Kick-Off Meeting
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Kick-off Meeting:
The Kick-off Meeting is between attendees representing the tenant and PA prior to
commencement of the TAA design phase. The goal of the Kick-off Meeting is to assist the tenant’s
project planning efforts and to set clear expectations for the process, including a better
understanding of each party’s role or responsibilities. The tenant must have a project
determination from the Tenant Coordinator prior to the scheduling of the Kick-off Meeting. A Kick-
off Meeting is required for all TCAP projects.
Required Attendees:
Tenant representative(s) and the A/EOR who will be responsible for assembling and submitting
the contract documents must attend the Kick-off Meeting. If the tenant has hired more than one
design consultant, all A/E consultants are encouraged to attend. Construction team members (if
selected) can also participate.
The Tenant Coordinator will also invite other PA staff based on the scope of the project.
The Kick-off Meeting delivers all requirements and rules for the Tenant Construction and
Process, helps
needed for
be successful, and provides an opportunity to discuss key issues affecting the design review
and construction schedule (e.g., proposed packaging of contract document submittals for large
projects, need for preliminary submittals, security, environmental permits, safety, external agency
reviews, etc.). The tenant will be able to ask questions, gain confidence in how to proceed,
set expectations, and improve their ability to plan and budget activities required to comply with
the process.
Team Introductions
Review of TAA/MWA Process and Procedures
Roles and Responsibilities
Timing of Key Activities
Phase 1 – Design
Phase 2 – Construction
Phase 3 – Close-Out & Occupancy
Scope of Work Review
Facility Specific Requirements
Keys to Success
Next Step
Kick-Off Meeting
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The Kick-off Meeting Presentation (link provided below) will provide you with additional details
regarding the above agenda items. The Tenant Coordinator will add any information specific to
the facility and to the project that might help. Meeting format will be tailored by the TC to suit the
size and complexity of the project. It will be facility and scope specific.
Minutes of the Meeting:
The meeting minutes package will be issued to the tenant within 3 business days after
the meeting was held. The package will include meeting minutes; attendance sign-in sheet or
participants list print-out for virtual meetings; copy of the presentation adjusted/specific to the
project; all applicable items from the list below and/or any other facility and project-specific items
discussed during the meeting.
Preparation and Take-away Material:
Kick-off Meeting Presentation Rev. 10.2022
TAA CK 03 Kick-off Meeting Agenda Rev. October 2022
Digital Signatures & Seals
Sustainable Project Initiation Form (SPIF)
PA Sustainable Design Guidelines
Sustainable Design TAA Process Webinar 2020-04-20
7460 Process Overview Presentation
7460 FAQs Table
7460 Site First-time External User Instruction
Airport Layout plan FAA-checklist
PA3749D - MBE WBE Plan Rev. October 2023
COI Minimum Insurance Requirements
COI Landside Construction Sample
COI Airside Construction Sample
HASP Check List
HASP Comments
HASP List of FAQs
PA3677_12-2020 - Asbestos Certification
PA3678_08-10 - Asbestos Abatement Permit Application
OSD NJ Review Comments
OSD NY Review Comments
OSD NYC Article_81 and NJ Admin Code 8.24
Design Submittals - Commonly Missed Items
Kick-Off Meeting
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EMP Contents List
Environmental Permits External
Cranes and Derricks_Rev. 05.2019
Crane Checklist
Aviation checklist-projects-secure-areas
Aviation Security-notes-constr-proc
Airport Construction Security Plan
JFK Fire Safety Standard Comments
APD - Common Comments
Radio System - Common Comments
PATH on-track-safety-program
EWR Environmental Field Comments
TAA CK 04Conceptual Rev. October 2022
TAA CK 05 - Preliminary Architectural
PA 531 Rev. April 2024
TAA Ph 1 07 List of Documents xls
TCAP - Special Inspections Rpt 10-18-11