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I. Executive Summary
During the 2020 presidential campaign, then-presidential candidate Joe Biden assured the
American people he was not involved in his family members’ multi-million-dollar global
business deals. He assured Americans he had always remained apart from his family’s business
interests while he was Vice President.
Evidence obtained by Committee on Oversight and Reform Republicans shows these
assurances were false. President Joe Biden has participated in his family’s global business
ventures with America’s adversaries. He has misused his public positions to further his family’s
financial interests. These actions have created the potential for President Biden to be susceptible
to influence, blackmail, or extortion by a malign or foreign entity, including the Chinese
Communist Party.
A review of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop, as well as information from
whistleblowers, reveals a decade-long pattern of influence peddling, national security risks, and
political cover-ups. Biden family members used their connections with Joe Biden to enrich
themselves through the expectation of access to Joe Biden and promises about what a future
Biden Administration might do for them. There are numerous unanswered questions raised by
these suspicious activities that warrant further investigation.
During the final weeks of the 2020 presidential election campaign, the media’s response
to Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop—full of documents detailing suspicious business deals
worth millions of dollarswas not to report this information, but to hide it. Some outlets were
frank about their disdain for the story. An official NPR Twitter account tweeted to its audience,
“We don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories.”
In addition, Big Tech
actively suppressed this information on social media. Twitter blocked users from posting links
to stories about the laptop’s contents; it even locked the New York Post’s account for refusing to
take down the article.
Facebook used its algorithms to limit the spread of stories about the
Intelligence officialswho are now television punditslabeled the Hunter Biden
laptop story as Russian disinformation.
Committee Republicans’ investigation has uncovered evidence demonstrating deliberate,
repeated deception of the American people, abuse of the Executive Branch for personal gain, use
of government power to obstruct the investigation and prevent transparency, and potential
violations of the United States Constitution’s Foreign Emoluments Clause. The President’s
@NPRpubliceditor, TWITTER (Oct. 22, 2020, 10:15AM),
Todd Spangler, Facebook, Twitter Put Restrictions on New York Post’s Disputed Hunter Biden ‘Smoking Gun’
Story, VARIETY (Oct. 14, 2020).
Id.; Jared Gans, Zuckerberg Tells Rogan Facebook Suppressed Hunter Biden Laptop Story After FBI Warning,
THE HILL (Aug. 26, 2022).
Natasha Bertrand, Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say, POLITICO (Oct. 19,
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personal participation in his family’s global business venturescommitted through and by a
complex network of relatives and associates to enrich the Biden familyhas exposed the United
States to national security risks that could be leveraged by our enemies to undermine the Office
of the President.
Committee Republicans are aware of the existence of additional evidence implicating the
Biden family business ventures in suspicious activities but have been obstructed in our attempts
to obtain that information. The Department of Treasury is in possession of at least 150
Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) related to Biden family members’ financial transactions.
Despite numerous formal requests by Committee Republicans to review those SARs, and despite
decades of precedent of Treasury making SARs available pursuant to congressional requests, the
Biden Administration changed longstanding policy and now refuses to produce Biden family
SARs or to make them available for Committee Republican investigators’ in camera review.
President Biden’s actions and his Administration’s obstruction of this investigation raise
important questions that deserve answers for the American people. The President misled the
American people during his 2020 campaign for the presidency, and he continues to be untruthful
every time he repeats or fails to repudiate the false narrative that he had no knowledge or
discussions with his family about their business dealings. To date, Committee Republicans have
sent over a hundred document requests to numerous entities, including the White House and
Department of Treasury, but have not received a single document from the Administration.
Despite attempts by the Biden Administration to obstruct the investigation, Committee
Republicans will continue to pursue these matters to provide transparency to the American
people and to inform potential legislation or other congressional actions needed to remedy any
national security threat and to prevent corruption, fraud, waste, and abuse by government
officials, including President Biden.
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II. Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 2
II. Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ 4
III. The Biden Family’s Layers of Corruption and Self-Dealing ...................................................... 5
1. The Treasury Department’s Refusal to Provide Suspicious Activity Reports Suggests
Obstruction .............................................................................................................................................. 5
2. Big Tech’s Censorship Raises Questions About Helping the Biden Campaign ........................ 8
3. The Investigation Has Expanded to Include Biden Family Members and Associates Profiting
Off Public Office ................................................................................................................................... 13
4. Uncovering Joe Biden’s Involvement in and Knowledge of Business Deals ............................ 18
5. Matter of National Security: The Bidens’ Connections to Russia and Ukraine Raise
Questions Regarding Sanctions ........................................................................................................... 20
6. Matter of National Security: The President’s Ties to China and the Chinese Communist
Party Raise Questions of Conflicts of Interest .................................................................................... 23
IV. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 30
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III. The Biden Family’s Layers of Corruption and Self-Dealing
Committee Republicans began this investigation as an inquiry into the actions Big Tech
companies took prior to the 2020 presidential election to limit access to information that was
unfavorable to Joe Biden.
Fair and free elections are a cornerstone of the Republic. Committee
Republicans are concerned large social media companies may seek to manipulate or influence
Americans’ voting preferences by limiting the information available to them or shutting them out
of the public discourse.
While seeking information about the increasing control social media platforms exercise
over American dialogue and information sharing, Committee Republicans have sought answers
about a particular story that became the target of social media platforms’ efforts to censor
information: the October 2020 reporting by the New York Post on the recovery and contents of a
laptop previously belonging to Hunter Biden, the President’s son.
Reporting on the contents of the laptop raised concerns about Biden family members and
associates using their access to Joe Bidenand his various positions at the highest levels of
government for over four decadesto enrich themselves and generate business opportunities.
Committee Republicans’ review of a complete copy of this laptop raised questions about
why the New York Post story was so hastily and forcefully suppressed by social media platforms
such as Facebook and Twitter. After Committee Republicans obtained and began reviewing the
contents of the laptop, the investigation expanded to include discussions with knowledgeable
whistleblowers and formal requests for additional documents and communications relevant to
our inquiry from both the federal government and private entities.
1. The Treasury Department’s Refusal to Provide Suspicious Activity Reports
Suggests Obstruction
The progress of this investigation has been obstructed at the outset by the Biden
Administration’s unwillingness to answer questions or provide documents about the President’s
involvement in business dealings, even those that implicate grave national security concerns.
See, Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, to Mr. Jack Dorsey,
Chief Exec. Officer, Twitter, Inc. (Oct. 15, 2020); Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on
Oversight & Reform, et al., to Hon. Carolyn Maloney, Chairwoman, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform (Dec. 15,
2020); Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, to Mr. Parag Agrawal,
Chief Exec. Officer, Twitter, Inc. (Apr. 20, 2022); Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on
Oversight & Reform, to Mr. Elon Musk, Owner, Twitter, Inc. (Oct. 28, 2022); Letter from Hon. James Comer,
Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, and Hon. Jim Jordan, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on the
Judiciary, et al., to Mr. Mark Zuckerberg, Chief Exec. Officer, Meta, Inc. (Sep. 1, 2022).
Emma-Jo Morris and Gabrielle Fonrouge, Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian
businessman to VP dad, N.Y. POST (Oct. 14, 2020).
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Because of the complex nature of the deals and exchanges that the Biden family and
others pursued by promising access to Joe Biden or a future Biden Administration, additional
financial records are necessary to provide clarity and context around specific transactions.
Committee Republicans have sought Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) in the custody
of the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) that are related to Biden family financial
transactions and accounts. SARs are generated by American banks and submitted to the
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) within Treasury when customers engage in a
range of activities outside the normal course of business, including large, suspicious transactions
that may indicate criminal activity.
Between Hunter Biden and James Biden, President Biden’s
brother, American banks have generated at least 150 SARs.
In an attempt to obtain those SARs, Committee Republicans requested information from
banks and financial institutions associated with the Biden family businesses. On May 25, 2022,
Oversight Committee Ranking Member James Comer wrote letters to several banks and financial
institutions requesting information about the transactions that occurred in those banks tied to
James and Hunter Biden.
However, many of the banks indicated the information would only be
provided pursuant to a subpoena, an authority Committee Republicans do not have during the
Congress as the minority party.
On May 25, 2022, Committee Republicans also wrote Treasury requesting “copies of all
SARs related to Biden family members and associates as well as information regarding the Biden
Administration’s decision to prevent Congress from receiving these reports.”
Republicans stated, “We are particularly concerned where those transactions may involve
business with firms or entities, including those with direct ties to foreign governments, hostile to
the United States’ interests.”
Committee Republicans requested all SARs generated in connection with various
members of the Biden family and known associates (i.e., Hunter Biden, James Biden, Sara
Biden, Rob Walker, Eric Schwerin, and Devon Archer) and any entity tied to the Biden family
Off. of the Comptroller of the Currency, Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR), available at
reports/index-suspicious-activity-reports.html (last accessed Nov. 7, 2022).
Catherine Herridge, Graham Kates, Michael Kaplan, Andrew Bast, GOP probe of Hunter Biden’s business
dealings turns to president’s brother James, CBS NEWS (Apr. 6, 2022).
Letters from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, to Bank of China, Bank of
New York Mellon, Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., Cathay Bank, Citi Bank, First National Bank of Omaha, JP
Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, PNC, TD Bank, USAA, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America (May 25, 2022),
available at https://republicans-oversight
Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, to Hon. Janet Yellen,
Sec’y, U.S. Dep’t of Treasury (May 25, 2022).
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Treasury. Republicans have not received an adequate explanation for this change in policy and
question whether Treasury changed the rules to hamper congressional scrutiny of certain
individuals, entities, or organizations, including the President and his family.
As Republicans pointed out in their letter, “The reversal in policy even raised concerns
among Democrats, leading Chairwoman Maxine Waters to sponsor a bill requiring Treasury to
provide the reports to Congress.”
If the President or his agent used the federal government to
obfuscate his role in his family’s ventures, he is abusing the power of the Office of the President.
Committee Republicans have written multiple letters to Treasury refining requests for
SARs as more information has been uncovered (see, infra, Section III.6) regarding the Bidens’
connections to China and the Chinese Communist Party. These requests, too, remain
Congressional Democrats have been unwilling to engage or consider the merits of the
evidence accrued against the President. Congressional Democrats have not joined Republicans’
letters, have denied Republican requests for subpoenas, and have even voted down attempts to
compel the Biden Administration to produce related documents.
In July 2022, Oversight Committee Ranking Member Comer introduced House
Resolution 1243, which would have officially requested the President release information about
his family and various corporate entities set up to do business around the world.
Democrats unanimously voted to prevent the Resolution from going to the House Floor, despite
Committee Republicans showing evidence of the Biden family’s connections to China during the
Committee mark-up. Of note, no Committee Democrats defended the decision by Treasury to
change the policy for providing SARs to Congress.
The White House has given no indication the Administration will cooperate with this
investigation. Instead, reports indicate the White House is hiring staffand spending over a
quarter of a million dollars at taxpayers’ expensespecifically assigned to thwart this
investigation and other probes.
2. Big Tech’s Censorship Raises Questions About Helping the Biden Campaign
The growing tendency of social media platforms to control the flow of information,
censor or diminish certain viewpoints, and, ultimately, influence behavior is a significant
concern for Americans. The investigation described in this report began as an inquiry into social
media companiesand Big Tech generallyand their practices regarding the free flow of
information and viewpoints. Committee Republicans turned to the social media companies
Supra, n. 10.
Cong. H.Res. 1243 Of inquiry requesting the President transmit certain documents in his possession to the
House of Representatives relating to the Biden family’s international business schemes and related information.
Jon Levine, White House spending $265K on staff to deflect Hunter Biden probe, N.Y. POST (Oct. 8, 2022).
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themselves to provide information regarding specific actions taken to limit discourse prior to the
2020 election.
The “Hunter Biden laptop story” provides the starkest example of reflexive and partisan
behavior by Big Tech to benefit a Democratic political candidate and affect election outcomes.
On October 14, 2020, the New York Post published the first report on a laptop legally recovered
after its abandonment in a Delaware computer repair shop.
The laptop had belonged to Hunter Biden, the son of then-former Vice President Joe
Biden and Democratic nominee for President of the United States. The New York Post story
focused on Hunter’s connection to Ukraine during his time sitting on the board of directors for
the Ukrainian energy firm, Burisma. The reporting explained:
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top
executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden
pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was
investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post.
The reporting quoted an April 17, 2015, e-mail from Vadym Pozharskyi, “an adviser to
the board of Burisma”:
Supra, n.6.
Figure 2: New York Post October 14, 2020, reporting (Credit: New York Post)
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Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to
meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor
and pleasure
At the time, Joe Biden was Vice President. The reporting noted the e-mail was
“contained in a massive trove of data recovered from a laptop computer…dropped off at a repair
shop in Biden’s home state of Delaware in April 2019[.]”
The New York Post’s report implied the Biden family was engaged in shady international
business deals that Vice President Biden was aware of at the time. It also contradicted then-
Democratic candidate Biden’s assertion he had never spoken to Hunter about his business
Nevertheless, many journalists and media figures accused the Postthe fourth
largest newspaper in the United States
as reporting on rumors or worse, and the reporting was
characterized as a distraction
or even the product of “Russian disinformation.”
The Biden
campaign itself denied the allegations and labeled the story as disinformation.
Many of these
journalists would recant their views only long after the 2020 election.
Social media companies’ actions to suppress the story were dramatic, unprecedented, and
raised concerns among Committee Republicans. The day of the New York Post’s reporting—
October 14, 2020—Facebook and Twitter took steps to limit the story’s distribution among its
Drawing on a vague 2018 policy, Twitter removed the Post’s story alleging that it could
be used “to incentivize hacking by allowing Twitter to be used as distribution for possibly
illegally obtained materials.”
Twitter did not provide evidence that material in the Post’s story
was accessed or obtained through hacking or, for that matter, any illegal activity. The same day,
Twitter also locked out the Post from its Twitter account, preventing it from sharing or posting
content even unrelated to the Biden family.
The next day, Twitter appended warning labels to
the information; the Post remained locked out of its account for two weeks.
Twitter also
Justin Baragona, Joe Biden: ‘I’ve Never Spoken to My Son About’ Ukraine Business Deals, THE DAILY BEAST
(Sep. 21, 2019).
Top 10 Daily Newspapers, CISION (Jan. 4, 2019).
Supra, n.1
Supra, n.4
Kyle Cheney & Natasha Bertrand, Biden Campaign Lashes Out at New York Post, POLITICO (Oct. 14, 2020);
Katie Glueck, et. al., Allegation on Biden Prompts Pushback from Social Media Companies, N. Y. TIMES (Oct. 14,
See, e.g., Alec Schemmel, CNN’s Brian Stelter admits Hunter Biden laptop ‘not just a right-wing media story’,
ABCNEWS.COM (Aug. 8, 2022).
@TwitterSafety, TWITTER (Oct. 14, 2020, 7:44PM),
Elizabeth Dwoskin, Facebook and Twitter take unusual steps to limit spread of New York Post story, WASH. POST
(Oct. 15, 2020).
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locked out White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany from her account because she
shared the story.
On October 28, 2020, Facebook Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg told the
Senate Commerce Committee that his company “throttled the spread” of the New York Post
reporting after being warned by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to be on ‘heightened
alert’ about ‘hack and leak operations’ in the final days before the 2020 election.”
Later, Mr.
Zuckerberg acknowledged Facebook had altered its algorithms to limit the story from being seen
by many of its users.
The actions Facebook and Twitter took against the New York Post greatly suppressed the
story and aided the Biden Campaign by discrediting the true reporting. The later revelations that
at least Facebook was working at the behest of the FBI raises additional questions about whether
the government was working to censor information and limit free discourse.
i. Big Tech Oversight Requests in the 116
The actions social media companies took in the weeks prior to the 2020 election were
unprecedented and undermined Americans’ trust in their access to information about elections
and candidates.
On October 15, 2020the day after the Post’s reporting was published and Twitter
began censoring it and those who would share itRanking Member James Comer wrote to Chief
Executive Officer Jack Dorsey requesting information about Twitter’s policies regarding the type
of censorship it had used against the Post.
The letter requested “a list of all links Twitter has
blocked on its platform from January 1, 2019, to the present.”
Additionally, the letter
requested specific answers to questions about Twitter’s handling of the Post’s reporting.
Twitter provided none of this information to the Committee.
Late in the 116
Congress and after the 2020 electionon December 15, 2020eighteen
Members of Congress wrote to Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney and requested a bipartisan hearing
on Facebook and Twitter’s censorship of the New York Post and users who shared the Post’s
The letter stressed, “Big Tech platforms continue to limit speech based on political
ideology” and requested “a hearing to learn who [is] responsible for making these decisions and
Jessica Guynn, Facebook throttled Hunter Biden article after being warned by FBI of ‘hack and leak’ operations,
Mark Zuckerberg says, USA TODAY (Oct. 28, 2020).
Jared Gans, Zuckerberg tells Rogan Facebook suppressed Hunter Biden laptop story after FBI warning, THE HILL
(Aug. 26, 2022).
Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, to Mr. Jack Dorsey, Chief
Exec. Officer, Twitter, Inc. (Oct. 15, 2020).
Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, et al. to Hon. Carolyn
Maloney, Chairwoman, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform (Dec. 15, 2020).
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what policies enable Big Tech to selectively limit and/or censor speech on social media.” The
requested hearing did not occur.
The actions social media companies took to limit or remove the Hunter Biden laptop
story or punish those who shared it cannot be entirely separated from the content of the story
itself. As the 117
Congress commenced, Republicans expanded the investigation from focusing
on Big Tech’s unethical practices to include a review of the troubling facts described in the
Post’s reporting.
Committee Republicans obtained a copy of the laptop at the center of that story. Based
on a review of the information contained therein, as well as in discussion with whistleblowers
and other evidence obtained by Committee investigators, the investigation began to broaden into
the Biden family and allegations of abuse of power for personal financial gain.
ii. Oversight Requests in the 117
Republicans’ investigation in 2021 focused on the Biden family’s history of trading on its
connections to the highest levels of government. With traditional media’s growing consensus
that the facts reported by the New York Post were not disinformation but legitimate, Republicans
revived their requests to social media companies to explain their actions prior to the 2020
election to suppress the “Hunter Biden laptop story.”
On April 20, 2022, Ranking Member James Comer wrote to Twitter Chief Executive
Officer Parag Agrawal explaining some of the facts Republicans had discovered since the last
correspondence with Twitter on the matter, including the fact that “Hunter Biden has engaged in
all manner of international business, from consulting for a Ukrainian energy company to
assisting the Chinese in gaining access to cobalt mines in Africaoften to the detriment of U.S.
interests…[and] a ‘Chinese energy conglomerate and its executives paid $4.8 million to entities
controlled by Hunter Biden and his uncle.’”
The letter requested Twitter preserve all
documents concerning the company’s censorship in 2020 regarding the New York Post reporting.
Twitter has not acknowledged whether it has preserved the requested information.
Upon Twitter’s acquisition and reversion to a private company in October 2022,
Committee Republicans wrote the new leadership and reiterated the previous requests made to
the company. On October 28, 2022, Republicans wrote owner of Twitter, Elon Musk, requesting
documents and information about the company’s role in the 2020 election and reiterating its
former requests.
Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, to Mr. Parag Agrawal,
Chief Exec. Officer, Twitter, Inc. (Apr. 20, 2022).
Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, to Mr. Elon Musk, Owner,
Twitter, Inc. (Oct. 28, 2022).
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Twitter has not acknowledged whether it has preserved the requested information.
This fall, Committee Republicans requested information from Facebook after the
company’s Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg revealed that the FBI had approached the
company before the 2020 election, instructing Facebook to “be on high alert” for “Russian
On September 1, 2022, 35 Republicans from the House Committee on Oversight
and Reform and the House Committee on the Judiciary wrote to Facebook.
The letter
requested documents and communications regarding Facebook’s communications with the FBI,
the Biden Campaign, or the Democratic National Committee. Facebook has provided none of
the information requested.
3. The Investigation Has Expanded to Include Biden Family Members and
Associates Profiting Off Public Office
In 2021, Committee Republicans expanded the scope of their investigation to include
Biden family members and associates. Republicans’ inquiry quickly established that few in the
President’s extended family have failed to capitalize on their relationship with Joe Biden.
From Valerie Biden Owens, the President’s “sister, confidante, and longtime political
penning a book about the Biden family shortly after the inauguration to Francis
“Frank” Biden “promot[ing] his relationship to the commander-in-chief in an Inauguration Day
advertisement for the law firm he advises[,]”
the Biden family’s monetization of the President’s
time in Washington is well documented.
On July 14, 2021, twelve Republican Members of the Committee wrote to the White
House, requesting Counsel to the President Dana Remus produce documents and information
regarding self-dealing by the President’s family, including during Joe Biden’s time as Vice
The White House Counsel did not respond.
Republicans also wrote to then-Archivist of the United States David Ferriero of the
National Archives and Records Administration with similar requests for information.
National Archives also failed to provide the documents and information requested.
Joe Rogan, The Joe Rogan Experience Episode #1863 (Mark Zuckerberg), Spotify (Aug. 25, 2022).
Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, and Hon. Jim Jordan,
Ranking Member, H. Comm. on the Judiciary, et al., to Mr. Mark Zuckerberg, Chief Executive Officer, Meta, Inc.
(Sep. 1, 2022).
Hillel Italie, Valerie Biden Owens, the President’s Sister, Has a Book Deal, AP (Jun. 24, 2021).
Brian Schwartz, Biden Brother Touts Relationship with President in Inauguration Day Ad for Law Firm, CNBC
(Jan. 27, 2021).
Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, et al., to Ms. Dana Remus,
Counsel to the President, The White House (Jul. 14, 2021).
Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, et al., to Hon. David
Ferriero, Archivist, Nat’l Archives and Records Admin. (Jul. 14, 2021).
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The most documented instances of family members trading on Joe Biden’s political
success and power are his brother, James Biden, and Hunter Biden, the President’s son. The
investigation of the Biden family has concentrated on these two individuals’ business pursuits
domestically and internationally, and how those pursuits became entangled with or enhanced Joe
Biden’s personal financial interests. James and Hunter Biden have worked together to pursue
business opportunities for years. After reviewing thousands of documents, it is unclear what
skills or value either James or Hunter provides to a business venture besides a connection to Joe
i. Paradigm Global Advisors: Beginnings of Hunter and James Biden as
Business Partners and Connections to Joe Biden
One of the earliest examples of the Biden family leveraging their connections for profit is
memorialized in a lawsuit filed during Hunter and James’s involvement with Paradigm Global
Advisors. In 2007, Anthony Lotito filed suit against James and Hunter, claiming to have been
cut out of a business arrangement made with the Bidens when they formed LBB Holdings
Allegedly, the Bidens attempted to purchase shares of the hedge fund, Paradigm, cutting
out Lotito despite the prior promise of a joint venture.
In the lawsuit, Lotito raised concerns about Hunter’s conflicts of interest as the son of
then-Senator Biden and his employment as a lobbyist.
Specifically, Lotito claimed:
In early January 2006, James Biden called Lotito to inform him that his
brother, Senator Joseph P. Biden, was concerned with the impact that
Hunter’s lobbying activities might have on his expected campaign for the
2008 Democratic presidential nomination. Biden told Loitito that,
considering these concerns, his brother had asked him to seek Lotito’s
assistance in finding employment for Hunter in a non-lobbying capacity.
The Lotito case was resolved out-of-court in a settlement finalized in December 2008.
According to e-mails reviewed by Committee Republicans, Hunter and James Biden were paying
approximately $5,442 a month to Lotito as part of the settlement agreement. The last of these
payments was recorded on January 3, 2012, and totals approximately $200,000 in total over three
years to Lotito.
This case is an early example of Hunter and James’s business dealings, the
liability they represented to Joe Biden’s political career, and Joe Biden’s direct involvement to
manage that liability.
Jenny Strasburg & Thom Weidlich, Biden’s Son Sues Ex-Partner Lobbyist, With Senator’s Brother, Alleges Fraud
in Fund Buyout, WASH. POST (Feb. 21, 2007).
Lotito v. Biden, NY Slip Op 52061(U) [17 Misc 3d 1118(A)], complaint at 7 (Sept. 10, 2007).
Document on file with the Comm., E-mail from Eric Schwerin to Sara Biden (Nov. 5, 2010); Document on file
with the Comm., E-mail from Eric Schwerin to Sara Biden and Hunter Biden (Jan. 3, 2012).
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Committee Republicans are currently working with a whistleblower regarding
Paradigm’s connections to illicit financial schemes, foreign actors, and abuse of the federal
ii. Americore Health: A Kentucky Bankruptcy Proceeding Implicates James
In 2019, an American business, Americore Health, LLC, partnered with James Biden to
help lead the company and develop business through his political connections.
Americore was
in the business of purchasing and improving the efficiency of rural hospitals. James approached
various businesses in the medical field around the country to enter into business partnerships
with him and/or Americore Health in return for expanding the size and reach of those
According to one witness, James allegedly promised both Americore and investors
millions of dollars that he claimed variously to be coming from the Middle East, Russia, or
However, the business owners were cut out of the deals as James gained knowledge of
their operations. James deceived investors and attempted to abscond with proprietary processes
to enrich himself by delivering the information to Turkish investors.
According to one witness, to attract business, James promised access to a future Biden
Administration and “the highest levels of government”—long before Joe Biden announced his
candidacyand that his brother Joe Biden had been made aware of the business, which would be
made profitable when it could become part of the Biden platform.
According to the same
witness, James would often explain over the phone that Joe Biden was in the room with him and
James had been explaining the deal to him.
James Biden continues to be implicated in the Americore Health matter. The entire
operation has collapsed, partly because of the fraudulent claims James Biden made to the
medical businesses and hospitals Americore sought to purchase, and to Americore itself about
funding he couldbut never diddeliver.
In a July 2022 filing in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of
Kentucky, Americore alleged that James fraudulently induced Americore to provide “loans” that
Matt Viser, James Biden presidential brother, family helper, political wild card, WASH. POST (May 31, 2022).
Plaintiffs’ Complaint to Recover Fraudulent Transfer and for Turnover, (Jul. 7, 2022), In re: Americore Holdings,
Bankr. E.D. Ky. (No. 19-6608), (Carol Fox, Ch. 11 Trustee, Americore Health, LLC (Plaintiff) v. James Biden
Witness testimony to Comm. Republican investigators.
Jamie Satterfield, FBI Probing Terroristic Threat Against McMinnville Couple Suing Joe Biden’s Brother, KNOX
NEWS (Dec. 4, 2019).
Witness testimony to Comm. Republican investigators.
Page 16 of 31
were never repaid to him for hundreds of thousands of dollars.
James appears to have used his
connections to fraudulently convince Americore to lend over $600,000 to him, which “ultimately
forced [Americore] into bankruptcy, as he never delivered the promised [] large investment from
the Middle East.”
The promised funding was variously described as from Saudi Arabia and
Qatar where James developed relationships during Joe Biden’s time in elected office. In
September 2022, James Biden settled with Americore for $350,000.
James Biden’s pattern of using his brother’s name and connections to induce business is
troubling. That his promises of funding were apparently tied to the Middle East, Russia, or
China raises further questions. On July 14, 2022, Ranking Member Comer wrote a letter to the
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, requesting information about James Biden and Americore
Holdings, LLC.
The letter requested all Suspicious Activity Reports in Treasury’s custody
“that are related to the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia and Qatar.” As with the other
requests for SARs, Treasury has not provided the documents requested.
iii. Georges Bergès Gallery: Exorbitant Prices for Hunter Biden Art Sales
In 2020, Hunter Biden, who had previously worked as a lawyer and lobbyist, made a
sudden career change to be an artist.
The prices of Hunter Bidens art ranged from $75,000
more than the median household income for the American familyto $500,000.
This raises
questions why a party would pay such exorbitant prices for work by an amateur artist.
Supra, n. 54.
Becky Yerak, James Biden Settles Loan Lawsuit Tied to Rural Hospitals’ Bankruptcy, WALL ST. J. PRO (Sept. 26,
Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, to Hon. Janet Yellen,
Sec’y, U.S. Dep’t of Treasury (Jul. 14, 2022).
Adam Popescu, There’s a New Artist in Town. The Name Is Biden., N.Y. TIMES (Feb. 28, 2020).
Casey Michel, The Emerging Artistry of Hunter Biden, THE ATLANTIC (Sept. 22, 2021).
Figure 3: Self-portrait. Hunter Biden (credit New York Times); price unknown (similar works between
$75,000 and $500,000)
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According to reporting, the White House and the Georges Bergès Gallery—“a relatively
little-known newcomer” to the New York art scene—have memorialized and agreed to
guidelines and procedures for the sale of works of art by Hunter Biden.
These guidelines and
procedures have not been released to the public. There is zero transparency related to Hunter
Biden’s art career. Hunter Biden is the only artist specifically advertised by the Bergès Gallery,
as revealed by the gallery’s online presence:
In two letters, Committee Ranking Member James Comer requested information about
these agreements.
Mr. Bergès has not responded to these requests.
Committee Republicans are concerned about the prices of Hunter Biden’s art and his
pattern of attempting to court foreign business in return for providing access to his father.
Bergès has previously expressed his desire to be the “lead guy in China”
for art,
and, as
described later in this report, Hunter has connections to some of the wealthiest and most
powerful members of the Chinese government. Foreign governments using “transactions
involving high-value art to evade sanctions imposed on them by the United States” is well-
On November 7, 2021, Committee Republicans wrote to U.S. Office of
Government Ethics requesting OGE investigate this matter.
OGE refused to investigate.
Graham Bowley and Robin Pogrebin, A Gallery Sells Hunter Bidens. The White House Says It Won’t Know Who’s
Buying., N.Y. TIMES (Aug. 13, 2021).
Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, to Mr. Georges Bergès
(Sept. 7, 2021); Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, to Mr.
Georges Bergès (Sept. 22, 2021).
George Wayne, Modern Eye for Modern Art, RESIDENT (Mar. 2, 2015).
S. Permanent Subcomm. on Investigations, Staff Report: The Art Industry and U.S. Policies that Undermine
Sanctions, 116
Cong. (Jul. 29, 2020).
Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, et al., to Hon. Emory
Rounds, Dir., Office of Govt Ethics (Nov. 7, 2021).
Letter from Hon. Emory Rounds, Dir., Office of Govt Ethics, to Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H.
Comm. on Oversight & Reform (Dec. 27, 2021).
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The Members also wrote again to Committee Chairwoman Maloney requesting she “hold
a hearing to question Mr. Biden and his gallerist, Georges Bergès, as well as White House
counsel responsible for crafting the agreements shrouding the purchasers of Mr. Biden’s art in
The Chairwoman did not respond to this request.
4. Uncovering Joe Biden’s Involvement in and Knowledge of Business Deals
Committee Republicans have learned that Joe Biden was personally involved in his
family’s business dealings. The information on Hunter Biden’s laptop is extensive, and
Committee Republicans will continue to pursue leads from the laptop to further our ability to
obtain documents and information in the face of Biden Administration obstruction. Committee
Republicans will also continue to pursue information from Biden family associates and seek
information that sheds light on foreign business dealings that may leave the President of the
United States vulnerable to malign influence.
The laptop has revealed certain associates involved in numerous Biden transactions and
business dealings. Two of these individuals have been made public through letters. Committee
Republicans will continue pursuing information from these individuals relevant to the
i. Eric Schwerin
Hunter Biden’s access to the highest levels of the Executive Branch began shortly after
his father’s election as Vice President, when e-mails between Hunter and his business associate,
Eric Schwerin, picked up and made increasing references to Joe Biden.
Along with visiting the
White House himself, Hunter brought business associates and potential associates to the White
House and the Vice President’s residence throughout Joe Biden’s time in the Obama-Biden
Hunter’s business associates even met with then-Vice President Joe Biden without
Hunter present. Schwerin visited the White House at least 27 times between 2009 and 2016.
In 2015, Schwerin was appointed by President Obama to serve on the Commission for the
Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad.
Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, et al., to Hon. Carolyn
Maloney, Chairwoman, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform (Nov. 7, 2021).
Documents on file with the Comm., (See, e.g., E-mails between Eric Schwerin and Hunter Biden (Apr. 9, 2010;
Jun. 5, 2010; Jun. 10, 2010; Jul. 6, 2010)).
Documents on file with the Comm. (See, e.g., E-mails between Hunter Biden and Miguel Aleman Magnani (Feb.
24, 2016)).
Jon Levine, Who is Eric Schwerin? What to Know About Hunter Biden’s Business Partner, N. Y. POST (Apr. 30,
Press Release, The White House, President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts (Mar. 10, 2015).
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documents and communications between or among Schwerin, Hunter Biden, and the President.
He did not respond to this request.
ii. Edward Prewitt
Committee Republicans have focused on the financial transactions conducted by the
Biden family as their operation became increasingly international and opportunities became
more complex and lucrative. As part of the investigation, Committee Republicans have
requested information from the Department of Treasury and the banks and financial institutions
through which the Bidens conducted business. Committee Republicans are also interested in the
people who knew about or facilitated the logistics of the transactions.
On July 27, 2022, Republicans wrote to Edward Prewitt, who managed the financial
accounts of many of Hunter Biden’s businesses.
Having a long history with Hunter, Prewitt
notified Hunter through e-mails about his bank accounts being flagged by Wells Fargo corporate
Mr. Prewitt has not responded to the Committee’s requests for information.
5. Matter of National Security: The Bidens’ Connections to Russia and Ukraine
Raise Questions Regarding Sanctions
The Biden family’s connections to Russia and Ukraine implicate national security at a
time when the two nations are at war and President Biden largely directs American foreign
policy regarding both.
In April 2014, Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca co-founder and fellow Burisma board
member, Devon Archer, met with Joe Biden in the West Wing.
Six days later, Archer was
appointed to the board of Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, alongside Hunter.
Joe Biden
traveled to Ukraine shortly after this meeting with Archer.
Below, Archer is pictured playing
golf in August 2014 with Hunter Biden and Joe Biden.
Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, et al., to Mr. Eric Schwerin
(Apr. 27, 2022).
Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform to Mr. Edward Prewitt (Jul.
27, 2022).
Document on file with the Comm., E-mail from Edward Prewitt to Hunter Biden (Sept. 13, 2018).
Document on file with the Comm., E-mail from Joan Peugh to Hunter Biden (Apr. 16, 2014).
Jesse O’Neill, GOP senators continue to rail against Hunter Biden’s foreign deals, release new docs, N.Y. POST
(Apr. 5, 2022).
Scott Neuman, Biden Visits Ukraine in Show of U.S. Support, NPR (Apr. 21, 2014).
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Figure 6: Joe and Hunter Biden in the Hamptons with Devon Archer and an unknown individual (Aug. 2014)
In 2022, Archer was convicted of fraud for his role in a $60 million Ogala Sioux Native
American tribal bond scheme with other Hunter Biden associates, Bevan Cooney, John Galanis,
and Jason Galanis.
Neither Hunter Biden nor Joe Biden were implicated in this fraud case.
However, their names, as well as Eric Schwerin, appear on the juror questionaire as parties who
may be called as witnesses during the course of the federal trial.
Less than a year later, Hunter Biden and Joe Biden dined with business associates from
Ukraine, Russia, and Kazakhstan at Café Milano in Washington, D.C.
One of the parties,
Karim Massimov, is a Kazakh oligarch, former prime minister and intelligence officer.
meeting was strategic for Burisma to establish relationships and expand into Kazakhstan.
this time, Joe Biden was in the headlines for leading Ukraine foreign policy for the Obama
State Department officials are on the record with concerns about Hunter’s
advisory role on Burisma’s board at the same time as the U.S. was brokering anti-corruption
policy in Ukraine.
Press Release, U.S. Atty’s Off., Dep’t of Justice, Devon Archer Sentenced to a Year and a Day in Prison for the
Fraudulent Issuance and Sale of More than $60 million of Tribal Bonds (Feb. 28, 2022).
Document on file with the Comm., Questions for jurors in United States v. John Galanis, Devon Archer, and
Bevan Cooney, 16-CR-371 (S.D.N.Y. 2019).
Ebony Bowden, Photo Shows Joe Biden Meeting Hunter’s Alleged Business Partner from Kazakhstan, N.Y. POST
(Oct. 20, 2020); Steven Nelson et. al., Joe Biden was a ‘Regular’ at DC Hotspot Where He Met Hunter’s Kazakh
Associates, N. Y. POST (May 28, 2021); Ivan Nechepurenko, Kazakhstan Arrests Ex-Intelligence Chief on Suspicion
of Treason, N. Y. TIMES (Jan. 8, 2022).
Documents on file with the Comm., E-mail forward from Devon Archer to Hunter Biden (Mar. 15, 2015, original
e-mail from Marc Holtzman).
Remarks by the Vice President at the Munich Security Conference, Hotel Bayerischer Hof, Munich, Germany
(Feb. 7, 2015), available at
S. Comm. on Homeland Sec. & Gov. Affairs and S. Comm. on Finance Majority, Staff Report: Hunter Biden,
Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns, 116
Cong. (Sept. 23,
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Figure 7: Joe and Hunter Biden with Kazakh oligarchs, Kenes Rakishey and Karim Massimov at Cafe Milano, Washington, D.C.
(Apr. 16, 2015)
E-mails obtained by the Committee show that after this meeting, Burisma executive
Vadym Pozharskyi discussed meeting with Joe Biden.
Figure 8:E-mail from Vadym Pozharskyi to Hunter Biden (Apr. 17, 2015)
Committee Republicans will continue to investigate the Ukrainian connections Hunter
developed during his time as a member of the Burisma board of directors. The documentation of
Joe Biden’s role in the Kazakhstan expansion raises significant national security implications
because of Russia’s influence in both Ukraine and Kazakhstan and the ongoing war in the region.
On March 15, 2022, the Russian government announced sanctions of President Biden,
members of the Biden Administration, Hillary Clinton, and Hunter Biden. The Russian
government’s sanctioning of Hunter Biden and, notably, no other Biden family members, raises
questions about his connections to Russia. On March 31, 2022, fourteen Members of the
Committee wrote to White House Counsel Dana Remus requesting information about Hunter
Biden’s inclusion among American government officials as targets for sanctions by Russia.
In the March 31, 2022, letter, Committee Republicans requested documents and
communications between the Executive Office of the President or Office of the Vice President
and members/associates of the Biden family since the beginning of the Biden Administration, as
Document on file with the Comm., E-mail from Vadym Pozharskyi to Hunter Biden (Apr. 17, 2015).
Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, et al., to Ms. Dana Remus,
Counsel, The White House (Mar. 31, 2022).
Page 23 of 31
well as information about travel by the Biden family, and information regarding Hunter’s art
The White House did not respond to these requests.
Also on March 31, 2022, Committee Republicans sent a letter to the National Archives.
The letter requested similar documents to those requested from the White House but focused on
Joe Biden’s time as Vice President, as well as information regarding Baturina or Luzhkov.
National Archives did not provide the documents requested.
Committee Republicans are also concerned about evidence that, in 2014, Elena Baturina,
a Russian billionaire and former wife of Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov, paid Hunter Biden’s
company over $3 million.
In February 2022, the Biden Administration imposed sanctions on certain Russian
individuals after the war in Ukraine began. Certain names were not included on the publicly
available list, and notably absent was Baturina, Russia’s wealthiest woman worth over $1.4
billion and Russian oligarch.
On April 21, 2022, nineteen Committee Republicans requested information from the
Department of Treasury regarding the unpublicized Russians subject to sanctions.
Department of the Treasury did not provide the documents requested.
6. Matter of National Security: The President’s Ties to China and the Chinese
Communist Party Raise Questions of Conflicts of Interest
Committee Republicansbased on documents obtained by the Committee and
whistleblower evidencehave discovered cases of Biden family influence peddling and
corruption related to China. These cases raise serious national security concerns.
China presented a huge business opportunity for Hunter Biden and the Biden family to
exploit. China’s growing economic rivalry with the United States—and the increasing scrutiny
Chinese firms face in the United Statesdemands allies with access to the highest levels of the
U.S. government. Hunter Biden was one of these allies.
Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, et al., to Hon. David
Ferriero, Archivist, Nat’l Archives and Records Admin. (Mar. 31, 2022).
Supra, n. 92, p. 69.
Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, et al., to Hon. Janet
Yellen, Sec’y, U.S. Dep’t of Treasury (Apr. 21, 2022).
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Figure 10: (Translation from Mandarin Chinese) Map of Shale Gas Producing Areas in the 48 States of the Continental United
Documents show that Hunter Biden personally interacted with CEFC officials to
facilitate the deal. In a November 8, 2017, e-mail, Hunter Biden wrote a CEFC official: “I hope
that you have received the information I sent regarding the LNG [liquified natural gas]
opportunities in the state of Louisiana…The proposal I have shared with you has the added
benefit of being good for both the United States and China simultaneously.”
Document on file with the Comm., E-mail from Hunter Biden to Gongwen Dong (Nov. 8, 2017).
Figure 11: (Translation from Mandarin Chinese) Map of U.S. Natural Gas Production Areas and State Capitals 2016
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To be clear: President Biden was not a bystander to the business scheme orchestrated by
his son with members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). President Biden was consulted
on this business deal, was made an equity partner in it, met with the management of the planned
venture, and shared office space with Chinese nationals tied to the CCP. In a September 21,
2017, e-mail Hunter Biden wrote that Joe Biden is his business partner, and provided Joe Biden’s
personal cell phone if the recipient seeks confirmation. Committee Republicans possess e-mails
that show that Hunter Biden, CEFC officials, and Joe Biden would share offices under the
Hudson West/CEFC/Biden Foundation name. (See next page)
Figure 13: Encrypted text messaging between James Gilliar and Tony Bobulinski, Biden family associates
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On October 26, 2022, Committee Republicans wrote FBI Director Christopher Wray
about the risks of this relationship.
The letter highlighted national security concerns with the
infiltration of someone so closely linked to CCP espionage to the Biden family. Committee
Republicans provided Director Wray with evidence of Bao’s close relationship to Hunter Biden
and her attempts to ingratiate herself with his father. In the October 26, 2022, letter, Committee
Republicans wrote:
Bao provided Hunter insight into purchasing liquified natural gas reserves
in the United States to sell to China, had access to the Biden family’s
financial information, and liaised with CCP-affiliated agents on the Bidens’
behalf. After infiltrating the Biden family, Bao urged Hunter to encourage
Joe Biden to run for president months before he announced and then
supplied the Biden family campaign advice related to China.
Committee Republicans requested documents related to JiaQi Bao, Chinese oil company
CEFC, foreign intelligence service efforts to compromise the Biden family, and the FBI’s
handling of the Hunter Biden investigation. The FBI did not respond to the letter.
iii. Suspicious Activity Report Obtained by Committee Republicans
Although the Department of Treasury has refused Committee Republicans’ May 25,
2022, June 1, 2022, and September 20, 2022, requests for SARs connected to Biden family
Committee Republicans did obtain one SAR related to China.
Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, to Hon. Janet Yellen,
Sec’y, U.S. Dep’t of Treasury (May 25, 2022); Letter from Hon. James Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on
Oversight & Reform, to Hon. Janet Yellen, Sec’y, U.S. Dep’t of Treasury (Jun. 1, 2022); Letter from Hon. James
Comer, Ranking Member, H. Comm. on Oversight & Reform, to Hon. Janet Yellen, Sec’y, U.S. Dep’t of Treasury
(Sep. 20, 2022).
Page 30 of 31
The SAR details “93 wires between 02/03/2014 and 08/02/2019 totaling $2,461,962.60”
to and from businesses and associates linked to the Biden Family and a Shanghai based
investment fund controlled by the Bank of China. The SAR identifies Hunter Biden as a
“politically exposed person.”
IV. Conclusion
Committee Republicans’ investigation reveals that President Joe Biden lied to the
American people about his personal involvement with his family’s global business dealings.
Evidence indicates that President Joe Biden personally participated in and benefitted from these
financial ventures, leaving him open to influence, blackmail, or extortion by malign or foreign
entities such as the CCP.
Committee Republicans entrusted with the majority in the 118
Congress will work to
continue our investigation and obtain the critical documents and information necessary from any
entity within the government or without.
More specifically, Committee Republicans have sought and will continue to seek
additional information:
1) To inform legislative solutions to protect the integrity of elections and Americans’
right to unbridled access to information and viewpoints unencumbered by
government or corporate censorship;
2) To inform legislation regarding government employees’ family members’ ability to
lobby or engage government officials for financial gain; and
15: Suspicious activity report identifying Chinese transactions with Hunter Biden, a "Politically Exposed Person"
Page 31 of 31
3) To inform legislation concerning elected officials’ mandatory disclosure of financial
interests held in trust by family members or associates and interests held in
businesses controlled or funded by America’s adversaries.
Committee Republicans are committed to using all tools available to the U.S. House of
Representatives and the Oversight Committee under the U.S. Constitution and the House Rules
to obtain the documents and information necessary to inform legislation or other congressional
actions needed to remedy any national security threat and to prevent corruption, fraud, waste,
and abuse by President Biden or other government officials.