Transfer Guide
Bachelor of Applied Science in Exercise Science
Metropolitan Community College
KU Edwards Campus Welcome Center
Student appointments: 913-897-8539
KU Edwards Academic Success Coach
Nathaniel Coney, III
Phone: 913-897-8555
School of Education Exercise Science Admission Requirements
Step One: Admission to the University of Kansas
All incoming students must first gain admission to the University of Kansas. Admission applications to the University of
Kansas may be completed online at Gaining admission to the University of Kansas requires the
submission of official college transcripts from all previously attended colleges/universities. Please note that indicating
“Exercise Science or Education Major” on your application to KU does not grant you entry to the KU School of
Education. For scholarship consideration, we encourage you to apply to KU by May 1
prior to the fall/summer semester
or November 1st prior to the spring semester you plan to transfer to KU.
Step Two: Admission to the KU School of Education
After granted admission to KU, students are permitted to complete the KU School of Education application. Admission
applications to the School of Education may be completed online at: Transfer students are eligible to apply
during the semester they will complete the minimum requirements to apply (see below). The application deadline for
admission February 1
for fall and September 14 for spring. In the instance that one or more of the pre-admission
foundation courses has not been completed before transferring to KU, that student will be considered a pre-education
student in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences until they meet the minimum requirements to apply.
Minimum Requirements to Apply to the KU School of Education, BAS in Exercise Science:
Transfer students are eligible to apply during the semester they will complete the minimum application requirements:
1. Completion of pre-admission foundation courses (must be taken for a grade—see below)
2. Earned at least a 2.75 GPA in the above courses and in their KU plus transfer GPA.
Admission is selective. Meeting all of the above requirements does not guarantee admission.
 BIOL 240—Human Anatomy
 BIOL 246—Principles of Human Physiology
 BIOL 100—Principles of Biology
 COMS 130—Speaker Audience Communication
 ENGL 101—English Composition
 ENGL 102—Critical Reading and Writing
 HSES 269—Introduction to Exercise Science
 HSES 330—Principles of Nutrition and Health
 MATH 101—College Algebra (or higher)
 PSYC 104—General Psychology
Born of the Johnson County Education Research Triangle, the Bachelor of Applied Science Exercise Science (BAS) program at KU
Edwards Campus provides students with a thorough understanding of the human body and its functions. It prepares students for
careers in physical therapy, cardiac rehabilitation, and strength and conditioning. It also serves as a foundation for graduate level work
in health sciences, such as nursing, chiropractic, medicine (physician assistant, medical doctor, etc.), or physical/occupational therapy.
The required pre-requisite courses for physical therapy are fulfilled through this major.
Benefits of the program include:
 Industry Credentialing - The BAS prepares students for numerous industry credential exams, including those from the National
Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN).
 Program Reputation - KU’s BAS is offered through the KU School of Education, which recently ranked 8th in the nation
according to U.S. News & World Report’s Best Public Education Schools.
 Major Completely On-Line through KU Edwards with a Seated-Class Option in Most Courses - The BAS is offered to
students at the Edwards Campus in Overland Park in these formats.
 Acceptance of Marine FFI and FFIT Credits - Veteran or active-duty marines who have completed the either the FFI or FFIT
training while in the marines will receive varying levels of credits depending on their training.
This transfer guide provides important information and a sample two-semester plan for a student starting at Metropolitan Community
College and transferring to KU for the remaining coursework. Additional courses are provided which a student may choose to take
at the community college prior to transferring to KU. Each student’s background and goals are unique. Thus we recommend ongoing
communication with an advisor at the KU Edwards Campus. See contact information at the bottom of this page.
First Semester
KU Requirement
Recommended Course at
Metropolitan Community College
Composition, ENGL 101 (GE 2.1) ENGL 101
College Algebra, MATH 101 (GE 1.2) MATH 120
Speaker Audience Communication, COMS 130 (GE 2.2) COMM 100
General Psychology, PSYC 104 (GE 3S) PSYC 140
Biology, BIOL 100 (GE 3N)
BIOL 101 or BIOL 118
Additional Notes for Transfer Students
If your community college teaches a combined 8-10 hour Anatomy and Physiology 1 & 2, both courses must be completed to receive credit for BIOL 240,
and 246. A combined 4-5 hour anatomy and physiology course may satisfy BIOL 240. See advisor for more information.
If your community college does not offer an equivalent course contact the KU advisor to discuss completing the course online at KU over the summer.
Transfer courses may be matched to a course of higher level at KU, but the level of credit is defined by the originating institution. All community college
courses are lower level and do not count toward junior/senior hours.
 Transfer credits with earned grades of D+ and below will not satisfy graduation requirements, but are included in the transfer GPA. If a student takes a
course and then repeats it at the same institution, KU will honor the course repeat policy in effect at the institution issuing the transcript.
 A bachelor’s degree must include 120 completed credit hours. A student may apply a maximum of 64 credit hours of community college coursework
toward a KU degree.
 View the most up-to-date listings of transferable courses at: You can search by specific KU Core goal or view many of the
courses that transfer to KU. If a class is not listed contact [email protected] to inquire about transferability.
 It is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to check for updates to all transfer information. This transfer program is provided as a service and is updated
annually. Degree requirements are subject to change.
 If the table above shows “No Equivalent Course” for any of the offerings above, please contact the KU Edwards advisor for the program for suggestions.
Questions? Let us know.
[email protected]|9138978539|
Second Semester
Critical Reading and Writing, ENGL 102 (GE 2.1) ENGL 102
Human Anatomy, BIOL 240
BIOL 110
Introduction to Exercise Science, HSES 269
PHED 151
GE 1.1 Core Requirement Select Approved GE 1.1 Course
Elective Select Any Transferable Course
Third Semester
Prn. Human Physiology, BIOL 246
BIOL 210
AE 4.1 Core Requirement (sociology recommended) Select Approved AE 4.1 Course
GE 3H Core Requirement Select Approved GE 3H Course
Introduction to Ethics, PHIL 160 (AE 5.1) PHIL 203
Elective Select Any Transferable Course
Nutrition & Health, HSES 330
2, 3
FCS 203
AE 4.2 Core Requirement Select Approved AE 4.2 Course
Elective Select Any Transferable Course
Elective Select Any Transferable Course
Elective Select Any Transferable Course
Fourth Semester