Sample Letter of Recommendation (specialty) Residency Program
RE: Letter of Recommendation for ______
Dear Program Director:
I write this letter of recommendation with genuine enthusiasm. As an assistant professor in the
Department of (specialty), I have worked with _______on numerous occasions. I first met
_____ when she applied to work with me on a summer research project. During that summer,
we surveyed medical students to assess preceptor behaviors that students observed and noted
to be contrary to what they were taught previously in the pre-clinical years. ____ served as an
invaluable member of our team and approached her work with enthusiasm. I was quite
impressed with her ideas and grasp of research topics. She quickly learned a fairly complicated
SPSS software data entry and analysis system and developed an extensive database. She also
took interviews and helped analyze that qualitative data. She gave a very good presentation to
our faculty and deans regarding our findings.
I have also worked with _____ in clinic on several occasions these past two years. Most recently
she completed a month long elective at our rural clinic in _______, Missouri. She is quite adept
at collecting information during a history and physical exam and has demonstrated a superior
ability to develop a differential diagnosis and treatment plan. She is quite intelligent and very
well read. She communicates well with patients and can develop a bond within minutes.
As you can see from her CV, _____ is quite involved with several medical student groups and
has demonstrated great leadership in these roles.
Overall, _____ is the best medical student I have worked with. She is very professional,
courteous, motivated, enthusiastic and compassionate. She will be a huge asset to the family
medicine residency that gets the honor of working and further training her.
I give _____ my full support and highly recommend her to your (specialty) residency program.
_____ has waived her right to see this letter.
Sincerely yours,