Text by Frances Murray. Graphics by Lisa Bohannon.
Cover Illustration: History of the Needlecraft Industry (1938), by Ernest Fiene, The mural was
commissioned by the International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGW) and was painted on a wall of
the auditorium in the New York High School of Fashion and Industry. http://fashionhighschool.net/, a
collection of the New York City Department of Education. Photo credit: Public Art for Public Schools,
NYC School Construction Authority.
The tragedy would have been worse if not for the efforts of a law professor and his students
who were in class in an adjoining NYU building at the time the fire broke out. Using ladders, they
bridged the space between the buildings and rescued workers from the roof of the Asch building. (Leon
Stein & William Greider, The Triangle Fire, 49-49 [2001]).
The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire: The Legal Legacy
Just east of Washington Square Park, currently the center of New York University’s Manhattan
campus, stands the Brown Science Building. Rooms filled with chemistry and biology students were once
bustling with hundreds of factory workers and became the scene of one of the worst industrial disasters in
American history. In 1911, it was known as the Asch Building and the Triangle Shirtwaist Company was
located on the top three floors. In the late afternoon of
Saturday, March 25, fire broke out on the eighth floor. Six
hundred workers were in the factory at the time. Many became
trapped inside the burning building and succumbed to fire and
smoke, while others fell to their deaths through the windows
and elevator shafts. One hundred and forty-six people—almost
all of them young women in their teens and early
twenties—lost their lives. In response to the International
Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU) call for an official day of mourning, huge crowds gathered to
express grief and outrage at the workplace conditions that caused the tragedy. This led first to a statewide and
then later a nationwide movement to ensure workplace safety, the benefits of which endure to this day.
Horses draped in mourning pull a carriage bearing coffins in the
rain-soaked funeral procession for unidentified victims of hte
Triangle W aist Company fire. Barbara Wertheimer Collection,
Kheel Center, Cornell University
U.S. Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970,
at 134.
Arthur F. McEvoy. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of 1911: Social Change, Industrial
Accidents, and the Evolution of Common-Sense Causality. 20 Law & Social Inquiry 621, 631.
In the early part of the 20 century, huge numbers of poor immigrants poured into the United States
from Europe. Upon arrival, these families had few options—they crowded into the slums and eked out an
existence by working long hours in unsanitary and unsafe factories, mines
and mills. Child labor was common, and many families needed the income
earned by their children to survive. The 1900 census counted 1.75 million
children aged 10 to 15 who were employed totaling 6 percent of the labor
force. They worked very long hours–twelve hour days, seven days a week,
in terrible working conditions. Workers in garment factories throughout the
nation were aware of the dangers they faced, and many had joined the
International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU) to combat these
conditions. In 1909, just over a year before
the fire, ILGWU workers at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company had gone on
strike over workplace safety issues, wages and hours. In response, the
factory owners fired 150 union sympathizers and replaced them with newly-
arrived immigrants who spoke a variety of languages and were unable to
communicate clearly with their fellow workers.
At the time that the fire broke out, Frances Perkins, a young labor
rights activist was having tea with a friend in a town home near the scene of
the fire. When they heard the sirens both women rushed out. They arrived
The Asch Building. International Ladies
Garment Workers Union Archives,
Kheel Center, Cornell University
Fighting the fire in the Triangle Shirtwaist
Factory. International Ladies Garment
Workers Union Archives, Kheel Center,
Cornell University
Lecture delivered by Frances Perkins at Cornell University, School of Industrial and Labor
Relations, 30 September, 1964, ( http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/trianglefire/texts/lectures/perkins.html).
at Washington Place in time to see many young women falling to their deaths from the eighth floor windows.
Frances Perkins recalled:
We could see this building from Washington Square and the people had just
begun to jump when we got there. They had been holding until that time,
standing in the windowsills, being crowded by others behind them, the fire
pressing closer and closer, the smoke closer and closer. Finally the men
were trying to get out this thing that the firemen carry with them, a net to
catch people if they do jump, there were trying to get that out and they
couldn't wait any longer. They began to jump. The window was too
crowded and they would jump and they hit the sidewalk. The net broke, they
[fell] a terrible distance, the weight of the bodies was so great, at the speed
at which they were traveling that they broke through the net. Every one of
them was killed, everybody who jumped was killed. It was a horrifying
The Asch Building, 9 Floor in the aftermath of the fire.
International Ladies Garment Workers Union Archives, Kheel Center, Cornell University
Douglas Linder. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire Trial at 2 (2007).
David Von Drehle, Triangle: The Fire That Changed America 178-18 (2004).
The Aftermath of the Fire
Two days later, Fire Marshall William Beers issued the preliminary conclusions of his investigation.
He found cans containing waste oil and large piles of fabric clippings in the vicinity of the cutting table
where the fire started. Although there was a “no smoking” policy in the factory, he also found several
cigarettes cases. Triangle Shirtwaist Company employees informed him that smoking on the premises was
commonplace. The Fire Marshal suggested that the fire might have been started by a lighted match or
cigarette thrown amid the oil cans and debris under the cutting table. Fire Chief Edward Croker reported
that the firefighters were unable to open the doors to the factory and that they had to chop through them to
get to the fire. The public outcry was immediate and overwhelming. Lax enforcement of New York City’s
building code, ineffective fire-safety regulation, and corruption in the fire insurance business were all blamed
for the tragedy. But most of all, public outrage focused on owners of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company and
the dangerous working conditions in their factory.
The Grand Jury
On March 26, 1911, the New York Times reported that the New
York District Attorney, Charles S. Whitman (later Governor of New York),
intended to commence a grand jury proceeding into the working conditions
in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory immediately preceding the disastrous fire.
Whitman had personally witnessed the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire
tragedy, arriving on the scene around 5:00 PM, just as the firefighters were
getting the blaze under control. He was horrified by the loss of life, and
Charles S. Whitman
Library of Congress Collection
The grand jury has the authority (under both the United States and New York State
Constitutions) to decide whether someone should be formally accused of a crime. Composed of a
cross-section of the community, the grand jury is a key part of our criminal justice system. It is designed
both to uphold the law by indicting those individuals believed to have committed crimes and to protect
the rights of others against unfounded accusations. The prosecutor presents evidence to the grand jury
and also instructs the jurors on the law. The members of the grand jury make a decision based on
evidence presented to it and may decide as follows: (1) The grand jury may vote to formally accuse
someone of a crime; this accusation is called an “indictment,” also known as a “bill” which is short for
“bill of indictment;”(2) the grand jury may vote to dismiss the charges, also known as a “no-bill,”or (3)
the grand jury may direct the prosecutor to file an information accusing the person of an offense less
serious than a felony.
A grand jury panel is composed of twenty-three jurors, at least sixteen of whom must be present
when the grand jury hears evidence or deliberates. An accused person is not required to testify before the
grand jury and may not even be aware that he or she is being investigated by one. Sometimes the
accused person chooses to testify before the grand jury. At least twelve grand jurors who have heard the
evidence and the legal instructions must be present for a vote. Everything that happens in the grand jury
room is secret—this allows the grand jury to obtain the full cooperation of the witnesses who appear
before it, permits grand jurors to make decisions free from outside interference, and protects an innocent
person who may be investigated but never indicted. Grand jurors may ask questions about the law and
may question witnesses about the evidence. As they listen to all the evidence presented, they decide
which evidence and which witnesses are credible. The grand jury's conclusion is a group decision; it is
not the decision of any single person. An accused person who is indicted (formally charged with a
crime) becomes a defendant in a criminal case.
(Chief Judge Lippman. Grand Juror’s Handbook.
immediately began gathering information to identify who was
responsible for the tragedy. He thought that the city building
department might be responsible if it had failed to insist on adequate
safety measures. Alternatively, the factory owners might be culpable
if their actions transgressed the law and prevented the workers from
escape from the burning building.
A grand jury was empaneled and District Attorney Whitman
appeared before it to present evidence and interrogate witnesses. Survivor after survivor told of doors that
could not be opened and of people trapped inside the building, unable to escape the smoke and fire. Seeking
evidence that would confirm the testimony, the District Attorney sent his chief detective to oversee the
Juanita Hadwin Lantern Slide Collection, Kheel
Center, Cornell University
Von Drehle, supra note 9, at 220.
Id. at 188
People v Harris, 74 Misc. 353 (Court of General Sessions, New York County, 1911)
examination of the debris at the Washington Street exit on the ninth floor. There, a blackened fragment of
a door with the bolt protruding was found. The burn marks supported the accusation that the door had been
locked. The grand jury investigating the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire handed down seven indictments
against the factory owners. Isaac Harris and Max Blanck were arrested on Wednesday, April 12, 1911 and
charged with seven counts of manslaughter in the first and second degrees. The charges alleged that by their
criminal and negligent conduct, control and supervision of their factory, Harris and Blanck caused the death
of their employees. The attorney for Harris and Blanck, Max D. Steuer, one of the most famous (and perhaps
most notorious) litigators in New York history, entered pleas of not guilty on their behalf, and they were then
released on $25,000 bail.
Challenging the Indictment
Defense attorney Steuer immediately challenged five of the
seven indictments in the Court of General Sessions. Although
procedurally different, the challenge was the equivalent of the
modern day “motion to dismiss.” On November 11, 1911, Court of
General Sessions Judge Thomas C. O’O’Sullivan issued his
decision. The first count charged the defendants with common
law manslaughter in the first degree. It alleged that the defendants
willfully and feloniously choked, suffocated and strangled the
deceased by means of fire and the smoke causing the death of the
deceased. Judge O’Sullivan did not allow a challenge on this count.
Isaac Harris and Max Blanck
International Ladies Garment Workers Union Archives,
Kheel Center, Cornell University
The second count charged the defendants with manslaughter in the first degree. It alleged that the
defendants while engaged in the commission of a misdemeanor willfully and
feloniously killed the decedents. Section 80 of the Labor Law provides that "all
doors leading in and to any such factory shall be so constructed as to open
outwardly where practicable, and shall not be locked, bolted or fastened during
working hours." Under Penal Law section 1275, any person who violates section
80 of the Labor Law is guilty of a misdemeanor. Under section 1050 of the Penal
Law, a person who kills another in the course of committing a misdemeanor is guilty
of manslaughter in the first degree. The factory owners claimed that they were not
the owners of the building and therefore not subject to these laws. Judge O’Sullivan stated that:
Every consideration of the law on the subject convinces me that the owners
of a factory are liable for a violation of the provisions of section 80 of the
Labor Law.
Defendants also argued that these sections of the Labor Law deprived them of their property without due
process of law. In response, Judge O’Sullivan stated that:
A well-recognized function of the police power, however, extends to the
protection of the lives, health and quiet of all persons. The courts have
frequently said that the mere fact that the legislation is harsh and that hard
cases might arise under the law affords no ground for declaring it invalid.
Here, the end in view is the protection of factory employees and it is not a
harsh or unreasonable provision of law which requires that owners of a
factory shall keep the doors thereto unlocked during working hours, nor is
the enforcement of such law any invasion of constitutional rights.
Again, the Judge disallowed the challenge to this count.
The third count charged the defendants with manslaughter in the first degree. It alleged that the
failure of defendants to keep their factory in a safe condition for their employees constitutes a public
nuisance which is a misdemeanor by the provisions of the Penal Law. Specifically, the count alleges that
the defendants allowed great quantities of flammable remnants and cloth clippings, dirt, lint and rubbish to
Judge Thomas C. O’Sullivan,
Court of General Sessions
Empire State Notables 1914
remain in the factory and that these materials also obstructed the passageways to the doors of the factory, and
that these actions constituted a public nuisance that resulted in death. Judge O’Sullivan stated that:
The generally accepted idea of a public nuisance is one which has come
down to us through the common law. While the commonly accepted theory
of a public nuisance has been that it affected the community at large, it was
nevertheless a nuisance if it affected any considerable portion of a
community . . . . But the common law in its progress has been applied to
new conditions as they present themselves. It is not an inflexible
instrument which will not bend to correct a wrong because precedent is
Judge O’Sullivan then went on to describe a factory as a public place. This was a distinct departure from
prior thinking that had considered factories as private spaces. It brought the condition of the factory within
the ambit of section 1530 of the Penal Law and as Judge O’O’Sullivan wrote:
If in that way the defendants rendered a considerable number of persons
insecure in life, they maintained a public nuisance according to the terms
of section 1530, which provides that a public nuisance consists in
unlawfully doing an act which in any way renders a considerable number
of persons insecure in life. The Penal Law provides that one who
maintains a public nuisance is guilty of a misdemeanor. The allegations
of this count charge that the defendants, while engaged in the commission
of a misdemeanor, feloniously caused the death of the decedent.
Accordingly, Judge O’Sullivan did not allow the defendants
challenge to this count.
The fourth count of the indictment charged the defendants
with manslaughter in the second degree. Judge O’Sullivan held that
this count merely stated general allegations of negligence and legal
conclusions and he allowed the defendantss challenge. The fifth and
sixth counts charged the defendants with manslaughter in the second
degree and alleged that by reason of the defendants’ gross and culpable negligence, the deceased was
prevented from leaving the factory in safety when the fire broke out. The last count alleged that through
defendants' culpable negligence, the fires spread with great speed and violence throughout the factory, killing
Examining the Bodies at the Scene of the Fire
International Ladies Garment Workers Union
The Constitutions of the United States and the State of New York guarantee defendants in
criminal trials and litigants in civil trials the right to a trial by jury. The New York State Judiciary Law
states that all litigants have the right to juries selected from a fair cross section of the community and that
all eligible citizens shall have both the opportunity and the obligation to serve. A criminal trial is a
process for establishing whether the prosecutor has proved beyond a reasonable doubt that an individual
is legally guilty of a crime. Juries are selected through a questioning process known as “voir dire.” The
lawyers, and sometimes the judge, ask questions to decide whether or not each juror should serve on a
particular case. The questions are intended to learn whether an individual has any bias or personal
knowledge that could hinder his or her ability to judge a case impartially. In a criminal trial, the voir dire
questioning is always recorded by the court reporter. For a criminal felony trial, there are 12 jurors plus
up to six alternates. Alternate jurors are necessary in case a juror must be excused due to an emergency.
After the voir dire is completed, the jurors selected to try the case will be sworn in. Each juror pledges to
act fairly and impartially and follow the law that is explained by the judge. The trial judge then explains
the jurors’ responsibilities and some of the legal concepts that apply to the case. The judge’s
explanations are called preliminary instructions and include the requirements that jurors not read or listen
to news accounts of the trial, not visit the scene of an alleged offense, not conduct any research about
issues in the case including use of the Internet, and not discuss the case with anyone (including other
members of the jury) until all the evidence has been presented and the jury retires to deliberate.
After the judge’s preliminary instructions, the lawyers make opening statements to the jury. The
opening statement presents the issues in the case from one side’s point of view. In a criminal trial, the
prosecutor’s opening statement outlines the charges and evidence that will be offered. Because the
burden of proof in a criminal trial is on the prosecution and the defendant is presumed to be innocent, the
defense is not required to make an opening statement, but may choose to do so. The judge may allow
jurors to submit written questions for witnesses. The judge decides whether or not to ask each question
submitted by a juror. Each side has an opportunity to present witnesses, to cross-examine the witnesses
presented by the other side, and to present other evidence. Additionally in a criminal trial, the defense is
not required to put on witnesses or to present any evidence at all. Usually, each lawyer will make a
closing argument—a summation of that side’s point of view about the evidence and the decisions the
lawyer would like the jury to make.
Following the closing statements, the judge explains the laws that apply to the case and
the issues the jury is to consider. These remarks by the judge are called the jury instructions and after
receiving the instructions, the jurors go to a jury room to deliberate. The jury reviews the evidence
which was presented. The jurors discuss their views about this information. If questions arise during
the deceased. The Judge held that whether the decedents were burned to death through the culpable
negligence of the defendants was a question of fact for the jury and he disallowed the defendants’ challenges
to these counts.
The Trial
Now that the indictment had withstood the defendants’ challenges, the case went to trial on the first
indictment, relating to the death of Margaret Schwartz, a young woman who died while trying to exit through
the Washington Place door. Judge Thomas C. T. Crain presided, and a jury of twelve men was selected.
deliberations, or if there is a need for further instructions or to have testimony read, the foreperson may
send a written request to the judge through the court officer. The judge will ask all parties to return to
the courtroom to be present when a jury’s question is addressed. In a criminal case, a finding that the
defendant is guilty or not guilty must be by unanimous vote of the jury.
(New York State Unified Court System. Trial Juror’s Handbook [2009].
Von Drehle. supra note 9, at 222.
Under the law at that time, all jurors were male. The prosecutor was
Charles F. Bostwick, a former Assemblyman and Columbia Law School
professor, a formal man of old New England ancestry. He sought to prove
that Harris and Blanck were guilty of homicide, primarily because a first
conviction for breach of the Labor Code at that time would result only in
a fine of $50. Conditions in the Triangle Shirtwaist Company did not
differ materially from conditions in other factories and were in line with
“industry standard.” Thus, it was necessary to show some more egregious
conduct on the part of Harris and Blanck. Accordingly, the prosecution set out to prove that Harris and
Blanck caused the victims' deaths by locking the door to the factory while the
workers were still on the premises.
The defendants were represented by Max D. Steuer. A Jewish immigrant
from Eastern Europe, he had worked in the garment industry when he first arrived
in New York. By the time of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire, he was
considered the most brilliant, controversial and feared defense attorney in New
York. His cross-examination in the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire trial was considered one of the greatest
of his career. The New Yorker magazine described him as neither unvirtuous nor unjust but as the spirit of
partisanship, ruthless, mechanical, passionately cold. And morality is quite outside the matter. He is
reputed to have had a photographic and phonographic memory. In the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire case,
International Ladies Garment Workers Union
Archives, Kheel Center, Cornell University
Max D. Steuer
Otto Obermaier, The Golden Years. 16 Litigation 47 (Fall 1989).
Douglas Linder, The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire Trial at 4.
Richard A. Greenwald, The Triangle Fire, the Protocols of Peace, and Industrial Democracy,
at 151 (2003).
these traits came to the fore: sensing that the prosecution’s principal witness's testimony was too polished
for a young immigrant girl who spoke English as a second language, he set out to prove that the prosecutor
had told the witness what to say. The prosecution countered by asking the witness, Kate Alterman, why
her testimony (which she was required by Steuer to repeat over and over again) was repetitious and she
replied, “I tried to tell him the same thing because he asked me the same thing over and over.” Still, Steuer
managed to play on the gender and class biases of the time and raised questions about Alterman's credibility.
Through the testimony of several defense witnesses, Steuer also actively sought to prove that Harris and
Blanck did not know that the doors were locked and had not ordered them locked. Furthermore, he claimed,
the death and injuries resulted from the girls’ panic rather than from unsafe conditions.
The trial lasted over three weeks and 155 witnesses testified. The trial judge, Thomas C. T. Crain,
a descendant of Mayflower settlers, was closely allied with Tammany Hall. Earlier in his career, he had
been the Tenement House Commissioner. The purpose of that commission was to ensure the safety of
New York’s slums. A fire broke out in a tenement in which twenty people, many of them children, died.
The coroner’s jury censored the Commission for safety violations and Commissioner Crain was forced to
resign. Now, he presided over a trial in which the fact pattern was strikingly similar. This would not be
acceptable today.
In the early decades of the twentieth century, it was common for New York trial court judges to make
extensive use of jury instructions and directed verdicts to preserve the traditional common law employer’s
Randolph E. Bergstrom, Courting Danger: Injury and Law in New York City, 1870-1910
defenses against the rising tide of worker’s claims for compensation for workplace accidents. Judge Crain
instructed the jury as follows:
You must be satisfied from the evidence, among other things, before you
can find these defendants guilty of the crime of manslaughter in its first
degree not merely that the door was locked, if it was locked, but that it was
locked during the period mentioned under circumstances bringing
knowledge of that fact to these defendants.
On Wednesday, December 27, 1911, the jury retired to deliberate. The judge’s instructions
effectively required that the jurors find that Harris and Blanck knew that the Washington Place door was
locked at the specific time of the fire, on the date of the fire, and that had it been unlocked, the victim,
Margaret Schwartz, would have lived. In the jury room, the foreman immediately suggested that they take
a vote: eight voted for acquittal, two for conviction and two abstained. Less than two hours later, on the
fourth ballot, the jurors in favor of conviction changed their vote resulting in a unanimous decision to acquit.
Later, one of the jurors, Victor Steinman, stated:
I believed that the door was locked at the time of the fire but we couldn’t
find them guilty unless we believed that they knew the door was locked.
The verdict caused outrage, as reflected in this excerpt from a New York Tribune story:
The monstrous conclusion of the law is that the slaughter was no
one’s fault, that it could not be helped, or perhaps even that, in the
fine legal phrase which is big enough to cover a multitude of defects
of justice, it was “an act of God!” This conclusion is revolting to the
moral sense of the community.
Double Jeopardy
Bowing to public pressure, the prosecutors, with the support of District
Attorney Whiteman, appeared before Justice Samuel Seabury (later a judge on the
New York Court of Appeals, candidate for Governor and chair of the Seabury
Commissions on corruption in government) in the Criminal branch of the Supreme
Judge Samuel Seabury
Court of Appeals Collection
Greenwald, supra note 19, at 152.
McEvoy, supra note 3, at 639.
Court on March 7, 1912, and moved for another trial. This time, the charge was the manslaughter of another
victim of the fire, Jake Kline. A special jury was empaneled, and the second trial commenced. However,
Judge Seabury, citing principle of double jeopardy, instructed the jury:
The court has neither the right nor the power to proceed with the present
trial. These men are to be tried for the same offense again and under our
constitution and laws, this cannot be done. I charge you, gentlemen of the
jury, to find a verdict for the defendants.
The jury found as Justice Seabury had directed without deliberating. Double jeopardy is an ancient legal
concept found in Roman Law and, from the 13 century onward, in the English common law. It is enshrined
in the United States Constitution (5th Amendment) and in the New York State Constitution (Article 1,
section 6). It provides that no person shall be prosecuted or sentenced twice for the same offense. As applied
to the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire, it barred the prosecution from pursuing a second trial based on the
deaths of different victims of that same fire.
The Civil Suits
Twenty-three civil suits were filed against Harris and Blanck by the victims’ families claiming, in
total, some $500,000. Without a guilty verdict in the criminal case, the civil litigation became more
difficult. Again, Harris and Blanck hired Max Steuer to defend them. Steuer
raised a host of common law employers’ defenses, such as claiming that the
workers assumed all the risks and dangers of their employment and that whatever
injuries they suffered were caused by the negligence and carelessness of their
fellow workers. As pointed out by Crystal Eastman (a young labor activist) in
an article related to her 1907 study of workplace injury and death, the courts at
that time had concluded that there were implied terms in an employment contract under which the worker
Juanita Hadwin Lantern Slide
Collection, Kheel Center, Cornell
Crystal Eastman. Work-Accidents and the Law, at 170 (1910).
McEvoy, supra note 4, at 641.
Id. at 640.
John M Hoenig, The Triangle Fire of 1911, History Magazine, (April/May 2005).
assumed the ordinary dangers of the work, extraordinary dangers of which the worker was aware, and
dangers resulting from the actions of fellow workers. Thus, employee litigants had to prove “direct,
individual, mechanical causal connection between the employer and the injured worker.” In the case of
Margaret Schwartz, her heirs would have had to prove that it was the locked door and not the panic of her
co-workers that caused her death. The only case that went to trial was brought by Anna Gulla, a survivor
who claimed compensation for “nervous disease” she suffered as a result of the fire. The trial lasted two
days; the jury did not agree on a verdict and the case was dismissed. The families, most of them poverty-
stricken, were overwhelmed by the necessities of earning a living and could not afford the cost of litigation.
Shortly after the Gulla verdict, all settled with the Asch Building owners for $75 for each life lost. But
Harris and Blanck had insured the factory against loss, and the amount paid by the insurance company to
Blanck and Harris amounted to about $400 per victim. None of that money was paid to the survivors or
the heirs of those who had perished in the fire. In 1913, Blanck was once again arrested for locking the door
in his factory during working hours. He was fined $20.
These cases illustrate clearly the ongoing dynamic between the common law and social change. In
Judge O’Sullivan’s opinion, we see how the principles of law can be extended to cover new situations. Judge
O’Sullivan, relying on existing case law, logically extends existing precedent to cover the dangerous working
conditions that developed in the factories and mills at the turn of the twentieth century. Conversely, Judge
Crain adhered strictly to existing precedent on employer liability and rejected arguments that would have
acknowledged that employers control the workplace and should have ameliorated the dangerous conditions
Harlan F. Stone. The Common Law in the United States, 50 Harv. L. Rev. 4, 10. (1936-1937).
that existed there. Chief Justice Harlan Stone described the process at the Harvard
Law School Conference on the Common Law:
The skill, resourcefulness and insight with which judges and
lawyers weigh competing demands of social advantage, not
unmindful that continuity and symmetry of the law are themselves
such advantages, and with which they make their choice among
them in determining whether precedents shall be extended or
restricted, chiefly give the measure or the vitality of the common
law system and its capacity for growth.
In time, the common law could have adapted to the need to protect workers
and, case by case, the new societal challenges could have been accommodated by
the common law. However, in those years that we now call “the age of industrial violence,” public outrage
demanded an immediate solution that was more readily achievable through legislation.
The Reform Movement
The inability of the authorities to hold anyone accountable for the deaths of 146 young men and
women led prominent civic and religious leaders, reformers and teachers to form a Committee on Safety. It
served as a clearinghouse for information on fire safety and pressed for an
investigation into the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire. The Committee on Safety
worked closely with the New York Consumer's League which had experience in
promoting worker protection initiatives and in lobbying for better working hours
and conditions. The league was headed by Frances Perkins and her role in the
reform movement is indeed remarkable. In New York, women did not have the
vote until 1917 and, as we have seen, were not permitted to participate in jury
service and other civic roles. Yet, Frances Perkins was a major force behind
the enactment of legislation to protect working men and women , initially in
Judge Harlan F. Stone
Library of Congress Collection
Frances Perkins as a Young Woman
New York in the second decade of the 20 century, and later in Washington, D.C., when she served as Labor
Secretary in President Roosevelt’s administration.
The Committee on Safety, the New York Consumer's League and other like-minded organizations
brought pressure to bear on Governor John Dix, Assemblyman Alfred E. Smith, and Robert F. Wagner, the
Democratic Leader in the Senate that resulted in the appointment of a nine-member
New York State Factory Investigating Commission in June, 1911.
Al Smith, who became Speaker of the Assembly in 1913 and later went on
to become Governor of New York and the 1928 Democratic candidate for President
of the United States, was born in a tenement on Manhattan’s South Street. He
knew of the hard life of the poor through personal
experience–while in elementary school, he worked as a
newsboy to supplement the family income and when he
was twelve, his father’s death forced him to leave school to support his family. At
fifteen, his job at the Fulton Fish Market required him to work a 13-hour day, from
4:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Robert Wagner’s family immigrated to the United States from Prussia,
Germany when he was eight years old. They settled in New York city where
Robert attended public school. Like Al Smith, he sold newspapers after school to
help support himself. Wagner became Chair of the Factory Investigation and Al Smith became Vice- Chair.
The Commission had unusually broad powers and scope: it had the authority to summon witnesses to testify
under oath and had a mandate to look into fire hazards, unsanitary conditions, occupational diseases,
effectiveness of factory inspection, tenement manufacturing, in addition to many other matters.
Assembly Majority Leader
Alfred E. Smith
Library of Congress Collection
New York Senator Robert F.
New York Red Book, 1918
The Commission appointed directors for each investigation (one of whom was Frances Perkins) to
carry out on-site inspections of factories and other work sites. It conducted the most intensive study of
industry ever undertaken in the United States. In addition to safety problems, the Commission also
uncovered widespread violations of the child labor
laws. Surprise raids on businesses that denied
employing young children often found the employers
attempting to evacuate the children from the plant by
rear doors or to hide them in sheds and elevators. To
show that business was viable without worker
exploitation, Perkins took the Commissioners to visit
model factories that were profitable while still
operating according to high safety standards.
Much of the success of the Factory Investigating Commission is attributable to the distinguished and
dedicated group of people who served as members or staff. As we have seen, two of the most powerful
legislators of the day, Robert Wagner and Alfred E. Smith, were chairman and vice-chairman of the
Commission, and they were crucial in ensuring that the Commission's recommendations became law. Also
pivotal was Abram Elkus, chief counsel to the Commission and later a judge of the New York Court of
Appeals. Through sharp and persistent questioning of witnesses and his commitment to gathering scientific
facts, Elkus drew public attention to the dangers workers faced not only from fire but also from "the less
obvious but greater menace of unsanitary conditions" and industrial diseases. Elkus stressed that these
Time card showing 117.5 hours
worked in one week.
New York State Archives
Young Boy at W ork (New York
State Investigation Commission)
New York State Archives
NY FIC 1912, II, 5-10.
problems needed to be addressed not only because of humanitarian considerations, but also because they
diminished the productivity of the economy and caused workers and their families to fall into poverty.
The information collected by the Commission and staff was compiled into several reports, including
"The Fire Hazard in Factory Buildings" and "Sanitation of Factories," published in the Preliminary Report
of the Factory Investigating Commission (1912). It recommended registration of all factories with the
Department of Labor, licensing of all food manufacturers, medical examinations of food workers, medical
supervision in dangerous trades, and better eating, washing, and toilet facilities. The Commission
recommended an increase in stairwells and exits, installation of fire walls, fireproof construction, prohibition
of smoking in factories, fire extinguishers, alarm systems, and automatic sprinklers. The Commission's other
reports summarized investigations and made recommendations concerning women factory workers, child
labor in tenements, and occupational diseases such as lead and arsenic poisoning.
In all, the Factory Investigating Commission held 59 public hearings around the state. As reported
by the U. S. Department of Labor, the Commission
took testimony from 472 witnesses, including employers, workers, union
officials and technical experts. Their testimony filled over 7,000 pages.
Commission staff investigated 3,385 workplaces in industries ranging from
meat packing plants, bakeries and clothing manufacturers to the chemical
industry and the lead trades. The commissioners personally visited 50
plants. While the bulk of the voluminous reports of the commission was
filled with individual testimony, there were also special reports by experts
covering fire safety, building construction, machine guarding, heating,
lighting, ventilation and other topics. There were also studies on specific
industries, such as chemicals, lead trades, metal trades, printing shops,
sweatshops and mercantile establishments.
The Commission concluded that the New York Labor Law needed to be fundamentally changed and
that the Department of Labor should be reorganized. Among the recommendations was the creation of a
Bureau of Inspection to centralize inspection work, a Division of Industrial Hygiene, and a Section of
Medical Inspection. In 1913, a number of the Commission's recommendations became law, including
reorganization of the Department of Labor, prohibition of night work for women, and fire prevention, safety,
and health regulations. The Commission's work represented a new level of government involvement in and
regulation of labor conditions. Frances Perkins described the influence of New York’s Factory Investigating
the extent to which the legislation in New York marked a change in
American political attitudes and policies toward social responsibility can
scarcely be overrated. It was, I am convinced, a turning point.
In 1918, Perkins accepted Governor Alfred E. Smith's offer to join the New York State Industrial
Commission, becoming its first female member. She became chairwoman of the Commission in 1926 and
in 1929, the newly-elected New York governor, Franklin D. Roosevelt, appointed Perkins as the State
Industrial Commissioner. Perkins helped put New York in the forefront of progressive reform—she
expanded factory investigations, reduced the work week for women
to 48 hours, and championed minimum wage and unemployment
insurance laws.
Another person pivotal to the workers’ rights movement
was Crystal Eastman. Like Frances Perkins, she was a trailblazer
for women’s participation in public life. Like Frances Perkins, she
started her career at a time when women were subject to
considerable social constraint and were unable to vote or be part of
a jury. Described as “one of the United States’ most neglected
Crystal Eastman as a Young Woman
Library of Congress Collection
Society of American Historians. The Reader's Companion to American History, at 307 (1991).
Ives v South Buffalo Ry., 201 NY 271 (1911).
leaders," she was a 1907 graduate of New York University Law School. She immediately found work
investigating labor conditions for The Pittsburgh Survey sponsored by the Russell Sage Foundation.
Eastman’s report, Work Accidents and the Law, became a classic, and, in 1909, Governor Charles Evan
Hughes appointed her to the New York State Employers Liability Commission. The only woman on the
Commission, Eastman was elected its secretary (a very powerful position) and almost singlehandedly
undertook the drafting of the Workmen’s Compensation Law. The report, of which she was the principal
author, The First Report of the New York State Liability Commission, was published in 1910. It analyzed
workplace deaths and accidents in New York, and led to the introduction of three bills in the Legislature.
The first eliminated the common law employers’ defenses; a second provided for compulsory compensation
for those engaged in dangerous enterprises; and the third provided that workers and employers in other trades
could include provisions in their contracts for workers’ compensation. The nation’s first workers’
compensation program was adopted in New York (Laws of 1910, ch 674). In March, 1911, however, New
York’s highest court, the New York Court of Appeals, held that the statute—“plainly revolutionary”
compared to prevailing common law standards—deprived employers of property rights without due process
and was therefore unconstitutional. But in November 1913, the people of New York voted to adopt an
amendment to the Constitution. This amendment, Article 1, section 18, provides that “[n]othing contained
in this constitution shall be construed to limit the power of the legislature to enact laws for the protection of
the lives, health or safety of employees.” Eastman’s goal had been achieved!
The present-day New York State Workers Compensation Board traces its history back almost a full
century and to a tragic fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City . . . the fire galvanized labor
The Frances Perkins Building is the Washington, D.C. headquarters of the United States
Department of Labor. A Social Security Administration profile of Frances Perkins notes "that she
overcame the restrictions and prejudices of her era and established herself as the equal of any person, in
areas then virtually dominated by men. She was an outstanding career woman, but more importantly, an
outstanding individual and a public official whose work profoundly changed the lives of all Americans."
and led to many reforms in safety, health, and labor laws. More to the point, it helped lead to the workers'
compensation system both here in New York and across the country.”
The Federal Initiatives
Crystal Eastman continued to work in the field of occupational health and safety but this time at the
federal level. In 1913, during the Woodrow Wilson administration, she was appointed an investigating
attorney with the U. S. Commission on Industrial Relations, a position she held for two years. The
Commission had been created in 1912 during the Taft administration to investigate and report on conditions
in industry that gave rise to labor problems, including conflict between employers and employees that often
erupted in violence and strikes. Better industrial relations were seen as the solution to labor problems. It
produced a report in 1916 that comprised eleven volumes and tens of thousands of pages of testimony, not
only from scores of ordinary workers but also from major employers such as Daniel Guggenheim, George
Perkins (of U.S. Steel), Henry Ford and Andrew Carnegie, and workers' advocates including Clarence
Darrow, Louis Brandeis, Mary Harris "Mother" Jones, Theodore Schroeder and William "Big Bill"
Haywood. In the end, though, the Commission could not agree on conclusions to be drawn from the data and
issued three “final” reports representing different factions.
When Franklin Roosevelt became President in 1933, Frances Perkins became the U.S. Secretary of
Labor, the first woman to hold a cabinet position, and by virtue of her office, the first woman in the
presidential line of succession. She held the position for twelve years, and worked to put in place the federal
labor legislation of the New Deal era, including laws governing minimum wages, unemployment insurance
Statement of the Committee, August 1934.
Matthew C. Price. Justice Between Generations: The Growing Power of the Elderly in
America, at 28 (1997).
and the regulation of child labor. In 1934, while serving in the Cabinet, she was made chairwoman of the
President's Committee on Economic Security. This committee drew up a report that became the basis for the
Social Security Act, aimed at protecting Americans from dependancy and distress. The proposed insurance-
based program would provide old age, survivors, and disability benefits. Although it was considered radical,
it nonetheless had popular support in a nation scarred by the Depression and a petition in favor of the
measure drew 20 million signatories. But the proposal caused consternation in the business community
where there was concern that business would end up paying for it.
The constitutional basis of the Social Security Act was a cause
of concern for the Committee but a social invitation provided a solution
to the problem. While Frances Perkins was involved in drafting the
legislation, she accepted
an invitation for tea with
the wife of then-Associate Justice
Harlan Stone. She found herself seated next to Justice Stone
and took the opportunity to express her reservations. In her
memoirs, she describes how Justice Stone leaned over and
whispered, “The taxing power of the federal government, my
dear; the taxing power is sufficient for everything you need.”
She told the President of the advice and insisted the Committee use the government's taxing power as the
Justice and M rs. Stone
Supreme Court Historical Society
President Roosevelt Signing Into Law the Social Security Act
Frances Perkins stands behind him.
U.S. Social Security Administration
method of building up the fund. The Social Security Act was signed into law on August 14, 1935. The
Committee’s concerns about the constitutionality of the Social Security Act were realized. By the October
1936 term of the United States Supreme Court, no fewer than three challenges were before the Justices. One
case, Helvering v Davis, challenged the old age insurance program and two others, the Steward Machine
Company and Carmichael v Southern Coal & Coke Co. and Gulf States Paper, challenged the unemployment
compensation program. On May 24, 1937, the Supreme Court handed down its decision in the three cases.
Justice Cardozo (formerly Chief Judge of the New York Court of Appeals)
wrote the majority opinion in the first two cases. In Helvering, the Court ruled
7-2 in support of the old-age insurance program. In his opinion, Justice
Cardozo stated:
But the ill is all one or at least not greatly different whether
men are thrown out of work because there is no longer work
to do or because the disabilities of age make them incapable
of doing it. Rescue becomes necessary irrespective of the
cause. The hope behind this statute is to save men and women
from the rigors of the poor house as well as from the haunting
fear that such a lot awaits them when journey's end is near.
The unemployment compensation provisions, however, were more
hotly disputed within the Court, and the ruling in Steward was closer, 5-4 in support of the unemployment
compensation provisions. Again, the opinion was written by Justice Cardozo, who stated:
During the years 1929 to 1936, when the country was passing through a
cyclical depression, the number of the unemployed mounted to
unprecedented heights. Often the average was more than 10 million; at
times a peak was attained of 16 million or more. Disaster to the
breadwinner meant disaster to dependents. Accordingly the roll of the
unemployed, itself formidable enough, was only a partial roll of the
destitute or needy. The fact developed quickly that the states were unable
to give the requisite relief. The problem had become national in area and
dimensions. There was need of help from the nation if the people were not
to starve. It is too late today for the argument to be heard with tolerance
that in a crisis so extreme the use of the moneys of the nation to relieve the
unemployed and their dependents is a use for any purpose narrower than
the promotion of the general welfare. The nation responded to the call of
the distressed.
Justice Benjamin N. Cardozo
Library of Congress
Justice Harlan Stone was the author of the opinion in the Carmichael case. Decided by a majority
of 8-1, it, too, upheld the constitutionality of the statute. In his opinion, Justice Stone stated:
The evils of the attendant social and economic wastage permeate the entire
social structure. Apart from poverty, or a less extreme impairment of the
savings which afford the chief protection to the working class against old
age and the hazards of illness, a matter of inestimable consequence to
society as a whole, and apart from the loss of purchasing power, the
legislature could have concluded that unemployment brings in its wake
increase in vagrancy and crimes against property, reduction in the number
of marriages, deterioration of family life, decline in the birth rate, increase
in illegitimate births, impairment of the health of the unemployed and their
families and malnutrition of their children.
Yet another New Yorker with ties to the Triangle Shirtwaist factory
fire reform movement went on to play an important role in federal
government. He was Robert Wagner, who you will remember, played such
a vital part in the New York Factory Commission. In February 1935, he was
a United States Senator. He and Frances Perkins worked together on the bill
that would become the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, another piece
of the New Deal legislation. The Wagner Bill proposed the creation of a new independent agency—the
National Labor Relations Board. Composed of three members appointed by the President and confirmed by
the Senate, its mandate was to enforce employee rights rather than to mediate disputes. It gave employees
the right to form and join unions, and it obligated employers to bargain collectively with unions selected by
a majority of the employees in an appropriate bargaining unit. The measure endorsed the principles of
exclusive representation and majority rule, provided for enforcement of the Board's rulings, and covered most
workers in industries whose operations affected interstate commerce. It was signed into law by President
Roosevelt on July 5, 1935. Described as the law that has most affected the relationship between the federal
government and private enterprise, the National Labor Relations Act was perhaps the single most important
U.S. Senator Robert F. Wagner
United States Congress Collection
Deborah A. Ballam. The Law as a Constitutive Force for Change, Part II: The Impact of the
National Labor Relations Act on the U.S. Labor Movement. 32 American Business Law Journal 447
legal development affecting labor in this century. By passing the act, Congress sought to address industrial
strife by creating a framework in which industrial disputes could be resolved peacefully under government
The Legacy of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire.
Perhaps only a tragedy on the scale of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire could bring the woeful
working conditions in factories and mills to the attention of the general population. Once people realized
the dangers to which working people, including children, were regularly exposed, a huge cry for reform was
heard, first in New York and later nationwide. Our working lives today are controlled by the legislation
drafted in the aftermath of the fire and we, as New Yorkers, can look with pride to the role that New York
played in the workers’rights movement.
On March 25, 1961, the 50 anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire, a moving ceremony
was held at the Asch Building. With Eleanor Roosevelt accompanying them, Frances Perkins, Rose
Schneiderman and 12 survivors of the fire returned to the scene of the tragedy. Now, on the hundredth
anniversary, we can read the plaque placed by the survivors in memory of the 146 co-workers who lost their
Out of their martyrdom came new concepts of social responsibility and
labor legislation that have helped make American working conditions the
finest in the world.