Tyre Insurance Policy Wording
This is a contract of insurance between you, the owner (You/Your) of the
vehicle at the time of purchase of the insured tyre(s) and London General
Insurance Company Limited (We/Us/Our).
To request a copy of the policy in large print please call Kwik Fit (GB) Ltd
Customer Services on 0800 757677.
Subject to the correct premium having been paid, We will provide insurance
as detailed below.
Please read this policy carefully and make sure You understand and fully
comply with its terms and conditions, as failure to do so may jeopardise the
payment of any claim which might arise and could lead to the Policy
becoming void.
Your Policy should be kept in a safe place, so You can read it again if You
need to.
This Policy insures against accidental damage or malicious damage to the
tyre(s) supplied by Kwik Fit bearing the DOT number(s) on Your invoice.
Accidental damage means the sudden and unforeseen deflation or other
damage of the tyre itself or the valve, caused accidentally which requires
the immediate repair or replacement before normal use can be resumed.
Malicious damage is considered to be deflation or damage to the insured
tyre or the valve caused intentionally by a third party, which requires a
repair or a replacement before normal use can be resumed.
To claim for malicious damage, you must report the incident to the Police
and provide a crime reference number at the time of making a claim.
In the event of accidental damage or malicious damage, provided the
tyre(s) tread depth complies with UK road traffic regulations, Kwik Fit will,
on behalf of the Insurer:
1. Repair the tyre(s) where possible; or
2. Replace the tyre(s) with one of the same or similar specification.
The Repair or Replacement includes the cost of a replacement valve, wheel
balancing and environmental disposal.
This Policy will end on the earlier of:
1. 12 months from the date of purchase; or
2. when the insured tyre has been repaired three times; or
3. when the insured tyre has been replaced.
The insurance for each insured tyre will end immediately upon replacement
of that tyre or completion of three repairs on that tyre.
Where more than one tyre is insured, insurance applies separately to each
All insurance will cease if the insurance for all insured tyres has come to an
Any claim arising from or as a result of;
1. A tyre that is below the UK legal limit of tread depth.
2. Damage that has occurred outside the UK, Isle of Man or Channel Islands
3. Any malicious damage claim not accompanied by a valid and
substantiated crime reference number.
4. Damage that has occurred to any part of the vehicle except the insured
tyre(s) as a result of the tyre damage.
5. Any loss directly or indirectly suffered by you as a result of the tyre
6. Fire or theft.
7. Where no accidental damage or malicious damage has occurred, but due
to general wear and tear and deterioration under normal use, the
tyre(s)has reached the end of its normal effective working life.
8. Manufacturing defects or faults including a manufacturers recall.
9. Tyres fitted to vehicles that are used during the period of insurance for:
a. professional instruction
b. hire or reward,
c. driving school tuition,
d. chauffeuring,
e. motor racing,
f. track days (timed or untimed),
g. rallying,
h. pace-making,
i. speed testing or any other competitive or off-road event.
j. Commercial or agricultural vehicles.
10. Tyres fitted to vehicles that have been modified during the period of
insurance, outside the manufacturer’s specification, for example engine
enhancements or lowering of the suspension.
11. A tyre that is not DOT marked and where there has been an attempt to
remove the serial number or other identifying marks from the tyre.
12. Tyres purchased by anyone under the legal driving age of 17 years old.
1. When applying for this insurance or submitting a claim You or anyone
acting on Your behalf must take reasonable care to answer all questions
honestly and to the best of Your knowledge. Failure to do so may affect the
validity of Your policy or the payment of Your claim.
2.The law of England and Wales applies to this policy and you can bring legal
proceedings in respect of the policy in the English courts. If you live in
Scotland, you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the policy in either
the Scottish or the English courts. If you live in Northern Ireland you can
bring legal proceedings in respect of the products in either the Northern
Irish or the English courts.
3. This policy is written in English and all correspondence will be in English.
4. This insurance may not be assigned to a third party or another vehicle.
1. You can call any Kwik Fit Group tyre Centre or take Your vehicle to any
one of them.
2. If a Kwik Fit Centre is not in reasonable proximity to Your location, please
contact Customer Services and they will direct You to the nearest suitable
centre. You may need to pay for the replacement and be reimbursed by
Kwik Fit. If this is the case Customer Services will tell You when You make a
claim. You can contact Kwik Fit by telephone or post using the details below:
0800 757677 (8am 6pm weekdays, excluding public holidays, calls are
recorded for quality purposes).
Kwik Fit Customer Services,
ETEL House, Avenue One,
Letchworth Garden City, Herts SG6 2HU.
If your claim is for malicious damage, Kwik Fit or the alternative Centre will
also need to see your crime reference number. To claim for malicious
damage, you must report the incident to the Police in order to obtain a
crime reference number at the time of making a claim.
Kwik Fit or the alternative Centre will repair or replace Your tyre(s) in
accordance with the terms of this Policy.
Cooling Off Period
You may cancel this Policy within 14 days of the sales receipt date. If You
choose to do this You are entitled to a full refund of the premium paid,
provided that no claim has been made.
Cancellation (Outside the cooling off period)
If You cancel Your Policy outside the 14 day cooling off period and provided
that no claim has been made, You will be entitled to a pro rata refund of
Your premium based on the number of full months of unexpired insurance,
subject to a minimum premium of £5, which will be retained by Us. Where
Your refund is calculated to be less than the minimum premium no refund
will be due. The minimum premium reflects our cost in setting up and
administering your insurance.
You can cancel Your Policy by contacting Kwik Fit (GB) Ltd Customer Services
on 0800 757677
Our Cancellation Rights
We may cancel Your Policy by giving you no less than 14 days notice in
writing to You at Your last known address. Subject to the premium having
been paid in full You shall be entitled to a pro-rata refund premium based
on the number of full unexpired months of insurance remaining.
If You sell and/or transfer the vehicle to another person, motor dealer, or
trader during the period of insurance all insurance will end upon such sale
or transfer. In such an event please contact Kwik Fit (GB) Ltd Customer
Services on 0800 757677 to arrange a refund of premium. Provided that no
claim has been made, You will be entitled to a pro rata refund of Your
premium based on the number of full months of unexpired insurance,
subject to a minimum premium of £5, which will be retained by Us.
Your complaint will be handled in accordance with our complaints
handling procedure, which is available upon request
We aim to provide a first-class service but if You feel You have questions
or concerns about this insurance or the handling of a claim please contact:
Customer Services
Kwik Fit (GB) Ltd,
ETEL House, Avenue One,
Letchworth Garden City,
Herts SG6 2HU.
0800 757677 (8am 6pm weekdays, excluding public holidays, calls are
recorded for training, monitoring and quality purposes).
If you are not happy with our decision you can, within 6 months of our final
decision, refer your complaint for an independent assessment to:
The Financial Ombudsman Service,
Exchange Tower,
Harbour Exchange,
Telephone: 0800 023 4567 / 0300 123 9123
Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Web: financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Nothing in these terms, including referral to the Financial Ombudsman
Service affects your statutory rights.
London General Insurance Company Limited is covered by the Financial
Services Compensation Scheme. You may be entitled to compensation from
the scheme if they cannot meet their obligations. General insurance
contracts are covered for 90% of the entire claim, without any upper limit.
You can get more information about the compensation scheme
arrangements by contacting the FSCS on 0207 741 4100 or 0800 678 1100
or by visiting their website at www.fscs.org.uk
The insurance is underwritten by London General Insurance Company
Limited, Registered in England & Wales No. 1865673. Registered Office:
TWENTY Kingston Road, Staines-upon-Thames, Surrey, TW18 4LG, United
Kingdom. London General Insurance Company Limited is authorised by the
Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct
Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Further details can be
found on the Financial Services Register at www.fca.org.uk under FRN
The details You supply will be used by Kwik Fit (GB) Ltd to administer Your
insurance and to handle your claim and Us in respect of underwriting and
administering Your insurance. Please note that telephone calls may be
recorded by Kwik Fit for training and monitoring purposes. We are the data
controllers of the personal data You provide and are committed to
protecting the privacy and security of Your personal information.
This includes Your name as well as Your contact details such as physical
address, phone number and e-mail-address. If You do not provide the
personal data required We may be unable to provide the services contained
under the policy.
In addition to administration of Your Plan, including claims and fraud
prevention, this may involve sharing Your information confidentially with
suppliers of products or services (including repairs) engaged by You or by Us
in the purchase or performance of the policy.
We may provide by post, email, text or telephone administrative
information including expiry/renewal details. We may also provide other
information in this way, including marketing about this and other similar
products provided by Our group of companies (which includes The Warranty
Group Services (Isle of Man) Limited, TWG Services Limited and London
General Insurance Company Limited) but You may contact Us at any time to
stop receiving any such other information. Your details will not be used for
any other marketing purposes.
Your personal data will be transferred outside the EU for policy
Your personal data will at all times be held securely and handled with the
utmost care in accordance with all principles of EU Data Protection law.
Your personal data will be kept for only as long as necessary after which
time it will be destroyed if it is no longer required for the lawful purposes
for which it was obtained.
You have a number of rights to Your data these include the right to be
informed, have access, rectification, receive Your data in a transferable
format, erasure, restriction of processing and object to how Your data is
To obtain a copy of Your personal data held by Us, for more information on
the rights to Your data or to exercise one of Your data rights please contact
Our Data Protection Officer or see Our website for more details.
https://www.assurant. co.uk/consumer-privacy-policy.
Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted via Our Customer Relations
Team using these details: Customer Relations Department at TWG Services
Limited, The Aspen Building, Floor 2, Vantage Point Business Village,
Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire, GL17 0AF. Telephone: 0330 100 3246.
(Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm)
Email: customer.relations@thewarrantygroup.com.
You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Information
Commissioner, the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues. You
may obtain a copy of the data held about you by contacting:
Customer Services,
Kwik Fit (GB) Ltd,
ETEL House, Avenue One,
Letchworth Garden City,
Herts SG6 2HU.
0800 757677 (8am 6pm weekdays excluding public holidays
calls are recorded for training, monitoring and quality purposes)