Leicestershire County Council - Post 16 Transport Policy Statement May 2024
Post-16 Transport Policy Statement
Academic Year 2024-2025
The Council’s transport policy statement for young people aged 16 to 19 in
further education, continuing learners aged 19 and those young people aged
19 – 24 (inclusive) with learning difficulties and/or disabilities.
Leicestershire County Council - Post 16 Transport Policy Statement May 2024
Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Aims and Objectives……………………………………………………………………... 3
Transport and Travel Support……………………………………………………………4
Concessionary tickets for young people 16 – 25 from public transport services…..4
Concessionary travel available from the Council……………………………………... 5
Travel support from schools and colleges…………………………………………….. 6
Travel support from government……………………………………………………….. 7
LA travel support……………………………………………………………………… 9
LA support for young people without special educational needs or disabilities…… 9
LA support for young people with special education needs or a disability…………. 10
Travel Training……………………………………………………………………………. 12
Leicestershire County Council………………………………………………………….. 12
Special Schools…………………………………………………………………………... 13
Individual Colleges……………………………………………………………………….. 13
Traineeships and apprenticeships……………………………………………………… 13
LA support in other circumstances……………………………………………………... 13
Applying for LA travel support…………………………………………………………... 13
Appeals and Complaints………………………………………………………………… 14
The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman………………………………. 14
Useful contact details……………………………………………………………………. 14
Leicestershire County Council…………………………………………………………...15
Department for Education……………………………………………………………….. 15
Bus routes and timetable information are available from……………………………. 15
Learner Support Service………………………………………………………………….15
APPENDIX 1: School transport appeal procedure…………………………………….16
1 Background………………………………………………………………………………16
2 General basis for appeals………………………………………………………………16
3 Appeals process and timescale………………………………………………………..16
4 Variations to the above process for the review of the PTBs for SEN students (non-
compulsory school aged students)………………………………………………………17
5 Review of available walking route……………………………………………………..18
6 General……………………………………………………………………………………19
7 Requesting a review…………………………………………………………………….19
Leicestershire County Council - Post 16 Transport Policy Statement May 2024
Local authorities (LAs) do not have to provide free or subsidised Post 16 travel
support but do have a duty to prepare and publish an annual transport policy
statement specifying the arrangements for the provision of transport or other support
that the authority considers it necessary to make to facilitate the attendance of all
persons of sixth form age receiving education or training.
All young people carrying on their education Post 16 must reapply for travel support
in Leicestershire.
‘Sixth form age’ refers to those young people who are over 16 years of age but
under 19 or continuing learners who started their programme of learning before their
birthday (years 12,13,14).
Local authorities also have a duty to encourage, enable and assist young people
with learning difficulties / disabilities to participate in education and training, up to the
age of 25.
This policy uses the term ‘Post 16’ to include both learners of sixth form age and
those with learning difficulties / disabilities up to the age of 25.
This policy document specifies the support that Leicestershire County Council (the
Council) considers necessary to facilitate the attendance of Post 16 learners
receiving education or training. Education or training refers to learning or training at a
school, further education institution, a council maintained or assisted institution
providing higher or further education, an establishment funded directly by the
Education Skills Funding Agency, learning providers delivering accredited
programmes of learning which lead to positive outcomes and are funded by the
Council, for example, colleges, charities and private learning providers.
Aims and Objectives
The Council’s Strategic Plan has these five outcomes that describe the council’s
vision for people in the county:
1. Clean and Green: the need to protect and enhance the environment and
tackle climate change.
2. Great Communities: Leicestershire to have active and inclusive communities
in which people support each other and participate in service design and
3. Improved Opportunities: all children and young people get the best start for
life and have the opportunities they need to fulfil their potential, regardless of
their circumstances.
Leicestershire County Council - Post 16 Transport Policy Statement May 2024
4. Strong Economy, Transport and Infrastructure; use local innovation and skills
to build a productive, inclusive and sustainable economy at the cutting edge of
science, technology and engineering.
5. Safe and Well: ensuring that people are safe and protected from harm, live in
a healthy environment and have the opportunities and support they need to
live active, independent and fulfilling lives.
This Policy supports outcomes 3 and 5 in terms of equipping children/young adults
with the skills they need to move to employment.
This document describes the support available to young people of Leicestershire
entering or continuing with full-time Post 16 Education. It explains the support
packages in place to encourage participation and prevent transport being a barrier to
young learners.
This policy statement gives information from the LA, schools, academies and FE
colleges and other relevant sources. The aim is to provide the most up to date
details of the latest charges and any means testing procedures.
This statement gives advice on the support available to learners with
learning/mobility difficulties and explains the commitment to encourage independent
travel to and from the place of learning.
Another aim of this policy is to support those that are vulnerable from becoming not
in education employment or training (NEET) at 16-17 by offering transport assistance
to help overcome barriers in registered places of learning. The same will apply to
Young Parents (Care to Learn C2L) aged under 20.
The provision of transport assistance to Post 16 students will support those students
wishing to continue in education as part of the Raising Participation Age legislation.
Transport and travel support
Concessionary tickets for young people aged 16 to 25 from public transport
Many local operators have student season tickets available offering discounts
compared to normal adult fares and/or at cheaper rates when bought on a termly or
academic year basis. It is advised students contact the bus-operators directly as
Bus Operators:
Leicestershire County Council - Post 16 Transport Policy Statement May 2024
Train Operators:
East Midlands Railway
Cross Country Trains
Similarly, several of Leicestershire’s mainstream schools have commercial school
special services operating to them. More information can be found directly from your
school and the main operators of such services are:
Beaver Bus
Roberts Travel Group
Andrews of Leicester Coaches
Orbit Coaches
Central Coaches
South Staffs Coach Hire
Paul Winson Coaches
Concessionary travel available from the Council
For disabled learners Leicestershire County Council operates a concessionary travel
scheme which offers free bus travel throughout Leicestershire and the rest of
England between 9.30 am and 11.00 pm on Mondays to Fridays and all day on
Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays. This is for all disabled persons and not for
just for learners and covers the following disabilities, which entitle the holder to a
travel pass:
Registered as blind or partially sighted with VISTA.
Registered as profoundly or severely deaf with the County Council’s Service
for Deaf People.
Without speech or with severe communication difficulty.
Without the use of both arms, as certified by a medical professional.
Having a learning disability including significant impairment of intelligence and
social functioning.
Likely to be refused a driving licence for medical reasons, otherwise than on
the grounds of persistent misuse of drugs or alcohol.
Having a permanent severe walking difficulty.
Leicestershire County Council - Post 16 Transport Policy Statement May 2024
Website: Leicestershire County Council – Apply for a disabled persons bus pass
Travel support to school and colleges:
Some of Leicestershire’s secondary schools, academies (14-19 or 11-19) and 6
Form/FE colleges have additional bus contract arrangements on which learners or
their parents can purchase places. Some FE colleges also offer direct support to
students. Arrangements vary between schools and colleges so it’s always best to
check directly with the individual schools/colleges for details.
You can find details of all Leicestershire schools on the Council’s website (this will
also give you a link to the school’s individual website).
Contact details and websites for all of the Leicestershire and Leicester City FE
Colleges are shown below:
SMB College group comprising of:
Brooksby Campus (Brooksby, Leicestershire)
Melton Campus (Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire)
Stephenson Campus (Coalville, Leicestershire)
Phone: 01664 855444
Website: smbcollegegroup.ac.uk
Gateway Sixth Form College (Leicester):
Phone: 0116 2744500
Website: gateway.ac.uk
Leicester College (Leicester):
Phone: 0116 2242240
Website: leicestercollege.ac.uk/
Loughborough College (Loughborough, Leicestershire):
Phone: 01509 215831
Website: loucoll.ac.uk
North Warwickshire & South Leicestershire College comprising:
Wigston Campus (Leicestershire)
Hinckley Campus (Leicestershire)
Nuneaton Campus (Warwickshire)
Phone: 0330 058 3000
Website: nwslc.ac.uk
Leicestershire County Council - Post 16 Transport Policy Statement May 2024
WQE College (Leicester)
Phone: 0116 247 1147
Website: wqe.ac.uk
Many schools and colleges can also be contacted via their social media accounts
(Facebook, Twitter etc.).
Travel support from the government
The 16 to 19 bursary fund
The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund provides financial support to help young people
overcome specific barriers to participation so they can remain in education.
You could get a bursary to help with education-related costs if you’re at least 16 and
under 19 on 31 August 2024 and:
studying at a publicly funded school or college in England - not a university (a
publicly funded school is one that does not charge you for attending it).
on a training course, including unpaid work experience.
There are two types of 16 to 19 bursaries:
1. A bursary of up to £1,200 a year for young people in one of the defined
vulnerable groups below:
you’re in or you recently left local authority care.
you get Income Support or Universal Credit because you’re financially
supporting yourself.
you get Disability Living Allowance (DLA) in your name and either
Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or Universal Credit.
you get Personal Independence Payment (PIP) in your name and
either ESA or Universal Credit.
2. Discretionary bursaries which institutions award to meet individual needs, for
example, help with the cost of transport, meals, books and equipment. Your
education or training provider decides how much you get and what it’s used
If you’re 19 and over, you’ll only be eligible for a discretionary bursary so could get
this if you either:
are continuing a course you started aged 16 to 18 (known as being a ’19+
have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
Your school or college will have their own criteria for discretionary bursaries. They’ll
look at your individual circumstances - this usually includes your family income. Ask
student services about their criteria and any evidence you’ll need.
Leicestershire County Council - Post 16 Transport Policy Statement May 2024
Schools and colleges are responsible for managing both types of bursaries. Young
people who want to apply for support from the bursary fund should contact their
chosen school or college to make an application.
More information can be found at: Gov UK – 16-19 bursary fund
Young parents/Care to Learn
If you are a young parent under 20, Care to Learn can help pay for your childcare
and related travel costs, up to £180 per child per week, while you’re learning.
Care to Learn can help with the cost of:
childcare, including deposit and registration fees
a childcare ‘taster’ session (up to 5 days)
keeping your childcare place over the summer holidays
taking your child to the childcare provider
Types of childcare
To qualify, your childcare provider must be one of the following:
registered with Ofsted
registered with a childminder agency
a school
They can be a:
pre-school playgroup
day nursery
out of school club
Childcare payments go directly to your childcare provider. Before your childcare
provider can be paid:
your childcare provider needs to confirm your child’s attendance.
your school or college needs to confirm that you’re attending your course.
Payments for travel costs go to your school or college - they’ll either pay you or
arrange travel for you.
Payments will stop if:
you stop attending your course.
you reach the end of your course.
your child stops attending childcare.
Leicestershire County Council - Post 16 Transport Policy Statement May 2024
You can get Care to Learn if:
you’re a parent under 20 at the start of your course.
you’re the main carer for your child.
you live in England.
you’re either a British citizen or a have a legal right to live and study in
your course qualifies.
your childcare provider qualifies.
Type of course
Care to Learn is only available for courses in England that have some public funding.
This includes courses that take place in:
sixth-forms in schools
sixth-form colleges
other colleges and learning providers, including Foundation Learning
your community at Children’s Centres
For more information, please visit: https://www.gov.uk/care-to-learn/how-to-claim
LA travel support
LA support for young people without special educational support or
Post 16 learners will be assessed as per the policy summary below:
Transport assistance is available for those pupils above statutory school age if they
live more than 3 miles from the school/college attended, if the student is aged 16, 17
or 18 when the course is started, is attending full time and:
the school is either (i) the nearest school sixth form or (ii) the nearest
freestanding Post 16 college (a Further Education/Sixth Form college).
and in addition to provide transport assistance, over the qualifying distances
and ages listed above to one of the following:
the nearest freestanding Leicestershire Further Education/Sixth Form college
Leicestershire County Council - Post 16 Transport Policy Statement May 2024
the nearest Leicestershire school sixth form but to continue providing
transport only to the catchment school with a sixth form in areas where there
have been no changes to catchments or age range since May 2012 (frozen
areas) Note: Where a student lives in a frozen area they will only be provided
transport to the frozen area school sixth form or their nearest school sixth
form. Where the nearest school sixth form is not the frozen school sixth form
and is in another local authority area e.g. Leicester City, there will be no
additional entitlement to any other Leicestershire school.
Transport assistance will only be provided in the form of a grant of £150 per year for
those students eligible as in the paragraphs above and:
are from a qualifying low-income family (students entitled to free school meals
or whose parents are in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits or their
maximum level of Working Tax Credit)
live more than a total of 75 minutes away (one way, measured in the morning)
from your qualifying school, measured door to door using public transport (to
include bus, train and commercial ‘school special services’ using published
timetables, but not LCC contracted school buses). The journey time includes
any walking time (assessed at 4mph) from home to first vehicle collection
point, waiting time for connecting services and walking time from last vehicle
drop off point to school/college gates. Any assessed journey must allow
arrival time for the normal start time of the school/college and return journeys
must be within a reasonable period of time after the normal school/college
close time.
Transport assistance is assessed to the nearest campus of schools/colleges with
multiple campuses.
See the Council’s full policy for further details.
LA support from young people with special educational needs or a disability
The local authority has a discretionary power to provide transport assistance to those
over compulsory school age. Provision may be made to students at a subsidised
level, with a contribution from the student (an annual charge). The SEN transport
charge for eligible students is £660 for 2024/25, with a 50% reduction for low-income
Travel assistance is provided for Post 16 students with an Education & Health
Care Plan (EHCP) who attend a school which has been designated by the LA
as the appropriate school that meets the needs of the child or other nearer
Leicestershire County Council - Post 16 Transport Policy Statement May 2024
qualifying school and the distance between home and school is more than 3
Where the distance to be travelled is less than 3 miles and/or when a student
has no EHCP, travel assistance to the nearest qualifying school will be
considered taking into account the individual circumstances and the travel
needs of children with significant sensory, physical, medical or behavioural
difficulties that prevent them from getting to school even when accompanied
by a parent/carer.
Travel assistance sought under the above bullet point, will be considered
using supporting written evidence, within the preceding 12 months, from a
range of sources, for example, Education or Health professionals, parents and
school SENCO, that describes the student as having:
long term severely restricted independent mobility, due to a physical disability;
long term severely restricted independent mobility due to a medical condition
resulting in severe persistent pain and/or extreme fatigue;
a sensory impairment resulting in severely restricted mobility;
severe behavioural emotional and /or social difficulties in comparison with
other children of their age. This may be linked with cognitive ability or be as a
result of a specific development disorder.
This is not an exhaustive list and requests will be considered on a case by case
Note: “Long term” describes something that is likely to last for at least a year and in
many cases for the rest of the life of the person affected.
FE Colleges
For Post 16 learners at a Further Education College (FE), home to college transport
will be provided by the LA for students aged 16-25 who are attending a full-time
college course* and meet the following eligibility criteria for transport assistance not
extending beyond the academic year in which they are or turn 25 if the student:
attends a FE/free-standing Sixth Form college more than 3 miles from their
home address and that is the nearest college offering the course identified by
parents/students (defined by the end qualification(s) in the case of
mainstream study or by the course content in the case of SEN courses);
meets the same criteria for statutory age children detailed in Section 3 of the
* A full-time course is defined as one of at least 648 guided learning hours in any 12-
month period.
Leicestershire County Council - Post 16 Transport Policy Statement May 2024
Transport assistance types
Transport assistance for 16-19 year olds is usually provided via a Personal Transport
Budget (PTB), which is a monthly advance payment to help parents / carers get their
child to school, i.e. not via taxis or Council fleet minibuses. Requests for council-
organised transport will be considered via the PTB appeals process on a case by
case basis –
please see Appendix 1 of this document or our website using the link
Students aged 19*-25 years can apply for either a PTB or council-organised
transport, as criteria states that transport must be free of charge when deemed
necessary by the Council.
* meaning students that are already 19 at the start of the academic year.
See the Council’s full policy for further details.
Travel Training
Leicestershire County Council
Leicestershire County Council provides transport assistance to Post 16 students as
outlined above, with a Personal Transport Budget (PTB) being the standard method
of support. Students can also qualify for council-organised transport following a
successful appeal and for which there is a contribution payment applicable (see the
policy documents and FAQs for full details).
Independent Travel Training (ITT) is practical help to encourage SEN students to
travel independently by public transport, on foot or by bicycle. Whilst ITT is not the
direct responsibility of the Council to deliver, it is a measure that can be used to
assist with home to school transport and may therefore be a solution for parents who
take up a PTB.
The primary expertise and student/parent contact rests with education providers and
ITT is something that schools can deliver as part of preparing SEN pupils for
independence in adult life where appropriate. Parents should contact their relevant
school/college to see if ITT is something they provide.
There are various potential travel options available for disabled people across the
county ranging from the commercial and County Council supported bus networks to
Community Transport and Demand Responsive Transport etc. The Council will seek
to ensure that disabled people are aware of the range of travel options that are
available to them and what of these options the Council is able to cost effectively
provide within the resources available. Information on the various travel options
available can be found at choosehowyoumove.co.uk.
Leicestershire County Council - Post 16 Transport Policy Statement May 2024
Special Schools
Learners attending one of Leicestershire’s Special schools would take part in
programmes appropriate to their needs to promote mobility/independence training as
part of the normal curriculum.
Individual Colleges
Contact individual colleges at the details shown above.
Trainees and apprenticeships
For students on traineeships or apprenticeships – the learning provider is
responsible for ensuring that reasonable expenses are met in full where they are
needed to overcome barriers to learning. These may include the cost of travelling to
or from the place of learning or work placement. Please contact your learning
provider for more infor
mation. Students may also be eligible for a bursary (see
Bursary Fund section above).
LA support in other circumstances
The Council will support some students with special educational needs or disabilities
depending on the individual circumstances of their case, for example:
Looked after children who have been placed outside Leicestershire and
attend a school outside Leicestershire.
Leicestershire students who normally live in Leicestershire but are in
residential care and schooling outside Leicestershire.
Our policy documents (see links above in “LA travel support”) give further information
or contact us via the contact details at the end of this policy.
Applying for LA travel support
Applications for SEND students should be received online or via the standard
application form by 31 March 2024 to ensure transport assistance can be arranged
prior to the start of the academic year. Applications received after this date will be
processed as quickly as possible, but there is no guarantee that transport assistance
will be available for the start of the academic year. Applications need to be made for
each year of Post 16 education.
Application forms are available through our website.
or via Customer Services on 0116 3050002.
Application forms for Mainstream students looking to apply for the £150 grant are
available on our website from the beginning of July 2024. All applications received
online by 15 September 2024 will be eligibility assessed by October half term, with
the grant being paid to eligible students by the end of October 2024.
Leicestershire County Council - Post 16 Transport Policy Statement May 2024
Appeals and complaints
The process to Appeal against a decision or to Complain may be made on behalf of
the learner or by the learner in the first instance to the local authority. If learners or
their families are not satisfied with the outcome they may then complain to the Local
Government & Social Care Ombudsman.
Appeal information is available in Appendix 1 or on our website using the links
The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
Anyone can take their complaint to the Local Government & Social Care
Ombudsman at any stage. However, it is hoped that Leicestershire County Council's
Appeals or Complaints procedure will quickly resolve any problems you may have
and that you will use those first.
You can contact the Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman online.
Useful contact details
Leicestershire County Council
For students attending mainstream school/college:
Eligibility queries only: Transport Assessments Team: tel. 0116 3050255
(office hours 9am - 4.30pm Monday-Friday). Email:
For learners with SEND:
Eligibility enquiries only: Transport Assessments Team: tel. 0116 305 0255
(office hours 8.30am - 4.30pm Monday-Friday). Email:
For transport provision (queries on types of transport or operational problems):
Customer services: helpline 0116 305 0002 (office hours 8.30am - 5pm
Monday - Friday); Email: [email protected].uk or Traveline (see
contact details below).
For further information about concessionary travel for disabled learners:
Customer Service Centre on 0116 305 0002 or email
(noting that standard email is not a secure communications method for
personal or sensitive information)
Leicestershire County Council - Post 16 Transport Policy Statement May 2024
If you have any comments on this Statement that would assist in the policy making,
please contact us as follows:
Transport Assessments
Passenger Transport Services
Environment & Transport Department
Leicestershire County Council
County Hall
Leicester LE3 8RJ
Tel: 0116 3050002
Email: T[email protected].uk
Department for Education
Gov UK – Subsidised college transport 16-19
Bus routes and timetable information are available from:
Learner support services
Gov UK – Residential Support Scheme
Updated May 2024: This information is correct at time of publication but is subject to
change. Please check with individual establishments for the most up to date details.
Leicestershire County Council - Post 16 Transport Policy Statement May 2024
Appendix 1: School Transport Appeal Procedure
1 Background
1.1 Leicestershire County Council has adopted a Mainstream Home to School
Transport policy (“the Transport Policy”) which applies to children and young
people in Leicestershire. This appeal procedure also applies to the Special
Educational Needs home to school transport policy which sits underneath the
Transport Policy.
1.2 In accordance with the Transport Policy and the provisions of the Education
Act 1996, free and assisted transport is provided for pupils and students as
per the main body of this policy.
2 General basis for appeals
2.1 Parents/carers have the right of appeal should they be dissatisfied with the
service or disagree about the eligibility of their child for home to school
transport assistance. Parents may challenge a decision about:
Their child’s eligibility
The transport arrangements offered; but note the separate procedure for
Personal Transport Budgets (PTBs) below.
The distance measurement in relation to statutory walking distances
The distance measurement made to assess the nearest school.
The availability of the walking route.
3 Appeals process and timescales
The County Council has a two-stage appeals process as below:
Stage one:
3.1 A parent has 20 working days from receipt of the local authority’s home to
school transport decision to make a written request asking for a review of the
decision. Please note that parents may request appeals at any point in the
year but we cannot guarantee to meet the timeline below when these are
received beyond the 20 working day period mentioned above.
3.2 The written request should detail why the parent believes the decision should
be reviewed and give details of any personal and/or family circumstances the
parent believes should be considered when the decision is reviewed.
3.3 Within 20* working days of receipt of the parent’s written request a senior
officer (the Reviewing Officer) will review the original decision and send/email
the parent a detailed written outcome setting out (as appropriate):
Leicestershire County Council - Post 16 Transport Policy Statement May 2024
the nature of the decision reached.
how the review was conducted (including the standard followed).
information about other departments and/or agencies that were consulted
as part of the process.
what factors were considered.
the rationale for the decision reached.
information about escalation to stage two (if appropriate).
Stage two:
3.4 The parent has 20 working days from receipt of the County Council’s stage
one decision to make a written request to escalate the matter to stage two,
giving reasons why they feel that the decisions to date are not made in
accordance with this policy. Please note that we cannot guarantee to meet the
timeline below (3.6) when stage two requests are received beyond the 20
working day period mentioned above.
3.5 Within 40* working days of receipt of an escalation request an independent
appeal panel will consider written and verbal representations from the parent
and officers and gives a detailed written outcome within 10 working days
setting out:
the nature of the decision reached.
how the review was conducted (including the standard followed).
information about other departments and/or agencies that were consulted
as part of the process.
what factors were considered.
the rationale for the decision reached.
information about escalation to the Local Government Ombudsman (see
3.6 The independent appeal panel members will be independent of the process to
date (but are not required to be independent of the local authority) and
suitably experienced (at the discretion of the local authority), to ensure a
balance is achieved between meeting the needs of parents and the local
authority, and that road safety requirements are complied with, and no child is
placed at unnecessary risk. Note: separate guidance is available to parents
attending panel hearings.
4 Variations to the above process for the review of PTBs for SEN students
(non-compulsory school aged students)
4.1 The timescales* for review will remain the same as in paragraph 3 above.
Leicestershire County Council - Post 16 Transport Policy Statement May 2024
4.2 Parents who disagree with the provision of a PTB or the value of a PTB may
ask for a review using a pro-forma (available from the Council) that will allow
them to detail the reasons why they feel the PTB is not appropriate to meet
the transport needs of their child and/or why the Council’s policy has not been
followed. This will constitute Stage one of the procedure. A written response
will be made by a Reviewing Officer.
4.3 If the parent disagrees with the outcome of Stage one, they can make a
further written submission to be considered at Stage two. Stage two will
consist of an independent panel who will consider written submissions and, if
requested, verbal submissions from both the family and Reviewing Officer.
Families who need support with written submissions may wish to use the
SENDIASS service.
5 Review of available walking route
5.1 Grounds for review request:
(a) If there is a material change in relation to an existing available walking
route which may affect the availability of that route; or
If there is a new available walking route assessment.
In either case referred to above, a parent/carer or a young person (or a group
of parents/carers) may request that the available walking route be reviewed if
they are dissatisfied with the assessment undertaken because it has not taken
into account the published national guidance relating to route assessment in
force at the time.
5.2 For the purposes of 5.1(a) above, “a material change” means works (other
than temporary works) which have been undertaken since the route was last
assessed where those works significantly affect:
the use of the highway
the road layout
the footway
the traffic volume
the speed of traffic.
5.3 Any request for a review of the availability of a walking route must be made in
writing setting out the material change in question (in the case of an existing
route) and why the parents/carers or young person consider that the assessed
route is not available. Any supporting evidence relied upon by parents/carers
or the young person must be submitted with the review request.
Leicestershire County Council - Post 16 Transport Policy Statement May 2024
6 General
6.1 The decision of the independent appeal panel is binding. There is no further
right of appeal or review in relation to the processes set out in 3, 4 and 5
above. A parent/carer or young person may refer the matter to the Local
Government Ombudsman, but only if complainants consider that there was a
failure to comply with the procedural rules or if there are any other
irregularities in the way the appeal was handled. If the complainant considers
the decision of the independent panel to be flawed on public law grounds, the
complainant may apply for judicial review. Referrals to the Local Government
Ombudsman should be submitted to:
The Local Government Ombudsman
PO Box 4771
Telephone: 0300 061 0614
Web: lgo.org.uk/contact-us
7 Requesting a Review
7.1 Parents/carers or young persons wishing to request a review under this
procedure should do so by completing the appeal form available at:
or by contacting:
Transport Assessments Team
Highways and Transport Services
Environment & Transport Department
Leicestershire County Council
County Hall
Tel: 0116 305 0255
Email: T[email protected].uk
7.2 Parents/carers are reminded that it is their legal duty to ensure their child’s
attendance at school. That duty is not affected by any pending appeal
* The Council will endeavour to meet these timescales, but parents should be aware
that, on occasion, especially for more complex cases, that these may not be met.