Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
Biographical Sketch
Can Saygin, Ph.D.
(“Canis pronounced “John”)
Senior Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate College
Professor of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV)
(956) 665 – 3883 |
Dr. Can (John) Saygin is a Senior Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate College at the University of
Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV). He is also a Professor of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering at the
College of Engineering and Computer Sciences.
Prior to his current administrative position, he served as a Senior Associate Vice President for Research
(4/1/20207/30/2022), Senior Vice Provost for University Planning (6/1/2019-4/1/2020), Senior Vice Provost for
Intelligence and Strategic Initiatives (3/1/2018-7/1/2019); Interim Dean of the Graduate School (06/2018-03/2019);
Advisor to President on Strategic Initiatives (11/15/2017-3/1/2018); Associate Vice President for Sponsored Project
Administration in the Office of Research (2013-2018) at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA).
He received his BS ('89), MS ('92), and PhD ('97) degrees in Mechanical Engineering with emphasis on advanced
manufacturing and automation from the Middle East Technical University, Ankara in Turkey. In his academic career,
he worked at the University of Toledo (1997-1999), the Missouri University of Science and Technology (formerly
University of Missouri-Rolla) (1999-2006), and The University of Texas at San Antonio (2006-2022) before joining
UTRGV in August 2022.
He is the recipient of the UTSA College of Engineering 2009 Excellence in Teaching Award, the UTSA Presidents
2011 Distinguished Achievement Award for Teaching Excellence, and The University of Texas System Regents
Outstanding Teaching Award in 2012.
As a faculty member, he has directed several projects funded by the Air Force Research Lab, National Science
Foundation, U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of Defense, the Boeing Company, the Ford Motor Company,
UT Health San Antonio, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, and various manufacturing industries. He has
also led regional advanced manufacturing efforts under the designation of Alamo Manufacturing Partnership.
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
Administrave Resume …………… pages 2-12 | Academic Resume …………… pages 13-37
RESUME Administrave
Click on links to see publicaons:
hps:// Scopus Author ID: 56091035900
8/2022 – present: Professor of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering and
Computer Science, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV).
09/2012 – 7/2022: Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA).
08/2006 – 09/2012: Associate Professor (tenured) of Mechanical Eng, UTSA.
09/2005 – 08/2006: Associate Professor (tenured), University of Missouri – Rolla (UMR*), Engineering
Management and Systems Engineering (EMSE) Department, Rolla, Missouri.
* Since 2008, UMR is MS&T “Missouri University of Science and Technology02/2000
– 09/2005: Assistant Professor (tenure-track), UMR, EMSE.
08/1999 – 02/2000: Lecturer, UMR, EMSE.
08/1998 – 08/1999: Vising Assistant Professor, University of Toledo, Mechanical, Industrial, and
Manufacturing Engineering Department (MIME), Toledo, Ohio.
09/1997 – 08/1998: Post-Doctoral Research Associate / Adjunct Faculty, University of Toledo, MIME,
Flexible Manufacturing Systems Laboratory (Director: Dr. F. Frank Chen), Toledo, Ohio.
1989-1997: Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant in Producon Engineering and Design, Mechanical Eng.
Dept., Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
08/01/2022 – present: Senior Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate College, University of
Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV).
04/01/2020 – 07/31/2022: Senior Associate Vice President for Research, University of Texas at San Antonio
07/01/2019 – 03/31/2020: Senior Vice Provost for University Planning, UTSA.
06/14/2018 – 02/25/2019: Interim Dean of Graduate School, Provost Oce, UTSA.
01/03/2018 – 06/30/2019: Senior Vice Provost for Instuonal Intelligence and Strategic Iniaves,
President’s Oce, UTSA.
11/13/2017 – 03/01/2018: Advisor to President for Strategic Iniaves, President’s Oce, UTSA.
09/15/2016 – 03/01/2018: Associate Vice President for Research, Oce of Sponsored Project
Administraon (OSPA), UTSA.
09/01/2015 – 11/13/2017: Director, Center for Advanced Manufacturing & Lean Systems (CAMLS), UTSA.
05/15/2013 – 09/15/2016: Assistant Vice President for Research, OSPA, UTSA.
03/2012 – 05/2013: Dean’s Fellow for Strategic Iniaves, College of Engineering, UTSA.
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
11/2008 – 05/2013: Center Director, Interacve Technology Experience Center (iTEC) – K-12 STEM Center,
College of Engineering, UTSA.
09/2007 – 12/2011: Director of Graduate Programs (Graduate Advisor of Record) in Mechanical Eng Dept:
MS in Mech Eng, MS in Advanced Manufacturing and Enterprise Engineering, and PhD in Mech Eng.
10/2006 – 5/2011: Director of the Machine Shop, College of Engineering, UTSA.
06/2004 – 08/2006: Co-Director of the Auto-ID Research Group, University of Missouri-Rolla (UMR).
06/2000 – 08/2006: Director of the Integrated Systems Facility, UMR, Engineering Management and
Systems Engineering (EMSE) Department, Rolla, Missouri.
2005-2006: Undergraduate Advisor for Manufacturing, UMR, EMSE.
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
Senior Associate Vice President for Research (04/2020 – 08/2022)
Due to the beginning of the pandemic in early 2020, President Eighmy asked me to pivot back to the
Research Oce (where I had started my major administrave role in 2013 as Assistant Vice President for
Research) due to re-priorized list of strategic iniaves. My specic task was to ensure the pandemic has
the least negave impact on the research expenditures by revising new policies and implemenng
eecve processes to reach the highest possible expenditure metrics. Prior to the pandemic, there were
two key goals dened for UTSA. First, we must become eligible for the State of Texas “Naonal Research
University Fund(NRUF) based on UTSA’s FY20 and FY21 research performance metrics. Second, UTSA
must aain the R1 Classicaon, “very high research acvity”, by the Carnegie Classicaon of Instuons
of Higher Educaon, with this designaon being a leading indicator to denote best-in-class research
instuons in higher educaon. With pandemic on the horizon in early 2020, I pivoted back to the
Research Oce to lead the research iniaves related to ambious NRUF and R1 targets. In Fall 2021, we
met the criteria to be eligible for NRUF. The State Audit will take place in Spring 2022. In Jan 2022, UTSA
was ocially ranked by Carnegie as an R1 Instuon.
As senior associate vice president for research, I have three (3) assistant vice presidents (AVP) and
Research IT reporng to me, with a total of 67 sta members. AVP units include Sponsored Projects
Administraon, Research Support, and Research Finance. My area of responsibility spans from proposal
development to contracts and industry agreements to post-award and billing/reporng. I also oversee the
Research Oce budget and internal operaons. In terms of Research IT, I have designed and supervised
development of a work-ow plaorms that connects all pre- and post-award operaons eciently. All
operaonal metrics, as well as research expenditure metrics, are also captured and displayed in a role-
based dashboard for mely informaon. I have periodic meengs with the President, Provost, Deans,
Associate Deans for Research, Faculty Senate, and Centers/Instutes on UTSA’s research metrics,
specically research expenditures.
In this role, my major accomplishments since April 2020 include the following:
Developed various versions of the Carnegie R1/R2 Projecon Model and assisted President Eighmy
in strategic decision making.
Restructured the Research Oce budget and realigned with strategic iniaves.
Developed a 3-scal year Research Oce budget model.
Worked with Provost and Graduate School Dean on NRUF criteria in collaboraon with UTSA
Internal Audit; briefed the president on a regular basis.
Due to increasing volume of proposals and acve projects, restructured the central pre and post
award operaons into two separate, yet connected, units as Pre-Award Administraon and
PostAward Administraon. I aligned the Post-Award team with the Grants Accountants to
streamline billing and nancial reporng processes.
With Instute for Economic Development (IED) being part of UTSA Research, I worked with AVP IED
to establish a self-sucient pre/post award unit to streamline their operaons and avoid
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
Developed new dashboards and workow automaon plaorms to connect faculty with research
administrators from proposal submission to account monitoring to close outs.
Worked closely with VP Development and Alumni Relaons for accurate nancial coding of gis and
endowments to make the largest impact on expenditures.
Developed an annual evaluaon process for Centers/Instutes.
Restructured the Core Facilies in order to be more proacve with services.
Senior Vice Provost for University Planning (07/2019-04/2020)
In June 2019, I was tasked with establishing a new division, namely University Planning, to operate under
three funconal areas for strategic growth and innovave excellence with several project managers
reporng to me on a porolio of instuonal projects across academic aairs, research, business aairs,
and president’s oce:
1. Major Capital Projects ($10M and over): Support UTSA’s academic mission and strategic vision by
providing assistance for the long-range planning of the physical environment, as well as
leveraging space to its highest ulizaon.
2. Informaon Technology and Automaon: Provide project management support for integraon of
exisng and new informaon technology tools and plaorms for eecveness based on user
requirements and integrated process and data mapping, as well as automaon for a lean and
nimble organizaon.
3. Administrave and Business Process Reengineering: Focus on policy, process, and procedure
connecon across the instuon to evaluate “why we do what we do, and how we do itin order
to understand administrave and business processes, idenfy areas for improvement, and
execute improvement projects.
In this role, my major accomplishments include:
Hired project coordinators/project managers to set up the teams under the 3 pillars of operaon.
Hired major capital projects director.
Worked closely with VPIMT on IT/Automaon projects and coordinaon of VPIMT’s business
resource managers (BRM): FMI, Banner, DegreeWorks, Salesforce, Maxient.
Worked closely with VPBA Facilies on idenfying internal procedures and roles/responsibilies to
seamlessly manage major capital projects.
Led the University of Texas System’s transion out of UTSA operaons o major projects and worked
with UTSA Facilies and external/consultant stakeholders to eliminate/reduce risk and facilitate
business connuity.
Negoated with the University of Texas System for $750K to be provided to UTSA as cost of
Developed protocols to idenfy delays related to the new Science and Engineering Building
compleon date. Together with contractors, developed monthly metrics to review and act on in
order for mely compleon. As opposed to 2-3 months of delay in the meline, I was able to catch
up with operaons to complete according to meline.
Negoated with contractor for $400K conngency to start the new Guadalupe Student Hall without
any delays. Construcon started in Sept 2019 as intended.
Implemented DocuSign and LucidChart as tools for process improvement.
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
Led space management and scheduling projects related to various soware applicaons, such as
25Live and FM Interact.
Worked with University Architect to re-visit space usage and analysis.
Senior Vice Provost for Instuonal Intelligence and Strategic Iniaves (11/2017-07/2019) (Inially
started as “Advisor to President on Strategic Iniaves” 11/2017-03/2018)
President Eighmy’s vision for my role in his oce was to be the System Architect for (a) Strategic Planning
and Execuon for instuonal iniaves; and (b) Annual Evaluaon method for Vice Presidents (VP).
I achieved the following instuonal goals in this role:
Operaonalized the Strategic Plan
Directed and managed the process of developing, rening, monitoring and reporng on the
implementaon of strategic iniaves (includes development of metrics, data analycs and other
“data to aconable informaonrelated issues).
Contributed to the preparaon of strategic iniaves plans, reports, briengs, and presentaons.
Provided strategic consultaon to senior University administrators as needed.
Collaborated with VPs to develop key metrics and performance indicators consistent with the
University’s iniaves to assess instuonal performance.
Provided a systemac review of University wide processes to iniate business process
improvement that cut across all VP units.
Reviewed, analyzed, and strategized based on University wide data through Instuonal Research
Provided project management leadership by coordinang the planning and implementaon of
University wide strategic iniaves based on project performance metrics.
Led/co-led key University wide projects, including strategic enrollment (with SalesForce
implementaon), data governance, campus master plan, research excellence, and downtown
Facilitated the development of the UTSA Dashboard; provided guidance to the Senior Leadership
Team to help promote the alignment of process and priories.
Facilitated establishing VP for Strategic Enrollment and VP for Student Success units based on an
instuonal analysis of all VP units across UTSA.
Chaired the search commiee and the overall process to recruit a VP for Informaon Management
and Technology as a new VP unit.
For more informaon on acve iniaves and the model I developed and executed, please see
hps:// To realize the target Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are
foundaonal to three desnaons (Student Success; Research; Growth), I developed a project
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
management model for strategic planning and execuon. The three desnaons are mapped over the
instuonal KPIs, which are further broken down into Vice Presidenal and department level performance
indicators to create a connected organizaon. Aer conducng a gap analysis, iniaves have been
idened with a launch sequence that is determined based on the cricality of targeted KPIs and resources
needed. I have published the overall framework in 2019:
SAYGIN, C., “KPIs Drive Strategic Planning and Execuon”, Planning for Higher Educaon Journal, Vol.47,
No.4, July-September 2019.
In this role, I also worked very closely with the Provost:
Iniated the new Faculty Workload policy
Developed college-specic metrics, targets, and dashboards.
Iniated digizaon of workow in Digital Measures for annual faculty performance evaluaons
Supervised planning, implementaon, and execuon of the SACSCOC instuonal accreditaon
process (Southern Associaon of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges).
Interim Dean of Graduate School (06/2018-03/2019)
In order to maintain connuity of several instuonal iniaves related to graduate programs and
research, I volunteered to serve as Interim Dean (an addional tle while I was sll serving as Senior Vice
Provost for Instuonal Intelligence and Strategic Iniaves) when the Graduate School Dean le UTSA in
June 2018. Based on my conversaon with the president and the provost, my role and responsibility in
the interim period was to make radical changes while the search for permanent dean was underway. I
have implemented major changes in the graduate school that led to 40% more enrollment in Spring 2019
than Spring 2018:
People and Processes: I changed the organizaonal structure by reducing the 35-sta operaon
to team of 21 sta; I transformed the operaonal structure of the graduate school into a lean
organizaon by revising business processes and tools:
- Eliminated unnecessary admission requirements that were most of the me waived,
which reduced the bureaucracy, thus lead me.
- Implemented a rolling admissions process to be more responsive to prospecve students
- Developed IT queries to provide real-me aconable informaon to academic colleges in
order to make mely decisions.
- Redesigned the admission workow from a long sequenal ow to a parallel processing
ow between the graduate school and academic colleges.
- Revised DegreeWorks to provide standardized templates for all graduate programs in
terms of course work.
- Eliminated most of the forms and converted them into electronic forms.
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
Funding: I restructured the budget and nancial resources by giving academic colleges much
more exibility and autonomy, as opposed to the former “centralizedapproach, which was
built on excessive bureaucracy. Over $3M of funding was restructured to be used for
recruitment, graduate research assistantship, and various forms of scholarships over 7 academic
college with primary focus on 25 PhD programs.
Oce Space: Due to an instuonal need, which was to create a student centric environment
for Honors College, I facilitated the swapping of spaces between the Graduate School and
Honors College between two buildings, in the middle of all process changes, which were all
successfully completed.
Associate Vice President for Research – Sponsored Project Administraon (05/2013-03/2018)
I started as Assistant VP-Research, in May 2013, in charge of the Oce of Sponsored Project
Administraon (OSPA) in the Oce of the Vice President for Research (VPR). In Sept 2016, I was promoted
to Associate VP-Research, with expanded role in research support. OSPA team included 37 sta members
and 3 primary funcons (Research Service Centers, Grants and Contracts Financial Services, and Contracts
and Industry Agreements) to support the UTSA’s research mission: Supporng UTSA's research
community by facilitang growth, enabling producvity, and pursuing excellence.
My primary focus in the rst 6 months was on enforcing a change in culture by introducing
operaonal metrics, key performance indicators, and accountability while redesigning business processes
for core funcons and facilitang personal development for sta. The second 6-month period was
focused on improving producvity and revising all the IT plaorms and tools that are used as part of
research administraon across UTSA, which also included Peopleso. In 2014, we focused on developing
a framework document to guide UTSA in its journey to Tier One Status; the framework is entled
“Accelerate 2025: UTSA’s Framework for Top Tier Research”. We reached the Accelerate 2025 targets in
Director, Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Lean Systems (CAMLS) (09/2015-11/2017)
In 2006, I was hired to primarily contribute to the College of Engineering’s mission to bring
“manufacturing engineeringto UTSA. Together with Dr. F. Frank Chen, we joined UTSA in August 2006.
Developing undergraduate and graduate-level courses in manufacturing and establishing a research
center that integrates with local industry were the two ulmate goals. In research center part of the
mission, I have worked very closely with Dr. F. Frank Chen to establish the Center for Advanced
Manufacturing and Lean Systems (CAMLS). CAMLS has grown to have several aliated faculty members,
member companies, and graduate students. Between 9/2015-11/2017, I served as Director of CAMLS. My
eorts were focused on applied research, development, industrial training, and economic development,
which exposed me to in-depth community engagement.
Director, Interacve Technology Experience Center (iTEC), College of Engineering, 11/2008 – 5/2013
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
Interacve Technology Experience Center (iTEC – hp:// was a K-12 STEM center, funded
for its rst 4 years by the AT&T Foundaon. Its goal was to inspire young people by creang an
environment where they can understand how engineering, science, and technology shape our lives and
the future of the world. iTEC’s mission was to movate young people to pursue careers in engineering by
demonstrang advanced technologies and engaging them in interacve acvies that build technical
skills and foster crical thinking, self-condence, communicaon, and leadership. As iTEC Director, my
responsibility was to coordinate the research and development eorts among six faculty members,
manage a $1.5M (for 4 years) budget, establish a state-of-the-art facility for K-12 students and teachers,
and demonstrate engineering and technology in an interacve way to increase awareness and interest in
engineering. Towards the end of funding (2008-2010), I developed a new business model to make iTEC
self-sustaining. Beginning in 2011, iTEC started to generate enough revenue under my leadership to self-
sustain itself and grow. Within our new business model, our porolio included spring-break and summer
camps with over 1,000 students annually, running an annual robocs compeon with approximately
1,500 people aending, and year-round programs at a dozen schools through our “iTEC on Wheels
Departmental Commiees (Mechanical Eng):
ME Department Comprehensive Periodic Evaluaon (CPE) Commiee, Member, Fall 2017.
ME Department Faculty Promoon and Tenure Review Advisory Commiee (DFRAC), Member, Fall
ME Department Faculty Promoon and Tenure Review Advisory Commiee (DFRAC), Chair, Acad Yr
2015-2016, Acad Yr 2016-2017.
ME Faculty Search Commiee for Robocs/Manufacturing/Mechatronics, Chair, 2014–2015.
ME Faculty Merit Review Commiee, 2014-2015.
ME Financial Management System, Advisor to the Chair, 09/01/2012– 09/01/2013.
ME Faculty Search Commiee for Energy, 09/01/2012– 05/2013.
ME Graduate Programs Commiee, Chair, 09/01/2007 – 09/01/2012.
ME Faculty Search Commiee for Manufacturing, Chair, 09/01/2011– 09/01/2012.
Soware and PC Lab Cmmt, 09-12/2006.
Faculty and Chair Search Cmmt, 10/2006 – 04/2007.
ABET and Undergraduate Catalogue Cmmt, 10-12/2006.
College of Engineering (UTSA):
Biomedical Engineering (BME) Department Comprehensive Periodic Evaluaon (CPE) Commiee,
Member, Fall 2017.
College Faculty Review (Promoon/Tenure) Advisory Commiee (CFRAC), member, 09/20172020.
College Faculty Review (Promoon/Tenure) Advisory Commiee (CFRAC), member,
College Faculty Development Leave Commiee, member, 09/30/2013-9/30/2015.
COE Execuve Commiee (CECC), Member, 03/2012-05/2013.
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
Task Force for Graduaon and Retenon Rates in COE, 09/01/2012-12/15/2012.
College Faculty Review (Promoon/Tenure) Advisory Commiee (CFRAC), member,
College of Eng – Graduate Programs Cmmt, 10/2006 – 10/2010.
College of Eng – College Academic Policy and Curriculum Cmmt (undergrad), 10/2006 – 10/2010.
(As a Member of the CAPCC, I developed a proposal for an undergraduate program in Industrial
and Manufacturing Engineering in May 2009 per Dean Agrawal’s request. The proposal included a
detailed list of courses and comparison with other similar programs in the naon. CAPCC
recommended this program to the Dean for consideraon).
College of Eng Strategic Plan (Oct-Dec 2007) – I have led the eort in revising the strategic plan and
rewring it in a new format.
University-level Commiees and Academy Memberships:
Provost Council, 2019 – 2020.
Deans Council, 2019 – 2020.
Instuonal Audit Commiee, Member of the Task Force, 05/2019-07/2022.
Presidenal Iniave on Student Success (with EAB as consultants), Member of the Task Force,
Presidenal Iniave on Strategic Enrollment (with RNL as consultants), Member of the Task Force,
Presidenal Iniave on Finance Budget Model: Incenvized Resource Management (Huron as
consultants), Member of the Steering Commiee, Member of the Task Force, 09/2017-2020.
Presidenal Iniave on Research Excellence, Member of the Task Force, 01/2018-2020.
Presidenal Iniave on Campus Master Plan, Member of the Task Force, 09/2018-2020
Strategic Iniave on Data Governance and Integrity, Chair of the Task Force (Add sub-cmmt info),
Presidenal Iniave on Downtown Campus Expansion/Enhancement, Chair of the Curriculum
SubCommiee, 01/2018-2020.
Presidenal Iniave on Prevenng Sexual Assault and Misconduct, Co-Chair of the Data
Governance and Reporng Commiee, 01/2019-2020.
SACSCOC Rearmaon of Accreditaon 2020, Runs through my oce (Oce of Instuonal
Intelligence), 2017-2020.
Construcon Project for School of Data Science and Naonal Security Collaboraon Center
(Downtown campus expansion), Member of the Steering Commiee, 09/2018-2020.
Member of the President’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT), 9/2017 – 6/2019.
Search Commiee for Communicaons Manager in the President’s Oce, Member, 3/20194/2019.
Search Commiee for Vice President for Informaon Management and Technology (VPIMT), Chair,
7/1/2018-11/15/2018; Worked with Korn Ferry Internaonal (Recruitment Firm); Recruited Kendra
Search Commiee for Senior Vice Provost for Strategic Enrollment, Member, 02/2018-2020.
Search Commiee for Asst Vice Provost for Business Intelligence, Member, 10/2018-1/2019.
UTSA’s Strategic Planning UTSA Blueprint on President’s Cabinet, 03/2017 – 8/2017.
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
UTSA’s Strategic Planning Task Force for UTSA Blueprint, Eight people advising directly the
President on priories, strategies, and deployment based on collecve input from the campus,
UTSA Peopleso e-Forms Deployment Commiee, 05/2016 – 05/2017.
UTSA Peopleso SciQuest Procurement Plaorm Deployment Project, Execuve Commiee,
09/2016 – 09/2017.
Hiring Commiee for Associate Vice Provost for Financials in Provost Oce, 09/2016-12/2016.
UTSA’s Strategic Planning Team for UTSA 2020 Blueprint, Focus Groups: 1) Enhance Business
Processes, 2) Increase Expenditures, 02/2015-09/2016.
UTSA PeopleSo Task Force, 02/2015-09/2016: formed by President Romo to resolve immediate
PeopleSo issues at UTSA by working closely with the UT System and consultants.
UTSA President’s Execuve Leadership Commiee (ELC), 09/2014-02/2017.
UTSA PeopleSo Steering Commiee, Member, 08/2013-03/2016.
UTSA Academy for Disnguished Teaching Scholars, Member, 01/2013–08/2022.
UTSA Online Learning Steering Commiee, Member, 01/2013–02/2017.
College of Business, Department of Management Science and Stascs, Faculty Search Commiee
for Cloud/Big data/Informacs/Healthcare, Member, 10/1/2015 – 5/1/2016.
University Libraries Commiee, Member, 09/2012 – 08/2014.
UTSA Graduate Council, Member, 09/2007-08/2018.
UTSA Graduate Council Commiee on Graduate Programs and Courses, Chair, 09/2011-12/2012.
UTSA Graduate Council Execuve Commiee, Member, 01/01/2012-12/15/2012.
UTSA HOP (Handbook of Operang Procedures) Review/Revisions, 05/2007-05/2008.
University of Texas (UT) System Level Commiees:
UT System “Roboc Process Automaon (RPA)Operang Commiee, Member, (06/06/2019 –
Chancellor’s Iniave on Long Range Financial Planning at Each Instuon, Member, (4/2/2019 –
UT System Strategic Planning and Peer Selecon Task Force, Member, UTSA Representave
(10/15/2017 – 3030)
UTShare PeopleSo Execuve Commiee, (02/2015-01/2016) This is the highest level commiee
at the UT System level making execuve decisions in regards to “Shared IT Services(including
PeopleSo) at University of Texas instuons.
UT System PeopleSo Task Force, (11/2014-01/2016) The goal is to nd soluons to common
PeopleSo issues. The Task Force includes UT-Arlington (Jeremy Forsberg, AVP-Research) and UTEl
Paso (Manuela Dokie, AVP-Research) in addion to UTSA (Can Saygin, AVP-Research). The eort
includes consultants from the Huron Consultants Group. Richard St. Onge (Assoc Vice Chancellor,
UT System) is coordinang the eort.
UT System – PeopleSo Cost Analysis Commiee, (11/2015 – 01/2016)
UT System – PeopleSo Business Process Alignment Commiee, (11/2015 – 01/2016)
UT System-Level Systems EngineeringEort, (05/2014-2015) With a request from the UT System
through Michelle Atchison (Associate Vice Chancellor for Federal Relaons of the UT System), four
UT System universies (The University of Texas at Arlington, The University of Texas at Ausn, The
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
University of Texas at El Paso, and The University of Texas at San Antonio) established the Systems
Engineering Advanced Research Group (SEARG) to be aliated with the naonal Systems
Engineering Research Center University Aliated Research Center (SERC-UARC) at the Stevens
Instute of Technology. While this was the inial basis, the intent and purpose has expanded to
foster collaboraon related to systems engineering research among UT System University
members regardless of the funding source. As the lead at UTSA, I coordinated the eorts to
establish this group and make it a formal consorum through an agreement signed by all four UT
campuses. SEARG will allow us to partner with each other at UT System level, as well as with other
SERC-UARC members in regards to systems engineering funding opportunies at Department of
Defense level.
UT System Eort Cercaon and ECRT 4.5 Deployment Task Force, (08/2013-08/2015) Eleven UT
instuons are moving forward with deployment of ECRT 4.5 for Eort Cercaon. As the UTSA
lead, I have led the UT system-wide eort to map the current business processes and propose
future business processes to smooth transion into ECRT 4.5. Currently, the deployment/tesng
team includes UTSA, UT-Arlington, and UT-El Paso. The project is expected to be completed by the
end of January 2015.
Industry Outreach and Collaborave Eorts at San Antonio and state of Texas Levels Alamo
Manufacturing Partnership (AMP): The Alamo Manufacturing Partnership (AMP) is a Manufacturing
Community designated by the U.S. Department of Commerce in July 2015 under its Invesng in
Manufacturing Community Partnership (IMCP) program. I am the federal point of contact for the
AMP iniave. AMP co-led by the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) and San Antonio
Manufacturers Associaon (SAMA). It covers an 8-county region in the San AntonioNew Braunfels
metro area and is focused on Transportaon and Equipment Manufacturing (NAICS 336) sector,
which has its strengths in three major product lines: aerospace, motor vehicle and parts, and
heavy/industrial vehicles.
UTSA was the lead partner in this proposal eort for San Antonio and I led a team of
following consorum partners over a 4-month long (Dec 2013-March 2014) proposal development
eort with the following (alphabecal lisng): Alamo Colleges; Bexar County Economic
Development Department; Center for Advanced Manufacturing & Lean Systems
(UTSA); City of San Antonio Economic Development; City of Seguin Economic Development;
Instute of Economic Development (UTSA); San Antonio Economic Development Foundaon;
San Antonio Manufacturers Associaon; Southwest Research Instute; Texas Manufacturing
Assistance Center; Workforce Soluons Alamo. The eort was widely supported by the San
Antonio community, demonstrated by the support leers from: Judge Wol, SA Members of
Congress, BioMedSA, CPS Energy, Boerne Kendall County Econ Dev Corp, Free Trade Alliance SA,
HOLT CAT, Mayor Castro, ITM, Lockheed Marn, New Braunfels Mfg Assoc, North San Antonio
Chamber, Port San Antonio, SA2020, San Antonio Chamber of Commerce, SAWS, Schertz Econ
Dev, Toyota Motor Mfg Texas. In this round (2013-2014), we did not receive the designaon. In 2014-
2015, we went for a second me and this me, we were successful and received the manufacturing
community designaon in July 2015. Since then, I am heavily involved with the community with
emphasis on workforce development, manufacturing, and economic development.
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
RESUME -- Academic
Ph.D. (1992-97) in Mechanical Engineering with Producon Engineering and Design emphasis,
Mechanical Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University (hp://,
Ankara, Turkey.
Dissertaon Title: “Development of a Structured Methodology for Flexible Manufacturing
Management Systems. Advisor: Dr. S. Engin Kilic (Ph.D., UMIST, UK)
M.S. (1989-92) in Mechanical Engineering with Producon Engineering and Design emphasis, Mechanical
Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
Thesis Title: “A Rule Based Approach for Sequencing Operaons for Rotaonal Components.Advisor:
Dr. Hakki Eskicioglu (Ph.D., UMIST, UK)
B.S. (1985-89) in Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, Middle East Technical
University, Ankara, Turkey.
Areas of Research & Teaching Experse: Lean Manufacturing; Lean Systems; Manufacturing
Engineering; Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Automaon; Auto-ID Technologies; Shop Floor
Control; Computer Aided Process Planning & Scheduling; Prognoscs and Diagnoscs; K-12 STEM
Applicaons; Engineering Design-centric Project Based Learning.
09/2012 – 08/2022: Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA).
08/2006 – 09/2012: Associate Professor (tenured) of Mechanical Eng, UTSA.
09/2005 – 08/2006: Associate Professor (tenured), University of Missouri – Rolla (UMR*), Engineering
Management and Systems Engineering (EMSE) Department, Rolla, Missouri.
* Since 2008, UMR is MS&T “Missouri University of Science and Technology02/2000
– 09/2005: Assistant Professor (tenure-track), UMR, EMSE.
08/1999 – 02/2000: Lecturer, UMR, EMSE.
08/1998 – 08/1999: Vising Assistant Professor, University of Toledo, Mechanical, Industrial, and
Manufacturing Engineering Department (MIME), Toledo, Ohio.
09/1997 – 08/1998: Post-Doctoral Research Associate / Adjunct Faculty, University of Toledo, MIME,
Flexible Manufacturing Systems Laboratory (Director: Dr. F. Frank Chen), Toledo, Ohio.
1989-1997: Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant in Producon Engineering and Design, Mechanical Eng.
Dept., Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
UTSA’s nominee for "U.S. Professor of the Year,Carnegie Foundaon for the
Advancement of Teaching (did not win).
"The University of Texas System RegentsOutstanding Teaching Award 2012,” The
University of Texas – San Antonio.
Oered annually in recognion of faculty members at the nine academic and six health
University of Texas System instuons who have demonstrated extraordinary classroom
performance and innovaon in undergraduate instrucon, the Regents' Outstanding
Teaching Awards are the Board of Regents' highest honor. The Regents' Outstanding
Teaching Awards are among the largest in the naon for rewarding outstanding faculty
performance. Given the depth and breadth of talent across the UT System, the awards
program is likewise one of the naon's most compeve.
"UTSA 2011 President’s Disnguished Achievement Award for Teaching Excellence,
The University of Texas – San Antonio.
"2009 College of Engineering - Excellence in Teaching Award, The University of Texas –
San Antonio.
"Bernard Sarchet Honorary Award" in recognion of outstanding achievements in
Engineering Management, University of Missouri – Rolla.
the Wiz awardby the ASEE Manufacturing Engineering Division for developing and
implemenng a Web-based conference paper review process for the Annual ASEE
Faculty Performance Shares Awardfor eorts in student recruitment and retenon,
University of Missouri – Rolla.
1997 – 1998: NSF and US Air Force Research Lab., 12 months vising researcher posion at the Flexible
Manufacturing Systems Laboratory (NSF/DMI-9629152, PI: Dr. F. Frank Chen), University of
Toledo, Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering Department, Toledo, Ohio.
1995: North Atlanc Treaty Organizaon (NATO) Scholarship, Granng Agency: Scienc and
Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Vising Researcher at the Instute of
Informaon Technology, University of Miskolc, Shop Floor Control, Miskolc, Hungary.
Research Topics: CIM, Scheduling and FMS, MAP/MMS, Applicaons, PLC Programming.
Click on links to see publicaons:
hps:// Scopus Author ID: 56091035900
Journal Publicaons:
1. ZARREH, A., LEE, Y., AL JANAHI, R., WAN, H., and SAYGIN, C., “Cyber-Physical Security Evaluaon in
Manufacturing Systems with a Bayesian Game Model”, Procedia Manufacturing, Elsevier, Vol.51,
pp.1158-1165, 2020. hps://
2. SAYGIN, C., “KPIs Drive Strategic Planning and Execuon”, Planning for Higher Educaon Journal, Vol.47,
No.4, July-September 2019.
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
3. ZARREH, A., WAN, H., LEE, Y., SAYGIN, C., and AL JANAHI, R., “Risk Assessment for Cyber Security of
Manufacturing Systems: A Game Theory Approach”, Procedia Manufacturing, Elsevier, Vol.38, pp.605-
612, 2019. hps://
4. ZARREH, A., WAN, H., LEE, Y., SAYGIN, C., and AL JANAHI, R., “Cyber-Security Concerns for Total
Producve Maintenance in Smart Manufacturing Systems, Procedia Manufacturing, Elsevier,
Vol.38, pp.532-539, 2019. hps://
5. ZARREH, A., SAYGIN, C., WAN, H., LEE, Y., and BRACHO, A., “A Game Theory Based Cybersecurity
Assessment Model for Advanced Manufacturing Systems”, Procedia Manufacturing, Elsevier,
Vol.26, pp.1255–1264, 2018. hps://
6. ZARREH, A., SAYGIN, C., WAN, H., LEE, Y., BRACHO, A, and NIE, L., “Cybersecurity Analysis of Smart
Manufacturing Systems Using Game Theory Approach and Quantal Response Equilibrium”, Procedia
Manufacturing, Elsevier, Special Issue based on 28
Int Conf on Flexible Automaon and Intelligent
Manufacturing (FAIM) 2018, Vol.17, pp.1001-1008, 2018. hps://
7. BRACHO, A., SAYGIN, C., WAN, H., LEE, Y., and ZARREH, A, “A Simulaon-based Plaorm for Assessing the
Impact of Cyber-threats on Smart Manufacturing Systems”, Procedia Manufacturing, Elsevier, Vol.26,
pp.1116–1127, 2018. hps://
8. SCHMIDT, S., SHAY, L., SAYGIN, C., WAN, H., SCHULZ, K., CLARK, R., and SHIREMAN, P.K. “Improving
Pilot Project Applicaon and Review Processes: A Novel Applicaon of Lean Six Sigma in
Translaonal Science”, Journal of Clinical and Translaonal Science, Vol.2, No.3, pp.135-138, June 2018.
“Improving Iniaon and Tracking of Research Projects at an Academic Health Center: A Case Study”,
Evaluaon & the Health Professions, Vol.40, No.3, pp.372-379, 2017.
10. WANG, N., SUN, S., CAI, Z., ZHANG, S., and SAYGIN, C., “A Hidden Semi-Markov Model with Duraon-
Dependent State Transion Probabilies for Prognoscs”, Mathemacal Problems in
Engineering, Vol.2014, Arcle ID 632702, 10 pages, Special Issue “High-Performance Compung
Strategies for Complex Engineering Opmizaon Problems”, Guest Editors: Gongnan Xie, Massimo
Scalia, Masoud Rokni, Balaji Raghavan, and Manyu Xiao, 2014. hps://
11. AKOPIAN, D., MELKONYAN, A., GOLGANI, S.C., YUEN, T.T., and SAYGIN, C., "A Template-Based Short
Course Concept on Android Applicaon Development", Journal of Informaon Technology
Educaon: Innovaons in Pracce, Vol.12, pp.13-28, 2013. hps://
12. WANG, N., SAYGIN, C., and SUN, S., “Impact of Mahalanobis Space Construcon on Eecveness of
Mahalanobis-Taguchi System”, Internaonal Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering,
Vol.13, No.2, pp.233-249, 2013. hps://
13. SAYGIN, C. and GULERYUZ, B., “Impact of Radio Frequency Idencaon on Life Cycle Engineering”,
Chapter 33 in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering and Intelligent Systems (Editors: Sio-long Ao and
Len Gelman)”, Vol.130, pp.403-413, 2013. hps://
14. YUEN, T.T., SAYGIN, C., SHIPLEY, H., WAN, H., and AKOPIAN, D., “Factors that Inuence Students to Major
in Engineering”, Internaonal Journal of Engineering Educaon, Vol.28, No.4, pp. 932–938, 2012.
15. HONGAN, Y., SUN, Q., SAYGIN, C., and SUN, S., “Job Shop Scheduling Based on Earliness and Tardiness
Penales with Due Dates and Deadlines: An Enhanced Genec Algorithm, Internaonal Journal of
Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.61, No.5-8, pp.657-666, 2012.
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
16. HALL, D. and SAYGIN, C., “Impact of Informaon Sharing on Supply Chain Performance”, Internaonal
Journal of Adv Mfg Technology, Vol.58, No.1, pp.397-409, 2012. hps://
17. SAYGIN, C. and TAMMA, S., “RFID-enabled Shared Resource Management for Aerospace Maintenance
Operaons: A Dynamic Resource Allocaon Model”, Internaonal Journal of Computer Integrated
Manufacturing, Vol.25, No.1, pp.100-111, 2012. hps://
18. HUANG, G.Q., SAYGIN, C., and DAI, Q.Y., “Special Issue on RFID-Enabled Manufacturing: Insights and
Lessons from Industry Cases”, Editorial, Internaonal Journal of Computer Integrated
Manufacturing, Vol.25, 2012. hps://
19. SOYLEMEZOGLU, A., SARANGAPANI, J., and SAYGIN, C., “Mahalanobis Taguchi System (MTS) as a Mul
Sensor Based Decision Making Prognoscs Tool for Centrifugal Pump Failures”, IEEE Transacons on
Reliability, Vol.60, No.4, pp.864-878, December 2011. hps://
20. SAYGIN, C. and SARANGAPANI, J., “Radio Frequency Idencaon (RFID) Enabling Lean Manufacturing”,
Internaonal Journal of Manufacturing Research, Vol.6, No.4, 2011.
21. SOYLEMEZOGLU, A., SARANGAPANI, J., and SAYGIN, C., “Mahalanobis Taguchi System (MTS) as a
Prognoscs Tool for Rolling Element Bearing Failures”, ASME Transacons – Journal of
Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.132, No.5, DOI:10.1115/1.4002545, pp.051014-1/12,
October 2010. hps://
22. SAYGIN, C. and NATARAJAN, B., “RFID-based Baggage Handling System Design”, Sensor Review Journal,
Vol.30, No.4, pp. 324-335, 2010. hps://
23. SAYGIN, C., MOHAN, D., SARANGAPANI, J., “Real-Time Detecon of Grip Length during Fastening of
Bolted Joints: A Mahalanobis-Taguchi System (MTS) based Approach”, Journal of Intelligent
Manufacturing, Vol.21, No.4, pp.377-392, 2010. hps://
24. ANGUSWAMY, R., SAYGIN, C., and SARANGAPANI, J., “In-Process Detecon of Fastener Grip Length Using
Embedded Mobile Wireless Sensor Network-based Pull-type Tools”, Internaonal Journal of
Manufacturing Research: Special Issue on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, Vol.4, No.2, pp.154-
170, 2009. hps://
25. BUYURGAN, N. and SAYGIN, C., “Applicaon of Analycal Hierarchy Process for Real-Time Scheduling
and Part Roung in Advanced Manufacturing Systems”, Journal of Manufacturing
Systems, Vol.27, No.3, pp.101-110, 2008. hps://
26. WAN, H., CHEN, F.F., and SAYGIN, C., “Simulaon and Training for Lean Implementaon Using Webbased
Technology”, Internaonal Journal of Services, Operaons, and Informacs, Vol.3, No.1, pp.1-14, 2008.
27. GRASMAN, S.E., BELARBI, A., SAYGIN, C., and BAGHLI, A., “An Educaonal Partnership to Establish
Engineering/Construcon Management Graduate Programs in Algeria”, Journal of Professional Issues in
Engineering Educaon and Pracce (ASCE), Vol.134, No.4, pp.353-358, 2008.
28. MOHAN, D., SAYGIN, C., SARANGAPANI, J., “Real-me Detecon of Grip Length Deviaon during Pull-
type Fastening: A Mahalanobis-Taguchi System (MTS) based Approach”, Internaonal Journal of
Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.39, No.9-10, pp.995-1008, 2008.
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
29. MEYYAPPAN, L., SOYLEMEZOGLU, A., SAYGIN, C., and DAGLI, C.H., “A Wasp-Based Control Model for
Real-Time Roung of Parts in a Flexible Manufacturing System”, Internaonal Journal of Computer
Integrated Manufacturing, Vol.21, No.3, pp.259-268, April 2008.
30. MEYYAPPAN, L., SAYGIN, C., and DAGLI, C., “Real-Time Roung in Flexible Flow Shops: A SelfAdapve
Swarm-Based Control Model”, Internaonal Journal of Producon Research, Vol.45,
No.21, pp.5157-5172, 2007. hps://
31. MILLS-HARRIS, M.D., SOYLEMEZOGLU, A., and SAYGIN, C., “Adapve Inventory Management Using
RFID Data”, Internaonal Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.32, pp.1045-1051,
2007. hps://
32. BUYURGAN, N., MEYYAPPAN, L., SAYGIN, C., DAGLI, C.H., “Real-me Roung Selecon for Automated
Guided Vehicles in Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology
Management, Vol.18, No.2, pp.169-181, 2007. hps://
Migaon and Read-Rate Improvement in RFID-based Network-Centric Environments”, Journal of
Sensor Review, Vol.26, No.4, pp.318-325, 2006. hps://
Testbed Architecture for Auto-ID Technologies”, Assembly Automaon, Vol.26, No.2, pp.127136, 2006.
35. SAMPATH, K., SAYGIN, C., GRASMAN, S.E., and LEU, M.C., “Impact of Reputaon Informaon Sharing in
an Aucon-based Job Allocaon Model for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises”, Internaonal Journal
of Producon Research, Vol.44, No.9, pp.1777-1798, 2006.
36. AKCORA, E., GRASMAN, S.E., and SAYGIN, C., “A Job Shop Scheduling Heurisc for Varying Reward
Structures, Mathemacal and Computer Modelling, Vol.42, pp.1163-1174, 2005.
37. BAJAJ, G., SAYGIN, C., GRASMAN, S.E., and LEU, M.C., “Performance Evaluaon of an Aucon-Based Job
Allocaon Model for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises”, Internaonal Journal of
Networking and Virtual Organizaons, Special Issue on Organising Collaborave Supply Chains and
Networks (Editor: Agosno Villa), Vol.2, No.2, pp.202-219, 2006.
38. BUYURGAN, N. and SAYGIN, C., “An Integrated Control Framework for Flexible Manufacturing
Systems”, Internaonal Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 27, pp.1248–1259,
2006. hps://
39. GRASMAN, S.E., SAYGIN, C. and NAJM, M., “Computer-Simulated Enterprise Management Educaonal
Environment”, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovave Educaon, Vol.3, No.1, Spring 2005.
40. SARI, Z., SAYGIN, C., and GHOUALI, N., “Travel-Time Models for Flow-Rack Automated Storage and
Retrieval Systems”, Internaonal Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.25, No.9-
10, pp.979-987, 2005. hps://
41. SAYGIN, C. and KILIC, S.E., “Dissimilarity Maximizaon Method for Real-me Roung of Parts in Random
Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, Internaonal Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Vol.16, No.2,
pp.169-182, April 2004. hps://ex.0000044839.27404.92
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
42. SIWAMOGSATHAM, T. and SAYGIN, C., “Aucon-based Distributed Scheduling Scheme for Flexible
Manufacturing Systems”, Internaonal Journal of Producon Research, Vol.42, No.3, pp.547-572, 2004.
43. SAYGIN, C. and KAHRAMAN, F., “A Web-Based Programmable Logic Controller Laboratory for
Manufacturing Engineering Educaon”, Internaonal Journal of Advanced Manufacturing
Technology, Vol.24, No.7, pp.590-598, 2004. hps://
44. BUYURGAN, N., SAYGIN, C., and KILIC, S.E., “Tool Allocaon in Flexible Manufacturing Systems with
Tool Alternaves”, Robocs and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol.20, No.4, pp.341-349, 2004.
45. SAYGIN, C., CHEN, F.F., and SINGH, J., “Real-me Manipulaon of Alternate Roungs in Flexible
Manufacturing Systems: A Simulaon Study”, Internaonal Journal of Advanced Manufacturing
Technology, Vol.18, No.10, pp.755-763, 2001. hps://
46. CHEN, F.F. and SAYGIN, C., “A Laboratory Infrastructure for Flexible Automaon and Integrated
Manufacturing Research”, Internaonal Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, Vol.1,
No.2, pp.173-184, 2000. hps://
47. SAYGIN, C. and KILIC, S.E., “Integrang Flexible Process Plans with Scheduling in Flexible
Manufacturing Systems”, Internaonal Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.15, No.4,
pp.268-280, 1999. hps://
Book Chapters:
Management of Time and Temperature Sensive Materials”, from Engineering Asset Management
2011 conference, Chapter 48 in Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Editors: Lee J., Ni J.,
Sarangapani J., Mathew J., Springer, London, 2014. hps://
2. SARANGAPANI, J., SAYGIN, C., and ZAWODNIOK, M., "Condion-based Monitoring of a Centrifugal Pump
Using Mahalanobis-Taguchi System", from Engineering Asset Management 2011 conference,
Chapter 53 in Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Editors: Lee J., Ni J., Sarangapani J., Mathew
J., Springer, London, 2014. hps://
3. GRASMAN, S.E., CALLAWAY, V., SAYGIN, C., JANG, W., and ROZENFELD, H., “Development and
Implementaon of an Enterprise Learning Architecture for Collaborave Learningin
TechnologyEnhanced Systems and Tools for Collaborave Learning Scaolding, Editors: Thanasis
Daradoumis, San Caballé, Angel Juan and Fatos Xhafa, Springer, Vol.350, pp.47-67, 2011.
4. SAYGIN, C., SARANGAPANI, J., and GRASMAN, S.E., “A Systems Approach to Viable RFID
Implementaon in the Supply Chainin Trends in Supply Chain Design and Management: Technologies
and Methodologies, Editors: Hosang Jung, F. Frank Chen, and Bongju Jeong, Springer, pp.3-27, 2007,
ISBN 978-1-84628-606-3.
Conference Papers (full paper refereed):
1. ZARREH, A., WAN, H., LEE, Y., SAYGIN, C., and AL JANAHI, R., “Cyber-Security Concerns for Total
Producve Maintenance in Smart Manufacturing Systems, 29th Internaonal Conference on Flexible
Automaon and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM) 2019.
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
2. ZARREH, A., WAN, H., LEE, Y., SAYGIN, C., and AL JANAHI, R., “Risk Assessment for Cyber Security of
Manufacturing Systems: A Game Theory Approach”, 29th Internaonal Conference on Flexible
Automaon and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM) 2019.
3. BRACHO AVILA, A., SAYGIN, C., WAN, H., LEE, Y., ZARREH, A., “A Simulaon-Based Plaorm for
Assessing the Impact of Cyber-Threats on Smart Manufacturing Systems”, North American
Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC), June 18-22, College Staon, Texas, 2018.
4. ZARREH, A., SAYGIN, C., WAN, H., LEE, Y., BRACHO AVILA, A., “A Game Theory Based Cybersecurity
Assessment Model for Advanced Manufacturing Systems”, North American Manufacturing Research
Conference (NAMRC), June 18-22, College Staon, Texas, 2018.
5. ZARREH, A., SAYGIN, C., WAN, H., LEE, Y., BRACHO AVILA, A., “Cybersecurity in Cyber-Physical
Manufacturing Systems: Survey of Literature”, 28th Internaonal Conference on Flexible Automaon
and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM), June 10-14, Columbus, Ohio, 2018.
6. ZARREH, A., SAYGIN, C., WAN, H., LEE, Y., BRACHO AVILA, A., “Cybersecurity Analysis of Smart
Manufacturing System Using Game Theory Approach and Quantal Response Equilibrium, 28th
Internaonal Conference on Flexible Automaon and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM), June 1014,
Columbus, Ohio, 2018.
7. BONNER, E., CHAVEZ, O., CARMONA, G., ZUFLACHT, M. A., SAYGIN, C., & TRAVIS, B., “The South Texas
STEM Center: A Collaborave Approach to Professional Development”, 20
Annual Meeng of the
Associaon of Mathemacs Teacher Educators (AMTE), Irvine, California, January 28-30, 2016.
8. BONNER, E. P., CARMONA, G., CHAVEZ, O., ZUFLACHT, M., SAYGIN, C., & TRAVIS, B., “Empowering
Teacher Leaders through Innovave Professional Development: The South Texas STEM Center”, 2016
Annual Naonal Council of Supervisors of Mathemacs (NCSM) Conference, Oakland, California,
April 11-13, 2016.
Center: An Innovave Experience in Teacher Development”, 2016 American Educaon Research
Associaon (AERA) Annual Meeng, Washington, DC., April 8, 2016.
10. BONNER, E., SAYGIN, C., ZUFLACHT, M. A., CHAVEZ, O., CARMONA, G., and TRAVIS, B., “Developing
STEM Educators through Project-Based Instrucon”, Proceedings of the Annual Meeng of the School
Science and Mathemacs Associaon, October 29-31, 2015, Oklahoma City, OK.
11. SAYGIN, C., BONNER, E., TRAVIS, B., CHAVEZ, O., and CARMONA, G., "Project Based Learning: An
Engineering Design Centered Model", World Scienc and Engineering Academy and Society
(WSEAS), 11
Internaonal Conference on Engineering Educaon (EDUCATION’15), pp.41-46 (ISBN
978-1-61804-312-2) June 27-29, 2015, Salerno, Italy.
12. WAN, H, SAYGIN, C., ALAEDDINI, A., and CASTILLO, K., "Lean Perspecves of Maintenance in HighSpeed
Prinng Industry", Industrial & Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC), Instute of
Industrial Engineers (IIE) Annual Conference and Expo, May 30-June 2, 2015, Nashville, Tennessee.
13. SAYGIN, C., YUEN, T., SHIPLEY, H., WAN, H., and AKOPIAN, D., "Design, Development, and
Implementaon of Educaonal Robocs Acvies for K-12 Students", Paper#: AC 2012-3021, 2012
ASEE Annual Conference & Exposion, June 10-13, 2012, San Antonio, Texas.
14. CHANDANA, B., ESFAHANIAN, M, AKOPIAN, D., and SAYGIN, C., “TemplateBased Image Processing
Toolkit for Android Phones”, Paper#: AC2012-3546, 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposion, June
10-13, 2012, San Antonio, Texas.
15. JAGANNATHAN, S., SAYGIN, C., and ZAWODNIOK, M., "Condion-based Monitoring of a Centrifugal
Pump Using Mahalanobis-Taguchi System", The Sixth World Congress on Engineering Asset
Management WCEAM 2011, October 2-5, 2011, Cincinna, Ohio.
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
Management of Time and Temperature Sensive Materials", The Sixth World Congress on Engineering
Asset Management WCEAM 2011, October 2-5, 2011, Cincinna, Ohio.
17. SAYGIN, C. and GULERYUZ, B., “Impact of Radio Frequency Idencaon (RFID) on Life cycle
Engineering”, World Congress on Engineering (WCE 2011): Internaonal Conference of
Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management, July 6-8, 2011, London, UK, pp.855-860.
18. SAYGIN, C. and NATARAJAN, B., “RFID Deployment at an Airport: A Simulaon Study”, MATADOR
2010 (Manufacturing, Automaon and Systems, Technology Applicaons, Design, and
Organizaon and Management Research), Proceedings of the 36
Internaonal MATADOR Conference,
Editors S. Hinduja and L. Li, pp. 139-142, July 14-16, 2010, Manchester, UK. hps://
19. SAYGIN, C. and SARANGAPANI, J., “Radio Frequency Idencaon (RFID) in Manufacturing
Enterprises: From Data to Informaon”, FAIM 2009 (Flexible Automaon and Intelligent
Manufacturing) 19
Internaonal Conference, July 6-8, 2009, University of Teesside, Middlesbrough,
20. ANGUSWAMY, R., BIRT, J., SAYGIN, C., and SARANGAPANI, J. “In-Process Detecon of Fastener Grip
Length Using Embedded Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks”, 2007 ASME Internaonal Mechanical
Engineering Congress and Exposion (IMECE), Seale, Washington, November 10-16, 2007.
21. MOHAN, D., BIRT, J., SAYGIN, C., and JAGANNATHAN, S., “Real-me Process Quality Monitoring Using
Wireless Sensor-embedded Rotary Tools for Fastening Operaons”, 2007 ASME Internaonal
Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposion (IMECE), Seale, Washington, November 10-16, 2007.
22. WAN, H.-D., CHEN, F.F., and SAYGIN, C., “Web-based Lean Simulaon and Training”, 17th Internaonal
Conference on Flexible Automaon and Intelligent Manufacturing (2007 FAIM), Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, pp. 1020-1027, June 18-20, 2007.
23. SARI, B., SEN, T., KILIC, S.E., and SAYGIN, C., “An Architecture for Formaon of Dynamic Virtual
Enterprises”, 12th Internaonal Conference on Machine Design and Producon (UMTIK-2006), May 5-
8, 2006, Izmir, Turkey.
24. SAYGIN, C. and SARANGAPANI, J. “RFID on the Manufacturing Shop Floor: Applicaons and Challenges”,
Invited Session on RFID, Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC), May 20-24, 2006,
Orlando, Florida.
25. MILLS-HARRIS, M.D., SOYLEMEZOGLU, A., and SAYGIN, C., “RFID Data-based Inventory Management of
Time-Sensive Materials”, The 31
Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
(IECON’05), Special Session: Integrated Manufacturing and Service Systems, Raleigh, North Carolina, Nov
6-10, 2005. hps://
26. MEYYAPPAN, L., BUYURGAN, N., DAGLI, C.H., and SAYGIN, C., “Intelligent Path Planning and Scheduling
for Automated Guided Vehicles using Evoluonary Algorithms”, ANNIE 2004, November 7-10, St.Louis,
27. SAYGIN, C., “A Manufacturing Laboratory for Integrated Hands-on Applicaons”, 2004 ASEE Annual
Conference, Paper#1669/Session#3263, June 20-23, 2004, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
28. , C., GRASMAN, S.E., NAJM, M., JANG, W., and ROZENFELD, H., “E-Warehouse: A Framework for E-
Business Learning, Proceedings of the 24
ASEM Naonal Conference, St.Louis, pp.617-620, Oct
15-18, 2003.
29. ROZENFELD, H., NAJM, M., SAYGIN, C., GRASMAN, S.E., “Product Life Cycle Management in the
EWarehouse Learning Framework”, Proceedings of the 24
ASEM Naonal Conference, St.Louis,
pp.620-628, Oct 15-18, 2003.
30. MILLER, J., ELLER, V.M., SAYGIN, C., and GRASMAN, S.E., “A Learning Pillar Management
Environment for E-Warehouse”, Proceedings of the 24
ASEM Naonal Conference, St.Louis,
pp.634-637, Oct 15-18, 2003.
31. BELARBI, A., GRASMAN, S., and SAYGIN, C., “An Educaonal Partnership Between the US and
Algeria”, 38
ASEE Midwest Secon Meeng, September 10-12, 2003, Rolla, Missouri.
32. SAYGIN, C., “A Generic Architecture for Web-Based Manufacturing”, 2003 ASEE Annual Conference,
Paper#1231/Session#2463, June 22-25, 2003, Nashville, Tennessee.
33. GRASMAN, S., SAYGIN, C., DOW, B.L., KLUCZNY, R.M., and NAJM, M. “A Virtual Environment for
Enterprise Engineering Educaon”, 2003 ASEE Annual Conference, Paper#1490/Session#2242, June
22-25, 2003, Nashville, Tennessee.
34. SAYGIN, C. and BAJAJ, G., “Integrang Shop Floor with the Enterprise: An Informaon Flow
Perspecve”, ASEM-2002, Proceedings of the 23
ASEM Naonal Conference: The Role of
Engineering Management in a Global Economy, pp. 612-617, October 2-5, Tampa, Florida.
35. DOW, D., GRASMAN, S. and SAYGIN, C., “Computer Simulated Enterprise Management”, ASEM2002,
Proceedings of the 23
ASEM Naonal Conference: The Role of Engineering Management in a Global
Economy, pp. 250-254, October 2-5, Tampa, Florida.
36. SAYGIN, C., SIWAMOGSATHAM, T., and BUYURGAN, N., “A Laboratory Environment for
Manufacturing Systems Educaon: Integrated Systems Facility”, 36
American Society for
Engineering Educaon (ASEE) Midwest Secon Conference, March 7-9, 2001.
37. SAYGIN, C., BUYURGAN, N., and SIWAMOGSATHAM, T., “Creang an Interacve Learning
Environment for Distance Educaon in Integrated Manufacturing Systems: A Web-based Approach”,
American Society for Engineering Educaon (ASEE) Midwest Secon Conference, March 7-9,
38. SAYGIN, C. and DAGLI, C.H., “Development of an Intelligent Roboc Controller: An Industrial Robot
Playing Tic-Tac-Toe Against a Human Opponent”, 16
Internaonal Conference on Producon
Research, paper # 0446, July 30 – Aug 3, 2001, Prague, Czech Republic.
39. SAYGIN, C., “On Flexibility Aspects of Computer Aided Process Planning”, 2000 Japan-USA
Symposium on Flexible Automaon, paper # 13199, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, July 23-26,
40. SAYGIN, C., “Dissimilarity Maximizaon Method: An Algorithm for Alternate Roung Selecon in
Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, Proceedings of the Group Technology/Cellular Manufacturing
World Symposium – Year 2000, San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 27-29, 2000, pp.221-226.
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
41. CHEN, F.F., SAYGIN, C. and DISMUKES, J.P., “Concurrent Product, Processes and Manufacturing
System Design: The Imperave Strategy for the 21st Century Manufacturing”, 1998 Japan-USA
Symposium on Flexible Automaon (JUSFA), Japan, July 13-15, 1998.
42. KILIC, S.E. and SAYGIN, C., “Shop Floor Manipulaon of Alternave Operaon Plans”, Proceedings of
the REMAPHOS (EUREKA - FACTORY Project, EU-1584) Second Working Group Meeng, Russia,
1819 March 1998.
43. KILIC, S.E. and SAYGIN, C., “On Changing Manufacturing Paradigms: From Strict Hierarchies to
Holonic Organisaons”, Proceedings of the REMAPHOS (EUREKA - FACTORY Project, EU-1584) First
Working Group Meeng, pp.1-14, Ankara, Turkey, 9-10 September 1996.
44. SAYGIN, C., UNVER, O., ANLAGAN, O. and KILIC, S.E., “A Reference Architecture For a Generic
Manufacturing Cell Controller”, Proceedings of The 7th Internaonal Machine Design and
Producon Conference, Ankara, Turkey, pp.133-143, 11-13 September 1996.
45. SAYGIN, C. and KILIC, S.E., “Restructuring of Hierarchical Manufacturing Systems Through Holonic
Manufacturing Paradigm”, Proceedings of The 7th Internaonal Machine Design and Producon
Conference, Ankara, Turkey, pp.145-154, 11-13 September 1996.
46. UNVER, O., SAYGIN, C., ANLAGAN, O. and KILIC, S.E., “Design of an FMS Controller: An
ObjectOriented Approach”, Proceedings of the 2nd Internaonal Conference on Applicaon of
Fuzzy Systems and So Compung ICAFS`96, Siegen, Germany, pp.348-357, 25-27 June 1996.
47. SAYGIN, C., UNVER, O., KILIC, S.E. and ANLAGAN, O., “A Pilot CIM Implementaon for Educaonal
Purposes: METUCIM, Proceedings of the 2nd Internaonal Conference on Applicaon of Fuzzy
Systems and So Compung ICAFS`96, Siegen, Germany, pp.155-164, 25-27 June1996.
48. SAYGIN, C., KILIC, S.E., TOTH, T. and ERDELYI, F., “On Scheduling Approaches of Flexible
Manufacturing Systems: Gap Between Theory and Pracce, Preprints of The 3rd IFAC/IFIP/IFORS
Workshop - Intelligent Manufacturing Systems`95 (IMS`95), Bucharest, Romania, Vol. 1, pp.79-84,
24-26 October 1995.
49. SAYGIN, C. and ESKICIOGLU, H., “Problem Solving Strategy and Representaon of Knowledge in
Process Planning”, Proceedings of The ELITE - EUFIT'95 Conference, Aachen, Germany, Vol.3,
pp.1764-1768, August 1995.
50. SHAFIQ, M.S., SAYGIN, C. and ESKICIOGLU, H., “Donel Parcalar icin Nesneye Yonelik bir Urun
Modelleme Sistemi”, Proceedings of The 6th Internaonal Machine Design and Producon
Conference, Ankara, Turkey, pp.13-19, September 1994 (in Turkish).
51. SHAFIQ, M.S., SAYGIN, C. and ESKICIOGLU, H., “A Frame-Based Object Oriented Product Modelling
System for Rotaonal Components”, Preprints of The 2nd IFAC/IFIP/IFORS Workshop - Intelligent
Manufacturing Systems`94 (IMS`94), Vienna, Austria, pp.133-136, June 1994.
52. SAYGIN, C. and ESKICIOGLU, H., “Integrated Rule-Based Process Planning System for Rotaonal
Components”, Proceedings of the Internaonal Conference on Engineering Sowares ICES`93,
Staordshire University, UK, pp.2-9, September 1993.
Other Conference Papers (abstracts reviewed only):
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
1. Schmidt, S., Shay, L.A., Saygin, C., Wan, H., Shireman, P.K., Clark, R.A. (2018) “Improving pilot project
applicaon and review processes: A novel applicaon of Lean Six Sigma in translaonal science,
Associaon for Clinical and Translaonal Science (ACTS) Annual Conference, April 19-21,
Washington, DC., 2018.
“Improving Pilot Project Applicaon and Review Process: A Novel Applicaon of Lean Six Sigma in
Translaonal Science”, Annual Meeng of the American Evaluaon Associaon: Evaluaon 2017,
Washington, DC, November 6-11, 2017.
3. BONNER, E.P., CHAVEZ, O., CARMONA, G., ZUFLACHT, M., SAYGIN, C., and Travis, B., “The South Texas
STEM Center for Professional Learning: An Innovave Approach to Teacher Development”, Naonal
Science and Mathemacs Teacher Imperave (SMTI) Meeng, June 3-4, 2015, New Orleans, LA.
4. SAYGIN, C., “Digital Factory: An Eecve Learning Plaorm for Manufacturing Engineering
Educaon”, Manufacturing Educaon Transformaon Summit, Ausn, Texas, Jun 18-19, 2009.
RFID-based Component Remaining Life Assessment”, (A Demo paper) 2008 Internaonal Conference
on Informaon Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), St. Louis, Missouri, April 22-24, 2008.
6. , C. and SARANGAPANI, J., “RFID in Manufacturing: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”, 18
and Operaons Management Society (POMS) 2007 Annual Conference, Dallas, Texas, May 4-7,
Technologies and Soluons for Aerospace Manufacturing”, AEROMAT’05, Orlando, Florida, June 6-9,
Inventory Management for Cost Reducon in Network-Centric Manufacturing Environments”,
AEROMAT’05, Orlando, Florida, June 6-9, 2005.
M.D., SAYGIN, C., SARANGAPANI, J., TRIMBLE, D., and SIEGEL, T., “A Testbed for Validaon and
Benchmarking of Auto-ID Soluons, AEROMAT’05, Orlando, Florida, June 6-9, 2005.
10. GRASMAN, S.E., SAYGIN, C., LEU, M.C., and AKCORA, E., “A Reward-based Job Shop Scheduling
Heurisc”, Proceedings of the 2005 NSF Grantees Conference, January 3-6, 2005, Scosdale, Arizona
(full paper submied, no peer review).
11. SAYGIN, C., “Web-Based Manufacturing: From Materials Management to Manufacturing System
Control”, Internaonal Conference on Producon Research (ICPR Americas ’02): Producon Research
and Computaonal Intelligence for Designing and Operang Global Producon Systems, November
14-15, 2002, St.Louis, Missouri.
12. BUYURGAN, N. and SAYGIN, C., “Tool Management in Flexible Manufacturing Systems: A Simulaon
Study”, Proceedings of the Society of Engineering Science SES 2002, Simulaon Based Control
Session, page 17.4, October 13-16, 2002, State College, Pennsylvania.
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
13. SIWAMOGSATHAM, T. and SAYGIN, C., “A Bidding-based Control Framework for a Random Flexible
Manufacturing System with Alternate Roungs”, Proceedings of the Society of Engineering Science
SES 2002, Simulaon Based Control Session, page 17.1, October 13-16, 2002, State College,
14. SAYGIN, C. and KARNAM, S.K., “Development of a Web-based Materials Management Soware for
Small and Medium sized companies in Composites Industry”, Proceedings the Internaonal
Conference on Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems (IEMS) and the Internaonal
Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (ICC&IE) 2001 Joint Meeng, Cocoa Beach,
Florida, pp.405-410, March 5-7, 2001.
15. CHEN, F.F., SAYGIN, C., “A Laboratory Infrastructure for Flexible Automaon and Integrated
Manufacturing Research”, 5
Int. Conf. on Automaon Technology and 1998 Int. Conf. of
Producon Research (Asia Meeng), Taipei, Taiwan, pp.71-76, July 20-22, 1998.
16. BAS, C., SAYGIN, C. and KILIC, S.E., “On Computer Aided Process Planning of Prismac Parts”,
MicroCAD `97 Conference, University of Miskolc, Hungary, Vol. H, pp.61-65, 26-27 February 1997.
17. BORAN, H., SAYGIN, C. and KILIC, S.E., “Flexible Process Planning and Flexible Manufacturing
Systems”, MicroCAD `97 Conference, University of Miskolc, Hungary, Vol. H, pp.55-59, 26-27
February 1997.
18. SAYGIN, C. and KILIC, S.E., “Scheduling of Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, MicroCAD `97
Conference, University of Miskolc, Hungary, Vol. H, pp.19-23, 26-27 February 1997.
19. SAYGIN, C. and KILIC, S.E., “Eect of Flexible Process Plans on Performance of Flexible
Manufacturing Systems”, Proceedings of The 7th Internaonal DAAAM Symposium on Intelligent
Manufacturing Systems, pp.393, Vienna, Austria, 17-19 October 1996.
20. SAYGIN, C., KILIC, S.E.,UNVER, O. and ANLAGAN, O., “Egim Amacli Bir Bilgisayar Tumlesik Urem
Modeli”, Otomak Kontrol Ulusal Toplansi TOK`96 Bildiri Kitapcigi, Istanbul, Turkey, pp.324-331,
March 1996 (in Turkish).
21. UNVER, O., SAYGIN, C., ANLAGAN, O. and KILIC, S.E., “Event-Driven Conveyor Management in a Pilot
Flexible Manufacturing System”, MicroCAD `96 Conference, University of Miskolc, Hungary, Secon
H, pp.8-12, February 1996.
22. ANLAGAN, O. and SAYGIN, C., “Computer-Aided Teaching Tool for 3-Dimensional Representaon of
Single Point Cung Tool Geometry”, Proceedings of The 6th Internaonal DAAAM Symposium on
intelligent Manufacturing Systems, pp.13-14, Krakow, Poland, 26-28 October 1995.
23. KILIC, S.E., SAYGIN, C. and ZUMRUT, Y., “A Graphical Method for the Opmizaon of Milling
Operaons”, MicroCAD `95 Conference, University of Miskolc, Hungary, pp.11-14, February 1995.
24. KAFTANOGLU, B. and SAYGIN, C., “On Computer Aided Design of Machine Elements”, Academic
Compung in Macintosh Environment `93, Istanbul University, Turkey, pp.75-85, May 1993.
Other Publicaons (full paper refereed):
1. SAYGIN, C., KILIC, S.E., TOTH, T. and ERDELYI, F., “On Scheduling Approaches of Flexible
Manufacturing Systems: Gap Between Theory and Pracce”, Selected Papers - Postprint Volume of
the 3rd IFAC/IFIP/IFORS Workshop - Intelligent Manufacturing Systems`95 (IMS`95), Th. Borangiu
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
and I. Dumitrache (Editors), Pergamon/Elsevier Science, October 1995, pp. 61-66. (Cited by others
2. SAYGIN, C. and KILIC, S.E., “A Framework for the Design of an Integrated Producon Management
System (IPMS)”, Publicaons of the University of Miskolc, Miskolc, Hungary, September 1995,
Vol.45, Series C, pp.75-83.
Invited Lectures, Presentaons, Panels, and Workshop:
1. SAYGIN, C., Invited by VPR of University of Houston, “Eecveness and Eciency in Research
Administraon using Lean Six-Sigma Tools”, Houston, Texas, Jan 31, 2017.
2. SAYGIN, C., Panelist, “Invesng in Manufacturing Community Partnership (IMCP) – Connecng
Talent, Innovaon, and Place”, with C.E. Shoopman, M. Dozier, and J. Wenah, University Economic
Development Associaon (UEDA) Annual Summit, 10/17/2016, Roanoke, VA.
3. SAYGIN, C., Panelist & Moderator, “Cybersecurity and Manufacturing”, with L. John, J. Millander, and
C. Scullion, US Department of Commerce - Invesng in Manufacturing Community Partnership
(IMCP) Program Annual Summit, 10/20/2016, Washington, DC.
4. SAYGIN, C., Panel Moderator, “IMCP-Best Pracces”, US Department of Defense - Invesng in
Manufacturing Community Partnership (IMCP) Program Annual Summit, 10/20/2016, Washington,
5. SAYGIN, C., “Improving Biostascs Research Services of an Academic Health Center”, Engineering
Lean & Six Sigma Conference of Instute of Industrial Engineers (IIE ELSS), 9/14/2016, San Antonio,
6. SAYGIN, C., “Alamo Manufacturing Partnership (AMP) Consorum – An IMCP (Invesng in
Manufacturing Community Partnership) Community, Jay Williams Asst Secretary of the US
Department of Commerce and delegaon vising San Antonio, 9/8/2016, San Antonio, Texas.
7. SAYGIN, C., “Engineering Design-centric Project Based Learning”, STEMsaon Conference VII, UTSA
Downtown Campus, Nov 1, 2014, San Antonio, Texas.
8. SAYGIN, C., “Evidence-Based Strategies for Reducing Waste: Lean and Six Sigma”, 2014 Summer
Instute on Evidence-Based Pracce Conference, Theme: Making the Evidence-Outcome
Connecon, organized by School of Nursing at UT Health Science Center San Antonio, Aug 7-8-,
2014, Grand Hya Hotel, San Antonio, Texas.
9. SAYGIN, C., EVANS, P., HUTCHINGS, B., and RAD, P., “Cloud-Based Manufacturing: Perspecves From
Industry and Academia”, Panel Presentaon and discussion, Flexible Automaon and Intelligent
Manufacturing Conference (FAIM 2014), San Antonio, Texas, May 20-23, 2014.
10. , C., WILSEY, K., RAY, J., SILVER, J., CODY, J., and MEDINA, M., “Lean Implementaon in Proposal
Development and Submission: Metrics and Operaonal Performance”, NCURA (Naonal Council of
University Research Administrators) Region-V Spring Meeng, Ausn, Texas, May 4-7, 2014.
11. SAYGIN, C. and TRAVIS, B., “Project-Based Learning: An Engineering Design Approach”, Teacher
Training Workshops, Spring 2014 Series (Jan 11, Feb 1, Mar 1, and Apr 5), UTSA.
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
12. SAYGIN, C. and TRAVIS, B., “Project-Based Learning: An Engineering Design Approach”, Teacher
Training Workshop, Summer 2014 Series (June 23-27), UTSA.
13. SAYGIN, C. and TRAVIS, B., “Project-Based Learning: An Engineering Design Approach”, Teacher
Training Workshops, Fall 2013 Series (Sept 14, Oct 12, Nov 9, and Dec 7), UTSA.
14. SAYGIN, C., “Engineering Design using Lego Robocs Kits”, iTEC Train-the-Trainer 2-Day Workshop for
13 teachers from Northside Independent School District (NISD), Apr 12-13, 2013, UTSA 1604
Campus, San Antonio, Texas.
15. SAYGIN, C., “Teaching versus Learning”, College of Engineering Eecve Teaching Workshop, with 4
other faculty members as organizers and presenters, Dec 11, 2012, UTSA.
16. “Solar Energy and Solar Hot Rods" by iTEC, Dates: June 16, June 23, June 30, and July 14; Four K-12
STEM Workshops delivered in collaboraon with P-20 to communies in South San Antonio, 2012.
17. SAYGIN, C. and PINNELL, C., “How to Start a LEGO MINDSTORMS Robocs Program for Elementary
and Middle School Students”, A K-12 Workshop, 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposion, June 9,
2012, San Antonio, Texas.
18. SAYGIN, C., “Engineering Design: Examples from LEGO and VEX Robots”, A Workshop for HISPA
(Hispanics Inspiring Students’ Performance and Achievement), May 25, 2012, UTSA.
19. SAYGIN, C., “Life Aer PhD: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly”, Workshop for Academic Career Path
for PhD Engineering Students, UTSA, March 5, 2012.
20. SAYGIN, C., “Acvity Design using Lego RCX Kits”, iTEC Train-the-Trainer 2-Day Workshop for 5
teachers from the San Antonio Southwest Independent School District (SWISD), June 10-11, 2011,
UTSA 1604 Campus, San Antonio, Texas.
21. SAYGIN, C., “Engineering Design using Lego MindStorms NXT”, iTEC Train-the-Trainer 1-Day
Workshop for 15 teachers from the Academy of Careers and Technologies, April 2, 2011, UTSA 1604
Campus, San Antonio, Texas.
22. SAYGIN, C., “Engineering Design using Lego MindStorms NXT”, iTEC Train-the-Trainer 2-Day
Workshop for 20 educaonal specialists from UTSA’s Academy for Teacher Excellence, May 20-21,
2011, UTSA 1604 Campus, San Antonio, Texas.
23. SAYGIN, C., “EngineeringA Beer Life”, Engineering Fesval, STEM RAM Academy, Lee High School,
Feb 19, 2011, San Antonio, Texas.
24. SAYGIN, C., “Engineering Design: Examples from Lego and VEX Robots”, Ausn Science and
Engineering Fesval, Oct 23-24, 2010, Ausn Convenon Center, Ausn, Texas.
25. SAYGIN, C., “Technology for Enhancing STEM Instrucon”, Texas High School Project, T-STEM Fall
2010 Cluster Meeng, Oct 29, 2010, San Antonio, Texas.
26. SAYGIN, C., “Learning in a Digital Factory”, North American STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Math) Educaon Symposium, Manchester, New Hampshire, October 8, 2009.
27. SAYGIN, C., “Interacve Technology Experience Center”, North American STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Math) Educaon Symposium, Manchester, New Hampshire, October 8, 2009.
28. SAYGIN, C., “Enabling Lean Manufacturing Using Radio Frequency Idencaon”, Graduate Seminar
Class of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M, College Staon, Sept 9, 2009.
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
29. , C., “Adapve Enterprises: Enabling Lean through RFID Deployment”, Manufacturing Data
Management Conference (Webinar), organized by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME),
Nov 11, 2008.
30. SAYGIN, C., “RFID as Process Improvement Enabler: A Lean Systems Perspecve”, Workshop RFID at
Work: Enabling Process Visibility and Producvity Improvement, Organized by the San Antonio
Manufacturers Associaon (SAMA), May 29, 2008, UTSA, San Antonio, Texas.
31. SAYGIN, C., “Adapve Enterprises: Enabling Lean through RFID Deployment”, CAMLS (Center for
Advanced Manufacturing and Lean Systems) Seminar Series, Apr 30, 2008, UTSA, San Antonio, Texas.
32. SAYGIN, C., “RFID at Work, Workshop for Lancer Corp. Managers, Manufacturing Systems and
Automaon Lab., April 25, 2008, UTSA, San Antonio, Texas.
33. SAYGIN, C., “RFID in Manufacturing”, A demonstraon on technical capabilies on RFID technologies
was given to Boeing San Antonio employees (35 people), Nov 15-16, 2007, San Antonio, Texas.
34. SAYGIN, C., “RFID in Manufacturing: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Guest Lecturer, MOT 5163
Management of Technology (Professor William T. Flannery), Nov 1, 2007, UTSA, San Antonio, Texas.
35. SAYGIN, C., “RFID in Manufacturing: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, CAMLS (Center for Advanced
Manufacturing and Lean Systems) Seminar Series, Oct 24, 2007, UTSA, San Antonio, Texas.
36. SAYGIN, C., “RFID on the Manufacturing Shop Floor: Applicaons and Challenges”, Invited Session on
RFID, Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, May 20-24, 2006, Orlando, Florida. 37.
SAYGIN, C., “Developing Networking Among Universies: Review of the Digital Manufacturing
Iniave”, FESTO Digital Manufacturing University Network Group Meeng, October 6-7, 2005,
Chicago, Illinois.
38. SAYGIN, C. and SARANGAPANI, J., “Auto-ID Technologies Research Group at the University of
Missouri-Rolla”, US Air Force Depot Maintenance Transformaon (DMT) Automac Idencaon
Technology (AIT) Workshop, Sept 12-15, 2005, Ogden, Utah.
39. SAYGIN, C., “Network-centric Manufacturing Systems”, Next Generaon Manufacturing Technologies
Iniave (NGMTI) TestNet Forum, May 2005, Charleston, South Carolina.
40. SARANGAPANI, J. and SAYGIN, C., “Monitoring, Diagnoscs, and Prognoscs Research at the
University of Missouri-Rolla”, 9th Bi-annual Industry Advisory Board Meeng of the Intelligent
Maintenance Systems (NSF I/UCRC) Center, May 2005, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
41. SARANGAPANI, J. and SAYGIN, C., “Monitoring, Diagnoscs, and Prognoscs Research at the
University of Missouri-Rolla”, 8th Bi-annual Industry Advisory Board Meeng of the Intelligent
Maintenance Systems (NSF I/UCRC) Center, Nov 1-2, 2004, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
42. SAYGIN, C., Invited Speaker, “A Perspecve on Research and Educaonal Issues in Integrated
Manufacturing Systems”, Robert Morris University, December 4, 2003, Moon Township,
43. SAYGIN, C., GRASMAN, S., WOOSEUNG, J., ROZENFELD, H., and NAJM. M, “Developing Plug-and-Play
Learning Modules for SCM and PLM using an E-Business Learning Warehouse Framework, SAP
Innovaon Congress, February 15-17, 2003, Miami, Florida.
44. SAYGIN, C., Invited Speaker, "Automated Manufacturing Over the Internet”, Mechanical Engineering
Department, Middle East Technical University, Dec 17, 2002, Ankara, Turkey.
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
45. SAYGIN, C., Invited Speaker, "Web-Based Manufacturing”, Internaonal Forum on New Didacc
Concepts for Robocs and Automaon, Organized by FESTO Didacc, Oct 20-23, 2002, Monterrey,
46. SAYGIN, C., and KARRAS, U., “Real and Virtual Learning Environments for Integrated Manufacturing
and Automaon”, A Joint Presentaon with FESTO Germany for ISF Seminar Series #2, October 16,
2001, Engineering Management Department, UMR.
47. , C., “On Web-Based Manufacturing”, ISF Seminar Series #1 on Computer-Aided Design and
Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) Tools, Applicaons, and Integraon Issues, July 20,
2001, Engineering Management Department, UMR.
48. SAYGIN, C., “Development of a Materials Management Soware Package for Small and Mediumsized
Enterprises in Composites Industry”, NSF Directors Meeng at UMR, Design and Manufacturing
Group Selected Research Abstracts, April 2000, page 19.
49. SAYGIN, C., “Integraon in Manufacturing”, IEEE – ACM Invited Speaker, Computer Science
Department, University of Missouri – Rolla, November 18, 1999.
50. DISMUKES, J.P., SAYGIN, C., and CHEN, F.F., “Informaon Technology’s Role in the 21st Century
Industrial Revoluon: Challenges for Sciensts and Engineers”, First Internaonal Symposium On
Government, Academic and Industrial Interacons in the New Global Economic Environment, 193rd
Electrochemical Society Meeng, San Diego, May 4, 1998.
51. SAYGIN, C., “Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Scheduling, and Tool Management”, Technical
University of Budapest, Hungary, May 16, 1995.
Poster Presentaons:
1. NGUYEN, T., BECERRIL, J., FAWCETT, T., and SAYGIN, C., “A Test-bed for Deploying Automac
Idencaon Technologies (AIT) in Manufacturing”, CISER (Center for the Integraon of Science
Educaon and Research) Conference: On Being an Engineer, Lubbock, Texas, February 1-2, 2008.
2. “MRI: Acquision of An Automated Assembly System and RFID Equipment for Research and
Educaon in Advanced Manufacturing”, PI: C. SAYGIN, Co-PI: Dr. F.F. Chen (CMMI-#0722923), NSF
Grantees Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, January 7-10, 2008.
3. FONDA, J.W., ZAWODNIOK, M.J., SARANGAPANI, J., and SAYGIN, C., “Industrial Monitoring and
Control Using Wireless Mul-hop Network Roung Protocol”, 12
Industrial Advisory Board
meeng of the NSF I/UCRC Center on Intelligent Maintenance Systems, St. Louis, Missouri, Nov
1415, 2006.
Failure Predicon”,12
Industrial Advisory Board meeng of the NSF I/UCRC Center on Intelligent
Maintenance Systems, St. Louis, Missouri, Nov 14-15, 2006.
SARANGAPANI, J., “Shop Floor Management Using Auto-ID Technology in Network-Centric
Manufacturing Environments, 12
Industrial Advisory Board meeng of the NSF I/UCRC Center on
Intelligent Maintenance Systems, St. Louis, Missouri, Nov 14-15, 2006.
6. ANGUSWAMY, R., FONDA, J.W., BIRT, J., SARANGAPANI, J., and SAYGIN, C., “Product Quality
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
Monitoring and Onboard Diagnoscs Using Mobile Mote-based Networking”, 12
Advisory Board meeng of the NSF I/UCRC Center on Intelligent Maintenance Systems, St. Louis,
Missouri, Nov 14-15, 2006.
Quality Monitoring of Threaded Fasteners Using Sensor-Embedded Hand-Held Tools”, 12
Advisory Board meeng of the NSF I/UCRC Center on Intelligent Maintenance Systems, St. Louis,
Missouri, Nov 14-15, 2006.
8. FONDA, J., ZAWODNIOK, M., BIRT, J., SARANGAPANI, J., and SAYGIN, C., “Pull-Type Tool Health
Monitoring and Product Quality Vericaon Using Wireless Sensor Networks”, Integrated Systems
Health Management Conference, Air Force Research Lab, Cincinna, Ohio, Aug 14-17, 2006.
9. SARANTAKOS, T., MOHAN, D., BIRT, J., SAYGIN, C., and SARANGAPANI, J. “Online Quality Monitoring
of Threaded Fasteners Using Sensor-Embedded Hand-Held Tools”, Integrated Systems Health
Management Conference, Air Force Research Lab, Cincinna, Ohio, Aug 14-17, 2006.
10. “An Architecture for Producve Collaboraon Among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises”, PI: C.
SAYGIN, Co-PIs: Dr. S. Grasman and Dr. M. Leu (DMI-#0323028), NSF Grantees Conference,
Scosdale, Arizona, January 2005.
11. “An Architecture for Producve Collaboraon Among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises”, PI: C.
SAYGIN, Co-PIs: Dr. S. Grasman and Dr. M. Leu (DMI-#0323028), NSF Grantees Conference, Dallas,
Texas, January 2004.
Funded ($ shown does not include instuonal contribuons or cost sharing)
Incorporang Lean-Six Sigma Methodologies into the Instute for Integraon of
Medicine and Science (IIMS) – Phase 2
9/1/2017 – 8/31/2018
C. Saygin (PI), H. Wan (Co-PI)
Shared Credit
50% Each
Total Budget
Alamo Manufacturing Partnership
9/1/2016 – 8/31/2018
US Dept of Labor, Economic Development Agency
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
PI: C. Saygin (40%); Co-PIs: B. Velasquez (40%), F. Chen (10%); H. Wan (10%)
Shared Credit
40% for C. Saygin
Total Budget
Federal: $101,000 Mandatory cost share: $101,000
Incorporang Lean-Six Sigma Methodologies into the Instute for Integraon of
Medicine and Science (IIMS) - CAMLS Membership
6/1/2016 – 9/1/2017
UT-Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA)
C. Saygin (PI), H. Wan (Co-PI)
Shared Credit
50% Each
Total Budget
Harland Clarke CAMLS Membership (2015-2017)
08/01/2015 – 07/31/2017
Harland Clarke
H. Wan (PI), C. Saygin (Co-PI), F. Chen (Co-PI), A. Alaeddini (Co-PI), and K. Casllo
Shared Credit
20% each
Total Budget
$62,000 (CAMLS Membership)
Older Americans Independence Center (OAIC) at UTHSCSA
2015 – 2020 (Dates to be nalized with NIH)
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
Naonal Instutes of Health (UTHSCSA is the lead instuon)
C. Saygin (PI)
Shared Credit
Total Budget
Predicve Maintenance - Phase 2: From Data to Performance Metrics
9/1/2015 – 8/31/2016
C. Saygin (PI), H. Wan, K. Casllo, A. Alaeddini
Shared Credit
25% Each
Total Budget
Incorporang Lean-Six Sigma Methodologies into the Instute for Integraon of
Medicine and Science (IIMS) - CAMLS Membership
5/15/2014 – 5/14/2016
UT-Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA)
C. Saygin (PI), H. Wan (Co-PI)
Shared Credit
50% Each
Total Budget
Connuous Improvement and Sustainability at Harland Clarke
07/01/2013 – 06/30/2015
Harland Clarke
H. Wan (PI), C. Saygin (Co-PI), F. Chen (Co-PI), A. Alaeddini (Co-PI), K. Casllo (CoPI),
H. Rashed Ali (Co-PI)
Total Budget
$33,000 (CAMLS Membership)
South Texas STEM Educator Center
06/01/2013 – 08/31/2015
Texas Higher Educaon Coordinang Board
C. Saygin (PI) and E. Bonner
Total Budget
Predicve Maintenance – Phase 1: A Roadmap for Intelligent Maintenance
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
Can Saygin (PI), Co-PIs: F. Frank Chen, HungDa Wan, Adel Alaeddini, Krystel Casllo
Shared Credit (%)
Total Budget
Connuous Improvement Projects at Reyes Automove Group
Reyes Automove Group
Can Saygin (PI) and HungDa Wan (Co-PI)
Shared Credit (%)
Total Budget
Integrang High Performance Compung in Research and Educaon for
Simulaon, Visualizaon and Real-Time Predicon (NSF Award #: 0932339)
Naonal Science Foundaon (CREST Program)
Stathis Michaelides (PI) and 18 Co-PIs
Total Budget
Process Planning, Operaon Sequencing, and Automaon
1/1/2009 – 1/6/2009
Transplant Technologies of Texas
Can Saygin
Shared Credit (%)
Total Budget
Shared Credit ($)
Web-Based Manufacturing
7/1/2008 – 6/30/2010
Can Saygin
Shared Credit (%)
Total Budget
Shared Credit ($)
Design and Development of a Producon Management System for FMS-200
1/1/2008 – 12/31/2009
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
SMC Internaonal Training (Spain)
Can Saygin
Shared Credit (%)
Total Budget
Shared Credit ($)
Lean Transformaon at the Chism Company: Process Improvement, Visualizaon,
and Automaon
1/1/2008 – 12/31/2009
The Chism Company (San Antonio, Texas)
F. Frank Chen, PI (25%), Can Saygin (25%), Hungda Wan (25%), Brent Nowak (25%)
Shared Credit (%)
Total Budget
Shared Credit ($)
RFID Applicaons in Network-Enabled Virtual Enterprises
10/2007 – 10/2008
The Boeing Company (St. Louis, Missouri)
Can Saygin
Shared Credit (%)
Total Budget
Shared Credit ($)
Process and Work Flow Improvement
Gunze Electronics USA (Ausn, Texas)
Can Saygin
Shared Credit (%)
Total Budget
Shared Credit ($)
MRI: Acquision of An Automated Assembly System and RFID Equipment for
Research and Educaon in Advanced Manufacturing (NSF Award #: 0722923)
08/01/2007 – 07/31/2011
Naonal Science Foundaon (MRI – NSF 07-510)
Can Saygin, PI (50%) and F. Frank Chen (50%)
Shared Credit (%)
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
Total Budget
Shared Credit ($)
Instrumentaon for Research and Educaon in Advanced Manufacturing and
Enterprise Systems
08/01/2007 – 07/31/2009
Department of Defense (W911NF-07-R-0002)
F. Frank Chen, PI (50%) and Can Saygin (50%)
Shared Credit (%)
Total Budget
Shared Credit ($)
Virtual Reality and Simulaon Soware for Manufacturing Labs at UTSA
Bennack Poland Foundaon
F. Frank Chen, PI (50%) and Can Saygin (50%)
Shared Credit (%)
Total Budget
Shared Credit ($)
Wireless Sensor Network-based Health Monitoring and Prognoscs for Levee and
Communicaon Infrastructures
08/01/2006 – 07/31/2007
Naonal Science Foundaon (Electrical and Communicaons Systems)
J. Sarangapani (69%, Univ of Missouri-Rolla) and C. Saygin (31%)
Shared Credit (%)
Total Budget
Shared Credit ($)
GRANTS and CONTRACTS: University of Missouri-Rolla [Aug 1999 – Aug 2006] ($
shown does not include instuonal contribuons or cost sharing)
Air Force Research Lab
Naonal Science Foundaon
U.S. Department of State
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
SAP America
FORD Motor Company
Missouri Enterprise
Metro (Bi-State Development Agency)
Halliburton Foundaon
Others (smaller grants)
1. Unied Control System and Method for Machining of Parts, COX, W.T., SAYGIN, C., Patent
Number: US 11,281,183, Date of Patent: Mar 22, 2022 (Patent Applicaon # 16597524, Oct 9,
2. Unied Control System and Method for Machining of Parts, COX, W.T., SAYGIN, C., European
Patent Oce, Applicaon # 20200897.5 - 1205, Oct 8, 2020.
3. Decentralized Radio Frequency Idencaon System, SARANGAPANI, J., RAMACHANDRAN,
A., SAYGIN, C., and CHA, K., Patent Number: US 8,143,996 B2, Date of Patent: Mar 27, 2012.
4. Adapve Inventory Management System, SARANGAPANI, J., RAMACHANDRAN, A., SAYGIN,
C., and CHA, K., Patent Number: US 7,752,089 B2, Date of Patent: July 6, 2010.
5. Process Monitoring and Product Quality Vericaon for Handheld Pull Type Tools,
ANGUSWAMY, R., FONDA, J., BIRT, J. SARANGAPANI, J. and SAYGIN, C. – University of Missouri
Invenon Disclosure Number: 07UMR035 (2006)
6. Online Quality Monitoring of Threaded Fasteners Using Sensor-Embedded Handheld Rotary
University of Missouri Invenon Disclosure Number: 07UMR036 (Nov 2006)
7. RFID Read Rate and Coverage Improvement Through Reader Power Control, SARANGAPANI,
J., CHA, K., RAMACHANDRAN, A., and SAYGIN, C. – University of Missouri Invenon Disclosure
Number: 06UMR040 (Nov 2006) – Patent led in Dec 2007.
– University of Missouri Invenon Disclosure Number: 07UMR074 (April 2007) – Patent led in
January 2008.
LIST OF FORMAL COURSES TAUGHT: (number of classes taught shown in parenthesis)
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
ME 1301 Introducon to Engineering Design (1) ME
1302 Mechanical Engineering Pracce (3)
Fall 2006
Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013
ME 3263 Manufacturing Engineering (8)
Fall 2009, Summer 2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Fall
2011, Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013
ME 4563/5563 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (2)
Fall 2007, Fall 2008
ME 4573/5573 Facilies Planning and Design (7)
Spring 2007, Spring 2009, Spring 2010, Summer
2011, Summer 2012, Spring 2015, Spring 2016.
ME 4953 Fundamentals of Manufacturing (1)
Fall 2006
ME 4913 Special Studies in Mechanical Engineering (3)
Summer 2007 (4 students), Spring 2008 (3
students), Fall 2010 (2 students) – Total: 9 students
ME 6953 Independent Study (11)
Summer 2007 (1 student), Fall 2007 (2 students),
Summer 2008 (1 student), Fall 2008 (1 student),
Spring 2009 (2 students), Summer 2009 (3
students), Fall 2009 (5 students), Spring 2010 (1
student), Fall 2010 (2 students), Spring 2011 (1
student), Spring 2013 – Total: 20 students
1999 – 2006: University of Missouri-Rolla:
EMgt 257/ME 256 – Material Handling and Plant Layout (2)
EMgt 324 - Fundamentals of Manufacturing (6, o campus at Ft. Leonard Wood)
EMgt 334 - Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems (6)
Emgt/ME 344 - Interdisciplinary Problems in Manufacturing Automaon (7)
EMgt 434 – Advanced Manufacturing Systems Integraon (5) 1997
– 1999: University of Toledo:
MIME 4710 / 5710 - Processes, Planning, and Inventory Control (2)
MIME 4010 / 5010 - Engineering Stascs II (1)
MIME 4020 / 5020 - Stascal Quality Control and Management (1)
MIME 4100 / 5100 - Manufacturing Systems Simulaon (1) 1989–
1997: Middle East Technical University (Mechanical Eng Dept):
Courses Assisted as a Teaching Assistant: ME 202 - Manufacturing Processes, ME 303 -
Manufacturing Engineering, ME 307 - Machine Elements I, ME 308 - Machine Elements
II, ME 310 - Numerical Methods, ME 407 - Mechanical Engineering Design, and ME 445 -
Integrated Manufacturing Technologies.
UTSA’s nominee for "U.S. Professor of the Year,Carnegie Foundaon for the
Advancement of Teaching (did not win).
"The University of Texas System RegentsOutstanding Teaching Award 2012,” The
University of Texas – San Antonio.
Oered annually in recognion of faculty members at the nine academic and six health
University of Texas System instuons who have demonstrated extraordinary classroom
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
performance and innovaon in undergraduate instrucon, the Regents' Outstanding
Teaching Awards are the Board of Regents' highest honor. The Regents' Outstanding
Teaching Awards are among the largest in the naon for rewarding outstanding faculty
performance. Given the depth and breadth of talent across the UT System, the awards
program is likewise one of the naon's most compeve.
"UTSA 2011 President’s Disnguished Achievement Award for Teaching Excellence,
The University of Texas – San Antonio.
"2009 College of Engineering - Excellence in Teaching Award, The University of Texas –
San Antonio.
PhD Students – Graduated (4 University of Missouri-Rolla, 1 Univ of TX San Antonio)
1) AliReza Zarreh, PhD in ME, “Proacve Evaluaon and Risk Analysis for Cybersecurity in
Manufacturing Systems Using Game Theory Methods”, Mechanical Engineering Department,
The University of Texas at San Antonio, with Dr. HungDa Wan as co-advisor, Fall 2019.
2) Ahmet Soylemezoglu, PhD in Engineering Management, “Sensor Data-based Decision Making”,
Missouri University of Science and Technology (formerly University of Missouri – Rolla),
Engineering Management and Systems Engineering Department, Co-Advised by Dr. C. Saygin
and Dr. J. Sarangapani, Rolla, Missouri, Spring 2010.
3) Lakshmanan Meyyappan, (Co-advising w/ Dr. Cihan Dagli) (Sep 02-July 06), “Domain-Adapve
Control Architecture for Advanced Manufacturing Systems”, University of Missouri – Rolla,
Engineering Management and Systems Engineering Department.
4) Nebil Buyurgan, (Jun 00 – Dec 03), “An Integrated Control Framework for Discrete Event
Systems”, University of Missouri – Rolla, Engineering Management Department, Graduaon
date: Dec 2003. Dr. Buyurgan joined the Industrial Engineering Department at the University of
Arkansas as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in July 2004.
5) Thananun Siwamogsatham, (Sep 99-Dec 03), “Aucon-based Decision Making for Distributed
Real-me Control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, University of Missouri – Rolla,
Engineering Management Department, Graduaon date: Dec 2003.
PhD Student – Special (Finland)
1) Minna Lanz, PhD in Producon Engineering, “Logical and Semanc Foundaons of Knowledge
Representaon for Assembly and Manufacturing Processes”, Tampere University of Technology
in Finland, Opponents in Public Defense: Dr. C. Saygin and Dr. Michel Cotsais (France), July
2010, Tampere, Finland.
MS Students – Graduated (Total 23 completed -- 8 UTSA & 15 U-Missouri)
1) Alejandro Bracho, MS Student, MS in AMEE, Assessing the Impact of Cyber-Threats on Smart
Manufacturing Systems through a Simulaon Study, Start Date: Spring 2016, Compleon Date:
Fall 2017, Mechanical Eng Dept, UTSA.
2) Mario Puente, MS in Advanced Manufacturing and Enterprise Engineering, “Producon
Planning and Scheduling of Injecon Molding Machines, Co-Advising w/ Dr. F. Chen, did NOT
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
3) Burcu Guleryuz, MS in Advanced Manufacturing and Enterprise Engineering, “Impact of
Remanufacturing on Market Cannibalizaon and Protability: A Simulaon Study, Spring
4) Avinash Joshi, MS in Advanced Manufacturing and Enterprise Engineering, “A Simulaon Study
for Inventory Management Policies and its Impact on Protability for a Product Recovery
Facility, Spring 2011.
5) Ishaq M. Syed, MS in Advanced Manufacturing and Enterprise Engineering, “Vehicle Roung
Problem in Logiscs: A Genec Algorithm-based Comparave Study, Spring 2011.
6) Narendran Sridhar, MS in Mechanical Eng (non-thesis opon), “Comparison of Worst Case and
Root Sum Square Methods for Tolerance Analysis using Monte Carlo Simulaon, Spring 2010.
7) Bajisankar Rachakonda, MS in Mechanical Eng (non-thesis opon), “Comparison of Direct
Linearizaon and Monte Carlo Simulaon Methods for Tolerance Analysis, Spring 2010.
8) Balaji Natarajan, MS in Mechanical Eng, ”Impact of RFID Physics on Airport Baggage Handling
System: A Simulaon Study”, Fall 2009.
9) Shilpa Tamma, MS in Mechanical Eng, ”Dynamic Resource Allocaon in Flow Lines with
Staonlevel Flexible Operaon Sequences and Alternave Resources, The University of Texas
– San Antonio, Summer 2009.
10) Ayhan Oruc, MS in Mechanical Eng, ”Dynamic Resource Allocaon in Flow Lines using
Stascal Throughput Control”, The University of Texas – San Antonio, Spring 2009.
11) Reghu Anguswamy, MS Graduate, Starng date: 2005, “Wireless Mote-based In-process
Diagnoscs using Hand-held Tools in Network Enabled Manufacturing Environments”, Missouri
University of Science and Technology (formerly University of Missouri – Rolla), Systems
Engineering Program, Graduated in May 2008.
12) Deepak Mohan, MS Graduate, Starng date: Sept 2005, “Use of Mahalanobis-Taguchi System
for Fault Detecon in Bolted Assemblies”, University of Missouri – Rolla, Electrical and
Computer Engineering Dept, Graduated in May 2007.
13) Thomas H. Sarantakos, MS Graduate, Starng date: Sept 2005, “Real-me Fault Detecon in
Bolted Assemblies Using Torque-Angle Signatures”, University of Missouri – Rolla, Engineering
Management and Systems Engineering Department, Graduaon November 2006.
14) Yashesh Chhaya, Master of Engineering, Starng date: Jan 2005, “Dynamic Resource
Management for Flow Shops”, University of Missouri Rolla, Manufacturing Engineering
Program, Graduaon May 2006.
15) David Hall, MS Graduate, Starng date: Jan 2005, “Impact of Informaon Sharing on
Operaonal Aspects of a Supply Chain”, University of Missouri – Rolla, Engineering
Management and Systems Engineering Department, Graduaon May 2006.
16) Misty D. Mills Harris, MS Graduate, Starng date: June 2004, “Adapve Inventory Management
of Time-Sensive Materials Using RFID Data”, University of Missouri – Rolla, Manufacturing
Engineering Program, Graduaon date: May 2005.
17) Kaushik Sampath, MS Graduate, Starng date: Jan 2004, “A Distributed Aucon Model for Small
and Medium-sized Enterprises”, University of Missouri – Rolla, Engineering Management
Department, Graduaon date: May 2005 (Co-advised w/ Dr. Sco Grasman).
18) Evren Akcora, MS Graduate, Starng date: Sept 2003, “Scheduling Models for Small and
Medium-sized Enterprises”, University of Missouri – Rolla, Engineering Management
Department, Graduaon date: May 2005 (Co-advised w/ Dr. Sco Grasman).
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
19) Govind Bajaj, MS Graduate, Starng date: March 2001, “Performance Evaluaon of an
AuconBased Job Allocaon Model for Virtual Enterprises”, University of Missouri – Rolla,
Engineering Management Department, Graduaon date: Dec 2003.
20) Ahmet Soylemezoglu, MS Graduate, Starng date: Sept 2002, “Tool Management in Flexible
Manufacturing Systems”, University of Missouri – Rolla, Engineering Management Department,
Graduaon date: Dec 2003.
21) Burak Arasli, MS Graduate, Starng date: January 2002, “A Ladder Logic Generaon
Methodology for Programmable Logic Controllers”, University of Missouri – Rolla, Engineering
Management Department, Graduaon date: Oct 2003.
22) Firat Kahraman, MS Graduate, Starng date: January 2001, “Design and Development of an
Interacve Web-Integrated Programmable Logic Control System”, University of Missouri –
Rolla, Manufacturing Engineering Educaon Program, Graduaon date: May 22, 2002.
23) Ravi Sharda, MS Graduate, Starng date: September 2000, “Design and Development of an
Interacve Web-Integrated Flexible Manufacturing Cell Control System”, University of Missouri
– Rolla, Engineering Management Department, Graduaon date: March 18, 2002.
24) Sanjay Kumar Karnam, MS Graduate, Starng date: September 1999, “Development of a
Materials Management Soware Package for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in
Composites Industry”, University of Missouri – Rolla, Engineering Management Department,
funded by the Lemay Center for Composites Technology - St.Louis, Graduaon date: March 19,
25) Jasraj Singh, MS Graduate, “Real-Time Management of Alternate Roungs in Flexible
Manufacturing Systems”, University of Toledo, Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Eng.
Dept., Co-Advised with Dr. Frank Chen, Graduated May 2000.
Graduate Students Mentoring - Project Basis - University of Missouri-Rolla (6 students) 1)
Sagi Ritesh, SAP/SMART Project, 2002.
2) Arun Thangamani, SAP/SMART Project, 2002.
3) James Klotz, Graduate Students, “Improvement of the Packaging Line at the Integrated Systems
Facility”, University of Missouri – Rolla, Engineering Management Department, September –
December 2000.
4) Sivananda Niala (MS in Computer Science, University of Missouri – Rolla), Research Assistant in
the project entled “Development of a Materials Management Soware Package for Small and
Medium-sized Enterprises in Composites Industry” (co-funded by the Lemay Center for
Composites Technology - St.Louis and the Manufacturing Research & Training Center – Rolla),
February - December 2000.
5) Eric Ye Chen (MS in Computer Science, University of Missouri – St.Louis,), Research Assistant in
the project entled “Development of a Materials Management Soware Package for Small and
Medium-sized Enterprises in Composites Industry” (co-funded by the Lemay Center for
Composites Technology - St.Louis and the Manufacturing Research & Training Center – Rolla),
duraon of work: December 1999 – February 2000.
6) Jaiganesh Panneerselvam, MS Student/Non-thesis Opon, “Eect of Tool Management Policies
in System Performance in Flexible Manufacturing Systems: A Simulaon Study”, University of
Missouri – Rolla, Engineering Management Department, funded by the Intelligent Systems
Center (Missouri, Rolla), June - December, 2000.
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Undergraduate Student Mentoring at UTSA – Research Lab (18 students)
1) Nelly Zapata, Barcode Systems (Sept 2008 – Dec 2009)
2) Joseph Becerril, Web-based Manufacturing (Aug 2007– May 2010)
3) Than Nguyen, RFID Applicaons (Sept 2006 – Dec 2009)
4) Jusn Elmer, Robocs and Vision Systems (Sept 2007 – Sept 2009)
5) Alex Manelis, Database Systems (Dec 2008 – Sept 2010)
6) Ryan Hoyle, Web Page Design (Dec 2008 – Sept 2010)
7) Walter Madalinski, Controllers and Sensors (Feb 2007 – Aug 2009)
8) Thomas Fawce, RFID and Warehouse Operaons, (Jan 2007 – Aug 2009)
9) Nicholas Gerne, Servers, IT Systems (Dec 2007 – Dec 2008)
10) Edward Minter, CNC Machining (Sept-Dec 2008)
11) Kevin Smith, CAD/CAM, (Nov 2007 – May 2008)
12) Jose Camero, Robocs, (Jan – May 2008)
13) Ausn Alaniz, PLC Programming (Sept 2007 – May 2008)
14) Jeremy Mercer, Tool Management, CNC Programming (Sept 2006 – May 2008)
15) Royce Michna, Shop Floor Control, Database, IT (Sept 2006 – Dec 2007)
16) Andres Pon, Flexible Manufacturing Systems (Sept-Dec 2006)
17) Fidencio Romero, Lean Manufacturing (Sept-Dec 2006)
18) Ryan Marn (Freshman), Virtual Reality and Simulaon (Sept-Dec 2006)
Undergraduate Students Mentoring - Project Basis - University of Missouri-Rolla (12 students)
1) Douglas Brian Finley, Emgt 300 Special Topics – Shop Floor Control, 2005.
2) James A.H. Jacobe, Student Helper, Integrated Systems Facility, 2005
3) Mahew Brooks, Undergrad Research Asst, An Architecture for Producve Collaboraon Among
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises – NSF Project (DMI-#0323028), 2005.
4) Brian Westre, Undergrad Research Asst, An Architecture for Producve Collaboraon Among
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises – NSF Project (DMI-#0323028), 2005.
5) Joe E. Miller, Soware Developer, SAP/E-Warehouse Project, 2003.
6) Charles Davis, Teaching Assistant for Machine Shop, 2001.
7) Alvina Center, Student Helper, Re-Organizaon of the Integrated Systems Facility at the Eng.
Mgt. Dept. in UMR”, May 2000 - 2001.
8) Joshua Love, Student Helper, Re-Organizaon of the Integrated Systems Facility at the Eng.
Mgt. Dept. in UMR”, May 2000 - 2001.
9) Tom Hall, Graduate Student, Improvement of the Packaging Line at the Integrated Systems
Facility”, University of Missouri – Rolla, Engineering Management Department, September –
December 2000.
10) Ryan D. Heckman, Research Assistant in the project entled “Development of a Materials
Management Soware Package for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Composites Industry”
(co-funded by the Lemay Center for Composites Technology - St.Louis and the Manufacturing
Research & Training Center – Rolla), February - May 2000.
11) Ma Mercurio, Student Helper, Re-Organizaon of the Integrated Systems Facility at the Eng.
Mgt. Dept. in UMR”, February - May 2000.
Can Saygin, PhD December 2022
12) Oguzhan Yavuz, Student Helper, Re-Organizaon of the Integrated Systems Facility at the Eng.
Mgt. Dept. in UMR”, February - May 2000.