Letter of Intent to Provide Home Schooling
To the __________________________________________________________(District) School Board:
I/We herewith provide the names, gender, and date of birth for each child of compulsory school age for
whom I/we intend to provide home schooling:
First and Last Names Gender Date of Birth
Name of parent/guardian: _____________________________________________________________
Home address:______________________________________________________________________
Mailing address (if different from home address): __________________________________________
Telephone: _________________________________________________________________________
I/We wish to notify the _______________________________(District) School Board that I/we will be
providing home schooling for our child(ren) starting on ________________(date). I/We understand our
responsibility under the Education Act to provide satisfactory instruction for our school-age child(ren)
and do hereby declare my/our intent to do so.
Signature of parent/guardian: __________________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________________________________________________