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DuxxBak DekkWater Shedding Deck System
The DuxxBak Dekk Water Shedding Deck System is an innovave product designed to shed water in any
environment. Properly installed, DuxxBak Dekk will provide a funconal, dry underdeck area, without the moisture
buildup and structural compromise associated with convenonal underdeck drainage systems. Installaon of this
product is vastly dierent from our other quality oerings. Strict adherence to these installaon instrucons will
ensure delivery of an aracve, funconal system.
By DuxxBak Composite Decking
A Division of Green Bay Decking, LLC
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Important Installaon Tips 3
General Informaon 4
Product Informaon 4
DuxxBak Dekk Product Proles 4
Storing and Handling 4
Sucient Pitch 4
Substructure Framing 4
Proper Caulk and Flashing System 5
Caulk and Flashing On Masonry 5
Fasteners Installaon 5
Fascia Installaon 6
Special Design Concepts 6
Installaon Hints 6
Final Preparaon 7
Proper Endcap Selecon 7
Parts of DuxxBak Dekk Board 7
Installaon Guide 8
Step 1: Install The First Deck Board 8
Step 2: Install The Second and Subsequent Deck Boards 9
Step 3: Install The Final Deck Board 9
Step 4: Install Seal and Flashing 10
Step 5: Install Endcaps on Exposed Boards 11
Step 6: Install Guers 11
Step 7: Compleon 11
DuxxBak Dekk End Cap Installaon On A 45 Degree Angle Deck 12
Installaon of Replacement Board 13
Stair Installaon 14
Care and Maintenance 14
Warranty 14
Fasteners 15
Product Features 16
List of Revisions 16
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If quesons arise during installaon for which you can nd no answer, or for general product or installaon quesons, please call
us toll-free at 1-877-804-0137.
All composite decking will expand and contract as temperatures change. To minimize potenal system failure resulng from these
movements, avoid installing your decking during extreme temperatures.
DuxxBak Dekk is designed for use as weather protecon above an outdoor living area. DuxxBak Dekk is not designed or approved
to be used over a temperature-controlled, enclosed living space.
An unrestricted minimum pitch of 1/8” per foot in the direcon of intended water ow (along the length of the deck board) is
A gap of at least 3/16” must be provided where the deck boards meet the house or other structure. A gap of 3/16” must be
provided at each side of posts or other obstrucons.
See important board-gapping informaon in step 2 of installaon instrucons, page 9.
Use genuine DuxxBak Composite Decking screws, or equivalent.
All fasteners must be located a minimum of 3/4” from the ends of the deck boards. Addionally, any necessary face fasteners
should be placed near the deck board structural septum, but not directly through the septum. Avoid over penetraon of the
fastener heads.
DuxxBak Dekk should be installed on an open structure that allows venlaon through the deck structure. If installing a ceiling
below a DuxxBak Dekk, installers should defer to the venlaon requirements of the structural component manufacturer.
As with any manufactured decking product, be aware of condions where reecve heat buildup from Low-Eglass may cause
damage to your deck.
No special tools are required to work with DuxxBak Composite Decking products. Typical wood-working tools are recommended.
It is always good idea to wear personal protecve equipment, such as safety glasses, hearing protecon, and a dust mask when
working with any construcon materials.
Composite decking is not designed to act as a structural element. Avoid placing weight bearing loads, such as roof-support
columns, on top of a composite decking surface.
Installaon and care instrucons & videos can also be found on our website at www.duxxbakdecking.com
An numeric superscript is used at various locaons in this document to reference a revision from V13.7. All revisions can be found
on the List of Revisionsdocument.
Thank you for choosing the DuxxBak Dekk Water Shedding Deck System
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DuxxBak Dekk boards have laser-engraved idencaon
informaon on the board edge, including a code-
compliance report number.
DuxxBak Dekk boards are made from a formulaon of
BioDac®, rice hulls (a rapidly renewable resource), HDPE,
and other high-quality materials. Its properes are an
innovave deviaon from those of other manufactured-
decking opons. Therefore, DuxxBak Dekk has dierent
handling and installaon requirements which must be
considered during planning and installaon.
Typical woodworking tools are recommended. No special
tools are required.
If quesons arise during installaon for which you can nd
no answer, or for general product or installaon
quesons, please call us toll-free at 1-877-804-0137.
DuxxBak Dekk Product Proles
DuxxBak Dekk
Descripon: 5/4” x 7-1/4”
Height: 1-1/4”
Width: 5-3/4” Coverage
Lengths: 12’, 16’,20’ and 24’
Weight: Approx. 2.1 lbs./.
DuxxBak Dekk End Cap (Right & Le)
Height: 1-1/4”
Width: 5-3/4”
Weight: Approx. 0.06 lbs.
To determine end cap direcon for DuxxBak Dekk or I.Dekk®
T&G: While looking at the open end of installed deck boards,
simply refer to the side of the deck at which you began
installaon—LEFT or RIGHT. (See illustraon on pg 7).
Fascia Board
Thickness: 7/16”
Length: 12’
Weight: Approx. 2.6 lbs./.
Before installing DuxxBak Dekk, be sure your deck structure
has an unrestricted minimum pitch of 1/8” per foot to help
shed water from the deck surface. Remember: Pitch must
run lengthwise direcon of the DuxxBak Dekk boards.
Plan your deck substructure to use current framing
techniques as outlined in the Internaonal Residenal Code
(IRC) and your local building codes.
Remember that the deck pitch must be unrestricted. The
deck structure must be constructed such that the top of the
structure is in plane, avoiding the introducon of a high point
or a low point along the pitch of the deck.
DuxxBak Dekk is designed for installaon on joists that are
spaced at 24”, or less, on center. Each joist longer than 6’
should be installed with at least three points of aachment.
If a joist is aached or supported only at each end, and is
longer than 6’, internal blocking must be installed at 6’
intervals to stabilize the structure. The mid-joist beam or
blocking will also enable the installer to bring the enre deck
structure into plane.
Support blocking should be installed to support the full width
of every deck board where it is cut around obstrucons such
as railing posts.
I.Dekk® or I.Dekk HD S4S or OPTIMA® Dekk Square Edge deck
boards can be used as stair treads, to complement the
DuxxBak Dekk system.
DuxxBak Dekk should be stored on a at surface with
supports every 48”. Do not stack decking more than four
units (bundles) high. Trim boards should have supports every
24”, to avoid sagging, which could make proper installaon
It is always a good idea to wear personal protecve
equipment, such as safety glasses, hearing protecon, and a
dust mask when working with construcon materials.
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Successful installaon of your deck is dependent on proper
sealing and ashing at the surfaces where the deck meets
your home or other structure. Water must be properly
directed to avoid leakage.
Sealants: Use LEXEL Adhesive Sealant or equivalent to
form water barriers where a sealant is recommended.
Sealing Tape: Use the best sealing tape available from
your supplier to form a waterproong barrier at the
point where the ashing and house wrap are joined.
Butyl Tape: Use butyl tape to form a waterproong
barrier at those points where structural objects
penetrate the deck, to form a waterproong seal.
Flashing: Use exterior-grade vinyl, coated aluminum, or
galvanized ashing rated for contact with your decks
structural components.
Counterashing is a piece of metal or vinyl designed to shed
water away from the wall of a building, and is an essenal
step when installing DuxxBak No Drip Through Decking on a
deck structure that is aached to a masonry wall where tra-
dional ashing cannot be achieved. This approved method
of counterashing for masonry walls is called Reglet counter-
Counter Flashing Wedge
or Copper Wool
Reglet Counterashing is done by using a masonry saw or
grinder to cut a 3/4” to 1-1/2” Reglet in the masonry. The
Reglet can be cut into a joint, or into the stone itself. The
ashing is then inserted into the Reglet, and held in place
with a lead wedge or copper wool, or ashing wedge. A bead
of caulk is then used to ll the reglet opening. Sealant should
also be installed where the deck meets the wall, and where
the ashing meets the deck boards.
General Notes
DuxxBak Composite Decking screws, or equivalent, are
Avoid the use of composite screws—those with re-
verse threads near the top end of the screw—as the re-
verse threads displace too much material, compromising
the aachment of decking to structure. Ideally, a screw
with a smooth (non-threaded) sha at its top should be
Make sure the fastener coang is approved for use in
your structural material.
Stainless steel screws are recommended for use near
salt water.
Addional fastener informaon can be found on the
Fasteners page at end of this instrucon manual.
DuxxBak Dekk
Use 1-1/4” (or longer) DuxxBak Composite Decking
screws to aach the decking through the fastening wing.
Insert fasteners at an angle of 55-60 degrees. (Please
see illustraon, above)
Use 2-1/4” (or longer) DuxxBak Composite Decking
screws to aach decking when it is necessary to insert a
fastener through the face of the deck board.
I.Dekk® Fascia
Use 1-1/2” (or longer) DuxxBak Composite Decking
screws to aach fascia.
Use a minimum of three fasteners every 12” to secure
the connecon.
DuxxBak Dekk End Cap
End caps can be secured using an adhesive sealant ap-
plied to the legs of each cap before inseron.
Alternavely, a 1/8” hole may be drilled through the
underside of the decking and through 2 legs of the end
cap, into which a #6 x 1” truss-head or pan-head screw
can be inserted.
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Install fascia to the outer joists (rim joists and end joists) of
the deck substructure.
Use a minimum of three evenly spaced screws every
12” (or two every 12” if the fascia has been ripped to 6”
or less).
End-to-end bu-joints must have a 3/16” minimum
gap to allow for expansion and contracon with
variaons in temperature. There are several methods of
concealing the gaps in fascia bu-joints, as follow:
Leave a wider gap and cover with a ripped piece
of fascia installed vercally. Be sure the screws
that aach the cover do not limit movement of
the boards being bued together (see below
Apply a dark wood stain (similar to the color of
the fascia) to the joist 1”-2” in each direcon
from where the bu-joint will lie. As the fascia
opens and closes, the wood stain will render
the gap praccally invisible.
The same 3/16gap should be allowed at corners to
allow for expansion and contracon. A corner molding
can be ripped from a spare piece of decking or post
sleeve. This cover should only be aached through one
side to allow for expansion and contracon. (Please see
illustraon below) Alternavely, the wood-stain process
described above can be used here to conceal the
required gap (see below illustraon.
Special design concepts may require that you and your
designer consider how to best implement those concepts,
prior to construcon, to avoid problems during or aer
installaon. The following may be such situaons:
DuxxBak Dekk is available in 12’, 16’, 20’, and 24’ lengths.
Custom lengths are available subject to restricons.
Design concepts must be considered if condions require
longer spans to assure that water can properly shed from
the deck.
Deck boards should not be bued end to end, as this
would compromise the waterght integrity of the DuxxBak
Dekk installaon.
Contact DuxxBak Composite Decking for technical
guidance for special design consideraons relave to your
specic project.
Lay the deck boards out prior to installaon to determine
the most pleasing eect of the grain paern.
It is best to mark, cut, and install deck boards when they
are all at similar temperature.
Cut boards to length, aer installaon, allowing a 1-7/16”
overhang past the deck structure. This will allow for the
installaon of a 7/16” fascia board and a nal overhang of
Fascia may be installed before or aer decking installaon.
A guer apron (drip edge) should be installed on top of
the outermost framing member, or fascia, to divert
drainage away from the deck structure and fascia, and to
prevent water from wicking back on the underside of deck
boards. A bead of adhesive sealant should be installed
between the deck boards and the top of the apron.
It is possible to conceal the heads of GBD trim head
screws in both decking and trim boards. Simply drive the
screws just below the surface of the board. Then, gather
the material (which has been displaced by the screw) on
top of the screw head, and tap with a hammer.
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Here are a few nal steps to take before beginning actual in-
stallaon of the DuxxBak Dekk deck boards.
Step 1: Determine Your Starng Point
Determine which side of the substructure will be the starng
point for your deck. If aaching to an inside corner of a house,
start on the end of the deck away from the house, and work
toward the house. For a deck aached only at one edge, you
can choose either side as a starng point. For the purposes of
this installaon guide, well assume were working with an in-
side-corner deck, and well start the decking on the le side as
we are looking at the back of the house from the rear yard.
Step 2: Assure most desired appearance
Lay the deck boards out on the structure, and look from dier-
ent perspecves, to determine how the deck will best show its
aesthec features.
Step 3: Prepare for ashing
If possible, remove the boom course of siding, to ease instal-
laon of ashing & sealant as decking installaon progresses.
Be sure to mark each piece of siding so that it can be reinstalled
in the same place from which it was removed.
Right End Cap needed.
Le End Cap needed.
Parts of a DuxxBak Dekk Board
To determine end cap direcon for DuxxBak Dekk or I.Dekk
T&G: While looking at the open end of the installed deck
boards, simply refer to the side of the deck at which you be-
gan installaon—Le or Right.
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Installaon Guide
Step 1: Install the rst deck board
Cut the enre groove wing (1-9/16 cut) away from the rst
board to leave a smooth outer surface. A sander or router can
be used to make the cut edge more uniform in appearance,
and to round over the cut edge. (see Fg1)
Posion the rst board on the deck with the fastening wing to
the right, with the board overhanging the edge of the structure
1 7/16” (or past the installed fascia board 1”).
(Not shown in these illustraons is a recommended guer
shroud, or drip edge, which should be installed between the
deck boards and the outermost structural members or fascia).
A 3/16” gap must be allowed where the end of the board
meets the house, as well at any point where the deck board
meets an abutment.
Notch the rst and second boards, if necessary, to allow for any
obstrucon that will penetrate the decking surface, such as
wooden railing posts. Cut the notches to allow for a clearance
of 3/16on all sides of obstrucons.
Before installing the rst and all subsequent DuxxBak Dekk
boards, a bead of sealant (LEXEL is recommended) should be
installed on top of the outermost structural members (or on
top of the guer shroud) to act as a water-stop to prevent
drainage from wicking back on the underside of the deck
Aer notching the second board to allow penetraon of
obstrucons, place a connuous bead of sealant into the enre
length of the interlocking groove of the second board, to
prevent water penetraon into the now-interrupted drainage
channel below. Because the railing post will interrupt the
channel, any water entering the channel could become trapped
without introducon of sealant in the interlocking groove. (See
Assure that the rst deck board is properly posioned and is
square to the structure.
Secure the deck board to the joists by inserng one 2 1/4” (or
longer) trim head screw through the face of the board at each
joist, with the screw being placed near a septum of the deck
board to take advantage of the points of highest strength. Set
the screw heads just below the top surface of the board to
avoid pullout, and to parally conceal the screw head.
Complete the installaon of the rst board by inserng a 1-
1/4” (or longer) trim screw through the fastening wing at each
joist. Insert the screw at ≥ 55 degree angle. (See Fg3)
Note: If there are no obstrucons, such as wooden railing posts,
there is no need to insert sealant in the interlocking groove
between the courses.
Step 1: (connued)
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Step 2: Install the second and subsequent deck boards.
With the rst and each subsequent board, insert a bead of
sealant onto the end joist, under where the board will be
installed closest to the house. (See Fg4)
And apply a generous dollop
of sealant into the drainage
channel, closest to the
house, to prevent wind-
driven rain from being blown
backward through the
channel toward the house.
(See Fg5) This dollop should
also act as a water-stop,
compressed between the
deck boards as they are
being installed.
Posion the second and subsequent boards by engaging the
interlocking grooves of each board to lock the boards together,
allowing a minimum 3/16” from the board ends to the wall.
Using a 1/32” gapping tool (typical credit card thickness),
secure each board using the prescribed fasteners (See Fg6). Do
not introduce a gap between deck boards that are to be sealed
at the interlocking groove to prevent water penetraon
because of a drainage channel interrupon. (You may use any
gapping mechanism that measures 1/32” [.03” or 1 mm] to
introduce this gap). Do not allow the gapping tool to drop
between the interlocking groove interface. GBD recommends
Perfect Level Reuseable Crosses.
NOTE: For installaons over a pre-exisng Pressure Treated or
a metal structure or if the air temperature at me of
installaon is 80°F or greater, the introducon of a gap
between the boards is not recommended.
Note: The gap between deck boards will allow the deck struc-
ture to move without compromising the integrity of the deck
Notch each subsequent board as necessary to allow for ob-
strucons that may penetrate the deck substructure at the
point where the board is being installed. Remember to install
support blocking to ensure rigidity across the deck surface
where boards have been notched.
Allow for a clearance of 3/16” on all sides of posts or other
structure obstrucons when installing the deck board.
And once again, at any point where an obstrucon interferes
with the ow of water through the channel, place a connuous
bead of sealant in the enre length of the interlocking groove
so that water will not nd its way through the deck surface,
into the drainage channel, where it may become trapped. (See
Fg2, page 8)
Step 3: Install the nal deck board.
Measure the area to be covered by the nal deck board.
If the nal board will be against the house, rip the board to at
least 3/16less than the distance to the house.
If the nal board will overhang the deck, rip the board back to
a septum to overhang the fascia an acceptable distance. As in
preparaon of the rst board, clean up the ripped edge using a
sander or router.
Step 2: (connued)
Fg4 Fg6
Installaon Guide (contd)
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Secure the last deck board to the joists by inserng one trim
head screw through the face of the board at each joist, with
the fastener being placed near a septum of the deck board to
take advantage of the points of strength. Assure that the
screw heads are seated just below the top surface of the
board. (See Fg8)
Step 3: (connued)
Notch the board as necessary to allow for obstrucons that
may penetrate the deck substructure at the point where the
board is being installed. Allow for a clearance of 3/16” on all
sides of posts or other structure obstrucons when installing
the deck board. Be sure that support blocking is installed to
support the deck board where notched around obstrucons.
As with all obstrucon-based notches, place a connuous bead
of sealant in the enre length of the interlocking groove if the
board seam will intersect an obstrucon, to assure that water
will not nd its way through the deck to the surface below.
Place a bead of sealant along any joist where the deck board
will rest, on all sides of the deck. (See Fg7)
Step 4: Install seal and ash
Cut and dry-t a piece of corrosion-resistant ashing to be
installed behind the house-wrap membrane and on top of the
decking. The ashing should be bent so that when installed it
will naturally compress against the wall and the deck, and will
shed water away from the house.
Set the ashing aside unl the sealant, described below, is in
Place a generous, connuous bead of sealant on top of the
DuxxBak Dekk boards approximately 3/4” away from the
house. This sealant will create a barrier to keep wind-driven
water from being blown back underneath the ashing. (See
Install your pre-bent ashing at the house-to-deck connecon,
holding the ashing ght against the house and sliding it down
onto the decking, thereby compressing the sealant installed in
the previous step. Be sure that a connuous seal is formed be-
tween the ashing and the decking. (See Fg10)
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Step 4: (connued)
Secure the ashing to the wall behind the house wrap, using a
roong nail, staple, or other appropriate fastener.
Secure the house wrap to the face of the ashing using an
appropriate sealing tape. (See Fg11)
Install or reinstall siding if it has been removed for the deck
Install waterproong butyl tape to the deck board (7/8”) and
obstrucon at all locaons where an obstrucon penetrates
the deck, so that water does not nd its way through the deck
to the area below. (See Fg12)
Step 4: (connued)
The waterproong butyl tape will be concealed by the post
sleeve and base trim when the rail system is installed. (See
If the railing posts are not sleeved, a trim piece can be created
to conceal the butyl tape. Be sure to only fasten the trim piece
to the wood post, and not to or through the decking.
If installing structural railing posts,
Adhere to post manufacturers installaon guidance.
Seal interlocking groove if fastener penetrates through
drainage channel (Step 1, page 8)
Apply a generous amount of Lexel (or equivalent) around
base of post and around each fastener head to prevent
water penetraon.
Step 5: Install end caps to exposed board ends
Install the appropriate end caps, detailed on page 7.
Insert the end cap with the drain slots down and the arrow
poinng up.
End caps can be secured using an adhesive sealant applied to
the legs of each cap before inseron. Alternavely, a 1/8” hole
may be drilled through the underside of the decking and
through 2 legs of the end cap, into which a #6 x 1” truss-head
or pan-head screw can be inserted.
Step 6: Install guers
Install system per your design concept.
Step 7: Compleon
Install rail system to assure the safety of those who will use
your deck.
Enjoy your new deck!!!
Installaon Guide (contd)
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DuxxBak Dekk End Cap Placement On A 45 Degree Angle
End Caps for the GBD products are primarily designed for
square end applicaons. Occasionally, it is necessary to install
an end cap on a DuxxBak installaon that is at 45° angle. The
following informaon will allow easy and aracve applica-
on of end caps into a 45° angle applicaon. Please note, this
will require 2 (two) end caps per board.
Step 1:
Cut your rst end cap as shown below. Fg14
Step 2:
Remove the lleted edge of the end cap as shown. Fg15
Step 3:
Posion the rst end cap while being sure to align the hole of
the end cap with the drainage channel of the deck board. Use
LEXEL brand adhesive or equivalent to secure the end cap.
(See Fg16)
Step 4:
Cut the second end cap as shown below. Fg17
Step 5:
Posion the second end cap as shown and mark where the cap
must be cut to sit ush with the rst. Fg18
Step 6:
Cut the second end cap and insert it into the end of the
DuxxBak board. Use LEXEL brand adhesive or equivalent to
beer secure the end cap if necessary. When done properly,
only a small seam will be visible where the two end caps meet.
Step 6:
Repeat this process for the remaining boards. See Fg20
Split and Remove Inserts as Shown
Remove Inserts
Cut As Shown
Remove Inserts Cut As Shown
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DuxxBak Dekk Replacement Board Guide
Step 1:
Determine the number of DuxxBak dekk board(s) that must
be replaced. If replacing more than one board, the DuxxBak
Replacement Board Guide will only apply to the last board
installed. All other adjacent boards will be replaced in accord-
ance with the normal installaon guidelines, above.
Step 2:
If you are replacing more than one board, remove the boards
in the opposite direcon of the original installaon, which will
allow the fasteners to be exposed for easy removal of the
second and subsequent boards.
Step 3:
Place a chalk line or other mark along the length of the board
to be removed as shown (see Fg 21), near the groove edge of
the board as shown (see Fg 22).
Step 4:
Using a circular saw set to a depth of 1 1/4”, cut the length of
the board to divide the board into two pieces. Avoid cung
into the structural component beneath the board. It may be
necessary to use an oscillang tool or other tool that can
work in close quarters to complete the cut near a wall or oth-
er obstrucon.
Step 5:
Aer the board has been separated into two secons, maneu-
ver the unfastened groove secon of the board out of its posi-
on and discard. Some eort may be necessary to remove the
Step 6:
Aer the loose secon has been removed, the remaining se-
cured secon can be removed by using a pry bar to li at each
joist to break the fastening wing at the points where its fasten-
ers are located (see Fg23). The fasteners can then be removed
using a reciprocang saw or oscillang tool equipped with the
appropriate blade, using cauon to not damage adjacent deck-
Step 7:
To prepare the new board for installaon, cut away the fas-
tening wing along the enre length of the board. Also cut away
the boom lip of the groove along the enre length of the
board (see Fg24). Note that if more than one deck board is be-
ing replaced, only the last one to be installed will have to be
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DuxxBak Dekk Replacement Board Guide (contd)
Step 8:
Prepare the substructure to accept the replacement board or
boards. Assure that there are no interference points.
Place a bead of sealant on the joists where the ends of
the deck boards will rest (See Fg 4 on Page 9). Assure
that all points of potenal water entry are properly
sealed as the board replacement proceeds.
Apply a generous dollop of sealant into the drainage
channel, closest to the house, to prevent wind-driven
rain from being blown backward through the channel
toward the house (see Fg 5 on Page 9)
Posion the prepared deck board and secure it to the
joists by inserng two trim head screws through the face
of the board at each joist. Assure that the fasteners are
placed near the septum of the deck board to take ad-
vantage of the points of strength. Set the screw heads
just below the top surface of the board to avoid pullout,
and to parally conceal the screw head.
Occasional cleaning will help to keep your deck looking fresh.
A nylon bristle brush or broom will make the task easier.
A pressure washer with a fan p may be carefully used to
clean your deck if it is guided along in the direcon of the
grain at a consistent height above the deck. A Water-Broom
can be used to assure even coverage and a consistent result.
Always test a small area to assure that the surface texture is
not damaged. Always follow safety precauons.
Although your DuxxBak Dekk Water Shedding Deck System is
durable, care should be taken to avoid scratching. If scratch-
es appear in brushed-surface DuxxBak®, it is possible to
carefully draw a stainless steel brush across the scratches in the
direcon of the grain to remove or reduce the scratches. Al-
ways test a small area before proceeding. (Do not use a wire
brush on OPTIMA-nish DuxxBak®).
Many household spills can be removed with an all-purpose
household cleaner, concentrated dish soap, laundry detergent,
degreaser, or deck cleaner. Fresh spills are more easily re-
moved, and a nylon bristle brush will help achieve the best re-
sults. Always test a small area before proceeding.
Mold and mildew that may form on the surface of your deck are
environmentally generated and will not damage your deck.
These can generally be removed with cleaners that are designed
to remove mold and mildew along with the use of a pressure
washer and nylon bristle brush as described above. Always test
a small area before proceeding.
Always make necessary repairs to maintain a safe and enjoyable
Your DuxxBak Dekk Water Shedding Deck System comes with a
lifeme limited warranty that provides coverage against splin-
tering and spling, rot and decay, and termite damage.
Your deck is designed to shed water and will keep the under
deck area dry when properly installed.
Every material expands and contracts with temperature varia-
ons, and engineered decking is no excepon. Avoid potenal
problems by allowing me for proper acclimaon of your deck-
ing to local temperatures prior to installaon. Expansion and
contracon is not a product defect and is not covered under the
DuxxBak Dekk Water Shedding Deck System warranty.
You will nd the complete Warranty Agreement and Warranty
Registraon at www.duxxbakdecking.com.
It is the responsibility of the Homeowner to register
the warranty for your new deck when the deck has
been completed.
Use I.Dekk or I.Dekk HD S4S or OPTIMA Dekk boards for the
construcon of stair treads for a safe installaon. Use
appropriate fastener as for each product per the Fastener
Stair tread installaon should be made on stair stringers that
are no more than 12” on center.
Leave a 3/16” gap between the stair tread boards.
Install according to local codes and acceptable construcon
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Product Features
Unique water shedding board eliminates the need for a secondary drainage system
DuxxBak Dekk prole contains inherent hidden fastener system
Outdoor furniture can be safely stored under the deck
Outdoor acvies can connue during periods of rainfall
Resistant to decay and mold
Strong and durable
Less maintenance
Lifeme limited warranty
Fast, easy installaon
DuxxBak Dekk decking can be installed on joists spaced at 24”
1518 South Broadway
Green Bay, WI 54304
(877) 804-0137
List of Revisions
When accessing the installaon instrucons on www.duxxbakdecking.com, clicking on the applicable revision will bring you to the
details of what was revised, and why the revision was important.
2020DB13.7—Revisions to document made Oct of 2020
2021DB13.8—Revisions to document made April of 2021
For the most up-to-date installation instructions, please visit
By DuxxBak Composite Decking
A Division of Green Bay Dec LLC