select the [Run] tab on top to get to the run screen. Touch the [Set] button
to update the flow rate set point to 8 sccm.
7. At this point, the user may choose to do a manual run by selecting the [Start]
button on the run screen, or go to the schedule screen to schedule a
sampling event. For scheduling a sampling event, refer to Section 4.3.
For Model 910PC
1. Turn on the power switch. The front panel will flash the manufacturer’s
name, equipment model number, and the system version number. The
default screen will appear.
2. From the default screen, press the [SELECT] key, the system date will be
underlined. If the date is correctly shown, press the [] key to move
forward, otherwise, press the [SELECT] key to change the date. The date on
display will begin flashing. Enter the correct date (MM/DD/YY), and then
press the [EXIT] key to save the value.
3. The time on display will be underlined. If the time is correct, press the []
key to move forward, otherwise, press the [SELECT] key to change the time.
The time on display will begin flashing. Enter the correct local Pacific
Standard Time (PST) (hh:mm), when done entering press the [EXIT] key. All
instruments operated in CARB air monitoring operate on PST all year.
4. Next, the display will prompt for “Reset to Default?Select N as a “NO” to
the prompt, since a “YES” response will clear and reset all schedules and
functions to their default value. Alternatively, to reset all schedules and
functions to the default value, press the [SELECT] key and the [] key to
change the response from N to Y, and then press the [EXIT] key.
5. The prompt “Control Unit ID #” will display on screen. This is the sampler
number that will show on the reports. If it is correct, press the [] key to
move on, otherwise press the [SELECT] key to correct the value. Enter the
correct ID number and press the [EXIT] key to save the change.
6. The prompt “Print Full Report? N” will display on screen. Requesting a full
report, the sampler will print out a report with all of its control settings,
event schedule, and the completed run information at the end of a sampling
event. If a full report is not desired, press the [] key to move forward.
Otherwise, press the [SELECT] key and change the response from N to Y,
then press the [EXIT] key.
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7. The prompt “Print Control Report? Nwill display. This is like the previous
prompt, except this one will print only the control settings and the event
schedule information. Choose accordingly, and press the [EXIT] key when
done with this prompt.
8. Navigate to the Flow & Purge Delay Setscreen, press the [SELECT] key to
enter and change the flow rate set point. Enter 8 sccm as the flow rate using
the front panel keypad. When done, press the [EXIT] key to save the value.
9. The Set Purge Delay Time” will also appear on the screen. If the purge
delay time is correct, press the [] key to move on, otherwise, press the
[SELECT] key to change the time. Enter the correct delay time (30 minutes),
and then press the [EXIT] key to move forward.
10. At this point, the user may choose to manually operate the sampler by
navigating to the Leak Check & Manual Runscreen to initiate a manual
run, or go to the Schedule screen to schedule a sampling event. Refer to
Section 4.3 for the scheduling details.
For Canister Connection & Handling
1. Obtain a certified clean and evacuated 6-Liter SUMMA canister from the
laboratory and connect the canister to the sampler’s outlet port using 1/8
Teflon tube. Leave the canister valve closed and tighten up all the
connection fittings.
2. Check the canister setup stability. Prior to sampling, open the canister valve
completely (by turning it counterclockwise until the “grip” is completely
loosened), and record the initial canister pressure from both the canister
pressure gauge and the sampler screen on the Monthly QC Maintenance
Check Sheet. Ensure the canister and sampler pressure readings remain
stable for at least 10 minutes. Alternatively, changing pressure readings
indicate a potential leak. Locate and repair the leak, otherwise, replace the
sampler if leak cannot be repaired.
3. Initiate a manual run or wait for the scheduled run. When sampling is
complete, close the canister valve. Review the sampler screen for any errors.
Record the starting canister pressure from the canister gauge and the
sampler on the Monthly QC Check Sheet.
For Sampler Back Pressure Measurement
Under different context, back pressure could have a different meaning. For the
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canister sampler, back pressure is essentially the sampler pump pressure. Back
pressure reading needs to be higher than the desired canister pressure for air
to flow into the can. The idea is that when the canister pressure reaches the
back pressure setting, the flow rate stops.
After checking the canister setup stability, open the valve on the sample
canister, and initiate a manual run at the desired sample flow rate. Record the
initial sampler’s pump pressure reading, which in this case is the back pressure
reading we are looking for, from the sampler screen. Then stop the manual run
and schedule the actual run.
Back pressure measurements can be used to track the sampler’s pump
efficiency. The pressure reading should be over 20 psi.
4.3 Programing Sampling Event:
Note: The instrument can operate under only one channel or sub-channel at a
given time. If a new sampling event is entered that conflicts with another
scheduled event, a warning message will appear, and the new event will
not be saved.
For Model 901
To schedule a sampling event:
1. Go to the schedule screen by selecting the Scheduletab from the main
2. To set a date for a sampling event, select the [Date] button on the screen to
display the Schedule Datescreen. Enter the month, day, and year values
using the displayed keypad.
3. To set a time to begin the sampling event, select the [Time] button on the
screen to display the Start Timescreen. Enter the time (in 24-hr format
00:00) using the displayed keypad.
4. To set a duration for the sampling event, select the [Duration] button on the
screen to display the Duration Schedulescreen. Enter the duration (in 24-
hr format hh:mm) using the displayed keypad.
5. The default group number is set to “1”. This group number is used during
re-scheduling to re-schedule a selection of channels or sub-channels for
sampling events based on their group.
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6. After a sampling event is successfully scheduled, a green [Set] button will
show up on the same screen. Press the [Set] button to activate the event
schedule. A new window will prompt the user to clear the data record from
the last sampling event. SelectYesto clear the previous record.
To re-schedule sampling events:
Note: Ensure there are scheduled sampling events on the screen and pick the
group of sampling events for re-scheduling. Refer to previous steps on
how to schedule an event.
1. From the schedule screen, select the [Re-Schedule] button,
2. A new Re-Schedulescreen will display. Set the group number in the Re-
Schedulescreen to the group of interest or leave the default setting.
3. Set a specific number of days later or select a specified day of every week to
re-start the sampling event.
4. Select the [Go] button to save and activate the new schedule.
5. Select the [Done] button to cancel or exit the Re-Schedulescreen.
For Model 910PC
To schedule a sampling event:
1. Use the [ARROW] key to navigate to the schedule screen. The schedule
screen should display the current scheduled canister number and the
scheduled start date. Press the [SELECT] key to enter the setting mode. Any
active item will be underlined.
2. In the setting mode, the screen will prompt the user to choose a canister
number for the sampling event. If the default value is channel “1”, leave it
as-is and press the [] key to continue. Otherwise, change it to “1”.
3. Next, it will ask the user to set the sampling start date. Press the [SELECT]
key, and then enter the month, date, and year values using the front panel
keypad. Press the [EXIT] key to save the entry. When done, press the []
key to move on.
4. Next, it will ask the user to set the sampling start time. Press the [SELECT]
key and enter the time (in 24-hr format hh:mm). Press the [EXIT] key to save
the entry.
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5. The screen will then ask the user to set the sampling duration time. Press
the [SELECT] key and enter the duration (in 24-hr format hh:mm). Press
[EXIT] to save the entry.
6. Next, it will ask the user to choose a canister group number for this sampling
event. This number is used during re-scheduling for re-scheduling a
selection of channels or sub-channels based on their group. The default
value is group number “1”. Leave it as-is and press the [] key to continue.
Otherwise, change it to “1”.
7. When all sampling schedule information is updated, press the [EXIT] key to
leave the Schedule screen to record the new schedule.
To re-schedule sampling events:
Note: Ensure there are scheduled sampling events on the screen and select the
correct group of sampling events for re-scheduling.
1. Use the [ARROW] key to navigate to the Reschedulescreen. The
Reschedulescreen should display the options of “N Days Later” or “Day
of the Week”. Press the [SELECT] key to enter the setting mode. Any active
item will be underlined.
2. Select “N Days Later” using the [ARROW] key, press the [SELECT] key, and
enter the number of days you want the sampler to run again. The default
setting for CARB sampling schedule is 12 days later. If not correct, change it
using the front keypad. Press the [EXIT] key to save the entry.
Note: For the “Day of the Week” option, instead of specifying the number
of days, one might decide to re-run the sampling on a specific day of the
week. However, this option is rarely used by CARB.
3. When all the re-scheduling information is updated, press the [EXIT] key to
leave the reschedule screen to record the new schedule.
4.4 Retrieving Sampling Report:
Field operators are responsible for retrieving and recording sample run
information. Sampling information is displayed on the sample printout. The
sample printout should be returned with the sampled canister. See figure 4.1
The front panel of each sampler should have a panel printer for report printing.
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Figure 4.1. Sample Run Printout.
For Model 901
To print the sampling report, first go to the main screen. On the main screen,
there are four buttons or options for printing. They are:
[Full] – Allow the user to print the current system control setting and
sampling report for the last sampling event.
[Control] – Allow the user to print the current system control setting only.
[History] Allow the user to select and print historic sampling reports.
[Label] Allow the user to print label sticker on an optional label printer.
Select the report type and touch the corresponding button to print the chosen
For Model 910PC
To print the sampling report, use the [ARROW] key to navigate to the default
screen and press the [SELECT] key to enter. Use the [ARROW] key again to
navigate to the “Print Full Report” or “Print Control Report” option depending
on what you want. Press the [SELECT] key to print the chosen report. When
done, press the [EXIT] key to leave.
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4.5 Post Sampling:
Review the sampler screen for any errors. Record the ending canister pressure
from the canister gauge and the sampler on the Monthly QC Check Sheet
(Appendix B). Complete the canister data sheet/sample tracking form
(Appendix D). Close summa canister and disconnect from sampler. Return
sampled canister, sample printout and canister data sheet to laboratory within
one week of sampling.
4.6 Make-up Sampling:
Canister sampling for the air toxics program follows a 1-in-12 sample schedule.
If a scheduled sample is not valid, site operators should make every effort to
collect a make-up sample. The make-up sample must be collected within the
same sampling month as the missed scheduled sample and before the next
scheduled sampling date. Best practice for collecting a make-up sample is six
days after the scheduled sampling date.
4.7 Canister Sample Validation:
Samples collected in the field are verified utilizing the criteria listed below. If a
collected sample does not meet these criteria, field operators must
appropriately document the sample report form with this information and
invalidate the sample.
1. Canister samples must start and stop within 30 minutes of midnight.
2. Final canister pressure must be 13.0 psi + 3.0 psig (10.0 to 16.0 psig).
Remove the sampled canisters as soon as possible following the sample
collection date. Ensure the sample report form is complete and accurate.
Return sample report with the sample to the laboratory.
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5.1 General Information:
A calibration is a procedure for aligning, checking, or adjusting the output of an
instrument to a known “true” standard. To ensure the quality of the data
provided by the canister sampler, the sampler must be calibrated prior to use,
after any new installation, after any major maintenance, after every six months
of use, or if the initial flow meter reading falls outside the tolerance limits of
average initial flow meter reading.
This section of SOP provides a list of the necessary equipment and the
calibration procedure to calibrate canister samplers. The 901 sampler has a
built-in calibration feature that makes flow rate correction straightforward.
However, the 910PC sampler does not provide any built-in calibration function,
and requires manual adjustment to correct the final flow rate.
The sampler’s mass flow controller (MFC) can be calibrated independently from
the instrument. This is done during troubleshooting an MFC by ODSS shop
personnel and will not be covered in this SOP. If interested, refer to the Porter
Instrument Co., Inc. Tech & User’s Manual, Section 6 – Calibration. This manual
should be included within the sampler documentation. If not, it can be
requested from the manufacturer.
Note: This section is intended to detail calibration procedures used by CARB
and does not significantly deviate from the manufacturer’s manual.
Please read all the procedures outlined in both this SOP and the
manufacturer’s manual before attempting to perform a calibration.
5.2 Calibration Overview:
Note: Always perform the instrument auto leak and pump maximum pressure
checks before any calibration. Refer to the procedures in Section 7 of this
The overall calibration process involves using a certified reference mass flow
meter to perform a multi-point flow measurement for the sampler.
Prior to calibration, the user should check the displayed flow rate with the flow
set point by performing a flow audit. If the flow is not at the set point, the user
is required to adjust the flow controller and record the calibration results on the
instrument monthly check sheet and the instrument calibration report (see
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5.3 Calibration Apparatus:
1. Certified/Reference mass flow meter or flow transfer standard
2. Certified zero air generator or Grade 5 Nitrogen (clean air source)
3. 1/4” and 1/8” Teflon tubing for air flow connections
4. Calibration report form (Appendix C)
5.4 Calibration Procedure:
For Model 901
Model 901 has a built-in calibration feature for easy flow calibration. To begin
calibration, touch the Runtab to display the run screen (see figure 3.1a).
Then touch the [Calibrate] button on the run screen to display the Audit &
Calibration” screen. The Audit & Calibrationscreen allows the user to
audit/calibrate the channel flow rates. Flow auditing is performed to observe
any flow drift, while calibration is performed to correct the flow drift.
Figure 5.1. Audit and Calibration screen
Audit the channel flow rates
The user can audit the channel flow rates to verify whether flow controller has
drifted from its previous calibration. If drift has occurred, the flow controller
must be calibrated. To audit the channel flow rate, a previous successful flow
calibration must be available for comparison.
To audit the channel flow rates, follow the procedure below:
1. Attach a reference flow meter to the “Output” fitting on the back panel.
2. Set the sampling flow rate (default Channel 1, 8 sccm) to be audited in the
flow set screen.
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3. Select the [Start] button to run the pump and open the channel valve.
4. Go to the run screen and select the [Calibrate] button on the screen to bring
up the Audit and Calibrationscreen.
5. Turn ON the [Corrected] button, as its color will turn green, to enter the
flow audit mode.
6. Under the flow audit mode, the screen will display five flow set points to
audit. To change the flow set points, select each set point to display the
number keypad.
7. Start with a midpoint value of 8 sccm as the flow set point, this is the typical
flow rate used in normal sampling. Select four additional flow set points,
ideally two above 8 sccm and two below 8 sccm at 1 sccm intervals. Typical
calibration set points are 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 sccm, respectively.
8. Record the Slope and Intercept calculated from last calibration.
9. Select the [Start] button to begin the audit. The sampler will start flowing.
10. When the flow stabilizes, select the [Next] button and enter the flow reading
observed from the reference flow meter to the first set point.
11. When ready to measure the second set point, select the [Next] button and
wait for the flow to stabilize.
12. When the flow stabilizes, select the [Next] button and enter the flow reading
observed from the reference flow meter to the second set point.
13. Repeat the above operation to measure the third, fourth, and fifth set
14. After the five set points are measured, the sampler will calculate and display
a new Slope and Intercept.
15. Compare the new Slope and Intercept with the values from last calibration
to determine whether the 901 sampler needs to be calibrated again. (A drift
less than 5% is acceptable, and a new calibration is not necessary.)
16. Document all these values in the sampler’s calibration report.
17. Select the [Exit] button to exit the flow audit screen.
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Calibrate the channel flow rates
Note: If any mistake occurs during the audit/calibration process, select the
[Abort] button to stop the procedure and start over.
If the channel flow rates audit (described previously) results in a drift more than
5%, a new calibration is required. To perform a new calibration for the channel
flow rates, follow the procedure below.
1. Attach a reference flow meter to the “Output” fitting on the back panel.
2. Set the sampling flow rate (8 sccm) to be calibrated in the Flow Set
3. Select the [Start] button to run the pump and open the channel valve.
4. Select the [Calibrate] button on the run screen to display the Audit &
Calibration” screen.
5. Turn OFF the [Corrected] button, as its color will turn gray, to enter the flow
calibration mode.
6. Under the flow calibration mode, the screen will display five flow set points
to calibrate. To change these flow set points, select each set point to display
the number keypad.
7. Select the [Start] button to initiate the flow calibration.
8. When the flow is stable, select the [Next] button and enter the flow reading
observed from the reference flow meter to the first set point.
9. Then calibrate the second set point. When the flow is stable again, select
the [Next] button and enter the flow reading observed from the reference
flow meter to the second set point.
10. Repeat the above operation to calibrate the third, fourth and fifth set points.
11. After the five set points are calibrated, the 901 sampler will calculate and
display a new Slope and Intercept for the new calibration.
12. Select the [Save] button to save the new calibration data. Record the new
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13. Select the [Exit] button to exit the flow calibration screen.
For Model 910PC
The 910PC does not have a built-in calibration function like the 901 does, but
the user can perform a flow rate audit for the sampler with a reference transfer
standard, and then determine whether they should manually adjust the
sampling flow rate, i.e. by adding an offset to the flow set point, in order to
achieve the desired flow rate.
Flow rate audit and adjustment
The flow rate audit and adjustment process are relatively simple.
1. Attach a reference flow meter to the “Output” fitting on the back panel.
2. Start with a midpoint value of 8 sccm as the flow set point, this is the typical
flow rate used in normal sampling. Select four additional flow set points,
ideally two above 8 sccm and two below 8 sccm at 1 sccm intervals. Typical
calibration set points are 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 sccm, respectively.
3. Set the sampling flow rate to the midpoint value in the Flow & Purge Delay
4. Move to the Leak Check & Manual Runscreen to initiate a manual run to
activate the pump and open the channel valve. The sampler will start
5. When the flow is stable, record the flow reading observed from the
reference flow meter for this set point to the sampler’s calibration report.
6. Stop the sampler flow and repeat the above operation to measure the
remaining flow set points. Record the observed values from the reference
flow meter.
7. After the five set points are measured, use the CARB calibration report
(Appendix C) to calculate the linear regression against these points in order
to obtain the new regression Slope and Intercept.
8. Compare the new Slope and Intercept with the values from the last flow rate
audit in order to determine if the flow set point needs to be adjusted. (A
drift less than 5% is acceptable, and adjustment is not required).
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9. If adjustment is needed, back calculate the required flow set point in order
to achieve the desired true flow, using the newly calculated regression Slope
and Intercept.
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6.1 General Information:
Field operators shall perform the following routine service checks minimally at
the prescribed intervals and more if necessary.
Field operators should complete the Monthly Quality Control Check Sheet
(Appendix B) and submit the completed document to their supervisor each
month. Field operators must also keep a copy of the Monthly Quality Control
Check Sheet in the air monitoring station.
Leak check and mass flow meter calibration check (for model 901 only) may be
performed more frequently but should be performed at least at the prescribed
If the operating efficiency of the instrument decreases or a malfunction occurs,
the instrument shall be returned to the Instrument Shop for repair.
6.2 Field Maintenance Schedule:
Table 6.1. Maintenance Schedule for the Instrument
Each Run
Verify Sampler Operation
Verify Canister Setup Stability
Perform Auto Leak Check
Check Sampler Pump Max Pressure
Perform Flow Calibration Check
Replace Probe and Canister Line
Check Residence Time
Return Sampler to Instrument Shop
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6.3 Each Run:
Verify instrument operation. Check for any signs of problem. Check instrument’s
front panel display for any error message/status. Refer to operation verification
in Section 2.5.
Purge the sampling lines if cleanliness is suspect.
Verify canister setup stability. Connect canister to the sampler. Open canister
valve, wait for vacuum pressure to establish, and then compare the sampler and
canister gauge readings. Wait and check readings again 10 minutes later to
confirm no leak in the setup.
6.4 Semi-Annual Checks:
Perform automated system leak check. Refer to procedure in Section 7.2.
Check sampler pump maximum pressure. Refer to procedure in Section 7.3.
For model 901 sampler only, perform the mass flow calibration check. Refer to
procedure in Section 7.4.
6.5 Annual Checks:
Replace the 1/4” Teflon sampling probe and 1/8” Teflon canister lines.
Check the sampler residence time. Residence time can be calculated using the
instrument calibration report (Appendix C) during the semi-annual flow rate
calibration. There should not be any significant change in the residence time
from the previous records. If there is a significant change, investigate the cause
of change.
6.6 As Required:
Should contamination be suspected at any site, field operators should
troubleshoot the sampler, sampler apparatus, or site configuration to identify
potential issues. If problems persist, replace the sampler. Return replaced
sampler to ODSS instrument repair shop for inspection and repair.
The Organics Laboratory Section via the corrective action notification process
(CAN) should initiate notification indicating contamination issues. Upon receipt
of a CAN for suspected sampler contamination, field operators should return
the suspected sampler to ODSS for evaluation.
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7.1 General Information:
The canister sampler is designed to operate unattended for long periods. Other
than routine checks required in Section 6 of this SOP, the instrument requires
little maintenance. However, maintenance requirements vary from instrument to
instrument, thus field operators should refer to the manufacturer’s manual for
any additional maintenance requirements.
Corrective maintenance is any unscheduled maintenance activity that becomes
necessary due to system malfunctions. Examples are pump replacement, orifice
cleaning, and flow meter controller calibration.
If field operators cannot repair an instrument, using procedures stated in the
instrument manual, please contact the ODSS’s instrument repair shop for help.
7.2 System Auto Leak Check Procedure:
The instrument contains a built-in automatic leak check feature that can allow
the user to leak check the connection between the sampler and canister before
running sample events.
For Model 901
To perform a leak check (with a canister):
1. Connect a canister to the sampler “output” with a 1/8” Teflon line (as in
routine sample collection).
2. Make sure that the valve on the canister is closed.
3. Verify that the sampler “inlet” andbypass” fittings on the back are not
4. Go the Run screen by selecting the “Run” tab from the main screen.
5. Select the [Leak Check] button on the Run screen. A Leak Checkscreen
should display.
6. Select the [Run] button to run a leak check. The sampler might take a minute
to complete the leak check.
7. When the leak check finishes, the screen might display either pass or fail for
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result. (Figure 7.1b or Figure 7.1c).
8. To print the leak check report, select the [Print] button.
To stop the leak check in the middle of process, select the [Abort] button and
confirm your action.
Figure 7.1. Instrument Leak Check Screen and its Possible Results
For Model 910PC
To perform a leak check (with a canister):
1. Connect a canister to the sampler “output” with a 1/8 Teflon line (same as
901 above).
2. Make sure that the valve on the canister is closed.
3. Verify that the sampler “inlet” and “bypass” fittings on the back are not
4. Use the [ARROW] key to navigate to the Leak Check / Manual Runscreen.
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Then press the [SELECT] key to enter. The active item is now underlined.
5. The default action item is the “Leak Checkmode. Please note that under
this screen the “Manual Run” mode can also be accessed using the
[ARROW] key.
6. Hit the [SELECT] key to activate the selection. The selected item will “flash”
to indicate that it has been selected and changes can be made.
7. Use the [ARROW] key to choose Yes (Y) to confirm the action.
8. Press the [EXIT] key to initiate the leak check. (The selected value is only
accepted/set when the [EXIT] key is pressed.)
9. The sampler might take a minute to complete the leak check. After the leak
check completes, the sampler should display either pass or fail for the result.
To stop the leak check in the middle of the process, repeat steps 6 to 8 above,
except in step 7 choose No (N) instead.
7.3 Sampler Pump Maximum Pressure Check Procedure:
The sampler pump maximum pressure check is essentially another system leak
check. The pump maximum pressure check procedure is nearly identical to the
leak check procedure described in Section 7.2. The only difference is that
instead of choosing the “Leak Check” mode, select the “Manual Run” mode.
The key steps include:
1. Connect a canister with its valve closed and perform a manual run.
2. Allow the output pressure to come up to full pump pressure (approx. 25 psi).
3. Stop the manual run and confirm that the output pressure remains the same
for one hour or more. The output pressure should drop no more than 0.5
7.4 Mass Flow Calibration Check Procedure:
For Model 901, the sampler provides a built-in calibration function. Please refer
to the calibration procedure for Model 901 sampler in Section 5.4 of this SOP.
For Model 910PC, flow rate verification and manual adjustment to the flow rate
setting are performed to “tune” the sampler in order to achieve the desired
sampling flow rate. Please refer to the calibration procedure for Model 910PC
sampler in Section 5.4 of this SOP.
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7.5 Purity Test Procedure:
Note: This procedure is performed by ODSS instrument shop personnel in the
shop where testing apparatus are available.
For the purity test, the sampler is set to fill a certified “clean” 6-Liter SUMMA
canister using a zero air generator or a grade 5 Nitrogen cylinder. The sampled
canister will then be analyzed by the lab to determine the cleanliness of the
sampler. If the purity test fails to meet the purity requirement, as specified in
Appendix A, it should be removed from service and cleaned according to the
cleaning procedure as described in Section 7.6.
Apparatus for Purity Testing
1. Certified zero air generator or Grade 5 Nitrogen (clean air source)
2. Flow calibration system (e.g. Environics 9100)
3. Teflon tubing, 1/4” and 1/8” O.D.
4. Connection tee
5. Air Flow Meter (Optional)
6. Hydrometer (Optional)
Purity Testing Steps
1. Obtain a certified “clean” canister from the NLB and connect the canister to
the testing equipment as shown in figure 7.2.
2. Activate the zero air generator and the gas dilution system. Set in a proper
air flow rate for the dilution system. The clean air source is typically set to an
output flowrate of 10 LPM.
3. A tee is connected to provide a split stream of air to a hydrometer for flow
quality control (i.e. dew point check). This split can also serve as a vent for
excessive air flow to minimize pressurization of the Xonteck sampler inlet.
(Note: this step is OPTIONAL but recommended. If a hydrometer is used,
please limit its incoming flow rate to no greater than 1 LPM.)
4. Activate the Xonteck sampler and configure the sampling rate and duration
time. For details on how to initiate and configure the sampler, refer to
Section 4 of this SOP.
5. Fill the canister using the sampler with the zero air source. The canister
should be filled to approximately 13 psi in 24 hours with the sampling flow
rate of 8 sccm.
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6. Send the canister back to the lab for cleanliness analysis. If the unit passes
the test, it indicates the sampler is clean and does not require any cleaning
treatment. However, if it fails the purity test, please follow the sampler
cleaning procedure outlined in the next section.
Figure 7.2. Purity Testing Equipment Setup Diagram
7.6 Instrument Cleaning Procedure:
Note: This procedure is performed by ODSS instrument shop personnel in the
shop where cleaning apparatus are available.
Each sampler must be clean and decontaminated from a variety of chemicals.
Throughout periodic usage of the instrument, contaminants can be trapped in
and accumulated inside the sampler. When samples are collected using the
contaminated instrument, analysis results can be greatly jeopardized, especially
when the contaminant detection of limit is on the scale of ppb. Therefore, it is
important to ensure the sampling instrument is clean and compliant with the
purity requirement.
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There are two ways to clean the sampler and its parts, and they are written
Apparatus for Sampler Cleaning
1. Certified zero air generator or Grade 5 Nitrogen (clean air source)
2. Bubbler
3. Teflon tubing, 1/4” and 1/8” O.D.
4. Bubble meter or flow indicator
5. Connection tee
6. Deionized water
Sampler Cleaning Steps
1. Follow the flow schematic diagram (figure 7.3), connect the bubbler, flow
meter, connection tee and clean air source using Teflon tubing. Fill the
bubbler approximately 3/4 full with deionized water and secure to
instrument rack. Connect bubbler inlet (B) to the connection tee output (A);
this line should end approximately 1” from the bottom of the bubbler. Then,
connect bubbler output (C) to the sample input of the canister sampler. (See
diagram for complete flow schematic).
2. Activate the clean air source and set to an output of approximately 6 LPM of
air. Provide a vent from the clean air source to allow bypassing excessive air
flow and reduce pressurization of the sampler inlet. For the clean air source
setup, refer to the same setup procedure described in Section 7.5.
3. Activate the sampler to manual mode, set the sampler to a flow rate of
approximately 18 ccm and operate the sampler for 72 hours continuously.
This will allow humidified zero air from the bubbler to purge the sample lines
inside the sampler.
4. After the 72 hours, disconnect the bubbler output (C) and connect the
sampler inlet directly to the connection tee output (A).
5. Operate the sampler in manual mode again, set the sampler to a flow rate of
approximately 18 ccm and run the sampler for additional 24 hours allowing
dry zero air from the clean air source to purge the sample lines inside the
6. Once steps 1 through 5 are completed, repeat the purity test procedure as
outlined in the previous section and check for the results.
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Figure 7.3. Sampler Cleaning w/ Flow Schematic Diagram
Apparatus for Parts Cleaning
1. Ultrasonic cleaner
2. Certified zero air generator or Grade 5 Nitrogen (clean air source)
3. Standard liquid detergent
4. Acetone-free absolute methanol
5. Tap water
6. Deionized water
7. Laboratory oven
Parts Cleaning Steps
For all stainless steel fittings and parts that contact with the sample, the
following ultrasonic cleaning technique is found to be most effective.
a. The ultrasonic cleaning steps are listed below in the order of application:
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1. Thoroughly wash parts using a standard liquid detergent.
2. Three rinses using tap water.
3. Three rinses using distilled deionized water.
4. Three rinses with acetone-free absolute methanol.
5. Bake-out in an oven at 200 °C for 12-16 hours.
b. If the sampler is equipped with a pump that has a stainless steel bellows
assembly, the following procedure should be used to clean the pump parts
that contact the sample:
1. Three flushes with 100 mL acetone-free absolute methanol.
2. Disassemble parts and blow dry with zero air.
3. Reassemble pump and purge pump for 4-6 hours with dry zero air.
4. If the application of the cleaning procedures outlined above does not
sufficiently clean the pump, those pump parts should be cleaned in an
ultrasonic cleaner using the procedure mentioned in the previous Step A.
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Second Edition, October 2020
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8.1 General Information:
The manufacturer’s manual contains information pertaining to troubleshooting
and should be the first source of information. Should instrument malfunctions
occur and troubleshooting is required to determine the problem, the user
should refer to the manufacturer’s manual.
Comment space is provided on the Monthly Quality Control Check Sheet for
recording malfunctions, causes, fixes, and actions taken to prevent recurrence.
District personnel who operate canister samplers for the CARB’s air toxics
network are encouraged to contact their designated AQSB contact for
XONTECK 901 & 910PC Canister Samplers
Second Edition, October 2020
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Mass Flow Controller, Porter Instrument Co., Inc. Tech & User’s Manual.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) T0-14A/TO-15 Methods,
Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) In Ambient Air Using Specially
Prepared Canisters With Subsequent Analysis By Gas Chromatography/Mass
Spectrometry (GC/MS), Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Toxic
Organic Compounds in Ambient Air.
U.S. EPA Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations Part 58 (40 CFR. 58) Subpart G,
Ambient Air Quality Surveillance (Federal Monitoring).
Xonteck 901 Canister Sampler (Automated Sampler with Integrated Computer)
Instruction Manual.
Xonteck 910 Canister Sampler (Manual Sampler with New Features) Instruction
XONTECK 901 & 910PC Canister Samplers
Second Edition, October 2020
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CARB Analysis Method
Limit of Detection (ppb)
Cryogenic Trap
Capillary GC/MS
Sorbent Trap
Capillary GC/MS
Note: If compounds are detected in the canisters above detection limits, the sampler
is deemed to have failed the laboratory purity check and the sampler cleaning
procedure shall be used to clean the sampler per ODSS standard procedure. A
repeat analysis shall be performed after the sampler is cleaned.
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Second Edition, October 2020
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Sampler Meter Set Pt. Canister Sampler
1. Each Run:
2. Semi-Annual: Instrument Auto Leak and Pump Max
Pressure checks.
Calibrate mass flow meter (901 only).
Meter Reading Slope:
3. Annual: Replace probe, can line, and determine residence time.
Replacement Date:
Date Comments or maintenance performance
AQSB QC Form 805 (07/20)
Reviewed by:
Residence Time:
End Pressure
Verify system operation. Check for any signs of problem. Check for canister
setup stability. Record the sampling information.
Date Checked:
Last Cal. Date:
Sampler Flow
Station Number:
Property Number:
Can ID
XONTECK 901 & 910PC Canister Samplers
Second Edition, October 2020
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AQSB Calibration Report 805 (07/20)
ID Information: Instrument: Calibration:
Station Name: San Jose Make: Xontech "As Is" X
Site Number: 43-382 Model Number: 901/910PC "Final"
Station Address: 158 Jackson Property Number: 20005367 Calibration Date: 04/15/15
Agency: BAAQMD Serial Number: NA Report Date: 04/15/15
Back Pressure (psig): 22.4 Previous Cal. Date: NA
Calibration Results: Temperature (degC): 32.0
Toxics Atm. Pr ess. (mmHg): 763.0
0-10 Elevation (feet): 14
9.0 Previous Calibration Information:
8.8 Slope: 0.9861
8.8 Intercept: -0.2199
16.4 Flow Rate (sccm): 8.6
8.8 Air Flow Transfer Standard:
8.8 Make & Model: Tylan 4/1
Slope: 0.9830 Property Number: 20004517
Display Best Fit Line Intercept: -0.1000 Serial Number: NA
Correlation: 0.9995 Certification Date: 05/01/14
2.4% Expiration Date: 05/01/15
Transfer Standard Equation: (x) (m) (b)
0 - 20 ccm MFM: Standard Air Flow = Display 1.0000 +/- 0.0000 SCCM
0 - 10 lpm MFM: Standard Air Flow = Display 0.9920 +/- -0.0070 SLPM
Calibration Data (Transfer Standard): Probe Data:
Set Point (x): Sampler Display: Transfer Standard True Flow (y) Graph Total Length (feet): 33.1
Display: SCCM Values Calc. Lenth (meters): 10.1
6.0 5.87 5.76 5.8 5.8 Inside Dia. (in): 0.19
7.0 6.88 6.80 6.8 6.8 Calc. Dia. (mm): 4.76
8.0 7.88 7.78 7.8 7.8 Air Flow Display: 1.3
9.0 8.91 8.81 8.8 8.7 Air Flow (slpm): 1.3
10.0 9.89 9.67 9.7 9.7 Residence Time (s): 8.4
Leak Test:
Initial Time: NA Final Time: NA
Initial Pressure (psig): Pass Final Pressure (psig): Pass
Calibrated by: Checked by:
Final Transfer Standard Display:
Instrument Range (ccm):
Final True Air Flow (sccm):
True Flow % Deviation from Previous Cal.:
"As Is" True Air Flow (Sccm)
Final Canister Pressure, Calculated (psig):
Final Air Flow Set Point Display:
Final Air Flow Setting:
Automated leak check passed. Startup Cal, replaced leaking instrument.
Sample Period (hours):
"As Is" Air Flow Set Point Display:
"As Is" Transfer Standard Display:
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Second Edition, October 2020
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