Talent Management Matrix
Not Delivering Quality Results
Delivering Quality Results
Leveraging to Maximize Results
Focus on coaching and a solid development plan. If an
individual has been in the role for some time, there may
be a serious issue (derailer). Assertively seek
opportunities aligned with strengths while working
through Performance Improvement Plan.
Maximize performance in current role. Focus on increasing performance
contribution to Enhancing Results, after which greater challenge and/or
broader scope are likely. Seek opportunities to increase breadth of
abilities and contributions; support growth through Experiential
Learning Opportunities.
Stretch and Develop
Reward, recognize and engage to retain. Advocate for
immediate promotion, and develop for further promotional
opportunities. Increase visibility by representing unit on and
off campus. Challenge and provide greater scope through
assignments to build skills. (These are future leaders of the
Develop and Promote
Work through Performance Improvement Plan. Explore
roles and assignments better aligned with strengths.
Manage and Support
Focus on development. Increase performance contribution to Enhancing
Results Continue to develop through assignments of greater complexity
requiring increased expertise and exposure.
Reward, recognize and engage to retain. Develop through
increasing complexity of assignments. Identify specific
areas for development. Seek immediate promotion.
Increase visibility by representing unit on and off campus.
Stretch and Develop
Work through Performance Improvement Plan. Failure to
deliver results within an established timeframe supports
Manage and Support
Optimize performance. Continue to maintain skill level; ensure ongoing
effectiveness through solid development plan.
Manage and Support
Reward, recognize and maintain skill development. Involve
in training and leading others while sharing institutional
knowledge. Continue providing challenging opportunities to
engage and retain.
Develop and Support
Fails to Achieve Expectations
Does not fulfill position
requirements. Performance
improvement plan must be
developed and monitored; or
termination must be initiated.
Needs Improvement
Fails to meet one or more of the
significant position requirements.
Requires improvements in areas
noted. Performance improvement
plan must be developed and
(based on current position)
The ability and interest to assume
increasingly broad or complex
responsibilities to meet
organizational needs
Fully Achieves Expectations
Reliably performs position duties and
responsibilities. Fulfills position requirements,
established goals and expectations. Solid
performance results in valuable contributions to
unit goals.
Frequently Exceeds Expectations
Performs beyond expectations in a
majority of position duties and
responsibilities. Proactively meets
and predominantly exceeds position
expectations making a significant
contribution to the overall
achievement of unit/department
Consistently Surpasses Expectations
Works consistently at a superior
level in most aspects of position;
consistently exceed goals and
expectations. Makes an exceptional
or unique contribution to the