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Statistical Bulletin
22 May 2014
Coverage: UK
Theme: Migration
Issued by:
Department for Work and
Press Office: 0203 267 5160
Steve Watkins
Department for Work and
Kings Court
80 Hanover Way
S3 7UF
Telephone: 01142098387
Next release of NINo
registration data:
August 2014
National Insurance Number Allocations to Adult Overseas
Nationals Entering the UK – registrations to March 2014.
This annual report provides statistics regarding National Insurance
Numbers (NINo) allocated to adult overseas nationals entering the
United Kingdom (UK). A NINo is generally required by any overseas
national looking to work or claim benefits / tax credits in the UK,
including the self employed or students working part time.
The figures are based on recorded registration date on the HMRC
National Insurance Recording and Pay as you Earn System, i.e. after
the NINo application process has been completed. This may be a
number of weeks or months (or in some cases years) after
arriving in the UK.
Statistics on National Insurance Number Allocations to Adult Overseas
Nationals Entering the UK are full National Statistics;
Next release date 28
August 2014
Further information and statistics on NINo registrations to adult
overseas nationals can be obtained using the Department’s internet-
based interactive tabulation tool - Stat-Xplore (click here)
Headline Figures:
The total number of NINo registrations to adult overseas
nationals in 2013/14 was 603 thousand, an increase of 40
thousand (7%) on the previous year.
Within the European Union (EU) - The number of NINo
registrations from EU nationals in 2013/14 was 439 thousand,
an increase of 54 thousand (14%) on the previous year.
The number of NINo registrations to adult overseas nationals
from EU2 nationals (Bulgaria and Romania) in 2013/14 was 65
thousand, an increase of 36 thousand (129%) on the previous
Rest of the world
- The number of NINo registrations to adult
overseas nationals from outside the EU in 2013/14 was 162
thousand, a decrease of 14 thousand (8%) on the previous
Contents Page
Definition of World Area 3
1 NINo Registrations to adult overseas nationals entering the UK
Time series
Fig 1.1 : time series by quarter (12 month total to the end of the quarter) January
2002 to March 2014
World area and nationality
Fig 1.2 : by registration year and world area, 2002/3 to 2013/14 5
Fig 1.3 : Top 20 countries 2013/14 6
UK area : geographical regions
Fig 1.4 : by UK region for 2013/14 7
Fig 1.5 : top 20 Local Authorities for 2013/14 7
2 Focus on: NINo Registrations to adult overseas nationals from the EU2
Background and headline figures 8
Fig 2.1: NINo registrations to adult overseas nationals from EU2 nationals by year
of registration - 2002/3 to 2013/14
Fig 2:2 Proportion of NINo registrations to adult overseas nationals by gender and
age group , registrations 2013/14.
Fig 2:3 Time taken between arrival in the UK and National Insurance number
registration - registrations between 1
January 2014 to 31
March 2014
3 Sources / Notes
Notes 11
For reporting purposes, countries have been grouped into ‘world areas’ based primarily on
geographical location. Throughout this document Europe is represented as 3 world areas reflecting
their status within the European Union (EU). These are :
Europe - EU excluding Accession Countries : (EU14) Founder members or countries acceding to
the EU prior to May 2004. These comprise of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Republic of Ireland, Spain, Sweden
Europe - EU Accession Countries : Countries acceding to the EU from May 2004.
Joined the EU 1
May 2004 – (EU8) Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Republic of Latvia,
Republic of Lithuania, Poland, Slovak Republic, Republic of Slovenia.
Cyprus and Malta (Joined the EU 1
May 2004 but not referred to as part of the EU8)
Joined the EU 1
January 2007 – (EU2) Bulgaria, Romania
Joined the EU 1
July 2013 - Croatia
Europe – Non EU : European countries that are not members of the EU at 1
April 2014.
Note : European Economic Area (EEA) comprises of the member states of the European Union plus
Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway
1 NINo Registrations to adult overseas nationals entering the UK
Time series
Fig 1.1 : NINo registrations to adult overseas nationals entering the UK, registration time
series by quarter (12 month total to the end of the quarter), March 2002 to March 2014.
YE Dec 02
YE Mar 03
YE Jun 03
YE Sep 03
YE Dec 03
YE Mar 04
YE Jun 04
YE Sep 04
YE Dec 04
YE Mar 05
YE Jun 05
YE Sep 05
YE Dec 05
YE Mar 06
YE Jun 06
YE Sep 06
YE Dec 06
YE Mar 07
YE Jun 07
YE Sep 07
YE Dec 07
YE Mar 08
YE Jun 08
YE Sep 08
YE Dec 08
YE Mar 09
YE Jun 09
YE Sep 09
YE Dec 09
YE Mar 10
YE Jun 10
YE Sep 10
YE Dec 10
YE Mar 11
YE Jun 11
YE Sep 11
YE Dec 11
YE Mar 12
YE Jun 12
YE Sep 12
YE Dec 12
YE Mar 13
YE Jun 13
YE Sep 13
YE Dec 13
YE Mar 14
Registrations (Thousands)
Source: 100% extract from National Insurance Recording and Pay as you Earn System (NPS).
Notes :
1. Registration date is derived from the date at which a NINo is maintained on the NPS
Note : Caution should be taken in interpreting trends based on raw quarterly data, hence a ‘12
month to date’ rolling total is shown in fig 1.1 to better reflect trends in the annual series.
The raw quarterly time series of NINo registrations to adult overseas nationals shows a number of
peaks and troughs. The series is reflecting both seasonal effects in the registration of adult
overseas nationals entering the UK and operational factors in recording a NINo on the NPS
computer system.
The total number of NINo registrations to all adult overseas nationals entering the UK rose from
311 thousand in 2002, with a sharper increase from 2004 following the accession of the eight
eastern European countries (EU8) plus Malta and Cyprus, to the European Union, to a peak of
797 thousand in 2007. Since then they have fluctuated around 600,000, falling to a low of 519,000
in 2012. Latest data shows there were 603,000 registrations in the year ending March 2014.
Fig 1.1 has been derived from the quarterly time series available in Stat Xplore :
World area and nationality
Fig 1.2 : NINo registrations to adult overseas nationals entering the UK, by year of
registration and world area, 2002/03 to 2013/14.
Registrations (Thousands)
Australasia and
The Americas
Asia and Middle East
Europe - non-EU
Europe - EU
Accession Countries
Europe - EU excluding
Accession Countries
source: 100% extract from National Insurance Recording and Pay as you Earn System (NPS).
Notes :
1. Registration date is derived from the date at which a NINo is maintained on the NPS
2. For consistency of reporting, EU Accession countries here refers to EU8, Malta and Cyprus and EU2(Bulgaria & Romania) for
the entire Back Series including the periods before Accession and after transitional arrangements have ended. (See notes)
3. Time Series - Year Of Registration Date Years are shown as 1st April - 31st March
Within the European Union (EU)
During 2013/14, 249 thousand NINo’s were registered to the Eastern European countries who
acceded to the EU in 2004 (for whom labour market restrictions were lifted across the EU as a
whole in May 2011) plus the more recent accession countries (Romania and Bulgaria) – an
increase of 40 thousand (19%) on 2012/13.
Registrations to other EU nationals (190 thousand in 2013/14) increased by 8%.
Rest of the world:
Outside of the European Union, annual registrations to all world areas have typically fallen to
lowest levels since the reporting period began (2002/03).
Those to European, non-EU nationals remained at 11 thousand.
84 thousand NINo’s were registered to Asian & Middle East nationals during 2013/14 – 12% lower
than in 2012/13.
Registrations to those from the Americas fell by 1% to 22 thousand.
Registrations from Africans fell by 4% (to 30 thousand) and from Australasia and Oceania fell by
9% (to 15 thousand).
Fig 1.3 : NINo registrations to adult overseas nationals entering the UK, top 20 countries for
% change
from 2012/13
1 Poland 101.93 12% 91.36 1
2 Romania 46.89 163% 17.82 9
3 Spain 45.62 0% 45.53 2
4 Italy 41.95 28% 32.80 3
5 India 28.76 -8% 31.25 4
6 Portugal 27.26 11% 24.55 7
7 Hungary 23.62 -4% 24.67 6
8 Rep of Lithuania 22.44 -18% 27.32 5
9 France 22.28 5% 21.23 8
10 Bulgaria 17.75 71% 10.40 18
11 Rep of Ireland 16.37 5% 15.54 11
12 Pakistan 12.09 -25% 16.16 10
13 Slovak Rep 11.78 3% 11.48 15
14 Rep of Latvia 11.30 -17% 13.60 12
15 China Peoples Rep 11.13 -7% 12.01 13
16 Australia 10.70 -9% 11.78 14
17 Germany 10.52 -4% 10.95 16
18 Nigeria 10.28 -2% 10.51 17
19 Greece 9.04 4% 8.68 20
20 USA 8.69 -4% 9.03 19
*, : indicates ranking movement from previous year, for example Italian registrations have increased by 28% on the previous
year but Italy has moved down to 4
in the ranked table compared to NINo registrations in 2012/13
Source: 100% extract from National Insurance Recording and Pay as you Earn System (NPS).
Notes :
1. Registration date is derived from the date at which a NINo is maintained on the NPS
2. Time Series - Year Of Registration Date Years are shown as 1st April - 31st March
Factors thought to be influencing the trends in terms of NINo registrations across different
nationalities / world areas are:
The restrictions placed on non-EEA workers and students – India, Pakistan, China Peoples
Republic, Australia and Nigeria all showing continued falling trends since 2010/11.
High unemployment rates, particularly from countries most severely impacted by the euro zone
crisis – Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy.
Note - Bulgaria and Romania joined the European Union (EU) on 1 January 2007. Since then,
migrants from Bulgaria and Romania (collectively known as the EU2) coming to the UK were
subject to transitional employment restrictions, which placed limits on the kind of employment they
could undertake. These restrictions ended on 1 January 2014
UK area : geographical regions
NINo registrations are allocated to Regions (previously Government Office Regions), Local
Authorities and Parliamentary Constituencies using address matching software and matching to the
latest postcode directory. Figures reflect the best estimate of an adult overseas national’s locality at
the time of registering for a NINo.
In 2013/14, of the 603 thousand NINo’s registered to adult overseas nationals entering the UK, 243
thousand (40%) first registered within the London Region. Northern Ireland and the North East have
the fewest registrations, both with 1% of the UK total (Fig 1.4).
Of the top 20 Local Authorities (Fig 1.5) with the highest number of registrations in 2013/14, 16 are
in the London Region. Birmingham, Edinburgh, Manchester and Leeds represent the highest Local
Authorities outside of London.
Fig 1.4: NINo registrations to adult
overseas nationals entering the UK, by
Region registrations 2013/14
Fig 1.5: NINo registrations to adult overseas
nationals entering the UK, top 20 ranked
Local Authorities 2013/14
Region Thousands
London 243.03
South East 70.40
East of England 46.21
West Midlands 39.54
North West 38.55
Scotland 37.82
East Midlands 33.20
Yorkshire and The Humber 31.20
South West 31.12
Wales 11.01
Northern Ireland 9.06
North East 8.17
Overseas Residents 3.19
Local Authority Thousands
Newham 17.17
Brent 16.71
Tower Hamlets 15.24
Haringey 12.72
Waltham Forest 11.58
Ealing 11.35
Birmingham 11.18
Westminster 10.96
Lambeth 10.73
Southwark 10.72
Edinburgh, City of 10.49
Manchester 9.79
Barnet 9.42
Camden 8.75
Wandsworth 8.67
Hammersmith and Fulham 8.32
Hounslow 8.02
Islington 7.94
Hackney 7.65
Leeds 6.96
Source: 100% extract from National Insurance Recording and Pay as you Earn System (NPS).
The EU2
Bulgaria and Romania joined the European Union (EU) on 1 January 2007. Since then, migrants
from Bulgaria and Romania (collectively known as the EU2) coming to the UK were subject to
transitional employment restrictions, which placed limits on the kind of employment they could
Transitional controls limit the extent to which nationals of acceding countries can access the UK
labour market. This report: (link) by the Migration Advisory Committee provides further details of
how transitional controls were applied in the UK. In the UK, migrants from Romania and Bulgaria
were only able to work in limited sectors or where they were self-employed. These restrictions
ended on 1 January 2014.
Headline Figures:
Romania : The total number of NINo registrations to adult overseas nationals entering the UK
from Romania in 2013/14 was 47 thousand, an increase of 29 thousand (163%) on the previous
Bulgaria - The total number of NINo registrations to adult overseas nationals entering the UK
from Bulgaria in 2013/14 was 18 thousand, an increase of 7 thousand (71%) on the previous year.
Registrations from EU2 nationals represent 11% of the total NINo registrations to adult
overseas nationals entering the UK in 2013/14. (Polish nationals represent 17%, Spanish nationals
8%, Italian nationals 7%).
Fig 2.1: NINo registrations to adult overseas nationals from EU2 nationals by year of
registration - 2002/3 to 2013/14.
2002/3 2003/4 2004/5 2005/6 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14
Registrations (Thousands)
Source: 100% extract from National Insurance Recording and Pay as you Earn System (NPS)
Age and gender :
Fig 2:2 Proportion of NINo registrations to adult overseas nationals by gender and age
group, registrations 2013/14.
2.2a : European Union nationals:
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Less than 18
60 and over
2.2b : Bulgarian nationals:
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Less than 18
60 and over
2.2c : Romanian nationals:
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Less than 18
60 and over
Source: 100% extract from National Insurance Recording and Pay as you Earn System (NPS)
Chart 2.2a, European Union includes
The gender split of NINo registrations (2013/14) from within the EU2 compared to within the EU is
broadly consistent with approximately 55% of registrations from males and 45% from females.
Single largest age / gender group from EU2 nationals registering for a NINo is from males aged
25-34. The breakdown is distributed more evenly from within the EU as a whole for males and
females aged 18-24 and males aged 25-34.
Arrival and registration: In order to apply for a National Insurance Number (NINo), in the first
instance, a migrant worker makes an inquiry to a Job Centre. They must attend an "Evidence of
Identity interview" at a local DWP Jobcentre Plus office where they must be able to prove that they
are who they say they are and that they satisfy the criteria for needing a NINo. The figures are based
on recorded registration date on the HMRC National Insurance Recording and Pay as you Earn
System, i.e. after the NINo application process has been completed. This may be a number of weeks
or months (or in some cases years) after arriving in the UK.
Fig 2:3 Time taken between arrival in the UK and National Insurance number registration,
registrations between 1
January 2014 to 31
March 2014
Spain Poland Bulgaria Romania
+ 1 Year
9-12 months
6-9 months
3-6 months
0-3 months
Source: 100% extract from National Insurance Recording and Pay as you Earn System (NPS)
The above chart shows the time taken from arrival in the UK to NINo registration date for EU2
nationals. For reference, Poland and Spain are shown alongside EU2 nationals as they represent
highest single nationalities for registrations (2013/2014).
Although January to March 2014 NINo registration series show large increases from EU2 nationals
on the same quarter of the previous year, of those registering for a NINo in the latest quarter (1
2014 to 31
March 2014) :
over 30% of EU2 nationals had arrived in the UK over a year prior to registering for a NINo,
this is compared to around 4% for Polish and Spanish nationals.
Approximately 22% of NINo registrations from EU2 nationals registered for a NINo with 3
months of UK arrival, this is compared to approximately 70% of registrations from Polish and
Spanish nationals.
This indicates that the EU2 NINo registration figures (January to March 2014) are actually
reflecting migration over an extended period: the majority of those EU2 nationals registering
for a NINo since transitional controls were lifted had arrived in the UK a number of months /
years earlier
Note – quarterly NINo registrations data is available through Stat Xplore: (Quarterly table)
3 Notes / Sources
Comparison of NINo statistics against Labour Force Survey (LFS) statistics
The NINo statistics represent a flow measure of new registrations by non-UK nationals registering
for a National Insurance Number The NINo statistics are not directly comparable to the LFS
employment estimates which indicate the stock of people working in the UK, nor do they necessarily
align well with migration flows.
NINo registration figures in January to March 2014 are representing migration over an extended
period: the majority of those EU2 nationals registering for a NINo since transitional controls were
lifted had arrived in the UK at least a number of months earlier.
Source :
DWP receive a quarterly cumulative scan from HMRC’s National Insurance Recording and Pay as
you Earn System (NPS) which contains details of all adult overseas nationals allocated a NINo.
This is used to produce these National Statistics.
The registration date referred to in this report represents the date the information on the individual
was processed on HM Revenue and Customs’ National Insurance Recording and Pay as you Earn
System (NPS) i.e. after the NINo application and allocation process has been completed. This may
be a number of weeks or months after arriving in the UK. The registration series is not subject to
any future change.
The DWP NINo data covers people allocated a NINo for all types of work – including the self-
employed and students working part-time – and whatever the length of stay in the UK. It also covers
adult overseas nationals allocated a NINo to claim benefits or tax credits. In addition, the data is a
100% sample held at case-level data sources.
The DWP NINo data does not show when overseas nationals subsequently depart the UK, nor does
it show length of stay in the UK. The DWP figures are therefore a measure of inflow of overseas
nationals registering for a NINo. It does not measure outflow or overall stock of overseas nationals
in the UK.
The definition of migrants in this publication – adult overseas nationals allocated a NINo – differs
from other published statistics in the area, such as International Migration statistics derived from the
International Passenger Survey (IPS), and statistics on foreign workers derived from the Labour
Force Survey (LFS). The various definitions of migrants mean the data sources may have different
numbers of migrants for the same time period.
The figures reflect adult overseas nationals allocated a NINo through the adult registration process.
In addition there will be a small number of overseas nationals (aged 16-19 yrs) allocated a NINo
automatically through the Juvenile Registration scheme. This occurs when the individual has
previously been allocated a child registration number. These juvenile cases are not captured by the
Other statistics on migration
The Migration Statistics Quarterly Report provides a comprehensive picture of the various sources
of migration statistics available and analysis of trends and includes headline NINo statistics.