A. Species of Greatest Conservation Need
The primary focus of the Louisiana Wildlife Action Plan (WAP) is the recovery of
Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN), those wildlife species in need of
conservation action within Louisiana. SGCN may be species for which population
declines have been documented or suspected, or species that may be subject to population
declines within the next 10 years. Other species are included because more data are
needed to accurately determine their status. The identification of SGCN is Element # 1 of
the Eight Required Elements for State WAPs. This Chapter also addresses Elements # 3
(Threats to SGCN, priority research and survey needs for SGCN) and # 4 (Description of
conservation actions necessary to conserve SGCN).
For details on the approach the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
(LDWF) used to revise the 2005 SGCN list during the 2015 revision, refer to Chapter 3
(Approach). For additional information on the 2005 approach, refer to Appendix B. This
Chapter contains the updated SGCN list for Louisiana, binned by taxonomic group. For a
complete list of SGCN in taxonomic order, see Appendix I. Within each taxonomic
group, the SGCN are divided into three tiers, with Tier I containing those species that are
most in need of immediate conservation action. For detailed information on the factors
and methodology used to determine these tiers, see Chapter 3. Research needs and
conservation actions that have been identified for Louisiana SGCN can be found in
Section C below. There are a total of 345 animal SGCN identified in this 2
iteration of
the Louisiana WAP, compared to 240 SGCN in the 2005 WAP. Ultimately, 25 SGCN
identified in the 2005 WAP were removed from the list, and 130 SGCN were added (for
details see the Summary of Changes). Almost half (61) of the newly identified SGCN are
invertebrates, reflecting a more consistent effort to address these species.
B. Threats, Research Needs, and Conservation Actions
Threats are described briefly for each taxonomic group below. These descriptions are
not comprehensive, but rather focus on major or specific threats to each group. Threats
were considered at the level of the 1
level threats provided by Salafsky et al. (2008).
Table 4.1 provides a summary of which threats are most pervasive in each group.
Table 4.1 1st Level Threats to SGCN
For more information on the threats posed by invasive species and climate change,
refer to Chapters 6 and 7 of this WAP, respectively.
Specific research needs and conservation actions are presented below for many
SGCN. However, these actions are not exhaustive and are not intended as the only
conservation priorities for these species.
C. SGCN by Taxonomic Group
1. Mollusks
North American freshwater mussels (Families Unionidae and Margaritiferidae) are
currently one of the world’s most imperiled taxonomic groups (Master et al. 2000).
Approximately 300 species of mussels are recognized in the United States (U.S.)
(Williams et al. 2008). The southeastern U.S. contains the greatest species diversity with
approximately 270 species, of which at least 64 species (~ 24% of the U.S. total) are
currently known to occur in Louisiana (Neves et al. 1997). Of these 64 species, 24
species are ranked as imperiled or critically imperiled in the state by the Louisiana
Natural Heritage Program (LNHP 2015). Federally-listed species include Rabbitsfoot
(USFWS 2013), Pink Mucket (USFWS 1976), Fat Pocketbook (USFWS 1989), Inflated
Heelsplitter (USFWS 1992), and Louisiana Pearlshell, the only mussel species endemic
to Louisiana (USFWS 1989b). In addition to 33 freshwater mussels, two snails, one
aquatic and one terrestrial, are included on the SGCN list. Finally, five marine mollusks
are included due to their dependence on highly restricted habitats within Louisiana. At
First Level Threat
Inland Fishes
Marine Fishes
Residential/Commercial Development
xx xxx
xx xxx
Energy Production & Mining
Transportation & Service Corridors
Biological Resource Use
x x xxx
Human Intrusion/Disturbance
Natural System Modification
Invasive & other Problematic Species
Geological Events
Climate Change & Severe Weather
least three of the five marine mollusk SGCN are currently known only from Marine
Seagrass Beds at the Chandeleur Islands.
a. Mollusk SGCN
Common Name Scientific Name G-Rank S-Rank
Tier I
Sandbank Pocketbook Lampsilis satura G2 S2
Black Sandshell Ligumia recta G4G5 S1
Louisiana Pearlshell Margaritifera hembeli G1 S1
Southern Hickorynut Obovaria jacksoniana G2 S1S2
Pyramid Pigtoe Pleurobema rubrum G2G3 S2
Inflated Heelsplitter Potamilus inflatus G1G2Q S1
Bay Scallop Argopecten irradians G5 S1
Sawtooth Penshell Atrina serrata G5 S1
Half-Naked Penshell Atrina seminuda GNR S1
Tier II
Butterfly Ellipsaria lineolata G4G5 S1
Pink Mucket Lampsilis abrupta G2 S1
Plain Pocketbook Lampsilis cardium G5 S1
Fatmucket Lampsilis siliquoidea G5 S2
White Heelsplitter Lasmigona complanata G5 S1
Hickorynut Obovaria olivaria G4 S1
Alabama Hickorynut Obovaria unicolor G3 S1
Mississippi Pigtoe Pleurobema beadleianum G3 S2
Louisiana Pigtoe Pleurobema riddellii G1G2 S1S2
Ouachita Kidneyshell Ptychobranchus occidentalis G3G4 S1
Rabbitsfoot Quadrula cylindrica G3G4 S1
Monkeyface Quadrula metanevra G4 S1
Southern Creekmussel Strophitus subvexus G3 S1
Silty Hornsnail Pleurocera canaliculata G5 S2
Channeled Whelk Busycotypus canaliculatus GNR S1
Lightning Whelk Busycon sinistrum GNR S1
Tier III
Mucket Actinonaias ligamentina G5 SH
Rayed Creekshell Anodontoides radiatus G3 S2
Western Fanshell Cyprogenia aberti G2G3Q SH
Elephant-Ear Elliptio crassidens G5 S3
Spike Elliptio dilatata G5 S2S3
Ebonyshell Fusconaia ebena G4G5 S3
Southern Pocketbook Lampsilis ornata G5 S3
Texas Heelsplitter Potamilus amphichaenus G1G2 SH
Fat Pocketbook Potamilus capax G2 S1
Creeper Strophitus undulatus G5 S2
Southern Rainbow Villosa vibex G5Q S2
Texas Pigtoe Fusconaia askewi G2G3 S3
Round Pearlshell Glebula rotundata G4G5 S4
Fawnsfoot Truncilla donaciformis G5 S3
Flamed Tigersnail Anguispira alternata G5 S1
b. Threats to Mollusks
Sand and gravel mining operations pose a direct threat to some mussels, because such
activities may result in the degradation or complete loss of habitat. Construction of
infrastructure associated with transportation projects may directly impact mussel habitat
or lead to reduced water quality, as may the use of off-road vehicles (ORVs) near or
upstream of occurrences of SGCN. Modifications to streams, including the building and
operation of dams, construction of weirs, removal of snags and woody debris for
aesthetic or navigational purposes, and excessive removal of ground or surface water all
have the potential to decrease habitat quality and quantity. Additionally, the clearing of
riparian zones often leads to increased sedimentation, which increases turbidity and may
cause the extirpation of some mollusks. Another threat to water quality is through organic
enrichment and the concomitant alteration of the microbial community caused by Feral
Hog activity within streams, which may also result in the direct destruction of mussel
beds (Kaller et al. 2007). In addition to sediment, the input of household, industrial, and
agricultural effluents into streams poses a threat to freshwater mollusks. Sea level rise
(SLR) threatens freshwater mollusks in coastal streams due to increases in salinities and
threatens marine mollusks through the loss of seagrass beds associated with Barrier
Islands. If climate change results in decreased precipitation in our region, many
freshwater mollusks may be threatened, because reductions in rainfall could lead to a
reduction of in-stream flow.
c. Mollusk Research and Monitoring Needs
Update historical occurrence records and obtain data on current status,
distribution, and abundance of all mussel SGCN (prioritized by S-rank),
particularly in the Red River, Bayou Bartholomew, Tensas River, and any areas
not surveyed within the last decade.
Determine the host fish(es) of mussel SGCN.
Monitor mussel SGCN in streams impacted by pollution events.
Develop and implement standardized monitoring protocols for mollusk SGCN.
Delineate marine mollusk habitat at the Chandeleur Islands.
Determine threats to mussel SGCN (prioritized by S-rank).
SH -Ranked Mussels (Mucket, Western Fanshell, Texas Heelsplitter)
Determine if these species are extant in Louisiana.
Louisiana Pearlshell
Implement the recently developed standardized monitoring protocol throughout
the range on both public and private lands.
Silty Hornsnail
Determine the current status and distribution of this species.
Flamed Tigersnail
Determine the current status and distribution of this species.
Penshells, Whelks, & Bay Scallop
Determine the current status and distribution of these and other marine mollusks
at the Chandeleur Islands.
d. Mollusk Conservation Actions
Collaborate with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Natchitoches
National Fish Hatchery and other partners to develop propagation and restocking
techniques and initiate restocking efforts where needed.
Work with parishes, the Louisiana Department of Transportation and
Development (DOTD), and other partners to install oversized culverts below
grade to allow passage of host fishes and, otherwise, to minimize impacts of
road/bridge/culvert construction and replacement on stream quality.
Partner with parishes to encourage the retention of riparian buffers and discourage
stream clearing for storm water drainage.
Work with timber companies to encourage designation of streamside management
zones (SMZs) within actively managed areas.
Maintain in-stream flows at levels that will support populations of rare mussels
and host fishes.
Conserve and restore the Chandeleur Islands and adjacent, shallow-water habitats
such as Marine Seagrass Beds.
Restrict or outlaw the use of ORVs in streams, particularly the practice of “mud-
riding” through streambeds.
Discourage the creation of weirs, dams, and reservoirs on streams and rivers
supporting mollusk SGCN.
Work with partners to remove low-water sills on the Pearl River to benefit
mollusk SGCN.
Work with the LDWF Scenic Rivers Program to minimize sand and gravel mining
operations in streams that support mollusk SGCN.
Louisiana Pearlshell
Partner with USFWS and other stakeholders to implement the recommendations
and meet the recovery goals of the Louisiana Pearlshell Recovery Plan (USFWS,
In revision) and the 5-Year Review (USFWS 2011).
Work with landowners to implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) to
improve water quality in streams inhabited by Louisiana Pearlshell.
Inflated Heelsplitter
Work with the Scenic Rivers Program to prevent negative impacts from sand and
gravel mining in the Amite River.
Manage the Amite River to benefit Freshwater Drum (Aplodinotus grunniens), the
host fish for this species.
Work with partners to reduce and mitigate the impacts of urbanization adjacent to
the Amite River.
2. Crustaceans
There are 338 crawfish species in the U.S., with the southeast being the world’s
hotspot for crawfish diversity (Taylor et al. 1996). Thirty-five crawfish species are known
to occur in Louisiana (Walls 2009). Twenty of these crawfish species are considered rare
and local, imperiled, or critically imperiled by LNHP (2015), including at least five
endemic or apparently endemic taxa: Teche Painted Crawfish, Calcasieu Painted
Crawfish, Ouachita Fencing Crawfish, Caddo Chimney Crawfish, and Calcasieu Creek
Crawfish. Population viability of many of these rare crawfish is threatened because of
their small ranges. Any habitat degradation severe enough to cause extirpation of these
species at a single site or a few sites could also lead to their extinction (Taylor et al.
1996). In addition to crawfish, four species of marine shrimp are included on the SGCN
list, primarily due to a lack of data for these species.
a. Crustacean SGCN
Common Name Scientific Name G-Rank S-Rank
Tier I
Calcasieu Painted Crawfish Orconectes blacki G2 S1
Caddo Chimney Crawfish Procambarus machardyi G1G2 S1
Pine Hills Digger Fallicambarus dissitus G4 S2
Tier II
Teche Painted Crawfish Orconectes hathawayi G3 S3
Kisatchie Painted Crawfish Orconectes maletae G2 S2
Ribbon Crawfish Procambarus bivittatus G5 S2
Javelin Crawfish Procambarus jaculus G4 S1
Elegant Creek Crawfish Procambarus elegans G4 S2
Twin Crawfish Procambarus geminus G3G4 S2
Old Prairie Digger Fallicambarus macneesei G3 S2
Flatwoods Digger Fallicambarus oryktes G4 S2
Sabine Fencing Crawfish Faxonella beyeri G4 S2
Ouachita Fencing Crawfish Faxonella creaseri G2 S2
Calcasieu Creek Crawfish Procambarus pentastylus G3 S3
Pearl Blackwater Crawfish Procambarus penni G3 S3
Flatnose Crawfish Procambarus planirostris G4 S3
Pontchartrain Painted Crawfish Orconectes hobbsi G4Q S3
Southwestern Creek Crawfish Procambarus dupratzi G5 S2
Tier III
Vernal Crawfish Procambarus viaeviridis G5 S1
Gulf Crawfish Procambarus shermani G4 S2
Beach Ghost Shrimp Callichirus islagrande GNR SU
Carolinian Ghost Shrimp Callichirus major GNR SU
Peppermint Shrimp Lysmata wurdemanni GNR SU
Estuarine Ghost Shrimp Lepidophthalmus louisianensis GNR SU
b. Threats to Crustaceans
Loss of habitat due to development or conversion of land for agriculture may threaten
some primary and secondary burrowing crawfishes, especially those that have restricted
distributions. The threats posed by sand and gravel mining, transportation infrastructure,
ORVs, stream modification, Feral Hogs, pollution, and climate change discussed in
“Threats to Mollusks” above also apply to many stream dwelling crustaceans. The
backfilling of ditches, although not a modification of a “natural” system, nonetheless
negatively impacts some crawfishes, because species that utilize ephemeral wetlands
sometimes are found associated with ecologically stable ditches. Furthermore, the
application of herbicides to control vegetation in such waterways may also threaten some
crawfishes by reducing cover and food availability or through direct mortality caused by
sensitivity to the herbicide (Walls 2009). An additional potential threat to crawfish SGCN
is the introduction of non-native crawfishes into Louisiana waterways.
c. Crustacean Research and Survey Needs
Research life history strategies of all crawfish SGCN:
Size/age at maturity, longevity, and survivorship.
Habitat requirements and preferences, including microhabitat preferences.
Population estimates and trends.
Reproductive ecology [including fecundity and behavior of ovigerous (“in berry”)
Behavior, including migratory patterns, competition, and niche partitioning.
Conduct drainage-wide surveys for all crawfish SGCN, including extensive
surveys for stream dwelling species beyond bridge crossings and historical
Determine the appropriate in-stream characteristics that should be targeted during
stream restoration activities (e.g., dissolved oxygen levels, depth, flow, canopy
cover, submerged structure).
Examine feasibility and efficacy of providing artificial cover in areas lacking
sufficient cover.
Determine the lethal levels of common pollutants on crawfish.
Monitor streams and other occurrences of rare crawfishes for the presence of non-
native crawfishes and emerging diseases.
Develop standardized sampling protocols for monitoring known occurrences of
rare crawfishes to track population trends and improve understanding of
population dynamics.
Evaluate current habitat threats and develop strategies to abate those threats.
Investigate the impacts of Chinese Tallow on Ephemeral Pond dwelling rare
d. Crustacean Conservation Actions
Work with parishes and DOTD to minimize negative impacts of new stream
crossings and to mitigate negative impacts of existing stream crossings, including
promoting placement of submerged culverts.
Work with landowners and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural
Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) to encourage the retention of riparian
Ensure the presence of adequate cover (wood, vegetation, artificial debris) in
streams known to harbor rare crawfish.
Maintain in-stream flows and water depths at levels that will support populations
of rare crawfish.
Target degraded streams within the known range of one or more rare crawfish for
experimental restoration.
Develop education/outreach materials concerning the unique native crawfishes of
Louisiana and the potential threats posed by non-native crawfishes and habitat
Protect and restore ephemeral wetlands for the benefit of primary and secondary
burrowing species.
Encourage the retention of vegetation in known ditch occurrences of rare
Develop Habitat Suitability Indices (HSIs) for rare crawfishes.
Pine Hills Digger & Flatwoods Digger
Protect and restore mesic/wet open pine systems.
3. Non-crustacean Arthropods
Unlike many more well-known taxa, there is no readily available number of species
of non-crustacean arthropods in Louisiana. Fifty-seven insects, one spider, and one
scorpion are included as SGCN. For the majority of these SGCN, the primary needs are
baseline data, because this group is the most poorly known of Louisiana’s fauna. To be
sure, the dearth of available subject-matter experts on these taxonomic groups resulted in
very limited expert input for these species. The list of butterfly SGCN from the 2005
WAP, along with the list of insects currently tracked by the LNHP, forms the backbone
of the non-crustacean arthropod list. Baseline studies of these taxa to address known data
gaps may lead to significant revision of this list for the next iteration of the WAP.
a. Non-crustacean Arthropod SGCN
Common Name Scientific Name G-Rank S-Rank
Tier I
Yellow Brachycercus Mayfly Sparbarus flavus G4Q S2
Pitcher Plant Spiketail Cordulegaster sarracenia G1 S1
Texas Emerald Somatochlora margarita G2 S2
Louisiana Needlefly Leuctra szczytkoi G2 S1
Comanche Harvester Ant Pogonomyrmex comanche G2 S2
Schoolhouse Springs Net-spinning Caddisfly Diplectrona rossi G1 S1
Spring-loving Psiloneuran Caddisfly Agarodes libalis G3 S1
Bay Skipper Euphyes bayensis G2G3 S1
Louisiana Eyed Silkmoth Automeris louisiana G1G3 S1
Tier II
Southern Unstriped Scorpion Vaejovis carolinianus G5 S1
Hodges’ Clubtail Gomphus hodgesi G3 S1
Southern Snaketail Ophiogomphus australis G1G2 S1
Texas Forestfly Amphinemura texana G3 S3
Masked Springfly Helopicus bogaloosa G3 S2
Eastern Beach Tiger Beetle
Habroscelimorpha dorsalis
G4T3T4 S2
Sandbar Tiger Beetle Ellipsoptera blanda G3G4 S3
Cajun Tiger Beetle Dromochorus pilatei G4 S3
Saline Prairie Scarab Beetle Ataenius robustus GNR S1
Little Dubiraphian Riffle Beetle Dubiraphia parva G1G3 S1
Six-banded Longhorn Beetle Dryobius sexnotatus GNR S1
Florida Harvester Ant Pogonomyrmex badius G5 S1
Morse's Net-spinning Caddisfly Cheumatopsyche morsei G1G3 S1
Holzenthal's Philopotamid Caddisfly Chimarra holzenthali G1G2 S1
Ceraclean Caddisfly Ceraclea spongillovorax G3G4 S2
Molson's Microcaddisfly Hydroptila molsonae G2G3 S1
Schoolhouse Springs Purse Casemaker
Hydroptila ouachita G1G2 S1
Hydroptilad Caddisfly Hydroptila poirrieri G2 S2
Creole Pearly Eye Lethe creola G3G4 S3
Georgia Satyr Neonympha areolatus G3G4 S3
Wild Indigo Duskywing Erynnis baptisiae G5 S2S3
Lace-winged Roadside Skipper Amblyscirtes aesculapius G3G4 S3
Dusky Roadside Skipper Amblyscirtes alternata G2G3 S2S3
Celia's Roadside Skipper Amblyscirtes celia G4 SU
Arogos Skipper Atrytone arogos G3 S1
Dusted Skipper Atrytonopsis hianna G4G5 S3
Palatka Skipper Euphyes pilatka G3G4 S1
Dion Skipper Euphyes dion G4 SU
Obscure Skipper Panoquina panoquinoides G5 S1
Meske's Skipper Hesperia meskei G3G4 S1
Western Pygmy Blue Brephidium exilis G5 S1S2
Eastern Pygmy Blue Brephidium pseudofea G5 S1S2
Gulf Pine Sphinx Lapara phaeobrachycerous G3G4 S3
Brou’s Mallow Moth Bagisara brouana G3 S3
Nutmeg Underwing Catocala atocala G3G4 S1S2
Tier III
Texas Brown Tarantula Aphonopelma hentzi GNR S3
White Sand Tiger Beetle Ellipsoptera wapleri G3G4 S2S3
American Bumble Bee Bombus pensylvanicus G3G4 S3S4
Frosted Elfin Callophrys irus G3 S2S3
Little Metalmark Calephelis virginiensis G4 S4
Mottled Duskywing Erynnis martialis G3 S3
Pepper and Salt Skipper Amblyscirtes hegon G5 SU
Cobweb Skipper Hesperia metea G4 SU
Yucca Giant Skipper Megathymus yuccae G5 S1
Strecker's Giant Skipper Megathymus streckeri G5 S1
Falcate Orangetip Anthocharis midea G4G5 S4?
Seminole Texan Crescent Anthanassa texana seminole G5 S3
King's Hairstreak Satyrium kingi G3G4 SU
Appalachian Brown Lethe appalachia G4 SU
Monarch Danaus plexippus G4 S4
b. Threats to Non-crustacean Arthropods
An overarching stress for many terrestrial non-crustacean arthropod SGCN is habitat
destruction and alteration resulting from residential or commercial development, as well
as conversion of land to agricultural use. The indiscriminate use of insecticides,
particularly neonicotinoids, is also a threat to many insects, including butterflies,
skippers, and native bees. Finally, although the extent of impacts on native arthropods by
the Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) is unknown for many species, there is little doubt that
negative impacts are occurring; further investigation of those impacts and the persistence
of their effects on SGCN, both invertebrate and vertebrate, are warranted. For aquatic
insects, many of the same threats and stressors discussed under mollusks and crustaceans
c. Non-crustacean Arthropod Research and Survey Needs
Determine the current distribution, status, and limiting factors of all SGCN to fill
knowledge gaps for Louisiana and provide baseline data for future assessments.
Investigate the use of pollinators, including native bees, as indicators of habitat
quality and changes in vegetative communities.
Conduct surveys and other studies of pollinators, including native bees, to
determine potential future designation as SGCN.
Investigate potential negative impacts of RIFA and other invasive ant species on
native arthropods, including grass-dwelling skippers.
Southern Snaketail
Conduct baseline ecological studies as well as research to determine the effects of
flooding and water pollution on larvae.
Pitcher Plant Spiketail
Conduct baseline ecological studies including research on movements, habitat
use, demography, and life history.
Texas Emerald
Conduct baseline studies including research on ecology of naiads and habitat
Harvester Ants
Determine threats and limiting factors for both species.
Louisiana Eyed Silkmoth
Determine the distribution and status of this species.
d. Non-crustacean Arthropod Conservation Actions
Include insect conservation (with emphasis on rare insects and pollinators) in
public education and outreach efforts.
Coordinate with Xerces Society and other partners to promote the conservation of
non-crustacean arthropods.
Use prescribed fire to maintain appropriate habitat.
Texas Brown Tarantula
Maintain appropriate habitat with prescribed fire, including at Kisatchie National
Forest (KNF).
Promote the retention of woody debris by land managers.
Southern Unstriped Scorpion
Promote the retention of woody debris by land managers.
Stream-dwelling Insects
Work with parishes and DOTD to minimize negative impacts of new stream
crossings and to mitigate negative impacts of existing stream crossings, including
promoting placement of submerged culverts.
Work with landowners and NRCS to encourage the retention of riparian buffers.
Encourage the retention of woody debris in streams supporting rare insects.
Maintain in-stream flows at levels that will support populations of rare insects.
Work with the Scenic Rivers Program to prevent negative impacts from sand and
gravel mining.
Buffer odonate breeding habitat during timber harvest.
Work with partners such as the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
(LDEQ) to address impairments to streams that will negatively impact stream
dwelling insects.
Hodges’ Clubtail, Southern Snaketail, Masked Springfly, & Molson’s Microcaddisfly
Work with partners on watershed-level conservation efforts to benefit these
blackwater stream species.
Retain riparian buffers and conserve Small Stream Forest for these species.
Louisiana Needlefly & Schoolhouse Springs Net-spinning Caddisfly
Partner with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to conserve and monitor rare insects
at Schoolhouse Springs.
Work with TNC and other partners to monitor and address threats to these species
and the Schoolhouse Springs watershed.
Pitcher Plant Spiketail
Maintain and restore West Gulf Coastal Plain Muck Bogs and Western Hillside
Seepage Bogs within known and potential range.
Sandbar Species
Work with partners to protect/restore Sandbars in Louisiana rivers.
Control exotic plants (e.g., Salt Cedar, Torpedo Grass, and Cogon Grass) and
animals (e.g., Feral Hogs, RIFA) on Sandbars.
Restrict or outlaw the use of ORVs on riverine Sandbars.
Saline Prairie Scarab Beetle
Prioritize Saline Prairie conservation and management.
Six-banded Longhorn Beetle
Conserve mature hardwood forests wherever found within the range of this
Retain large over-mature trees and snags in floodplains and mesic forests.
Comanche and Florida Harvester Ants
If RIFA are found to be a limiting factor, control RIFA near known occurrences
of these species using methods that are not detrimental to Harvester Ants or other
Use prescribed fire to maintain open pine systems.
Monitor and, if necessary, buffer timber harvest activities around known
occurrences to reduce negative impacts from heavy machinery such as soil
Native Bees, Butterflies, & Skippers
Provide refugia during prescribed burning efforts by burning in sections whenever
possible, and conduct research to determine impacts of various burning schemes.
Retain and plant native plants on Rights-of-Way (ROWs).
Develop reliable, affordable, sources of pollinator friendly native plant material
and seed.
Develop recommendations for private landowners for the seasonal timing of
mowing to avoid negative impacts to butterflies and skippers, and implement
those recommendations on Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) and other
LDWF properties.
Retain habitat features such as soil mounds, bare soil patches, and snags on
LDWF properties to benefit these species.
Avoid application of insecticides (particularly neonicotinoids) and broadleaf
herbicides on LDWF properties and other public lands when possible.
Restrict and remove honey bee hives from LDWF properties.
Frosted Elfin, Wild Indigo Duskywing, & Strecker’s Giant Skipper
Use prescribed fire to maintain open pine habitat.
Creole Pearly Eye, Lace-winged Roadside Skipper, & Yucca Giant Skipper
Conserve native cane stands and restore Canebrakes to provide habitat for these
Arogos Skipper
Expand efforts towards Coastal Prairie management and restoration.
Dusky Roadside Skipper & Gulf Pine Sphinx
Expand efforts towards Longleaf Pine management and restoration.
Dusted Skipper
Expand efforts towards the management and restoration of prairie and savanna
Plant native milkweed species in landscaping, mitigation, and habitat restoration
Discourage the planting of non-native milkweed species, and provide outreach
about the negative impacts of these species.
Determine and implement proper mowing schedule on WMAs and other LDWF
properties to avoid negative impacts.
Avoid application of insecticides (particularly neonicotinoids) on LDWF
properties and public lands when possible.
Expand conservation of native grasslands within the state.
Louisiana Eyed Silkmoth
Conserve large patches of unfragmented Salt Marsh.
4. Inland Fishes
Louisiana’s high diversity of inland fishes is due primarily to the complexity of
aquatic habitats, which range from small streams, bayous, oxbows and backwater areas,
large river systems, and estuarine areas of coastal Louisiana. At least 195 fish species
have been recorded from freshwater habitats in Louisiana. Thirty-one species of inland
fishes are considered rare and local, imperiled, or critically imperiled (LNHP 2015), and
39 species are considered SGCN. A management plan for the Paddlefish in Louisiana has
been developed by LDWF (Reed 1991). Federally-listed species for which recovery plans
have been developed include the Gulf Sturgeon (USFWS 1995) and Pallid Sturgeon
(USFWS 1993). The Pearl Darter has a historical range within the state but is now
considered extirpated (Suttkus et al. 1994).
a. Inland Fish SGCN
Common Name Scientific Name G-Rank S-Rank
Tier I
Bluehead Shiner Pteronotropis hubbsi G3 S2
Flagfin Shiner Pteronotropis signipinnis G5 S2
Bluenose Shiner Pteronotropis welaka G3G4 S2
Southeastern Blue Sucker Cycleptus meridionalis G3G4 S1
Broadstripe Topminnow Fundulus euryzonus G3 S2
Gumbo Darter Etheostoma thompsoni GNR S2
Tier II
Gulf Sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi G3T2 S1
Pallid Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus G2 S1
Alabama Shad Alosa alabamae G2G3 S1
Central Stoneroller Campostoma anomalum G5 S2
Bluntface Shiner Cyprinella camura G5 S2
Steelcolor Shiner Cyprinella whipplei G5 S2
Clear Chub Hybopsis winchelli G5 S3
Shoal Chub Macrhybopsis hyostoma G5 S3
Bigeye Shiner Notropis boops G5 S3
Chub Shiner Notropis potteri G4 S3
Suckermouth Minnow Phenacobius mirabilis G5 S1
Blue Sucker Cycleptus elongatus G3G4 S3
River Redhorse Moxostoma carinatum G4 S1
Frecklebelly Madtom Noturus munitus G3 S1
Western Sand Darter Ammocrypta clara G3 S2
Crystal Darter Crystallaria asprella G3 S2
Rainbow Darter Etheostoma caeruleum G5 S2
Pearl Darter Percina aurora G1 SH
Channel Darter Percina copelandi G4 S2
Freckled Darter Percina lenticula G3 S1
Bigscale Logperch Percina macrolepida G5 S2
Gulf Logperch Percina suttkusi G5 S2
Tier III
Shovelnose Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus G4 S4
Paddlefish Polyodon spathula G4 S4
American Eel Anguilla rostrata G4 S4
Sturgeon Chub Macrhybopsis gelida G3 SU
Sicklefin Chub Macrhybopsis meeki G3 SU
Longjaw Minnow Notropis amplamala G5 S3
Ironcolor Shiner Notropis chalybaeus G4 S3
Gulf Pipefish Syngnathus scovelli G5 S4
Redspot Darter Etheostoma artesiae G5 S3
Stargazing Darter Percina uranidea G3 SU
Saddleback Darter Percina vigil G5 S3
b. Threats to Inland Fishes
As with crawfishes and aquatic insects, the threats posed by sand and gravel mining,
transportation infrastructure, ORVs, stream modification, Feral Hogs, pollution, and
climate change discussed under mollusks also apply to many inland fishes, because many
inland fish SGCN occupy similar habitats to those taxa. Invasive species, in addition to
aforementioned Feral Hogs, are also a major threat to many fish SGCN. Invasive species
negatively impact fish SGCN in several ways, including through habitat degradation,
increased competition for resources, and direct predation.
c. Inland Fishes Research and Survey Needs
Determine trends in range and abundance of invasive fishes via sampling.
Incorporate recommendations of State Management Plan for Aquatic Invasive
Species (LDWF 2005) to control invasive fishes.
Investigate the impacts of sill removal on all fish SGCN in the Pearl River;
including surveys before and after removal.
Resolve the impacts of in-stream flow alterations on fish SGCN.
Determine optimal habitat conditions for fish SGCN via modeling.
Determine which habitat characteristics are most important for restoration
Investigate the impacts of land-use on fish community structure.
Implement or continue, where applicable, long-term monitoring of all fish SGCN.
Research habitat requirements, population trends, and distribution of all fish
Develop HSIs for SGCN to aid in future conservation and restoration efforts.
S1 & S2 Inland Fish SGCN
Determine the current distribution, habitat requirements, and status, including
population trend.
Determine the status of this species in coastal rivers.
Determine spawning and nursery habitat locations within rivers.
American Eel
Determine distribution and population status in Louisiana.
Alabama Shad & River Redhorse
Determine if these species are still extant in the Lake Pontchartrain basin via
targeted surveys.
Determine the presence/absence and status of the River Redhorse, especially in
the Ouachita basin.
Suckermouth Minnow
Determine if this species is still extant in the Red and Ouachita River systems via
targeted surveys.
Blue Sucker
Monitor this species in the Sabine River.
Determine the current distribution, habitat requirements, and status in preferred
habitat in Anacoco Creek.
Target preferred habitat for surveys of spawning and rearing juveniles.
Frecklebelly Madtom & Freckled Darter
Determine if these species are still extant in the Pearl River system via targeted
Gulf Pipefish
Conduct a comparison of genetic structure among river-oxbow populations of this
species and estuarine-gulf populations.
d. Inland Fishes Conservation Actions
Remove non-essential dams and low-water sills in Louisiana watersheds where
warranted, and discourage the building of new dams.
Retain riparian buffers.
Work with parishes, private landowners, and industrial interests (e.g., timber or
petrochemical companies) to disseminate BMPs for SMZs.
Develop recommendations to improve fish passage through low-head dams.
Expand outreach/education efforts on the importance of riparian zones.
Coordinate with LDEQ and the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources
(LDNR) to protect stream fishes from anthropogenic threats, including treated and
untreated wastewater, non-point surface runoff, and water withdrawals for public
and industrial water supplies.
Restrict or outlaw the use of ORVs in streams, particularly the practice of “mud-
riding” through streambeds.
Work with parishes and DOTD to minimize negative impacts of new stream
crossings and to mitigate negative impacts of existing stream crossings, including
promoting placement of submerged culverts.
Partner with neighboring states to address conservation of shared fish resources
such as the Suckermouth Minnow and the Western Sand Darter.
S1 & S2 Inland Fish SGCN
Develop HSIs and develop predictive habitat models for these species to aid in
restoration and conservation actions.
Gulf Sturgeon
Implement the federal recovery plan (USFWS 1995) for Gulf Sturgeon as well as
the Louisiana State Conservation Plan for Gulf Sturgeon (LDWF 2015).
Restock this species where populations may have been negatively impacted by
anthropogenic activities.
Pallid Sturgeon
Implement the federal recovery plan (USFWS 1993 and 2014 revision) for Pallid
Implement the Louisiana recovery plan (Reed 1991) for Paddlefish.
Restock this species where populations may have been negatively impacted by
anthropogenic activities.
American Eel
Install eel ladders at dams throughout the state to aid passage.
Remove sills from the Pearl River.
5. Marine Fishes
Marine fishes occur in a wide range of habitats, from low-salinity marshes and
estuaries to deep-water and open-ocean pelagic environments. Due to the productivity of
Louisiana’s coastal wetlands and bays, about 95% of its recreational and commercial
fishery production comes from species that are estuarine-dependent for some portion of
their life cycle. Less well known are population levels of the non-commercial species of
fish and invertebrates – the vast majority of the species present – that inhabit these
estuarine environments. Presence of these species is believed to be critical to the
functioning of the natural systems, and further surveys are needed to determine the status
of these populations. Surveys might also be designed to further the understanding of
ecological processes in these systems. The Smalltooth Sawfish is the only federally listed
marine fish in Louisiana, although no critical habitat has been designated at this time
(NMFS 2009). Eighteen species of marine fishes have been identified as SGCN during
the 2015 WAP revision. Many of these SGCN are very poorly known, due to a lack of
appropriate sampling effort. Therefore, for many of these species, the collection of
baseline data is high priority.
a. Marine Fishes SGCN
Common Name Scientific Name G-Rank S-Rank
Tier I
Smalltooth Sawfish Pristis pectinata G1G3 S1
Saltmarsh Topminnow Fundulus jenkinsi G3 S3
Texas Pipefish Syngnathus texanus G1 SU
Goliath Grouper Epinephelus itajara G2 S1
Tier II
Diamond Killifish Adinia xenica G5 S4
Bayou Killifish Fundulus pulvereus G5 S4
Opossum Pipefish Microphis brachyurus G4G5 SU
Chain Pipefish Syngnathus louisianae GNR S4
Tier III
Tarpon Megalops atlanticus G5 S3
Gold Brotula Gunterichthys lonigpenis GQ SU
Dwarf Seahorse Hippocampus zosterae GNR SU
Large-scaled Spinycheek Sleeper Eleotris amblyopsis G5 S4
Emerald Sleeper Erotelis smaragdus GNR SU
Frillfin Goby Bathygobius soporator GNR S4
Violet Goby Gobioides broussonnetii G5 S4
Broad Flounder Paralichthys squamilentus GNR SU
Southern Puffer Sphoeroides nephelus G5 S5
Lemon Shark Negaprion brevirostris GNR S3
b. Threats to Marine Fishes
Many marine fishes utilize marshes at some point in their life, and coastal marshes
are often fragmented and subsequently degraded due to canals associated with energy
production and the service corridors related to those activities. Furthermore,
modifications to the natural hydrology of many systems have had negative impacts on
both the quantity and quality of marsh habitat. Invasive species threaten marine fishes on
several fronts, from marsh loss due to nutria herbivory to direct predation of smaller
native fishes by Lionfish. As with other aquatic SGCN, pollution from multiple sources is
a concern. Finally, SLR and tropical cyclones also threaten habitat that is critical to
marine species.
c. Marine Fishes Research and Survey Needs
Determine the status of little known marine fishes (Frillfin Goby, Violet Goby,
Emerald Sleeper, Large-scaled Spinycheek Sleeper) and determine habitat
preferences of these species via focused surveys using appropriate gear (traps,
oyster trays, etc.).
Develop and test methods to evaluate species distributions, environmental
influences on diversity, evenness, and richness of communities, and identify
abiotic factors that influence changes in offshore fish communities.
Research habitat value of sandy shoals off of Louisiana for SGCN.
Lemon Shark
Determine species distribution in Louisiana.
Implement long-term monitoring of the Lemon Shark nursery at the Chandeleur
Smalltooth Sawfish & Goliath Grouper
Determine if there are reproducing populations of either species in Louisiana.
Sample blackwater habitat using appropriate gear (e.g., cast nets, stop-nets, etc.)
to determine status and habitat use.
Research conservation genetics of Tarpon in Louisiana.
Texas Pipefish and Opossum Pipefish
Determine current status and range of this species in Louisiana.
Broad Flounder
Determine the status of this and other small flatfishes.
Southern Puffer
Develop sampling methods and conduct targeted surveys to determine current
d. Marine Fishes Conservation Actions
Conserve and restore Barrier Islands.
Partner with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to encourage the
beneficial use of dredge material.
Work with the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA), Coastal
Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) program,
USACE Louisiana Coastal Area (LCA) program, and other partners to
incorporate strategies for SGCN into future coastal restoration efforts.
Smalltooth Sawfish
Implement Smalltooth Sawfish Recovery Plan (NMFS 2009).
Conserve blackwater habitat where found to benefit juvenile Tarpon.
Saltmarsh Topminnow
Create and maintain emergent marsh islands, including in the Atchafalaya Delta
WMA, to benefit this species.
Conserve and restore marsh habitat and Submersed Aquatic Vegetation (SAV)
Goliath Grouper
Construct and retain artificial reefs.
Large-scaled Spinycheek Sleeper
Restore oyster reefs to benefit this species.
6. Amphibians and Reptiles
One hundred forty species of amphibians and reptiles occur in Louisiana and its
adjacent waters (Dundee and Rossman 1989, LNHP 2015). However, Louisiana is unique
among high-diversity states in that it has no endemic species. The greatest richness is in
the Florida Parishes, east of the Mississippi River. St. Tammany Parish alone is home to
102 species. A secondary area of high richness is in the dissected uplands of central
Louisiana. Areas with the lowest species richness include the coastal marshes and
Mississippi River floodplain.
Sixteen species of amphibians (10 salamanders, 6 frogs) and 35 species of reptiles (17
turtles, 5 lizards, 13 snakes) are considered SGCN by LNHP (2015). The Dusky Gopher
Frog and the Ornate Chorus Frog are considered extirpated in Louisiana (last observed in
1967 and 1954, respectively), and follow-up surveys have been unable to relocate them at
historical sites or potential sites (Siegel and Doody 1992, Thomas 1996, Leonard et al.
2003). All marine turtles occurring in Louisiana are federally and state listed: three of the
five are endangered, and the Loggerhead Sea Turtle and Green Sea Turtle are threatened.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) recovery plans have been developed for each
(NMFS and USFWS 1991a, 1991b, 1992a, 1992b, 1993). Other federally-listed species
include the Gopher Tortoise (USFWS 1990a), Ringed Map Turtle (USFWS 1986), and
Dusky Gopher Frog (USFWS 2001). The Black Pinesnake and Louisiana Pinesnake are
candidate species for federal listing, with the Louisiana Pinesnake recently proposed for
listed as threatened.
a. Amphibian and Reptile SGCN
Common Name Scientific Name G-Rank S-Rank
Tier I
Louisiana Slimy Salamander Plethodon kisatchie G3G4 S1
Four-toed Salamander Hemidactylium scutatum G5 S1
Southern Crawfish Frog
Lithobates areolatus
G4 S1
Tier II
Eastern Tiger Salamander
Ambystoma tigrinum
G5 S1
Southern Dusky Salamander Desmognathus auriculatus G5 S1
Webster's Salamander Plethodon websteri G3G4 S1
Gulf Coast Mud Salamander
Pseudotriton montanus
G5 S1
Southern Red Salamander Pseudotriton ruber vioscai G5 S2
Gulf Coast Waterdog Necturus beyeri G4 S3
Ornate Chorus Frog Pseudacris ornata G5 SH
Dusky Gopher Frog Lithobates sevosus G1 SH
Tier III
Southern Red-backed Salamander Plethodon serratus G5 S1
Red River Mudpuppy Necturus louisianensis G5 S3
Strecker's Chorus Frog Pseudacris streckeri G5 S1
Eastern Spadefoot Scaphiopus holbrookii G5 S3
Hurter's Spadefoot Scaphiopus hurterii G5 S3
Common Name Scientific Name G-Rank S-Rank
Tier I
Ringed Map Turtle Graptemys oculifera G2 S2
Pearl River Map Turtle Graptemys pearlensis G2G3 S3
Western Chicken Turtle
Deirochelys reticularia
G5 S2
Ornate Box Turtle Terrapene ornata G5T5 S1
Black Pinesnake
Pituophis melanoleucus
G4T2T3 S1
Louisiana Pinesnake Pituophis ruthveni G2 S2
Eastern Diamond-backed Rattlesnake Crotalus adamanteus G4 S1
Texas Horned Lizard Phrynosoma cornutum G4G5 SX
Tier II
Loggerhead Sea Turtle Caretta caretta G3 S1B, S3N
Green Sea Turtle Chelonia mydas G3T3 S1N
Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle Lepidochelys kempii G1 S1B, S3N
Sabine Map Turtle Graptemys sabinensis G5T5 S3
Mississippi Diamond-backed Terrapin Malaclemys terrapin pileata G4T3Q S3
Stripe-necked Musk Turtle Sternotherus minor peltifer G5 S1
Gopher Tortoise Gopherus polyphemus G3 S1
Common Rainbow Snake
Farancia erytrogramma
G4 S2
Northern Mole Kingsnake
G5T5 S1S2
Gulf Saltmarsh Snake Nerodia clarkii clarkii G4 S3S4
Pine Woods Littersnake Rhadinaea flavilata G4 S1
Southeastern Crowned Snake Tantilla coronata G5 S1
Pygmy Rattlesnake Sistrurus miliarius G5 S2
Harlequin Coralsnake Micrurus fulvius G5 S2
Tier III
Atlantic Hawksbill Sea Turtle
Eretmochelys imbricata
Alligator Snapping Turtle Macrochelys temminckii G3G4 S3
Smooth Softshell Apalone mutica G5 S3
Leatherback Sea Turtle Dermochelys coriacea G2 SZ
Ouachita Map Turtle Graptemys ouachitensis G5 S3
Razor-backed Musk Turtle Sternotherus carinatus G5 S4
Western Slender Glass Lizard
Ophisaurus attenuatus
G5T5 S3
Eastern Glass Lizard Ophisaurus ventralis G5 S3
Southern Prairie Skink
Plestiodon septentrionalis
G5T5 S1
Coal Skink Plestiodon anthracinus G5 S3
Western Worm Snake Carphophis vermis G5 S1
Timber Rattlesnake Crotalus horridus G4 S3S4
Eastern Hog-nosed Snake Heterodon platirhinos G5 S3
b. Threats to Amphibians and Reptiles
As with other taxa, habitat fragmentation, degradation, and conversion resulting from
development, agriculture, and transportation infrastructure serve as major stressors to
many reptiles and amphibians. Magnitude of impact to these species is exacerbated by
their limited mobility which prevents escape to refugia. Annual movements undertaken
between breeding and non-breeding habitats characteristic of some reptile and amphibian
SGCN exposes individuals to vehicle strikes, Feral Cats, and other hazards. For those
species associated with upland habitats, including open pine systems, incompatible
habitat management practices such as fire suppression, roller-chopping, and bedding may
be an issue. For coastal species, the impacts of oil spills, SLR, and tropical cyclones may
be locally devastating. Amphibians are vulnerable to many of the same threats that were
discussed for other aquatic species (e.g., improper riparian zone management, climate
change, etc.), with species in ephemeral wetlands and smaller streams most likely to be
impacted. Over-collecting for the pet trade or for food has the potential to lead to or
accelerate declines of long-lived turtle species. Wanton killing of snakes may be a
significant source of mortality for some uncommon species such as Eastern Diamond-
backed Rattlesnakes. So called “ghost traps” (i.e., derelict crab traps) are well known as a
source of mortality for terrapins in some locations, and sea turtles are vulnerable to the
impacts of by-catch in the absence of turtle-excluder devices (TEDs). Sandbar-nesting
riverine turtles are vulnerable to human disturbance at nesting beaches, as well as nest
flooding resulting from inopportune water releases upstream of such beaches. Red
Imported Fire Ants are a serious threat to many terrestrial, adult amphibians and reptiles,
as well as to the eggs and hatchlings of aquatic turtles. Some native species, such as
Raccoons and Coyotes are also a significant source of mortality for some of these SGCN.
c. Amphibian Research and Survey Needs
Monitor for emerging diseases in Louisiana amphibian populations including, but
not limited to, chytridiomycosis (via Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis or B.
salamandrivorans), ranavirus, and Perkinsus-like organism.
Eastern Tiger Salamander
Determine current status and distribution in Louisiana via intensive, targeted
Locate new breeding ponds.
Conduct intensive, long-term monitoring of known breeding ponds.
Four-toed Salamander
Locate important ephemeral ponds used for breeding.
Southern Dusky Salamander
Clarify current distribution and status of this and other Desmognathus species in
Investigate possible causes of decline for this species and other salamanders,
including new or emergent diseases.
Southern Red-backed Salamander
Conduct baseline surveys to clarify distribution and abundance.
Investigate possible causes of decline for this species and other salamanders,
including new or emergent diseases.
Webster’s Salamander
Determine current status of this species, particularly in West Feliciana parish.
Louisiana Slimy Salamander
Generate population estimate and monitor population for determination of trend.
Gulf Coast Mud Salamander & Southern Red Salamander
Determine current distribution and status via intensive, targeted surveys.
Gulf Coast Waterdog & Red River Mudpuppy
Determine current distribution and abundance of both Necturus species via
intensive sampling.
Ornate Chorus Frog
Clarify current status via intensive, targeted surveys.
Locate suitable habitat.
Strecker’s Chorus Frog
Clarify current status in Northwest Louisiana via intensive, targeted surveys.
Eastern and Hurter’s Spadefoot
Determine breeding locations via intensive surveys.
Dusky Gopher Frog
Locate suitable ponds for reintroduction or areas for the creation of ponds
(including Bogue Chitto National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) and Lake Ramsey
Southern Crawfish Frog
Determine current status and distribution in Louisiana via intensive, targeted
Conduct intensive, long-term monitoring of known breeding ponds.
Locate potential reintroduction sites and locate new breeding ponds.
Encourage timber companies to use BMPs (including the use of prescribed fire
and elimination of bedding) when managing appropriate Crawfish Frog habitat.
d. Amphibian Conservation Actions
Implement habitat management recommendations of Partners in Amphibian and
Reptile Conservation (PARC) (Bailey et al. 2006) to benefit amphibian SGCN
whenever possible on LDWF managed lands, and promote the implementation of
such recommendations by private landowners.
Eastern Tiger Salamander
Work with partners and private landowners to conserve breeding habitat
(Ephemeral Ponds).
Work with partners (DOTD, Parishes, etc.) to improve connectivity between
breeding ponds (e.g., culverts and fences) to reduce mortality by vehicle strikes
and facilitate gene flow.
Encourage timber companies to use BMPs (including the use of prescribed fire
and elimination of bedding) when managing appropriate Eastern Tiger
Salamander habitat.
Conserve and create open-canopy ponds (e.g., Flatwoods Ponds and other
ephemeral wetlands).
Four-toed Salamander
Determine important ephemeral ponds used for breeding.
Southern Red-backed Salamander
Encourage timber companies to use BMPs for Hardwood Slope Forest to benefit
this species.
Webster’s Salamander
Create and disseminate BMPs for Webster’s Salamander
Conserve Webster’s Salamander on WMAs as well as private property by
working with landowners.
Louisiana Slimy Salamander
Implement BMPs and SMZs in appropriate habitat.
Retain snags, logs, and other woody debris.
Gulf Coast Mud Salamander & Southern Red Salamander
Implement BMPs to beneficially manage habitat for these species.
Gulf Coast Waterdog & Red River Mudpuppy
Promote conservation compatible land-use around known occurrences.
Work with appropriate partners to address water quality issues in streams where
occurrence is documented or suspected.
Promote the use of SMZs to protect water quality in watersheds where these
species are found.
Retain submerged, woody debris.
Eastern Spadefoot
Work with timber companies to implement BMPs in appropriate habitats.
Work with landowners to preserve known breeding locations (ephemeral
Dusky Gopher Frog
Create breeding ponds or manage to remove hardwoods from existing ponds in
suitable habitat for reintroduction attempts.
Work with TNC and other partners to provide education and outreach about this
species to the public, including landowners.
Explore opportunities for propagation and reintroduction into Louisiana.
Southern Crawfish Frog
Explore opportunities for reintroduction.
Restrict use of bedding during silvicultural activity in suitable or historical
e. Reptile Research and Survey Needs
Monitor for emerging diseases in Louisiana reptile populations including, but not
limited to, snake fungal disease, upper respiratory tract disease (Gopher tortoise),
herpesvirus, etc.
Loggerhead Sea Turtle & Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle
Assess beach habitat statewide for nesting suitability and prioritize areas for
nesting surveys.
Document occurrence and level of nesting activity.
Continue to collect and update data on the distribution of these species in state
waters via coordination with Marine Fisheries, and incorporate sea turtle by-catch
data into the LNHP database in order to clarify status and distribution.
Alligator Snapping Turtle
Construct life-history table.
Monitor population throughout the state to inform population trend calculation.
Investigate impacts of commercial fisheries by-catch and continued recreational
harvest on populations.
Riverine Turtles
Determine the magnitude of impact of submergence of sandbars due to water
releases from upstream reservoirs on productivity of riverine turtles.
Determine peak nesting times for riverine turtles in all major rivers to support
efforts to minimize negative impacts to productivity.
Ringed & Pearl River Map Turtles
Conduct ecological studies of reproduction, nest success and recruitment.
Generate population estimates via intensive mark-recapture (or mark-resight)
Western Chicken Turtle
Determine occurrence, distribution, habitat preference, and nesting ecology.
Determine habitat use, movements, and activity patterns via radio telemetry or
other tracking technology.
Mississippi Diamond-Backed Terrapin
Conduct nesting surveys and research to determine nesting ecology.
Collect life history data necessary to construct life-history tables.
Investigate active crab trap and ghost trap by-catch in areas known to have viable
terrapin populations.
Investigate methods to reduce capture in crab traps (i.e., By-catch Reduction
Device (BRD) and/or to develop biodegradable panels to limit by-catch in ghost
Ornate Box Turtle
Determine current status by conducting intensive surveys of historical localities
and suitable habitat.
Perform life history studies on extant populations, if rediscovered.
Determine habitat use, movements, and activity patterns via radio telemetry.
Stripe-necked Musk Turtle
Determine current status.
Razor-backed Musk Turtle
Clarify status and determine the effect of commercial harvest on populations via
targeted surveys and long-term monitoring.
Gopher Tortoise
Generate population estimate and determine distribution.
Monitor reproduction and recruitment.
Assess nest depredation, including impacts of mammalian predators and RIFA.
Investigate the feasibility of re-stocking tortoises.
Western Slender Glass Lizard
Determine habitat requirements, particularly the relationship between this species
and grassy swales.
Southern Prairie Skink
Determine current status.
Coal Skink
Determine status and habitat preferences.
Texas Horned Lizard
Determine current status and document any extant occurrences.
Investigate the possibility of reintroduction.
Western Worm Snake
Determine current status and distribution via intensive surveys in historical range.
Common Rainbow Snake
Determine current status and distribution, as well as basic ecology, via intensive
Determine best trapping methods for this species.
Eastern Hog-nosed Snake
Determine current status and distribution.
Determine limiting factors and potential causes of decline.
Northern Mole Kingsnake
Determine current status and distribution via intensive surveys
Black Pinesnake
Determine the current status of this species via surveys of historical range.
Louisiana Pinesnake
Determine the limits of the species’ range and population size in Louisiana.
Research nesting ecology, nest success, and other basic life-history factors.
Determine best methods for detection and monitoring.
Determine the extent to which ROWs are used and the condition of snakes using
Investigate impacts of timber harvesting on this species, particularly roller
Investigate the effects of various land uses on this species.
Pine Woods Littersnake
Determine status, distribution, and basic life-history traits.
Southeastern Crowned Snake
Perform studies of basic ecology.
Determine what factors are contributing to the range contraction observed for this
Harlequin Coral Snake
Determine if this species is extant in Louisiana via intensive surveys.
Eastern Diamond-backed Rattlesnake
Determine if viable populations of this species occur in Louisiana.
Timber Rattlesnake
Monitor for the presence of disease in Timber Rattlesnakes.
f. Reptile Conservation Actions
Encourage the use of wildlife friendly erosion control blankets.
Provide education and outreach to reduce the wanton killing of snakes.
Partner with DOTD to provide road crossings to limit road mortality.
Sea Turtles
Promote the use of TEDs.
Provide educational/outreach materials and services regarding sea turtles in
Protect potential and documented nesting beaches in Louisiana.
Restore and undertake stewardship activities to improve habitat quality of
Louisiana beaches.
Address potential impacts to these species during Environmental Permit reviews.
Outlaw intentional release of helium-filled balloons.
Loggerhead Sea Turtle & Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle
Protect and restore Louisiana Beach habitat.
Require mitigation measures during dredging operations near where females
aggregate prior to breeding, particularly areas west of the mouth of the
Mississippi River.
Alligator Snapping Turtle
Headstart and restock to supplement local populations as needed.
Control nest predators, including RIFA, in known nesting areas.
Retain riparian buffers as well as emergent and submerged, woody debris.
Discourage winter drawdowns to increase hatchling survival.
Promote a recreational harvest check system and require commercial fishermen to
report by-catch landings.
Smooth Softshell & Map Turtles
Work with partners to protect/restore sandbars in Louisiana rivers.
Control exotic plants and animals on sandbars.
Restrict or outlaw the use of ORVs on sandbars and in streams, particularly the
practice of “mud-riding” through streambeds.
Partner with USACE to reduce the impacts of dredging and channelization on
sandbar-nesting turtles.
Work with the Scenic Rivers Program and other partners to minimize the impacts
of gravel mining on sandbar-nesting turtles.
Retain emergent and submerged, woody debris (subsidize if warranted) and
provide education and outreach regarding their importance.
Work with USACE, Sabine River Authority (SRA), and other appropriate
partners to time the regulation of water levels to minimize impacts to nesting
Smooth Softshell & Sabine Map Turtle
Work with Toledo Bend to manage water levels in a manner compatible with
sandbar-nesting turtles.
Western Chicken Turtle
Locate and protect ephemeral wetlands and surrounding, important nesting areas.
Incorporate adjacent uplands into wetland protection and restoration efforts.
Implement BMPs to benefit this species, particularly the elimination of bedding
during silvicultural operations.
Diamond-backed Terrapin
Conserve and restore Coastal Dune Grassland, Coastal Dune Shrub Thicket, and
shell rake habitat to ensure availability of adequate nesting sites.
Remove derelict crab traps from coastal waters to limit incidental mortality of
Diamond-backed Terrapins.
Promote and if possible require the use of TEDS on crab traps.
Ornate Box Turtle
Conserve, restore, and provide and promote stewardship of Coastal Prairie.
Gopher Tortoise
Work with landowners to manage habitat for the benefit of Gopher Tortoises.
Provide education and outreach regarding Gopher Tortoise and the importance of
leaving tortoises in native habitat.
Develop a comprehensive “waif” tortoise plan for the state.
Maintain and restore open pine habitat, especially through the use of prescribed
Translocate isolated tortoises to known areas of lower concentration to bolster
reproduction; provide disease screenings prior to translocations.
Implement predator control and assess nest depredation in important tortoise areas
as needed.
Western Slender Glass Lizard
Conserve and restore Longleaf Pine habitats, Coastal Prairies, and Cheniers,
including restoration and management of native grasses.
Eastern Glass Lizard
Manage for marsh-upland transitional ecotone with tall grass (especially at Grand
Isle and Big Branch Marsh NWR).
Northern Mole Kingsnake
Manage and restore open-pine habitats.
Black Pinesnake
Manage and restore open-pine habitat within the historical range of this species.
Discourage bedding and stump removal during silvicultural operations.
Louisiana Pinesnake
Maintain and restore open-pine habitat within the species’ range especially
through the use of prescribed fire.
Partner with Louisiana Pinesnake Working Group.
Work with zoos on reintroduction projects.
Work with landowners to manage habitat for the benefit of Louisiana Pinesnakes.
Develop Candidate Conservation Agreements with Assurances (CCAA) with
private landowners.
Southeastern Crowned Snake
Maintain hardwood areas within open-pine habitats within this species’ range.
Timber Rattlesnake
Provide public education and outreach about rattlesnakes.
Promote corridors linking Bottomland Hardwood Forest fragments.
Consider patch size needs of this species during development of timber
prescriptions and construction of transportation infrastructure.
7. Birds
Approximately 160 species of birds occur as breeders or year-round residents in
Louisiana (Wiedenfeld and Swan 2000), and more than 300 additional species are known
to migrate through or spend the nonbreeding season in the state or its adjacent waters
(Cardiff et al. 2014). There are 91 species on the SGCN list of which 51 species are
considered rare and local, imperiled, or critically imperiled by the LNHP (2015).
Recovery plans have been developed by the USFWS for federally-listed birds including
the Whooping Crane, Red-Cockaded Woodpecker, Piping Plover, and Interior Least Tern
(USFWS 1994, 2003, 1996, 1990). The Brown Pelican was delisted in the U.S. Atlantic
coast, Florida, and Alabama in 1985 and was delisted in the rest of its range, including
Louisiana, in 2009. The Bald Eagle was delisted in 2007. The rufa subspecies of the Red
Knot was federally-listed as threatened in 2014.
Five of the nine extant or presumed extant, federally-listed bird species are believed
to be extirpated in Louisiana.
Despite sporadic, occasional reports of Ivory-Billed
Woodpecker (Campephilus principalis) sightings, observers have invariably failed to
document credible or compelling evidence of the persistence of this species in our state.
The most recent, presumed credible report was of a pair of birds observed in Pearl River
WMA in April 1999, but all subsequent attempts to document the woodpecker’s presence
in Louisiana were unsuccessful (Fitzpatrick 2002). With the presumed discovery of this
Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) and Carolina Parakeet (Conuropsis carolinensis), not included
in this figure, were once both commonly occurring species in Louisiana, but went extinct in the early
species in Arkansas in 2004 (Fitzpatrick et al. 2005), LDWF made the decision to include
the Ivory-billed Woodpecker on the 2005 WAP SGCN list in the event of a confirmed re-
discovery here. However, the species is removed from the list of SGCN for this revision
due to the lack of recent, verifiable sightings; Ivory-billed Woodpecker is no longer
considered to occur in Louisiana by LDWF. Other species with historical range in
Louisiana but now considered extirpated here include Attwater’s Greater Prairie-Chicken,
Eskimo Curlew, and Bachman’s Warbler. Efforts are currently underway to reintroduce
the formerly-extirpated Whooping Crane to Louisiana.
a. Bird SGCN
Common Name Scientific Name G-Rank S-Rank
Tier I
Reddish Egret Egretta rufescens G4 S1
White-tailed Kite Elanus leucurus G5
Yellow Rail Coturnicops noveboracensis G4 S3S4N
Black Rail Laterallus jamaicensis G4 S2N, S1B
Whooping Crane Grus americana G1 SXN
Snowy Plover Charadrius nivosus G3 S1B,S2N
Wilson's Plover Charadrius wilsonia G5 S2B, S1N
Piping Plover Charadrius melodus G3 S2N
American Oystercatcher Haematopus palliatus G5 S1
Red Knot Calidris canutus G4 S2N
Sooty Tern Onychoprion fuscatus G5 S1B
Interior Least Tern
Sternula antillarum
Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica G5 S2
Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia G5 S1S2B,S3N
Common Tern Sterna hirundo G5 S1B,S3N
Black Skimmer Rynchops niger G5 S3
Common Ground-Dove Columbina passerina G5 S1B,S2N
Southeastern American Kestrel Falco sparverius paulus G5T4 S2
Sprague's Pipit Anthus spragueii G4 S2N
Smith's Longspur Calcarius pictus G5 S1N
Golden-winged Warbler Vermivora chrysoptera G4 S2N
Cerulean Warbler Setophaga cerulea G4 S2N
Bachman's Sparrow Peucaea aestivalis G3 S3
Grasshopper Sparrow Ammodramus savannarum G5 S1B,S3N
Tier II
Mottled Duck Anas fulvigula G4 S4
Northern Bobwhite Colinus virginianus G5 S3
Wood Stork Mycteria americana G4 S3N
Brown Pelican Pelecanus occidentalis G4 S3
American Bittern Botaurus lentiginosus G4 S4N
Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea G5 S3N, S4B
Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus G5 S2
Roseate Spoonbill Platalea ajaja G5 S3
Swallow-tailed Kite Elanoides forficatus G5 S1S2B
King Rail Rallus elegans G4 S3B, S4N
Sandhill Crane Antigone canadensis G5 S2N
Upland Sandpiper Bartramia longicauda G5 S4N
Long-billed Curlew Numenius americanus G5 S5N
Hudsonian Godwit Limosa haemastica G4 S3N
Marbled Godwit Limosa fedoa G5 S4N
Buff-breasted Sandpiper Calidris subruficollis G4 S3N
Short-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus griseus G5 S5N
American Woodcock Scolopax minor G5 S1B, S5N
Coastal Least Tern Sternula antillarum G4 S4B
Forster's Tern Sterna forsteri G5 S5
Royal Tern Thalasseus maximus G5 S5
Sandwich Tern Thalasseus sandvicensis G5 S4B
Greater Roadrunner Geococcyx californianus G5 S3
Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus G5 S3N
Chuck-will's-widow Antrostomus carolinensis G5 S4B
Chimney Swift Chaetura pelagica G5 S5B
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Picoides borealis G3 S2
Crested Caracara Caracara cheriway G5 S1
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus G4 S3N
Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus G4 S4
Bell's Vireo Vireo bellii G5 S1B
Warbling Vireo Vireo gilvus G5 S1B
White-breasted Nuthatch Sitta carolinensis G5 S3
Marsh Wren Cistothorus palustris G5 S4
Wood Thrush Hylocichla mustelina G5 S4B
Worm-eating Warbler Helmitheros vermivorum G5 S3B
Louisiana Waterthrush Parkesia motacilla G5 S3B
Prothonotary Warbler Protonotaria citrea G5 S5B
Swainson's Warbler Limnothlypis swainsonii G4 S4B
Kentucky Warbler Geothlypis formosa G5 S4B
American Redstart Setophaga ruticilla G5 S3B
Prairie Warbler Setophaga discolor G5 S4B
Yellow-throated Warbler Setophaga dominica G5 S4B
Field Sparrow Spizella pusilla G5 S4BS5N
Lark Sparrow Chondestes grammacus G5 S3
Henslow's Sparrow Ammodramus henslowii G4 S3N
Le Conte's Sparrow Ammodramus leconteii G4 S4N
Seaside Sparrow Ammodramus maritimus G4 S4
Rusty Blackbird Euphagus carolinus G4 S3N
Tier III
Northern Pintail Anas acuta G5 S5N
Canvasback Aythya valisineria G5 S4N
Redhead Aythya americana G5 S4N
Lesser Scaup Aythya affinis G5 S5N
Least Bittern Ixobrychus exilis G5 S5B
Osprey Pandion haliaetus G5 S3
Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus G5 S3
Clapper Rail Rallus crepitans G5 S5
Dunlin Calidris alpina G5 S5N
Red-headed Woodpecker Melanerpes erythrocephalus G5 S4
Yellow-throated Vireo Vireo flavifrons G5 S4B
Brown-headed Nuthatch Sitta pusilla G5 S5
Sedge Wren Cistothorus platensis G5 S4N
Hooded Warbler Setophaga citrina G5 S5B
Nelson's Sparrow Ammodramus nelsoni G5 S5N
Painted Bunting Passerina ciris G5 S5B
Dickcissel Spiza americana G5 S4B
Eastern Meadowlark Sturnella magna G5 S4
b. Threats to Birds
Many threats discussed for other taxa also apply to birds, including habitat
degradation, fragmentation, and conversion resulting from development or agriculture.
For birds, habitats most in peril include Barrier Islands, threatened primarily by natural
system modification, climate change, SLR and subsidence, and tropical cyclones, and
coastal forests of all types (e.g., Coastal Live Oak-Hackberry Forest, Barrier Island Live
Oak Forest, etc.), threatened by a number of factors, many of which overlap those of
Barrier Islands. Additionally, the conversion of agricultural land from rice and crawfish
aquaculture to lower wildlife value crops is of concern for many wetland dependent
species. Migratory species may be threatened by habitat loss within their breeding and
nonbreeding ranges, including loss of stopover sites. Disturbance of nesting birds,
particularly of colonial nesting species, may greatly negatively impact productivity and
should be prevented. Stewardship at beach nesting bird colonies can be extremely
effective. Natural system modifications of all types, including fire suppression and
hydrological modification threaten a wide range of bird species. Aforementioned habitat
impacts and stressors listed below will likely exacerbate loss of birds when those impacts
are combined with effects of climate change. High mobility of birds may mitigate
impacts to some species, but others, particularly coastal obligates, remain at high risk due
to SLR.
In addition to loss of habitat or habitat function, birds suffer direct mortality from
many other anthropogenic sources including ingestion of plastics, electrocutions from
power lines, fisheries’ by-catch, collisions with infrastructure (e.g., communication
towers, wind turbines, power lines, glass windows, etc.), vehicle strikes, poisoning from
toxic releases, predation by outdoor cats, and many others. Although great strides have
been made in recent decades in addressing and reducing some sources of pollution,
including pesticides such as DDT, pollution of various types remains a threat to bird
SGCN. Inland, nearshore, and offshore oil spills pose serious direct threats to both inland
species and, particularly, coastal species, which frequently nest in high densities.
Although not yet a major issue in Louisiana, concern exists regarding the potential
impacts of wind farms on birds, especially in areas of high bird density (e.g., rice fields
with waterfowl or wading birds) or areas utilized by large, soaring species such as
vultures and eagles, which are killed disproportionately compared to other bird groups.
Mortality resulting from collisions with communication towers is significant, but may be
minimized, in part, by changing light schemes on these towers or even the structures
themselves. Glass windows kill more birds in the U.S. than all other mortality factors
except outdoor cats; more than 350 million birds are killed annually in the U.S. due to
window-strikes (Loss et al. 2014). Incorporation of bird-safe or bird-friendly building
design into new structures could aid in reducing this loss [see Audubon Minnesota’s
Bird-Safe Building Guidelines (2010) and American Bird Conservancy’s Bird-friendly
Building Design (2011)]. Reduction of the reflectance of existing windows and covering
windows with screen (traditional or natural materials) will reduce mortality.
The most insidious threat to birds is predation by Feral Cats (including outdoor,
owned cats), which are considered a Tier I invasive species in the 2015 WAP (Chapter
6). Cats kill far more birds annually in the U.S. than all other direct anthropogenic
sources (Loss et al. 2013), with current estimates exceeding 2 billion birds per year.
Other invasives, both plants and animals, threaten native birds as well, whether through
predation, competition for nest cavities or other resources, or habitat modification. In
addition, the full extent of intentional, illegal destruction of birds is unknown, but for
some high profile species, it is a conspicuous source of mortality.
c. Bird Research and Survey Needs
Use standardized monitoring protocols for birds such as the national protocol for
secretive marsh birds, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Breeding Bird Survey
(BBS) protocol, and others.
Participate in regionwide planning and survey efforts such as Southeast Partners
in Flight (SEPIF) and the Gulf of Mexico Avian Monitoring Network
Work with the USGS National Wildlife Health Center to monitor emerging avian
diseases that have the potential to affect wildlife populations, such as Avian
Influenza (H5N2 and the high pathogenicity H5N8).
Derive population estimates and objectives for all bird SGCN.
Validate existing and future modeling efforts.
Update the Louisiana Breeding Bird atlas.
Implement a statewide network of VHF towers to allow tracking of birds to
inform full life cycle conservation.
Collect baseline life-history data to allow for the construction of life-history
Evaluate the effectiveness of current coastal marsh conservation and restoration
strategies at providing waterfowl habitat.
Evaluate the importance of crawfish aquaculture for waterfowl.
Quantify the importance of refugia from hunting pressure for winter waterfowl
Mottled Duck
Research demography (e.g. nest success, brood success rates, annual recruitment,
and annual survival rates), molting habitat needs, and limiting factors, including
how these measures are impacted by landscape characteristics and management
Identify primary mortality sources for all life stages.
Lesser Scaup
Research ecology and movements of wintering Lesser Scaup.
Northern Bobwhite
Monitor populations through breeding bird, call count, and hunter harvest
Monitor Northern Bobwhite response to habitat management.
Colonial Nesting Waterbirds
Collect baseline life-history data to allow for the construction of life-history
Conduct colony surveys to update LNHP database.
Develop a long term monitoring framework and methodology that may be used to
determine status and trends of colonial nesting waterbird populations.
Identify foraging areas and quantify distances traveled by individual birds to
reach those areas.
Monitor disturbance and effects of disturbance at nesting colonies.
Develop management recommendations for inclusion in coastal restoration plans.
Wood Stork
Characterize use and availability of foraging and roosting habitat.
Derive a population estimate and population objective for this species.
Brown Pelican
Collect baseline life-history data to allow for the construction of life-history
Determine population trends and guide management decisions via long-term
Reddish Egret
Locate nesting, roosting, and foraging areas to prioritize conservation actions.
Quantify the response of breeding birds to management activities that may impact
nesting colonies.
Implement satellite tracking of Reddish Egrets to determine stopover sites and
important wintering areas.
Conduct targeted surveys (including nesting surveys) to accurately determine
population size or index.
Determine limiting factors on reproduction.
Ensure goals of studies align with regional goals of the Reddish Egret Working
Swallow-tailed Kite
Monitor public and private lands to fill data gaps in breeding distribution and
Quantify magnitude of threats that may be limiting occupancy and productivity.
Identify potential factors for observed decreases in breeding density within
portions of the current breeding range in Louisiana.
Participate in the region-wide, pre-migration roost monitoring program.
Bald Eagle
Research stopover sites, migration routes, and threats to Bald Eagles.
Monitor nests, successful breeding pairs, and fledged birds by aerial surveys
every five years.
Quantify proportion of population that is resident vs. migratory.
Expand existing surveys (including callback surveys and nest surveys) to
determine population densities and distribution statewide.
Determine population densities and distribution during the non-breeding season.
Develop a long term collaborative monitoring framework and methodology for
assessing secretive marsh bird populations that may be used to determine status
and trends region wide.
Yellow Rail
Determine habitat needs.
Investigate the use and value of rice fields to Yellow Rails pre- and post-harvest.
Determine current winter distribution and abundance.
Black Rail
Determine current winter distribution and abundance as well as breeding status.
King Rail
Determine brood survival and other demographic measures across habitats
including working wetlands.
Validate existing and future modeling efforts.
Collect data on prey availability and habitat use including the influence of
landscape scale characteristics to inform management and aid in the development
of BMPs.
Develop management recommendations for inclusion in coastal restoration plans.
Snowy Plover & Wilson’s Plover
Monitor breeding and nonbreeding populations statewide.
Develop management recommendations for inclusion in coastal restoration plans.
Piping Plover
Monitor trends in abundance and distribution via long-term surveys.
American Oystercatcher
Conduct targeted surveys (including nesting surveys) to accurately determine
population size or index.
Conduct research to assess the limiting factors on reproduction.
Implement satellite tracking of American Oystercatchers to determine stopover
sites and important wintering areas.
Locate nesting, roosting, and foraging areas to prioritize conservation actions.
Ensure goals of studies align with regional goals of the American Oystercatcher
Working Group.
Red Knot
Conduct satellite telemetry studies of Red Knots to determine subspecies and
elucidate habitat use and migratory routes of Red Knots that winter in Louisiana
to promote more efficient full life cycle conservation of this species.
Develop management recommendations for inclusion in coastal restoration plans.
American Woodcock
Develop protocols to monitor winter abundance of American Woodcock.
Determine limiting factors for breeding and non-breeding birds.
Research limiting factors for nesting terns.
Develop management recommendations for inclusion in coastal restoration plans.
Monitor breeding and non-breeding populations statewide.
Sooty Tern
Develop a long term monitoring framework and methodology for assessing
populations of this and other pelagic birds that may be used to determine status
and trends.
Participate in population monitoring programs such as USGS BBS as well as
Christmas Bird Counts (CBCs).
Common Ground-Dove
Conduct baseline studies, including studies to clarify distribution and abundance.
Greater Roadrunner
Conduct baseline studies, including studies to clarify distribution and abundance.
Participate in the national Nightjar Survey Network program to collect population
Work with Louisiana Amphibian Monitoring Program (LAMP) to increase
collection of data for this species, as it is not well-surveyed by other monitoring
Research distribution patterns, habitat availability and use, nesting success, and
territory size requirements.
Southeastern American Kestrel
Conduct baseline studies, including studies to clarify distribution and abundance.
Quantify magnitude of limiting factors and threats to the population such as
predation and West Nile virus.
Loggerhead Shrike
Collect data on year-round distribution and abundance, vital rates, territory size,
and availability of suitable nesting sites across habitats.
Evaluate changes in available habitat over time.
Initiate research into causes of decline and determine limiting factors on both
residents and migrants.
Quantify direct and indirect impacts of RIFA on breeding and wintering birds.
Quantify proportion of population that is resident vs. migratory.
Ensure goals of studies align with regional goals of the Loggerhead Shrike
Working Group.
Neotropical Migratory Landbirds
Implement energetics study of food resources on Cheniers and other critical
stopover habitats to develop an energetics model relating habitat to refueling rates
Determine impact of habitat characteristics and landscape scale variables on the
value of stopover habitat.
Develop and access weather radar as a tool to provide information to prioritize
habitats for conservation and restoration.
Utilize geolocators or other tracking technology to determine connectivity of
breeding and nonbreeding areas.
Bell’s Vireo
Determine population abundance and distribution in the northern portion of the
state and develop species management recommendations.
Sprague’s Pipit
Collect baseline data, including distribution, habitat use, and habitat requirements.
Prothonotary Warbler
Utilize geolocators or other tracking technology to determine connectivity of
breeding and nonbreeding areas, including stopover sites.
Bachman’s Sparrow
Develop estimates of current distribution and population size statewide.
Determine relationship between population size and vegetation succession on
quality sites and investigate utility of management of refugia.
Research dispersal behavior to maximize the benefits of future habitat
Monitor reproductive success to determine limiting factors.
Field Sparrow
Determine breeding and nonbreeding population abundances and assess the
amount and quality of available habitat statewide.
Grasshopper Sparrow
Determine breeding and nonbreeding population abundances and assess the
amount and quality of available habitat statewide.
LeConte’s Sparrow
Determine suitable grassland patch size, species composition, structure and
landscape habitat matrix needed to support nonbreeding birds.
Nelson’s Sparrow
Determine current abundance and distribution in relation to habitat changes.
Seaside Sparrow
Estimate annual survivorship, especially during non-breeding season.
Assess accuracy of Partners in Flight (PIF) population estimate.
Model population response to predicted habitat changes, such as SLR.
Determine current abundance and distribution in relation to habitat changes.
Rusty Blackbird
Determine nonbreeding population abundance and habitat use.
d. Bird Conservation Actions
Provide comments on proposed wind energy projects to minimize impacts,
utilizing the USFWS voluntary guidelines for siting wind energy.
Conduct education/outreach on the negative impacts of Feral Cats on bird
Develop plan to reduce impact of Feral Cats on bird populations.
Promote the design and construction of bird-friendly buildings.
Partner with CPRA and other coastal partners to ensure habitat restoration and
creation efforts maximize benefits to wildlife.
Develop partnerships for habitat management with Landscape Conservation
Cooperatives (LCCs) and Joint Ventures (JVs).
Manage habitat to benefit bird SGCN through the Private Lands Program.
Utilize the East Gulf Coastal Plain Joint Venture’s (EGCPJV) Communication
Strategy for Prescribed Fire and Fire Adapted Habitats
Create, enhance, and maintain high-quality habitat across Louisiana.
Work with Ducks Unlimited (DU), Delta Waterfowl (DW), NRCS, and USFWS
to ensure that quality habitat is distributed across the landscape.
Encourage rice farming, rather than conversion to crops with lower wildlife value,
north of coastal marshes, and promote practice of traditional rice production
methods over less valuable, dry-seeded rice farming.
Partner with DU, DW, USFWS, and other partners to conserve habitat on the
northern breeding grounds.
Work with the CPRA, CWPPRA program, USACE LCA program, and other
partners to incorporate strategies specifically targeting important wintering areas
in all future coastal restoration efforts.
Support efforts to replace or improve infrastructure for managing coastal marshes,
such as the efforts funded through the Louisiana Waterfowl Project South.
Support efforts to provide strategically located refugia in the agricultural
landscape of southwest Louisiana, such as currently provided through the
Waterfowl Rest Areas Program.
Mottled Duck
Create and/or restore large blocks of nesting habitat in agricultural lands and
coastal marshes.
Provide brood-rearing habitat from mid-April through July in agricultural
landscapes through wetland restoration and water delivery.
Maintain low salinities (<6-8 parts per thousand) in coastal marsh through
hydrologic restoration to enhance brood-rearing habitats.
Where warranted and feasible, improve nest success by minimizing interactions
with predators.
Northern Bobwhite
Develop partnerships for habitat management with LCCs and JVs.
Manage habitat to benefit this species through the Private Lands Program.
Implement recommended habitat restoration actions specified by the National
Bobwhite Conservation Initiative (NBCI).
Manage habitat to benefit this species on WMAs, NWRs, National Forests, and
other public lands where appropriate.
Waterbirds, including Colonial Nesting and Solitary Nesting
Support CPRA, CWPPRA program, USACE LCA program, and other partner
efforts for shoreline stabilization and habitat restoration, especially that of Barrier
Islands and other coastal islands, and incorporate strategies specifically targeting
important nesting and nonbreeding areas in all future coastal restoration efforts by
these and other partners.
Provide CPRA and other coastal restoration partners necessary information on
colonial nesting birds to ensure habitat restoration and creation efforts maximize
benefits to wildlife.
Develop new and improve existing partnerships for protection and restoration of
coastal marshes.
Monitor colonies for impacts of predators and conduct targeted predator removal
as needed.
Provide public education regarding the importance of waterbird nesting colonies
and shorebird staging/feeding areas to reduce the negative effects of recreational
use on these areas.
Work with landowners to implement management and conservation
recommendations for waterbirds.
Coordinate with the LCCs and JVs to implement recommendations of shorebird
and wading bird conservation plans.
Create bird nesting islands when and where feasible, and explore potential
partnerships and funding mechanisms to support such construction.
Provide artificial nest platforms to increase available nest sites where warranted.
Reddish Egret
Apply colony-specific management actions as needed.
Create or improve alternate colony sites.
Improve foraging habitat within ten kilometers of existing colonies.
Implement the Gulf Coast Joint Venture’s (GCJV) Reddish Egret Conservation
Collaborate with the Reddish Egret Working Group to further goals common to
the region.
Swallow-tailed Kite
Provide recommendations to minimize forestry impacts on nesting or roosting
birds, including the importance of retaining large canopy and super-emergent
trees, as well as timing timber harvest activities to avoid critical periods.
Bald Eagle
Coordinate with timber companies for Bald Eagle management plans.
Implement buffers around easily accessible nest trees to minimize disturbance.
Work with NRCS to promote and maintain the presence of working wetlands on
the landscape.
Promote crawfish aquaculture and rice production to maintain suitable habitat for
Whooping Crane
Support establishment of a resident population of Whooping Cranes in Louisiana.
Continue education and outreach activities related to the Whooping Crane
Identify, conserve, and monitor shorebird nonbreeding locations, including
stopover sites.
Partner with LCCs, JVs, USFWS, NRCS, and other interested groups to
encourage land-owners to manage water levels to provide habitat for shorebirds
during migration; acquire and manage properties for shorebird use in
underrepresented areas.
Manage moist soil units on WMAs and refuges to provide suitable stopover
habitat where appropriate.
Long-billed Curlew
Provide inland, managed, dry to saturated habitat, moderately to densely covered
in short to medium height grasses (preferably native species), from July 15 to
November 5.
Provide additional acreage of similar habitat, if found to be limited on landscape,
from 15 March to 31 May.
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Provide inland, managed, short grass habitat or bare soil/water interface habitat,
ideally pesticide and herbicide free, from July 15 to November 5.
Provide additional acreage of similar habitat, if found to be limited on landscape,
from 15 March to 31 May.
Short-billed Dowitcher
Provide inland, managed habitat that is saturated to flooded (optimal flooding
depths range from 2-16 cm), with sparse or no vegetation from July 15 to
November 5.
Provide additional acreage of similar habitat, if found to be limited on landscape,
from 15 March to 31 May.
American Woodcock
Develop partnerships with state and federal agencies, Non-governmental
organizations (NGOs), and the private sector to implement the American
Woodcock Management Plan.
Manage habitat to benefit this species on state, federal, and private lands where
Shorebirds & Seabirds
Work with CPRA, USACE, and other partners to continue the beneficial use of
dredge material.
Work with the CPRA, CWPPRA program, USACE LCA program, and other
partners to incorporate strategies specifically targeting important nesting and
wintering areas in all future coastal restoration efforts.
Plovers and Coastal Least Tern
Work with landowners/parishes to exclude grazing livestock from beaches.
Control Feral Hogs on and around known nesting beaches.
Restrict or outlaw the use of All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) and other ORVs from
nesting areas, especially during nesting season.
Conserve and restore mainland beach and Barrier Island habitats.
Use signs, stewards, and symbolic fencing to protect nesting birds.
Develop a comprehensive survey methodology to determine long-term trends in
population abundances.
Develop partnerships to strengthen the protection and restoration of Barrier
Use signs, stewards, and symbolic fencing to protect nesting birds.
Develop a comprehensive survey methodology to determine long-term trends in
population abundances.
Interior Least Tern
Work with partners to protect/restore sandbars in Louisiana rivers.
Control exotic plants and animals on sandbars.
Restrict or outlaw the use of ATVs and other ORVs on sandbars, especially
during nesting season.
Partner with USACE to reduce negative impacts of dredging and channelization
on sandbars.
Work with the Scenic Rivers Program and partners to minimize the impacts of
gravel mining on sandbars.
Implement conservation recommendations of the USFWS recovery plan (USFWS
1990) and Interior Least Tern Five-Year Review (2013).
Work with USACE to regulate water levels during breeding season to avoid
negative impacts.
Determine the feasibility of using abandoned barges as artificial nesting habitat.
Secure funding to support long-term efforts to locate and monitor nesting
Utilize PIF documents for informing management decisions.
Work with NRCS, USFWS, U.S. Forest Service (USFS), and other partners to
develop and distribute outreach materials concerning the importance of early
successional habitats for SGCN.
Promote and conduct forest management practices that benefit landbirds.
Red-headed Woodpecker & Brown-headed Nuthatch
Use prescribed fire to maintain open pine systems.
Use the Open Pine Desired Forest Conditions (DFCs) and the Open Pine Decision
Support Tool in the management of open pine habitats.
Encourage landowners to use group-selection and single-tree selection harvesting
methods and maintain or increase the number of standing snags.
Red-cockaded Woodpecker
Implement the Louisiana Statewide Red-cockaded Woodpecker (RCW) Safe
Harbor Program.
Support USFWS recovery efforts outlined in the RCW Recovery Plan (USFWS
Establish new RCW populations.
Investigate potential land acquisition to increase and support RCW populations.
Encourage longer Longleaf Pine rotation ages when compatible with the
landowner’s management objectives.
Southeastern American Kestrel
Develop a nest box program focusing on known or suspected nesting areas and
engage the public in this program.
Loggerhead Shrike
Conserve and acquire Coastal Prairie and other native grasslands.
Maintain low, thick, shrubs in grasslands and pastures (3-10 shrubs or small trees
per acre), where compatible with habitat restoration goals of region.
Collaborate with the Loggerhead Shrike Working Group to prioritize goals
common to partners.
Neotropical Migrant Landbirds
Promote sustainable land-use practices on remaining Cheniers.
Work with landowners to exclude or reduce grazing livestock from Cheniers.
Conserve and restore coastal forest habitats, including reforestation where
Acquire and manage nonbreeding habitat in Mexico, Central and South America,
and the Caribbean.
Restore and manage Bottomland Hardwood Forest within the Mississippi River
Alluvial Plain (MAV).
Prothonotary Warbler
Retain snags for nesting and supplement with nest boxes if nest sites are a limiting
Grassland Birds
Partner with NRCS and the Louisiana Native Plant Initiative (LNPI) to promote
establishment of native grasses, including local ecotypes.
Promote the economic benefits of using privately-owned prairies to produce hay.
Continue efforts to support prescribed burning of prairies and other grassland
Bachman’s Sparrow & Henslow’s Sparrow
Work with landowners to encourage use of BMPs for prescribed fire management
and timber harvesting techniques to improve habitat quality.
Conserve and restore Longleaf Pine grassland habitats.
LeConte’s Sparrow
Manage native grasslands with the application of prescribed fire at appropriate
fire return intervals.
Seaside Sparrow
Create and restore Salt to Brackish marsh, preferably in blocks 10,000 acres,
containing areas of medium and tall height Smooth Cordgrass (Spartina
alterniflora), interspersed with ponds, tidal creeks, and bare ground areas.
9. Mammals
Seventy mammal species have been recorded in Louisiana or its adjacent waters
(Lowery 1974). Thirteen species are considered rare and local, imperiled, or critically
imperiled by the LNHP (2015). There are four federally-listed mammal species in
Louisiana that are considered SGCN. Recovery plans for the Louisiana Black Bear
(USFWS 1995b) and West Indian Manatee (USFWS 2001) have been developed by
USFWS. Both the Red Wolf (Canis rufus) and Florida Panther (Puma concolor) have
been removed from the SGCN list, as they no longer occur in the state. Three of the four
whale species included on the 2005 SGCN list have also been removed, as they do not
regularly occur in state waters, and therefore may not be impacted by conservation
actions within Louisiana.
a. Mammal SGCN
Common Name Scientific Name G-Rank S-Rank
Tier I
Southeastern Shrew Sorex longirostris G5 S2
Northern Long-eared Bat Myotis septentrionalis G1G2 S1
Oak Ridge Pocket Gopher Geomys breviceps breviceps G5 S4T1
Eastern Spotted Skunk Spilogale putorius G4 S1
Tier II
Southeastern Myotis Myotis austroriparius G3G4 S4
Big Brown Bat Eptesicus fuscus G5 S2
Eastern Chipmunk Tamias striatus G5 S3
Bachman’s Fox Squirrel Sciurus niger bachmani G5 S5T3
Hispid Pocket Mouse Chaetodipus hispidus G5 S2
Eastern Harvest Mouse Reithrodontomys humulis G5 S3
Prairie Vole Microtus ochrogaster G5TX SH
Louisiana Black Bear Ursus americanus luteolus G5T2 S3
Ringtail Bassariscus astutus G5 S1
Long-tailed Weasel Mustela frenata G5 S3
West Indian Manatee Trichechus manatus G2 S1N
Tier III
Silver-haired Bat Lasionycteris noctivagans G5 SZ
Rafinesque’s Big-eared Bat Corynorhinus rafinesquii G3G4 S4
Eastern Pipistrelle Perimyotis subflavus G5 S4
Baird's Pocket Gopher Geomys breviceps sagittalis G5 S4
Golden Mouse Ochrotomys nuttalli G5 S4
Northern Pygmy Mouse Baiomys taylori G4G5 SU
Bottlenose Dolphin Tursiops truncatus G5 S5
Sperm Whale Physeter macrocephalus G3G4 SZ
b. Threats to Mammals
Louisiana’s mammal SGCN are highly diverse in ecology and habitat preference, and
as such, almost all of the 1
level threats identified by Salafsky et al. (2008) apply to at
least one mammal SGCN. Many of these species are subject to direct habitat loss and
degradation resulting from development and agriculture, as discussed for other taxa.
Marine mammals are at risk from oil spills and other toxic releases, and, as with birds,
wind farms pose a potential threat to many bats. Also of concern for bat SGCN is the
replacement of “bat-friendly” bridges with designs that are of lower value to these
species. Some SGCN, including predators, rodents, and bats, are subject to varying
degrees of human persecution. As with all SGCN, natural system modification is one of
the most serious threats to many mammals. One of the most high profile threats to bats is
White-nose Syndrome, which has not yet been documented in Louisiana, but has been
detected in neighboring states. Whether terrestrial or aquatic, all mammal SGCN are
potentially impacted by pollution. Finally, although many mammals are predicted to be
fairly resilient to the impacts of climate change, there is some level of risk, particularly to
range-restricted species.
c. Mammal Research and Survey Needs
Implement or develop standard protocols for monitoring mammal populations to
determine trends.
Bachman’s Fox Squirrel
Document the current extent of range in Louisiana and collect baseline population
Utilize or modify hunter harvest surveys to monitor harvest rates for this
Eastern Chipmunk
Determine the current distribution and status of this species in Louisiana.
Research habitat requirements and potential limiting factors.
Northern Pygmy Mouse
Determine current abundance and distribution via targeted surveys.
Hispid Pocket Mouse
Determine current abundance and distribution via targeted surveys.
Research habitat requirements and basic life history.
Oak Ridge Pocket Gopher
Determine the current status and distribution of this subspecies in Louisiana.
Research the natural history of this subspecies in Louisiana.
Baird’s Pocket Gopher
Research the role of prescribed fire regime on population dynamics.
Develop a protocol for estimating population size.
Conduct studies on food habits, specific habitat preferences, and limiting factors.
Investigate usage of utility ROWs, especially within the range of the Louisiana
Investigate methods to increase colonization rates of clearcuts or restored habitat.
Prairie Vole
Determine current status in state via intensive, targeted surveys in historical
Golden Mouse
Determine current abundance and distribution via targeted surveys.
Research habitat requirements and preferences.
Eastern Harvest Mouse
Determine current abundance and distribution via targeted surveys.
Research life history and habitat requirements.
Southeastern Shrew
Determine current abundance and distribution and habitat use via targeted
Research impacts of RIFA on this species.
Conduct surveys statewide in order to locate important roost sites.
Monitor for the presence of White Nose Syndrome (WNS) at known roost sites.
Big Brown Bat
Conduct life history studies to address data gaps for this species in the state.
Conduct telemetry studies to determine habitat, foraging ecology, and day roost
Southeastern Myotis
Determine locations of large winter roosts via telemetry.
Northern Long-eared Bat
Conduct surveys to determine current status, distribution, and habitat use.
Determine habitat use and foraging ecology via telemetry.
Long-tailed Weasel
Determine current status and distribution via intensive surveys.
Determine habitat preferences and requirements of this species.
Eastern Spotted Skunk & Ringtail
Determine current status in state via intensive, targeted surveys in historical
West Indian Manatee
Determine habitat use, movement patterns, and behavior in Louisiana waters.
Evaluate SAV availability and the potential need for restoration.
Develop a database of warm water discharge locations throughout the coastal
Bottlenose Dolphin
Document mortality events and track mortality rates.
Collect data for population estimates.
Collect genetic and other samples from stranded animals.
Expand efforts to create and maintain a photo catalogue of individual animals to
allow for population monitoring.
Sperm Whale
Collect data from stranded whales to increase knowledge of this species in state
d. Mammal Conservation Actions
West Indian Manatee
Raise public awareness of this species to increase reports of sightings to the
Provide educational/outreach materials about this species.
Respond to manatee strandings and conduct necropsies when possible.
Bachman’s Fox Squirrel
Develop habitat management recommendations to benefit this subspecies.
Eastern Chipmunk
Conserve Southern Mesophytic Forests to provide habitat for this species.
Hispid Pocket Mouse
Support use of prescribed fire to maintain appropriate habitat.
Prairie Vole
Conserve and restore Coastal Prairie.
Oak Ridge Pocket Gopher
Promote BMPs that favor the growth of herbaceous plants where this subspecies
is found.
Baird’s Pocket Gopher
Develop a HSI for pocket gophers in Louisiana.
Promote prescribed fire and restore open pine habitat within the range of this
species, and continue Coastal Prairie stewardship actions.
Golden Mouse
Include the retention of vertical structure (vines, tangles, etc.) in habitat
management recommendations and BMPs.
Partner with DOTD to implement the use of bat-friendly bridges during bridge
Promote the benefits of bat colonies and develop partnerships with landowners to
protect roosts.
Develop BMPs for bats and disseminate to timber companies and other private
Rafinesque’s Big-eared Bat & Southeastern Myotis
Use Desired Stand Conditions (DSCs) and BMPs found in the Lower Mississippi
Valley Joint Venture (LMVJV) document “Restoration, Management, and
Maintenance of Forest Resources in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley (MAV),”
including the retention of snags.
Work with landowners to implement proper habitat management to benefit these
Louisiana Black Bear
Increase connectivity through the establishment and maintenance of corridors.
Partner with DOTD to provide road crossings to limit road mortality.
Support outreach and education to increase public acceptance of bears and reduce
nuisance behavior.
Work with landowners to manage habitat to benefit this species.
Work with USFWS and other partners to implement the recovery plan (USFWS
1995b) for this species.
Bottlenose Dolphin
Support outreach/education on this species in LA, particularly how to minimize
human impacts on species.
D. General Conservation Actions
Rather than being specific to a single SGCN or particular suite of SGCN, the
following actions will provide benefits to many or all SGCN or natural communities,
thereby benefitting large numbers of SGCN. As with the conservation actions presented
earlier in this chapter, this list is plastic and not comprehensive. Actions are divided into
five categories: Partnerships, Education, Research and Inventory, Habitat Impact
Avoidance, and Stewardship Implementation.
1. Partnerships
Partner with NGOs, state and federal agencies, industry, and private landowners
to promote conservation of natural communities.
Partner with DOTD, particularly in planning phases, to address wildlife-vehicle
strike minimization measures such as creating wildlife crossings.
Utilize social media outlets to engage, inform, and interact with the public about
wildlife habitats and their conservation.
Work with the legislature to develop tax incentives for landowners to encourage
conservation of rare habitat types.
Direct the curricula of the local chapters of the Louisiana Master Naturalist
Program; ensure that students are being trained in relevant subjects; frequently
utilize certified Master Naturalists to help accomplish conservation projects.
Increase support for landowner outreach and citizen-based voluntary conservation
initiatives such as the Natural Areas Registry Program.
Work closely with Interagency Review Team (IRT) to ensure that proposed
mitigation banks will have the highest possible ecological value; interact with
mitigation bank sponsors to assist with decision making, if requested.
Partner with the Southeastern Regional Partnership for Planning and
Sustainability (SERPPAS) to develop and expand training opportunities for
prescribed burning certification and to promote prescribed fire and conservation
in the Southeast.
Promote WAP priorities within the framework of the Southeastern Conservation
Adaptation Strategy (SECAS) in order to develop regionwide conservation
strategies for SGCN and their habitats.
2. Education
Provide educational information on natural communities and their importance to
SGCN to landowners and managers through participation in outreach events,
presentations, and workshops, and through the LDWF website.
Encourage the design of university curricula that emphasize natural habitat
diversity in fields of applied science (e.g. landscape architecture, landscape and
urban planning, and renewable natural resources conservation); communicate the
need for field biology training to University department heads and administrators,
as well as the Board of Regents.
Promote education about the impact of invasive plant and animal species on
natural habitats and methods to eradicate or control invasives through literature,
radio and television, and interactive workshops.
Provide information on WAP SGCN and associated habitats for teachers and
other workshop participants (Future Farmers of America (FFA), Envirothon, etc.)
to ensure their use in Louisiana schools.
Develop and publish information regarding beneficial management practices and
desired habitat conditions for all habitat types.
Increase number of publications picturing and describing Louisiana wildlife,
plants, and habitats (e.g. field guides, accounts of flora and fauna of particular
sites or habitats).
Establish a television program that takes the audience across Louisiana,
introducing them to diverse habitats.
Leverage resources such as the Teaming With Wildlife Coalition and Master
Naturalist chapters to improve public awareness of conservation issues.
3. Research and Inventory
Intensify surveys to determine the current conservation status of all natural
communities and to gain additional information about poorly-known habitats.
Engage the public in documenting and reporting species and habitat occurrences
through citizen science initiatives.
Continue survey work to document “up-and-coming” exotic invasive species that
are expected to eventually have a negative impact on Louisiana’s biological
Use remote sensing to determine location and extent of habitats, incorporating
ground truthing and involvement of scientists sufficiently versed in plant ecology.
Continue and expand, as deemed appropriate, to investigate and quantify the
effects of oil spills on SGCN via additional research and monitoring, as well as
mechanisms to mitigate for such impacts.
4. Habitat Impact Avoidance
Inform appropriate planning commissions about types of habitats and their
locations to avoid impact to these habitats.
Provide habitat information to oil, gas, and seismic companies and encourage
resource survey and mining techniques that avoid or minimize impacts to wildlife
Create a web-based biodiversity information server to allow clients to determine
species and habitats potentially impacted by their proposed development projects.
5. Stewardship Implementation
Promote the utilization of federal cost share programs (e.g. NRCS) to address
habitat conservation issues such as invasive species problems and implementation
of stewardship practices (e.g. prescribed burning).
Provide funding and assistance to landowners for exotic species control in high
quality habitat occurrences.
Increase the number of cost share/cost elimination programs that apply
stewardship practices on the landscape (e.g. Prescribed Burn Initiative); expand
existing programs to apply to additional habitats and increase their geographic
Increase LDWF’s capability to apply stewardship on private lands by having
more certified prescribed fire applicators, more staff certified to apply herbicides,
and staff qualified to use mechanical equipment to improve habitat (e.g., brush
removal in prairies).
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